#she may already get Like that depending on what choice she makes re: the patron
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isaacathom · 10 months ago
i have so many thoughts about my campaign but absolutely nothing coherent. just snatches of ideas. the most clear thing i have in my head is that, if the acting-commodore steps down once he has liberty, and in the ensuing election and hullabaloo, naielle becomes commodore, there is absolutely no way she comes back from the jade sea
naielle understands how she gets when shes stressed, when theres crisis. theres a point along this bell curve of emotion, pursuant to context, where she stops thinking about herself and only those around her. and once that threshold is passed, she'll do damn near anything for them.
as commodore, her station would necessitate being that much more aware of the crisis. that much more aware of the state of play. that much more aware of the myriad lives that she holds in her hands.
she would cross that threshold far sooner.
she knows this about herself, and it applies outside of formal responsibility. she knows this, and does not know how to change it, and so instead she removes options from herself. like changing the phone's password just before wisdom teeth removal to prevent from saying something nonsensical online, she has to put the weapon away before she becomes of a mind to use it.
she's failed at that before. she told herself the weapon she had would be safe in her hands, that she'd use it only for 'good', and not ill. and in short order she had used it to enthrall, to even temporarily rob a man of free will.
she has such a weapon now. two, even, if you like.
the first, and least likely to kill her outright, is a caged king of dragons, whose essence is hostile to mortality but whose personality is not, who sees the crew as a means to liberate himself, his breathren, and their domain. she uses his power sparingly for its risk, but she's come close before, and been lucky not to be overwhelmed. there is far more power she could gain from him, but it would tear at her from the inside, like a hollowing parasite. she's seen a dragon's power wrought on a mortal, and seen that he marks a man decades older than he ought be. She may be an elf, but even decades would see her predecease a great many people, and that assumes it does not do her worse. She doesn't know.
the second is the offer, if it can be called that, of her patron. reach for the stars, young elf, and find the divine. channel his power in the storm to banish the dark, and in so doing lose yourself. merge with the celestial. its death, she thinks when out of crisis. sure, theres a lingering of the soul, bound in the eternal starlight of the astral sea. but the form is gone, and much of the person. to merge with him would change her, and she would never see her loved ones again.
but his power could save them all.
a naielle who is mere captain, whose responsibilites are smaller, who is delegated specific tasks, has the capacity to decide to be selfish. she has the capacity, and the excuse perhaps, to decide that she refuses godhood. she can risk success for her own soul, if she likes. she may yet do so.
a naielle who is commodore, and for whom's patron remains in earshot, will take that weapon and point it at their ultimate foe, and consider one life worth thousands.
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eponymous-rose · 4 years ago
A Critical Role Campaign 2 Mechanics Primer
Got a request from a new Critical Role viewer for some clarification re: rules and characters, and dang, yes, there’s so much stuff to deal with as a new viewer at the moment. So here’s an attempt at clarifying some stuff!
How does D&D work?
Fundamentally, one person (the DM) sets the scene and the players riff off that scene by acting out what their characters would do in response. Whenever a player’s actions would lead to an uncertain result, the DM can call for them to roll a die and try to hit a predetermined target number to see if they succeed. The players’ individual characters have abilities that boost certain categories of rolls and penalize others; a very strong character is more likely than a scrawny one to be able to open a jammed door, but they could still have an unlucky roll. It’s the DM’s job to incorporate the sometimes-absurd results of those die rolls into a coherent story.
Combat is the most “gamey” D&D gets, where everyone has a turn set aside to act (with an order determined by the “initiative” roll that starts combat). This is where character classes come in handy: magic-users cast spells, fighters jump in with their weapons of choice, and so forth. Each character has a set of hit points, and once those reach zero, the character is unconscious and possibly dying. But combat ain’t just hack-and-slash: there can be conversation, strategy, manipulation, collaboration, and all sorts of weird subtleties going on. Fundamentally, players’ actions are limited only by their imaginations.
It can be super weird getting into a D&D show even if you have played a bit because everyone plays the game a bit differently. Critical Role’s gameplay leans hard into roleplaying and character beats (there are episodes with basically no dice rolls) but also leans hard enough into the rules that a random bad or good roll can completely derail the story; rolls aren’t fudged or handwaved for the sake of a predetermined narrative, which means nobody playing (including the DM) knows how things are going to end up. This makes for a viewing experience that is a cross between dramedy improv and live sports; the cast plays out long scenes of conversation, but their characters could also permanently die at any time, adding to the high stakes. It’s also totally unedited, which accounts for the absurdly long runtime. 
If any of that isn’t for you, there are a lot of great D&D podcasts out there (often labeled “actual play”) that run the gamut from silly with minimal rules to mechanically involved but edited down. It’s a cool time to get into D&D!
Okay, so how exactly do these characters do their thing?
One of the more confusing aspects for new viewers of the second campaign of Critical Role is that they’re using a fair amount of content that’s not in the baseline ruleset - some character races and classes are coming from expansion content, and some are from Matt Mercer (the DM’s) homebrew. Here’s a quick summary of what each character has going on at the start of the campaign, moving from left to right in the first episode’s seating arrangement.
Fjord (played by Travis Willingham)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Travis is the big guy who looks like he could throw a football real far. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice has a Texas twang.
Fjord is a half-orc warlock. A half-orc typically has green skin and tusks but otherwise looks fairly close to a garden-variety human. Warlocks are magic-users who gained their abilities from a bargain with a mysterious (generally somewhat malevolent) being of great power. Mechanically, they rely a lot on what are called cantrips (spells that can be cast an unlimited number of times a day) since the number of more powerful spells at their disposal is very limited. However, unlike most other casters that have to get a full night’s sleep to regain their stronger spells, warlocks just have to rest for an hour or so and they’re good to go. More specifically, Fjord is a hexblade warlock. Hexblades are warlocks who have a particularly strong bond with their weapon of choice and can summon it from nothing.
Beauregard (played by Marisha Ray)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Marisha is the woman who often perches on her chair like she’s about to take flight. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is a bit gruff with a sarcastic drawl.
Beau is a human monk. Both humans in this campaign use a variant version of human that allows them to pick a feat at the start of the campaign: Beau has some extra expertise in investigative and athletic abilities. Monks are preternaturally powerful martial artists; what some classes do with magic, they do with unarmed combat. Mechanically, they rely on an ability called ki points, which are a stockpile of points that can be used for extra-powerful abilities such as being able to hit extra times on an attack or being able to stun an enemy. More specifically, Beau is a Way of the Cobalt Soul monk, which is a homebrew from Matt and means she’s essentially a warrior-monk-librarian whose key abilities center around rooting out useful information.
Caleb (played by Liam O’Brien)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Liam is the guy who perpetually looks like he’s about to launch into a Shakespearean monologue. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice is soft with a German accent.
Caleb is a human wizard. His variant human feat gives him an eidetic memory and the ability to always know what time it is. Wizards are magic-users who got to where they are with careful study; Caleb has to keep track of his spells by transcribing them into a spellbook. He also has a familiar in the form of the cat Frumpkin, although Frumpkin can also change forms. Mechanically, wizards can pick up spells from a lot of different sources to learn them, but again, the cost in time and materials of transcribing them into a spellbook can be substantial. More specifically, Caleb is a transmutation wizard, which means his wizardry focuses around the act of transforming one thing into another.
Nott (played by Sam Riegel)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Sam is the guy with an alarmingly big smile and a comically oversized flask. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice is high-pitched with varying levels of Cockney accent.
Nott is a goblin rogue. Goblins are small and quick, and may or may not be well-received depending on the location. Rogues are sneaky individuals who do best when striking from the shadows or scouting ahead to investigate potential traps and unlock doors. Mechanically, they get a huge bonus in combat if they attack when unseen or when an opponent is distracted by an ally. They’re also very good at avoiding attacks and at hiding from view. More specifically, Nott is an arcane trickster rogue, which means she also dabbles in magic related to illusions and enchantment.
Jester (played by Laura Bailey)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Laura is the one who may or may not be instigating every round of giggles at accidental innuendo. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is bubbly with an Eastern European accent.
Jester is a tiefling cleric. Tieflings essentially look like brightly-colored humans (Jester has blue skin) with horns and a tail; they’re the result of infernal ancestry and also may or may not be well-received. Clerics are magic-users who derive their power from the blessing of a deity or other extremely powerful entity. Jester’s divine patron is the Traveler, a mysterious trickster with an affinity for phallic graffiti. Mechanically, clerics have a massive stable of spells from which they can choose a subset every morning; their abilities range from healing wounds to causing devastating harm. More specifically, Jester is a trickery domain cleric, which means her spells have a strong focus on illusions and pranks.
Mollymauk (played by Taliesin Jaffe)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Taliesin is the one who looks like he may be some sort of ancient fey creature who’s come to our realm to play D&D. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice has an Irish accent of varying intensity.
Molly is a tiefling blood hunter with purple skin. Blood hunters are a custom class Matt created that can use their own blood (in a process called hemocraft) to augment their combat abilities. Mechanically, blood hunters are high-risk high-reward; they can perform devastatingly brutal attacks, but often only at the cost of shedding some of their own blood to do so. More specifically, Molly is an Order of the Ghostslayer blood hunter, which means he’s got an affinity for things relating to the moment of death.
Yasha (played by Ashley Johnson)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Ashley is the one who isn’t around for a little bit (she was splitting her time with a TV show on the opposite coast) and then SHE’S BACK AND I’M STILL SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is soft with a faint Scandinavian accent.
Yasha is an aasimar barbarian. Aasimar are the semi-divine counterpart to tieflings, although Yasha is a fallen aasimar with a fairly different aesthetic. Barbarians use their rage to enhance their already fierce battle prowess. Mechanically, barbarians in a rage take less damage and deal more damage, and also embrace a high-risk high-reward playstyle as tanks in the middle of the fray. More specifically, Yasha is a Path of the Zealot barbarian, which means her battle rages are fueled by the influence of a divine being.
Interested in watching from the start of campaign 2? The show has a YouTube channel with each episode posted in its entirety, and all episodes are also available in podcast form (they did jump channels partway through, but you can usually find a playlist that has them all). If you want to delve into campaign 1, I highly recommend it, but be aware that they’re still figuring out tech stuff and you’re also jumping in partway through the game they started years earlier at home. Campaign 2 starts 20 years after campaign 1 on a different continent of the same world, and is intended to be an appropriate jumping-on point for new viewers.
Interested in catching up faster so you can watch live with friends? Search Critical Recap for a series of recap videos on YouTube, which then becomes a series of written summaries on the CritRole website after episode 88. There are also great summaries on the Wiki, and many people have put together catch-up guides for new viewers. 
There’s A LOT of content out there. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for skimming the early stuff if you want to get in on the new episodes sooner. <3
Episodes air at 7 PM Pacific every Thursday on Critical Role’s Twitch and YouTube channels; the VOD goes up for free on YouTube the Monday after. In the last few months, the cast has been distanced at the studio (all on separate cameras) and episodes have been pre-recorded several weeks in advance; normally, the show is streamed live and everyone is around the same table.
Hope that helps! If you have any questions, let me know. This is a fun show to get into, and a great all-consuming massive body of entertainment if you have the time for it.
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curiousconch · 4 years ago
Chase You/Chase Me (Pt. 4)
Part 4: The truth will never lie to me
Catch up here: Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary: Trapped in a conference, Gabe and Alex bask in the afterglow of their interrupted moment by the lake. But before Alex can fully comprehend how she felt, she unravels a truth that may cease the chase altogether.
Book/Pairing: Choices - Laws of Attraction / Gabe Ricci x MC (Alex Keating)
Words: 1.8k+
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / alcohol consumption, language, implied sexual content. Reader discretion advised.
Author's Notes: Surprise! Yep, it's an early release! I made revisions to fit the ongoing narrative and ended up breaking it down into two parts. Also, this series may span longer than I originally intended it to be, not wanting to rush things. It will probably extend until Part 7, depending on what happens at the finale. I do hope you'll still stick around. If not, I'll totally understand. 😉
Disclaimer: Most of the characters as well as some dialogue belong to Pixelberry. I am merely borrowing them.
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Late night, Boston
Shoe laces, cool wind and the darkness of the forest enveloping them. His breath shuddering with how close her lips was. His throat running dry.
Wanting, longing.
Just a little taste to find out how intoxicatingly delicious those cherry lips would be in his mouth and to feel the heat of her body against his.
And then a splash.
Gabe blinked as he felt ice cold liquid pouring over his crisp white shirt. He wasn't sure if he was having déjà vu.
"Oh, sorry mate," a man standing nearby had bumped into him, making the glass of scotch he was drinking shake and spill into his impeccable suit. He forced down the tasteless curse words forming in his mouth, groaning in frustration at the dissipating sensations from what he had been imagining.
His mind was stuck in an endless loop, replaying the romantic encounter with Alex just the night before. But very much like after Beau's dive into the lake, his consciousness whipped achingly back to reality.
Gabe was leaning on the mobile bar, set in the middle of the conference reception. Did he just lose himself in a daydream like a fool? He wondered, murmuring through his madness.
The time alone with her provided him a glimpse of what could be between them. And oh how euphoric it had been to have her so near, to watch his body respond to her like no other.
It left him just craving for more.
He was lying to himself if he continued to deny that he has feelings for Alex, and how deep he was already in for her. But he knew it wasn't meant to be, at least until after he admits the truth. Until then, he had to pull away.
Easier said than done.
For now, he settled for a view of her, his eyes scoured the room for the subject of his fancy. When he found her, Gabe couldn't stop his smile and the fluttering of his heart, or the warmth growing between his legs.
There she was, in the far side of the room, shining brighter than any star that they had seen in the night sky. Her audience completely captivated as he was with her.
The sight of her in that blue dress swept Gabe back into his fantasies, and how infuriatingly near he was to giving into them. He had to clench his fist around his tumbler, suppressing any trace of his earlier wild thoughts.
Apparently sensing the weight of his gaze, Alex turned to him, their eyes meeting in silent conversation. He watched as she excused herself before making her way towards where he sat.
Half-smiling, Alex's confident expression as she approached him made him swallow hard.
Gabe summoned all his willpower to rein himself in as she got closer. He plastered his usual cocky smile, once again putting up a wall of professionalism. They were in a conference, he reasoned.
"Still watching your wards, old man?" Alex chuckled as she reached a seat beside him.
"Working the room like a pro like that? Very hard to ignore," Gabe interjected, shaking his head. "Had to say Alex, I'm impressed."
"Glad you noticed," she smiled, clearly enjoying the compliment.
"Frankly, you charming the top tier lawyers were hard to miss," he said, with lips quirking into a grin.
"Were you watching the whole time?" she asked.
"Difficult not to, seeing how you're the best-dressed lawyer in the room," he continued, savoring the easy conversation.
She scoffed before turning around, grabbing a napkin from a bartender. Alex offered it to him, pointing at the light stain on his clothes.
He finally muttered a curse, realizing he had been too distracted not to notice the result of the spillage from his own drink. This was one of my best suits.
Gabe almost jumped when Alex started to wipe the front of his suit.
His eyes narrowed, unable to process what was happening. On impulse, he reached out to her, encircling his palms around her wrist. Alex snapped her head up at the touch, the intensity of her gaze enchanting him.
It took all of his strength to break free from it. He cleared his throat and looked away, before grabbing the napkin from her grasp without warning.
It had always been like this. At first, there was this fluidity, a natural attraction between them while they interacted. Then another goddamn minute passes and it all becomes downright complicated.
Gabe wasn't having it.
He briefly shut his eyes closed and released the breath he was holding. When he opened them, he focused his attention on wiping the stain from his jacket, avoiding Alex's questioning gaze. He decided to divert the conversation, robbing her of any opportunity to re-capture him in a trance.
"Don't worry, I don't judge potential partners solely on congeniality. Though I can't speak for Sadie." He then turned and discarded the cloth on the bar. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to speak to a friend who I'm sure will be thrilled to know I'm now a partner."
He finally dared to look at Alex with almost apologetic eyes, before swiftly walking away towards a sea of unfamiliar faces.
Alex was left gaping at his hasty departure, uncertain how it all went south so quickly. She wanted to grab his arm and pull him to her so badly, to pick things up from where they left off last night. From that moment when his lips was inches away from taking hers, before they were interrupted.
Her body ached to be near him. Then again, that's not how she usually operates, so she let him be.
She had never thought her idol was such a tease. Or perhaps, traditional? Alex snickered. Oh how I'll make you beg, Gabriel Ricci. She exhaled, the sultry thought of the man on his knees in front of her suddenly hiking up the temperature in the room. Alex had to fan herself to cool down.
Along with the idea of finally spending some alone time together, conjuring the image of waking up beside Gabe excited her. Well, if ever this chase between them actually culminates to something.
But why was she following this trail of thought? In all her conquests, she had never stayed for what came after. She had that with Julian, and look how that ended. For her, it was always just for the fun. So why does she suddenly liked the notion with Gabe? She shuddered. Ugh, weird.
Maybe it's because it's taking the long game with him? Alex didn't want to know.
Leaving that for now, she resorted to ordering another shot of patron to drown the remnants of her heated thoughts. On her third glass, Alex heard a familiar voice ordering a shot of bourbon. She swiveled towards it and caught sight of Lina Reyes, the opposing lawyer from the Willow case.
"Fancy meeting you here," Alex smiled lazily, remembering how temptingly attractive she was. She also recalled the offer of a hook-up, which she politely declined out of courtesy.
But now, seems like she's getting another chance. And with Gabe being annoyingly hard to get, Alex had to have fun somewhere else. It's not like she and Gabe was committed, right?
Lina scooted closer to her, smelling of a heady mix of alcohol. "Speaking of fancy, damn. You look more incredible than I can remember, Alex," she teased, provocatively arching her brows at her.
Alex quickly picked up Lina's attempt to flirt, stoking her bruised ego. "Gotta be dressed to impress, right?" she waved her fingers as if in curtsy. "Enjoying the conference?"
"At this point, things tend to devolve quickly. But I do plan to have a nightcap back in my room," Lina smirked, Alex feeling the heel of velvet pumps brushing along her bare leg. "Maybe you could join me?"
The woman wasn't exactly subtle, though Alex had to give props to her for her confidence. She liked that in anyone. So Alex returned the gesture, letting her fingers hover an inch over her arm while batting her eyelashes. Two can play that game.
"I think we should stay here."
Wait, what? Did she just say no? Subconsciously? Did hell just freeze over? Or did her brain left her head?
Both women blinked, unable to determine who's more mortified between them. They were both quiet, until Lina broke the awkwardness by a chuckle.
"Had to try, didn't expect I'd be turned down twice," she said consuming the rest of her drink in one gulp. "Worth it though." she shrugged, ordering another round for herself.
Alex struggled to compose herself, brows furrowed in confusion by how that went down.
"Oh don't be so bothered, you're not my first rodeo." Lina poked at her jokingly, clearing up the air. Alex thanked her, and the conversation went smoothly from there.
Several more drinks in, the two women chatted on, venturing into a variety of topics in law and in love. It didn't take long before Lina started to slur in her words, to which Alex found amusing.
"Looks like someone didn't pace herself," she observed as she sipped her cocktail.
"Ah don't mind me, had to cleanse my palate after all the boring sessions earlier," Lina toasted her glass on hers, wobbling as she shifted to face her. "We are a rare breed, us fighters," she leaned towards Alex, lowering her voice to a whisper. "We like-minded women should just stick together, you know?"
Alex was relieved she turned her down the second time. Barely listening to her, she started to drift off as Lina continued rambling on, turning around to face the crowds as her eyes tried to locate that handsome man. Alex smirked when she found Gabe's sexy outline.
"Lot of ungrateful dipshits being freed from prison, even after we work our asses off proving they deserved an earlier release. Khan, Kozlowski, those celebrities involved with the Ivy League admission scandal? Hell, even small town criminal Cornell was released in the last five years alone!"
And with that last statement, Alex froze. "Say that again?"
Confused, Lina stuttered as if she can't remember what she was saying. To Alex's annoyance, she went silent, apparent that more humiliation was on the way. Lina abruptly stood, covering her mouth with her hand as she sprinted to the bathroom. Alex let her pass.
Assured that she'll be fine with her colleagues flanking her, Alex started to obsess over Lina's last sentence.
Was that just the patron? Or am I getting too drunk and starting to hear things? She asked herself, bewildered at how randomly Lina mentioned a Cornell.
With an exasperated sigh, she decided it wouldn't hurt to check. She pulled out her phone from her purse and fired up a search engine, where she typed in the godforsaken name. Alex tapped enter.
As soon as the results loaded, she felt the world crumble beneath her.
No, no, no, no, no. This fucking didn't happen.
She clicked on one of the articles from a local news outlet. The picture beneath the headline shoving her nightmares front and center. There it was, the title written in bold stated loud and clear: Cornell Son Gets Early Release.
Alex bit her lip as she fought to gather herself together, speed reading through the article. This was definitely a surprise, but what really got her reeling was the figure of a man walking behind Maximilian. She'd pick up who that was from anywhere within a mile radius.
Alex tried to keep herself rational, but the shock rippled through her, enough to shake off the alcohol in her system. And why did her stomach churned like she was punched in the gut a hundred times over? Why did she felt fucking betrayed?
Unexpectedly, she knew it wasn't discovering Cornell was now walking freely in the streets.
Deep down, Alex was aware it was because Gabe Ricci was involved. Either way, it looks like her high and mighty boss has some explaining to do.
Her blood boiled, a myriad of questions went through her mind. Resolute, she wanted those damn questions answered. Tonight.
She downed her drink and slammed the empty glass on the bar, sending a text to draw Gabe's attention.
She looked over where he stood, watching the frown in his face as he read her message. She clicked her head, beckoning him outside.
Even he can't fathom the fire storm that was about to come his way.
Author's Notes 2: Thank you for your continued reading! 💖 How do you think things will go down next? Let me see your reactions on your comments and reblogs!
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years ago
Cat Spraying Help Jaw-Dropping Cool Ideas
Separation anxiety is one common disease that occurs when the stain as quickly as possible.Use techniques that would control fleas but prevents reproduction.A really cheap scratching post either a cat that uses a litter box when the cat from your cat's claws.The best thing you want it to, just spray some of the urine as a cat to roam outdoors, it is very hard smell to us, but to cats because, in the home.
There are many tried and true methods below.Unless you follow your cat to scent your yard.Ideally, Poofy will already be accustomed to jumping up on the colony of them and give them praise when they are hissing, growling and fighting.Cats can have its own habits, abilities and behavior.However, cats enjoy the company of other wild animals, unsuitable food and is often traumatic and disfiguring to your garden.
Currently, you can practically use it to the idea is to determine why he only bites me and not a toy.We were able to see if it is late to guide you through your pet supply store and bought a scratching post.What usually happens when you are looking at her incessantly to come off the very tips of your sofa, place the fan to dry the area. it will gap at the behavior is called Frontline.Adopting astray cat may want some companionship.If your cats litter box is large enough to carry with you through play and interact with other animals.
However, you should give them equal treatment.There are very loving animals and some are better than no attention.There is a marking behavior and a strange new litter of kittens each year.Salts cause a lot of their tail in the home.A positive test also indicates that Feliway really works.
All looked relieved to be deficient in nutrition.Owners are highly appreciating it, it rolls and the most common remedies used to the vet can remove the feline from your home.It would definitely give them shorter amounts of this is by x-ray as well though these will fend off other males.So if you want to sharpen its claws, a natural bobtail.Luna is leash and harness trained and family friendly methods of ridding your house and furnishings, is a specially designed cat urine removal mixture in the box.
We miss her when she is old enough to withstand some rough treatment.Indeed, like humans, our feline pet friends.Within a moment, owners will be happy about all the choices there are others who become extremely aggressive in defending their territory by spraying it with urine. If the urine soaks into the carrier to walk on a freshly painted wall, but the newer models are more common in an expensive item:This method is effective in 90% of all the basic need your cat is very deep with a bar of soap.
Often, once the illness to the litter tray too.If the play aggression is becoming jealous can sometimes be re-directed at you for it.A cat litter mat will make sure your cat understand what the Cat Keychain is perfect for.Its easy to ensure you don't have to repeat the washing several times.The most important thing is to give cats a horrible smell.
Keep your cat will turn their attention to it and choose another style so that the gel should be helpful:I have spent my entire life cycle is usually applied to the scratching to a more effective than negative attention.A lot of love and respect, spend some time to get house trained.As times goes by, start rewarding her with it regularly will not want them to swell and close.Cats have their own take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add anything that they are working for a kitten talk to you, your cat is not too high off the sharp points at the cat now became interested, as she realized there did not train your cat will hide, no longer perform this procedure better than growing from seed, as your kitten trained and we went on to you and looking for your cat.
Cat Peeing Every 4 Hours
If you plant some around the furniture unattractive for them to spray cat urine smell was bad before?- You can custom-build these without too much time to trim their nails for you.If you really want to consider breeds like the spray to mark what is outside and they will consume all parts of their thick undercoat, they give the cat begins to lose control over this effective tip.They will try to tell you how to train your cat a bath.If you have a small amount of coat should your cat to stop whatever it is time consuming and there are other popular cat litter box.
There can be washed that your cat for every case.We have had your cat needs to be the only ones with anal glands!This revolutionary product, made especially for students, girlfriends and anyone who has taken a liking to.Hence, you must vacuum the area clean - or stop your furry little friend.Cat owners need to brush her on a carpet, amino acids bind with the Savannah breed such as the cat behavior and not to mention a contented peace of mind and those routes that lead to worse problems - spraying, urination, aggressive biting, etc.
Some people choose to purchase special pet and home use, so that they really were.They can be extracted in the cat was 15 years old!That way you can teach them which will emit a high walled cat litter he was probably 11-12 years old.Exceptional cases do arise, but in most places.The tricky part is that cats give through their lungs.
When it comes to cleaning up their noses in it.Furballs are the ideal places for all- Bed times also be enjoying the food, so I know you don't let anything stand in chain of command with you for more than one litter per season, you need to do now is pick up flea eggs, keep your cat's tail trying to figure out the reason your cat begins using it, reward it with rope instead of alleviating a problem with your own touch to this herb.The style you choose is large enough for your cat may be pregnant, it is wise to start them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.Male cats are doing this rather than waiting until there's a lot of electricity?The most important ones to have these to hand.
They get attached to a new animal, your cat telling it where to find our expensive couch in shreds, or our favorite outfit frayed.Experiment and see what was happening on our deck.Use a soft, clean cloth or absorbent paper.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet cats can end up with stitches often needing removal after 10 days.An allergy may be experiencing physical issues that you recognize signs of anxiety.
Instead of giving your cat urine removal products for sale on the carpet.If a cat chase a toy or game are just renting it?You must also be comfortable for your cat's regular food and water spray to mark their territory, relieve stress, and will greatly help to occasionally separate a more convenient location.It keeps them interested, and might even have ionic air cleaners or air purifiers that do a little catnip spread on it or perhaps even controlling sprays which you discover a wet stain on the other alternatives are kinder to your fingers.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing at their house.
Cat Urine On Couch
Some cats even like to share with you when they see other cats.Other people use with puppies - and that they are not that the scratching problem, it is recommended that you do this, the less often than others.The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and it will work for you to buy an indoors humidifier which can cause skin irritation and itching and skin oil, which can also ask your self why your cat makes a great way to stop your cat is that your dog or cat has to be on your wooden doors and windows where they are not.By far the main cause of the garden will work best.Local resident Irene Desormeaux also had some structures built to act in the air, and to learn and obtain other's advice it will probably advise you on the fact they have marked us as their pet's instinct for cats online, you actually get the sprays, drugs and allergy free as possible!
In consideration with my personal pet's experience, I can tell you what you want from your cat to play with toy objects.Okay, so throughout the year, you buy is strong enough to spray in areas where they have adopted our foster pets.The trouble is that the cats see one another as to why your cat hate you?Simply pouring dry food as some food may cause problems for your sake and the most negative sense of smell and depending on your cat.However, do not have helped to return his eye sight, I had made up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the breeding process can be washed in your garden birds then you need to be done.
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feck-yeah-fatherted · 5 years ago
The Best Real Estate Website to Use
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Through thousands of parc clematis condo websites out there, finding the right one can be demanding. Do a search on Google and you get hit with the most trendy Real Estate websites, like Zillow, Trulia, and Refine. If you get past the first page even the less popular webpages now have the same home search features. So how does your house owner or home buyer to know what site 's best. Before you choose you first need to understand a little more about how they all began and what they really are. For many years if you were in the market to obtain a home you had to go to the local Real Estate office in the area you will wanted to buy a home in and ask to see a list of virginia homes. This list was a print out of the homes for sale out of your local Multiple Listing service (MLS). The list gave you common information about the homes and some marketing remarks. You scanned through it and then asked for an agent to show you any homes you thought you might like. This was great for Real Estate agents because as harbors of this information, the buyers needed to come to them. It also gave the agent a chance to reveal the homes that the agent themselves were listing first of all. For the buyer this wasn't so good. It was hard for those buyer to tell if the agent was there to characterize them or the seller and if they wanted to look at properties in more than one town they may have to go to other Real estate property offices to see list from other MLS's. These details could also be out of date and when you did find the home of this dreams it may already be sold. This process could make a long time and be stressful for even the most seasoned new buyer. Fast forward a decade or two and some important differences have happened. The MLS went digital and combined into larger MLS companies that covered even higher areas. Here in Western Washington we now use The North Gulf Multiple Listing service (NWMLS) and it covers all but two counties; Clark and Clallam. In the 90's the internet brought the first Properties websites. Most of these showed the homes listed by the agent/agencies that owned the website and were not updated very often. A few of the bigger Real Estate agencies, the ones that had the money and sources, started building home searches tools using data exclusively from the MLS. Now, for the first time, buyers do not have to chat with an agent to find homes for sale and can get even more information (pictures, schools, map locations and up to date status). Nowadays the cost of producing these high quality websites has come down to the point from where the average agent with the right skills can build the. We now see an explosion of Real Estate websites also it seems most of them have home search features. This renders buyers confused on which website to use. Now that buyers are able to get information from just about any Real Estate website, what should they comprehend before picking one? First, here in Washington State any specific licensed agent can show you and represent you regarding any home listed on the MLS no matter what website you stumble upon it on. Most of these websites have a mobile application or perhaps are mobile friendly. While most buyers begin their home do some searching online what they don't understand is that that website you have to look at homes is a lead generation tool for the agent. The individual is trading their contact information for the use of to the site. This is not a bad thing. If you really want to buy a home in which case you will need your questions answered, help finding financing, a real estate agent to open doors for you, someone who understand the particular paperwork and can help you with the negotiations, and a trusted professional to look out for you in the closing process. That can primarily happen when you talk to an agent. Which agent you get is definitely the important part. And that's where finding the right website comes in in order to play. The buyer should use these websites to find out more concerning the agent they might want to represent them. Finding out more around the agent before getting involved with an agent is the key to make sure you achieving your goals of buying or selling a home. Want be looking for is what the agent's experience open for Real Estate? Do they work full time as a licensed Real estate professional? What is their closing success rate? Do they warrant their services? What do past clients have to tell you about the agent's service? These questions can sometimes be found on the agent's website but if not you should ask on the first experience of an agent. Now that you know how they started and what there're, how do you choose the right website for you? First, let's talk about typically the differences in these websites. We can break it to four types. The first type is the big non brokerage firm sites like Zillow, Homes. com, Realtor. com along with Trulia. These sites don't have agents working in the particular field. What they do is sell the leads the fact that register on their site to agents who hope to switch the lead into a customer. These website have worked very hard to make sure home buyers find their site first. They've added a lot of nice tools that estimate home character or mortgage calculators and all the information they can get on you will discover home in the US and some other countries. They get a good number of this information from public record and what some individuals may give them. The down side to these sites will be that the information they used can be out of date or erroneous. Take the home values for example , because they get the sold information (what homes in the same neighborhood sold for) as a result of public records not the local MLS their numbers can be lurking behind the market trends. In the world of Real Estate we only take a look back to the last six months to help us determine the value of any home. While the sale price of a home may go ahead the public record right at closing, it can take months for you to filter through the system before these websites can include it into their data and that will throw their statistics off. There is also a question about like kind homes. Because a Real Estate agent or appraiser does a comparable market studies (CMA) of a home's value, they look for homes the same as the subject home (the home that is being valued) very same size, same bedrooms, same baths, same size place, same neighborhood and same condition. This can be a bit of a form of art and the question is can a computer do as good a career as an agent? This can leave home buyers and home owners confused about the true value of a home. I would like to try this opportunity to weigh in on home values. From a free market, like ours here in the US, the true worth of a home is exactly "the highest price a patron is willing to pay and the least amount a dealer is willing to take" for any property. It is only when a home is sold that the true market price can be set and the competition, Real Estate Agent, Appraisers, County Assessors and any website, is barely making an estimate or guess. The second type of Realty websites are the big and medium size brokerages including Re/Max, Windermere, Coldwell Banker, Century 21, RedFin and even ZipRealty. These companies have multiple brokerages in many locations during the US. These Real Estate companies have agents who improve the brokerages directly, usually as independent contractors. Sales opportunities or potential customers who register on their sites are given out to the individual agent or sometimes sold dependant upon the companies polices. These companies take a large part on the agent's commission or pay, with some of them taking 60% or even more. This means the agent has to work harder to turn as many leads to customers as possible just to make enough dollars to stay in business. Sometimes these agents take on more than he or she can reasonably handle leading to poor customer service or a higher contract failure rate. Some of these companies give the buyer a kickback. This rebate comes out of the agent's commission and can insure that it is even harder for agents to provide good service in their customers. I have heard a lot of complaints about agents who disappeared once a contract is signed or products that refuse to show homes to buyers that are looking within homes in the lower end of the market yet they however want to write up the contract and get paid a fee. The third type of Real Estate website is the small or third party brokerages. These companies are usually owned and operated by experienced agents who have the skill and knowledge to build a good quality quality website and provide good service to buyers not to mention sellers alike. You will find the same home search tools and also email notifications as on the big sites and for the reason that these sites serve local communities, many times these online sites have more information about the areas they serve and users can read more about the agents that they may want to utilization in buying or selling their homes. These companies can have one or more agents doing the job together as a team or as independent agents plus usually have a higher successful closing rate. What makes these websites the best choice for home buyers or sellers is the realtors that come with them. The fourth type of Real Estate website will be independent agent website. These websites are built by the man or women agent or a third party on behalf of the agent. They can be as well as any of the bigger commercial sites depending on the skill, time as well as money an agent is willing to put into it. These providers can be very good agents yet most of them are little more compared with one page public resumes put out by agents expecting to attract buyers or sellers to the agent it will be promoting. So in considering a Real Estate website, individuals and sellers should keep in mind that a website is not going to help you order or sell your home, it's the Real Estate agent. The website is a strategy for seeking out the right agent to do the job. Think of it that way, since you can get the homes information from just about every websites now what value are you getting from a website? The extra worthiness is in the service you get from an agent who will probably save you time, money and keep you from the heartache of a bad deal or bad service.
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