#she misses the “fun” they had back in uni iykwim
likedovesinthewindd · 18 hours
Art's sweet wife, who tries to mend the estranged relationship between him and Patrick (and who maybe has her own ulterior motives)
You're across from Art at the dining table, the two of you sitting in comfortable silence as you enjoy your dinner. You look over at him, wracking your brain on how you wanted to bring up the topic that had been nagging at you the whole day.
You take a deep breath before softly dropping your fork back into your plate, the clinking of the metal against the ceramic filling the silence. You clear your throat before you begin. "I got a call from an old friend today," you start, once again looking over at your husband, whose eyebrows rise in surprise. "Yeah?" he says, looking up at you for a brief moment to show you that he was listening before he returns to cutting at his steak. "Someone from Stanford?" he asks.
"Uhm," you hesitate, still trying to find the right wording, "It was Patrick, actually."
Art's cutting stops abruptly, but he keeps his head down. A silence once again fills the space, but this time, it's loaded with a tension that is almost palpable. "He asked how we were doing," you continue nervously, looking down at your plate. "He also—"
"How did he even get your number?" Art finally spoke up, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows, irritation showing itself in his demeanor. "I don't know. Does it matter?" you reason. "Art, I know things have been patchy between the two of you, but if you just—"
"No." he simply says, continuing to cut at his steak albeit with a bit more aggression than necessary. You huff in irritation, annoyed at his dismissive attitude. "You're being unfair, Art," you say sternly, "he was my friend too, and I miss him. I know you do too."
You're playing dirty and you know it — guilt tripping him like this — but it was your last resort and you really needed Art to hear your out on this. He sighs as he drops his utensils on his plate and give you all his attention. "I invited him for dinner," you quickly say, crossing your arms as you gawked Art's reaction. You were trying to put up a tough front, but your heart was beating rapidly, beyond nervous at what your husband's reaction would be. He gives you another small nod, biting the inside of his cheek before he nods. "Okay," he says, sparing you a small yet reluctant smile before he returns to his food. You can't help the same smile from pulling at your lips.
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