#she gotta impress her gf duhh!!!!
radioactivemelody · 1 year
Did you guys know that Madoka Magica has its own wiki? Yeah, it's called Puella Magi Wiki and it has so much information about the franchise in general. Sometimes, I find myself reading it because I swear to god, I always manage to blink and miss something. In every single page about the episodes, by scrolling down, you will find a section called Speculation. There there's two boxes about theories - the ones who have been proven wrong and the ones who haven't been proven yet.
On the article about episode 5, in this section and in the box about theories that haven't been proven yet, there's this.
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I don't care what is canon and is not, the thought of Homura choreographing her entrances solely to make herself look cool to Madoka makes me want to bite someone's arm off and I have accepted it as absolute canon in my heart. Because, hear me out. Why else would she do The World's Most Dramatic Entrance™??? For what purpose?? She just could've appeared and saved Sayaka's ass normally. But no. She had to make sure to look totally badass because Madoka was there. Yeah, some people can say it's because she has time powers and it makes her pass that impression but she just took it to the next level because she knew she could exploit it. And honestly, I don't blame her. I would've done the same.
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