#she loves being brushes and combed. she will and LITERALLY had thrown fits over it. it's cute.
agriocnemis · 3 months
If anyone doesn't believe some cats will literally let you do nearly anything to them if you're their favourite person, you got something to learn about how cats trust.
you will know a cat's boundaries, and you will accept them if you own/live with a cat. You will find out some literally will let you do stupid shit with them because they trust you a lot.
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melodiesofblueroses · 4 years
Star Boy (Yoosung x Reader) Pt.3
★ ━ 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 4.4k 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Bonus: Alternative Ending
        It was on the front page of every newspaper in the human world. It made headlines on television screens: the night that the sky had lost the stars. Yoosung had made such a grave mistake, neglecting his duties. It was such a simple job too, really. Yoosung just had to put the stars up, it didn’t really require much thought. Yet he brushed that job aside, for (MC) was more important than any duty or expectation society has placed on him. Yes, Yoosung will be shunned forever, and his reputation will never rise above that of a lowlife, but it was all for (MC). Isn’t that worth it, risking everything for one who might not reciprocate your feelings? For our dear star boy, the answer was yes. Yoosung was a fool blinded by love. 
        Of course, this accident was no incident to sweep under the rug. No, Yoosung would have to confront the higher up, which had called for him the following day. Jihyun, the sun of the solar system, dealt with all ordeals that occurred within and outside of his solar system. He was quite a force to be reckoned with. A meeting with him basically meant that your reputation as a celestial being was gone, vanished into the vast sky. There was no recovering when the leader called you in to discuss a clumsy mistake.
        “Ah, Yoosung was it?” Jihyun started off calmly, smiling as Yoosung took a seat before him. Our doomed star boy was called exactly an hour after the sun had risen. Nothing was able to escape JIhyun as long as the sun was in the sky. Yet, from Yoosung’s perspective, Jihyun seemed like quite a tired being. He wasn’t sure if it was the lopsided smile or the disheveled hair, but Jihyun looked exhausted. Maybe this wasn’t the first time such an incident happened, although he highly doubted that thought. If such a grave mistake were to occur, it would be taught in training courses, used as an example of what not to follow. 
        “Now, I’m sure you know why I’ve called you in.” He had such a soft voice, not one fit for such a high position. Although he seemed like a gentle guy, Yoosung didn’t want to take any chances and refused to meet Jihyun’s eyes. He was the sun after all, the grand all be all of the solar system. “No need to be so stiff,” Jihyun chuckled.
        “I-I’m sorry,” he meekly mumbled, flushed from head to toe. What it was like to be called out by the most important figure for your mannerisms. It was too embarrassing. 
        “I see you’re still quite new to all this.” Jihyun sighed and combed a hand through his hair. “You know, the stars are what humans are the most familiar with. Without them, our identity will be in danger of being exposed. Humans, since the start of time, have always made up legends about the sky and its stars. Yet, our identity remains a secret. It’s how balance is accomplished.”
        Yoosung wasn’t quite sure at what Jihyun was getting at. He was the sun after all, the brightest in the solar system. He must have ways of thinking beyond what Yoosung could comprehend, much to the poor boy’s dismay. It didn’t really help his confidence that he didn’t know what was going on. Rather, it frightened him, and Jihyun clearly picked up on that. 
        “I’m sorry, but I’m not quite sure where you’re getting at.” Yoosung was bothered now since Jihyun kept stalling. He knew of his mistake and sitting in this rather small office agonizing over the consequences that awaited didn’t help settle the growing anxiety in Yoosung’s gut. He wanted to get this meeting over with already. Yoosung was just waiting for Jihyun to rip away his badge of honor and have him shamelessly wander the night sky for the rest of eternity or whatever else the punishment was. Was Jihyun just torturing him by having him sit there and listen to the clock’s rhythmic ticking? Maybe this was the punishment. 
        But he wouldn’t dare show his true feelings to the leader of the solar system. If need be, Jihyun could have Yoosung’s very existence decimated within a few seconds, whether literally or metamorphically was the question. I mean, Yoosung’s career was practically over, but he didn’t necessarily want to die. 
        He heard a rather loud sigh from Jihyun. Well now that was just a tad bit rude. “I see you’re as naive as the reports say.” Woah there, did everyone really see him as a naive little boy? Gah, that stupid flirt’s nickname was sticking. “All right, I’ll give you a second chance.” 
        Wait, what. Did Yoosung hear that correctly? The sun of the solar system, the ever-powerful all-knowing, the Jihyun Kim, was giving naive little Yoosung another chance? Was the sun going to rise in the west and set in the east now too? What in the world was Jihyun thinking?
        “E-Excuse me?” Yoosung stuttered out, still quite taken aback by the sudden turn of events. Here he was, all prepared for the consequences that would befall him. Hell, Yoosung was prepared to face expulsion from the celestial realm. He wasn’t quite sure what Jihyun’s true motives were, but it was best to not ask. After all, he was given a second chance, why blow it? 
        “You seem to still be quite new at your job, and I understand it can be quite nerve-wracking. You don’t seem quite used to it yet.” Yoosung slowly nodded, paying close attention to Jihyun’s explanation. “Yoosung, I’m trusting that you won’t make the same mistake twice, am I clear?” 
        “Y-Yes sir! Thank you for this second chance.”
        “Mm, of course. But you do know the consequences that await if you neglect your duties again, right?”
        “Why did you not hang the stars?” (MC) asked that night, a bit concerned as to what was in the future for poor Yoosung. It was cloudy, and the stars hid behind the soft cotton-like structures while the moon shone through. It was quite a fitting metaphor for what was occurring, Yoosung hiding behind his feelings while (MC) was miles ahead and shining with such brilliance. The sky always seemed to uncover the depths of Yoosung’s heart. 
        Yoosung saw how her face was of mixed emotions: anguish, worry, and disappointment, all rather negative emotions. He did feel a bit bad that it was because of him that (MC) was worrying. But he knew the consequences of his actions, and he was ready to accept them. He might as well be shunned from being a celestial being, forever wandering the vast night sky and wondering how his life came to be. Yoosung would never regret his decision, however. This small star was going to shine through all the clouds and the moon, so as to be noticed and make a name for itself. Yoosung might have taken that concept a bit too far though. 
        “The stars are nothing in comparison to you,” he responds confidently, (MC) quite taken aback. Yoosung could see it on her face. He didn’t know if she felt uncomfortable or if it was just the blush on her face making her seem so, but he decided to continue. After all, this was an important moment in his life. “Your light outshines them all, today moreso than ever. You are my one true star, and you have encompassed my being so much so that I forget about the mudane ones my duty is tied to.”
        (MC) was, needless to say, shocked at how mature Yoosung had seemingly become. I mean, just a few months ago he seemed rather timid (although that could be thrown around rather loosely) and a bit childish. But here he was, holding her hands against his chest to feel his rapidly beating heart, proof of his undying love. She was happy, over the moon even. Yoosung’s confession was heartfelt, one truly born out of pure love, and (MC) felt that she could take comfort in his words. But she was also very concerned. “But if you are to forget about the stars, who will guide all the children on the Earth to their parents?” 
        “They will follow your radiance, for in the night sky you are the most eyecatching of them all.” Yoosung then proceeded to take out his gift, the perfect one for someone sweet like (MC). It was a small star, one defective and not large enough to dot the night sky, but it still radiated a tiny light. “Please, take this star. Think of it as a piece of me that will always be watching over you, even if we are lightyears apart. I may not be the brightest star in the night sky nor the most beautiful, but I’m still able to carry out my duty of watching over the beautiful princess of the moon.” 
        Breathless. (MC) felt her heart stop for a brief moment or rather it skipped a beat. Oh God, what was this warm fuzzy feeling that was spreading through her chest? It must be embarrassment, or maybe it was happiness. She couldn’t quite process what was going on in those good few seconds, any words she wanted to speak becoming nothing but a breath of air. Was this a dream? It felt like a scene out of a shoujo manga, so warm and heartfelt. Her cheeks were flushed from the confession, face a bit hot from all the blood circulating through, and now in her hands, nestled a glowing star. The star itself was so dazzling, definitely standing out from the thousands of others that nestled in the midnight blue sky. To others, however, it was merely a small star, nothing more nothing less. But to (MC), this lone star was so much more beautiful than all the stardust or star bits she had collected over the years. It carried a certain essence, one that reminded (MC) a lot of Yoosung. And that itself carried so much more weight than anything she had. 
        “Yoosung,” she muttered to herself, still unable to process that this truly was reality. Her mind was still in a murky haze, or her head in the clouds if you will, but she was a bit more composed. “I feel the same way, truly I do.” (MC) seemed to still have a bit of trouble coming up with words as she tried her hardest to not fumble over them. “But you musn’t forget about your duties. The stars are such an integral part of the nighttime sky, and without them, we would all be lost. The sky needs its star boy, and I can’t have you risking your position-your future-all for me.” 
        Her response left Yoosung feeling confused, not at her answer but at his own emotions. On one hand, he was ecstatic that she felt the same way. (MC), the moon girl who had a much higher status than him in the celestial realm, reciprocated his feelings of love. It was love, right? Not some mere crush that would disappear in a few months...right? That little seed of doubt grew when he heard (MC) mention how she couldn’t pursue a relationship with him, not at this time at least. Were their duties really so much more important than his feelings? Yes, the humans that lie below depend on the stars and the moon and the sun and all the other celestial objects, but at this moment, couldn’t (MC) forget about their tiresome duties and focus on the confession? 
        “I am willing to risk anything if it means that I could have a future with you.” He took her hands in his, immediately softening up the moment he felt her warmth. (MC) looked at him with curious and sorrowful eyes, as if expecting him to plead to change her mind. Yoosung was, needless to say, a bit hurt by this, but that was exactly what he was going to do. “You may think that I’m still a child, but I’ve grown. Over these past few months I shared with you, I’ve matured, no longer the naive little boy that first met you.” Taking a deep breath, he placed her hands on his chest, right above where his beating heart lay. “I promise I won’t forget about my duties again. I promise you with all my heart. But for now, focus on this moment. You’re the only one that can make my heart beat this way, and for a moment, I want you to forget about your duties and focus on your feelings.” 
        Her feelings? (MC) blinked, a small blush flushing her cheeks once more as she stared at her hands which were curled up on Yoosung’s chest. Yoosung was right. All this time, (MC) had been worried that if the two of them were to pursue a relationship, then Yoosung would repeat his mistake, and he would forever be taken away from her. But Yoosung had matured, and it was a bit offensive that she wouldn’t acknowledge his growth. The least she could do now was give Yoosung a concrete answer and forget about the world for the next few moments. Her breath hitched in her throat, but (MC) tried to calm her nerves and beating heart before the words left her lips. “I...I love you Yoosung, and those are my true feelings.” 
        The second that sentence registered within Yoosung’s mind, he broke out into a wide, goofy smile. “I’m so happy,” he breathlessly muttered, quickly pulling (MC) into a tight hug. This time, (MC)’s response felt so much more genuine and full of love, not that the first one wasn’t, but she had finally accepted the fact that he had matured. He couldn’t hold himself back, and in a few swift movements, he connected his lips with (MC)’s, a moment that Yoosung had dreamed about for so long. (MC) didn’t seem to mind and happily accepted the kiss, much to Yoosung’s relief since it practically came outta nowhere. The current situation was something that Yoosung couldn’t register for a few moments. He couldn’t believe that this was real, that his life was finally looking up. Not only had he finally grown, but he also found a girlfriend, one that he loved so much with all his heart. If only Yoosung could live in this moment forever.
        “Hey, Yoosung was it?” It was a voice that our dear star boy thought he would never hear again. It took a few seconds for it to register, but once it did, Yoosung automatically recognized the voice belonging to a certain flirtatious silver-head. So he had finally remembered his name this time around huh. Yoosung turned to face Hyun who seemed to have a rather displeased look, as if he came bearing bad news. This greatly upset Yoosung. He had a gut feeling that he knew what this was all about, and quite frankly Yoosung was over that incident. Sure, he made a grave mistake that endangered the very existence of the Celestial Realm, but accidents happen (maybe not on that scale but still). He was already lectured by both Jihyun and (MC), not to mention he had to deal with the gossip and rumors that tarnished his very name. 
        “Yes?” Yoosung tried his best not to let his annoyance show. He had no actual reason to be mad at Hyun. The poor man just wanted to talk with him, yet Yoosung was already jumping to conclusions. “You’re Hyun, the shooting star guy from back then.” 
        “Ah, I’m flattered that you remember.” His chuckle was a bit deep, but what struck out to Yoosung was that it sounded rather manly, unlike his laugh that he thought sounded that of a grade-schooler. There were those intrusive thoughts that appeared in his mind for a split second, the ones that made him very conscious about his appearance. Yoosung quickly shook off those thoughts when he saw Hyun’s serious face. “I actually have something to ask you.”
        “Are you and (MC) dating?” Well, that question certainly came as a shock to our dear star boy. Were they dating? Well, the two of them did share a kiss, and they did go on a lot of outings that could be classified as dates. So yeah, Yoosung and (MC) were a couple, but why would Hyun know anything about this? Yoosung’s mind wandered back to the conversation where (MC) had stated that she was very close friends with Hyun and immediately came to the conclusion that (MC) had told him of their status. Even then, why would it matter to Hyun? He couldn’t possibly have feelings for (MC), not when Yoosung’s life was finally starting to look up. 
        “Yeah but why?” Yoosung desperately wanted to add on to that, wanting to ask why it concerned Hyun anyway, but alas the words got caught in his throat. Hyun’s tone hadn’t been a pleasant one. In fact, it was very similar to the tone that came with “we need to talk,” and we all know that those kinds of statements cause deep anxiety within one’s stomach. Yoosung felt his throat go dry, and his heart hammered against his chest, anxiously awaiting what Hyun was going to say. 
        He heard Hyun heavily sigh. Well now, that was a bit rude, don’t you think Hyun? Yoosung pouted at this and crossed his arms, similar to back then during their first encounter. Seems like Hyun hadn’t changed in the slightest since then. “I mean this in the nicest way, I truly do, but do you think you’re ready to be in a relationship?” 
        Oh ho ho, Yoosung should’ve expected such a snide remark coming from this narcissist. First, he insults his intelligence by calling him naive (well that was back then but the nickname still stuck), and now Hyun thought that he wasn’t mature enough to be in a relationship? The audacity of this man! The question didn’t go over well with Yoosung, and he felt his blood boil with each passing second. He tried his best to remain calm, but his patience was wearing thin. Who was Hyun to question him like this? 
        “Of course I do,” Yoosung retorted, a bit of his anger evident in his tone of voice. It was offensive, really. “I don’t know why you’d think this matter concerns you but-”
        “Listen, Yoosung,” Hyun cut in, trying his best to alleviate the tension between the two. “I just have (MC)’s best interests in mind. I’m sure she’s told you all about me. Hell, she never stops talking about you when I hang out with her.” That comment left Yoosung a blushing mess, briefly forgetting about his anger from moments ago. Ah, the thought of (MC) praising him and talking of nothing but good things when he wasn’t around made him fall for her harder. She truly was an angel in disguise, a pure and angelic being that deserved all the stars in the sky in order to illuminate her beauty. But enough of that and back to the matter at hand. 
        “I do too. I want nothing more than to make (MC) happy.” Yoosung bit the bottom of his lip, trying his best not to get too emotional. Truth be told, he was still young when it came to being a celestial being, and thus still quite sensitive over the little things, especially when it came to (MC) since she is his first girlfriend. 
        “I’m glad we both want to protect (MC), but Yoosung, do you think you’re mature enough to handle a relationship? Just a few weeks ago you had forgotten-”
        “Oh, so that’s what this is all about.” Yoosung had a gut feeling that it all led up to that incident from a couple of weeks ago, but now that it was confirmed, he couldn’t help but feel angry. Hyun just felt so insulting, as if he somehow thought that he was better than Yoosung himself. Yoosung was so sick and tired of everyone bringing up that incident, especially since he’s matured quite a bit since then and learned of his mistakes. When he opened his mouth to respond this time, Yoosung couldn’t hide the anger and spite that filled his voice. “I should’ve known. You’re probably just jealous of me and (MC).” Emotions got the best of him, and Yoosung’s face was burning a bright red as he spat out remarks he would regret once he calmed down. 
        “What? Dude no. (MC) and I are just friends-”
        “Then why would you ask if I think I’m ready to be in a relationship?”
        “Yoosung, I just want to make sure you wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. I don’t want anyone to hurt (MC)-”
        “Of course I wouldn’t! I’ve grown since then, and it’s a bit offensive that you’re bringing up old events. Why are you trying to interfere with our relationship?” Yoosung was feeling riled up and couldn’t stop. It may have been the immature thing to do, but Yoosung kept going on, being carried by his emotions that swayed his judgment at the moment. “For the first time in my life, I like someone, and I feel motivated. I don’t get why you’re being so negative even when we don’t know each other that well!” With those final words said, Yoosung made a small ‘hmph’ and turned around, already moving away from Hyun who tried to call out to him to mend their now strained relationship. He wasn’t exactly sure what Hyun was getting at, but what Yoosung did know was that a seed of doubt had been planted in his heart at that exact moment. 
        “Don’t think too much about what Hyun said,” (MC) softly spoke, stroking Yoosung’s soft locks as he lay in her lap that night. “He’s just trying to look out for us. I promise you he means well.” The night sky around them was still and blank, similar to a canvas waiting to be painted on by its owner. Yoosung had been feeling a bit pouty tonight and went straight to (MC) to be comforted before doing his duty. Hyun’s remarks from earlier on in the day had stuck with Yoosung, and he couldn’t shake off the doubt that lingered in his heart. Was he really still that immature, naive boy from back then? Did (MC) deserve someone better than him, someone who’s mature and could easily deal with these intrusive thoughts? 
        “But I can’t help but think what he said may be true,” Yoosung muttered, burying his face in the soft cotton cloth of (MC)’s plaid yellow dress. Mm, her touch was just so soft and comforting. It always relaxed him after a stressful day. “Maybe I really am still an immature boy.”
        “Don’t say that. You and I both know that you’ve grown so much. It’s natural to have doubt you know, but don’t let it get to your head.” She continued to play with his hair, ruffling it here and there to which Yoosung sighed contentedly. Maybe (MC) was right after all. He was mature in his own way. Even if he went back to his immature tendencies every once in a while, growing up was a long process, and there were setbacks here and there. But that didn’t mean that Yoosung wasn’t mature! Slowly but surely, that seed of doubt was bound to get smaller until its whispers could be heard no more, and Yoosung was going to be a bright, confident, young star one day!
        “Heh, thanks (MC),” he mumbled bashfully, sitting up so that he could act like the big spoon and cuddle her. She responded with a simple “of course” and immediately laid her head on Yoosung’s chest, drifting off to sleep in a few short moments. Guess (MC) had a long day as well, yet here she was comforting Yoosung when he felt at his lowest. Had he really matured?
        The next few hours, Yoosung was lost deep in thought as (MC) lay on his chest, sleeping the night away ever so soundly. Ah, she looked so peaceful and pretty drowned in the moon’s light that was illuminating beneath them. The sight of (MC) sleeping put Yoosung at ease as he reflected back on today. 
        Hyun may have been right, but (MC) did have a point. Hyun was simply looking after the two of them, cautious so as the two could live a happy life together with no setbacks. He may not have been the best with words, but his heart was in the right place, and that’s what matters most. Damn, now Yoosung felt bad for going off on him. He would have to apologize to the silver-head soon, maybe when the two met again at a later time. 
        Sighing, Yoosung looked at (MC) yet again and smiled. Ah, he was just so happy to have someone so pure and precious as his girlfriend. It truly was a blessing. When he looked at her, Yoosung felt that seedling of doubt diminish ever so slightly. Yes, Yoosung may not be the perfect star boy nor the perfect boyfriend, but Yoosung was maturing, what he had wanted to do all his life. He knew that the doubt wouldn’t leave anytime soon, but Yoosung knew that he had to have confidence in himself. At that moment, while he lovingly gazed at (MC), Yoosung came to a conclusion. 
        He, Yoosung Kim, current star boy of the Celestial Realm, was going to do what it takes to stay with (MC) and make her happy. And that was his resolution, what made him a true man. Yoosung would listen to his heart and never regret any of his decisions from now on. At last, finding true comfort, Yoosung felt himself doze off in the arms of his lover. Yes, he had neglected to put the stars up in the sky yet again this night, but it was worth it, for (MC) was more valuable than any of the planets and stars and galaxies that would align the universe and paint the night sky. (MC) was his one true love, and he would take being shunned and banished over a hundred times if it meant (MC) would be happy. With that, he drifted off, smiling and pushing the thought that he had forgotten his duties yet again to the back of his mind. For now, in this moment, he would savor being in (MC)’s warmth.
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Happy (belated) Birthday!
Just a little something as thanks for being a good friend and a source of inspiration when my creativity was at a low point. Happy belated birthday, Shop!
Today was a day just like any other: groggily stumble out of bed and clamber down to the floor, trudge downstairs, hastily scarf down a light breakfast, get dressed-- all while avoiding the occasional thudding footstep from a certain ego as he, too, got prepared for the day.
 A day just like any other, aside from a nagging disappointment tugging at the back of Shop’s mind.
 She’d refused to get her hopes up, that Dark would actually do anything for her birthday, much less remember her birthday-- it just wasn’t like him.
But even so, as she adjusts her tailor-made uniform, a gloomy sigh escapes her lips. Dark hadn’t even said a word, aside from muttering a brief “good morning” and “the meeting’s in forty-five minutes, hurry up”.
Shop had literally expected nothing, and yet she finds herself overwhelmingly downtrodden by it all.
 The meeting carries on as usual, with her sitting politely and observing while attempting to ignore the cold, glitching hand loosely clutched around her form. At least he’s been getting better lately about not squeezing her too tightly, and she considers it perhaps some kind of small birthday miracle that the meeting goes well enough that his grip only tightens once or twice-- but even then, only lightly.
However, the routine of the day is suddenly thrown off when the meeting ends; instead of heading out as usual, Dark seems to grow more… agitated, than usual. Urges her to go home with King and Host for a few hours, says that he has work to do at the house that can’t be interrupted, under any circumstances.
 Dark seems serious, enough to make Shop feel a bit nervous-- she doesn’t protest or ask him what he’s doing, even though her curiosity is most certainly piqued. Fortunately enough, her friends are happy enough to have her over. When they’re back at the Host’s part of the house and he’s busy making lunch for himself and the two humans accompanying him, Shop is almost tempted to say it’s her birthday, but some invisible pressure keeps her mouth shut, a small sense of guilt, maybe, or the disappointment lingering in her mind from earlier in the morning. Either way, she keeps quiet but has a nice, relaxing afternoon regardless: no chores, no tiptoeing around, no telltale irritated ringing in the background-- just good food, friends, some tea…
 Maybe this really is what she needed for her birthday.
But, towards the evening, Shop’s phone lights up, a familiar buzz drawing her attention. A single, simple text: “You may return.”
Although it wasn’t necessarily a command, a text like that from Dark generally stands for ‘come here immediately’. So she bids King and the Host farewell, even if she’s a bit nervous about Dark’s odd behavior today, and she returns home.
However, when she enters, she’s met with an unexpected sight: the house is dark, only illuminated with the flickering of candles.
Shop hesitates before carefully walking in, slightly unnerved by the pervasive silence lingering in the air. “Dark…?” she calls out.
And then a few of the nearby candles flicker dangerously close to being blown out, a chill enters the air, and--
“Good evening, Shop.”
Shop jolts as Dark suddenly appears behind her, and she whips around in order to catch sight of the ego looming before her.
“H-hey, Dark, geez don’t give me a heart attack…” Her words trail off as she peers up at him, her eyes widening slightly.
Instead of his usual black suit, today he’s dressed in white, his hair meticulously combed and tidy. Somehow, he seems even more elegant than usual. He clears his throat and straightens, his arms folded behind his back.
“...Apologies for startling you,” he mumbles before kneeling and offering his hand out to his assistant. “Care to come with me? I have a surprise for you.”
Shop blinks before nodding, eyeing him with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “...I… Yeah, sure?” She hesitates before pulling herself up into his palm.
Dark’s fingers almost automatically curl inwards, lightly brushing against Shop’s back as he straightens back up. And then he marches over to the kitchen, being careful to keep his steps even, before setting his hand down on the table. With a soft nudge from his fingertips, Shop quickly gets off-- and then a soft gasp escapes her lips. The table is decorated with a soft, red, velvety cloth, a few candles strategically placed here and there to give the entire setting a warm glow. On her end of the table are some plates and silverware-- all of which are set upon a small table proportionate to her height. One plate is piled with spaghetti and the other with salad, and there’s even a properly-sized glass of water, too-- overall, it’s clear that a lot of painstaking effort went into setting all of this up.
Shop is snapped out of her awe as Dark carefully pushes her chair back with a nudge of his hand, before he gestures for her to sit down. She quickly complies and he pushes her chair a little closer to the small table, and then he moves to the other end of the larger table.
“Did you seriously do all of this just for me?” Shop finally pipes up, her eyes sparkling in delight. Dark takes a seat and clears his throat, looking rather… embarrassed. “I thought you might like something for your birthday.”
Shop shoots him a grin before looking down at the carefully-set table of her own. “Dark, are you kidding? I love it!”
He raises an eyebrow, a sudden, quiet hitch in his ringing indicating his surprise. “...I’m glad. You’ll have to let me know if the food is alright-- I haven’t cooked in a while--”
Shop doesn’t hesitate to dig in, still looking rather pleased to have all of these things so comfortably proportioned to her own size. After a few bites, she smiles at Dark again. “It’sh really good!”
Dark makes an amused snort as she swallows and continues to eat, lightly picking at his own food. “That’s nice to hear, considering the fact that I’m a bit out of practice.”
“Heh, could’a’ fooled me!”
The two continue to idly chatter as they eat dinner, and for the first time in a long while, Shop feels genuinely relaxed in Dark’s presence. After they both finish up and their chatter continues for a few minutes over their empty plates and glasses, Dark eventually squares his shoulders and sits a little straighter.
“I have another… well. Gift, for you. A proper birthday present, if you will.”
Shop blinks in surprise. “Wait-- oh, Dark, you really didn’t have to! You even got me a gift, on top of all this…? Geez, I’m gonna have a hard time reciprocating on your birthday--”
Dark snorts. “Good luck finding out my actual ‘birthday’, then.”
“...What’s that supposed to mean?”
Dark doesn’t answer, instead reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small, glimmering--
 Shop gasps softly as his hand moves closer, the necklace carefully gripped between his finger and thumb.
“I apologize for not finding a suitable covering for the necklace-- I couldn’t figure out how to wrap something so small, so this had to do.”
She takes the necklace with an awed expression on her face, running her fingers over the silky-smooth texture of the pearls strung together to form a practically-glowing necklace. After a moment’s hesitation, she carefully slips it over her head-- and, much to her delight (and Dark’s relief), the necklace fits perfectly.
“Wh-where did you get something like this…?” Shop breathes, running her fingers over the necklace once again.
“It was… an old possession. I felt it would be in better hands if you had it, instead.” He pauses before frowning slightly. “Is it alright? Do you like it?”
 Shop’s head lifts at an alarming speed, her eyes shining as she shoots him a smile. “Are you kidding? I love it! Thank you so much!”
 Dark’s shoulders twitch, his eyes widening slightly. “...Good. Good, I’m glad that you enjoy it.”
Shop pauses before getting up and walking across the surface of the tablecloth, standing before Dark’s looming form. Although normally a bit intimidated by his stature, Shop doesn’t hesitate this time to spread her arms as far as she can and press herself against his chest-- giving him a makeshift ‘hug’.
“Thank you, Dark. I didn’t expect anything for my birthday, and then you… I mean. You went and did all of this for me…!”
Dark stiffens under her touch, but then he slowly exhales, hesitantly moving a hand to pat Shop on the back.
“Make no mistake, you’re going back to doing chores and such first thing tomorrow.”
Shop pouts, but nods and gives a small snort before backing up. “Yeah, yeah… I kinda figured. At least I’m plenty full, though-- that was a really nice dinner.” She shoots a hopeful smile up at him. “We should do it again sometime!”
“Hmm. Perhaps,” Dark mumbles, glancing off to the side for a moment. Then his gaze turns back down to his assistant, a smirk forming at the corners of his lips. “Though, I do hope you’re not too full. A birthday wouldn’t be complete without a cake, no?”
Shop’s eyes widen. “Whoa, whoa, what, really?! You even made a cake, too?”
Dark can’t resist a chuckle at her response. “Of course. Now, would you like to go blow out your candles? ...Er. Candle. Despite everything else I found, I couldn’t exactly get my hands on any candles your size.”
Shop blinks before clenching her fists in excitement. “Dude. I’m gonna get to blow out the biggest candle ever.”
Once again, Dark is caught off-guard by her response-- he then snorts and offers his hand, palm-up, on the table. “Your enthusiasm is impressive. Alright, then, let’s go see if you’re up for the task.”
Shop grins before stepping into his hand. As he lifts her, she quickly sits down to stay balanced-- she’d rather not fall off today, thank you very much.
As Dark marches further into the kitchen, where he had hidden the cake out of sight, he can’t help the smile-- a genuine smile-- that works its way onto his face as he looks down at Shop, watching her fidget in anticipation.
 Happy birthday, my dear assistant.
Shop smiled as she walked through the woods, reading back on the event as it had happened; so much had changed in the time she had spent with Dark, and it showed... she walked a little faster, eager to see her friend again.
((Ok this is now from exactly one year ago and god I still love it!!!!! I have no idea why I didn't post it then hey, better late than never i suppose! Thank you so Sam!!!))
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monsta-sextories · 7 years
Poolside- 2
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Son Hyunwoo
word count: 2285
🎧 Hunger- Sam Sure
The small guest house fit a small bedroom, a shared living room and kitchen area, and a bathroom. It had been your place to hide when you were young enough to get away with it. Before it became a “childish cry for attention.”
In all honesty, it was the only place with one set of keys and you had stolen them long ago. You saw it as a safe place- quiet and personal. A place for you to tack up your drawings, walk around naked, and make messes. When you finally dug out the key, you walked in half expecting it to look as if someone had just cleaned and straightened up. Sights you were used to seeing. But upon unlocking the door, you found it untouched.
Maybe you would have smiled, maybe you would have danced. But you weren’t that person anymore. You were refined, cultured, and sophisticated. So you closed the door and let yourself wander slowly around the room of memories. Childhood innocence of staying up late, painting without brushes, and sneaking off with liters of soda to last you the night. You stifled a laugh remembering your smaller self. Someone who was creative, and bold, and fearless… and happy.
You sighed as you ripped down the large squares of aged paper. You kicked around the pillows thrown on the ground and cringed at the sight of old chip bags. It was far from livable now you thought. But at least it was quiet and far enough from eavesdroppers to make a quick call.
“Daddy,” you said placing your phone to your ear, “I just had a great idea.”
After a few days of sending your usual housekeepers in to clean out the old, you called in an electrician to make any repairs to the lights and other fixtures. You had a plumber take a look at the shower that seemed weak in water pressure, and you had new bedding delivered as well as any other odds and ends you could imagine a human being needing for daily life. Most importantly, you made sure Hyunwoo was nowhere to be seen. For now.
“Miss,” you heard a familiar voice from behind you. It was Betsy, much older than the last time you had both been in this small house. She looked just as skeptical as always, but she was holding a large box full of what looked like trash.
“Are you sure you want to throw out all these beautiful drawings?” she asked. You smiled knowing full well they were far from beautiful, but Betsy had always encouraged you to make things. She seemed to always have the magic touch that could help transform whatever you were trying to create into gold. You were always so jealous of the easy way she could come up behind you and show you just how to hold a brush or how to turn a disaster of a dish into something edible. She was the greatest teacher you had ever had, and if you remembered correctly, she was around your age now when she first stepped foot in this house. At the time, you were so young you only saw her as someone to distract. A friend.
Looking at her now, aged with hair cut short, crow’s feet starting to form and maybe a few grays- you remembered she was more than a friend, or a cook, or even the occasional babysitter. A wife, a mother, and a roll model.
“Do you remember when I would lock myself in here. Every night. My mom would send you to bring me dinner because she thought it was just part of some rebellious pre-teen phase.”
Betsy hid a small twitch of a smile. The knowing smile that you assumed she gave her own children.
“Yes, miss. I remember bringing you a new dish every night, until I found the real key to your heart,” Betsy said with a look of disappointment. You laughed and saw her smile with endearment.
“You were so fun back then, you know,” you say to her as you comb a hand through her short bob. She nods.
“I was the only one you ever let in,” Betsy says. It’s true in more ways than one. You had taken a liking to Betsy early on. She was the youngest woman around the house, and she was beautiful but not in the way your father liked. She was happy, and energetic. She was sweet and humble…
“Anyway’s” you said looking at the box in her arms, “it’s time to start over. Someone else will be living here, so this will have to find a new home.”
She looked at you for a second wondering and then as if she could read your mind went flat. “Someone else. I see. Son Hyunwoo is a simple man, miss,” she says as she adjusts the box in her arms, “a good man,” she adds.
You see her eyes downcast, maybe a little saddened. She sighs, “I’m sure he would have found your drawings lovely,” she says quietly and turns to go.
You can’t help but hear what she’s really saying. Son Hyunwoo would have liked the old you.
You look around and wonder If he’ll accept this elaborate offering. You know better than to be too certain, but you also believe that if you stretch the truth a bit you’ll get your way. You’ll just have to tell him your father insisted. That this is his idea, not yours. Then he’ll have no choice.
You wait for Hyunwoo early the next day before the time you asked him to come in. When he answered the phone you almost forgot how deep his voice was and the grogginess you heard on the other end almost gave you chills. Part of you felt bad for calling him so last minute after insisting he take these last few days off, but the excitement you had wouldn’t wait another day and everything was ready.
You sat out on the front steps of the house resting against a tall column as you waited for his dusty old truck to sail up the long driveway. For some reason you were feeling nervous underneath all this excitement and you weren’t sure why. You had to fight the urge to bite your nails, a nasty habit your mother had warned you about when you were younger.
When you finally saw him approach the front gates you felt all the confidence you had worked up leave your body. You considered maybe having Betsy or anyone else do it for you instead. The front gates opened slowly allowing him to continue on up to the front of the house to his usual parking place.
Your feet seemed to move faster than your mind, even with the fear of being rejected.
“Hyunwoo,” you call out as you see him climb out of the driver’s side of his truck. You wonder if that’s just for work or his usual way of transportation. He watches you approach him, a little sleepy looking as he walks around to the truck bed where his supplies are. “Before you get into all that, come take a walk with me quickly.”
“I’m sorry, I really have to get started, I’ve lost so much time being away these last-
“This will only take a minute,” you reassure.
He nods as he struggles to look away from his truck bed and then follows after you.
You lead him through the house knowing it will take less time then walking all the way around the perimeter. You notice how he looks interested in the things you pass by- photos, paintings, glass, and ugly expensive rugs, but he does so without comment. You take him out the east kitchen doors, catching a glimpse of Betsy chopping vegetables, to the pool and make a turn contrary to the usual direction straight off the patio. The small house is kept just far enough away for privacy and is visible from the pool and the backside of the house only. 
“What do you think of it?” you ask from a distance.
He looks at you confused. “I suppose you could plant a few tiger lilies and lay some-“
“Not to work on,” you interrupt, “to live in.”
His expression is still blank an unreadable even as he looks back and forth between you and the house.
“Aside from a few cleaners and Betsy, you spend the most time here and do the most work. This is more practical don’t you think?”
“You can stay here for the rest of the summer. You and Betsy can make arrangements about food if you’d like. If you need anything you can just ask…”
His mouth moves to speak and then stops, making you uncomfortable and dare you say it, embarrassed.
“It was my fathers idea,” you lie, “and it might not seem like it but he can be very sensitive, so I suggest you accept.””
“I- I cant- you already pay me more than-“ he starts to protest with soft eyes.
“The labor you do is more than enough,” you say sternly and hand him the keys. He hesitantly reaches out for them. “Have a look around and let me know by the end of the day.”
You can feel your skin slightly hotter than usual, so you try to avoid the mistake of taking a second glance at him. You can see his eyebrows starting to furrow as he looks down at the keys in his hand and the house waiting for him a few yards away. He’s probably genuinely afraid he won’t be able to repay you in enough work and is placing added pressure on himself for no reason, you think.
“Also,” you cut in before making your way to leave, “I’d like to offer you some advice that might make your life a lot easier in the future. When someone does you a favor or gives you a gift, you owe them nothing more than a thank you.”
On that note you turn and head straight for the house wondering when you adopted that immature pridefullness of your father. Even after you walk into the air conditioned dining room you can still feel the blush baked into your cheeks.
“I don’t know what you’re up to, Miss. But that boy in there is a real sweetheart,” Betsy says as she pours you a glass of iced tea next to the pool. The sun has gone away and it is now an hour or so past sunset.
The light is on in the guest house and every so often you can see the shape of Hyunwoo moving around behind the windows. By the end of the day he had brought inside the guest house only a backpack, but it was enough to solidify the proposal.
It’s not that you were necessarily up to something, but you liked being able to keep an eye on things that could hold your interest. You liked the idea of having Hyunwoo close by if only just to look at, which you hoped wouldn’t be the case. 
“Betsy,” you sigh hanging off the pool ledge, “I don’t think you’ll understand this time around. I don’t understand it myself yet.”
She looks down at you from the side of the pool a few inches away from your elbow as you hold yourself above the water. Your head comes to rest on forearm as you poke at her ankle.
“There’s something calming about him, isn’t there? He isn’t shallow or hot-headed, or deceitful.”
Betsy quirks a smile and leans down to place the glass of iced tea in front of you.
“Miss,” she half-whispers even though no one’s close enough to hear the two of you, “do you have a crush on Son Hyunwoo?” 
You glare at her for a split second before splashing some water up causing her to gasp. You laugh at her reaction and then do it again, earning you a string of squeals and half-hearted threats as she retreats. 
“You brat!” she calls from a safe distance away over your laughs.
“Goodnight Betsy!” you call after with a smile that spreads from ear to ear. You push yourself back to lie flat against the water. This time, instead of the hot noon sun you’re greeted with a black sky and a littler of stars. 
A crush. 
You consider it for a brief second, reminding yourself you’ve never had a crush before. You’ve never really found interest in boys like that. Physically, financially, or politically maybe but never in a way to cause your emotions to go haywire and think irrationally. You’ve read books and seen movies but you’ve never experienced the feelings firsthand. 
You kick your feet a few times before gliding on over to the pool steps. You reach for a towel and wrap it around yourself quickly, reacting to the slight chill of the night air. You take one last look in the direction of the guest house and see Hyunwoo through the window just in time to remove the shirt he’s been wearing. 
You feel yourself stutter for a moment, temporarily entranced by his physique like usual. But then you see his hands reach down for his belt buckle to undo it. At that moment something jolts you to remove your gaze and you feel a heat run through your body as you take quick steps up to the patio. For some reason your heart beat seems to pound as you try to compose yourself and keep your dirty fantasies at bay.
A crush, you think to yourself again as you pull the patio doors shut. Isn’t that something.
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