#she had a good run she started out shy but quickly decided to just be the boss of everyone and run the show
wrennyfics · 2 days
Hi! Since requests are open, here’s a prompt I’ve been fiddling for a while. I crafted this for my OC but I’d love to see how you’d portray it.
This is where reader is either interning or becomes Pomfrey’s assistant. Either his Snakes or Harry (Severitus) decide that Snape needs more friends and orchestrate a plan to get Snape and reader alone. Little did they know that they had been inadvertently playing matchmaker.
The original idea is multiple meetings over the course of a school year, but Snape or reader could very well hit it off the first meeting. That’s up to you :)
im a sucker for a good shy snape has a crush on y/n. absolutely.
warnings: none :) brief mention of broken bones, takes place during Harry's 4th year, but no voldemort bc im too emotionally weak for that
PART ONE: Meddling Snakes
(I''m going to divide this into two parts, so it can be a little longer xx)
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October 1st. 1994.
The leaves were turning colours. Outside the window, in the courtyard, a mirage of orange and yellow painted the sky and ground. With a particularly strong gust of wind, several more leaves fell from the trees and joined the others on the grass. Fall was here at last.
A voice from behind drew you out of your daydreams.
"Madam Y/L/N." Pomfrey's voice cut out from the silence. You turned around to see her looking at you with a soft expression.
You shook your head gently. "My apologies. What is it you were saying?" You spoke.
A small smile graced her lips. "No need to apologize, dear. I just need you to run a quick errand for me, if that's no trouble."
"Of course." You nodded, eager to help.
She extended her hand to you, revealing a small jar with a stone-like mass inside. She shook it, gently rattling the object.
"This is a bezoar." She said. "I'm sure you already know what it is."
You nodded. Your first month at Hogwarts as Pomfreys assistant had gone quickly, and you had already become accostomed to how often the students here seemed to end up in the medical wing. Surprisingly, you hadn't needed to use a bezoar yet, but your previous education was enough to understand how rare and effective they were.
She nodded approvingly, reaching out and placing the jar gently in your hands. "Take this to Professor Snape, in the dungeons. He's needing it for one of his lessons."
You looked down at the jar, at the odd, lumpy object inside, your hands tracing the glass. "Of course. I'll be right back."
The dungeons were always the most freezing part of the castle. The first of October and already the temperature was dropping, not that it made much of a difference down here anyways.
You crossed your arms against your chest as you walked through the freezer of Hogwarts, the jar with the bezoar in your apron.
Footsteps echoing throughout the silent corridors, you made your way to the potions classroom.
As the door was already open, you stood in the doorway and knocked gently.
A tall man in a long black cape and black robes stood at the front of the class. At your knock, the man turned to face you, looking you over with an almost suspicious glance. His dark eyes narrowed, his expression unreadable.
"Excuse me, Professor." You started, looking around the classroom at the group of fourth year Slytherin and Gryffindor students. "Madam Pomfrey sent me to give you this."
You reached into your apron, pulling out the jar with the Bezoar. His eyes flicked down to it before he gestured over to the desk where he stood.
You approached, placed the jar carefully in front of him. He did not look at you again, continuing his lesson without so much as a thank you.
As soon as you left, a group of Slytherin boys began to exhange knowing looks. Among them, a blonde-haired boy named Draco Malfoy leaned in. "That's Pomfrey's new assistant." He murmered.
The other boys looked at him. "Is she?" One of them asked.
Another one nodded. "Remember when I fell of my broom two weeks ago? Yea, she's the one that mended it. Humbling moment on my end, if I must say so." He added.
Malfoy leaned in closer, the lot of em leaning in around him. "She isn't too bad looking..."
One of the boys scoffed. "Yea right Malfoy, cause you got a chance."
"Not for me you dim-wit!" He hissed, pausing as Professor Snape shot them a warning glare to shut up and pay attention.
Draco dropped his voice to a whisper, slowly flicking his gaze between the boys. "For Snape."
All their heads jerked back to face him now, their expressions a mix of confusion and amusement.
"Snape?" One of them whispered.
He nodded, looking rather smug as he leaned back in his chair. "Do him some good. Maybe he'll loosen up, finally relax a little more. Merlin knows he needs it. Give us a break from these bloody papers he always making us write..."
The others looked amongst themselves, realising he was serious.
One of them spoke: "What are you planning exactly..."
The Malfoy boy only shrugged, a small smirk on his lips as he looked up at the unknowing professor. "I got a couple ideas."
November 1st. 1994.
You sat in the medical ward beside the bed of a Slytherin boy who had, for the second time this year, managed to break his right arm playing qudditch.
You'd learned from Pomfrey how to mend bones. It was significantly easier than regrowing bones, as she'd thouroughly explained, and so once again you found the task rather simple.
"This might hurt for a moment... But afterwards, you should feel fine. As long as you're gentle with it." You said softly, your fingertips lightly holding the wounded arm so as to not put pressure on it.
The boy winced at your touch, but he nodded, giving you the okay to go through with it. With your wand out, you casted the spell, the sounds of cracking bones filling the otherwise empty medical ward. He cried out, briefly, before the cracking stopped and his arm was back in one shape.
"Hurt that much, Blaise?" Came a voice from behind.
You turned to see the boy you recognized as Draco Malfoy, standing in front of Professor Snape, who was watching the Slytherin on the bed with a blank expression, his gaze flicking over to you, only momentarily.
The boy, Blaise, made a sort of dismissive grunt. In the corner of your eye, you noticed him raise his mended arm weakly.
"All better, thanks to Madam Y/L/N." He said.
You smiled slightly at him before directing your attention back to Malfoy and Snape.
As if noticing the unspoken question in your mind, Malfoy opened his mouth: "Well, Professor Snape was just wondering how our Chaser is doing, if he'll still be alright to beat Gryffindor at tomorrows match."
Snape blinked, turning his gaze to Malfoy, his expression a mix of confusion and suspicion.
The feeling overcame you that he also didn't fully understand why he was here.
You opened your mouth to speak, but before you could Zabini rose to his feet and grabbed his robes, giving you a small smile and more or less speed-walking over to join Malfoy.
"Thank you, Madam Y/L/N!" He called, as the two of them left rather quickly, opening the doors and rushing out the infarmary.
The echo of the door slamming filled the room. It was now only you and Professor Snape in the ward. The both of you looking at each other with a confused expression.
You cleared your throat, attempting to shake off the confusion. "He should be alright to play tomorrow, Professor. But that is the second time this term that he has broken that arm. He should more careful." You spoke, your voice soft.
Professor Snape looked at you, his eyes on yours. After a seemingly long moment, he spoke: "I'll see to it that he is more... Attentive to his mortality."
The sarcastic comment drew a laugh out of you before you could surpress it. It was amusing to you, how this intimidating, stoic man who you'd never had a proper conversation with, somehow had a sense of humour. A quite dry one, but a sense of humour none the less.
His left eyebrow twitched up. You shut up.
"Apologies, professor." You started. "Is it insulting to say I didn't expect you to be humorus?
A small, almost unnoticable smirk flashed across his face. "I've heard worse." He said bluntly.
You bit your lip to surpress another laugh. You weren't sure what it is about him saying the simplest, unfunny phrases. Perhaps it was your nerves, your anxieties of being new here and having no one else to talk to aside from Pomfrey driving you to the point of desperation for some form of friendly interaction.
You looked at him again, taking in the way he was standing in front of the closed door, his hands clasped together in front of him. It was the first time you had taken a proper look at him and you were just noticing the depth of his eyes, his height, the way his hair fell against his shoulders...
You blinked, cleared your throat again.
"Anyways. Yes, Zabini should be fine to play tomorrow." You said at last.
Snape stared at you with a blank, unreadable expression, the trace of his smirk gone again. He nodded, briefly, before turning and reaching for the door.
"Wait." You said, gently.
He paused, turned to face you.
"I don't know if you have any... But considering you're the potions master I'm assuming you.. Might I borrow some books sometime? On potions?" The words came out soft upon your tongue. "I was hoping to learn how to brew remedies and antidotes myself."
Severus blinked, continuing to stare at you with that same blank expression before he nodded shortly. "I will bring them to you when time allows." He said.
A soft smile graced your lips.
"But," He spoke again. "You are new here. I won't have you wasting my ingredients because you don't know what you are doing. If you've found a specific potion you wish to brew.. Please visit me first."
The thought of spending time alone, with him watching you brew made your stomach flip. You were always decent at potions and your training had left you well educated, but this was a man who was more or less a genuis at them. Not to mention the fact that being in his presence terrified you.
Nodding, your hair fell slightly in front of your face. "Very well. Thank you, Professor."
He nodded curtly, before turning and opening the doors to the infirmary, leaving you alone with your anxieties.
You had some serious reading to do.
i'm going to make a part two to this soon, i just really wanted to be able to focus on drawing this out so that its as good as it can be cause im a sucker for a good: forced proximity, she fell first he fell harder, kinda slow burn xx.
thank u for the request!! <3
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marklikely · 10 days
unfortunately had to say goodbye to my beloved childhood dog this week sorry to all other dogs but you will never be as perfect as charlie
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girlokwhatever · 5 months
ooou could you do paige x reader who joined kks live once (like she thought she was cute and they started talking ykwimmmm)
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✩ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆✧₊ ⊹ nice surprise,,
paige bueckers x fem!reader
part two
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“yo, that girl’s picture is nice,”
“PAIGE… girly pop.. which one?”
paige is pointing to your profile picture and saying your username out loud to kk, who’s hosting the live.
you don’t even have your phone, it was your roommate that joined the live. she had commented a few times and paige saw, zoning in on your picture. she thought you were pretty. to be fair, you loved your profile picture. it was you in a floor-length sundress and sunglasses, holding your younger brother’s hand.
kk takes advantage of paige’s blabber mouth, deciding to add you to the live and make her friend talk to you.
your roommate is freaking out, screaming your name and running into the kitchen where you’re cooking dinner.
“what did you do-“
you look on your phone screen and see the live, the faces of your college’s women’s basketball team staring back at you. you recognize some of them easily, paige bueckers and kk are two.
your roommate, evie, is leaning over to you and whispering that “paige saw your profile picture and thinks you’re cute so they invited you to the live but it wasn’t really you it was me so i’m bringing it to you so you can get game girl-“
she’s talking so fast you hardly even register what she’s saying. you practically feel your jaw hit the floor and your eyes widen at evie, then at the live, then back to evie. she’s grinning and winking at you like she’s just won you the lottery.
“guys this is her..”
“HEYYY GIRL! my friend here, paige- PAIGE boo stop playin. anyway, my friend paige thinks you’re cute.”
“oh! hey guys!” you’re waving gently and smiling. paige practically ran off screen and you think you might do the same. you’re a little camera shy and the hundreds of people watching doesn’t help anything.
you catch the way paige is peaking her head over the side of the screen and kk pulls her back down quickly. now you’re both looking straight at each other, a silent understanding of how awkward this moment is.
“heyyy, i’m pagie,”
she’s also smiling and waving and kk is in hysterics, as is evie. as terribly awkward as this is, you think paige is very nice looking as well. her wavy hair is down past her shoulders and she’s wearing a uconn jacket with pajama pants on. you’re dressed similarly in your pj’s and a sweater. but you’re definitely embarrassed because you have on an iowa sweater you got from your dad (it’s where he went).
“so you’re an iowa fan?” kk is asking you, one eyebrow raised. you’re blushing a deep shade of red now and hiding your face by pushing your phone back towards your roommate.
what is even happening?
“no guys trust she’s uconn all the way. we watch the games all the time.” evie is answering for you, pushing the phone into your hands again. you can’t tell if you want this moment to end or not.
“that’s good cause paige doesn’t mess with iowa y’know-“
“what?! i never said that! i never said that. iowa is cool.” she’s talking to you now, probably trying to make you feel better. you think it’s sweet how panicked she is. you feel the same.
“so.. girly pops.. do you wanna date paige?”
“kk! what- what kind of question is that?!”
both you and paige are equally gobsmacked but evie is yelling out in the background that you do want to date her.
“i.. um,”
“you definitely don’t have to answer that ma, ignore her please.”
kk is dying laughing and evie is too from her seat against the counter. paige is taking the phone and walking away, yelling at kk to be quiet and stop embarrassing her. you’re laughing a bit too but cover it up for a simple smile.
paige is really cute, you think.
“hey, look, i would actually take you out on a date.. if you want?”
you’re silent for a moment, looking up at evie with shock. never did you ever imagine that paige bueckers would be asking you out on a date, especially not on a tiktok live.
“um, yeah. yes. i would like that.”
she’s got this cheesy smile on her face, turning the phone away for a second. “alright, i’ll dm you. it was nice to meet you. i wasn’t expecting this but it was a really nice surprise.”
“yeah, it was.”
later that night she’s messaging you on instagram asking for your number. she decides to facetime you, apologizing for the whole live and saying she wishes she could see you in person instead.
next thing you know, you’re giving her your dorm location and number and she’s on her way to see you. you consider yourself extremely lucky for such a nice surprise.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭.ೃ࿐🀥☽。⋆𓍯 ִֶָ.
it’s a bit different but i really like it
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mandarinmoons · 1 month
What about Reid with a ballerina spouse (gn or fem) I don’t really have any idea for it other than Spencer has kept the relationship a secret from the team but they’ve been kind of suspicious and find out some how? Maybe the kind of spy on him and see him going into one of her shows and at the end of the show they see him kissing her or something
“I gotta get going guys, see you all tomorrow!”
“Wait wait, hold on now. What’s got you in such a hurry?”
Derek watched as Spencer quickly put away the files on his desk and threw his satchel over his shoulder, he seemed awfully eager to leave.
“Oh uh… The library’s closing earlier than usual today and there’s this one book I really want to read, so gotta go before it closes. Bye!”
Spencer strode off leaving the rest of the team very confused. They noticed that Spencer’s been leaving earlier than usual and he always had a different excuse.
“I have a dentist appointment.”
“I have to go and get more postage stamps before the post office closes.”
He had used nearly every excuse in the book and knowing his brain capacity, he’d probably never run out of them.
“Penelope, can you-”
“Already on it my love and… it’s false, he’s definitely hiding something.”
“Anybody up for a stake out?”
Derek and Penelope turned their heads at Emily, both of their eyebrows knitted together at the suggestion thrown out.
“Prentiss, you’re serious?”
“C’mon, aren’t you curious? Reid’s never one to shy away from talking about something.”
“That is true.”
“Oh, c’mon Derek! We’ll be super discreet! We can even dress in all black and be like spies!”
Derek turned his head at Penelope and chuckled over the excitement he saw in Penelope’s eyes.
“Garcia, we're the FBI.”
“I know, but I’ve always loved those spy sequences in movies.”
Both Emily and Derek laughed at Penelope’s excitement over the idea of having a stakeout over one of their friends. It really wasn’t like Spencer to not tell them about something, everyone on the team was like a family and they were usually some of the first people on the know about big news.
A couple of hours later after Penelope managed to track down Spencer’s location through his phone, the team were surprised when they ended up at a theater.
Looking around the area, they spotted a poster for the upcoming show that was set to start in 10 minutes, the show in question? A performance of Swan Lake.
“Why would Spencer come to see a ballet performance?”
“I think I know why.”
Turning their heads, Emily and Derek look over to Penelope and see her motion to Spencer and an unfamiliar woman with him. The two of them seem to be talking and laughing, but not in just a friendly manner. Spencer’s hand held onto the woman’s lightly and his thumb brushed over her knuckles, a sign of something more than just friendship. The woman seemed to get called to get into her position, but before she turned to leave she pressed a quick kiss to Spencer’s lips and hurried off, leaving Spencer smiling like a fool.
“My man.”
Spencer jumped in his shoes when he heard Derek’s voice. He turned around and saw the grinning faces of his coworkers walking over to him.
“What’re you guys doing here?”
“We had some suspicions, so we bit the bullet and decided to check up on you.”
“And by “check up” you mean follow me?”
The three of them looked at each other, slightly embarrassed at their decision, but were met with Spencer chuckling a moment later.
“You guys are impossible.”
“So who was that pretty lady?”
“Y/N, we met at a coffee shop a few months ago and we’ve been on a few dates. It’s been going pretty well.”
“And she’s a ballerina?”
“Yeah, she’s amazing! I’ve seen her rehearse and this is the second show of hers I’m seeing.”
“If she’s really that good then we gotta see it.”
Penelope flew to buy the tickets, clearly very excited to see the new talent perform. As they all got to their seats and the lighting dimmed, everyone watched the performance with excitement, waiting for your turn.
When the performance ended, you were surprised to see a group of people following Spencer along. One of the ladies, who seemed very eager, walked up to you and gushed about the performance you put on.
“You were so graceful! I haven't seen such light movement in, well, ever!”
The woman’s compliments, who’s name turned out to be Penelope as you made out from the rest of the guests, went straight to your heart.
The other visitors, whose names were Emily and Derek, complimented you on your performance as well, but all your attention was on the man behind them who had an adoring smile on his face, one that was clearly directed at you.
“I wasn’t aware Spencer invited you along.”
“He didn’t. We got curious because he’s been a bit suspicious lately and had to see what was causing it.”
“I mean I knew you all worked for the FBI but I didn’t know you were that nosey.”
Everyone laughed at the comment which made you feel a bit more welcomed along with them.
“What can we say, some things you just can’t help but be curious about.”
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @reidstheyfriend @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @cynbx @kimm4710 @niktwazny303 @reidsdaisies @mindfullycriminal @cumulo-stratus @gayfor-rosadiaz @gubsbuubs @multifandomsimp69 @chyozai @deppfanatic @potatovoyager @indyvelazquez @nini123 @justlivinginadaydream @kers505 @dan-the-womans-blog
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Let me know your thoughts in the comments and like & reblog to support <3
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sommerbueckers · 1 month
okay so paige and r go out on like a really cute date and then at the end paige sets up the camera to propose but when she does r pulls out a ring too and they both just start DYINGGGG and btw i literally love you so freaking much
𝟐𝟒𝐊 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜
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✰ ❝𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫❞
✰ 𝐰𝐜 :: 𝟏.𝟕𝐤
PAIGE WAS DELICATELY HOLDING your heels in her hand, careful not to hit them against each other and scuff the ends. The two of you were strolling along an empty beach in Kill Devil Hills, the sun disappearing over the horizon as the hours ticked by. Your girlfriend had fallen in step with you, her hair blowing to the side as the sun casted a golden glow on her tanned cheek.
"You look so pretty baby," you murmured smoothly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.
A shy smile crossed her face, and she turned away for a brief moment to release a breathless laugh. You loved how nervous she got whenever you complimented her.
"So do you mama," she said, one of her arms breaking free from the hold she had on your shoes to snake across your shoulders. She pulled you closer to her, drawing a giggle out of you as she placed a kiss on top of your head. "Lemme take a pic of you."
Paige fumbled in her pocket for her phone, feeling her hand brush over the tiny velvet box that she'd been waiting all night to bring out. She couldn't decide on the write time, she wanted you to be completely caught off guard. But you were making it harder than ever, you hadn't taken your eyes off of her the entire time.
"Is the lighting good? Make sure you can actually see my face," you told her, glancing back at the sun and slightly shifting in the other direction. "Stand over there so you can see me better."
The blonde shook her head, "How 'bout you turn around and i'll get you looking that way."
"Oh, good idea!" you grinned, twisting around in the sand. You were silent for a moment, giving her a chance to take a few photos before you glanced around. "Should I change my pose?" you asked.
"Turn around!" she laughed, her other hand quickly retreating from her pocket. You were making this harder than it needed to be without even knowing it. You had your own thoughts running wildly through your head. Your curls were up in a bun on the top of your head, and concealed within the bun was a ring tied to a string.
You had no where else to put it.
You had everything all planned out; you'd start by telling her how much she means to you, how the thought of settling down used to make you nervous but now you could do it with confidence because that's how secure she makes you feel. You'd tell her how proud you are of her basketball career and that she stayed true to herself, to God, and to you. You'd thank her for the patience she had with you and your journey through medical school. All the late nights she had stayed up with you to help you study for exams even though she had practice early the next morning. You'd express to her how you had never felt more certain of a decision than you did right now, and that's when you'd do it. You'd take your hair down as majestically as you could muster, and then you'd get down on one knee and ask her, the love of your life, to marry you.
You spun around on your heel, "Okay, let me see them now."
You looped your arm with hers as she swiped through the pictures, favoriting a few as she went by. When she got to the last one, she smiled and shut her phone off, staring down at you. It was the perfect moment, and you would've taken advantage of it if Paige hadn't decided to interrupt it instead.
"You wanna do a fit check?"
"Aren't you supposed to do that before you go out?" you quirked your eyebrow, but the blonde wasn't listening. She was already heading away from the water and toward a couple of rocks that she could set the phone up on.
"You go first." She clicked the tiny pink button and backed up to you.
"How long is this?"
"I put it on ten minutes," she laughed, gently nudging your shoulder with her hand. "Now go."
"Okay guys, this dress is from Hello Molly, all my jewelry and stuff I got from a little shop here, and my heels," you pointed to the shoes that Paige still had dangling from her fingers, "are Christian Louboutin."
She kissed your temple briefly.
"Aight so the shirt and the shorts is a gucci set 'cus y'know I keep it fresh, the shoes are from StockX, and.....the ring is from Verragio."
You stared at the camera for a moment with a smile before turning to look at her outfit. You remembered the day you had picked out the set for her, casually pointing out how you liked the patterns on it as you walked past. Next thing you knew, she was at the register with it in her hands. But there was something else you noticed about her, about her hands; she wasn't wearing any rings.
"What ring?" you frowned.
She reached into her pocket, taking a deep breath as she pulled it out. "This one."
Your eyes widened as she held up the box, her hands trembling slightly. Paige's eyes searched yours, her expression a mix of hope and nervousness. She didn't wait for you to say anything, she was afraid that if she didn't get the words out immediately then she would never have the chance to.
"For as long as i've known you, you've always been the one to make me feel understood. You know exactly what to say after i've had a bad, you never complain about having to massage my back, or my legs, or my feet," she flashed that familiar gummy smile. "You always stay late with me at the gym when I wanna get in some extra reps, you offer to grab my rebounds and play one on one with me even though you don't know a thing about basketball. All that matters to you is that i'm happy.
I love how you never let us go to bed angry at each other, how all your apologies always start off with you offering me food. I love how you anytime you try a new recipe or make a new sauce, you always want me to test it — even though you know it's already perfect. You're always doin' spontaneous things like cutting your hair or taking random trips. I love how determined you are — like you're the only person I know who has the mental capacity to go through medical school. You're so strong willed and independent, and those are things that i've always admired about you. Those are the traits I want you to give our children...someday...in the far future.
You know it's gonna pay off in the long run, and I love how you focus on that instead of how stressful the work is that you're putting in now. But most importantly, I love the way you love me. You make me feel heard, you make me feel seen. And if the world were to end right now, I'd spend my last breath telling you how much I love you. I want you to know that I see you too. I want you to make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me."
It was then that Paige got down on one knee, opening the velvet box and revealing the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen. A white gold, square diamond ring, the kind you had always talked about wanting when you'd go on your tangents about getting engaged. Paige had been listening the entire time, she had heard you. She was staring up at you with red-brimmed eyes, she had started crying. You were crying too, you weren't sure when you had started.
"Baby," she whispered, voice trembling. "Will you marry me?"
Your hand moved to cover your mouth, to cover the choked up cry that you had let out. You had been planning to propose, you hadn't planned on being proposed to. You had come to realize that it was an entirely different set of emotions to prepare for. You fanned for face to dry the tears, laughing and rolling your eyes at her.
"On one condition," you say, reaching up to pull your hair tie from your bun. Shaking your hair loose, you catch the string before it falls to the sand. You hold it up to her, her eyebrows furrowing. It caught the light, a simple yet elegant band that perfectly captured her style—understated, but undeniably beautiful. "You marry me first."
She stood abruptly, glancing back and forth between you and the ring. A breathless laugh escaped her, "You're unbelievable."
You threw your head back and laughed as well, "Dude! I had it all planned out and you beat me to you!"
"You told me you wanted me to propose to you! Forgive me for not expecting you to pull a ring our your hair!"
The two of you were smiling uncontrollably, your cheeks beginning to hurt. Paige's hands were in yours, her lip between her teeth.
"What do you say?" you beamed.
"Yes! Wha— yes!"
You slipped the ring onto her shaking fingers, and she did the same to yours. You squealed at the way the diamonds caught the light, sparkling with a brilliance that seemed to echo the joy in your heart. Paige laughed, the sound full of relief and happiness, her own eyes transfixed by the ring now resting on her hand.
Paige’s smile widened, and she pulled you into a tight embrace, the warmth of her body the only thing keeping you from practically floating with excitement. You were both trembling, hearts racing in sync, as if they too were celebrating this perfect moment.
When she finally pulled back, her eyes were misty with happy tears. "I love you so much," she said, her voice catching.
She leaned in, pressing her forehead to yours, and you could feel the cool metal of the rings against your skin. The world around you seemed to slow, the moment stretching out, filled with nothing but the two of you and the love that connected your hearts.
"I love you more."
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bbydoll18xx · 5 months
I'll Be Your Temporary Fix (Pt 2)
Paige Bueckers x Media Team Reader
Part 2 based on this request: 
Could you do a Paige x media team reader. Where Paige and reader are fake dating because Azzi is uncomfortable with the fans shipping her and Paige. Reader does it cus she owes Paige a favor (you can make something up).
Word Count: 2.3k
You can read part 1 here
Thank you all so much for all the love on part 1! I was actually surprised how much everyone seemed to be enjoying this. That said, there will be another part (and maybe more) to this!
You wake up the next morning to your phone blowing up. Yawning and squinting, you look over at the myriad of notifications. Confusion overtakes you, but you quickly deduce that your stunt with Paige had finally gotten some real attention. 
You spend the morning scrolling every app, trying to hide the worry bubbling up inside of you. Most people seemed to be satisfied with your performance; others were comparing you to Azzi in a cruel way. The general consensus was that you and Paige couldn’t possibly be dating; apparently it was because you hadn’t kissed.
You typically did not give a shit what people thought of you, but the idea of being compared to someone as effortlessly charismatic as Azzi made you want to crawl into a hole and hide forever. You could spend your entire life trying to emulate her success and beauty. 
Despite your self-esteem crumbling around you, you still wanted to finish what you started. People were counting on you, and your damn people-pleasing self needed to prove a point. You decide your moping would have to wait. Grabbing your camera and iPad, you head out to the arena where you knew the girls would be practicing. 
You feel shy walking in on the basketball team. Your hands are clammy, and you wipe them on your pants before giving a small wave to a hungover-looking Paige. Her eyes are tired and ringed with a bruise-colored tinge. Usually she glowed at practice, hogging your camera and deliberately showing off. Today, though, you can see the exhaustion rolling off of her. 
For a minuscule second, you allow yourself to wonder if maybe she was up all night thinking about you, just as you thought about her. You internally scold yourself. Getting your hopes up was the last thing you needed. 
For once, you are relieved to be focusing on some of the other basketball players, trying to avoid Paige until you get your emotions in order. Your mood shifted as you observed the girls’ antics. They took turns shooting difficult shots in your honor, pointing to you when a ball landed through the net with a satisfying swish. 
Once Geno concludes the practice, a handful of the girls run up to you, wanting to hear the details of your and Paige’s night. You shrug, trying to downplay what had happened, when you feel Paige’s presence behind you. Her hand slides down your back, resting on your waist with a weight that feels so damn good. 
A look of surprise graces your face, along with multiple of Paige’s teammates. 
“Uh, is this a real thing now, or what?” Nika questions. 
“Guess we’ll have to see,” Paige smirks in response, causing your mouth to drop open ineptly. 
Ignoring the blonde’s shocking retort, Azzi clears her throat and explains that the girls were going out drinking tonight. “Please join us! It’ll be so fun, all you gotta do is kiss Paige. That’ll be enough proof for everyone, and then you can be done,” she follows quickly. The words spill out, and she rouses the rest of the team to convince you that it would be so, so fun.
You turn your head up towards Paige, searching her face for any clue that this was crossing a line. Her familiar smirk was still resting on her lips. It widens as she realizes you’re staring at them. 
Fuck. So much for attempting to be subtle.
Hiding your embarrassment, you acquiesce, swearing to yourself that you would keep your feelings under wraps.
It was decided that you and Paige would meet the rest of the team at the bar at 11:00. As Paige knocks on your dorm door, you want to do everything possible to get yourself out of this situation. The idea of kissing Paige made every nerve feel like it was on fire. You weren’t sure if you’d survive the build up of it. 
“Hi, pretty girl,” Paige says softly, looking you up and down once the door tentatively opens. 
“Hey, P,” you whisper, hoping she couldn’t hear the shakiness of your voice. Paige takes your hand, something that was beginning to feel so natural and so domestic; she leads you out the door and into her car. With one hand on the wheel and one delicately placed on your upper thigh, you chat about the roles you had to play one final time tonight. You sense a tone of hesitancy in her voice, but you ignore it in favor of attempting to suppress your own.
Paige’s car turns into the parking lot of the bar, and once it's parked, she turns to you, saying “Are you sure you’re okay with all this? Azzi can get over it if you’re not.”
“I'm sure, P. As long as you are comfortable, I am, too,” you respond sincerely. She nods, satisfied with your answer, and with deep breaths, you head inside. 
The bar was packed with throngs of drunk students enjoying the weekend. You wish you could enjoy yourself, but your anxiety was threatening to make you vomit. 
Your head is reeling with all the negative thoughts you could possibly conjure.
‘What if Paige thinks I’m a bad kisser?’
‘What if I accidentally bite her?’
‘What if Paige is dreading this?’
The hypothetical questions were going to be the actual death of you, and you attempt to quiet them with a drink.
Or five. 
The first couple of shots you take don’t hit you until 30 minutes later. The familiar feeling of intoxication is welcomed like an old friend. You really weren’t the type to go wild, but your desire to just forget took over. The third and fourth go down like water, sliding through your veins and into the heat of your core. 
You're swaying your hips sensually with the beat of the blaring music, arms loose at your sides, occasionally sloshing around the pink beverage in your cup. 
You don't even care how stupid you looked because you felt so damn free, finally unchained from the anxieties of the past few days. 
A touch on your waist breaks through your drunken haze, pulling you back to reality. 
Shit, your waist is getting a lot of attention these days. 
You turn around quickly, hair whipping theatrically, expecting to see Paige. Boy were you mistaken. 
Your glossy eyes are met with the brown eyes of a man you had never seen before. You don’t miss the pang of disappointment you feel once you realize it’s not the tall blonde you were hoping to see. 
Rolling your eyes and huffing, you turn back around, once more trying to figure out where Paige had ended up. Short, drunken boys were the least of your concerns right now. 
Seeing that Azzi was close by, you stumble towards her, slurring out “Where’d my Paigey go?” 
Her eyes light up at your use of the pet name, and she grins. “She just went to get you water, remember? You drank a shit ton.” 
Suddenly remembering the way she had whispered into your ear to stay close to the girls of the basketball team, you blush at your own forgetfulness. 
Maybe you really did need that water. 
Paige is back a minute later. Foregoing handing you the bottle, she is already unscrewing it and placing it against your lips. 
Fuck. It reminds you of the night before; the cup placed against your lips, and the way her wide, blue eyes had watched you protectively. 
You welcome the way the cool water slides down your throat, already sore from singing loudly and attempting to talk over the pumping of the music. 
You drank until Paige was satisfied, never breaking eye contact with her. She pulls the bottle away from you, wiping the excess water from your lips with her thumb and then bringing it to her own lips, sucking the liquid off. 
Your head spins at the contact. Maybe that was just the alcohol, but you doubted it. 
Tucking you into her side, Paige plays with a strand of your hair, swirling her fingers around it in a way that was almost sinful. She looks down at you as you make a guttural noise, attempting to play it off as a cough. Her long fingers continue their assault on your hair, before they dance along your shoulder to your collarbones. Goosebumps trail after her digits, eliciting a shiver to run down your spine and straight between your legs. 
She had you completely and irrevocably fucked. 
It was getting late, and you knew that with the time slipping away, your moment to kiss Paige was soon approaching. Your brain battled between wanting to get the deed over with and drawing everything out for as long as possible. You didn’t want this to end. 
You tug Paige over to sit in a tall bar stool, attempting to alleviate the pain in your feet. She helps you climb up, holding the chair steady as you perch, sighing in relief. 
Paige stands in between your spread legs, meeting your eyes with an inquisitive expression. She was feeling you out, trying to deduce your own thoughts. 
If only she knew what you were actually thinking. 
Before you can bow out under the heat of her intense stare, you lean in to her. The look she gives you, one of longing and desperation, is the only confirmation you need. 
And you kiss her as if she was air, and you had been drowning for a thousand years. 
Your lips meet in a passionate embrace. Paige’s lips were as soft as they looked; you would know. You had spent a considerable amount of time staring at them, wondering how they felt and how they tasted. 
As you find a rhythm, Paige’s tongue sweeps across your bottom lip, coaxing a lustful moan from your mouth. It goes straight to Paige’s core. You are lost in each other’s presence, the chaos around you slipping away until hoots of laughter and gasps of surprise slam you back into reality. 
You reluctantly pull away from the blonde, surveying the damage of the kiss. People had their phones out, directly pointed at the two of you.
Perfect. Azzi would be happy. 
Looking back to Paige, you see the impact of your affections; her lips swollen and cheeks flushed in a way that had you smirking proudly. 
“I think that’s our cue” Paige mumbles, her warm breath hitting the sensitive flesh of your earlobe once again. You nod quickly, trying to avoid looking over eager, but that was most likely null and void at this point. 
In a dramatic display, Paige picks you up off the tall chair and sets you back on to your feet, steadying you as you sway. You wave to the onlookers, a cheesy grin engulfing your face. Paige shakes her head fondly, winking to those still watching, and pulls you out of the bar and into the parking lot. 
She all but lifts you into the passenger seat of her car, handing you another bottle of water. She softly urges you to drink, which you do without fail. You want to cut through the remnants of your drunkenness, desperate to fixate on every part of Paige. 
You were terrified you’d forget what she tasted like and the way her lips slid against yours. 
You look over at the blonde, her face illuminated from the streetlights, and her hand once more splayed across your thigh. 
She was so beautiful. 
But was she yours? You had no fucking idea. 
Your thoughts send you reeling as you sip your water, but you take solace in the fact that your worrying meant you were sobering up. The car smoothly turns into the parking lot of Paige’s apartment, and once you are parked, she looks over at you expectantly. You meet Paige’s eyes with a confused look of your own.
“Do you want to stay over tonight?” She asks with an air of shyness you weren’t used to. 
You bite your lip in response, pretending to ponder, before choking out a response in agreement. 
Of course, you wanted to stay over. 
You followed her up to her door, feeling more steady than you were at the bar and waited as she unlocked it. Your nerves were starting to rile you up again, and your heartbeat pounded in your ears, temporarily silencing the vexatious doubts your brain was throwing at you. 
Paige wastes no time throwing off her uncomfortable clothes, replacing them with her usual sweats. Somehow, she looked even better. 
Grabbing a pair for you, she ushers you to the bathroom, pointing out everything you needed to get ready for bed. Thanking her with a small smile, you close the door and prepare. 
‘It’s just another sleepover,’ you think. ‘You’ve done this dozens of times before. You can do it again.’ The self assurance calms you, giving you enough confidence to walk back into Paige’s room and lay down on her bed next to her. 
The room was dark already, but the glow of her computer cast a gleam over the two of you. There was no hiding from her. Not anymore. 
“Have you seen what people are saying?” You ask, in a not so subtle attempt to see where her head was at. 
“Yeah, I have,” Paige responds. “I think they believe it now. Don’t really blame them. That kiss was…” She trails off, unable to sum up the words of how that kiss made her feel. 
“Intense,” you finish, sleep starting to creep into your body. 
Paige hums in agreement, and wraps her arms around you, pulling her close to you. 
You shut your eyes, the blissful warmth radiating off of Paige pulling you into the oblivion of unconsciousness. 
And once more, your dreams are filled with images of Paige’s lips and the overwhelming need to be hers. 
*You can now read Part 3 here
Thanks for reading!
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Lotte's Accident
Summary: Just a short little fic about Lotte's little sister meeting the Arsenal girls.
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“Good Morning, who are you?” The blonde asked, already knowing who you were, Lotte’s message to the group chat, accompanied by the fact you were a complete mini me and before running over to greet the blonde you held her hand tightly walking beside her.
“I’m Lotte’s accident,” you proudly and confidently said. Lotte stood there mouth wide open as Alessia choked back a laugh.
“Catching flies are we,” Leah asked Lotte who was still standing there mouth wide open in shock, “oh hello there little one, you must be Lotte’s sister,” you didn’t know why but the sudden presence of another one of your sisters teammates, made you shy and you quickly went to hide behind Lotte’s legs, which caused the taller blonde to chuckle softly before going about her ordinary activities. As more and more of the team entered the room you became closer and closer to Lotte.
In the opposite corner to you, Beth, was having a very animated conversation with Steph and she was quite loud, but the girl sitting next to her, Viv was her name, seemed interesting, she kept making funny faces at you as Beth continued to yap, hands flailing around. She even rolled her eyes at her girlfriends dramatics a few times. You decided to very carefully venture off from the safety of beside your sister over to the dutch women, you quickly but cautiously approach the women, tapping her leg when you arrived by her side, giving her a tentative wave.
“Hello, Kleimtje,” she kind of smiled at you, you weren’t too sure though whether it was or not, however your face beamed at her knowledge of Dutch.
“Hallo,” you spoke softly but still somewhat confident, “wie is dat”(who is that) you asked as you pointed to the blonde, quickly pulling back your hand, Lotte always told you that pointing isn’t nice.
“dat is mijn vriendin,” (that is my girlfriend) she replied, causing you to hum in response, she didn't know if it was because you were thinking or you didn’t understand what she had said.
“Lotte doesn’t have a girlfriend, or a boyfriend,” you pointed out, causing Lotte to tell you it was time to go for training, everyone following behind you both, you skipped out holding Lotte’s hand having a new found confidence after making a new friend.
“You must be Lotte’s little sister,” Jonas said as you walked up to him and the training stuff started to get boring. “No, I’m Lotte’s accident, or maybe I’m Mum and Dad’s accident” you spoke, having found your confidence again.
“Lotte, why is your sister telling Jonas and the staff she is an accident?” Steph asked the English women.
“Again?” Lotte sighed knowing she was going to have to have a conversation with you, everyone gave her a weird look, and she just walked off towards you and sighed.
“She introduced herself to me this morning as being Lotte’s accident,” Alessia informed the team, who all tried to stifle their laughs.
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wonysugar · 5 months
close the door | hanni pham
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synopsis : you had no idea what you were doing, and neither did she.
genre : fluffy smut!
pairing : non-idol!hanni x gf!femreader
tags : they’re in love your honor, lots of kissing and making out, cuddling, l-bombs, top!femreader, bottom!hanni, they’re both virgins, fingering, clit play, nipple play, neck kissing, hanni’s dogs are mentioned twice lawl, lots of comfort, lots of consent! they’re literally just lovey dovey girlfriends having sex for the first time aheheh
warnings : none :]
word count : 2.5k
a/n : if you’re rereading this and thinking “hey the synopsis changed and there wasn’t an author’s note before!!” well you’d be right I POSTED THIS IN A RUSH I’M SO SORRYYFKEJF
anyways!! this is just to say that this fic is inspired by the lovely writer that is sorry for tagging you twice ahh @facefullofsadness’s fic right over here :] sooo GO READ THAT FIRST! it’s truly lovely and i really enjoyed reading it, hence why i wrote thisskfke. thank you for readingg<33
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oh how you loved your girlfriend.
you would die for your girlfriend, actually, even if you only started dating barely a few months ago. who could blame you? that’s what happens when you’ve been best friends prior to your relationship for so, so, so long. it simply started with a ‘hi! my name’s hanni! what’s yours?’ from her part at the innocent age of seven and just like that, years later, you guys were still inseparable. 
so really, your life-long friendship and months-long relationship were both with the same gorgeous and outgoing girl, and the only thing distinguishing those two was the label you used to describe them.
“bro i genuinely don’t understand why he doesn’t just… run away. cause— get this, there’s obviously a murderer in his house right? and what does he decide to do about that? just stay in there. like, okay.. like i’m aware they needed plot but lord, i don’t know at least make it somewhat realistic you know what i mean—“ was what your girlfriend said, on her bed as she sat down in between your legs and leaned her back against you, her head facing forward and resting on your shoulder.
you simply nodded along to her words as you played with her hair, trying your hardest to stay focused on the piece of media before you whilst also paying your utmost attention to her, despite her constant ranting and criticizing of the entire movie. you, having originally liked the film, were now conflicted about your opinion on it. it’s not like she was wrong, her very heavy criticism had to have come from somewhere, after all, but you couldn’t help but slightly appreciate the storyline. so, you weren’t really sure what you felt about it anymore.
one thing you were certain of, however, 
was that your girlfriend looked really good while passionately rambling. like, way too good. she had tied her dark hair into a high ponytail, it also looked wavy due to the rain that was pouring on you guys earlier, her messy bangs fell perfectly onto her forehead. and her smile? it always looked perfect. she always looked perfect. 
and since you apparently weren’t hiding your admiration well enough, she very quickly noticed it.
she giggled teasingly. her voice sweet like honey, her australian accent more prominent than usual, she spoke up, “hello?” before full-on laughing, “were you even listening to me?”
you could only kiss her, that seemed like the only appropriate response in the heat of the moment. she, of course, kissed back just as lovingly before pulling away moments after, a curious and confused look on her face. 
“no seriously, what is up with you?” she kept teasing, smiling stupidly as she kept her gaze lingering on yours for the following seconds, her eyes unconsciously drifting to your lips. “you look stupid.”
“and you look really pretty.” was what you whispered back to her, earning a shy smile and an exaggerated eye roll from her. immediately, you made your lips come into contact with hers again. it felt as if the world would stop spinning if you didn’t, like a slowly growing urge to keep touching her suddenly came over you and you needed to fill it.
“so.. so pretty.” you mumbled, so quietly that it was almost to yourself, before going back in. you allowed yourself to make the kiss deeper and slid her tongue across her soft lips as you demanded entrance. you could hear her let out slight noises, she clearly was not expecting you to do anything of the sorts, at least not right now. she was a tad bit confused, but let you in, who in their right mind would pass up the opportunity to kiss their girlfriend? immediately, your hands wrapped around her waist whilst you continued kissing her lovingly, your tongue roaming every part of her mouth.
it didn’t take long before your hands started naturally reaching under her top, caressing on her tummy and progressively going higher with each sound she let out.
you pulled away, slightly worried of going too far, “c-can.. can i continue, hanni?”
you were scared, terrified, even! despite knowing each other for years, you’d only been dating for a few months; those are two completely different things! it’s not like you see your completely platonic best friend’s naked body every tuesday. even then, despite dating, you still haven’t gotten that stage of the relationship. and on top of that,
the two of you were a proper pair of virgins. you had no idea what you were doing, and neither did she. you didn’t want to seem like an inexperienced loser to her, you wanted to take care of her and make her feel good. what if that didn’t happen? what if you made it awkward between the two of you?? it was nerve-racking.
as if barging into your mind and reading your thoughts, wanting to reassure you, she grabbed your hand in a gentle manner before nodding. then, she spoke up, “can you close the door?”
“there’s.. nobody home, though?”
she giggled, “oh i know, it’s just that i don’t want the dogs to potentially walk in on this.”
you groaned dramatically, laughing and insisting that you were too lazy to get up and that her dogs wouldn’t understand the situation if they even walked in. she, in response, just tapped your knee with a cheeky smile, encouraging you to stand up.
“come on y/n, close the door. think about milly and mia; think about their innocence!” she exaggerated.
after playfully hitting her arm and laughing along with her, you got up, proceeded to close and lock the door like she asked you to and eventually walked back to her bed, sitting back on it and positioning yourself the way you originally were, her back to you again. 
“happy?” you asked in a fake arrogant tone.
she hummed, radiant, “yes, very happy.” before turning her head just right and kissing you again.
eventually back to the original rhythm of the kiss, you placed your hands back on her stomach again, slowly caressing and teasing higher and higher with time. once you reached her bra, you proceeded to impatiently unhook it, immediately taking it off of her.
her breathing got heavier with each second that passed, partially due to nervousness, probably. you’d be lying if you said that wasn’t the case for you too. the more your hands carefully roamed her body, the more self-conscious you got, you truly had no idea what you were doing. 
then, as if something in your mind clicked, you had an idea. what if you just did to her whatever you enjoyed doing to yourself in moments like these? that could work.. right? maybe??
you glided your hand upwards, your finger lightly grazing her nipple. in response to the sudden movement, a lewd sound accidentally escaped from her pretty lips, her breath hitching. that sound was a small moan.
a small one, barely audible, yet it was still enough for you to feel the activation of every single neuron residing in your brain.
then suddenly, it’s like the concept of making love to her wasn’t as nerve-racking as it originally was.
“s-sorry..” she apologized, seeming slightly embarrassed.
you kissed her cheek, reassuring her, “don’t apologize, i wanna hear you.”
despite it being an accident, she seemed to enjoy the sensation of your hand on her chest, so you went back to teasing her tits and gently groping them before you eventually asked, “is it okay if i go further..?”
nodding in a keen manner, she swallowed her saliva, then breathed out her response, “yes. yes keep— keep going. please.”
well shit! even if you wanted to stop, it’s not like you could, not with how good she sounded pleading for you.
not wasting any more time, you proceeded to separate one of your hands from her chest and quickly slid it downwards; to the band of her sweatpants. now, of course, your other hand was still in its original place, working its magic, but you wanted her to feel more. so much more.
you wanted to convey every surge of affection you violently felt for her into pleasure. and, if there was one thing you surely knew how to do, it was kissing her. 
so, you started kissing on her neck, which she didn’t expect whatsoever, and still heavily concentrated on the hand you had on her breast. then, you pulled on the sleeve of her tee just enough to expose her shoulder and moved your mouth towards it, nipping and gently licking it.
your hand now fully slipped into her pants, you teased her entrance through the fabric of her underwear as you kept kissing her naked shoulder. you listened to her attentively and took mental notes of her reactions; so far, her breathing got heavier, her thighs slightly clenched around your hand and she was now frequently biting her lip. 
plus, her panties were wet. 
did all of that mean you were doing good? …perhaps it did!
and did her drenched underwear make you short circuit? perhaps it did as well!
“d-d’you feel okay?” you asked, before going back to slowly kissing her shoulder. she threw you a quick glance, chest heaving up and down. 
“s-so okay.” she giggled.
her smile being contagious, you found yourself doing the exact same thing, content with the answer she gave you.
soon enough, you traced your finger up her clothed slit before eventually sliding it into the undergarment she wore, making her shudder. after what felt like an eternity, you could feel her slick coat your digits from one swipe of the finger. 
it was tantalizing.
growing impatient, you quickly yet carefully settled your middle and ring finger on her swollen clit, making slow circular motions on it, looking at her in the process. full on whimpering, this time, she stared back at you, no longer embarrassed. she wanted to let you know how good you were making her feel, hence why she was getting louder with each movement you made, and it filled you with enough confidence and adrenaline to gently push her head towards you, leaning in for a kiss.
thankfully, she kissed you back, deeply at that, her eyes closed and her quiet moans muffled.
you pulled away after a few moments, “tell me if it hurts, okay?” you reminded her. she simply nodded, brain all fuzzy from arousal.
she grabbed your other hand and intertwined her fingers with yours. “g-go slowly.” she whispered.
“i will.” you affirmed.
slowly and gently, you slid your fingers into her core, making sure not to go too fast or too rough. thankfully, the wetness was making it easier for you, and probably for her as well. every time that your girlfriend’s breath hitched, that her hand gripped harder on yours or, hell, every time that her eyes closed, you stopped in your tracks and double checked to see if you were hurting her, so it took a little while for your digits to fully penetrate her. 
fortunately, she assured you that you weren’t, in fact, hurting her. some moments just felt more comfortable than others, is all.
once they were fully in, you gave her time to get used to the feeling, still double checking on her state every now and then. after a few deep breaths, she nodded.
“i-i’m ready.”
you started to pump your fingers in and out of her, taking in all of her as your speed slowly increased as time went on. naturally, as more time passed, you felt the urge to make her feel good get even stronger.
that’s when you decided to increase the pace, your fingers curling on just the right spot inside her, pumping faster and faster as your thumb played with her clit.
“is this okay baby—” you asked.
“f-fuck— yes y/n that feels good—“ was what she moaned out, cutting you off. a feeling of bliss progressively and clearly overtaking her whole body.
when you tried to look at her despite only being able to see her side profile, you could’ve sworn you saw an angel. her cheeks were slightly tinted with a pinkish color and her eyebrows were upturned, her whole face contorted with pleasure, her skin glistening with sweat. her eyes hooded with lust, hanni looked down at herself and attentively watched as you played with her. your fingers swimming in her slick, navigating in her folds the way a skilled sailor would the vast ocean, it was hypnotizing, and she realized how this was probably the way you got yourself off on a regular day, and she couldn’t help but moan at both the thought and the sensation. 
you made her feel good, you made her feel happy, loved. you always did.
amidst the chaos that was her messy bed, the setting somehow looked better than every piece of artwork you’d ever seen combined. the bed creaked ever so slightly, and she looked and sounded so beautiful, especially with the way the sun set directly on her parted lips at that moment. 
you were certain that your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“i love you so much, hanni.” you softly said, kissing the back of her ear whilst you kept fingering her. she couldn’t form proper words, so she simply tightened her grip on your hand more, as a way to say it back.
then, once you picked up a stable pace for a few minutes, her back arched against you, her breathing getting heavier, practically panting. her hand’s grip on yours getting tighter, you felt her hot breath hit your neck once she settled her head into the crook of it.
“y/n— baby i think i’m- i’m— mmh—“
that was the moment she reached climax, letting out a long and loud moan as she rode out her orgasm, bucking her hips against your hand before smashing her lips onto yours. quietly, she let a few i love yous slip out of her mouth between kisses, her hand resting on your head, fingers intertwined with your soft hair. 
you particularly made sure to say it back to her every time.
you pulled out your fingers and took your hand out of her pants. still coming down from her high, she smiled at you with tired eyes and kissed your cheek. you smiled back, looking at her lovingly.
“d-did i do okay?” 
she giggled, “..are you seriously asking me that? do you not see me right now?” 
you raised your eyebrows, playful, “for all i know you were faking it.”
“yeah, actually.. i was faking it, especially with how wet i was from the whole thing. aren’t i such a good actor y/n? it’s almost like i legitimately came really hard—”
“shut up.” you elbowed her, laughing. she gave you a cheeky smile before she got up from the bed, grabbed a pair of new underwear from her drawer and opened the bedroom door, heading straight towards the living room to pet her dogs after changing. 
“hey y/n?”
“…wanna bake brownies in a bit?” 
“uhm.. yes? what kind of question is that?? let me just go wash my hands first.” you replied, getting up and walking towards the bathroom before adding on, “unless you wanna eat very unsanitary cum-buttered brownies, of course—“
you heard her contagious laugh from across the hallway, making you smile to yourself, “you’re fucking disgusting— go wash your hands, you weirdo!”
oh how you loved your girlfriend.
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yujinnieswifeu · 1 month
Could you write insecure shy fem!reader x jealous yujin but shes still sweet y'know :((, thank you so muchhh<3 (I love love love your writing omggg!!)
pairings: insecure shy fem!reader x jealous Yujin x Rei??(She likes y/n)
warnings: pretty long smutt, mirror sex, fingering
a/n: just wanted to say that i got carried away w this ask anon!! So be prepared to read a long ass story >.<, also thanks for requesting, this was such a sweet ask tbh, i love the concept of sweet and jealous Yujin, was something new to write hehe 🥰
It was another day of school, and you were going to get your things from the locker. You were taking your time, since there was still 10 minutes before class would start. You unlock your locker, opening it before gathering your things, that was until you realised a single rose inside your locker. A smile spreads across your face, thinking that it was your girlfriend, Yujin that had placed it through the small gap in your locker.
“Do you like it?” You heard an unfamiliar voice from behind, gasping a little before turning around, looking to Rei, one of the popular kids in school. “I…i..what do you mean?” You found yourself stuttering, not getting her question. She looks to you, then the rose that you were holding, smiling slightly. “The rose you’re holding i mean, i just thought of you when i passed by the flower shop this morning and…decided to drop one in your locker.” She continues, her demeanour still calm, while you stood there all stiff and awkward, not knowing what to reply.
“I..uh, thank you.” Your mind thought back to your girlfriend, how you so wanted to tell Rei that you were already taken by Yujin, how much in love you two already were but you couldn’t say that since you two decided to keep things as a secret. “So…i was wondering, will you be free after school today?” She tries her luck, noticing how you got even stiffer, she did not know if it was a good or bad thing. “I get it if you need time to think, just let me know bef-” “She is busy after school with me Rei, sorry to crush your hopes.” You hear a familiar voice interrupting Rei, looking over, your eyes shimmering with a slight fear, now wondering if your girlfriend has heard the entire conversation you had with Rei.
Rei rolls her eyes in annoyance that her chance was taken away by someone that she did not really see eye to eye with. “Yujin…again.” Rei sighs, turning her head to see Yujin walking up to you, she pulls you by the waist closer to her side instead, her protective demeanour up which makes your stomach flip and your heart race. She was never this open to being this protective over you, even then, they were just subtle. But now was different, and you kind of liked it. “And for this whole week, and next week and the week after next, you get it right?” Yujin smirks her way to Rei, and you watch as Rei just grumbles, walking away, but not before giving you a note. “If you want to talk Y/n.” Rei just says, before heading to class.
You turned to Yujin, glaring at her slightly. “What was that?” You silently squeak out, and before Yujin was going to say something, the bell rings. Yujin just sighs, running her fingers through her hair, seemingly frustrated. “Let’s talk about this after school, i’ll be waiting for you outside okay?” You nod to her, a silent yes, and she just walks away, not even doing her usual where she would look around to see if the hallway was empty or not, and kiss you, if not she would just hug you, taking a whiff of your scent before parting ways. You pout a little, before heading to class.
Today was going to be a long day.
The bell finally chimes, signalling the end of your classes. You quickly gathered your things, with one thing in mind. The whole day, you just had one person in mind, Yujin. You could not focus in class at all, it got so bad that even your friends were worried, asking you if you were fine and you just shrugged them off. So now, you were walking briskly to the front of the school, looking outside and noticing Yujin was not there yet. You waited at the outside of your school, fidgeting with your fingers in the process, that was when you heard a voice calling out your name. “Y/n?” You looked up, your face lighting up a little but dropping when you realised it was Rei again.
“You okay?” Rei raises a brow, it was obvious something was up when she sees you seemingly in a mess, playing with your fingers. “Y-yeah, urm…just waiting for Yujin.” You replied with a small smile, hoping she will just let you be and head off home. But Rei was relentless, she came to your side, realising how you have tense up once again, and bit her bottom lip. “You seem..nervous, like earlier. Are you really okay Y/n?” She now has a concerned look spread across her face and you started to feel bad. Just when you were about to answer, someone cuts you. “She is fine, you can leave now.” Yujin snaps and your eyes widens a little at how harsh she sounded.
You were about to intervene until you felt a grip at your wrist, Yujin pulling you along with her. You just sighed, giving Rei an apologetic smile before walking next to Yujin. You looked to Yujin, her eyes only stares at the front, her hand snakes to intwine your fingers with hers. It was a small act, but it meant a lot during this time when you knew why she was acting this way.
Once you two were back at her place, she kicks her shoes off before taking off her bag, throwing it to the floor. You followed after, arranging her shoes into place and place your bag next to hers, before catching up to her. “Yujin…” You start, and she sighs, finally stopping in her tracks. “Sorry.” She finally mutters, now turning to face you. You could see now, what a mess she was, her brows furrowing slightly, her eyes looking lost. “Yujin…talk to me.” She brings her lips between her teeth, pulling you into her room before pushing you onto the bed.
You let out a squeak, heart racing as Yujin hovers over you now. “You know exactly why i’m like this…a-and you want me to talk?” She almost grumbles, she fiddles into your pockets, making you whimper a little, not knowing why she was doing that until she brings out a piece of paper that had Rei’s number on it. You find yourself mouthing a ‘fuck’ when you knew it would only make things worse. “And this? Why do you still have this.” Her tone was cold now, straddling your hips as she tears the paper in front of you, you gulp at the action, unable to deny how hot it all seemed in that moment. She was being possessive and jealous.
“Yujin, i-it was just her number, maybe she just wants to be friends!” You tried to calm her down, but she only glares your way. “Did you not hear what she said? She wants to go on a date with my girlfriend.” She scoffs this time, clearly pissed. “I-i..why will she? I’m not that pretty, and my body is not even curvy, why will sh-” You were cut off with lips against your own. Your heart was beating faster now, hands slowly sliding up her back, moaning into the kiss. Yujin has her hands in your hair, brushing your soft strands which makes you whimper into the kiss.
She pulls away, both of you breathless at the intense make-out session that you two just shared. “Have you seen yourself?” She say breathlessly, now bringing one of your hand to intwine with hers, kissing your knuckles lovingly, her demeanour earlier was gone, only replaced with the Yujin you know, the Yujin you love. You could feel the hotness on your cheeks with her words and affection, trying to pull your hand away which she squeezes and pulls back to her lips instead, planting more kisses to your fingers. “You’re beautiful understand?” She whispers, her other hand goes to grip at your jaw, making you look at her.
“I-i’m not..” you mutter, trying to move your head to look at something else other than your girlfriend, too flustered to stare back into her beautiful eyes. “Look at me Y/n.” You bit your bottom lip nervously, her tone commanding making your heart race. You gave her an almost timid look, and she smiles comfortingly, you feel your stomach flipping, heart racing even faster. She could kill you and you would let her (had to add this sorry not sorry🥹). “You are so gorgeous, so beautiful inside out.” She holds your hands down at the sides of your head in place, trapping you between her. You gasp, not expecting her to do so, and whine a little in response which she giggles in return.
“I’m going to show you how beautiful you are.” She whispers against your lips, leaning down to capture your lips with hers. You moan softly into the kiss, her words makes your heart swell and head dizzy, you squeeze her hands which she has entangled with yours. After a while, she pulls away again, quickly discarding your clothes. It was times like this that you two would remain silent, prying each others’ clothes off impatiently, not needing to exchange words or touches with mutual understanding. Once Yujin has you fully naked for her, and she the same, she immediately manhandles you, making you sit up to face the mirror in front of you two, forcing you to see the reflection of her and you.
You could feel your cheeks flush, suddenly feeling vulnerable and insecure all at once, whining as you try to squirm your way out of this situation she has landed you in. “Stay still love.” Her tone held dominance, one that makes you shiver, and you command her obediently. “That’s my girl.” She kisses your temple lovingly, her legs hooks over yours, prying your thighs apart and you gasp, a small whimper pasts your lips at the feeling of the air hitting your sensitive area. Yujin watches through the mirror, mouthing a ‘fuck’ at how wet you were for her, your pussy glistening with arousal that has dripped down to the sheets.
“So fucking beautiful.” She groans, bringing her spare hand over your jaw making you stare at the reflection of you two. “Don’t look at me baby, look at yourself, how beautiful you look hm?” She whispers against your ear, now sucking and nibbling at the spot behind them, you let out a small moan, the feeling makes you want to bring your legs together, your eyes rolling. “Look at yourself or i’ll stop.” She orders, you pout at her through the mirror, and forced yourself to stare at your own reflection.
You suddenly feel aware of how you actually look, feeling even more bare and vulnerable, you could feel your cheeks turning even hotter. “I’m watching.” She warns, her hands sliding to cup and kneed at your breasts, you let out a gasp, eyes looking at where her hands were, feeling yourself getting drenched at the reflection in the mirror, your legs trying to close but deemed impossible since Yujin was stronger than you. “Do you see how beautiful you are, just look at how you fit so perfectly in my hands.” Her crude words only makes the throbbing between your legs worse, now whimpering and squirming between her.
“Eyes up baby.” Yujin says when she realises that you were losing focus, you pout into the reflection, eyes meeting hers and she returns with a wink which makes your heart race. How was she so calm about all this? “Yujin..please..” She presses a kiss to your shoulder, her tongue licking a stripe to the area behind you neck and you could only moan. “Not till you realise how beautiful you are love.” She continues her ministrations, her index goes to circle your hardened nipples, hearing you let out loose moans. Her eyes watches yours, making sure you were still looking at where her hands were, and she slowly lowers one down closer to your core.
Your breathing hitches, hips squirming as she nears where you need her the most. “Look at how beautiful this pussy is for me hm? And it’s all mine? I’m so lucky.” She mutters, her tone now raspy and low, bringing her fingers down to your pussy to gather your wetness over them, before bringing them to her lips. You watch her, suddenly feeling the dryness in your mouth as she licks her fingers clean off your juices, moaning at the taste of you on her tongue. “Tastes so good baby.” She groans, her hand goes to back down, now drawing teasing circles on your clit. You moan softly, biting your bottom lip to suppress the lewd sounds you were letting out.
“I want to hear them baby, don’t do that.” She almost chides you, a whine leaving your lips as you try to control your moans instead. Yujin pushes her fingers past your entrance instead, desperate to hear your moans. Your brows furrows with pleasure, more loose moans slipping past your lips as she fucks you with two fingers. “So tight for me..” she groans, feeling your walls tighten even more at her words. “So beautiful…fuck..you look so beautiful like this, all a mess because of me.” She continues to talk dirty, knowing she was having an effect on you as you clenched around her digits even more.
Your eyes were trained on her fingers fucking into your hole, the erotic view was making you impossibly wetter, the squelching sound from your pussy and your moans bouncing off the walls. “P-please…” Yujin knew what you wanted, she knew you too well, knew you needed her fingers rubbing against your clit for you to cum undone, her other hand was still playing with your breasts, her lips scattering kisses and hickies along your neck. She hums in response, wanting to hear you beg. “F-fingers please Yujin…a-ahh..!” Yujin only speeds up her movements, watching how you have your eyes rolled to the back and back arching against hers while your hands were scratching at her thighs. You were so obedient for her, not rubbing yourself, or maybe you wanted her to do it, to make you come undone.
“Look in the mirror.” She stops her movement, hearing you whine out as you look at the mirror, eyes trained to where she had two fingers still inside of you. Only then did she start moving again, her fingers curling inside of you, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly but it wasn’t enough, you needed her fingers rubbing your clit to cum. “P-please!” You begged, trying your best to not rub your clit, whimpering when you feel her suck another hickey on your skin. “Please what hm?” She wants to hear more from you, needed to hear more. “W-want to cum..please p-please..!” She watches how you were struggling to keep your hands on her thighs, your desperate look full blown with lust as you lock eyes with her.
“Say you’re beautiful and i will.” Yujin adds a third finger inside of you, you gasp at the stretch, eyes rolling to the back slightly, not processing her words. “Say you’re beautiful if not you won’t be cumming.” She warns this time, when she realises how deep in pleasure you were, bringing her other hand lower down your stomach instead. “P-please..” “nope, not what i want to hear.” She was growing desperate herself, with how lost in pleasure you were, she really wanted to ruin you.
“I-i’m..beautiful!” You cried out, and she almost moans herself. She mutters a ‘good girl’, smashing her lips against yours, swallowing your moans as she finally brings her other hand down on your clit, rubbing desperate circles over your bundle of nerves, feeling how your body tenses up into hers, before letting go, your body shuddering into hers, your hips spasming a little, legs wanting to close as you cum all over her fingers.
She finally untangles herself from you, cooing as she spoons you, planting soft kisses on your temple and forehead, telling you how good you were for her. Your eyes closes, now too spent to respond as you nuzzle into her embrace instead. “Sleep my love, you did so well, i love you.” She whispers, her voice lulling you to sleep with sweet nothings.
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idkwhatever580 · 4 months
I threw it away
Masterlist<< I mostly write Natasha romanoff but if you have a request I’ll be happy to write Regina.
Pairings: Regina George x reader
Prompt: weight had never been a tricky thing for y/n. Until she started dating Regina.
Warnings: bad relationships with food/weight
A/N: idk I wanted to write something like this to show that an ED or a relationship with weight can change even when you’re older and not just at girlhood i guess? Just remember that you are so perfect and loved.
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Y/n’s pov
I started dating Regina during the summer between our junior and senior year.
I used to be friends with Janis. That is until I found out what she did to Regina.
I don’t care if a girl is your mortal enemy. You don’t mess around with her biggest insecurities. Even if it’s what she flaunts the most.
Especially not weight. Those Kalteen bars were horrible of janis to do.
I slowly just got “busier” over time. And I eventually just stopped talking to Janis all together. I didn’t want to surround myself with that energy.
So after Regina got hit by that bus I started visiting her and trying to make it up to her.
It might not have happened if I just told her what they did.
But then again, we might not have started dating. So back to now.
I basically have been living at Regina’s place. I spend the night a lot, but if I go home then Gina is always picking me up when I can go.
My parents don’t care much. They say that I’m allowed to live my life. Thank goodness they’re laid back. Of course not as much as Mrs George but they believe that as long as I’m not getting drunk, high, or pregnant then I’m good.
I’m in Gina’s room and she gets up and says
“I’m going to the bathroom.”
I get up to go with her.
She’s like the black cat and I’m like the golden retriever. But we work really well together.
She walks in and does her business and then after she washes her hands and all, she decides to head over to the scale.
I’ve never used it. But she uses it all the time.
She breaks me out of my thoughts when she thinks out loud
“Yes! Back down to my ideal 120 pounds” (about 54 kilograms?)
I frown. I’ve never heard her say her weight before. And I say
“Congrats baby! Was that from all the kalteen bars?”
She nods her head and says
“I finally worked all the weight off”
I smile and kiss her and say
“That’s great. Why don’t you go tell your mom?”
She shrugs and says
“Eh. It doesnt matter. I’m gonna go back to the room okay?”
I nod my head and say
“I’m gonna pee”
She doesn’t stay since I’m a bit pee shy still so when she leaves I quickly run to the scale and check my weight.
Definitely not Regina’s ideal weight.
Suddenly I feel this rush of guilt fall over me. I walk back to her bed and crawl in with her. As she scrolls through her phone, I get lost in my thoughts.
If Regina tells me I’m perfect the way I am then why would she lie? Obviously she wants to be a certain weight. And if it’s her ideal weight then she clearly wants me to be that way too. I need to lose more weight. Maybe I’ll start a diet. That’s good. I’ll start a diet and just won’t tell Gina until I hit her desired weight and then she’ll think I’m perfect for real.
“What’s on your mind?”
I snap out of it and shake my head
“Nothing! Just watching videos over your shoulder”
She squints at me and says
“Alright. You know if you need anything you can tell me right?”
I nod my head.
Then all of a sudden Mrs George comes into the room and says
“Hey girls! I just wanted to let you know that I made my world famous cookies and they’re cooling in the kitchen right now if you wanted to grab them while they’re warm.”
I smile and Regina gets up so I follow.
She grabs one and says
“Aren’t you gonna eat one?”
I shake my head and say
“I’m not hungry.”
She hums and says
“But you love my mom’s cookies. You always eat a few”
I just now realized how much I eat of those and get slightly flustered so I say
“I’m just not hungry right now”
She nods her head and eats her cookie.
They do smell heavenly. But I must stay strong.
We head back upstairs after Gina finishes her cookie and I go on my phone to look up good diet routines. I find a decent one to start with.
If I don’t like it then I’ll do another one.
So I text my mom and ask her if she can get a few things the next time she goes to the store and she agrees.
Then I turn around and yawn.
“Y/n are you sleepy?”
I nod my head and she says
“Take a nap baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
I smile and let my eyes flutter closed and Regina whispers into my ear
“My perfect girl”
I smile at her even though it’s fake. I don’t feel perfect anymore.
It’s been a few weeks on this diet and it’s hard. It’s hard for me to reject a bunch of the foods I love.
Thankfully Mrs George also makes some keto versions of her food every now and then so I can eat those.
I have a routine now. Every time I go to the bathroom I check my weight right after. I check my weight in the mornings and in the evenings. But only at Regina’s house since I am here all the time.
We’re watching tv on her bed and I say
“I gotta pee. I’ll be right back”
Gina nods and says
I do my business and wash my hands. But it isn’t until I go to where her scale is that I find it’s not there.
I look around the room and I don’t see it anywhere.
I say loud enough for her to hear me.
Once I know I have her attention I say
“Where’s the scale?”
“Oh.. I threw it away”
After she says that I walk quickly to the room and say
“What?! What do you mean you threw it away?”
She shrugs as always and says
“I threw it away”
“Why would you do that? I need to see my weight.”
She gets up and comes to me and says
“I threw it away because I noticed that you’ve been doing this thing where you check your weight all the time.”
“Well you check yours all the time too!”
For some reason this is like a huge deal to me. I just want to be perfect for her. She grabs my hand and sits me down and says
“I know. I realized how bad that can be for my mental health. So I decided that I was going to lose the weight from those nasty kalteen bars and then start fresh. I, of course, have been having a healthy balance between my food intake. But it’s not a huge deal if I lose weight or gain weight. As long as I’m healthy.”
I look at her and say
“Oh. That’s nice.”
She nods her head and continues
“I noticed that once I stopped, you started. And I didn’t want that for you. You have never had to worry about your weight before because it was never a bad thing in your house. Most girls would call you lucky. And I don’t want you to start thinking bad about yourself now”
I frown and say
“But you said the ideal weight is 120?” (54)
She sighs and says
“I said that wrong. I wanted to get back to my baseline and start taking care of myself properly. The only reason I lost that weight in the first place was because I didn’t want to feel like Janis had that hold on my body anymore. If I was gonna gain weight it was going to be for myself. And because of myself. Not for anyone else and not because of anyone else.”
I nod my head in understanding and she puts one of her hands on my cheek and the other on my waist and says
“I’m sorry you ever felt less than perfect because of a stupid slip up I made. Your body is literally so beautiful.”
I doubt her until she says things that most people think are ugly
“From your beautiful stretch marks. Right down to the cellulite in your legs. It’s all beautiful. Perfect. And honestly. You’re so healthy. You work out. You’re strong. You have a good balance with food. Well, you did before you started whatever diet thing you have going on. And you are literally like a puzzle piece for me. The way we can cuddle perfectly. I love your soft tummy because I can nap on it and be so comfortable. I love your ass and tits because they make great handles for… sexy times…”
I giggle and she continues.
“I love how each and every scar and divot and bump and mark on your body tells a story. It makes you, you. And I would change that for the world. So I threw the scale away. If I’m starting new. Then you are too.”
I sigh as I get a fluttery feeling in my heart and stomach and I hug her. I finally say
“Thank you. Thank you so much”
She shakes her head and says
“No thank you. You’re the one who convinced me I’m perfect the way I am. And now it’s my turn to do the same.”
I pull away and she says
“Why don’t we go downstairs. I think my mom is making us a snack”
I smile and nod my head.
We head downstairs and Mrs George is making snickerdoodles and I smell the air and say
“It smells delicious!”
She smiles and says
“I made some keto ones for your diet y/n!”
She pulls out one singular cookie that was set apart from the others and I say
“Oh. No thanks. I’m not gonna diet anymore. My body is perfect the way it is.”
She smiles and nods her head affirming that and then hands each of us a cookie that is still warm and soft from the oven.
I hum when I take the first bite and Gina does it at the same time as me so we end up giggling from it.
This time. I eat two cookies and Gina does the same.
Then Gina asks
“Mom? What did you do with that other cookie?”
She turns around and says
“Oh! I threw it in the trash.”
Gina nods and turns to me. I smile at her and say
We love a good parallel.
A/N: I hope y’all liked it! It’s my first time writing Regina George. But I’m thinking of writing a prequel to this and doing how Janis and y/n had their fall out. And when y/n started being friends with Regina. Let me know what y’all think!
@ilovesnat @ihartnat @marvelnatasha12346 @moistblobfish
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calmcoldevening · 9 months
I’m begging you for a part 2 of the knowing the slashers when they were younger fic where they meet when they’re older if you’re up for it ofc🙏
You knew slashers when you were a child and now you grow up and met them
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, brothers Sinclair
TW: mention of blood, violence, stockholm syndrome.
Ps: english is not my native language, so sorry for misspells. And also i really didn't know what I needed to write about Sinclair, because i need to rewatch the movie to remember their characters, so i didn't write about them. I hope you'll enjoy our sweet Tommy and baby boy Brahms
Part one ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Thomas Hewitt
You just recently graduated from college and decided to celebrate it with a trip with your friends to one of the US states. The choice fell on Texas. You still had pleasant memories of your school life in this place in your heart, and your heart ached at the thought of how soon you left your hometown. Not that you would call these people friends, but you were good acquaintances and helped each other with tasks. And so you packed your bags and within half an hour you were all driving together in a small SUV. The boyfriend of one of your 'friends' (Jessica) was driving. He was a good man, although he joked about unpleasant topics from time to time. But you turned a blind eye to it. In the end, you will finally find yourself back in the good old Texas.
The road was long, so you had a lot of time to think. You were sitting in the farthest seat, staring into space and slowly stroking an old, slightly battered fox toy with your hand. Your thoughts revolved around one person. That shy little boy you had such a happy conversation with years ago. It was your first memorable friend. You no longer had friends who could surpass sweet Tommy.
Finally, the car turned at a sign with the inscription of a city you know. Your heart started beating faster and you couldn't suppress a smile in anticipation. Soon you will see him again, a sweet shy boy. Although now it will probably be a guy, after all, it's been almost twelve years. This figure was almost painful.
The Texas landscape flowed like a soft canvas on the other side of the window, the sun mercilessly burned his eyes, refracting through the glass. It was hot and stuffy. You're lucky to get into one of the hottest periods in Texas. This place has changed somewhat, although it remains the same as you remembered it. The once small plantings have now turned into real tall trees, although they did not save much from the sultry sun. The wheels of the car turned quickly on turns with an unpleasant sound, raising a cloud of dust behind them. Jessica's boyfriend, Tim, apparently loved playing racer very much, even on the main state road.
By all the laws of luck, Tim abruptly informed you that you were running out of gas. There was a gas station nearby. You entered a small diner next to the gas station, and your heart instantly warmed up. It was that sweet woman, Thomas's mom. Luda-May, isn't that right?
"Hello, Luda," you say with a slight smile, approaching the cash register. The woman looks up at you with a frown, peering at your appearance for a few seconds. Finally, recognition seemed to flash across her face.
"Y/N?" She asks dryly, her voice a little rougher than what you remember from childhood. You nod in response. A warm smile appears on Mrs. Hewitt's face and she hurries out from behind the counter, wrapping you in a gentle, almost maternal embrace. "God, girl.. I never thought I'd see you again. You've grown up so much."
"I'm so sorry that I left so quickly. It was my parents' idea, not mine."
"I understand, honey, don't worry. We've all missed you. Especially Tommy."
The mere mention of his name makes your heart ache. Tommy... You haven't seen him for so long. Your heart yearned for those beloved cornflower blue eyes. You reluctantly pull away from the cozy embrace of Luda, your hand reflexively reaches for your hair, removing a stray strand from your face when you understand the look at a woman.
"You still live there, don't you? Can I see him?"
"Of course, my girl. I've just finished. Hoyt should be arriving soon."
Hoyt? Your brain was carefully trying to find at least one mention of that name in your memory, but nothing came to mind. Strange. Although it may be one of their relatives or friends, after all, you haven't been here for too long, it couldn't have stayed the same, could it?
What was your surprise when that Hoyt turned out to be old Charlie. Although his appearance was now quite pretentious: sheriff's clothes, hat and badge. Something was wrong. This man has been lazy all his life, he could not suddenly decide to go to work in a place related to healthcare. But you chose to remain silent. Hoyt didn't seem to recognize you. When he saw your friends, he invited them to go with them, saying that he had a can of gasoline at home.
"Take the guys, and then you'll come for us. I don't think the sheriff's car can hold that many people," Luda intervened, grabbing your arm protectively. It's got you a little stressed out. Although there was some truth in her words. Five former students came with you, all of them obviously wouldn't have gotten into Charlie's car. The man wanted to say something, but gave up, nodding to the woman.
And so they left. All that time, Luda was asking about your life, enjoying listening to stories from college. She was more interested in this than your own parents. And now Hoyt is back. He was in high spirits. You got to the Hewitt house safely. As a child, as now, the building was still huge for you. Luda carefully led you into the kitchen, offering you tea. God, you've missed this place.
"Tommy! Come here, we have guests," Luda shouted and you heard hurried rustles and heavy footsteps from the basement.
It made you tense up a little bit. Finally, a couple of minutes later, a tall man, the size of an entire closet, entered the kitchen. Your blood turned cold. You slowly looked up. A long, tall body, wavy dark hair and a leather mask on his face. He frowns down at you, seeming to evaluate you with his cold blue eyes.
"Tommy?" As if nothing had happened, Luda-Mae asks in a cheerful voice, "Do you remember Y/N?"
It seemed that at that moment the gears were turning in his head. You needed time to think about it too. Was this huge man Thomas? No, of course, Tommy was a bit of a big kid as a kid, but he was still quite small. The only thing that attracted attention was his bandage on his face. Now it has been replaced by a strange leather mask.
You didn't even have time to think, as careful footsteps were heard from the basement. It seemed, but Tommy and none of the People were found at first. And Tim appeared behind Thomas. God, he was covered in blood and his back was bleeding. Your face is filled with pure horror. And that gave Tim away. Thomas notices your fear and turns around, immediately grabbing Tim roughly and dragging him back to the basement. Your brain screamed like a hunted animal that you needed to get out of here and urgently. Something has happened to this family, something bad, since they communicate with other people like that. But as soon as you tried to run to the exit, at that moment you were hit by something heavy on the back of the head.
His heart ached for you. You were the first person who ever showed him kindness in your life, and now you will surely be afraid of him. God, he wouldn't want to see fear in your beautiful eyes when you're afraid of him. His body was filled with an unpleasant feeling of disappointment and pain. He didn't want that, really. But he wanted to keep you by his side, he didn't want to let you go again. And he didn't want you to hurt the family. So now he was gently wiping the remnants of blood from your beautiful face, tucking stray strands of hair behind your ear. You were still as beautiful, his heart began to beat faster, as it did when he was a child. He saw that toy in your friends' car, you kept it all these years. Thomas couldn't help but smile. Maybe you loved him too? Not now, not after what he did.
The following days were a blur. Your head ached, and an unpleasant heaviness tightened your neck. They put you on a chain. Thomas or Luda would check on you from time to time, Luda would just leave food, and Thomas would just sit on the bed next to you and just look at you. Sometimes he would try to touch you, but you would instantly jump aside like a wounded animal. Thomas's heart ached painfully in his chest. Although.. He deserved it, didn't he? All his life he was looked at with disgust or fear. But he didn't care about those people. All these simple passers-by or victims were just empty meat. But you were afraid of him now. He couldn't stand your gaze, full of fear for your life, so he left the room every time, unable to look in your eyes.
The days slowly followed each other. You were still afraid. But there was something else. Whenever Thomas enters the room, your eyes involuntarily glided over his big strong body. You wanted to snuggle up to him, find comfort in his arms. But there was a part of you that knew it was wrong. They killed people, they killed your friends. They chained you up and kept you here like some kind of dog. And yet your body was begging for his warmth, just like when you were a child.
What was Thomas's surprise when the next time he came into the room, you crawled closer to him, asking for a hug. Your arms clumsily wrapped around his body. Thomas blushed instantly. His heart felt so good. He gently grabbed you by the hips, putting you on his lap, and hugging your fragile body with his strong arms. He buried his nose in your hair. How he missed that feeling. His brain was filled with the scent of your skin. Thomas let out a relieved whimper as you began to gently run your fingers through his tangled hair.
He never left you, he won't let you go into this cruel world again. He will protect you with all his heart. His sweet girl.
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Brahms Heelshire
"Now I've won," the man says in a hoarse voice through his cracked porcelain mask with a doll's face.
He was breathing heavily, hanging over you, his left hand pressed against the wall behind you, while the other reached out to your face, gently stroking.
"Still beautiful," he whispers, caressing your chin with his thumb, tracing your lower lip with his fingernail. Your heart was pounding wildly, you shrank under the man's gaze like a frightened animal. His movements were rough, but his touch seemed almost gentle, as if he didn't want to disrupt this moment or harm your fragile being. His breathing was loud and heavy because of the mask, and the skin under his eyes was slightly reddened. And those eyes. Those warm eyes are the color of pure amber under the bright sun. They looked at you with extraordinary affection and humility. You could recognize those eyes out of a thousand. Like back then, fifteen years ago.
You nervously clutched the steering wheel rim with your right hand, counting the turns. Not so long ago, you managed to get a new job, and who would have thought that this job would be in your childhood home. Or rather, your friend. They always treated you like their own child, so they gave you this job without any problems.
The weather was clear, it was only the beginning of autumn. Some of the trees have already turned golden, their leaves rustling unobtrusively. The sky was clear, without a single cloud, so the sun shone brightly through the windshield of your car. It seemed that nothing could spoil your return to your childhood home.
Your heart was beating fast in your chest. The mind was filled with thousands of pleasant memories of your past together and children's laughter. You missed Brahms so much. It's been a long time since you've seen him.
Finally, after a couple of long hours, you arrived at the Hilsher estate. It remained the same. Obviously, Mr. Heelshire was still carefully tending the garden, growing his wife's favorite flowers. You stopped right next to the driveway, the wheels moving pleasantly on the gravel. After getting out of the car, you went inside without thinking twice. The greenery of this place has always been striking in its beauty, it seemed that no seasons had power over this place, the forests of the estate still gave pleasure with their emerald color and the coolness of the dense grove.
You were met at the very door by Mrs. Heelshire. She has changed a lot since your last visit, of course, the years take their toll. Her eyes were a little red and tired, and there were small bruises under them. Her face was unusually pale and her hair was gray, but not as when it happens from age, but when a person goes through a lot of life difficulties and faces stress.
"Honey, I haven't seen you for so long," the woman said smiling, wrapping you in a warm embrace. Her hugs were pleasant, but strangely nervous, "We were surprised when we received your candidacy for this job."
"I just really wanted to come back. My parents wouldn't let me go just like that."
"And for good reason," the woman mutters to herself, immediately turning to face you with a warm smile, "We always want only the best for you, my girl, don't hold a grudge against us."
Her words strain you a little, but you attribute it to her slight excitement before the long-awaited vacation. After all, for as long as you can remember, Mrs. Heelshire has always been a caring and hardworking woman, she didn't know the word 'rest'.
After ten tedious minutes, Mrs. Heelshire explains to you the set of rules and your responsibilities. It seemed like she was trying in a hurry to tell you everything at once. Her eyes were constantly darting around the walls of the house.
And now you're alone. Taking care of the doll was not so difficult. Although you still didn't understand why the doll had the name of your childhood best friend. No one's parents told you what happened to Brahms, you just moved in a couple of days before his birthday. You didn't even have time to give him the gift you made with your own hands. Years later, you felt guilty about it. But now, that feeling seemed to be gone. It feels like you're finally in your place. You're home.
It happened two weeks after your arrival at the manor. As usual, you were sorting out the groceries that Malcolm brought while the man was standing next to you, leaning against the doorjamb. He was watching you carefully, talking about something. To be honest, you've noticed for a long time how ambiguously he looks at you. All those jokes, compliments, touches and glances. He was flirting with you. But you could definitely tell that he wasn't your type. Damn it, he was overconfident. But in a relationship, you wanted to 'be at the helm', you wanted a guy with character, but definitely obedient. And Malcolm definitely didn't fit that description.
"..hey, can you leave this doll after all? Let's go to my place. I'll show you a lot of interesting things," he says with a sly grin, taking a few steps closer.
"The Heelshirs left me here for a reason, I don't want to undermine their trust."
"Come on, do you really want to spend the rest of your life in a house with just this doll?" The guy purrs, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his nose in your neck. You are annoyed by his behavior and you step on Malcolm's foot with force. He hisses and quickly pulls away. "Fuck, are you stupid?"
"Watch your mouth, boy."
Malcolm tenses up. He hears rapid rustling in the walls, his eyes darting around the room.
"The hell with you," he finally gives up. Malcolm grabs the empty boxes and leaves the house, slamming the door behind him. You're relieved. He seems to be a man, but he behaves like a scared boy.
"Y/N.. Did he hurt you?" A small child's voice comes from somewhere in the hallway. You flinch a little. You knew that voice. Brahms. True, his voice was a little different in childhood, now it was quieter and plaintive. You quickly close the refrigerator and slowly walk towards the source of the sound.
"Who's here? Brahms?"
It all happened too fast. At first, you were driven by interest with a little bit of fear. In an instant, you saw a tall, broad figure towering over you by a good two heads. You were scared. You ran away, hoping to hide from a stranger. And one day you were pinned against the wall by a muscular figure.
"Y/N, don't be afraid... I didn't mean to scare you." A child's voice mumbles plaintively. You look into those hazel eyes and your heart sinks.
"Brahms?" In response, the man only reaches out to your face, gently caressing your cheek.
"Now I've won." His voice changes. Instead of a child's voice, a low, hoarse voice now caresses your ears. You feel electricity running down your spine, you instinctively squeeze your hips.
Your hands reach for the porcelain mask, but Brahms abruptly pulls away. He shakes his head negatively. He didn't want you to see his face. He doesn't want you to be scared. He doesn't want you to leave him like the others.
"Come on, Brahms. You're a good boy. Didn't you love kissing?" You speak with a slight smile. A long-drawn-out whine comes from under the mask. He nods briefly. You lift the edge of the mask, covering his hot lips with your own. Brahms's movements are fast and assertive, he bites your lips, squeezing your waist in his hands. He missed you so much.
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chrissdollie · 5 months
♡.˚ ୨୧ 。˚ ♡.˚ eyes wide open
♡ summary: doing a bikini car wash was a lot easier than expected.. until your crush shows up ♡ warnings/notes: suggestive, matt sturniolo x reader, reader & matt are in hs, cursing ♡ wc: 945
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you finished writing "CAR WASH FOR CHARITY" on your cardboard sign, putting the cap on the sharpie. the sun shines directly onto you and a small group of your girlfriends from school. one of your teachers encouraged everyone to find ways to gain money to donate to any charity of the school's choosing for extra credit in his class. so you and your group of friends decided a bikini car wash would be best.
"okay, donee!" you notify the girls while adjusting your pink bikini top. "oh god, it's already so hot." a girl fanned herself with her hand with sweat starting to moisten her very exposed body. you chuckle before reaching into your tiny purse that sat on your friend's car hood and pulling out lipgloss. seeing someone pull up, you quickly swipe a decent amount on your lips and grab the sponges.
everyone decided earlier that you should be the one to greet the customers since you're obviously the sweetest girl here. you strut up to the driver's side, your tits bouncing as you walk. the driver rolls down his window and you recognize him to be someone from your school. "hiya, jeremiah!" you wave with an inviting smile spread across your face, also nodding towards his friend in the passenger seat. he shamelessly eyes you up and down, not bothering to refrain himself. his buddy hits his arm, shaking his head with widened eyes. jeremiah rolls his. "shut up, i'm paying for this shit, may as well enjoy it."
about two hours have gone by, but thankfully it's still early! you girls sat on each others cars for your lunch break, munching and discussing the people who've come by. "yuck, that guy was seriously messed up, probably drunk." a girl scrunched up her nose. your close friend's eyes brightened, turning to you unexpectantly. "on a completely unrelated note, matt told nate who told jason who told madi who told me that he's coming by in the afternoon!" she squeals, shaking your arm excitedly. the other girls gasp and join in on the squealing, hyping you up.
a small smile creeps onto your lips, however, you're insanely nervous. your once silly little crush had fully blossomed into large and heavy feelings for the boy. last year, you would've probably jumped for joy and stripped naked so he'd notice you. you remind yourself that you're doing this for a good cause and extra credit. this is fine!
you wipe the sweat dripping from your neck when you hear an engine running. you turn around and see the vehicle your friends were just talking about. how very cliche. you throw the rest of your lunch out, walking up to the window. the face you'll never get tired of looking at blinks back at you once the window was halfway rolled down. "hey, n/n."
you smile toothily, "heyy matt! hi chris." you greet and the boy waves back with a smug grin. you hold your hands behind your back, lightly swinging back and forth. "i didn't know you guys were coming..!"
matt rolls his eyes. "fuckin' chris wanted to come." chris shoves his arm before muttering something under his breath with a sly smirk on his face. the boy scoffs in return, turning back to you. "we'll take the deluxe." he hands you the money and with that, you call over the girls.
like the other customers, your friends didn't hold back on rubbing their tits against the windows to earn cash tips. however, this time it was different because unlike the other guys, matt's eyes didn't scan every single inch of their bodies. you nervously scrub the car as you try to keep his gaze on you. under normal circumstances, you probably would've kept from showing off your body to matt. you were too shy for that anyhow. you still feel nervous, and even more so as bold thoughts flood your brain. ehhh fuck it, why not?
you confidently bring the sponge off the vehicle, raising it just under your neck. you squeeze it, bubbles and soapy liquid gushing out and trickling down the valley of your breasts. matt watches it fall to your stomach and down your thighs. he swallows, looking away before he gets hard-- that'd be embarrassing. but you're embarrassed too, you immediately regret your bold decision. especially when some of the girls cheer you on. matt looks back up, still looking at you. you bite your lip, moving closer to the car to finish cleaning.
once the car is fully rinsed, matt hands you a tip of $20. your eyes widen. "oh wow!" you giggle, bouncing on your heels, your tits jiggling. (matt has to clear his throat and look away). "thanks so much! so, um.. i'll see you around." you innocently smile as if you're not standing in front of him showing off most of your body. matt almost wishes he could stay just to keep watch of you so nobody tries anything with a sweet girl like you. "oorrr.. you can stay. only if you want!" you exclaim, biting the inside of your cheek shyly. he chuckles in response, bringing up a finger. he motions towards himself for you to come closer. you lean down, head slightly peeking in the open window.
"i'm gonna drop off chris, babe. i'll be back." he kisses your cheek with a pink face before winking and putting the car in reverse. you nod, bewildered and your mouth a little open. you step back and wave to chris whose clapping and you hear him say, "damnn, when did you grow a pair??" matt rolls his eyes and smiles at you before pulling out.
shitty ending mb :C tags! <3 (mentioning @emmastvrn bc u commented on the post hehe) @sturn777 @stargirlsturniololover @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee @freshsturns @emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668
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kelppsstuff · 7 months
Hi. I really like your works, you amazing writer so i had this silly idea in my head for a while and wanted to request Adam x reader who is Lucifer's little sister. Like she is kind, patient, a little shy (blushes if you compliment her etc.) and very loving angel. She is very close to her brother and he loves her very much but after meeting Lilith they start to spend less and less time together. After finding out that her big brother "stole" first man's wife, she feels bad for Adam and wants to keep him company (after all, she knows that he is problably feels lonely just like she is). Two quickly become friends and eventually starts dating. She is afraid to tell Adam that she is Lucifer's sister thinking that he would hate her for it and abandons her (obviously he is not, but whrerever), but eventually he finds out thanks to Lucifer who is worried about his baby sister who spends too much time with Adam behind his back and confronts his sister boyfriend (I feel like he woud said something like : "Hey! Keep your hads off my sister!" "What?! Sister?!"
I teally hope this is not too much, again I so sorry if it is. If not in a mood for or its too much I understand. Don't push yourself too hard. You amazing writer! Take care!
“Say what now?”
Warnings: none
Taglist: @adamsfavoritesinner @fandomsbookclub @leathesimp @michellesn @sashaphantomhive @ladyninggs @sirenetheblogger
Adam x lucifer sister
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You and Lucifer were the closest siblings that could ever be. For a while you didn’t think you two could ever be torn apart. However that changed.
From the dust of the Earth the first two humans were made. Adam and Lilith.
You saw the way your brother’s eyes lit up as he saw Lilith be created. You could practically see the hearts in his eyes.
It started small, Lucifer would go on and on about the first woman. Then he would miss your plan events together. Then soon he would completely ditch you for the woman he had grown to love.
Rumors of your brother new relationship had flown all around heaven. How he stole the first man wife. It had made you feel pity for Adam.
You had decided to just take a peek at what was really so special about these humans. That’s when you saw Adam petting a golden flying animal that had flown onto his hand. He was alone.
“I’ll call you a bird.”
You heard his voice and then you slightly understood Lucifer’s starstruck gaze as you shared the same one. Staring at Adam.
It had become a habit that you would often look after Adam. It wasn’t long until he had noticed.
“You can come out you know?” He was staring into the lake but he could feel your eyes. Watching him, always watching him.
You knew the gig was up as you sighed. You had thought you’d been more discreet. “I didn’t mean to intrude.” You spoke softly, embarrassed.
Adam felt heat running to his cheeks at your kind voice. The opposite of Lilith’s. You had inviting (E/C) eyes, and delectable lips.
“Who are you?” The only people or angels Adam had come across was Lilith and Sera. He heard of Lucifer, but he hadn’t even seen him.
“I’m (Y/N). An angel!” Adam head tilted. “I thought Sera was the angel to interact with me. Why are you following me?”
So many questions. Granted they were good ones. “I’m a guardian angel!” You rushed out panicking. You hadn’t want to tell him the true reason for your watchful eyes, that you were Lucifer’s sister.
“Oh okay.” So naive Adam was. So trusting of you, it had made you feel guilty.
You didn’t feel guilty enough to confess your relationship to Lucifer.
You would listen contently as Adam would complain about Lilith and her new spouse.
In the menace of talking Adam had two animals floating in the lake. “Look at those!” He pushed your head to the white and gold animals.
“A duck. That’s the gold one.” Adam had got to name all the animals. Every angel made one and Adam would name it. “Lucifer created that.” It had slipped out as you thought of your brother. Missing the times he would gush about his animal that had yet to be named.
“Whatever. That white one, what do you want to name it?” You looked to Adam quickly eyes widened. That was his job. “You know that’s against the rules.” You hushed out.
“Not entirely. You’re just giving me an idea that I’m taking.”
You looked back to the animal you had created. A smile forming on your face. You had never been given a choice. “A swan.”
Adam looked at you with a smile that made you melt and eyes that made you feel warm. That’s when you knew.
Why Lucifer ditched you.
Why he went after Lilith.
Why he would always talk about her.
Why he always wanted to be with her.
He loved her.
And as you looked at Adam you knew you loved him. Entirely. He was him and you love him.
Adam too had started to grow a crush on you. You were kind, listen to him, cared for him. You even had a bit of spitfire that Adam had grown fond of.
So when you confessed your feelings Adam had accepted them. He would say he loved you. Adam never really felt love, but he did deeply care for you.
The two of you had started to grow closer and closer and overtime, it be rare for you two to be apart.
Lucifer had went to check up on you only to find you gone. He immediately panicked. You never left without him.
He searched all of heaven. The only place left was the garden of Eden. He felt his chest tighten at the possibility that Adam would do something to you.
However what Lucifer saw was the complete opposite. There the two of you were laying down laughing with each other. That did nothing to stop Lucifer brotherly worry.
“Get the hell away from her!”
He had shouted and grabbed your arm, pulling you to him. Adam felt a slight sense of panic. A man was trying to take someone away from him — again.
“What the? Hey what’s the deal?!” Adam had questioned, voice filled with confusion.
“Keep your hands off my sister.” You felt fear lie in your stomach. Your brother had just told the man the secret you kept from him.
“Say what now?” Adam at first didn’t believe it. Not once did you mention a brother. You told him you had no siblings. “Who are you?”
“Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar.”
You could feel tears prick your eyes. Adam looked at you with utter betrayal. He had been hurt -/ he had a right to be hurt — and you caused him that pain.
“Adam wait please let me explain.” You had begged. Adam only shook his head. “Don’t. Just go back to heaven.” Adam needed a moment. He needed to think.
He still cared for you. He still wanted to be with you, but how could he? What else have you been lying about? Did you actually love him?
Lucifer had dragged you back to heaven. Forbidding you to ever see him again. Adam was trouble according to him.
“You can’t keep me here! Away from him!”
Lucifer knew he couldn’t and fear struck. He went to Sera and proposed a new idea to her. Give Adam a new bride.
“Humans need population and if Adam and Lilith won’t, the surely a new woman couldn’t hurt?”
If Adam had a new bride he want nothing to do with you. Lucifer wouldn’t have to worry about your heart being crushed.
The sad truth however was that he had crushed his sisters heart.
He saw your heart break and immediately regretted his actions. He had caused his sister so much pain.
He heard you cry your heart out. Begging Sera to just let you have a chance with Adam. He remembers when he was the one — begging for Lilith — he remembered the relief of her saying yes. You had no such relief.
Lucifer watched as Sera said the final no. He watched as the joy, and love, the life drain from your eyes.
What had he done?
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a flight with me?” Lucifer had asked you.
You had loved your brother dearly, you couldn’t find it in you to say no to him. “Fine.”
You slugged out of bed and went on a flight all around the earth. The oceans water hitting your face. The air flowing your hair like crazy.
You had eventually flown over the garden. Like instinct you dropped to the trees. Returning to that old habit of yours.
You watched as Eve kissed Adam and Adam had kissed her back. Those lips that use to kiss you.
You turned away and Lucifer immediately hugged you. Knowing your pain. A pain he hadn’t wished upon you.
“It’ll be okay.”
When Lucifer reveled to be your brother, shock was the first emotion Adam felt. Then was the betrayal. Then the anger. Then the sadness.
He just couldn’t figure out why you would lie? Until one day a pebble hit him in the head (from a swan no less). You had lie in fear.
Why hadn’t he noticed it before? Obviously you lied cause you didn’t think he would still care for you. And he went ahead and made you think you were right. Of course he would always care for you.
He went over to the swan and started to pet it. Missing you. Wishing you were there with him.
He remembers when he let you name the creature. The look you gave him. The feeling he felt in his chest when you stared up at with pure adoration and love. Love. Love.
Holy shit he loves you.
A big smile flew onto his face as he hugged the swan. He loves you, and you love him back. You two would be okay. You just had to come back and see him.
Overtime you hadn’t came back and Adam cursed himself for sending you away.
A voice called out to him as he petted his swan. “Adam.” He looked up to the woman. He hadn’t recognized her at all. “Do I know you?”
“I’m your new bride, made from your rib.”
Adam felt horrified. No that was wrong. He wanted you to be his bride. He wanted you. He loved you. He couldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t.
“I think you got the wrong Adam lady.” He continued to pet his swan. “I’m spoke for.”
Sera flew down and backed Eve up. “She’s right Adam. Eve is to be your new bride.”
“But I love someone else!”
“You are forbidden to be with her.”
Adam felt tears of frustration come to his eyes. Tears of pure anger. “So Lilith can run off with Lucifer and I can’t be with his sister?!”
In the end Sera force was final. Eve is to be wedded to Adam and he couldn’t stop it.
“Ow, that swan just nipped me.” Eve spoke, hurt lacing her voice. Silently Adam praised the Swan.
Ironically the Swan hated when Eve would try and touch Adam. Adam never went anywhere without that swan as well. As you can see quite the problem in gave Eve.
It was one of those rare time the swan was with her lover rather than Adam. Eve took this opportunity. “You know we’ve yet to kiss.”
Good let’s keep it that way.
Adam silently thought. Though he knew eventually he would have too. Adam rolled his eyes and placed his lips on hers.
The kiss was meaningless. It lacked any emotion. And when he was done Adam walked away, rubbing his mouth. He only wanted you.
Lucifer knew you weren’t going to be truly happy without Adam. He expressed his concern to Lilith. She was the one who gave him the idea of the apple.
If they had free will, Adam could choose you.
So Lilith and Lucifer had offered Eve an apple. Eve ate the tasty fruit and begged Adam to try. Adam rolled his eyes and took the apple.
He looked to the swan as he took a bite, and suddenly he looked to Eve. Why was he with her.
He didn’t want to be with her. He wanted you, and he bloody well intends to have you.
The heavens were enraged with Lucifer’s acts, and the three humans temptations. The banished Adam and Eve.
You cried as you held onto Lucifer. You knew you couldn’t hold on forever, but if he left you truly would be alone.
“Please don’t leave me big brother. I love you so much.”
Lucifer too was crying as he told his sorries to you. He kissed your forehead and was banished from heaven, never to return.
You had became heartless.
When Adam joined you in heaven he was surprised by the void in your eyes.
For the first few years you had beloved Adam to be a fake. You couldn’t believe after all this time you weren’t alone anymore.
It took honestly centuries for you to fully open up to Adam.
“I miss my brother.” Your voice broke and Adam swore to you that you would see him again.
Adam didn’t care if he wasn’t fond of your brother, he would find away if it made you happy. And find away he did.
He saw an opportunity and took it. He suggest a yearly extermination.
So every year during the extermination and would give you a kiss as you flew off to be with you brother. And every year you’d cry when you had to go back.
However eventually with Charlie’s new Hazbin hotel you could cost more often.
Adam gave Charlie the go ahead as long as you specifically could go down there once a week to monitor it.
You were finally happy, and no longer alone as you helped Lucifer repair his relationship with Charlie.
Ahhhh, omg I really really hope you liked this, and thank you so much for saying those kind things!
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beenbaanbuun · 6 months
late w/ poly seongsang
“finally decided to show up, then?” you hear immediately as you throw the door to the apartment open. you should’ve known the two of them would be waiting up for you, seemingly unable to do anything within you by their side. its funny really; despite the anger that simmers through the living space like a pot waiting to overflow, they still want you there.
“i was busy running errands,” you start to say at the same time seonghwa mumbles a soft ‘yeo,’ and you can’t help but pause. seonghwa had arguably been the more hurt out of the two, and yet his gentle disposition always leads him to forgiveness first. you clear your throat as you gesture for seonghwa to continue. whatever he has to say is probably more productive than the sarcasm you were about to drop.
“yeosang,” he repeats, ever so slightly tilting his head to face the other man. you slide the door shut as quietly as possible, although you’re not sure why. perhaps you don’t want to cause any more disruptions to the peace, not that there’s much of that left, “i thought we agreed to be nice.”
yeosang scoffs before slamming the bills that he was counting down onto the chest beside him. you flinch at the loud noise as it echos around the van “no, hwa-hyung,” he spits, “you agreed to be nice. i said i was going to teach our girl a lesson.”
the smirk on his lips causes your breath to hitch. it’s a look you’re familiar with and you can’t help but shy away from it. the last time he looked at you that way was when you’d hit on yeosang’s opponent as a way to distract him. it had worked, obviously, but that wasn’t the point. it had hurt seonghwa’s pride to know that half of the reason he won the race was because of your distractions, and it had hurt yeosang that you hadn’t discussed the plan with him before you executed it. it had hurt them both to see them hanging off another man’s arm, cooing at his every word. it’s safe to say yeosang had made sure it wouldn’t be a recurring issue.
“i don’t think she meant to be late to the race, sangie” the taller of the two coos, trying his hardest to squash the issue before yeosang could take it any further, “we had her up late last night. poor thing must be tired!”
“yeah?” yeosang cocks a brow as he answers his elder, although his gaze never leaves your own, “well, the ‘poor thing’ in question didn’t seem to be complaining when we had her bent over the hood of your car until god knows what hour, did she?”
you flush at the memories of last night, but soon shake them loose when you realise that it won’t be of any help to your current situation.
“besides, you know just as well as i do that the little slut loves it when i’m a little mean,” he pats one of his deliciously spread thighs, and you, being as well trained as you are, begin to shuffle closer. you reach him, probably not as quickly as he would’ve liked, and kneel down between his spread legs. your gaze hits the floor immediately, “perhaps if you weren’t so soft, hwa-hyung, she’d listen to you when you ask her to be on time.”
seonghwa sighs from behind you, but doesn’t say a word to argue. he knows as well as you do that you can get away with murder with him.
maybe you did intentionally forgot to set an alarm this morning, and maybe you had ‘slept through’ their attempts to wake you up before heading to the track, but it was only because you knew seonghwa wouldn’t do anything. perhaps if you were thinking a little harder this morning you would’ve known that where hwa wouldn’t punish you, yeosang would.
as they saying goes, hindsight is a wonderful thing.
“well, do what you need to do,” seonghwa sighs as he grabs his abandoned book from the floor and moves until his back is flat against the arm of the sofa, “just try not to be too loud; this book is finally getting good.”
before you can let your jaw drop at how easily seonghwa is to pass you over to yeosang and leave you at the mercy of his evil schemes, theres a hand clamping it closed. it wraps firmly around your jaw, fingers digging into your cheeks to make your lips jut out in a pout. you know there’s no use resisting as he tilts your head until you’re looking him dead in the eyes. there’s a twinkle behind them telling you you he’s going to thoroughly enjoy taking you down a few pegs.
“you know,” he starts, “if it was just the case of being late this morning, this wouldn’t be happening. if you’d just apologised to our beloved seonghwa and accepted that you’d upset him, i would’ve let you off the hook.”
he shifts one of the fingers that rests on your jaw, bringing it to your lips and slipping it between them with a warning of, ‘no biting,’ as he pushes down on your tongue. spit pools around the digit but you’re not able to swallow it down. you have no choice but to stare at him with wide eyes as he plays with your mouth like a toy.
“but then you had to argue and storm out of here like a little brat,” he curls his finger, hooking it over your lower teeth and tugs you closer by your jaw until your nose is almost touching his crotch, “do you even know how worried we were? even with all that anger?” he scoffs as he pushes your face back with force. the fingers around your jaw loosen, and the one on your tongue slips free. you think you’re in the clear, until you feel them curl around your neck. you go to take in a breath, but as you do, his fingers squeeze the sides. your breath stutters, “were you even thinking about us when you were off doing fuck knows what? did you even stop and think for a second that maybe walking around alone in the dark would just make us worry?”
and you have to admit, the answer is no. you were too angry to think about them for longer than a few seconds. now, as you’re surrounded by your two lovers, you realise that your anger wasn’t even placed at them. in fact the only feeling you felt so strongly towards them was guilt; the anger was mostly towards yourself. you didn’t even need to wonder why; the list from today alone was too long to count.
“i just needed some fresh air,” you whimper as you squirm against the hand on your neck, “needed to think straight. i’m sorry now, i am!”
the grip he has on your neck loosens a little as watches you beg for his forgiveness. if he feels a little pang of adoration shoot through his heart as he watches your eyes gloss over with unshed tears, that’s for him to know. it’s so easy for him to see why seonghwa is so gentle with you all the time when you look so fragile, but someone has to put you in your place when you’re bad. if it’s not going to be seonghwa, then it has to be him.
he quickly mends the small cracks of sympathy in his heart before diving back in, tightening his hand once more around your neck. you whine, but this time yeosang holds his feelings back with a cruel smirk.
“oh, you’re sorry are you?” he condescends with a fake pout, “should’ve thought about that earlier, little one. now you’d better get to work. you know forgiveness comes hand in hand with repentance…”
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
Play Date
Wandanat x human pet!fem!reader
Summary: Wanda and Natasha have been looking for a pet for some time, but they've had no luck until they meet you, will you be a good fit for their lives?
Word Count: 585
Warnings: 18+ due to themes, MDNI, heavy pet play, human pets, abuse, violence, hurt/comfort
Authors notes: These two are so cute!
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A few weeks after the welcoming party, Wanda and Natasha decided to arrange a playdate with Agatha and her bunny, Scratchy. You were excited but a bit nervous. Scratchy had been shy and quiet at the party, and you hoped to make a new friend.
Wanda prepped you for the playdate, giving you a quick brush and dressing you in a cute little outfit. Natasha chuckled as she watched Wanda fuss over you. "You're going to have a great time, Bumble. Just be yourself," Natasha said, giving you a reassuring pat. You nodded your head, tail wagging slightly.
When Agatha and Scratchy finally arrived, you felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. You were bouncing on your toes while Scratchy, a petite Holland lop bunny hybrid with soft lop ears and a twitching nose, she stood close to Agatha, her large eyes taking in her surroundings cautiously.
Wanda and Agatha greeted each other warmly, and soon the two of them were chatting away, leaving you and Scratchy to get acquainted.
You approached Scratchy slowly, giving her a friendly wag of your tail. She looked at you with wide eyes, her nose twitching as she sniffed the air. To break the ice, you grabbed one of your favorite toys—a soft, squeaky ball—and placed it in front of her. Scratchy hesitated for a moment before tentatively picking up the ball and giving it a gentle squeeze. The squeak made her jump slightly, but she quickly relaxed and even smiled a little.
The two of you started playing, taking turns with the ball and chasing each other around the yard. Scratchy's shyness began to melt away as she got more comfortable, and you found yourself enjoying her company. While you had your tail wags, Scratchy had these little thump jumps you later found out were called binkies.
Wanda, Natasha, and Agatha watched from a distance, their conversation occasionally punctuated with laughter as they saw you and Scratchy having fun. The bond you were forming felt natural and comforting.
After a while, you both needed a break and sat down on the grass, panting lightly from all the running around. Scratchy looked at you with a smile, and you wagged your tail happily in response.
As the playdate continued, you and Scratchy explored the yard, shared moments of quiet companionship, and even took a nap under the shade of a tree. You nuzzled into her, your cheeks brushing and little licks from each other as you settled in. The bond you were forming felt natural and comforting.
When it was time for Agatha and Scratchy to leave, you felt a twinge of sadness but also a sense of contentment. You had made a new friend, and you knew there would be more playdates in the future. Though you still bit onto Scratchy’s shirt with your teeth, pulling back and not wanting to let go as you whined at your Mommy. She coerced you with treats to let go, but Scratchy still gave you many licks which you reciprocated.
Wanda and Natasha both praised you for being such a good host, and Wanda gave you a big hug. "You did great today, Bumble," she said, her voice full of pride.
Natasha nodded in agreement. "Looks like you and Scratchy are going to be good friends."
You felt a warm glow inside, knowing that you now had a new friend to share your adventures with. The playdate had been a success, and you couldn't wait for the next one.
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(Hazbin Hotel) I got a (hopefully fun) challenge for you! How about a little scenario, headcannons, or heck, just a series of funny interactions with the following idea- Its about a shy!reader who gets super bubbly and fun when they are around people they know, but gets really quiet and introverted around people they don't. You know, the type of person where they take awhile to get out of their shell but once they do they are a HOOT. Anyway, the reader is friends with Charlie who ADORES them and loves hanging out with them. When Lucifer moves into the hotel, he quickly gets enamored with the reader, seeing them interact with his daughter and how fun they seem to be... the problem is, whenever Lucifer goes to talk/interact with them, the reader's shyness kicks in and they immediately clam up and start practically hiding behind Charlie.
I thought this would be a funny idea to play around with because Lucifer already has trouble talking to people as it is and now you have TWO losers who cant talk to anyone! :D
Someone New~
Lucifer x Reader
(Okay, so these are little scenarios based on the first meetings; they all lead up to Lucifer at the end, though. Plus, a little happy ending blurb)
Charlie: You were really quiet when you first met Charlie. You wanted to give friendship with her a shot, though, seeing as she could be the path to redemption. However, the fear of being perceived and messing up was sometimes too much. However, Charlie worked hard to help you come out of your shell. Starting with just using herself, she got you to warm up to her gently. Soon, she was your favorite person to talk to, and you couldn’t help but laugh and have a good time. As she added more people to your crew of Sinners, you trusted her judgment and let her help you open up. 
Whenever her father called to check on her, though, you would immediately clam up. You figured that with how nice and sweet Charlie was, her father had to be the same, but he was also the big boss of hell. Anytime Charlie handed the phone to you so you could say something, you would just squeak and run away from it. You didn’t mean to come off as rude; you just couldn’t imagine having a conversation on any level with the Lucifer King of Hell.
Vaggie: When Charlie found Vaggie and introduced you two, it was awkward, to say the least. Vaggie was entirely reserved, and you hid behind Charlie like a puppy would. As time passed and you overheard more conversations between Vaggie and Charlie, you grew more used to the girl. You were the first person informed about their relationship, which made you so happy for them. As you got used to having Vaggie around, she taught you how to fight in case you were ever caught up in another extermination or even on the streets of hell. Something you would always be very grateful for, especially when Adam came down.
The only time you couldn't be around Vaggie was when she was discussing plans with Lucifer about the hotel. Anytime Vaggie calls, texts, or speaks to him in person, you would be right back glued to Charlie's side or whoever was the farthest away. You had no vendetta against the Fallen Angel. He was just so powerful and imposing. You didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him.
Angel: You grew close to Angel the fastest. Something about his attitude and fluid personality was so calming and yet also chaotic. You needed your time to process his flirtatious jokes and advances. That was one thing you were never fully prepared for. However, Angel was really kind and knew that when it was just you two alone, he didn’t need to go all that far with you. You were just a shy, innocent one, and he could respect your boundary as long as he could be his masked self in front of the others. Angel was also the first person to bring up your fear of Lucifer. Any time Angel decided to talk about Lucifer, you would close off and retreat in yourself again. Angel would go on and on about how it was because you respected and loved the demon. You had to disagree, though, because you didn’t even know what love was, especially since you had a rough life around romance before your death. Angel was adamant that you were smitten with the big king of hell. Even went as far as trying to trip you into him on occasion.
Alastor: Alastor was the hardest one to get used to next to Lucifer. Whereas the king of hell thought you disliked him and gave you space, Alastor was the opposite. See, Alastor knew you hated people in your bubble, especially people you were not close to. He relished in making you uncomfortable and just always appeared just right there. Like all things, though, the more he did this, the more used to it you got till you were at the point you actually would seek Alastor out. Eventually, your distaste for one another turned into a friendship and a quite close one at that.
However, things took a turn for the worse when Alastor suddenly decided that Lucifer liked you. See, when he had this idea, he made it very difficult for the king of hell to be around you. He not only enjoyed watching you squirm when Lucifer was nearby but also liked watching Lucifer rage at his closeness to you. Alastor never understood something as fickle as love, but he knew it made people do crazy and amusing things.
Husk: Being the grumpy barkeep he was, it wasn’t until Angel forced you to sit at the bar that you two actually met. You stayed quiet and oddly close to Angel, but Husk chalked it up to you being another unfortunate soul who made one wrong move and ended up rotting in hell. Many nights were spent with you, listening to Husk and Angel talk and bicker with one another. After the first time, you opened up and laughed, Husk let out a genuine smile. Angel and he made it a game after that to see who could get you to crack first. This odd friendship eventually bloomed into you sitting at the bar and talking with Husk alone. This also led to you drunkenly admitting how attractive and breathtaking the King of Hell was.
Husk kept your affections and attraction to himself. Each night, when you would drunkenly confess more and more to him, it was amusing. It became even more entertaining when the King would show up at his bar just as drunk and admit his feelings for you. Yet you two would never remember due to the alcohol, leaving the only one to know about any of this himself. He was just a lowly barkeep, though he did not need to get involved.
Nifty: She was an odd duck, but like Angel, she grew on you quickly. Honestly, Niffty wasn’t around you much, but when she was, she was a riot. She was chaos in a small body, and it was hilarious. She was also good to just vent, too, as long as you gave her some super glue and bugs you found. Like Alastor, though, she loved causing trouble, so when she saw how the King of all Bad Boys looked at you, she was set on making something happen.
Nifty's pranks on getting you and Lucifer alone together were the worst. She wasn't doing it cause she saw the apparent pining between you two. She was just doing it cause hearing your squeak and Lucifer's stutters were funny. Eventually, she joined in with helping Alastor by making Lucifer walk in every time Alastor was all over you so they could debate how red his face got.
Lucifer: He had no idea why you hated him so much. From the moment Charlie formally introduced him to you, he was smitten. You were adorable and, quite honestly, as cute as a duck. He wanted nothing more than to get to know you and hear his name from your lips. However, you never stayed long when he was present. He could barely get a word in before you were gone or hiding behind Charlie. 
Defeat slowly crept in that he would never grow close to his little duckling. However, time would only tell as the hotel banded together in their own ways to get you two together. From Alastors jabs at Jealousy to Husk's knowing looks, even Charlie and Vaggie pushing you two around each other more and more, there was bound to be a breakthrough. You two obviously longed for one another from afar; you needed some excellent ol' communication.
With that said, when Charlie finally forced you two to be alone together, it was the most awkward moment of both of your lives. Lucifer couldn’t talk cause he was stuttering, and you were mute due to your fear of new people. However, you also saw this as your one chance not to fuck this up, and surprisingly Lucifer seemed to have the same ideas. As you both turned back to each other to say something, you collided, causing you to stumble and Lucifer to catch you. If you could be any more in love right now, then you would be. As if in a movie, all the pieces fell into place, and suddenly, it wasn’t scary talking to him anymore.
It still took a few tries before you were your bubbly self with him like you were with everyone else. Lucifer took pride in being the only one to bring out an even better new side of you. The loving and caring side that extended far beyond friendship.
Who knew that you could grow to love someone new~
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