#she runs a very corrupt part of a governmental and legal system
fated-normal-767 · 1 year
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definitely posted this before but. well I don’t care. #girl
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
you chose for me || s.r.
summary || steve comes back after leaving you during Civil War but he doesn’t get the satisfaction of being in your arms again.
prompt || “Don’t misunderstand me”
author’s note || Helloo~ I hope you all enjoy this hella angst! This is a prompt for @aesthetical-bucky​‘s 1K writing challenge, congrats on 1K, love! 💘
warnings || hella angsty, bittersweet ending i guess?, mentions of sex trafficking
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The air was torrid and sharp, making sweat drip down from your temples to the tip of your jaw. Your body jostled from the bumps of the van rolling over roads. The back of the van’s cover was open slightly, making the Sambisa Forest pull in like it’s taunting you. Nigeria felt arid, the trees darkened from the night but parts of the leaves shine from the moons presence. You watched as a girl held your hand and longed for the feeling of freedom and safety. She watched the trees, eyes flickering across them like she envied their freedom of dancing across the fresh ground.
All you could do right now was watch, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Your heart constricted at the sight of these young women being trafficked. The night sky glistened among the women’s faces, tears smeared across their panicked faces. They were going to be okay, right? The three of you could handle thirty men, right?
They were getting close and closer to the borders of Maiduguri, where they planned to sell these girls for a hefty price but the van screeched to a halt. Your eyes locked with Nakia’s.
Two years ago, you told Tony that you couldn’t bear to be at the compound anymore, everything smelled, tasted, and felt like him. The only thing that was on your mind when you looked at Tony or Natasha or even Clint on house arrest was him. Your blood would boil, animosity filled your stomach, and resentment clogged the brink of your throat every time you thought of that blonde-haired asshole. You couldn’t take this burn, this sting any longer and that feeling of Steve walking out on you, on your relationship, made you break. 
The excruciating words of “I’m leaving” knowing that the statement had “and you’re not coming with me” attached to it left you with gut-wrenching grief. He didn’t even have to say it, you knew. 
You hadn’t even made the decision yet. You thought The Accords were unlawful and being stuck under corrupt governmental systems was largely not your ideal situation but you couldn’t lose Tony either. However, the more you thought about it, your intuition of corrupt governments surpassed that. You couldn’t let governments do their act on their nepotism regardless of a father figure. It wasn’t a part of your morals and even Tony knew that. He never once resented you for that. The thought of ‘maybe if you just pushed a little harder then maybe he would’ve changed his mind’ crossed your mind too many times to count. You knew that wouldn’t have worked. Before even talking, Steve had already made up his mind. 
He decided to choose for you. He took that choice right from your fingertips as nothing else mattered. The one thing that you prized above all was something that Hydra had stolen from you. You never thought that the one person you loved, trusted above all else, would be the one to rip it out of your hands like you were a child playing with somebody else's toys.
Everything reminded you of the freedom that was taken away from you. You became unmotivated. Tony and Rhodey expressed their concern when you didn’t even care to go to the infirmary after a mission. You continued to show disinterest in the world, trudging along like you were an expressionless robot with pain that surrounded your heart. It had consumed you.
And that’s when you met Nakia. 
A Wakandan woman that created a program of trained personnel that helped victims of sex trafficking. Rhodey and Tony pulled you into a room where Nakia sat patiently before the desk. The two of them told you that you need a different kind of work, something that makes you feel like you’re making a difference, given a purpose. Then, you can come back to the compound if that fits what you want in life.
When she told you of her program, you immediately agreed. After bidding your goodbyes, the next day you were on a plane to France. You, Nakia, and others that were involved in the program like King T’Challa traveled all over the world, capturing those who would enslave others and throwing them in jail or sometimes you had to... you know. 
Everybody in the back jolts at the van screeching to a halt. You and Nakia lock eyes and swiftly grab two daggers while she takes out a bigger, longer knife like a machete. The man that was the head of the group opens the doors of the van and stares. “Don’t you move.” He started to get the other men but Nakia quickly threw her knife in the guy’s shoulder making him fall to the ground. She jumped out of the van surveying the area and saw T’challa handling the situation while you carefully assisted the women out of the van.
You gasp, ears throbbing at the sound of machine guns firing at you. Nakia quickly opens the van door, shrapnel flicking across the graveled ground. Your body had flung itself towards the women. You couldn’t even hear yourself breathe, the eerie ring of the machines took over your ears.
You can see them scream—their mouth agape and eyes wide but it was as if nothing came out. You brace yourself, grabbing a hold of your daggers and flipping around so you’re now facing the busted door. As the men pause to reload you run out behind the cover, stabbing one man in the chest and another in the side of his torso. You see T’Challa fling one of the men's bodies into a tree.
As you rip the knife out of their bodies, they both fall to the ground with screams and moans. Before the other men could act, you quickly lodged one dagger in the neck and kicked the other one that was attempting to apprehend you. Blood splashed across your face and you twirled around a bit, keeping a grip on that man and threw your other knife at one that was charging right at you. 
He falls to the ground and you bring your attention back to the one that you still have a grip on. He stares at you wide-eyed and before he could open his mouth you immediately punch him in the face, knocking him out.
One was left, standing there shaking. T’Challa lifted up his claws but you quickly yelled at him to stop. “He’s just a kid. He was kidnapped too.” He nodded and put his hand down. You and Nakia tell the boy and the group of women to get in the van and you’ll take them to the town where there’s a facility that will help them.
You all quickly get back in the van and drive to the city, Nakia and T’Challa fighting about what songs to play on your way to the city. Your phone vibrated and you quickly answered, trying to get the two to be quiet. “Hello?” “We need you, kid.”
You arrived back at the compound, Nakia and T’Challa walking next to you through the corridors. The three of you had no time to clean or change either, Tony's voice sounded too urgent. You knew this was clearly important but you weren’t ready. Two years hasn’t been long enough, you don’t think you can bear to see the person you’ve been trying to get out of your head for so long. And you knew he would be there, you didn’t miss the hint in Tony’s voice that gave it away. ‘We’ need you.
You all work into the briefing room, you didn’t miss Steve out of the corner of your eye with a dark tactical suit encased upon his body. You wanted to look at him, the burning desire so fresh that you felt your eyes trail in that direction but you couldn’t let yourself. You wouldn’t. You keep your eyes trained on Nakia’s and see she’s talking to two friends that you haven’t seen in a bit. “Okoye! Shuri!” The three of you embrace and catch up for the remaining time until Tony tells everyone
You sat down next to Thor and he greeted you with a smile. “Like the new look.” You saw Steve’s head snap up at the sound of your soft silky voice. Now he’s got a good look at you, the whole team did. Your face was packed with mud and streaks of dried blood went from your hairline to the tip of your nose.
“Y/n.” Sam’s voice was layered with concern. “Don’t worry, Wilson. Not my blood.” A light smile covered his face and Thor chuckled beside you. You could feel Steve stare still, and you locked eyes for only a second. You had to quickly look away in fear of melting but you didn’t miss the changes. He looked rougher, pain was etched across his eyes. There were more wrinkles that creased on his forehead and not to mention the beard that was now on his face.
“I’ve called everyone here today of a new threat. A big purple Titan named Thanos has threatened to wipe out half of everyone, ever. I’ve gathered everyone I somewhat knew to defeat him.”
For a while, everybody had given up as much information as they could about Thanos. Gamora and Nebula had a lot, being his ex-children. You all had come up with a plan to defeat him when he comes to Earth, which seemed to be very soon. After the meeting, then you would all prepare. 
Steve’s fists were embraced with each other and he stared hard at Tony. “Are we just going to forget everything that’s happened, including The Accords?” There was a silence that fell, Tony’s eyes flickered from yours to then Bucky’s. He was about to say something but then he saw the look on your face and softened, this was your battle with Steve and not his. 
You sighed, “Look, Steve, we’re going to need everyone. This has surpassed sides and governments.” Bitterness flicked across his tongue, “You’re just going to forget the legal binding documents? You chose your side, didn’t you?” You scoff, arms folding over. Tony sat up, anger taking over his face honestly ready to fight Steve right here, right now. You didn’t deserve this. You had chosen Steve and he threw you out like you were a piece of used trash. Tony was not about to let him talk to you that way, he was defending your honor.
“Don’t misunderstand me.” Steve furrowed his eyebrows as he watched angry breaths leave your chest. “You didn’t let me choose, Steve. Did you ever once, once, ask me about the accords? About how I felt about you trying to find Bucky?” Steve froze, birds could perch on his shoulders he was standing so still. He couldn’t believe it, he never actually asked you what you thought. He just assumed, he let his own insecurities cloud his judgment.
“I had chosen you. You should know that I would never sign documents that are easily corruptible. I was ready to drop everything to help you but you took that freedom away from me, from our relationship.” You drop the file that you had in your hands and fully turn to Steve, shock evident on his face. “So, you don’t get to ridicule me for ‘choosing a side.’” 
“Y/n-” You pushed your chair back making it screech across the tile and you made your way out. You could hear Tony calling your name but you couldn’t be in that room any longer. It was suffocating you and Steve trying to say that this was your fault made you enraged.
How dare he?
You make your way to your old room and slam it, the sound vibrating through the halls. What the actual fuck was he thinking? You understood that things would be awkward but scowling at you about choosing a side when you didn’t even get to choose one? That’s fucked up on so many levels. 
You sat on your bed, putting your hands in your head when you heard a light knock on the door. You sigh, getting up and opening it. “Look, Tony, I don’t-” Your body seizes as Steve stands before the door, solemnly looking at you. You open your mouth to speak but he immediately cuts you off, hoping that his presence didn’t give you the wrong idea.
“I’m sorry. Not just about earlier but about everything. Please, I’m not here to judge.” You press your hand harder on the edge of the door. You could just shut the door in his face, hoping a bit hits his nose or you could not run away from your problems and get closure. You sigh and open the door slightly and then walk into your bedroom, Steve not far behind.
You sit on your bed and he sits on your desk chair, eyes flickering around the room. “Hasn’t changed a bit.” Your press your fingers “Look, it’s really difficult to have you in here right now so could you just start talking?”
He nods, straightening up a bit to get a better look at you. “I know sorry won’t cut it, whatsoever but I do want you to hear it. I am so sorry, y/n. I took away your right of a choice and then shoved it in your face during the fight at the airport and that meeting. I thought that you would just choose Tony and when you were contemplating the accords my mind convinced itself that you already chose and you wouldn’t want to be with me. I convinced myself that if you chose me, you would regret it and become so unhappy. It was my own insecurities that clouded my judgment and I’m so sorry” Tears were rolling freely down his face now and he occasionally sniffled. “I know that there was no excuse, regardless. I never contacted you because I didn’t think I deserved it but I now know that it hurt you even more… I just want to say that if you could give me another chance, I will spend the rest of our lives trying to make up for what I did on your terms. Whatever it is, I’m there. But if you don’t want to see me ever again, I’ll leave and I will never bother you.”
A tear rolls down your cheek and you can see Steve lifting up his hand to wipe it but stops and puts his hand down, frowning in the process. “Steve…” “I’ll let you take time to decide. Tell me after our fight.” A sad smile spreads across his face while you nod and watch him walk out of the room, softly closing the door behind him.
You didn’t really know what to do, your mind was too jumbled. On one hand, you just wanted to jump back into his arms again in case this was the last time you’d ever do that but at the same time, he left you for two years thinking that he hated you and didn’t want you because of the Accords.
Should you honestly forgive him?
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cherubchoirs · 4 years
Have you ever heard of Leverage (TV series)? It is about a five-person team: a thief, a grifter, a hacker, and a retrieval specialist, led by former insurance investigator, who use their skills to fight corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on ordinary citizens. I like to think that Akira would do something similar when he grows older. If you don’t mind me asking, what types of jobs do you see the members of the Phantom Thieves having as they grow up?
i’ve heard of the show but i haven’t seen it myself, although i 100% agree that is totally akira!!! i think akira, at first, holds a lot of odd jobs because he likes meeting new people, seeing different places, and having all kinds of experiences...and it keeps his schedule flexible so that he can work as a burglar. he only steals from those who deserve it, doing meticulous combing of their backgrounds and digging all the dirt on them - he retrieves valuables for himself and often grabs blackmail material too in order to make them change their ways. however, akira works as the daring, hands-on type, becoming a modern day arsene that thrills the public with his daring heists and brings people to justice for crimes that wouldn’t otherwise be brought to light. he does this for years but...he scales a lot of high-rise buildings, a dangerous gamble that finally doesn’t go his way one night, and the fall he takes leaves him with a bad back and using a cane after lots of physical therapy to recover. he moves forward after that to go into activism, using a degree in law to work as an advocate for prisoner’s rights in japan...but definitely still continuing to work as a thief that now orchestrates heists in a similar way to what you mentioned where he stays behind the scenes. SO...i’ve thought plenty about akira obviously sdkfsjfd but as for the others!! 
- ryuji is a physical therapist - i never thought ryuji actually came off as dumb tbh, he just seems unfocused and like he’s given into labels. like i noticed that ryuji can be incredibly insightful and asked some really good questions...and i just want him to achieve so much more as an adult than he ever thought he could. he works especially well with kids, connecting to them easily and having the kind of upbeat, high energy they need to feel happy even after a serious injury. and i imagine ryuji is like. super buff. dude’s ripped. and the kids can see that he has an injury too but it didn’t stop him working out, playing sports, or having a good life even if there are certain things he can’t do (i hc ryuji lives with chronic pain and running is eventually too hard on his leg) he’s honestly a great doctor in general who makes people feel at ease even if he can be overly excitable, it’s just part of his charm lol 
- ann does become a model like she wanted, but i imagine she gets a business degree to learn how to eventually run her own modeling company. she wants a place where the models feel safe, where they aren’t used or abused in any way, and all claims of harassment are taken DAMN seriously and ann will ruin any photographer/company/manager that tries to take advantage of a model. additionally, she really wants to expand the kind of models that can find work in japan - ann herself knows what it’s like to be singled out for being different, but she also knows she doesn’t face half of what many minorities do. she wants them all to be see as beautiful and fashionable, she wants all people to be able to open a magazine and see someone like them held up as the image of beauty. 
- yusuke can’t be anything but a fine artist lmao his work includes a TON of travel, finding inspiration in all corners of the globe as well as making tons upon tons of international friends wherever he goes. he stays with them more often than not, barely even having a permanent residence, and none of the thieves are surprised when they get a text from him backpacking in australia or exploring a city in peru. it makes his work super eclectic, a beautiful blend of styles and compositions that he’s seen around the world (madarame WISHES he actually had the range!!), although his favorite will always be traditional japanese painting since that’s what his mother loved. 
- makoto initially goes into the police force wanting to be a commissioner...but even she is shocked to learn how disgustingly corrupt the force is. she knows what akira faced and the trumped up charges that would have been brought to the phantom thieves, but actually getting into on the other side was something else entirely. so she decides to work for internal affairs to climb the ladder to the top as quickly as possible. yes, she wants justice in the streets, but that will never be accomplished is the police are simply allowed to do as they please, so she decides she must take them to task first. it’s still working in a corrupt system, but she is MERCILESS, never caring how many people attempt to brick her out - she knows every loophole and makes various connections to get her where she needs to be to bring crooked officers before a court of law. 
- futaba continues to live with sojiro for a long time, but she easily develops her own software and makes good money from it. i sort of got the idea that futaba could definitely make a living like this from p5d honestly, where she says she made the top app in the app store but just did so anonymously (or something like that!!) so she didn’t get paid. i think she would just develop software and games and things like that on her own because traditional work just doesn’t suit the way she thinks and operates, and she’s happy to work all on her own. she also definitely, definitely helps akira with his heists and stealing info on assholes that deserve to be taken down while doing her own hacking on the side. 
- haru continues to oversee the company, but i think she scales it back quite a bit in order to be sure they maintain good quality and good policies. like ann’s business, all of her employees feel safe and comfortable to report any grievances and it’s known as one of the best places to work as haru keeps a close eye on things. she does get the cafe she wanted, although she wishes she could be there in person more. she works closely with the manager and all the employees know her though, making an appearance at least a couple times a week to relax and get that one on one interaction with her workers and customers. it has a beautiful little garden too that anyone can help tend, plus haru makes sure any unused food goes to help those in need (and those in need can always come to the cafe for a meal, just like her grandfather wanted).
- goro goes into law, where he works as a lawyer in family court. i always really liked the idea of him being a lawyer since i think his relationship with sae was an important one, but it’s definitely just a passion for him too because he’s tenacious in getting the outcome that’s in the best interest of children in any given case. he knows how little the legal system tends to care about kids in these disputes, and it’s even worse when they are orphans or in foster care, so he wants to be the one person on their side even if he has to fight against the whole system for them. and he. really definitely does fight that system tooth and nail, known for being brutal in court and exceedingly thorough in the evidence he compiles. no one took him seriously at first because oh he’s just that wannabe kid detective, but they all learned VERY fast how dangerous an opponent he really is. surprisingly, though, everyone sees the total 180 he does talking to kids, his voice soft and warm but full of confidence, and he’s done amazingly well helping out social workers that otherwise can’t find an advocate
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amityax · 4 years
Exampletron: The Tutorial Character!
Name: Exampletron
Age: 100 Vorns (About 8,330 Earth years)
Place of Origin: Cybertron, Pious Pools, Middle District
Alignment: Lawful Good
Religion: Agnostic (Ironically, despite teaching classes on Religion, he’s never thought about it)
Gender: Male Leaning, He/Him, 3 on a binary scale of 1 to 10, 10 being female presenting and 1 being male presenting.
Altmode: Projector
Faction: Strongly Neutral
Defining Quote: “Teaching the next generation is the greatest privilege a bot could ask for.”
Physical Description: About 5 Meters Tall, Padded Shoulders, Blue paint with green accents, blue optics, and helm fins that have a paperclip-like pattern on them. They are built Lightly, but are not frail. Small in appearance, but not a mini-bot or a mini-con.
Outstanding Physical Features: They’ve got big feet, and they’ve got small, decorational kibble wings on their back.
Favorite Thing: History, Wooden Rulers (the texture is so… interesting!)
Least Favorite Thing: Exclusionary Policies, Bad Teachers
Inventory: Caries no weapons. Has at least one ruler and one extra hand-held clock at all times. Laminated samples of things. A puzzle cube. A Personal Data Pad and a Work Data Pad.
Functionalist Class: Delta, Disposable Class
Job: An Academy Teaching Assistant and Part-Time Unofficial Tutor For The Newly Forged
Stats: Strength: 2, Dexterity: 4, Constitution: 3, Intelligence: 8, Wisdom: 5, Charisma: 8
Skills/Proficiencies: Proficient in History, Religion, Investigation, Insight, and Performance. Has a vast information base of most teachable subjects. He is a very charming person, albeit mostly unintentionally. It’s why the Academy lets him get away with stuff. Proficient in being loved. :)
Weaknesses: Low Insight, Intimidation, Deception, Athletics. Not very strong, not very hardy. Could not hold himself in a fight. He’s not a pacifist, he just couldn’t conceive the idea of getting into a physical fight with anyone, and therefore has never thought about it. In the only thing he has situational insight into is the minds and emotions of students. Sympathetic and perceptive of their needs, but his low situational awareness of everything else combined with his sheltered nature (he was raised in Pious Academy, basically), leave him vulnerable to malicious manipulation and the danger he unknowingly puts himself in when he strives for lawful change.
Personality/Character Description: A kind, jovial, knowledge-loving bot. He loves to teach students, and constantly expresses his gladness when he is able to do so, even though he is often relegated to being a board projector for others. He wants to pass on knowledge from himself to the next generation, and has a fondness for history in particular. Wants to teach so badly, he often gets himself in trouble. He has a good mind, and tries to follow the rules as best he can, but when it came to keeping himself out of social/legal trouble, he had heart where he should have had brains. He has trouble keeping his cool when assisting bad teachers who either butcher the material and/or are cruel to students. Honestly, is a bit oblivious to the corrupted state of society, and is unaware of the danger he is in by semi-unknowingly defying the norm.
Outstanding Non-Physical Traits of Character: An Incredible Memory and love of learning. Definitely more so than your average person, or even your average teacher. Very kind, and prioritizes his students' welfare above all else.
Goals: Wants to become a teacher. Wants to teach a history class. Wants to improve his students’ quality of life by improving society as a whole. Also pushed for peaceful, legal educational reform on Cybertron. He wanted to make teacher credentials available to anyone who could pass certain tests instead of building people to be teachers and throwing them into a teaching/tutoring career whether they liked it or not. He also pushed for the creation of “On The Grid” classes, which are basically online classes that can be taken anywhere, and more importantly, by anyone (which for a functionalist government trying to limit which types of people could and could not receive and education, was quite a problem).
Accomplishments: He once taught a long-running Intro To Pre-History course before being outed. Had the highest success and proficiency scores of any other teacher in the school. He is very proud of the quality of his historical evidence and analysis. He can and will name several “students of his” who became very successful researcher/educators of their own; Daybreak, Vertical Shift, Imperial, Nautical… he set up a few “Grid Classes,” but they were taken down by the government after “potential terrorist sympathizers” began to access them.
Failures: He was “barred” from his unlicensed teaching after the government put pressure on the academy to be “up to code.” He was devastated. He never got the majority of his reforms pushed through, and not many people cared about his cause; either they were uninterested in change, or his concerns were to “niche.” He's terrified of letting his students down.
Backstory: He has worked at Pious Academy since it was open. He was literally sparked for his job. Serving as a projector for other teachers to display things on by day and scouring the library by night, he listened in on so many lectures, and knew the school so well, he became the formats expert on all things going on. He was inspired by one kind professor who only taught one year at the school before leaving to follow his heart and pass on his vast array of knowledge on to the next generation. His light and charming personality endeared him to the management staff, and allowed him to do additional work, despite his Disposable Class. There was one point where he was teaching classes on his own thanks to his vast array of data and his sheer seniority, until some spoiled prick of a student found out his Frame Type and tattled (*Cough* Sentinel). The Academy is now very careful to keep Exampletron on a leash, for fear of governmental retribution.
Character’s Opinion: Exampletron believes that he needs to do what it takes to get his right to teach back by changing the education system such that knowledge and learning have the most priority in a school setting, putting aside all Classism for it’s sake. He pushed for reforms, and patiently waits for his letters, inquiries, pamphlets, and essays to be reviewed and discussed upon (they never are, but he keeps trying). He’s not a “revolutionary” per say, he thinks everything he’s trying to get done is obvious to everyone, it’s just no one’s bothered to address it yet, is all.
Philosophy: The students, their education, and their quality of life is the most important thing. Hands down. Exampletron thinks that knowledge, history, literature, and culture is all beautiful, and that everyone should have the chance to appreciate it. Teaching is the most rewarding experience there is, and watching your students become better is and should be the goal, always.
Friends With: Several of the staff, administrators, and students of Pious Academy. Doesn’t know anyone else, really.
Platonically Dislikes: One student who always purposely spills oil on his Projector Form, even after Oil consumables were banned from the classroom. What’s with that guy, anyway?
Admires/Looks Up To: Alpha Trion. He’s never seen them in person (obviously), but he is All Over historical accounts of his actions and his records. (It's like having a crush on a historical figure, but that historical figure is still very much alive and it’s awkward as hell for everyone involved.)
Mentor To: Specifically, Hardlight, and aspiring writer in the Architecture History class he assists in. He tutors her on the down-low about the Quintesseons and Age of Wrath, as that’s where her book is set.
General Enemies With: The assistant dean, Whippersnap. They’re always cruel and mocking after one of Exampletron’s attempts to get change or teach a class on the sly goes awry.
Best Friend/Amica Endure: A teacher named Inquiry. They’re not Amica or anything, but they’re still really good friends. Inquiry always asks for Exampletron’s opinion during his geography class.
Romantic Interest: Again, it’s Inquiry. He’s just not sure how to bring it up…
Hate Crush: Uh,,, no one, really? He is Black Aromantic. He doesn’t enjoy hating people, really, but understands that others find this form of romance attractive and/or cathartic.
Arch Nemesis/Mortal Enemy: Trunchable from down the hall. She is THE WORST teacher OF ALL TIME. NO knowledge of subject matter, downright CRUEL to the students AND the other staff. She enjoys cruel and unusual punishment for even the smallest of slights. She once forced another teacher to eat an entire full-sized oil-cake in a teacher’s meeting for stealing her slice of cake from the work fridge, and the teacher got so sick they had to go to the hospital to get their tanks pumped. No one can tell her off or fire her because she’s the daughter of some high ranking official, and to make matters WORSE she teaches THE NEW FORGES. UGH!!!! He doesn’t like hating people, but she forces his platonic hand!
Peacemaker For: Many, many, many student pairs (and one teacher pair). Study groups can be quite challenging when you have to play Peacemaker for not one, not two, but four intensely Black-waxing couples all at the same time. That was a trying semester for Exampletron. The teacher pair is the only one he enjoys Peacekeeping. Young bots, as a rule, are hell to Mediate, even for Exampletron.
Peacemade By: Honeytrap, an assistant dean, mediates Exampletron and Trunchable, basically whenever they’re in the same room. It is a platonic Mediation, but so what? It’s the closest thing you can get with Exampletron.
Author’s Plans/Goals For Character: Exampletron tries to set up a Grid Class at the wrong time in the wrong place, and sends one to many letters to his local senator, and he gets placed on the Government’s long, long shit list. Ironically, Exampletron’s knowledge of history didn’t allow him to realize it was repeating itself, nor save him of his corrupt overlords and the lengths they would go to keep their power. At the end of the Golden Age, during the terror and confusion of the Dreaded Rust Plague, Exampletron, among many other political dissenters of the Prime, both private citizens and public politicians, are kidnapped from their homes and forced through space bridges en-mass to random colony locations. And then, to quarantine off the planet, Sentinel makes the decision to permanently deactivate the space bridges. What timing, amiright? Exampletron lands on Caminus and not one of the infected colonies, thankfully. He didn’t achieve his goal of reforming Cybertron’s education system, but at least the Camiens let him get a job as a history teacher the way he always wanted! He still misses his old students, though (and Inquiry).
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coruscantholonet · 5 years
ELECTION Q&A session with the candidates. (End of 270 ABY)
With the Election just a week or so away we took the time to sit down and ask some of the questions that those on Corellia seem to want to know in order to get a better understanding of where they all stand.
The scene would be the meeting chamber of Vreni Islands city hall and all the candidates would be at the table with a female Pantoran news reporter at the head who seemed to be the one asking the questions.
Q: The presence of both Jedi & Sith as well as other force user organizations has been at times controversial.  How do you feel about this topic and if elected would you try to push for a change?
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[ Snarj has a background in the Confederation/Corellian Defense Force and has served for several years as the Councilor for Drall ]
Snarj: I do not think outlawing them would be in unison with Corellian values, but I do think laws should be adjusted to require lightsabers be more regulated.
Jasper: If people are getting riled up because they can't put down a guy in robes with a light stick, that's on them. I don't see them as a threat. Let them do their fancy little dances.
Art:  Both are a necessary part of the galaxy as we have noticed in many of the galaxy' s historic accounts
Zwee: It's only right that, as time goes on, force user groups are getting controversial. It means that the rest of us are finally waking up to the dangers that the Sith AND the Jedi bring not just to the galaxy as a whole, but to our very streets here in Coronet City. If elected, firstly I would push for a ban on 'open carry' lightsabers. They can have them in their temples, but only our brave CorSec officers or Corellian Knights should be permitted to carry them on the streets. Lawfully deputized representatives of CorSec would also be permitted to carry them but ONLY when on official CorSec missions. 
Vesha: This has a very easy solution.  Have them transported to one of the moons and leave them there without any transportation off of it.  Continue to deport force users to this.. containment colony.
Victoria: I believe we need to put in place laws to regulate the use of light sabers in public. I would like to keep a neutral position between the Jedi and Sith but I do hear the concern of the public and I will put my hand if any of the groups are causing nothing but chaos. 
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[ Victoria has been serving on the Council and many would look to her as the most hard working of those who currently sit on it.] Q: At this point the Confederation consists of the five worlds of the system.  Some wish to see it expand and provide an alternative to multi-system governing bodies such as the Republic. What position would you take?
Snarj: I would look into a slow rate of possible expansion, starting with opening diplomatic talks with some of our neighboring systems which we’ve had good trade relations with.  I’d be careful though to make it clear it’s primarily a defensive alliance and besides some basic principles the Confederation does not interfere much in the governing of the individual worlds.
Victoria: I would rather keep things as it is right now. The current system is the greatest but I don't think it so bad now that we will look for alternative, but I'm not against changing later on if that is best for the five worlds. 
Vesha: Of course, expanding means more potential profits.  
Zwee: Corellia and The Five Brothers form the heart of the Core Worlds. The axis to which the galaxy turns lies with us - Corellia and her people. So saying, I would definitely be open to expanding our borders to include other worlds, mostly in line with Mister Snarj's views. However, before we stride into that future, we must focus on finding solutions to our problems at home.
Jasper: Sounds like an excuse for more red tape. The less government the better, in my opinion. My esteemed colleagues should be a wonderful indication of that. Let's worry about ourselves instead of running off trying to save the whole galaxy.
Zwee: That's Jasper for you, easily distracted by trivialities. Not the best quality in a leader.
Art: Joining multi-system Governing body might sound nice and profitable but remember when they fight their war' s our children will be required to heed the call. I would not vote in favor of joining such Bureaucratic system. Work with them is a different story but not the topic of this question
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[ Zwee has had a successful career in the world of business and has made sizable donations to CorSec as well as worked with the Council on improving Coronets utility services. ]
Q: Currently taxes are distributed fairly equally between agendas such as education, military, social services and so on.  Is there an area you'd increase spending on and what would you spend less on to compensate for?
Zwee: As a business owner myself, I understand well the important role capitalism has on maintaining not only a healthy government, but a healthy and happy people. My privatizing  of the power and water grids have already taken some of the burden off of government spending, freeing a good deal of revenue to go towards other agendas. Personally, I would wish for that extra revenue to go towards education, couple this with lesser taxes in the business sector and our economy will soar!
Art: Taxes in regards to basic necessities should be lowered.Our focus should lay with the people, but to answer the question... I would prefer to see more funding go to start up businesses perhaps in the form of. Long running governmental. 'Loans' 
Snarj: I would increase military spending, especially when it comes to the defense fleet.  We should not be having trouble with pirates. The credits need to come from somewhere but instead of reducing funding to anything I would increase taxes on luxury goods, weaponry,  none medicinal legal spice and property that exceeds a modest threshold. 
Victoria: Of course we need to increase spending on the military as CorSec have been dealing with low funding while there is an increase in crimes. Its important to keep funding social services and education as that will help the citizen being well educated and a healthy body. If anything to cut spending then probably cut down a bit on government official salary.
Jasper: I would reduce spending on social services in favor of a slight bump in military and education. Judging from the amount of idiots you have running around on this planet it's clear to me education is a priority. Besides that, I'd rather stay alive than using taxes to pay for things like Zwee's implants. So Military seems valuable as well.
Vesha: I would cut all funding to social services, people need to learn to stand on their own two feet and stop depending on the Government.  I would put more funding into the arts as culture is far more important than those who won't help themselves.
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[ Art also comes with a background in business as well as technology. ]
Q: With crime running rampant through Coronet and other urban areas... the cuts made to CorSec and the ever climbing violence on the streets. How do you hope to tackle this issue?
Zwee: One of my campaigns promises I made when first throwing my headband into the election was a reduction in crime. A tall order that my peers have also pledged to. However as we all know, words pale in comparison to action. My action in regards to my promise is my ExCon Initiative - giving those citizens whom have paid their time for their crimes a career in my newly privatized utilities department. It is a sad fact that oftentimes a business won't hire an ex-convict, which only leads them back into a life of crime, perpetuating the vicious cycle. Thusly, we starve the street gangs of recruits. Couple this with increased spending on education, and joining a group of thugs becomes a far, far less attractive option.
Victoria: We of course need to increase funding and more recruitment programs to gain more into the ranks. I'am not against using other organizations to help CorSec deal with the increase in crimes if that will allows us to keep our citizens safe.
Vesha: Yes, zero tolerance for riff-raff.  Have them locked up, deported, even executed if the crime is severe enough.  Send a clear message that Corellia is done letting petty thugs have their way.  Rewarding them with jobs is lunacy!
Art: This issue all relates to the fact that our poverty line is much higher then our middle class line. Investments in to free schooling till the age of 16 should be a must
Zwee: Would a zero tolerance policy also be applied to hate groups, Vesha? Also I agree with Artimis, I like the idea of free schooling up to a certain age.
Vesha: Hate isn’t a crime, it is natural to dislike parasites.  They latch onto the host and will suck it dry if left unchecked. Draining from a host while contributing little or anything is what should be considered a crime.
-- There would be a few gasps here, likely offended audience members, and the moderator would just signal to move along --
Jasper: End corruption. Too many politicians are happy to sit around smiling while they dip their hands into the pockets of criminals. The first step is to get rid of these complacent cowards. Once they're dealt with we go after the criminals themselves. We already know who half of them are. Hell, why are we sitting around pretending "His Lordly Baron of the Black Sun, 34th of his name" isn't somebody who we should be locking up? No, instead of that we'll let them host our election parties and give all of them a vote. It disgusts me. We can spend as much money on CorSec as we want, but until we reevaluate the politicians it doesn't do any good.
Snarj: I would take a closer look at how we’re spending the funding allocated to CorSec. Potentially rebalancing where the funding goes to be spending more on areas of high crime rates and less on low crime rate districts. 
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[ Veshari is mostly known for her work in the Holofilm Industry as both an Actress and a Producer, she’s also sat on the Czerka Corporation executive board. ]
Q: Some criticize the close relationship CorSec seems to have with several organizations.  They have concerns that Jedi, Mandalorians and Corsairs have been among those who have been deputized by CorSec, especially in high crime areas such as the Blue Sector.   Critics have said that Corellia is outsourcing its problems rather than tackling them internally.  What are your thoughts on this?
Zwee: I wouldn't say that CorSec is outsourcing, no. Rather our police force is utilizing the assets we have at hand. Saying that, I share some of the concerns expressed by my fellow citizens...after all, how are we to know those being deputized are up to the task? I believe having some transparency in the deputizing process would alleviate some concerns. Also making the Corellian Knights a more attractive organization for those individuals who have some skill in the Force, rather than having them stuck in the ages-old, pragmatically problematic Jedi/Sith cults would do wonders to shore up our brave men and women in blue against force-related situations.
Art: I hold no ill will to such things if at heart the betterment of corellia takes priority above personal gain.
Snarj: I can’t say I have a problem with the current ways people are deputized.
Vesha: I don't really know, but I would make sure we're not overpaying for these types.
Jasper: Mandalorians are, in my experience, extremely lethal, efficient warriors. They're also usually assholes, but that's neither here nor there. If they want to help out CorSec I don't see why an extremely underfunded department should say no. The Jedi are, if my understanding is correct, "peaceful warriors." So that seems fair enough to me as well. Corsairs may have their own interests in doing that, I doubt it's just out of the kindness of their own heart, so maybe that should be reexamined, but if they're keeping their nose clean then again, I don't see why not. I don't see any of this as "outsourcing problems." The fact of the matter is most of these deputies live on Corellia. Citizens taking up arms to defend their homes is as internal as it gets. Just because they don't roll around eating donuts it really doesn't make a difference to me. Maybe the Mynocks will try to get deputized.
Victoria: I wouldn't say that we are outsourcing the problem but mainly finding ways to deal with the problem. I'm sure there are citizen that would rather want trained CorSec cops but in reality with the current crime wave we can't fit the demand to train new recruits in a timely manner. Training new recruits take time and if we take too much time then it allow crime to increase as well. So in my opinion I don't think anything wrong using other organization to help us with dealing crimes. It will be worst if we don't have anyone in these high crime areas.
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[ Jasper had some roles in holo as a child but since has mostly been involved in fairly questionable organizations ]
Q: Some feel that some potentially self destructive vices such as prostitution and gambling should be made fully illegal.  Right now to run an establishment with gambling or prostitution requires a license to be purchased.  Sex workers must also be registered and licensed. Do you see the need for any change here?
Victoria: I don't see the need to completely ban prostitution and gambling because those two things will always exist just won't be in our face. Since we require businesses to have license to operate then the government can make sure our specific guidelines are follow and ensure it running nicely. Sex workers I believe would be safer because of the require license as they won't be afraid of cops of arresting them for their work and can freely report to CorSec if they suffer any abuse from their clients. 
Jasper: Absolutely not. Sex and gambling are as old as the galaxy. Outlawing it won't reduce the amount of it we do, it will just create a criminal market for it. That means trafficking. Crime is bad enough as it is. Let's treat people like adults. If you can't stop gambling that's your own fault, take responsibility.
Art: Making such things illegal will only draw in more gangsters seeking to gain more profit through such trades. I believe in a free choice of profession
Snarj: Not really, I may just try to push through raising the costs of these things as part of increasing funding to the military.
Zwee: I do not see a change as necessary, no. The licensing and registration process is design to protect both the customers of said ventures and the businesses themselves. To outlaw them would only provide a foothold for crime to weasel its way in. 
Vesha: It provides work for otherwise useless people, I suppose it doesn’t bother me all that much as long as these types of people are registered and kept away from more important functions where lesser beings are not needed and only provide a distraction.
Q: How are you tackling the poverty and  widespread issues facing parts of Coronot City and other urban areas while those in Vreni and other affluent areas are treated to the luxuries of Corellia. What programs are going to be put in place to better the people and allow equal opportunity?
Vesha:  Yes, my program is called..  shut up and work harder if you want to make something of yourself. 
*Zwee just gives Vesha a mildly amused look as she answers the questions, then looks directly into the camera with an arched eyebrow as if to say 'Seriously?'*
Art: I will do all in my power even invest personal capital to create more jobs
Snarj: I feel that the opportunities we present people now are fair.  Many of the poverty cases I see are the result of addiction to spice, other drugs, gambling, other ways that those without self control have squandered their opportunity at a better state of life.  This isn’t always the case but the personal freedoms that Corellians are allowed do come with some self accountability.  If anything I may look into more programs for youths in that situation to learn trade skills. 
Victoria: I'am currently working on severally programs to help address this type of program. I have spoken to a few business heads to help us fund these programs. One of the first one will be a public clinic for those that can't afford medical care as health should be the first thing people are concern with as some can't find jobs due to a number of health issue. Another  programs I'am planning is to have a training program to help those gain the necessarily skills to find jobs.
Zwee: Education and a healthy job market are the cornerstones of equal opportunity and prosperity. If we can grow more businesses in Coronet, that equals a healthy job market. One way we can achieve this is with lower taxes for the corporate sector. I feel that privatizing our infrastructure isn't taken as seriously as it should among our people. That's my answer to the inevitable question of where the credits are supposed to be coming from to support both tax cuts and an increase in government programs. My privatization of the water and power utilities frees up millions of credits that can be put towards such programs.
Jasper: Opportunity is as equal here as it is anywhere on the galaxy. If you want to live in "affluent areas" then find what you're good at and make a living out of it. Some people are lazy and we can't adjust society to try and account for them. In fact it's a strain on our taxes that we absolutely don't need.
Q: The top three industries on Corellia are shipbuilding, agriculture and the manufacturing on alcohol.  It is among the top exporters in the galaxy in those categories.  What industry do you think could be pushed to join them in helping to make Corellia prosper?
Jasper: Weaponry. It's one of our biggest imports. If instead of importing we make our own, in the long term we have potential not only to save huge amounts of credits, but the rest of the galaxy would come to rely on us for more than just our ships.
Snarj: I think our mining industry isn’t too far behind and there are likely things we can do to improve it
Zwee: As we grow Corellia's shipbuilding and agriculture sectors, so too will the support industries surrounding those titans grow! Again I bring up education and training as well, often overlooked as an industry. 
Victoria: Tourism as vreni island is already popular and why don't we push for more tourism into it as that will also help the businesses on the island as well. We could also try our hand on droid manufacturing.
Vesha: The holofilm industry.  Corellia has diverse scenery which really can save a lot of credits on special effects.
Art: Any that gives more jobs 
Q: Do you have any thoughts on the other candidates? Whether it be criticisms, concerns or compliments?
Art: None that i feel needed to put down here
Vesha: Yes, I find it hard to believe that half of them have a grade school education.
Snarj: I must say I’m deeply concerned about the human league’s involvement in the candidacy of Miss Syphex.  Many are likely too young to remember but at one point this organization was labeled as terrorists.
Zwee: I've spent a good deal of time with Councillor Victoria, I've already pledged my support for her in her bid for the Prime Minister chair, but I'm thankful for having another opportunity to give her more praise! Not only is she a thoughtful and compassionate woman, she has a sharp mind for policy as well. I'm a fan of her previously passed bill on the taxation of personal droids, for example. I have a strong concern about Ms. Vesharia Syphex and her rather alarming views about "aliens" such as myself. Being a member of a species is not a choice, Ms. Syphex.
Victoria: One of the first candidates that came to mind is Miss Zwee. I have spent some time with her and I can see that she really care for the well being of the people and the planet as a whole.I even will endorse Miss Zwee in her run for a Councilor seat.It's quite rare to find those type of people in government nowadays. now with  Mr.Raiden I would consider my closest rival in this race but I'm not too concern about him. Yes he does seem to have a business background but what is that compare to me that walk the very streets and making with people that call Corellia their home.  Another candidates that is a bit of a wild card is Jasper. He is certainly an odd character in the race but he does give some good points in what he believe should be done for the planet. Mind you at the same time he have a mouth and he should really control that and his behavior.
Jasper: They're incompetent, but you'll vote for them anyways, so this corrupt mess is your fault. In fact, I blame the citizens more for the sore state of things than these puppets.
Q: If elected, what would be your first action/goal ?
Snarj:  As I touched on earlier, improving the military would be my first and primary objective.  We must be able to defend ourselves in a galaxy full of those with agendas that could target our great Confederation.
Victoria: Tackle the crime wave of course
Jasper: Get rid of corruption.
Art: Begin creating a poverty free corellia
Zwee: The ban on lightsabers would be my first action, a reachable, non-nebulous goal.
Vesha: Probably having a massive center for the arts built in center city Coronet, some have suggested naming it after me. . .
--at this point a murmur in the crowd “Who the fuck is some?”--
Vesha: . . . but I'll be quite content for a modest statue or something of that nature.
As the show was fading to commercial, a topless woman would run by carrying a sign that said “Vote for Gor’gon”, perhaps a reminder that people could write in others outside the field..
0 notes
interkomitet · 4 years
Interview of Leonid Slutsky with the rt.com network publication: “Infectious Disease, Scheduled Information War”
The COVID-19 pandemic affects not only the global economy, but also international politics. President Trump is seriously discussing the possibility of demanding compensation from Beijing for losses incurred. Anti-Russian rhetoric resumed with renewed vigor – both in the West and from the Eastern European neighbors. All this is in an interview with RT with the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Leonid Slutsky.
– Trump threatened to punish China for coronavirus up to the severance of diplomatic relations, Western intelligence agencies and the State Department accuse Beijing of destroying and hiding data on COVID-19, all over the world they talk about “Bill Gates conspiracy.” Isn’t it premature to look for the guilty?
“Finding the culprits for a pandemic is the last thing.” Now it is necessary to undertake a general consolidated effort in order to finally overcome the spread of coronavirus in the world. Trying to point at each other, build conspiracy theories is an absolutely dead end path in terms of achieving results.
There is a rather crude element of politicization in the fact that Washington is trying to transfer responsibility for the outbreak of COVID-19 to China. Moreover, such a line is more likely connected with domestic political factors: presidential elections, problems in the healthcare system, and general economic recession. And here the US administration did not reinvent the wheel, using the old and long-standing political technology in the American establishment to search for an external enemy.
And, in principle, it cannot be said that on the foreign policy flank COVID-19 somehow eased the battle for leadership waged by the United States with other world powers. On the contrary, even aggravated.
And the anti-Chinese campaign here is a manifestation of competition by not the most honest methods. A pandemic is just an excuse.
“Senators have introduced a bill on sanctions against China if it does not provide a full report on the outbreak of the virus.” How do you assess the prospects for sanctions and compensation?
– Speaking about the prospects of requirements and ultimatums, one should always remember the boomerang effect. Any aggression breeds aggression. And we have already heard the relevant counter-statements of Beijing.
But … China has been and remains open to any cooperation in the fight against coronavirus. Moreover, within two years, Beijing is ready to allocate $ 2 billion to support countries affected by the epidemic. And just the other day, the leader of the PRC, Xi Jinping, announced this.
Therefore, if again guided by reason, anti-Chinese sanctions are an absolutely unjust initiative devoid of any meaning. Yes, however, like any sanctions, especially in the new “coronary reality”. And this is not only my opinion. Being in parallel with the head of the Russian Peace Foundation, the largest non-governmental organization, in April I appealed to politicians from around the world to abandon the policy of unilateral restriction, adopted bypassing the UN, to effectively counter the pandemic. Until now, I have continued to receive letters from world capitals in support of this appeal. It was especially significant to get a similar reaction from the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
– The Russian Foreign Ministry announced a misinformation campaign launched against Russia: first, the publication in the Financial Times and The New York Times on the understatement of mortality from coronavirus in Russia, then an article in Bloomberg titled “Experts Want to Know Why the Coronavirus Did Not Kill the Russians More”. After the scandal, the title was changed. The State Duma commission to investigate the facts of interference in the internal affairs of Russia appealed to the Prosecutor General’s Office regarding NYT and FT, and there are also demands to withdraw their accreditation. Sergey Lavrov opposed the “trial” of journalists and offered to wait for the decision of Roskomnadzor. How to respond and stop new cases?
– Indeed, the infection is contagious, and the information war is on schedule. No one stopped her. Russia and China are declared threats to the United States at the doctrinal level, regular media attacks are an unhealthy consequence of prolonged anti-Russian hysteria.
How to respond? In accordance with the law. We have formed a complete legal framework to combat false information. And of course, continue to raise questions at international venues in general about the inadmissibility of the politicization of the pandemic, especially in such dirty, blasphemous ways.
– Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the United States decided not to finance projects to “contain Russia”. There is no silver lining? Or is it temporary?
– More precisely, the funding decided to reduce. Of course, I would like to hope for good and common sense. But with regard to the United States, where Obama’s anti-Russian flywheel is still gaining momentum, it’s difficult to predict.
– In the Czech Republic, the monument to Marshal Konev is first demolished, they refuse to hand it over, after which they talk about the Russian avenger who arrived with poison. At the same time, in a conversation with Russian prankers on May 5, the mayor of Prague announced that the Czech capital “liberated itself”, and the Red Army arrived when the war was over and intentionally “killed” the Czech people. And the demolished monument is the property of the district, the opinion of which must be taken into account. How best to respond to all this?
– Again, part of a large Russophobic campaign, where the amputation of the memory of the role of the Soviet soldier in the victory over fascism and the imposition of historical lies about the Second World War became long-playing elements. Have you heard that the American company prepared the justification for the demolition of the monument to Marshal Konev in Prague? (This refers to the consulting company Squire Patton Boggs. – RT) Our embassy in the USA sent inquiries regarding this, but, apparently, the answers still hung in the air. Plus, the White House statement on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Victory without mentioning the USSR! The memory is emasculated, the ashes of the heroes are alarmed, the monuments, obelisks are demolished, and all this abomination is also accompanied by fakes about the highly poisonous poisoners – all in the name and for the sake of containing Russia.
If we take the Prague case, then, of course, the dismantling of the monument to Marshal Konev on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory became a serious irritant in Russian-Czech relations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is holding consultations on the transfer of the monument to Russia under the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation. We hope for their positive outcome, despite the published negative response of the Czech Defense Ministry to the request of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu. The Czech Defense Ministry cites a lack of competence in this matter and just appeals to colleagues from the Foreign Ministry. Therefore, hopes still remain. But in any case, the sediment from the “gift” for the Victory anniversary in the form of a barbaric and blasphemous demolition of the monument remains, it will be very difficult for me personally to get rid of it.
– Ukraine does not cease to amaze. She returned Saakashvili, refused to accept help from Moscow for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra afflicted by the coronavirus, blamed Russia for the Odessa tragedy, and threatened Nord Stream-2. Hopes for Zelensky have we run out of?
– Hopes for Zelensky should have been with his voters, who voted for him in the election a year ago. Then this was the result of the collapse of Poroshenko’s policy. But, apparently, someone is stubbornly pushing the new Ukrainian government to the same rake: there is no tangible progress in the settlement in the southeast of Ukraine, the implementation of the Minsk agreements has been sabotaged, the people have not grown rich, and have not become closer to Europe either.
– And will the record of the conversation of the allegedly ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with the then vice president of the United States Joe Biden and secretary of state John Kerry, who promised for the removal of the prosecutor general of Ukraine $ 1 billion, somehow affect the election campaign in the US? (Attorney General Viktor Shokin investigated the illegal activities of the oil and gas company Burisma with the participation of Biden Hunter’s son. – RT).
– I think this situation should be a real test for Western standards of democracy. Moreover, for Ukraine and the United States, where Biden is a presidential candidate. According to the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Andrei Derkach, who released the record, we are talking about facts of international corruption. These are very serious allegations. But here it is necessary to wait for a legal assessment and the results of the investigation, if, of course, he is given a move.
– What are the everyday life of deputies now? What precautions do you have? Are you tested?
– The leadership of the State Duma in a timely manner took all necessary steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Regular testing is carried out, deputies, as you can see on the online broadcast, are required to attend meetings in full protective gear. Masks, gloves – required.
– Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko did not rule out earlier that it is not worth planning a trip abroad this year. What is your forecast?
“I’m not a forecaster.” I hope only for a quick and complete victory over the pandemic in the world.
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