#she is a dog with good taste obviously 😌
butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
Hi, I was wondering what your favorite Clexa fic is? To be honest I’m just looking for new ones to read and I know you are bound to have read some amazing ones! I’ve read every single one of yours and I love all of them so much, you have such a beautiful writing style (and your smut is so tastefully written too).
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I gotta tell ya out of all the words in English language I never would've guessed Tasteful as one to describe my smut, but ya know what baby I'm gonna take it and keep 😌💕
But yeah I don't really have a "favorite" per se, just comfort ones I read over and over in between trying new stories out.
More Than Warriors by Steklir. Obviously. Head Over Boots. Pie In The Sky. In Love And War And Politics. If you're going for pure smutty fun then pm anything Nachos writes, but special hat-tip to MAGayA au just because. Sassy's EIB series and her Southern au fics hold a very dear place in my heart. I like The Little Pauna series, watching Clarke and Heda growing into an old married couple with their kids 🥺. What Heart's Ease Must Queens Neglect (queen Lexa makes me bite my fist). Anything by Dreamsaremywords and Aphroditeslaw. Literally anything they've put out is gonna be good I promise. Six by Lingeringlillies as well. If you're looking for more g!p/genderbent type stuff that isn't fetishy or hetero coded, SyngularitySyn is a great author both for their works and could probably rec you some great stories too! There's another one that's canon divergent where Clarke is an alpha and Lexa's an omega and it takes years for them to get together? I can't remember the name but it's very angsty and then sweet. Lexa dies as commander but is revived, but has still lost her title when Clarke finally sees her again? She has an injured leg in it? I know I know the name of this damn thing cuz I've read it like 4 times but I cannot for the life of me remember it now.
EDIT: oh fuck me sideways. Also ur-the-puppy's stuff. Their vamp!Lexa story Dirty Dogs is magnifique
Oh also, speaking of dreamsaremywords, she has an extensive (altho I don't think it's updated) rec list that has her top 100 picks! That'd be a great place to peruse 😌
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Molly will save u from wsbk
molly to be made president of the fim to finally bring some grace and decorum to the wsbk championship !!!!!
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naivesilver · 3 years
Okay, okay because I can't possibly leave the parents out of things. Leona 34 (ask 1) and 33 (ask 2). Marco 24 & 35 (ask 2). Igor 23 & 27 (ask 1). Sylvester 15 & 20 (ask 2). Nova 17 & 18 (ask 1). Leroy 3 & 25 (ask 2) :^)
Okay but, serious talk for a second - can I say that while I somehow learned to expect the Court enthusiasm, I could never have fathomed that you would love the parents SO MUCH???? It's just. Thank you. I care them and I'm glad they're interesting from your point of view as well.
Chaotic OC Asks (1) (2)
34. Bad habit(s) they find impossible to break?
She's not a worrier generally, but she worries about the whole "am I really that good of a mother" shtick far more than she should AND than she lets on. Obviously she knows she's not a bad mother, but she's also aware that the kids she's helping raise didn't have...exactly the best guardians/consistently positive figures in their lives...so she stresses about the bar being extremely low and her efforts looking mightier than they are because of it all. The. Time.
TLDR: She knows it's bullshit, but she can't let it go.
33. Cats or dogs?
Anything that's not Tortilla
She'd have no particular preference by herself, but she's surrounded by cat people, so she makes do with what she has LMAO
24. Coffee or tea?
He's the only man in existence for whom the phrase "fueled by coffee and spite" would not be an exaggeration. He has a big heart!!! But that bloodstream needs plenty of caffeine to function. Espresso shot straight into his veins, if at all possible.
35. How do they handle bugs? Kill, release, pretend it doesn’t exist?
VERY funny, Libby.
He takes them outside and frees them, just like his son. Though I wouldn't exclude the possibility of a teenage Geppetto turning the cold shoulder on Jiminy or trying to wave him off like a fly, because you can slam the door on your parents' faces, but a cricket...
(I wonder if Pinocchio's hammer accident was the first instance of Jiminy going "yes, this is DEFINITELY your son" at Geppetto, tbh)
23. Dog-ear book pages, use a bookmark, or memorize the page?
The glorious fourth option, AKA "stick the closest thing on hand between the pages and call it a day". If you find a book with a insurance company flyer peeking from it, it's probably Igor's.
27. Do they wear socks in bed?
Yes because he's permanently cold at night and he has to share a bed with the love of his life a bothersome oaf.
15. Can they remember any of their passwords or do they need to write them down?
Bold of you to assume he can write
Aakfhkjhakjgfk he writes them down because he can't remember shit, and then promptly loses the piece of paper where he took the note. Twinkle and Igor's joint efforts are the sole reason why he isn't locked out of most of his own accounts, tbh.
20. Orange juice with or without pulp?
Without pulp because he's a man of refined taste.
17. Honeydew, watermelon, or cantaloupe?
Crying I had to google what the difference between two of them was JHASDAKJHJAH but I'd say cantaloupe. It looks sweeter, and she likes sweet things.
18. Brushing their teeth before or after breakfast?
After. 28 years of telling children to brush after every meal to make sure their teeth grow healthy and strong will carve that into anyone's soul.
3. How many pillows do they sleep with?
Just the one. He likes being the little spoon tho 😌
25. Do they sleep with the flat sheet on their bed or not?
He probably wouldn't mind sleeping without if he were on his own but Nova has prevailed on him about that very early on.
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