#she had a nice schoolyard fight to intro her character
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juanabaloo · 5 months ago
ugh watching Sicario: Day of the Soldado and i do not recommend it. i'm only watching for Isabela Merced, who plays Isabel Reyes in it.
Anyways it's very bad and I realize it's sort of like the Elon Musk (most derogatory) fantasy version of that King of the Hill episode where Peggy accidentally kidnaps a little Mexican girl.
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this movie is sort of like they decided to remake True Lies, but make it WAY MORE racist (which is REALLY saying something), and also less diverse, and also no comedy at all. i'm only *checks* OMG i'm only half way through it. Ugh.
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near-dareis-mai · 5 years ago
HDM Episode 1x06 recap
Recap of His Dark Materials Episode 1x6: The Daemon Cages
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So we start off with Lyra getting introduced to life in prison Bolvagar
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Establishing shot to remind us that we’re in the north
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so lyra decides to sit by herself so as not to let the gobblers/bolvangar guards know that her and roger are friends
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of course they decide this via a not-at-all obvious tete a tete between their respective daemons
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a girl comes to sit at Lyra’s table and anyone with the slightest sense of narrative framing should already know where this is going
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Of course their dinner is interrupted by the Bolvangar doctor, accompanied by handmaid# 2, who asks for lyra’s table buddy to come with her
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then we get a 10 second creepy shot of handmaid# 3 staring right at us, for no real reason, until she's interrupted by the doctor
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which segues into the intro music
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up next, we get another doctor, who tells lyra that he needs to take some kind of "measurements" from her
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lyra figures out that he’s taking pictures of the dust around her through the special camera
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which prompts the doctor to ask where she found out about dust
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the doctor buys it, of course
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then lyra, truly the child of lord "gives no fucks" asriel and marissa "gives negative fucks" coulter, straight up calls him out on cutting children from their daemons, which the doctor of course denies
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then they get interrupted by the fire alarm, and handmaiden #4 (or just #3 again? I'm losing count) gives directions to go to the nearest fire exit in the most robotic voice ever
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we then cut to a very prison-like locker room where all the children are getting into their jackets, while being watched over my more handmaids  
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more handmaids are taking roll call outside
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surprise snowball fight started by lyra and roger, because this show is really determined to drive that schoolyard/recess allegory in with an anvil 
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lyra and roger escape while the snowball fight is happening
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they run in a direction which roger thinks is the way out and i have Questions as to why he would ever think that
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another dead-eyed handmaid is coming around the bend (seriously do they order them from handmaid-costco or something?) so lyra and roger have to hide
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they realize that they're in the room where the children's severed daemons are kept, neatly filed away by name
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but cage containing billy costa's daemon is empty, of course
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then they find the room in which all the children who have undergone intercision are kept
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lyra and roger rejoin the other children as they go back in, resolving to escape before lyra is chosen for intercision next
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meanwhile, bolvangar has an avian visitor
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then we get a way-too-creepily-normal breakroom scene with the two bolvangar doctors
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doctor# 2 seems to be exhibiting signs of having an actual conscience
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then we cut to "our" world, where will is listening to an interview of his father's on his laptop, and then tucks his mother into bed
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of course they're being watched by Lord Boreal's goons
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meanwhile back in Lyra's world, She is here, and the children all know it as soon as they wake up
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lyra has a talk with the other girls and they agree to hide her from mrs. coulter
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the girls tell lyra to hide under the bed, and the rest of them pretend nothing is out of place when marisa comes in to inspect them
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meanwhile, we check in with the Gyptians who are trying to break into Bolvangar and save the kidnapped children (seriously, how is this show managing to juggle so many locations and characters in 50 minutes??)
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back in bolvangar, lyra is organizing the girls to break out
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doctor# 1 is back, and asking for Lizzie Lyra this time
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lyra says goodbye to her newfound friends
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lyra tries to make a break for it, but is stopped when doctor# 2 catches her daemon
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dr. conscience locks pan up in a cage
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of course lyra raises hell trying to get him out
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but she’s eventually subdued
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doctor# 1 primes the intercision machine
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pay not attention to the incredibly sharp giant blade 
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as a last resort, lyra screams out for mrs. coulter and well, speak of the devil
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then, marisa sees who's in the cage
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of course she stops the “experiment” and saves lyra
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we cut to lyra recuperating in what are presumably marisa’s quarters in bolvangar
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we finally get a chance for lyra and marisa to talk, and for some things to be explained
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and it just kinda goes downhill from there, guys
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lyra asks her mother why she is intercising children and marisa gives her the same half-gospel half-pseudo-science spiel that we've seen everyone else give
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Lyra of course calls her out by asking the obvious question here... if intercision is such a positive thing, then why was Marisa so afraid of Lyra undergoing it?
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marisa promises not to hurt lyra's friends and of course lyra claps back because billy is already dead
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marisa then explains to lyra that this experiment is her calling in life, and she's not about to be stopped by petty things like a conscience
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marisa asks for the alehtiometer, and lyra hands over the box that it's presumably in
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lyra escapes while marisa and her daemon are busy fighting off the metal-insect-spider-tracking thingy
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synchronized screaming... loving these mother daughter bonding sessions the show is giving us!
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lyra pulls the fire alarm, and tells the other kids to get out while she keeps the bolvangar guards distracted
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in a truly horrifying intermission scene, we learn that the dead-eyed handmaids have in fact had their daemons intercised from them
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roger finds the intercised children and tries to get them to leave with him, while lyra blows up the intercision machine
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the children try to escape but are waylaid by Dr. Conscience and his bolvangar goons
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who are then waylaid by the Gyptians coming to the rescue
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because prison break-in is a family fun activity, the whole gang is here
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meanwhile, the Gyptians are obviously outnumbered by the Bolvangar guards 
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why, perhaps a witch by the name of Serafina Pekkala?
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I didn’t have to take this many screenshots of Serafina taking out the trash. I CHOSE to take this many screenshots of Serafina taking out the trash.
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then she peaces back out as quickly as she came
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look who's still alive
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we don’t even have time to breathe after the battle, before lyra says goodbye to the Gyptians and the freed children, and continues with roger, scoresby and iorek to free lord asriel
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serafina pekkala shows up on the balloon out of nowhere but i'm not complaining because i'm always happy to see madame pekkala on my screen
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lee and serafina have a very Important and Foreshadowing talk about lyra
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cut to cute scene of Lyra cuddling to sleep with Iorek
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then serafina bounces, and we should have the nice, peaceful, hopeful ending THAT WE ALL DESERVE, but of course we don’t, because lee gets woken up in the middle of the night by some noises
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between all the chaos of fighting off the cliff ghasts, lyra tumbles out of the balloon
the return of synchronized screaming, the only true Lyra Family Bonding Experience
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and that’s what you missed on Glee
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