#she was ovulating i can't blame her
xixyn · 6 months
yvie and her boyfriend broke up lmaooo they were engaged and they were getting married after lazarus graduated from college...
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bts-hyperfixation · 7 months
Can you please write a BTS reaction? They went out on a friendly dinner with their crush (it's friendly for their crush, not for them<3), but their crush had to babysit her nephew or niece (1-2 years old). So she brings them with her. How do you think they will react if they see her being all motherly and patient towards the babies?
BTS and babies are too cute and I am at the wrong point in my hormone cycle to be writing about this...
Please send me asks to keep me motivated while I’m off work! Thirsty thoughts, Most likely to, reactions, life updates, and general gibberish welcomed!!
Completely and irrevocably enamoured with this small child and the way you are interacting with them. Honestly thought he couldn't love you any more than he already did and now he kinda just wants to bash his head off the table in hopes that the stupid part of his brain that won't let him confess will go away. This is a man who had thought he had written off having kids when the world fell apart a couple years ago but now he is sure he is ovulating like a woman.
Jin was a little annoyed at the prospect of babysitting because he likes to be the centre of attention, especially your attention. But he quickly finds that annoyance melting when the baby starts babbling and you start cooing back and now he kinda just wants you to talk to him like that. 
Keeps having flashes of an apartment littered with baby toys and you sitting at the kitchen table feeding a baby that looks suspiciously like a mix of the two of you. Whenever you are preoccupied by the baby his mind wanders away to this fictitious apartment filled with your laughter. He spends a lot of time just watching you interact with the baby. You have to call him to snap back into the conversation more than once. 
Spends more time making faces at the baby than he does looking at you to be honest. He insists you go to places that are kid-friendly. He is not particularly swayed by how great you are with children, he knew you would be, this isn't new information.
Not overly fussed about the baby honestly, he wanted to talk to you because you don't have a lot of time together as it is but now you're distracted. Don't get me wrong, he thinks the baby is cute and he loves how caring you are, it's one of the reasons he loves you. Doesn't mean he isn't frustrated and a little pouty about this turn of events.
Has immediately taken the baby out of your arms, he doesn't see how you interact with them, he is too busy tickling and feeding them himself. You get to watch him play dad/uncle instead (He would be lying if he hadn't thought that it might sway your feelings to be a little more romantic for him). Mostly he is just enjoying the baby's company. 
 No, he isn't jealous of a baby... Well maybe a little bit but you can't blame him. He gets a little pouty to start with but when you excuse yourself to the bathroom and ask him to look after the baby, you come back to find him holding baby above his head and giggling. His nose is all scrunched up and he is smiling so wide that he will never beat those cutie patootie allegations. He spends the rest of the meal sighing dreamily as he watches you take care of the baby.
My ovaries nearly exploded picturing Jungkook playing with a baby, especially watching his arms flex as he lifted the baby and his tattoos and his little nose scrunch and... yeah... so thanks for that.
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atlasscrumpit · 6 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Don't Be So Blind
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(dealing with sexism and SA) 
You came back from a press meeting and sat on the couch, placing your head on your hands.
"Doll, it's okay. These things don't always go to plan. I get hate all the time." He said as you groaned and looked at him.
"You get hate because you killed people, I get hate because I was born with a fucking vagina. I am so sick of this." You grumbled as Bucky sat beside you.
"You don't get it... I know you would always do your best to understand it, but you can't understand what I have to go through. With Nat it's different you know? Well for starters she doesn't have a period cause she has no uterus but she's pretty and sexy so no one bothers her. But, me... I'm not like that so people always have something to say about it." You muttered as Bucky gently rubbed your back.
"I think I get four days a month where I'm okay, and that is it. It's always ovulation, or periods or bloating, pain, bleeding, moods, hormones... There is so much I have to fucking deal with. Yet, I still do all the same training and missions as all of you guys. Everything is so much fucking harder for women, and what do we get? Hate and sexism. Sometimes I don't blame Wanda for going evil." You muttered as Bucky looked at you in shock.
"Y/N, don't say stuff like that." He said as you chuckled dryly.
"Can you fucking blame her? You killed so many people! And you got let off with a fucking slap on the wrist. Wanda controlled a few people and they wanted to burn her at the fucking stake!" You shouted as you stood up and began to pace.
"Buck, I get it, okay? You've been through hell, with Hydra and everything. You were hated because of something you did, but I am hated because I was born. I just need to fucking get this out because I am so sick of it!" You shouted, grabbing a vase and throwing it a wall.
"The constant comments from people, fucking kills me." You grumbled, sitting back down.
"You just need to not listen to it." He said as you laughed and shook your head.
"Buck, I've been fucking try to not listen since I was three years old. The first time someone fucking sexualised me." You replied, harshly.
"I get that it's hard, Y/N. But, it's hard for all of us. I mean, Peggy rose through the ranks and she never had episodes like this." He said as you slowly turned to face him.
"Because she would've been fucking fired, or killed, or fucking raped if she spoke up. Sometimes I forget when you were fucking born." You growl standing up before Bucky grabbed your wrist.
"You know I've been sexually abused too? It's not just women." He said before you slapped him hard across the face.
"Shut the fuck up! Oh my god, Bucky. I fucking know okay? And I am here for you one hundred percent, but the only time you bring up your assault is to fucking silence me! The only time you bring it up is when I talk about sexism. I'm sick of it, just leave me alone before I fucking stab you." You growled storming away and getting in the elevator.
Steve entered and looked at Bucky.
"I heard some of that..." Steve muttered as Bucky kicked the coffee table in anger.
"She's fucking infuriating!" Bucky said before he sat down.
Steve sighed and sat across from him.
"Bucky, Y/N sat down, upset and tried to explain how she felt and you basically invalidated her and told her she shouldn't be upset. How is that supposed to be good for her?" Steve asked as Bucky looked at him, still seething.
"Women were never like this, back in the day. They were fine, happy even." Bucky said making Steve groan and rub his head.
"Bucky... You need to take off the rose coloured glasses. The time we lived in was horrible. I saw first hand what Peggy went through. The countless abuses and assaults. I saw what my mother went through. Buck, they didn't have a choice and if they dared speak up their entire life was ruined. When Y/N talks about this stuff she isn't blaming you for being a man, she is asking for understanding and maybe some protection." Steve explained as Bucky sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Have I really been that blind?" Bucky muttered as Steve chuckled softly.
"Yeah, Buck. You've been very blind to all of this. We all get paid from Shield to keep up this superhero work, Y/N and Natasha were getting a lot less then all of us. And they still do from shield, but Tony uses his own money to close that gap. Did you know Natasha tried to make super hero suits specifically designed for women's bodies and shield said no? Do you even see what happens at these press meetings? Did you see the man grope Y/N? Did you hear the man who called her a slut?" He asked as Bucky looked at him in confusion.
"What...? Did that happen?" He asked making Steve sigh and shake his head.
"Yes, Bucky it happens all the time. The public barely accepts Sam as a superhero because he isn't white. There is a lot of work to do and you need to help." Steve said as Bucky nodded a little.
"Fucking hell... I've been such a dumbass." He grumbled before he got up to chase after you.
He found you up on the roof crying, you turned around and shook your head.
"Just fucking leave me alone." You muttered through your tears as Bucky gently hugged you.
"Fuck, I am so sorry Y/N. Steve spoke to me and I saw it from another perspective. I haven't even noticed the stuff you go through, I'm such an idiot." He whispered as you slowly cuddled into him.
"I've been really fucking blind, doll. And I am so sorry. I'm kind of glad I was blind at the meeting today otherwise I would've killed every man in there." He joked as you laughed softly.
"I want to learn about all of this. I'll do my best to understand it all, okay?" He said as you nodded a little.
"I just want you on my side." You whispered in response as he kissed your forehead.
"I'll always be on your side, I just need to do a better job."
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Nico Hischier x Social Media Intern OC
"Hey, can you give my friend over there a big smile?" Jack prompts his buddie, the little boy nodding but simply continuing to smile at Jack.
The perfect photo.
"Thank you boys!" I thank, the little boy blushing brightly as I wave a little at him.
"Can I see the photo?" My buddie asks, a little girl named Audrey who has spent our time together rambling on about how she wants be just like me when she's older. Or, in other terms, stealing my heart that was already weak.
"Yeah, of course," I agree, moving the camera to be in her view where she sits crisscrossed beside me. "Here's Jack who just walked through," the explanation comes with the photo, "And before him was his brother Luke," I continue, scrolling through.
"Oh! Here's another one!" She points out, tapping my leg and pointing to where Nico walks in, holding the hand of another little girl who smiling so bright. He's already waving at Audrey and I, the largest smile on his face as he prompts his buddie to smile at me.
His smile is so bright as he looks at the little girls at our sides, the one at his side rambling on about her hockey game the other day and he's just nodding along, loving every minute of it.
They're walking slow, allowing me the chance to hand my space pocket camera to Audrey to get a few photos as well. You can see how happy is in this moment, and he looks so attractive when he's being all happy protective grizzly bear.
He'll be such a great dad.
And you can blame it on the fact that it's been a long week, that Audrey had warmed my heart up for this moment, or that I'm unfortunately ovulating.
But God I want to make him a dad. Two years in, how have we never had the kids talk.
Nico doesn't know why these thoughts have never flooded his mind before. With no other girl he's dated has he even been tempted by the idea of kids. But with Belle, all he can think as he walks in, half listening to the kids he's with talking about hockey, is how hot it is to see her doing what she loves, camera in hand, with a little girl practically curled into her side babbling about being just like her, God all he wants to do is take her home and make her a mom.
But that can't happen, he has a game to play, she has pictures to take, and they haven't even discussed having kids yet.
"It was so good to meet you Audrey, thank you so much for hanging out with me during the game!" I thank, returning the tight hug she's giving me as her parents and older brother stand feet away, smiling down at us.
"Thank you so much for taking her around with you, we've brought her a couple of times before to watch as birthday gifts to Eric," Audrey's mom explains, gesturing to the brother, "But she saw you running around the first game with your camera and that's all she's talked about since."
I want to cry.
Hugging her a little tighter, I pull away, smiling down. "If you ever need a reference, you know where to find me," I assure, standing up and patting the dust off my legs.
"Thank you!" She thanks, smiling brightly and running off, her parents waving with silent thanks as they walk away.
His arms wrap around my waist before I even realize that he's finished changing up, large hands resting over my stomach like he knows where my thoughts have been all night.
"Are you ready to go home, Schatz?" He low voice meets me ear, his lips meeting the point just beneath it.
"More than," unraveling his hands isn't easy, their warmth and strength wanting to remain exactly where they are, but he lets me take his left into my right, his bag resting on his shoulder. A bag he's continuously shifting, and anxious tick of his when his mind is full after a loss, but the boys won. "Neeks, whats wrong?"
His gorgeous eyes look down to me, sparkling with something I don't think I've ever seen before. Nico doesn't answer though, just smiles and pulls open the door of his car, allowing me to hoist myself into the passenger side as he rounds the car, putting his gear in the back seat on his way.
"I've just been thinking about something," He finally answers my question, kicking the car into gear.
"Are you going to key me into what that is?" Neeks is a chronic over thinker, and the last thing he needs is that kicking into gear and allowing him to be off his game.
But he's silent again, one hand moving to its usual place on my thigh and his eyes on the road. It's like this for almost our entire drive, his eyes only drifting to me every once in a while and mine doing the same.
Until the last stoplight turns red just as we approach. I can feel his eyes move to the side of my face before I slowly glance over, that same sparkle lighting up the car as his face glows red in the light.
"You're so handsome," I can't help but mumble, running my hand across his cheek, his head leaning in to my touch.
"I think we should have a baby."
He what?
"I did not mean to say it like that," His wide eyes that were once rested stare.
"Neeks, what are you talking about?"
He' s the one who removes my hand from his cheek, bringing it between his own and kissing my knuckles.
"You should have seen yourself tonight with that little girl, she loved you. Then I looked down to my buddie and heard her talking about hockey all I could think is that I wanted us to have that. A little you or a little me," Is his explanation. "I am aware we haven't talked about this -"
"Neeks all I've been thinking about tonight is that you would be an amazing father," I interrupt, and the shining in his eyes grows.
"It's not nice to joke with the man who said he wanted to put a baby in you, Schatz," those few words and his eyes are darkening.
"I'm serious Nico, you'd be an amazing father," And its as the lust lightens from his eyes that the light turns green, a honk from behind us making us both jump.
"We'll be discussing this more at home," He requests, my hand squeezing his in response.
"You'd be so hot as a girl dad," I decide to chime after a moment of silence, his hand squeezing mine again only to be followed by a low groan.
as promised, the Nico fic! i hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it and always be sure to send in requests if you ever have ideas!
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mitsuki91 · 7 months
imo lgb would be kind of anxious about getting c pregnant again after the twins (it was probably a hard pregnancy), so they don't have more kids immediately. however, c calls sejanus one day when the twins are old enough to be with him and is like "can you please watch the kids? im about to exploit lgb's breeding kink." (if there's one thing constant in guy!lucy's life, it's that he can't say no to his wife when she's telling him how badly she wants to have his babies)
I think more about they are caught in the heat of the moment... I mean yes Sejanus please watch your niece and nepew so I can have a date with my husband and yes the breeding kink, but until now they always controll each other but that night.. Maybe they are in the middle of switching birth control or something so they knew it's risky but sure enough they are done about "one time one disaster", right? And so... "Please please please I need to feel you inside me I need to think we can make another baby don't you love how our babies are the perfect mix? Don't you dream to discover how another baby will turn up? Please please please..." and well, they ended up pregnant immediately 🧍 Lucius has strong swimmers/Corinna has the capacity to ovulate with her kink LOL 💀
(Sejanus: "... I will never babysit for you ever again if you keep blaming me" LOL)
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1d1195 · 1 month
Part 5 was amazing bestie!!!! It was so good, I can’t! I was very excited to read how their date would go and it really didn’t disappoint. Loved how they needed to talk somethings out and I thought Harry asking the big question “why” was very fitting! It happened out of nowhere from his perspective so I def think he deserves some explanation on it. Kinda wild that he would even think she would go on a date with him with her having a bf or a fiancé but I get his hurt! Also I think it’s so adorable how she’s writting about their love story 😭
Also didn’t expect smut at all?!? Genuinely shocked when I read the little warnings lol BUT once again it was fitting for them! The neediness of both of them I think expresses their emotions beyond just sexual attraction! And ya know what I fear I too would just combust that easily if Harry praised me like that HAHA I GET HER!
Very much loved this new part Sam! So excited to see how they develop!!! You did great as always!!
Also I think it’s always nice to have somethings for ourselves but I do think if you feel comfortable enough talking about your writing I think there’s no shame in that! You can always say you “journal” like writing is therapeutic!
Sadly there is no hot anyone this time around😔 must find my motivation elsewhere lol hopefully the fall though lol they seem a bit easier though they have way more tiny assignments which is just a bit much lol
Hope you have the loviest of week/weekend! Wishing you the best!!!-💜
Ahhh! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! HE'S JUST A BOY he is so infatuated and jealous I think he would have seriously just exploded if she was with someone else 🤭 I mean she is me and she can't stop writing about Harry 🤷‍♀️ It's a blessed curse, I'd say and I don't blame her at all. He's easy to write about 😉 I love real talks of course that's why these parts get so lengthy. You're very right and I hadn't fully grasped that tbh. It really was out of nowhere for him. I never really thought of that! He def deserved an emotional talk then hehehehe
Okay full disclosure I was most likely ovulating when I wrote this part (it's one of the first sections of the story I wrote) and I don't know if smut was the right move but I absolutely don't regret it because I really think I would let Harry Styles do unspeakable things to me in public and/or private it's very embarrassing but that's why I have a screen to hide behind. BUT ANYWAY. I think after three years they were both likely to be very desperate and it's very obvious they've never stopped loving one another so I just let it happen lol (I think if Harry called me beautiful I would cease to exist so an O seemed less aggressive in a sense 🤣)
I hope you'll like the last couple parts! I've been a bit worried about part 6 more than 7 (Part 7 also has a huge chunk that I wrote from the very beginning of the idea of this, so)
That's a great idea why didn't I think to just LIE and tell people I'm journaling 🤣 You're so smart 💕
UGH well it's a short time frame anyway. It would be devastating to have someone hot to look at but only for a 5 weeks (instead of 10, right?) Tiny assignments is a lot but I'm glad it seems a bit easier. You had me worried at the end of your last classes so I'm very happy they're easier! 💕
I hope you have an amazing weekend planned! Love YOU! 💕
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wiredlyrelatable · 3 months
I have heard many men and even women talk about this statement. Men in many interviews or shows ask this question to women about why do they fake orgasm and the women say that they do it to satisfy the male ego. The men laugh and reply that it is better if the woman tells it on their face that they are not satisfied and guide the men to satisfy themselves which is a good thaught but I don't think a man takes it well if this is told by a woman to them, for sure. They may understand it later but when it is told I am sure they feel bad somewhere or overthink or breakup or lie infront of their friends and blame it on the girl that she doesn't know how to do anything on bed and laught on it with them. This is shown in a lot of high school related movie and it is true too.
I and many women understand that men orgasm first, before a woman for sure but when two people of opposite gender are having sex it is called good sex if both of them orgasm at the end. In porn or movies or series it is shown that the girl starts yelling in orgasm as soon as they go under the blanket, no dude that is not true! It take time to feel it and then the woman start enjoying it as virgina is deep and has a lot of layers and different holes within it for various reasons.
I have seen many men getting upset with their partner using a sex toy (vibrator or a dildo) because that means they are not making the woman happy as a lot of men don't know how to satisfy or even touch a woman with love (romantically).
Dude there is something called self pleasure and a woman can't have sex always as there is a menstrual cycle in their body according to which she should plan whether she wants to get pregnant or not, as the ovulation is different every day as any protection used is not 100% guaranteed to protect them but that is not the case if they use a toy so understand them.
I have even seen many men asking women to have sex without the condom and take an I-pill later so casually but dude do you know it's side effects, it aborts the baby if she gets pregnant or even if she is not, the pill come out with blood after 10 days and the gap between 2 pills should be minimum 3 months or it may have side effects in body in future. Apart from the bleeding it has many other side effects presently too.
#understand her body before casually passing comments
#make her comfortable, take consent and have sex when she is ready
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 07
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 624
Jimin What movie are we watching for Festa night??
Hobi Nothing scary please 😥
Jungkook Be a man, hyung
You What is Festa night?
Jin Only the most wonderful time of the year! Namjoon, did you not tell her?
Namjoon Sorry [y/n], I can't believe I forgot We try to designate one weekend every semester to a full group hang Friday is dinner + movie night Saturday is boozy brunch + recovery Sunday is responsible stuff
You Huh, that's actually a really cute tradition. I hope you guys have fun!
Jungkook Do you already have plans this weekend?
You Not yet, but I can figure something out! Don't worry, I won't crash bro night
Yoongi you're invited dumbass
Jimin You're one of us now, silly!
You Aw you guys, I'm so happy to be an honorary bro <333 Jin, are you gonna cook? Do you want any help?
Jin I am blessed with a kind, beautiful, considerate wife-bro Guys, take note
Namjoon I can help!
Jin Thank you Namjoon You can help the most by staying out of my kitchen But I appreciate the consideration
You Wait, does Jin do all the cooking for Friday AND Saturday? That's kinda fucked up
Namjoon I could help…
Hobi Brunch is on the rest of us!
Jimin We're not THAT selfish :(
You Hey you can't blame me for assuming, it's not like anyone else ever cooks around here
Jin [Y/n] <3333333
Jungkook I can cook I just choose not to
Jin Wow
Yoongi let's be real, hobi and i make the food tae makes coffee and jimin and jk make mimosas and margaritas
Namjoon I want to help… Am I useless?
Jimin What?! No, of course not!
Jungkook Of course not hyung, there's a reason we call you our leader
Namjoon But you guys never let me do anything to help Do I really ruin everything?
Yoongi fuck guys we made namjoon sad
You Joon, I'm having problems starting my art history paper It's on the juxtaposition of traditional and postwar Japanese culture and how the dichotomy is still portrayed in contemporary art today I need you :(
Namjoon OMG I have the perfect reference book for you! Let me go find it!
You Oh! If it's not the photobook you showed me before, could you bring that too? … Namjoon?
Yoongi i think he's gone
Taehyung You didn't tell me you were taking an art history class!
You That's because I'm not
Hobi [Y/n], have we ever mentioned how much we love you? Because we love you soooo much <33333
You Not enough ;)
Taehyung We love you [y/n] <3
Jimin [Y/n] you're the best! <3
Jungkook [Y/n] you're almost as amazing as me <3
Jin [Y/n] you're almost as beautiful as me <3
Hobi Ahem, Yoongi-hyung
Yoongi … fine <3
You … I'll take it
Jungkook Yeah you will
You JEON JUNGKOOK! You did NOT just say that to me
Jimin Oooooo Kookie's in trouble
Taehyung Oh, we almost forgot the most important thing! [Y/n], do you own any pajamas?
You Uh, like sweatpants?
Jimin Rule 1 is that festa is a weekend-long pajama party They have to be legit pjs
You I love it, it sounds adorable I don't have any though :( If I even wear anything to sleep it's just like a shirt
Jungkook klojl
You ?
Jungkook I dropped my phone
Hobi You can borrow some of mine!
Taehyung Or mine!
Jin Back off ovules She's MY wife, she'll borrow mine I have the best selection, anyway
Jimin Hyung, she'll drown in your clothes You can borrow mine! You'll look perfect!
Jungkook Yeah bc you're the same size
Yoongi lmao
Jimin Jeon, let's take this offline
Taehyung RIP Kookie
Next | Masterlist
Tags: @singukieee
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🔥 and calendar for Melanie
okay i actually love this for her
-Melanie is meticulous about keeping up with her cycle when she and Dick are trying for babies -She basically memorizes the calendar to know if she gets pregnant in a certain month, she knows right away what month the baby will be due -She knows EXACTLY when she is ovulating and their best chance at getting pregnant, and during those times she is all over her husband
dirtier stuff under the cut ;)
-Melanie actually has a pretty high sex drive. Higher than Dick's. Even when they aren't trying for a baby, she wants him basically all the time. Seriously, early in their marriage, they start and end each day with sex. And who can blame them? they waited so long lmao -But when they are trying, she tends to take more initiative. It's subtle - because let's face it, this is Melanie - so it shows itself slowly and shyly. She will covertly grind on his leg a bit while they cuddle, letting out soft little sighs. She'll get a little frisky, grazing his belt with her fingers and playing it off as an accident. The biggest giveaway is when they're spooning and she wiggles her ass against him because he KNOWS she's not just trying to get comfy. She's trying to get him hard, and I'll tell ya - it works like a charm. -Dick lowkey is into getting Melanie pregnant. they both have a bit of a breeding kink but no judgement here folks. It makes him feel a little more masculine to have that "claim" on her. It's primal. He has to try not to think of it like that or he'll cum way too fast, but sometimes, he can't help himself. He's of course at little ashamed of these thoughts afterward, but boy does it turn him on to give into it in the moment. Melanie enjoys it too. She likes feeling like he's being a little possessive, it makes her feel safe. -Melanie is big into over-stimulation, especially while pregnant and her senses are heightened. Dick is pretty competitive, and nothing motivates him more than seeing how far he can push her. If he can get more than he could the previous time. Once while she was pregnant the second time, he made her come with only nipple stimulation, and he about lost his mind with how hot it was. Dick's VERY good with his mouth anyway, but that time was especially great. Nothing is sexier to him than seeing Melanie absolutely fucked senseless, all because of him and his child inside her.
and i'm gonna end it there before i get carried away lol
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~The Blankets~
"Darling, be reasonable. We've almost no space in the attic anymore, and if we don't clear it out, someone is going to get more than a sprained ankle." Alan sighed.
The previous day, Jilomena had been trying to bring down a few holiday boxes for decorating, but had missed a step due to lack of space and landed wrong on her lett ankle. Thankfully her oldest sons had already been on their way over to the family home to assist and they were able to get her to the doctor right away. She was miserable to be off that foot while everyone else got to decorating.
"But it's their baby clothes! We've already donated over half of them. Everything left is sentimental..." Jil protested.
"I'm making an executive decision. There are over forty boxes. We can't keep them all." Alan shook his head.
"And if the boys have children? We'll have no heirloom clothes to give them." Jil dug in.
"Then pick two outfits for each, but no more than that. It's a hazard up there."
Hours had gone by with little progress to be made. Jilomena was having a terrible time going through everything, so Castiel had been enlisted to keep her on track.
"Do you think you and Flip will ever have children?" Jil asked tearfully after tossing another onesie aside to be discarded.
"I am not sure that cross breeding would work between us. Her ovulation is very sparse as well, so it seems unlikely." Cas frowned. "I don't know how well I would do as an actual father."
Jil dabbed at her eyes with a cloth and patted his shoulder reassuringly.
"You would make a lovely father. In fact, you should start working on that now."
Castiel gave her an amused look.
"I've been warned not to fall for that. We must stay on task." he replied gently.
"Can't blame a girl for trying." Jil sighed.
Weeks later, it was still weighing on her mind. The tree had been trimmed since early November, and tonight they had lit the eighth candle on the heirloom Festerwoth menorah. Somehow, Jil was still in a melancholy humor. She knew it was unlikely that she would have more children, but grandchildren were a near certainty with so many boys in the house. And what did she have to offer? Not much. Alan had agreed to three outfits per boy instead of two, but it didn't feel fair. On top of that, Castiel had been a bit secretive lately, which felt oddly out of character. Any time she asked about perhaps doing a gift wrapping party at one of Flip's hideouts, there would be some excuse to wait until at least after Hanukkah. Since the house held dual celebrations, they could still do it later.
"Jilomena... if I might borrow you a moment?" Cas called from his bedroom.
By now, her ankle was much better, if a little tender, so walking wasn't that bad. She sat aside her gelt and warned every boy at the table that she'd counted it. When she came close to the door, she tapped it before entering even if it was already ajar.
"Yes, Cas? You needed something?"
Castiel gestured for her to sit down on the bed while he pulled a large box from his closet, wrapped in a muted gold paper.
"What's this? We've already done presents..." Jil squinted.
"I know... um. Well, you see... it's only just been finished. Otherwise it would gave come to you sooner." he replied. "I spoke to Alan about this, and well... there's some space in the linen closet and the blanket chest. Flip has been assisting with magic, keeping trimming and sewing running for quite some time at a few hideouts. That's why you couldn't go. I hope this is an adequate gift."
Jil opened and closed her mouth a few times. She wasn't quite sure what he meant, but even if it wasn't an amazing gift, she would never tell someone they had been inadequate. Nevertheless, she opened the wrappings to see... quilts. Several of them. Each was embroidered with one of her son's names and was made of hundreds of patches of thier baby clothes. Just a little one from each outfit. Condensed this way, the memories were preserved without adding extra boxes to the attic. Her eyes glazed over with tears and she crushed the quilts close to her chest.
"I'm sorry... was this unacceptable? I understand that you would prefer not to cut them, but we thought-"
"They're perfect!" Jil sobbed, throwing her arms around Castiel's neck. "I can't believe so much was saved! They're so beautiful! Thank you!"
Castiel let out a breath of relief and gently patted her back.
"I am glad you like them. A joyous eighth night to you, Jilomena." he smiled. "Now. Best to not leave anyone alone with the chocolate for very long."
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seekandsekkle · 3 years
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Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius Family.
The Moon: This energy is like walking into a ratchet reality tv episode. We got this Sag Moon lounging around complaining and worrying while doing nothing and everything is due. Then Gemini walks in doing so much talking without looking and gets knocked head first into a wall. While the Sag Moon looks on and laughs then the Eclipse slides in and steals the show with some knock down drag out display of fuckery that won't allow you to do anything else but get tight and right so your life is not this shit show episode. Lunar Eclipses bring chaos into the universe. The purpose of that chaos is to shake you out of the complacency you tend to fall into when you get too comfortable with the bullshit. We ain't got time for that so that means we get this all star lineup. Sag the Archer is getting its bow and arrow ready to deal with all the old shit showing up due to the retrograde, then you have Gemini the grand communicator cooking up conversations that need to be had so healing can occur or freedom can be obtained. Mr. Eclipse is pulling you and your emotions to the darkside so you can get to the roots of some of your core issues...or at least look at them....acknowledge them at the very least cause you could easily get dragged for taking your shit out on everybody because you refuse to do the work on yourself. All funny bits aside we gotta pay attention to the feeling coming up but wait to react. Some of these feelings are parts of old stories we created about ourselves that are not true or they are old paradigms that have shifted on their side but you are still on the previous page. You will never know what people are currently thinking or feeling if you haven't asked. Assumptions get us in a lot of trouble. This is a rough time for everyone in some way or a challenging time. You have no idea what someone is struggling with so be mindful and compassionate about that. Hell be compassionate to ya' got damn self. You've been struggling too, sad too, fucked up in some way too. How would you want folks to respond, how would you like to be cared for?
The Ritual: This Moon and Eclipse ask us to honor the divine feminine. We are still in the mode of honoring the sacred mother, the mothership, the portal of life, the vagina, the womb, the creatrix that gives us access to this world. She is divine and she is worthy of honor and praise. If you are bleeding we honor you and thank you . If you are ovulating we honor you and thank you. If you are deeply emotional we honor you and thank you. If you are activated and excited we honor you and thank you, If you are conceiving we honor you and thank you. If you are in the middle of birth we honor you and thank you. We honor the divine feminine within us regardless of identity. It is the energy of this earth and we must recognize ourselves in her and honor what is sacred. Light a white or pink candle for her, state what you want to release. Breathe in and exhale deeply holding your womb or your belly and feel the energy of the great mother. Thank her humbly.
The Tea: (read the sign for your sun, moon and rising to get the most out of this tea)
Aries - You ready for something new...life, job, career, path, religion, teacher...something ain't been working and you are finally ready to make it happen. You wanna feel good, feel like you are progressing at something. Now is the time. The Eclipse is casting its shadow on your fears,especially when it comes to your fame or lack thereof. You are afraid to get under that spotlight due to the past. Just know things can be different this time, believe in yourself.
Taurus - Being avoidant won't make the things go away, it just makes a bigger mess to clean up later. Lets get ahead of the shit this time and just face it all head on. I know this ain't how you like it but trust me its better this way. The Eclipse is casting its shadow on beliefs. Everything you have understood to this point could be actually different and you may begin to see the truth for the first time on some things and this may shake you up a bit. You will really see how truth can set you free on ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you.
Gemini - You have been everything for everybody and now you need the care you give, the love you give, the service you provide. You are gonna sit this one out and go inward yet again. Have several seats and get your list of boundaries so you are not overdoing and hurting yourself in the process. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on personal power or lack of thereof. Somewhere in there you forgot who the fuck you are. It's time to remember you are a dynamic, divine being. Accept your greatness and move on.
Cancer - This moon energy has thrown a wrench in all of your plans. The goal was to help you see that you can be your biggest enemy. You make choices sometimes that pull you away from all the blessings you have in your hands. You may lose some things so that you may learn to appreciate some things. I know it feels frustrating because everything was going so well and then it all derailed....Let this be looked at as divine intervention umkay. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your relationships how you manage them and who you have them with. You may have a hard time listening to your gut during this cycle. Get some guidance for once you could gain some insight that gets you back on track to winning.
Leo - Trying to create with others is not the way to go this moon cycle. You will have miscommunications and misunderstandings and who knows what else. You got some good ideas but at the wrong time. Wait it out and once Mercury goes direct try again. This Eclipse is casting its light on ya mouth. Watch what you say and to whom. Don't get caught up in drama or gossip it will backfire yo ass so swift you will think you got hit,
Virgo - The world is trying to tell you to slow and steady wins the race but you ain't been listening. Do you okay but just know that this tendency to think you know better will show you exactly where you went wrong when it's too late. The Eclipse is casting its shadow on the details. Make sure you check your mail, email, messages, schedules so you don't overbook, underbook or double book ya self. Be extra Virgo about all this stuff so you don't have too many "Doh" moments
Libra - You trying to fly out the nest but you need to settle for a Staycation cause this retrograde energy will mess up all your plans. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your temper. This is a great time for breathwork, grounding and following the way of the peaceful warrior cause you aint gon' win none of the fights you find yourself in.
Scorpio - Hold on to ya coins. This ain't the time to sign the deal. This retrograde energy will have you regretting all the decisions you make right now, While you wait you can use this time dreaming, creating, or making money instead of spending money. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your feelings. Ima tell this heaux to leave you alone and let you be. It's too much for you anyway. This is not a time when I'm gonna tell you to go deep into that scary darkness. This time ima let you turn a night light on while you focus on some unexpected blessing falling out the sky for you.
Sagittarius - Out with the old in with the new. New you boo boo. Since you are changing and growing, so are your needs, hopes and dreams. This could also factor in your need to change you who fucking with.  Everybody can't come where you are growing, they won't fit in the car nor the life you are dreaming to have. It's ok you won't miss them when you're happy doing something or someone else. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your communication especially with people you're romantically connected to. If you are booed up check in on thangs so you stay that way.
Capricorn - Hey Cappy this moon will have all your shit fucked up...ok that was dramatic as hell and you didn't deserve that but if I said it nicely you wouldn't take me seriously.  You can be practical and go over all meeting details 100 times. I say surrender to the bitch and just blame everything on the retrograde. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your transformation. You've been doing some work on yourself, now it is a good time to do an assessment of these changes and chart your progress. Shift somethings if its needed
Aquarius - Your path is the way of the solo wanderer. Your best magic is done in the privacy of your own space, cooking up a good meal and spending time with the emotions no one knows you have.  The Eclipse is casting its shadow on the drama brewing with the comrades. Your job is to whistle and walk on by when the bullshit starts flying around. You can try some comic relief to lighten up the mood or you can simply let the bomb go off after you have left the building of course.
Pisces - Playing small won't get you nothing at all. You are a Boss so embrace it. This is a great time to release some old feelings of worthiness, imposter syndrome of just lack of confidence. You got this, believe me. This Eclipse is casting its shadow on your homegirl/boy crew.  Some people aint gon' make it on your new team and let that be ok. We tend to grow apart from folks when we start doing the work. Misery wants company but evolution wants the light.
Extra Tea 
Weed Strains for your sign. Puff Good
Make yourself some good ass Moon Water. Set a full jar of spring water (lid on) in the Moon light and let this energy charge it up. Harvest before daybreak. Drink it for a charge, bath in it for a cleanse, give it to your plants for a blessing.
This is a Super Moon and this Eclipse has taken the energy to another level. We could use some help so I recommend charging up your Blue Lace Agate. This stone will help you manage the Geminis Sun and Sagittarius Moon energy since together they could have you combobulated. Blue Lace Agate is good for helping you get your thoughts together, it will help you pull those repressed feelings to the surface so you can release them. I appreciate the way it helps me stand firm in my truth...whatever truth that is in the moment. This is a perfect stone to use when you need help activating your throat chakra. If you don't already have some now would be a good time to getchoo some.
Created for Moon Tes Subscribers. Get the tea in your inbox twice a month. Send me a message and ill sign you up.
Bushmama Africa
Multidisciplinary Artist, Curator, Workshop Facilitator
Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Astrologist
Culture Preservationist, Sex Trafficking Abolitionist
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