#she literally will not budge on the enslaving earth thing sorry caliban
percentstardust · 2 years
moved from here | @acourtcfmuses
Sabrina fights the urge to roll her eyes. She has a feeling he's only sucking up to her like that to worm his way into her good graces. She is not so easily deceived. Green eyes look back down at the book in front of her. She was only doing this to stop the human world from being enslaved. She will not be convinced to change her mind otherwise. She had no interest in enslaving humans. She was part human, it felt wrong. Just because she's part infernal does not mean she thinks like she is from there. She does not expect him to understand, though.
"Leaving Greendale alone won't ease my conscious. I'm not going to budge on turning Earth into the latest circle of Hell. That's what father want." Father is spoken with distain. "And I'm not doing it for him." Her words are spoken with venom. She's tired of being used as a pawn in Lucifer's game. She's only claiming the throne so she can not only prove to him that she can do so, but, also the other demons that are against her doing it. And, of course, to stop the demons from doing something like enslaving all humans. "Have you ever thought about how the False God will respond? He won't take kindly to it happening. Have you thought about that?" She has and God responding to a legion of demons with a legion of angels scares her, especially if humans will be caught in the crossfire.
"I just broke up with my boyfriend. Why would I want to enter a new relationship so soon?" The sting of Nick's betrayal still hurts. "Maybe I want to be single for a while. Ever thought of that?"
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