#she very nearly headbutts him by accident and ends up as a corpse again
aceofshitposts · 2 years
bruharley + childhood sweethearts au?
CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS that's so fucking sweet and i had to base this off my favourite childhood sweethearts so have a riff on pushing daisies ;)
He remembers her as she was: hair tied into uneven pigtails as she bounced across the manor lawn, eyes twinkling bright as she beckoned him to follow.
He sees her as she is, beautiful and peaceful and wrong: her eyes closed, framed by loose golden hair, hands clasped to her chest to her chest holding a single red rose.
There are things that are meant to be and from the very core of Bruce's being he believes that the moment Harley opens her glassy blue eyes and says, "heya, Brucie, what're you doin' here?" without missing a single beat is one of them.
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