#she is pussydestroyer420 btw
What a Simp
Summary:  Three times Willow's chat tries to convince Willow to make an Amity simp emote and the one time she gives in. Based off of @pastatiger Minecraft AU. Go check it out cause it’s amazing.
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Word Count: 931
Trigger Warnings: None
It wasn’t unusual for Willow to stream late into the night, but for her to be streaming at 3 am was out of the norm. She had been finishing one of part of her most recent build and ran out of supplies midway through, so she decided it was a good idea to grab some more. That was at 12 am and here she was three hours later still emptying a desert.
Grinding for supplies was always a boring task, but it did give her a good excuse to talk with her chat. Her chat was always a joy to read no matter how rambunctious they got but at this hour the chances of them being chaotic this late was low. 
While mindlessly destroying sand she heard her donation alert go off as pussydestroyer420 donated 20 snails with her message being, “Go grief or prank someone else on the server.”
Willow sighed before reluctantly saying, “Thank you pussydestroyer420 for the 20 snails. And no I’m not gonna go grief or prank anyone. It’s not like anyone is on this late.” She then showed the player list to prove her point and to her surprise, Amity was online. 
Willow being the curious soul she was typed, “VC in general 1?” and patiently waited for Amity to join. While waiting for her to join her chat started guessing what Amity was doing for her to be awake at 3 am. Some theories ranged from completely reasonable, like XP grinding, to the more outlandish, she’s planning a revolution against everyone in the SMP.
“Hello,” Amity tiredly said. 
Willow hadn’t noticed her join and let out a yelp in surprise before responding, “Hey Amity. You scared the shit out of me.” 
“Oh sorry,” Amity not very apologetically replied. She sounded like she was half asleep, but also strangely determined?
“Sooooo, what are you doing up so late at night,” Willow curiously asked. She knew Amity was typically in bed before three since Amity is actually one of her more responsible friends.
“I’m just farming some sugar cane and leather,” Amity replied.
Willow narrowed her eyes as she thought over Amity’s answer. It’s completely possible she was telling the truth and just needed materials. On the other hand, it is also 3 am and knowing Amity she would’ve checked the time at least once and noticed how late it was. Maybe Amity was farming it for Luz. It would certainly explain why she was up so late. What a simp Amity was if that was the case.
Willow decided she should take the gamble and asked, “You’re farming the sugar cane and leather for Luz aren’t you?”
The silence from Amity spoke volumes. Willow lost her shit and started laughing like a madman much to Amity’s embarrassment. She laughed for five straight minutes before she finally could speak again without cracking up. While that happened her chat called Amity a simp and Amity silently contemplated her choice of friends.
Willow wiping away the tears in her eyes barely got out, “Oh god. I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. I can’t believe I guessed right.” 
“I hate you so goddamn much Willow. I hope you know that,” Amity embarrassedly responded, which sent Willow into another laughing fit, which took her another few minutes to recover from, much to Amity’s dismay.
“Love you too. I just can’t believe how much of a simp you’re for Luz,” Willow replied, her voice full of amusement and a hint of curiosity. 
Amity let out a resigned sigh before responding, “I’m not a simp for Luz Willow. Stop calling me that.”
Willow let a disbelieving hum at Amity’s answer, she knew Amity would do almost anything for Luz. She smirked before asking, “So how much sugar cane and leather do you have for Luz?” 
Amity went silent for a moment before quietly answering, “A double chest of sugar cane and a chest of leather.”
Willow launched herself into another laughing fit, this one lasting much longer than her previous two. She almost fell out of her chair because she was laughing that much. She could vaguely hear Amity talk about how much she hated Willow, but she didn’t care as all she could focus on was how much of a simp Amity was. 
As soon as Willow managed to compose herself she heard her donation alarm go off as pussydestroyer420 sent another donation of 20 snails with the message, “Make an Amity Simp emote you coward.”
This time Willow actually fell out of her chair because of how hard she was laughing. She felt a bit of pain from the fall, but she barely focused on it as all she could think about is an Amity simp emote. Just the thought of it sent her back into her laughing fit. Amity would’ve felt concerned over how much Willow laughing and how little oxygen she must be getting, but all she could think about are ways she can murder Willow. 
Willow finally recovered from her laughing fit, her sides hurting like hell, and as she recovered she heard Amity mumbling about plans to kill her. She smirked yet again and asked Amity, “Hey, so how do you feel about drawing an Amity simp emote for me?”
There was a minute of silence before what Willow said hit Amity. Willow watched as Amity abruptly disconnected from Minecraft and the VC, probably dying from embarrassment. She let out a little laugh, being careful not to aggravate her sides too much, as she thought about how much fun she’ll have about teasing Amity about this later.
AN: Of the four chapters I have planned, three of them are based off of true stories. They're all exaggerated at points, but I find it funny that they almost all have a story behind it. (And no I'm not simping for anyone. These are things my friend did. Also hi to anyone who recognizes these stories.)
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