#she said 'I'm gonna be the cutest librarian ever!'
elysianpristinity · 2 years
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Miss Pink Elf Librarian ♪
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theajaheira · 2 years
Fred/Gunn #25?
25. librarian/avid reader au
"More ballet books?" says the girl at the checkout desk. It's one of those things that would make Gunn bristle if it came from a dude, or maybe even also from a girl if she said it in the way that most people might, but this girl says it like she's just found out that puppies exist. "And this one's on Giselle! You're a man of taste, I see."
"Yeah, some buddies and I are going to see it--um--again," says Gunn, his cheeks heating up. Not the kind of thing he'd usually admit, but -- well, he likes her smile, and right now all he knows is that talking about ballet means she might smile more. It's worth a little bit of embarrassment if he gets to see her eyes sparkle. "Wanted a little more context. You have any recommendations?"
The girl gets up from her chair and dashes away. Nonplussed, Gunn stands, hoping, hoping -- and then she returns, arms full of books, a pen tucked behind her ear, and dumps the books down in front of him on the library counter. "So many," she says breathlessly. "I'm hardly a ballet aficionado by any means, but, well, I try to make sure that I'm well-versed in pretty much anything that anybody asks me about, otherwise how am I going to be an effective librarian? And I'm not completely up to date on all the things that I'd like to be, but I know a lot about ballet, and lethal weaponry in Ancient Rome, and poison dart frogs! Usually people don't ask about those things, and, well, you're the first person who has, and you've been getting lots of ballet books--um, not that I--I mean, I saw you getting the ballet books and I thought, hey, maybe he'd be helped out if the local librarian knew a thing or two about ballet books--but I'm not some kind of creepy stalker or anything, y'know, this is my day job, and oh my gosh why am I still talking?" she finishes, clapping her hands to her crimson face and dislodging the pen entirely.
Gunn catches it. He's pretty sure his smile can be seen from space. "I'm gonna read every single one of these," he says, "and I'm gonna come back and tell you what I think of all of them."
"I hope you like them!" the girl squeaks from behind her hands. Fred, says her nametag. Cutest name he's ever seen on a girl. Cutest face, too.
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