#she jus got that swag guys lmao
truelliaster · 2 months
yall i turned one of my non osc friends into a test tube fan how tf-
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feketeribizli · 4 years
ok so this is what i've gathered about those little rat kids from that musical or something,,,
1) hosszú- idk. sad, gay bitch. in love with ficsúr. probably would be a philosophy/arts major???
2) evá- badass lady. small, but scary. dressed as a boy for her own safety, i think. very cold.
3) peter- baby. baby boy.
4) ficsúr- ahaha you're so sexy ahahhha. this bitch is what we call a homosexual. lots of swag, very chaotic.
be on the lookout for part two, king.
anon i love you so much aaaaaa 🥺😭🤲💖
you were pretty close with everything skgskfkd also i love how you called them little rat kids lmao its true.
i) yeah!!!! hosszú do be gay and sad! bitch has so much pent up trauma and unresolved tension baby open up a bit. no need to bottle all your emotions and leave them like that til you die :-(( he mastered two skills and theyre yearning for your best friend and being dumb on main but i love him!!! also yes i have this headcanon that he draws and aaaa 🥺🥺🥺❣ we would love to see it
ii) its spelled like "éva" but i usually call her "eve" because its easier for you guys hehe but yeah you got it!! im not a big fan of the lady disgueses herself as a man trope but i guess it makes sense here (i like to think that she jus. decided to be masc presenting i could write an essay on this but right now im not gonna get into it skbksdks) shes pretty cold and unapproachable at first but when you get to know her shes a really nice gal 🥺 very badass yeah
iii) aaa i think youre talking about kuksi!! 🥺 peter is actually the old mans name hehe (also my ocs lol) kuksi is the little boy the story kind of centers around and he is baby for sure. love him so much!!!
iv) fuck yeah ill drink to that!! ficsúr did so much for the lgbt community lmao we love that for them. unhinged bastard best character ever (they invented swag)
and im looking 👁👁!!! also since the second anniversary of me seeing the play for the first time is in a month im gony make like a detailed character sheet for these idiots so you guys also keep an eye out hehe :-D
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