#she’s alive and well trust me gang!
cvnt4him · 3 months
Emergency request bc I’m literally struggling so bad and feeling neglected as shit rn
ofc if you’re up to it pooks ik ur alr stressing over stuff and I don’t want to make it worse :(
Maybe some iida or monoma x reader that try’s hard to do stuff but always gets neglected? Thanks pooks 💕
I hope I got to this in enough time for you, I'm sorry for whatever you're going through n trust you're not making my situation any worse, you're actually helping me get rid of writers block so ty for this n I hope this reaches you well and is what you hoped for🫶🏽🫶🏽
mha boys x reader.
Included; izuku midoriya, kirishima ejirou, bakugou katsuki, tenya iida, monoma neito, denki kaminari.
Not in order.
Genre: angst? comfort/feel-good/fluff.
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Izuku midoriya is none other than a saint. He helps everyone around him and he strives to keep his good boy/golden boy title. You admire him for that and you know others do, you also know one day he'll not only be yours but belong to the world. It gets to you but you try so hard to not let it.
When you two started dating no one knew at first, but izuku couldn't just stand by and let people not know that you were his. That he finally had a girlfriend who thought he was worthy of love. You truly felt that he deserved to be loved and he felt so seen with you, more than anyone else had ever made him feel.
Sooner or later after people found out, people began giving you such disgusting looks. Mostly girls you noticed. They would whisper about you when you were alone and look at you with mean and disgusted looks and they would laugh at you while you walked. No matter what you did you always had eyes on you. People laughing at the way you ate or spoke or dressed, it was draining.
You knew why it was happening and you tried so hard not to let it get to you. But none of that could even begin to compare to once your friends found out the two of you were dating.
You walked into the girls locker room to see all of the girls standing in a circle, you had already heard through the door they were having a conversation however you didn't exactly try to make out what they were saying. They all turned to look at you before slowly looking away to continue dressing, the silence had gotten rather too loud for your liking. They were just having a conversation before, why stop now that you were there? It bugged you the wrong way but you didn't want to make a commotion.
"so you and midoriya?"
Mina questions looking you up and down with a pointed look. She was one of your best friends, why was she looking at you like you're being investigated in a murder?
"uh.. yeah! We're dating."
You confirmed turning away to finish undressing. She hummed sucking her teeth and crossing her arms.
"you're dating him.. whilst knowing ochako liked him the whole time?"
She instigates, trying to get you to admit something. What the hell? Why would she say this? It's not your fault ochako didn't confess to izuku in enough time. It's not your fault he agreed to date you. It's not your fault he wanted everyone to know, so why was she trying to grill you like it was?
"look. I don't know what you're trying to get out of me, but--"
"just that you're a backstabbing bitch."
Silence filled the room once more as you scoffed clearly offended. She and the other girls stared at you with such disgusted and disappointed looks. You look around the room to see everyone staring at you with hatred and spite.
"are you fucking kidding me?!"
You ask around looking at all of them, there was no way they all hated you this much because you liked a boy.
"I mean.. you did kind of steal him off from under her.."
"you knew she liked him. Kind of bitchy."
"what about girl code, dude"
All the girls began saying their own opinions ganging up on you and practically eating you alive. They all shared their own fair share of mean words and side eyes before you finished getting dressed and slammed your locker shut making them all quiet down.
"fuck all of you."
You spat out while flipping them all off and leaving the room. You couldn't believe they're trying to decapitate you because ochako didn't have the balls to do what you did. Why does that make you a bad person.
The week started getting harder and harder as everyone, even some of the boys who knew ochako liked deku, started distancing themselves from you, al because of what mina would whisper in their ears, feeding them whatever she could pin in her web. And like the idiot fools they were, they believed her.
You were being neglected by your friends, all because you liked a boy. It began to be too much for you. Putting up this front for everyone who didn't even bother to see it or even your side of the story. You can't be happy with someone who has all these people liking them and making you feel shitty for also liking them. Maybe you'd have to break up with izuku.
When you came to him with this information he was furious. But not even with ochako or mine. With everything. The fact you'd been feeling shitty and didn't tell him and the fact you didn't tell him these people were bothering you. Izuku loves you more than he does himself and he isn't afraid to show that. He also loves his friends but he isn't going to let these people sit here and make you feel like shit because you're together.
He held you close that night, assuring you he wouldn't let this stand any longer. He was going to confront everyone for whatever they said to you and he wouldn't give a single shit about it. You were his and he loves you.
"I'm sorry for the way you've been feeling, love. I'm sorry that people have been treating you shitty and neglecting you because of our relationship. But you don't need any of them as long as you have me."
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Tenya iida, one of the most compassionate hard working and caring people anyone has ever been graced to know. He is strong resilient and brave. He cares so much about everyone and it's so admirable. Some people see him as a wack job robot who just yells and screams or dotes too hard but to you he's perfect. An angel sent from the heavens above.
You've been working hard on something for a really long time. You hadn't told anyone about it because when you planned on it you wanted to also tell them the good news that would come with it. However that good news nevwr came. What you were doing wasn't good enough and it effectsd you deeply. Your grades fell, you started getting rather sluggish with your movements and you jardlt had the energy for anhone kr anyrhing.
Not getting the good news for what you've done was draining. It drained you to the point you wanted to break down and cry, yet nothing would come out. When people told you what you worked hard on, for so long, wasn't enough. It broke you, scarred you deeper than you could even begin to imagine. But tenya seen, he seen how you began to act, how you began to look more and more dead, how you'd began neglecting yourself. It was all too much for him to bear or watch you go through alone. He couldn't sit by and watch the love of his life perish.
Tenya held you in your dorm and let you cry on his shoulder for as long as you needed, having tissues on standby and rubbing your head gently. Placing kisses on top of your forehead and shushing you lightly as you both cuddled, he would be patient with you. He would wait until you were ready to talk or open up about what you were going through, but for now he wanted you to know you were loved and that he was proud of you.
"I love you, y/n. So much more than you could possibly fathom. I see you, and I am so incredibly proud of you. You are worthy and deserve someone who would move heaven and earth for you, I hope I am adequate enough for you."
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Dating bakugou katsuki was hard. Not because he was an angry fiery shit head, but because he had such a burning passion for what he did. He never stopped striving and fighting to get what he wanted. He knew what he wanted and grasped at it and held onto it tight. It was nothing less than admirable.
The fact he could come back to you and tell you he loves you was admirable. He loved you and that meant so much to you. You loved him just as much and tried so hard to show up and be there for him. Through thick and thin, lows and highs, you wanted to be by his side regardless. He loved you for that reason alone, but he'd give you so many other reasons why he loves you.
He seen how hard you were working, how hard you were trying, how no one dared to even glance at you. He seen a faller bird that had potential and was worthy. Bakugou katsuki seen you. He wanted you and promised you he'd love you.
But for fucks sake, it always angered him to watch you get in such moods. To watch you neglect yourself and struggle with bad things. To put yourself under so much pressure and stress for no reason. When you'd cry your eyes out alone because you were tired.
He wanted to do so many things to you in that moment, but all his body could do was rush to you and hold you. He held you tightly, his fingers digging into the side of your hip. He buried his face in your neck and inhaled your sweet scent that always made him go feral.
You were his and he wouldn't dare let you sit here and feel shitty over whatever it was that was making you feel this way. He pushed and poked at every corner he could to get you to talk. Once you did he told you to shut the fuck up. You wanted to cry even more but you were sure he had reason to it.
And boy did he, he had such caring words laced with such menas things that were all wrapped in the cutest bow. He was emotionally constipated and had a hard time making people feel better. But watching him slightly struggle to find nice words to make you feel better while holding you close in his arms makes you feel so much better. Giggling at how he stammered over his words and how he tried to uphold a gentle voice to match the gentle strokes of his fingers on your side.
"look.. just. sigh. You're great okay. I love you and I'm not gonna just sit here n' let you whine n' shit for nothin'. Don't let whatever stupid shit is bothering you get t'ya. Or I'll beat yer' fuckin' ass."
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Being kirishima eijirou's girlfriend was nothing other than a pure utter blessing. To be blessed with such an amazing caring and helpful boyfriend like him was genuinely a gift from the god above. He treated you like a queen who deserved to be worshipped.
It didn't take long for him to notice how hard you were struggling with things. He made sure before you got back to his dorm that it was all cozy and comfortable for you. One of the most romantic gestures he could have ever done for you. The way he had his laptop on his bed with so many plushies and comfortable pillows, and the fluffy cover he has and all the snacks you could ever imagine. He was nothing more than a blessing.
He held you tight and let you watch whatever you wanted, kirishima doesn't care about weight or anything like that, [yes I had to add this bit, bite me.] He loves training and working out with you, sure but he would never force you to do those things. He wants you to be nothing but comfortable with him and your body, so he would never shame you for how much you are or how you are in front of him. He loves you, all of you and he made sure you knew that. He kissed you and told you he loved you so many times. You fell asleep in his arms while he whispered sweet nothings in your ear.
"I love you.. I hope this could make you feel better. I will always be here for you."
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Denki kaminari. Where to even begin with him. He was such a funny guy that it was hard to tell when he was joking or being serious about committing arson. He always made sure you knew that he loved you. He always hung by you and stayed by your side. He wouldn't ever tell you but he was a bit insecure. There were some things about himself he wished he could change for you, some things he wished he could do for you. He never intended to bring himself down but sometimes he thought you were this super cool goddess who was worthy of something more than a tiny little pebble like him. He felt like he was gum beneath your shoe.
Denki knew he wasn't good at a lot of things, he knew he could be dumb or even useless at times but when he seen how short you were feeling and how you would start crying because of how stressed you were he couldn't just sit by and let you feel this way.
He let you vent to him like you laid in his arms. He let you out face masks on him and let you do his hair or paint his nails or draw on him and just let your rant to him about all of your worries and woes. He wanted you to feel the way you made him feel so he tried hard to keep his mouth shut and listen. Whenever he'd notice you quieting down because you thought he was getting tired of listening he'd ask you "why'd you stop?" It'd make you feel so happy to have someone like him.
Finally after you were finished he decided to carefully pick and close his words to make himself sound just a bit smarter and more cool for you.
"hey...I'm sorry that you're going through this.. I wish there was something a bit more that I could uhm.. do? I don't want you to feel like I'm a burden but I promise you I'm here for you, if you ever want to vent like this again or just have someone to talk to, or-- or even just sit in silence with someone.. I'm here."
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Neito monoma, he's quite the distinguished fellow. He always hated class 1A and he seemed to make his whole personality about just that. Or so you thought. You two getting together was not on your 2024 bingo. But he knew how to make you feel things.
He gave you butterflies by just smiling. His laugh was loud and carefree. He wasn't afraid to boast and brag about anything you did, he even did it in front of you. It was hard to feel insecure with him around. He wanted the world to know you were better than them, especially class 1A.
He would give you flowers or cute bows or just things he felt you'd like. He learned you and your every move well. He'd even practice certain conversations before the two of you have them. He felt you were rather predictable in an exciting way. A way that could never make him unlove you.
You being in a bad mood angered him, he confronted you about it and was so ready to beat someone's ass. With his words. But once you assured him why you were feeling this way his gaze softened. He grabbed you by your shoulders and pulled you into a hug. One that felt like it could last an eternity. One that you hoped would.
He sighed and just held you for a while and took it to his bed which led to a cuddle sesh. He rubbed your shoulder while you buried your face in his chest, he felt the way your breath fanned all over him and it made a shiver go down his spine.
You listen to his heartbeat and breathe in as much of him as you could, you were afraid if you didn't take all of him in right now he might disappear. Every time he kissed your forehead lightly or peppered kisses over your ear snapped you back into reality and helped you realize this was real, that he was real and was with you. That he loved you and would do anything for you.
"I love you darling and I hope you know just how much I do. I'm rather angry that you hadn't told me how you were feeling but I suppose I can let it go for now.. get some rest, my love."
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AN: so I decided to make it a to character thing n don't even mind that I basically made a whole story for izukus... We all know how I feel ab him..
Also off topic and not that anyone cares but I'm thinking ab updating my masterlist yk? Js make it more aesthetically pleasing to myself. Also I wrote this all in one go, this took ab maybe two hours?????
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celestemona · 1 year
but you don’t respect the law
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pairing: neuvillette x fem former gang leader! reader
reblogs and comments are appreciated ♡
when you first started dating Neuvillette, the looks you both got on the street were pure admiration and a touch of envy. after all, it was no wonder why when the two of you exuded an unshakable elegance and the stares you exchanged with each other drew long sighs from even the most unromantic person.
wherever you went together people would whisper in delight, gossiping about your last date and pointing out on how you filled in what the other lacked. from your charming, mysterious personality to Neuvillette's seriousness and honesty, you and him were considered the most famous, beautiful and powerful couple in Fontaine — the definition of perfect for each other.
but many still wondered how the Chief Justice got his heart stole after spending the last few years rejecting any potential partners, because even the most senior citizens of the capital remember only seeing the iudex accompanied only by the eccentric hydro archon, to whom he served more as a responsible guardian than a right hand.
the truth was that for nearly a decade you had been in Neuvillette's crosshairs. or rather, in the crosshairs of the law.
what the hydro nation’s population didn’t imagine was that behind your sweet smiles and kind words was hiding an ambitious, astute woman and former head of one of the most famous illegal organizations in Fontaine with connections throughout Teyvat. and for years you managed to manage and expand your business without the goddess herself being suspicious of all the illegal activities that went on under her nose.
at that time, you didn't know which of the fontanian authorities to watch out for and so you loosened the reins. unfortunately or not, that was your downfall so you couldn't hide from the Chief Justice for very long — in fact, you actually did.
the only relationship that Neuvillette had for all the decades (centuries) he was alive was with his responsibility, therefore, it wasn’t difficult for you to use the art of persuasion and seduction to get rid of the main objectives of the man who was to take you to court and condemn you for your crimes.
for months you've been successful in your escapes, using your wiles, wits and contacts to hide any evidence that could land you in trial.
however, it wasn't until you ended up stumbling into your own trap that you found yourself willingly surrendering to the dragon-man.
it was only when you partially abandoned the illegal business that you then started dating, though. Neuvillette might love you irrevocably but he wouldn't date someone who was involved in fraud or smuggling — besides, you too were tired of your old life and so left your leader's chair to your most faithful and trusted friend.
although you now had a good business as a florist in the hydro capital, you still pulled strings to smuggle some rare flowers from Sumeru or seeds only found in the heart of Natlan to your shop. Neuvillette would usually stare at you in disapproval, but then forget to give you a lecture for the way you managed to distract him with kisses and sweet talk.
“last time this month, my love. i promise."
“ma chérie, you said that last week.”
“i know i know! but do you know Colette? that kind lady who always offers us the freshest macarons from her thursday batches? she loved the popularity of Kalpalatas in her bakery and made me an order of sixty of them, can you believe that? Kalpalatas are not easy to find, mon amour. no no.”
Neuvillette could only sigh in weariness, the silver engagement ring on his right ring finger glinting as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“make sure the goods arrive before dawn on tuesday.”
smiling mischievously you declared “i love you.”
even if this new life was quite different from your original character, no one could dispute how it fit you so well. even your former subordinates had only positive comments to make about how the domestic routine suited you. and you really wouldn't change a thing about it because you were never as happy as you were with the man who lay down beside you every night, and dawned with his arms tightly around you.
if anything, you wouldn't change anything in your life because that way you would never meet Neuvillette.
even if there was still so much difference between the two of you, there couldn't be a better relationship of companionship and understanding than that.
that must be the reason why that instead of running away again, you preferred to be caught.
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dlscenarios · 9 months
Can you write Mikey with a reader who enjoys taking care of him and being affectionate but they aren't dating, so he assumes it's just her personality.
He does love her but finds out she only does that with him because she loves him too. Which leads to a returned confession while he takes her home on his bike.
With a smutty detour or five😅💖
Kiss It Better
Cw: SPOILERS FOR THE FINAL FEW CHAPTERS, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH (not detailed), Smut, AFAB Reader, Oral Sex (AFAB Receiving), Surprisingly very tame smut ngl. I MIGHT write a side drabble that's dirtier smut.
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Manjiro Sano saw himself as a monster. He had lost so much within the span of a few years and was still only a kid. Through his family and friends' murders, he had to quell his depression every day in order to be the leader he desperately wanted to be. Like his brother had once been. To his surprise, you stayed with him through it all, holding him as tight as you had when you were little. You were his only source of comfort.
It started as you going to the same elementary school. One day, Mikey had invited you over to his house for a playdate, allowing you to meet his other friends and his siblings. The two of you grew older and Manjiro had created his own gang - inspired by his big brother - and you were the boys' personal nurse. You would patch up Mikey and his friends with a smile on your face, softly kissing the leader's bandaged cuts like a mother would.
Even as everything fell apart for Manjiro, you opted to stay by his side. While he never argued, he had a gut feeling that him being this close to you wouldn't end well. He had become an infamous gang leader, even after he had disbanded Toman for the sake of his friends. He would always be the "Invincible Mikey" and other gangs hated him for it.
He should have trusted his gut and cut you off. One day, after the creation of the Kanto Manji gang, Manjiro had learned that you had been murdered. A note addressed to him was found by your body, not stating who had ended your life at such a young age but declaring war on Mikey.
Losing you was the final straw. After your death, Manjiro felt nothing. His dark impulses could no longer be suppressed. The only thing on his mind was to kill anyone that dared to look at him the wrong way.
During the battle against Takemichi and the original Toman, Maniro Sano's life finally got better. After coming to his senses - after stabbing Takemichi - he and the time leaper traveled into the past, farther than even Takemichi had been able to go. The two were little kids again and, this time, Mikey swore to help Takemichi save everyone, especially you.
Meeting you again, seeing your bright smile again, was all Mikey had wished for since your death. His heart fluttered when you walked up to him in class and introduced yourself. He couldn't stop himself from immediately pulling you into a tight hug, which he later apologized for after pulling away. The two of you grew up just like in the other timeline, you being Toman's personal nurse, except this time, everyone survived.
The date that you died in the other reality had been engraved into Manjiro's brain. Now that everyone was alive and happy, he thought it would be a day like any other. To his surprise, that was the very day you confessed your feelings.
Mikey's heart dropped. Did you have feelings for him in the other timeline? Would you have confessed then had you not been killed?
You sat anxiously next to him, his dark eyes wide and beginning to shine with tears. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around you, as tight as his hug was when you'd first met.
His voice was shaky as he finally replied, "I love you." You smiled and returned his embrace, burying your nose in his shoulder.
From that day on, Mikey's friends knew you as his partner. They could all tell he was over the moon to be with you, Takemichi had even cried and hugged his best friend.
Eventually, it was 2018, the year Takemichi was originally from. He and Manjiro had finally gotten an ending where everyone was alive and happy. Mikey swore he had never cried as much as he did at Takemichi's wedding. His existence had done something good for once. The entire day, he kept stealing glances of you, admiring how pretty you were all dressed up and smiling at how surreal it felt to officially be yours.
It's been a long time coming.
After arriving home from the wedding, Manjiro stopped you before you could walk further into the house, spinning you around to kiss you.
"I love you." He muttered, locking the door behind him.
You smiled, "I love you too."
He returned your grin and placed his hands on your waist, resting his forehead on yours, "You're so pretty."
Mikey suddenly picked you up and carried you off to the bedroom. After gently laying you down, he kissed you again, deeper than the first. His affections moved across your face, down your neck, and had eventually reached your chest. He nuzzled into your collar as he unzipped you from your outfit.
Once you were left in your underwear, his hands moved down to ghost up your legs. You spread your legs as Mikey gently pushed you further into the mattress before he nipped at your chest. One of his hands snaked up to paw at your breast as his kisses got lower.
His finger hooked into your underwear and shifted it aside, allowing him to place a soft kiss to your clit. His dark eyes were locked on your face as his tongue teased you. Your fingers laced themselves in his dark hair, making him groan into you when you would lightly pull.
One of your legs moved on its own, draping itself over Manjiro's shoulder. He briefly parted from your skin to kiss your thigh.
"You're so pretty, baby." He purred, his hand replacing his spot in between your legs, thumb catching your clit. He smirked as you moaned lowly. "Love you so much."
He moved up to kiss you, the thumb that was just on your clit now gently rubbing your cheek. You could feel the bulge in his pants as he pressed his body into yours. His nose lightly touched yours as he chuckled.
"My pretty baby."
Your arms wrapped around him as one of his hands went to pull down his pants, enough space to take out his cock. He teased your core with the tip, grinning at the mewl you let out, before slowly sliding into you. Manjiro knew he wasn't the biggest, but he knew he could easily touch every one of your most sensitive spots.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he thrusted into you, holding you close with one arm, his other gripping the sheets beside your head. His pace was slow but fast enough to not be teasing.
Manjiro kissed the side of your head, "Love you so fucking much. 'M so glad you're mine." He let go of your body to travel his hand down to your clit, rubbing the nub faster than he had been thrusting.
His hand quickly brought you to your orgasm. Your hips rolled into his as he coaxed you through your high. You whined as it faded and Mikey kissed your cheek.
"So good for me, baby. You did so good. I'm so close." He whispered, his pace quickening slightly. Eventually, his hips thrusted deeper than they had, his hot cum flowing into you as Manjiro groaned into your shoulder.
Both of you stilled, waiting for your heartbeats to calm down. Mikey’s hand caressed your hip as he smiled down at you. Your own hands were in his hair while you returned his grin.
He finally got a happy ending.
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shaykappa · 2 years
Favourite/Funniest Line's from Crooked Kingdom
"Let's go." "Me?" "No the idiot behind you."
"How is-" "Nina is fine. Jesper is fine. Everyone is fine except for me because I am stuck with a gang of hand-wringing nursemaids."
"Now why can't people be this easily trained?" Kaz murmured as he crouched to oblige the dog with a belly rub.
"Did you know I am next in line for the Fjerdan throne? They call me Princess Ilse of Engelsberg." "There is no princess of Engelsberg. It's a fishing town."
"Has anyone noticed this whole city is looking for us, mad at us, or wants to kill us?" "So?" "Well, usually it's just half the city."
"Big, blond and blind. The Fjerdan way."
"If I live I'll buy you waffles." "You don't have enough money to buy her waffles."
"Do you know what Van Eck's problem is?" "No honor?" "Rotten parenting skills?" "Receding hairline?"
"Isn't that how things are done around here? We all tell Kaz we are fine and the do something stupid?" "Are we that predictable?" "Yes."
"It seems everyone is forming alliances." "They're called friendships Kaz."
"You are very welcome Nina Zenik. You may repay me in the costumary way." "Waffles?" "Lots of them."
"I need to do this. I've never been to my mother's grave. I am not leaving Kerch without saying goodbye." "Trust me, you care more than she does."
"You are stupid about a lot of things Wylan, but you are not stupid. And if I ever hear you call yourself a moron again, I am going to tell Matthias you tried to kiss Nina. With tongue." "He' ll never believe it." "Then I 'll tell Nina you tried to kiss Matthias. With tongue."
"Come on, let's do steal all my dad's money. "Isn't it your money?" "Okay, let's go steal it back."
"I think you 'd flirt with a date palm if it would pay you any attention." "If I flirted with a plant, you can bet it would stand up and take notice."
"Yes, yes, Nina Zenik is hungry. Now, will someone feed me before I am forced to cook one of you?" "Don't be ridiculous. You don't know how to cook."
"On a dare I ate a literal through full of waffles and nearly went back for seconds."
"Pick up the pace." "If I spill a single drop of this it will burn straight through the floor onto my father's dinner guests." "Take your time."
"I am Dunyasha, the White Blade, trained by the Sages of Ahmrat Jen, the greatest assassin of this age." "Doesn't ring a bell."
"Fate brought me here." "And does fate pay your wages?"
"My parents thought I would drown because I crawled into the sea as a baby, laughing." "Perhaps they were worried you would talk yourself to death."
"Kaz. You may not be glad we are alive, but we are glad you are alive."
"You are better than waffles, Matthias Helvar." "Let's not say things we don't mean, my love."
"Are you mad?" "I'd probably be happier if I was."
"You have to be the craziest bastard I ever met." "I'll take that as a compliment."
"My leg! My leg!" "I recommend a cane."
"What is wrong with him?" "Same thing that's always wrong with him. He's Kaz Brekker."
Jesper followed Wylan down the hall. "Hey." Wylan kept going.
"Jes, I 've thought about this-" "Thought of me? Late at night? What was I wearing?"
Wylan ran his tongue over his lips and spat in his father's face.
He was pale, with tufty orange brows and a hunched posture that gave him the look of a giant shrimp.
He felt bad for the guy. Not bad enough to wake him up and untie him, but still.
"I 've been shot!" He had not been shot.
"How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?"
"Tell you what. When the day comes, mark it on your calendars. I can think of a lot of people who 'll want to throw a party.
"Wait. Is my tie straight?"
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pinksturniolo · 6 months
Robbers - A Chris Sturniolo One Shot (AU)
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Chris Sturniolo is a part of The Disciples, one of the most notorious Portuguese gangs in Boston. For the past year and a half, you’ve witnessed him take part in the most dangerous crimes. But what happens when one day, you're forced to participate with him? You know it’s extremely toxic and goes against all your morals. Despite that, you just can’t help the way you love him, the way you would do anything for him. Even rob a gas station.
Content Warnings: smut, raw penetration, fingering, oral, themes of criminal activity and violence, mentions of shooting, guns, and blood. descriptions of gunshot wounds, gun play, drugs and drug use, smoking, use of alcohol, murder, robbery, toxic relationship
a/n: I do not condone any actions in this story or promote gun violence. I do not intend in any way shape or form to offend anyone. This is one is a little dark and has a lot of mature themes as well as a gun kink, which can be uncomfortable for people. Please only read what you can handle. <3
word count: 6,452 (!!!!) ik it's long but pls read it all, i spent a lot of time on this one.
Watch this music video before reading, just trust me: The 1975 - Robbers (Official Video) (Explicit) (youtube.com)
Fall 2025
You drop your cigarette to the ground, your sneaker snuffing out the cherry as you crush it against the wet concrete. There’s a light drizzle tonight, temperatures dipping as early September arrives in the city of Boston.
You sigh, leaning your head against the brick wall and tucking your hands into the hoodie of your pocket. What’s taking him so long?
Your boyfriend had been inside the house for 30 minutes now and it was making you nervous. Each time you went with him to these types of jobs, you were scared. You would never let him see that, but you were always worried something bad was going to happen.  
Granted, he knew how to take care of himself perfectly fine, but it was the other people he was meeting up with you didn’t trust. You were constantly on edge every time you would wait for him, anxious whether he would come back to you alive.
He didn’t like the idea of you coming along with him at first, but when you convinced him it didn’t make a difference whether you stayed home and waited for him or if you came along, he eventually gave in, making you take a gun with you just in case you needed to use it.
He had taken his time to teach you how to hold and shoot it properly, making sure you wouldn’t fuck up and accidentally shoot yourself. He taught you a lot of things, like how to throw a good punch without breaking your hand, how to roll a blunt the right way, how to steal from the liquor store without getting caught.
You met Chris almost a year and a half ago now, at a mansion party one of your friends had dragged you to one night. She begged you to go, saying her friend Jonah there knew a guy, who knew a guy, that knew this one guy that had the best weed in the city.
She failed to mention this guy was a member of The Disciples. His name was Chris Sturniolo and he was known to beat up anyone who crossed him. You had heard rumors before about him, he sold a lot of drugs, and he didn’t fuck around when it came to his money.
So naturally, you were a little intimidated when you were introduced, sitting next to him on the large plush white couch. His friends sat around him, smoking and talking amongst themselves, and you noticed the looks they gave you and your friend. You definitely stuck out like a sore thumb.
“Hi, I’m Layla, my friend Jonah said you could get me some K2.” Your friend said, like she had done this a thousand times before.
“What’s up Layla. Who’s your friend?” Chris asked, looking straight to you.
You fought the urge to shrink into the couch, his piercing gaze burning into you. His long hair stuck out from his beanie, smoke filtering through his nose as he inhaled the joint he was puffing on.
“Uh, this is Y/N.” She replies, looking at you hesitantly. “She’s a little shy.”
You smiled awkwardly, the look in his eyes still making you squirm in your seat.
“You look too good to be here, mama.” he says, grabbing a baggie from his pocket, handing it to Layla. She takes it, getting the money from her pocket to give in return but he simply shakes his head. “Keep it.”
She looks shocked, looking at you again and you shrug, unsure why this drug dealer is giving you both a free pass. His eyes haven’t left you, looking you up and down without shame. You feel like he’s undressing you with his eyes but the longer you make eye contact with him, you don’t feel uncomfortable. You feel curious, like there’s a magnetic pull in between you two.
“Want a taste?” he asks, motioning with his head for you to come closer, holding out the joint for you to try.
You hesitate for a few seconds before you scoot closer to him on the couch, your thigh now brushing his. He smirks and holds the joint close to your mouth as you close the gap, leaning forward a little to wrap your lips around it, slightly touching his fingertips.
You take a small hit, inhaling the smoke into your lungs as you lean back into place, his eyes on your mouth as you exhale.
Your friend Laya feels the obvious tension that’s now in the room, watching the interaction between you two. “I’m gonna go find Jonah.” She says to you, and you simply nod, never breaking eye contact with Chris.
The loud music of the party vibrates through the room, making it hard to hear but you don’t need to exchange words to know what you both are thinking. He takes another hit, holding the smoke in his mouth as he leans even closer to you, placing a hand on your jaw, silently telling you to open your mouth. When you do, he hovers his lips over yours, blowing the smoke into your mouth and you inhale, holding it for a few seconds until you blow it out.
He then moves his head down, placing a single soft kiss on your neck, directly under your jaw and whispers in your ear, “Meet me in the bathroom.”
Needless to say, you’ve been attached to each other since that night, a whirlwind romance from the start.
Chris finally comes around the side of the house, backpack around his shoulder. You sigh in relief, and he smiles when he sees you, putting an arm around your waist as you walk next to him towards the car. “Worried about me, baby?” He teases, opening the passenger side door for you.
“Always.” You reply and he closes the door, walking around to get into the driver’s seat, throwing the bag in the back. He takes off, one hand on the steering wheel and the other rests on your thigh. You can’t help but notice something a little off about him though. He’s not very talkative like he usually is, and his hand grips the wheel a little too hard, his body tense.
“Chris, what happened in there? Why did it take so long?” You ask, looking at him until he finally makes eye contact with you. And what you see makes your stomach turn because you see an emotion across his face that you’ve never seen before.
He licks his lips nervously, looking back to the road. He knows that you noticed. “We’ll talk once we get back to the house, okay?” he replied, giving a reassuring squeeze on your thigh.
You were only about 10 or 15 minutes away, but you had a strong feeling that something was really wrong. “Don’t bullshit me. Tell me now.” You demand. He looks at you, not liking the tone of your voice. “Please.” You add a little softer and he sighs, knowing that you wouldn’t let it go that easily.
“The deal went fine. Jason seemed to be satisfied with the profit from last month. But he wants me to do a job next weekend…” He starts, looking more nervous by the minute.
“Okay? What job?” You pry, not understanding what was wrong. Jason is Chris’s “boss” and usually gives the orders on what to do. He also supplies Chris with all the drugs he needs to sell, cutting him in on half the earnings. Which is considered generous in his line of work. As long as Chris does whatever he asks.
“He wants me to hit a gas station. The one on the corner of South Street. But it’s not just any old gas station. It’s a front for a drug spot and they’re stealing a lot of our customers. So, I gotta bust it. But Jason doesn’t want anyone dead, he’s gonna have some of his guys go in after I’m done and take them to the warehouse. I just gotta get away with the cash and drugs.” He explains.
“By yourself? What about Tommy?” You ask. Tommy was one of Chris’s partners and usually went on jobs like these with him.
Chris stays silent for a few minutes, his eyes focused on the road. He makes a left turn, both hands on the wheel now. The streetlights passing cast a yellow tinted light into the car, and you can see whatever internal struggle is going through his head right now on his face.
“Chris?” You say quietly, leaning forward to try and get him to look at you.
He doesn’t though, his jaw clenching and hands tightening on the wheel.
“Not by myself… He wants me to bring you.” he finally says quietly.
You’re unsure of what to say, not really processing what he’s telling you.
“What do you mean? Bring me with you to the job? Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?” You ask, utterly confused about what’s going on.
“I mean he wants you to do the job with me. Be my partner.” He replies, now pulling into the driveway of his house and putting the car in park. Now he turns to fully face you and his expression is a mix of anger and regret.
“Ever since you started tagging along with me, Jason hasn’t liked it. He says this work is no place for a woman. I really don’t give a fuck about what he says, I never have. I’m not stupid, I know I’m risking a lot by even having you around someone like me. But I told you from the start, I will always protect you. Nothing and no one is gonna lay a fucking finger on you.” He says, his hand coming up to stroke your face.
You grab his wrist, holding his hand there. “Hold on- he wants me to help you rob the gas station?” You ask, your heart racing as you now understand what Chris means. You knew Jason never liked you, you got a dark vibe from him the few times you had been around him. In fact, you don’t think he liked anybody. Chris told you many stories of how ruthless he could be.
“Baby, you’re not doing anything he says okay? I’ll take care of it.” He said, the tone in his voice making it clear he doesn’t want to discuss this any further.
Before you can question him more, he gets out of the car and comes around to open your door, helping you out and closing it behind you as you both walk into the house and upstairs to his room.
He takes off his hoodie and shirt, and turns on the shower, letting the water run so it can warm up.
“Chris… If I don’t go with you, who’s going to?” You ask, the gears turning in your head.
He shakes his head, looking at you with an unreadable expression. “No one.”
You furrow your brows in confusion, still not grasping the big picture here. “You can’t go by yourself. That would be too dangerous.” You speak.
“Y/N, please stop. We’re not talking about this anymore, okay? I’ve told you enough already.” He replies shortly, taking off his jewelry and setting it on the bedside table.
“Just answer me one thing.” You continue, determined to get the full story. “What happens if you go against what Jason says and do the job by yourself?”
Chris doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look at you. You know that you probably pissed him off now by pressing him for answers, but you didn’t care. You deserved to know the full situation. If he was in danger, you needed to know.
A few minutes go by, steam starting to fill the room from the shower. He simply sits at the edge of the bed with his back to you, running a hand through his hair.
“Chris. What are you not telling me?” You say, your voice slightly rising and there’s a hint of desperation as the pit in your stomach grows. There was something completely off here.
“Fuck.” You hear him silently curse before he finally tells you. “If I don’t make you do the job with me, I’m dead. It’s his sick fucking way of showing his power over me. He knows that I won’t put you in danger. So, he’s using my life as leverage.” His head is now turned slightly towards you, staring at the spot on the bed next to you. He’s afraid to look you in the eyes.
You’re speechless as he gets up and goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
Tears fill your eyes, and you feel sick to your stomach. It seems you’re now faced with an impossible choice.
Either risk your life and freedom to commit armed robbery or have Chris murdered by his sadistic gang boss.
When Chris finally comes out of the bathroom, you’ve created a lake of tears on your pillow from crying so hard. You’re extremely upset with him for dropping that bomb on you and just leaving you there in shock. But honestly, you probably would’ve just argued with him till your lungs gave out and maybe it was a good thing he left you alone to process.
You know Chris too well to know that he’s made his mind up about the deal Jason has given him. He’s going to give up his life just so you don’t have to risk yours. But you’ve just as equally made up your mind as well. There’s no fucking way you’re letting Chris go by himself on that job.
“Baby… I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” He says, getting in bed next to you. You’re faced away from him and he lays close to you, snaking his arm around your waist and pressing kisses to your shoulder. “I know thisis fucking crazy, okay? But I couldn’t keep it from you. Don’t worry, okay? Everything’s going to be- “You cut him off, turning around abruptly to look at him.
“I’m going on that job with you. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you go alone.” You interrupt. His face is soft, obviously not taking you seriously and he brushes your hair back, letting his hand trail down to rest on your shoulder.
“Just get some rest, Y/N. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” he replies.
“No Chris, I’m serious. You’ve taught me how to take care of myself, right? And we have until next week, we can plan- “You start but he shakes his head, placing his hand back on your jaw, his thumb softly rubbing across your lips, stopping you from continuing.
“No. I don’t want you getting into this. This is not up for debate. This is dangerous now.” He says sternly.
You grab his hand from your face, a little roughly, now placing a hand on his neck, looking deeply in his eyes. “Do you really think I give a fuck about how dangerous this is? Chris, I’ve been by your side through a lot of shit. If we can just get through this job and do what Jason says, we’ll be fine. No one is dying, okay? I love you and you’re going to let me help you. And that’s the end of the discussion.” You tell him, a flicker of emotions crossing his face as you speak.
He doesn’t say anything. He simply wraps his arms around you, pulling him into you and you lay your head on his chest while you both drift off to sleep.
It takes a few days for Chris to accept the fact you’ll be going on the job with him. He’s a little distant from you at first, angry with you for what you’ve decided but mostly just afraid of what will happen. Since he’s met you, he’s wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. He knows his lifestyle is not good for you, not good for anyone. And now that it’s come to this point of putting you directly in the line of danger, he’s scared shitless. And he wants to kill Jason for putting both of you in this position.
But he goes over the plan with you, making sure you know every step.
Tommy will drop off both of you across the street from the store, and once you get inside, you’ll only have 30 minutes to get in and out. You’ll hold the cashier at gunpoint while Chris goes in the back office where the drugs and money is supposed to be stashed.
There will probably be another guy back there, but he’ll take care of him. As soon as Chris is done, a couple of Jason’s men will come in and finish the job, taking the rivals to him, and you both can leave with Tommy. The gas station is only a few miles from the Disciples’ warehouse, so once you get there you can drop off the goodies and be done.
Easy, right?
Chris goes over the steps again at least a dozen times on the day before the job. You start to get irritated, and he notices, giving you a hard look as your eyes glaze over when he’s talking. “Y/N. Pay attention, please.” He says, as he unloads the bullets from his .45, taking it apart to clean it.
You roll your eyes and rest your chin in your hands from where you sit on the bed. “Chris, I know the plan already. Can we talk about something else now?” You whine, watching him as he puts the gun back together.
He smirks at the tone in your voice. “Just making sure, baby.” he replies.
You can’t help but stare at him as he puts the parts of the gun back together, his arms flexing with his movements, veins in his hands popping out. A pair of black sweatpants hangs lowly on his hips, his shirt is off, and his hair is messy from the nap you took together earlier.
Also, the little pink pill you popped with Chris about 20 minutes ago is starting to take effect as you feel a slight floating sensation in your body, your heart rate picking up just a little. The air around you becomes intensified and Chris looks over at you, noticing your longing stare.
“You good?” He asks, eyes travelling down your body to your bare legs hanging off the edge of his bed. The only thing you have on is an old t-shirt of his and your black panties.
“Mhm.” You nod, staring at the gun in his hands.
There was just something so hot about him holding it like that.
He walks over, now standing in front of you, and places a finger under your jaw, tilting your head up to look at him. Your eyes are glossy and low, and he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, admiring how pretty you look like this.
“You high baby?” He says lowly, and you reply with a nod of your head as he holds one side of your face in his hand, bringing the gun up to lightly stroke over the other side.
This causes a chill to run down your spine, wetness immediately pooling in your underwear. You’re not scared. You trust Chris completely, even if it was loaded.
He then lets it trail down further slowly, over your neck and between your breasts, dipping down your stomach to in between your thighs where he teasingly rubs it over your panties, bumping against your clit.
You sigh into his hand that’s gripping your jaw and his thumb slips into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around him, looking up into his eyes. His pupils are blown out, watching you get pleasure from his weapon between your legs.
You know its crazy but the sexual energy behind it turns you on more than anything.
He removes it suddenly, placing it on the bed and before you can whine in protest, he climbs on the mattress behind you, instructing you to scoot back so he rests against the pillows, and you sit in between his legs. There’s a large mirror in front of the bed and you lean back against his chest and watch while he trails his hands down your arms, and then your hips, resting on top of your thighs and squeezing.
Your head falls back as he places his lips on your neck, kissing softly and sucking at the skin there, leaving his mark on you. He massages your inner thighs, thumbs brushing close to where you need him the most.
“Don’t tease me.” You breathe, gripping his knee, one hand going up behind you to tug on his hair.
“What do you need, baby?” He mumbles into your neck, his hand now pressing over your underwear, palming your heat. You buck your hips slightly, pulling harder on his hair. He grunts into you, his other hand squeezing your waist. You feel his hardness growing, pressing into your ass.
“I need you. Please.” You whimper, your head resting against his shoulder. He gives into you, loving the way you beg for him, and dips his fingers into your underwear, slicking through your folds, arousal coating his fingers.
“So wet for me…” He rasps, rubbing your clit in slow, agonizing circles, making you melt into him. You moan out loud, sinking your teeth into his neck as he pushes your panties to the side now, and moves his fingers down to your entrance, pushing one in all the way to the knuckle and then pulling it all the way out, once again going back up to massage your clit.
He’s torturing you and you’re a mess beneath him, leaking out onto the sheets, squirming from the pleasure and he holds you down firmly. “Chris, please.” You beg, unsure what you’re trying to say as he has you in a state of bliss.
“Be a good girl for me.” He responds firmly, watching you in the mirror as he thrusts two fingers back inside you, stretching you out, wetness coating his hand. He moves at a faster pace now, curling as he pushes them deeper. He holds you tight, your head thrown back in ecstasy, puffing hot breaths against his neck, sweet moans filling his ear.
“Fuck, Chris, just like that.” You whine, feeling a familiar warmth in your abdomen build. He doesn’t stop, his thumb now circling your clit, his fingers hitting your g spot with each thrust.
“Look at me baby.” He demands and you lift your head up, making eye contact with him in the mirror, watching as he fucks you with his hand, your legs spread open for him.  
“I’m so close.” You moan, the sparks of pleasure he’s created spreading within you. You move your hips with each thrust of his fingers into you, Chris moaning with you as your ass repeatedly grinds back against him.
“Already, mama?” He teases, unable to hide the smugness from the fact he’s always able to make you finish quickly.
“Chris.” Is all you can manage as his fingers continue to slip in and out of you, pushing you to the edge.
“I know, baby, you’ve been so good for me. You can cum baby, cum on my fingers.” He praises, and his arm is around you, holding you as your body shakes, basically riding his hand at this point. Seconds later, you release the tension that’s been building, crying out loudly as warmth floods your body, thighs clenching and your juices releasing onto the sheets beneath you.
You’re extremely tired now, your body relaxing against him as he slowly moves from under you, getting up from the bed to grab a towel to clean you up.
He does so, rubbing your legs gently, brushing your hair back from your face as you lay against the pillows. He presses a kiss to your forehead, laying down next to you.
“Get some rest, baby.” he says quietly, cuddling close to you as your eyes grow heavy. “But Chris, don’t you want- “you start, knowing he needs to be attended to as well.
He shakes his head softly. “Not now, mama. Too stressed over tomorrow. Let’s just go to sleep.” He answers, and you sigh, wrapping your arms around him and falling asleep.
It’s a dark, cold night in the city, no heat in the van as you sit in the back with Chris, pulling your hood up onto your head. You’re parked in the alleyway across from the gas station, hidden from anyone who might be out on the streets.
You bounce your leg in nervousness, feeling the hard metal of the gun in your hoodie pocket. He places a hand on your thigh, trying to calm you down. “You can still back out of this you know.” He says and you lace your fingers through his, shaking your head. “I’m fine. You’re not going in there alone. I’m just a little nervous.” You respond.
Tommy sits in the driver’s seat, smoking a cigarette and passes it to you. You take a drag, trying to calm your nerves down.
 “It’s okay, Y/N. 30 minutes, in and out, and we’ll be good, okay? Just remember the plan.” Chris reassures you, giving you a kiss before he pulls his ski mask on. He has a black long sleeve on and black pants, his gun tucked in his waistband.
You tie your bandana on, only your eyes visible, your hair tied back under your hoodie. “Come on.” He says, sliding the door open and helping you out. “Pull up when you see us come out.” He tells Tommy, who nods as Chris shuts the door.
He turns to you, his eyes soft and places his hands on your shoulders. “Last chance, baby. Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks.
“Yes, I’m not bailing on you now. Please, let’s get this over with.” You say and he pulls you in, hugging you tightly before you both cross the street quickly.
It’s 1 am, the streetlights glow on the pavement, the open sign of the gas station blinking.
He gives you one last look before he pulls open the door, both of you raising your guns at the man standing at the register.
 There’s a pure look of shock and terror on his face as he raises his hands in the air. Your eyes scan the store, grateful to see nobody else inside. “Don’t make one fucking move!!” Chris screams at him as he moves toward the back door behind the counter.
You stand in front, keeping your gun aimed at his head. The man’s eyes flicker between you and Chris, his hands shake slightly. You feel bad for him but then remember how Chris told you he’s involved in one of their rival gangs and probably has done worse than you.
Chris kicks open the back door, and you watch as he disappears into the room, hearing him shout at one of the men that must be in there. You can’t make out what he says though and focus back on the clerk. You keep your expression blank as he stares at you, his arms still raised.
“Did Michael set me up?” He says and he flinches as you move your gun closer to him.
“Shut the fuck up.” You say, refusing to engage in conversation with him. You assume he must be referring to his boss, and he’s unaware that his operation has actually been busted by the Disciples.
As if he can read your mind, he speaks up again. “I just started this job. Michael hired me to run the register here, I had no idea what was going on in the back. I thought he only owned this place, I didn’t know who he really was.”
You furrow your brows in confusion at his words. Was he saying that he didn’t know his boss was actually a gang leader? You now realize he looks very young, like he could still be in high school.
You shake your head, your gun never wavering from your aim at him. “Stop fucking talking!!” You yell. For all you know, he could just be making this up, trying to mess with your head.
What was taking so long?
Chris was still in the back, and you couldn’t hear anything.
“Please, you gotta listen to me-“The clerk starts again but he’s interrupted by a gun shot popping off in the back, making you flinch and your heart instantly drop.
You panic and Chris suddenly runs out, large duffle bag on his shoulder, while you hear the man in the back scream, “Shoot him!” He sounds in pain and you get a glance of him on the floor, his leg bleeding and it’s obvious now that the gunshot was from Chris.
Before either of you can react, the clerk pulls a gun out from under the counter, aiming it at Chris.
It all happened in the blink of an eye.
The sound of the gunshot rang out, making you lose your ability to hear for the next few seconds as you watched Chris go down, clutching his stomach in pain. Blood started to spill out on his hands, staining his shirt a crimson color. The gas station clerk was as shocked as you were, standing there frozen, gun still pointed.
You don’t know how or why, but you just knew you both wouldn’t get out alive from this if you didn’t do something.
So, you shot back, aiming for his shoulder. It hit him right where you intended as he doubled over immediately, screaming in pain.
You grab Chris who was still on the floor, helping him stand up. “Baby, come on. Please, we have to go now.” You plead. He grabs onto you, able to stand as you lead him out of the store.
He’s moving as fast as he possibly can, one arm around your shoulder, his other hand covering his wound. You see the van pull up on the other side of the street, your heart beating out of your chest.
You’re trying not to panic, looking up and down the street for any signs of police. There was hardly anyone out. Chris almost falls, shouting out in pain. “Fuck!” He yells and you stop him from falling.
You can barely hold him up, but you use all your strength to make it the last few steps to the van.
“I know baby, I’m so sorry. We’re almost there, Chris, just a few more feet. You can do it.” You say, and he’s shaking, still gripping onto you for dear life. You finally make it to the van, the door sliding open, Tommy helping you both in before he quickly shuts it and then hops back into the driver seat, taking off down the street.
“Holy shit, what the fuck happened in there?!” he says, looking at both of you with wide eyes.
“Shut the fuck up. I need to stop him from bleeding out. I’ll tell you later.” You snap, taking off your hoodie and wrapping it around Chris’s torso. You apply pressure, glancing at him.
He’s pale, breathing rapidly and panic in his eyes as he looks at you. You grab his face with your other hand, brushing his hair back. “It’s okay baby. Don’t worry. We’ll get back to the house soon and get you bandaged up, okay?” You reassure him, trying to keep yourself from crying.
He nods his head, grabbing your hand tightly as he winces in pain.
What the fuck did you just get yourself into? The many times you and Chris had gone over the plan, and it still didn’t go accordingly. Now Chris was wounded and the drugs and money you were supposed to retrieve still at the store. You’re not sure how you both are going to get out of this.
You tell Tommy to drop you guys off at Chris’s house instead of the warehouse. Once you get there, he helps you take Chris inside and you tell him to lay low for now, until Chris gives him the next order. He leaves, and you silently pray Jason doesn’t get to him before you guys decide what to do, or worse, get to Chris.
He’s lying on his back on the bed, and you put a pillow under his head, trying to make him comfortable. He winces in pain as you take your hoodie off from around his waist, his hands gripping the sheets harshly. You pull his shirt up. The bleeding is very little now but it’s all over his shirt and stomach, as well as your hands and you get clean, damp towels and bandages for him.
Luckily the bullet only grazed him, you notice as you clean him up, not seeing a deep wound.
You’re almost done putting the gauze and bandage on, making sure it’s tight as he looks at you, and grabs your arm, stroking it softly.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry mama.” He says weakly and you give him a soft smile. “Don’t be sorry. Just be glad we both got out alive. Are you okay?” You say and he nods. You help him pull his shirt off, his wound now clean and bandaged. You give him some water and a left-over Vicodin he had in his stash, hoping that will help with his pain.
You sit next to him on the bed now, running your hands across his chest and shoulders, his eyes closed at the feeling of your soft hands.
“Chris… what do we do now?” You ask, knowing you can’t avoid the inevitable.
He looks at you, his hand resting on your knee. “I never told you this, but I have an older brother who lives in Vermont. I’ve been thinking about going there for a while now… starting over with you.” He responds. “Would you go with me?”
“Baby… I would go anywhere with you.” You say and lean down to press your lips to his.
You kiss him softly, careful not to hurt him. You start to pull away, but he holds your face there, deepening the kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. He moans at the contact, making you throb in your core, but you pull away, not wanting it to go any further.
“Chris. We can’t, you’re hurt right now.” You say but he shakes his head, pulling you back to him.
“I don’t care, I need you Y/N.” He replies and kisses you again. You give in, allowing him to mesh his tongue with yours again. You suck his bottom lip, nipping it lightly with your teeth and trail your hand down his chest, making sure to avoid the spot where his wound is, feeling his stomach tense under you.
He groans into your mouth as you palm over his crotch, already rock hard and straining through his jeans. “Fuck, mama. Don’t tease me.” He breathes, as you rub your hand back and forth over him, feeling yourself grow wet at the sound of his voice.
If it was any other instance, you would drag it on and make him beg for it like he does with you, but you didn’t want to do that to him right now.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna take care of you.” You say softly, unbuttoning his jeans as he lifts his hips, sliding them down his legs and removing his boxers.
His long, thick cock lays against his stomach and you grab it pressing a kiss to the tip and then letting a pool of saliva drip down him, coating him before you take him all the way down your throat, your nose brushing his pelvis. “Fuuuck…” He moans out, his hands holding your hair back from your face, pulling it into a ponytail.
You gag slightly, but quickly adjust to his size, bobbing your head up and down him. Your hands rest on his thighs, and you hum around him as he pulls a little on your hair, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip from the feeling of you taking all of him in your throat.
“Yes, baby, feels so good. You look so pretty with my dick in your mouth.” He groans, making you moan again and he’s gently bucking his hips up, already feeling himself close.
You continue for a few good minutes, pausing only to catch your breath, your hand jerking him up and down before he pulls you up, helping you remove your clothes as he gives you a needy look.
“Come here, please. I wanna cum inside you so bad.” He says and you waste no time, sinking down onto him, the pleasure making you both cry out. You lay on top of him, your hands in his hair and kiss his neck, starting to grind yourself down on him.
“Is this okay baby? You’re not hurting?” You check, making sure not to put too much pressure on his lower stomach.
“Fuck no. Don’t stop.” He replies, grabbing your hips and helping you ride him.
He’s moaning in your ear, and you continue sucking and kissing his neck, leaving hickeys on his skin. You clench around him, your hips rolling, the feeling of his tip kissing your g spot making you soak all over him.
It’s only a few minutes before you’re both panting and sweating, the sounds of your wetness and skin against skin filling the room, driving you both to the highest point of ecstasy.
“Shit- feels so fucking good mama. I wanna fill you up.” Chris says, his fingertips digging into you as he squeezes your waist, feeling his release building.
You moan his name, your head falling to his shoulder, fingers knotting in his hair as you continue to bounce on him. “Cum inside me baby, please.” You whimper, and you feel his hips stutter, rhythm becoming sloppy as he starts to release into you. Your orgasm hits as well and he moans loudly as you feel his cum paint your walls, your legs shaking.
You stay there for a little, Chris holding you as you both catch your breath before climbing off him.
You check his bandage, making sure it’s still on good and then grab one of Chris’s shirts throwing it on while he puts a clean pair of boxers on.
The early morning light is now shining through the bedroom window, and you both kiss lazily, exhausted from the events of the night. He holds you close and you try not to think of what will happen next, focusing on the feeling of his hands in your hair, gently massaging your scalp, while he whispers “I love you.”
a/n: omgggg this was a crazy, long one but i really hope you guys enjoyed it!!!! im almost at 100 followers thank you guys so much. pls leave me more messages i wanna know your thoughts!!🩷
matt series next? 👀
taglist <3
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nthspecialll · 4 months
I think something that really shows how far gone Dutch is in chapter six is how he handles his gang members being gone.
In chapter two when we learn Sean is with bounty hunters, he says "if he is alive then we got to try" and in chapter six he leaves both John and Abigail to rot after being captured.
And while yes it was dangerous to get John out of jail, it was also damn dangerous to get Sean from the bounty hunters. Dutch sent three/four of his best men to an area where law and bounty hunters were all over and actively looking for them to rescue one of his men, he did it because he saw Sean worth it and because he trusted his men to handle it.
When Abigail was arrested the risk was lower, you had a bunch of Pinkertons but nothing that they couldn't handle, yet Dutch left Abigail because "she is just bait without John." And John? Yes it was highly dangerous but there was an actual plan, Sadie and Arthur had an actual fairly well-researched plan that turned out to work and yet Dutch left him.
It is just something small that nags at me.
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roseghoul26 · 4 months
Chapter 11: On Begged And Borrowed Time
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Synopsis: A fic based off the song “ivy” by Taylor Swift. After a startling introduction to the man, Arthur Morgan became the most important part of your life. Married at a young age to an older, wealthy man to help your family, you were trapped in a loveless marriage, your only sense of escape with the rugged cowboy. Will you be able to keep your affair hidden, or will your husband find out, and destroy the last thing that made you happy? Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Strangers To Lovers, Infidelity, Fem!Reader, She/Her Pronouns Used For Reader, Period Typical Misogyny, Emotional Manipulative Relationship (not with Arthur), Mostly Follows Timeline of Game, High Honor Arthur Morgan, Not Beta Read, Slow Burn, First Kiss, Arthur Is Bad At Emotions, Confessions, First Time Together, Cunnilingus, Missionary, Doggy Style, Handjobs, Mirrors, Party, Semi-Public Sex, Quickies, Unsafe Sex, Tags Updated Per Chapter Author's Note: sorry this took so long! Taglist: @lokiofasgard12 @ultraporcelainpig @that-one-beannnn @morethantheycansay@nn-hh192 @photo1030 @just-pure-trash @julialoopeezz @hqxee @salientseraph Chapter List
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Failed Robbery in Saint Denis: 2 Dead, 1 Arrested, 6 Missing
You’d lost track of how many times you’d reread the article, the newspaper creased where your hands gripped it. You already knew what the article stated, yet you reread it at every free moment.
The Van Der Linde’s bank robbery had gone wrong. Terribly wrong. Pinkertons had been quick to arrive on the scene, resulting in a shootout that killed two members of the gang, as well as arresting John. 
There was a pang in your chest when you saw the sketch of Hosea provided. You hadn’t been close with him, not like Arthur was, but you respected him deeply and were quite thankful for him. To see him listed as nothing more than a failed bank robber and lowlife was disheartening; you knew better. 
There was another man pictured alongside Hosea, someone you didn’t recognize. You had been shocked when you first saw him, as he looked barely old enough to be an adult, let alone a part of the gang. Leonard “Lenny” Summers, his name read, and you took a mental note to ask Arthur about him later. 
A deep sadness washed over you when you thought of Arthur. Unimaginable relief had flooded you when you hadn’t seen his picture in the newspaper article, meaning he was one of the six on the run. You just hoped that wherever he was, he was alright. 
Glancing at the date at the top of the newspaper, you sighed deeply. It had been printed three weeks ago. Three weeks since you last saw Arthur, and possibly for the last time.
You quickly shook that thought from your mind. You refused to even entertain the idea that Arthur might’ve died. Until you saw his body, you didn’t let yourself think that he was anything other than alive. Worse for wear, but alive. 
“You reading that damn newspaper again?” Hans’ voice startled you, and you dropped the paper like it burned you. He stood in the doorway of your bedroom, arms crossed over his chest, staring disapprovingly at the newspaper that had fallen back onto the nightstand.
Hans’ demeanor had turned sour over the past three weeks. He was more irritable, a constant scowl on his face, barking at you instead of speaking evenly. You figured it was the stress of his moonshine operation falling apart, and from nearly entrusting his operation’s security into the hands of the failed robbers of Saint Denis.
“Sorry, it’s just…” you sighed. “It’s just so shocking. They seemed so nice!” 
“That’s what they want you to think. Can’t fault you for falling right into their trap.” 
You’re the one who fell into their trap, you fool. You nearly rolled your eyes, but you forced them to remain still. “It makes me wonder how many liars I’ve trusted.” Like you. 
Hans remained silent for a moment, the furrow in his brow deepening, making it almost look like he was glaring at you. “A thought that has passed my mind as well,” he finally said, sounding more like a threat than anything. He didn’t get to see your bewildered expression, though, because he disappeared from the doorway. 
His words unsettled you deeply, anxiety brewing in your mind. Did he know? Was he suspicious? Or was he just speaking in an angry tone, with no idea what you were up to?
Grabbing the newspaper, you decided to hide it from your sight, realizing it was doing you more harm than good. Out of the clear of your husband, you grabbed the lockbox, and it took quite a bit of forcing to fit both newspapers in there. Next time Hans left, you’d have to clip out the important parts and discard the rest. 
Your mother’s letter appeared as you were messing with the papers, a mixed sense of dread and happiness washing over you. You hadn’t told Hans about your letter. You couldn’t. You weren’t supposed to have reached out to your family, and a part of you dreaded that your mother was coming over because then you’d have to explain yourself to him. 
You had no idea when she was coming over, but you knew it had to be sometime soon. Ever since that letter arrived, you’d been expecting her arrival daily, just adding to the stress you were feeling because of Arthur. To say the last few weeks had been difficult would be an understatement, but you pushed through. 
Tucking the box away, you headed downstairs, the bedroom causing too many emotions for you to handle right now. You didn’t have to knock to know that Hans was in his office, the door locked shut when you passed.
Sitting on the couch, you picked up the embroidery you were working on, a hobby you’d taken up over the past two weeks to try and distract yourself, Hans permitting, of course. It barely worked, operating as more of a means to pass the time than anything. 
Your thoughts were always occupied with Arthur, your stomach constantly in knots. You hadn’t had much of an appetite, and it was starting to wear you down, the bags under your eyes prominent. 
It had been a startling discovery, seeing yourself in the mirror after these weeks. You looked how you did when you met Arthur, the sparkle of joy in your eyes that he brought vanishing. Your cheeks were gaunt, and you just looked exhausted. 
A light knock at the door startled you, nearly stabbing yourself with your needle. You waited for Hans to emerge from his office; maybe he was expecting someone today. 
But when a minute passed and he didn’t emerge, your heart hammered in your chest. Another light knock made you move, setting your embroidery on the couch. Shakily, you made your way to the front door, and you took a deep breath before opening it. 
On the other side stood your mother, looking a few years older, yet still the same woman all the same. People always joked when you were a child that you were just a younger version of your mother, but as your eyes fell on her, you realized how right they had been. 
A warm smile appeared on her face when she saw you, a smile that had brought you so much comfort. Even now, you feel like all the weight on your shoulders has been lifted. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to move, emotions rendering your legs useless, staring at your mother like you’d just seen a ghost. 
It was when she said your name softly that the spell you were under finally broke. A sob tore from your throat, and she had barely opened her arms before you were crashing into her, your own arms clinging to her. Right now, you weren’t Mrs. Kerrigan. You were just someone who needed the comfort of their mother. 
Immediately her hands were soothing you, one running through your hair, the other rubbing circles into your back. Your tears were staining her dress, but neither of you cared. For the first time in weeks, you finally let go of all the emotions that had bottled up inside of you, stress and sadness and grief pouring out, unable to hide them any longer. 
You’re not sure how long she held you for, letting you cry on her shoulder. You’re sure your commotion caught the attention of Hans, but that was an afterthought. Eventually, your sobs receded, and you pulled away, your eyes puffy and cheeks red.
Tears of her own flowed down her face, and you felt her gently wipe your cheeks. “My beautiful daughter…” she murmured, and your bottom lip trembled. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too,” you sighed. “How… how is everyone?”
“They’re well. But sweetheart, are you well?” You felt one of her thumbs brush beneath your eyes. “You don’t look it.”
“These past weeks have been… tough,” you admitted. “But that’s a conversation for later.” Where Hans won’t be able to hear me. “Oh, where are my manners? Please, come inside.” You took a step back, gesturing to the still-open door. 
“Since when have you worried about manners?” Your mother teased, but you missed the slight bit of concern in her voice. “Before we head in, there is someone else who would like to see you. Margaret?” Your mother shouted to the carriage that you now saw behind her, and an even larger smile appeared on your face as you watched your sister step out.
If you looked exactly like your mother, then she was a carbon copy of your father. But when she smiled back at you, you swore you saw yourself. Her excitement was contagious as she practically ran to you, skirts bunched up in her hands as she bound up the stairs. YOu nearly toppled over as she barreled into you, and a fresh stream of tears poured down your face as you held her.
“Maggie!” You exclaimed, partially in shock. “You’ve grown so much!” It was true. Long gone was the young teenager you’d left back at home. In front of you was a grown woman, a maturity in her eyes that you weren’t expecting when she pulled away. But it was astounding to see she hadn’t lost her energy, her joy for life. A part of you almost felt envious, as much as you hated to admit. 
Your name was barely audible, muffled as she hugged you, making you laugh. “You should’ve seen her when she saw your letter,” your mother smiled. “We haven’t had a moment of peace since.” She didn’t sound upset about it. 
“Is that true?” 
Maggie nodded her head, leaning back to look at you, her arms still wrapped around your body. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“It ain’t a competition, but I think I’ve missed you more.” Maggie playfully rolled her eyes, and you pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She was still shorter than you, but you weren’t about to comment about that now. “Let’s get inside. We’ve got a lot to discuss!”
With your arm around Maggie, you led her and your mother into your house for the first time. Their eyes danced around the spacious downstairs, and although they were used to seeing wealth, they could still appreciate the beauty of your home. If only you felt the same. Even with your family in it, it still felt foreign. 
You led them to the living room, letting them sit on the couch before excusing yourself to the kitchen, going to grab drinks. Or at least you tried to until your mother stopped you with a gentle grasp of your hand. “Sit, sweetheart.”
“You don’t have to bring out the formalities for us. We just want you, improper and perfect.”
Biting your trembling lip, you nodded, letting her sit you between her and Maggie. She didn’t let go of your hand, her other hand resting atop yours, and Maggie adjusted so that she was sitting closer to you. “You’ve got a beautiful house.” You nodded, an empty thanks leaving your lips. “Although it’s quite… empty.”
“If you’re asking about children,” you laughed, albeit bitterly, “I’m afraid me and my husband haven’t been blessed in that department.” Thank God. You weren’t opposed to children, no, but you did not want them with Hans. He’d make a terrible father, and you’d be stuck managing them by yourself. 
“Is your husband around?” Maggie asked, and you struggled to come up with a response. How could you say that he was, but he locked himself away in his office at every spare moment?
You didn’t have to respond, though, because a loud cough from the staircase behind you answered for you, all three of you turning to face the noise. “Her husband is around and is quite confused. Care to explain, dear?” The endearment was dripping with vitriol.
You instinctively grasped your mother’s hand tighter. Confusion and concern were written across her face, already not liking the confrontational tone Hans had adopted. “Hans, this is my mother, Irene, and my little sister Margarete. Mother, sister, this is my husband, Hans Kerrigan.”
“I know who they are,” Hans interjected, slowly stepping towards you all. You failed to notice the slight panic in his voice. “What are they doing here?”
Your mother opened her mouth to respond, but you cut her off, afraid that she would mention the letters. “I don’t know,” you lied, and you missed the look Maggie and Irene shared. “They just showed up. Isn’t it great?” 
If Hans believed you, you couldn’t tell. A forced smile found its way beneath his beard. “Great, yes.” If you thought your lying ability was terrible, his was even worse. “A pleasure, ladies.”
“Mr. Kerrigan, as lovely as it is to meet you, I’m afraid that we have… business in the city we must attend to.” Panic gripped you. “All three of us must attend to.” 
Your husband's expression was unreadable, and you had no idea if he’d let you go. “Can I?” You asked, hating that you sounded like a child asking their parents if they could play with their friends. This was your family, you didn’t have to ask anyone’s permission to be with them. 
It seemed your mother felt the same way, cutting your husband off before he could agree or disagree. “No daughter of mine needs permission from anyone. She’s going with me.”
A tense silence filled the room, making you shift uncomfortably. The look Irene gave Hans was deadly, her head cocked to the side like she was daring him to say something against it. Her actions confused you, though. She was advocating for your independence, yet she had no protest against a marriage against your will. Yet again, she had seemed surprised about your marriage, so maybe she didn’t have as much say as you thought. Just another thing you needed to ask her.
Hans’ eyes flicked to you, almost disbelieving. He didn’t respond, merely scoffing before retreating upstairs. You could feel the anger rolling off of him, and you knew you were in for it later. 
Your mother stood, rather abruptly, yanking you to your feet as well. “We’re leaving,” was all she said. 
You knew there was no room for argument, but you tried anyway. “But we just sat down-”
“We are leaving.” You didn’t offer any further protests. The house was suffocating right now, and you needed to escape. After putting on your shoes, Irene brought you back outside, Maggie hot on your heels. The tense silence still hung in the air, even as you sat in the carriage, your sister sliding in beside you, your mother across you.
Even as the carriage began to move, heading anywhere but here, no one spoke for a good five minutes. You were the first to break the silence. “I’m sorry,” you began, “he’s usually more… amicable than that.” It wasn’t a complete lie. 
“You don’t need to apologize-”
“You left us for him?” Your sister interjected, not bothering to hide the hurt in her voice.
“Maggie,” your mother warned, but she just shook her head.
“No, I can’t believe it. You left us for him?” Her voice rose in anger. “Here I thought you ran away because you were in love, because you found someone who treated you well. But you ran away from us, from… me, for him? You ran away when I… I needed you. I needed my sister.”
So she also thought you ran away, and was rightfully angry at you for something you didn’t do. “I’m not sure I know what you’re sayin’. I didn’t run away.”
“Don’t lie to me. I found your note.”
“What note?” You were truly bewildered now, looking to your mother for clarification. You hated that she looked upset at you as well. 
“The night you disappeared, you left a note on your bed, detailing why you were leaving. That was the last time we ever heard from you. You don’t remember?”
You felt like you were losing it. “I’ve got no clue what you’re talking about.” You scoffed, “You of all people should know that I didn’t run away.”
Now it was her turn to be confused. “What do you mean?”
“You think I wanted this? To be stuck with a man that hates everything to do with me, who controls me like I’m just his goddamn toy? In no world would I run away from my family to be with someone like him.”
“Then why did you leave?” Maggie asked, her voice surprisingly soft. 
“I didn’t have much of a choice. Father set up this marriage to save the family from falling into financial ruin. I did this to help us. You know this, mother!”
You didn’t know if you should be relieved or concerned when you saw her shake her head, pure shock on her face. “He did what?” Her words were clipped, upset, but not at you anymore.
“You… you didn’t know? He officiated it and everything!”
She continued to shake her head, leaning back against her seat. “He wouldn’t…”
“But he did. He did it easily.”
Tears had begun to pool in her eyes, and a hand came to cover her mouth. “But why? How?”
So you told them. You told them how your father had woken you early in the morning, barely letting you get dressed before escorting you to the carriage that sat outside. Your belongings had already been packed, but he had not explained anything, not even during the few days of travel south. When you finally reached your destination, you had been whisked away, stuffed into a dress, and sent to the altar, where you met Hans for the first time, and then married. You realized now that the reason it had just been you, Hans, and your father at the wedding was because he wanted to keep the rest of the family in the dark. “I found out later it was done for financial security. We were about to lose everything.”
“Sweetheart, I don’t understand.”
“I don’t either.”
“No, I mean I don’t understand why.” Her next words made you pale. “We’ve never had financial troubles. At least not severe enough to warrant… this.”
“Maybe he didn’t tell you?” If your father had withheld the details of your marriage, then it was likely he kept the details of the family’s finances from them as well. But maybe you were desperate for the last two years to have any sort of meaning, for it to not all be in vain. 
“He couldn’t have hidden financial troubles from us. Not as well as he hid, well, you.”
“Then what was it all for?” You whispered, your voice on the verge of breaking. “These past two years, what were they for?”
“I wish I could tell you, sweetheart.”
“So I didn’t have to leave? So I could’ve stayed at home, where I was happy, where I would’ve taken over the family business, where my dreams wouldn’t have been put on hold?” You were rambling, but you didn’t care. Tears poured down your cheeks, mourning a life you could’ve had. “I could’ve had that?”
“Why didn’t you leave?” Your sister asked, her hand finding its way to yours. 
“I couldn’t. Mainly because I was under the impression that my marriage was what was keeping you well, and I couldn’t jeopardize that. But I didn’t have the means to leave either. And where would I go?”
“You could’ve come home!”
“I had no idea where you moved to, though. The only reason I was able to write to you was because I had a… friend find your new address. Why did you move, by the way?”
“Father didn’t say, although I’m beginning to suspect it was to keep you from finding us.”
“Why would he do that though? What would require such secrecy?”
“I have no idea.” Those words seemed to be the running theme of this conversation, and you sighed, your cheeks still damp. You had no idea how to process all this new information, anger and betrayal clouding your thoughts.
“You said you had a friend,” your mother began. She was trying to distract you, which you were grateful for, but thinking of Arthur just made your heart heavier. “Who’s she?”
“Well, he…” your mother and sister shared looks, “he’s kind. He’s helped me a lot over the past months. But… But I haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Do we know him?”
“How often do you read the newspaper?” You joked, with no humor in your voice. 
“Every Sunday. Why?” Maggie asked, hesitantly. 
“You’ll know him then. His name’s-”
Shouting from the carriage driver announcing you’d arrived in Saint Denis cut you off. It felt like no time had passed, and you weren’t expecting to be in the city already. The rest of your family seemed to be feeling the same way, a sense of wariness shared between the three of you. 
“Come. Let us forget about this, if just for a moment,” your mother wiped at her face, forcing a smile on her face. “Terrible revelations aside, I wish to spend the afternoon with my daughters.” She got out of the carriage first, a gentleman escorting her out. Maggie was next, and you took a moment to compose yourself before stepping out. 
The sound of the city hit you first, shouting and bells and whistles assaulting your ears. The stench was next, and your sister had a poorly hidden expression of disgust. “You’ll get used to it,” you whispered to her, remembering that she’d never been to Saint Denis. Glancing around, you saw that you were near the outskirts of the city, close to where Bronte lived.
Your mother extended an arm to each of you, and you both linked your arms with hers, walking beside her as she led you further into the city. You tried to distract yourself with the colorful imagery around you, yet your mind kept wandering to the words that had been spoken in the carriage.
You truly had no idea why your father would marry you off. You were his eldest daughter, set to be the heir of his business, his pride and joy second to his children. Your entire life, that is what you were led to believe would happen, and he seemed to believe it too. Why would he disrupt everything by sending you away? 
So caught up in your thoughts, you failed to notice the different atmosphere the city held today. It was lively, sure, but it seemed almost on edge. No one greeted you as you passed, even if they recognized you, and people seemed to be almost somber. 
“You’d think someone just died,” you heard Maggie mutter, pulling you from your mind. 
She hadn’t been quiet, though, and the couple walking in front of you shot her each a dirty look. “That’s because someone has, girl.”
Her eyes widened. “My apologies,” she stammered, embarrassed. “Who?”
“Angelo Bronte.” Your responding gasp didn’t deter them. “They found his body in the swamp, eaten by gators. Maybe read the paper before spewing such ignorant things.” 
Your mother and Maggie weren’t affected by their words, their attention was immediately on you and your reaction. “Did you know him?” Your sister asked, and you nodded.
“Not personally, but I’ve been to plenty of his parties. He was a prominent figure here, a rich one at that. He practically runs… ran this city.” You lowered your voice so only they could hear, “I’d say he got what was comin’ for him, though.”
“That bad?”
“That bad.” You sighed. “But let’s just hope the city doesn’t collapse without him.”
Your mother turned down a street, not having joined in on the conversation yet, but she was paying attention. You and Maggie continued to chat lightly, and for a moment you’d managed to successfully forget the worries in your mind. That was until you passed a wooden board, something you didn’t pay attention to until a familiar sketch caught your eye. 
You suddenly stopped, much to the confusion of your sister and mother. But you didn’t hear their concerned questions; the only thing you could focus on was the bounty poster in front of you, which contained a sketch of someone you now saw to be Arthur. His features were almost shaper, the artist making him look as intimidating as possible. He was depicted like he’d been described in the papers, a bloodthirsty bank robber, a ruthless vagrant, pure evil in the public eye. 
Yet even this depiction could not lessen the love you felt for him. 
“Sweetheart, what is it?” You finally heard your mother, who was shaking your arm gently.
“I… I know him.” You shook your head. “Sorry, it’s nothin’.”
“Arthur?” It was incredibly strange hearing his name from your mother’s mouth. Recognition flashed across her face, most likely having read about him in the paper. “Did he hurt you?”
“What? No! Never!” You rushed to say. “He’s my… friend that I was takin’ about.” You were certainly more than that, but you were not about to explain that to your mother.
That surprised her, and she didn’t have any words. Maggie stepped in for her. “The outlaw with the five-thousand-dollar bounty is your friend?” She was in just as much disbelief as your mother, and you shushed her. 
“Just tell the whole damn city while you’re at it,” you hissed. “Yes, he is my friend. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous. No, I will not go into further detail.” You spared one last glance at the poster before continuing down the road, dragging your family along beside you. Seeing him, even as just a sketch, made your heart ache. Maybe Arthur had hurt you, just not in the way you thought. 
You hoped your mother didn’t see the way you reacted when you saw him, an expression you’re sure that filled his longing. An expression that wouldn’t be appropriate for “just a friend”. You hoped your sister hadn’t seen the tears that had sprung to your eyes as you read Wanted: Dead or Alive sprawled across the top.
They both didn’t question you about it, even though you knew they were dying to. They left you in silence, letting you process your emotions, which you were grateful for. If they made you talk about him, you were certain you’d burst into barely contained tears. 
Your mother let you lead the way for a few more minutes, but she eventually took the reins again, steering you and a very curious Maggie to a tailor. She ushered your sister inside first but halted you when you tried to follow. Any protest died in your throat when you saw the adamant expression on her face, and so you let her take you by the arm to the narrow alleyway adjacent to the building. 
“Talk to me.” Her voice was demanding yet kind.
“You love him, don’t you? Your ‘friend’.” You cast your gaze to the ground, fighting tears. Were you that easy to read? Hesitantly, you nodded, and she softened. “Sweetheart…”
That broke the dam, a stifled sob leaving you as she pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry,” you managed to get out, and you felt her shake her head.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because I love him.”
“That is nothing to be sorry about,” she nearly laughed, pulling you back to look you in the eye.
“But I’m married. I’m… we’ve… it’s not right.”
“Maybe not,” she agreed, “but perhaps it’s what’s best. You’re miserable with Hans, and I can’t blame you. Why your father would ever agree to marry you to him is beyond me…”
“Are you sayin’ I should leave him?”
“Yes,” she responded with no hesitation. “You’ve no reason to be married to him any longer, no? It’s terrifying, but is it not scarier to imagine a life where you’re stuck by Hans’ side for years to come?”
The idea did make you shudder, especially now that you had Arthur. How long would you be able to keep your affair hidden? How long would you be able to pretend like Hans’ very presence didn’t revolt you? You guessed a few more months, tops. “Would he even agree to a divorce?” You whispered.
“I can’t answer that. But when you’re ready to ask,” she took your hands, “I’ll be right there by your side. We all will.”
“And if I don’t ask?” You blurted out. “What if I just… ran?”
“Then you’ll be running for the rest of the time Hans is on this Earth. Although, it seems like you’d have someone beside you who is quite good at not getting caught.” She sighed. “I can’t tell you what would be the best decision. But just know that whatever choice you make, I’ll support you. All I wish is to see you happy.”
You nodded, a new sense of hope growing within, something that had been lacking for a while. “If Arthur returns, I’ll do it.”
“When he returns,” your mother corrected. “Have some faith. If he cares about you nearly as much as you do him, he’ll make his way back to you.”
“He always has…” you muttered under your breath. “When he returns, I’ll do it.”
“I promise.”
She smiled warmly at you after planting a kiss on your damp cheek. “Now, let us join your sister before she comes looking. If you couldn’t tell, she’s not the best at being subtle.”
You laughed, wiping away your tears, letting your mother lead you to the store. “I’ve noticed.” 
The bell chimed as you stepped in, Maggie rushing to your sides as soon as you did. “What took you so long?” She whisper-shouted, making you laugh harder. She was as inconspicuous as a bull in a china shop. “What?”
“I told you.”
By the time the three of you had returned to the carriage, the sun had long since set, the moon washing the world in a cool white light. The vehicle was not only stuffed with you, Maggie, and your mother, but various bags and gowns from a successful shopping trip to the city. Your mother had not been lying when she said the family was not struggling financially, as she had easily paid for your new dresses and other items. Laughter flowed easily from the three of you, your minds fully distracted from the information of the morning. 
That cheery mood lasted the whole ride, up until the driver turned down the familiar road leading to your house. Your smile fell, and you felt your mother grab your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “You won’t have to deal with him for much longer, sweetheart. You’ve got this.”
“Can it be over now?” You practically whined, anxiety bubbling in you. 
“Why can’t you just come home with us?” Maggie asked, having been informed about the conversation you’d had with your mother. 
“I’m not leavin’ without Arthur. Once he comes back, I’m gone.” You weren’t sure if you were convincing them or yourself. 
She didn’t let go of your hand, not until the carriage came to a halt. “It’s been wonderful seeing you both,” you began. “If I’m not gone in the next few weeks, come and get me. Please.”
“Gladly,” your mother responded. “If you and Arthur need a place to stay, to lie low, just know that our, your house is available. With or without your father’s permission.”
“Get some answers from him. And give my regards to everyone else.”
“I love you, sweetheart. Always remember that.” She kissed your cheek. “We’ll see you soon. That’s a promise.”
Hugging Maggie, at least as best you could, you left the carriage before your nerves rooted you in place. With your arms full of items, it took some careful steps, but you eventually made your way up the porch. You watched as the carriage drove away, smiling as brightly as you could at your sister through the window, before letting it fall away completely.
Taking a deep breath, you walked into your home, heading straight to the staircase. Climbing up the stairs with all the stuff was also difficult, cursing under your breath when you kept stepping on the skirts of your new dresses. It took longer than necessary, but you managed to stumble into your room. You’d only taken a single step in until an unseen force hit the back of your head. 
Your vision went black before you made contact with the floor. 
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neo-zone · 3 months
Sweet Home 3 Teaser Personal Breakdown
As what I feared, Sergeant Tak and Sang-won collabed (for the lack of better word). The people showing symptoms, instead of being isolated in certain place outside the stadium until they die (if my memory is correct), will be taken to wherever the Neohuman gang intended to further undergo monsterization process and if some are lucky enough, will be Neohumans (since we know not all people become Neohumans, some turn into pure full monster form)
Dr. Lim is pretty much alive, doing the announcement on the beginning of the trailer (well I thought Sang-won gonna give him double amount of karma for the torturous experiment he volunteered, apparently a too high expectation my bad). My assumption is after the encounter in the last episode of season 2, he made an agreement with Sang-won (probably to save his ass) and let him to the stadium
Yi-kyung's daughter is also inside the stadium now. Hm, wonder how and when she get in 🤔 What is she gonna do in season 3? Whose side she's on? Or she's still on her own side with the non-Neohuman monsters like the ones she has befriended (notice that none of them are Neohumans)? We shall see
Now I remember why the high school shaman girl in Exhuma felt familiar, turned out few months before the movie, she played the monster girl Sergeant Kim met in the last episode of season 2 where his platoon went inside the facility (now she's outside with the others). Yeah, definitely a polar opposite role. Strange I didn't saw her actress name in the SH2 cast list, I wonder why
Some glimpses of tragedy and doom that will happen to the soldiers (and if my memory is correct there's the sick woman with military boyfriend as well). It's not pretty, I know
We got action duo Eun-yu and Chan-young obviously fighting the monsters (and probably Neohumans too). His fans on twt pointing out in an understandable fear because of the genre that this little sneak peak might be summarizing his final appearances (as in death flag), but let's see when the season is released. I'm positive he's gonna survive, but if he got the Ji-su treatment, welp won't be surprised again this time
The scene where everyone (including Hyun-su and not just the stadium survivors) gathered outside, I wonder what was that for? 🤔 There are some monster cocoons as well
Only Kim and one of his crew who survived Bamseom?
Where did Hyun-su get the cool black suit? Did he go to another shopping mall like at the early episodes of season 2? Have he consider wearing a sleeveless cloth because it's a shame the expensive sleeve got ripped again
My bad feeling and paranoia is skyrocketing again with that Eun-hyeok only scene 😶 Yeah I know he literally walked with Eun-yu and Hyun-su on the first official teaser pic back in February. But better safe than sorry, I never trust that kind of blank sinister look and head tilting
Hoooo, Hyun-su is talking about taking out and killing Sang-won? 👀 Can't wait for the unlimited stabbing and flirting between them (featuring Eun-hyeok if the battle royal gonna be real)
We (I mean Hyun-su) gonna fight a bigger protein monster?
Who does Sang-won refer to with the "we'll meet soon? Hyun-su? His biological child?
Good luck with your family drama and inner monster struggle, Yi-kyung. Wish you all the best
Please do correct me if I'm wrong or add what you noticed but I didn't on the reply. Thank you
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asmutwriter · 6 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 7)
DESCRIPTION: You decide to give Tommy some big news at the reopening of the Garrison
A/N - I had a dream about Thomas Shelby last night. He was chasing me through a mansion and I had to hide from him. It was very intense. Guess thats what happens when you watch Peaky Blinder highlights before going to sleep
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: swearing, talk of violence, mild threat of violence, pet names (love), drinking, smoking, pregnancy, smoking whilst pregnant (social norm for the time period), Inspector Campbell being himself
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
This story does not follow the timeline of the show
Not been proof read
It had been a couple of months since your meeting with Harry Thompson. He kept his word. Leaving Birmingham soon after your blackmail. Since then the Shelby family has been more kind towards you. By that you mean you don't feel like they want to kill you every time you enter a room.
You'd attended a few more family meetings as well. But most issues or problems were being resolved within the main family circle. You were appreciative of attending the discussions though. They were certainly more open towards you. Polly even asking how your day has been - on more then one occasion!
But then Thomas got attacked. Horribly. Brutally. You’re surprised he’s still alive to be honest. So sure that he’d die at the hospital where you sat with him until he gained consciousness. When he did, he told you to 'stop fussing and fuck off'. Glad to know that the attack didn’t change him. You left him to heal.
He went to London for a few days. You weren’t sure why. But he left Polly in charge of all Peaky business. You tried questioning her on why Thomas had left but she only responded with 'its none of your business'. Looking back on it you don’t think she knew.
It was a Tuesday morning. Scrubbing the mud from your sister's dress (she had fallen over right into a puddle) in your kitchen. Opening the back door you go and hang the newly washed dress up on the washing line in the garden. Going back inside the house you shut the door. Turning around to go back to the living room, you jump as you see a figure. Gripping at your chest as your husband stands in the door way. A smile of amusement coming over his face as he realises he made you jump.
"Jesus no need to scare me like that"
"I’m sorry love. Wasn’t my intention". A silence filling the room. You go over to a cabinet. Taking out a whiskey bottle. He grabs out two glasses, placing them down by you. You speak as you pour.
"I’m glad to see you looking better"
"I don’t think I could’ve looked much worse" you chuckle slightly. Putting the lid back onto the drink before sliding his glass to him. Him standing next to you but sideways on as he picks up his drink. You take yours. Turning towards him as you hold your drink in one hand. The other folding over your torso.
"Where did you go?"
"Did Polly not tell you?"
"I know you went to London but that’s all she told me” he nods. Taking a sip of his drink. “I just wondered why?"
"I had some business to attend to regarding Ada"
"Is she ok? I know that she got attacked too"
"She will be. She’s a strong willed woman. Plus I’ve given her a new home and protection for her and her son" you nod. Watching as he downs his drink. "I also had to do some business with Alfie Solomons". You furrow your brow at the name. It ringing a vague bell from when you lived in London
"Runs a Jewish gang correct?" he nods. Turning to face the counter as he places his glass back down on the side. Taking the whiskey bottle and pouring himself another drink.
"Have you met him before?"
"No. I only know the name in passing. Got told to stay away from him as he bad news and couldn’t be trusted". Tommy pauses in his actions. Hand around the glass but still on the counter top as he takes in your words. He goes into his pocket. Taking out a few coins and placing them stacked up on the side near you. You look at the small pile.
"I want you to buy a new dress"
"For what occasion?"
"The grand reopening of the Garrison" you stay silent. Thinking over your words before speaking.
"Mr Shelby... is opening the pub a good idea given the recent events? Would it be best to wait until the current threwat is dealt with before rebuilding?". He sips his drink again.
"I want those to know that the Peaky Blinders can rise from any downfall they have" he turns to face you. Drink still in hand as he points in the direction of the pub. "This is the way that we show those fuckers that it'll take a lot more to take down the Shelby family". He downs his drink. Placing the glass onto the table.
"So I’d like you to go out and buy yourself a new dress for this special occasion" he brings a hand up. Resting it onto your cheek as he meets your eyes. Yours soft as you watch his piercing blue orbs. "Lets show those bastards not to fuck with us, eh?". A soft smile comes over your lips as he drops his hand.
It took about a month to rebuild the Garrison. It was hard work but my goodness it payed off. Tommy had shown you it before anyone else. Before the big reopening he took you to see the grand building. Standing tall and proud.
It was the day of the reopening. You’d done as your husband had asked you to do. Gone out and bought a fancy new dress. So here you were. Sitting at the bar. Cigerette in hand as you watch your husband talking with his guests. You snuff out your smoke in the ashtray nearby before going over to him. Gently resting your hand on his arm. He looks at you. His smile softening in feature as he meets your gaze.
"Can I talk with you? Alone?" he nods. The smile seeming to fade marginally at your request. You take his hand. Leading him to a back room. Shutting the door. He watches you. His eyes filled with a confusion as you take his hand. Leading him to a table. You sit down. Him sitting opposite you.
"What is it love?". You look down. Fiddling with your wedding ring. His hand gently takes your chin. Bringing your head up to meet his eyes "what’s on your mind?"
"I’ve been thinking about it and I-" you cut yourself off. You dart your eyes over his features before asking "Can you teach me how to fight?". The request seeming to shock him. Before he can respond you carry on talking. "I saw what they did to you. I know what they did to your sister. And she lives hundreds of miles away. I’m concerned that myself and my sisters are at risk here. I’m sorry I’ve only just brought it up now but given the current situation I-".
"Hey" he moves his hands. Cupping your face as he makes you look at him "So long as you remain a Shelby then you have the protection of myself and the Peaky Blinders. I know I was gone for a while but you will always be safe. I promise you that"
"I would feel safer if I could fight... rather then relying on you to keep me safe..." his eyes dart between yours. Trying to read your expressions. Before he can say anything else you speak again. Quieter this time. Voice barely above a whisper. "I’d like to be able to keep the baby safe...". He stays silent. His eyes flashing with emotions. So quick you can’t read them. Them darting downwards to look at your stomach before coming back up to your features. Mere seconds feel like hours as silence consumes you. You bring your hands up. Holding his wrists as he continues to hold your face. "Please say something".
"It is my duty as your husband to keep you and our child safe. So long as I live I will ensure that. If you wish to learn to fight after our child is born then I will teach you. But you won’t learn whilst you are carrying my babe". He leans forward. Kissing your forehead. You shut your eyes. Nodding as you feel him watch you again. "You are safe Mrs Shelby. I promise". You open your eyes as you feel him stand. Looking up at him as he drops your face. Taking your hands with his. Pulling you up. "Shall we go and tell everyone else the news about the new family member?" he smiles. You nod. Taking his arm as he leads you back out into the crowd.
You wait for the other guests of the party to leave before informing your in-laws. Your sisters are the first to hug you. Wrapping your arms around them both. Tommy's siblings congratulate him first. Ada coming over to you and hugging you too. After your sisters finally let you go. Her giving you affection isn’t shocking. What does surprise you is when Arthur hugs you.
"Well done girl" he says. Genuine joy and happiness in his voice as he hugs you close. You smile at his affection. More due to the symbolism of them accepting you as a family member rather then the hug itself. He moves away. Seeing John Boy practicly hitting Thomas's shoulder as he congratulates him. Your youngest sister takes your arm in hers.
"You know, Mary is a very good name" you roll your eyes
"You can’t suggest your own name” Luz says. Turning her attention from the youngest sibling back up at you “But, on the topic of names, Elizabeth is a very good name" Causing you to laugh.
"You two are as bad as each other" you say. A smile on your face as you contiue to talk with them. You meet Polly's gaze. Cigarette in her hand as what appears to be sadness glazes over her eyes. She nods slightly at you. You give a soft smile and a nod in return before your sisters drag you back to their conversation.
The time flew by. You were around 5 months pregnant. At a small party that was hosted by one of Tommy's aquaintences up in London. You knew your purpose for this party. An accessory to make your husband look good. To make him look approachable. So you stuck by his side the whole party. Your arm linked with his as people came and chatted with you both.
That’s when you noticed a shift in his demeanor. His friendly persona he had on changing. Feeling his arm tense under yours. Although you were getting better at figuring out your husbands thoughts and feelings you still found him incredibly difficult to read. You look at him. Following his gaze. It falling onto a middle aged gentlemen with a cane. You look back at him. You may struggle to figure out what’s going through his head. But you knew that he must know this man.
"Mr Shelby? Is everything ok?"
"We should be going Flo" he turns his back to the man. Forcing you to turn with him as your arm remains on his.
"Who is that man?" you whisper.
"Someone who I reluctantly do business with. Who I'd much rather put a bullet between his eyes then engage in small talk". You look at your husband. Mild shock filling you. He rarely uses violent language around you. He swears a lot but he never talks about violence or commiting violent acts towards people whilst in your prescence. Not even in a joking manner. So for this to be said you know he must be quite a character.
"Lets leave then. If you’ve finished all the other busniness you need for the day" before either of you can make a decision you hear an Irish voice speak.
"Thomas Shelby". Turning to face the man. Him having walked over to you both. You follow suit. Standing slightly behind your husband. Arm interlocked with his as you feel his body tense mildly. "I'll be damned to see you here. You’re a long way from Birmingham aren’t you?"
"I could say the same about you" the man smiles. His eyes falling to you. Raking over your body.
"And who is this pretty thing you’ve got with you?". Thomas clenches his jaw slightly. Watching the man as you cling to him more.
"Inspector Campbell this is Florence Shelby. My wife" he holds a hand out towards you. You take it. Shaking it as a way to deem polite.
"Its a pleasure to meet you ma'am” his eyes fall to your stomach before meeting your eyes again “I can see that a congratulations are in order. What with the marriage and the pregnancy" he motions towards your belly. You half smile.
"Thank you Mr Campblell. We really shou-"
"I never pictured you as the marriage type though Mr Shelby. Not with your reputation"
"Time changes people" he says. Eyes boring into the man. You could feel the testestorone start to build. Turning slightly to your husband. Your hands tightening around his arm.
"I need some air. Come join me" he drops his death glare off of the man. The stare softening as they meet your calming eyes. He nods. Excusing yourselves from the man as you head outside. You sit on a small bench. Hand resting on your stomach as you shut your eyes.
Hearing the soft strike of a match you open your eyes. Tommy lighting a cigarette. Resting it on his lips. You hold your hand out. Him taking a puff from it before placing it in your hand. Watching as you inhale the smoke. Resting your hand on your knee as you exhale. Looking back at the room where the party is.
"Do we have to stay for much longer? Im growing tired"
"We'll stay for a little bit longer. It’s not ideal the detective being here’s but I still have some business left to do” you hold your hand up. Letting him take the smoke from you as he takes a drag from it before speaking again. "If you’re tired then stay out here. You’ve done more then your far share today. You should rest for a little while" you nod. Half smiling at him
"I'll come back inside in a bit. Just want to have some fresh air" he nods. Gently squeezing your shoulder before handing you the cigar. Heading back inside as you take a few more puffs. Placing the butt on the ground. Snuffing it out with your shoe. You watch as you see the crowds of people inside. Spotting your husband talking with someone. The main person you know he wants to make a deal with.
You go to stand up. Wanting to go and help make a good impression. Struggling slightly as you push yourself up. "You ok there Mrs Shelby?" you hear a familiar voice say. Turning you see the inspector. You nod, a soft but half genuine smile on your face
"I’m fine Mr Campbell. If you excuse me I need to go find my husband" turning away you hear him speak.
"You know" he comes over to you. "I can help you". You talk as you turn to face him again.
"Excuse me?". A few more steps. Any closer and he’d be touching you.
"A young, pretty woman such as yourself being dragged into the world of Thomas Shelby. I can’t believe that it was due to your love or affections for him" you go to say something but he cuts you off "I know what your going to say. That you love him and that he cares for you. But I know the truth. That he somehow pulled you into his world of fighting and gangs and you can’t get out” another step closer as his voice darkens “I can give you a way out. Let me help you" he brings a hand up. Going to stroke your cheek. You step back. Shocked by his forward tone. Your hand going to your stomach as a form of protection to your unborn child.
"You know nothing about me or my husband and the life that we have together. We trust each other wholeheartedly and I would never do anything to get rid of that"
"He'll never love you. You do know that, right? You might think he does. Or that he will. That you can change him. But you can’t. You will always be just an object for him to manipulate to his own advantage".
"And what? You think you could give me a different life?" You keep your eyes steady and fixed on his. His eyes remaining on yours as you keep your ground.
"I could give you the affection and love he isn’t capable of showing you. Care for you in a way that a man like him won’t"
You take a step towards him. Anger flashing through your eyes as you spit your words at him. "I am going to go back to my husband. The man who’s child I am carrying. I will be leaving with him back to our home. To our shared bed. Do you understand me Mr Campbell?" He watches you. Nodding. "Good. Goodnight" you turn. Walking back to your husband as he continues to chat with his soon to be new business partner. Linking an arm with him as he introduces you as his wife.
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@whorecrux-of-slytherin @kkrenae @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo
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onyour-right · 11 months
Right, well, fucking hell guys lmaooo.
Cate & Sam becoming radicalised makes the most sense. Out of the whole group, they are the two that have been the most manipulated and abused by humans so I don't necessarily fault them, I just hope they don't take it too far. The relationship between Shetty and Cate was heartbreaking to watch play out, because underneath all the manipulation there were genuine feelings and love for each-other there. That moment when Cate called Shetty 'Indira' I actually got chills. Personally, Cate & Sam becoming anti-heroes to the group is very interesting.
Marie & Jordan. I feel like... their scenes together were really cute, and the way Marie went after Jordan when he was pissed, and then they had that half-hearted standoff before Jordan started laughing and kissed her, gave a great insight into their whole relationship dynamic and had me giggling. I also loved their detective scenes. BUT it's frustrating that they haven't had an opportunity to talk about their feelings for each-other, or even acknowledge everything that's happened between them. I mean, I also get that a lot of things are happening and so maybe there just hasn't been the chance for them to talk it out - which, again, I guess is sort of realistic - I just think that you can't ask an audience to fully root for a couple when you don't show the moments that it takes for them to become a them if you get what I mean. I still 10000% love & root for them; they are still my main draw, and Jaz, Derek & London sell those scenes. But I need more...
I feel so bad for Marie. The way she had to relive that trauma of her mother dying and being unable to help. Jaz really acted out in the scene where she was literally begging Cate to be able to help Shetty. That was the only part where I kinda thought Cate was wrong; because out of everyone Marie was the person who was most open to giving her another chance, and then she goes and betrays her like that.
I also liked the dynamic between Neuman and Marie (I wonder if she is the one who is Marie's benefactor) but I'm not putting my trust in her because there's something about her that's kinda suspect. I will say that I liked how she handled Dr Cardosa; I cannot truly believe that he actually thought he was going to walk away from that encounter alive... like c'mon now. I wonder if Neuman will get rid of the virus though or keep it somewhere else???
I expected Shetty and Dr Cardosa to die but I didn't think it would happen in the penultimate episode. Which means that the finale is gonna go even more crazy, and I have strong suspicions that someone else from the main group is gonna die or be locked up. Regardless of what happens though, the dynamics are seriously about to be changed which is quite exciting.
I also dont know how our main gang can go back to that school knowing that it's whole foundation is false, and that they're actually test subjects. It feels like either way they can't win; either they drop out of the school and go the independent route in regards crime fighting, or they continue knowing that it's all a farce and every step that they take is orchestrated.
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zutarasbuff · 7 months
My connection with Zuko & Zutara
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I’ve always been so passionate about Zuko and the way his character has layers of complexity within the show. It is said that art inspires life. People often accuse Zuko stans of “having a lustful attitude toward a fictional character as the girls simply want him for his looks”. I believe it’s not the case. This is something I have always kept in my heart.
My reasons for being a part of the Zuko fandom are not just based on the show but on a personal level as well. Zuko helped me in coping with some of my worst nightmares, the trials that I believe were the hardest. One of my friends mocked my idea of Zuko as being too much obsessed with a fictional character. According to her, this was not normal and I should have gone to a therapist but I have seen the real world. I have seen how cruel the reality is, and in those moments it was his character that provided me comfort and strength.
Back when I was a child, I watched the season first and fell in love with the concept of “bending”. Honestly, at that time, I hated Zuko because of his mad hunt for Aang and the gang. I always wanted him to fail because, in my eyes, it was always Aang who was going to save the day (being the hero). As I grew up, I watched the season again and this time I looked at Zuko from a different perspective. It was something that I now noticed. I noticed how similar Zuko was to me because both of us had experienced the absence of our mothers in a very young age and this kept the trauma alive throughout our lives. In the show, we find that Zuko was emotionally abused by his father to be someone he didn’t want to be. I had gone through the same experience when I was always considered “not good enough as a daughter” no matter what I did to please my father.
Just like Zuko, I always had questions in my mind why did my mother leave me and where she was at the moment? Just like him it also turned me into a bitter person, a person who had a hard time trusting someone with all their heart. I looked at him and his struggle. Zuko is always ridiculed for his quest to “redeem his honor”, but the truth is if you have ever walked in his shoes, you will be able to find out that all he wanted was to be loved and accepted by his father because he had an absent parent. It is natural for a child to want the attention of a parent especially when one of the parents is absent. He did everything for Ozai. Just the way I made my career choices based on Papa’s willingness. I felt a strange connection with Zuko because both of us were the same. You will find that the hard shell of Zuko starts breaking when someone shows the slightest concern of care or love toward him. This is the sole reason why Zuko always pretends to be a cruel guy because he’s broken on the inside. He doesn’t want to give someone a chance to play with his emotions and make him vulnerable again because he knows the cost of it from his traumatic past.
This is how broken people are. I have gone through the same phase and in doing so I believe I must have hurt people who were kind like Mai and Uncle Iroh were to Zuko. It’s because people like us are afraid of falling in love and showing the slightest traces of weakness. We act strong because we have fought our demons hard. We are afraid of turning out to be the horrible version of our parents. Even Zuko kept on fearing that he might turn up to be like Ozai after being the Firelord. It’s because all his trauma, his hurt, his unspoken emotions, and his pain were still there and he knew it wouldn’t change.
As a lover, we find that he tries to save Mai from being blamed as the girlfriend of a banished prince, and for this reason, he breaks up but never forgets to care about her. As a person, who was broken in more than one way, I have done the same in the past. I built my walls so high so that no one could get hurt by my harshness, and my demons but even after that I never forgot to care for the people who were significant to me, because people like us know the consequences of inflicting hurt upon someone very well. Zuko to me is the guy who if was real would have understood me and people like me.
I know it might seem a bit bizarre to several people here, but I think I love this fictional person from the core of my heart because I know his traumas, his pain, and his hurt. It’s not easy to pretend that you are fine when you are clearly not okay. I love him because I believe that he would be the only person in the world who had an idea of my heart and traumas. When I ship him with Katara, I have this idea in my mind that she is the other person who lost her mother had issues with her father, and pretended to be happy despite all that she went through. Maybe it comes off as a selfish declaration but as a person who has gone through worse in life, somewhere in Katara I see a version of myself who is angry, hurt, and still feels safe with someone like him. I wish if a parallel world existed, both of them could end up together there, and get all the happiness they have always deserved.
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mary-games-and-arts · 6 months
AvA/M Cast Redesign
Phew, well.. I DID IT I REDESIGNED EVERYONE! Time to present them all again, but this time with some more info, right?
Color Gang
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Green (He/him) - 17 y.o. | Let's say he's literally a perfectionist okay? Green is the one of a protective friend but can annoy his brother Red sometimes. His love of his life is Blue
Yellow (She/her) - 16 y.o. | A girl who knows everything about redstone, Minecraft commands and style. Has a twin sister Pinkie (Keep in mind that Pinkie is not a canon character. She's my AvM OC). Also Yellow has a partner Red
The Second Coming/TSC/Second/Orange (He/They) - 17 y.o. | A sleepyhead but somehow understands math and physics(unlike me ;v;). They're really overprotective over their friends and have their own powers but they're not aware of them(let's say AvA VI didn't happen yet). Chosen is Second's sister. Also Sec is in love with Purple
Blue (She/her) - 16 y.o. | Really knows her thing when it comes to brewing potions and gardening. Has bandages cuz AvM Ep. 20 events. Can get worried if anyone of the gang gets sick. Loves Green and his tunes
Red (He/him) - 15 y.o. | Apparently the youngest one of the group. He's a clumsy guy and also a prankster. Got possessed by Herobrine twice. Was in a timeout once cuz messed with Yellow's staff and the lucky block. Yellow is his girlfriend and Green is his brother. Oh and his pets are his friends
The Royal Duo + The Angelic Trio
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Purple (She/They) - 16 y.o. | A little shy but very nice girl. Considers MT as her older sister. Still has trust issues but is trying to fix it. Cherishes her dead mother Orchid and doesn't give a damn about her dad RB. Second is her boyfriend
MT/Mango Tango/Queen Orange (She/her) - 20 y.o. | A young adult who was a queen once just to destroy Minecraft cuz it took away her little brother Gold. Tries to move on from Gold's death and now considers Purple as her younger sis. She's on neutral terms with Color Gang. Her husband is actually an Enderman named Jacob (Tulip said that we can have our own Jacob so)
Gold (He/him) - 12 y.o. | A smol kid who is MT's brother and had unfortunately died from Minecraft. Observes his sister and spends his time with Orchid and Victim. Sometimes wishes he could hug MT one last time
Orchid (She/her) - 38 y.o. | A caring woman who is also Purple's mother. Has no empathy for RB cuz he left her and Purple. Unfortunately died from an unknown disease and now observes her child from above
Victim (They/Them) - 25 y.o. | A guy who never experienced life for once. Tries to develop themselves and find their own personality and hobbies. Currently is friends with Orchid and Gold
RB, Alan and The AvA Duo
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RB (He/him) - 40 y.o. | A ex-husband of Orchid and ex-dad for Purple. Left cuz he thought his daughter was "pathetic and would never protect herself from any danger"
Alan (He/him) - 35 y.o. | The creator himself of the whole AvA/M community. Considers Chosen and Second as his kids, but also has a real life family
The Dark Lord/TDL/Dark (She/her) - 18 y.o. | The terrorist of the whole Internet herself and Alan is her creator. She was created to defeat Chosen but she teamed up with them and confronted Alan. Somehow survived Second's attack and now is trying to change. Has a girlfriend Chosen
The Chosen One/TCO/Chosen (She/They) - 19 y.o. | The Chosen One herself who just wants to live peacefully with Dark after all the trauma she endured. Saved a kid once and now friends with her. Is currently being wanted by Rocket Corporation. Dark is her girlfriend
The Rocket Corporation
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Hazard (He/They) - literally a robot- | A restored robot who can control electricity as his power. He's also a part of the mercenary team
Agent Smith (He/him) - 24 y.o. | The main mercenary of the corporation who can use any Adobe Animate tool. Has a small crush on Vic
Alive!Vic (They/them) - 25 y.o. | The first stick ever created by Alan that somehow came to life to get the revenge they so desperately want. They're a leader of a whole corporation and they hunt for Chosen cuz she knows where Alan is
Ballista (He/him) - 27 y.o. | The shortest mercenary of the team. He can turn his head into a tank and also adores his big pixel sword
Primal (She/her) - 28 y.o. | The tallest mercenary and the only woman in the team. Is good at archery and can get buff if needed
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starguardianniom · 2 days
Billy background
Ok so thanks to chapter 4 we got some background on Billy now and like I promised here are some of the many pictures I took about it, (it took me an hour just to get through it all because I legit took a picture of almost pratically all dialogue but I'll spare you all the details and just jump straight into it) and some more.
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The Sons of Calydon just straight up trust Billy with their truck and their freaking bangboo for starters because he used to work for them, surprise surprise, we all thought so from the beginning and we were right. Still the fact that they are on good terms enough for that kind of job already warms my heart a lot you have no idea.
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What fate are we talking about exactly? Why did you leave? You seemed pretty well liked, I don't get it. I need more information, you are being so vague about the details it drives me nuts, still love you though, but dang you will make me work to get your secrets won't you? Fine, that just makes you even more interesting in my eyes. ^^
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Just like that Billy you just saved us a lot of trouble I feel. I bet Nicole was so relieved.
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So you talked to Lucy then, must have been interesting.
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Well, since you are the messenger it would be rude to decline their offer.
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Wow, you really just follow orders to the tee and Nicole cares enough to actually be willing to let go of the case if we refuse, dang the honor code is strong with The Cunning Hares. ^^ Don't worry my dear I want Perlman in jail as much as you guys do so we'll go meet them~.
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So you are doing a side job for a few days for them and Nicole is letting you, good for you my man. Wait does that means that Red Moccus actually is staying with you and the Cunning Hares for the next few days? Wild. I bet Amillion was thrilled.
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Dang, I guess Nicole is mad that you let Perlman get away right under your nose, don't worry I'll make sure that we get him back so that you get paid. I do hope that Nicole would still actually pay you even if you did let him go considering the sole reason why she, Anby and Nekomata are still alive was because you were there to help Lycaon climb aboard to save everyone so I do hope she will go easy on you.
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Sibling concern as usual, fortunatly~
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No dice on what was my answer, right? ^^
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My thoughts exactly, pretty nice to see that out of the Cunning Hares Billy seems to be the only one who could still go back to people and friends he knew if it came to that, even if he doesn't seem interested in going back for some reason.
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Yeah, if you're friends with Billy that automatically makes you friends with the Sons of Calydon, hell yeah! They aren't even mad that they had to rescue us and that Billy left them all that time ago, this is how you leave groups people, on good terms, take notes y'all. Caesar is so wholesome.
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On the other hand, why are these the only options available after this wholesome dialogue, hoyo do you want us to have a problem being friends with Billy despite me already having maxed his trust, or make us tsunderes? Stop making me insult my boy please!
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That ain't convincing very much Belle but I feared the other possible answer too much so sorry about that Billy you are still my favorite character in the game and Hoyo will never make me dislike you, try all you want he's still gonna be in my heart forever.
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That one question I've been waiting for is finally here!!!
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This. I straight up swear, while the Cunning Hares are a found family, you don't see Nicole and Anby calling Billy "bro", the Sons on another hand do. I keep hearing Anby saying "I got you sis" refering to Nicole in battle, and telling Billy to get some repairs while she's switching with him.
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I would like to highlight that Caesar is saying that even if Billy has left the gang for a while so I guess he still has the title even if he isn't with them anymore, guess that means that if he ever leaves the Cunning Hares he can just go back to the Sons and get back his title and nobody will protest.
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So Billy had a pretty big job in the Sons, neat. With all the responsabilities and stress that comes with it. Interesting~
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Lighter having Billy has a rival, he also calls Billy his predecessor, meaning Billy had the position first and then it went to Lighter I guess. Lighter saw Billy in action and found him worthy of being his rival. Also that last sentence makes me thinks that Lighter forgot that Billy was literally made for battle, he's an Intelligent Tactical Unit, a battle android, he was made to fight so of course his combat skills are something else. But I really am tempted to pull Lighter just to have a few more info on Billy, given he seems interested in a duel with him and admires him, it seems legit that he might talk about him in some of his trust events, I sure hope so at least, because I will be very disappointed with Hoyo otherwise.
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Again Hoyo, stop dissing my boy when others are praising him, like I know we might be used to the goofy side of Billy but like we also go on commission with him and the Cunning Hares a lot so surely we would be used to seeing him in action by now shouldn't we and like we are proxies not fighters we legit have no room to talk Billy is the one going in the Hollows risking his life we just give him the directions and the exit but if Eous is damaged we'll be safe at home, while Billy won't, so can we just stop with dissing him already? Please and thank you.
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Going by that comment I assume Billy used to behave a lot more differently in the Sons than how he is now, but it does beg the question of how much drastic the change was, I mean an entire freaking gang of thugs ran away from him when they recognized him, so he must have been pretty scary and intimidating back then, but now he seems to look back on that side of him with a bit of shame? Anyway seems like he's pretty happy with his life with the Cunning Hares according to Lighter, being his dream life, which again, good for him this is wholesome on so many levels. ^^
Finally done, this took a while. I got fed with Caesar and Lighter happily providing info on Billy, but I still need more!
Still it was all very interesting, I will stay on the lookout for more info on Billy, feel free to also come at me with what you find about him too, or just talk about him, or gush about him, or shoot me your headcanons too, I will talk about him forever. ^^
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simplydannie · 5 months
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Under Rageous Velvet || Under Rageous Veneer
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First, I want to thank everyone who pepped me up and made feel like a million when I was down❤️ I loved it and appreciated it so, SO much, you have no idea! I love you my pookies ❤️
The twins are on the run yet again from an Under Rageous gang boss: a high priced bounty on their head. All hope seems lost until Branch appears, asking them to trust him. Unfortunately, what he doesn’t know that a quick getaway leads them to a familiar face…A face that churns Branch’s stomach….a face he cannot trust.
Shank made sure the door was locked after the Mistress came in. They discussed their usual court of business….but only after spending an intimate moment together. Was it love? It was more lust than anything. Shank loved the beauty that those in Mount Rageous illuminated. Mistress desired the dark, looming, dangerous feel that the Under Rageous gave off. They were both power hungry, money hungry. They were both ambitious, dedicated, and horrible people….but that’s what made them so perfect for each other.
Mistress sat on top of him as he kissed her neck, “So any word on my little super stars?”
“Wouldn’t have I told you if there was any word?” He replied in between kisses. He could sense the aggravation in her voice. “Don’t tell me you came down here just to discuss business?”
“No. I guess not.” She sighed as he continued kissing her. “I guess your company is quite pleasurable.” Mistress closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sensation of his lips on her…things were getting hot, things were beginning to get serious...
Shank growled in disapproval at the sound of one of his henchmen, “Buzz off!” He demanded, “I’m a little busy here!”
”..S-sir…W-we have a sighting…” The fear in the henchman’s voice sounded through the closed door.
“Damn those teens.” Shank grunted through his teeth. Mistress snarled as she got off Shank ...Things were just getting good. He got up and went to open the door, shirt and jacket still off, anger in eyes.
“You better be damn sure, Syth.” He told his henchman. The male Rageon walked in holding a holographic tablet of some sort. Shank leaned in to have a closer look at the image… it was fuzzy, blurry, but he knew who that green swoop of hair belonged to.
“We got our boy. How long ago was this?”
“Our computers just picked it up, but cameras themselves may have picked it up about 30 minutes ago.” Syth replied.
Shank put on his shirt and jacket, he turned to Mistress, “Dead or alive?”
“Alive….for now. Once we obtain him, his sister won’t be far behind. And once Velvet is back in our grasp…do what you want to him.” She fixed up her dress and hair. She then walked up to Shank running a finger along his jawline. “And once that’s all over we’ll continue where we left off.”
He smirked. Looking towards Syth he yelled, “Well! Get to it… NOW!”
Hours. It had been hours. Velvet hadn’t heard any commotion on the other side of the door. Nothing. Sitting by the door, she hugged her knees and rocked back and forth. She really didn’t stop herself from wanting to hurt her brother this time. She wanted to do it, she REALLY wanted to do it.
“What’s wrong with me?” She murmured to herself. Her mind swirled, distorting with reality and what wasn’t….she couldn’t tell anymore. “Vennie?” She called out….silence.
Standing up she went to the door and opened it, “Vennie?” There wasn’t much to their home. The bedroom opened straight into the living room/ kitchen that made up their container home. “Vennie?”….He wasn’t there; she then knew he had ran off. Velvet sat down on the small worn down couch they had, burying her face within her hands.
Stupid! How on Earth am I supposed to protect him from myself, she thought. She realized now that she posed as a more horrid threat to her brother than all of Under Rageous. But what could she do? She couldn’t control it. It’s as if the anger took complete control of her body, but not just her body, her mind. Velvet could see her brother as the rages happened, but she couldn’t stop herself…sometimes the sound of his voice would calm her, would bring her back to this hell of a reality…but this last time it didn’t. She could hear him beg, but she continued, she wanted to continue until he felt the pain she had felt. But that was it wasn’t it? What if one day she never stopped? What if one day she killed him?….She’d never forgive herself if she did.
And now where was he? Running the streets of Under Rageous…while a bounty was on them, while most of Under Rageous knew of their crimes…and probably hated them. But was he any safer with her? Damn it Vennie, she pulled up her hoodie, tucking her bright green hair underneath. She had to go find him, she had to try and better herself…if not for her…for him…for all the crap she put him through. There had to be something, someone that could help with whatever the hell she was going through. She walked out the entrance of their container home and went to find her brother.
The two tiny Trolls stayed huddled inside Veneer's pockets. Tye scoffed on how calm Branch was, “Why are you trusting him? He’s probably going to take us to the Black Market. Sell us! Then we’re done for.” Tye whispered harshly.
“I- I don’t know!” Branch replied.
“I know you know him. How do you know him!”
“I’ll explain later.” Branch replied. He maneuvered himself to peek out Veneer’s pockets. “Yo! Where are we going?”
“Home….I think….I don’t know.” Veneer responded.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” The Troll arched his eyebrow, “I thought you said somewhere safe?”
“I-I did.”
”Then why the change Veneer?” Branch asked.
”Cause I don’t know how safe it will be.” Veneer walked past a couple Under Rageons who didn’t pay him any mind, but the more deeper he went, the more crowded it got, the more he was recognized. He could hear whispers, snarls, and vile laughter. He causually dove into some alley ways to continue his path home…at least he hoped he could get home. The two little Trolls popped out of his pocket and towards the bottom of his boots.
“Admit it green bean! You’re taking us to the Black Market!” Tye expressed. Branch looked at him, mouth gaped open.
”W-what. N-no! I swear!”
“Then why keep us!”
“I-I….” Veneer began to stutter.
An anger came across Tye’s face and voice, “Spill it Rageon!”
“I just wanted to the company okay!” Veneer leaned against the brick wall within the alley and shlumped down towards the ground. He brought his knees towards his chest, a distant look coming to his eyes. Branch approached him…
”Veneer…Where’s your sister?” He finally asked. The Rageon didn’t look the Troll in the eye; he turned his face and gazed towards the ground instead. “Those bruises on your face….did, did she do it?”
“……She didn’t mean too….” The Rageon finally responded.
”What do you mean? What sister doesn’t mean to beat up her own brother?” Branch pressed on. Veneer fiddled with the hem of his sleeves, his feet twitching as he searched for the answer.
“Something is wrong with her…Something I noticed back at the Rage Dome show. She was changing, she was….going crazy. That’s why I had to stop it. That’s why I had to tell everybody about what we did. I thought I was helping her, but now, I’m not so sure I did….”
Branch searched for the right words, “Did it have anything to do with my brother? The essence you were absorbing?”
Tye’s ears twitched, “Brother?….The Troll they kidnapped….They tortured…That was your brother? Why are you still trusting him!”
Branch didn’t know. Something in him told him that he couln’dt leave Veneer…especially not at the hands of death. He looked at the kid…there was something about him…something sad….yet, something familiar.
“Did you know Floyd before everything happened?”
Veneer nodded, “Yes.”
“…We found him…”
“Go on.”
Veneer sighed, “He had fallen into one of my traps I set out. The group me and Velvet were part of…our job was to capture Trolls and send them off to the Black Market…”
”See!” Tye pointed out.
”Shh! Go on.” Branch said.
”…Floyd was the first Troll I ever caught. But when I looked at him….he looked….sad…he was grey, colorless.” Branches heart sank as Veneer continued, “I- I couldn’t give him to the Black Market…He needed help. So I convinced Velvet to keep him, hide him away. The group thought I had released him. They gave me a good beating and through me and Velvet back on the streets….But, it was honestly the best thing that happened to us. We became like a small family…we had a family again. Floyd got his colors back….we were happy…until we screwed it up and betrayed him…almost killing him.” Veneer hugged his knees and buried his face away as the tears started pouring out.
Branch had not known about this. Grant it, Floyd would always try to write to the twins during their time in prison, but he would always intercept those letters.
“Let it go Floyd! They tormented you!” Branch would tell him.
“Branch..please just let me explain..”
“Enough Floyd! I have my brother back. I don’t want to lose him again to those tall freaks!…Please..”
And Floyd never brought it up again. Looking at Veneer’s distraught actions, he knew now that they were once a family, even if it was for a short while. Though he admired it, he couldn’t help but feel a ping of jealousy…because that’s what Branch had wanted with Floyd…Veneer’s shoulders shuddered as he continued to cry. The kid felt alone…no Floyd, no sister, no parents it seemed like…perhaps Branch was the closest thing he would have to Floyd, which is why Veneer didn’t want to part with him…at least not yet.
Tye looked between Branch and the Rageon. He could see the sympathy coming across Branch's face. No…that was unacceptable, Rageons were not to be trusted. Whatever this was, the Rageon had Branch under his spell. He went over to the Troll and tugged his sleeve.
“Let’s go before more come. Then we’re really in trouble.” He said.
Branch didn’t budge. He stayed there staring at Veneer. Was this the real Veneer? The kid Floyd had come to know and love? And not the peacock, pretty boy Branch came to hate in Mount Rageous.
”You can go. I’m sorry….I’m sorry for everything…” Veneer mumbled through his tears; he dared not look up at the Troll. He was afraid he would see Floyd in him…then he really wouldn’t want to let him go. Branch looked at Tye, then at Veneer. He let out a sigh and walked towards Tye.
“…Thank you for trying to help me…but I’m sorry….I-I can’t leave him.” Branch admitted.
Tye gaped, “What? You’re really going to take his side?” Veneer peeked, tears still running down his face, eyes red.
“Look. I’m looking for a way out of here. I want to get out and go home. You can come with me…” He looked between Tye and Veneer. “You both can.”
Veneer sniffled, a small smile coming across his face, “Really?” He and Tye responded in unison.
“Yes! What do you say?”
“I-I have family here. I just can’t leave them….” Tye said.
“Then let’s get them! And they can come too. Any Troll, all Trolls we can find. Plus a Rageon….”
“Or two?” Veneer asked. Branch paused, confused at his statement. “I can’t leave Velvet. She…She still needs me…I need her too.” Branch was a little taken back by his request. Veneer had always seemed like the more reasonable one between the two…Velvet on the other hand was different. And now that he had said that something was wrong with her, that she could loose control any moment? Veneer sensed the hesitation in Branch's actions and words.
“If she doesn’t go, then I’ll stay…but I can help you guys escape….If you want of course…”
Branch bit his tongue…He was hoping Veneer wouldn’t have said that…He was hoping he could at least save one twin…but if his sister wasn’t saved, then he’d suffer with her. Should he bring both? Should he risk the safety of the other Trolls to an unstable Rageon? Branch didn’t know what to do or say….instead, his reply was simple…
“…..Okay…” Was all he said.
The conversation was cut short as they heard footsteps echo in the alleyway.
“Hurry!” Veneer opened his pockets for the Trolls to go in. Instead, Tye wrapped his hand around Branch's wrist, wrapped his hair on a far off post, and slingshotted away. Veneer watched as they disappeared.
“Wait!” Branch yelled as Tye tightened his grip.
“Branch?” Veneer called out...the echo of the footsteps grew nearer. He didn’t hesitate, Veneer pulled his red hoodie over his purple beanie and began to walk off. As he neared the exit of the alley, he was blocked by a tall Under Rageon. Veneer attempted a casual avoidance and turned around. More Rageons blocked his path. They all wore dark trench coats over dark baggy clothes. The sides of their heads shaved, only leaving one side of their head full of their stringy hair. They were all pale, with spiral eyes and sharpened teeth, a tattoo running along the side of their head down their neck…a branding to the gang they belonged to ...Shanks.
“Hey there pretty boy.” Shank appeared from the group of Rageons that surrounded him. “Finally, we meet face to face. You and your sister have been putting me through a lot of trouble…Giving me a lot of damn headaches.” He lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the air. The sight of him sent shivers down Veneer’s spine…He was menacing, yet walked with power…it was frightening.
“I-I don’t know who you are. W-what did we do to you?” Veneer asked.
“For one, you killed one of my boys back when you guys first arrived down here a couple weeks ago.” Shank’s spiral eyes met Veneer’s giant blue ones…he was terrified…truly terrified.
“I-I…W-we….that was an accident. We….we were trying to defend ourselves.”
Shank held up a finger to silence Veneer, “I don’t give a damn about explanations. Now, I’ll let that slide if you decide to come with us…peacefully of course…We also promise no harm will come to your sister.”
“Velvet?” Veneer’s heart sank to the pit of his stomach…”Y-you have Velvet?”
“You want to see her?…Alive? Then come along with us. There’s an old friend who wants to have a word with you both.” Shank gestured the way through, waiting for Veneer to follow.
“W-who?” He asked.
“Too many questions will definitely get your sister killed….Well.” Shank blew more smoke into the air as he waited for Veneer’s decision ...The young Rageon nodded and began to follow Shank and his men….
….Suddenly a cloud of mist surrounded them out of nowhere, their vision blurred; they gagged as they inhaled the smoke that surrounded them.
”WHAT THE HELL!” Shank yelled.
Veneer was also caught in the smoke, coughing and wheezing for air. He felt hand wrap around his wrist and begin pulling him away. He didn’t know where he was going, he just felt his feet move, his body being pulled. His vision cleared as he was led out of the smoke. The hand that grasped him, the person who was leading him away…
“Velvet!” Veneer exclaimed with a smile, “You’re safe!”
”Of course idiot! Why wouldn’t I be?”
”They said they had you?”
”You REALLY need to stop trusting strangers. You’re not five anymore.” She cried as they began to run.
“How did you do that back there?”
”I found those old smoke bombs you made…I guess eventually they did come in handy…go figure.” She kept pulling Veneer, running faster.
“Where are we going?”
“Home! Where do you think?”
When the smoke cleared, Shank glanced around…the kid was gone, “Damn it! DAMN IT! GO FIND THAT SON OF A BITCH NOW!” He screamed. His men scrambled around before finally heading separate ways out of the alley. “I’m going to kill him. When I have my way with him…I’m going to kill him.”
“Wait…we passed this way already?” Veneer declared as they came to a halt.
“How do you know?”
“That graffiti. We passed by it twice.” He pointed it out.
“We’ve been going in circles!” Velvet exclaimed. “Hell! I don’t know this place of Under Rageous…This way!” She pulled her brother along a narrow part of the alley, “I’m sure we haven’t been this way before.” They ran…left or right? Velvet went right….dead end. She turned back around pushing her brother heading the other direction. This leads to another opening…straight ahead or left? She continued straight….another dead end.
“Shit, shit, shit.” She exclaimed.
“Venner! Please! We have no way out and you’re worried about me cussing!” She attempted to head back..
”Keep searching! They can’t be far.” Echoes of voices were heard from within the alley. They were out there, they were looking for them…they were cornered, they were trapped.
“What do we do, Vels?” He asked. She looked around where they stood. There was really nothing they could use as a weapon; she looked up at the walls…there was nothing for them to climb up either.
“We fight Ven.”…
Out of a vent from the ground, a Troll popped out…
”Branch!” Veneer exclaimed. Velvet glanced between her brother and the Troll. Tye appeared next to Branch, an unhappy look in his eyes. The Trolls opened the vent..it was much wider than it appeared on the outside.
“Jump in! Tye says he knows a hideout.” Branch said.
”They’re not going to be happy…” The other Troll mumbled.
“What! Oh hell no! Let’s go back Ven.” She pulled her brother's arm.
“Oh come on Velvet!” Branch exclaimed.
“No! I am not trusting a Troll again!”
”Fine! You go then, but I am not going to let your brother suffer for your stupid mistakes. Ven come on!” Branch exclaimed. Veneer bit his lip. He turned and grabbed his sister's hand.
”Vels, please let’s go!” He begged.
“Please!” He casted his bright big blue eyes straight into hers. She tried to avoid his glance, but failed…Funny, anyone who knew them deeply would see that Veneer’s eyes were a tint lighter than hers and that she stood a little bit taller than he did. These were the small things she noticed, but the small things she came to appreciate about her brother. Velvet closed her eyes and sighed.
They both turned towards the vent the Trolls held open for them. Veneer stretched out his hand for his sister to hold. She grunted, but took his hand…Together they jumped in. Behind them, Tye and Branch closed the vent…they disappeared completely, falling into the depths below the under-city.
The twins screamed as they fell into the dark abyss…it was like a long tunnel, no light shining through.
“Branch! Was this a good idea!” Veneer screamed.
“I’m starting to question that now!”
Veneer fell first, hitting the cement hard. He grunted and attempted to stand up before Velvet came falling on top of him…Her fall much lighter and softer.
“Oh! Thanks Vennie!” She smiled.
”Uuugggghhhh.” He groaned. Branch came tumbling down after, landing with a soft thud on Velvet’s stomach.
She grimaced, “Get your stinky butt off me Troll!”
“Calm down princess. Be thankful I came back at all.” Branch scowled.
”Guys please stop.” Veneer moaned. Velvet scooted off of him, causing Branch to roll off her lap and straight towards the ground. Glancing around he noticed Tye was nowhere to be seen.
”Tye? Tye!” Branch looked up from the hole they came down from. Oh no…Did he get stuck up top? “I’m going back guys!”
A net made of barbed wire was thrown over the twins, causing Branch to get stuck in the middle. The twins lay flat on their stomach as the wire tightened above them. Whatever movement they made caused the wire to cut in.
“What the hell!” Velvet yelled out.
From the corner of their, Tye appeared embracing himself.
“Tye! Can you help us please?” Veneer begged.
The small Troll shook his head, “I told you they wouldn’t be happy.”
…They heard small footsteps and the chatter of small voices…All around them, small little gray Trolls began to appear…an anger in their eyes as they saw the two trapped Rageons. Branch noticed a variety of Trolls: Pop, Funk, Rock, Country, Classical…and everything in between…their colors gone and lost.
“Oh my gosh…” Branch murmured. He looked up at Tye, “Tell them we’re friends! Please.” He squirmed in between Velvet and Veneer; the twins attempted not to put their weight on the small Troll between them, but that was hard, as the wire began cutting into their skin.
“We will be the judge of that won't we now, mate.” Branch heard a familiar voice…a familiar accent…a sound he thought would be long gone by now. He looked up to see a familiar Troll standing amongst everyone else ...He was easy to distinguish as this Troll still had his colors…The sight of him sent a shiver down Branch's spine, a vile taste coming to his mouth.
“E’llo there mate. Long time no see.” The Troll greeted.
Branch spat to the ground in disgust, “….Creek.”
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meowmeowriley · 3 months
Don’t mind me while I scream incoherently about the latest chapter of WsDB because holy shit was it good!!!
Ghost is the biggest shit ever and I love that for him (he deserves those strawberry’s).
all the gifts from his family the skull jumper were really well thought out (Soaps gonna lose his shit when he finds out Ghost’s part Scottish) The Akubra!!!! and the Skull omfg the sweet and twisted fluffy feelings 😭 They’re both in love and neither of the dumb arses realise it yet (I bet everyone else does though)
Poor price though he’s so worried for is anti social son. Ghost: *going out of his way to show affection and share things about himself with the team* Price: *sweating* wondering if he needs to call an ambulance or a priest first
Were Prices photos an 09 reference? How old is that hat?! I forgot you mentioned that Gaz’s girlfriend would be a spider! She must cop so much shit all the time (good on Kyle for not letting anyone add to it) I have a couple questions about her but all ask them later. Soap is so excited about his big family and ghost is about to go “hold my beer”. THE SPIRAL holy shit, like yes Ghost you do need therapy but that’s besides the point, your fucked up feelings are both weirdly sweet and reciprocated. Soap would 100% honour and respect every part of Ghost dead or alive they match each others freak. So your telling me that at the family show and tell Roach brought a photo of him with the rest of the 141 acting like idiots because they’re his family (your paying my physic bills because my heart just broke)
I love how Gaz and Roach are initially shocked by Ghost being trans but after it wears off they don’t actually care (meanwhile soap is in the background trying to do math) it’s just a thing like the sky is blue, the earth is round and Ghost is trans. The bigger shock is the whole rabbit situation, I can’t wait till soap finds out exactly what type of rabbit Ghost is. (Especially after what he just said lol) and Ghost’s last words for the chapter amounting to “I wouldn’t betray your trust but I have and will continue to fuck with you.
Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to this, but I wanted to give people a change to read it since this is a bit spoilery for chapter 3. ❤ Hopefully its been enough time, let's dive in!
Ghost being a little shit is one of my favorite parts of this fic, he deserves to be a menace.
Soap and his Akubra have been rotting my brain since it was first mentioned, and it will come up again. The man looks damn good in that hat.
Soap giving Ghost a fucking rabbit skull of all things, he's trying so hard to get into Ghost's good graces, and had no clue at the time how fucked up that action was 😂 next chapter will have our first taste of Soap's POV and his realization of the implications of his actions.
Price watching Ghost come out of his shell like 😰 lol the poor guy, he's never seen Ghost act like this and he's worried the man is losing it.
So Price's photos were a bit of a personal headcanon of mine, because Modern Warfare's Price isn't the first, only Price in the Call of Duty games. There was a Captain Price in Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2, who looks similar but his accent is way thicker and the timeline is set in WW2. There's also mention of a Johnathan Price in COD Black Ops. It's never explicitly stated (to my knowledge) that that man is one and the same as our Captain from MW. Anyway, I like to believe that the Price family has been sending their boys off to be Captains for generations.
Please ask about Gaz's spider GF, I love her, and want to talk about her!
Roach's family photos was fun and sad to write. Basically, by joining the military he severed ties with his old gang, who were all he had. So the 141 means everything to him. This will be important later. 😈
Ghost: I'm trans
Everyone: huh, okay, didn't know that. Woulda never guessed.
Ghost: also I'm a rabbit
Everyone: minds blown, chaos, worldview shattered
And lastly, as much as Ghost is fucking with and going to continue fucking with Soap, trust that I have all kinds of mental and emotional fuckery planned for you lot, my lovely readers. 😘
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verdemoun · 1 month
please tell me that in the “kieran lives” au sadie and kieran get to kill tom (the man who killed jake) and colm respectively
bless you thinking i don't have fat tommy's (canon name, kieran asks about him in colter) face on a dart board he hurt my secondary blorbo jake.
yes of course sadie still went 'that bastard is mine' and the gang knew better than to cross her.
because arthur was already diagnosed with tb the gang forced him to sit out which he was not happy with. specifically because kieran insisted on going, despite attempts at shooting having proven his aim, obviously, was destroyed with his limited vision.
hosea and dutch were both deeply concerned and warning the gang to take it seriously because it was insanely dangerous deciding to attack the o'driscolls on their home territory. hanging dog ranch was at max capacity, they confirmed colm was there so they knew there'd be more defensive measures than usual
the gang still treated it like a fun little bonding activity and had a blast.
they trusted bill with the explosives distraction and he was hailed a hero, finally redeeming himself from the colter incident (that was probably arthur's fault i will never forgive arthur for bullying bill for that) and getting the praise he deserved as they announced themselves with the violent demolition of the watch tower.
javier was begrudingly put on keep kieran alive duty, only for kieran to save his life when an o'driscoll came around a corner and would have shot javier clear in the head if kieran hadn't gone unnoticed and been able to get a shot off at point-blank range.
by the time the rest of the gang got to the house sadie was already bathed in the blood of fat tommy in truly murderous fashion and she had, as instructed, not killed colm yet. he was hog-tied in the corner, gagged and looking mildly annoyed at her for killing his second in command
as much as dutch wanted to be the one to pull the trigger, hosea overruled him and insisted kieran get the honor. kieran didn't bother giving him the chance for any last words, and there was no impassioned speech. the second the gun was in his hand he emptied the chamber into colm's head and considered reloading to keep shooting his corpse. instead he passed the gun back to hosea and walked out
it was an unrivalled celebration at their little camp nearby that night that would go down as the best van der linde celebration in history, with booze, rations and supplies all stolen from hanging dog ranch enough for a feast. people danced well into the dawn and kieran was able to get drunk for the first time since jack's party and then fall asleep knowing he was actually safe
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