#she must be so confused on why her bf sometimes acts all romantic with her then ignores her for snufkin then goes back to being romantic
the-tea-moth · 2 years
Snorkmaiden being jealous of Moomin spending more time with Snufkin bc shes not informed that those two are kinda-dating: 0/10
Snorkmaiden, Moomin, and Snufkin being in a polyam relationship and Snorkmaiden being ok with this but still being a little clingly naturally, so she gets jealous bc of that(but still respects Moomin's space and desire to spend time with Snufkin): 1000000/10
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mainadjacent · 6 years
Sticking to the Script (p. 4)
Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader, one-sided Ben Hardy x Reader
Summary: You are the star of the hit TV show, “Winthrope Manor” and you’ve just got a new costar, Gwilym Lee who happens to bring around his friend, Ben Hardy, to set. You develop feelings for Ben, but they’re not well received. Lucky for you, your costar is there to help make things better.
Author’s Note: I am so sorry about how delayed this has been! I started a new job and the hours are long! Plus, I spend all day typing and looking at a computer so when I get back that not necessarily what I want to be doing. But! This is the longest chapter to date @ 3.6k!! I really did enjoy writing this too!
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Warnings: Light swearing and some (fake) injury description.
The next morning you have a biting headache. It doesn’t help that you have to be on set extra early because you’re doing special effects makeup. In this week’s episode, Violet falls off a horse and is bed-ridden with serious injuries and while no one is making you jump off of a horse, you are going to have to sit through at least an hour of fake blood, rigid collodion and harsh makeup lights.
“You look like shit and I’m not talking about the blood,” says Kevin McIntyre, the actor who plays Matthew, the middle Winthrope child, and your onscreen brother.
You laugh sourly and flash him an obscene gesture as he plops down in the chair next to yours.
“I went out drinking with Gwilym last night,” you admit.
“You know, since I’m contractually obligated to at least act like I care about you I’m going to go ahead and say I think it’s a bad idea for you to be getting romantically involved with the guy playing your love interest again seeing as it didn’t go too well last time and—”
“It’s not like that!” you interrupt so hastily that you startle Vicki, the makeup artist.
“I went with him and some of his friends. Trust me it, it was not romantic at all. It was actually kind of weird.”
“Weird how?”
You suddenly become keenly aware of the other presences around the set, all keen to hear what you have to say,  and you avoid divulging too much.
“I don’t know. Just weird.”
“Well, I think this just goes to prove that you probably steer clear of alcohol. And just men in general.”
“Great advice. Now be a good non-brother and go get me something greasy from craft, please? My head is throbbing.”
Kevin begrudgingly gets up from the chair he’s splayed across, “I’m only going because I want a donut.”
“Get me something caffeinated, too!”
Your phone gives a buzz and you dive across the vanity to get it, much to Vicki’s chagrin.
Hey! I forgot to tell you, Gwil home last night! Thanks for the help!
It’s from Joe. Last night, he had appeared just as Gwil had so oddly decided to leave.
“What’s wrong?” he had asked, clearly as confused as you were.
“I don’t know, one minute we were talking, the next he just decided to leave. I think he might have had a bit too much to drink. I don’t know.”
Joe gave you a look that could pass for almost pity.
“I’ll go after him,” he turned into the throng of people.
“Wait! You have to let me know if you get him home okay!”
“Right, fine. Here,” he handed you a sleek, black phone, “Give me your number and I’ll text you.”
You smile at Joe graciously as you hand back his phone.
“Oh, and can you let Lucy and Rami know what happened?” You nod. “It was nice meeting you! Get home safe!”
Hey Joe! Thanks for the help last night. Pretty sure I would’ve gotten in major trouble if I lost my costar. You’re a lifesaver! :)
Vicki finally finishes with your face and you thank her profusely as you admire her work in the vanity mirror. She really had done an amazing job. There’s a gnarly gash running across your right temple, your eyelid a deep purple color and bruises doting your left cheekbone. Your lip has a deep, bloody split running down the middle of it.
“I thought Vicki was supposed to make you look worse, not better,” jokes Kevin as he presents you with a breakfast sandwich and a tall cup of iced coffee.
“Very funny,” you flip him off before lunging at your coffee.
“Hey, by the way, have you seen if Gwil’s here yet, I want to make sure he’s alright,” you say casually as you tear a piece off of your sandwich.
“Gwil’s not on the call list today. He’s probably not shooting your guys’ scene until tomorrow.”
By the way that he’s eying you up you can tell that Kevin is waiting to see how you respond to this information and this somehow makes you feel like you’re hiding something.
“Huh, I must have gotten my days confused,” you say innocently.
You can tell that Kevin’s not buying whatever it is you’re trying to sell.
“Listen, I know you said it wasn’t like that, but anyone with eyes can tell that you and Gwil have some sort of chemistry thing going on. Every time you two shoot scenes together it’s like you guys are holding back from ripping each other’s clothes off and there’s a running bet for when you two are going to get together. So, why don’t you just stop pretending that you’re not into him?”
This all hits you like a ton of bricks. “First of all, Kevin, have you ever considered that maybe we’re just really great actors that are really committed to our roles? Also, up until last week, Ben and I clearly had something going on so there’s that. And, didn’t you just tell me to avoid guys all together? Now you’re telling me to admit my so-called feelings for Gwil, what’s up with that?”
“Okay, listen,” Kevin says calmly, as he sips his own iced coffee, “I can’t speak for Gwil but I’ve been acting with you for over a year and I know, for a fact, you’re not that good of an actor, okay? There’s definitely something going on there. Secondly, who the hell is Ben? That X-Men pretty boy? No offense, but he hasn’t been around the set for ages and based on what you just said, he doesn’t seem super interested either. And also, I know I told you to avoid men altogether, but I just joined the betting pool and if you get together with Gwil by next Tuesday, I win $1,500,” this last part he says in a rush.  
You’re pretty sure if you lunge at your costar, you’ll ruin your makeup and at the risk of pissing off Vicki, you settle to just glare at him. Before you can even retort, though, he is called to set and leaves you there, seething.
Is there any truth to what Kevin said, you ask yourself. What he said about Ben was harsh, to say the least, but was he wrong? Last night proved that Ben wasn’t just ignoring you, he was straight up avoiding you. Kevin was right, you might as well just let that go. You have plenty of experience giving yourself to others for little in return, it gets old.
Gwil was a more complicated topic for you. The two of you were clearly friends, and you are fond of him. The complicated part of falling in love with someone on screen, you realize, is that some of that have a tendency to transfer into your off-screen relationship. Maybe it wasn’t that way for everybody, but you feel things deeply. That’s what makes you a good actor, but sometimes it can get in the way.  
Before you can delve further into your feelings (yuck), you’re called onto set.
You spend the rest of the day on set. The episode is very Violet-centric on account of her accident. The show is really trying to push the fear that Violet may not survive, so there’s a lot of tears and tense moments. On the bright side, you spend the entire shoot in bed and without a corset and half the time you just have to lay there while the other characters talk.  
You are distracted though, and you can feel the rest of the cast’s frustration as they call for yet another take after you forget one of your few lines. You don’t even blame them for being mad at you. You’re also angry at yourself because every time the soundstage door opens, your eyes flash to it, half expecting Gwil to burst through it even though you know he’s not here today. You have no other choice than to throw yourself into your performance, though, because you’re pretty sure that if you don’t stop ruining takes they’ll reconsider not killing your character off.  
The day of filming drags on into the night and by the time you’re on your way home, it’s well past 11. You check your phone, half-hoping for a text from Gwil—the irony that only a week ago you were agonizing over a text from Ben and now you’re in the same position but with Gwil isn’t lost on you—but there’s no message from him.
The next day, you roll back onto set early again. The weight of two sleepless nights slogs you down but you are slightly comforted in the fact that Gwil will be here today and you finally get to talk to him about the other night.
Except you don’t. He’s not on the call list and your scene together has been pushed back yet another day. You try not to show how disappointed you are.
Apparently, though, you are more transparent than you think because, while checking Instagram during lunch you notice that Kevin tagged you in a picture on his story. It’s a candid of you sitting in the makeup chair that morning morosely looking at your phone, you obviously were unaware that the picture was being taken. Underneath your head, in large white print, it said, “Someone’s grumpy bc her bf is gone” along with a bunch of crying stickers surrounding you. You can already imagine the call you’re going to get from your publicist about “professionalism” and “relationships in the public eye” and “Didn’t you already try dating a costar? How did that go, again?”.
You want to scream and hide away in your trailer and maybe even call Gwil for some reason but instead you settle for giving Kevin a good smack upside the head.
If you were a bit peeved and distracted before, you were flat-out irritated now, which made the day drag on longer and longer (if that was even possible). You could say with certainty that all you wanted to do was go home and burrow into bed possibly forever, but you soldiered on. Eventually, the night closes out and you go home again. You must have been in a melancholy mood, though, because as you walk through the parking lot to your car, all you can think about was the night of your first scene with Gwil and how he had awkwardly walked you to your car.
You can’t seem to stop thinking about him ever since your night out.  At first, you would just think circles around what had happened that night, after all, it had been confusing, with him just getting up and leaving, giving no explanation. You would catch yourself playing over every last minute of that night, pinning it out like a displayed butterfly, trying to catch what huge, gaping detail you had missed that night.
However, you had recently caught your thoughts straying from that night with Gwil, to just Gwil. You would catch yourself at any given moment, any spare second, thinking about Gwil: what he was doing or whether or not he would like what the PAs brought in for lunch or if he would also find that part of the script funny. When you read something interesting or see something ridiculous you instinctually want to show him. In short, he does not cross your mind anymore, he lives in it.
You wish it would stop.
The object of your distraction is on set the next day and you wanted nothing more than to finally confront him about his behavior, so you could finally be rid of your plaguing thoughts. You haven’t seen him yet, but the first thing you do when you get to set at 6 AM is check the call sheet and his name is right there underneath the day’s date.
Gwilym Lee.
You can feel your increasing jitteriness as your morning makeup transformation is underway.
“Can you stay still, sweetie?” Vicki asks after the umpteenth time you accidentally nudged her hand out of place with your twitching.
“Sorry, Vicki must have drunk too much coffee this morning. At least it’s our last day of this, right?”
“Right,” Vicki says piercingly, and you don’t know who’s more relieved that Violet’s injury scenes are done, you or her.
Eventually, you are steward onto set, looking as gory and beaten as the first day. You get there a bit early in hopes that Gwil would be there already. He has a very British habit of being early to things, but he hasn’t shown up yet and you can only stand around petulantly for so long before the director calls for you to be in your spot.
Finally, just about the director is about to call action, Gwil fumbles onto set, a costumer trailing behind him, seemingly making last minute adjustments. He mumbles apologies to the crew before getting into place. You try to meet his eye, but he purposefully avoids looking in your direction. You want to bounce up on Violet’s stiff bed and yell at him in front of everyone here.
Hey! I’m right here and you owe me an explanation! You owe me something! Anything!
He moves to the side of the soundstage; he’s not supposed to enter until mid-scene. Edmund finds out about Violet’s accident and travels all the way to her home to visit her. At this point, Violet is more or less unresponsive and Edmund, in a private moment of vulnerability, declares how much he cares for Violet. Violet, however, is unconscious and cannot hear him. The whole scene is frustrating, in your opinion and you can’t help but feel sorry for Edmund and for Violet, too. You think how unfair it is for her, to have someone declare their feelings for her and her not be cognizant enough to even realize it. It’s almost tragic.
For the most part, your role in these upcoming scenes is pretty simple: all you have to do is lay there, looking injured and close to death. The position gives you the freedom to allow your mind to wander. You pointedly avoid thinking about Gwil, though and instead focus on keeping your mind at peace. You think about what you want for lunch; about your plans for the weekend; about whether or not you’ve called your mom recently. You drown your mind in mundane thoughts to keep your nerves at bay. You’re finally coming face to face with Gwil and for some reason, the weight of this moment feels momentous.  So, you try to think of anything but. That only works for so long though, you realize as you hear them cue for Gwil to enter the scene.
He’s at your—Violet’s—bedside in three long strides and you can’t help but feel your heart jolt at the reality of him being so close to you after having only housed him in your mind for what seemed an eternity. You’re caught by surprise as his hand reaches gently for yours. He holds your small hand in his two broad ones delicately, desperately.
“Violet,” he says softly, like a prayer and you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have him say your real name like that. Your heart shifts as you attempt to remind yourself that none of this is real and you and Gwil don’t actually have feelings for each other.
“I am so sorry,” he says with the same quiet fervor. You are struck by how exposed he sounds, and it strikes you, that maybe he’s talking to you, not Violet.
He splays his fingers over your and you’re infected with the memory of him guiding you through the city streets, fingers interlaced with your own.
“Please make it through, your family needs you, your company needs you… I need you.”  
In your experience, having to act unconscious while other actors act is difficult, but this was almost unbearable. Gwil was heartbreakingly convincing and you wanted to reach out, squeeze his hand, do something.
You hold back and instead you focus on maintaining an unchanged expression. Even when the director calls for a cut and then a retake you are tentative to open your eyes. You can feel Gwil lingering next to you before getting back on his mark to shoot again. Only a few moments ago, you wanted to open your eyes, to see him but now, faced with the realities of that, you cowered. So, you keep your eyes closed.
You film the scene three more times, and each one of those times, you wait until Gwil is a distance away before coming alive to take criticism and direction. Part of you feared that if you did look at each other or spoke, your resolve would break and you wouldn’t be able to focus on the scene.
Eventually, your director is happy enough with your performance to let you go.  When Vicki pulls you off the soundstage to remove your faux injuries, you are hit with the realization that you have no more scenes to film, which, considering your last two long night, makes you want to cry. You also realize that Gwil has also been released—you finally have a moment to talk to him. The only thing standing in your way is Vicki and her ridiculously long makeup removal process—all sorts of cleaning and scrubbing and steaming. Since it's your last day with the makeup, she makes the process even longer, spouting off all the harm rigid collodion could do to your skin. You try to hurry the process up as much as possible, you don’t want to miss Gwil. After what seems like forever, Vicki sets you free, but not before slathering your face in a heavy, green facemask.
“Make sure to rinse it off when you get home,” she directs harshly.
At this point, you are certain Gwil is gone, and it’s for the better you think, lest he saw you green-faced.
You walk to your care slowly, the weight of the day dragging behind you. Maybe you’ll talk to him tomorrow.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts, you don’t register the long spindly frame leaning against your car. It’s Gwil.
“What’s on your face?”
You blush, “Facemask, for all the gunk. What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you, although I was about ready to give up, to be honest.”
You laugh, “I don’t blame you, Vicki can be brutal.”
The two of you stand in front of your car silently, both pointedly looking away.
“So, I want—”
“Listen I was—”
You both say at the same time and you exchange awkward looks before you insist that he speak first.”
I wanted to apologize,” he begins, “for how I behaved that night at the bar. I don’t know what came over me. I must have drunk too much, I suppose.”
You look at him for a long moment. “That’s it?”
“Yes… I suppose so,” he obviously was not expecting this question, “Have I mentioned how sorry I was?”
“That’s all you have to say? No further explanation?” You realize that you have been waiting to have this conversation for days, and Gwil’s dry and vague apology falls short of how you imagined this conversation would go.
“Not at the moment. I am sorry though, I haven’t stopped thinking about how I acted. I’ve been ruminating over it actually these last few days, almost obsessing. But I don’t know what else to say.”
“You don’t have to lie to me,” you remind him. You know that there’s more to that night than he lets on.
“I know,” he says, suddenly meek, and then, “If you don’t want to forgive me, I understand. Although, I will say that I was ready to offer some quality ice cream from the creamery down the street if all of this just went away.”
You laugh, unguarded after what feels like forever, “Ice cream you say?”
“Yes, the good stuff, too! But I don’t know if you’d want to go anywhere with… that.” He gestures to your green, goopy face.
You swat his hand playfully.
“No, I can’t, I have to rinse it off soon anyway.”
Then, you are struck by an idea, “Maybe we can take the ice cream to my place?”
The words are out of your mouth before you have time to think about them. Yikes. You just invited Gwil to your place, in the evening, with ice cream. There could be a lot of subtexts there, especially considering your weird, unresolved stance with one another. Before you can interject with some sort of excuse or negation though, he responds.
“I would love that.”
TAGS: @xbarrjallenx @alexfayer @chlobo6 @softbenhardy
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gilbertandanne · 6 years
Katie please go off on how much Lucas respects Riley in GMW like in the crossover episode "we'll go when you're ready" and then in girl meets bear "After you" like my fucking heart Katie
Ohhh, we all know how much he respects her and he’s proven time and time again that when it comes to their relationship, he lets her take the lead:
GM Sneak Attack: He knows she’s not ready to go out on a date yet.  Part of the episode is her realizing that she’s not ready to take that crush to that level yet, and he sees that.  He’s a year older, so he’s probably ready to go out on dates and whatever, but he recognizes that she isn’t, so what does he do?  He tells Missy that they’d “have more fun hanging out together”.  He’s willing to wait.
GM Truth: “My moment will by my moment.” -- Clearly letting her and the audience know that he’s waiting for the right time.
GM First Date: Throughout the first season, we see their friendship growing as they become more and more comfortable around one another.  Fast forward to GM First Date.  Riley announces to the entire class that “I will decide who I will go on my first date with at such time as somebody asks me.”  That was what he needed to know.  His hand goes up, my heart melts a little, and well, cue the theme song.
Farkle: So, are you gonna ask one of them out?
Lucas: Maybe I will. Someday.
He’s still waiting for the right moment, but Maya comes in with her grand scheme and forces his hand.  He asks Riley’s father’s permission (who DOES that?!) and then asks her.  Aside from Ski 2, this is the only time he really takes the lead in their relationship by asking her out.  Cue the ooey-goodness and the look that still leaves me shook™ and their first and only screen kiss.
GM New World: Perfect example of what happens when everyone else kind of forces them into rushing into a relationship.  I have conflicting opinions on whether or not Lucas was ready to try being in a relationship with Riley at this point, but either way, it becomes apparent in this episode that he sees (I mean, how could he not) how uncomfortable she is.  He knows they’re being pressured into it and knows that it’s affecting their relationship.  It’s the last thing he wants.  As we find out later (Ski 2), his favorite thing in the world is talking to her, and they can’t even do that anymore.  So, what does he do?  He breaks up with her because they aren’t ready.  He wants her to be comfortable with whatever they are, so, once again, he lets her take the lead (which is apparent when she addresses the students at school at the end of the ep:  “{...} nobody is moving too fast here”
GM Semi-Formal: “Charlie, you may not know this, but Riley and I kind of have an unofficial thing going.”  He didn’t think he had to ask her to the dance.  He assumed they would be going together because he thought their unofficial thing was more official than that.  “I just naturally assumed that we were going together.  I thought we were going together.  I’m...I should have asked.”  This episode is truly one of my favorites of the series for several reasons, and one of those reasons is because (for me), it seems apparent that he took their unofficial thing fairly seriously considering how their conversation at the semi-formal went: 
Riley: “Why did you assume we were going to the dance if we’re not officially together?”
Lucas: “I don’t know.  Why would you make a big deal about it if we’re not officially together?”
Between the events in Yearbook and the events in Semi-Formal, confusion about their relationship and what it is (or isn’t) forms because their lack of communication with one another.  All the while, there Lucas is, still waiting for his moment, waiting for her to be ready to make that unofficial thing official, but here comes another issue: Charlie.  Does she like Charlie?  Where does that leave them?  Lucas, being Lucas, doesn’t push the issue.
GM Rileytown: As my bf so lovingly put it: “Damn, is Lucas gonna beat up a chick?”  Protective AF, but when it came down to it, when she told him not to get involved, he backed off, and let her handle the situation how she wanted to.
BFW - Cyd & Shelby’s Haunted Escape: I LOVE how Riley and Lucas are written in this episode.  I really do.  There are so many little moments between them that show how their friendship as progressed like how Lucas loves the show Cuddle Bunnies, and Riley knows he watches it everyday.  Their comedic timing was perfect in this one.
The “we’ll go when you’re ready” is quintessential Lucas.  He never wants to push her into anything she doesn’t want to do, even if it’s something he doesn’t quite understand: like wanting to stay in an escape room.  
GM Rah Rah: He's proud her, but he also doesn’t want her to get hurt/disappointed by potentially not making the squad.  Even when she decides to continue, he’s there supporting her with everyone else.
GM Texas 1, 2, 3: This post is already getting long, and I feel that Texas is pretty self explanatory.  “If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know if I would have survived in New York.”
Ok, this thing is really going off the rails into something you didn’t even ask about...
GM New Year: No-chill Friar.  Trying very hard to keep it together because he thinks she wants to be with Charlie-----until he finds out she doesn’t.
GM Legacy: He steps back from her because he doesn’t “want this to be the end of us.”  He can’t hurt either girl because no matter what happened, he would end up hurting them both.
GM Jexica: “I’d recognize you anywhere.”
GM Triangle/GM Upstate: I’ll forever maintain that he realized what was going on with Maya during the jellybean scene and before he announces that he’s made his decision.  He wasn’t surprised by Maya saying that no matter who he picked, it’d be Riley since she had been acting like that.  He might’ve not known why she did it, but I think he figured it out.  But, out of respect for both girls and their friendship, he decided to keep his decision to himself until Maya became herself again.
GM Ski Lodge 1, 2: No-chill Friar returns.  They realize that conversation is the most important part of any relationship (to which he prob already knows since a lot of the drama could have been prevented had they just communicated, but whatever).  He’s trying to get them all to agree to a decision because as I mentioned before, if he hurts one of them, he hurts both of them, and he could never hurt them.  Once he feels like he’s able to have that conversation with Riley, he does, and the things he says are so incredibly respectful.  He’s quick to let her know that she can talk to whoever she wants to (that her talking to Evan wasn’t what made him upset).  “So, you’ve been thinking about this too?”  “I choose you, and I really want you to choose me.”
And, of course, he finally had his moment.
GM Bear:  Obviously him and Farkle wanting to bail on finding the bear toward the beginning of the episode was there for comedic effect, but he was right next to her as they searched for it.  He told her about his little sack of gold and helped her to realize that sometimes things needed to be let go of in order to grow up.  Then he was completely adorable and asked her to go to the movies with him.
GM GLONY: Deleted Scene: Riley thinks she rambling on about these Russian nesting dolls, so she stops and apologizes.  Lucas tells her "No, keep going.  I like it when you keep going.”
GM She Don’t Like Me: Literally picked her up and carried her to class because she was too depressed to do it on her own.
GM WOT 3: He lets her handle her conflict with Maya in her own way, but sticks close by just in case.
GM Sweet Sixteen: “I’m hopeful for us too, Riley.”
I don’t think any of this made sense.  I went off the rails, and didn’t cover everything, but I’ve worked on this for awhile now, and I’m just gonna post it.
ANYWAY, Lucas respects the hell out of his girlfriend, Riley Matthews, and it’s a beautiful story that ended WAY before it should have.
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mysticalfriends · 7 years
How would the RFA (V and Seran included) with an MC studying psychology???
*I put MC as female because it’s easier than being gender neutral, tho, anon, if you want me to change it, feel free to mention it*
First of all, MC would help all of the rest of the characters with their emotional/mental/etc issues/problems, because c’mon, MC is a sweet girl who wants to test what she knows from her classes and tries to help her friends/loves. For each character, here are some ideas:
This sweet boy would be really happy for MC studying psychology
He would ask her almost every day what did she learn and if she enjoys it
Actually, since he’s studying for vet, an idea comes to him, he asks MC to teach him also what she is learning and see if animals show similar psychological traits as humans
This mini lessons do help him, even after each session and working with animals, he realizes he understands them a little more than before
Going back to MC helping others with her knowledge, she knows Yoosung still feels really sad for Rika, that’s MC’s queue to help him
She develops a really good ability to read people, so she knows only by looking at Yoosung’s face when he’s feeling sad/bad
She talks with him about it, it’s really important to let people know they count with you
Yoosung has cried, but MC comforts him and mentally takes notes related with her studying so that next time she knows how to make him feel better faster
After finding out MC is studying psychology, she asks her if she can investigate how coffee affects people
MC’s confused at first, but finds out that Jaehee just wants to make sure the coffee she will sell is the best for people and that can improve their mental health
Even though MC helps her without any trouble, Jaehee knows she must not put too much pressure on MC in order for her to focus on her actual studies
When it’s exams time, Jaehee closes her shop early and allows MC to study inside with her
She prepares some coffee and sweets for motivation and, in case they are still there late, to stay awake
MC couldn’t have asked for a more perfect study partner, Jaehee offers to make her questions based on the things she must study
For an easier way to remember everything, Jaehee suggests MC to associate what she must learn with the rest of their friends
MC studying psychology is P E R F E C T for Zen!
He asks her to teach him what she’s learning, why? Because he can learn how to act based on psychology!!!
MC teaches him mostly different mental characteristics, concepts, anything that can make Zen differentiate multiple people
They both enjoy doing this tbh, it’s a bonding time
Zen’s acting based on just some details that MC gives him is so good that actually helps her to study and understand more easily everything
This way of practicing acting makes Zen to appreciate even more (he already did) and understand better people who had mental issues
After MC comments something, Zen realizes he has a narcissistic problem, and asks her to help him to be less
This makes MC so proud and love him more for developing an interest in her studying area
He isn’t really a nosey person, but since it’s MC who’s studying psychology, he enjoys hearing her talking about the topic
When he has free time, he grabs Elizabeth the 3rd and both sit near MC so that they can listen what she was learning at that moment
One day, during her last year of studying, MC gets an idea that could help Jumin’s company
She knows, based on how Jaehee looks like on the verge of dying every day, that Jumin’s employees are really stressed
Stress can affect people, so, during dinner, she suggests him to open a psychiatrist area in his company
Jumin at first doesn’t understand why should he, but after a few weeks of MC working there, he sees an improvement in the workers mood, giving better work results
Of course, setting aside the serious part, he would totally tell MC to analyze Elizabeth the 3rd
He wants to understand better his pure angel
MC thinks it’s funny, but does it anyways
Prepare for jokes!
Seven always goes to MC, lies on the couch and says he’s ready for his therapy
“Doctor MC, today I ran out of PhD Pepper” he starts
“And how did that make you feel, patient 707?” MC continues while snickering
“Awful!!! Not even seeing a picture of Ellie makes me feel better!” they both end up laughing
Sometimes, MC has so much to study that locks herself inside her room, but Seven understands it, he does that too with his work
He’s a terrible studying partner, but can stay quiet if MC asks him to.
Seven’s like the proud bf that motivates his s/o to do their best, so that’s what he does with MC
MC knows that he can be unstable at times, but knows how to cheer him up, including assuring him she loves him, that he has friends, and that his brother loves him, using to her advantage her studies
This child has suffered a lot, domestic violence, loneliness, hate, manipulation
MC tries really hard to help Saeran
It’s really, really difficult at first, and Saeran being a closed person makes it harder
Once he realizes MC really wants to help him and become better at her career, he opens up and let's everything flow
He gets so interested in psychology that he even starts studying it on his own
Of course MC finds out and promises him she can help him to learn
I present you the best psychologists duo
They both are really good in this, and love it
Saeran has a new passion, and he shares it with someone special for him
This pure guy learns that anything related to mental and psychological things don’t involve manipulation of torture, it’s better to use it for good
My oh my, this guy loves that MC studies this area
He thinks it’s really good for her in order to keep her mind busy and exercising with new information that can help MC in the future
One night, MC fell asleep while reading one of her school books, and V started reading it, with the last of his view that he had
I have this HC that V has photographic memory, so he remembers all of the terms he read from the book
Decides to make a photography exposition based on psychology, just for MC to remember everything too
Such a romantic gesture, makes MC cry too
For paying him the photography exposition, MC promises to herself to study harder and help him with his issues
After graduating, she actually becomes one of the best psychologists and is able to improve V’s mental health, including reducing almost to nothing his guiltiness for what happened to Rika, his idea of blaming himself for everything, and also to be more open with the rest and trust the whole RFA
Hope you liked it anon!!!
- Mod Saemoni
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wildlove836 · 8 years
wow. okay. when I said 2016 fuck me up I didnt mean literally. 
but god damn, once again I’ve rung in the new year heartbroken as can be, but wait there’s more. I fell in love with someone. he’s somehow worse than the last guy and hell I love him a thousand times more.
I’ve dealt with so much shit this year. I’m in a relationship with a drug addict. I didnt know it until about 3 months ago. I mean I knew, but I didnt know. 
He asked me to marry him literally the 3rd day we spent together. no I didnt say yes, but apparently I did because now hes calling me his fiance n shit. I ‘lost’ my virginity to this guy. It sounds fucked up but it isnt as bad as it seems. or maybe it is and I still have a long way to go before I figure it all out.
I think I really love him. I think he really loves me. But people keep telling me he’s going to love those little crystals more. 
I’ve seen some shit. My humdrum life has done a fucking tail spin in the last 6 months. I went from a full tank of gas and watching netflix all day to $1.43 in my bank account and needles hidden in the dresser drawers.
I’ve seen junkies, I’ve had shit stolen. I’ve watched him physically and mentally change without even noticing.
I’ve been choked and pushed and bruised and screamed at. I’ve done the same things back in a rage I didnt know I was capable of.
I’ve heard stories from child hood that make no sense but make perfect sense and I know I cant change the past but I’d very much like to.
I smoked weed and that shit was great at first but now its the only way I cant really talk to you, it seems. you told me that wasnt it but trust me. i’m too afraid to tell you the truth when we’re not...chill.
I’ve cried and screamed and walked away. I’ve waited hours upon hours for you to call. I havent slept and I’ve slept too much. I had a real panic attack for the first time in my life.
I’ve sat in the ER with you for 6+ hours after you crashed your car from being on adderall. I watched you literally mentally and physically break down in the pizza hut parking lot while normal fucking people watched and wondered what the fuck they could do for you and I just sat there next to you counting change from your pockets because you lost the receipts.
im sorry. i lost them somehow. who fucking knows. i’ll take the blame for it though if thats what I have to do.
i walked across train tracks wondering if maybe my foot my get caught while you told me you were addicted to sex and of course I should have already known this but surprise I didnt. its still my fault though.
we missed trick or treat with your daughter because you were on acid.
then the other day you brought her to my house and slept the whole time. you said what does it matter my parents see me taking her out of the house. well what the fuck do you care right. if you’re playing the part of dad. you son of a bitch. i love that girl and I know you do too but you better try harder. you better or you’ll lose faster if you have her.
I’ve seen you coming down down down. with a knife in your hands and the doors locked and the lights off. I’ve watched cops drive by thinking you were already dead.
I’ve had the best sexual experiences with you and only you. I got drunk and gave you a blow job after knowing I’d never have a dick in my precious mouth.
you called me perfectly imperfect for a while, now that i’ve lost my innocence you call me your miracle. these days I feel like a burden. enabler is the word i’m trying not to say because I know its the truth. but i didnt know. i swear i didnt.
and not in the fucking physical sense. i’m not giving him money or anything like that. im stressing him the fuck out. BUT FUCK HE NEVER MAKES ANY SENSE. and im stressed out too. doesnt anybody see that?
everybody knows him like I know him now. a fucking mind fuck. this little twat can turn a sentence around on you so quick you’re wondering what you even said in the first place. this mother fucker can have you so god damn confused you’re rethinking your whole life.
he does it on purpose. I think so he feels more normal on the inside. the only question I have is, was it the meth that brought it out of him or was it destined to come out eventually on its own. the crazy will never subside and I must admit that’s what somehow attracts me to him.
feeling like a complete dumbass after every conversation we have. BUT YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS. he’ll say, like I already knew it. and then i’ll realize I did already know it. he was telling me all along, but in his own way. like a secret language. and I cant fucking afford the rosetta stone for crazy talk.
half the relationship i spend KNOWING this shit isnt right for me and here i am thinking i have to do this i have to do this but i still dont know what love is. its breaking the god damn futton i know. 
there’s no doubt about what i feel but really is it worth it. will he kill me. will i kill him. ive done things i never thought i would do. ive seen things i never thought i would see. the world is my fucking oyster over here. anything is possible. anything can happen. anything.
regardless, here I am. alone and wondering what hes doing. if he’s okay. a thousand and one fucking questions because he doesnt have a phone for me to call. and somehow now it feels like its my fault. it is my fucking fault and im crying a lot right now because of it. and im alone. so he can calm down. but i cant calm down without him. i need him. i need him. I NEED HIM. and im going insane worrying and wondering and crying and feeling okay for a little while.
now im just mad because hes okay without me. hes okay. and im not okay. it isnt fair. FUCK YOU. it isnt fair. do you even love me? DO YOU EVEN CARE. DO YOU EVEN DO YOU EVEN DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME. duh.
WHY DID I QUIT MY FUCKING JOB. I had what I needed. besides clarity and sanity so fuck, you cant blame me. hes been driving me insane since he spotted me.
but I know he fucking loves me. crazy people dont fuck around with shit like that. if they mean it they mean it. i feel it. I know it. I love it. its the only thing I understand ever. is my love for him. is it true. is it real. who fucking cares. its real and its ever present and its mostly reciprocated in good and bad ways. if i could walk away from it i already would have . i swear. i already would have but i havent so get off my fucking back.
but love is hard they tell me. love is fucking hard as hell and you’ve got to suffer before you can enjoy that shit, otherwise its not worth it. I realize this is too long and i’m not gonna reread it so nobody else is probably going to read it. thats okay. i needed to get it down on ‘paper’ just in case.
god just fucking pray for me or something. every time I feel like something is going to get worse it does okay. I had people burning up spoons in the trailer we were supposed to live in just to shoot up heroin and I was too busy making sure my boyfriend wasnt killing himself in a shed to realize. 
old dude (thats what they call people in fairdale) literally over dosed in the bed that was supposed to be mine. in the bedroom that was supposed to be mine but I cant say anything about it? I CANT SAY ONE GOD DAMN WORD ABOUT IT?
nah because bf is too nice to people who ‘care’ to realize what they’re really doing in the big picture. she put her clothes in the closet that was supposed to be mine. mine. FUCKING MINE. but i cant be mad because shes homeless and has cancer. what a fucking lifetime movie. I DIDNT NEED THIS TO KNOW I WAS A SELFISH PERSON. I ALREADY KNEW. I’M GOOD AT HIDING IT. I WANT MY CLOSET SPACE BACK. I see drug abuse and friendship and something strikes me as sketchy. OMG. and dont get me started on the cheating.
he cheats on me. he puts his dick inside his best friend while they’re fucked up on whatever. they tell me she says no everytime he asks but this time she didnt. oh wow. what a perfect picture of a life im stuck in. what a romantic gesture. WHAT A FUCKING ROMANTIC COMEDY OF LIFE. i can keep my perfect pussy to myself and he cant go one fucking day without trying to put his dick in something. I WILL BUY YOU A FUCKING GRAPEFRUIT TO FUCK IF THAT WILL KEEP YOUR DICK OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE.
he says hes taking a shit when he goes over there but he takes a shit every time and they’re long shits. idk if its to fuck or whatever but its for sure about drugs. drugs that tear people apart and keep the glued together and they’re fucking ripped seams. god this sounds like fucking trash and it is. it literally is. and I know it but I cant do a damn thing about it because I love this trash. hes not trash. but he acts like it.
I know he’s not trash because somehow he has it all figured out. its like his autistic niche is seeing into the future and knowing for god damn sure that something is going to turn out the way it is but he wont fucking tell me. just straight up tell me the truth. 
naaaah. that’d be too logical. he’d rather tell me the alternative lie. to keep me safe. HA. OKAY FROM WHAT. my life is so fucked up now.
needless to say 2016 has royally fucked me up. there’s probably a shit ton of stuff I forgot to mention and I should of because this is my collective fuck up recap but oh well. its not the last of it anyway. I know that for damn sure. 
I just hope that when we get married or whatever the fuck next big thing happens in our lives. I hope it balances out the bad shit. because the bad shit is getting really hard to deal with. like really hard. like my hands are shaking  sometimes hard and i feel like i cant kill myself because even in death i’d be worried about you and its nobodys fault but its our fault. 
I know it is. he’s not even supposed to be in a relationship right now and what does this fucker do. he falls in love. true love with an innocent girl who has no idea what shes about to fucking go through. god damn. somebody help me. somebody really help me. I know I will always love him. more than the other mother fuckers I thought I cared about. I will fucking love him. 
I FUCKING LOVE HIM. it makes me angry how much i love him. because it hurts me. a lot. but I wont stop. I cant. i wont. i never will. even if he stops loving me. i dont see how. but if he did. i’d still be calling and showing up and waiting outside and peeping in windows like a fucking nutcase. its my fucking ride or die. even if we broke up and i met someone else. god its not gonna be like this. it might be better. it might be a fucking dream. it might be date nights and morning kisses and flowers at work. but it wont be this. it wont be what i have with tey. nothing will ever be like this.and i fucking love that. im obsessed. im entranced. im in deep heartache love. 
and ironically he does literally the worst thing he could do. the worst thing. he could. is love me irrevocably. whole heartedly. stubbornly. passionately. intentionally. desperately. in return. a love that i could live with for eternity. without a shadow of a doubt love. til the day we die in each others fucking arms.
its killing him. its killing us. but its keeping us alive.
how sobering is that shit.
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