#she would have gladly kept kovu
doomspaniels · 2 years
SpanielCon 2022: Kovu and @thelittlespanielthatcould were enjoyable guests, as always. I was recovering from a monster migraine and couldn't manage to hold a camera steady, so many very adorable photos were juuust missed. I really tried, with those photos of Kovu on the bench!
Tristan was so happy to see Kovu that he used his (previously exclusive to Tristan's Fetch and Tug Buddy) bounce-and-bark greeting; it sounds like a little kid excitedly telling you all about his day.
Kovu stood up to boop my grey horse on the nose. (Firefly was delighted.)
Guinevere tried very hard to make herself tiny to entice Kovu to tussle. Kovu wisely declined to wrestle with twice his weight in solid muscle, but he was happy to give her affectionate boops.
Clearly we need one of those self-balancing drones to just follow Kovu around and continuously live-stream.
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