#she was so confused internally loooool
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Togo after being told that (internally):
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323398149 · 5 years
so sad about memo being gone :( 
like i can’t comprehend it
fuckkkk the memories wtf
that’s where i became me
drama room, ceramics room, 204 the science room for grade 9 and 10 science with zainub, luxsha, lmao wasn’t foti my lab partner?, the spanish room where i failed our grade 10 science exam loooool, peppers room where i discovered i wasn’t so hot at math for the first time, porters room where i musta met salman for the first time (or was it in drama room?) cause we had barnes for our first class ever i recall, but i bonded with ziggs there in gr11 over netflix-marvel tv shows and even those are gone now wtf why does growing up exist?
we did gr11 dec-a-door there and absolutely KILLED it, tammy, christina and i went ham. and dude me and zaibaa in assemblies cracking JOKES in the aud also hanging out with debra behind the aud doors at lunch, eating food from pizza panzo. omg delorme’s room in both grade 9 with debra, zaibaa, michael, luxsha, zainab. then again in grade 11 with edmond and richard :( 
AH and the books and beyond room fuck i remember salman giving me the pattie boyd biography there and sitting there on wednesday mornings with islam and raqs. omg and discussing the release of 1989 in that room :( 
lmaooo and freaking out outside of ram’s office in june of gr12 cause we thought we were gonna lose our acceptances (me and perry looool)
and the comp eng classroom where i discovered engineering :’( 
the science office where i finessed archer out of marks for 3 years straight :’( 
bruh THE LIBRARY where zaibaa and i spent hours after school cause we volunteered there. and getting there early in gr9 to print assignments on those bruck up computers. 
and when ditillio would book the laptop room for us to work on ceramics and then ijaabo, dishant and i would talk shit on the tables.
AH GERECHTS OLD ROOM where i then learned that i  was still a math hoe and i shouldn’t give up on myself. and then the history room where i did my international business exam. and the other social sciences room next to it that i never had a class in but wrote my grade 12 calculus exam in. :(
legitness this sucks im so sad oh dip and ofc 007 where i met zaibaa and vivian for the first time :( and mr gray used to let us hang out in the court yard after AP exams ended in gr12. dude im just like help i don’t want to forget any of this. or any of my lockers. these places and rooms made me who i am and now they’re just gone :( 
but yo 204 was where i met physics lol oh man and CERAMICS AND ART ROOM :( kjhfbhcjmbnfhjcbn fhdcbnx 
literally the only rooms i dont have emotional attachment to are the french room and the music rooms llmao but anyways yeah guess they’re all gone and ill never get to be transported back to those moments :( 
wish i could sit on those drama room stair things once more
sigh i just remembered studying for chemistry in the caf, and hanging out there on wednesday mornings in gr9 with ayesha, and then during data management with zijah in gr12 and we’d buy chocolate milk cause he had gym and would leave class early and then we’d go up to our next classes toegther :( 
and buying my memo hoodie in that caf (i feel like the caf must have survived by that’s assuming tdsb even ever opens up the building again) and rip signing gr12 yearbooks there :( AND EATING PIZZA THERE ON MOVING ON UP DAY IN GR9 with luxsha and noryang except luxsha didn’t speak at all LOOOL she like whispered :( :( :( 
i’m heartbroken
fuccckkk my lockers dude MY LOCKERS. i remember all of them :( and that one missing one loool 
and seeing everybody in the lower gym on commencement :( 
and hardings english rooooooooooooooooom ok bye i literalllllly like learned sooooo much in that room, that and 204 were probs where i gained the most world knowledge gah
also i saw pics of myself from high school recently like grade 10 and i dressed SO WEIRD LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL WHY DID I GET COMPLIMENTS???? SO CONFUSED i looked like a WEIRDO 
but i guess everybody thinks that after they grow up 
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