#she is so silly and high loopy and she’s playful even too!! but mostly just wants food
fawn-paws · 2 years
I have never received so much support from so many people all at once in my whole entire life I’m just blown away by the kindness of everyone, of complete strangers and friends and mutuals alike, it literally just doesn’t even feel real and I really just feel so indebted to everyone I want to do everything I can to repay everyone in some way at some point, but for now I’m focusing on Kumari obviously, and will put everyone’s money to good use helping her and caring for her
Since we’ve almost reached the goal of $300 (we’re literally at 95% it’s crazy) that’s pretty much reimbursed the entire vet bill that we paid today, so that’s amazing. That relieves so much weight off our shoulders and lets us focus on continuing to help her!! We can probably even look into scheduling a consultation with an oncologist to see for sure that it’s cancer (though the vet was 90% sure it was), to see just what kind of cancer it is, see if there are any other options and other steps we can take from here.
For anyone who is interested, the plan is to treat her symptoms since the tumor is in her mouth and surgery would be too invasive to be a viable option. The type of cancer the vet suspected it to be does not respond to chemo/radio treatment well and only comes back more aggressively, though like I said we may be able to consult an oncologist now, and possibly get a biopsy and/or another input!
The treatment plan is steroidal oral suspension medication, for the swelling in her mouth, and that should help with her ability to keep food in her mouth and actually eat, plus pain medication, to make sure she is as happy and comfortable as possible for however she has long left.
She is in great spirits since coming home, they administered topical pain medication after her exam and I think it’s made her feel SO MUCH better. She has a great appetite now (she is ravenous LOL), energetic, and so so SO lovey and affectionate. She is so silly and loopy from being sedated, but we can tell she’s super happy to be home and it’s lifted my spirits so much since making my original post. I’m cautiously optimistic about everything now. I know it’s only a matter of time if the cancer truly is untreatable and we must let it run it’s course, but she is absolutely not ready to go just yet, she has so much more love left to give, so much more fun to have, and much more food to eat!!
Sorry for the long winded post, I just wanted to thank everyone again and let everyone know that their money is being put to good use, extending this sweet girl’s life and helping us make her time left on earth the best it can be. Thank you so so so SO much again, I will literally never be able to thank you all enough. Kumari certainly would thank you as well if she could. It feels incredible to see her so happy right now. I’m so so grateful. Thank you
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bethsteaclub · 4 years
My First GB
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Some of you have asked me to write about my first time having sex but that was really boring and by the books. He was my first bf in high school and the first guy to ask me out. We were in the same edgy anime, punk rock friend group at school. We didn’t really click but I was a huge nerd in high school and was very flattered to get asked out at all. I had a fairly big glow up the last few year. High school me was a dork and I looked and acted the part. He was my first partner and it was nothing to write home about.
So instead I’m going to tell you about my first gang bang. Which actually wasn’t too long after my first time It was about 3 months later. First I should say this experience was when I was a minor and it was with adults. At the time and now looking back it was mutual and I don’t hold too many bad feelings about the experience. That being said it was adults taking advantage of me when I lacked the experience and knowledge I do now. This might upset some of you but now I am over it and have met and hooked up with some of these men as recently as a year ago. So I am over the issues it all brings.
Ok, so I was about 15/16 years old and staying over night at my friends house for her birthday. There was 5 of us including my friend staying over for the party. I drew the short straw and had to sleep on the ground which was very uncomfortable for me. Around 1am after they had gone to bed I decided I was going to go downstairs and get some water. My friend also told me if I can’t fall asleep on the ground I can sleep on the couch downstairs.
When I get down there my friends dad had some of his friends over and they had ben drinking. I ran into him in the kitchen and he asked me how the party was and if I couldn’t sleep. Your basic small talk. I know some of you are probably wondering what I was wearing. Well it was nothing special at all. Basic underwear and pyjama bottoms and a loose t-shirt. Plus bed head. I wasn’t looking like any kind of snack I assure you of that.
Following our small talk he asks me if I can carry out some beers for him since he had to carry a bunch. I helped him out and go to the back patio where his friends are. There was 5 all together including my friends dad. They had been drinking and chatting for hours by that point and they were clearly tipsy but still very much ok. I know this is a normal night for them in the summer. Sitting out there chatting and drinking is how they like to spend their time.
I go out and I can tell most of them are thinking “Why is she here?”. My friends dad tells them I was helping carry some beers out and one of them asks me to sit with them. The others overall seem reluctant but he and my friends dad insisted so I did. Nothing was too weird after I joined them. They just chatted with each other about this and that till my friends dad offered me beer. It was the middle of summer and it was really hot outside even at night. I considered water but I wanted to drink with them. I had stolen alcohol from my parents and others before but never had an adult offer it to me till this point. I wasn’t sure but decided to have some. They started to ask me questions about school and life.
I can now looking back and see where they started to condition and lead me into what happened. My friends dad got closer and more touchy and he was saying how I’m more “mature” than the other girls. Through their questions I let out that I had a bf not long before then and that he was my first time. They teased me in a fun playful way about it and made me feel comfortable about telling them all that.  He also at the same time worked in how hot it is outside eventually leading to how I must be hot. He asked me if was wearing anything under my pyjamas. When I told him I was wearing underwear, he told me how I would feel more comfortable if I took off my pyjamas bottoms and that my t-shirt is long enough to cover me up. Which the rest of them also agreed with. I told him how it would be weird to take it off in front of them and how I don’t think my t-shirt is actually long enough.
Through the alcohol and them not making me feel weird about it I went around the side of the house and took it off. Looking back they made sure I didn’t go inside to do it and made sure I was still outside so I wouldn’t get cold feet and back out. When I took my bottoms off I noticed how my t-shirt really wasn’t long enough. It barely went past my butt, but it was too late. I was already standing there outside holding my pyjamas bottoms in my hand. I walk around the corner as confident as I could tugging my t-shirt down as much as I could. They cheered when they saw me and I lifted my pyjamas bottoms in my hand over my head and shook it in celebration with them. When I went to sit down I was embarrassed by how short my t-shirt was but they didn’t seem to notice or say anything about how short it was. They focused mostly on complementing me. They told me how nice my skin is and how pretty I am and how mature I am. How other girls my age wouldn’t hangout with them like that. All while my friends dad keeps giving me more beer and gets more handsy with me. Having been a nerd that no guys had an interest in had me over the moon. I was extremely flattered.
Before I knew it I was making out with my friends dad. When I say making out I mean MAKING OUT! None of that teen crap. Full on adult French kissing with his tongue down my throat and his hands all over me. He pulled me right into him and started to try and lift me up onto his lap facing him. I become more aware of myself when he tries to do that and I remember how short my tshirt is and how there’s a bunch of them watching this. He tells me not to worry about them and pulls me onto his lap anyways. Now I’m sitting on his lap facing him with my pantie butt out in the open for them all to see. All while we kiss and he grabs at my body. I feel someone other than him touch my butt and I break out of my trance. He tells me how I should kiss the others too. How it’s rude for him to hog me.
Before I know it I’m getting pushed off his lap and I’m standing with 2 of the others who suddenly take my t-shirt off. I wasn’t wearing a bra so my boobs where out in the air now. When I realized I went to cover them with my hands but one of them were already on me kissing me. While I was busy with that one of them pulled my underwear down. I could then feel them all grabbing at me and they turned my head this way and that to kiss me. I was dizzy and had spit all over my face when it all suddenly stopped and my friends dad told me how they want to continue but it’s up to me if they do. How if I want to be a good sport I would let them continue and not tell anyone. I was drunk, dizzy and extremely horny from what they had already done to me. I had no idea what was coming so I said yes. Then began the next 4 hours which now looking back really set the tone for the rest of my life.
My friends dad pushed me onto the table, turned me around, picked me up and placed me on the table. He then took off the panties which have been at my feet this whole time. He then revealed his penis. Which for my today wouldn’t be much of a big deal. But to me back then it was a whole other thing entirely. It was nothing like the virgin teen dick I had 3 months prior. This was an experienced adult dick. A dick that fathered 3 children. I was not ready but I was in for the crash course. He slammed it into me with no remorse whatsoever. I can’t imagine the face I made but I’m sure I made many like it over the year. I groaned so intently and let out all my breath as he entered me. I had groaned loud enough that one of the others suddenly placed their hand over my mouth. But the experience was too intense for me to hold back or worry about that. I kept moaning and groaning. He came hard only my stomach. Before he could even finish one of the others dragged me off the table and pushed me to my knees so I could give him a blow job.
I could still feel my friends dads dick inside my pussy but I was already giving a sloppy blowjob. The 5 of them had their way with me, either with my pussy or my mouth or both at the same time. That is until one of them wanted to take my anal virginity and but wanted to do it right. He took me to the bathroom to give me my first enema. Which is something I do almost daily now. I can’t speak for what he did exactly because I was very much not in my head at that point but I do remember it working well enough and him fucking my ass in the tub with my top half slouched out of the tub. I also remember not being a fan of anal when he did do that. My little butt was not ready for an adult dick in there and for sure not someone so aggressive. Once he had carefully taken my anal virginity he took me back to the other who were annoyed with him for hogging me. On the other hand they were very happy with what he had done to my ass. They then continued to double penetrate me and fuck me silly till a little after 6am. They then all left and my friends dad cleaned me up in the shower got me dressed and gave me one of his wife’s birth control pills. I fell asleep on the couch to get woken up by my friends dad about an hour later. No one had gotten up like he expected yet and he was horny again.
He pounded me into the couch. I was not in the best condition when my friends woke up. I was loopy to say the least due to no sleep, still being very drunk and well…all the fucking. My friends dad dropped me back home with the others thinking I wasn’t feeling well. He made sure to tell me its our secret. I left in and didn’t wake up till about 4pm that day. It all felt like a dream when I did finally wake up but I could still feel them on and in my body. I didn’t like it and felt gross but also at the same time it made me really wet. Following that time I was with my friends dad 2 more times and 2 of the others a few times as well. I was never with all 5 of them at the same time again. Thats the best way I can put what happened to me that night. It was a lot of firsts for me and I still think about it all the time.
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