#she starts smiling at him more as the story goes forward
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tapenessa · 20 hours ago
saw this and went crazy. here are my Thoughts
Henry always had a knack for making things, but even though he was praised for his skill, he found no purpose in it. He made things, and they would sit on his shelf and would never be touched again. Even after meeting William, someone with talent like his, their creations ended up in storage closets to gather dust. Henry almost considered dropping creating altogether, but then Charlie was born.
Financially struggling, still paying off student loans, Henry didn’t have the funds to buy Charlie anything outside of the bare necessities. Terrified of Charlie growing up to resent him, he decides to pick up some old unfinished pieces and makes a few toys. They aren’t anything, really, pretty much just metal with shells painted to look somewhat like animals, but Charlie adored them. She would spend hours gripping them with her tiny hands, giggling hysterically at the funny noises they made. It was the first time someone had truly enjoyed something Henry made— Charlie didn’t really care about his talent or skill, she just liked how cute the toys were, and what she could do with them. Henry spent the hours baby Charlie was asleep making her toys, each one more polished and refined than the last.
Henry doesn’t consider using his sill for anything else until William has an idea. He’s aware of Henry’s financial struggles, and he pitches an idea. Long story short, he suggests Fredbear’s. The idea seems dumb to Henry at first— imagine how dangerous those suits would be— but relents when William reminds him that soon Charlie will be old enough to attend school, and didn’t she deserve the best education money could buy? Henry relents, and starts sacrificing his time dedicated to building for Charlie to building for business.
In the beginning, it doesn’t strain much. Henry’s making decent money now, he’s gotten closer to William, and, despite his initial concerns, he enjoys being Fredbear and making kids smile and laugh and being this person they trust wholeheartedly. He’s losing time with Charlie, but he doesn’t think much of it, since she’s always been mature for her age and she’s starting school soon anyways.
Fredbear’s does so well, that William suggests they take that extra step. They begin working on new animatronics, and prepare to open Freddy’s. (During this time, this is when Vanessa is born. Henry is aware she exists, but she’s always sleeping when Henry comes over to work. He doesn’t pay her too much thought, since he knows William is a good dad.) Charlie has started school, but even when she’s home, Henry is too preoccupied with work to play with her. Charlie eventually learns to find fun elsewhere, often running off on her own, usually without telling Henry, to find her own adventures. Henry is aware of this, but he trusts that she’ll know what to do in any emergency. And it’s not like anything’s going to happen— the town is small, everyone knows each other, who would hurt Charlotte Emily, anyways?
Skip forward a couple years, Freddy’s is open and booming, but Henry is piled with work running the place, even with William’s help. Charlie is a teenager now, so Henry lets her run off to do whatever she wants, because he believe she’s smart enough to protect and keep herself safe. And since he’s barely paying much mind to Charlie, he certainly isn’t thinking much of Vanessa.
One night, however, as Henry decides to put work aside and get some sleep, he realizes Charlie still isn’t home. He checks all around the house and doesn’t find her. He phones William, going to ask if he had seen her at Freddy’s, but gets no response. Now scared, he goes out to go find her. He checks Freddy’s first, because that’s usually where she runs off to when she’s bored.
He checks the entire place inside out, and can’t find her. No one has seen her, none of the employees, or any of the few remaining parents and kids, and William isn’t there. Henry leaves Freddy’s and spends the rest of the night driving endless circles around the town, looking for the one thing that gave his life meaning.
Henry isn’t the one who finds Charlie’s body. It’s Vanessa the next morning, when William takes her to open the restaurant for the day. She runs to William in tears, sobbing over the death of this girl she barely knew. William, still keeping up his ‘perfect father’ act, cries with Vanessa, and they call Henry.
Henry falls into a deep depression after the news. Charlie dying was all his fault. He neglected her, he didn’t support her, he didn’t protect her, and she died cold and all alone in the rain with no one to comfort her. At the very least, he wished he could have been there, to hold her and tell her everything was all right while she took her final breaths, but no, even when she was dying, he neglected her needs for work. For these creations that he fell into love with making because of her.
Everything in town reminds Henry of Charlie. The children, the shops, the school. He doesn’t want to remember everything because it all hurts so much, so, without a word to William, he leaves. Moves far away, leaves behind his projects, and gets a mindless office job in the city. Tries to forget he even had a daughter in the first place. Forgets about William and Vanessa entirely.
Five children going missing in a small, unknown town goes unknown by the ret of the world, goes unknown by Henry.
It’s not until many years later, after the events of the first movie, that Henry is drawn back in. He keeps having strange dreams about the puppet animatronic he built for Charlie years ago that never made it to Freddy’s, since it didn’t match the theme. In every dream, it beckons him forward, before disappearing from his grasp. Unsettled, he decides to see the town again, check in on everything, only to come back and find Freddy’s destroyed, William dead, and Vanessa in the hospital. Realizing this isn’t something he can ignore, he stays with Vanessa until she wakes up and teams up with her to find out what exactly happened, and eventually learns that his daughter is not entirely gone.
i think Vanessa Afton deserves a Henry Emily in the movie franchise to be the found family father she needs to heal.
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lastofthe20thcenturygirls · 11 months ago
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when your refined honey smile disgusts her but acting childish works
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gloomwitchwrites · 5 months ago
I absolutely love your stories they’re so amazing! Can I please request the task force and pranking them by telling them a guy did your Brazilian wax
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Thank you! I can't take all the credit. I might be the writer, but the Imagines Series couldn't be what it is without all the amazing ideas people have submitted. I'm honestly blown away by the amount of creativity and ideas sent my way. My inbox is full of wonderful requests, and while it's going to take me a bit to get to them all, I'm eager to complete them!
The amount of prank requests I've been getting has been so fun. Not just this one, but telling mom to shut up, and the premium air prank, etc. All of these make me giggle and have been a blast to work on. Thank you so much for sending this in!
Presented in four double drabbles.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, suggestive themes, established relationship, pranks, non-descriptive nudity
Word Count: 800
ao3 // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
John briefly licks the pad of his thumb before counting out the appropriate amount of pound notes.
“This enough?” he asks, presenting it to you.
It’s more than enough. “Plenty. Thank you, John.”
He leans forward a bit, and you eagerly greet him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. Drawing back, you give him your best smile. But beneath the grin is a trick.
You want to mess with him a bit.
“I have a new waxer,” you shrug, adding the cash to your wallet. “Cheryl put in her notice.”
Cheryl did not put in her notice. That woman probably won’t retire until she dies.
John inclines his head, already turning away. “That’s too bad. You liked her.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, grabbing your purse. “They’ve put me with someone new. A Mark? Mike? No—Marcus? I think.”
John freezes. He slowly turns back, cheeks bright red. “What?”
“It starts with an ‘m’,” you muse.
“Your new waxer is a man?”
“Yes,” you shrug. “And?” John’s face resembles a beet. “Everything good?”
“Where does Cherly work now?”
He grabs his phone from his pocket and starts tapping away at it. "I want to know if she accepts walk-ins."
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle's hand slowly runs over your newly waxed skin. "Look at you. So soft and smooth." His touch makes you shiver.
"You paid for it," you murmur.
"I did," smiles Kyle, head dipping.
His tongue makes contact, and you release a moan. It’s slightly distracting, but not enough to detract from you poking at him.
“Had a new waxer,” you sigh as Kyle goes in for another taste.
“Did you?” he asks absently, more interested in your new smoothness.
“A man, actually. Undergoing training. There were two of them in the room.”
Kyle's head snaps up. "What?"
"Why'd you stop?" you whimper.
"There were two men that waxed you?"
“No, Kyle. Just one.”
A series of emotions pass over Kyle's face. His mouth opens. Closes. And then his hand forms a fist, fingers flexing and relaxing as he mulls over something.
"Everything okay?" you ask, suddenly worried.
“Can’t be that hard.” Kyle pushes away from the couch and reaches for his phone. “Or expensive.”
“What can’t? Kyle. What are you talking about?”
You lean forward and see him adding a waxing kit to his online shopping cart.
“No,” you say firmly. “You’re not putting hot wax anywhere near my vagina.”
John "Soap" MacTavish
"Oh, what's this?"
Johnny's hands are on your thighs and then beneath your skirt in a moment.
"Is this for me? You don't have to. You know I like a good adventure through the woods."
"Johnny!" you say again, slapping his arm playfully as his fingers lightly squeeze, making your squirm in his grasp.
"Was this on my dime?" he asks.
"Oh, aye. Am I gonna find an unknown charge?"
"With a tip. A large tip. My waxer deserved it. He did a good job."
"Oh, they—he?"
"Yes. That a problem?"
Johnny's hands don't retreat but he's staring at you—hard. You arch an eyebrow and he finally speaks. "Your waxer is a man?"
Johnny nods and then he leans in, lowering his voice. “You’re taking the piss.”
“I saw your location. I checked it out. They don’t have a single male employee in that place.”
Your face grows hot.
Johnny’s hands squeeze a bit harder, and then he lands a brief smack against the curve of your ass. “Lying to me, love?” Johnny tsks. He palms the curve of your ass where it stings. “Suppose I should punish you.”
“Maybe you should.”
Simon "Ghost" Riley
You reject the call and clutch your phone to your chest. You've messed up. Royally. Pranking Simon is always a terrible idea.
The texts were just a tease. Just a way to push Simon’s buttons.
I have a new waxer.
I thought it would be one of the other ladies.
But no!
It was a guy!
Your phone buzzes again and you nearly throw it across the room. It’s Simon. You decline the call. Everything is quiet for a few brief seconds before a text message from him comes through.
Answer your phone.
You click out a reply.
I'm in the car!
His reply comes instantly.
You're at home. I know your location.
Another incoming call. This one you answer.
"Simon,” you say flatly.
"What location did you go to?" he asks, voice rough with tension.
"Why?" you counter.
"What's his name?" he snaps.
"I know what you're doing, Simon.”
You always forget just how deep his possessive streak goes.
Silence. Then, "I just want to talk."
He growls your name in warning.
"You don't need to go there. Just...come home. You can see the results for yourself."
He sighs. "I'll be there in ten. Be ready for me."
@glitterypirateduck @km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @cherryofdeath @ferns-fics
@tulipsun-flower @miss-mistinguett @ninman82 @eternallyvenus @no-oneelsebutnsu
@marispunk @smileykiddie08 @whisperwispxx @chaostwinsofdestruction @weasleytwins-41
@saoirse06 @unhinged-reader-36 @ravenpoe67 @sageyxbabey @mudisgranapat
@lulurubberduckie @leed-bbg @yawning-grave81 @azkza @nishim
@voids-universe @iloveslasher @sadlonelybagel @haven-1307 @itsberrydreemurstuff
@cod-z @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @blackhawkfanatic @sammysinger04
@kylies-love-letter @dakotakazansky @suhmie @kadeeesworld @umno-yeah
@daemondoll @jackrabbitem @lxblm @arrozyfrijoles23 @lovely-ateez
@ash-tarte @enarien @gingergirl06 @greeniegreengreen @certainlygay
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wqlfstqr · 1 month ago
◟𖥻 cabin confessions : percy jackson
▰▰ pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader
y/n loves gushing about Percy to her siblings, Percy accidentally finds out about this and he's absolutely obsessed with it.
author: i'll never get tired of cabin ten reader x percy, probs will write more abt them because ugh i just love them, also mentions of marriage!!
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She sits on her bed, a brush in her hand as she gently runs it through the little girl's hair, her touch tender and soothing, pouring care into each stroke through the knots.
Her siblings sit in a circle around her on the floor, listening to her and hanging onto her every word as she recalls the time she was just friends with Percy.
"How come you two started dating?" Lacy asks, sitting cross-legged on the floor.
They already know how the story goes, they have heard about it at least twice now, but every time they look as interested on it as if it was their first time hearing about it.
"We were friends for a long time. I always thought that's all we would ever be." She starts, settling down the brush. "Percy was just... you know, Percy. All charming and brave and, well— completely clueless about my crush on him."
One of them giggles. "You had a crush on him first? wasn't he the one that asked you out?"
"Yes, he was, but it took him long enough to do it." she replies, smiling fondly at the memory as she starts to braid her sister's hair. "We kissed first, can you believe it? and even after that, Percy was still a nervous wreck when he asked me out. It was like he had forgotten how to talk and kept stumbling over his words, I honestly thought he was choking at some point."
The group erupts into laughter.
"And did you say yes right away?" Another sister pipes up, leaning forward with anticipation.
"I don't think he would've survived if I didn’t." She grins, her fingers working on the braid. "He was so sweet, he took me out for a picnic by the lake and he was honestly... just so perfect. I couldn't say no to him."
One of her brothers smirks, leaning back. "I would've made him work harder for it."
"He's worth it. He's always worth it." a chorus of 'awws' fill the room just as she's finished with her Lily's braid. "Okay, who's next?"
Lily grins at her and goes to sit down with the rest of the siblings, happy with her new braid, and the next sister in line takes her place on the bed while y/n grabs the brush again.
She knows they're not done with their questions. "And how did you two kiss for the first time?"
Beaming at the question, she tells the whole story again and again, going through the details while keeping everyone's hair knotless and braided.
Percy has always been amused by y/n's relationship with her siblings. Besides Tyson, he doesn't have anyone else to share a cabin with, so he doesn’t really get too many bonding opportunities as she does. She always tells him about the endless afternoons of talking, the movie nights, the blanket forts, and he can't help but feel just the tiniest bit of envy as he listens.
Right now, Tyson isn't even around because he's too busy to come back to camp this summer. So even if Percy's trying hard to respect his girlfriend's quality time with her siblings this afternoon, he ends up missing her too much.
Which leads him here, finally giving up on spending time by himself, he heads towards cabin 10, hoping y/n will let him crash her sleepover because he just needs to see her.
However, just when he's about to knock on the wooden door, he notices it's slightly cracked open. Laughter spills out, and he can even pick up her laugh among the others.
He doesn’t mean to pry, really, but it's not his fault that just when he's about to announce himself, he hears one of her little sisters asking. "And do you think you'll marry him?"
Percy stops right on his track, something just tells him they're talking about him. His suspicions only get confirmed when y/n is the one replying to the question. "Well, we're still young. But I can't picture myself marrying anyone else, you know?"
Gasps and excited chatter fill the room. Some of them beg for her to be flower girls at the wedding, while she tries, and fails, to get them to quiet down.
Percy's frozen in his spot. His heart skips a beat or two at her words. He leans against the doorframe, unable to stop the smile creeping across his face.
"Do you think he wants to marry you, too?" another one asks when the room finally falls silent again.
He does. Percy wants to make his presence known just to answer the question himself.
y/n chuckles softly "Well that's something that you'd have to ask him. But I sure hope so."
"You should propose to him instead." one suggests, they all break into a fit of giggles.
"Maybe I should. Do you reckon he'd like that?" She asks playfully.
Another sibling chimes in "He'd probably faint right on the spot."
Percy can't help himself anymore. Before he can think it through, his knuckles softly knock on the door. Everyone immediately falls silent, turning to look at the doorway, where he's shyly standing.
y/n's smile grows bigger once she looks up and finds him there. "Percy!"
"hope i'm not interrupting anything." he steps in, trying to keep his cool even though his heart is racing.
The Aphrodite kids exchange mischievous looks, some covering their mouths to hide their giggles. Lacy's the one to pipe up. "We were just talking about you!"
"Oh, really?" Percy has to act as if he didn’t know that already, raising his eyebrows as he glances at y/n, her cheeks are already tinted a pretty shade of pink. "Good things, I hope?"
"Of course" she recovers quickly, making some space for him to sit beside her on the bed. "What are you doing here?"
Percy carefully steps around the circle of Aphrodite kids on the floor and plops down beside her. "Just missed you." He replies simply, already reaching for her hand.
Her siblings immediately protest. "Don't distract her! it's her turn to braid."
She laughs, setting the brush down and instead taking Percy's hand, her delicate fingers lacing with his. "Don't worry, I'll still braid everyone's hair. Percy's just here to join the fun."
He chuckles, playfully shrugging. "I've always wanted to learn how to braid, I guess"
Her siblings break into laughter, and y/n rolls her eyes affectionately. That's how Percy ends up being instructed by a bunch of Aphrodite children on how to make a perfect braid while he listens to their chatter, laughing as they share stories with him.
Every now and then, y/n sneaks a glance at him, her eyes soft with affection and he remembers what he overheard. He will never forget it. But everytime she looks at him, he knows she wasn't lying just by the love he's able to see in her eyes.
Later, when everyone is happy with their braids and every story they could think about has been told, they start to drift away to their different sides of the cabin and Percy finds his perfect opportunity to mention what he overheard. He can't keep it to himself any longer.
"For the record." He starts, tugging her closer to him. "I can't picture myself marrying anyone else either."
Her breath catches and her face turns crimson. She immediately hides her face against his chest. "You weren't supposed to hear that!"
Percy laughs, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a soft kiss against her temple. "Just let me take care of the proposal, yeah?"
She's utterly embarrased, but she finally laughs, swatting his chest lightly as she mumbles. "Deal"
They settle back into each other’s arms, the warmth of the moment lingering between them as they think about how lucky they are to have each other. Next time, when her siblings gather around her bed asking questions, she’ll have some news to share with them.
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months ago
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Part two is right here
You were with Alyssane when the doors burst open and could only watch as a bloodied and bruised Benji was being held up in the arms of two other boys, who were also bruised and bloodied but not nearly to the extent that Benjicot was.
This type of scenario happens far too often at this point for you to feel anything but exasperation at who had pissed Benji off to the point of no return, for Benjicot Blackwood was a short fuse disguised as a awkward, shy but honest to god good man, and everyone in the realm knew that the devil himself runs away in fear when a good man goes to war.
‘What happened this time?’ Alyssane asked, just as unfazed by this predicament as you were as she crossed her arms over her chest, while the two men holding Benji up shared a look between themselves before looking back at yourself and Alyssane.
‘There were some Brackens-‘
‘Here we go.’ You whispered under your breath, finding yourself already foreseeing how this interaction with their rival house might’ve went down; they crossed paths, started provoking each other, swords being drawn and fists being thrown as the accumulated testosterone between the rivalling houses chokes the air.
‘-and they said something to Benji that made him madder then I’ve ever seen him.’ The boy with the pale hair on benji’s left continued recounting the story as the the boy on Benji’s right, a boy with chestnut hair and slight facial hummed in agreement as he shifted Ben’s arm on his shoulder when he felt the young lord slipping from his grip. ‘Yeah and after beating them with an inch of their lives, he wouldn’t tell us what those Bracken bastards said.’
You looked closely at Benji, feeling your heart wretch as you watched his eyes try their best to focus on something before they fell on you, and suddenly he was smiling as though he was trying to reassure that he wasn’t hurt that bad; acting as though he wasn’t currently on the verge of collapse. You hated how much his sweet side affected you to the point your dreaming about it for weeks on end knowing that it was fruitless to ask for more.
You may have gotten use to Benji getting into fights but you will never be use to seeing him hurt, you’d rather he be safe and unharmed but that seems like too much of an ask even for him; despite how many times he’s promised you that he’d be careful only to come back bruised knuckles, bloodied faced and looking as though he fought a bear and won.
‘I’m fine.’ Benji slurred as he tried to stand up and walk a few paces forward, just for his legs to have out beneath him as the floor rushed up to meet him, but you managed to run across the hall to catch him in your arms. ‘Gods you’re heavy.’ You groaned as you wrestled one of his arms over your shoulder as he lent most of his weight against you, trying your hardest not to let the smell of cedar wood get the best of you.
‘I did it for you.’ Ben murmured incoherently.
‘What?’ You asked, feeling as little overexposed by the eyes of his aunt and the two boys who dragged him in here as they dig into you.
‘I did it for you.’ He said again a little louder this time. ‘I did it for you and I’d do it all over again for you to prove just how important you are to me.’ Benjicot adds with a dopey smile as he closes his eyes and the rest of his weight has your knees close to buckling underneath you, however the urge to know what he meant by that and how it correlates to beating the Brackens black and blue gave you the strength to keep him upright as you looked over at Alyssane, who looked at you both with a knowing look in her eye.
‘I’ll go fetch a Maester and I’ll trust that you y/n will get him up to his room.’ She says before leaving the hall and you to ponder whether or not you were being pranked right now, for as you went to look for the two boys behind you for help, only to find that they had seemingly disappeared into thin air.
‘You’ve got a lot of explaining to do when you wake up Blackwood.’ You said to no one in particular as you began the long journey to Benji’s room.
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sluttysnowangel666 · 24 days ago
sweet like candy - choi su bong / thanos
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pairings : thanos/ su bong x fem reader part 2
summary/request : despite only a few insignificant interactions with thanos, he grows jealous when he sees you talking to an ex marine, dae ho.
warnings: jealous thanos, use of drugs, swearing, violence, ooc thanos bc he’s kinda nice most of the time except for when he’s jealous, lowkey sub thanos idk how it happened but bros a good boy😭, oral(f receiving), hand job, sex(p in v)
ngl this is not my best work unfortunately:( it just feels like i rushed too much at certain parts but i just didn’t want it to be too repetitive to other stories with too much detail when we all know how the games work. send me some requests, i wanna do au or write for thanos where the reader and him are outside of the games
not responsible for the content you consume, use discretion when reading past the border. 18+
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“Señorita, excuse me.”
You turn, an eyebrow already raised at the strange pet name you’d just been called. It’s a tall, young ish man. You take in his appearance; his hair is a bright shade of purple, slender fingers painted like infinity stones, marked with dark tattoos, chunky rings, and a cross necklace.
You don’t respond, instead continuing to walk in the eerie room painted like the sky, with a giant doll at the other side.
You sigh, still confused at how you ended up here with 456 other people in ugly green tracksuits and millions, if not billions, of won in debt.
He raps you a song, also stating his name is Thanos, which you try to tune out but its mediocrity makes you stifle a laugh. He notices, and your sweet smile makes him smile.
“I like you.” He says, flashing you a little heart with his fingers. You roll your eyes, walking past him as he lingers on your trail.
A man runs out, player 456, you note. He begins screaming, saying the game was “Red Light, Green Light” and the doll was going to kill us if we moved. His reaction makes you nervous, his fear seemed so genuine.
“My dad comes home like this sometimes,” Thanos says, noticing your shift in demeanor. “Saying there’s bugs in the walls and his phone’s been tapped by the government.”
“Do you think the guy yelling is high?” You ask.
He smirks a little before answering, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you. “Fuck no.”
The game begins, and Thanos takes your hand. You go to pull away but his grip is tight.
“Let go.” You whisper, on a red light.
“Come on, señorita. Let’s stick together.” He whispers back.
Before you can respond, the girl in front of you starts screaming about a bee landing on her. She faces you both and laughs a little.
“Oh, shit. I just moved, didn’t I?”
Blood splatters on you and Thanos’ face.
“Don’t scream.” He whispers, but even if you wanted to, you couldn’t. Your body is in shock, frozen. You grip his hand in return now, trying to hold your shaking.
More rounds continue, but neither of you move. That is until the man tells you to finish you have to be behind the doll. Thanos moves you behind him, and you press your head into his back with your eyes shut tight, gripping his jacket. He slowly moves, pulling you with him.
A woman reacts to the body, and an another shot goes off. Panic ensues, as people run and shots fire continuously. All you can hear is screaming and shooting.
During the next green light Thanos doesn’t move, but you feel him fidgeting around. Two rounds go by of this before he finally moves again.
He lurches forward, and you feel him go “Ding” as he pushes a group of people down. Three shots ring off, and during the next green light you let go of him. He doesn’t even notice, skipping and jumping and dancing during every green light.
In the end, you survive. Splattered in blood, yes, but alive nonetheless.
You avoid him after that, feeling unnerved by the way he played during the games. You noticed him sharing a pill with a guy later, which made his behavior in the game make sense to you.
You sat on your bed, your face buried in your knees as you rocked back and forth. The lights were out, everyone going to sleep but, how could you? After everything you saw?
You glanced up at the piggy bank, glowing gold
and filled with won.
The next game was about to begin.
You had been brought into a room, eerily similar to the one with the doll, except the room had rainbow tracks and pink suit men standing around it. They ordered you to get into teams of 5.
You wandered around, searching for a group of people who wouldn’t kill you for fun.
You turned, facing a handsome dark haired man, his hair half tied up. He was neatly kept, carrying himself with confidence and grace, despite everything.
“Hi.” You respond, meekly.
“Would you like to join our group?” He motions to the 4 men behind him. Their faces are stoic, but they look friendly enough. You notice the one man on the team was the one who warned everyone about the last games. You accept their offer; it’s not like you really had a choice anyway. Besides, why not let them pity you if they felt sorry enough to offer you a spot? No one else was itching to have you on your team…
Or so you thought.
On the other side of the room, Thanos was searching for you to be in his group. He felt inclined to protect you now after the events of the first game. The drugs were fueling him into wanting to be the hero of your story. He was convinced he could you get out of here, and you would tell the world Thanos the Great saved you with a snap of his fingers. Besides, such a sweet face like yours? It would be such a waste for you to die somewhere so silly.
He finds you, in the sea of people, talking to another man.
He fumes with rage, the ecstasy making him react more uncontrollably than usual.
He bites his lip, all of his prior convictions now forgotten. Let the bitch die then, he thinks to himself.
The games start, and players drop like flies from the first groups alone.
Thanos’ team goes, and you can’t help but cheer when you see them play successfully. You jump up and down, laughing and clapping at their win.
Thanos locks his eyes on yours, noticing your childlike joy at his win. It makes him strangely prideful, makes him forget why he was so mad at you in the first place.
He bows to you, like a musician after a performance. You blush a little, smiling at him, forgetting why he scared you in the first place.
Your team is last, and you’re up first playing ddakji. Your whole team plays successfully, and you survive another round of the games.
You go back to your bunks, Dae Ho wrapping a friendly and comforting arm around you as you both walk. You sit with your group, eating and laughing while you slowly forget the chaos around you.
Thanos watched it all play out with Dae Ho again. His palms were sweaty the whole time, hoping you’d survive and walk back into that room. The second you walked back through the door alive, his eyes were on you.
“Are you good?” Nam Gyu asks Thanos, noticing his eyes constantly following you.
“I don’t know what the fuck are you talking about.” Thanos spits, defensively. He takes another pill, needing the courage for his next move.
“Let me have one.” Nam Gyu begs. Thanos reluctantly hands one over.
Nam Gyu takes it with haste, as Thanos stands and makes his way towards you. He quickly gets up and follows his friend, ready for whatever fight may come.
Each time you laugh at Dae Ho, Thanos picks his pace up a little faster. He’s convinced that it’s like with each laugh that slips past your honey coated lips, then the closer Dae Ho is to getting to taste them. He sways his body unnaturally as he walks, wanting to appear more bad ass than he really felt.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He says as he approaches you.
“Thanos.” You say, a warning in your voice to leave you alone.
“You good, bro?” Dae Ho asks.
“Why the fuck are you talking to my girl?” He addresses Dae Ho now. You and Dae Ho both scoff in disbelief, but this is how your reaction played out in Thanos’ mind.
They both laugh
“Dae Ho, you’re so funny.”
“Well, you’re sexy.”
“Let’s make out and fuck right here in front of Thanos.”
“Whatever you say, beautiful.”
He reaches his hand out, grabbing you by your jacket and yanking you to your feet.
“Thanos!” You yell. Dae Ho and In Ho stand up to diffuse the situation. Before they can even intervene, you land a closed fist to Thanos’ eye.
He backs away, holding it as a little cut forms.
“Crazy bitch.” He says. He points at Dae Ho. “You stay away from her.”
“Fuck off.” You yell at Thanos. He backs away, still facing you and nodding his head in anger. His face reads This isn’t over.
“You okay?” Dae Ho asks. You nod, slightly breathless.
The way Thanos grabbed you was rude,
and hot.
You wanted to kick yourself for feeling so attracted to him in that moment. He was mentally unstable, high; everything that could be wrong with a man, he was.
Yet here you were, yearning for a piece of him just as he yearned for you.
Later that night, you couldn’t sleep in your bunk. You were stressed with nerves, with the thought that each next day could be your last. You tapped your foot relentlessly against the frame of the bed, until a person above you made a threat.
You sighed, getting up and walking to the door to be let to the bathroom.
You washed your face again for what was probably the 15th time, feeling like the blood was still on you.
You didn’t even hear the door, didn’t hear him walk up behind you, didn’t notice he was there until his hands were on your hips.
You gasped, turning with your fist, ready to make a collision; but Thanos was quicker than you this time, catching your wrist before you could seal the hit.
“Whoa.” He said, “Relax, girl.”
“What are you doing in here?” You yelled at him. He shushed you, making a tcht tcht tcht sound.
“You embarrassed me out there.” He said, tilting his head to show you his bruised eye.
“You? How about you yanking me to my feet in a room full of people?”
He says nothing, but he smirks at you.
“You’re just so pretty. How am I supposed to sit back and watch my girl flirt with other men?”
You sigh, rolling your eyes. “Is that what you think I am?”
“It’s what I know you are.” He says lowly, his hand resting against your throat. “You’re mine.”
“I’m not yours. You don’t ask, you just take from people. You’re a bully.”
“What are we, kids on a school yard? I’m a bully?” He steps closer than he already was, pressing himself into you.
“Yes.” You whisper out.
“Quiet now, aren’t we?” He teases, his voice low.
“If you’re gonna kill me, just fucking do it.” You say.
He laughs loudly, “Kill you? Get serious, girl.”
“Then what do you want?”
You say nothing. Your hands are pressed against the counter top of the sink, and his body is pressed against yours. Chest to chest, you have nowhere to go.
“Move.” You say. Your eyes are locked, and you feel like prey being tortured by predator. Tortured in the way he’s doing nothing, just staring you down. He doesn’t budge still.
You grab him by his collar, pulling his face inches from yours.
“Move.” You say again, your voice pleading.
He notices. You’re not pleading him to move because of fear, you’re pleading for him to move because of lust.
His fingers trail up your arm, then trace your jaw to pull your chin up. He laces his fingers through your hair, pulling you so that your lips are on his.
He didn’t expect you to kiss him the way you did, it took him by such surprise, which he dared never admit because he was almost never surprised. But the way you grabbed his collar, trying to pull him so deep into you that you both might collapse into each other like stars.
“Where’d this come from?” He asks breathlessly, barely able to break away from you to get the question out.
“Can you just shut up?” You say quickly, pulling him back into you.
“As my queen commands.” He says, matching your ferocity with the kiss.
Both of his hands rest on your cheeks while he kisses you, but you take one and slowly push it down to your sweats.
“Why so eager?” He asks, breathlessly.
“You’re talking too much.” You say, pushing him off you. “Get on your knees.”
He scoffs, shocked. “Are you serious?”
You nod, and so he listens. He kisses down your body, tugging on your sweats when he’s on his knees. He kisses your thighs, mumbling sweet nothings about your body that were too soft to hear.
“Su Bong.” He corrects you, needing to hear you moan his real name.
“Su Bong, please don’t tease me.” You whine, so he concedes. Lifting up your leg onto his shoulder so he can kiss and lick and suck every part of you. You whine, pulling his purple tufts of hair.
“You are so sweet,” He whispers. “Sweet like candy.”
“Oh, my boy.” You moan, egging him on. His nails grip into your thighs unintentionally. He’s just so desperate for you, desperate to taste every drop.
Your nails dig into his forearm, scratching for release.
“Please, oh, please, Su Bong.”
He looks up at you, pupils dilated like the size of black holes. You throw your head back, grinding your hips into his mouth, chasing your release.
You pull his hair harshly, and he digs his nails into your thighs even more as you release. You cry out, repeating his name like a prayer, and he moans into you, fueling your release. He doesn’t miss a drop.
He comes off you, breathless. He sets your leg down, pulling your sweats back up as he stands.
You stare at each other, both of you panting in silence for a few moments. You sneak your hand down, resting it against his hard crotch. You smirk a little, and he mirrors it.
“I think I love you.” He moans as you rub him.
“I think you’re high.” You respond, and he laughs and nods. He leans down to kiss you again, gentler this time.
“Do you want one?” He asks, nodding to his necklace. You hesitate, but end up shaking your head no.
“I think we should head back.” You whisper, still rubbing him. He shakes his head no, moaning into your neck. He grips your jacket in desperate agony.
“I need you so bad.” He finally admits.
“Fine.” You fold, and he’s ever so quick to pull your sweats back down. He unhooks one of your legs from the pants, pulling it up so he can rest it around his hips as he pushes his sweats down just slightly so he can insert himself into you.
So, there you both are. Standing with one leg hooked around him and absolutely gripping the sink as he thrusts into you relentlessly. You don’t even try to hide your moans, throwing your head back in euphoria as Thanos buries his face in your neck with shameful whimpers. You grip onto whatever part of him you can for support. Your back is slamming into the edge of the sink over and over, surely leaving a bruise on your tailbone.
He kisses and sucks on your neck, leaving dark bruised purple hickeys on every inch. Marking you, so that you knew who you belong to and so that everyone else out there knew too.
His thrusts were relentless, and the angle he fucked you was crucial, hitting into your cervix each time. Your hands pushed on his hips, resisting his movements slightly, which only fueled him more.
“Stop it.” He moans.
“You stop, you’re being so rough.” You whimper.
“This is me being gentle,” He says. “You want something less than this, then I better not ever catch you speaking to another man again.”
You moan in defeated acceptance, grasping at his shoulders instead for balance. His perfect thrusts make you leak all over him, his pants soaked with your juices.
“You’re so wet.” He moans. “I think you’re gonna make me cum.”
You tighten around him, sending him into a frenzy. His hands tighten their hold on your thighs, and you yank him by the collar to pull his lips onto yours.
“Fuck, I’m cumming, oh please.” You beg him, between kisses.
“I’ve got you.” He manages to get out, holding you as you let out the most heavenly cry. Your moans send him over, and he pulls out to spill himself all over your cunt.
He smears it on your folds with his hands, and you smack his chest, giving him a push off you while he laughs at your irritability.
“You’re such a dick.” You say, wiping yourself with a paper towel from the dispenser. He kisses your neck with a smirk.
“Come lay with me when you’re done.” He says, walking out of the bathroom.
You roll your eyes, cleaning yourself up before walking out.
You re enter the bunks, searching the room for his bed. He’s in a lower ish one, laying down with hands resting behind his head and his eyes blissfully closed. Your eyes move back and forth between his bed and your empty one, until your feet start moving before your mind can even decide.
He doesn’t even open his eyes when you crawl in beside him. He just wraps his arm around you, kissing your temple as you both drift off to sleep,
both of you blissfully unaware of the horrors of tomorrow’s game…
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Part 2?
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inkinflux · 2 months ago
Raising the Mast
Viktor x f!Reader | 1.1k | 18+ You give Viktor a ride home from an event, knowing from experience that he won't be able to keep his hands off you for long. 🚫 I DO NOT CONSENT TO MY WORK BEING USED TO TRAIN AI 🚫  
The carriage back to the Academy was pleasant enough, the cobblestones only causing a minor bump here and there as you traversed through the wealthiest district of Piltover.
“I can’t say I’m familiar with the sensation. The call for adventure,” Councilor Shoola carried your polite conversation. “However my wife is a different story. She goes sailing every weekend. I tried to join her once but got terribly seasick. Never again.”
You gave a soft laugh in response, your posture relaxed and open. The same could not be said for the man sitting next to the Councilor, his body turned to the window, cane cradled between his legs.
“I was lucky to never have gotten seasick during my sailing days. However, I’m not the most graceful sailor. One day when raising the sails a gust of wind caught me off guard and I got knocked overboard by the mast.”
Shoola cackled at that.
Viktor cast a side-glance at you, and you would’ve thought he was judging you if not for the amused smirk he was trying to hide.
“You must meet my wife. Perhaps tea, sometime soon? We’d love to host you.”
You smiled. “That sounds nice.”
The carriage pulled to a stop, and Shoola glanced out the window. The carriage stood outside of a mansion made of luxurious marble pillars framed by golden gates.
“This is me,” she said, standing. “It was lovely catching up with you, (Y/n).” She side-stepped the man beside her as she reached for the door. “Viktor,” she said by way of farewell.
The carriage shook slightly as she stepped out, and the driver closed the door behind her. There was a terse silence until it started rolling again.
Viktor continued watching the streets pass from the window. You slid your foot forward, nudging his.
“Did you have a good night?”
Viktor looked at you with barely concealed fatigue. “Of course not.” Despite his cold response, he lifted his foot, capturing yours underneath. You bit back a smile.
“What, you don’t enjoy hearing rich people talk about their breweries and boats?”
It had been a party celebrating the launch of a new beer brand. Viktor had been Jayce’s plus one, and you were always a permanent fixture on any guest list thanks to your status.
Viktor sat up, emphatically gesturing with his cane. “I would have enjoyed it more if it had ended with the securing of another Hextech investment.”
You leaned forward, “And how would you have swung this one, had you gotten it? ‘Yes, see here, the new HexScythe, made for ploughing the fields at an exceptionally accelerated rate-” You giggled as Viktor reached out, trying to cover your mouth with his hand and cease your accent-heavy impression of him. “-proven to increase wheat yield tenfold for all your beer brewing needs.”
“I do not sound like that,” he muttered.
“You’re right,” you replied breathlessly, seizing his wrist, “I give a much better sales pitch than you.”
Viktor’s eyes darkened with a challenge. He spun his wrist, instead capturing yours, bringing the back of your hand to his lips.
“Perhaps this is true,” he spoke low, placing a gentle kiss, “Or perhaps it is not the words that matter, but the person who speaks them.” Your body gave an involuntary shiver as Viktor looked at you from underneath his eyelashes and turned your hand over. “I’m certain you could have just about anyone eating from the palm of your hand.”
He sunk his teeth into the soft swell of your palm. This dance of modesty became shorter each time.
Viktor flipped his cane, slotting the handle behind your back and tugging you to the edge of your seat, capturing your lips in an open-mouthed kiss. He kissed with a ferocity that hinted he’d been waiting for this all night.
Pushing his knee between your thighs, he moved closer, dropping his cane to place a firm hand behind your neck, urging you towards him with a gentle pull.
You parted for a second to move on top of him, and in the same moment a helpful bump in the road had you landing in his lap, your legs spread atop him.
Viktor wasted no time in chasing your lips again, his mouth hot and just as greedy as his hands.
One of which slid up your back, fingers reaching into your hair before sharply tugging your head back, affording him the perfect expanse of your delicious throat. Viktor bit down on your hammering pulse, like flicking a switch that had your muscles tensing.
His skillful hands played your body like a symphony, directing with rough touches down your waist, thumbs digging into the divots of your hips, encouraging you to move against him.
You obliged, earning a moan stifled against your neck. You ground your hips in a fluid motion, ignoring how his leg brace dug into the back of your thigh.
Viktor ceased his incessant biting to watch you for a moment. You pressed a steadying hand to his chest, feeling the erratic thumping of his heart beneath. His gaze was wicked as he devoured you with his eyes.
It made you shiver.
He grabbed hold of your chin, pulling your face down to his, your noses bumping and laboured breaths mingling.
“Next time, let’s skip the parties, hm?” He suggested before kissing you once more. “It will save us from waiting to reach the part we both enjoy most.”
“And lose the opportunity to flirt with you in front of all my rich peers?” you grinned, eating the sounds your rolling hips elicited. “Are you kidding?”
Viktor huffed a laugh, his eyes unfocused and his cheeks flushed. “That part is pretty satisfying. If only for the soul.”
You nipped at his jaw, nuzzling under his ear. Viktor groaned as the fabric between you grew uncomfortably warm, his short nails digging into your waist, pulling you down against him as he chased more friction.
“You trying to tell me this isn’t good for your soul?” You teased.
Viktor panted, “Quite the contrary. Hmph.” His head fell back, eyes cast down at your exposed thighs as your skirt rode up. He pushed the hem further up, the touch leaving goosebumps on your legs. “I think my mast has pushed you overboard, hm?” he commented, rubbing his thumb along the damp spot between your legs.
You bit your lip as his touch started circling that sweet spot, losing your rhythm as he bent forward, sinking his teeth into your collarbone.
“Please,” you begged, pushing him away from your sufficiently-marked neck, “No nautical-themed innuendos tonight.”
Viktor laughed.
“No promises.”
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trashytracktales · 3 months ago
I absolutely love your writing!!!!!! I have a bit of a longer request, you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to.
Lando and y/n meet through a mutual friend, and they both feel an immediate attraction. A few months later, they’re on a group trip—maybe at a beach villa or a mountain house for skiing. One day during the trip, they both decide to stay in, each thinking they’re alone.
Lando, believing he has the place to himself, starts masturbating on the sofa in the living room. Around the same time, y/n comes into the living room, planning to watch TV. She spots Lando on the sofa but doesn’t immediately realize what he’s doing as she was behind the sofa and a few steps away —until he moans her name. She kind of hides herself and spies on him until she gets enough courage and goes to him and asks him if she can help him and basically she goes on her knees right in front of him and starts sucking him off and he’s so surprised and turned on that he doesn’t know what to say or do other than moan her name and praise her
Deep in the Alps | LN⁴
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💌 REQUESTED by anon ──── Sorry for keeping you waiting, I had a few works in progress + another request that came in before this one. Enjoy 🤍🎀
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❄ summary ──── What begins as a private moment turns into something unexpected and, with a few days of vacation left, Lando is determined to make every moment count, setting the stage for an unforgettable getaway that blurs the lines between friendship and something far more... exciting.
❄ pairing ──── Lando Norris x she/her reader
❄ rating ──── explicit
❄ category ──── F/M
❄ warnings ──── +18, mature/sexual content, slight fluff & smut, teasing, explicit language, horny thoughts, masturbation, oral sex ─ (m)receiving, low-key whiney Lando.
❄ word count ──── 4.1k
❄ date ──── Dec. 2, 2024
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OF ALL THE people in his friend group, Lando looked forward to winter break the most. He loves summer, but nothing compares to a holiday deep in the Alps, away from cameras and prying eyes.
Their cabin is covered in a generous layer of snow that glimmers like a sea of diamonds under the pale winter sun. The air is crisp and cold, and everyone is excited for today, considering how much it snowed last night.
The group dynamic is diverse, having friendships that have been inseparable for years, while others are still navigating the early stages of familiarity.
She met them through Pietra a few months ago, but this is the first time she joined the entire group for a holiday. As expected, Lando is the central piece who draws attention through his bad jokes and easygoing charm, being a constant source of amusement for everybody. She, on the other hand, is content to sit back and observe, though she’s found herself smiling at his antics more often than she’d care to admit.
Their days so far have been a blur of early mornings spent carving down snowy trails, afternoons in crowded lodges sipping hot chocolate or mulled wine, and evenings around the fireplace, sharing stories and making more plans to hangout in the future. It was easy for her to fit in because everyone seemed — at least at first — to go out of their way to make her feel welcome and included.
Today, however, a dull headache throbs at her temples, forcing her to opt out of skiing, retreating to her room for a nap and leaving them to bundle up and head out to the slopes.
Lando also stays behind, claiming he’s exhausted from the previous night’s gaming sessions with Max and Morgan. But in reality, he’s just craving a moment of quiet, which is a rarity for him.
Outside, the snow glistens with an almost blinding brightness, reflecting the sunlight in too sharply. Lando had made a point to pull the curtains earlier, and now, the dimly lit living room is perfect for lounging on the couch with a blanket draped over his lap. The movie playing on the TV is a vague blur of sound and color in the background, abandoned halfway through in favor of his phone, which is much more interesting at the moment.
He scrolls through his Instagram feed, pausing on a group photo they took when they first arrived at the location. The image lingers on the screen, and his focus sharpens, studying everybody's face until he gets to her. She’s in the center, barely noticeable because of how small she looks like next to the others, bundled up in her pink jacket, her knit beanie perched perfectly atop her head, with loose strands of hair curling around her face. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold, and her smile is soft but radiant.
Lando exhales sharply, the pressure building low in his stomach catching him off guard. He tries to shake it off, tries to remind himself that she’s just a girl that hangs out with them from time to time.
Just a girl. That's all.
However, he can't explain how she managed to get under his skin so quickly. They are polar opposites of each other, and Lando noticed that. She's so quiet and reserved, yet somehow captivating in a way he can’t quite understand — it’s frustrating, really. Maybe that's exactly what gets him, making him wonder what it would take to make her lose that composure.
No. He can't go there.
He lets his thumb brush against the screen, zooming in on her face. A low groan escapes his throat as he recalls the way she looked last night, perched on the arm of a chair while everyone chatted around her, her lips quirking up at his dumb joke; she was the only one that understood it, and he caught that. Such a stupid joke, it wasn't even funny. But she laughed.
Why does she have to laugh at his jokes? More importantly, why does he want to make jokes all the time, just so he can hear her laugh?
“Get a grip, mate,” he whispers to himself under his breath, his free hand shifting lower, sliding under the waistband of his sweats. It’s instinctive, his body reacting to thoughts he’s been suppressing for a while now. “Not that kind of grip, fuck’s sake.”
He can't stop but think of how she would've laughed at that, too.
Lando closes his eyes, his strokes slow at first as he lets the thoughts flood in — it’s a good thing no one can read his mind at the moment. He thinks of her lips and how they part slightly when she’s surprised, and the way her teeth graze her bottom lip when she’s lost in thought. He can't help but imagine those lips closing around his cock, and what her voice would sound like if he fucked her pretty mouth.
“Come on,” he gasps, frustration tugging at the edge of his patience.
His pace quickens as his mind wanders further, seeing her with his mind's eye lying delicately beneath him, small and innocent, breathing in short spasms, and asking him for more. Her softness and the way she carries herself makes him want to see her like that — in a different light, flushed and undone. The image of her laughing at one of his ridiculous attempts to impress her spurs him on, and his hand tightens, his strokes becoming rougher as his breathing grows heavier.
That's when she realizes what she's walked in on.
All this time, she thought she was all alone and, judging by the scene in front of her, he thinks that, too. Her heart thuds wildly as she tries to process it, too stunned to move another muscle. His breaths are ragged, and she feels the tension radiating off him even from where she stands, frozen in place — at the base of the stairs, behind the couch. She knows she should leave and spare them both from an embarrassing encounter, but something keeps her there.
Closing her eyes, she squeezes the railing nervously. She barely got rid of her headache, but now her head's all dizzy from Lando's rough grunts that are echoing throughout the room.
He sounds as if he ran a marathon, barefoot, in the rain.
He sounds tired, but he's aggressive, like it's making him mad — the rhythmic slap of his fist against skin making her mouth water and stomach tighten.
He sounds... delicious.
And then, her eyes snap open.
She blinks rapidly as if that will help her hear better. His voice, low and needy, whispers her name like a prayer, again and again, a desperate sound that escapes his mouth deliberately. It echoes in the room and within the walls of her skull, pulling Lando deeper into the fantasy that he’s helpless to resist — and her, towards him.
Heat floods her cheeks, a mix of surprise, shock, and something deeper spreading through her as she tries to control her breathing.
How can she simply leave, when her name hangs on the corner of his mouth, so drenched in want? It's too late now. She doesn’t think anymore, doesn’t stop to analyze what she’s about to do; she simply trusts her instincts, as she always did.
Lando doesn’t hear her approach, lost in the haze of his own thoughts, his hand moving rhythmically under the blanket. His moans get increasingly louder, so obscene in her ears. It's like they call for her, alluring and profound, and she can’t say no.
Quietly stepping closer, she leans over the back of the couch, her hand reaching out as if it has a mind of its own. When her fingers slide over his, Lando's body stiffens, his breath catching in his throat.
“Relax,” she whispers, her voice soft and filled with anticipation, causing him to drop the phone somewhere on the couch.
He tilts his head back, wide eyes meeting hers, his face flushed and disbelieving. Her sweet perfume takes over his senses, getting him high on it.
He's surely dreaming, because there is no way in hell that she is real.
“It's okay,” she assures him, her hand gently guiding his to resume its movement. “Let me help.”
Lando yelps, his head dropping back against the couch, their faces so close to each other as her grip steadies him, matching the pace he had before. The light weight of her hand over his sends a jolt through his body, his brain so close to shutting down for good, while his chest is rising and falling rapidly as she coaxes him closer to the edge.
What in the fuck is happening?
“Does that feel good, pretty boy?” she asks, her lips dangerously close to his.
Lando nods as his hips jerk involuntarily. He refuses to believe it's because of the pet name she just gave him; he is way too strong to fall for that.
Still, he closes his eyes again, biting at his lower lip to stop his whimpers from cascading out of his mouth. There is a small trace of cold sweat pooling on his forehead as her hand moves with his until his entire body tenses, and he finally lets out a deep, guttural moan, her name falling from his lips again, more like a warning this time. He knows he's close, so he tries to push her hand away to avoid the mess that he's about to make. But she stays ferm, using her free palm to push his head in the crook of her neck and caress his cheek softly. His breath falls hot on her skin, and when she starts encouraging him, it's enough for Lando to let go, thick splashes covering his lower abdomen before he can even think. The rest spills over their their joined hands, managing to get another grunt of pleasure out of him.
“There you go,” she says, tracing her thumb over his cum-soaked head, feeling him throbbing beneath her touch. “Such a hot view.”
For a litte while, the room falls silent except for Lando's labored breathing. She moves to sit beside him on the couch, giving him a moment to recover; his eyes are still closed, because how the fuck is he supposed to look at her now?
After that, she throws the tissue box at him, letting out a soft chuckle at his pathetic attempt to catch it.
Exhaling sharply, Lando drags his hands down his face, still avoiding the eye contact. “Well, that was embarrassing.”
She chuckles again, studying him closely, while he squeezes his eyes shut as if he can erase the last few minutes from existence. Except he doesn't really want to.
They sit in silence for another moment before she shifts, crossing her legs and facing him fully. “Did it happen before?” she asks curiously.
His eyes widen slightly, finally looking at her, “What? Of course not.”
Her brow lifts, amused. “Liar.”
“I’m not lying,” he insists, his voice pitching higher.
Her lips curl into a knowing smile. “You always glance around when you’re lying, like you’re checking to see if anyone buys it. You just did it,” she points out.
Lando sighs, dragging a hand through his curls. “Right. That obvious?”
She leans in, nodding, all the amusement gone. “When?”
He hesitates, clearly debating how much to say, but her expectant gaze leaves him no choice. “It started after the Singapore weekend,” he admits, his voice low.
Her mouth goes dry. That was the weekend Pietra first introduced them. Lando had won that Sunday, and the after party was the craziest she'd been to yet.
“You wore that top, and—”
She frowns. “That top?”
“You know the one,” he says, gesturing vaguely at his chest. “It was black, low-cut, and — look, you just looked really good, okay? I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“My top?” she grins, leaning her elbow on the back of the couch as she watches him squirm.
Your tits, he wants to say, but stops before he embarrasses himself even more.
“You've never said anything,” the girl continues, “Why?”
Lando breaths in slowly, running a hand through his tousled curls again, the tips of his ears burning. “Because of P,” he admits. “She told me how much she liked having you around, and I didn’t want to mess that up. She’d kill me if she thought I scared you off or made things weird.”
Her brow lifts, amusement flickering in her expression once again. “You’re scared of Pietra?”
“A little,” he jokes, though his crooked smile falters under her probing stare. “But mostly, I didn’t want to ruin anything for you. I figured it was better to keep my mouth shut. You seem to enjoy your time with us, and I want you around, too.”
She tilts her head, studying his face in the dim light. His piercing eyes are framed by soft, dark brows, and she can’t help but imagine tracing her fingers through his soft curls. The faint facial hair adds a maturity to his otherwise boyish features, making her swallowing hard.
Bottom line, she is attracted to him, even more so now that she knows the feeling is mutual.
“Well, that’s… considerate,” she replies, her lips curving slightly.
Lando chuckles nervously, though the sound dies quickly when her hand moves, her fingertips brushing over his bicep. The contact is featherlight, but it sets his skin ablaze, his breath hitching as she lets her hand glide down his arm, tracing the curve of his muscle with an idle curiosity that feels anything but innocent.
“And now?” she comes back to her initial curiosity, her voice dipping, almost teasing. “What’s stopping you now?”
His throat tightens, words tangling in his mind as she looks at him, her eyes glittering with something that makes his cock throb against his thigh. Lando was sure that he had her figured out. But now, as she leans closer, her lips parting slightly as if to taste the tension hanging between them, he realizes how wrong he was.
“It’s always the quiet ones,” states Lando, ignoring her question, “The ones who seem all shy and innocent, hm?”
“I am shy and innocent,” she agrees with a nod, which makes him scoff. “Alright, maybe not that shy. Or innocent.”
Recognizing that doesn't make Lando's job any easier. Quite the opposite. He's more intrigued as to what secrets she may be hiding beneath her deceptive surface.
“So… since we agreed on that. Is there something else I can help you with?” she murmurs, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as she gazes at him expectantly.
Lando brings his hand to rest on hers, his restraint hanging by a thread. “You don’t—have to.”
“But I want to,” she rushes to say, her tone decisive.
With that, she shifts slowly, lowering herself to her knees in front of him with an ease that makes his chest burn. Her hands rest lightly on his thighs, her gaze lifting to meet his, and in her eyes, he finds no hesitation, no doubt. Only intent, want, and excitement.
Stil, he needs to ask, “Are you sure?” he breathes, his voice barely audible.
Instead of answering using her words, her fingers grasp the edge of the blanket, freeing him from under it. She has to muffle a groan of surprise when she sees all of him in its entirety, still half-hard, resting heavily on his thigh.
“See, I knew you had a pretty cock,” she says matter-of-factly, mostly to herself. “I mean, it makes sense. So is your face.”
Lando’s hands flex at his sides, “You’re gonna ruin me,” he mutters, voice hoarse, but he doesn’t stop her as her fingers curl around his length, her movements deliberate and sure.
“Oh no,” she teases sarcastically, her grin widening as she leans forward, her touch igniting a fire that spreads through him like wildfire. “I kind of hoped it would be the other way around.”
“That can be arranged,” he assures her, hissing at her movements.
She needs both of her hands to take him properly: one wrapped around the base to hold him steady, while the other pumps him a few times to get him hard, before dragging her mouth down the sides. And, because she's the literal devil, she makes sure she holds his gaze while she takes the head in her mouth — warm, inviting, and so wet.
“Fuck,” he rasps, his hand fisting the blanket at his side.
She starts slowly, testing her movements first. It's a good thing she's already imagined this before, and now her mouth water on its own when she takes him in, inch by inch. Until she gets to her hand that stokes his base lightly. It makes her feel so full, which is ridiculous considering that he's about to fuck her mouth, and not her pussy. Still, her walls clench hard on nothing as she pulls him all the way out.
“Fuck,” he repeats, “Your mouth is so—fucking hell. You feel so good.”
The cold air after she pulls him out is enveloping his needy cock from every direction, forcing a string of whimpers out of Lando’s throat. It only make her smile as she keeps his eye on him, turning back to licking from the base all the way to his tip, where he started leaking in the meantime, as if she didn't help him jerk off only a few minutes ago.
It's hard to stay focused on her when her tongue seems like it wants to send him into a coma, but it's even harder to take his eyes off her. She looks so good on her knees that his hand almost searches the couch looking for his phone to snap a quick picture. Instead, he is content to imprint her on his memory, confident that he won't forget what she looks like, with her lips around his cock, sucking the life out of him as if hers depends on it.
Even so, Lando needs superhuman powers not to grab the back of her head to guide his cock deeper. He can't do that, though. She did offer to suck him off, but Lando doesn't know her limits yet, and he doesn't want to cross them without knowing. Alternatively, his fists squeeze tighter, sliding his body down on the couch to be closer to her.
Luckily, she gets the memo, taking him deeper into her mouth, bobbing her head a few times before she drags her tongue against the underside of his cock. The feeling makes every cell in his body burn, one at a time. He's had people going down on him before, but no one managed to get all of him in one go, and certainly not the way she does — opening up so wide for him until the tip of her nose taps gently on his base, making her drool messily all over him.
It’s almost too much, and so overwhelming that he forgets how to breathe for a few seconds, the tension in his lower abdomen building at an alarming pace.
“Shit, Lando,” the girl sobs, her eyes teary, “You're big,” she adds, her voice raw as she continues working her hand up and down his length, while catching her breath.
He doesn't need an ego boost, but he's happy to take it as long as it comes from her.
Lando's head falls back against the couch in surrender, just as she squeezes at his thigh with her free hand, only to bring him back to her. But the slick, pornographic sound her hand makes as she rubs him sends Lando straight to his own personal heaven, where his senses are activated exponentially. He's far too lost in the way she makes him feel, that only her mouth sucking hungrily on his tip can bring him back. Her tongue starts circling around it, and Lando’s eyes snap open while he rolls his hips back into her mouth.
She moans in protest, pulling him out again, “Eager boy,” she whispers out of breath. “Are you close?”
“Mhm” whines Lando, finally rising his head to look at her.
And what a rookie mistake that was.
Somehow, she managed to keep that innocence he saw in her ever since they met for the first time. Her big, deer eyes looking back at him while her cheeks are flushed pink, her lips swollen and her chin drenched would usually be his undoing. But she’s still mouthing around his cock, holding him in her delicate hand, so oblivious to the fact that Lando will see exactly that image whenever he closes his eyes, for a long time to come.
Starting now.
She chuckles at his choked hum and the way he seems like he can’t keep his eyes open anymore, “Where do you want it?”
Inside your mouth.
All over your tits.
On your face.
Her colorful giggle brings him back once again, realizing much too late that he said it all out loud.
“You look so hot when you're desperate,” she says, her lips shiny with spit and pre-cum, squeezing him slightly as she traces her thumb over his leaking head.
Normally, he’d have words to counter that, but all he needs right now is to cum, cum, cum. Except she unexpectedly frees him from her grip, forcing Lando to snap at the loss of contact, her lips leaving him cold, wet, hard, sensitive, and so fucking close to the edge.
His legs tense, and a low, guttural groan escapes him without permission. “Why did you—” he begins, his voice breaking. His head snaps forward, another whimper slipping from him as he watches her, wide-eyed and wrecked, struggling to catch his breath. “Fucking hell, what are you doing?”
She silences him by peeling her pajama top off in one smooth move, tossing it aside without hesitation. The gesture is rapid and deliberate, and Lando’s jaw slackens as he takes in the sight of her bare skin, the curve of her chest illuminated by the faint light that’s coming from the TV. His hands twitch on the couch as if he doesn’t know whether to reach for her or keep himself anchored to the seat.
Without a word, she leans forward, her eyes locking with his as she takes him back into her mouth. Her gaze never wavers, and Lando feels like he might combust on the spot.
So beautiful.
She smiles, intertwining her fingers with his, while her other hand wraps around his length, stroking him in rhythm with her mouth. The intimacy of it all, the eye contact, and the sheer devotion in her movements make his mind travel far away.
His muscles tighten, his free hand gripping the back of the couch for support as he feels himself throbbing against her tongue. He can barely form a coherent thought, his body shaking with the effort to hold on just a little longer, even though he knows it's a losing battle.
“Oh, shit,” he murmurs, his voice raw and heavy with need. “Such a perfect mouth, I’m—”
That’s when she pulls back again, and he curses loudly at the loss of her warmth. But before he can beg her to come back, she leans over slightly, guiding his cock as his release spills over her bare chest, the warmth of it contrasting with the cool air.
“Fuck, baby, fuck,” Lando cries out, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm. “That's so hot.”
She lets out a soft sigh, her lips curving into a satisfied smile as she tilts her head, still maintaining that piercing eye contact.
Lando can’t breathe. He doesn’t know whether to apologize for the mess or worship her for the sight in front of him. Either way, he doesn't even have time to decide. The next second, her mouth falls open, sticking her tongue out to rub his sensitive tip against it, cum and spit dripping down all over her chin.
“Holy shit,” he finally continues, his voice shaky as his eyes are raking over her with a mix of awe and disbelief.
His fingers, still intertwined with hers, tighten their grip, and before she can move away, he uses the leverage to pull her on top of him. She gasps softly at the sudden movement, bracing herself on his shoulders, her flushed face just inches from his.
“Oh, hi,” she says, the sudden closeness catching her off guard.
“Hi,” replies Lando with a little smile in the corner of his mouth, “Swollen lips suit you,” he teases, his voice thick with lingering desire and a touch of his usual smugness. His eyes gleam with a mischievous light as he brushes his thumb over her lower lip, smirking when she playfully hits his chest in response. “Although I’d say you’re missing something.”
“You don’t say?” she asks, arching an eyebrow. “And what’s tha—?”
Lando doesn't let her finish before closing the space between them, capturing her lips with his. The kiss is messy, unrestrained, potentially gross, but he doesn’t care about the lingering remnants of spit and his cum still on her. If anything, it seems to spur him on, his tongue exploring hers with a slow intensity that makes her feel like she’s the only person in the world that has ever caught his attention.
When Lando pulls back, his lips glistening just like hers, he chuckles, wiping his jaw with the back of his hand and giving her an exaggerated grin. “My turn?”
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Thank you for reading!
None of my works are available for reposting on other platforms. Reblogs, likes, and comments are deeply appreciated ♥︎
© trashy track tales, 2024
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zaczenemiji · 8 months ago
Can you do a spiderwomen x kenji sato. Maybe she was sent to retrieve emi and then got caught by kenji, and she was put into a jail like thing. So now she's just stuck there. She starts flirting with him. If yk what i mean 😏👉🏿👈🏿🎀💓🌸
Have an ice cream cone. 🍦
Thanks ♡♡♡♡
Kaiju Heist
Kenji Sato x Spiderwoman!Reader
Word Count: 1,066
Genre/Warnings: Anti-hero, Flirting, Imprisonment, Morally Grey/Ambiguous Reader
Author’s Note: This one was a bit challenging, I hope it’s to your liking. Thank you for the ice cream, I offer you this fic.
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Your plan was simple: sneak in, grab the baby kaiju, and get out. But things rarely went according to plan.
Let’s begin where it all started—that damn spider.
Long story short, your parents were scientists doing experiments on radioactive spiders. You help in their lab and one day, an earthquake enormous kaiju shook the city, causing a containment breach. The next thing you know, a particularly aggressive spider bit your hand.
Of course, you gained extraordinary abilities. Others would’ve loved this and used them for good—be like Ultraman or whatever. But to you, it’s more like a curse. Seriously, you didn’t ask for this so ain’t no way were you going to become a selfless heroine.
So you did nothing with your abilities; you didn’t hone it whatsoever. You looked at it as if it’s just another arm that grew out of your body. Like grabbing a bag of chips from across the room, you’d shoot spider webs out to get it without standing.
Despite living your life as privately as you could, somehow, the Kaiju Defense Force was still able to find you. So here you are now, in their headquarters.
You stood there, arms crossed. “I’ve told you before, Dr. Onda,” you said. “I’m not looking to be a hero. I just want to be left alone.”
Dr. Onda, chief officer of the KDF, and old acquaintance of your parents, leaned forward. “I know. But this isn’t about heroism,” he replied. “This is a highly sensitive mission and you’re the only one who can pull it off.”
"And why should I care?" you replied coolly. "What's in it for me?"
"Payment, of course. A substantial one. Enough to ensure you can continue living the peaceful life you desire without any further interference from us,” Dr. Onda answered.
“And more importantly, it's a one-time deal. Complete this mission, and you'll never hear from the KDF again."
Your face expressed a guarded neutrality but inside, you found it so tempting—the promise of financial security and freedom from future obligations.
“What’s the job?” you asked, narrowing your eyes.
Dr. Onda tapped a few keys on his desk console, and a holographic image of a baby kaiju appeared, rotating slowly.
“It’s an entity of importance for the goals of KDF to be fulfilled,” he said. “Recently, it fell into the hands of Kenji Sato. We need you to retrieve it and bring it back to us.”
You studied the hologram, noting the details. "And how exactly am I supposed to move a 20-foot-tall kaiju baby without causing a scene?"
Dr. Onda leaned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "We have a special containment unit designed specifically for it. It's portable and can be deployed with your help. Your task is to get close enough to activate it and secure the kaiju.”
"And the payment?" you pressed.
Dr. Onda named a figure that made your eyes widen slightly. It was more than enough to ensure your financial independence for years to come.
"Alright," you said finally. "I'll do it. But remember, this is a one-time deal. After this, I want nothing more to do with the KDF."
Dr. Onda smiled, “You have my word."
You turned to leave but paused at the door, and glanced back. "I hope you're right about this, Dr. Onda,” you said. “Because if this goes sideways, I won't be the one paying the price."
Going back to the present—here you are, in Kenji Sato’s basement, trapped in a cylindrical glass containment unit, similar to the one the baby kaiju you were supposed to retrieve was held in.
A floating spherical robot circled around you. “We knew they would send someone,” it said in a mechanically feminine voice.
Suddenly, it projected a red light over your body, scanning you. “But I didn’t expect a spider-woman.”
You pressed your hands against the glass, testing its strength. "Nice trap," you said. “But it's going to take more than that to keep me here."
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” a voice came out of nowhere. Turning around, you see THE Kenji Sato with an eyebrow raised and his gaze locked with yours.
The biggest mystery that bothered you upon accepting this mission was how the hell did this famous baseball star had a giant baby in his basement.
You leaned back, crossing your arms over your chest. "So, what's the plan, Kenji? Keep me here forever?” you asked. “Or do you have something else in mind?"
Kenji smirked. "Depends. Why are you here?"
"Why do you think?" you replied, your tone flirtatious. "I was sent to retrieve that kaiju baby. But now, it seems I've found something else worth my attention."
Kenji's eyes narrowed slightly, "And what might that be?"
You gave him a slow, knowing smile. "You, of course,” you answered. “You're much more interesting than a simple retrieval mission."
Kenji chuckled, though he tried to hide it. "Flirting isn't going to get you out of there."
"Maybe not," you conceded, stepping closer to the glass, "But it does make this whole situation a lot more entertaining, don't you think?"
Kenji took a step closer, his eyes studying you. "You're not what I expected."
You tilted your head, your smile widening. "Good. I'd hate to be predictable."
There was a moment of silence as the two of you sized each other up. Finally, Kenji spoke. "You know, if you weren't here to take Emi, we might have been able to get along."
"Oh, I think we still can," you said, your voice low and seductive. "Besides, I never said I was strictly here for Emi."
Kenji looked at you, his expression softening just a fraction. "And what if I let you out?"
You pressed yourself against the glass, your eyes locked on his. "Then maybe, just maybe, we can help each other."
Kenji pondered this for a moment before shaking his head. "Nice try,” he said. “But I need to know more about you before I make that decision."
"Fair enough," you replied, leaning back once more. "But remember, Kenji, sometimes the spider catches more than just her prey."
Kenji turned away, a small smile playing on his lips. "We'll see about that."
You didn’t wanna include this in your escape plan because things rarely went according to plan. But in your mind, you noted: flirt, make him fall for you, and escape.
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@moonlight-starlight-lady01 @eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie @wattpadsuckssohard @sakura-onesan
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cowboybeepboop · 6 months ago
Are you still taking requests 🤔 if so I got one for you it's more of an idea to start and you can build on it.
Anything with jealous Scott! Him and the reader flirt hes nice to her she drops hints he's to dumb to see them right away. Tyler sees how hard she is trying sees the looks Scott gives her but knows it's all going over his head so he makes a plan with the reader to make Scott jealous and JEALOUS he gets and end it with fluff smut just happiness and maybe some humor!
All the little details are up to you have fun with it. You are a very talented story teller I always failed my creative writing in school🤣
Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: Smut, fluffy and romantic
Word count: 5k
a/n: Thank you so much! I really enjoy writing jealous Scott and writing like romantic smut so hopefully you guys like reading it. As always let me know if you have any requests and I hope you enjoy <3
Working with Tyler has its perks, one of which is being able to travel around the states while chasing storms, another is getting to see Scott. You have a *small* thing for him, something that isn't well hidden.
However, it seems that no matter how obvious you are with your flirtation, Scott is entirely oblivious to it all. He really is oblivious. The man has an uncanny ability to turn everything you say into something platonic.
What makes things worse is that you can tell he likes you too. You’re the only person he shows his caring and soft side to. He goes out of his way to talk to you as much as he can and worries over your safety when Tyler drags you too close to a tornado.
Today is another day on the road as you’re chasing storms, the crew is together having breakfast at a diner. But your gaze stays trained to the dark haired man sitting with Javi and his team.
You sigh softly, poking at your food with your fork, a pout on your lips. The conversations of your friends stays in the background as the only thing on your mind is how you can make it *any* more obvious to Scott.
Tyler leans to you, bumping his shoulder to yours in an effort to catch your attention. “Y/N?”
“Hm?” You look over at him, eyes a bit unfocused, your cheeks pink from being caught staring at Scott.
“Y/N,” He leaned a bit closer, and spoke in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. “I have an idea.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Your head cocks to the side as you turn your body to him.
Tyler glanced briefly at Scott before turning his attention back to you. He kept his voice low.
"You've been trying to get Scott's attention for a while, but he's as oblivious as ever. I have an idea that might work, but you'll have to play along."
“Okay..” your voice is suspicious, eyes narrowing at him, “And what exactly is your brilliant idea?”
Tyler flashed a sly grin. "Well, I know that Scott is protective of you, and a bit possessive at times. So, if he sees me, or anyone else, getting a little too close to you, he might just get jealous."
He leaned back in his chair, looking casual, but you could tell he was up to something. "Trust me on this, okay? Just play along."
You nod along as he speaks, “But what’s in it for you Ty?”
Tyler smirked, enjoying this little plan. "Oh, nothing much. It's just that I like stirring up a bit of chaos, and seeing Scott get jealous would be entertaining as hell."
You giggle at his response, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. “Then let’s do it.” Your gaze falls back over to Scott noticing his shift in his seat.
Tyler smiled devilishly. He knew you were on board with his plan. He glanced over at Scott, noticing his obvious discomfort at your closeness to Tyler.
He leans to you, making sure to keep his voice low enough for only you to hear. "Alright, here goes."
He casually placed his hand on your thigh, patting it gently. "You enjoying the food, Y/N?" You squirm slightly under his touch.
Scott can’t help a scowl that comes over his face as he watches Tyler’s hand gently pat your thigh. His eyes narrowed, and his grip on his fork tightened. He tried his best to listen to Javi and the others engaged in conversation, pretending to focus on their words. But his mind wandered back to the sight of Tyler's hand resting comfortably on your thigh.
Your conversation with Tyler dies down as Javi interrupts to ask about where you’re going to chase today. Tyler’s hand moves to your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
Tyler chimes in, "You know, I was thinking we should head north today. There's a storm system that's brewing up there and it looks pretty interesting." He presses a kiss to your temple gently.
Scott’s jaw clenches tight at the sight of Tyler’s lips touching your temple. His eyes flicker with a hint of jealousy, but he maintains his composure, taking a sip of his coffee to hide his reaction.
He clears his throat and looks at the rest of the group. "I looked at the weather reports this morning, and there's more potential for storms further south."
Tyler noticed Scott's reaction, and it confirmed that his plan was working. He could see the slightest hint of jealousy in Scott's eyes and the way his jaw clenched tight. He couldn't help but feel satisfied with himself.
He turned to Scott with a smirk. "Oh, you're right, south does sound like it has better potential for storms. But by the time we’d reach that area they might already have died down.”
You glance between the two men who are sharing strong glares, you look down at the app you had pulled up. “There does seem to be a lot more storms popping up in the northern region at the moment..”
Scott's eyes narrow further as you chime in, backing Tyler's suggestion. He can see the growing smirk on Tyler's face, and it only adds to his annoyance. He takes a deep breath and looks over at you, trying to keep his cool.
Tyler gave your thigh a gentle squeeze, enjoying the effect it had on Scott. "Yeah, north looks like the better option today. Plus, I bet Y/N would want to see some more tornadoes today, huh?" You smile up at him with a small nod.
Scott's grip on his coffee cup tightens as he sees Tyler's hand on your thigh again, and the mention of you wanting to see tornadoes only irritates him more.
He takes another drink, trying to hide his annoyance. "Well, if that's what *you* want to do.." He mutters under his breath, his eyes flickering between you and Tyler.
After a long day of pretend flirting with Tyler and storm chasing you’ve found yourself relaxing with your team at the bar. The ding of the door captured your attention and your gaze lands on Scott. He’s dressed in a casual shirt and jeans, looking so much more attractive than when he’s in his storm par suit.
Tyler, noticing your interest in Scott, takes it as an opportunity to continue with his plan to make Scott jealous. He leans closer to you, draping his arm around your shoulder.
"You're staring again," he says with a playful smirk. "You just can't help but admire Scott, can?"
“It’s hard not to,” you murmur, taking a sip of your drink as Tyler pulls you closer.
Scott's gaze briefly flickers to Tyler's arm as it wraps around your shoulders. He feels a pang of annoyance at the sight, but he tries to keep his cool. He orders a drink from the bartender before turning to face you.
He moves a bit closer, standing beside you with a stoic expression on his face. He gives Tyler a cool glare before looking down at you. "Having a good night?" He asks, his tone neutral. He takes a step closer to you, his body practically sandwiching you between him and Tyler. A slight blush raises on your cheeks as you gaze up at Scott with a smile.
Feeling the tension build, Tyler decides to take things further, playing into his role as your 'boyfriend'. He leans in, his arm still around your shoulders, and places a gentle kiss on your temple. "Yeah, great night so far," he replies, meeting Scott's cold glare with a smirk.
“Mhm, yeah. Great night.” You shiver at the touch of Tyler’s lips on your skin, unconsciously cuddling closer to him.
Scott's jaw clenches at the sight of Tyler's lips touching your skin. He can feel a spark of anger rising within him, but he tries his best to keep his expression neutral.
He takes a step forward, his body now almost pressed against you, effectively sandwiching you between him and Tyler. He looks down at you, his eyes locked on yours, and reaches out to gently brush some wayward strands of hair behind your ear. "That's good to hear," he says, his voice low. "I hope it stays that way."
Your grin grows at Scott’s affection. Tyler, sensing Scott's growing possessiveness, decides it's time to ramp things up even more. He tightens his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. His hand rests on your hip, his fingers gently tracing small circles.
"Oh, I'm sure it will," he responds, his smirk widening. "We're all enjoying ourselves, aren't we, Y/N?" You nod while taking another sip of your beer.
Scott's eyes narrow as he watches Tyler's hand linger on your hip, the gentle touch making his blood boil. He can feel his possessive instincts starting to take over, and he takes another step closer to you, his body now practically pressed against yours.
He reaches out and places his hand on your waist, gently pulling you towards him and away from Tyler. He looks down at you with a stern expression on his face. Your blush grows as your eyes widen at Scott’s sudden gesture.
Tyler’s eyes flicker with amusement as Scott pulls you closer to him. He bites back a smirk, enjoying the effect his plan is having on Scott. He takes a step back, giving you a bit more space, but his eyes remain fixed on the pair of you.
Scott's hand on your waist feels possessive and firm. He continues to fix you with a stern look, his expression intense. "Y/N,” he says, his voice low, “we need to have a word. Alone."
“Okay,” you bite down on your lip, Scott leads you out of the bar, across the street toward the motel. You follow close behind, without a word. Once you reach his room, he unlocks the door pulling you inside.
He turns to face you, his expression serious and intense. His hand, still on your waist, tightens its grip ever so slightly, anchoring himself to you.
“What do you want to talk about?” You relax in his grasp, enjoying every second of his touch.
Scott takes a deep breath, looking down at you with a mixture of frustration and desire in his eyes. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking, his voice low and rough.
"I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me," he says, his grip on your waist tightening slightly.
“I’ll be 100% honest,” you nod with a sweet smile. “I promise.”
Scott seems to relax a bit at your words, his shoulders visibly untensing. He takes another deep breath, his gaze locking on yours.
"What's going on with you and Tyler?" He asks, his voice firm. "Because it seems to me that you two have gotten a bit too close lately."
“Too close?” You question, your head cocking to the side as you feign ignorance.
Scott crosses his arms, a stern expression on his face as he gazes down at you. He notices the cheeky glint in your eyes and the subtle bite of your lip, sensing that you're not quite as oblivious as you're pretending to be.
"Don't play coy with me," he mutters, taking a step closer to you. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. The way he's always touching you, always standing close to you... I've noticed it, and it's driving me crazy."
“Driving you crazy?” You wrap your arms around his waist pulling him flush against you while looking up at him. “And why is that?”
Scott's eyes widen slightly as you wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. For a moment, he is taken aback by your audacity, but he regains his composure quickly.
He places his hands on your hips, his grip firm as he stares down at you with an intense gaze. “I can't stand seeing him touch you like that, it's like he's marking his territory." Your tongue darts out to wet your bottom lip as he continues.
Scott's eyes are glued to your tongue, watching as it darts out to wet your bottom lip. His grip on your hips tightens involuntarily, the primal desire within him taking over.
He takes a deep breath, trying to suppress the primal urge to pull you closer and claim you as his own. "The way he puts his hands on you... it should be me."
You smirk, “Then why isn’t it?” Your fingertips dig into his back softly.
Scott's breath hitches as your fingertips dig into his back, sending a shiver down his spine. The smirk on your lips is driving him crazy, awakening a primal urge within him.
He steps closer, his body now pressed flush against yours. His eyes darkened with desire as he gazes down at you. "Because I don't want to push you away," he mutters, his voice low and hoarse.
“Scott, you're so dense.” You groan.
Scott's expression turns to one of mild offense at your words. He takes a moment to collect himself before responding. "I'm not dense," he retorts. "I just-"
He falters, his mind still stuck on your words and the fact that he's been oblivious to your feelings this whole time. He pauses for a moment, his eyes locking on yours. "Wait... You're telling me you..?"
You roll your eyes, pressing your head back against the wall. “I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.”
He takes a step back, looking at you with a mixture of disbelief and embarrassment. "You...flirting with me?" He repeats, his voice a mixture of sheepishness and confusion. "I don't…"
He stops to think for a moment, his mind replaying all the interactions he'd had with you over the past few weeks. Suddenly, it all starts to click. Another groan escapes your lips as you squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment.
Scott's eyes flicker with a mix of realization and arousal as he takes in your reaction. He takes a step forward, closing the distance between you and pins you against the wall.
He gently grabs your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze, his blue eyes darkened with desire. "You've been flirting with me for weeks?" He repeats, his voice huskier than before. His gaze flickers down to your lips before he leans in, capturing them in a rough, hungry kiss.
You pull him closer to you, responding to his hands with a quiet moan. Scott's arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer against his body. The sound of your moan fuels his desire, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with an urgent fervor.
He pins you to the wall, his hands roaming over your body, desperate to feel every inch of you. His grip on you grows tighter, almost possessive, as if he's afraid you'll slip through his fingers.
You pull away, gasping for air as his touch sends desire through your body. Scott's lips trail down your jawline, his breath hot on your skin. He nibbles gently at your earlobe, his hands still roaming over your body, exploring every curve and contour, until they come to rest at your hips.
He pins you against the wall, his body pressing against yours, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. "God, you drive me crazy," he mutters, his voice hoarse. "I need you."
Your arms move to his neck, pulling his lips inches away from yours. “I need you too Scott.” His hands grip your thighs, hoisting you up onto him with ease. He pushes you against the wall, his body pressing you into the cool plaster and his heated frame.
His lips are a breath away from yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this," he mutters, his gaze locking on yours.
He presses his hips against yours, his desire for you evident in every movement. Your head falls back as you moan out his name, grinding your hips down on his.
Scott's breath hitches at the feel of you grinding against him. The sound of his name on your lips sending a jolt of electricity through him.
His grip on your thighs tightens, his fingers digging into your flesh. "Ah, God," he mutters, his voice rough and ragged. "You're making it damn near impossible to hold back. You know that, right?"
“Please don’t hold back anymore,” you whine out as you gaze into his eyes. At your request,
Scott loses the last shred of restraint he was holding onto. He crushes you against the wall, his lips crashing against yours in a passionate, hungry kiss.
His hands slide up to your ass, grabbing hold and pulling you fully against him. He grinds his hips against yours, wanting to get as close to you as possible.
"I won’t hold back anymore," he gasps, breaking away from the kiss for a brief moment. "I want you. All of you."
The heat between you and Scott is palpable, filling the room like a heavy summer storm. His hands slide from your thighs to your ass, squeezing and lifting you closer to him, your legs wrapping around his waist. You kiss him back with a passion that matches his own, your bodies moving in a rhythm that speaks of a long-denied attraction.
The walls of the motel room seem to close in around you, the rest of the world fading away as your focus narrows to the feel of his mouth on yours, the beat of his heart against your chest, and the unmistakable pressure of his hardness against your core.
With surprising strength and urgency, Scott hooks his fingers into the waistband of your pants and underwear, tugging them down with one swift motion, leaving you exposed and vulnerable against the wall. He steps closer, aligning his clothed erection with your slick heat, and begins to rock his hips against you.
The friction sends sparks of pleasure shooting through your body, making you whimper and cling to him tighter. His hand remains firm on your ass, keeping you in place as he grinds into you, the fabric of his pants the only barrier between you and his dick. The pressure builds, your breath hitching in anticipation of what's to come.
Scott's hips move with a fierce rhythm against you, the rough fabric of his jeans providing just the right amount of friction against your sensitive clit. Each stroke sends a jolt of pleasure through your body, making you moan and arch your back, silently begging for more. The pressure builds, your breath coming in ragged gasps as the tension coils tighter within you.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your body tightening around him like a vice as the pleasure reaches a crescendo. The room is filled with the sound of your muffled cries and the harsh grunts of his own need. His grip on your ass tightens, his movements becoming more erratic as he feels your climax approaching.
The anticipation is unbearable, your nails digging into his shoulders as you hang on the precipice of release, desperately seeking the sweet oblivion that you know is just within reach.
The friction becomes too much, and with a loud moan, you cum onto Scott's pants, leaving a wet slick stain on the fabric. The intensity of your orgasm surprises even you, your body convulsing and shaking in his arms. Scott's eyes widen, his own arousal reaching new heights as he feels your wetness coat him.
He groans into your mouth, the sound muffled by your desperate kisses. His hips don't stop moving, instead, they pick up speed, driven by the need to feel you come apart around him. The sight of you, lost in pleasure, only makes him want you more, his movements becoming more erratic and urgent. He's so close to the edge himself, and the feel of you pulsing against him is driving him wild.
He pulls away from the kiss, panting heavily, his eyes never leaving yours as he watches the aftershocks of your climax play out on your flushed face. With one last, deep, grind, he whispers, "Fuck, Y/N," his voice a mix of amazement and desire.
Without wasting another moment, Scott carries you over to the bed, setting you down gently. He kisses a trail down your body, leaving a fiery path in his wake. His eyes are dark with lust as he settles between your legs, his gaze lingering on your still-quivering core. You watch, breathless, as he spreads your legs, revealing your glistening sex to his hungry eyes.
He takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent, his pupils dilating with desire. He kisses the insides of your thighs, the soft skin of your stomach, and finally, his mouth hovers just above your most sensitive spot. You feel the warmth of his breath against your folds, and your body responds with a shiver of anticipation. He looks up at you, a question in his eyes, seeking permission to continue. You nod eagerly, your hands sliding into his hair as you pull his face closer.
With a groan, Scott dives in, his tongue licking and teasing your clit with a gentle touch that sends shockwaves through your body. He explores you with a passion that's both tender and fierce, his mouth worshiping every inch of your sex. He nibbles and sucks, his tongue flicking and curling in a way that makes your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
You're lost in the sensation, your breath coming in short gasps and your hips moving in time with his mouth. His hands grip your thighs, keeping you in place as he devours you, his eyes never leaving your closed ones, as if he's trying to memorize every twitch and gasp of pleasure that passes over your face.
You're on the edge again, and you can feel him pushing you closer, his tongue swirling and dipping into your wetness, his teeth grazing against your swollen bud. It's all you can do to hold on as the storm of sensation builds inside you, threatening to break.
As the second orgasm hits, you cry out, your body writhing under his skilled touch. Scott doesn't stop, his mouth working tirelessly to draw out every last bit of pleasure from your quivering body. He laps up the evidence of your climax. You're lost in the feeling of his tongue on your skin, his breath hot and moist against your sensitive flesh.
He's thorough, not stopping until every tremor has subsided and you're left panting and boneless on the bed, your legs shaking. Only then does he pull away, licking his lips with a smug smile, his eyes dark with satisfaction. "You taste so good," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "I could do this all night."
With a whimper of need, you pull Scott back up your body, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss that tastes of your desire. Your hands shake slightly as they fumble with the button and zipper of his pants, eager to free his hard length and feel him inside you.
He helps you, his own hands trembling with anticipation, and soon enough, his pants fall to the floor. He pulls his shirt off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Your eyes rake over his sculpted abs and the bulge in his underwear, making your heart race even faster.
"I need you," you breathe against his lips, the urgency in your voice unmistakable.
Scott groans, his hands moving to your shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it aside. His eyes devour your bare breasts, the peaks pebbled with desire. He leans down to kiss and suck on one nipple, sending waves of pleasure through you. You grip his shoulders, arching into his touch.
With trembling hands, you push his boxers down, freeing his erection. It stands proudly, the tip glistening with precum. You stroke him gently, feeling the velvety softness of his skin over the steel of his arousal. He gasps, his hips jerking in response.
"Please," you whisper, your eyes pleading with him to fill the ache that's been building inside you for weeks.
Scott's eyes darken with need as he takes in your naked form, your body laid bare before him. He reaches for his wallet, fumbling for a condom, his need for you overriding all else. He sheathes himself, then positions his cock at your entrance, his hand on the back of your neck, holding you in place.
You nod, your eyes never leaving his in a silent beg, your legs wrapping around his waist in silent invitation. With one slow, torturous thrust, he enters you, filling you completely. You gasp into his mouth, the sensation overwhelming. He stills for a moment, giving you time to adjust to his size, then starts to move, his hips rolling into yours in a slow, sensual rhythm that builds the tension all over again.
You moan, your nails digging into his back as he sets a pace that's both gentle and demanding. His eyes never leave yours, the connection between you intense and all-consuming. With each stroke, the pressure builds, coiling tighter and tighter until you feel like you might burst.
"Fuck, Scott," you murmur, your voice shaky.
He responds with a grunt, his own pleasure etched on his face. He kisses you deeply, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his hips, as he moves inside you. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, along with your muffled cries and his guttural groans.
Your hands clutch at the bedsheets, your body moving in sync with his, the intensity of your emotions is like nothing you've ever felt before.
With a deep, guttural groan, Scott's hips stutter to a stop, his cock pulsing inside you as he reaches his peak. The feeling of his release sends a fresh wave of pleasure crashing through your body, your pussy clenching around him in a vice-like grip. His eyes squeeze shut, his face contorted with the sheer force of his climax.
You hold him tight, feeling the warmth of his seed fill you up as he empties himself into the condom. His body relaxes slowly, his breathing heavy and erratic. As he opens his eyes, you see the look of utter satisfaction and disbelief, as if he can't quite believe what just happened. He kisses you softly, his forehead resting against yours. "I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice filled with a hint of embarrassment. "I didn't mean for that to happen so quickly."
You smile up at him, stroking his cheek gently. "It's okay," you reassure him. "It was perfect." Your voice is a breathy whisper, your body still trembling from the aftershocks of your own pleasure. Scott's eyes searched yours, the intensity of the moment washing over him.
He pulls out slowly, his cock still half-hard, and removes the condom before collapsing beside you on the bed. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close, your bodies tangled together in a mess of limbs and sweat. You both lay there, panting and spent.
Scott's lips curve into a weary smile as he finally regains control of his breath and finds enough strength to speak. "That... that was..." He shakes his head, struggling to find the words to describe what just happened. "That was incredible." His voice was laced with both ecstasy and disbelief.
He turns his head to look at you, his eyes tracing the lines of your face like an artist admiring his canvas. "You're,” he pauses, searching for the right word, "god, you're beautiful," he finally whispers, his hand lifting to cup your cheek.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” You grin and press a kiss to his lips. His smile widens at your playful quip, and he returns your kiss with a soft hum.
He takes a moment to appreciate the view, his eyes sweeping over your bare form with an appreciative gaze. "You know," he muses, "I have no idea how I've been able to keep my hands off you all this time. You're addictive."
“Addictive, huh?” You slide onto his body, straddling his waist.
Scott's eyes darken with desire as you straddle him, his hands coming to rest on your hips, holding you in place. He bites his lower lip, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Addictive," he repeats, his fingers digging into your flesh slightly as he speaks. He gazes up at you, his eyes roaming over your body, taking in every curve and contour. "I can't get enough of you," he murmurs, his hands beginning to wander. You lean forward, grasping his chin, bringing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
Scott’s hands run up your side, his eyes fluttering closed as you press gentle kisses onto his face.
Scott's heart thumps loudly in his ears as you shower his face with gentle kisses, his breath hitching with each touch of your lips. His hands continue to explore your skin, tracing the curves of your hips, your waist, your back, as if he can't quite believe you're really there.
He groans softly, his body responding to your gentle touch. He tilts his head back slightly, giving you better access to his neck, the pulse point of it fluttering rapidly. "Keep doing that," he murmurs, "Please."
You slide off his body, cuddling into the crook of his arm as you continue to press sweet kisses to his neck.
Scott's arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to his body. He shivers slightly as your lips touch his neck, his skin tingling with each kiss. He closes his eyes, his hand coming up to thread through your hair. He turns his head slightly, nuzzling your hair as he basks in the feeling of your gentle affections.
His other hand gently strokes your back, tracing soft patterns across your skin. "You're going to kill me," he whispers, a hint of both pleasure and torment in his voice.
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trippinsorrows · 6 days ago
looking through your eyes + thirty six
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authors note: see at end of chapter.
cw/tw: angst, graphic violence, gore, torture, attempted and real violence against women and children, scenes depicting sexual assault.
song inspo: ‘looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
***gif credit goes to @romanreigns ***
cast+ masterlist +story playlist + taglist request form
words: 16k 
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The minute the call with Domingo Lopez ends, the shock of the unexpected alliance and support weighs only for a couple minutes among the group. And, then it's gone. They can process that shit later. Roman can process that shit later. Right now, it’s time to plan and strategize.
And, they do, Steve eventually coming back in the room, only to remind them that whatever weapons, whatever guns, whatever they need from his massive collection, is theirs for the taking.
It’s deeply appreciated.
And, the assistance doesn’t stop there. 
Because as the group begins to gather around the table, the front door is opened, an almost deep yet feminine voice sounding from the foyer. “Dad, why the fuck are there—”
Roman takes in the sight of a young woman, tall in stature, defined muscles evident in the all black, gothic outfit she wears. Short black hair frames a pale face that’s covered in dark makeup. She looks skeptical of the group until she sets her gaze on Dwayne, of all people, smiling almost immediately. “Uncle Dwayne.”
At that, Roman scowls. 
Uncle Dwayne?
What the fuck?
Dwayne chuckles, stepping forward offering a hug to the witch looking kid. “Rhea.” He pulls back, shooting her a wink. “You brutalize anyone lately?”
“Among other things,” she smirks, gesturing to the group. “What’s all this?”
Putting two and two together, Roman would gather that this Rhea woman is Steve’s daughter. How, given she has a thick ass British or Australian sounding accent, and Steve is a country boy from Texas through and through, Roman hasn’t the slightest clue. 
Nor does he really care enough to try to figure shit out. 
“I’m in.”
Rhea’s statement directs his attention back to the scene at hand. He looks over at Dwayne. “What?”
“Women and children have been taken, right?” She asks, looking directly at Roman, not an ounce of fear or trepidation in sight. If not for the nature of his current situation, Roman might be a little impressed. Elvira's long lost daughter has got some balls. Rhea scowls. “Men already piss me the fuck off, but men who go after the innocent deserve a special place in hell.”
She looks between Dwayne and Roman, vowing, “you need an extra killer. You got one.”
Roman’s reluctance is clearly evident, as his older cousin gives him a slow, knowing nod. She’s good.
Once more, Roman finds himself having to lower his defenses, accepting and allowing help from the least expected sources.
Not even twenty minutes later, the group, including Rhea, sans Austin, hover around the dining room table, planning and strategizing. “Alright,” Dwayne starts, iPad in hand showing a dated map and layout of the plant. The same layout that’s on the screen of both laptops on the table, providing all with a view. “Looks like there’s a couple entrances in and out of this place, but this one right here…..” He points to the largest space that provides a direct line to the biggest building on the property. “That’ll be our best way in. The core group.”
Santos is in deep thought, offering a valid question. “You don’t think we should utilize the the other entrances.” All eyes settle on him as he clarifies, “feels too obvious to use the front door. We’d be stepping right into heavy fire.”
“No, we won’t,” Roman supplies. It’s the first thing he’s said in a good ten minutes. “He wouldn’t risk killing me on the spot. He wants to make a spectacle of it.”
No one needs to ask who the he is. 
“I hate to say it, but he’s right,” Cody speaks up, and Roman makes zero effort in hiding his displeasure. “Bron and Solo want an audience. Killing us the minute we step foot there would deprive them of that.”
Dwayne nods, continuing to strategize. “Main team uses the front door. Several other teams will use the alternative entrances, work their way in to take out as many men as possible.”
“We’ll need snipers,” Matteo speaks up, arms crossed as he too carefully studies the map. “Solo might be stupid to underestimate Roman, but he’s not an idiot. He’ll have snipers in place.”
Roman says nothing, silently agreeing. 
The Bloodline has some of the best goddamn snipers around. If Solo was too dumb to think they’d be useful, he can almost bet Rikishi talked him into it.
“That won’t be a problem,” Santos speaks up, gesturing to the two men who arrived with him. “Angel and Berto are some of the best long range shooters you could ever come across. They don’t miss.”
“Neither do I,” Afia chimes, a knowing, telling, almost graceful smirk on her face as she looks over at Rhea. “How’s your aim?”
Rhea smirks, answering without a beat and with all the confidence that seems to match. She just looks like a person who can back up anything and everything she says. “You give me a target. I’ll get you a hit.”
Afia nods, saying nothing but believing it fully. The young woman reminds her a lot of herself in her youth. Ravenous and blood thirsty.
She’ll be a great asset for the mission.
“Looks like we got that sorted,” Matteo chuckles darkly, though not surprised at his wife’s proposal. As much as Afia enjoys motherhood and her retirement, he can’t imagine her spending as much time as she did out in the field and not missing some aspect of it. Not to mention, this is personal. He knows how close his wife has gotten to Solana, and she would be torn up if something happened to her.
But, even more, she’s livid that Solana was taken in the first place and wants her pound of flesh.
A shared sentiment.
“We still need to figure out our teams,” Dwayne announces, keeping everyone on track. A necessity, as the reinforcements should be arriving in a little under an hour. “Obviously, myself, Roman, and Matteo—Afia, you and Rhea can join us when you’re done lighting up the bastards from the sky.”
The two women share a smirk and fist bump, the younger of the two acknowledging, “with pleasure.”
Dwayne shakes his head, keeping his comment to himself as he continues to plan, “Rhodes, you’ll also be with us—”
“The fuck he will.” Roman shuts that shit down immediately, all sets of eyes on him as she practically growls, “he’s not fucking coming with us.”
“The fuck I’m not,” Cody is quick with the rebuttal, not allowing anyone else time to intercede and defuse. “Bron has my wife and daughter!”
Words that go in one ear and out the other, the true Tribal Chief acridly dismissing, “you think I give a fuck about that?” There’s a level of complete disinterest Roman has in anything regarding Rhodes and the Rhodes family right about now. His one and only concern is Solana, and he reiterates as such. “They could fucking die for all I care. This is about rescuing my wife. Not your family.”
And without skipping or missing a beat, Cody’s dark, chilly retort is delivered without any hesitation. “The same way you rescued your family that night?”
It’s nothing short of a miracle the way Dwayne is able to intercede, blocking Roman from flipping over the table and using Rhodes as target practice for what he plans to do to Solo.
Matteo extends an arm across Cody, who stupidly seems unaffected or bothered by Roman’s full intent to murder him right here on the spot.
“That’s enough,” Afia’s voice cuts through the chaos of Roman working to break free from his older cousin and wipe that smug smirk off Rhodes fucking face.
Or just blow his head off altogether.
Either option is equally acceptable.
She says something in a language he can’t understand but can guess by the scowl on her face is nothing nice. “You’re acting like children. Now, there’s clearly a story here, but I don’t give two fucks about that story. Do you want to know why?” She points to the table where the laptops remain open. “Because three innocent lives are at stake. Your families have been taken. The women you love.” Her gaze softens a bit. “Children.”
It’s that last single word that has Roman’s full attention. It could easily be a reference to Cody’s daughter. A general statement, but Roman knows better.
Afia knows Solana is pregnant.
Knows that Roman stands to not only lose his wife but his unborn daughters.
It’s a brutal but necessary reminder of what’s at stake and the importance of the situation.
“She’s right,” Matteo speaks up, taking over for his wife, lowering his arm at the same time Dwayne releases Roman. “You two can hate each other until kingdom come after all of this is over, but until then, shut the fuck up, swallow your fucking pride, and let’s get back to business.”
There’s something about Matteo’s tone, final and almost parental, that reels in the divergence from the main goal at hand.
He’s right. Roman knows as such.
He will forever hold a special, unhealthy amount of hatred in his heart toward the man across from him, but that’s not important right now.
He can’t allow that unforgiving, unrelenting, pulsing hatred to distract him from what’s most important. And, what’s most important is bringing Solana back home, safe and sound. 
Bringing her back alive.
Dwayne continues to spearhead in a sense, with occasional suggestions and ideas from the group, with Roman only chiming in when someone mentions Solo.
“He’s mine.”
A command that no one dares to defy. No one questions, and no one objects. Universal recognition that the only one who will spill Solo’s blood and be the one to cause him to take his final breath is the man most harmed in all of this.
This is Roman’s kill to make.
A life for his to take.
In every brutal, gruesome way he can imagine.
Other than Roman’s one interjection, occasional head nods of agreement or acknowledgment, he’s silent and remains that way as he slips away while Steve offers the group their selection of whatever firearms and weapons they feel appropriate from his sizable armory. A separate building on the property.
But, Roman remains in the main house, finding his way outside as he sits on the steps and looks at his phone for the first time. 
A phone that’s been lit up with unaddressed notifications all day. Primarily from two people.
Jimmy and Naomi.
Calls, texts, voicemail messages. Several, multiple, outreach attempts, a brief perusing of some of the texts revealing intense and urgent concern. From the messages alone, it would appear that they have no idea what’s happened.
The betrayal that’s occurred.
A part of Roman believes it. A part of him can’t. He can’t because Roman knows how close that family is. They’ve always been close-knit. Primarily Rikishi and his sons. Thus, Roman can’t conceptualize how Jimmy could truly be in the dark, even Naomi. 
He wonders if it’s a ruse of sorts but can’t figure out why and for what reason. Solo knows Roman is coming. He wants Roman to come, so what reason would there be for him to have his brother play dumb, borderline harassing Roman with question after question about what’s just going on.
It’s confusing as shit, and while he hates to admit it, it bothers him.
It shouldn’t, but it does, and Roman knows that he needs answers. He needs answers to melt away the cloudy haze that sidetracks his vision. 
He has to know if the betrayal truly was full circle. If everyone he once thought he could trust is now forever stamped with the bleeding, red letters that spell out traitor.
Roman navigates to Jimmy’s contact, hitting dial without second thought.
Time is not on his side, and he needs to get this done. He needs to get it done now.
Two rings later and a flustered, panicked sounding Jimmy. “Roman?” 
The Tribal Chief hesitates, eventually offering a simple, “it’s me.”
Jimmy curses on the other end, immediately shouting for Naomi before returning his focus. “Man, I been trying to reach you all damn day. What the hell is going on?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, anxiously listing off all the things. “ I went to your office, and all they could tell me is you left this morning and ain’t nobody seen or heard from you since. We saw there was an attack at the library where Solana works, and we tried to go over there, but wasn’t nothing but bodies. Solana ain’t answering the phone, and Naomi is worried sick. I can’t get in contact with—”
“Did you know?”
Simple. Straight to the point. Necessary.
Jimmy pauses on the other end. “Know what?”
Roman runs his hands over his face, switching to speaker so he can rest it on the step next to him as he tries his best to compose himself. A difficult task, to say the least.
“It’s a coup,” he supplies. Roman isn’t exactly sure why he’s telling Jimmy from the start what’s occurred. What’s happening. In a more perfect world, he’d wait it out, see if his cousin would inadvertently reveal his own hand. But, this is far from a perfect world, and mentally, Roman is all over the damn place.
He doesn’t have the fortitude to navigate that shit right now.
He just wants to know.
He wants an answer.
“Rikishi, Solo, Jey, and what feels like the entire fucking Bloodline are trying to overthrow me. They’ve all turned on me and have kidnapped Solana in order to draw me out.” Roman leaves out the part where they’ve formed an alliance with the Nightmare Factory, wanting to keep some things to himself, to not reveal everything that he knows. “And, I need to know if you fucking knew about this shit. If you’ve betrayed me, too.”
Because that’s what this whole phone call is about. It’s not necessarily about scoping out information or alleviating concerns, it’s about finding out the truth, once and for all.
Jimmy scoffs, as if in disbelief. “What?” 
And then a more frantic voice, feminine and familiar. Naomi. “What do you mean they’ve kidnapped her?” Roman says nothing, providing no additional information as Naomi continues to pry for information. Maybe from genuine concern. Maybe from and for an entirely different reason.
Because, he hasn’t forgotten about the argument she’d had with Solana while on the girls trip. An argument that resulted in Solana asking her to leave.
And now, Solana has been kidnapped. 
“Oh my God, is she hurt? Why would they take her?” Naomi continues to shoot out question after question, her voice cracking. “We—we have to get her back!”
“We will,” Jimmy assures, clearly trying to console her on the other end. “Roman, where are you? What’s the pla—”
“Answer the question, Jimmy,” is Roman’s harsh, cold interruption. A reminder of his initial statement. “Did you know?”
“Wait a minute…” Jimmy trails off, voice shifting to something close to anger. “You think I had something to do with this?”
Roman doesn’t skip a beat with his reply. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
“Roman…” Naomi sounds hurt almost. Not that he cares. Her feelings are of no concern to him. “You know us. You know Jimmy. How could you even think—”
“I don’t know anything anymore!” Roman snaps, the tight grip he had on his emotions for this conversation starting to loosen. “All I know is that my wife has been taken, my fucking family has betrayed me, and the people who were supposed to be on my side have turned on me!” He closes his eyes, head tilted back as he rolls his neck and regains his composure. “I’m only going to ask one more time….did you know?”
Roman isn’t quite sure what kind of answer he expected from his cousin. He just knows he wants an answer. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter at this point.
The truth is all that matters.
“I knew….I knew they were thinking it was time you stepped down.” Jimmy finally answers after a good minute of silence. “Mostly Solo and my pops. They thought you’d become too distracted and wanted to meet with the Elders about stripping you of the ula fala.” Roman closes his eyes, doing his best to not allow the blow of Jimmy’s answer to extract from him another blow-up. “They wanted me and Jey to come with them, to go along with them, but I said hell no. I said—”
“So, you knew.” Because, that’s all Roman is hearing right now. He’s hearing that Jimmy knew tensions were high enough to where his dad and brothers wanted to see Roman dethroned, and he said nothing.
“I ain’t know they were planning this shit!” Jimmy defends, clearly emotional and frustrated.
It’s going around.
“Roman, we would never do anything to hurt you or Solana—”
“You should have told me. You should have fucking said something.” Roman completely dismisses Naomi. This isn’t even about her. This is about Roman and the man he thought he could trust. 
The family he thought he could trust.
“Roman, I’m telling you the God’s honest truth. I had no idea they were planning to do this.” To be fair, Jimmy sounds as genuine as he probably looks right now, but if there’s anything this experience has taught Roman, it’s that it’s sometimes the people closest to you who can say exactly what they know you want to need and hear. 
All while stabbing you in the back.
Jimmy had continued talking, while Roman sort of tuned him out in a sense, only to latch onto one attention-grabbing sentence. “....I thought my pops let this go years ago….”
Now, Roman is the one pausing. “What?” Silence. “What are you talking about?”
A heavy sigh followed by a clearly reluctant answer. “When we was younger, my dad used to talk to us about how it would be an honor if one of his sons could be Tribal Chief. He thought…he thought we should have challenged you for the ula fala.”
Roman’s jaw clenches, his chest a tight cage for all things heavy and uncomfortable. 
The shit just gets worse minute by minute.
“Is that why Jey did?” Roman asks, though something tells him he already knows the answer. 
“Yes.” Fuck. “My dad put a lot of pressure on him, encouraged him that he could do it, but when he lost, I thought pops had moved on from that. I had no idea—”
Whatever Jimmy planned to say next will never be known. It’ll never be known because Roman hits the end button.
And, he sits there. Alone. Thinking. Dwelling. Ruminating. All cognitive roads leading to one damning answer.
They’re all traitors.
For years, seeds and discussions of dissension have occurred, plans to dethrone him made and disregarded until one finally came to fruition. 
And, no one said a damn thing. 
They’re all dead to him. 
Thinking is a difficult, arduous task when every path one conceives could lead to an untimely demise.
It’s a heavy realization Solana is slowly coming to as she sits propped up against the wall, gently stroking Brandi's hair as she sleeps on her lap. An unexpected position and situation that few would expect the women to be in. But, it was in Brandi waking up and screaming, clearly reliving her recent trauma, that Solana moved to console and comfort her.
She’s been there. 
She knows exactly what Brandi is experiencing, thus Solana working to soothe her back to sleep.
Solana doesn’t mind, because while she sympathizes with the trauma from the assault, she can’t imagine how devastated Brandi must be at being separated from her daughter. Not knowing where she is.
What’s being done to her.
It’s awful.
And, it’s why Solana is currently wracking her brain, trying to come up with a plan, preferably one that helps them get to Emma. 
To Solana, that’s the most important thing. Protecting the children.
It just unfortunately happens to be the hardest thing as well.
To the best of her abilities, Solana tried to observe and memorize the halls and make of the building. Tried to commit them to memory, but with each possible path to a rescue and escape, she was met with guards.
Armed guards.
And, with a pocket knife being her only available weapon, Solana knows it won’t get her far. She needs one as well. A gun, at the very least. 
Both herself and Brandi. If they’re going to escape this, and they will escape this, they have to be armed, too.
It’s just the how of it all that keeps stumping her.
Solana jumps and is immediately alert and cautious when the door turns, and though unsure, she's unwilling to show any fear at whoever it is entering. 
Especially if it’s Solo or Rikishi.
It’s not.
But, it's still that same level of anger and resentment she holds and feels staring at the person who remains in the doorway, tray of food in hand, guilty, almost contrite expression on his face.
Jey says nothing at first, closing the door behind him as he walks in. “Ya’ll should be hungry.”
Solana remains quiet, offering no reply as he moves closer, and she holds onto Brandi. Protectively.
Jey sighs, walking over to the desk, carefully placing the tray down. “You should probably eat—”
“How could you do this?” Jey’s nonverbal expression is an immediate, immense amount of guilt. And, that only pisses Solana off even more, makes her fist form at her side. “How could you betray Roman like this?”
Because as much as she hates this for herself, she hates it for her husband more. 
Hates that someone he viewed as a brother could do this to him. Could betray him like this. 
“Solana, you gotta believe that I had no idea they were planning to do all this,” Jey tries to explain, running his hands through his short hair, gesturing to a still sleeping Brandi. Solana hopes she remains asleep for the whole conversation. She needs the rest. So does Solana, but she needs to know the why more than she needs sleep. “Kidnapping innocent women and kids? That’s not me.”
“Isn’t it?” Solana challenges, jutting to the tray. “Because instead of bringing us food, you should be trying to help us out of here. That’s the Jey I know. Not some henchman bitch for his evil dad and brother.”
He’s initially quiet, Solana knowing she hit below the belt, but it’s hard to care in this situation. It’s hard to care anything about the man before her.
And then, a reply. “They got Nicki.”
Solana pauses. “What?”
She hates to admit it, hates to acknowledge it, but she can see it. Can see the distress that marks his features. Can hear how distraught he is. “Apparently, they had a feeling I would “turn” on them, so they took Nicki to make sure I “don’t forget” which side I chose.”
It’s a lot to take in. The last thing Solana expected to hear was that another innocent woman has been dragged into this nightmare, let alone Jey’s wife. But, while her heart goes out to Nicki, Solana has a hard time not focusing on Jey’s words.
“Exactly.” She finally speaks, voice low, heavy with exhaustion. Mental and physical. “You chose your side.” She lifts her chin, her tone leveled and solemn. “Now, you have to live with the consequences.”
Solana is well aware that Jey is able to read in between the lines of her response. As much as she feels for Nicki, she can’t think about that. Can’t be concerned when she already has so much on her plate. 
Jey did this. Now, he has to deal with it.
A grave realization that clearly overcomes the man as he leaves out without another word.
 Roman has never feared death.
Not really.
Come close to it a handful of times in his almost 40 years on this earth, but the closest and maybe the only time he was ever really scared was the night his family was murdered. 
After that, fear became an emotion he had to bury when it comes to the end of life.
It’s not even something he’s really thought about, even in those moments where a brush with death was putting it lightly. He’s just never really cared. It’s also so systematic for him.
You’re born, you live, and you die. That’s just the order of things, and as a pragmatic person, he accepts that. It makes sense to him.
But, for the first time, in a long time, there’s a thought, a feeling, about finally meeting his maker—or not—that feels a lot more of a reality than it’s ever been.
Feels like it could very well be a possibility. An outcome.
And, it’s something he’s accepted.
He’s accepted it, because he’s also accepted that there’s nothing he won’t do to make sure Solana makes it out of this alive. 
That’s what’s most important to him. That’s the goal he has to have and keep in mind. 
Nothing else matters. 
He can’t and won’t be concerned with himself. That’s secondary. His wife and unborn daughters are his only concern, because he can’t conceptualize or even allow himself to think about any alternative.
He just can’t.
After grabbing an extra magazine and loading it into his vest, Roman’s heavy footsteps carry him from one room to another. And, the door is barely opened when Dulce lifts her head from where she lays on the bed. Tail wagging, her ears flop down when he moves over to the end of said bed. 
Roman chuckles, seeing the way her eyes close after he walks over to her, and she licks his hand, settling and laying back down. “You ended up being not so bad, after all, you know that?” Dulce shifts, rolling onto her back, exposing her stomach, her way of requesting a belly rub. 
He obliges.
One last time.
“You’ve always looked out for her…” He trails off, incapable of thinking back to how this tiny little creature potentially saved Solana’s life in more ways than one realizes. “Don’t ever stop that, alright?”
Dulce, innocent and oblivious, just continues to enjoy the belly rubs until they stop. Roman stands up and goes to walk away, only to hear her tiny bark. He turns around to see her jump off the bed, walking in his direction. “No. Stay.”
Instantly, her ears are back down as she whimpers, laying down, watery eyes never leaving his.
Roman swallows, offering a quiet, “bye, Dulce” before shutting the door.
Moving down the hall and over to the stairs, another familiar face waits for him at the bottom.
Ava waits until he’s right across from her to speak. “I should be going with you.”
Maybe. Roman can’t deny she’d be a valuable asset, but it was ultimately decided she would stay here with the children, them feeling significantly more comfortable with her and Austin versus just a strange man they don’t even know.
“You’re needed here,” is the only reply Roman offers as he adjusts his vest, rolling his shoulders.
Ava watches him. “Everything’s gonna be fine, Roman.” He looks at her. She offers a small smile.  “Okay?”
He doesn’t say anything, but he does reciprocate the hug she offers. Squeezes her a little tighter than usual.
When they pull apart, she hits him on his arm, half joking, half serious. “Go fuck em’ up, big ears.”
He chuckles, appreciative of her. Of all their times together. “Still not as big as that big ass forehead.”
Ava’s response is to flip him off as he walks out the house and onto the porch where Dwayne stands, also in full tactical gear, watching as Matteo, Rhodes, and Santos work together to instruct the recently arrived reinforcements on the game plan.
In the distance, Rhea, Angel, Berto, and Afia converse, also ironing out their strategy.
Roman says nothing at first, eventually swallowing, voice heavy. “Dwayne.” When nothing is said in response, Roman moves right into it. “I need you to promise me some—”
An unexpected, blunt single word response. Not entirely unsurprising. Roman closes his eyes. “Dwayne.”
“I already know what you’re going to say. What you want to ask me.” Dwayne crosses his arms, turning toward Roman. “You want me to promise you that once we get Solana, we leave, even if that means leaving you.” The silence is all the answer needed. “And, I’m telling you no, because I can tell you that wife of yours would rather see us all dead before she lets us leave you behind.” He takes a step forward, comforting hand on Roman’s shoulder. “We go in together. We leave together. Aiga.”
Roman’s jaw clenches.
Aiga means family in Samoan.
The only problem is that Roman just isn’t quite sure just what family means to him anymore.
Not with all the betrayal.
Nevertheless, he can’t think of that right now.
He needs to be focused.
Matteo soon walks over, one foot on the step, the other on the ground. He directs his statement between the two men. “We’re ready.”
Two words.
One meaning.
Roman rolls his shoulders, walking down and forward, a man on a deadly brutal mission.
“Let’s go.”
Solana is startled awake when the heavy door across from her is sprung open with an unfamiliar level of aggression. She’s partially expecting Jey or even Rikishi only to be met with the cold blue eyes of the Caucasian man seen earlier in the day.
Brandi sits up, also startled, scooting back against the wall. “What do you—”
“Not you,” he dismisses. It’s only then as he moves toward the two women that Solana notices he walks with a sort of limp.
But, that’s farthest from her mind when he leans over and yanks Solana up by her arm. 
Goosebumps sprout up all over her, Brandi beating her with the question. “Where are you taking her?”
“Mind your business,” he grunts, Solana looking back at Brandi, partially trying to tug out of his grasp, only to fail epically. Her tug is no match for his brute strength.
Solana sees Brandi’s eyes fill with tears. “Don’t hurt her!”
The door slams shut too soon for Solana to try to console her, let her know that it’s going to be okay, even if Solana feels the complete opposite. 
She knows something is wrong. Can detect, even feel, as such while being led down the hall. She does her best to distract her tingling spidey senses by examining the space. Still no cameras. None that she can spot, anyway. Expected given the obvious age of the building. 
That could help a ton.
For what exactly, she doesn’t quite know. But, it’s one less thing for her to worry about when she does finally formulate a good, solid plan. And, she needs to do so sooner rather than later.
Stopping outside a door, Solana hesitates when he opens it and motions for her to go in. She doesn't, which clearly upsets him, as he shoves her in there. Improved balance prevents her from falling, Solana looking around the room to see it’s not much unlike the one she was just snatched from, including the cot in the corner that’s a bit neater than the one in her cell.
Like someone had prepped it a bit.
The sound of the door closing redirects Solana’s attention as she turns around and realizes he’s staring at her.
And, it’s unnerving as hell, to say the least.
Naturally, she does her best to put as much distance between them as possible, slowly backing away.
He makes a sound and whistles. “Ya know, Bron kept going on and on about Rhodes girl, and she’s pretty alright, but me?” An unexpected country voice is tinged with something borderline malicious and eerie. He gives her an uncomfortable one-over. “I always liked me a girl with some meat on the bones.”
And, it’s in that one sentence, Solana realizes her spidey senses weren’t just tingling just to tingle. 
They were a warning sign.
Her heart is beating through her chest as she somehow manages a shaky, “what are you doing?”
He says nothing at first, just steps forward, continuing to undress her with his eyes. Solana’s anxiety goes from bad to catastrophic when her back collides with the old, gritty wall. 
She has nowhere else to go.
Disgust fills her when he spits off in the corner. “That husband of yours fucked up and ruined my life, ya know.” There’s something about that statement along with his country accent and big build that reminds Solana of something. A conversation. A conversation with Roman she had not too long ago. 
This man has to be the Brock they’d talked about in bed that day. 
She gasps loudly, realizing he’s directly in front of her. “Seems only right I fuck and ruin his pretty little wife as payback, don’t you think?”
Solana’s first instinct is the one she works on. Foolishly, she attempts to dart past him, screaming out when he grabs her and picks her up.
“NO! LET ME GO!” Fighting and thrashing against him, Solana is a mess of nerves, terror, and determination. “HELP!” 
Her screams feel like they fall to the void, and she winces loudly when thrown onto the ground. 
On the cot.
Solana briefly shuts her eyes, having to ignore the pain in the back of her head. But, she’s forced to return to the terrifying scene unfolding before her when Brock straddles her.
“A feisty thing, ain’t you?” Words that send chills down her spine and travel her back to an earlier time in life. Easily, one of the darkest days of her life.
The day she was raped.
His statement is eerily similar to the same thing her rapist said to her as he started ripping off her clothes, while the other one held her down.
Something that forever changed her life in all of the worst ways.
Something that she swore would never happen to her again.
Solana promised herself that she would never let another man hurt her, and she meant that shit.
It’s a promise she can’t break.
Borck’s disgusting, meaty hands groping at her breast through her sweater, Solana knows she has to think fast, think smart, and without even realizing it, she’s stammering. “I’m—I’m on my period!”
It’s the first thing that comes to mind, and she’s immediately regretting it, because no way will he believe that.
She needs something else.
Solana has never felt as much disgust when she forces herself to offer, “but, I—I can—I can give you head.”
It’s nothing short of a miracle that she doesn’t throw up on the spot. A desire that grows exponentially seeing him smirk and his eyes light up at the offer of her doing something she hasn’t even done with her own husband. 
But, it’s the only thing that comes to mind that will get them to switch positions, that will allow Solana to be on top.
Because she knows what she has to do to keep that promise. 
To save herself. 
Wordlessly, Brock climbs off her, relieving the weight Solana didn’t realize was settling on her chest. She scrambles to her knees, again praying with everything in her that she can continue to hold back the vomit begging to be released as he moves in front of her, his crotch uncomfortably close to her face. His musty scent does nothing to help that nausea, Solana shutting her eyes and blinking the tears back. 
This is the only way. 
Disgust isn’t the right word, but it’s an accurate one nonetheless. Solana wills herself to place her hand on the buckle of his jeans, her eyes darting up to see him looking down at her with excitement and anticipation. 
It’s revolting. 
But, the moment he tilts his head back, rolling his neck, as if preparing for the pleasure that will consume him by defiling her, Solana takes it.
She takes the opportunity.
With impressive speed, she slides the pocket knife secretly tucked in the back pocket of her jeans out, unsheathes it and hesitates not one second to drive it into his crotch. 
His roar of pain is music to her ears as she yanks the knife out, quickly remembering the, now, most important part of the conversation she had with her husband. 
The unknowingly key part he’d shared.
“.....I speared him, he went down badly on his right leg, the dominant one, and fucked it up real good…..”
That same right leg she drives the knife into. Close to his knee, carefully avoiding bone but effectively severing muscle. More cries of agony as blood seeps out of both the orifices, and Solana retracts her knife, quickly jumping back to her feet. 
“I’ll kill you, you fucking bitch!” He shouts, going to grab for her, only to fall down when she moves out the way, paving the way for said fall. 
Somehow, someway, Brock rolls over to his back, revealing the blood that stains his pants, continuing to pour out of him at an abnormal pace. A pulsing blood flow.
A sense of joy fills Solana as she realizes she was effective in her aim. His artery. She went for his femoral artery. A major blood vessel. 
A critical one. 
The same way she once again doesn’t hesitate as she hovers over him, lifts her knife once more and rams it into the side of his neck, not stopping until it reaches the hilt. She watches his eyes bulge from his head and expertly dodges the spurt of blood that shoots out of his gaping wound when she removes said knife.
Panting, heart racing, Solana stumbles backward, watching how his mouth opens, as if he’s trying to issue one last threatening, hateful message before bulging eyes shift into nothingness followed by a stillness of his body.
Solana waits a good minute, ensuring he’s clearly dead before reaching and snatching the gun off his holster. Moving back once more, bloody knife in one hand, gun in the other, the reality of what’s just happened smashes into her with all the weight of finality.
She killed him.
Solana killed this man.
And though her eyes fill with tears, and that weight on her chest returns, it’s not exactly what she expected to experience after taking a life.
He was going to hurt her.
He was going to rape her. 
She had no choice. 
She did what she had to do to protect herself. 
To protect her babies.
There’s pain and trauma but also relief at carrying through on her promise. 
No man will ever hurt her again. She said that shit, and she meant it.
She stood on it. 
She stood on business.
Solana nearly jumps out of her bones when the door is suddenly open, prompting her to aim the gun in one hand and lift the knife in the other up, as if ready to attack the person who enters.
And someone does. A man of a stocky build, with a complexion similar to that of her husband and his family members. Red and black locs that hang freely, blocking some of his face, but it’s the way he immediately lifts his hand, as if defensively that has her intrigued.
“Hey, look, I’m not here to hurt you,” he starts off, gaze falling to Brock’s bloodied, dead body. He scoffs. “Good. I was gon’ make sure his ass ain’t make it out here alive anyway.”
A statement that both shocks and confuses Solana, but she doesn’t show it. Neither does she lower either of her weapons, all the while keeping the gun specifically aimed for the middle of his head.
“Look….” Gaze back on her, this unknown man continues to speak, sounding almost desperate. “I know you probably not gon’ believe me, and I don’t blame you. But, I had no idea none of this shit was gon’ happen. Tribal Chief had me shadowing and working with Jey the past few months, and he just told me to come along with him, cause Solo had some shit to share with us. But, I had no idea—” He stops, looking off into the corner. “Roman gave me another chance to prove myself after I fucked up a few years ago. None of this shit is right. Solo ain’t no damn Tribal Chief. Roman is the Tribal Chief, and to team up with the Nightmare Factory after what Rhodes did to our family?” Anger fills his eyes and voice. “To go after women and kids? We don’t do that shit. I got 5 daughters. I would lose my shit if someone did something like this to them.”
Words. They’re a bunch of words stringed together that Solana is following but not fully comprehending. Not sure what to believe, if any of it. Eventually, she finds herself asking, never lowering her only forms of defense. “Why….why are you telling me this?”
He maintains his repentant expression. “Cause, it’s not the whole Bloodline in on this shit. Just the weak-minded motherfuckers who ain’t got no spine. It’s a group of us that ain’t with this shit, cause ain’t no way Roman not about to come up in here and rain fire.” The first sentence to leave his mouth that makes her feel something. A sense of pride. A lot of fear. A level of hope. He vows, placing his fist over his heart. “We loyal to the only Tribal Chief, and that’s Roman Reigns.” He juts his chin in her direction, adding on almost proudly, “And that includes the Faletua.”
It only takes Solana a minute to realize why the term, though not in a language she’s fluent in, is a word she knows.
She remembers Dwayne referring to her as such before.
The wife of the Tribal Chief.
“Our job is to protect you, so that’s what we gon’ do.” He rolls his shoulders, nodding to himself.  “That’s what I’m gon’ do.”
Solana isn’t sure just why or how, but at some point in his explanation, the suspicion settled into relief. The doubt at his words was chewed out and tipped away by belief. She doesn’t know how or why, but she believes him.
Believes that he truly means her no harm.
And, that’s a relieving feeling to have when surrounded by the complete opposite. 
Finally lowering the gun and knife, she asks, probing. “And Jey?”
Regret fills his face. He looks and sounds a bit torn with his answer. “Jey seem like he ain’t know it was gon be all this, but he knew it was gon’ be something.” Solana doesn’t say it or show it, but she feels the same way. Maybe he didn’t know the full plan of this coup, but he knew something was being concocted. And, he did nothing to stop it.
That makes him just as complicit in her book.
The man whose name she still doesn’t know continues, adding almost regretfully. “Regardless, I don’t think we can trust Jey to be on our side, cause Solo got his wife.” 
Solana’s stomach drops. A part of her wondered if Jey was just saying that as a manipulation ploy. But, obviously, that wasn’t the case. “Nicki really is here?”
He nods. “I guess Solo had a feeling Jey might be on some shit, cause he got her locked up somewhere. Jey been trying to find her.”
Solana nods. She understands. It makes sense Jey would want to find and free his wife from this nightmare.
The thought urges her to make something clear. “Brandi and Emma need to get out of here.”
As somewhat expected, he looks at her with obvious disagreement. “All due respect, ma’am, you’re the pri—”
“I’m the Faletua, right?” He nods. “Well, Roman isn’t here right now. I am. So that means you answer to me, and I say the priority is getting that little girl and her mother the hell out of here.” And, she means that. 
Solana knows she also needs to find a way out, but her heart aches with knowing Brandi has been violated and traumatized in the worst way possible while simultaneously being separated from her only child. It’s a bit of maternal instinct and empathy that has her prioritizing the mother/daughter duo over herself.
They have to get out.
“Aight’,” he finally agrees. Solana is slightly confused when he steps out the door only to return with something black in hand. “You gon need this.” He steps forward, Solana handing him the gun—she keeps the knife—in exchange for what she realizes is a vest. 
A bulletproof vest.
“You know how to shoot?” He suddenly asks, turning around and allotting her the privacy to change. She’s appreciative, lifting her sweatshirt off to put on the vest. Over her sweater would work, but something about it being concealed seems to make more sense.
“Well enough,” is her answer. She takes a second to feel her belly, eyes briefly closing as she once again reminds herself why.
Why she has to fight. 
Finished changing, vest secure, sweater on again, it’s only then she asks, telling him he can turn around, “what’s your name?”
“Jacob,” he answers. Jacob. She commits it to memory, because when they make it out of this, and they will make it out of this, she owes him.
She owes him her life. 
By the time the groups arrive, it’s nighttime, the dark of night aiding in the arrival of heavily armored trucks and equally armed men. Soldiers ready for battle, for a war that they have full intentions on winning. For Roman, it’s less a war, and more of an extermination. 
The map found online serves as an accurate, helpful guide, allowing the carefully cultivated plan, tactical and methodical, to proceed just as planned. The plant, as predicted, is heavily guarded and secured. The perimeter swarmed by both Bloodline and Nightmare Factory men. It all makes no difference to the groups. 
They’re all nothing but intended targets.
It’s why they send in a number of men, elite Cartel assassins to sweep the outside perimeter, the use of silencers aiding in their silent takedown. Bodies dropping, aiding in the undetected entrance of the group of snipers to aid in taking down men from above, while the rest make their way through on the ground.
Ready and hungry for blood, Bayley rolls her shoulders, looking over at the group, questioning, “everyone knows what the plan is, right?”
A number of various types of acknowledgment, Santos speaking in Spanish to Angel and Berto before looking amongst the group of them, specifically the faction of snipers. “It’ll only be a matter of time before the pendejos make their way up to you.”
Afia’s eyes burn with the bloodlust. “I’m counting on it.”
Matteo chuckles. It truly is a tossup as to who will leave tonight with the highest kill count. His wife or his brother. Something tells him Afia might tip the scale in her favor.
Not only did the bastards enter her home, but they’ve gone after someone who she fully considers to be family. A sister.
A dire, lethal mistake.
Cody speaks up, Roman intentionally drowning him out, still deeply disliking the fact that he’s even present. Avoidance is the best and only way, however, to deal with that.  “We need to be prepared for….injuries.”
A general statement that needs no elaboration. He’s talking about Solana, Brandi, and Emma. It’s truly a hope for the best, prepare for the worst when it comes to that. Especially given they all witnessed how Solo had zero hesitation in order Solana to be waterboarded.
To be tortured.
“I have that handled.” Santos supplies, offering nothing more, a shared look and nod between himself and Dwayne and Matteo.
That much Roman notices, but he says nothing, because he needs to make something clear.
Something he’s not willing to compromise on.
“If any of you get to Solana before I do, you all take her and you get the hell out of here.”
It’s a bold, demanding statement that draws several looks of skepticism. 
Bayley is the first to speak, or to try, at least. “What about yo—”
“You heard what I said.”
Another valorous, brazen reiteration, the fierce, dark look in his eyes—and voice—indicating there is no room for objection or argument. And Roman confirms as such, directing his next statement solely to Matteo and Dwayne, “that’s an order.”
It’s a final statement. 
A last decree.
Still an order that’s met with reluctant acceptance, none of which can be moved beyond disagreement because Santos presses a finger to the comm in his ear, earpieces they all have to aid in communication. He nods, expression spoiling his next statement. “It’s clear.”
Afia nods, sharing a look with Rhea as the women fist bump. “Let’s go.” She shoots her husband one last look, an unspoken be careful, before the group moves out, disappearing into the night, each already knowing which building they intend to enter and climb, moving to the top to settle into position.
Restlessness is felt and slightly visible for everyone except for Roman and Cody. An irritating similarity but one Roman can’t deny nor can he entirely not understand.
They’re both men on missions, determined to rescue and right the egregious wrongs that have been done between them. 
And, minutes later, when a single sniper shot enters the night, the restlessness slips into something of dangerous silence.
Go time.
It’s a slow, steady thing as the remaining men, led by Roman, Dwayne, and Matteo guide the core group and fleet of soldiers by foot. The Tribal Chief is the one to issue the first shot, to see the body plop to the ground. Several more follow as gunshots rain from the sky, aiming and hitting Bloodline and Nightmare Factory men alike. 
And when the numbers even off just enough, Roman ditches the gun, opting for something more brutal. 
Something that fills him with a sick sense of satisfaction, that eases into the bloodlust that consumes him. 
With brutal and gory efficiency, Roman advances through the men, knife slicing deep, hitting bone in some instances. Blood squirts from his expert cuts, the sick sound of them choking on their own blood silenced by the stomp of his boot on their neck, a sickening crunch sound deafened under the hail of gunshots and mayhem surrounding him.
Roman is all machine and no human, as he brutally disarms and murders man after man, soldier after soldier, uncaring and unwilling to give a single fuck whether they wear the Bloodline or Nightmare insignia. It doesn’t matter.
They’re all fucking traitors, no matter what way one looks at it. 
They all deserve to fucking burn.
Around him, the brutality he extends to his comrades, is reflected in those fighting alongside him. Out the corner of his eyes, he sees Bayley yank a man backwards as she puts the gun to his head, pulling the trigger, brain splatter flying across, landing on other men who continue to drop, falling against the onslaught of the elite killers.
It’s a bloodbath.
At some point the gunfire from the top ceases, indicating Afia and company have been reached, and it’s confirmed as such when a body comes flying from the sky, landing grotesquely, limbs distorted, face grotesque from being blown off. 
Another of many victims the night still has yet to claim.
Roman can even spot Rhodes, deranged look on his face as he yanks a bloodied knife out of someone’s eye socket only to lodge it in the throat of a man honing in on him. Dwayne and Matteo work almost in synch, covering each other, gunning down man after man, resorting to lethal combat when necessary.
A loud battle cry of sorts is all Roman overhears as he turns just in time to seeing Afia use a hunched over, injured soldier as a makeshift spring board as she contorts hers body, legs wrapped around another man, flipping him over onto his back. She slices a large hunting knife across his throat, blood spurting out, flying wildly at the same time she uses the gun in her other hand to take down three other men. 
Not even seconds later, she’s back on her feet, brutally murdering another set of several men in under a single minute. 
The Opo has truly arrived.
Similarly, Rhea clears an almost path of sorts, expertly gunning down bastards, the dagger in her other hand suddenly being thrown across the way, somehow perfectly landing in throat of yet another dead fucker.
She smiles in sick satisfaction.
The same satisfaction that's seen on Santos face as he yanks a knife out of one dead man only to lodge it into yet another, now, dead man.
It’s obvious everyone is on the page.
This is a fucking extermination.
For Solana, the first order of business is getting to Emma, making sure she’s safe. Once she has Emma, they can retrieve Brandi and proceed with whatever plan Jacob has for trying to get them the hell out of dodge. She’s skeptical but somewhat eased by the other Bloodline guards who seem to have loyalty still to her husband, given their going along with Jacob using the excuse of Solo wanting to see the abductees.
Solana is slightly surprised at how he’s believed, but she doesn’t question it. 
What other option does she have?
Her heart is beating through her chest when they arrive at a door, Jacob dapping up and speaking in Samoan to the two guards who shoot her nasty looks. Solana diverts her gaze to the ground, recognizing her glare or look of indifference could potentially set them off or attract the wrong kind of attention. 
She has to continue to play the role of the scared, taken woman. And to be fair, it’s not entirely an act. She is scared. This is unfamiliar territory. Truly life or death.
It’s just that Solana has decided to give death the middle finger.
She’s not ready to die.
Not tonight.
Not anytime soon. 
Especially not like this.
The door opens, and she has to stop herself from pushing past Jacob to go in and gently coax Emma out. But, she can’t. Again, if this is going to work, she has to play her role, and it has to work.
But, the minute Jacob comes out with a crying, sniffling Emma, Solana can’t help herself. She instantly reaches for and pulls Emma into her chest, eyes shutting when she the little girl hold onto her.
“I want my mommy and daddy,” she cries, and Solana has to force back the tears.
“I know, sweetie. It’s gonna be okay.” She strokes the top of Emma’s head, vowing. “I promise.”
Because not only is she not dying tonight, Solana refuses to let anything happen to the little girl in her arms. 
No matter what.
“Let’s go,” Jacob barks, forcing the two apart. Solana can see the unspoken apology in his eyes as he guides them down the hall in a different direction from where they came. Solana holds Emma’s hand, whispering words of comfort, doing her best to offer any type of solace she has to give. 
However, the more they walk, the more audible sound becomes. Muffled, clearer with each step they take. An altercation, a brawl of some sort, but then it becomes evident it’s a lot more than just a brawl.
Solana hears gunshots.
Naturally, she moves to duck, covering Emma with her body as the men around her begin to shout, most speaking in Samoan until an English voice calls out with all the panic.
“Roman is here!”
And just like that, Solana’s stomach drops.
He’s here.
Roman is here.
She doesn’t have much time to think or process this piece of information, because Jacob is shouting at her, telling her to follow him. She does so, never once letting go of Emma’s hand as he leads them to a place unknown.
But, they’re stopped, two guards questioning Jacob about where he’s taking her and Emma, and he gives the same answer he gave before. Except this time, it’s not believed. Solana can tell the moment the man looks at her, neutral expression morphing into a glare. 
And then she's suddenly being shoved out of the way, almost knocking Emma onto the ground. Seconds later, a gunshot.
But, it’s not in the distance. It’s right before her.
“Get Brandi and get them out of here!” Jacob yells, gun in hand, walking over the body, two men flanking him as he shouts, shooting down and effectively dodging the onslaught of bullets.
Still, Solana is in fight or flight mode as three Bloodline guards keep a sort of circle around herself and Emma, leading them away from the shooting, away from the violence. Emma’s cries of terror absolutely gut Solana, and she’d give anything to try to comfort her right now, but that’s not the priority. They have to get out of here first.
Led down a staircase, the door is kicked open, and a left is made, leading to a large space filled with rusted equipment and other dated, deteriorated machines and items. Solana is about to pick Emma up, her little legs unable to keep up at a proper pace, when more gunshots ring out. 
Solana shouts and moves to tug Emma near her when she’s suddenly thrown shoved down, something, someone ramming into her. Solana’s head bounces off the ground, an instant, sharp pain slicing the back of her head.
She’s been cut on something. Unsurprising given this space seems full and filled with potential hazards. 
“Got you now, you little bitch,” Eyes shut, Solana trying to ignore the pain, she doesn’t need to use her vision the person to know who it is. “I’ve been waiting for this day a long ass time,” Samantha hisses, Solana finally willing her eyes open to see the woman standing over her, gun in her hand. She smirks, looking up and walking away, “but first, I kill the kid.”
Seconds. It takes only seconds for Solana to register what’s happening. What’s about to happen.
In the distance, guards continue to spar, allies versus traitors, too consumed in their own battle to help her.
She’s on her own. 
With a sudden, burning rage, Solana moves up off the ground and runs behind Samantha, grabbing her by her hair and slamming her face into a nearby pillar.
Samanath cries out in pain, falling to the floor, the gun also tumbling out of her hand. Solana is quick to kick it to the side, chest heaving, fist forming, rage boiling.
Marching over to her, Solana sneers, eyes burning with unbridled determination. “You should have killed me when you had the chance, hoe.” Jumping on top of her, one hand takes a fist full of Samantha’s hair to hold her still, the other rains a direct punch onto her face, aiming for her nose.
Samantha continues to cry out, to try to push Solana off as she rains hit after hit onto her, grabbing her by her face and slamming her head repeatedly into the ground. The anger, the rage, the hurt, the everything Solana has felt in the past twenty-four hours racing through her veins, serving as fuel. 
The desire to survive. 
The desire to protect.
The desire to live.
Samantha manages to move her arm just enough, grabbing some inanimate object and bashing Solana over the head with it.  
Solana gasps, eyes clenching shut from the pain. It’s not sharp like the cut was, but it’s dull and heavy and forces her to roll off the other woman onto her side, as she grips her head.
Samantha stumbles off the ground, landing a kick into Solana’s back. "You took everything from me!" Naturally, Solana moves into a fetal position, protecting herself. "Now, it's your turn to suffer."
A nearsighted Samantha opts for a more final method of assault, turning away, wide, crazed eyes searching for the gun. Blood drips down from scalp, onto the cotton of her shirt. Her lip is busted open, also bleeding, the evidence of the brutal assault visible for all to see.
Solana, however, rolls onto her back, sitting up and seeing Samantha. Seeing her trajectory. Solana also sees the location of the gun, and she times it. It’s all done so quickly, too quickly for most people, but she’s a woman determined. And with that determination, lip curled, a loud roar of sorts leaves her mouth as she moves to her feet, charging for the other woman. Samantha is barely able to turn around when she's knocked to the ground from the impact of Solana’s spear. 
Quickly, Solana rolls off of Sam, grabbing for the gun that’s now in her hands. And the minute Sam tries to scramble to her feet, Solana aims, shoots, and lodges three bullets into her. 
One in the shoulder.
One in the chest.
And one in the head.
Samantha’s dead body crumples to the ground, still and unmoving.
Solana closes her eyes, placing her free hand over her chest, taking a deep breath. The pain of the fight, the throbbing in her cheek something she has to set aside as she throws the gun to the side, needing to find Emma. Opening her eyes and moving back to her feet, she sees all of the guards previously fighting all laying dead, too.
She swallows.
It’s just her and Emma now.
Solana’s anxiety spikes a bit as she prays Emma didn’t wander off too far. She starts walking in the direction she saw the little girl run.
“Emma!” She shouts, hoping the violence she displayed didn’t cause the girl to fear her as well. That’s the last thing needed right now, but it could very well be the case for such a young child. “Emma, it’s ok–”
Solana is both interrupted and silenced when someone grabs her from behind and slams her up against a nearby pillar. She tries to scream, but a hand is wrapped around her throat and something else is pressed against her stomach.
Eyes open, she’s met with vicious, burning glare and snarl of a man she immediately recognizes as the person who intended to waterboard her. On Solo’s orders, but still. 
Her fingers attempt to pry at his grip as he cuts off her oxygen, but true fear fills her when she drops her eyes to see what’s pressed against her.
A gun.
He has a gun pressed against her stomach.
“I just watched my brother get his brains blown out because of you,” he hisses, warm breath fanning her face. “All of this chaos for an ugly scarred bitch like you?” Solana closes her eyes, feeling the most helpless she’s felt all day.
Please. Her brain cries out for mercy what cannot leave her mouth. Her heart aches for Emma, aches for herself, aches for her husband, aches for her dog, aches for her daughters.
It can’t end like this. 
It can’t.
“You—” He stops, snarling and shouting. “Take any step closer, and she’s a dead bitch!”
Confused at why he’s shouting, the confusion is short-lived when she’s instantly spun around, his grip on her throat releasing, his forearm covering her neck as the gun is lifted from her stomach and pressed into her temple.
She would cry out if not for the fact that she’s now face to face with none other than Matteo. His gun is aimed toward her, but his eyes speak what he cannot verbalize.
You’re safe.
“Easy,” he cautions, and Solana clenches her eyes shut, needing to calm her nervous system from her anxiety that’s all over the place at this point. “I’m not here to kill you.” He pauses. “Just to distract you.”
At that, her eyes shoot open at the same time a loud gunshot sounds out. One that’s closer than anything she’s ever experienced. Naturally, she drops to the ground, covering hands over her ears as she coughs violently, gasping for the air that was previously deprived. 
And suddenly, hands are on her, prompting Solana to scream, fists beating at and trying to pull away from whoever is trying to pull her close. A natural, normal response. Something she continues to do until the ringing in her ears settles, and she can hear it. Can make out not only that something is being said but what is being said.
“Look at me.” 
It’s not a threat of unspeakable violence, it’s not a violent declaration or a promise of pain. It’s a plead, almost pained plea, of the most simplest nature.
So, she obliges and nearly falls apart.
It’s not void, dark eyes intent on murder. It’s warmth. 
It’s home.
She can barely breathe, her voice hoarse and battered from hours of screaming and crying. “Roman?”
He doesn’t move, just continues to stare at her, stroking the top of her head, willing her to calm down. “You’re safe.” Her eyes shut. “I’ve got you.”
It’s that last statement that nearly strikes up a panic attack, the emotions of the day tumbling over as she throws her arms around him, holding him, cradling him by the back of his head. 
“It’s okay,” he continues to reassure her, kissing her cheek, holding her. It’s a type of relief and comfort that she could never describe. Not accurately.
Her face pressed into his chest, hands grabbing at shirt. "You're here," she cries. "You came." He’s holding her, tightly, and she makes no effort to move away.
To let go.
Never again.
He’s saying something, gently, but she can’t make it out. Not with her current emotional state. 
Eventually, he’s able to stand them up, separating them just to brush her tears away. A deep scowl falls on his face, as he assesses her, one hand feeling the back of her head where she’s still bleeding. His other hand goes to her stomach where he lifts her sweater just enough to see the bulletproof best. 
“You’re hurt.” He frowns, anger and regret dancing in his eyes. “Listen to me.” His eyes are now scanning over her, surveying her injuries no doubt. Solana can see his rage amplifying. “You’re gonna go with Matteo—”
She’s instantly protesting, shaking her head, “N-no–” It’s then Solana realizes and remembers, breaking away, only to call out, “Emma!” She can feel Roman and Matteo close behind her, not allowing too much distance be created between them. “Emma, it’s okay—it’s—it’s safe!” She points to Roman, “this is my husband. He’s—he’s here to save us, sweetie.”
It’s then quiet footsteps and sniffling can be heard, Emma’s little body emerging from the shadows.
“Oh honey,” Solana walks over, leaning down hugging her. “It’s okay.” 
Emma cries into her as Solana lifts her up, walking her back over to where Matteo and Roman, each wearing different expressions. Matteo seems sympathetic. Roman seems torn. He's not looking at a little girl.
He's just looking at a Rhodes, and while she can understand why, it causes her to ask him a simple but powerful question.
“What if it was one of our daughters?”
Roman closes his eyes, nodding, acknowledging the uncomfortable truth. With reluctance acceptance, he turns, speaking to Matteo. “Get them both out of here.”
But, it's his lack of self-inclusion that has Solana frowning and shaking her head. “You’re coming with us.”
He walks over, his hand goes to the back of her neck, caressing her skin. “I have to finish this, Solana.”
He’s talking about Solo.
He has to kill him.
All of this she understands, except for the fact that it makes Solana literally sick to think about walking out of this place without her husband. Her eyes start watering all over again as Emma continues to cry quietly into her shoulder. “Roman….”
He steps forward, kissing her temple, “I’ll be fine.” She wants to believe that. She wants more than anything to believe that, but there’s a niggling feeling in the pit of her belly that she can’t shake. “I’ll meet you all in a bit.” He looks over at Matteo, the two sharing some kind of unspoken exchange.
Her voice cracks. “Roman—”
“I love you.”
His hand lingers on her cheek, his eyes burning into hers once more all of his adoration and devotion. And then, he’s gone, turning on his heel, seeking to end this once and for all. 
Solana has a hard time looking away, has an even harder time walking away, even at Matteo’s gentle hand on her shoulder, urging her to follow him. She does, never once letting Emma down, but her mind remains focused on Roman.
She can’t shake the thought that a dire mistake is being made in letting him go alone. She knows he’s just as capable as any when it comes to fighting, but this day has been unlike any other. While she knows she’ll have her fair share of trauma to process from the experience, something tells her his hasn’t been any easier. 
As Matteo leads them into turning a corner, Solana is met with yet another unexpected sight.
A group of people.
There’s too many of them to focus in on just one. Dwayne. Afia. Bayley. Santos.
Cody Rhodes?
And, it’s the latter of which who is the first to speak, his previously fierce gaze softening when he sees his daughter. “Emma…”
Emma’s head lifts up, as she turns around, her crying intensifying all over again. “Daddy!”
Solana offers no protest when the little girl starts wiggling in her arms, wanting to get down. The minute her feet hit the ground, she’s rushing over to her father who takes her, picking her up, eyes shut as he cradles the back of her head. “Emma.”
It’s a heartwarming sight for sure, Solana seconds later being pulled into a hug by Bayley.
Solana sniffles, shaking her head, assuring, “I’m okay.”
“Hell yeah, you are,” Bayley squeezes a little tighter before Afia tackles her with a hug, pulling back a bit sooner than anticipated.
She brings her hand to Solana’s face. “I told you that you were a fighter.”
A powerful little reminder. But, not just her. The people surrounding her by now all came together to help her, to help Roman. 
This is her family.
And, family sticks together.
Matteo nods, taking the lead. “We need to get go—”
“We’re going back,” Solana announces, drawing all sets of eyes on her. Her focus though, is primarily on Matteo and Dwayne. “We’re not leaving Roman.”
There’s something close to agreement that flashes in Matteo’s eyes, but his words contrast that. “Solana, Roman made his wishes clear. Once we got you—”
“I don’t care what he said,” Solana dismisses. Because, she doesn’t. Roman’s priority, she’s almost certain, was rescuing her. And now that he’s done that with obvious help, he thinks he has to handle the rest of it on his own. But, he doesn’t. And, he won’t.
Chin raised, Solana motions to herself. “He’s not here right now, but I am.” A look of pride comes over Afia and Bayley, even Santos who looks almost impressed by her display of assertiveness. Of authority. “I am the the Faletua. I make the call, and I said we’re going back.” A beat. “That’s an order.”
It’s not familiar territory for Solana, speaking so boldly and authoritatively to such a set of people. Of some of the best, trained killers in the world. But, for her husband, she’ll do it. 
She’ll do anything for the man she loves.
Because not only does she have no plans to die tonight, she has no plans on him dying either.
Dwayne suddenly makes a sound, rolling his shoulders, rallying the group. “You all heard her. The Faletua has spoken.”
Solana smiles, grateful for the nods of approval and agreement. She then turns to Cody, voice softening as Emma continues to cry into his shoulder now. 
Her heart breaks for the years it will take for her to heal from this trauma.
She swallows, directing almost sympathetically. “Get Brandi and get out of here.” A bit of emotion fills her as she offers a small, sad smile. “Take them home.”
Shock flashes in his eyes, as well as something else she can’t place her hand on. But, he nods, swallowing deeply.  “Thank you.”
Solana says nothing, simply walking closer to gently stroke Emma’s cheek. “You are one brave little girl.”
Emma doesn’t say anything, but Solana doesn’t expect her to. She just needs her to know that. To know that in all of this, she possessed strength and courage.
That she survived.
As Cody walks away, Solana looks around at the faces of those staying and remaining, willing to stand with and by her. 
She nods, determination and adrenaline racing through her blood while accepting the knife from Afia extends to her. 
“Let’s go.”
Not an iota of shock fills Roman when he finds Solo in a large open space in the building similar to where he found Solana.
No, he knew Solo would be waiting for him the second his younger cousin realized that not only had he come, but he came with an army. An army that’s almost entirely decimated the traitorous bastards who chose to stand against Roman.
A fatal decision, clearly.
“Gotta hand it you,” Solo starts, standing up from the chair where he sits. “Well played.”
Roman says nothing. He simply starts removing his vest, ridding himself of what is not needed.
No weapons are required for this. This is deeper than two enemies coming to face off in a final round.
For all intents and purposes, this is tribal combat, and the only things needed for that are anger, motivation, and determination.
All of which Roman has an abundance of. 
Solo stands up and also starts to remove his tactical gear as well as the red ula fala around his neck. Both men rid of the necessities, there’s a sort of predatory dance that occurs between them. Solo chuckles. “You know it’s not too late.” He has the fucking audacity to raise his chin, a sense of faux supremacy lacing his voice. “Acknowledge me, and I might spare your ass.” 
If not for the rage that almost feels too much for Roman to function properly, he might laugh. This fucker is straight up delusional. 
The hell would he ever acknowledge this son of a bitch.
It’s difficult for Roman to not lunge first, his fist burning at his side to break every bone in Solo’s body. He will, he most definitely will, but it’s always worked best for Roman to allow his opponents to get the first hit. To make them think they have the upper hand by landing the first blow.
And, Solo is no different. 
He charges at Roman, the older, taller man allowing him a punch to the face.
And nothing more.
Roman returns the blow, Solo’s body nearly jerking back to the floor from the single hit that’s effectively broken his nose. It doesn’t stop there, because Solo’s second of delay, that moment where he’s frazzled from such a powerful punch, is all the in that Roman needs.
Spearing him down to the floor, Roman channels all of his emotions—heavy, light, somewhere in between—into the onslaught of violence being directed toward the man he once considered family. 
Roman’s expertise and experience is blatantly obvious. He moves methodically, predatory, and borderline animalistic. He uses anything in the vicinity to slam Solo’s body into, enjoying the cuts and blood that starts to mar his cousin. His blows are brutal, Roman’s blood boiling with every crunch and crack sound that echoes throughout the space.
He’s every bit focused on maximizing the pain and prolonging the torture, knowing he can’t make this son of a bitch suffer as much as he deserves, but with the time he does have, he’ll use every bit of it.
One hand wrapped around his neck, Roman slams Solo down into a nearby, deteriorating wood table, Solo’s shout of pain from the splinters that enter his body from the collapse of the desk under his weight are music to Roman’s ears. He could bottle that shit up and play it for all eternity, because no amount of physical pain could ever equate to the pain that son of a bitch has caused him.
Roman’s big body heaves as he notices a slab of wood with nails and other sharp objects. His next source of torture that he stalks toward, fully intending to break it off into Solo’s fat ass.
“It was me, you know.” A new voice, familiar but not present. Not previously, at least. Roman spins around to see none other than a smirking Rikishi. Roman starts stalking toward him, instantly adding him next to the chop block list. “I helped Dusty plan the hit on your family.”
It takes a lot to pull Roman from his focus, to deter him from his mission, to get him off his game. 
And that….that is most definitely one of the things. 
“What?” He takes another step, confusion mixing with anger. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Rikishi smiles. “Might as well have said I killed them. Killed them all. Well, everyone except you and that bitch, Fetu.” Each word that leaves his mouth is like a dagger to Roman’s chest. He doesn’t believe him, he doesn’t want to believe him. But, it makes sense.
Rikishi’s hatred has to be beyond the incident with Solana. It’s deeper than that. It has to be.
But, if what he’s saying is true, if he was a part of the plan that killed Roman’s family, that almost killed him, there’s a certain hurt and pain with that that cuts almost deeper than any of this.
A sort of evil Roman can’t truly comprehend in this moment.
“Your father was a weak man who didn’t deserve to be Tribal Chief. Just like you don’t.” Riksihi laughs, salt on an open wound, drawing Roman’s attention back to him. “Tell me, is it true you could hear your sisters screaming for help as they burned alive?”
Roman moves to lunge forward when something sudden, sharp, and piercing stops him. He grunts, pain shooting through his body when he looks down to see Solo holding the knife that he just stabbed into Roman’s side. A knife he jerks out, prompting Roman to fall to his hands and knees, face turned up in pain.
Pain that intensifies as Solo kicks him on his side, forcing him onto his back. Solo lands a blow onto Roman, but that adrenaline fuels the older man as he gains the upper hand, fighting through his pain and landing a blow on top of Solo when a loud sound and another type of pain hits him.
Gunshot. He’s been shot through the shoulder. A loud curse tumbles out of his mouth as he moves his hand over the area where he was shot only months earlier.
Out the corner of his eye, he sees a smirking Rikishi, gun in hand, but it’s a temporary focus point, because seconds later, there’s something pressed against the back of his head. 
Another gun.
“Don’t make me do this, uce.” 
The situation drastically shifts, taking yet another turn and twist that Roman could have never anticipated. 
Jey’s voice drips with regret, but he remains unmoved, standing with a gun to the back of Roman’s head.
His cousin.
His supposed brother.
“You son of a bitch,” Roman grits, groaning from the pain of both sets of injuries, feeling the blood from where he was stabbed soaking his shirt. 
“Pull the trigger, Jey,” Solo goads, coughing up blood from where Roman remains straddled on top of him, pinning him down. “Blow—blow his fucking head off.”
“You embarrassed me once, Jey,” Rikishi scolds from behind, voice cold and uncaring. “Don’t do it again.”
At that, Roman’s eyes shut, they shut from a lot of things. From the information told, from the information learned, from all that’s happened. But, they shut mostly because of one person. 
Her face is the only thing he sees. The only thing he thinks about in such a moment when maybe his focus should be elsewhere, like how to get out of this situation. But, it’s nearly impossible. He’s hurt. Badly. And, he’s cornered.
This realization, this forced acceptance of some sort leaves him one desire and one desire only. His wife. He thinks of his wife. She’s safe. His daughters are safe. And for Roman, that’s all that matters.
He fulfilled his goal, upheld his promise. 
His wife and children will live. 
So, if this is truly it, if this is truly the moment where he meets his end, he can die content. 
He can die happy.
“What the fuck are you waiting on, Jey?” Rikishi scolds, frustration brewing. “Fucking ki–” His demand is cut off, the sound of the gun clanking to the floor accompanied by his head tilted and forced back due to the knife pressed dangerously close to his throat.
“One fucking move, and I can cut your jugular vein, leaving you dead in minutes,” Solana hisses, pressing the knife she has aimed into his back further in, cutting through the material of his suit jacket. “Or, I can sever your artery of Adamkiewicz, which could also leave you dead in minutes. Plain and simple? You move as much as an inch, and I’ll gut you like a fish.” She swears, pushing the knife just a little deeper, mouth near his ear, voice mocking, “how’s that for an uneducated, stupid bitch?”
Roman tenses, floored but mostly confused at his wife’s presence. She shouldn’t be here. He told them to get her the hell out of here. Out of harms way. 
Now, she stands directly in the line of fucking fire. His stomach drops, physical pain dulled by a newfound sense of concern. “Solana—”
“You drop that gun from my husband’s head right now, Jey, or I swear to God, I’ll kill him.” She threatens, completely ignoring Roman, entirely focused on Jey and maintaining the deadly corner she has Rikishi in. “Drop the fucking gun, Jey!” 
One look at Jey, and torn isn’t the right word to describe what’s written all over his face. Nevertheless, he doesn’t drop the gun. “Solana—”
She screams, her shout echoing throughout the room, slamming and bouncing off the walls. “DROP IT!”
Rikishi suddenly chuckles, voice haughty and mocking. “You don’t have the guts—” He winces loud enough to gather the attention of both sons as Solana presses the knife at his back just enough to draw blood. 
“You have no idea what I'd do, the lengths I'd go to, to protect that man,” she vows, never once stuttering or wavering as she gives Jey one final warning. “I’m not gonna fucking say it again, drop—”
This time, Solana is the one whose silenced, dread filling Roman as he sees Nia appear behind her, gun in hand.
The same gun she has pressed against the back of his wife’s head. 
And, she’s not alone, several sets of Bloodline guards, traitors, hone in, guns drawn on both the true Tribal Chief and his wife.
“You should have stayed your ass outside, Princess.” She sneers, smile evil and malicious. “Coming in here alone? What kind of stupid are you?”
Roman can’t look away, can’t bring himself to do so, even as he feels his body weakening on him.  And, it’s because he can’t look away, he sees the almost smirk on Solana’s face as she asks in the calmest voice, “who said I was alone?”
Not even seconds later, Nia is jerked back, her big body falling to the floor from the emergence of Afia. Afia, who is suddenly on top of her, large knife in hand that she slashes across Nia’s throat. Nia is barely able to process what’s just happened when Afia pulls out her gun and shoots her directly in the middle of the head, killing her instantly. 
It’s not the only death that occurs. Bayley, Santos, Matteo and Dwayne, all appear, taking down the guards by both bullets, knives, and the sickening sound of a neck snapping. Courtesy of Bayley.
Rikishi's forehead is glazed with sweat, as is Solo’s, revealing strong indicators of growing nerves. Of the reality of the situation setting in. 
And yet, Jey still hasn’t dropped the gun.
Hence why Dwayne has his aimed directly at his cousin. “You don’t want to do this, Jey.” He’s slowly stepping forward. “Put the gun down, son.”
Jey’s expression is one of pure indecision, his voice frazzled sounding as he informs, “they got Nicki, Roman.” He informs, as if this makes it right. As if it gives him a reason for his betrayal. “My kids can’t lose their mother, uce.”
“We can find her, Jey,” Bayley pleads, knife in hand as she moves close to Solana, same as Afia, both women serving as buffers. “This isn’t the way.”
Jey’s bottom lip trembles, the weight of this moment weighing on him. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, man!”
“It doesn’t have to be, Jey,” Matteo’s voice is dangerously calm as he zeroes in on Jey from another angle. “Just put the gun down, and we can—”
It all happens so fast. Rikishi attempts to reach for the gun on the floor near his feet, an arrogant, fatal mistake, because it’s a mere matter of seconds that pass in between the time he’s reaching and when he’s gasping for breath, one hand over his now cut throat as blood streams out. In two areas, because there’s also a large wound in his back where Solana ran the knife through, making good on her threat.
Jey shouts, finally lowering the gun and moving towards Solana and Rikishi, whose big body drops onto the floor as he continues to look wide eyed, unable to speak nor process what’s just occurred. He seems entirely focused on his father, on his father who now lies dying in his arms.  
But, it’s a risk no one is willing to take. 
Not with the move he just pulled.
A shot rings out and Jey jerks back, cursing loudly, falling to the floor, holding onto his shoulder where he’s been hit.
Hit by Dwayne. 
Non-fatal, but grounding.
And with both his dad and brother now down, one with mortal wounds, Solo is also distracted long enough, aiding the true Tribal Chief with exactly what he needs. 
Roman easily grabs the knife out Solo’s hand and juts it into his shoulder, intentionally avoiding a fatal spot, joy filling him at the howl released. 
Jey grunts, holding onto his bleeding shoulder, sitting near his gasping for breath father. “Roman, please—”
But, it’s the Tribal Chief, not Roman, who methodically, lowers and lifts the knife over and over into Solo’s face and body, severing off his nose, practically sawing off his lips, cutting off his ears, Solo’s agonizing sounds of pain only silenced when Roman lands the knife directly into Solo’s heart.
His body jerks, a sound, a gasp is made, and then nothing.
Just the stillness of death.
Only then does Roman drop the knife and roll over onto his back, exhaustion from his injuries catching up to him.
Solana shouts, running over to him. On her knees, she pulls him up, face paling with a devastating realization. “No….”
She’s not certain, can’t be sure, but by the amount of blood he's losing, he was stabbed close to an artery.
If not in an artery.
Her eyes water, as she caresses his face. “You’re gonna be okay, mi amor.” 
Solana moves quickly, pulling off her sweater, leaving just the bullet proof vest covering her thin blood stained tank top. She uses it to apply pressure to stop or hold off as much of the bleeding as possible from the stab wound. Gaze lifted to Dwayne and Matteo, she pleads, “help me get him up.” An unnecessary request as they were already moving to do so, helping a weakened Roman stand. 
As she goes to walk behind them, staying close to Roman, she overhears Jey’s loud curses at Afia, Bayley, and Santos who only try to help him up. He swats them away, denying their assistance, remaining with his now deceased father and brother. 
Getting Roman outside the building and loaded into a truck takes much longer than Solana likes. It all takes too long. Dwayne and Matteo opting to go with her, the former driving as Matteo sits in the front seat after they help Roman into the back where he leans into Solana. The time it takes for her shaking hands to remove her bulletproof vest, wanting to feel her husband against her, body to body. 
Even the rushed goodbyes as the others load into different SUVs heading elsewhere or maybe following them. Solana isn’t sure. She just knows it all takes too long when time is not on their side. 
She holds him, his large, heavy body leaning into her, his breathing haggard, both his shirt and her own soaked and drenched with blood, the same as her sweater that she keeps pressed against his wound, doing her best to buy them as much time.
She doesn’t ask how far they are away from the hospital.
She won’t.
Roman’s voice is pained and weakened almost. “Solana—”
“No.” The most perfect combination of emotional and stern. A single word that’s the equivalent of someone standing in front of a door that’s threatening to burst at the seams, completely overwhelmed to the point of explosion. And, the explosion would be Solana’s calm, her sanity, because she cannot fathom nor will she even entertain what he might be trying to tell her. “Just–just rest.”
Trembling hands move up and down his shoulders. “Don’t talk. Just—just listen.” A quiet, still stern command that’s both for his physical wellbeing and her mental stability. And, while his silence might be the worst thing ever for most people, for her, it’s calming in a sense. 
Solana moves her hands to his head, stroking his hair, loose and wild. She keeps it out of the way, makes sure none of the blood that seeps through his shirt and onto her own clothing makes its way onto his silky mane. “It’s tonight,” her voice cracks, as she reminds him, “I–I told you I would tell you tonight.”
A night unlike any she’s ever experienced, she won’t let it pass without making good on her promise.
She doesn’t care about the presence of the other two men, doesn’t care what they overhear, what they learn.
It doesn’t matter. 
The only thing that matters is keeping Roman awake.
He can’t lose consciousness.
“I—I wanna use the money to create a foundation,” she starts off, having to revisit the many exciting realizations she’d stumbled across while on her trip. A trip that seems so long ago now. “I want to open up domestic violence shelters for women and children. One here and one in Mexico.” Solana holds him a little tighter, does her best to make him as comfortable as one can be in this situation. She knows the friction of the truck speeding through uneven terrain doesn’t help, but she hopes her words and information can allot him some type of solace. “And, I—I wanna name the foundation after my mother.”
That last part was something that took her a minute to settle on, the confusing, unresolved feelings of hurt, anger, and resentment towards the woman who loved and cared for her for the first ten years of her life, partially clouding her judgment. Solana had almost forgotten why that was an area she’s so passionate about.
Because while her mother wasn’t perfect and didn’t make all the right decisions, she was still a victim, too. She, like so many other women, lost her life in trying to make a better life for her daughter. For Solana. Alma didn’t do everything right, but in the end, she made the ultimate sacrifice.
And, Solana knows countless other women like her mother are out there, and she wants to use the time she has left on this earth to make it so that the number of women trapped in domestic violent relationships, along with their kids, have the help and resources Alma didn’t.
“I’m gonna double major in nursing and business, so I have that business knowledge, too.” She strokes his lightly bruised cheek, adding in a light voice. “You might have to help me sometimes with homework and stuff.”
Roman’s quiet chuckle is hard to appreciate with the grimace that follows it. He’s in pain. She knows it, and she hates it. Hates that she can’t miraculously heal him from his injuries. Can’t make the truck go any faster than it’s already going. All she can do is continue to try to soothe him with her words, distracting and informative. 
Another wave of emotion hits as Solana transitions to the more sentimental realizations. “Cataleya….I want…I want her middle name to be Alma, after….after my mother.” Scenes and flashes from the dreams of the quieter of their girls, her soft smile and warm eyes. “Because she…she has my mother’s gentle, pure aura about her.” Solana shifts just enough, moving in sync with Roman who groans quietly. “Catalina…” Solana is the one to chuckle this time, sharing, “her middle name will be Fetu.” Solana can feel it, she doesn’t know how or why, but she can feel the way he tenses almost in her arms. A tension that melts into something close to calm. “Because she has that fire in her like her daddy and her great aunt.” Flashes of their brave, strong little girl with nothing but determination and resilience.
Just like her daddy.
“And our son.” Her voice cracking reveals the toll of the situation that’s finally making its impact on her known, but Solana shoves it away. Forces it back. Not right now. “I want to name our son after you.” Solana angles her head to look at him as she gently caresses his cheek. “I wanna name him Tamasa.”
Roman’s eyes are shut, a small almost solemn smile on his face. "Yeah?"
She nods, eyes watering once more. "Yeah."
Because, she can't think of a better, stronger, kinder man than to name their firstborn son after.
It would be an honor. Truly.
Something settles in Roman's gaze, something distant and somber. His eyes close, his voice low and exhausted. “I love you.”
For the first in her life, those are the three words she doesn’t enjoy hearing. Not from him. 
Because she knows exactly what he’s saying.
He’s saying goodbye.
“No.” Solana can’t breathe. She can only shake her head, moving her hands to his face, slapping him lightly. “Roman, stay with me.” She’s only slightly relieved to see his eyes fluttering, a sign that he’s still fighting, still breathing. “You can’t leave me, okay?” He says nothing, just continues to look at her with that sad, solemn grin on his handsome face. “We have to build our house, remember? We—we have to have our big family.” Lips trembling, she presses against his temple, murmuring and crying against him, “you’re going to be okay.” 
A promise to him. A promise for herself.
For their daughters in her stomach and the children they’ll have after.
Because, Solana refuses to accept anything else.
She’s been through hell.
Roman has been through hell.
Their story won’t end this way. She won’t let it.
But, then the truck stops. Stops moving altogether, and she nearly loses it.
“What are you doing?” Solana sounds every bit as frantic as she feels. “Drive! He’s losing too much blood, we have to—we have to get him to the hospital!" Speaking aloud the uncomfortable truth and reality is a crushing, cumbersome thing. Because the reality is that while her words soothed him in some ways, it didn’t stop nor slow down the blood that continues to soak him, her, and the seat of the car.
A devastating reminder that time is most definitely not on their side. Every fucking second is precious, and she won’t stand for any of it being wasted.
“Drive!” She screams once more, nearly hyperventilating when both Matteo and Dwayne hop out of the truck. A nervous breakdown is right around the corner until the side door is ripped open, and a blinding light forces Solana to look away, protectively cradling her husband. 
But, it’s not just the light, there’s sound. It’s loud. Familiar. Chipped, intermittent. Deafening in some ways. 
The light is eclipsed by two bulky figures, Matteo and Dwayne. 
Solana realizes they’re pulling Roman away from her.
And, the panic sets in.
“Solana, look!” Matteo’s voice is urgent and pressing, one hand restricting her, which only exacerbates her anxiety and anger.
But, she does look, and when she does, it’s an instant switch. 
The panic that filled and threatened to overwhelm her is melted into an abundance of relief as she takes in the scene before her, nothing short of a miracle.
A helicopter with the same color patterns as the local hospital, the star of life, blades moving rapidly, as if ready to take off at any moment. Bright lights on and doors opened, two medical professionals rush out to meet Dwayne who’s helping Roman remain upright and on his feet.
“We knew someone would be needing medical attention,” Matteo informs, as she looks over at him wide eyed and bursting with appreciation. "So, we prepared ahead of time." He gestures to where Dwayne can be seen talking to the paramedic, likely explaining the nature of Roman’s injuries.
If not for the situation, Solana would 1000% express to Matteo her immense gratitude. For everything. For it all.
But, in this moment, her only concern, the only thing she can think about, is being with her husband.
Solana is once again a frantic mess as she moves to climb out the truck, her legs carrying her over just in time as she tells, not asks, the flight paramedic, “I’m going with him.”
She’s met with zero protests despite the tight space, Roman’s big body taking up more space than the average person. Of that, she’s sure.
But, none of that matters. 
There’s a bit of a blur around her, as they work to get an IV into Roman, talks of tourniquets, hemostatic dressings, blood transfusions, while they work to get him as stable as possible as the helicopter lifts off, carrying them to the hospital where he’ll get the medical treatment he needs.
The treatment that will save his life. 
And, that’s what matters to Solana. That’s what has her finally sobbing, her hand in his, both caked in old and fresh blood, the same blood that stains her clothing and body, some splatters on her face. It’s all irrelevant. All immaterial.
They’re safe.
Roman is safe. 
He’s going to be alright.
He’s going to live.
She’s safe. 
She’s going to be alright.
And most importantly, their babies are safe.
The girls are going to be alright.
It’s a welcomed, cherished, moving thing and scene that contrasts the backdrop of a sudden loud boom, a painting of orange and yellow hues that paint the night sky miles behind and under. An explosion at the same plant where they just were.
Where some still remain.
a/n: these two have been through enough. to kill off either of them would be trauma porn. not to mention, neither would ever really, truly recover if they lost one another. it would make all their progress null and void.
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dilf-luvr-4evr · 2 months ago
Husband! & Dad!Arthur Morgan headcanons!! idk about this but some people seemed to love the one where reader is pregnant so 👉🏼👈🏼 thank you!!! <3
no warnings, just fluff, mentions of Christianity, f!Reader
from the way he talked to the bath girls, it seems like he’s someone who’d talk to you about how hard his day has been :( he secretly likes to be babied fr!!!
might not be used to having someone listen to him yap at first with his “alright, I’ll shut up now.” But you INSIST on hearing his crazy stories and he smiles, tries to keep going even though he feels bad.
that was the beginning of the relationship. Now he goes straight home to you all, “honey, you would never believe-” and you could tell the gossip is gonna be juicy.
Arthur “loyal” Morgan getting blackout drunk and rejecting you because he’s married. I need him desperately.
“You must have a feller,” he smirks, eyes half lidded and his ‘r’s all slurred.
“Mhm, I do. A very handsome one too,” you played along.
“I got a beautiful wife m’self,” he smiles wide, leaning forward and almost falling. “I’d marry you if I didn’t.”
though you aren’t religious, you tell Arthur that you end up quite lucky in life because you were christened as a baby. You asked him if your baby could go through christening as well, wanting them to have a good start in life with protection from God.
he was still paying off his bounties at the time. Seeing his fate in the past, he decided to agree.
“What the hell, why not,” he said, surprising you. “As long as it ain’t done by Swanson.” He needs all the luck he could get.
I feel like he gets these spontaneous outbursts sometimes? He can be a lil grumpy but his baby daughter would definitely soften that.
imagine him suddenly getting angry at something she did and she starts crying :( it would ABSOLUTELY break his heart and he’d panic every time :(((
“I’m sorry alright? I’m sorry baby girl..” “y’know I didn’t mean that right?” “Please stop crying darlin’ :(”
might also make her cry from his awful, terrible teasing and his stupid “oh c’mon, I’m just messin’ with ya!” He’s so mean sometimes booo
speaking of mean, I just know he’d be the sassiest, judgiest, snarkiest man when his daughter brings home a partner. Imagine the Kieran treatment…………
maybe not if it’s a girlfriend. If it’s a boyfriend? Poor guy will have to prove himself good enough for Arthur’s baby!!!
don’t worry, he’ll soften up when he remembers how he used to be treated by Mary’s dad HAHA
the Morgan house probably has lots of pets! I don’t think he would mind the strays that you and the kids just randomly bring home.
he’d just call them “girl” or “boy” (boah!) and you’d have to fix him or all of them comes over at the same time.
he probably draws his family a lot or takes pictures!!! All of his family’s photos on the walls, by his bedside table, in his journal for when he travels :(((((((
he would only travel when he needs to! Gets very anxious and worried and tries to go home as quick as possible even if it means not sleeping :(
he can sleep later in your arms for as long as you’d let him anyway!!! (Secretly a small spoon sometimes, deal with it)
the biggest sigh of relief when he hears his family welcoming him, when he sees them running to him, when he feels them hugging him (I’m sobbing)
from how the girls at camp make him take them somewhere or get them things, you can tell he’s probably gonna be such a pushover for his little family omg
you can ask him to do the craziest things you could think of (he’s done much worse anyway!!!) but this time his payment is just one “please?” And he would do just about anything for his family :(
he’d never admit it — not even to himself — but your smiles are more rewarding than any money he’s ever received <3
my masterlist
thank you for reading!! 🫶🏼
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@steddie-spooktober day 4: corn maze | G | wc: 1,147
uhhh i know i'm the one who came up with the corn maze prompt.. but hay bales suited this story better 🧍‍♀️
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“Okay, this is getting ridiculous. Where the hell is that kid?”
“Probably back there where I said we should’ve gone left.”
“You go find him then if—” Steve cuts himself off when he comes face to face with another dead end. The stack of hay bales mock him. “Alright. You know what, fine. I give up.”
“You give up.”
“I give up.” Steve plops down onto a pile of stray straw at the base of the five-bale-tall wall.
“That’s not the Harrington I know.” Eddie says, a smirk in his voice.
“Yeah, well, if this was a corn maze like they normally have every year, I’d just walk through the walls to the center. But no. They just had to have a crazy amount of hay this year, didn’t they?”
Eddie laughs at him, the bastard. Steve takes a second to glare furiously at him. It’s almost enough to kill off the unforeseen crush he’d developed on their newest party member, but even now, Eddie’s frustrating and frustratingly good looking.
The cold has brought some prickles of pink to his cheeks, the wind that would flood down on them whenever they’d turned down a parallel leg of the maze having done wonders to his hair, the exasperated smile he’s currently sporting.. Damn him and damn his pretty.. everything.
“Who would’ve thought that Captain of every team he’s on Harrington would only ever be a bad sport when it comes to harmless, family fun mazes.”
“...I’m not directionally gifted. Shut up.”
“Do you want me to take the lead, or do you actually want me to leave you here in the dirt?” Eddie holds out a hand for him to take.
Steve has no choice but to take it.
“Damn, your hands are cold!” Eddie says, pulling him up, “Alright sweetheart, you hang onto that, and I’ll get us out of here.”
Some of the heat that Steve could have routed down to his hand floods into his face instead.
Eddie stands still, almost frozen, for a few seconds, then says, “Right.” and starts pulling Steve along the way they came.
One right, two lefts, and one more right after that, and they break into the large, sunny center of the maze.
“Surprise!!” The entire rest of the party is there already, waiting for them with grins on their faces. “Happy Birthday Steve!"
He has to fight the urge to pinch at the bridge of his nose as the group surge forward toward them.
“We got you a birthday doughnut!” Robin says, holding up a small paper plate with a sugar-crusted doughnut on it; a single candle is wedged into a glazed doughnut hole that’s been smushed into the center of the other. The flame gets gusted out by the wind as she passes it to him. “Whoops..”
“I brought a canteen full of hot cider!”
“There are presents too, ours was Mike’s idea.” El’s comment surprises him, and Mike is already looking away from him pointedly when he glances over at him.
“The maze thing was Eddie’s idea!”
“Hey, the whole thing was Eddie’s idea, Henderson. Give him some credit.” Eddie says, pointing accusingly at Dustin.
Steve turns to raise an eyebrow at Eddie.
“How was I supposed to know that mazes are the one thing you’re bad at?” he says in a mock affronted tone.
Everyone laughs, and are soon piping up to tell their own stories of trying to get through from the other side.
“Dustin got all claustrophobic like, two minutes in, and it actually made him get through it faster.” Mike teases, poking Dustin in the side.
“I wish it was corn like last year, I would’ve gotten through in half the time.” Lucas grouses. (“That’s what I said!” Steve says, gesturing heartily at Lucas.)
“Me, Max, and Erica were the first ones through, it was so easy.” Robin says, “I thought we’d have to eat all the doughnuts to survive.”
They hang out in the center for a while, and it isn’t until he goes to reach for another pumpkin spice doughnut, pulling his hand from Eddie’s to do so, that he realizes Eddie was still holding his hand, thumb running idly back and forth across his knuckles the whole time.
Maybe Steve’s not the only one with a crush after all…
“Alright, ready Eddie?” Steve says once all the baked goods are gone and the presents (a sweater from the boys, a mini leather bound journal from Robin, a hefty handful of new pins for his work vest from the girls, and a new walkman from Hopper and Joyce) are packed away back into Will’s backpack. He stands up and starts doing some useless stretches, his arms, his calves, jogging in place.
“For what?! Are we running a marathon next? ‘Cause I gotta tell you Stevie, I may do a lot of running, but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it.”
“Nope, for my redemption arc. I’m leading us back out. And I won’t get lost this time.”
“Sure you won’t, Dingus.” Robin says, standing too and grabbing their trash. “See you boys on the other side.”
The party all tear out at the same time, splitting in half and timing their exits to go back through opposite sides, something about the winning half getting some sort of prize. Hopper and Joyce similarly split, a dinner date on the line for the winner.
“Alright Munson. Eyes closed, hand out.” Steve says once they reach the break in the wall too.
“Ooh, bossy. I like that.” he says, smirking at the eye roll Steve gives him as he squashes his eyelids shut.
Steve’s cold-ass fingers lace through his, not at all the platonic grip he’d had on Steve’s the last time.
They turn and weave and wind through the walls, and soon, as the drone of the crowds filter out, Eddie can tell Steve’s gotten them lost once again.
“There. Think this is good enough.” Steve murmurs, and before Eddie can ask what he means by that, Steve has pulled him sharply around, spinning him and pressing him back into the prickly wall of hay.
Eddie’s eyes fly open in surprise when his back hits the bales, but closes them again in the next second when Steve’s lips connect with his.
Funnily enough, they’re warmer than Eddie’s, and the press of them makes his stomach swoop almost violently.
Too soon, way too soon, Steve is pulling back. “You planned a surprise for me.” he breathes.
“Robin helped.” Eddie breathes dumbly in return.
Steve snorts, pushing closer to him, “I’m going to kiss you again.”
“Uh huh.”
He leans closer, gaze hooded. “That okay?”
“More than.”
Steve tastes like cinnamon sugar, and suddenly it’s the best flavor in the world.
(“Okay, you can lead us back out now.” Steve says, after ten minutes spent warming his hands on the skin of Eddie’s torso.)
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divider from @saradika-graphics!
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aemondapologistfrfr · 7 months ago
His Princess - Pt7
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fancast!bloody ben x targ!fem!reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Summary: The battle continues at Kings Landing as the dance begins in Harrenhal. When everything seems overwhelming there is a break on the horizon. Rhaenyra sends Y/n and Ben back to Harrenhal after they take Kings Landing to see the outcome. 
Warnings: 18+ battle/war, blades, blood, death, swearing, my version of the battle above gods eye(spoiler for the show bc it’s fr and it’s not cute) - mc but cannon death, beheading, alys spreading info like the gossip she is, after war and gossip oral(f receiving), fingering
Authors Note: hopefully the switching of the povs offers what I wanted it to!!!!, hate cole but i can’t deny he’s a good swordsman and would need at least two ppl to take him in a fight, i tried to keep gods eye minimal bc i can’t stand dragons fighting!!!, also daeron is not apart of this story bc i didn’t want another dragon to be hurt!
Word Count: 5.5k almost half of this is war
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Y/n Pov:
“Find him,” I sob to Vermithor and his growls shake the walls around the city as Silverwing and I give out an earth shattering cry as we circle the host raining fire upon the Greens. 
Vermithor gives out a bone chilling roar and sprays fire along the Gods gate. I’m turning my head searching for any sign of Ben as Silverwing follows close to Vermithor. I take notice of Vermithors wound but it’s more of just a scratch and the bleeding has already ceased much to my relief. My adrenaline rises to match my fear as my heart pounds wildly in my chest as we continue our search for Ben. 
Vermithor circles around where I last saw Ben and begins to fly down to the ground. He sprays the ground in dragon flame before he lands on the burning men as Silverwing lands us in the center of the fire next to him. The warmth licks at my armor as I watch the flames die around me. As the haze clears I see Ben cutting down men around him in a frenzy. 
I sob in relief as I see him still in one piece and quickly slide off of Silverwing. I slip the sword from my back and go to Ben’s side. My blade becomes an extension of myself as my body goes into a killing calm. Everything around me fades away as I face man after man. As I turn to my next victim I can see the burnt scorpion behind the host. 
Cole emerges from the ruins and bodies offering me a bloody smile. Our dragons step closer to me and bare their teeth. Their low growls and chuffs vibrate the ground beneath us. Ben turns to me and sees Cole walking over to me and quickly makes it to my side. 
“You need two dragons and a whores daughter to stand against me?” Cole laughs to Ben bitterly spitting.
“You will still die in the end.” I hum raising my sword.
“We shall see.” he charges forward with his blade in front of him and I quickly fold backwards to avoid his swing. 
Ben comes from behind and strikes with his sword and Cole barely avoids the metal. I rise once again and try to catch Cole from behind but he is quick on his feet. The three of us dance with our blades as the war continues to wage around us. My nerves start to rise as I see our host getting overwhelmed as both of our dragons are grounded with us for the moment. 
This moment of thought has costed me dearly. Pain washes through the side of my face as blood trickles down my neck as Coles sword slices my flesh. I give out a loud cry and Silverwing screams with me. 
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Harrenhal Pov:
The clouds hang low in the sky as the smell of rain on the horizon washes over the ruined castle. The sky is preparing to weep for the dance that will soon take place. Fog begins to roll in from the forest line casting everything in a gray light.  
“You will die here today.” Alys appears through the foggy gates walking to Daemon and Caraxes.
“As long as I take Aemond with me, I care not.” Daemon pulls his helm on and makes sure everything is secure.
“So eager to die before you meet your grandchild?” Alys tilts her head with a small smile.
“They’ll be better off without me.” he mounts Caraxes and shoots into the sky. 
Daemon has had enough of Alys’ mind games and doesn’t even bat an eye at the insinuation of having grandchildren. He never saw himself living long enough to see his children or wife contented. He knows this is the last thing he will be able to give them and he hopes it’s enough to change the tides of the war. 
Daemon circles around Harrenhal keeping his eyes peeled for Vhagar and her one eyed rider. He’s growing impatient but he can feel the promise of death in the air. Caraxes perches on one of the towers as they await their fate. A low grumble comes from the distance and Vhagar comes into view from the clouds. 
Daemon shoots into the sky and lures them away from the castle. He doesn’t much care for this castle but he knows many Lords will ask Rhaenyra for it so it must remain standing. He leads Aemond over the body of water called Gods Eye.
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Y/n Pov:
As I rise to my feet Ben is relentlessly bashing his sword into Coles. The metal song promises death. I try to find an opening to help Ben once more but he has a glazed look over his eyes as he slams repeatedly into Cole. I watch on in shock as I’ve never seen Ben fight like this. Some of his men stop and watch on as this one on one continues. 
Our dragons grumble as some of Coles men stand and watch. It seems as if this part of the wall is on a pause as they wait to see what happens. I rip a piece of my shirt off from under my armor and wipe off the side of my face. The cut seems to start just under my eye and travels down to my jaw. The dirtied cloth stings but it helps staunch the blood. Ben lets out a mighty roar and swings his long sword and I gasp with widened eyes.
“Your Kingmaker.” Ben yells as he raises Coles head into the air. 
He dips down and grabs Coles foot and drags it to Vermithor who grabs his leg in his claws. He returns to me still gripping Coles head in his hands and I look to him as he’s breathing heavily. He turns my face and looks at my cut as his nostrils flare.
“I’m sorry.” he whispers as the men begin to look around unsure if we’re to keep fighting. “To Silverwing.” he nods his head and begins to usher me over before he goes to mount Vermithor. 
Vermithor and Silverwing shoot to the skies and give out victorious growls. I look down at Vermithors claws as Coles headless body is being paraded through the air. He slides low to the Green host and they falter as they take on the body hanging above them. 
“Your Kingmaker is dead and your King dies at Harrenhal.” Ben proclaims as we fly along the walls. 
A loud grumble comes from the clouds and my heart stops as I see a large shadow approaching. As the dragon comes into view I squint my eyes trying to figure out who it is. It’s not Vhagar or any other I’ve ever seen. Silverwing chirps and flies to meet the new dragon. I shake my head thinking I must be delusional from blood loss as I spot Rhaena atop this dragon. 
“I figured I would help in the war!” Rhaena calls out as her dragon gives out a fierce cry and I look below as a sob rips through me as I see a grand host from the Vale and the North seeping through the tree lines running to meet the Greens host.
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Harrenhal Pov:
Caraxes and Vhagar circle each other around the body of water and give out low grumbles. The sky begins to cry as the dragons close in on one another. The Blood Wyrm quickly twists around the old fossil as she barely turns in time for the first snap of teeth. Vhagar gives out a loud cry as Caraxes sinks his teeth into her neck. 
Vhagar pulls away from Caraxes and breathes fire upon him and Daemon. Daemon flies through the flame and straight for Vhagars rider. Aemond dips, narrowly avoiding Caraxes maw. They pull back from one another and the dragons circle above the water once more.
“You have lived long enough,” Aemond calls across the skies to Daemon. 
“Something we agree upon,” Daemon chuckles as he begins to unclip from Caraxes. 
The world seems to hold its breath as Daemon unsheathes Dark Sister and points to Aemond and Vhagar. Caraxes flies quick and hard latching onto Vhagar. Daemon jumps from his dragon to Aemond landing on Vhagars head. He sprints down on uneven feet as Aemond struggles to get his weapon or unclip from his saddle. 
“For my Queen,” Daemon roars as he pierces Dark Sisters through Aemonds one eye before everything goes black.
The dragon’s give out a cry and spiral down to the water. The impact could be felt well over a hundred miles. Blood rain falls from the sky as the false King and the Rogue Prince implode to their watery grave. 
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3rd person Rhaenyra Pov: 
Addam has been sent to recruit the small folk and hand out armor and weapons for those willing and able. Rhaenyra has slipped into the castle through the tunnels and has made quick work of finding her loyalists. She makes it to the throne room and lets out a breathy laugh. Alicent and Helaena are brought in and kneel before her. 
“Rhaenyra please,” Alicent pleads from her knees as Rhaenyra holds a blade to her throat. 
“You brought this upon yourself.” she looks down to Alicent with contempt. 
“The Kings are dead.” Helaena speaks softly from her place next to Alicent. 
“Which ones?” Rhaenyra turns her head to Helaena lowering the blade from Alicents throat. 
“All of them.” Helaena shakes her head and Rhaenyras blade falls out of her hand. 
“Ring the bells to let-“ 
“Your Grace, another dragon and a host.” Addam bursts through the throne room doors breathing heavily.
“Who?” Rhaenyra looks at him confused. 
“They say Rhaena with a host from the Vale and North.” Addam takes in the scene before him. 
“She’s done it.” Rhaenyra smiles breathing out a sigh of triumph and relief.
“They also say that Ben and Vermithor are flying around Coles headless body above the host. He carries his head on his back.” Alicent lets out a soft sob at his words. 
“Your son’s are dead. Your Kingmaker has been beheaded. You are surrounded. Ring the bells and save your remaining men.” Rhaenyra looks down to Alicent. 
“The common folk will remember this destruction.” Alicent narrows her eyes at Rhaenyra. 
“They fight your host from within the walls. You have lost.” Rhaenyra tugs Alicent up harshly and begins to bring her to the bell tower. 
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Y/n Pov: 
My head cranes to the city as the bells begin to toll. All of the dragons surround the city and  give out one last cry before they start to the Keep. As we look down the fighting is slowing and swords are being lowered. I’m in awe as we fly through the city at the amount of small folk that are pushing the Greens out of the gates. 
Baela and Jace come into view and tears start sliding down my face as I see them unscathed and safe. Rhaena comes from behind the Keep with Addam trailing close behind her. Our dragons follow Syraxs call and we land perched on the main gates. 
We all dismount and make it down to the main courtyard. We all look to each other and my siblings take in mine and Ben’s appearance. Their eyebrows furrow as they see my cut and look to our blood and dirt covered bodies. I turn to Ben and see Cole’s head bouncing against his back as he approaches me. Vermithor lets out a low growl and flings Cole’s body to the center of the yard. 
“I see burning people wasn’t enough for you both.” Jaces voice drowns out as me and Ben look to each other. 
“Let’s find a witch to bring him back. I want to kill him slower.” his voice rough as he tilts my chin to look at my cut. 
“I’m okay.” I look up to him taking in the death that remains in his eyes. 
“We will find you a maester at once.” he pulls me with him into the castle. 
“Where are you two going?” Baela yells after us. 
I tug him to the throne room thankful he doesn’t know where the maesters chambers are. I must see my mother. I need to know who rang those bells and what it means. As the doors groan under my hands I behold my mother atop the throne with her crown on her brow. 
“Daughter,” Rhaenyra rises taking in my state. “My children,” her voice wavers as the rest of my siblings trail in behind me and Ben. 
“My Queen,” I bow. 
“Call for a maester,” Rhaenyra flicks her head to Jace and he’s out in the hall shouting in seconds. 
I huff as he brings in a maester who sits me on a chair and begins to clean my wound. Ben holds my hand as the maester beings to stitch up my cheek. Rhaenyra is lowly talking to my siblings about how their plans went and she finally turns to me and Ben. 
“I wish to see the head.” Rhaenyras voice travels through the hall. 
“The rest of him is in the courtyard.” Ben rises from my side and pulls the head from his back. He offers her the head holding it by his hair. 
“You’ve done me a great service, Benjicot.” she shakes her head at a loss for words. “What happened to your cheek?” Rhaenyra turns her attention to me. 
“Cole.” I say trying to steady my breathing as the maester pulls the thread in and out of my flesh for his last stitch.
“You fool,” she shakes her head before she leans down and engulfs me in a hug before she turns back to the group of us.
“We’ve done it, gather the remaining Lords so we may start about clearing out the traitors and moving forward.” she turns and nods her head to us. “Ben, Y/n,” she stops us before we exit.
“Yes?” we turn back to her. 
“I have one more immeasurable favor to ask of you both.” she whispers down to us. 
“Say it and it will be done.” I look to her with tired eyes but ready to do what she needs. 
“Go to Harrenhal and see what remains.” her voice barely a murmur as her eyes begin to tear. 
“We will go at once,” I nod my head. 
She walks out of the Keep with us as we take in the dragons and the wall crumbling under their claws. Her head snaps to the rest of Coles body that remains in the center of the courtyard. From beyond the gates we hear shouts and cries of agony from the people who were not as lucky. 
“Fly safe and stay together.” she pulls me and Ben into a tight hug. “Please return to me.” her voice a whisper as she looks to both of us. 
Ben turns to me and we finally have a moment alone to ourselves. I look into his eyes and he seems to be coming down from his adrenaline still. I wrap my arms around him and he holds me tightly against him. I care not of our blood and dirt and pull his lips to mine feverishly.
“I want you to fly with me and Vermithor,” he looks down to me separating our lips. 
“Ben, I’m fine,” I sigh looking up to him.
“I know, but I just want you by me.” his hold on me tightens.
“Then ask Silverwing,” I relent and he pulls away to turn to my dragon as I walk to his.
“You flew valiantly today, my beautiful Silverwing. Will you allow Y/n to fly with me and Vermithor on our next journey?” I turn from Verithors neck and see Silverwing nudge into Ben before he starts towards me.
“Up you go.” he softly tugs me towards his wings and I begin my climb. We quickly settle and take flight. Silverwing flies next to us and they both give out a victorious song to the men below before we coast out on the horizon.
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As we enter the Riverlands we can feel the great loss in the air. The clouds weep, cleaning off some of our blood and dirt as we make our way to the ruined castle. Our dragons give out low grumbles as we approach Harrenhal and begin to make our descent outside the main gates. 
Ben helps me off refusing to let me do anything on my own. He has a hand pressed against me at all times and grabs my hand for his own once we make it the ground. The heaviness in the air is unsettling while the wind sings an eerie song.��
The castle grounds are silent. We saw no dragons on approach and hear nothing as we look around for any sign of a threat. As we turn my heart goes to my throat as Alys appears. 
“Where are they?” I ask pulling the bone knife from its sheath and pointing it at her. 
“I would think you wouldn’t be so quick to show your child more death and violence. Though, you are your father’s child..” she trails off with a smile. 
“My child?” my eyebrows furrow as I raise the knife even higher. 
“The one you’ve been carrying for a moon now.” she nods to me and looks to Ben. I bring my free hand to my abdomen and try to think of any signs that her words are true. “I may have played mind games with your father but I can’t slip through your bond with the child’s father. He’s very protective.” she chuckles to Ben who is now trying to push me behind him. 
“Where is my father?” my voice wavers as my mind already knows the answer. 
“You’ll find him under the Gods Eye.” her skirts swish as she disappears behind the walls once more. 
“Stay with the dragons and I will go.” he looks down to me intensely. 
“You will not start with this overprotective male dominance now.” I huff as I try to walk past him but he grabs my arm to stop me. 
“Y/n,” he looks to me with pleading eyes as his hand travels to my lower abdomen. 
“After I find my father,” I shake my head and pull him along with me. 
We walk silently to the body of water just beyond the crumbling fortress. Our dragons follow behind us the ground shaking at their heavy steps. As we approach my breath catches taking in the blood splattered around the shores. 
Pieces of the once great dragons are jutting through the surface of the water. I can tell it’s both dragons by their coloring and a sob bubbles out of my mouth. My hand slips from Ben’s as I fall to my knees on the shore looking on at the still water. He kneels next to me and hugs me tightly. 
“I have to go find him.” I shake my head as tears begin to slip down my cheeks. 
I rise and start to walk into the once clear water that seems to now be stained a blush pink. Water licks at my thighs until I begin to start my swim. I swim around the masses in the water until I spot Caraxes. As I dip my head under the water to look for him my stitched cut screams in agony. 
I pull up for breath and begin to move around to see if I can find him anywhere else. I’ve been searching around Caraxes and have found nothing so I relent and begin my search around Vhagar. Ben shouts at me from the shore but I can’t abandon this search. 
As I dip down under the surface again my eyes blurry I spot Aemond in Vhagars saddle. I slip above the water to take in a deep breath before I dive down. My eyes bulge as I take in Dark Sister pierced through his remaining eye. I quickly scan the area and my remaining air bubbles out of my mouth as I see Daemon resting on the rocky bottom. I swim to the top and let out a loud sob. 
“Ben, I need you,” I cry and he’s running into the water and at my side in seconds. 
We swim below the surface and I rip Dark Sister from Aemonds head as Ben begins to lift and pull Daemons body to the surface. I grab on and help him carry him to shore. As we finally make it to the sands I sit silently looking down at his blade. 
“I-“ I shake my head as tears begin falling down my face. 
I let out a grief stricken scream and Silverwing quickly approaches the shores and curls near me. Ben holds me to him as my sobs continue to wreck me. My breathing finally settles and he looks up to me with sad eyes while wiping them away with his thumbs. 
“We need to prepare his body to bring back home.” I sniffle before getting to my feet.
“I’ll go see if there’s a maester or someone,” Ben rises wiping the sand off of him. 
“I told him he would die here.” Alys comes from the other side of the shore. 
“Are you just here to mock me and speak in riddles?” I yell exasperated. 
“I’ve brought this for your cheek. It’ll heal it better than those stitches.” she offers me a cup and I look at the foul smelling paste. “I’m also the only maester, if that’s what you want to call me, and I can prepare his body for your travels.” she offers and I cant tell if she’s sincere or not so I turn to Ben hoping he will deal with this situation for me. 
“What is this paste?” he grabs the cup from my hands. 
“Your dragons wouldn’t allow me to poison the mother of your child. Use it or don’t.” she chuckles turning her head to look at our dragons. 
“I want his body treated with respect. Bound and wrapped tastefully befitting a King. All of his armor is to be cleaned and properly packed so we may travel with ease. We will take our old chambers while you finish your work.” Ben pulls me to his side as we begin to walk to the castle once more. 
Our feet drag up the stairs as we stop in front of familiar doors. Ben pushes them open and escorts me to a chair to sit down. I place Dark Sister next to me and let out a shaky sigh. He kneels in front of me and locks his eyes with mine. 
“I’m sorry,” his words soft as he places the cup with the paste next to me and grabs my hands. 
“I had hoped he would make it.” tears still slide down my cheeks as he pulls me down into a hug.
“It seems as if Alys made you a bath. Let me clean you and help you relax.” he hums standing with me. 
He walks me to the bath and begins to remove my stained armor. I peel off my clothes as he starts to take off his armor. When he removes his shirt I can see small cuts littering his skin and I look at him with sad but thankful eyes that he’s still with me. He helps me slide into the bath and takes a seat next to me. 
The warm water lulls my muscles and I lean back resting my head on the lip of the small pool. I feel the water shift and he starts to undo my braids releasing their tension. I sigh in relief and allow my eyes to drift shut. He brings a cloth and soap to begin wiping my skin as I relax further into the water. 
“Do you want to try her paste?” his voice soft as I crack an eye open. 
“Sure, if anything bad happens Silverwing will eat her.” I shrug as he rises out of the bath. 
“I will kill her myself if she causes harm to you.” his voice trails to me from the couch before he returns. 
He applies a generous amount of paste to his fingers and brings his free hand to my jaw to tilt my head. I look up to him expectantly as he lowers his fingers to my cheek. I wince as the cold paste slides down my face and a shiver travels my spine as I feel the wound dispelling the stitches and doing its own work. 
“It’s healed.” his words almost a question as he tilts my head. He brings his hand up and shows me the black thread that was once holding my cheek. “That means she wasn’t lying.” his hand slides from my chin and he places it on my stomach. 
“Ben,” his name falls from my mouth as I allow myself to finally think about Alys’ words and the life growing inside me. 
“The mother of my children, my Princess, my wife.” his words filled with devotion as his lips softly press against mine. 
I let his lips wash away the day and all that’s come with it. His hand resting on my lower abdomen slides a little lower and I moan into his mouth as he circles my clit. His lips kiss down my now healed cheek and licks around my pulse. 
“I can’t wait to see you growing with our child.” he whispers in my ear as he dips his fingers into my core. “You’re gunna be even more beautiful.” I rest my head on his shoulder as my hips grind into his hand as my pleasure is already washing through me from my heightened emotions.
“Come let’s get you into bed while I find you some clothes. I’m sure we’ve left some behind.” he helps me out of the tub and walks me over to the bed always keeping a hand placed on me. 
“Ben I’m not going to break, I just fought alongside you in a war.” I huff but still allowing him to pull the covers over my body. 
“Do not remind me.” his rage seeps off of him. 
“Don’t work yourself up again.” I roll my eyes chuckling. “Come to bed, let’s forget today for a little while.” I pout my lips trying to pull him in with me. 
“I must find you clothes and food and a drink. Is there anything else?” he rambles as he begins walking to the doors. 
“Maybe some clothes for yourself? I know Harrenhal is empty but I don’t think the ghosts want you walking around nude.” I shake my head smiling. 
He pulls open the wardrobe and quickly slides on some pants and continues to rifle through what we’ve left. He pulls out wrinkled shirt next and shrugs before putting it on. He finds the shortest slip that’s been made in all of the seven kingdoms apparently and tosses it to me on the bed. 
“Now you have clothes.” he nods to himself before slipping out the door. I sigh and slip the piece of fabric on nonetheless. I pull the blankets closer and allow my eyes to rest while he’s off on his hunt. 
“I found some meat and cake and that’s about it.” Ben pushes the doors open jolting me awake. “And water. I’ve also spoken with Alys.” I stretch out wiping my eyes. 
“Pray tell what more Alys had to say.” I sigh as I hold my hands out expectantly for my water. 
“Just that she’ll have everything prepared for us by the morning. I’ve sent a raven to  Rhaenrya telling her that we will return tomorrow.” he hands me my glass of water and sits on the bed next to me with the tray of food. 
“You didn’t deliver the news of Daemon in that letter, did you?” I pull the cup from my lips. 
“No, she needs to see for herself.” he shakes his head. He starts to cut up the meat on the tray and goes to feed it to me. 
“Benjicot Blackwood,” I scold. “What happened to the man who made me and Silverwing hunt for him and his dragon?” I raise my eyebrows as a smile plays on my lips. 
“Shh, I’ll be the man now.” he tries to hide his smile as I accept the meat from the fork. 
“Then that means no more jumping off of Vermithor into the middle of a war.” I narrow my eyes at him as I accept another mouthful. 
“I was wondering when you would yell at me about that.” he says sheepishly. 
“I was so fucking scared. I thought my heart was going to stop. Never do that again.” I furrow my brows. “You did look incredibly fierce doing it though.” I whisper and his eyes snap to mine. 
“Fierce, hm?” he smiles down to me. 
“And fucking stupid.” I push him back as he chuckles. 
“Well let’s hope our child takes after you.” his smile is soft as he sits up. 
“Do you wish for a boy or a girl?” I hum as he starts to feed me cake. 
“I care not.” his smile widens. 
“I hope for a girl, so I think we’ll have a boy.” I chuckle accepting more of the sweet dessert. 
“Then we’ll have as many until we get a girl.” he discards the tray on the ground to bring his full attention to me. 
“We shall see what the Gods grant us.” I hum pulling him into a kiss. “Did you not bring any food for yourself?” I pull back looking to him. 
“I ate as your food was being prepared. I wanted to have a different kind of dessert.” his eyes darken and he crawls over me kissing me once more. 
My thighs spread as he settles between them. He licks and kisses down my neck before circling his tongue over my covered nipples. I whine as he scrapes his teeth around them before snaking his way lower. He places featherlight kisses down my slit as I sigh, bucking my hips to his face. 
His tongue juts out and offers small licks to my sensitive bud as I softly pant above him. His lips encase me while his tongue lashes against me quickly. My hand goes to his hair as I grind against his mouth and chase my pleasure. His other hand interlocks with my free hand as he continues with his tongue. 
“Ben, fuck,” I cry as I arch off the bed. 
He licks down my center and pushes his tongue into me as I gasp trying to catch my breath. He brings his other hand to circle along my bud as his tongue laps at my wetness. I explode across his face and he continues licking to clean me off. I sigh as my body melts into the bed as he comes to lay at my side. 
“What of you?” I say my eyes barely open as I go to reach for his length. 
“I’m okay, my love. Rest.” he grabs my hand and kisses my forehead as I curl into him allowing my mind to forget all of the bad today and only think of the good. 
We’ve taken Kings Landing. My mother sits the throne. My cheek is healed. I have a life growing inside me. I have a man who is absolutely devoted to me at my side awaiting the day we can marry and I can’t wait to marry him. I drift off contented listening to his heartbeat. 
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masterlist 🔌 
Part 8
ik i said 3 more parts 2 parts ago which means only one more after this but that’s just not enough?? and now i want to write abt them being happy and married and with kids wtfff are ppl down for that or do i do a spin off series??? like lmk bc i want more than just an epilogue and a glimpse like no i want to see this man waiting on you hand and foot and being absolutely OBSESSED with you pregnant with his child 
taglist ✍️ 
@clarityisnofun @gabriella-aesthetic @callsignwidow @llynx7 @anaviieiraaa @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @zanygot7straykidsbonk
if I missed anyone lmk!
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its-avalon-08 · 10 months ago
Fellas!!! just hear me out!!! One story about Jenson Button based on Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes). She's his assistant, a little clumsy in her daily life but she's very efficient at her job. He has a massive crush on her
love grows where my rosemary goes (jb22)
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y/n fumbled with the travel mug, spilling a searing stream of coffee down her pristine white blouse. "oh no!" she shrieked, hopping on one foot as the liquid burned through the fabric.
her hair is kinda wild and free
jenson button, watching from his driver's room doorway, fought back a laugh. it wasn't the first time his ever-so-slightly-clumsy assistant had a mishap. yet, despite the constant stream of minor disasters – misplaced files, tripped heels, rogue staplers launching staples across the room – y/n was the epitome of efficiency. her calendar was his lifeline, her emails impeccably crafted, and her research skills unmatched.
And people say she's crazy
he cleared his throat, stepping into the room. "seems like love grows where your coffee goes today, eh y/n?" he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
y/n whipped around, the mug clutched precariously in her hand. "jenson! don't start," she mumbled, cheeks flushing a shade that rivaled the spilled coffee.
he couldn't help but grin. "here, let me help." jenson took the mug, placing it on his desk. "go change, I'll grab you another coffee."
"thank you," y/n mumbled, scurrying out of the office.
jenson shook his head, a warmth spreading through him as he watched her go. he'd been harboring a secret crush on y/n for months. but confessing felt like navigating a formula 1 race with a blindfold on – potentially disastrous.
he grabbed a fresh mug, a mischievous idea forming in his head. as y/n returned, looking sheepish but still beautiful, he placed the mug on his desk. "here you go," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
y/n cautiously took a sip. "mmm, that's better. thanks, jenson."
"no problem," he said, leaning back in his chair. "so why are you downing your third coffee of the day?," he began.
y/n's eyes widened. "you kept count?"
he smirked. "yeah. you seem to be quite flustered today."
"oh!" y/n's cheeks flushed again. "it's just... i need the caffeine to keep up with you, mr. button," she countered, a playful edge to her voice.
jenson's heart did a little skip. "actually," he admitted, leaning forward, "it's you who keeps up with me. you're amazing at your job, y/n."
a genuine smile bloomed on her face. "thank you, jenson. that means a lot."
the room fell silent for a moment, a comfortable quiet settling between them. jenson took a deep breath. "y/n," he started, his voice low, "there's something I've been wanting to tell you..."
oh, but love grows where my rosemary goes
the office door burst open, shattering the moment. jenson's publicist, richard, barreled in, phone pressed to his ear. "jenson, urgent interview request! need you on set in fifteen!"
jenson groaned. "alright, alright, richard," he sighed, his eyes locking with y/n's for a fleeting second. "we'll continue this conversation later, alright?"
y/n nodded, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "later," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips.
as jenson followed richard out, the half-confession hanging in the air, he couldn't help but think – maybe, just maybe, love was about to grow where his assistant was too.
she's really got a magical spell
the press conference crackled with a peculiar tension. jenson, impeccably dressed but internally simmering, fielded questions from a pack of reporters hungry for gossip. it was after a particularly grueling race, and the focus seemed to be less on his performance and more on his personal life, with thinly veiled jabs about his "playboy" image.
one particularly obnoxious reporter, a woman with a permanent smirk plastered on her face, leaned forward, her voice dripping with insinuation. "jenson, rumors have been swirling about your recent 'companionship' with a young model. can you confirm or deny these claims?"
jenson gritted his teeth. he was about to launch into a rehearsed, pr-approved response when a voice, clear and unwavering, cut through the cacophony.
"excuse me," y/n said, her voice surprisingly firm as she stepped forward from the corner where she'd been quietly taking notes. "mr. button's private life is exactly that – private. perhaps we could focus on the actual race, where he displayed exceptional skill and…" she trailed off, a glint of defiance in her eyes, "...strategic brilliance."
that i love her endlessly
the room went silent, the reporters momentarily stunned. jenson's heart thudded against his ribs, a mixture of surprise and admiration washing over him. he'd never seen y/n like this – a tiny titan, standing up for him in a room full of sharks.
y/n continued, her voice gaining confidence. "mr. button's talent and dedication speak for themselves. let's talk about the record-breaking lap time he achieved in the third quarter, or the…"
the reporters, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, started peppering her with questions about the race. y/n, much to jenson's amusement, expertly fielded them all, her knowledge of the sport as impressive as her poise.
as the press conference ended, the reporters shuffled out, muttering amongst themselves. jenson turned to y/n, speechless.
"y/n, that was…" he began, searching for the right words.
there's something about her hand holding mine
"just doing my job," she said, a hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks. "those questions were ridiculous."
jenson shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "you were incredible. you saved the day, again."
y/n looked down shyly. "i just didn't want them to disrespect you."
jenson reached out, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "you never do," he murmured, his voice low. "you're an angel, y/n. you know that, right?"
nobody knows like me
y/n's eyes widened, surprise flickering across her face. jenson felt a surge of heat rise in his cheeks. maybe, just maybe, he'd let his feelings slip a little too much. but as he met her gaze, a hint of something new shimmering in her eyes, he couldn't help but hope that his not-so-subtle confession wasn't entirely lost in the haze.
jenson u sweetheart<3
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
leave a like! leave a note!
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anachronismstellar · 4 months ago
What about Wei Qingwei? 👀
"Thrity percent."
"Ten percent."
"Twenty five percent."
"Five, and if you keep pushing, I will give you nothing at all." Shang Qinghua slammed his book closed, the threat like a sharp knife being held over Wei Qingwei's dreams of a new forge.
"The Immortal Allience Conference is coming soon, I need a new forge to make new weapons," Wei Qingwei said as if his argument couldn't be refuted. Better start sooner than later, right? Even stubborn Shang Qinghua couldn't find fault in a point like that!
"Wei-shixiong," The An Ding Peak Lord rubbed his hands all over his face, smearing ink on his cheek as he gave the biggest sigh Wei Qingwei ever seen someone give. "I understand your frustration and your anxiety to start things now, believe me, I know," Shang Qinghua gestured at his entire desk, a chaos of papers and parchments, some of them covered in numbers so tiny it hurt Wei Qingwei's eyes to look at them for too long. "But as you can see, everyone wants a head start, and as we have discussed, many times I may add, the Immortal Allience Conference budget will be given next year. And is no one's fault-" Then he paused, mumbling something suspiciously like "but your own", only to continue with a smile. "That your disciples blew up a forge. Again."
Wei Qingwei crossed his arms, tapping his fingers. It annoyed him to no end that his lie had been caught before he could use it, but something nagged on his mind that the money wasn't actually the problem here.
He had heard... Stories. You see, blacksmithing could be really boring. When you're waiting for a new ore shipment, or when one had nothing to do besides polishing metal (hehe) again and again, what one could do besides gossiping? And the last big whisper among his older disciples had been too good for him to ignore.
Long night meetings with Zhangmen-Shixiong, visits at odd hours to a certain bamboo house, doctor's appointments in the middle of the night while being perfectly healthy... One had to be stupid to not connect the dots.
The quiet as a mouse, shadow of twelve peaks, Lord Shang Qinghua fucked. And he must be pretty good at it if the types like Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu came back for more.
Another thing that wasn't hard to see was how stressed the man looked. To be honest, Wei Qingwei doesn't remember any time Shang-shidi was not stressed. Maybe it was because they met only during meetings. Or when he went to ask for money. Hm.
What Qi Qingqi said? Something something vinegar and bees and honey? Maybe he should try another strategy.
"This one would like to apologize to his Shidi for the insistence. But maybe I could bid on a final offer?" And Wei Qingwei didn't curl his finger on his hair because he wasn't that shameless, but he wasn't ashamed to pull his sleeves up to show off some muscle, leaning forward to let his outer robes slide just enough to show his clavicle.
Shang Qinghua stared.
"Very well, a final offer," he agreed and then proceeded to pretend to organize his desk, taking a glance or two at Wei Qingwei's neck.
"Shidi goes back to his first ten percent advance deal," Now Wei Qingwei knew he was laying on too thick by Shang Qinghua's snort. Still, he didn't back off, winking as he said: "and I can craft something special for you."
"Hmm..." Shang Qinghua moved more papers around, pulled his collar as he took another peek at Wei Qingwei's chest. "I do have some projects in mind that would require Wei-shixiong's expertise..." He hesitated for another moment, slowly laying back until his back hit the panel behind him, one of his hands going to his sword, playing with the tassel like a cat about to catch a mouse. "Also, it's been a while since I've polished my sword. Would Wei-shixiong consider putting that in his offer as well?"
The next day...
"I swear to Heavens, your hair is possessed by something. What did you do to make it so knotted?" Qi Qingqi was being delicate, mind you, she would never be less than gentle, but she also couldn't resist pulling the curls a little bit stronger than she would. Served Wei Qingwei right for making her spend an entire morning taking care of his curly creature.
Also, Wei Qingwei's dreamy sighs were starting to annoy her. He was acting worse than her teenage girls!
"I went to talk to Shang-shidi yesterday," he said as if he wasn't almost vibrating to share how did it go.
"And?" she rolled her eyes, pulling her comb just enough to make him hiss. "By the look on your face he agreed on giving you more money."
He started laying back on her, but before he could ruin all her hard work on the lower part of his hair, she hit him with the comb. And it was a testimony of how smug he was that his only reaction was to laugh, eyes creasing into two half moons, smiling like a sly fox.
"He gave me something alright."
She stopped mid movement blinking once then twice, mouth opening in a surprised gasp.
"You didn't."
"Oh I did."
"I can't believe you did it."
"I can't believe how huge is his-"
"Stop!" She hit him again with the comb, and then a second time. She didn't need that image in her head the next meeting, thank you very much!! "Shut up! I don't wanna hear it!"
"Ow, ow, alright I'm sorry!" He apologized but kept laughing, no, not laughing, giggling like he were about to kick his feet and start making plans for a wedding.
She loved him, but. Ew.
"How is he that good?" She wondered out loud when they finally calmed down and went back to controlling Wei Qingwei's hair. "He looks like he's about to faint half of the time, and the other half, he's crying about us being mean to him."
"I have no idea, but he's growing quite the reputation. But it does make sense after you think about it. And!" This time she couldn't hold him in place, Wei Qingwei turning around so she could see him wiggling his eyebrows. "Explains a lot why a lot of lords were blushing last meeting. You know the voice he does? The bossy one?"
She dropped everything to cover her ears, closing her eyes as well so she couldn't even read his lips. "I don't wanna hear it!!"
That send Wei Qingwei into another fit of giggles, throwing his head back while covering his face with both hands.
Qi Qingqi didn't understand, honestly she didn't want to understand. But her best friend was having fun, so if she sent a blessing on Shang Qinghua's way, that was between her and the Heavens.
Aaaaaand Wei Qingwei had his turn! :D I wanted to make it more naughty but I'm at work and djahskfjskdks Everyone here knows English so- LETS JUST SAY I WORKED ON MY POKERFACE TODAY
Bonus points for Qi Qingqi!! :D
There you go anon <3 I hope you enjoyed!! Also, the demon curly hair Wei Qingwei hc is from @artsarasp comic here!!!
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