#she says it as if she doesn't want gideon to embarrass them
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gideon the ninth but instead of lyctoral trials they are competing in four weddings, and Ortus cancels last minute so Gideon has to stand in for the groom. does anyone see my vision...
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sincerlyus · 6 months ago
Reverse Falls!!
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Soo this is my take on Reverse Falls!! I don't really know which are the original designs or which are the new personalities that each character adapts, so I made my own headcanons!! :3
It should be noted that there are characters who do not change personalities with anyone, but rather their personalities are more exaggerated or are opposite to the originals. Or (in the case of McGucket) their relationships are different so they change their way of being progressively.
This is quite long, I'm going to explain the personalities of each one and how they relate to various characters. Credits to: hours of daydreaming and Google Translate  (TW: child abuse, emotional and physical abuse, homophobia, classism. I don't know if there's anything else, just in case)
Pacifica Northwest: Outgoing and very expressive. She didn't know Gideon very well until her parents sent her to Reverse Falls. She likes to knit, draw, and has a lot of stuffed animals. She has a lot of hair, and likes to do different hairstyles every day ("to be innovative"), cries when she has to cut it. She is very affectionate with Gideon and tries to get him out of his shell. She is a little insecure, but likes to see the positive side of things. She gets along very well with Bud, although sometimes she feels he is a little weird. Symbol: Llama (on her sweater)
Gideon Gleefull: Insecure, has little self-confidence, very skittish and anxious. Has a habit of chewing when he is thinking, like OG!Dipper (chewing on pens, his shirt, etc.). He didn't really know how to talk to Paz at first since the first time they met they were very little, what was she going to say?, was a "Hello" enough?, a handshake?, a complicated handshake?, was she going to ignore him? Paz simply gave him a big hug when she got off the bus (+ gave him a sweater she made on the way). Symbol: Telepathy star (in his hat)
Bud Gleefull: Ultimate scammer. Very friendly and funny, although sometimes a little intimidating. Bye Hawaiian shirts. Very patient with Gideon. He is basically the “cool uncle/dad”. He put Paz to work the day she arrived, although he became attached very quickly and gave her family privileges (he does the same with Gideon).
Mason “Dipper” Pines: He is still very insecure but is able to feign confidence when standing on stage with his sister. He still has a lot of passion for science, he is not very affectionate, he holds back his emotions as he does not want to look vulnerable, especially in front of Stanford. He has a lot of respect for Ford (or rather, fear), being his apprentice he sees him more as a teacher, a superior figure than as an uncle; however he has very little respect for Stan, threatening him and making fun of him. He does not usually use his amulet much, only to practice tricks or in his shows. He has a very distant relationship with his sister, similar to that of the Stan twins. They have many disagreements, but they still have each other's back, especially when Ford is aggressive with one of them. The most sincere relationship he has is with F, although he still treats him like an employee, knowing that he was one of the brilliant minds behind the portal he respects him. Sometimes he discusses theories and shares discoveries with him (although he is embarrassed to think that his only "friend" is an employee of his uncle). Once he met Gideon and Paz, he was able to show his more fragile side and be himself, although he doesn't consider them completely friends (that changes post-weirdmageddon). Symbol: Pine tree (a small pin)
Mabel Pines: A spoiled brat, basically. She's very charming and friendly on stage and with guests at the Pines' many parties, but she's very whiny and selfish behind the scenes. She's not at all affectionate, to the point that she hates physical contact, especially if it's from townspeople. She resents her brother a lot for being Ford's "favorite" (he doesn't really have favorites, he's just less strict with Dipper because he's useful to him). She's Stan's spoiled child, giving her what she wants when she wants it (they have a nice relationship actually, Stan being one of the only ones who comforts her when she's sad). Instead of knitting, she likes to design her own dresses and accessories for shows and parties (her guilty pleasure is arts & crafts, since it's a very "childish" activity for a Pines). Obsessed with Paz, but learns to respect her limits throughout the story. Symbol: Shooting Star (a small pin)
Stanley Pines: He basically swaps personalities with Bud, runs the Telepathy Tent, is very friendly, and is scared of his brother and the twins. He never gets involved in Ford's experiments, having a very tense relationship with him. He loves the twins very much but knowing the power they have with those amulets he prefers to go along with them and not question too much what they ask (he knows when to be firm but the one who really has an impact on them and can make them see reason is Ford). Symbol: Oyster(?? (on a necklace)
Stanford F. Pines: Did you think OG! Ford was a jerk? Well now he's twice as much! He doesn't have an ounce of empathy in him, he's very narcissistic and only cares about his projects and his image. He doesn't care at all about the twins, only seeing them as a way to make money, demanding the most out of them, and he doesn't hesitate to use violence if any of them get out of line. He's very distant with Stanley, speaking to him very dryly (or rather, barely speaking to him at all). He's almost a hermit, living in his laboratory, not letting the townspeople get to know him; although unlike OG! Ford, he cares a lot about how he presents himself in front of the public, taking care of his image and clothing. He's very demanding with Mabel, as he feels she's nothing more than a spoiled child, the image of the Telepathy Tent along with her brother. He is a bit kinder to Dipper, as he realizes that he has a brilliant mind for his age (though not more so than his own), so he includes him in many of his experiments and research if he proves useful; but excluding that, he is just as insensitive as he is with his twin, mistreating him if he does not comply with what is due. His relationship with McGucket is kinda weird: although they were friends in college, the power that Bill/Will offered him completely consumed him, being abusive to F, forcing him to work long nights, keeping him awake by force. He only sees him for his use: his great skill with mechanics (which Ford does not have, although he hates to mention it). Although he was in love with F while he was at Backupsmore, he currently has no romantic feelings towards him, considering him an employee, his assistant, nothing more. He has internalized homophobia (a gift from Filbrick) and classism, so he hates to remember when his relationship with F was one of equals, friends. It disgusts him to think about when he would get so emotional around him. Symbol: Six Fingered Hand (the diaries)
Fiddleford H. McGucket: He is still the brilliant mind he was in his youth, but stress eats him alive. He started to age very quickly thanks to it. He invented the memory gun to try to forget all the horrible things he witnessed or that Ford made him suffer, but his boss doesn't allow him to use it too much since it can damage his mental health and erase knowledge, making him less efficient and useful. He doesn't have a very deep relationship with Stanley, since he practically lives in the lab where Ford forces him to work, but they are able to talk whenever F has a break (almost never). He can't stand the twins too much, not only because he feels that they are very annoying, but because the simple presence of children in his day to day life reminds him a lot of Tate, with whom he no longer has contact. Everyone knows about the abusive relationship he has with Stanford, they are not indifferent to it but they try not to mention it or get involved in his affairs (practically out of fear of Ford).  Throughout his stay with Stanford he started developing an emotional dependence on him: not only did he make him feel that he was useless without him, but he uses violence on him when he is not fulfilling his duty, causing F to blame himself when this happens (What did he do wrong? What can he do to improve?). This got to the point where he started to hurt himself when he did not do something right. Ex: hitting himself when he noticed that his leg was bouncing in front of his anxiety (something that bothers Ford a lot), pulling out clumps of hair in front of the stress of not being able to achieve something, biting his nails, scratching himself, hitting his head (imagine Dobby from HP). Such actions and the mixed feelings he had towards Ford, made him develop masochism, enjoying when he inflicts pain on himself and when he is the victim of Ford's physical and psychological abuse, he clearly hid this for a while since it would look very unprofessional on his part.  Eventually his boss found out and used this to his advantage, being quite sadist himself (he enjoys watching or inflicting pain and/or humiliation on others, in this case, he gets sexual pleasure). So every time Ford needs to let off some steam, vent his frustrations (or is just horny), he uses Fiddleford to fulfill his fantasies, making F's wishes come true as well. He basically uses him as a sex toy, and F doesn't complain, having suffered so much emotional manipulation, he even considers himself lucky that his boss wants to be with him like this, even if it's NOT healthy. Symbol: Spectacles
Bill Cipher: I don't like the idea of ​​changing his name, so Bill stays. He's still the same chaotic demon as in the original series, but this time he's been tricked by Ford into working for him and doing his bidding. He's also forced to do the twins' bidding. We already know that Bill can change his shape and color, so I think all of his shame and self-pity manifests itself in his appearance, turning blue over time (any strong emotion makes him change his appearance). He manipulates Gideon and Paz, making them feel sorry for him so they'll do his bidding (it doesn't work, clearly). The people he has the most contact with are Ford and Fiddleford, as they spend most of their time in the basement where he's locked up.
So that's it. I don't really know how this timeline would work, considering the portal and the journals, but I just wanted to have fun with the character designs and relationships (I feel like the weirdmageddon would happen sooner than in the original timeline). If you want me to go deeper into certain relationships or characters, let me know!!(≧▽≦) I'll see if I can go deeper into the relationship between Ford and Fiddleford that you guys liked so much (you guys really like toxic yaoi, huh??). I'm thinking of making a fanfic or smt to explain their day to day life in the lab and how Ford invited F to work with him (SPOILER: it didn't go well...).
That's it ig, LIKE AND SUSCRIBE!!!1!!1!Σ(°ロ°)
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tinfoil-jones · 2 months ago
In the Jerk Ford verse, how much does Dipper's and Mabel's relationship with Stan's differ compared to the canon verse, since Dipper doesn't idoalize Ford and Stan is more of a normal guy.
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Stan and Ford swap places when it comes to which of their niblings gravitate toward them.
Stan diverges greatly from his canon self because he got support for his learning needs early on, and he wasn't treated as the dumb or 'spare' twin; he was the nice twin, the normal twin who had to could reign in his jack*ss of a brother.
He wasn't so much a protector as he was a caretaker, and he carried that role into his adulthood. When he went to Backupsmore with Jerk Ford and Fiddleford, he didn't initially know what he wanted to major in yet because his life had revolved around being a buffer damage control.
At first he shared a lot of core and science classes with Ford, but while Ford had a much more diverse interest in scientific disciplines, Stan found himself more interested in Chemistry.
But Chemistry alone didn't fill this need he had to take care of others the only thing people would ever notice him for, so he minored in Education; in the time it took Ford to get his 12 PhDs, Stan had gotten a PhD in Chemistry (Analytical) and a Masters in Education.
Dipper is closer to Grunkle Stan in the AU because after he saw his parents fight and his knowledge of their impending divorce, he's looking for a stable, and supporting figure in his life to calm his many anxieties.
It's not that Stan and Mabel don't like or love each other; they do! But Stan's so down-to-Earth and responsible that Mabel feels like he couldn't see things from her perspective because her heads up in the clouds. Although he does not judge or discourage her many eccentricities, he doesn't indulge in them with her like he did in canon. And whether or not he meant to, because of his focus on Dipper and his need for support, because Mabel reminded him too much of someone else he invertedly made her feel a little bit isolated, like Dipper in canon.
Her new ‘grunkle’ shows up and he’s… nothing like her Grunkle Stan. He’s so mean to everyone except for Grunkle Stan! He’s been like this his entire life, too- her Grandpa Shermie had always told her and Dipper to never mention or ask about him, like he was a cursed figure that grew in strength and nightmarish influence if you said his name enough times, like Bloody Mary or Candyman.
And though Dipper dislikes him as soon as they find out he's The Author, Mabel is more inclined to hear people out than her brother is, and tries to understand Jerk Ford or at least see what Grunkle Stan means when he says that his brother isn't some unfeeling monster, he just has a hard time showing people that he cares.
There's an energy and zeal with Jerk Ford that resonates with Mabel; he's been called mean, weird, petty and a freak, but he never gets in line with how society tells him he's supposed to act, he doesn't let other people dictate who or what he is.
He doesn't think she's too silly for her age.
And yes, he is really mean for no discernable reason, he doesn't let her or Dipper near his science stuff or take them on his mystery science missions (not that it stopped Mabel), and when he goes out with them in public he insists on using this on them:
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(No amount of "We're twelve years old almost thirteen not two, you can't do this to us" stops him. Dipper thinks he does it to publicly embarrass him. Soos jokes he's been out of the dimension for so long he doesn't remember age appropriate child care)
But then he broke his arm and several of his ribs catching her and Dipper when the monument they were on was blown up by Gideon during mayoral elections (she saw Jerk Ford sprint out of the tree line to catch them, but he insists he just happened to be standing there and they fell on him). She knows he later used some kind of broken bone serum on himself to heal those breaks, but he still let her put a cast on his arm and decorate it with stickers and glitter to her hearts content, although he loudly complained about it the whole time.
She doesn't notice her brother stew in resentment over how Jerk Ford, who he hates, got the unconditionally supportive twin when he sucks SO BAD.
It was a bit of a gut punch for her when she went into Dippers bubble "Dipville" and saw his ideal Mabel, May-Thereal, is a super-enlightened and put together version of her.
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[art by @tearosepedall]
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starberry-cupcake · 2 months ago
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*doing a recap as I suffer listening to my football/soccer team go through it in another tab, I'd wait but I want to finish day one of nona today because Things are happening tomorrow*
previously, in nona del 9:
this happened
this is the general tag for those catching this recap loose in the wild
also, I don't wanna put this person out there like that, so I'm not sharing url, but I want to apologize personally to them for not starting these recaps from the beginning (I didn't know this was going to happen)
and also please don't let me deter you from reading these books if I'm unfunny, I can't live with that burden
please read them anyway
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I was telling @lady-harrowhark how I feel I'm embarrassing her in front of fandom famous people and now I feel I'm embarrassing all of you, I'm so sorry
CHAPTER 6 (sixth house skull babeeeyyyyyy)
people are having trouble with the economy, employment and political strife
so, we're not doing a lot better in the future, is what I'm hearing
this is not the sci fi future I'd like to see, folks
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some people are like "at least with the houses people knew who had to pay them"
I think we've all lived in situations where we had to hear someone say something like this
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camilla asks nona if she would want to leave to the idyllic farming fairy tale pyrrha imagines they could run away into
(not that it doesn't sound nice, but that's so unlikely pyrrha, I mean, come on)
nona says she doesn't because she loves it there
which means nothing, because nona loves everything
the bar isn't super high here
after a bath and reading the advice column (?) nona asks camilla to tell her the story of how they met her
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(kinda wild that this part coincided with penalty kicks in the game, not that I'm live blogging the match, just thought I'd take you on a full experience here)
(we won, but my blood pressure was put to the test and now I can come back to re capping properly)
(I'm still not used to the paperback thing and I'm live-reading rather than finishing a chapter and doing a recap as I used to)
(still haven't found my footing here)
so, there's a lot of info here but, at the same time, not enough info, you get me?
isn't that just the tlt experience, though???
isn't that what we love????
crafting theories and getting tangled with the red yarn???
we're all connected with the red thread of conspiracy
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camilla and palmolive were trying to communicate and they knew "she" was in trouble
which refers to nona, but I assume it's not nona yet, I assume they're talking about...harrow??
camilla says that "she" disappeared but they found "her" and pyrrha and "she" was hurt
pyrrha helped them escape, but they lost ships and people and "something very important"
is that gideon's body?????? is that "something very important" gideon's body???????
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so, camolive and pyrrha asked to be able to keep "her" and we suffer interceded for them at that time
and then palmolive convinced "the Oversight Body" and the sixth house to evacuate
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I don't know what the "oversight body" is
if they lost gideon's body, that's definitely an oversight
palmolive chose 16 people to talk to BOE
I'm sure one of them was his mom, she was cool, I liked her
I didn't realize that was his mom reading the story until someone pointed it out, though
I embarrassed myself there
THEN nona woke up
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after they lived together for a while, the light in the sky appeared and, according to camilla, BOE betrayed them
or wasn't able to protect them anymore
they're fucked, is the overall important thing to take from it
idk if this is why coronabeer and palmolive aren't in speaking terms right now
they mention the sixth house people being lost, or at least nona asks if she can help find them if she remembers who she is
also, awake me up inside seems to have been we suffer's boss
so she has beef with pyrrha
according to camilla, it's because pyrrha was best friends with the person who killed her
idk if camilla and/or we suffer know the whole thing about pyrrha and og!gideon being intimate with commander wakey wakey, though
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also, incredibly important
this is essential information
kevin is good at origami
we love kevin
JOHN 5:20
we've established in the first one that these are bible verses
the previous one (20:8) was about the empty tomb
for the record, it was: "Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed."
this one is: "For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed."
dr reverend emperor john asshat is still talking (to harrow???)
of course he's still talking, he loves the sound of his own voice
he's telling her about how he got where he got with his lyctor buddies
apparently, his cryogenics plan was cancelled in both senses of the word
it was stopped from continuing to run
and it got into the press, so people started panicking about the end of the world and everything was going to shit
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important to note that C and N were dating, and I guess this is Cassiopeia and Nigella? because Cyrus is also a C but since Nigella is Cassiopeia's cav, I'm gonna go for that option
good for them, we love cassiopeia
she had ceramics and was sixth house
also, augustine is being dramatic, but what else is new
they also were collecting bodies to test on and weren't able to cremate them anymore because of the experiments made on them
for personal family and country history reasons, I'm not gonna make jokes about that one
but it was something to note from the conversation that seems to be important for later
now, here it gets complicated
because dr reverend emperor john keeps drop naming people
or drop letter-ing?
and naming planets in our system
pyrrha was a cop, apparently
very evident in her behavior
and then he says that, because of the press, he wasn't going to be allowed to work again
and also says: "I sure as hell wouldn't be allowed to work on anything else to do with you"
in the last one, he said "Harrowhark" when interacting, so I took it this could be harrow's soul or whatever
but that doesn't add up with this????
because then he starts talking about this "you" being sick and not telling them, so I'm starting to wonder if this is ice cube barbie aka annabell lee aka AL aka The Body
so, dr john goes on some breakthrough spree and mercygirl says he's probably on coke (among other things)
and he says "coke zero"
I'm a coke zero girlie and you're not welcome here, mr man
you're not like me
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he has some bodies which are his "favorites"
and when the Powers That Be shut them down and cut the electricity from them
(because they were using 3% of the country's electricity)
(fuck them tbh)
all the bodies collapsed, except from the ones he had "touched" and "loved"
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ALSO, he again calls her "Harrow"
which ??????????????????????????????????????????
how is this harrow and also whoever was sick back then, who I thought was ice cube barbie????????
what's happening????????????????????
the chapter ends with the word "incorrupti"
which is either a typo or something's going on there
could be either, could be both
AND THAT'S IT FOR DAY 1!!!! we're moving ahead!!!!
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sturnsdc · 1 year ago
pair: Spencer Reid x fem!YN Hotchner
synopsis: Gideon gives Spencer tickets to a Bruins game, with the excuse of inviting Y/N. However, things don´t go as they both planned after he asks his friends for advice.
warnings: none, just fluff, corny, and awkward Spencer
inspired by: S1 E4: “Plain Sight”
words: 2,2k
A/N: Sorry, this is really bad. This is the first one, i promise the rest will be better. Take it as an introduction to the story
main masterlist spencer masterlist
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it had been one of those cases that left you thinking for a few hours, so i decided to settle into my seat on the jet, trying to find something that could distract me. It was then that my gaze went to Spencer, who as always was playing chess with Gideon.
i couldn't help but feel bad for him, his birthday had been interrupted by a case, and one of those that left you with the worst feelings. He didn't even complain when he had the chance, i just saw his joy fade when my dad interrupted the little celebration we had prepared for him.
i wanted to continue with the celebration that Morgan, Elle, JJ and i had prepared for him, but i know that my friends were too tired and that he would probably refuse this time.
i let out a sigh, remembering the way he smiled when he saw the cake, or the way he kept trying to beat the infinite candles despite explaining him why it wouldn't work.
my chest felt warm when that happened. Spencer has a comforting smile, the kind you would love to see over and over again, because he will always give you that nice feeling.
you would know he was a sweet, innocent soul just by seeing him smile.
a clearing of the throat brought me out of my thoughts, it was coming from my side so i turned my head to see who was calling my attention.
it was Spencer.
- hey, uhm... Gideon just gave me some tickets to go see the Bruins tomorrow, and i found out that you really like them... - After saying that there was silence, i looked at him for a few seconds, waiting to see if he would say anything else.
- uh yeah, actually i love them, why?
- well, i wanted to know if you... uh.... wanna go with me to watch the game - i saw him playing with his hands and looking towards Gideon's seat.
i felt my cheeks heat up, was he inviting me to a Bruins game? me?
i cleared my throat, trying not to make my nervousness so obvious.
- sure, i'd love that, Spence
i saw his cheeks turn red in the same way, which made me feel a little more confident.
after that we stayed talking for a few minutes, agreeing on a time to see each other before the game and once ready, Spencer sat down with Gideon again, but not before turning to look at me before sitting down.
JJ suddenly appeared next to me, smiling.
- so, a date with Reid? - She murmured as she sat next to me.
i hit her with my elbow, embarrassed again.
it's not a date, it's just hanging out as friends.
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once i got to my apartment i started to prepare dinner. After dinner i usually call my mom to talk to her about my day and keep in good contact.
she's my best friend, the only person in the world i would tell everything to. Even if it means having my dad listen to some of the conversations from time to time, especially now that my little brother Jack has born, since he usually comes into the room he shares with her, telling her that Jack misses his mother, and then he just didn't come out again.
however, the ringtone on my phone alerted me while i was cooking, so i quickly took it out of my pocket.
- hi? - i asked her, fearing that something had happened.
- when were you going to tell me? - she asked me, with a very serious tone of voice, so much so that she scared me.
what did i do?
- what are you talking about, mom? - The nervousness was clear
- about your date with Spencer!
wait... what?
- how...? - Then something clicked in my head. - was it dad?
- it doesn't matter! why hadn't you told me?
- i was just getting home! you know i always call you after dinner. - I tried to defend myself, but i heard her snort on the other side of the line.
- this is more important than routine! it's your first date since you broke up with...
- it's not a date. - i let out a sigh.
- your dad said it's a date.
- don't believe him anything!
- what are you gonna wear?
- i don't know, he'll take me to watch the Bruins game...
i heard her scream, which made my eyes widen.
- is he going to take you to watch the Bruins game? Y/N, honey, that's a date.
- but…
she interrupted me and started giving me advice for “the date.���
my noodles were forgotten when i heard her enter the non-verbal language tips.
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- hey, Spence. - i greeted him, watching him quickly get out of his car to get to the passenger side and open the door for me. - Thank you
after getting in and closing the door, i hurriedly put on the seat belt while he returned to his place.
- hi Y/N, you look... g-good - i heard him stutter.
my clothes were pretty casual. I decided to ignore much of the advice i received the night before, choosing to be myself.
this is what i would wear to watch the Bruins, but a little prettier.
- thanks, Spence. You look good too.
he looked quite formal, but still casual. It wasn't exactly the same outfit i would see him in on a day at work.
i have to admit, it looks more than just “good.”
his cheeks reddened as he began to drive. A somewhat uncomfortable silence settled in the atmosphere.
- is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- do you wanna eat something?
we both asked at the same time, so we looked at each other a little surprised, and then started laughing.
- for me it would be nice to eat something before going. -I decided to answer his question, still laughing a little.
- cool, i actually know a place near where we should go
he started to tell me a little about that eating place, but i noticed that he sometimes stopped himself when he felt like he was talking too much, so i tried to ask more. I want him to feel comfortable today. I want him to be himself.
when we arrived he asked me not to get out of the car, and instead he got out, walking around the front until he reached my door, which he opened for me.
after unbuckling my seat belt i got off and we both started walking inside the place.
calm music played in the background, and the atmosphere was cozy. I saw some families eating quietly at some of the tables. The conversations were not so loud, there was no smell of food, the colors were pleasing to the eye.
it was the perfect place to go to eat, so i turned to see Spencer, smiling at him and thanking him with my eyes for that.
we quickly found a table and went to sit down. The silence is more comfortable now, but i still feel like Reid was avoiding talking and that was getting me a little upset.
- is everything okay, Spence? -His eyes widened, he seemed surprised, almost scared by the question.
- yeah, why do you ask?
- for no reason, don't worry. - I smiled at him again, trying to convey confidence. - And tell me, is this your first time watching the Bruins?
- oh, n-no, no. I had already gone before. - He was quick to respond.
that surprised me. He doesn't seem like the type of person who is passionate about hockey. It almost sounded like a lie
- really? what other game have you gone to? - I rested my elbows on the table, getting a little closer to him.
- well... - He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he were trying to remember. - i went to see the one a few days ago against Pittsburgh
before i could ask anything else, a waiter came to us with two menus in his hands.
- hi, sorry to interrupt you, here's the menu. In a few minutes i'll come back. - We both nodded, watching him leave.
during our stay at the place i decided not to ask him any more questions about hockey, focusing on knowing a little more about his personal life, about the things he does outside of the BAU. I discovered his passion for certain writers, and i even tried to convince him to read some novels, arguing the entertainment it would bring to his life.
he seemed more relaxed at that moment, his shoulders no longer looked tense and he no longer stuttered. He was being him for a moment and that really made me happy.
once we finished eating he offered to pay, being faster than me and paying before i could even say anything to him.
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the game had already started, it had been 10 minutes since it had started and Spencer didn't say a word. He was attentive watching the game.
normally someone would think that he was just enjoying the game, but from the corner of my eye i could see him moving in his spot and playing with his hands constantly. That distracted me, so i couldn't really focus too much on the game the Boston Bruins and the Florida Panthers were playing.
- Spence, are you okay? - He was startled when i called him
- Yeah! Why? I don't look good? - He stammered again
- Spence, do you really like hockey? -I saw him bite the inside of his cheek, still playing with his hands, so i decided to take one of his hands when i noticed that he was distracted by his thoughts.
- Not really, i mean, i'd never been interested in hockey before, but Gideon gave me the tickets and…- His voice was getting faster, so i gently squeezed his hand, making him stop. - Sorry, i shouldn't be talking so much either.
- What are you talking about? Spence, it's okay if you don't like this, we can leave and do something else if you want. -I offered him, but he started to shake his head, telling me no.
- No! Well i... actually i wanted to learn so i could understand it and that you wouldn't be the only one who know about this but... uh, when i had everything ready they told me to try not to give so many data or statistics and to be more of a gentleman, but they don't understand that if If they take away my statistics, things get a little more complicated and i... - He started talking faster again, so i squeezed his hand again.
- Spence, who told you that?
For a moment i saw him hesitate
- Well... Morgan... JJ... Elle...
i let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders, which i didn't even notice were tense.
- Spence, i don't want you to stop giving me your data and statistics, even if that means you´ll tell me all the time. That's fine with me, i love it when you do it.
his cheeks turned red again.
- Really? I know it can be suffocating and i don't know when to stop...
- Really, you can tell me whatever you want, i just want you to be you, relax and do what you really want to do. So, do you wanna keep watching the game or should we leave?
- I wanna continue watching it, the truth is it's quite entertaining to analyze the possible plays, plus the Bruins are playing better, so i can't take this opportunity away from you.
i smiled at his words. That's when we were finally able to concentrate. Spencer talked to me the entire game about different tactics they could use, or why the other team was losing.
and yes, we earned bad looks from those near to us.
and yeah, maybe i still don't know if this was a date or just hanging out as friends.
but i know that i have a beautiful experience to tell mom that same night, and three people to hit when i see them.
Spencer is a lovely person, and getting to know him better helped me see that comforting smile again. Even at the end of our date / not / date he hugged me for a few seconds. For a moment I feared that he might feel my strong, rapid heartbeat against his chest, but if he did then he didn't show it, and that's something I was grateful for.
Spencer, what exactly are we doing?
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cakepoppresent · 3 months ago
24 Screenshots of '24 <3
I was tagged by @enniewritesathing and @euphiesims to share my favourite screenshots from 2024. I will try to make this nice and neat! and in no particular order (I'm going to put most of it under the cut so I don't spam up people's dashboards!)
I also tag @jayveesim @jayplaysims @weirdosalike @citylighten @matchalovertrait @pamsimmer and anyone else who wants to do it!!
Blair and Brayden Date Night. - I took them out on a date after everything with Grayson and Gideon died down. Blair was worried that it was a mistake having her kids all live in San My without their parents and Brayden was trying to calm her down
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Xavier and his little crew - I love these little munchkins so much.
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Brayden Visiting his son - Grayson spent Sulani alone trying to center himself and get his head on straight again. There isn't anything really special BUT I just liked how it looked. I liked that Grayson's father made sure he was doing okay. He even suggested therapy, Grayson refused but Blair and Brayden still have that therapist on speed dial just in case lol
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Grayson walking home alone - I liked this shot a lot because I don't think I made it clear how Grayson has never been alone. Gideon has ALWAYS been by his side (or his siblings) so I thought it would be nice to get this shot of him being alone
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Apollo - I just think Apollo is sexy af and you should all think the same thing
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Bunny Sam - was playing around with Gshade and I just think she's sexy af. Y'all should think she's sexy too. Thx
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Dancing Grayson - Grayson dancing to Nasty by Tinashe 😂 he just looked so cute
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Miss. Luna V - my sis doesn't yearn but gets yearned for and she likes the feeling. That's a look thats giving "yeah I know you love me why wouldn't you"
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Yearning Loser - Benji is so in love with Malcolm. It's embarrassing for him but he just loved being around him. That's his family
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Malcolm and Veronica - Nothing really, I just thought they look good and Malcolm works out a lot autonomously so I wanted to show it off
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Veronica and Brayden - Future father and daughter business duo in the making. Veronica just looks so good as a business woman. I can't see her as anything else and her dad in the background supporting like he should
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Su and Grayson - What could have been! In another timeline where Gideon doesn't exist they would have had a chance. Unfortunately this is all in Su's mind. Poor baby
The Reeves!!! - the family I've been playing for over a year. They are my everything and I'm so happy I made them! They are so beautiful
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Xavier's stank face - I like his stank face because it supports my head cannon that Xavier and Veronica are much more similar in personality. Xavier just knows how to hide it better 😂
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Unfriendly Black hotties - Luna up until this point as always been smiling and amicable but I love seeing her mad and looking upset. She looks so good
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Hopelessly Devoted To You - They are currently on a break but that doesn't stop Gideon from staring at Grayson like nothing has changed. TBH Gideon thinking about how to get Grayson pregnant
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Nothing to say - It's Luna looking regal and gorgeous as always. Daiksue so lucky I'm not giving him a love rival (I fucking should)
The Villareal Twins - I just like them and I don't have enough pics of them together
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Rainy Nights - this is probably my favorite animation and I love the ambience and the lighting of this screenie so much. I just love them so much
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Can you tell who my favorite couple is? Lol. I dunno this was after Malcom and Luna got into a fight. Malcolm went straight home and flew right into Benji's arms. He won't admit it but he loves being in Benji's arms
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Taking a break - I wanna redo this scene because I felt like I didn't actually convey what I needed to convey. But I just love how dependent they are on each other even when going through their relationship woes
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Taking care of his lady - Luna tried it and Daisuke wasn't having it. He wasn't gonna leave without setting the record straight with his future wife
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My Munchkins - please. They are so cute and I had so much fun playing them! Also Xavier's face is so funny here
There was a challenge for simstwt a supernatural theme. I used Sam and Apollo and played around with lighting. I really liked how it turned out
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chimchiri · 9 months ago
Important question! (For me anyway) How did you figure out your design for Harrow? Specifically facial features and, I guess, body type/shape etc. I adore your Harrow and Nona so much and I just wanna know your thoughts about their appearance cause you draw them so beautifully and just nice. It's nice.
You can info-dump if you want, I wouldn't mind, it's pretty helpful for my brain actually.
Anon you're so sweet but you're making me embarrassed since I'm actually somewhat insecure about my Harrow lmao. For one I think she's very basic (though I also think that fits her) but I also sometimes struggle to draw her consistently and how I imagine her in my head. But let me actually answer your question! Some details in random order:
Even during the first read it stuck to me how Gideon described her face as narrow and pointy, so I like to accentuate her cheekbones. And while reading Nona I found it curious how she's described to be have a beautiful body/face in the eyes of others - which made me think she's probably a lot more feminine and pretty than she was initially described by Gideon.
Her whole demeanor, slow movement, and intimidating nature just come across in a feminine way. Something that's always in the back of my mind when I doodle her. She reminds me of a cheetah in a way - not a lot of movement, careful planning and observation, still incredibly intimidating. And then the final strike comes swiftly and in one brutal attack. (Honestly girl is just one mean and insecure kitten)
I also love a high hairline/big forehead for her. No reference for that, I just like the visual of it and how it fits together!
Her hair has been described in so many different ways. And while I love a buzz cut on her, I always adored how GtN described her hair stuck to her forehead and neck. Meaning that it's probably a bit longer late in the book. I always imagined her having rather stubborn (not to say cute) cowlicks? Wavy hair? I love to think her hair is a wavy mess when longer hehe
As for her body, I only see her as a weak stick (which is why I can't take the Nova AU serious). For one, the Ninth clearly don't have resources for a balanced diet. And in addition, Harrow again and again showed no desire for food other than it being a necessity to survive. She simply doesn't value a tasty meal (unlike Gideon). I can't quite remember if it was explicitly written but if not, I definitely see her as a person to forget to eat regularly - especially when she's in an obsessive learning streak. She's also probably constantly dehydrated and doesn't feel thirsty usually.
Lastly - she's chronically sleep-deprived so of course she needs either an angry or tired look lmao
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zoyalannister · 1 year ago
agree also gideon in the end is protrayed just surprised thomas likes alastair and doesn't hate him, i expected him accepting thomas but being wary of alastair as he was one of the people who spread the rumours of him cheating on sophie, but maybe he doesn't care
also in the end grace is pictured close to anna and ari, and then thomas and alastair are also pictured as close to them, is weird since during the series they barely talk
also the grave scene where they bury things, anna does not bury anything, because she says she likes all her choices, wouldn't grief made her blame herself for kit and made her want to bury something?
the point of leaving gabrily alone to grief does not make sense when gideon and sophie are surrounded by people and are also supposedly grieving, is said sona becomes friends with them as well as flora, so is one more thing that does not make sense in the book
there are other inconsistencies like every adult showing when the battle was finished and ari running to flora and anna staying behind, and then scenes later is mentioned gabriel was there, why did she not go to ther father? or had any reaction? maybe cassandra slipped the name later on as she was mentioning many adults but did not care much of it
the india travel is repeated many times and makes me think she will write a small piece of that, probably centered on ari and making he rhave the angst plot as she is meeting her bio family, i doubt she would center on anna's grief as canonically she stated many times during the epilogue she had not been as happy since she was a child. weird considering anna had accepting and good parents and is never mentioned she grew up sad or anything like that.
Gideon canonically doesn’t care about his family and this is another proof, any normal person wouldn’t be super happy immediately that their son is dating the guy who spread rumors about them cheating on their wife. But hey, Gideon is super loved by the fandom because he generated one half of the most popular ship, so why using logic?
To be honest I like the idea of Grace being close to Anna and Ari, probably they bonded over the fact that they’re the only characters grieving Kit for more than 15 minutes, but I find the idea of Thomastair and AriAnna being friends hilarious. It feels like the book is trying to tell you that gay people are automatically friends, it's not like they have a personality besides their sexual orientation, right?
Anna burying nothing is embarrassing, just CC wanting to show her as the edonistic character, but it looks like it comes from an old draft where Kit didn’t die since it doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense also that she was unhappy after childhood, are you fucking kidding me? Her family was well off, she had friends and a supportive family, everyone accepted she was lesbian and proud, she had a lot of sex, why was she unhappy?? It’s never mentioned, but I guess that in CC's vision having a relationship automatically multiplies your happiness.
Don't get me starte about the stupidest and cringiest """"battle""""" ever, Gabriel is probably mentioned just because CC realized at the last second that she needed someone from the TID gang and probably Gabriel was the random picked name. It doesn’t make any sense that Anna doesn’t run to him since it's the first time she sees him since Kit’s death, but this scene would make sense of Kit wasn’t supposed to die.
(Yes, I'll never believe that Kit’s death was planned since it's treated like shit and has no consequence, and obviously Matt and Sona were set up for dying).
As for the TID gang leaving Gabrily alone, I will be more explicit even if I will attract haters: it makes sense to me that they support each other and not Gabrily because they are shit people. They were shits as teenagers, they are shit as adults and the epilogue confirms so.
Anna and Ari will have their novella so CC can cross out the "WW couple" on the checklist for her short stories collection, and as you said it will probably be either about Ari or AriAnna being tourists and nothing of the grief will be mentioned.
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thenicestthingiveseen · 1 year ago
hallie/gideon + hair brushing/braiding + marriage of convenience!
You know those fics about like marrying to maintain pure blood households? Som that’s this kindasorta. We know the Weasley’s are hella against pure blood politics. But they can't change a vow that was made by Cedrella when she *defected* from the Black family.
Her firstborn son was supposed to marry a Malfoy but he didn't, so then it was to be Arthur's first son but you guessed it! Arthur and Molly had six girls and thought that the vow/contract would eventually become null and void.
Hallie and Gideon are the best of friends. Having gotten over his extremely embarrassing crush on Hallie and the Family Who Lived, they get really close because James helps Gideon with Chaser moves and Hallie knows Gideon means well -- Rowan's her best friend too. The Weasley's are good people.
Gideon grew his hair out long like his sisters (he's basically got Bill's long hair and he wants an earring but he knows his mum will go ballistic. Maybe when he gets signed with a quidditch team, maybe not.) Hallie loves to braid and brush Gideon's hair while he's reading in the evenings. It's been a bit of a problem with some of his girlfriends but it's just something they'll have to get over. Right?
It's near the end of Gideon's fifth year when he receives a letter from home letting him know that he's betrothed to Cassiopeia "Cassie" Malfoy and is expected to marry within a year of graduating from Hogwarts.
Gideon is pissed but determined to live his life to the fullest and purposefully dates Diane longer than he probably should have just to keep Cassie at bay. Diane and Gideon break up at the end of his sixth year and Gideon is still trying to not think about the fact he's somehow been forced into this archaic contract to maintain blood purity.
Hallie feels at a loss. Unsure of how to help her friend and James doesn't have anything helpful to contribute. Sirius keeps joking that she should just marry Gideon instead so that it would keep the contract null.
There's probably a huge kiss somewhere in here.
Gideon is the one to bring up marriage to her when he's home for the winter holidays. Hallie says fuck it because honestly? She's had feelings for Gideon since halfway through her sixth year.
In the eleventh hour, Hector figures out how to keep the contract from affecting any future Weasley boys.
And Hallie and Gideon lived happily ever after, braiding/brushing each others hair every Sunday evening.
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
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iviarellereads · 2 years ago
Nona the Ninth, Chapter 24
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Gideon Nav icon) In which a considerable debate is begun in the fandom.
All the zombie solders crumple where they stood, leaving Nona buried under two. Everyone runs to Cam, who rises to her knees, holding Ianthe's rapier steady to avoid further damage. Crown begs Cam to stay with her, and Cam says she's not going anywhere.
“I’m holding you to that,” said the body of Ianthe Naberius.(1)
Pyrrha grabs the gun and rushes to point it at Ianthe Naberius's body… but lowers it and calls whoever's in there a "fucking legend". Cam tells Pyrrha to remove the rapier, since it missed the pelvis. Ianthe's body says she'll be out of commission with a gut wound like that, and Cam doesn't care, so Ianthe's body does it themself. Crown leaves to find bandages.
Cam asks for some space, as Pyrrha and Ianthe's body are still crowding her. Palamedes asks if she won't look at him, after carrying the remains of his body, his soul, his life. Cam looks him right in the eye and says she would always know him, calling him "Warden". Cam, Pal, and Pyrrha banter a bit, and Pal admits he's expending almost all he has to keep control of the body.
Pyrrha suggests he read it with his psychometry, since this body would have been the conduit for stashing the other corpse. He can't get fine details, but can tell Pyrrha vaguely where to look. Pyrrha says that's practically an intelligence briefing. Pal tells her to take Nona. Pyrrha objects, but he says there's no time, Ianthe is still trying to take control back. It felt to them like much longer than the four seconds it was to everyone else, and his respect for Ianthe has grown, but he'd be lucky to have an hour in control.
Crown has returned, so he tells her to get Judith, and meet them back here. Crown calls him a good man, for not hurting Ianthe. He says it was just safer to trap her than to let her escape back to her own body, it wasn't mercy. She thanks him anyway, and offers to help bandage Cam, but Pyrrha says the guards are knocked out or otherwise busy, there's a clear path to and from Judith.
Crown hesitates, and Nona compares her current state to Noodle, wanting to go out and run but also wanting to stay comfy where he is.(2) Shortly, Crown loses some internal battle, and flees.
Pyrrha rescues Nona from the corpse pile, and they leave as well. Pyrrha asks if Nona's alright, and Nona says she feels strange. Pyrrha offers to pinch her, which Nona bristles at but also breaks out of some of her strange feeling. Pyrrha offers her sleeve for Nona to clean the gunk and plastic bits out of her eyes, and they go on through the barracks to where Pal described.
Nona admits on the way that she's dying. Pyrrha suspected for a while: the soul longs for the body, and she'd know how much it takes to acclimate a soul to a body it wasn't born to.
“But you’re not sad,” said Nona. “Of course I’m not sad. You’re not dying on my watch. Kiddie, when you were yelling…” Nona was still a little embarrassed about that. “I took Cam a bit too literally.”(3) Pyrrha opened her mouth to say something, but then they rounded the second left and she shut her mouth.
There's an obvious ward on the corridor, and Pyrrha reads messages scrawled nearby, warnings that anyone who enters will disintegrate. Nona asks what the trap is, and Pyrrha throws a piece of pipe at the door, where it crumbles to dust that lands on the other side.
“It’s a shit version of Mercymorn’s old entropy trap,”(4) said Pyrrha. “Not half as good. Done entirely through wards—brilliant—but entirely reliant on wards—fucking ridiculous. Good at keeping people out though … and almost impossible for anyone but another Lyctor to break. See what it’s made out of? That’s blood. Blood wards age, and they burn out if you make them work too hard … And I’m sorry, No-No, but that’s where you come in.”
Pyrrha points out that Nona's regeneration is much stronger than even a normal Lyctor's. They couldn't recover from some of the things Nona can. And Pyrrha hates to ask Nona to hurt herself for this, but it's the most important thing in the whole world. Nona asks what's so special about the body they're after. Pyrrha says she's the key to a very important door, and the last thing Pyrrha has left of the woman she loved.(5) And, she might be Nona's body.
Nona found herself sighing again, like her body wanted to let out all its sound at once. One of her ears felt slightly blocked, and when she tilted her head and blew her nose and pulled at her earlobe a little trickle of water came out.(6) “What if I don’t like me?” she said. “Well, you’ll probably start visiting clubs and trying to hit on the dancers, and going from relationship to relationship not really being able to commit.”(7) Nona was severe. “You talk too much, Pyrrha.”
Nona decides to reach out a hand, but at the last moment, can't do it from her fear. Pyrrha grabs Nona by the elbow and pushes her hand forward into the ward. After several long, gory paragraphs of gore about how the ward affects Nona's hand, the ward breaks like a car backfiring. Nona cries into Pyrrha, and it takes a good half minute to get her to look at her hand, which is thankfully fine except for her nails being long and clawed. Pyrrha trims them for her, roughly, and tells her to start opening doors while Pyrrha cleans up the ward in case it's still partially intact and can reform.
Nona opens a door, but it only holds brooms. Next, there's a door with a key still in the lock outside, so she opens it to find the girl from her dream. She tiptoes in, and a couple of paragraphs are spent describing her in quite a bit of detail.
Nona touches the corpse's hand tentatively, expecting her to be revealed as an illusion or a soap bubble.
What happened made her think much better of the corpse. It opened its eyes—and its eyes were yellow, the gold of the old sky, like hers only much foggier.(8) Those were beautiful: Nona had always adored her eyes, and here they were again, on the corpse, only partially spoiled for being dead. They looked like treasure at night. The corpse looked at her in such mute, helpless appeal—spoke to her in her first language(9)—that Nona did not have to think about what she did next. She leant down and laid a kiss right on that cool, dead, crooked mouth. She kissed her just the once. The corpse’s mouth was soft and rough and cold, and did not respond to Nona’s mouth, but a tremble went through the upper body. Nona was surprised and relieved to find that the corpse girl tasted like toothpaste. At the tremble, Nona pulled back, self-conscious. The expression on the corpse’s face could not have been more rigid with shock and disbelief. She found herself saying, a little defensively— “You looked like you wanted to be kissed, that’s all.”
Pyrrha enters and Nona says she's sorry, but Pyrrha looks at Gideon like she's seeing at least one ghost. Nona turns back to Gideon and finds her eyes closed again, her body still. Pyrrha gathers herself and says she'd know Gideon Nav anywhere, she's the picture of her mother except for her eyes and brows. Nona observes that Gideon's mother was the woman who broke Pyrrha's heart, and Pyrrha says she was ready to commit except for the whole punching Wake out an airlock thing.
For some reason, Nona felt vaguely hurt and envious. She didn’t have a mother for Pyrrha to have punched out an airlock. Nor had Pyrrha ever looked at her the way she now looked at the dead corpse with red hair—a kind of soft, guarded want; a hunger—a living desire to take the corpse in her arms like Kevin’s wanting desire with his dolls. To own, to squeeze, to cosset and destroy.
Nona remembers and tells Pyrrha that she thinks Gideon's awake, and can hear them. Nona admits she kissed Gideon and woke her up. Pyrrha looks at Nona, sad and amused and more understanding than Nona wants. She asks Nona why, and Nona says, no reason. Pyrrha asks what it felt like, and Nona says that's private. Pyrrha observes that she's not a heap on the floor, so there wasn't a soul exchange.(10)
Nona says Gideon looked at her, and Pyrrha asks her eye colour. Gold, like Nona's, but cloudier. Pyrrha is relieved Ianthe didn't transfer into her, and remarks how it would've taken half the Lyctors of old to keep her in hand. Pyrrha wonders why John let her bring Gideon's corpse along, knowing the BOE would lose their minds when they saw her resemblance to Wake.
At any rate, time to get back to the gang, so Pyrrha heaves Gideon over her shoulder. Nona notices that Gideon is wearing a jewelled scabbard on her hip, and a sword hilt above it, all pearly white, and something attached to the other hip with "clear white blades and plate rivets."(11) Pyrrha tells Nona to eat the protein bar in Pyrrha's pocket on the way back up, and Nona grumbles, but she does feel weak.
When they return to the crew, Crown's hand reflexively touches her(12) sword as she declares it was Gideon after all. Pyrrha says it could be a doll copy, as she can't see why John would allow her corpse into the world, ever. Crown rushes to cradle Gideon's head in her hands, playing with the wreath.(13)
Pyrrha asks about the shuttle, and Crown says Pal's language got shockingly filthy when he looked at it. The fuel's warded against use. Cam suggested they secure the Sixth for now, and come back for the shuttle later. Judith's also in bad shape, her sedatives aren't working like they should.
Pyrrha asks Crown to help Nona, who worked too hard to get their prize. Crown offers Nona a piggyback ride, which Nona accepts eagerly.
Back in the main room, Cam is standing, though she looks grey beneath her olive skin. Pal and Cam both look at Pyrrha and Nona eagerly, but Pal's face creases as he realizes there wasn't a reaction. Pal wonders if that means it's a copy, and has Pyrrha put her down. Pyrrha does so, gently, and Nona thinks the corpse prince really does look dead, she's flopping very convincingly. Crown says Ianthe certainly acted as though the corpse was real. Pal kneels and gets to work.
He undid her scarf, and Nona looked away. Beneath the scarf a huge wound in the throat made the neck yawn wide open.(14) When she peeked back, wishing she had her braids to screen everything, she saw that Palamedes had unbuttoned the shirt partway and there was another big wound in the chest—a big purple bloodless puncture wound, with white teeth peeking out coyly from within.(15)
Pal says the damage is consistent with reported injuries, with a second wound lower down. Pyrrha says it would be an exact copy with John's work regardless. Pal says he has an advantage, in that he touched the original. Using his psychometry, he tries, but ends up sneezing and pulling his hand away.
Pyrrha says he just met God, and Pal says he doesn't like him. Pyrrha says God is preserving Gideon, if she's not his own creation, or both. Once he's had his hand on something, necromantically speaking, he obliterates anyone else's fingerprints with his power. Crown says Gideon's body didn't decompose, either, before she was lost.
Pal says that protection may be keeping Nona out, as well, if this is where she belongs.(16) Still, they'll have to operate as if she's really Gideon. He makes a ghost ward, so Ianthe can't come and take over her. As he's fanning it dry, Cam asks about the order of operations, and Pal says they'll secure the Sixth Oversight Body first, as Juno Zeta is good with wards, and might be able to break the ones on the shuttle's fuel. Then they return to the Sixth installation, and get all the necromancers out of Varun's influence. They fix Nona, stop the war, go to the Ninth, and "begin the real fight."(17)
Everyone looks at Nona, who doesn't know what the Ninth House is, but her teeth chatter as if to say something, which she has to clench to keep in.
The ward is dried, so Pal asks for the syringe. Pyrrha says she thought of that, but a blood sample might not be enough. With John's power, even Harrow couldn't have broken in unless the blood was fresh. Pal says Gideon's colour is good, no dehydration or gravity pooling fluids. If her blood survives outside her body, or not, it will all tell them something.
Camilla passed him a little pair of scissors, and he cut a short slit in the thigh of the corpse’s soft leather trousers. Then Palamedes prodded around with his fingers—he placed the needle to the dead skin—and the corpse’s hand shot out and ringed around his wrist before anyone could stop it.(18) Nona noticed that one of the corpse prince’s sleeves had worked up, and that on her wrist was a funny fat bracelet: a braided cord of many colours, none of which matched. “One, that’s not going to work. Two, I fucking hate needles,” said the corpse. “Three—Sex Pal, if that’s how you get a lady’s pants off, holy shit, no wonder I stole your girl.”(19) Palamedes rocked back on his heels. “Not my girl. Unlike some of us, I’ve never much seen the allure of an evil cougar,” he said crisply. “Good morning, Gideon.”
(1) The cheering is surely audible! Unless you didn't realize immediately that this was a classic Pal line. (2) I think I understand Corona here. These are her friends, these are the people she's come to trust and love now that she's been given a chance at a life outside her sister's control. Recall Nona saying Crown wants Cam to love her the way Cam loves Nona. She wants Cam to be her sister, in a way, and not necessarily separate from the codependency her parents forced upon her and Ianthe. It's so sad and so sweet, I think. But, at the same time, Cam and Pal haven't had a chance to talk, face to face, alone, in over a year and a half. Give them a minute, Corona, for pity's sake. (3) It took me a good few rereads of this and surrounding lines to realize that it was Nona saying it. So, just in case the lack of identity marker confused anyone else, here you go. (4) The Eighth lab in Canaan House. The one that requires soul siphoning to survive. (5) Pyrrha's mom energy is just BURSTING AT THE SEAMS for Gideon, seriously. (6) The water again, in weird orifices. What was in that scream? (7) It's okay, Pyrrha, I thought your joke here was very funny if not in the best of timing or taste. ;) (8) Why might Gideon's eyes look diluted compared to Nona's? Well, the corpse thing is, I think, a red herring, because everyone else's eyes are exactly the same in death as in life in this setting. We know Wake doesn't have John's gold eyes, so the breeding out could affect them. If Nona were Gideon and Harrow's souls merged, then her eyes should be somewhere between Gideon's gold and Harrow's black, but not brighter gold. Who would have the brighter gold, comparison to whom made Mercy realize Gideon's true identity? Who would be able to take a Resurrection Beast's cry and give it at full power, enough to disable even held corpses who once had necromantic ability? Who is, as Varun put it, this green thing forced into a body too small, so small Nona thinks there's barely room for just her, let alone anyone else? (9) The language of the body, which Nona has demonstrated so casually throughout. This, more than anything, is why I know that no matter what the fandom debates, this is truly Gideon Nav. She would want nothing more, on seeing someone she thought was Harrowhark Nonagesimus, than to embrace her. Nona can tell, though she doesn't have the context to know that her kiss may have been misinterpreted and inappropriate.
(10) So, here's where my theory comes in as to what happened between the end of Harrow and the beginning of Nona. Gideon (in Harrow's body) guided Pyrrha through the River, somehow, back to her own body. There, something happened, I can't guess what exactly, but it transferred Gideon's soul back to her own body by the same gravity Pal thought would happen to Nona (see: chapter 20) and that Pyrrha makes reference to here. Then somehow Gideon's body slipped back into the River, maybe something instinctual with Harrow's abilities as a Lyctor, maybe something to do with her genetic heritage despite not being an adept. She was drawn back to her father, by his intention or otherwise, which is how she ended up back in House control. This left Harrow's body just up from the shore of the River, in BOE territory, with Pyrrha and Cam/Pal and crew. I wonder if Pal and/or Cam witnessed whatever happened at the "landing", if this informed Pal's guess that Gideon's body would cure Nona. I wonder how he feels when it doesn't work. The described crease in his face later this chapter tells me he hates being wrong but not much else. (11) First House accoutrements for her offhand knuckle knife. (12) Not her sword, exactly, if we recall. (13) Nona never elaborated on whether it was infant finger bones, like John's, or some other sort of bones in Gideon's laurel. (14) I don't recall Gideon taking a wound to the throat. Pal seems to indicate this was the original wound, though I'd have thought Gideon would aim for the heart with that fence post spear, to be absolutely sure. (15) I don't recall the fencepost wound being described as so large as this, though. Also, this is the massive fandom debate: are the teeth literal, like vagina dentata but on the chest, or are they metaphorical, signifying ribs? (16) So reluctant to admit he could be wrong about this one, our Pal scented an option that admittedly would seem to make sense… but nobody knew about Harrow's secret shame. (17) The battle against the God Emperor. (18) See, Nona wasn't imagining it or lying! (19) Two references, back to back, to book 1. That's gotta be our girl.
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ustalav · 1 year ago
🍧 SHAVED ICE & 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL for all of them (or whoever of your choosing if it’s too much) :3
🍧 SHAVED ICE do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Gideon: sooo I actually answered this for gideon a long time ago [here] BUT I will add for him that his mother was extremely superstitious and made each of her children wear an amulet to ward off magic and spirits. She believed that the magic in the Trevelyan line would pass them if they were devoted enough to the Maker (she also dosed them with magebane).
Gideon kept the amulet in a chest by his bed once he got to the Circle, took it out from time to time, thinking back on what he must have done to be cursed with magic. As he gets older, he starts to realize he did nothing. It was genetic. I think destroying it could be a big sign of growth for him.
Grant: One of the only childhood objects he brought with him on the run from Lothering was his Grimoire. The one he had when Malcolm was teaching him and he wasn't trying to parse things from stolen manuscripts smuggled out of Circles. It's full of magic fundamentals and childish doodles of mabari and stick figure families. He treasures it and if it was lost, he might actually go on a rampage trying to find it.
Val: I actually think Val has purged all memories of his childhood. He is trying to distance himself as much as possible from his upbringing as a commoner in the lower echelons of Menzoberranzan, he wants only to be remembered for his place in a Noble household, even if he was a glorified jester and kept man to a noblewoman.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
Gideon: His insecurity around magic is a big one. He hates doing magic around other mages because he knows he is bad at it, that it still causes anxiety and panic to bubble up in him. He finds it embarrassing that basic spells can set him on edge (especially around Dorian and other highly talented mages)
Grant: He has a hard time relying on others. His loneliness and desperation for love and affection is extremely difficult to let show. Grant's got a hard exterior and an interior full of longing.
Val: Val would cut off his own hand before admitting he loved someone. The Minthara line where she says love doesn't make you weak, it takes a strong person to love someone... really helps alter his mindset. For so long, the things he held dear, the desires he had, were dangled in front of him just out of reach by his Patroness. It's hard to learn that being open about his affections won't come back to bite him in the ass.
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nysocboy · 11 months ago
Gemstones Episode 3.5: A pukka shell necklace, a stolen ring, castration anxiety, and Y2K
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Episode 3.4 concludes with the family in disarray. Both BJ and Keefe have broken up with their partners in the aftermath of a betrayal, Jesse and Pontius are sparring, and the Montgomery Boys are secretly planning a violent retribution. 
Judy's Back Story: Rogers High School, 2000.  High school-aged Judy tries to flirt with her crush, art student Trent (Braxton Alexander), by throwing her hair over his desk.  He asks her to stop several times, but she says "You know you like it, Stud," embarrassing him in front of the class.  Finally he gets even by cutting her hair. Wait -- why isn't the super-rich Judy in private school?
She doesn't notice until the girls in the restroom laugh at her.  Then she storms into band practice and smashes his saxophone, yelling "I liked you, asshole!  I loved you!"
Some fans wonder whether Trent is gay.  Of course, lots of straight guys would reject Judy's vulgar come-ons, but Trent wears a pukka shell necklace: according to my research, around 2000, that was a queer code, a way to identify other gay people while leaving the straights oblivious. Plus he's an artist and a musician.  "Artistic" and "musical" are  often code for "gay."
Y2K is Real:  Remember the Y2K panic that Eli and his wife Aimee-Leigh profited from?  A reporter from Time Magazine shows Eli the commercial, telling folks that God wanted them to buy Gemstone Brand survival buckets, first aid kits, commode liners, and so on.  "So...do you think it's ethical to scare people and then benefit from that fear-mongering?" 
Kelvin's Little Tiny Doll Pecker: College-age Jesse brings his girlfriend Amber home to meet the family. Is she pregnant?  Gideon is going to be born in a year or less.
At dinner, Judy criticizes her for coming from a poor family.   Jesse says "Suck my dick!", and she responds "I want a meal, not a snack."  
Kelvin laughs: "That was good.  She means you have a tiny little titi" (pronouncced tih-tee).  Jesse then criticizes Kelvin's "tiny little doll pecker."  It is probably perfectly normal for a prepubescent boy, but Kelvin doesn't know that.
The Snake Handler. After a scene where Judy bullies Amber and steals her ring, setting up their squabbles in the present, we cut to a service at Peter Montgomery's Pentecostal-like snake-handling church.  Actually, he's the only one playing with a snake, while his sons play the guitar and violin, and his wife May-May goes into a filled-with-the-Spirit ecstasy. 
Background note: Snake-handling, based upon the injunction to "take up serpents" in Mark 16:17, was introduced by the Church of God with Signs Following during the Great Depression, and spread throughout Appalachia.  Today the practice is illegal in most Southern states, including South Carolina, and there are no more than 100 snake-handling churches left.  
In Them That Follow (2019), Walton Goggins (Baby Billy) plays the pastor of a snake-handling church.
Gemstone-Montgomery Tensions: At the Gemstone Compound,  May-May complains about having to identify herself at the security station, just to put flowers on her father's grave. "You can visit the grave whenever you want," Aimee-Leigh assures her. "We'll have security flag you right on through." But she's not satisfied. Geez, he's been dead since 1995. Haven't you figured out the visitation schedule by now?
Later she bosses Peter around and rejects every effort of Aimee-Leigh to be friendly, suggesting a long-standing feud.  We can see parallels in Amber and Judy in the present.
The Gay Pride Shirt: Continuing her harassment, May-May criticizes any idiot who believed that Y2K was real.  Peter looks nervous. Uh-oh, did he sink his money into Gemstone Brand survival supplies? 
Yep -- later, he tells Eli that he spent the family's life savings on a warehouse full of Y2K buckets to sell after the world ended, but the world didn't end, and now no one will by them. So you criticize Eli for profiting from the Y2K panic, but you were planning the same thing.  
Eli offers to buy his stock back.
Meanwhile, the Gemstone and Montgomery kids ride four-wheelers, then watch Jesse smash stuff with his Redeemer.  Wait -- the swingset -- this is the site of the Season 3 finale, coming up in a few episodes!
Kelvin is wearing a t-shirt with a row of multicolored hibiscus flowers, a flowered shirt, and a pukka-shell necklace similar to Trent's.  Some fans suggest that his shirt features a pride rainbow, but in-universe, his mother or a professional buyer is picking out his clothes at this point, and they would hardly be thinking of LGBTQ Pride.  Costumer designer Christina Flannery wanted to subtly suggest that Kelvin is gay, not imply that he is self-aware.
Castration Anxiety: There are dozens of protesters at the Salvation Center, claiming that Eli and Aimee-Leigh grifted them, and demanding their money back. Geez, what's the problem?  That stuff could be used as general survival supplies or even camping gear. Aimee-Leigh offers a lackluster non-apology.
Meanwhile, Kelvin cheers as Jesse drives the Redeemer: "That is the coolest thing ever!"  Jesse calls it "the moist maker," referencing lady parts, but Kelvin doesn't understand. Well, he's only eleven.  I didn't know about lady parts getting moist until I started watching this show.  
Uh-oh, Amber's ring is missing.  Kelvin thinks that Judy stole it: she steals a lot of things, dragging him to the mall to distract the salesclerk while she shoplifts. She threatens to cut "his private off" if he tells their parents.  It's not enough to make fun of his dick size, you have to introduce castration anxiety, too?  
I made a mistake:  At their after-church lunch, Peter owns up to the money he lost investing in Y2K gear. May-May rushes to confront Eli: "You tricked him!  You did this on purpose to punish me!" Yep, just like Judy, it's all about you. "But Eli is going to buy it back!"  "Nope, we're not taking his money.  It's evil!"  
Remember in Episode 3.1, May-May attacks Aimee-Leigh for "what you done to my family"?  I can't see here that Aimee-Leigh did anything; she's been perfectly nice.  It's all on May-May for bullying Peter and refusing to let Eli help.
All sensitivity: Jesse rushes into Judy's room to yell at her for stealing Amber's ring, but she is so distraught over her parents' ridicule that he ends up consoling her.  He explains that they both get angry easily, because they take after their father, whereas Kelvin "is more like Mama that way.  He handles things more like a girl does. Just sensitivitively and stuff."   Sounds like he is identifying Kelvin as feminine/gay at an early age.
To get revenge on Trent for the hair-cutting, Jesse breaks into the school dressed as Slenderman and bashes his face with a cymbal.  Surprisingly, that doesn't knock him out or kill him.  
Next Jesse shaves his head and pantses him. The other students all point and laugh.  He turns around, but now everyone is laughing at his penis! Ulp -- like Kelvin, the adult Trent will face fears of sexual inadequacy.
Left: not Trent's dick.
Peter's Fall:  In a very effective staging decision, we are looking through the window of a coffee shop as Peter enters the bank across the street. We hear screams and gunshots.  People rush out, followed by Peter and the security guard. Our view is obscured by cars driving past and the condiments on the table, but it looks like they exchange gunfire and collapse. Peter has been shot in the face and the leg. The security guard is dead.     The end.
The full review is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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elfieafterdark · 7 months ago
Gideon the Ninth - Chapter 2
"Gideon marveled that someone could live in the universe only 17 years and yet wear black and sneer with such ancient self-assurance" bout that 😅Gideon - "I completely fucking hate you... No offense." I didn't realize that Harrow was just repeating Gideon's words back to her.
The mood is tense, but weirdly playful for "enemies".
"Gideon, here's a bed of writhing babes..." Oof dude. oof.
Harrow's outburst is amazing. She doesn't want Gideon to go because Gideon is her only friend. And she legitimately intended to let Gideon go afterwards. The shuttle was only supposed to parade Ortus and his mother around and bring them back.
Gideon being thoroughly unbalanced and now actually embarrassed at Harrow undressing, I'm not buying what you're putting down Nav, not even a little bit.
"I swear by my mother. I have nothing on me." She wasn't lying guys.
HOLY FUCK GIDEON SAYS "I gave her my whole life." IN CHAPTER FUCKING 2?! It's almost like these books were planned or something.
"in some far-off way Gideon had always known that this would be how she went: gangbanged to death by skeletons" was the first time in this book that I actually laughed out loud.
"Aiglamene was looking at her now with an expression she couldn't parse. Sympathy? Disappointment? Guilt?"
Review Part 1:
What a fantastic introduction for Harrowhark, The lady of the house. You get everything you need to have a surface level understanding of her within a few paragraphs. It's almost uncanny how good at characterizing Tasmyn is.
First let's turn my notes into a few observations. Gideon marveling at how Harrow can sneer so efficiently and with such ancient confidence has me twisting in my theorycrafting seat. She's a mini-god Nav, of course she's excellent at sneering.
Harrow is extremely calculating, and Gideon knows that. In chapter 1 Gideon spent however long combing the entire landing pad for bones, not thinking that the tiny little scrawny gremlin creature would be capable of digging into that ground. She underestimated Nonagesmius, to her detriment and eventual death.
Review Part 2: Aiglamene
Last little observation I want to elaborate on, is how Aiglamene looks at Gideon, bloodied and missing a tooth, lying on the floor. Disappointment. Sympathy. Guilt. I think Aiglamene feels extremely guilty for how Gideon has been treated, for the lot in life the poor kid got. She wasn't even born into the Ninth, she got air dropped by a crazy woman,
Unbeknownst to the captain, Wake fully intended to smash Gideon against the wall to break the blood ward. Which leads me into a different observation that I'll handle in a separate post. But from the captain's point of view, this poor child was left here to become an indentured servant. A serf. All but a slave, don't listen to anyone who tells you a serf isn't a slave; it's simply a different form of the same thing.
Gideon's life was ruined before she could even hold her own head up. I'm sure that eats away at Aiglamene, who has ostensibly done everything she thought she could to help the kid. Convinced everyone to let Gideon have a sword, convinced of the Lord and Lady to let her train the kid.
I can't help but wonder though if Aiglamene is being gnawed in that moment, by doubt and guilt and shame at very clearly and utterly failing the kid. If you're trying to help out a kid, and they end up with the shit kicked out of them lying on the floor, with their actual escape being ripped from their grasp?
You failed. I'm sorry. And I know Aiglamene is too.
Review Part 3:
Now I want to get into the nuts and bolts of this chapter, because it is excellent. The pacing is fucking incredible. Interspersing Gideon and Harrow's interaction with the progress of the shuttle really keeps things grounded and focused for the reader. If you're a writer, do this. Do this every chance you can. The more ways you can ground a reader in the scene the better.
And God, I have missed the interactions between Gideon and Harrow. They are objectively the best part of this series. The banter is just so fucking juicy, and can I just say? They're very coy and flirty for "enemies".
This first interaction is all you need to know with any reasonable certainty that these two have a fucked up toxic yuri love thing going on. At very least it's plainly obvious to me, and the rest of the books only confirm that this story is about these two.
Their relationship. Their intertwined fates. Harrow, last descendant of the tomb keepers down from Anastasia herself; sworn to protect the tomb and prevent its opening. And Gideon Nav, the baby born via IVF, who is supposed to die the day she was born in order to bring about the end of the nine houses. Born to open the tomb.
It's perfect. They're perfect. And even here in the first chapter they interact, you can already tell that they're meant to be together. People joke about it, but the staggering lengths and brads that Harrow goes through to keep Gideon close are nothing short of absurd.
She cannot lose her only friend, the young woman she's already beholden to. She's only ever been at Gideon's mercy, despite the unbalanced power dynamic. She was doomed from the moment Gideon the First and Pyrrha Dve ejected Wake from the airlock.
This chapter is fantastic, and I have one more thing to say about it. The action. I earnestly believe that the best stories are sparse on action, of course assuming that they aren't action stories, then excessive action is fine. The fight scene only lasts a handful of sentences, but oh what sentences those are.
Frenetic. Violent. Maddened. Disorienting. A grim display of what exactly a necromancer can do, while also hinting at the fact that Harrow is special even among necros. To paraphrase, "She can make an army from what it would take another to make one."
That's because she's 200 people. She's mini God. And no one can tell me otherwise. It's clear from the word go, of course with the gift of hindsight having read all of the books.
Most of all though I am in awe. I like to think I'm a decent writer, considering I've written nearly a million words of fan fiction. But damn. Tasmyn is on an entirely different playing field to myself, she's 40 billion light years ahead of me; and that's exciting. Because I can follow and learn.
Chapter 3 to come soon. And let me know if chaining these all together works or not. Also let me know what you think! Let me speak for all of us when I say creators thrive on comments.
One flesh, one end 💖💀🖤
Elfie's Locked Tomb Review
I don't really know what I'm doing here formatting wise. So bear with me. My plan is to review each chapter as I read them, and then sort of compile a larger conclusion as we go.
This is going to be loaded up to the fucking gills with spoilers, so if you haven't finished the series please do so first. I'm going to be spoiling everything pretty much from the word go .
I've never done anything like this before, but I hope that I can improve my writing by doing this and I hope that you all get some entertainment out of witnessing the madness of my brain.
Okay, time to get reading. Gideon the Ninth. Chapter 1. Let's do it.
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cakepoppresent · 1 year ago
Aren't you Embarrassed
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Alaia finally spots Veronica and Vaughn hanging out at a coffee shop "Veronica! You fucking bitch!"
Veronica looks up at laughs "Excuse me?"
Vaughan: Should I call security?
Veronica: No, This is funny let's see what she has to say
Alaia: You think you can just bully me like this? spreading false rumours against me? Are you sure you aren't the one dating Gideon?
Veronica: Bullying? Rumours? What does that have to do with me?
Alaia: Don't play dumb! I know it's you sending those posts to Gossip Girl
Veroinca: Don't think too highly of yourself. I don't think about losers like you
Alaia: You can't do this to me! I didn't do anything wrong. You are ruining my life
Veroinca: And why should I care? Hmm? What does it have to do with me if people want to believe some random gossip account? If they aren't true then you shouldn't worry, right? Are you a homewrecker?
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Alaia stays silent
Veroinca: What happened? Can't answer? You're just a little country bumpkin out of her league, reaching for things that don't belong to her. I know you're staying with Gideon's grandparents in the city. I think it would be good if you spoke with them. Time to head back to the countryside where you belong.
Alaia: Why are you doing this, you aren't even dating Gideon
Veronica: Im not, but he is one of my best friends and Grayson is my brother. I'll always make sure they are protected. Not that I owe you an explanation.
Vaughan: Let's go Princess, let's get something to eat
Vaughn gets up and takes Veronica by the hand, completely ignoring Alaia "I want to eat Korean BBQ and bibimbap!!"
Vaughan: Sure thing Princess. I know the perfect place
Veroinca says one last thing to Alaia "Hope I don't see you in the fall semester, Miss Wagner"
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Alaia stands here, she can't move she feels like everyone is staring and whispering at her. She rushed in like a mad woman drawing so much attention to herself.
*did you hear she keeps trying to sleep with Gideon Williams*
*yikes that's so embarrassing doesn't she have class?*
Standing there listening to all the whispers. Alaia makes a decision. She won't stand for this embarrassment Veroinca and Grayson won't get away with this.
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radiant-reid · 3 years ago
What CM characters do you ship ? Because I think that the only compatible ship would be Spencer and Elle
ohh, i love this ask !
So, let's chat about Spencelle/Reidaway. I adore them, I feel like their personalities really would have been a good match since Spencer's so book smart, and we learn that Elle is street smart. I absolutely believe something happened between them in that hotel room.
So why didn't the writers ever make them officially involved?
They love to put Spencer through a boatload of trauma. Let's imagine this;
Spencer admits to her that he's never had a girlfriend, so they go out on a date as 'practice,' and it ends in a kiss for 'practice'
then she ends up in hospital after Fisher King II, and Spencer realizes that he cannot lose her, so they start dating
it's shown to be very clear that she's his first girlfriend
he's so scared because he knows something bad is happening to her, but he doesn't want to say anything and ruin their relationship
then everything goes incredibly badly. Elle leaves, ghosts the team but also Spencer, and he's so upset about it (maybe the team know they're together, but maybe they don't- which is sadder)
and when she gets to wherever she's going, she sends him a letter... just like his dad did.
that definitely would have given him an added layer of trauma
there's more under the cut
my other favs
Emily x Aaron I'm not sure whether people like this one or if it's controversial. I've just always seen some chemistry between them and it's an enemies-to-lovers plot... like Hotch is flipping out at her for doing something minor, and she just has this feeling that something more is happening behind the scenes, so she calmly asks him if he wants to talk because he has no one else to talk to (sorry, Gideon) and he reluctantly agrees, and they just talk about their trauma for a whole night. of course, he's really embarrassed the next morning but he admits he likes talking to her so they very slowly get into a relationship
Emily x JJ This isn't a long-term one, but I think something happened before Will turned up, and they still think about it sometimes, but Emily had to watch someone she loved fall in love with someone else (even worse if no one knew about it)
Emily x Tara I don't know, I feel like there were a few flirty moments between the two of them. i love tara with my whole heart. they're both girl-bossing it up in the FBI, and they would be the ultimate power couple
Emily x Derek This was never a thing for me, not until that deleted scene where Morgan mentions to Spencer that he likes her... and i think about it a lot
Spencer x Luke Something happened... I love Luke with Penelope, and I don't want to give Spencer any more trauma, so I'm choosing to believe it ended mutually.
Spencer x Ethan (not both on the team so idk if this counts) Obviously. If anyone tries to debate this, have you seen the New Orleans scene from Jones 2x18? something went down both then and after, which contradicts me thinking Spencer hasn't been in a relationship but shh
Matt x Kristen Literally my favorite couple on the whole show. she totally accepted his job and was the most supportive. Their kids are freaking adorable and all of them deserve the world
Jeid I'M JOKING. I literally hate this ship, it was the cheapest plot ever. I love JJ but Will never deserved that shit
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whatdoyoumeanitsnotcanon · 3 years ago
Hi, I just wanted to ask for a sort of comfort headcanons based on something I experience if that's okay
I struggle with dpdr and I often struggle with feeling real and feeling that my surroundings are real and sometimes it can set off a panic attack
So with context out of the way, how would the Elden Ring bosses + NPCs help comfort the chosen tarnished through a panic attack they're having because nothing feels real?
Your writing is a big comfort for me to read and I realize that this may be a big ask of you to do, so you don't have to respond to this if you don't want to
Hello, anon! This isn't a big ask at all and I'm honored that you shared this with me. I'm glad that my writing is comforting and I sincerely hope it continues to be. Hopefully, I understood the assignment with this list as well.
Without further ado:
Comfort!Canons - TW: Panic Attack(s)
Patches - For once in his life, he's actually unsure of what to do. Tries everything from pulling out a tonic he's kept stored away for emergencies to telling a joke that falls flat because they're both scared. Eventually puts tentative, slightly shaking hands on the Tarnished's shoulders which helps calm them down. Patches releases a shaky breath that he didn't realize he was holding in and pulls them into a tight hug, one that's quickly reciprocated and conveys more than words ever will.
Morgott - Knows all too well about the fears of having a panic attack, seeing as he'd helped Mohg through many of them as children. The regal derision drops and for the moment, he's no king. He slips back into the paternal nature he thought had left him when his dear brother did. Doesn't say anything but gently scoops the panicking Tarnished into strong arms and rubs their back comfortingly.
Gideon - Doesn't think himself too helpful in the physical touch department so he takes on the fatherly tone he usually reserves for Nepheli and talks the Tarnished through their panic attack. Reminds them of all they've accomplished and that it's all real and true and theirs. Gives them a cup of tea afterward.
Varré - That switch flips and he's in doctor mode. He's checking the Tarnished's pulse, asking them questions to keep them talking and grounded, and doing everything possible to prevent them from passing out. Actually allows them to lean against him. Then, in a moment of vulnerability, confesses that he, too, used to get panic attacks, especially when he had first encountered Mohg.
Rogier - Absolutely panicking internally but puts on a brave face so as not to escalate the situation. Allows the Tarnished to rest against him and they share a blanket and just talk about their travels. Also lets them wear his hat because they've always wanted to.
Godrick - Absolutely clueless. Somehow the Tarnished manages to grab one of his many hands and holds on to it for dear life. And, by the Golden Order, it works. Godrick awkwardly pats the Tarnished and proceeds to blurt out something embarrassing that was supposed to help but, um... at least it got the Tarnished to laugh in the end so win-win.
Radahn - Come through, cuddling extraordinaire! Would've done whatever possible to get them through it; of course, what always saves the day with him is a gigantic, soothing bear hug. His warmth makes it all real.
Godfrey/Hoarah Loux - The Tarnished feels those big hands on their shoulder. He commands them to look him in the eye and he guides them through a series of breathing exercises. They helped him on the eve of battle and helped Marika when she was in labor with his sons. Godfrey has them down pat and the Tarnished even incorporates them into their self-soothing routine.
Ranni (and Blaidd and Iji) - May not be able to help them physically but talks them through it. Blaidd and Iji are there to provide physical comfort. The Tarnished makes Blaidd's cape their humble abode for the time being, which means Blaidd can't really do much of anything except sit there and enjoy the scritches behind his ear. Win-win for the crew.
Mohg - Calls in Varré to handle the Tarnished because the painful memories resurface and he's on the verge of one himself. Tries to put on a brave front when it's all said and done but he's not fooling anyone with the way his hand clutches his trident so tightly that it's shaking. The Tarnished later tries to talk to him about it but he angrily dismisses it in the beginning. He later talks about his childhood and blurts out how he misses his grumpy ass brother.
Roderika - Holds and squeezes their hands. She doesn't think she's helping but the Tarnished assures her that she most definitely is. Uses the Spirit Jellyfish to, well, lift their spirits.
Diallos - Massages their shoulders to release the tension and calm them down. Afterward, has them lie their head on his lap while he massages their temple to alleviate their developing headache. The Tarnished compliments him, and Diallos blushes and thanks them.
Vyke - Awkward as hell (like Godrick) but with the added bonus of having Lansseax curl around both Vyke and the Tarnished. Vyke stiffens slightly when the Tarnished lays their head on his shoulder but ultimately relaxes and reclines against a now slumbering Lansseax. And off to the land of dreams do they go.
Radagon - Oh boy, where do you think Radahn gets his cuddling skills from? Softly calls their name before wrapping his arms around them. The Tarnished's face is buried in his chest and it is the thrum of his heartbeat that grounds them. Rubs their back and whispers comforting words in their ear.
Bernahl - Not one for PDA really but wraps an arm around the Tarnished, pulls them close, and tells them a story of how, when camping and winding down in preparation for dusk, he accidentally came across a couple of runebears and had to run for his life because he was dumb enough to leave his sword behind at camp. And don't you dare tell anybody about it either, Tarnished.
Yura - Actually tells the Tarnished to clutch their weapon and focus on it. Focus on how it feels in their hands. Focus on its shape, the colors, and their reflection in the blade. Focus... and become grounded once more.
Maliketh - Doesn't have to do anything really but curl around the Tarnished. They recline against him in return and it's more than enough to help them.
Shabriri - Says that it's such a shame that they're experiencing something so discomforting but should they accept their destiny as the inheritor of the Frenzied Flame, their panic will burn with the rest of the world. This is enough to ground the Tarnished and let them self-soothe but, um...
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