#she’s asking for pictures every day. god help you the day you forget it wear it and send her a photo anyway? she’s on the next flight out
lorelune · 1 month
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vic the things this woman is going to make you do. you might as well be her second dog. just a more spoiled one with a shinier collar <3
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
02: Lose Control
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: alcohol, Charles being an asshole
a/n: Hello hello!! Second chapter! And things will get even more and more exciting!
previous part | next part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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I never liked the taste of the champagne. It was bitter and the bubbles of it always annoyed me whenever I tried to take a sip of it, making me hold the same glass the entire night whenever I went to a gala.
But now? Now the champagne tastes like glory, like a drink made by the gods to reward their champions.
And that's what I am. A champion.
The first step of the podium gave me the best view I could ever ask for: a gigantic Ferrari flag, tons and tons of people dressed in red with flags in their hands, and a red fog that ascended up to the sky, painting the clouds by the crimson red.
The anthem, played for the second time today, sounded louder than before, with all the Tifosi screaming it with the top of their lungs, watching how I stood in the highest step while I looked up at the sky with a proud smile on my lips.
He's looking at me from above, he was the one that helped me. 
I looked down at the crowd. My family was there. My sisters hugged each other, jumping excitedly like when we were kids while they sang the anthem. My parents stood next to them, and next to my family was Charles' family, looking at me too with a proud smile.
This is my day and nothing will ruin it. Nothing and no one.
I hugged the trophy close to me, walking out of the podium and not letting it go until I got inside of my room. My safe place.
I knew I made mistakes. I knew I argued with my engineer more than I should, that I held that position for the entire race until I found a chance of taking the lead. I defended and fought like a lioness, and that's why I deserve the trophy and the glory.
My glory.
I sat on the bed, scanning with my eyes that heavy piece of metal with a bug number 1 on it and the Ferrari champagne bottle, already planning where I should put them in my apartment. Somewhere everyone that walked in could see it, showing them that I'm a race winner too, that women can win in a category dominated by men.
I felt the anxious buzzing in my mind of what I will be doing for the next few days: interviews, social events, meetings with sponsors.
But it's worth it, because for once, I want to go to those things. For once I want to choose a dress that I'll have to wear for hours while I stand surrounded by high society people that smell like expensive perfume and eat caviar as an entree to their meals. I want to read little cards to remember possible questions to the interviews for the TV. I want to go to show the world what I did.
Because I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
“Here is our winner!”
I looked at the door, watching my parents and sisters walking inside of the small room and somehow fitting in it.
My dad, a man with thick beard and brown hair, was wearing a cap of my collection, and my mom, a woman that was the older version of Soleil, with dark blonde hair and bright eyes, was wearing a red summer dress. Every race they assist, they wear red, all my family dress with my colors.
“How are you feeling?” my mom asked, sitting next to be in the bed and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, kissing my temple.
“Mom, I'm soaked in sweat and champagne!” I gasped when I felt her body pressed against mine. 
“The smell of a champion” she chuckled.
I laugh softly, watching how my dad grabbed the trophy and held it, taking pictures of himself with it and then with my sisters.
“Well… We will have dinner” my dad said, looking at me. “With the the Leclerc’s”
“What? Why with them!” I frowned.
“Because they are our friends” he frowned. “When will be the time that you two stop acting like kids? It has been twenty years already! Are you tired of this rivalry?”
“No, Dafne” he said, pointing at me with his finger. “Stop this now. Can't you see that it's not funny anymore? Act like adults, now you two are teammates, and I heard that the team already gave you a warning”
I clenched my jaw, looking at him and then at my sisters. When the team gave us that warming the only ones that knew were them, and I asked them to not tell anything to my parents.
“I'm sorry but he's right” Soleil sighed, looking away. “It's only you two… We get along with Charles, you are the only one that can't stand him. Why?”
I took a deep breath and looked away, avoiding their gazes.
They wouldn't understand. Why would they? They don't know what happened. And they won't know. 
“Whatever, I have to go to the press” I said, grabbing the Ferrari cap. “It will take me a while, I'll see you at the restaurant. The same one as always?”
“Yeah” my dad sighed, watching me get up and walk out of the room, leaving them there.
No one will ruin my day.
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I don't know how I ended up in this situation.
An hour ago I was leaving the track alone, my sisters went with my parents to the hotel to get ready while I was finishing the last interviews and team pictures. The music was high in the speakers and I just sang along to it. My backpack was on the backseats with the box of my trophy and the empty champagne bottle. When I arrived at the hotel, the fans saw me and they immediately walked towards me, chanting my name and wanting to take pictures with me.
At that moment, I was on cloud nine, loving the attention they gave me and not remembering that I was going to have dinner with him.
As I walked inside my room and saw the outfit my sister chose for me to take to the dinner, I tried to not think about it.
The black sparkly midi dress is one of my favorites, that hugs my body in the right places and is perfect to wear to formal events and even to parties. Just what I needed.
After I did my makeup and hair I grabbed my bag, taking a deep breath before opening the door of the room and walking out. The heels were uncomfortable, but at least I looked good in them. While walking downstairs to go to the restaurant of the hotel, I started to wonder if that girl Charles brought was going to be there too.
And to my surprise, she was. Dressing like she was in a high society gala. Again, it's like she doesn't know where she is.
“Did you explain to her that my nickname is only a nickname?” I said looking at Charles, watching how he rolled his eyes.
“She wears whatever she wants to wear” he groaned. “She looks fine”
“Fine?! You told me I look gorgeous!” she gasped, talking with that high pitched voice that made everyone close their eyes. 
I saw Charles sigh, grabbing a glass of wine and drinking half of it. Well, the dinner starts strong.
“Well, Melanie” I smiled looking at her. “What's your job? I'm curious”
“Oh, I'm trying to be an influencer” she said, looking at me with a smile. “It's starting to work, somehow”
Sure, because you are hinting you fuck Charles Leclerc.
“Mhm, which brands contacted you? Maybe we will meet in one?” I smiled. 
“Oh none…. Yet” she smiled weakly.
I felt Charles' eyes on me, his angry gaze piercing a hole in my head and how he drank the entire glass of wine. 
When the waitress walked us to the private room where the dinner will take place, our families did everything to sit us two next to the other. The long dining table separated us from our parents, yet it felt like Charles and I were worlds apart. The polite hum of conversation was just a background noise to the storm between us. 
My father stood up with his glass of whine, looking at me with a big proud smile. I sighed, grabbing my own glass and raising it like the rest of the table.
“To Dafne” he smiled, pointing his glass towards me. “The first woman to win a Formula 1 race”
I smiled and looked at everyone at the table. Arthur and Lorenzo were sitting next to each other, sitting in front of my sisters. My father was next to my mom and Pascale, and Melanie was just sitting next to Charles.
"To success," Charles said, his voice had a big amount of irony. "And to the people who think they can buy it"
"Success is earned, Charles. Some of us know the value of hard work" I shot him a look, trying to keep my composure.
"Oh, I know all about hard work," he scoffed, taking another sip of his refilled glass of wine "And the people who take advantage of it."
“Oh, really? You do?” I laughed, looking at him and then at Melanie. “I think you don’t, but okay. Good for you if you think you can recognize who works hard for something and who just buys their way to it. Clearly you should look around more often”
Our parents exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the undercurrent of hostility. Melanie, blissfully unaware, just sipped her wine and looked around the room with wide eyes.
"What exactly is your problem, Charles? Are you upset that I won today?" I leaned in closer to Charles, keeping my voice low so only he could hear. 
"I'm not upset that you won, Dafne. I'm upset that you think you can walk all over everyone to get what you want. That win should have been mine, I had more pace and better tyres” he groaned lowly.
“You did? Then why didn't you overtake me, hm? You clearly know that I would do whatever Ferrari orders me to do” I smirked. “And I didn’t hear a team order of letting you pass me”
Our families were now fully aware that something was off. My mother gave me a warning look, and Charles' older brother cleared his throat, trying to steer the conversation back to safer waters.
"So, Dafne," he began, forcing a smile. "How did you feel about your performance today? It was quite impressive."
 "Thank you. It was a challenging race, but I'm happy with how it turned out” I said, taking a deep breath, ignoring the man next to me. Charles scoffed quietly, and I shot him another glare. "Is there something you'd like to add, Charles?"
He looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and something else I couldn't quite place. "Just that it must be nice to always get what you want."
I opened my mouth to respond, but Erica cut in, sensing that things were about to escalate. "The food looks amazing, doesn't it? Let's enjoy dinner."
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The bass vibrated through the club, reverberating against the walls as red neon lights danced over the sweaty bodies of the dance floor. The music was loud, making everyone scream if they wanted to talk to someone or even take a step closer and talk to someone directly in their ears.
With the adrenaline of the race and the tension that took place during the dinner, I made my way towards the drinks bar, ordering whatever that doesn’t taste like alcohol but definitely has alcohol in it. With the cold glass already in my hand, I walked back to the table where my sisters were sitting with some girlfriends of the drivers.
“Have you seen Melanie?” I chuckled, feeling tipsy and looking around.
“Who?” Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, frowned. 
“Charles’ girl! She’s a wanna be influencer” I laughed, scanning with my eyes the crowd, trying to find the monegasque driver.
I heard my sisters sigh and sip their drinks, trying to ignore me. Alex and Carmen looked at me, frowning and following my gaze.
“Are you jealous? You sound jealous” Carmen pointed. “When will you stop talking about Charles? You say you hate him but you can’t stop looking or even talking about him”
“Me? Jealous?” I laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, that guy can take whoever he wants to his bed”
“Then let him live” Erica sighed. “Yes, we saw that Melanie is a gold digger. Yes, we saw she’s making everything to get his attention and fame. But that’s his problem”
“Erica is right” Soleil sighed. “You even sound worried about him, always talking about how bad the girls he choose are”
“I'm not!” I gasped.
“Mhm, whatever” the four of them sighed.
I groan and look away. They don't understand. They don't understand! 
I just stayed quiet, hearing them talk and focusing on a random spot at the other side of the club, drinking and drinking.
This is my day, no one will ruin it.
But then that idiot decided to grab a microphone and open his mind.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please listen!” he said, standing on top of a table. “I would love to say some words”
I frowned, getting up and already feeling tipsy, having to hold myself against the railing of the balcony where the VIP room was. He was holding a glass of some liquor, raising it up with a smile on his lips.
“I want to congratulate my fantastic teammate, Dafne! Daf, where are you?” he exclaimed looking around. “I guess she's hiding as always…”
“Fucking idiot” I mumbled, watching him look around.
“Well, maybe she's not here” he chuckled. “I'm sure she's with someone, maybe a random dude so she can keep going higher on her career. After all, that's how she got in Ferrari, hm?”
I looked at him and then I started to hear people talking, their eyes all moving around to search me.
“Jules always said that everyone has a chance in Formula 1” he giggled. “But her? Oh, no. She got in this sport sucking the dick of every person she found that could get her a seat. Mick! Mick, where are you? Is she good at that? Is she good at fucking you? I bet you two did it, she always ended higher than you… Head for some points? How pathetic, Daf”
My cheeks were red. My ears were red. Everyone who found me was looking at me. I heard steps behind me and a pair of hands trying to hold my arms, but I moved faster and ran downstairs towards him.
“Oh there she is! Who was the unfortunate one?” he giggled.
“Get down” I groaned, clenching my jaw. Somehow I am sober now. “Now!”
“Get down!” I screamed.
“No!” he laughed, drinking from his glass. “Aren't you satisfied? You had your win, you are in your dream team. I think you should take another step. Maybe… I don't know, suck Max's dick so he can give you a championship?”
“Charles Leclerc you are a dead man!” I screamed, running towards him and grabbing his leg, trying to get him down from the table.
This was supposed to be my day. My party, without someone like him ruining it.
Two pair of arms grabbed mine, stopping me and pulling me away from the club before I could do something worse. Soleil and Arthur were holding my arms, pulling me away from the crowd while Lorenzo and Erica tried to put down Charkes from the table.
“Let me go! I'm going to kill him!” I screamed.
“You are going to your room and stay there until you sober up” my sister said, frowning, sinking her nails on my arm to make me stop.
“That asshole is saying shit about me! And I'm the one that will be punished? Bullshit!” I exclaimed, but clearly they are not listening to me. “He should be the one that has to be punished! And you should wash his mouth with soap! And drown him on the toilet!”
“Enough!” Soleil exclaimed. “I'm so done with this. We all are done with you two. You are acting like kids”
“Why are you two like this?” Arthur frowned. “Why can't you two see that only you are the ones that hate each other? It's making the team and our families have problems”
“I did nothing wrong” I mumble, letting them take me to the elevator. “I didn't suck anyone's dick. I did every right”
“And we're not saying you did something like that. But you two always find a way to start a fight” Soleil sighed. 
“I did nothing wrong” I whispered.
Soleil sighed and grabbed my keycard, opening the door of my hotel room. Arthur and her helped me get in the room and then she took off my clothes to get me in bed.
“Don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow” Arthur and Soleil said before getting out of my room. 
I groaned, showing them my middle fingers before they walked out and closed the door. 
The silence in my room was too loud and the drum on my chest was beating too hard. I tried to walk side to side in the room,trying to calm down. The drops of the faucet in the bathroom are too loud, just like the air conditioner.
But then two hard knocks on the door broke the noisy silence in the room. 
I groaned, walking towards it to open it. 
And I shouldn't have done that.
“Oh fuck off” I groaned closing the door again, but he was faster and put his foot to stop me. “Charles-”
Before I could stop him, or even kick his balls, his lips were on mine, pushing me inside the room.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05
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princessconsuela120 · 8 months
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Summary: you catch a muggle illness, and Sebastian is insistent on being your doctor.
Warnings: protective Seb, cursing, fluff
Author's Note: I just love Seb so much. don't forget to vote on all my polls, enjoy guys!!!
“OMINIS, YOU KNOW YOU DON’T HAVE TO KEEP AN EYE ON ME.” You offered, pinching the bridge of your nose to relieve yourself of the tension in your head, having been tired of being smothered by the boys all day long. You had developed a muggle cold during your last trip to hogsmeade, and it seems that nothing can make it go away. You assume muggle medicines would be the only true solution, but Sebastian insisted he could cure you himself. When your boyfriend became a doctor you weren’t sure, but he seemed confident.
“Oh yes, I do.” Ominis detested, urging you to sit back down on the couch, tucking you into the blanket he conjured specifically to keep you warm. It seemed ominis was just as protective as Sebastian. When the two of you started dating you realized even more how important ominis was to you. He was like a brother to you, which proved true everytime Sebastian and Ominis fought to keep you safe.
“I’ve defeated thousands of trolls, I think I can handle a little cold.” You teased, making him chuckle as he sat beside you, touching the back of his palm to your forehead to check your temperature before handing you a warm cup of tea for the throat ache.
“Trust me, I know you can. But Sebastian won’t let me leave you by yourself.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at the thought, picturing the scolding tone Sebastian had used with you every time you suggested returning back to classes.
“Of course he won’t.”
“He’s gone insane since you’ve gotten sick.” Ominis explained, rolling his eyes at the thought of the freckled boy who had stressed about your wee cold since you started sneezing a week ago.
“I barely even have a fever anymore. He’s fed me 7 diftany leaves in my tea this morning to try and cure me.” You explained, as the two of you burst into laughter.
“His hearts in it, his minds just completely out the window.” Ominis teased, making you laugh harder, which only turned into a cough but you seemed it worth it.
“Isn’t it always?” You were about to continue before you heard loud footsteps, before the door to the room of requirements bursted open loudly, even startling the Chinese comping cabbages which leapt from their potting tables.
“Ominis!” He shouted, as you both turned your attention to him. “I told you to bring her soup at lunch time! What are you doing?!” Sebastian lectured, coming up to the two of you, his hands on his hips as he tapped his foot angrily.
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s only 10am.” Ominis explained, furrowing his eyebrows at Sebastian’s worrying.
“Yes, which means y/n should be sleeping!”
“Sebastian, love, I’m alright really.” You tried to calm him down, holding a hand out to squeeze his hand to reassure him. He only gasped in response, holding a worried hand against your forehead.
“Oh god, she’s delirious.” He stressed, kneeling down in front of you as he looked at you with worried eyes.
“Are you sure you aren’t the one who’s sick?” You asked. However, your reassurance was cut short when you felt a prick in your throat and couldn’t help but cough. This of course heightened Sebastian’s worry immensely, making him sigh as he sat beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Lucky for you, I’ve decided to skip potions and flying today, so you have me all day.”
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“How on earth did Professor Weasley let you do that?”
“I had took a few exploding bonbon’s before Herbology, nearly knocked Professor Garlick’s venomous Tentaculas over. They thought I was sick, so I went with it.” He explained, laughing as he explained it. You giggled in response, snuggling into his side.
“You’re crazy.” You mummbled against his jumper, already snuggled into the jumper if his uou had been wearing since you were sick.
“Crazy for you my love.” He placed a kiss against your head as he gently ran his fingers down your arm to soothe you. “You’re good to go now ominis.” Sebastian offered, making Ominis sigh with relief, a look of annoyance on his face of the pda you two had been sharing.
“You two are sickening.” He mumbled as he left, causing you to laugh.
“Bye ominis!”
“Feel better!” He yelled after you, sending you a smile before leaving.
“So, the world is our oyster my love.” Sebastian said, gesturing out to express all the things you both could do.
“Oooo, let’s go skinny dip in the black lake.”
The look he gave you made you laugh if loud.
“Are you kidding? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” He asked, holding his chest as you laughed, shoving him lightly.
“I was kidding, it’s just funny getting you like that.”
“How about this. How about a nice, warm, snuggle session. I can put on some music, and we can make sure you get the rest you need.” He explained, making you smile as you sighed happily.
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you.”
“Anything for you my love.”
He waved his wand, starting a record player in the corner. The music soothed the both of you, your eyes closed as you slept against him. He was about to lean in to kiss you again, until he let out a sneeze, causing you both to roll your eyes.
“Oh great. I told you kisssing me was a bad idea.” You lectured, making him smirk.
“Dear, kissing you is never a bad idea.”
“Now your sick.”
“Well I guess now you get to ply sexy nurse.” He teased, wiggling his eyes brows, making you hit his chest at the remark. You then sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder again.
“Ugh, fine. But I’m not missing quidditch practice for you.” You grumbled, placing a finger hard on his chest.
“What if I ask really nicely?” He asked, batting his eyelashes at you. You sighed, snuggling into him once more.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“I know. I am just the luckiest guy in Hogwarts aren't i?”
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness, knowing that you’d always have the most flirtatious boy in Hogwarts. But the truth of the matter was, he didn’t think he was lucky because he was cute. He knew he was lucky because he had you, and he was never going to let you go.
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irisinluv · 24 days
Yandere Stardew Valley: Haley
Note- Haley’s not as obvious as Sebastian… more subtle Yan themes, but I think it fits her.
When Haley first heard there was a new farmer coming to town, she didn’t really care much. After all- she lives in a small town and she’s got ears. Jodi’s been excitedly blabbing about you every time they accidentally cross paths. It’s gotten to the point where Haley only leaves the house at times when she can avoid her chatty neighbor.
When you do show up, it’s a bit of a surprise. Obviously you’re the farmer- everyone knows everyone in this town, and she’s never seen you before. But what’s surprising is that you don’t actually look half bad? Jodi was painting this picture of you- this new farmer moving in to fix up the old farm from your grandpa like it was one of her cowboy romance novels… you’d be buff, rugged, crude and unkempt. What she was faced with, instead, was this honestly kinda cute newcomer, not the jacked behemoth Jodi was fantasizing about, you just looked like a random person from Zuzu city. But oh dear lord your clothes….. you were wearing your traveling outfit still. You’d been encouraged to go meet the townsfolk, and seeing as how your first instinct after getting up early and being jammed on a crowded bus was NOT to chop trees and make some farm plots… you decided to explore. This train of thought led to you standing in front of Haley in a faded old shirt and slightly stained sweatpants.
While this first meeting caught her off guard, she still wasn’t particularly interested in you. Just because your face wasn’t half bad didn’t change the fact that you were living in this dirty old cabin on a long abandoned farm land. I mean after your grandpa died, Alex started spreading rumors that the farm was haunted. It honestly creeped her out. And now you were, what? Gonna get all dirty and grow some potato’s? Yea- not really anything she’d care about.
One day, she was arguing with her sister about chores, when you came in. It seemed like you’d formed a bit of a friendship with Emily, and were coming in to say hi. Haley immediately pulled you into the conflict, forgetting your name yet saying,
“Hey, I bet you’ll understand my point of view here.”
You didn’t. You told her she should just do this one chore each week. It ended the conflict and so she couldn’t be too terribly upset, but she was left a little embarrassed after you’d left. I mean, the way Emily corrected her about forgetting your name, and how ultimately you pointed out that Emily does most of the work…, it made her seem like a child who had to have chores assigned to them each week. She made a mental note to at least figure out your name.
So, when you showed up her house the next time, she made the effort and managed to remember your name. She asked for your help opening a jar, and despite her initially asking you if you’re strong.... she was surprised when you open the tight jar lid. You may not be the lumberjack rippling with muscles the Jodi fantasized you to be…. But you’re stronger than you look…..
She was mildly more interested in you, but it hadn’t quite hit her yet. No, this happens when she loses her great grandmothers bracelet on the beach. Like some hero, you swooped in and saved the day. Her heart caught in her throat when she saw you, sand crusting your knees and forearms, triumphantly holding up the bracelet with a wide grin. She hugged you without thinking about it and flushed red the whole way home.
Suddenly she’s thinking back on your interactions. The two of you are rather like Buttercup and Westley from the Princess Bride aren’t you? I mean, she called you farm boy/girl… just like Buttercup…. And when you opened that jar for her… isn’t that like when Westley got Buttercup that pitcher? You’re always so helpful, you do whatever she asks, even when she posts on the bulletin board….. God how could she not see it before? The two of you are soulmates. You’re her Dread Pirate Roberts, and she’s the beautiful princess.
She’s gotta learn more about you, she realizes. She struggled even remembering your name for gods sakes, you’ve been in town for weeks, months maybe, and she’s seen the way you’re becoming part of the community, heard her neighbors mention they’ve sent you a thing or two they thought you’d like in the mail, even Emily mentioned she sent you some cloth. How come all these nobodies know so much about you, yet your own soulmate can’t even wrap her head around the fact that you’re a farmer?? She’s decided. It’s time for a change. She is Buttercup in the fireswamp- she may be intimidated, but she will face anything for her love. And it may not even be half bad if you’re by her side.
So she begins to explore nature. She never really gave her hobby much thought- as the popular rich girl in high school, instagram was just part of her life. She’d always been taking pictures. It’s practically her job to capture the most perfect images to make other jealous keep everyone in the loop about her life. So when she goes on a walk towards Marnie’s and notices the way the light catches in the trees, the way the water ripples down by the lake… she takes a moment and realizes maybe you’re onto something. She feels so at peace. So she heads back home and grabs her camera. She begins exploring the world with a new eye, and it’s all thanks to you. I mean what is love if not encouraging each other to grow and thrive?
One day when she’s trying to catch pictures of Marnie’s ranch so she can get a feel for her future as Mrs.Farmer (she hasn’t gotten the courage to visit YOUR farm yet…. She’s not sure if it’s the fact that it’s yours that makes her hesitant… or the lingering fear of it being haunted) . She tells you she’s trying to understand farm life more when you sneak up on her. God her heart is racing. But she’s not one to beat around the bush. She knows what she wants. So she drops a few hints, saying she’s thinking about what it would be like to be a farmer, and asking you to help show her how to approach a cow. She sets up her camera and poses a bit with you before shyly asking for your help getting close to the cow. She knows this routine. She’s mastered it.
“Oh, how do I swing the golf club? Can you show me?”
Sure enough…. You’re pressed up against her, holding gently but firmly onto her wrist to guide it up to the cows nose. It gives her a sniff and she shrieks a bit before giggling at the lumbering animal. Her eyes widen as you get a cheeky grin and suggest she rides it.
“RIDE it? It’s a cow…. Isn’t it gonna buck me?”
You assure her bull riding is entirely different from Marnie’s tame cattle, and when your hands wrap around her waist to lift her onto the cow…. She suddenly has zero complaints. You two take a few more pictures, before Jas comes running out of Marnie’s, screeching with laughter. The sudden noise coupled with having a human in its back started the gentle giant, and soon Haley was launched from its back. She lands in a mud puddle, which cushions her fall… but she’s filthy. Covered in mud and hay and oh my god she’s disgu- oh. She looks up to see you rush over to her, concern lacing your features, figure haloed with sunlight, your hands fluttering all over her to check for injuries… Again, her hero… god she can’t help but grin and assure you she had fun. And honestly… she did. What’s a little mud- she’s happy to get dirty with you…
She looks back on the photos the two of you took, zooming in on your face as she got bucked off the cow. God look at your cute face all concerned for her…. Ugh she’s a blushing mess. She’s developing these immediately.
She begins trying to catch your interest, telling you about how she’s learning to cook- look, wouldn’t she be such a good wife for you? And she’s going to donate some clothes- look how charitable she is! She’s so giving… in more ways that one ;) She also begins eliminating the competition. It doesn’t take much- she has this blunt way of really getting to people, and she knows it. Yes, most of the time she’s unintentionally rude. She can’t help it- the words just come out on their own. But sometimes, she has no problem being a bitch for bitch sakes. So she calls Shane dirty and insinuates he smells like alcohol when she catches him trying to walk toward your farm. He turned around. She laughs when Abigail says she wants to ask you to go caving together- tearing her to shreds in the nonchalant way only Haley can. And she gets away with it too. It’s not like this is out of character for her.
Finally, all her efforts to get your attention pay off, and she wishes she had a camera ready to go when you approached her with a nervous blush, holding up a bouquet, and asking if she’d be your girlfriend. Of course the answer was yes. She was elated to be able to call you hers, and look how BASHFUL you are, ugh she’s going to eat you alive! She loudly compliments you so the other townspeople can hear, informs everyone with ears that you two are an item. Hardly a moment goes by when she’s not bragging about you. Of course… she still hasn’t visited your farm.
She decided to go pay a visit. She brings her camera, she’s just taking some shots of your crops and animals, nothing to worry about…. But you’re not there, as planned. You’re mining today, and you often stay out till it’s almost 2 am. She has time. In her defense…. She does take some pictures of the actual farm. It is pretty- she admires the hard work you’ve put into it, and you’ve decorated slightly. But…. She can’t help it. Your doors unlocked. She looks around the cabin, and immediately begins planning what she’s gonna do when this is her house too.
You’ve made some changes already- Robins expanded it to include a new kitchen, and the bedroom is private. Haley explores the house, taking notes of everything, snapping picture after picture, your chests are so neatly organized, your dresser too…. Oh and this…. Your bed…. The sheets aren’t made, you can see exactly where you sleep… funny, it’s the side closest to the door. She always prefers to sleep furthest from the door, it makes her feel safe. This only confirms that you’re made for one another. What a treat it will be when you two are finally married, and you stumble home, exhausted from a long day, and have your gorgeous wife waiting for you in bed to help you relax…. Mmm. Yep. She takes another picture.
She begins to feel a bit… insecure, however. You two are dating, and yet… you haven’t tried anything. She sees the way the other people look at you. She knows there are others just waiting to snatch you up, they just never made a move because Haley’s made it very clear she’s got her claws in you. But what if she’s not good enough. Why haven’t you done more than hold her hand? She even offered to go camping with you for fucks sakes. If it’s privacy in the woods that you need- she’ll do it. She even asks your opinion about kids. Oh, Maybe you’re asexual? She doesn’t see that though, she sees how hard you blush when she “accidentally” drops something and has to bend down… hm. Ok. You’re just shy.
She realizes what she has to do. She’ll set it up for you. She’ll do all the hard work, and you’ll fall right into it. After all- she doesn’t want to technically make the first move. So she invited you over, but oh, dear, she’s still in her dark room, come on in, come on in.
The two of you, in a small, dark, private room… you fall for it. She grins,
“Oh, y/n… I’ve been waiting so long for you to do that. One moment….”
She hits the lights, and takes charge. You did so good, taking the initiative, she knew you just needed a push. But don’t worry. She’s going to take care of everything else- she knows how SHY you are…. Clothes fall off, pictures get scattered, and lord are you magnificent. Working on the farm has toned your body in a way that it had never been before moving to pelican town. You’re not buff by any means, but when she encourages you to grab onto her, she can feel your muscles, how effortlessly you lift her… as for you, you find out Haley is a massive freak. She loves giving you a necklace of hickeys, its designer. And turns out when she posted on the bulletin board asking for an item and saying,
“you know what’s it’s for. Keep it a secret, okay?”
You did NOT know what it was for…. But you sure do now.
She’s definitely not a terribly outward Yandere. Honestly, no one would ever know. She keeps her photo albums of you pretty well hidden, and if someone does find them… I mean y’all are dating. Candid couple shots are all the rage on TikTok, and she’s a photographer for fucks sake. She still mean to the others in town, but she’s more gloating than anything. It’s more subtle than before- after all…. She’s your perfect girlfriend who’s grown so much- you say so yourself. She loves hearing you compliment how much she’s grown whenever you find her in the woods taking photos. What you don’t know, is she’s actually been building a collection of blackmail photos for all the villagers. She goes to the woods to snap photos of Mayor Lewis and Marnie so she can ensure you win this years Grange display. But you can’t know that, so obviously she covers by pointing out a gorgeous butterfly she says she’s been trying to get a good shot of.
When you FINALLY propose, she’s over the moon. You proposed on the beach- you’re so attentive, of course you know how much she loves it there, oh and that’s where she first realized her feeling for you…. Could this be any more romantic?
“I'm so happy! It's just like I always dreamed.”
And it really is. The engagement, the wedding, she’s living her very own fairytale.
She even learns to love cleaning. She hated it when it was just her and Emily… but she feels a thrill at the thought of being your picture perfect wife. She loves making your life easier by doing dishes and mopping the floors, and finds it incredibly sexy getting to boss you around, telling you to take off your mud splattered clothes so you don’t ruin her freshly polished floors…. No other reason.
You never know about the obsessive nature of her love for you. You just think you two are head over heels for each other. When she says,
“I felt like I had no direction in life before I met you Now I have exactly what I want.”
You think it’s cute, sweet pillow talk. You don’t understand that what she really means, is that you are her reason for breathing. That if something happened to you, she’d drag your corpse to the wizard and Krobus, make them bring you back. You’re not allowed to leave her. She understands you have a dangerous and thrilling job. You fight monsters and go caving through holes in the ground, you work with nature spirits to harvest your crops, your best friend is a shadow creature who lives in the sewers…. There’s so much more to you than she thought when you first showed up in pelican town. And she loves that about you. She’s happy to be there to keep you warm on those cold winter nights, give you a kiss before you leave for skull cavern. As long as you come home to her at the end of the day…. she’s perfectly happy to be your pretty perfect wife.
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girls-alias · 10 months
Dean's Dream
Title: Dean's Dream.
Words: 842
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
TW: A little spicy, no smut. (Kissing, sexual hinting)
Dean is captured by a Djinn and dreams of Y/N.
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I woke up feeling like my head was spinning. Was I drinking last night? I don't remember drinking last night... I don't remember much, actually. I squinted in the daylight as I looked around. This is definitely a woman's bedroom, I must have been drinking.
I sat up, scratching at my hair a little, legs falling to the side of the bed. I noticed I was only wearing boxers, I smirked a little before looking for the clothes I must have discarded on the floor. I sucked my teeth as I thought, there are no clothes here. Where are my clothes?
"Morning," A woman's voice practically sang to me. I grinned as I turned around to look at her, I must have been great last night if she's singing the next morning.
"Morni-" My jaw dropped at the sight of her. My God! How God damn hot is she? Holy shit! I have really outdone myself. Jeez. She brought me home last night? I must have been really smooth last night for her to want me. Damn! She giggled, blushing slightly at my reaction to seeing her as she headed to her set of drawers. My eyes glued to her, damn. Hot from every angle.
"Are you just going to sit staring at me all day?" She asked with a smirk which told me she didn't care about the answer. I smirked rising from my position to approach her. She giggled turning her back to me slightly to continue looking for some clothes she could wear. I snaked my arms around her, my fingers rubbing on her silk dressing gown as I softly kissed her shoulder.
"Mmm, I'd like to do a lot more than stare," I teased, humming at the thought of it. God, I wish I could remember last night, to remember how last night was and what happened. She giggled and moved her head to the side, I took it as a hint to start kissing her neck. She hummed, seeming to bite her lip as I kissed her neck slowly.
"Deeeaann," She whined softly like she was fighting to stop herself, I grinned, lips still connected to her neck. "I don't think we have time," She expressed, my eyebrows furrowed with confusion slightly. She makes it seem like we have plans together soon. "Don't tell me you forgot," She prompted. I pulled away from her, thinking for a second. What did I forget? She turned around to look at me with a shocked expression. I looked at her confused and like she was a little crazy. I don't know this woman, not really. Is she actually crazy?
I've slept with some crazy women in my life when I - Well. When I - Hmm, I can't remember. Causing me to be even more confused. Why can't I remember? My eyes wandered around slightly as I thought, my eyes landed on a framed photo on top of her drawer. In the beautiful gold frame was a picture of me kissing her, dipping her down so she had one leg in the air, which I held at the knee. She was wearing a tight red dress that fanned out at the bottom a little, she looked heavenly, her hair loose and falling effortlessly. I was smiling as I kissed her. I zoned into the photo.
Nothing else mattered as I reached for the photo and held it in my hands, looking at it closely, studying it. A part of me wondered if it was edited but it looked real and felt familiar. She had moved to stand beside me, looking at the photo too. I glanced at her and she smiled brightly.
"That was a beautiful night," She reminisced, continuing to smile as she softly touched the frame. She seemed to think back to it, as she smiled brighter. "I still can't believe Sammy was there by chance to take this photo of us saying I love you to each other for the first time. You had to have planned it," She chuckled thinking back on the memory. Sammy, Sam. I need to see him, I can't remember anything, I feel like I am in the right place but it feels wrong. He'll be able to help me.
"I want to see Sam actually," I explained, stepping away from her slightly. I tried to act natural but some part of me felt that something was wrong. She smiled brightly, for a moment, more than a moment it all felt okay. I was home, I'm in the right place just confused.
"We're obviously going to see him, if you can pick your clothes quickly we might have time," She hinted with a soft grin. I was confused for a second before she placed a hand on my chest and moved closer to me. I instantly understood.
She smiled as she leaned up, kissing my lips softly as her hand moved to the back of my neck. I smirked into the kiss, deepening it, my hands finding her waist and pulling her close.
God, I wish I could remember right now.
Just want to know what people hope for in the next chapter. Please let me know 😁😍
Part 2 Smut chapter. Doesn’t affect the story line and so you can skip if you want.
Part 3 back to the story.
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aprilthearcher · 1 year
this hope is treacherous [roman roy x fem!reader]
word count: 600 - 700
warnings: ooc roman, perhaps, idk but i wanted (needed) something fluffy after studying for so long. cursing? not edited. english is my first language. i cannot get over this look !!!!!! also not my picture.
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“Would you ever want a big wedding like this?” 
Such an intimate question coming from him surprises her. She peers at him through her black sunglasses. He has his hands on his pockets, a relaxed stance at first glance; his shoulders moved forwards, curving his back, his head faces the landscape opposite her, as if he was ashamed of the words escaping his mouth. It’s a nervous stance, she deduces after a second, sharper look. Her heart cannot help but to jump faster every time she looks at his pink shirt. 
“I - I mean if you even want to get married,” he continues. “Or are you one of those women who shit on marriage just for the fun of it?”
(Y/N) takes a couple of seconds to respond, wanting to see if he’ll turn his head and face her. He does, then moves his head again to look at the people his mother invited to her wedding with some prick he’s sure is only after the remnants of the money she got from the divorce with his father. He moves his head to, finally, settle his eyes on her. He’d preferred the sunglasses off her face. He’s afraid to dig deeper on the why. He can see she’s getting tired of holding the umbrella one of the organisers gave her — so she could block the Tuscan sun from her head and most of her back — from the way she keeps changing it from one hand to the other. 
“Why are you staring, you weirdo? I asked you a question, it’s only right for you to answer me, you know.” Roman says before taking his hands out of his pockets. He’s about to grab the handle of the umbrella, but changes his mind at the last second; instead, he crosses his arms over his chest to try to cover up the raising of his arms. He realises her dress is the same tone of deep blue that the pants he’s wearing. Roman clears his throat, he feels like he’s about to choke. 
“No way, I mean with all this fucking people? And their ridiculous hats and these ridiculous umbrellas?” (Y/N) gives an answer to the question that’s been pondering over Roman’s mind since that day he got told about his mother’s wedding. Roman found himself thinking — or dreaming, he’s not quite sure — of her later that night. His heart had jumped as the image of seeing (Y/N) in a white dress (was she walking towards him?) and a flower arrangement held by both of her hands appeared vividly on his mind. Roman blamed it on the stress of choosing the future president of the country. 
“So you don’t want to get married.” Why was he asking so much about this? He guessed that by getting his answer, he could finally forget about the vision of her in a white, wedding dress. Now it was even worse. He felt somewhat disappointed. 
“Oh no, I do, but just with not this many people. I'd like something small, in a place where it's sunny but not this fucking sunny. I don't know, I probably wouldn't invite anyone really. just, just yo.. just the lucky guy and I, I guess,” she shrugged her shoulders, averting her eyes from his after almost saying ‘you’. God, she was an idiot. 
“Lucky guy indeed,” Roman whistled before grabbing a glass from one of the waiters’ trays.
They stood in silence watching the guests around them, looking at the other from the corner of their eyes. Roman grabbed the handle of the umbrella from her, making sure it still covered her from the sun, after he heard her mumbling about how it was numbing her arm. She smiled, a contained smile that threatened to become a full grin if she didn’t press her lips tightly. He saw it, but decided not to say anything. A small smirk took control of his face, one that was not mocking, neither sarcastic, but almost adolescent. She saw it when he was looking at his shiny shoes. She didn’t say anything. 
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moodymelanist · 6 months
A Nessian drabble idea: Cassian waking up from anesthesia forgetting who Nesta is and is immediately starts flirting with her because she's so beautiful.
omg YES. this is so them thank you for sending this in I’ve always wanted to write one of these. I’ve also never had my wisdom teeth removed so sorry for any inaccuracies there LOL
Nesta had been hanging out in the waiting room for about an hour when someone finally called her name.
“Nesta Archeron?” one of the nurses called. Nesta quickly gathered her jacket and purse and got up to follow her.
“How’s he doing?” Nesta asked. Cassian had finally taken the plunge and gotten all four of his wisdom teeth removed in one go, and while Nesta knew this was a routine enough procedure, she was still a little antsy about her husband using anesthesia.
“It went well,” the nurse replied, leading Nesta into what looked like the outpatient area. “He’s recovering now. The anesthesia should be wearing off in the next few minutes if it hasn’t already.”
The nurse ran through a list of symptoms to watch out for and general tips to help Cassian’s healing process. Even though Nesta knew she’d be getting a thick packet with all these instructions, she still did her best to commit them to memory. This was her husband they were talking about; she wasn’t going to take any risks with him.
By the time the nurse finished explaining everything, they’d made it inside Cassian’s recovery room. He looked a little funny with his cheeks all swollen and a bandage wrapped around his face, but Nesta was too glad everything had gone well to really make fun of him.
That didn’t stop her from snapping a picture, though. Just because she didn’t intend to use it to tease him later didn’t mean she didn’t want one.
“Hey,” Nesta said softly as Cassian’s eyes fluttered open. “How are you feeling?”
“Hey,” Cassian said back, drawing out the word long and slow. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” she managed to reply without laughing. He was clearly still feeling the anesthesia, and she was going to enjoy him being loopy for as long as it lasted. “You ready to go home?”
“With you?” he asked, his face lighting up.
“Of course with me,” she responded with a fond roll of her eyes.
“It must be my lucky day,” he answered, trying to pull his lips into a smirk and failing miserably. “Going home with the most gorgeous woman in here.”
“We go home together every night, you idiot,” she told him with a huff of laughter. “We live together.”
“Then I guess it’s my lucky night every night,” he fired back, though some of the effect was lost by how drowsy he sounded.
Nesta and the nurse exchanged amused glances before they started to prep to get him out of there. Thankfully Cassian was still dressed, so they just had to get him to stand so he could sit back down again in the wheelchair.
“Come on, big guy,” Nesta said, pulling the blankets back from Cassian so he could get out the bed. “Time to come home with me.”
“But…” Cassian trailed off, his face twisting into the most adorable pout as he caught sight of her left hand. “You’re married.”
She stared at him a little incredulously. Was he fucking with her, or was this just the anesthesia? “Yes?”
“I’ve been flirting with a married woman,” he groaned, bringing his hands up to his face and immediately regretting it. “Oh, God, I’m a homewrecker.”
“Jesus Christ,” she muttered under her breath, trying and failing to hold back her laughter. She gently pulled his hands away from his face and tapped the matching gold band on his left hand before raising her voice to add, “Cassian, look. You’re married too.”
“That’s even worse,” he groaned once he noticed his own wedding band. “Holy fuck. I’m a homewrecker and a cheater.”
“No, you doofus,” she replied, still laughing. “We’re married to each other.”
Cassian’s face looked like Christmas had come early. “Really?”
“Really,” Nesta confirmed. “It’ll be six years this October.”
“Oh, wow,” he breathed, completely awed. He reached out and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together with a dopey look on his face. “Let’s go home, then.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing | @avidromancereader | @a-little-disguised | @kale-theteaqueen | @talibunny30 | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @fieldofdaisiies
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Chapter III; friends
I did not forget about this thing that I started. I just wanted to keep it as something I could upload if I ever couldn't write for a bit and I guess we're finally there!
Mind you, I only have two chapters finished so this won't last long. If anything, I might take a bit of a break from the blog because of the many deadlines I have coming up. See me return around the end of June if all goes right.
Word count: 1.6k Warnings: None!
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You hadn’t been sure about Nico’s plan. Back in April, he had asked you for help, and after that he disappeared, only showing up to give you a definite date and an approximate where to be. You trusted Nico, or at least you thought that you did. For this plan you had to learn quickly how to heal- you were supposedly going to be a backup if his plan would fail.
Against Nico’s request you had told Will – one of the few campers you were entirely sure you could trust with your life. In the past few months, you had spent almost every minute of the day alongside Will, learning the ways of healing but also mostly finding solace in him. You figured that if you hadn’t told Will, he would have actively hunt you down into the underworld, hence why you entrusted him with your whereabouts for the coming few days. At least, that was the plan because Percy Jackson would turn sixteen in a matter of days and Nico asked you to be the last drop in convincing Percy that he needed to agree with Nico’s plan.
You had only just arrived in the clearing, gaining a small wave from Nico who was seemingly in the middle of a conversation between a nymph and satyr. He was wearing an aviator's jacket, black jeans, and a T-shirt with dancing skeletons on it, like one of those Day of the Dead pictures. His Stygian iron sword hung at his side. You barely made it to his side when a hellhound pounded through the bushes. You stumbled back, instinctively stepping behind Nico as you felt your throat close at the memories of hellhounds hunting you- the memories of your parent getting out a gun-
Nico smiled as the dog laid its head on the ground, ready to receive ear scratches from the son of Hades. You felt like you couldn’t breathe – it was not the first time you had seen Mrs O’Leary around camp, but every time Will had been at your side to calm you down. Gods if only he was here- if only-
“You alright?” Will had noticed your panicked gaze as you passed the arena. He pulled you away and looked behind him, seeing Mrs O’Leary sitting there, “Hey, (Y/n), look at me. Don’t worry, she’s friendly.” Your eyes were out of focus, seeing a different time, seeing your parents face. Will saw that you were not getting out of your stupor and pulled you away from the arena. He made sure Mrs O’Leary was out of sight as he sat you down on the ground.
“Hey, just breathe- Follow my breathing,” he started guiding you and as you slowly came back to your senses you saw the worried eyes of your friend.
“Care to explain, sunshine?” Will squeezed your arm as you sighed and started your story.
“She’s friendly, (Y/n).” Nico said as he glanced at you. You closed your eyes as you breathed in deep, counting to yourself. This was an exercise you learned quickly after encountering Mrs O’Leary a few times at camp. As you felt your heart calm down, you looked at Nico with a tired smile. He cocked his head to the side as to ask if you were fine, and Mrs. O’Leary copied his movement. “I know, sorry.” You softly said and Nico shrugged, going back to scratching her ears.
Looking at your companions in the clearing you saw the shape of the old satyr. His fur was dust-bunny gray, and a spiderweb grew between his horns. The tree nymph was pretty, wearing a purple gossamer dress and having an elfish face – although something in her eyes seemed off. You noticed a boy – Percy Jackson – entering the clearing, just in time for the old satyr that was there to explode.
"Will someone—what is this underworld creature doing in my forest!" He waved his arms and trotted on his hooves as if the grass were hot. "You there, Percy Jackson! Is this your beast?" "Sorry, Leneus," Percy apologized, "That's your name, right?" The satyr rolled his eyes.
 "Well, of course I'm Leneus. Don't tell me you've forgotten a member of the Council so quickly. Now, call off your beast!" Lenues retorted, aggressively pointing at Mrs O’Leary. "WOOF!" Mrs. O'Leary said happily. The old satyr gulped. "Make it go away! Juniper, I will not help you under these circumstances!" Juniper turned toward Percy, a hopeful look in her eyes. You felt a bit awkward and left out in the situation, you looked at Nico as he stood up and took in the situation.
"Percy," Juniper sniffled. "I was just asking about Grover. I know something has happened. He wouldn't stay gone this long if he wasn't in trouble. I was hoping that Leneus —" "I told you!" the satyr protested, "You are better off without that traitor."
Juniper stamped her foot. "He is not a traitor! He is the bravest satyr ever, and I want to know where he is!"
"WOOF!" Leneus's knees started knocking. You snorted softly. Sure you are scared of Mrs O’Leary, but seeing this old satyr basically pee his pants because of her did feel good.
"I . . . I will not answer questions with this hellhound sniffing my tail!" Nico looked like he was trying to not crack up. He looked at me and then back at the group.
"I'll walk the dog," he volunteered as he motioned for me to follow him. He whistled, and Mrs. O'Leary bounded after him to the far end of the grove.
You didn’t walk far before Nico stopped and turned to you, letting Mrs. O’Leary bounce around us. “Are you scared of her?” he gestured to the hellhound, and you shuddered. “Well, you know, you were there,” the last bit was more of a whisper, but Nico nodded his head as he beckoned Mrs. O’Leary over. “Here, just,” there was often this hesitation to Nico when he wanted to help you, you noticed, “Just scratch behind her ears,” he carefully grabbed your hand, and you noticed him shivering at the contact. How long had it been since he had been held with love? 
You let him guide you towards Mrs. O’Leary, accepting your fate. For some reason you started shaking, and you wanted it to stop, you didn’t want Nico to think that you were weak – too weak to help him. You closed your eyes, and as you felt fur beneath your fingers you released a breath. You heart was racing, and your felt your legs give out.
“Woah!” Nico half heartedly tried to catch you, but as you sat before Mrs. O’Leary, eyes half opened as she appreciatively wagged her gigantic tail. Nico felt his heart beat an extra time as he saw how you deflated in front of Mrs. O’Leary. Why did Nico not like it that you were so scared? Why had he felt the need to make sure that you would be alright?
“You alright?” Nico crouched down next to you, his stygian sword’s handle poking uncomfortably in his side as he put an arm on your shoulder. You slowly nodded, continuing to scratch Mrs. O’Leary’s head.
“Just peachy.” You removed your hand from her head, and she whined a little as you let out a breath of air, “You are just like a normal dog, ey? Sorry for being so scared, some of your family weren’t so nice to me,” you felt as if you would not be able to say another word, so you put your hand back on Mrs. O’Leary’s head and started petting her again.
“That was brave of you,” Nico noted as he stood up again, denying himself the warmth of your touch.
“Thank you,” you told him as you looked up at him, “And Nico, you’re a good friend.” Nico’s face filled itself with confusion. “Where did that come from?” he spluttered out.
“Mm, the fact that you just helped me, and the fact that we are friends.” You smiled at him, hoping it looked genuine after everything you just went through, “Whether you like it or not.” Something crossed Nico’s eyes, but you could not pinpoint what it was.
“Well, before attaching yourself to me, are you sure you want to help? It is dangerous, and I do not want you to do this for the sake of ‘friendship’,” he did the quotation marks around the last word. You found the strength to stand up, ignoring Mrs. O’Leary’s whines at the loss of pets. You knew Nico wouldn’t have asked you to go if he didn’t need any support
“Yes, although I would only endanger my life for friends though, so,” you held out your hand towards the son of Hades, feeling butterflies in your stomach. This was stupid – you would go on this mission for Nico either way, but you wanted him to acknowledge you¸ to acknowledge that he had friends in camp. Nico sighed but grabbed your hand.
“Alright,” he shook your hand harshly, “friends it is.” This time you smiled genuinely. Your moment was quickly disturbed Leneus quickly stomping past the two of you. “Guess it’s showtime, let’s go.” Nico commanded and you followed suit.
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nightcovefox · 6 months
A/n: AAAH HAPPY MARIO DAY!! I’m playing so many Mario games in my own way to celebrate this- Fun Fact about me, today was the first introduction for me to playing Mario games thanks to my older brothers. Ahh. Fun times. Anyway, this is based on Once Upon Studio, well got inspired by this!
Warnings: My bad grammar, out of character(?), some Mario/related references, maybe some ships, weird-headcanons, and my AU
Genre: Comedy and Fluff
Anyways, enjoy Reading!!
March 10, 20XX.. Jeez, times pass quickly huh? This day was special, all the heroes and villains will come here on this special day. A little anniversary of their, working together, and defeating a force of evil. Mario, Peach, and Luigi invited their friends to join together on this special day. Old Friends and New Friends.
Beep-O and Peaches are managements. Checking the list of who’s invited and who’s not. Peaches let Vivian and Yoshi in, seeing her friend Beep-O squealing in joy. “Maybe this was a bad idea..” Peaches mumbled. “What's a bad idea?” Beep-O ask, looking at her. “Well.. You keep fanboying on every guest we let in. I mean.. What's so special about the other two we let in before? The girl has black hair; two ponytails and wears a red dress. And the other one who’s just a goomba with a blonde ponytail-”
“Ashley and Goombella?! Honestly, I just love how Goombella works! An archaeology student who just mastered their degree!! She was one of those heroes party members to defeat Shadow Queen!!” Beep-O explained.
“Uh-huh,” said Peaches unused. “And this Ashley girl?”
“Well, what I heard is Ashley is a young which who lives in Diamond City. I don't think she’s friends with Mario? Is she?-”
“Beep-O!!! Peaches!!!” a Toad screamed out.
Beep-O and Peaches look at the Toad.
“What happened Toad?” Beep-O ask.
“Do you guys know where Mario, Luigi, and Peach are?!”
“Uhh no-”
“Never seen them.”
“THIS WHOLE CELEBRATION IS A MESS!!!?” Toad screamed out.
“Toad!! Calm down!!” said Beep-O waving his hands.
“Plus, you’re making a scene.” Peaches hiss.
Toad calms down a bit, but still is panicking.
“Look why don't we try to find them, while you stay here and check the list.. All right?” said Beep-O handing him the list.
“Right..Right.. Thanks, guys..” said Toad.
“Mhm, let's go Peaches.”
“Great more work..” Peaches groan.
Both of them walk inside Peach’s castle trying to find their friends.
Meanwhile, in the other room, Mallow holding a Geno Doll, walking beside Toadette.
“Don’t worry Mallow! I’m sure Geno will come!!” said Toadette trying to reassure her friend.
“I know.. But you know him busy with all those wishes…” Mallow sighed and hugged the Geno doll tightly. “This is the one year.. We get to see each other..”
Toadette smile turn to a little frown. She pat on Mallow’s shoulder. “I may not know Geno.. But I do hear all about him from Mario. I’m sure Geno will show up just in time for picture time! Don’t lose hope..”
Mallow nods his head slowly. “You’re right..”
“Come on! Let’s head outside to help the others!”
“So this is your second time Lu?!” Diddy asks his best friend.
“Yep!! Last time it was a bit chaotic with our Rabbid Cousins!” said Lu, closing his book.
The two friends in Rabbid Luigi’s room. Nice and quiet.
“Hey Larry? Where’s your siblings?” Diddy asks the young water koopa prince.
“Last I check, Ludwig with Toadsworth, Morton with Ashley, Roy with Edge, Wendy with Mimi, Lemmy, and Iggy hanging out with some Jester, and Junior with his friends along with Spawny last I check..” Larry explained.
“Wow..” said Diddy.
“So, babe you ready to rock your moves with Miss Pauline and my sister?” asks Larry to Lu.
“Holy stars!! I almost forgot!!” Lu exclaimed jumping out of his seat.
“Did you forget your moves?”
“I didn't Diddy.. Just forgot I was part of their song..” said Lu. His ears going down. “God!! Now I’m thinking about it and it's making me nervous!!!”
“Calm down babe and take deep breath’s..” said Larry holding Lu’s hands gently. “Breathe in and breathe out.. In and out..”
Lu did exactly what he did, his nervousness calmed down. “Okay.. Okay.. Thanks, Star..” said Lu, giving Larry a kiss on the hand.
“You dork..” Larry chuckled.
“You’re making me third wheel guys..” said Diddy rolling his eyes and looking away.
“Where’s your girlfriend Dixie?”
“…Good question-”
Dixie jumped on the metal door one more time. But she bounces off of it. “Ugh!! This stupid door won’t open!!” Dixie groaned, stopping her feet.
“Oh no..” Luigi mumbled.
“Great hornspoon!! Now what do we do?!” Captain Orion shouted.
“Were gonna freeze to death..” Rosa mumbled.
“Oh, what joy.. Curse your frozen womb-” Woodrow’s mouth was covered by Captain Orion and Rabbid Cranky.
“No offense my friend.. But-” Captain Orion was cut off by Woodrow. “None is taken..” he said, clearly muffled.
All of these people are trapped in a giant freezer in Toad’s kitchen. Luigi was supposed to get the desserts with the help of his friends.. But someone shut the door on them. Now locked from the inside, with nowhere to get out.
Rabbid Cranky pulls his paw away. “What a waste of time. Well if you all need me, I’m going to dig myself a grave.”
Dixie rolled her eyes. “If you can or try to help us get out-”
“Nah,” said Rabbid Cranky waving his hand no.
“I should’ve being DK..”
The metal door was turning green, this caused Luigi’s attention along with Dixie.
“What..?” the others question.
“Uhh everyone step back!!-” said Luigi.
The door burst open before anyone could react to it. Black smoke was covered in the freezer, and everyone was coughing.
A strange little figure walks into the room. The smoke cleared off a bit and revealed Professor E Gadd! E or Gadd for short.
“Professor E!! How did you find us?!-” ask Luigi but coughs right after?
“Ohoho! Luigi, a Toad explains you went missing along with your brother and the Princess. I put a tracking device to find you and look! Here you are trapped in a freezer! Uhh.. Do mind tell her Highness I will fix her door after this event is over..” E Gadd explained putting his raygun away.
The others ran/walked out. Captain Orion holding Rosa. Rabbid Cranky was being dragged by Dixie. Woodrow walks out as he thanks E Gadd.
Luigi watches as everyone is leaving he turns to the old man. “Thank you- Wait.. YOU PUT A WHAT ON ME?!”
Mario sighed as he looked up at the frame. Two people were in the frame. At the bottom of the frame, it said: Marco and Louise. Both parents of Mario and Luigi.
“Hey Mom and Dad.. I wish you were here..” he mumbled. He looks out his window, sees the sun going down, and hears loud music outside.
A knock was heard from the other side.
“Who is it?”
“It's me Mario.. Peach..”
“Come in..” he said as he sat down on his bed.
He heard the door creak open, revealing Peach wearing her pink dress but having some sparkles at the bottom. At the top wearing a white fabric, having some gold sparkles too. She stepped in and closed the door. “Are you okay, Mario?”
“Mhm..” he hummed.
“Don’t lie to me mister..” she said sitting next to him. “What's wrong?”
“Just…” He looks at her then looks back at the frame. “I miss them.. So much.. Today will not be this year they will see us..” he explained.. Looking down.
“Oh Mario..” she said, feeling sympathy towards him. She wraps her arm around Mario and pulls him into a hug. “I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be.. I’m over reacting..”
“You’re not.. You have the right to cry.. But Mario, they will always be in your heart. Both you and Luigi’s. Both in the stars looking down at you proud.
Mario smiled at what she said. “You sound just like Mama..”
Peach laughs a bit. “Really?”
“Mm.. Thank you Peach..”
“You’re welcome..” she said as she kissed Mario’s cheek.
“Ah, Peach you missed.”
“I missed?” Peach lift her eyebrow.
Mario pulled away from the hug a bit and pointed his lips.
Peach laugh and looks away. “Mmm. I dunno, you have to earn that kiss, Mario~”
“Oh really?~”
“Yep- Ah!!” Peach yelped as Mario pinned her on the bed. Peach was laughing as Mario kissed her on the cheek, lips, and neck. Peach feels Mario’s mustache tickled her. “Haha!!”
The door swing opened revealing Beep-O and Peaches.
“Princess Peach and Mario?!-” Beep-O stop and look at the two.
“Looks like we caught you two on a bad timing- Will leave-” said Peaches, her face red as she pulled her robot friend out the door. Beep-O’s face was blank.
“Make sure to be out just in time for the picture!!” Peaches exclaimed as she shut the door. Mario and Peach look at the door. Both turn their heads toward each other. Mario gets off of her and coughs. “Let's go outside..”
“Flowers go here and there..” Daisy pointed to where the flowers should go. Rabbid Daisy helping her counterpart. Bea smiled warmly, holding the little spoon to mix her tea. “Thank you so much, Bea for the flowers..” said Rabbid Daisy bowing her head to her. Bea waves her hand, “No need to bow flower.. It is a pleasure and a thanks for helping my planet once again…”
Rabbid Daisy lifts her head up and nods.
Prince Florian (Is that how u spell his name right?) and Starla sitting on the white cloth tables. Watching the Phantom and Mayor Pauline practicing their singing vocals. “I never see so many people here..” Prince Florian said in awed. “Agreed my friend..” said Starla.
“Sullivan be a dear and fetch them more flowers-” said Bea but see Sullivan wasn’t there. “Where is he?” Bea ask, looking around.
“With his brothers at the food table..” Prince Florian pointed. Bea looked in his direction and he was right. Indeed Sullivan was at the food table, with his brothers. Professor Backpack and Dj Cheep-Tuna. Dj Tuna eating all the sweets, Sullivan scolding him, and Professor watching this eating his salad.
Luigi stepped in the view as Daisy practically ran over to him. Hugging him tightly and spins him around. “Luigi!! Where were you?! Omg!!! You’re cold as ice!! What happened?!” Daisy ask. Luigi chuckled nervously look at Professor E Gadd for help. But E Gadd gives him a thumbs up and walks over to the food table. Luigi sighed and looked at his girlfriend. “A very long story.. I’ll tell you later.. Okay?”
Daisy sighed, “Okay.. After this okay?”
“Luigi!!” someone called out his name.
Luigi look over to see Nastasia, O’Chunks, and Mimi.
Luigi smiled, “I’ll catch you later, okay?”
Daisy smiled and kissed Luigi’s cheek. “Sure. Go on.”
Luigi then ran over to see his friends. Daisy look to see Beep-O having a blank face and Peaches face was red. “Uhhh what happened to you two?!”
Jeanie came into view and tugged on Beep-O’s sleeve. “Beep-O! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!! Come on it's almost time!!” said Jeanie pulling him away. Beep-O’s face appeared back on staring at his sister Jeanie. “What- What-”
Mari walked to the ladies and hold Peaches hand. “Come on Peaches it's picture time.”
“R-Right-” Peaches shook her head.
“Wait!! Where’s Mario and Peach? We can’t start without them-” Daisy was cut off by hearing her best friend’s voice.
“Daisy was here!!! Come, Daisy gather everyone to the center!!”
“Mm. Right.”
Everyone was gathered around in the middle. Biggest/Tallest at the back. While Small/Shortest at the front. O’Chunks setting up the camera stand.
“I never felt so crowed in my life..” Sweetlopek wheezed out.
“Couldn’t agree with you more Bigfoot,” said Iggy.
“Hmm Funky Kong and Ms.Grape please switch spots?” said O’Chunks.
Just like that they both switch. Ms.Grape look Beep-O up and down. “Hmm.”
“Uhhh yes?” said Beep-O looking at her feeling scared.
“Mmm. Carry on.” she waved her hand.
“What was that about..?” Beep-O mumbled.
“Maybe you’re dating her little brother?” Peaches murmured.
“Nothing~” Peaches answered.
“Okay!! Setting on the timer to 10 seconds!!” O’Chunks shouted as he ran toward his spot.
“10 seconds?!” Kamek groaned. “I do not want to spend another second with her.” he hissed. Kammy scoffs. “Me too, old man.”
“Once this is over this purple marshmallow can stop staring at me..” said Tom looking at King Boo.
“I’m sorry purple marshmallow?!”
Luigi chuckles.
“Watch it Greenie.” King Boo hissed.
“Fight! Fight!!” Dooplis chanted.
“Doop!!” Vivian scolds him.
“What..?” Dooplis shrug.
“Wario and Walugi I bet you 20 coins if there’s going to be a fight!” Walpeach grinned.
Wario laugh, “Deal.”
Walugi rolls his eyes.
“Guys focus on the camera..”
“Come on..”
“WAIT GENO ISN'T HERE-” Mallow screamed. But the Camera didn't flash at all. A gold star floats upon everyone. “I hope.. I’m not too late..” said the star. Bowser, Mallow, Mario, and Peach smiled. Knowing that voice anywhere. “Geno!!” Mallow cried. Geno chuckled, “Yes I am here.” he said. As he got inside the doll which Mallow lifted up. Geno landed on his two feet, looked at his friend Mallow then looked at everyone. Everyone was awed but half were confused.
The silence was broken by Yosh saying, “Pinocchio is real?!”
Mario and Peach laugh.
“I thought so too, Rabbid,” said Bowser.
Mallow hugged his friend as Geno hugged him back.
“Uhh how is the camera not taking the picture-?”
“Oh right.. Forgot about that..” said Geno moving his hand to start the countdown. But to 5 seconds.
“Everyone say Happy ❤️🔆✅❕❣️” shouted Mario.
“Happy ❤️🔆✅❕❣️!!!” everyone shouted as the picture was taken.
“….Happy Mario Day..” said Kassidy as she read Beep-O’s letter and saw the picture. Seeing every Mario character there. “Glad you’re having fun Beep-O..” Kassidy smiled.
WAHOO!!! That was a lot- Hope you all enjoy reading this! How many ships do you guys spot? What do you all think of this? This was fun writing it!! I know, I did not put every Mario character, me having lack ideas or was too lazy to put everyone there-
Anyways, Happy Mario Day!! Thank you all for reading this weird fic<3
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Forever Begins Now - Chapter Three.
Sorry this took me weeks to get to you, besties! I have spread myself a little thin with the writing of late, and work being busy, and everything else I’m trying to cram in. I need a 36 hour day! 
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Previous Chapters - One  Two
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,245
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI! 
“Ewww, thoroughbred knees.”
“Sweetie, you have to stop with this knee thing you have! You don’t have horse knees!”
“I can’t! It’s my wedding day and they look extra knobbly, because of course they do!”
“Bella, you’re paranoid. Look at yourself. You look beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Now, let's get down to the guys, before I steal you from Angel and go marry you instead.”
Nala’s words had her and Amelia giggling softly, Bella looking at her reflection again, her girlfriends flanking her, wrapping their arms around her and smiling lovingly. Bella’s knee paranoia aside, she had to admit, she’d never seen herself look so nice, Amelia helping with her hair, her makeup done exactly how Angel liked it best, smoky eyes and slick, glossy lips. Well, the lipgloss irritated him when he ended up covered in it, but the smoky eyes he loved.  
She’d been lucky enough to find two dresses that were almost identical to hers, but in black lace, Amelia and Nala both matching with leopard print feels, except not quite as high as Bella’s. It was rock n’ roll wedding chic, Bella not the kind of girl who wanted to wear anything overly bridal. She knew Angel would likely not be too formal either, but when the elevator doors opened, the girls crossing the hotel lobby, all of them got a surprise when they took in their guys.  
There they were, five tattooed, Latino bad boys, looking absolutely immaculate in dark charcoal grey suits, with black shirts and ties, turning the heads of just about every woman who passed them by. Bella felt like she needed a crane to pick her jaw up off the floor, Angel grinning widely as he greeted her with a kiss, touched beyond words that each girl carried a bouquet of sunflowers wrapped in purple ribbon, a beautiful tribute to his beloved mother.  
“Bloody... hell.” Her stunned words had him laughing immediately. “Oh my god, you look...”
That reaction was worth it all. “I scrub up well, don’t I?”  
“Well, since my first reaction to seeing you in a suit is wanting to get you out of it, then yes, yes you do!” she giggled, kissing him again.
He grasped her hands taking a moment to view her properly, shaking his head, feeling a lump form in his throat. He was the luckiest guy in the world. “And you? Just know I’ll never, ever forget how stunning you look today. Never. You were always right, you know. You and me, we were meant to be. We were always meant to find a way back to one another.”
She felt tears prickle her eyes, kissing him again, not aware of Nala taking a picture of that very moment, a picture that would end up being her favourite of them ever taken, just them, staring at one another adoringly, about to be married, never happier.
For the entire duration of fifteen-minute walk to the chapel, they couldn’t stop looking at one another, stopping every so often to fall into kisses, lagging behind, missing the hilarity that was Creeper and EZ receiving a barrage of female interest along the journey, and doing absolutely nothing to dissuade it as the only two single men of the group, Creeper falling into banter with a girl who asked how far the coverage of his tattoos went, and him telling her she was welcome to find him at the hotel later and undress him until she saw for herself weren’t even registered, the almost married couple too busy staring at one another dreamily.  
That adoration only continued, too, from the moment EZ dutifully walked his soon to be sister-in-law down the aisle, all the way through the vows, Bella teary the entire time and Angel hanging onto the urge to shed his own tears of happiness like never before, something he couldn’t help once the minister had pronounced them man and wife. As he kissed her, he saw her for the first time all over again in his head, knowing that truly, she’d captured him right from the beginning.
She always would, too.
There would never be a day that passed where Bella didn’t light his heart on fire, and he knew that all the more as they stood there exchanging kisses, their friends clapping and cheering, getting bombed with rice and confetti. Photos were taken, congratulations given, Angel and Bella so wrapped up in one another they barely noticed anything else, leaving to head to the nearest bar and begin celebrating.  
“God damnit, I gotta get this noose off,” Angel spoke, pulling his tie undone. “I get bad flashbacks, wearing suits. Makes me feel like I’m meant to be in court.” He had his new wife in hysterics as he pocketed it, taking one of the many shots he’d just bought and sinking it, turning to lick her cheek.  
She laughed, returning the gesture, Amelia taking a picture of the moment. “Next time you want to show me that tongue, aim a little lower, big sexy.”  
Immediately, his eyebrows rose. “Don’t put that in my head, or I’ll be dragging you off to the damned restroom.” They managed to contain themselves for all of three hours, heading back to the hotel where their friends continued to party, with them heading up to their room to a barrage of wolf whistles and razzing.  
Walking arm in arm across the lobby, Angel noticed that the previously empty baby grand across the other side now had a woman present, playing something he vaguely remembered hearing before, the piece beautiful enough to suddenly stop, spin his wife gently and begin to sway with her right there upon the polished floor, in amongst the tourists, not caring an ounce if he was getting in anyone’s way.  
“Angel Reyes,” she cooed, gently nuzzling his nose with hers. “Are you being romantic again?”
“Yup,” he confirmed, kissing her, smiling when a nearby elderly lady gushed ‘Horace! Look at these beautiful kids dancing!’ to her husband. “Ain’t nobody ever brought it out in me like you do, B. Besides, we gotta stick with some kind of tradition, first dance and all that bullshit, even though I don’t know the song. I kinda recognise it, though.”
Bella concentrated to take in the notes, having it hit her suddenly, beginning to laugh softly. “I know exactly what it is, and so should you! It’s from my favourite film. It’s You’re so Cool by Hans Zimmer, from True Romance.”  
“I guess that’s fucking perfectly fitting then, ain’t it?”
She kissed him, swaying in his arms, resting her cheek to his. “Oh, isn’t it just?”
And so there they were, the madness of the hotel swirling around them, but within their little bubble, they were the only people there in the foyer, the rich swell of the piano music all they could hear, Bella moving her head to look back up at him, Angel resting his forehead to hers. “I love you, Isabella.”  
“I love you more, and I’ll keep on loving you more, every single day.”  
He beamed, kissing the tip of her nose. “The rest of the world just fell away,” he whispered, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. “It’s you and me, baby. Just us.”
She nuzzled him, kissing him softly. “As it was always meant to be.” If Angel was certain of anything, it was that, that Bella had always been right when she said they’d been destined to find a way back to one another. They slow danced until the song finished, even receiving a little round of applause from a few people they’d failed to notice had stopped to watch, heading to the elevator.  
Once it arrived on their floor with a ding, Angel picked her up and carried her back to their room, happily announcing ‘we just got married! Look at my wife, ain’t she a stunner!’ to a couple who smiled happily at them along the way, offering their congratulations, Bella high on love, and a little drunk on tequila shots. It wasn’t exactly how she’d envisaged her wedding day to be back when she was a little girl, but she wouldn’t have changed it for the world. Especially not when her new husband put her down once they’d reached their room, advancing on her in a manner that was nothing short of predatory.  
Clothes were shed, hot kisses full of longing shared, Bella pushing him down to the bed before removing all of her jewellery, as she’d started to do ever since he’d told her it was like having sex with wind chimes, all of the tinkling of her many bracelets and earrings. It still made her laugh, even thinking about it.  
“Get that pretty butt over here,” he spoke, lying back on the bed. “I want my gorgeous wife to take a seat right on my face.”
His wife. She knew it would be a long time before the novelty of hearing him refer to her as such wore off, if at all. Sauntering over, she climbed onto the bed, leaning to kiss him before straddling his chest, Angel manoeuvring himself down, pushing her legs wider with his elbows, his tongue swiping a long lick against her folds before teasing its way within. Nothing was rushed, each lick slow, a sensual delivery of wet warmth, his hands gliding over her thighs, stroking the patterns of her tattoos as he skimmed the softest of licks over her clit.  
She gleamed, each little tickle gilded in tingles, his breath hot at her folds as he laved them again, sucking on her softly, mindful not to give her too much, even though it was exactly what he craved. A little tease never hurt anyone. That softer touch did nothing but inflate her craving, Angel grinning to himself, tongue softly fluttering over her opening, skating over the dew of her pent-up longing for him to, well...
“Oh... fuck!” she gasped at finally feeling him sweep a firm lick at her, the wide drag of his tongue over her clit causing her to quiver, waves of bliss at being satiated washing over her. His need is to devour strengthened, his tongue pressing repeated flat licks against her pink heat, tasting, dragging her folds thoroughly before settling to work side to side over her clit.
She keened against his mouth, her hands becoming lost in the silken, deep onyx of his hair, tugging gently as he rolled his tongue over her bud in a slow, gentle circle. He watched her intently while eating her with aplomb, her body trembling with a series of lustful quakes, soft sighs escaping her mouth, entangled fingers tugging at his hair.
Her clit hardened against his mouth, his tongue bathing it in wet heat even further when he thumbed the hood, pulling it back gently to reveal more of her potent little pink bud to each roll of his tongue, his precise circles continuing, pleasure rocketing through her.  
“Too much?” he asked, Bella’s hips juddering like a live wire was running through her bones.
“No, just enough. Please, baby. Don’t stop,” she pleaded, her voice almost strangled, she was so deliriously aroused.  
“I won’t, promise. Not even when you cum.” He winked at her before his dark lashes fluttered shut, cheeks hollowing as he sucked upon her again, the coil within her groin twisting violently in response. Gasping, she began to pant hard, the suction at her bud increasing steadily, a deep groan vibrating through it, prompting her to wail in bliss.  
His hands pressed into her thighs, opening them again after they’d begun to close around his head, one moving to grip her waist, steadying her against the onslaught to come as the other slipped down to join his mouth.  Stroking her folds with the back of his fingers, he added to the extremely rigorous stimulation of his tongue as it lashed her clit with wild licks, his middle digit then pushing against her sodden entrance, sinking into the slick of her cunt fully to curl around and rake against the sweetest of spots.  
Firm, precise strokes had her reeling, her chest heaving as she cried out, sparks glittering through her. She began to shake, Angel adding a second, then a third finger into her plush heat, Bella feeling herself stretched wide as they drove in and out relentlessly. Her nerves buzzed, his tongue igniting heat down to her bones as she began to clench around him fiercely. “Mmmm, that’s it, baby girl. Cum all over my tongue.” he encouraged her with, his voice thick and gravelly.  
Every pant was replaced with a soft, helpless cry, her voice breaking on his name as she cried out, her entire body shaking as white-hot heat jumped with the lightning from strike point to strike point, sharp and uncontained, her fluttering cunt flooding against his fingers. After chasing her release with ardent beats of his tongue, he made her see stars before removing his hand to suck upon her instead, orgasmic nectar bathing his mouth, his groan guttural. Just as he promised too, he didn’t cease.  
It was too much, his grip upon her narrow waist keeping her steady as her overstimulated body jolted against his mouth, his tongue circling her aching bud once more. He ate her like a bear devouring fresh honey, hungry and without pause or reserve as her sweet slick bathed his eager tongue. He had her ascending again sharply, this time though pushing her onto her back as he climbed out from beneath her, sinking himself into the quivering warmth of her cunt, his thumb dragging sparks at her clit as she came undone again, her back arching like the bending of a bow, his mouth upon hers, drinking back each soft mewl.
The heat of his cock forced a gasp from her, her nails digging into his shoulder, Angel virtually growling against her neck, nipping her just below her ear as he bottomed out, dragged back and plunged into her again. Her wail made his insides throb, hands roaming her, mouth catching hers in a smouldering kiss, Bella arching against him as his head dipped, mouth closing over her nipple, a long sigh exiting her parted lips. He was her husband, her husband. It was the best decision she’d ever made, the moment she’d said yes.
A furnace of heat roared steadily between them, Angel sitting back on his heels, pulling her up with him, their kisses all honey and embers, staring at one another adoringly, foreheads touching, hands stroking. The lewd sound of his cock cutting through her slick filled the room along with her soft, breathy moans, Angel’s fingers losing themselves in her hair, staring at her, bowled over by feelings so strong, he never thought he’d be capable of feeling them, not to mention lucky enough.  
“Fuck, fuck, baby,” he sighed, kissing her. “I love you so much, Mrs Reyes.”  
Her nails trawled down his neck, nuzzling her nose against his. “I love you so much, too. I’m the happiest wife in the world right now.”  
He smiled, moving up into her a little harder, that happiness doing nothing but blooming, her pleasure igniting, gasping as the hard thick of him speared her deep. She rode the crest of the wave he fucked up into her, his breath blasting hard against her neck, his own release rushing through him seconds after as he let it go, the coil snapping within him, pulsing waves of cum deep into her fluttering walls. Breathless, dreamy bliss abounded, kissing one another softly, hands wandering each other’s sweaty skin, the tingles of their release ebbing away gently, nerve endings still twitching as Angel unfolded his legs from beneath him, lying back with her against his chest.
“Do we have to go back downstairs?” he pondered, his fingers losing themselves in her hair.  
“Maybe not just yet,” she confirmed, tracing the outline of his chest tattoos with her fingernail. “Once I’ve recovered, I think I want you to do that to me all over again.” He did, too. After sexually fulfilling themselves, they showered and headed back down to their friends, spending the rest of their wedding day enjoying just about everything Vegas had to offer, their time there seeming to pass much too quickly in a whirl of partying, wild sex and fun.  
There was more celebrating to be done back in Santo Padre, the guys who had missed their wedding wanting to congratulate them accordingly. Well, most of them.  
Bella found him by himself about halfway through the night, sitting on the steps of the clubhouse. Lighting a cigarette, she knew there was some air clearing that needed to be done, moving to seat herself at his side. “You don’t like me anymore, do you?”  
Bishop took a long drag on his cigarette, slowly turning his head to look at her. “I never said that.”  
“It’s true, though.”
He sniffed, shrugging slightly. “No, it isn’t. What I don’t like is the fact that you lied to one of my guys, a lie that could have had him thrown in jail and permanently branded with the stigma of sex offender. That’s what I don’t like, Bella.”  
“And no one could blame you for that, either,” she began, feeling her heart quicken with nerves. He was right, of course. However, it did not mean she wouldn’t argue her side of it. “But tell me, Bish, did you never make a mistake when you were sixteen? Or since? You taking a moral Highground with me when you freely pick and choose which laws you abide by and which you break is a little rich too, if you ask me.”  
He remained silent, knowing that it was his turn to be smacked with a little slap of truth. “I was in love, and too young to know how the hell to navigate it all, terrified of losing him, too. You’ve got a teenage daughter; you know how hard we fall when we become enamoured. I know it wasn’t right, but at the end of the day, mate, Angel has made his peace with it, he knows I’m sorry, and he knows I’m never, ever going to lie to him again. I know what happens if I do, I lose him forever, and I won’t risk that heartbreak.”  
His mouth upturned at the corner, laughing softly through his nose. If she hadn’t just hit him with something he absolutely couldn’t defend. He ran heroin over a border, a drug that took and ruined the lives of thousands of people, yet he was calling her morals into question for essentially being a young girl in love, and making a mistake? He saw right there that he was being ridiculous. “You know something? I guess you’re right. I suppose it’s time I pull my head out of my ass, huh? None of us are perfect, after all.”
“Nope,” she confirmed. “All we can do is try out best to be better when we do something wrong or hurt someone we love.”
“Very true,” he smiled. “So, how was Vegas?”
Very simply, things had been smoothed over, Bella and Bishop sitting talking, enjoying one another’s company just as they always did. It felt nice, but she’d be lying that there wasn’t a wash of trepidation lapping at her insides. After all, she still had to reveal her nuptials to her mother, and she knew Deb would be a different matter entirely.  
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the-haikyuu-trash · 2 years
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OIKAWA TOORU || happy birthday
in which oikawa got drunk and he forgot what his girlfriend looks like
word count : 749
tags : suggestive (?) , fluff , female reader , she/her pronouns, timeskip!oikawa, alcohol mentions, alcohol consumption
a/n : i have… 100 plus followers omg guys— thank u sm! (Is it because of the last post i made) i hope i get to interact with you guys more IF ONLY IK HOW TO RESPOND IN A SIDE BLOG ahhh <3 im suppose d to publish this on his birthday but i got lazy— happy birthday oikawa!
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Oikawa couldn’t remember when was the last time he got really drunk but it feels like a very long time now that this time it feels like it was his first. The alcohol surging through his veins, anything from his point of view is blurry, the light of the party seems dimming and his body feels heavy with every step he takes.
Ah! Right, it’s his birthday and his highschool volleyball teammates planned to celebrate this special occasion is by dragging him to the club. It was fun, at first at least but now, there’s nothing more he wants but to go home… he swears he’s forgetting something—
“Hey baby,” a hand grabbed his arm and Oikawa suddenly jolted up awake, head is still in pain but he made an effort to look at the blurry woman in front of him. “You look like you’ve had your fun, c’mon, let’s get you home—“
“Don’t— don’t touch me.” He croaks out, prying his arm away from this unfamiliar (somehow familliar) woman in front of him, he looked away from her, looking at everything but her. “I have a girlfriend.” Oikawa prides in himself that he’s not a cheater like everybody paints him to be (absolutely loving the surprise look sent to his way when they find out they’re six years together.) and the bruenette would rather die if he lost the woman he loves with all his heart. The woman distanced herself, hand coming up to a mock defense, he turned his head to look at her and could see her red painted lips turned to a cheeky smile as she tilts her head to the side. “Oh yeah?” She mused. “What does your girlfriend looks like?”
Almost like an instinct, he reached out for his phone and opened the small device in his hand, the picture of a beautiful woman wearing silk pajamas, hair is all a mess and she’s eating messily of a cup noodle, looking innocently at the camera came to his view. God he loves this picture of his love so much that even in his drunken state a warm honest smile made it’s way to his lips.
“Here!” He boasted, pushing the phone to the woman to make her look at the lockscreen. “That’s—“ he stops, burping because of the alcohol before continuing; “that’s my girl!”
“I—“ she started, he could painstakingly make out her appearance slowly. “I told you to delete that picture, Tooru!”
Oikawa Tooru blinks. Again and again. Until his view became clearer slowly. Then it clicks, his breath knocked out of his chest to see his beautiful girlfriend wearing the dress he brought out for her, looking absolutely gorgeous and he swears this is the best birthday gift he could ever ask for.
“My baby.” He cooed, tucking back his phone in the pocket of his jeans and his hands finds her waist, pulling her close to him and immediately (Name) wraps her arm around his neck, a beaming smile sent to his way and his day suddenly ten times more special. He pressed his lips to her soft ones. “My one and only.” Another kiss to her nose. “My love of my life.” Another kiss to her jaw and (Name) couldn’t help but giggle at his affections.
Oikawa hummed, burrying his head to the crook of her neck, swaying slowly at the music with her. “I’m so happy you’re here with me.” He murmurs, wanting nothing more but to be in her arm in this moment. “I’m such a lucky man—“ he whines, feeling dramatic because of the alcohol but (Name) knows better, her man is always dramatic every single day. “you have no idea.”
“I love you too.” (Name) responds, a giddy smile om her lips and before Oikawa could even respond to her, he feels like throwing up that he pulls away, afraid staining her dress because he didn’t drank responsibly and whines. “I just wanna make out with you in the middle of the dance floor, baby.”
“I know, but how about a better idea and finish whatever plan you have for us back home?” (Name) suggested with a teasing smirk and Oikawa loves her and her ideas.
Somewhere in the corner of the club…
The three looked at eachother, Makki sent a cheeky look at the two and Matsukawa grinned.
“Oikawa’s getting it tonight—“
“Alright!” Iwaizumi slammed down his drink and point at the two with a knowing look. “How about you two get your asses out there and get a girlfriend, hm?”
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jinlias · 2 years
fluff 17 with Nayeon or Jihyo please 😛
"i want to marry y/n” tzuyu still stares at her as if still waiting for what nayeon was supposed to tell her, but the elder had just been pacing back and forth as if she had just admitted to some sort of horrible crime
"... okay, i knew that already” she shrugs
"no, dumbass-“ nayeon sighs and presses a hand to her forehead, immediately earning a glare from momo. “like, i want to propose"
"oh" the youngest falls into realization "oh" your girlfriend nods and sits next to momo “good luck?”
“oh my-“ nayeon's hand returns to her face in frustration
“she needs your help!" momo joins, annoyed that she had to stop eating for this.
“oh! got it!” tzuyu claps and scoots closer as one does when discussing a very serious matter, she turns to nayeon and momo and says “you just have to get a pretty ring and ask while on one knee ‘will you marry me?’ im sure she’ll say yes!”
“you little-“
“no! hey! no assaulting!” momo quickly grabs a hold of nayeon who looked just about to lose her shit “jihyo will absolutely murder you”
“she’s being a pain in my ass” the oldest sighs, fixing her hair and leaning back on the sofa. “i really need your help tzu”
“fine. i’ll be serious this time, i promise.” momo doesn’t listen for half of it, she’ll never understand how they got to a reasonable agreement. until today, tzuyu had been close to spoiling the surprise a total of six times, six. they only talked about this proposal a month ago. she holds her breath when the day comes, when she’s dragging you to get a manicure without a reason and you start questioning everything.
your best friend even sweats when you look at her weirdly because she asked you to wear something nice, you’ve gone every place imaginable in pjs together and now she’s rushing you and making you change all your outfits without even telling you where you’re going. but its your third anniversary with nayeon, and that’s how you make sense of everything when tzuyu uncovers your eyes and there she stands. she looks angelic, her blonde hair laid down straight and brushed behind her ears while she’s in a white dress that sits up to her knee and makes sure to accentuate all your favorite curves. it makes you think there’s some sort of dress code when you look down at the also white outfit tzuyu had put together for you last minute. but her inviting smile and hands held out for you make all those thoughts disappear, and instead you try to focus on her
she knows you’re going to say yes. of course you are. still, nayeon holds her breath and wipes her sweaty palms on her dress when she stops in the middle of your walk down the beach. confused, you stop at least two steps away from her “what’s wrong?”
“wh- nothing. no. everything’s cool” she nods awkwardly and catches up to you, taking your hand in hers and the two of you barely make two steps before she’s stopped again, this time holding you with her. “actually, no, im just really nervous like, i barely get nervous you know this im so confident and calm and collected but im so nervous right now and i don’t think i can even remember half the speech i had memorized so maybe i can read it off my notes to you later, will you marry me?”
“what?” you stand there, still, shocked, and right here she’s sure her nerves act for her because she nods and mumbles a ‘right’ and gets on one knee before pulling out a tiny, red, velvety box with a beautiful diamond ring inside. “are you serious nayeon?“
“yes” she nods rapidly and nervously “im so serious. i want everything with you y/n”
“oh my god” you finally gasp, covering your face with your hands and kneeling in front of her “yes. a million times yes”
nayeon forgets about tzuyu and your friends taking pictures from afar, she forgets about the few other couples walking through the beach, she feels so lightheaded even as she pulls your face towards hers with both hands to kiss you, her heart feels like it’s going to explode and she’ll probably ask you to take her pressure later but right now it all feels like a fever dream, as she kisses you, as she slides the ring on your finger and smiles at you, kisses you again only longer this time before wrapping her arms around you. even as she feels both your salty tears combine in your kiss. she feels like she’s floating, just like she did three years ago when for the first time she asked you to be hers..
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
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I write for free - so if you would like to support my work, you can donate here.
Harry is predictable.
He falls into the same patterns during every tour since he was on the Up All Night with One Direction.
The excitement that comes with the first couple of shows begins to fade as he starts his world wide tour that doesn’t end for nearly eight months.
His constant adrenaline wears off and his exhaustion from not having toured in two years settles deep in his bones.
YN senses it from a mile away, has nearly eleven years experience dealing with her jet-lagged, exhausted, and stubborn husband.
It hits the day of the Philadelphia show, they got in late the night before, and YN always set her alarm for seven thirty in the morning to workout.
Ninety-five percent of the time, Harry got up with her and they either did a jog around the new city or they took advantage of the in-hotel gym.
Four percent of the time, he would whine and tug the comforter over his head, whimpering, “M’too tired, baby. Stay in bed w’me.”
And then the one percent, which was today.
The alarm emits a low, constant beep that rouses YN, in the time she takes to rub her eye and come back into reality - Harry hisses with a sharp edge, “Turn tha’ fuckin’ thing off.”
She bites her tongue at his tone, reaching to turn it off but she can already tell what day they’re going to have.
YN slips out from under the covers and automatically gets a comment from her husband, it another whiney demand, “Cover m’feet, y’too the blanket off them.”
“Yes, your majesty,” YN replies reproachfully, rearranging the blankets before quietly moving around the room to change.
“Stop makin’ so much noise.”
“Turn off tha’ light.”
“S’too early f’this, d’you not care that m’tired?”
She chooses to ignore the remarks, hoping that he can sleep off the attitude.
When YN is about to leave, he grumbles, “Y’need to kiss me goodbye.”
Harry purses his lips for a soft kiss, not moving a muscle, and after that - she leaves to head down to the gym.
YN is required a body guard, definitely when she isn’t with Harry or a group of people, and she decided not to follow those rules today.
She had her TPWK water bottle in hand, a cute workout set on ***, and her AirPods tucked in her ear with some Spice Girls playing.
It’s only about twenty minutes into her exercise, a light jog on the treadmill, that a young girl slips up beside the machine.
YN is kind, stopping the belt to smile for a selfie before the girl scampers off and she resumes her run - music blasting.
However, what YN didn’t know, is that fans had found out early in the morning which hotel they where at and a hoard was rushing towards the small gym.
It’s not even ten minutes later when a swarm of fans in rushing into the work area, lining up around her machine with their phones flashing and recording.
She tries to be nice, “Hey! Uh, I’m just trying to workout. I’m sorry, but no pictures please.”
Then there is loud protest and people shoving each other, begging and pleading for a selfie or for her to sign something - all because she was Harry’s wife.
There is literally no exit to escape to, so she relents and anxiously calls Frank - one of the body guards - to come retrieve her.
The whole way back up to her hotel room, Frank is lecturing her about safety and how she could have gotten hurt.
And when he scans the keycard for her hotel room, she feels her stomach drop because Harry is sat against the kitchen counter.
His brown locks are rumpled and going every which way, just in his briefs that are low on his narrow hips, and absolutely irate expression on his face.
“Are y’fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Harry snaps, brow furrowed and jaw clenched - his arms were crossed tightly against his chest.
“Good morning to you, sunshine,” YN mutters, shutting the door and kicking off her tennis shoes to the side.
“Don’t,” Harry replies sourly, “Please explain t’me why I get woken up by Frank to be told y’getting mobbed in the gym? And y’didn’t to call him.”
YN bristles at his tone, giving him a pointed look as she steps further into the room, “It’s not a big deal. I just wasn’t thinking.”
“Y’right about that, y’weren’t thinkin’. It is a big deal, y’could have gotten hurt - shouldn’t have t’babysit m’own wife,” Harry huffs, stomping back over to the bed and sliding back under the covers.
“You better watch your tone-“
They’re interrupted with a knock to their door, Harry throws the covers over his head and leaves YN to open the door.
It’s Jeff, who barges in with a coffee in one hand, “Come on, H. Did you forget? You have soundcheck early today and then you have to meet with FullStop to review the details of that new merchandise contract.”
“No, move it,” The popstar groans, muffled from the heavy blankets over him, and his manager and wife give each other a knowing look.
“We can’t. Get up, we need to leave in fifteen,” Jeff replies casually, unbothered as he sips from his to-go mug.
It has Harry dramatically ripping off the covers and getting out of bed, as he charges off towards the bathroom, he shouts backwards, “Wish someone would have fuckin’ told me! Like m’manager or m’wife!”
“Oh my god, here we go,” YN groans quietly to Jeff, snatching up the few things she needs for the venue as well as Harry’s and shoving them in his duffle.
He comes out a few moments later, dressed in running shorts and a vintage Queen shirt - going to tug on his Nikes without a word to either.
But in true Harry fashion, even when he’s mad, he’s still a gentleman. He slips the duffle off his wife’s shoulder so she doesn’t have to carry it.
“Thank you,” She murmurs but he avoids eye contact, being the first to open the hotel room and trudge towards the awaiting car.
It’s a quiet ride, Harry looks out the window with a deep frown and puffy eyes - eyes heavy from the lack of sleep.
Usually, he’d be curled into YN - snuggling as close as possible and asking for her to pet his hair to soothe him.
Not today. But he does have his hand on her thigh.
There’s already fans at the arena and Harry doesn’t acknowledge them - keeps his head down and walks quickly into the private entrance past the barricades.
When a irritated fan screams, “Asshole! We waited all night here for you!”
YN watches as Harry goes to turn, to say something but she pushes him forward through the door to prevent him from doing something he’d regret when wasn’t in a foul mood.
They manage through the long hallways, filled with bustling tour crew, and everybody there to make the show happen.
Sound check isn’t as fun as it usually is, the band stays low-key when Harry does exactly what he needs to do and nothing more.
And after the merch meeting, Harry has reached his limit apparently.
He was so tired, so fucking moody that he couldn’t deal with anymore human interaction.
YN has to step in when she gets a text from Harry Lambert.
Come get your husband. Sarah’s Kitchen.
She sighs, excusing herself from hanging out with Jeff and Glenne - she can hear him from the hallway and now she’s finally get irritated.
“I asked for that specific brand. It’s literally one of the only things I’ve asked for on this tour.”
YN takes a deep breathe before stepping in, there are crew trying not to stare as Harry complains to Sarah about something unimportant.
“Harry,” She says flatly, “Come on.”
He snatches his water bottle and follows his wife out without another word, trailing behind until they end up in his dressing room.
“You need to stop. You’re being a literal nightmare today,” YN tells him, watching him as he digs in the duffle.
“Where is m’charger? Did y’not pack it?” He ignores her words.
“I must have forgot. Harry, I know you’re tired but you can’t be treating everyone like-“
Harry pushes back the bag, seething for no reason, “I’ll treat people however the fuck I want!”
“You’re acting like a spoiled popstar right now,” YN replies, attempting to stay level-headed and calm with him.
“S’my show! M’tour!”
“Yes and everyone is here to support you and you’re treating them like shit. Including me, I’m your wife - the one person in the world that’s here for you no matter what and you’re being downright mean.”
“Y’so fuckin’ sensitive,” Harry mutters angrily, digging around to try to find a charger in a different bag.
And…that stung a bit.
When he doesn’t get a response, he looks up and notices how her demeanor had changed - it brings him back to reality for a little bit.
“I’m not going to stay here and be talked to like that because you don’t feel good. I’ll leave you alone because you are being insufferable.”
YN is already out the door, storming back to Sarah’s kitchen to apologize for her husband’s diva behavior and everyone shrugs her off - knowing it’s not her fault.
She is sat down with the band and a few others when her husband saunters in, he doesn’t look at anyone else as he walks up to his wife.
“Baby, can I talk to you?” He mumbles, his warm hand coming to cup her shoulder.
“Harry,” YN says back, they’ve been together for so long that those words are all she needs to say for him to formulate a response.
“Come nap w’me please, need you. I’ll apologize t’you,” Harry says, his palm encompassing and big on her.
“Harry,” She repeats.
The crew looks on in amusement as Harry huffs, he lifts his head and speaks loudly to the room at once, “I apologize for my behavior. I have no excuse for getting upset like I have been today. I hope you guys can forgive me.”
Everyone assures him that they forgive him, most of them have dealt with actual spoiled celebrities and Harry was just having a bad day (which still really wasn’t that bad.)
“Okay, come on, bunny,” YN agrees, satisfied and can’t help but smile a bit when she stands up and Harry automatically intertwines their fingers to hold her hand.
The sofa in his dressing room folds out to be a bed and they still had hours before the show.
Once they’ve locked the doo and settled down on the mattress - they’re both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“M’sorry, darlin’,” Harry whispers, “I haven’t been very nice t’you today. I was just upset about the gym thing and just being so tired.”
YN hums, combing throwing his fluffy curls with her fingers as his hands explore over her hips and belly like always.
“You always get like this every once in a while on tour, like a little spoiled popstar,” YN says softly, no sharpness in her tone, “You also need to be nice to your wife.”
“M’always nice t’my wife,” He mumbles childishly, leaning forward to nip at her chin, “I am sorry, know tha’ when I act like that it embarrasses you.”
“You’re better than acting like that,” YN reminds him, allowing him to tug her into his warm, now bare chest, “I’m never gonna let you turn into some fame monster. You’re gonna stay the kind, funny, compassionate person I met when I was young.”
And when YN doesn’t get a reply, she glances to see Harry’s eyes shut, mouth slightly parted as he breathes rhythmically and his entire face relaxes as he sleeps.
“Still my boy,” YN murmurs lovingly, nuzzling before letting sleep overtake her.
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celestialspecial · 2 years
These Beautiful Torments (Pt.6)
Recovering from the fight that has left him badly wounded both physically and mentally Billy tries to piece together the parts of his past. To remember who he is, or was, but it’s never that easy is it?
Warnings: Trauma, Depression, Eventual Smut, Violence, Unplanned Pregnancy- Canon? We don’t know her. (If I missed any feel free to let me know)
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You rubbed at your bleary eyes, closing the computer screen. Exhausted but feeling some success and conviction behind it. You’d retraced a few of Billy’s old hard drives, and found a couple that you’d somehow missed in the bottom of one of his drawers. On it had been damning evidence, emails between him and Rawlins as well as other superiors under command, Rawlins asking Billy to do his bidding and to your relief and occasional shock, Billy refusing.
Previous emails his responses had been clipped, succinct, leading you to believe that the dealings and resolutions were handled in person instead of via email. But the paper trail that came after was outright refusal. Standing his ground, then whatever else transpired wasn’t recorded so all you could do was speculate. Billy had been pushing back, which gave you hope, you didn’t quite know how to frame any of this yet, who to share it with. It still felt like grasping at  straws, but you were making headway.
It almost helped you forget about how ready to go toe to toe with Krista you were. At that a sharp strong kick reverberated from your lower abdomen. Rubbing at the spot you felt another kick just after, they were getting stronger every day it seemed.
“That’s right. Thanks for helping keep me awake and on task.” You responded, smiling before as a huge yawn escaped your mouth.
You’d long outgrown your cute pj’s opting instead to wear one of Billy’s old white undershirts, stretching to its limit, instead of going out to buy something new. It made it feel like he was still with you when you came home. He was everywhere in your apartment, all his things still in their rightful places, waiting for his return.
You’d barely moved or touched anything. The only new addition was the ultrasound picture, particularly placed by one of Billy’s fragrance bottles, tall enough to bolster the image. It just felt right keeping it on his side of the dresser, nothing else had changed and yet all at once everything had. You took out your phone and texted Karen quickly before you fell asleep.
“Found some stuff. Talk soon?”
A second later- “For sure!” And a heart emoji. You didn't know how you'd missed these drives previously, maybe it was just the stress and anxiety keeping you from upturning everything on his side of the room, always having a healthy respect for his belongings. 
You felt a rolling sensation in your belly, watching the movements and undulations underneath your overly stretched out shirt. Naturally it was time for bed and the little creature was wide awake and feeling adventurous. You reached over to turn off the light.
“A trouble maker, just like your father.”
Billy ran down a side alleyway, ducking behind a dumpster, attempting to catch his breath. He’d been running for god knows how long, soggy and damp from the rain, with no idea where he was going. Hoping he’d find his way, wherever that was. After what felt like a significant enough rest he took off again.
The downpour pelted at his face and the cold asphalt bit at his feet as he turned down another alley, then another, zigging and zagging with no true sense of direction. His socks had pin pricks of blood seeping through from where he was sure he ran over some glass or sharp rocks, but couldn’t be bothered to stop just yet. When he was sure he’d made it a good few more miles from the hospital he used the last surge of his energy for the night to round a corner , and smash face first into a woman on the sidewalk.
They both slammed backyards, sprawling over the pavement, papers flying out of her bag onto the soaked ground.
“What the fuck!” She shouted angrily, trying to gather her belongings before they soaked through ruining the files. Billy ran a hand over his face, realizing the mask had landed about five feet behind him.
“Sorry.” He murmured, beginning to crawl backwards to grab his plastic disguise before taking off again.
“Billy?!” He froze, mask in hand, turning back to this woman who apparently knew who he was. Turning slowly he came face to face with a woman who he didn’t know. Or couldn’t remember rather. 
“Billy, it’s me, Karen? Your friend.” Her excited face started to fall as she realized that he didn’t recognize her. “Sorry that was dumb. You don’t remember me.” He shook his head, feeling a tiny stab of pain behind his eyes as he thought hard, willing his brain to call up the image of this woman for clarity. “I’m y/n’s friend and Fra... well we were all part of a friend group.”
She stumbled over her words, reaching a hand out to him. He looked her up and down, weighing his options, but speaking your name allowed a feeling of trust to seep in. He took her hand, hoisting himself up, bringing himself to his full height over Karen as she grabbed the last of her soaked through papers.
“Can you… take me to her?” Billy asked, a note of pleading in his voice. She hesitated, rubbing the back of her neck in thought.
“I don’t know if that’s safe. I assume they didn’t just let you go..” her eyes drifted downwards taking in his soaked and dirty socks, rain drenched scrubs, all pointing to signs of an escape, not a clean getaway with just a slap on the wrist.
Billy realized she was right, mind racing figuring out where he could go. As if reading his mind Karen interjected,
“You can stay in my spare bedroom for the night. Then tomorrow we’ll find you someplace else, someplace safer.” She glanced around, beckoning him to follow her as she turned towards a parking garage nearby. He would normally hesitate but an inkling deep down told him to trust this woman, maybe she was telling the truth. Maybe she had been a friend of his.
Karen drove as calmly as she could, hands gripping the wheel with Billy laying in the backseat under the windows view just in case. When they slowed down Karen scouted the neighborhood before nodding to him, both briskly moving with purpose to the front door of her brownstone and locking the front door immediately after.
“Well this is the spare bedroom.” Karen gestured to the small room on the second floor, the bed was a double with navy sheets and a small window overlooking the back alleyway where they parked. Billy nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed and removing his filthy socks. “Oh! Hold on I have some clothes for you to change into!” She returned with a black t shirt and sweatpants, handing them over to him.
There was an awkward pause in conversation before she added, “Billy, Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to see you out and …about, but uhh how exactly did you get out?” He hesitated turning over the shirt and pants in his hands, dark eyes down turned.
“I had to get out. I was wasting away in there…” a long pause, “I was being used by my therapist and my memories were just starting to come back, but I don’t think she…any of them on the inside wanted me to remember-“ Karen’s face softened, tentatively placing a hand on his shoulder.
“We’re …we’re gonna figure this out. But for now, just get some sleep.” a half smile, turning and closing the door behind her. Billy changed into the dry clothes, sliding under the sheets and listening to the pounding rain on the small window. He hadn’t had so much space to sprawl out in months, it felt nice. Brushing a hand over the pillow next to him, noticing how his body subconsciously moved to one side of the bed, out of habit he assumed.
All he could think of was you, how you two had been together, how he was the father of the baby he’d felt move in your belly. How memories of you were starting to drift back to him effortlessly, your smile over a glass of wine, your laugh at a work event, the way you’d run your fingers through his hair pulling on it as his mouth undid your resolve with each swipe of his tongue. That last recollection made his groan out, noticing how just the thought of you was making him hard.
He gripped the other pillow to his chest, resting his chin on it, falling asleep imagining it was you.
Billy didn’t know how long he’d slept for , that’d he’d even been able to let his guard down in an unfamiliar place long enough for sleep to take over. It wasn’t until he heard the doorbell that his senses came back to him in full force, cortisol pumping through his veins bringing him on the alert. Jumping up from the bed he leaned towards the door, listening carefully. He heard voices chattering, female voices, then footsteps into the kitchen and pots banging around.
Billy eased the door open as quiet as possible, moving to the stairs and padding down them, ears straining to hear anything else. Then he heard laughter. Your laugh. That was all he needed to hear, moving with the agility of cat he stepped off the last stair, turning to the kitchen seeing you standing there, cradling a mug of tea. A vision his mind was kind enough to remind him was a normal sight from his past, but during most of those times it was coffee you were holding.
You almost choked on your herbal tea seeing Billy turn the corner into the kitchen.
“Billy?!” You found yourself setting the mug down and moving towards him as fast as you could waddle at this point. He moved in as well and you could have died as you felt his arms entwine around you for the first time in months. Billy’s eyes closed, holding you as tightly and close as he could, breathing in the enamoring scent of you.
You weren’t sure if you could fully blame it on the hormones but you found tears streaming down your face, over a half years worth of tumultuous emotions finally breaking free and finding solace in the arms of the only man you ever loved. You groaned at the feelings overwhelming you, how was it possible he felt so fuckin good? His arms only squeezed tighter around you, the warmth and sensations only caused the little houseguest you were hosting to stir excitedly in a flurry of rolls and few choice kicks.
At that Billy loosened his grip, taking the smallest step back he could to look down at your bump, letting his one hand freely roam over the expanse of your belly, relishing each new kick and movement. He locked eyes with you then, glistening with unshed tears. “It’s mine.”  
You felt your a lump form in your throat, the stream of tears never slowing as you nodded, hands fisted into the front of Billy’s shirt, afraid if you let go you’d crumble to the floor. Pulling you into his embrace once more you leaned onto your tip toes, pressing your lips to his finally, fully.
This kiss wasn’t slow and safe like the hospital one had been, this was pure hunger, touching and tasting each other’s mouths with reckless abandon. So much and not enough all at once, the taste of his tongue, the sparks zipping down your body awakening parts of you that had lied dormant for far too long. Wondering how long you could make this last until-
“Ennnnghnnn.” A cough from Karen who was leaning against her countertop with a cup of coffee, amused expression dancing across her features. “I was gonna cook us all up some breakfast but I’m thinking maybe I should go out and come back?” Your face was hot as you struggled to catch your breath, taking a step back from Billy, arm still wrapped around his lower back.
“No it’s fine.” You stammered, having a hard time focusing on anything other than the man at your side. You had questions, so many questions but didn’t know where to start. “How did you get out?” You asked, placing a hand to Billy’s chest that he eagerly placed his hand over top of.
“Krista.. she’s been lying and using me this whole time. She knows something and wanted my memory to remain locked away, but her feelings for me changed.” He could see the light of fury spark behind your eyes.  “She let it slip that the child was mine, and as my memories have been resurfacing lately due to our…talks, she got scared and angry, and then sloppy. I’d had enough, I can feel my past starting to come back to me slowly but being locked up in there, I was hitting a wall.” He grimaced thinking of  spending one more god forsaken day tied to that bed, listening to Krista mumble some nonsense that had nothing to do with him getting his mind put back together.
It was true, he’d started to recall more and more things speaking with you over the past few weeks than all the time with doctors and therapists, and no longer being confined to a small hospital room had seemingly opened the floodgates as more and more info started appearing in his tired skull. He could start to remember Karen, a kind helpful woman, your best friend, she had been sweet on… on Frank. Frank. It was only flashes but Billy could feel the pain, the agony, fighting with Frank on the carousel.
He’d tried to explain himself to his friend, but their prior offenses took precedence and the fighting got out of control. He could see the skull on Frank’s chest, the flashing lights as he struggled to maintain consciousness, the bitter metallic taste of blood filling his mouth as shards of mirror splintered and cracked under his skin. Tearing and ripping flesh and then blackness. He’d tried to scream out, that he had no hand in Frank’s family’s death, that Rawlins had told him they were at a separate location.
He’d tried to get there in time to find the space empty. He couldn't find them in time. He couldn’t stop it. He’d put off denying Rawlins and Bennet for so long to appease them, to keep their blood lust slated long enough to warn his friend. To tell him to leave town, but it’d not been enough. And when more and more names lined the hit list Billy would be sent he’d fought back, refusing to comply.
And he would have too, until Rawlins pulled the trump card and pulled up the video feed on a street corner, and you’d popped into frame. A red sniper dot focused on your back as you talked with a coworker, and Billy had folded like a cheap card table. As long as he didn’t step too far out of line you were safe, or so it seemed. Frank’s name appeared on the list, and his wife and his children.
Billy had refused, stating that he wouldn’t stand in the way of their plans to kill him so long as you were kept safe, but behind the scenes he’d attempted to sneak off, to warn his friend. Going to the location he thought they’d be, where he was lead to believe they'd been hiding out at, to find it empty and coming to find the blood of his former family coating the walls of another house he’d been unaware of. He had screamed in anguish , searching for his thought to be dead friend, never finding him, and thinking him gone for good.
He blinked away the tears that threatened to fall as he stood in the kitchen, you and Karen watching him intently as his eyes darted back and forth working through each new painful memory as it resurfaced, searing and brutal.
“Billy.” You whispered softly, reaching up to caress the side of his face, drawing his attention back to you. “Billy it’s going to be ok.” You didn’t care if it was a beautiful lie, you had him in this moment and needed him to come back to you fully.
He took a shaky breath, pulling you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head, breathing in your sweet scent. The aroma acting as a calming salve on his bruised and beaten heart. Karen was the first to speak up reluctantly.
“ You said you found some emails on a couple of drives?” She asked. You nodded, moving from Billy for only a split second to grab your bag that had all the new info you’d discovered recently. Handing over the hard drive, watching as she grabbed it, plugging it into her laptop resting nearby. “I’m going to need to let these run through my software to be on the safe side. Maybe you could grab Billy some of his old clothes from your place before we go to the next safe house?”
Billy blinked staring at the hard drives Karen was handling, a note of recognition in his eyes. You took his hand, bringing his attention back to you once more.
“I think that’s a good idea, you can shower and change into something that fits better.” You smiled, taking in the sweatpants that were obviously too short for his long legs.
“Go, I’m downloading what we need then I’ll text you the coordinates.” Karen interjected, suddenly very absorbed in the text appearing on her screen.
“Would that be…ok?” You asked looking up into his eyes, dying to see him in your shared apartment once more if even for just a brief moment to shower and change before heading out. He smiled, nodding and bending down to plant a kiss onto your waiting lips that stole the breath from your lungs.
And so you both took off into the morning, rays of sunlight dotting the path drying the wet patches of sidewalk along the way.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
HONKING. SHE HONKS. this honking snort while she curls up, vaguely slapping at you. 
SHE HATES BEIN TICKLED... for a bit, and then she’s a giggling mess of smiles.
SHE MIGHT BOLT TO GRA THE PRODUCTIVITRON TO GET A LEG UP. Wrap your arms around her torso tho and she’s going nowhere <3 she has zero muscle.
she looks,, so much lighter after, even if she’s gonna call you a dick <33 sometimes it’s nice to have a good laugh <3
QUITE LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. The most ticklish man alive. Feet and underarms get him worst.
JUST,, TRYNA LAZILY PUSH YOUR HANDS AWAY WHILE HE LOSES OXYGEN <33 he loves it so much. It’s such a blast.
HE GETS THIS COMPETITIVE, HAPPY GLINT IN HIS EYESSS <3333 he wiggles his fingers a bunch as a ‘threat’ before diving for you. A very cute affair.
he does this thing where he Scrunches his hands a bunch on wherever you’re ticklish. YOURE DONE. YOURE DONE.
This big, satisfied sigh when its all over. His cheeks are,, so rosy and sweet. Happiest fella in the world rn <3
he siblings used to tickle him. his fellow soldiers would mess with him too. HE CANNOT ESCAPE.
He might actually be worse than Brett smndsm. Try hard enough you can tickle any part of him - wiggly fingers just,, get him smdnsdm.
HIS LAUGH HIS HALFWAY BETWEEN WHEEZING AND,, TRILLING. he's 100% gonna cover his face bc he's Embarrassed by it. 
IF YOU’RE LUCKY YOU’LL GET HIS REALLY,, HAPPY STOMACH LAUGH <33 ITS VV LOUD AND HAPPY. PURE JOY. (I’m picturing the Justin McElroy laugh where it sounds like he’s Actually Dying mznxmcnxzc)
'I yield dammit!' lots of,, army swearing too.
Eventually he’s just gonna wrap you up in his arms tbh <3 bear hug, no escape, possibly ticking you back along your sides <3
HIS FEET ARE SO TICKLISH. Ticklish that if his socks are too textured he cant wear them bc he's get all giggly and squirmy smdnsd.
'this is not a battle you want to- NONONONO' before bursting into laughter. 
His laugh gets SUPER GOOFY <3 like when you laugh so hard that your inhales make a ‘slll’ noise??? IDK NOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT HE DOES THAT. WHERE ITS ALL SNIFFLY.
HE WILL KICK U (gently <3) MSNDMSD HE'S FLAILING HES SQUIRMING. fighting for his life.
HE’S ALSO CALLING FOR HELP. If y’all are at Cognito he’s gonna call out for Myc.
Myc will not help. Myc will in fact point out spots where hes more ticklish, and laugh his ass off in the corner <3
‘mhm - oh, don’t forget his achilles.’
‘AAAAAA- HA - HA MYC (derogatory)’
‘ooh Kinky- AH, AH NONO IM SORRY-’ 
SHOULDERS, UNDER ARMS AND RIBS. upper body in general, you can't get her w/ the feet.
SHE MAKES THIS,, AMAZING SQUEALING GIGGLE <33 'pouting' while giggling and trying to grab your wrists <3
SHE WILL ABSOLUTELY FLOP ON YOU. FULLY LIMP FLOP ON YOU. This till not hinder you but it does mean her face is gonna be smooshes into yours. 
Not above licking your face to catch you off guard and then Presto Reverso now YOURE GETTING TICKLED <3
She always has super long nails so,, she doesn’t even need to lift your shirt or anything smnds YOU’RE DONE FOR.
Eventually both of you will,, completely collapse into a giggling cuddle pile <3
THE ROOTS OF HIS TENTACLES. His laugh starts out as a little giggle until it’s a complete CRESCENDO.
You’re positively fucked buddy smdns you’re gettin tickled within and inch of your life and he’s gonna be laughin his ass off the whole time
‘aww lookit that, isn’t that sad- should’ve thought of that before, HUH?’
<333 eventually he’ll just flop u on the couch and tease you <3 talk about how stupid you look (affectionate)
might poke your cheeks while you catch your breath after. he thinks you’re cute when you’re all tired n happy. shh.
HIS STOMACHHHH. Sides, under his navel, that whole area.
The moment he sees those Fingers Poised To Attack he raises two hands like,, smsnd he's trying to calm a wild animal.
He Is not Fast Enough To Escape But He Sure Does Try To Bolt
His legs kick like he's being suffocated and LORD DOES HE BLUSH. BRIGHT RED AROUND THE EARS, hes a completely mess.
LOTS OF,, HOSTAGE JOKES. ‘No, no! I have money, I can pay you-hoo-hoo :(’ AND THE LIKE,, he cracks himself up sdmnsd
the moment you stop you’re Positively Fucked
Eventually he’s just gonna,, scoop you up in his arms and carry you upstairs to lay down <33 after so much goofing around,,, you two need a nice nap.
He very quickly learns that no matter what his answer is to the question Are You Ticklish is, he's gonna get tickled. The folly of man.
THANKFULLY HE'S PROTECTED BC,,, his sides n underarms aren't ticklish?? He'll just give you a very unimpressed smirk. He insists above everything he isn't ticklish. He's a flawless being, of course, why would you think he'd be ticklish?
.... it's his neck. Back of his neck + between his shoulder blades. His shoulders + hands jump up like he's been shocked + this massive panicked GASP
if you get him between the shoulderblades HE CAN'T EVEN REACH BACK TO GRAB YOUR HAND,, HE JUST HAS TO TWIST AROUND AND FLAIL. This is the most uncomposed you will ever catch him.
His voice box goes Fucking Nuts with glitches + clipping.
'you filthy cheat' and 'horrible, traitorous bastard' are wheezed out in between him trying to Escape Your Clutches. Biting his lip to try not to smile, failing miserably
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Generous offering
Yandere!Zhongli x gn!Fatui Harbinger!reader
CW:Yandere themes
There are several simple things one should know before dealing with the archons - be respectful and polite, speak only when you’re allowed to and most importantly - never forget that archons aren’t humans.
The first two rules are instinctive - it’s natural for humans to simper and bow before the forces far greater than them, while the latter is not; on the contrary it’s counterintuitive and unexpected. People tend to project, tend to humanize - they see kindness when there’s none and make a huge mistake of assuming that archons see things the way they see it.
Tsaritsa, for example, lacks humanity, despite holding the title of Goddess of Love. The love that she holds for you is different from love mothers and fathers give to their children, or love that young sweethearts share at night, it’s cold and impersonal and undeniably cruel.
Tsaritsa says that she loves all of you and she loves Snezhnaya, yet she lashes out a harsh and gruelling punishments at every perceived failure and rules her land with an iron fist, one would think that the cryo archon is a liar and a hypocrite, who uses pretty, flowery words to hide the atrocities she commits, but this perspective is flawed. Tsaritsa loves all of you and she loves Snezhnaya, she’s just not human enough to properly express this.
That’s why it’s a bit jarring to see the ancient lord of these lands in his mortal form - he lacks the same otherworldly terror and grandiose that every of Tsaritsa’s move and word carry, yet he also possesses the air of wisdom and elegance so refined that rare person can reach it. It’s easy to assume that he’s human.
Rex Lapis, or “Zhongli” as he calls himself now invites you to the Liuli pavillion the second day after your arrival, for tea and local cuisine as he says, and who are you to decline a God?
Liuli staff hurries and dashes around, preparing their best room for you - Fatui are known for their seemingly endless finances, no wonder they’re in haste. “Please make yourself comfortable, dear guests”, the waiter curtsies and leads you to the dining room, which happens to be richly furnished and decorated with high-quality darkwood furniture and the hand painted wall panels further accentuating the luxury of the restaurant.
One of these panels illustrate different scenes from the Liyuen mythos - a battle of mighty and wise adepti against the horde of demons, Rex Lapis aiding his people in building the Harbour and the most spectacular one - a majestic dark brown dragon with golden fur and feathers descending to the devoted worshippers, who in turn present him with their offerings and gratitude.
He orders tea and meals for both of you, as you start to converse about the plan that he is determined to bring into life - the so-called test of Liyue, and the guarantee of you obtaining his gnosis.
“And what about your colleague?”, he sips a bit of his tea, intense amber eyes piercing right through you. He looks both human and non-human in this moment, both undeniably mortal softness and frailty seen in his figure and the barely concealed divinity, the sense of awe slowly seeping into air mixing in one person.
“And what about him? Tsaritsa and you have negotiated everything beforehand, I will make sure that he plays his part properly”, he hums at your answer, lowering his gaze deep in thought. You start on your own tea.
Ah, Childe, if only he knew why exactly he’s here - a distraction and a scapegoat. You even feel bad for him - it’s truly unfair to be lied to by your own Goddess. However, it’s also not a big surprise - Childe is the loudest out of all Harbingers in all senses. Infamous for his skills and battle obsession, his name is enough to have people both shivering in fear and cursing him.
“What do you think of your archon? Was serving her of any use to you?”Rex Lapis unexpectedly asks.
You lean back in your seat, thinking what to say.
“Tsaritsa is a gentle soul, she declared war only to protect us, her subjects and I am ready to aid her in whatever undertaking she starts”.
“Will you continue to serve Tsaritsa, if her action might put you in danger, make you suffer and bring unnecessary grief?”, he leans closer to you, his human features distorting enough to reveal the ancient dragon sleeping inside. His eyes shine a cold golden glow and accurate fingernails morph into sharp, dark claws.
“Yes”, you breathe out, mesmerized and terrified by the sudden change: “Her love knows no bounds, yet she always puts the needs of the nation before anyone else. If my suffering can help Snezhnaya, then I will accept it with open arms”, he moves back at your answer, all draconic traces gone in an instance, upper corner of his lips subtly rising - whatever you said must’ve pleased him immensely.
The conversation flows back into the territory of plans to be realized, yet the cold sensation of dread still clings to you, your gut feeling yelling at you to get up and run. You remain seated to the end of your meeting, politely conversing with the God that terrifies you.
Days slowly grow into weeks and Childe acts just as you have expected - the Eleventh Harbinger might be smart, yet even he wouldn’t be able to see what two of you are scheming. Still, you request Ekaterine, a spy you planted in Northland bank, to keep you updated on the Tartaglia’s actions - extra caution never hurts.
You continue to meet up with geo archon, as you two discuss your next actions. Tartaglia has started cooperating with that blonde foreigner Signora has warned you about, and while this union doesn’t pose any threat to your plans, it’s always good to have a plan B, just in case something happens.
Sometimes your conversation develops into a more unexpected direction, as you find the archaic lord more chatty and tending to ramble, than any of Liyuen historians would dare to picture him as. One on such occasion he talks with you about dragons - benevolent deities who protect and bless their people in an exchange of generous offerings.
His eyes devour you, as he retells you ancient folktales and you suppress your discomfort, preferring to attribute his honestly unnerving behaviour down to his lack of humanity - he was never human in the first place.
That’s why you also prohibit yourself from viewing him as anything but God - Rex Lapis in his “Zhongli” persona is genuinely attractive, he’s well-mannered and obviously handsome and far more knowledgeable than any mortal should be. If you didn’t know of his true nature you would have fallen for him by now - it’s hard not to.
Life, how strange that wouldn’t sound, goes as usual - you get Ekaterine’s report on what Childe’s up to and if it’s something unexpected you book a Liuli pavilion room and send an invitation to the funeral parlour consultant. You only need to wait until Childe gets desperate enough and decides to use the sigils of permission to unleash the well-awaited chaos.
This routine however is soon broken by the appearance of familiar ashy-white hair in the distance. She doesn’t wear her signature mask or dress, nor are there agents at both of her sides, yet you can still clearly recognize her. Signora leaves the Wangsheng building in haste, cape with the hood concealing most of her face and figure, except the long locks of hair, peeking from inside.
What is she doing here?
You thought that Tsaritsa sent two of her servants - Tartaglia and you, him to “test” Liyue, you to oversee the former’s actions and obtain gnosis, there’s no need to send her too.
Your mind races, as you search for a logical explanation of Signora’s presence as your memory supplies the piece of first conversation you had with “Zhongli” - could it be that Tsaritsa also sent you to play a role you have no idea of?
Cryo archon is a goddess of love and her love is cruel and unforgiving, she has sacrificed countless chess pieces before, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she did that again - you are nothing but a pawn after all, one of the tools she uses to exact her will and force her vision, all of the Harbingers are.
You want to believe that you can accept and resign to whatever hardship and fate your Goddess might subject you to. You can’t.
Adepti and Qixing converse at the pier of the seaport, as you hurry to the Northland Bank, a slight smile playing on your lips - Childe has finally done it - he summoned an ancient god to lure out Rex Lapis, ultimately proving that Liyue can stand without him.
There are sounds of heated argument heard when you open the building’s door and then you see it - Signora and Tartaglia exchanging barely concealed insults and “Zhongli” standing nearby.
“[Harbinger]? What are you doing here?”, the ginger shifts his gaze onto you, a rare emotion of hurt and disbelief flickering in his dead fish eyes. “Of course, Tsaritsa sent you too”, he smiles, angry and disappointed. “Seems that whole world wants to make a bad guy out of me”, he stomps out of the room, leaving you with Signora and “Zhongli”
“Signora'', you acknowledge each other, after she trails exiting Childe with her eyes.
“I am here to take the gnosis of Rex Lapis”, she says and you nod, accepting that your Goddess lied to you too: “Tsaritsa also asked me to give you this letter”, she extends her arm, a thick envelope with the familiar seal catching your attention.
With the trembling hands you snatch it out of her hold and almost rip the envelope - for what reason did Tsaritsa send you here?
She writes that you need to stay in Liyue for an undetermined period of time to upkeep “the agreement” made between her and Rex Lapis. You read her message silently, yet when your eyes trace over these words, the sensation of “ “Zhongli’s” eyes on you becomes ten times sharper and stifling. You don’t know what to do.
The other Harbinger leaves too, taking the gnosis with her, as “Zhongli” takes a couple of steps to you, touching your shoulder in a somewhat reassuring gesture. “[First]”, he starts, tone sympathetic and soothing. You don’t fall for it.
“You had your hand in it, didn't you?”, you hiss and accuse, throwing an angry glance at him, momentarily forgetting about the first two rules of dealing with archons.
He smiles, revealing two sharp fangs, his surprisingly scaly hands snaking around yours. “Yes”, Rex Lapis admits, and looks nothing like gentle and knowledgeable “Zhongli”. How could you forget? Archons aren’t humans, humanity is just a fancy dress they don to toy with mortals. He is the dragon, not the benevolent deity that is painted on the wall panels of Liuli pavillion, but a greedy and ancient creature, hungry for gifts and gratitude.
You are his generous offering.
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