#she is so…. pick upable
orangedogsquad · 5 months
oh wow your dogs look so interesting I've never seen these breeds before
what are they like? do you recommend them to people new to dogs? do they have really awful legs like Basset Hounds under the fluff?
I think they're great, but I have a soft spot for scent hounds in general.
I find the basset fauve de bretagne is fairly adaptable. They're quite happy to have couch potato days, but equally happy to go out on an all day hiking adventure. Most of the ones we've met are pretty laid back, but they are a hunting dog, and get vocal if they catch a scent. (Tess in particular is very good at singing when she smells a rabbit or kangaroo). Fauves can be a bit independent in personality, and can have a 'what's in it for me' attitude when asked to do things, though not nearly as much as other hound breeds I know, and they are still trainable and very responsive, with a tendency to be very food motivated. When it comes to socials, they aren't the most forthcoming dogs, and tend to be fairly polite/neutral to strangers. With people they know, they are very affectionate though!
They're also quite a small dog (Tess is around 12.5kg, and Henry around 13.5kg) and are very portable and pick-upable. A fact which I imagine delights me more than them, lol.
The grand basset griffon vendeen on the other hand is a bit bigger. Maple is a small gbgv at around 20kg, but her siblings are closer to 25kg-30kg. I don't have as much experience with gbgvs overall, so it's harder to tell what's just Maple vs what's the breed, however in general, they seem to have a lot more energy than the fauves, and less of an off switch. They're also very vocal. Maple is one of the loudest dogs I know, which is saying something considering I live in a house with Koda.
Gbgvs are your more stereotypical hound, a level up from fauves in my opinion. Maple is Very independent and does what she wants, and doesn't have as strong a food motivation. Plus she's been a lot slower to mature.
But on the other side of it, gbgvs are very social, from what I've seen of Maple and her siblings. They Love people and other dogs, and Maple thinks everyone is her best friend.
One thing to keep in mind with both breeds is that they're wire-haired, and ideally should be hand stripped. On this front, a typical fauve's coat is a lot easier to strip and maintain than the gbgv's.
It depends on what kind of dog you're after, but I think either breed would be fine for someone new to dogs as long as you were prepared to deal with their hound quirks. I might be biased, but based on my experience, the basset fauve de bretagne would probably make for an easier first time dog experience than the gbgv.
To answer your other question, both the fauves and the gbgvs have much better legs compared to Basset Hounds. The fluff makes it a bit harder to judge, but their legs are a lot more proportionate to their bodies than what you would see in a Basset Hound. This isn't a perfect comparison, but you can see how Tess has more leg to her than the basset hound on the left. She's still fairly short overall, but has a lot more ground clearance, and is more structurally sound. Tess is also the smallest dog we have, so both Henry and Maple have more leg than she does! Because of their better structure and proportion, the fauves and gbgvs aren't prone to disc and spinal conditions like basset hounds are.
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This has mostly been about the basset squad so far, but if you're curious about the other two:
Lagotto romagnolo- I wouldn't recommend a lagotto to a first time dog owner, no offense Koda. The lines in Australia tend to have Issues, at least from our experience and what we've heard from the vets we've spoken to. The idea of a lagotto is great, since they're very smart, energetic, sweet and affectionate to their owner, and don't shed, but for some reason it is very common for the ones here to be not quite right, lol. They're prone to anxiety, noise sensitivity, resource guarding behviours, and so on. Depending on where you are in the world, you might have better lines who don't have these issues, but in our context, I'd only recommend one to somebody who has a quiet, predictable household, no kids, no other pets, and who knows a good behavioural vet. If you want a smart, trainable, affectionate, non shedding breed, a poodle is a nice alternative.
Groodle- Holly is a great dog despite her 'breed'. Her traits are pretty much poodle, and the majority of the other 'groodles' we know are the same, so I would recommend getting a well bred poodle over any oodle mix! Very affectionate, eager to please and readily trainable, with a more solid health base.
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sighonaraa · 1 year
you thought I was done I'm not. I bet baby Jamie is so pick upable. Between Isaac, Keeley and Roy, Jamie's feet are barely ever on the floor. He is getting piggy backs constantly. That scene in season one where Roy picks Phoebe up and just carries her over his shoulder while she's giggling except it's Jamie. he likes to be tall.
you are so correct for this...
roy does it on instinct and constantly. keeley prefers to get on jamie's level but she will occasionally lift him up for a hug or to reach something high up. isaac is 9. but also... strong! he can give jamie piggy back rides and jamie absolutely takes advantage of that fact.
but then jan maas appears. no one knows where he came from but he is there. and he is Tall.
jamie adopts him as the Resident Picker-Upper. everyone else hides their disappointment (some better than others).
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stainapologists · 4 months
Nozomi respects Nezu as her former boss' number one archenemy/whatever-you'd-call-that, of course she does, Nezu holds an unspeakable amount of power over her life. That said, there's been plenty of times where she just wanted to scratch behind his little ears. It's so evil. He's so small and pick-upable. But you can't. He hates it. But he's sooooo cute. Just a little guy. You cannot pet him.
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crying-pan420 · 2 years
Ocean HC: This girl is light as hell. 90 pounds soaking wet. Almost anyone in the choir can pick her up if they wanted to (Jane and Mischa definitely do so if they do that wrap around bear hug thing) Sometimes Ocean will forget she is really light and pick-upable until she's getting into a screaming match with someone and someone from the choir just picks her up like a cat and walks away with minimal effort.
Ocean screaming her head off at someone one (probably Noel) and Jane Doe/Penny just scoops her up and puts her in another room
Or she’s ranting to the choir and mischa is really really tired of her so he just chucks her over his shoulder and leaves then returns with Ocean gone and peace and quiet
However it does only last like a minute
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yumeblue · 1 year
yves i am genuinely so glad you like dva like shes so sweet and she does need someone that can pick her up and spin her around she would probably do a little squeal about it
I read that and literally winced so bad I literallyget so jealous looking at mekamechanic art because I want to pick her up sobad she is so pick upable to me. thank you 🩷
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discet · 2 years
I have been summoned by your extremely high quality fic update, and I come bearing questions and comments. 1.The family meeting banter had be in absolute shambles, particularly "Us girl likers can stick together". Was legit sending screenshots of it to my friends who haven't even read the fic... yet. (I'll wear them down eventually). 2.Very nice foreshadowing in the breakfast scene, I'm proud to say I caught it on my first read through, and it was very exciting but also unnerving when I did. And here I was thinking Hop Pop was gonna drop the issue after learning Marcy had already gone through the family tome. What a fool I am.
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Really sorry for the super long Ask, your fic gives my brain zoomies like you wouldn't believe.
Hey Cynda, good to see you again :D No need to be sorry, I love getting questions and comments like this :D Some of this is lightly spoilery so under the readmore
I loved writing that scene, it was so much fun :D I'm glad people have seemed to enjoy it! Finding the dialogue for the Plantars was a delight. The only one I had planned going into it was 'I was an actor.'
Thanks! I'm glad it was pick-upable, I was worried it might be too subtle :) and yeah, Hop Pop just took a while in canon to come up with that contacts lie Anne shows the Plantars the box pretty early and then Hop Pop only comes up with the plan to get it from Anne during the Bizarre Bazaar episode. In the Au he only finds out about the the girls to the calamity box after Marcy brings Anne back from the bazaar.
This is accurate. With Marcy's understanding of the situation and tools on hand the Tower Gambit was the only plan where she and the World Hoppers survived. She needed to get through a locked door, and all she had was a bazooka. So I don't want to get too deep in to HP's mindset for spoilery reasons, but I will say that he didn't lie to Marcy back in chapter 12. If he had her abilities and was put into her shoes, he would have done the same. The troubling thing is that she has those abilities in the first place. If she was able to employ the Tower Gambit using just whatever leftovers Sprig was able to collect, imagine what she could do with something like the Calamity Box?
So I really can't answer this without major spoilers for the last 2 chapters for the season, but man I love seeing you thinking though everything! Thanks so much for the ask, and I hope you enjoy the next 2 chapters!
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abbyissharp · 3 years
For either the goddess or the ghoul~
@valourie || Headcanons
Why not both? 
Abby almost always pays for their meals.  Especially if they’re on a date. 
She still finds it somewhat offputting when Ana turns into her. There’s a firm rule that Abby will not have sex with Ana while she’s wearing Abby’s face. 
There is also a firm rule that Ana cannot use Abby’s image for anything nefarious. It’s what they call a “break-upable” offense. 
Abby very rarely asks Ana to impersonate someone. Ana is just really good at picking up when Abby finds someone attractive. 
The only times Abby will lower her shields so that Cyndi can possess her is if they go shopping for sexy things, like toys or lingerie.  It’s her way of letting Cyndi pick out things she likes. 
Abby always give Cyndi forewarning that she’s going to have a friend over and tries to make sure Cyndi knows that the friend is not someone she’s into. No need to freak out guests. 
Speaking of rules, there’s a rule that Cyndi cannot possess anyone that Abby invites to the house. 
Abby may, on occasion, mention people from work that she’s not to happy with when Cyndi is bored and needs something to do. But nothing to nefarious. Just switch out their shampoo or something. Harmless pranks really. 
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