#she is so so important. her and her cringefail husband
gaminedyke · 10 months
caught up on for all mankind!! can't wait for the next episode
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
@tar-thelien asked for more information on my version of Celebrimbor's mother, Moripilin, so here it is:
Moripilin is a Noldor craftsman who specializes in making arrows
From a young age, she proved very ambitious, and found the peace and stagnation of Valinor nearly unbearable
Naturally, she started to idolize Feanor, who seemed to be one of the few elves in Valinor who insisted on constantly pushing forward and aspiring to greater heights
When she started making arrows for Orome's hunt, she made a conscious effort to get closer to Celegorm, and the two became decent friends, which is how she first met Curufin
I say this with complete sincerity: Curufin's prickliness and general cringefail aura absolutely besotted her
It was not quite love at first sight but it was pretty close
She's normally pretty confident, but it took her a while to work up the courage to ask to court him (in very traditional Noldor style, of course)
She's also about the only person who can make Curufin blush
Their shared love language is drawing blueprints for deadly weapons while cuddling <3
She and Celegorm are the proud founders of the Curufin defense squad
Feanor thinks of her as a daughter and was very pleased with her and Curufin's marriage; even more so when Celebrimbor happened
While she's very much Celebrimbor's mother (and yes, she's the one who named him Curufinwe, not Curufin) in every way that matters, people actually aren't sure if she's his biological mom
Look half of Valinor is convinced that Celebrimbor happened via mitosis– he looks almost exactly like Feanor and Curufin and there was no evidence that Moripilin was ever carrying a child
Moripilin is very focused on the idea of progress, and on the deep importance of craft– both of these lead her to see the Silmarils as incredibly important, and fully worth kinslaying for
The Teleri were just in the way– she wishes violence hadn't been necessary, but she doesn't exactly regret it
She was, however, against the burning of the ships, and rather than helping, spent that night comforting little Celebrimbor, who was grieving and frightened because of everything that had happened since Finwe's death
That said, let's be clear, she was not a moderating influence on Curufin– she was basically the opposite
She loved the freedom and constant change of Middle-Earth, and often went on long hikes with Curufin, looking for metal deposits or new inspiration
Curufin made the Feanorians' sword, Moripilin their arrows, and no elves in Middle-Earth could've claimed to be better armed
She was severly wounded during the Nirnaeth– at first, it looked like she would recover, but after a few days, she started to decline, and eventually died
While she didn't swear the Oath of Feanor when Curufin did, she insisted on swearing before she died, because she needed to know that her and her husband would share their fates, even in death
Losing her did bad things to Curufin, and to a lesser extent, Celegorm
C&C actively pushed Celebrimbor away in Nargathrond, and part of that was because they didn't want him to die or swear the Oath like Moripilin had
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fumifooms · 9 months
Marchil crumbs Part 4
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
Broskis remember when while madly blushing Chilchuck said he’d introduce his family to Marcille, and she madly blushed back thinking she really really wanted to meet them. Marchil W today
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Dreams do come true girl!!
The full double page spread has the rest of the Laios party at the table too but i think having the whole picture distracts from the one just this section tells. Marcille is so happy to finally meet them!! Flushing with joy and awe! And chilchuck flushing right back with self-consciousness!!! Desperately trying to keep it casual. Tsundere man probably going "Ok so... This is Marcille my ex-coworker, and here are my daughters... She was really looking forward to meeting you guys but don’t read too much into it girls". The daughters being all dressed up and Puckpatti even bringing flowers and correcting Meijack hehe <3 I know it's because they're at the castle but omg, meeting the extended family energy. You knowww Marcille is gonna ask them so many questions, and try and get to know them…
Also I have remembered TODAY that Marcille has a stepdad… She prob has so many thoughts on being a stepmom then. Leaving it open as to what that could mean for marchil. She certainly acts enthusiastic about families and kids so doesn’t seem like there’s a complex there at least~
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How it all started… Not very shippy I just think it’s funny and easy to miss. Her curiosity is PIQUED and what she thought she knew about Chilchuck is shattered. The bicorn chapter is really not long after this one so she must have thought so hard about how his home dynamic was like if she cooked up that ‘if I was Chilchuck’s wife’ rp so soon after & so effortlessly
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Hm, you know how snooping into ppl’s personal lives is Marcille’s thing?? Isn’t that like… Not that true outside of Chilchuck though? Like, she never asked about Senshi’s backstory or really asked much of Laios either. We do see her asking their types in romance for example, but from remembrance that’s sort of where it ends. So she concentrates her focus on the nut toughest to crack, the most private and mysterious party member huh (no not Senshi obviously, Chilchuck!!)… Little ‘puzzle to crack’ guy, ‘resistant to being known deeper’ guy. I’m not over how she was salty that he opened up to Senshi more than with her lol
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I think I’ve talked about it in the previous crumbs part but I think the bircorn chapter truly is the marchil chapter, and I wanna point out how Chilchuck reallyyyy fell from her esteem because "he cheated on his wife", leading to her being snippy with him during the chapter, BUT when push comes to shove she still hurried to his aid and worried for him and all. This might sound surprising, but I really like this! I think it’s great that Marcille wouldn’t coddle him if he fucked up and showed him a taste of consequences™️, but also not dropping him fully y’know, sticking through thick and thin even if she would not let shit fly. Seems like a healthy sort of devotion or companionship to me! Also her arc through the manga with Chilchuck is warping who he really is with idealization or preconceived notions mostly with his age and whatnot, so this feels like an important turning point of assessing him coldly as an adult who is not innocent at all… Before going right back to seeing him favorably and idealizing him as a great virtuous husband heh. It’s ok he’s harsh on himself he needs at least one person that believes in him hardcore let’s go <3 I’m going into really debatable grounds about morality and healthy vs unhealthy behavior lmao but yeah!! He recovered in her esteem, but she will not just give up on and leave behind this cringefail ass of a man even if he digs his hole so deep and so hard. He already got divorced once his partner would need some… Strong determination~ More on that right away
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Which, what is this "I don’t want to look incompetent and I’ll even claim I’ve done things that make me look terrible to avoid it" because uuuuh, they both do it
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Let's finally dig into the shapeshifters chapter! Lots of fun stuff to observe in there. Let's start with Marcille's side. There’s how, of course, Chilchuck's shapeshifter of her has her with sparkly hair with detailled shading, and how the reason she got eleminated was because of the spells in her spellbook don't match at all; Which means that personality wise, she was pretty convincing! We don't see just how well Chilchuck's vision of her match though since it didn't get much far. As we see with Laios’ shapeshifter clones, having an accurate shapeshifter is harder than one could think!
Easier to miss and more interesting though!! "It seems like Marcille B has awfully weak determination hmmm" implying Chilchuck thinks Marcille has a strong will. I think it’s especially telling when hand in hand with Chilchuck in an early chapter going "Oops not good I missed [that taking dead Kabru’s party’s wet food wasn’t the best moral decision], that’s Marcille for you." and such, where it seems like Chil sees her as someone who has strong convictions and admires/relies on her for it in some ways.
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Funnily enough Chilchuck’s not the only one being flattering about the other's hair, because Marcille's shapeshifter of him's hair is... Fluffier? Throughout the whole chapter too so not just a one-off or a coincidence. Tempting to pat and carress perhaps? It's confirmed to be her shapeshifter of him with the page about it in the adventurer's bible, and it's the one that gets the furthest in the elimination! The lockpicking tools are, surprisingly, convincing enough, and the attitude is also convincing if not for the true Chilchuck being "nastier" lmao. It's idealization due to the fact she has a hard time stopping thinking of him as young, but in a way she both knows him well enough to be very convincing and idealizes him as being nicer than he actually is, not the worst I’ll take it. "Our Chilchuck is a lot nicer! 🥰" help
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Have some more of Marcille praising Chilchuck
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Defending her honor part 2
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Ok now look at the Nightmares extra… Chilchuck would watch her series with her!! He enjoys her type of stories!! They’re on the same page even about plot points and the emotions each scenes inspire!! They would chat during watch parties!! Also this is something Marcille conjured up in her dreams so like, tbh very impressive. Chilchuck enjoying Marcille’s dream fiction isn’t something I ever expected but it sure happened
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This is what a movie date would look like
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I now declare lasagna the marchil dish. Seriously though I’m so curious as to what else Chilchuck’s pastas could be here. She’s fantasy italian it works out
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What is that look Chilchuck… Is this life advice, love advice or what. Like it’s not just me he’s being a little suggestive right, he’s drawing a comparison to womanizers right- Okok so you, Chilchuck, say exactly what reward you want, so that makes you trustworthy ok got it. Lesson learned and she respects his professional boundaries & reassures him so he doesn’t feel as self-conscious/judged from then on.
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Being on the same page and acting in perfect synchrony part 566
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Looking out for the other part 307, featuring them panicking out of their minds lol (Chil is better at stress management it seems)
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& Keeping the other in check part 255
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I truly love how casually they treat dungeon lord Marcille. You may be under mind corruption magic and a boundless beacon of destruction at your whims right not but you’re still our cringefail Marcille and we need to look after you
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Look at his smug-ass face at having successfully comforted and soothed her in the team effort
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What’chu looking at loverboy. What’s up, is her face too close to you for your comfort?
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Alright part 5 presumably NOT coming soon, i finally ran out of stuff to put on these hehe. Maybe the anime is gonna change that though
… And then the anime arrived and I already have stuff for a part 5. See you soon!!
part 5 is here broskis
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Third-Place Play-Off
Tar-Ancalimë vs Eldacar of Gondor
The first Ruling Queen of Númenor.
Ancalime the First Ruling Queen Of Numenor Herself!!! Let me tell you she is wonderful! She is savage! 'she did not refuse the Heirship, and determined that when her day came she would be a powerful Ruling Queen' a girlboss! I know people love making characters gay (it's me, i'm people) and Ancalime is a great case for lesbian/ace/aro headcanons (about marriage) ''We could', said Ancalime, 'if I had any mind to such a state. I could lay down my loyalty and be free. But if I were to do so, I should be free to wed whom I will; and that would be Uner (which is ''Noman''), whom I prefer above all others.'' She has gay vibes, take her and love her! Also she eventually gets married (either out of spite or to please the government) and her husband is just so rude to her so she kicks him out of his house because she's the Queen.
Propaganda for my girl Ancalimë, she must succeed. Technically Ancalimë is more obscure than most of the other characters here and she is such a wonderful character. This fandom says they like girlbosses, she is so girlboss, she's the First Ruling Queen. Plus she is politically savy - since she is called Tar-Ancalime that's probably not her original name, which means she could have named herself after the elven tree and not the other way around - that's one heck of a statement and more tree symbolism for her, tree lovers vote for her she is one of you.
Eldacar of Gondor:
The twenty-first King of Gondor, also known as Vinitharya. During his reign the conflict known as the Kin-strife occurred and he was forced from his throne for ten years.
The blorbo of all time actually. He’s the protagonist of one of the most interesting stories in the LoTR appendices, the Kin-strife, and everything about his life story is so fascinating! His father was the crown prince of Gondor and his mother was the princess of Rhovanion so not a Númenorean. As a result all the racist nobles of Gondor made noises about how Eldacar was of “lesser race” and wouldn’t live as long as a “true Dúnadan”. One of the most fascinating examples of fantasy racism in Tolkien’s works imo – the bigotry is awful but the bigots have a shield to hide behind! Obviously their concerns are actually valid because they just don’t want their king to die young! (Their concerns aren’t valid. But I think the worldbuilding here is great.) Anyway Eldacar was born in Rhovanion and given the birth-name Vinitharya, but when he returned to Gondor aged five he was obliged to take up the Quenya name Eldacar, presumably to pacify all the racists in Gondor. He’s the EMBODIMENT of mixed-race/immigrant child trauma my beloved. Eventually his father died and he ascended to the throne of Gondor, but then his shitty second cousin Castamir (all my homies hate Castamir he’s the worst) started the civil war known as the Kin-strife and usurped Eldacar’s throne. Eldacar was forced to flee north to Rhovanion but Castamir captured his eldest son Ornendil and had him cruelly put to death which is SO SAD. But Eldacar, being brave and resourceful and clever and extremely cool, put together an alliance with his mother’s kinsfolk in Rhovanion and after ten years reclaimed his throne, which turned out to be slightly easier than expected because Castamir was The Worst and all his subjects hated him. And Eldacar PERSONALLY fought and killed Castamir HIMSELF and AVENGED HIS SON which is extremely important when you consider all the cringefail elves in the legendarium whose quests for revenge didn’t really go anywhere at all. Then he lived to be 235 proving that all the idiot racists who were worried about his lifespan didn’t have any idea what they were talking about, as is par for the course with racists. Also the Kin-strife itself has such far-reaching consequences for the history of Gondor! The Corsairs of Umbar, Gondor’s long-standing enemies, are actually followers of the descendants of Castamir. And during the Usurpation of Castamir Osgiliath was sacked and burned, leading to the beginning of its decline as Gondor’s greatest city. Even though Eldacar’s story is, to me, ultimately hopeful, it’s also such a fascinating turning point in the history of Gondor. Also ALSO he’s explicitly surrounded by textual ghosts which is really fascinating. His father Valacar has “children” plural – so Eldacar had siblings!! What were they like? How did they react to it all? And his son Aldamir is described as Eldacar’s second son and third child, meaning that he had a daughter too. Who was she?? What happened to her? He’s such a blorbo and there’s so much interesting stuff to dig into around him and he has to win this entire tournament please please please❤️
Final masterpost
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eileenguy · 1 year
pls tell us ur prequelcrit opinions btw
ANON IM SO FUCKING SORRY THEY DELETED YOU OH MY GOD. anyways here's the answer under the cut that i had to rewrite in its entirety<3
so um. this must feel very weird because it was just announced that the prequel was cancelled by the CW so i rlly don't think me airing my problems with it remains fruitful but STILL. as a marygirl and johncrit/john-understander AND frequent participant of toxic tragic maryjohn """"shipping"""" i have to say (as someone who has not watched this show keep that in mind pls this is just from what i have seen on the dash). it's very weird that the writers and producers decided to focus on how dean's feelings must be hurt and on dean's need for a hashtag apple pie normal happy domestic home life and dean's closure and ignored basically everything about the actual mary and john.
i thought it was very disrespectful to mary in particular, who had to marry a man she despised (and vice-versa on his part) because of divine manipulation from heaven. one thing about mary's story was that she did not want to be a hunter in the end and that she craved safety for her and her loved ones instead of the dangers for hunting. despite this she could never get out of the hunting life because her destiny was to be used as a pawn in the celestial game leading upto the apocalypse and the end of the world which like! fucking sucks! and she loved her children and probably also her husband (how much of the latter was genuine and not the aforementioned celestial fuckery we'll never know) but that doesn't mean her life and marriage were happy or normal.
john as well. he was forced to fall in love with a person he "couldn't stand" due to higher forces orchestrating it since the beginning of humankind apparently. but unlike mary he didn't stop believing in his destiny. before her death we know that mary was considering divorce but we don't know if john felt the same. what we do know is that immediately after her death he spiralled so hard that he decided to risk him and his children's lives to seek revenge against her murderers, which unfortunately led to him discovering hunting and raising his kids up to be hunters, which is the only thing mary didn't want. infact, ending this cycle of hunting was the main reason she made sure he remained ignorant of hunting and her past life as a hunter. and we know that instead of doing any of this, john could've easily talked with mary's ghost (see 1x09) and consulted with her on how to parent their kids, or heck, even just straight up ASKED her who her killer was, but he didn't. because talking with mary would mean having to talk about their cringefail marriage and life together. he held up an ideal of her as the perfect wife and their relationship as the perfect marriage, and he sacrificed his life and his sons' lives at this fake altar. (keep in mind, it is very IMPORTANT to his character that he does not know shit about hunting before mary's death)
mary also does this, in a way, when after being brainwashed by the bmol (boooo!) she retreats into a mental fantasy where she's younger, dean is a toddler and sammy's an infant and refuses to "look at" the older dean who repeatedly asks her to see him and hear him. tellingly, john isn't a part of this fantasy.
so obviously all of this affected dean. knowing that your father would rather choose a life of danger and uncertainty over a healthy and safe childhood for you and your brother, knowing that him and your mother never "truly" loved each other, knowing that their marriage was on the verge of ending before your mother's death all fucking sucks. knowing that because you turned out leading the life you mother did not want for you to have, having your mother come back after so many years but she's about a decade younger than you and would rather go back to what's known and comforting to her (i.e. hunting) over parenting your adult ass and confronting her new reality has also got to suck. after being traumatised and put in harm's way his entire childhood and early adulthood by his father, who was acting in the interest of protecting the perfect made-up ideal of his angelic mother and their perfect life before her death, he was even denied the closure of having a mother and regaining that type of life when she was actually present for it.
this absolutely does not mean we should write and produce shows where dean's form of "closure" is travelling the multiverse (you will NEVER be spiderverse etc etc), finding a perfect reality that exists where we retcon his parents as better people who DID love each other, actually, and they ALSO had brown and queer friends and they were like, totally cool with that, and the impala is a time travelling car now. maryjohn is not a love story. it is a tragedy. it is a horror story. it can even be a fucking comedy if you think about how absurd it all is, but it is NEVER a normal happy romance.
they fundamentally cannot end up together and be happy about it. and you cannot ask me to be happy about such a story! i would've even been ok with the show if they presented us with dean who is dead in heaven, refusing to meet his similarly dead-and-in-heaven parents, completely dissatisfied with how his life was and instead of finally resting, choosing to time travel across multiverses to find a reality where his life had the potential to be happier, where his parents stayed together willingly and resolved all their conflicts, where he had a better childhood. and presented us with all of this as the insanely tragic, terrifying thing that it is instead of some nostalgic, forever 21 wardrobed, 70s scooby-doo-esque, retro funfest.
i don't fault people (especially dean fans) for liking this show. i understand how seeing dean again, and seeing him happy, seeing him finally "save" his mother, could be cathartic or even just plain enjoyable for a lot of people. but im unhealthily obsessed with a lot of the source material this show plays so fast and loose with and it's so unacceptable to me lol.
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🐁🐌🪱🐞 for tobias and klara mayhaps 👁️👁️ i love them sm btw. omg.
THANK UUUU it really makes my day when ppl say that aaaaa 😭 amazing funny girlboss and her cringefail husband who gets into Situations (tm)
oc ask game
🐁 how are this characters ethics?
Tobias has strong sense of ethics and follows it very close tbh? Like. Basically if we were to make a summary of his thoughts it would be smth like "do good fight bad". Helping others and being nice is what he does and what he sees as a right thing to do. By "bad" though he does not only mean things like "someone beating other person up" but also the in-world system keeping up the unequal divide and worsening it every day. He knows his actions won't affect the world but if there's a chance that speaking up or volunteering to something could make at least some kind of a change or make someone feel safer, he is definitely doing that. Along with that I should also add that Tobias's background is strongly in scientific research, most often having something to do with medicine or researching some health related issues. Science ethics are very important to him <3 (He whistleblowed like three different projects. Two kinda fixed their ways and actually ended pretty well but the third. well. his manager shot him 😔)
Klara's also very into ethics, but she's more flexible in following them tbh. Like yes, most of the time people should be doing what's good and try not to, say, hurt each other. BUT that said it really depends on situation in her opinion. If something bad can prevent something even worse, well, that's the price she's ready to pay. Working in UDL definitely has affected her sense of ethics since she was more mindful of it before. She tended to speak up more often or would never do some of the things she's done at work. Now she tends to worry about it all inside of her head and still continue going like this. :')
🐌 do they carry their home with them or is it a place?
Going for a cliche but. well. home is where the heart is for both of them? 🥺 They both spend most of their free time near each other and absolutely suck at not being together lmaooo
...this then leads to v "fun" situations in Halcyon once Toby wakes up all alone after the 70 year long nap with some mad scientist telling him it all depends on him now oughh 🫣 He's really not having a good time there especially in the beginning. good thing they meet again tho <3
UM that said. I'd also say that for Toby a place he can call very safe and comfortable is a home for him. Klara definitely sees own apartment as a home <3
🪱 would this character move a worm off the pavement or save it?
THEY BOTH WOULD SAVE IT!! Klara would just pick it up tbh she loves nature <3 Toby would take a while bc he needs to find something to move it with bc he is Not Taking Dirty Things with bare hands.
🐞 does this character have any notable accent or dialect? what about other languages?
Never thought abt this before but it's such an interesting topic tbh?? HM. I think Klara would have some kind of Californian dialects, probably more NorCal leaning? It's not so strong due to her spending lots of time w other people and changing soeech patterns, but can still be hear hehe :3 She also speaks Swedish bc one of her moms is from there! She has strong Scanian dialect there bc that's where her mother and some relatives are from hehe
Tobias doesn't have any specific dialects, I think it's more bc he's been moving a lot? Hm. Along w/ English he also speaks some Ukrainian and Finnish bc of his parents (his skills are a bit rusty though bc he barely evee uses them) and some German and Spanish he was learning at school out of curiosity :-)
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chryzuree · 1 year
I’M IN SUCH A CHRYZUREJACKS MOOD RN… anything you have to share abt them at this time 🤲🤲🤲
GOD, I FEEL SO FERAL ABT THEM RN…. you always know precisely my mood (is always explicitly posting abt them…)
but like…. chryzurejacks is jst like chrysi has someone made for her by the universe itself and if she also had someone who she made for herself and they worshipped her. then it’s worship from knowing everything about her to worship from knowing nothing about her. then, on top of that, it’s like ohhhh, azure’s her soul. jacks is her heart. she’s their breath. fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lives interwoven in the stars by pure stubbornness because who else can understand each other but them!!! and their cringefail pathetic wet lap dogcat of a soulmate………
umm also also also, i’ve mentioned this, but azure is also immune to jacks’s kiss <3 makes me think of that one friends episode where one of the characters is like “WHERE IS MY NEW YEAR’S KISS!!!! I WANT TO BE KISSED!!!!!!” and then one of the other guys kisses him.. jacks wants to be kissed (by chrysi), but he’s being so fucking annoying that azure kisses him for her. jacks stands there in a daze like “?!!!???????!!!!!!” and then, later, he’s mad because azure’s a better kisser than him.
i like imagining them all curled up in the same bed together, jst basking in the morning sunlight coming in from the blinds :)) literally i have nothing else to add, jst azure pressed to chrysi’s side and jacks resting his head on her chest and chrysi stroking jacks’s head while leaning into azure…. it’s something i think abt to calm myself down!!
jackszure hangout sessions whenever chrysi’s off doing something!!! it’s always azure working on a paper or writing something else while jacks jst kinda sighs sadly like a bereft dog, then looks at azure from the corner of his eye. azure hears him do that, like, seven times before he sighs and puts down his work. do you want to play checkers? yeah, checkers?? yes, do you want to set up the board?? good boy!!! (jacks is like. not appreciating that you’re talking to me like a dog, but also, YEAH, i WOULD like to play checkers 🥺)
whenever they’re at a masquerade ball, azure and jacks always keep trying to get the most dances w chrysi. near the beginning of their relationship, anyway!! then it turns into them switching off who chrysi’s dancing w every other song. romance… ((also, jacks specifically designs matching outfits for all three of them 🥰🥰🥰))
GOD, like two days ago, i was thinking abt chrysijacks arguing while azure endured it—up until he snaps, and goes, “JACKS. stop pissing off my wife!!! CHRYSI, stop yelling at your husband!!!!” both of them immediately shut up. anyway, chrysi was winning. jsyk.
jackszure companionship is also sosososo important to me??? like jacks nor azure strike me as the type of ppl to hug, but ((and specifically i’m thinking of the kh au, though this happens in a couple others)) when azure comes back from being cursed and/or possessed, jacks kinda cautiously lingers around him until azure sighs and gives him a quick hug. nobody saw anything. but also jacks is glad azure’s okay, and azure’s glad that jacks didn’t blow anything up while he was gone. now, if you’ll excuse him. he needs to go kiss their wife.
LOVEEEEE the aus where they’ve all been married for years, but since jacks is a fate and chrysi’s a half-star and azure’s undead, they all will wander sometimes?? and then when they’re reunited, they fall back into their patterns. don’t let jacks cook, don’t let azure make tea, don’t let chrysi rearrange the kitchen every week…. THIS ALSO IN A SITUATION WHERE JACKS IS A PLANT ON AN OPPOSING SIDE AND THEY GET CAUGHT AND HE BREAKS COVER TO HELP THEM??????)))) AUGHHHHHHH.
oh oh oh, in the l&c universe, after azure gets possessed, it’s soooo important to notice that while chrysi is how azure drags himself to reality, he’s able to actively try and get help via communicating with jacks… he sent that invitation to the gala to jacks on purpose! he knew jacks would get chrysi and they’d both try to help him! he knows! he knows that both of them would save him!!!!!
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