#she got 1 wrong cause the quiz is grading the right answer as wrong and even if you put the opposite answer next time around
this-doesnt-endd · 5 hours
So apperently theres issues with the quizes online for this one class and my teacher was like its a d2l problem i cant fix anything and like sure whatever but who can who can i as a student complain to to get this fixed because its not standardized to any of my other classes and the rules change for every quiz and every quiz retake like this cannot continue unless he wants to promise me an A
0 notes
sugako · 5 years
synopsis:  You transfer to Belgrave and become a grad assistant with Hamish. The two of you plan on grading papers together at his apartment (not the den) make it a drinking game, get drunk, and makeout.
word count: 2811 (abt 6 pages juicy stuff happens after 3rd space break) 
pairing: hamish duke x reader
warnings: drinking (A LOT), kissing & making out, some sad test grades 
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Hamish had been very wrong. Although you had suggested this, it was, indeed, a very horrible idea. You were fully gone before you had finished four out of the fifteen exams you had. Hamish, on the other hand, was going strong and finishing up his seventh exam. 
 A really good essay answer or super insightful response got you a sip of water or a cracker if you wanted.  Simple mistakes were a shot of orange liqueur.   
Average to slightly bad mistakes were a shot of vodka. 
 Horrible, ridiculous mistakes were a drop of absinthe with some water.
“They asked for another exam!” You huffed. “They just bitched about having to read twenty pages for this week and they want a whole exam?!”
Hamish chuckled, barely glancing up from his book.
Okay. So it wasn’t as if you were really furious with this group of underclassmen who nearly cried every time they had a quiz. To be fairer, it was really only two of them that caused an issue, the rest remained silent or voiced their disdain for the complainers which you didn’t openly condone, but did appreciate. You didn’t think they realized it was more work for you and Hamish though. With the regular professor on sudden sabbatical, the two of you were fully in charge of the class now. Although it was merely an intro philosophy class, the school had thankfully compensated you for it.
1 Week Later: Immediately Following the Exam
“Do you want to grade these together to make sure we mark the same things?” You asked nonchalantly, grabbing your lunch from the faculty fridge. Hamish was a nice, handsome, single man with a great personality and a brilliant mind to boot. Not ready to truly shoot your shot, you decided to be more subtle.
“That is a fantastic idea. Where and when were you thinking?” He sat adjacent to you sipping an espresso. It was like he only lived off of booze and coffee.
“Tonight is my best free night unless you have a better Friday night planned. And probably not at my apartment, my roommate is going to have some guy over and she loves to just stay out in the living room and let everything out in the open.” You said.
“Then my apartment sounds like a much better place. We can meet at the Chalice and walk to my place from there?”
“That sounds great! I’ll see you then.”
When you walked into the bar you spotted Hamish with two other people in the back. Keeping your eyes trained on just him you made your way to the table, but one of them saw you first.
The girl whipped around, anger and defensiveness in her eyes already.
“What do you want?” She snipped.
Cocking your head you pointed at Hamish, who was already trying to quell her.
“I’m just here to grade some exams.”
“She’s here for me, Lilith. This is Y/N, I was telling you all about her earlier.” He was using his teacher's voice. “We can get going now. We’ll be at my apartment if any of you need anything.” He said, scooting from the booth seat holding his messenger bag close. Lilith and the other boy at the table nodded and grumbled something along the lines of ‘thanks dad’.
He straightened out his vest and posture, flashing you a kind grin. “Ready to go?”
“Oh, Hamish!” The other boy cried out. “Do you...if you’re not busy can you help me study tomorrow? I have this huge phys lab practical in a couple days and an RA training session this week…” he trailed off.
“Of course, Randall.”
“Wait!” Lilith yelped. “Why can’t I help you?!”
Randall rolled his eyes. “Do you really want to quiz me on all the muscle structures and organ stuff?”
She pursed her lips. “No, that’s gross.”
Hamish wrapped his hand around your shoulder. “Let’s go before they actually start arguing and we get asked to be third-party witnesses.”
You nodded vigorously, happy to be leaving.
His apartment was only a short walk away in the main city. It was small and minimal, but immaculately well-decorated. Not that you would expect anything less from Hamish. He thrived on aesthetics.
“Wow, it looks so nice in here.” You breathed out. He truly had some beautiful vintage furniture accompanied by incredible artwork and pieces hung on the wall.
“Thank you, I do try my best. I’m not exactly home very often so I like for it to be nice when I am.” He nodded toward the coffee table. “Well, we can get set up and just get to it then.”
You sighed lightly, dreading the results. Hamish smiled, knowingly.
“Would you like a drink before we start?”
It was like a plug flipped in you. You went from exhaustion to excitement in seconds.
“I’m fairly well stocked on anything you can think of so name a drink.”
“Oh wow, full bar service, huh?” You chuckled, hunkering into the soft brown couch. “I think that you’re really the expert so what drink do you think really screams the concept of truth in modern society?”
“I know exactly what you want.” He grinned, rushing toward the open kitchenette to the side of the living room. Listening to glass clanking a liquid pouring, you began to unload your laptop and answer key onto the table. Just as you began to glance at the exams that had spilled out from Hamish’s bag onto the couch, he strode back out to the living room with two deep green drinks in highball glasses. “Truth Serum, itself.”
“I don’t see why you don’t just become a bartender. You could really make bank at one of those bougier places in a city somewhere.”
“And have all the joy sucked out of making drinks? No thanks.”
You tried to hold back a smile as he handed you the glass. “I suppose you don’t have to commodify and exploit all of your talents to survive this economy.”
“Of course not,” he said, “just most of them.”
Together, you sighed.
“Anyway, tonight is about truth and validity not Marxist theory so let’s get on with it.”
You nodded, reaching out to clink your glass against his before taking a sip.
This wasn’t exactly your first, third, or hundredth drink. But somehow, you choked a little as it burned down your throat.
“What is in this?” You asked through tearful eyes, mouth tightly pursed.
“Just some vodka, curacao, absinthe, midori, and ice of cour--”
“There’s absinthe in this?” You asked, incredulously. Hamish nodded once. “Where did you even find absinthe? How much is in here? Oh my gosh nothing on you, this is super well-balanced but holy fuck.”
“I bought it a while ago on a study abroad trip to Germany, but yes I suppose the whole only liquor and liqueurs taste can be a bit...striking when you don’t know what’s coming.”
You nodded, taking another, bigger sip this time. He passed you the first exam. As soon as you looked down you already saw wrong answers. He began marking away at the one in front of him while you stared down at the paper before you. Claire G. was in for lots of red ink.
“Hey Hamish, wanna hear a really horrible idea?” You asked, taking another even longer sip from your glass.
“Why not?”
“What if we take a sip or a shot whenever we mark a point off. Like a drinking game, but at the expense and grade of the kids.” Slowly you glanced over at him, fully expecting him to shoot down your idea. “And whoever finishes first doesn’t have to grade the midterm essay.”
“I think that you misspoke when you said horrible, Y/N. That is a great idea.”
Hamish had been very wrong. Although you had suggested this, it was, indeed, a very horrible idea.
You were fully gone before you had finished four out of the fifteen exams you had. Hamish, on the other hand, was going strong and finishing up his seventh exam.
A really good essay answer or super insightful response got you a sip of water or a cracker if you wanted.
Simple mistakes were a shot of orange liqueur.  
Average to slightly bad mistakes were a shot of vodka.
Horrible, ridiculous mistakes were a drop of absinthe with some water.
It was beginning to dawn on you that somehow you had gotten all of the awful exams. That or Hamish could really pack in the booze without any indication that he was remotely tipsy.
You finished another exam, sloppily circling the grade at the top in big swoopy letters.
“Oh my god, Hamish.”
“What is it?” How could he sound so chill and okay when he had nearly down a bottle of vodka.
“I know why professors have such bad handwriting now. We’re those professors. Oh my god…” You trailed off, staring at the paper in front of you. With that one finished you only had ten more to go. It looked like he had closer to five or six. It was hopeless.
“We are indeed.” He chuckled.
Maybe it was because you had more absinthe in your body now than you had ever in your entire life, but something about his laugh made your stomach light up with butterflies. You had always thought that Hamish was handsome and kind and brilliant, but had never made any move for him. Not that you weren’t attracted to him, but he was so distant so much of the time, it was difficult to even be casual friends with him really. But now you were here with him in his apartment and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
You body, already flush from the alcohol began to heat up as you realized how close you were to him.
“Hamish,” you sighed, “Can we take a break?” You stretched back brushing your arm against his.
“Of course, it is getting late and as much fun as this is I’m sure the students would like to us to pay a great deal of attention to their work.” He said gently, setting his own papers down and moving them to a folder.
“Are you saying I can’t give my full attention to detail right now?” You joked, moving to face him.
“Not necessarily, but you are...well…”
“Because if you are then you’d be totally right. It’s awful, if I even get tipsy I have the attention span of a chihuahua puppy which is really saying a lot because they’re pretty unaware of their surroundings and not that smart, but you’re not even a little bit drunk which is wild because you’re just drinking for fun at this point. And the only way you could do that is if you do this a lot which is even more wild because you’re like fully in shape and so cute all the time. If I do anything even like this a little bit I get so hungover and I’ll be that tomorrow because I’m so stupid and wow I feel like I’ve been talking for a long time I’m so sorry I’m annoying when I’m like this.”
You slumped back into the couch, face bright red. Hamish didn’t say anything for a moment.
“Firstly, you are not stupid. You’re brilliant and well-spoken - when you’re sober. Secondly, I am a little drunk I’ve been drinking more absinthe just for fun I’m just good at hiding it I guess. We’ll drink water and I’ll cook breakfast tomorrow so you won’t be hungover very badly.” He chuckled deeply and you could swear there was a blush dusting his cheeks. “I’m not saying this merely to reciprocate your compliment to me, but you’re very beautiful.”
You didn’t know if your facer could heat up anymore, but it felt like it was.
“Hamish, you don’t have to say that.” You said quietly.
He was fully facing you now, arm draped on the back of the couch and his other hand reaching out to rest on your thigh.
“It’s true,” he smiled, “Even in the strange and specific way some of these essays explain it.”
You laughed and his smile brightened. His palm was burning a hole through your jeans. Only moving on instinct and alcohol you leaned in and wrapped your arms around him to securely embrace him. Distracted by your own thoughts you didn’t even hear what he lightly whispered into your ear. You pulled back, nearly nose to nose with him.
“What? Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
The pink dusting on his cheeks was a deep red. “May I kiss you?”
“Ohh! Um, really?” You mentally slapped yourself for asking a question. As he opened his mouth to answer you cut him off. “You’re very handsome and I would like that very much, so yes.”
Before the ‘yes’ had fully dropped from your lips his mouth was on yours. Hamish’s hands snaked up to your waist, lightly pulling you closer. You worked your hands into his hair playfully and gave it a small tug. He moaned quietly in response.
His lips slowed against yours placing small, chaste kisses at the edge of your mouth and down your neck. Gasping for breath, you leaned back into the couch and let him continue. After it seemed he had caught his breath again he lifted his eyes to meet yours and leaned in once again to kiss you.
This time was slower and more passionate. Something about how he felt against you was too perfect. His lips were soft and moved with great ease against yours. The grossly sweet liqueurs and stark vodka you had been drinking mixed with his, making it all the more intoxicating. You could feel your heart still pounding around your chest and banging in your ears as you leaned even closer into his chest.
Then, all at once, you got very tired. Your kisses slowed and his did in response until you lazily pulled back with a tired smile plastered on your face. Still, you remained close, forehead pressed against his.
“You can ask to kiss me whenever.” You said, trying so hard to sound cool, but instead, you just sounded tired. “But right now I think I need to sleep.”
“Then let’s get you to bed.”
You stood, still able to be on two feet, although leaning heavily on him for most of your support.
“I’ll leave a full glass of water and some pills on the table for you to take whenever. Try to drink the water all before you fall asleep. Don’t worry about sleeping in, take as much time as you need. I’ll be here until whenever and I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Hamish. That’s too much.”
“Nonsense, it’s just polite.”
You nodded, really unable to argue with him. Slumping through a door he placed you on the edge of a comfortable and very large bed in another well-decorated bedroom. You eased into the dark and lavish sheets, pulling off your socks in order to tuck yourself in.
“Here,” he sighed eyeing your jeans, “I’ll leave you some clothes that should be more comfortable, okay?”
You nodded and hummed, desperately wanting to get out of your pants and sweater.
He tossed an old t-shirt toward you along with a pair of joggers that appeared to be even too large to him. You mumbled your thanks, aware enough now to not start stripping in front of him.
“I’m going to go get some water and then I’ll be back.”
You muttered another ‘thanks’ and tried to rub the sleep from your eyes. Glancing at your phone you realized it was nearly the morning. You hadn’t stayed up this late since writing your undergrad thesis.
As soon as he had vacated the room you began to shed your clothes. Moments later, two soft knocks came from the partially shut door to which you answered a small ‘come in’.
His jaw tightened at the sight of you relaxed, curling into his bed with his clothes on. He brushed away the feeling, moving to the bed to sit on the side beside you. Hamish placed a small array of Advil and ibuprofen-type pills on the nightstand with post-it labels beside each one so you could decide in the morning. You sighed softly from behind him and began tracing small lines up his back. He could feel Tundra bristle under his skin in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time.
You laughed quietly and sleepily from behind him. “I’m sorry, I was trying to follow the pattern on your shirt.”
Finally, he turned toward you, handing you the glass of water which you graciously accepted and quickly gulped down. The entire time Hamish sat quietly on the edge of the bed, staring down at his hands. You left just a sip of water at the bottom, just enough to get you out of bed tomorrow, and reached past him to set the glass beside the pills. As you pulled back he turned to face you once again. Wordlessly, he helped you melt into the bed, pulling the comforter over you and slightly fluffing the pillow under your head.
He lingered for a moment over you, eventually leaning down to place one last, soft kiss against your mouth.
“Goodnight, Hamish.” You said with closed eyes and a heavy sigh.
“Goodnight.” He answered.
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writer-dreams · 6 years
Love Potion (Part 2) (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Finally, Part 2 has been posted. I hope you enjoy!
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / End
Update Tags: @celestialceci @marvelobsessedteen @imaginesforthepeople @danidomm @marvelrose @vogueworthy-barnes @glossysoph
House: You choose
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Possible swearing, bullying (not too extreme), Mean Pansy
Note: The reader in this story is female/uses female pronouns
Word Count: 2,356 words
3rd Person POV
Day 2
Y/n sat in one of Hogwart's many corridors, waiting for Draco. The platinum-blonde male had asked her to wait for him here, saying he had a surprise for her. So here she sat, bored and looking around occasionally, searching for her 'boyfriend'. Her mind wandered off to how she got here. That stupid dare, the Weasley twins, and a love potion. She had already made it through one day. While her pride was telling her that it was a horrible day, Y/n couldn't help but secretly admit that she enjoyed that day. Either way, she had 6 days left in this fake relationship. Soon, she could go back to thinking he was just a prat with an over-inflated ego. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Draco ran by and grabbed her hand, yanking her out of her position and dragging her through the halls.
"What the hell, Draco?!" She shouted, struggling to keep up with him. "Where are you taking me?!" The Slytherin Prince simply sent a smirk towards her.
"To your surprise." He answered. Y/n rolled her eyes and continued to allow him to drag her through the school's long corridors. Right as he turned the corner, Y/n saw that he was going to run into a Slytherin girl.
"Draco, watch out!" She screamed as he collided with the girl. The girl cried out and fell to the floor while Draco managed to keep his footing and stay standing. However, the momentum from pulling her caused Y/n to also go flying towards the floor if Draco hadn't caught her. Her head was so close to hitting the floor. Y/n looked up and was met with Draco's worried grey eyes. His arms were wrapped around her waist, holding her weight and keeping her off the floor. Y/n laughed nervously, finding the position they were in cliché and awkward. His face was only inches from hers. She noticed that his gaze kept flickering to her lips. Oh Merlin, please tell me he's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do. Unfortunately, she was wrong as Draco slowly leaned in. Before he could connect their lips however, the Slytherin girl shot up from the floor and began yelling angrily at them. She raised her head and Y/n instantly knew who it was; Pansy Parkinson.
"What the hell?! Watch where yo-Drakie-Poo!!!" Pansy said in her annoyingly high-pitched voice. "What are you doing here? And why are you with that?" Pansy then rudely stuck out her finger at Y/n.
"Excuse me? Watch your mouth, Parkinson. I'm warning you." Y/n growled at Pansy.
"Or what? What are you going to do to me? Oh, I'm so afraid, Y/n is going to hurt me." Pansy said sarcastically. "You're just a pathetic L/n."
Y/n was about to retort when a blur of platinum-blonde raced past her and threw itself at Pansy. It stopped to reveal Draco menacingly holding his wand against Pansy's cheek, his eyes filled with fury.
"D-Drakie-Poo? Wha-What are you d-doing?" Pansy's voice wavered in fear. Her lip quivered violently as Draco growled lowly in response.
"Protecting Y/n from twats like you."
"Why are y-you d-defendding a p-pathetic L/n?"
"Why? Because this 'pathetic L/n' is my girlfriend." He snarled at her, pushing his wand deeper into Pansy's cheek.
"G-Girlfriend?!" Pansy screeched in shock. Y/n wasn't too surprised at her reaction, Draco and her have only been 'dating' for about 3 days so it was still a shock for those who found out.
"Yes, you heard that right. Now, I expect you to listen carefully. If I hear you ever call Y/n something like that again, I swear to you that I will hex you into next year!" Draco threatened.
Pansy nodded fearfully but snuck a death glare at Y/n. She quickly ran over to grab her fallen books and scurried off out of the couple's sight. Draco let out an audible sigh before turning back to Y/n with a smile.
"Let's go, Love. We won't be hearing from her for a while. Besides, I still need to show you your surprise." Draco said, gently grabbing her hand and walking with her.
After a couple of twists and turns, the couple finally stopped at their destination; The Astronomy Tower. Draco tugged Y/n up the winding staircase of the Tower, being careful not to let her trip. When they reached the top, Y/n could see a lovely picnic set up in front of the balcony. A green and silver blanket had been spread out on the floor with two lit candles and a wide assortment of food. Draco smiled and led her to the blanket, gesturing for her to take a seat. Y/n sat down on the blanket, feeling how incredibly soft it was. She looked out the balcony and was taken aback at the breathtaking sight. The sun was beginning to set, turning the sky a beautiful gradient of orange and pink. The clouds looked purple from this angle and the black lake shimmered in the low light.
"Do you like it?" Draco asked.
"It's beautiful." She beamed, turning back to face him.
"Just like you." She heard him mutter under his breath. Y/n blushed immediately and saw him gave her a plate of (f/f).
"Your favourite, yes?"
"How-How did you know?" Y/n never recalled telling him about that.
"I-I asked Granger about it. She actually helped set this up." Y/n felt genuinely touched, Draco actually 'loved' her enough to collaborate with his enemy to set something up for her. She smiled at Draco and took the (f/f) gratefully, taking bites (or sips) of it and enjoying the flavour.
"Oh! I nearly forgot." Draco exclaimed, reaching into his pocket and producing a small box from it. It was wrapped in white paper and had an elegant (f/c) bow tied on it. "I thought you would like this." He grinned and opened the box to reveal a shining silver necklace. The charm was an impressively detailed dragon holding a (favorite gemstone). Y/n gasped in surprise.
"I love it..." She whispered.
Draco's grin grew wider and he gestured for her to turn around. Y/n complied and he put the necklace on her. The cool silver metal felt cold on her neck. She turned back to Draco and smiled. She then looked at the dragon charm and admired it.
"Thank you, Draco." She said quietly.
"Of course, Love, anything for you." Draco said, bringing her in with his arms and pulling her into a loving hug.
After he let go, the two continued with their picnic. Y/n felt a very....odd feeling in her chest. Was it love? Certaintly not. She couldn't be in love with Draco Malfoy...right? This wasn't even the real him. Once this week was over, he would go back to being snarky and mean. At this thought, Y/n immediately extinguished the weird feeling she had. That's right...after this week, everything would go back to normal. She watched Draco close his eyes and enjoy the last bits of sunlight. He looked ridiculously attractive in this light....no! She couldn't be thinking like that. She fiddled with her new necklace and stared at the dragon. While she wasn't going to admit she was in love with him, she could admit one thing; when this was all over, she was definitely going to miss this Draco.
Morning of the 3rd day
The first class of the day was over and Y/n was looking forward to the empty period she had next. Potions was really starting to stress her out. Snape had just assigned a 4-page essay that was expected to be handed in the next day. On top of that, he also warned them to study because he was going to give them a quiz that was worth 25% of their grade. Y/n held her papers in her hands and rushed to the library, hoping that maybe she could use this period to study and write that stupid essay.
"L/n!" She heard someone call her name. She turned and groaned when she was met with Pansy Parkinson.
"What." Y/n answered rudely. She didn't want to deal with Pansy's hogwash today. She had much better things to do. Before she could say anything else, Pansy waved her wand and chanted "Flipendo!" Before Y/n knew it, she was thrown back by the jinx and hit her head on the wall. She groaned, not expecting Pansy to do that. She attempted to take out her wand but Pansy shouted "Expelliarmus!", which caused her wand to go flying out of her hand. Pansy then pointed her wand at Y/n and said "Incarcerous." Ropes shot out of her wand and wrapped around Y/n tightly, like a snake would do to its prey.
"Listen here, L/n. I hate you. Do you get that?"
"I hate you too Parkinson, you're not special."
"Shut your filthy mouth. You stole Draco from me. You took something precious from me, so now I'm going to take something from you." Her gaze traveled down to Y/n's neck, where her new necklace shone in the light. Y/n instantly knew what the other girl's intentions were and began struggling against the tight ropes.
"Don't try to fight this. You don't deserve this necklace. You don't deserve something as beautiful as this nor do you deserve Draco. Once he sees me with this necklace, he'll realize his mistake and come running to me." Pansy smirked.
Y/n tried to protest, tried to say that he wasn't even really in love with her. That this was all a love potion's doing. Pansy could have Draco, Y/n didn't care. Especially when this was all over, Y/n couldn't give a damn about what happened to Draco afterwards. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, Pansy scowled and waved her wand once again; "Petrificus Totalus!" Instantly, Y/n felt her body freeze up, rendering her immobile and unable to stop Pansy from unclipping the necklace and putting it on herself.
"What the hell is going on?!" She heard a familiar voice shout. Y/n moved her eyes to see who it was. She would've sighed in relief if she was able to move. At the beginning of the hallway, stood Draco Malfoy in all his glory.
"Drakie-Poo!" Pansy screeched happily. She skipped over to him, making sure that the necklace was very visible to him. Draco's eyes, however, were focused on the frozen and bound Y/n.
"Why the hell is my girlfriend tied up? Who did this?" He asked slowly. He said it in such a deadly tone that it was clear that he was going to kill whoever did this.
"Oh, I did." Pansy giggled, clearly missing the venomous undertone of Draco's question, "Isn't it funny how pathetic and weak she is when she's tied up?"
Draco's eyebrows furrowed and he looked like he was fighting himself not to punch Pansy right there. There was a deadly aura radiating off him but Pansy was ignoring it and continued blabbering about how pathetic Y/n was.
"Isn't this necklace cute? It's so beautiful and intricate. (Favorite gemstone) is such a lovely colored stone and this dragon goes perfectly with it." Pansy said, showing off the necklace and rolling the charm between her fingers. At this statement, Draco's gaze whipped towards Pansy and the necklace she had around her.
"And where, may I ask, did you get that?" Draco said quietly, trying to contain all the rage he was feeling.
"Got it from that filthy wench over there. It's quite elegant, the opposite from her. So I only found it fitting to take it from her." Pansy smirked proudly. Needless to say, it was very satisfying to see Draco's fist collide with Pansy's cheek. Pansy tripped over her own feet and landed on the floor, holding her red cheek. Draco towered over the girl, an emotion on his face which could only be described as overly infuriated.
"Drakie?" Pansy called, fearing for her life as the Slytherin Prince glared holes into her very soul.
"Don't. Call. Me. That." Draco spat. "You hurt my girlfriend. You tied her up and stole something I gave her. Speaking of it, I'll take that." He reached out and grabbed the necklace. Draco then proceeded to roughly remove the necklace from Pansy, who cried and held her chest, where the dragon charm used to sit. The platinum-blonde male then continued speaking to the crying girl. "Honestly, I should kill you right here, right now. However, I'm feeling a little generous today, so I'll give you five seconds to run before I use the Cruciatus Curse on you. If I were you, I would begin running now."
Pansy scrambled off the floor and began backing up slowly. She threw a dirty look at Y/n, who still sat frozen and bound by ropes. "Screw you, L/n. I suggest you watch your back. If you're not careful, you might just slip and fall to your death."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Y/n wondered but before she could say anything, Draco interrupted her.
"Four. Three." Draco warned, counting aloud the remaining seconds Pansy had. She flashed him a sad glance and ran off into a different corridor. Draco sighed and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. He turned back to Y/n and pointed his wand at her. "Finite Incantatem." The ropes slipped off her body and Y/n could finally move her limbs again. She released a breath that she didn't know she was holding in.
"Thank you, Draco."
"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I heard Parkinson shouting and thought I should check out what was going on."
"At least you still came. I'm thankful for that."
Draco coughed and held out the necklace. "I believe that this belongs to you, Love."
Y/n smiled and allowed him to put the necklace back on. He stepped back and grinned. "It looks better on you than Parkinson anyway." Y/n blushed slightly as Draco wrapped his arms around her and gave her a small kiss on her cheek.
"I mean it, Draco. I owe you for saving me from that pug-faced twat."
"You don't owe me anything, Princess. I'll always protect you, no matter what. That's a promise."
Yup, she was definitely going to miss this Draco.
Thank you for reading Part 2 of Love Potion. I'm sorry if you actually like Pansy but I needed her to be mean. I hope you enjoyed this part though. If you have any requests, feel free to ask! Until next time.
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rapperkookz · 5 years
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Rush!BTΣ — college!au, borderline crack au w/ @cynoirsure 

a story about three friends and their obstacles of relationships, academic probation, and figuring out that international kids aren’t all that bad.


word count: 2.8K

genre: fluff 

warnings: swearing

Narrator’s POV
Seokjin squinted at his texts, reading them once more as he walked over to the music school. It was already kind of suspicious that Jinhee was out practicing late considering the girl never practices and only uses the practice rooms to get away from people. It was also weird that Yoongi opted to practice this late when Seokjin knew very well that he loved his sleep and his cat so he never made plans past 10 unless it was a Beta Tau party. After getting out of the elevator to the practice rooms, Seokjin pursed his lips, scanning his own ID in order to open the doors to the practice chambers. No one outside of the music major could have access to the practice rooms unless they were enrolled in a music course so Seokjin was thankful that he picked up that guitar class as a blowoff course for his last semester, although he could play guitar pretty well.
Seokjin walked through the halls of the practice rooms, his senses heightened. Given the fact that most of the practice rooms had no light on or there was someone packing up to leave, he felt that anyone could sneak up on him and scare the living daylights out of him. Seokjin sighed, reaching the dead end of the practice chambers. He still didn’t hear anything, the only sound that he had heard along the way was some low brass fudging through a Hank Mobley piece that’s played every year at the jazz showcase.
His nose crinkled. If his best friend and his line brother weren’t in the practice rooms, then where could they be? Something clicked in Seokjin’s head. Maybe they were back in Yoongi’s dorm doing god knows wh— Seokjin turned on heels, immediately beginning to make his way out of the practice chambers and over to the elevators in order to go barge into Yoongi’s dorm to catch them in the act. It wasn’t until he got to the elevators that he heard a whine coming from a classroom adjacent to the practice rooms.

“Yoongi, I tried! Stop clocking me for these small things!” Seokjin had never been so thankful that his soulmate was loud. He followed the younger’s voice to a nearby classroom, whatever creaking that would’ve been caused by the music school’s floors covered by the youngest’s protests. He looked through the patio-like glass doors to see his soulmate and his best friend in front of one of the whiteboards with a music staff on it, two different colored music notes written on it. The composition in blue was a lot more neat than the other one written in black, so he could point out Jinhee’s writing compared to Yoongi’s easily. It looked as if they were doing some macroanaylsis work for music theory, Yoongi testing Jinhee on her skills.

“I’m not being mean. You got this wrong, it’s a secondary dominant, not a major minor second inversion.” Yoongi put the correct answer on the board, Jinhee only crossing her arms and scrunching her face in a similar way to how Seokjin does when he’s fake upset. He could only tell the girl wasn’t upset since her soft eyes betrayed the rest of her seemingly upset expression. Yoongi clicked his tongue at the whiteboard, making a large circle around one of Jinhee’s notes. “Come on, Jinhee. You’re smarter than this, aren’t you? A careless mistake such as a parallel octave? That doesn’t even make sense for the next chord! You really just want the tenors to make that large jump don’t you? Their line doesn’t even move around all that much in the first place.”

“WELL TENORS DON’T DESERVE SHIT MIN YOONGI, BASSES ARE THE SUPERIOR RACE!” Jinhee exclaimed loudly, making Yoongi flinch at the way she suddenly raised her voice. Seokjin also jumped in the hallway just slightly, before he realized what Jinhee had said to him.  

“Wait Jinhee, isn’t Seokjin a tenor?” 

“And what about it? Seokjinie can suck my toes.” Yoongi scrunched his nose at this statement, tilting his head confusedly at how Jinhee had switched over from Korean to say that last sentence in English. “What? The sentence doesn’t translate right in Korean.” 

“�� I guess so.” Was all Yoongi had to say back, going back to grading her analysis. “Well, luckily those were the only two mistakes this time around. Good job, Jinhee.” Yoongi patted her head, her expression brightening. 

“Oh thank god! Thank you so much for helping me out with this! I was super stumped on this for like the last few days and I have a quiz like, tomorrow on this.” Jinhee’s smile brightened, going in to hug him. Yoongi’s ears turned red, awkwardly patting her back when he noticed the clock. 

“Ah, it’s 11:30, we should get going soon, yeah?” Yoongi pulled away first (much to his own dismay, as well as Jinhee’s), the younger one turning to the clock and nodding. “Don’t want you being late to your 7AM.” Yoongi added on as an afterthought, making her laugh a little. 

“I mean, I don’t sleep anyways so I guess it’s fine?” Jinhee went over to her bag, shoving the manuscript staff paper back into her bag. She stilled for a quick second and Seokjin almost thought his cover was busted because she was looking out the classroom. He tried to look closer at her without revealing his spot, a blank stare in her eyes instead of one of intent. He exhaled silently, watching her pull out a repurposed Starbucks bag decorated with hand drawn cherry blossom petals and wrapped with a red ribbon. “Hey, Yoon…” Jinhee’s nickname for the pianist almost fell from her lips, “..gi?” Jinhee turned to the older man, her hands hiding the gift behind her back. 

Yoongi perked up from where his bag was, tilting his head. “Hm, what’s up, Jinhee?” Yoongi scanned her for anything weird, Jinhee walking towards him and tipping back and forth on her feet when she stopped far enough for Yoongi to still have personal space, but close enough that they only had a few steps before either one of them could collide into the other. Seokjin could see the telltale signs of nervousness written all over Jinhee, the youngest one turning a light shade of pink. 

“W-well, I just really wanted to thank you? For everything, at this point, but mostly the fact that you’ve been a really great accompanist and a great tutor for theory as well…” Jinhee reached up to run a hand through her hair, her other arm moving to show him the gift bag. “So I got you a little something?” 

Yoongi’s eyes widened, accepting the gift that was extended out to him. “It’s nothing, really, is it okay if I open it now?” With the confirmation of Jinhee in the form of a small nod, Yoongi peeked into the bag. Staring back at him were two highly sought after MIDI controllers, the OP-1 and the OP-Z in mint condition. His jaw dropped in shock, eyes going up to Jinhee and then back at the controllers. “How’d you know I wanted these two? Also, these cost a fortune, how’d you manage to buy these?” Yoongi picked up the bigger controller, shocked at the condition of it. 

Jinhee only smiled shyly, looking down. “Oh, I think I saw you talking about it on your Twitter the other day? Also my friend was selling them for ₩793,000 so I just bought it off of him.” Seokjin snorted inwardly at this statement, remembering how a few weeks ago, Jinhee lazily pulled out her black card and propped it up against her laptop, casually adding both devices to the online shopping cart while they were doing homework on the couch in his apartment.

“Seokjinie, is ordering both the OP-1 and OP-Z like… Overkill? Or should I just get one? I mean it’s only $2000 after shipping?” Jinhee bit her lip, looking up at Seokjin and then back at her screen. She threw her head back, laying on his lap and groaning. “God I mean… The OP-Z is like almost out of stock so it’s totally okay to get one, right? I’m gonna buy both.” Jinhee nodded, typing in her home address and her card number. 

Seokjin looked at her bewildered, mouth gaping like a fish. “Choi Jinhee, how much is that in KRW?” Seokjin watched as she pressed order, the younger one shrugging as she sat up to put her card away in her wallet. She hummed for a quick moment while putting her card away, looking over at him. 
“Uh, ₩2,267,760? Not that mu–” 

“Do not finish that sentence. Why are you spending so much money on equipment? You don’t even compose and you barely passed music tech.” Seokjin pointed accusingly, Jinhee only laughing uncomfortably. 

“O-oh… Haha um…” Jinhee stalled, but it was only a few seconds before Seokjin realized where he had heard of the equipment that Jinhee had just bought. 

“Jinhee. Did you buy all of that for Min Yoongi after seeing him tweet about wanting new equipment, specifically those two MIDI controllers this morning?” Seokjin shook his head. “Just confess to him and suck his dick already, you’re so whipped for him.” 

“Oh my god, shut UP Seokjinie!” Jinhee whined, covering her face in embarrassment. “Also please don’t tell him! I swear this is the only gift I’ve gotten for him! I swear I’m still a broke bit–” 

“Don’t lie, you literally just pulled out a black card??” 

“SEOKJIN, seriously! I will do anything for you to play along with this, please?” 
“Pay for my college debt and use honorifics around me all the time instead of whenever you want something from me, you brat.” Seokjin grinned, much to Jinhee’s dismay. She shut her laptop and placed it on the coffee table, groaning as she fell back into his lap. 

“I’m already kinda helping out with that first one, and the second one, over my dead body.”

“This is seriously unbelievable, I could kiss you right now… Is that okay…? Can I kiss you?” 
Yoongi’s voice brought Seokjin back to reality, the question itself shocking both Seokjin and Jinhee. God, if this was how Yoongi confesses to Jinhee, Seokjin cringed a little. Yoongi had more class than that, right? Jinhee was silent for a little, her heart and mind racing with a million and one thoughts. She considered all the possible outcomes before deciding one kiss—with the person she’d been crushing on lowkey for almost 4 months—wouldn’t hurt. 

“I-I mean, sure?” Seokjin fumbled for his phone, checking about 5 times if his ringer was off before positioning the camera to point at the scene before him. In the classroom, Yoongi cupped Jinhee’s pink cheeks that almost matched her hair, leaning in for a small kiss that ended as quickly as it began. Seokjin was lucky enough to catch a picture, a quiet victory as he walked to the elevators to catch a ride down. He trusted that Yoongi could keep Jinhee in good company walking back to their dorms, so he just hummed softly to himself, riding the elevators down to go back to his apartment. 

“Do you wanna head back together, Jinhee? It’s late so…” Yoongi shrugged his backpack on, the singer shouldering the cross body bag. Jinhee shook her head.

“No no, it’s okay! I just remembered that I need to make copies for a class, you can go on ahead! Besides, if a creep comes up on me, I’ll just hit them with my hydroflask.” Jinhee grinned at Yoongi, holding up her water bottle. Yoongi only nodded almost skeptically, but knowing she wouldn’t budge, he reached for the door. 

“Okay, well text me when you get back to your dorm, yeah? See you later, Jinhee.” Yoongi nodded to her, earning a smile and wave from her as he opened the door. As soon as the door closed, Jinhee let out a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding, pulling out her earbuds and picking a song to play while she walked along the lake walk for a little. 

“Ah, seriously, why does life have to be like this…” The girl made her way down with the elevator, walking along the lakefront. It wasn’t long before she spotted two familiar figures, a grin spreading on her lips before she lightly jogged over to them. “Tae! Kev!” 

The couple looked up at the pink haired girl walking over to them, wiggling in the process as she usually did when she saw someone she knew. “Oh? Miss Choi Jinhee? What are you doing out this late?” Kevin raised his eyebrow at his best friend. “You didn’t work tonight, did you?” 

“No, I was rehearsing with Yoon!” Jinhee smiled, but immediately regretted telling the two because they started wiggling their brows at her. “You two are gross and so mean to me! I’m gonna head back to my dorm so goodnight!! Have fun on your date or whatever!!” Jinhee immediately followed up, storming past the two. 

Kevin only laughed at her reaction, him and Taehyung walking past campus to the beach nearby. “Choi Jinhee is such a character, isn’t she?” Taehyung joked lightly, following Kevin to the rocks on the point of the beach.
The nights were getting warmer, signaling the end of the very long winter in Korea and the beginning of summer. Kevin helped Taehyung sit on the large rocks that loomed over the edge of the water, the water itself being at low tide so it barely touched either of the boys as they dangled their feet over the edge. Taehyung had gone silent after that, looking over the lake. He leaned into Kevin, sighing a little. 

“Kev, what are your plans for the future? I know we were talking it the other day, but I don’t think you ever got to answer before Jungkookie and y/n had their sexual tension bleeding into the group chat.” Taehyung joked a little, watching how the moon reflected over the lake. He closed his eyes, listening to his favorite sounds around him, the melodious sounds of the waves and the slow breathing of his boyfriend. Kevin hummed, his hand coming to play with one of Taehyung’s. 

“Me? I want to become an anesthesiologist.” Tae pouted a little, his eyes making contact w the younger one who was only smiling a little by telling his dreams to his boyfriend. 

“Is there space for me in your future, too?” Taehyung asked quietly, the hand that Kevin was playing with tensing for a slight moment. He stroked the bigger hand softly, smiling. 

“Of course, why wouldn’t there be?” Kevin’s other hand ran a finger through Taehyung’s hair, the boy falling silent in his arms. Kevin stopped, sitting up properly and sitting Taehyung up as well so that they were making eye contact. “Are you okay, Tae?” 

Taehyung was refusing to make eye contact with Kevin, which only made the younger one anxious. “… My parents are coming to visit in a few weeks and I want you to meet them.” Taehyung exhaled, finally making eye contact with Kevin. Kevin’s eyes widened a little in surprise, his mouth forming a little o. 
“Actually?” Kevin blinked, stroking Taehyung’s cheek. Taehyung nodded, leaning into Kevin’s touch with a little pout. 

“They don’t really know that I’m out yet, but I mean… They love me so much and maybe if I show them how happy I am with you and that it’s not just an act, they won’t be disproving of me being bi…? You know how Asian parents are, and it doesn’t change even if I’m from overseas and from Paris, the biggest LGBT+ community in Europe. I’m just scared they won’t accept that I like boys as well as girls…” Taehyung’s eyes became distant once more, the worry evident in his face which only made Kevin frown. Kevin leaned in to leave two kisses on the apples of Taehyung’s cheeks, which brought him back to meet Kevin’s eyes. 

“Don’t be scared, okay? I’d love to meet your parents, if they’re as lovely as you tell me they are.” Kevin smiled, stroking Taehyung’s cheek where he had just kissed it. The two fell into silence, one that didn’t seem awkward or stiff. Taehyung rearranged himself, pulling away from Kevin’s endearing hold. His knees awkwardly bumped into Kevin’s before he reverted back into his old position of sitting inbetween Kevin’s legs, leaning back into his chest. 

“… Thank you for loving me, Kev.” Taehyung’s gratitude was quiet, but didn’t go unnoticed by Kevin. The younger one could only smile, his hands that were once at Taehyung’s side supporting him tilting Taehyung’s head to the side so he could dip down and kiss his temple. 

“I love you, you know that? You mean the world to me.” Kevin stifled a yawn, swaying the older one in his arms. “I think we should start heading back, yeah? It’s late.”
Taehyung nodded, swinging his feet over so that he was leaning towards land, his feet landing in the soft sand. Kevin landed right beside him, extending his hand to Taehyung. The older one’s hand slid comfortably into Kevin’s, the both of them gently swinging their arms while they headed back to their dorm. 

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hot and cold.
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genre: fluff. character/s: jung jaehyun | reader. overview: the more you hate, the more you love. word count: 2737.
A/N: Inspired by The Princess Bride; credits to www.merriam-webster.com for the definitions!
 [Y/N] was a lot of things. She was an excellent student, as proven time and time again by her grades. She was the best daughter, according to her father, to which she would just groan; she was an only child. She was highly competitive, and her friends like using that to their advantage whenever they had to be in groups. Being in a group with [Y/N] meant winning at all costs.
She was not, however, a morning person. She hated having to wake up early. She hated the cold showers she has to take every morning to wake her up. The only thing that motivated her to get up and go to school ever since she entered high school was her deep-seated hate for none other than Jung Jaehyun.
 "Please get one and pass," the teacher announced, raising the stack above her head, and placed the papers on top of Yugyeom's desk, which was in front and smack dab in the middle.
As was protocol, Yugyeom flipped through one, two, three, and four pages before passing the stack to the person on his left. He then took one of the four pages and sent the other three to [Y/N], the person behind him. Even as the rest of the class were agitatedly getting started on the quiz to finish as soon as possible, [Y/N] took her time in passing the rest of the papers to the person behind her, knowing it would be Jaehyun. But then again, she was glad everytime papers are collected, because then she would be able to see how he did in the quiz.
Not wanting to look at Jaehyun, she turned to her right. "Jungkook-ah, give this to the person behind me, will you?"
Relenting, Jungkook rolled his eyes and grabbed the papers before shoving it towards Jaehyun. He had long been victim to the years-old feud between the two, but he knew better than to argue with her. In fact, as the years passed by, the girl seemed to be the only one invested on keeping the argument up.
The cause of everything was not unknown to all. It was as simple as Jaehyun topping the entire batch during third grade, with her only coming in second. Since then, she had done everything she could to never let him beat her at anything. It didn't matter if she was the tenth or the twentieth in her batch. What mattered most was that she was ahead of Jung Jaehyun.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, had no idea how someone who wasn't even his friend – someone he barely knew – could hate him that much. And it wasn't like he intentionally wanted to come first. To him, he was just doing his best like she was. It wasn't his fault his best, during that time, was better than her best. Over time, however, he learned how to live with it. He decided to be the better, more mature person by never fighting back.
Which, in all honesty, annoyed her even more. Now that she thought of it, when he opened his mouth to speak, he only ever said "If you say so". And she had tested it before; [Y/N] had given him all the insults and annoying side-comments that could be easily countered similarly annoying comebacks, but he didn't.
The entire hour passed by quickly, and before they knew it, the teacher was already asking for the papers back. [Y/N] skimmed her answers quickly, making sure she answered all the questions before getting ready to pass it. As soon as Jaehyun handed her the papers from the rest of their column, she gave his a scan, noting that he got the year on one of the essays that asked for the date incorrectly. She placed her own paper on top and passed the stack to Yugyeom, who was too busy cramming his answers to notice the smirk on her face.
Nothing gave her more pleasure than being at least one step ahead of Jung Jaehyun.
 9:00 AM – GYM
 She jogged towards the rest of her classmates after changing into her gym clothes. If there was one thing Jaehyun was better at than she was, it was physical activity. While the boys had basketball, the girls had volleyball. And [Y/N] was utterly convinced there were two kinds of people in her class: those who could play volleyball, and her. She tried her best, to Jaehyun's amusement. He kept a close eye at her slouched figure as she eagerly waited for her turn to serve, even as he was in the middle of a heated game of basketball.
She stayed behind or by the corner as she watched her teammates play. Unlike in other classes, for this one, she didn't volunteer to be at the front line. [Y/N] was more than glad to be a substitute, although today didn't seem to be on her side. One of the girls from her team landed on the wrong foot, and fell to the floor while clutching her ankle. Even if she was worried that something worse than a sprain happened to her teammate, she was more worried that she was asked to substitute.
Relenting reluctantly, [Y/N] stepped behind the line as she dribbled the ball once, twice, thrice. She bit on her bottom lip to not let her fear show. As she lifted the ball high up in the air, getting ready to toss it and serve, her wrist missed the right spot. [Y/N] sent the ball flying out of the court and towards the other side of the gym, where the other class was held. Jaehyun fought back a laugh as the volleyball rolled by his feet.
The volleyball coach blew on her whistle so loudly that she was scared she might deflate her lungs to death. She then stretched her arm towards the court of the opposing team. "[Y/L/N], go fetch the damn ball."
Wanting to bury herself six feet under the gym, the girl strode to where the ball ended up flying to. As if she wasn't angry at herself enough, she grew furious at the sight of Jaehyun smiling smugly as he dribbled the volleyball as if it were a basketball.
"Hand it over, loser. It's your fault I wasn't able to serve properly. If you weren't in sight, I probably would have scored a service ace."
He snorted, having expected she would put the blame on him even if he had absolutely nothing to do with it. Jaehyun passed her the ball, his expression mocking. "If you say so."
 10:30 AM – BIOLOGY
 "The brain!" the bowtied teacher with high-waisted slacks announced as enthusiastically as he could. The metal tray in front of him made an ear-splitting noise as he dropped the fresh, frozen brain over it. He handled it like it was just another slab of meat he bought from the grocery. Some of the students looked away in disgust. "I know you all want to be able to dissect your own, but we're running quite low on brains around here," he said, looking around the laboratory as if waiting for anyone to laugh at his "joke".
Jaehyun clasped a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing when he heard someone clear his throat.
"Okay, then." The man adjusted the latex gloves over his fingers. "Let's get started, shall we?" Then he produced a scalpel from the wide array of surgical instruments by his side before proceeding to enumerate each and every part of the brain, together with its corresponding function. And, when he got to the sub-cortex of the brain, he explained, "The saying 'the more you hate, the more you love' has a somehow scientific basis. You guys want to know why? Well–" He poked through a small area of the organ. "Feelings of hate and love occur within the same areas. Two parts of the brain, particularly putamen and insula, both found in the sub-cortex, are involved in the two emotions. The putamen and the insula are both activated by feelings of disgust and contempt as in hate, and feelings of joy and passion as in romantic love."
In the midst of his explanation, [Y/N] nudged Jaehyun by his elbow. "Hey, loser," she muttered. "If I were a zombie and you were the last person on Earth, I still wouldn't eat your brain. I actually want something that would make me full."
The boy only shook his head and plastered a small smile across his lips. "If you say so," Jaehyun replied, continuing to jot down notes.
 12:00 NN – LUNCH
 "So? Are you going to prom this year or not?" Yeri asked [Y/N] as she picked on what was left of her salad. "Please tell us as early as now so we could color coordinate our dresses."
"When did I ever go to social events?" [Y/N] groaned, pushing her plate away. Just thinking about having to put on makeup, fix her hair, and stand and walk on uncomfortable high heels made her lose her appetite. "If attendance were graded, then maybe I would consider going."
All her friends groaned. "Please don't think about one-upping Jaehyun even during prom," Jimin said, slapping her forehead with her palm. "I don't know how we could be friends when you're no fun."
"Excuse you," [Y/N] crossed her arms. "I'm fun to be with."
"Yeah right." Yerin rolled her eyes. "If you're as fun as you say you are, you would go to prom even if Jaehyun is the one to ask you out."
"Oh my god, look at the time." The girl pretended to look at her watch and stand up, taking her tray with her after sliding her arm into the straps of her bag. "I have to go, guys, I'll meet you later in class." [Y/N] hurried away from her group of friends, who were left giggling as she turned her back.
"Thirty bucks says she'll go to prom if he does," Jimin announced, sliding a bill across the table.
The other two girls exchanged sly glances before nodding. "Deal."
 1:30 PM – ENGLISH
 "Boredom, the state of being weary and restless through lack of interest. B-O-R-E-D-O-M. Boredom."
The voice speaking in their headphones blocked out any other noise inside the classroom. It was the recorded voice of the teacher. For their English class, they were trained in both speaking and writing; for today, it was more of the former. A beep followed the recorded voice, and the students are required to repeat afterwards.
Today, they were expanding their vocabulary on words that describe feelings.
"Annoyance, a source of vexation or irritation; a nuisance. A-N-N-O-Y-A-N-C-E. Annoyance."
[Y/N] immediately whipped her head to the back row, where Jaehyun was sitting.
"Happiness, a state of well-being and contentment; joy. H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S. Happiness."
She looked away, however, when his eyes met hers. Even as her gaze returned to the open textbook in front of her, she was sure she saw him smile at her before she broke the eye contact.
"Hatred, ill will or resentment that is usually mutual. H-A-T-R-E-D. Hatred."
Already, he could hear her own voice repeating the same sentence to him. She was wrong about one thing however. The resentment wasn't mutual in this case. After years of being on the receiving end of hate and awful remarks and vexing side comments, Jaehyun knew she would argue that, 'The hate is mutual'. She, on the other hand, knew exactly what he would retort.
'If you say so.'
 "Hey, [Y/N]," Jimin whispered from behind her easel. [Y/N] was so intent on making sure she used only complementary colors for her work that she wasn't able to hear all the noises her friend was making to catch her attention. It was only when the other girl tossed a crumpled piece of paper towards [Y/N]'s head that she finally peeled her eyes off her work.
"What the hell do you want?"
"Your. Favorite. Guy. Is. Staring. At. You." The overexcited girl excitedly squeaked over the classical music playing in the background which, their teacher insisted, encouraged creativity among the students. Since her arms were preoccupied with her palette and brush, Jimin settled on gesturing towards the boy sitting on [Y/N]'s right with slight motions of her head.
Gasping, [Y/N] turned to Jaehyun, only to meet his eyes as he was already blatantly staring. "You're copying my work, aren't you?" she accused with a frown, immediately tilting her easel just enough for her painting to be out of his sight. She did grow more self-conscious, knowing art wasn't her forte. Her sketches were average, at best, though she made up for her lack of technique with the unique mix of colors she comes up with. "I know they say imitation is the best form of flattery, but just because my work is good doesn't mean it flatters me that you're copying it."
Jaehyun bit back a smile. For some reason, he found her false confidence endearing, especially if it was accompanied by the blush in her cheeks. "If you say so."
 It was only when she overheard him chat with his friends that she actually heard his normal speaking voice – the voice that didn't say "If you say so" every single time. What amazed her that day was not the fact that she understood limits and derivatives right after the teacher mentioned the topic, no. What amazed her was when she realized that whenever Jaehyun says those four words, he actually only meant "I love you".
 "Hey, [Y/N], wait up!" Jaehyun said as soon as the class was dismissed. Jungkook was about to approach him to ask how come the answer for the last example was 2 and not 0, but thought nothing of it when he saw his friend hurriedly go up to his worst enemy.
[Y/N] froze in her seat. She was just about ready to go home, ready to go to sleep, and ready to wake up the next day, motivated by her hate for Jaehyun. "What do you want?" the girl said with a sigh, keeping her back turned as she shoved her books back into her bag. She was supposed to put those back inside her locker, but going to her locker meant staying in school longer, and staying in school longer meant having to listen to Jung Jaehyun, and listening to Jung Jaehyun might actually make her hatred for him decrease.
"I just..." The boy swung his bag behind him and fiddled with the straps. "I just wanted to ask if you're going to prom with anyone?"
She snorted. "Who said I was even going to prom?"
"Oh." Jaehyun looked down at his feet. He could feel his ears getting hotter by the second. "Oh.  Well then, would you mind going to prom with me?"
"Yes, as in...?"
"Oh my god, you were ahead of me in third grade, how could you not understand?"
"Oh my god," Jaehyun said, almost losing balance, but he quickly steadied himself by placing an arm over the desk behind him. "Is that what these past few years were about? How could you not get over that? You were ahead of me since then, even until now. Isn't that enough?"
"Because–" [Y/N] frowned, keeping her eyes glued to her bag. She felt stupid, all of a sudden, but of course she wouldn't let him see. "Just because."
Chuckling to himself, Jaehyun blew on his bangs and slid his hands into his pockets. "You know what? I don't mind. That won't stop me from asking you out for prom."
"How could you even ask me out of all people?" Now, it was her turn to snap. "You've never even spoken more than four words to me."
"Just because," he said nonchalantly, taking note of how her cheeks became tinted with pink. "So, are you going with me or not?"
"Less words."
"You... go out with me...?"
She snorted, picking her bag up and slinging it over her shoulder. "Grammar."
"Go out with me?" Jaehyun said with a sigh.
"Where's your confidence gone?"
"[Y/N]." He said, taking a deep breath as he rolled his shoulders back. "Go out with me."
The girl smiled, turning on her heels to head for the door. "If you say so."
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runawayylove · 7 years
The A-Z Of Questions Quiz Survey A – Accidents 01. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes many actually. 🙄 02. Do you have a lot of scars? I have quite a few. 03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? lol yes. 04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? Yes. 05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? No thank God. B – Beauty 06. Do you consider yourself beautiful? I'm working on believing it. 07. Are you self conscious of how you look? In some ways yes. 08. Do you put on a lot of makeup? Not anymore. 09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? Hell yeah. 10. What do you think makes a person beautiful? Their personalities and the way they treat themselves and other people. C – Consequences 11. What was the longest amount of time you’ve been grounded for? Never been grounded. 12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion? Lol keep it. 13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people? Now that I've grown up, yes. 14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? Taking away my cell phone. 😂 15. What is one thing you wish you didn’t do, just because it wasn’t worth it in the end? Hmm I don't have anything in mind. Everything happends for a reason. D – Dealing 16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them? Lol, I def let them know. 17. Name a time when you had to be strong. Losing my dad, I'm still trying to be strong over it. 18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Any kind of abuse at home? Nope none. 19. When people at school don’t accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react? When I was in school it did upset me, I would laugh about it now. 20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Unfortunately Explain how you got through it. You don't get through it, every day is a struggle, you just slowly learn how to deal with it. E – Experience 21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs? I have a job now. 22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all? Lol def experienced. Ask my fiancé 😏 23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? Def been through a lot, but it's made me who I am today. 24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? Already am. 25. How old do you act? Lmao I don't know. F – Family 26. Is there anyone in your family you don’t talk to? Why? My dads side. Long story. 27. If you had to choose, family or friends? Family. 28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything? I tell my mom everything, just like I could tell my dad anything. 29. Do you have any siblings? If so, do you ever get jealous of them? 1 brother and nope we're close as hell. 30. How often do you spend ‘quality time’ with family members? Often actually. G – Growing 31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were 5'3 and height doesn't matter. 32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that? Grown up yes. 33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish? Mature. I have a baby I have to be mature. 34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50? Umm yes. 35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? Of course everyone does. H – Hope 36. Love – real or not? REAL. 💍 37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist? I would like to say optimist. 38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way? I believe everything happends for a reason. Fate. 39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? I sure hope so. 40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? My daughter, my fiancé, and my family. I – Issues 41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/loneliness? No. 42. Do you have any type of disease or disability? Just anxiety. 43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex? No I'm happier then I've ever been. I'm freaking getting married in 8 days! 👰🏻 44. Do you think that you are alone in this world? No. 45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away? I don't anymore. J – Jokes 46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & of your friends (an inside joke) Hmm I don't know? 47. Are you usually the one who makes people laugh,Or the other way around? Both. 48. Do you cry when you laugh hard? Omg yes. 49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day! Too many to name. 50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class? Never did no. K – Knowledge 51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends? Learn. 52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average? Lmao they refer me to a blonde. 😂 53. What was the highest grade you have received (full course mark) ever? A. 54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher? Not in school. 55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)? None. L – Love 56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before? Yes I'm def in love. 57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)? My fiancé can't keep her hands off me. 😏 58. Is love worth it? Def esp when your with the right person. 59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they ‘love’ someone that they’ve been dating for a few months? No. I knew Kate was the one right away. 60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word? Not with Kate I just knew. ❤️ M – Money 61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round? In some ways. 62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money? Average. 63. Are you saving up for college/university, or planning to? For my daughter yes she has a college fund. 64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with? Perfect person of course. 65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you? 10. N – Naughty 66. Are you a virgin? Lmao. 67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you’re not going out with? I've done it. 68. Do you know anybody you consider a ’slut’? What makes you say that? No. 69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more? Erase certain people yes. 70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can’t say both! Naughty. 😏 O – Openness 71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone? Awhile. 72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone? Being with the right person. 73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason? I was in the beginning. Now I trust Kate with my entire life. 74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually? More than comfortable. 😏 75. When it comes to parents and close friends, what’s the limit of what you can tell them? Anything. P – Positive 76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn’t necessarily end positively? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of that person because of the good times? Yes, erase completely please. 77. Do you agree with the saying: better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all? In some ways. 78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be? Optimistic. 79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything? In some ways. 80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because no of it? If so, please explain, what it was: lmao meeting the love of my life after the mistake of my life. She's the best thing to ever happen to me besides my daughter. ❤️ Q – Questions 81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself? Figure it out myself. 82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation? I do question life sometimes and all about meaning. 83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? I'm scared of that answer. And nothing I don't want to talk to the president. 84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go? Confront of course. 85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to? Why death. Why not live forever. R – Respect 86. How do you show respect? With emotions and effort. 87. What can someone do for you to lose all respect for them? Talk shit. 88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures? Yes. 89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment? None lol. 90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness? Mean back. 😂 S – School 91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into?None. 92. When will you graduate high school/college? Done with school. 93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do? We'll see what the future holds. 94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it? Hate school always have. 95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school? Suspended lol. T – Temptation 96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay? lol yes. 97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it? No. Never. 98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it? Yes, I wasn't in love and was unhappy. 99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn’t really know or love? I've done it. What did you end up doing? Everything . 100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independent and strong willed? It depends. U – Unique 102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it? No. 103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces? I wear whatever I want. 104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex? Lol no. I drink, and have casual sex, lol I'm in adult. 105. What makes you different from people your age? Having a kid. Getting married. V – Value 106. What’s the most expensive thing in your room? My tv. 107. What’s more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people? The lives of my loved ones. Of course I would give my life to my loved ones. 108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you? My engagement ring. 💍 109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab? 110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future? Hell no. W – Wishes 111. If you had three wishes, what would they be? Having my dad be alive, I would use all 3 wishes on that. 112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones? My loved ones. 113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them? I would like to think that. 114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish? Yes, my daughter is my wish come true and Kate was my wish come true. She completed my fairytale. 115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that’s meant to happen, will happen? No I always wish on stars. Y – You 121. Are you more independent or social? Social. 122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it? Animal cruelty. 123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things? Of course. 124. Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life? Develop their personalities for sure. 125. Do you think people are generally good ? I am not sure anymore with what's going on in the world. Z – Zest 126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not? Yes. I have a beautiful daughter and I'm getting married, and have a wonderful family and friends.
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birdieboob · 7 years
Talk about quiz
1:Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
The one movie which I can watch a million times and not get sick of is Shawshank Redemption. It used to be my most hated movie until I actually sat down to watch it because it plays pretty much every day. I love Andy!

2:Talk about your first kiss.
My first kiss was with Steven in second grade! I dont remember exactly where it happened but he was my first boyfriend.

3:Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
Oh boy thats tough. The most intense feelings was with this one ex. We dated for a short amount of time but our whole relationship was intense. There was such a sweetness to it but also a comfortable feeling. I felt secure. But alas that ended.

4:Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
I regret not being able to save for texas! Its just so fucking hard!

5:Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.
The best birthday I had was also one of my worst. It was my 16th birthday and we were all supposed to go out to play pool along with my boyfriend. But my younger brother threw this HUGE fit about mt boyfriend coming so he had to go home so it was just my dad, me and my older brother who went. It was nice to spend time with my dad like that. Then when I got home they sat me down and gave me this little box. I opened it and it was a sweet 16 necklace! I have it still in my jewelry box.

6:Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.
See above.

7:Talk about your biggest insecurity.
My belly. Ugh. I have a beer gut.

8:Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
My daughter! She is the most amazing little girl I have ever known. She knows how to make me laugh but also knows how to warm my heart. She is the silliest girl and has her mama’s sass. Im so glad I created her and I get to watch her grow up. 😭

9:Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
I love my eyes. Ive been told my eyes are my best feature! My mom calls them Jeepers Creepers eyes lol

10:Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.
Ive had a few lol but the biggest one? Ima tell you top 2. One boyfriend was asking me what I did last night (he was possesive) and I told him I hung out with a friend who was a girl. He asked what we did and I said we just hung out in a friends clubhouse in his backyard. He then got very angry accusing me of cheating and went to punch my face but I moved my head fast enough and he hit the lockers. I ran away crying to my resource room and he came in after me with his hand tripled in size. My teacher must of clued in because she made him leave and comforted me. Another one was I had been disagreeing with a boyfriend for a few days and we fought for a fucking week straight. He dumped me on thanksgiving. I cried for 5 minutes and was like “oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️”

11:Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had. No idea tbh.

12:Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had. Sooooooo maannnyyyy

13:Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Lol oh shit here we go. Im gonna get hate for this! I was dating my first serious boyfriend for a year and half and I decided “you know what its almost valentines day Im gonna have sex with him”. So we walked around in the winter then I told him. We tried to find a spot (because my parents had no idea I was doing anything sexual so we couldnt do it in the house) so we found a gas station. He asked for the key while I waited by the door. We got in, turned on the hot water to warm up the bathroom and we had sex lol. Honestly... i couldnt feel shit. Like for my first time I thought “is this sex? Am I not doing it right? Is there something wrong with me?” Fuuuckkk Ill be waiting for the comments on this.

14:Talk about a vacation.
I went to Ottawa when I was 16, cody watched my rabbit, we had to bring my sisters rabbit cause she just had 6 babies, got super sunburt, ordered a hot dog and they forgot to ask for the money lol.

15:Talk about the time you were most content in life.
Right now! Life is perfect!

16:Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.
No one invites me to parties lol.

17:Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
Idk lol

18:Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
I joined gymnastics which meant I had to be at the school for 7:30am to practice. I didnt have a leo like most girls but going through the lost and found I found a purple one. I wore it the next day and everyone was questioning it so I never wore it again.

19:Talk about something that happened in middle school.
I got bullied like hell. I got dog treats thrown at me every day.. my bully and her friends would mimic my lisp and everyone called me dumbo. So I cried to my parents. On a hearing appointment my ENT randomly brought up pinning my ears back because he noticed how out they were. My parents were hesitent but I convinced them I needed it.

20:Talk about something that happened in high school.
Grade 9. I heard about this guy who all the girls “fawned” over which is what I heard from the guys. One day he comes over to me and says hello. My heart skipped a beat and said hello back. From then we became close friends alongside a girl named jessie. One day we were all at jessies house and both me and him were upstairs. He was on the computer and I was on the bed. Suddenly he turned around and grabbed a pillow and began smothering me with it. I managed to get him off me and I went to go be with my friend so I laid on the couch. He came down after a few minutes and got on the couch with me. I whispered “please no” and he covered us with a blanket. He began molesting me while I cried and kept pleading him not to. His body held me down while my friend sat there and watched. Once he got off I just ran out the door and he followed me to the bus stop. Once I got to the stop I kept crying but he grabbed me and pushed me up against the glass. His hand was on my neck and he kissed me aggressively. Tears were streaming down my face when this guy comes to wait for the bus and he noticed so he said something. The guy who did that to me left. The next day and until he graduated he would shove me in the halls and punch me. He said I wanted him and Im making it all up. He made high school hell.

21:Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
Omg. Lol. I was in the mental ward and this one guy was crushing on me so hard. We were in the tv room and he was writing me notes waiting for me to reply so I started answering him. This is how the convo went.
Him- are you single?
Me- yeah why?
Him- wanna date?
Me- i dont know you
Him- but I wanna eat nesquick out of your pussy.

22:Talk about your worst fear.
My worst fear is someone hurting my family. :(

23:Talk about a time someone turned you down.
Uhhh cant think of anyone.

24:Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
My parents and people close to me tell me Im a good mom. It just feels ao goos to hear.

25:Talk about an ex-best friend.
Oh idk which one to talk about. The one who watched me get molested? The one who stalks and harrasses me still to this day? The one who disappeared randomly or the one who kept choosing her other friends over me. Bleh.

26:Talk about things you do when you’re sick.
I woman up and take care of my child. Its like Im not even sick. I dont moan about it.

27:Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body.
I looooveeeee @zombiepearl666 lips!
28:Talk about your fetishes.
I just like rough sex. Nothing too fancy lol

29:Talk about what turns you on.
See above.

30:Talk about what turns you off.
Missionary... where you lay ontop of me and thrust. Cant breathe. Gah.

31:Talk about what you think death is like.
I believe you get to watch over your loved ones. Like sit in the same room they are in and just admire them.

32:Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
I dont remember places lol

33:Talk about what you do when you are sad.
I used to cut. But now I just lay in bed and vent to megan.

34:Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
My gallbladder attacks. Fuuuccckkkkk those were so bad they had to knock me out till the attack was over.

35:Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. I wish I would stop not saving.

36:Talk about your guilty pleasures.
I like to eat out when I know its bad for me. Does that count?

37:Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
Im still unsure if I ever felt love with any boy.

38:Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
Fast car reminds me of my mom. Any nightwish song reminds me of my dad. The last night by skillet reminds me of cody and a million reasons by gaga reminds me of gator.

39:Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
I wish I knew who would hurt me.

40:Talk about the end of something in your life.
16. The end of all normalcy in my life. It was when I got schizophrenia.
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