#she wears mostly the same stuff with an occasional skirt added but she does grow her hair out and Anathema thinks its very cute
wilyserpentofeden · 1 year
Has anyone ever considered. Egg Newton Pulsifer. Anathema mentions she's not normally into men and there's something different about Newt's aura, and Newt goes "actually uh. there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about" and Anathema is like "ohhhhhhh I understand now. 'He' is not what he says he is. This is great, I thought there was more to that prophecy. Do you want to borrow some of my skirts :)" and Newt is absolutely ecstatic
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fewrebels-a · 7 years
- name: orion decody. (geri insisted they drop the ugly name pattern going on in her family i.e. beatrice, geraldine, and start their own theme w stars / constellations !!!!!!) - likes / dislikes: likes used bookstores (hates borders, barnes & nobles, and bam! with a passion. she prefers her books to be broken in because the “dog ears” some pages have, the highlighting, the rips, they all give them character!!), coconut oil for just about everything, radiohead (she gets that from her parents, definitely), those fancy coffee drinks with the latte art, warm weather, school projects, writing in different colored gel pens, looking up at stars whilst laying out on the roof / dislikes group projects, sickly sweet scented candles, the hype surrounding the beatles, math, cheesy musicals, scary films. - first word: it was “daddy”, probably bc geri didn’t really care what she said first but was happy as hell regardless. castor probably rubbed it in her face to which he got a small elbow to the ribs. - appearance: she’s very into coordinating her outfit (something she doesn’t get from either parents tbh), she’s the type of girl in black skirts and sweaters with a collar and intricate and miniscule jewellry. she’s got this old messenger bag that was geri’s when she was in college and even though it’s tattered as hell, refuses to part with it. she has her “pinna” pierced on her left ear and three holes in each lobe. she’s never seen without some kind of reading material, whether it’s a magazine, book, or newspaper. she has her headphones habitually thrown around her neck in case she ever needs to pop them in and turn on some white noise if she ever wants to read in a crowded place. when she’s not at school she will dress down more in baggy shirts that she steals from geri’s closet. - which parent they look more like: her face is all geri but her mannerisms and the way she talks and carries herself is all castor. - which parent they like more: she doesn’t like one more than the other but i feel like she goes to them for different things? she’ll go to her mom should she need homework help or advice with dating or friends and stuff (even tho geri feels clueless bc friends??? what are those), and goes to her dad every time she finds a cool new documentary or magazine article about something they can bond over. - height once fully grown: she’s smol like g so about 5′4″ - job ambition: she wants to be a researcher! like at a museum, one of those people who records data and helps organize exhibits! she just cannot get enough of knowledge, so getting a job like this will help her get her fill of just that! she’ll also travel abroad with her job a bunch, which is amazing. she sends mom and dad postcards from every location she gets to visit! - faceclaim: ella purnell. - personality (added cos i’m extra!): orion was always the girl in school that you went to if you had any questions. because chances are she can give you an explanation just as good as a teacher would, with easier to understand vernacular and endless offers to help. however, she HATES group projects because she knows she’s smart as hell and is not about to lug around everyone else’s extra weight. she’s a cross between wanting to get to bed early so she’s well rested for the next day and working super hard on essays until 3 am and falling asleep with a half drunk mug of coffee in her grip. she’s got geri’s quick wit and castor’s way of looking at the world. she lets off this independent woman exterior at times but lowkey always knows she can lean back on her parents if need be. 
- name: hunter decody. - likes / dislikes: likes sublime, any type of riding (skateboard/bike, he owns both), late night adventures (basically doing hoodrat shit with his friends), science class (mostly bc he likes dissecting :/ ya nasty), any and all italian food, animals (he wants a zillion), memes, chinese food, rob zombie films, xbox, weed / dislikes literally any class but his science class, curfew, waking up before noon, the beach, assigned readings, spicy foods. - first word: it was “mama” because hunter is a TOTAL mama’s boy. - appearance: sooooo laid back. usually a band t-shirt, some jeans and a hoodie. he’s the type of teenage boy that literally looks like he just got up out of bed and started his day in his pjs. he’s super chill tho and finds it hella badass that he and his mom share a lot of the same bands. he’s tall and occasionally wears his glasses, and a beanie. - which parent they look more like: geri sees 100% castor in hunter and she loves it. - which parent they like more: like i said they go to their parents for different things. i can see him asking geri for help on his english homework (since that is his worst subject and going to castor for just about everything else (weed, girls, etc). - height once fully grown: 5′10- job ambition: hunter struggles throughout high school to pick a career path he’s so set on. on one hand, there’s geri who knew what she wanted to be since she was five, and castor who is rather laid back in his career. it takes him a gap year after graduation to help him realize that he wants to be vet. he’s always enjoyed working alongside animals, and the practice includes all of his favorite parts of sciences he took growing up so it’s pretty much a perfect fit. at first he was scared that putting school off for a year would make his parents upset but castor and geri were just glad that he figured out something he was happy with. - faceclaim: bradley steven perry. - personality (added cos i’m extra!): truly the coolest kid in ur grade. while orion is the top of the class, hunter could probably rank as the lowest as he simply does not care. he’s your average rebellious teen who gets into pot super young (like freshman year of hs) and thinks by smoking pot he’s rebelling and being badass meanwhile cas and geri are just like,,, anyways maybe don’t smoke out of the house??? we’re not trying to get a call from the police dept to pick ur ass up???? so that probably makes him respect his parents a lot more like damn yall were stoners? geri and cas like: were? hits blunt. anyway, he’s super chill and has a pretty solid group of friends he’s had in his life since he was born, pretty much. they are constantly out after school at a skate park or around town jumping off of shit with their skateboards or bikes when they should be doing homework smh. he’s super caring and protective over his friends and family and would do ANYTHING for them, especially orion. they’re polar opposites and half the time she feels like she’s talking to a wall when she lectures him about school / smoking but at the end of the day they’re bonded tighter than anyone. 
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