#she gets so much hate bc ppl reduce her to ' some girl obsessed with theo ' but oh. my god...
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these are just a few thinks that have irked me when digging in the deep, dark depths of tracy’s tag and sometimes in some threads with people over the last year ( + ) that i’ve been writing tracy, and i understand how easy it is to misread a character if you’re not studying them personally / don’t care as much about them as the ones who are writing them, so i don’t blame anyone for it ----- but this is a character who gets a lot of mindless hate, a lot of it stemming from the fact that people just didn’t care to try to understand her when she was on the show. i respect that our opinions may not align, but i needed to write all of this out for people to understand where i stand on all of it. i’ll also link all metas relating to these misconceptions.
tracy was a lovesick girl obsessed with theo and making him her boyfriend.
yes, tracy loved theo, but in ways that needed no romantic connotations. she was loyal because she had NOTHING before theo. he offered her guidance that she had been searching for all her life. without a mother for most of her life + a father who only gave her attention when he had to, she needed someone to help mentor her, and she latched onto theo quickly. but what people often forget is that tracy’s prominent genetics are the KANIMA. kanimas seek masters, someone to guide them, someone to use as their weapon of vengeance, someone to give them orders. it’s why theo and tracy work so well together ----- theo needs people who are willing to act as his tool to get what he wants. tracy is willing to be that for him because her genetics pull her to him, making everything he needs a priority. tracy NEVER cared about having a boyfriend, nor did she care about being romantically involved with theo. that was never a priority, just a BONUS between them. it was something that heightened their bond, though not at all necessary to the relationship. it’s important to remember that she wasn’t constantly by his side because she was too obsessed and sickly in love with him, but because she RESPECTED him as an alpha, a master, a genuine friend and the FIRST real friend she has ever had, and as a LEADER. her idea of the perfect alpha was skewed; she believed the way theo behaved was the way alphas were supposed to behave, and that as his beta, it was her responsibility to always protect him and put him before herself, in every situation. being LOYAL doesn’t mean she was simply obsessed.
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tracy and the rest of the pack were close.
this definitely isn’t true on so many levels, but i’m going to start with the fact that it was IMPORTANT to this entire arc that this pack was not close. to insist that they were close and all got along as a happy family as scott’s pack did is to totally invalidate what really happened between them all. theo was NOT a good alpha in terms of how he treated his betas ( despite tracy’s own skewed thoughts on the matter. ) this doesn’t mean they didn’t have their own friendships —— josh obviously looked out for corey, hayden and corey were close, hayden cared for tracy as seen once she found her dead body even though that definitely wasn’t reciprocated. hayden was trying to be part of the pack because she thought that was what she had to do, eventually straying and joining the other pack. corey was back and forth giving insider information to both packs and tracy could see that, also having reason not to trust him given his connection to mason. tracy didn’t like hayden or corey because of their constant back-and-forth and their hesitance to trust theo immediately as she did. she saw them as weak ( often, unrightfully so. )
but more specifically, i want to talk about josh as i’ve seen so many edits, imagines, thoughts, etc. that allude to the fact that these two were CLOSE. while they were seen together most, that doesn’t mean she liked him. she tolerated him because he was the only one of the pack besides her who seemed to be sticking around, but more often than not, she was ANNOYED with him. he second guessed theo, he talked back to him, he acted ungrateful for what he had, and that wasn’t something tracy could never get behind. she never had any sort of respect for josh. she liked him BETTER than the other two in the pack, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed his presence. this is especially true when they have the mask. she knows josh is the only one capable of putting it on without dying —— he has POWER that the rest don’t, and this is an advantage for him. it frustrates her that he’s not taking advantage of it, especially since she’s quick to use her own newfound powers whenever she sees the opportunity. this is a real opportunity for josh to help the pack be one step closer to their overall goal ( an in general, get answers that they can’t find elsewhere ) and he refuses to help. to tracy, this makes him seem disloyal and worthless to the pack.
i don’t know what it is that makes everyone convinced that she cared about josh at all, but i think the scene after he dies is one of her most misread scenes there is. i’ve seen a lot of posts about how she was ‘ obviously so broken up about watching him die ‘ but i will continue to refute this. tracy blindly supports theo in everything he does. if he wants one of their pack members dead, then to her, that’s something that’s necessary and beneficial to them. she TRUSTS his decisions; he’s her alpha, she’s made to believe that he knows what’s best for all of them. josh had just literally proved himself USELESS to the pack because he refused to do the one thing that only he could do and that the pack desperately needed. what does theo do when something is worthless to him? he gets rid of it ——- that’s something tracy has picked up on and uses herself. her reaction to josh’s death was of SURPRISE, not remorse. she was surprised it happened so suddenly, but she didn’t blame theo for doing it. they needed josh’s power and if josh wasn’t going to use it himself, they had to take matters into their own hands, which is exactly what theo did. “ he was small and inexperienced, ‘“ ——- it was a reminder to her that she couldn’t be that. it’s a WARNING from theo. if you’re not willing to oblige by theo’s rules, you have no purpose in this pack —— and the last thing she wanted to be was something worthless to theo. she didn’t respect josh, she had no remorse for his death, and she thought their pack was better off without someone who was so willing to disobey his alpha.
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tracy and her dad were close / she respected her father.
this is a tough one, because the few interactions they had on screen, if you’re not looking closely, her father seems like a supportive dad who only wants to be there for his daughter. however —– if you DO look closer, this isn’t true at all. he was good at faking it ( he’s a lawyer for criminals. he’s used to sticking up for the bad guy and making things look much better than they are. ) this wasn’t always the case ——- their family had been tight-knit before tracy’s mother passed away in a car crash —— one that she was in and the reasoning for her own skin graft that made her eligible to be a chimera ( of course this is my own written back story for her and everything relating to HOW her mother died is all my own interpretation, but the way her father pulled away is still relevant in the show’s canon. ) her father pulled away from tracy after her mom died; he no longer knew how to act with her, especially 1) given how similar she was to her mother and 2) part of him blamed her for the crash because she was there and she survived, while her mother didn’t. he put his career before his family. late night meetings, never home when tracy was going to sleep, and this is a girl who has suffered from nightmares and night terrors for years ( presumably since losing her mother. ) after tracy’s night terrors become more apparent and she opens up about them, she needs someone to take care of her more than ever. being alone makes it so much worse, she’s scared that one she closes her eyes, she’s going to be HURT. her father knows this. she makes this clear to him. still, he offers her nothing. he doesn’t intend on staying home to make sure he doesn’t hurt herself or to make sure she’s safe; he still leaves, choosing his client over her once again. it’s clear by the disappointed look on her face that this was her last time trying so desperately to reach out to him, only to be rejected and left alone yet again. this scene is the last scene we truly see her with humanity and showing real emotion, before her chimera side truly took over.
she kills him that night, presumably because she was trying to get rid of everyone who was trying to help her ——— but there’s more to look at. tracy kills her father, her psychiatrist, and attempts to kill her guidance counselor, natalie martin. while we haven’t seen her relationship with her psychiatrist, we have seen the very POOR attempts that natalie and her father had given to try to help her. they reduced her problems, made them seem as if they were nothing to worry about and made her feel as if she were simply CRAZY for envisioning and feeling the things she felt because of them. natalie reduced it to ‘ common anxiety about senior year . ‘ her father treated it as if it was ‘ just a dream ‘ and that it was ridiculous that she needed real comfort and protection at night. these people hadn’t HELPED HER, they only made her feel worse about herself because they refused to accept she was truly struggling. of course, the dread doctors didn’t want anything in her way of becoming the monster she was meant to be. besides her father, she had no one else., no tie to anyone here. by controlling her and manipulating her into killing him, they rid her of any ties she had to a NORMAL, HUMAN life, so they could take over and be her master ( and after she fails, it’s theo who gets to take over that title. )
tracy’s father had to die for her to become the monster she was destined to be. she doesn’t regret that. i’ve had a lot of things thrown my way about how tracy is probably hurting and probably so remorseful for what had happened to her that night ——- but she’s NOT. she doesn’t care. tracy’s WANTS to be a monster because it gives her power and finally gives her a real purpose. her father held her back from that. he made her feel WEAK, and weak isn’t something she was allowed to feel anymore. it doesn’t matter to her that she was unconscious when killing him or that the dread doctors had control over her, she STILL wanted him dead ( the version of her before becoming a monster would have never gone there, but her mindset is entirely different now. ) also, there have been a lot of instances where people have insisted that theo forced her to kill her father. no. theo wasn’t involved with her YET. the way i see it, he saw just how brutal she was with her father and that’s why he kept an eye on her when it came to deciding who to bring back to life for his own pack. that was the first time she was really able to prove herself to her future alpha and caught his eye.
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tracy wanted to be saved.
this is a big one —– one that i’ve run into many issues with when it comes to writing with others who want to save tracy. it’s great if your character wants to try, it’s very in character for many of the canon characters on this show —— but you have to remember that tracy’s mindset does not align with theirs. she is convinced that theo was the one doing the saving. the dread doctors don’t give much room for chimeras to be saved, they’re doomed FAILURES and that’s all there is to it. her first death was inevitable. it’s what happens after she comes back that makes this important to note. she is content with being with the villain. she has confidence, she has power, and she’s with the alpha who knows MORE about what they’re up against than scott does. not to mention, she knows scott and his pack wanted to save her from becoming the creature she is now ——- which would only take away everything she has been so thankful for, so she believes scott would have RUINED HER if he had been able to ‘ save her. ‘ while other members in the pack second guess theo and start to wonder if they’re better off elsewhere, everything that should look alarming to tracy DOESN’T. her ideas were skewed; she believed that he was supposed to treat his pack the way he did and that it was just an honor to be able to work alongside him.
this often leads me to a standstill in any plot where your character wants to save tracy from theo. IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. you can’t convince her to ever turn her back on someone who she is genetically connected to because of her kanima genes + someone who was giving her guidance that she had been longing for all her life. he was her first real friend, that wasn’t something she could give up. �� while i never mind writing this out because it IS interesting for tracy to continue that fight, you have to understand this if this is the direction your character intends to go —— they can try to save tracy if it’s in their nature to do so, but she won’t oblige. there is NO WAY to change her mind, unfortunately.
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tracy suddenly becoming cold was out of character / didn’t make sense.
i can understand why this may be confusing from the outside while not looking into it, but we have to remember a few very important things. 1) tracy was dead for a month. this has been a running fact throughout this show ----- death changes you. there’s a darkness that surrounds you that will always be with you once you’ve died. tracy wasn’t dead for a few minutes, for a day, she was dead for an entire month. it wasn’t necessarily that she just embraced darkness, but that she literally was brought back from the darkness. before, she never had guidance from anyone ( no mother, a nearly absentee father. ) she had no friends, no one she was close to. even the school’s guidance counselor told her that her serious problems were just ‘ common anxiety ‘ and that she had nothing to worry about. she was never treated fairly by anyone, so she never felt like she belonged anywhere.
theo noted himself as her alpha and instantly said ‘ you belong to me. ‘ this instantly clicked for tracy. it gave her a place to belong. it gave her someone to follow, which was something she always desired. it was because she had no tie to anyone in her previous life that i’m sure theo found it easy to prey on her. while another chimera with ties to their life before death could gravitate to them, tracy had no one to do that with ----- she only had theo, making it so that her focus was entirely on him. for a girl who had just been dead for a month to come back and know NO ONE and have no family with a house that is a crime scene, where was she going to go and who would she turn to? ------ the person who brought her here. in her mind, theo didn’t save her life, he CREATED it. the life she has now is a complete 180 from who she was before, and that’s important for her to take advantage of.
deucalion says it best ----- “ just how powerless were you before all of this happened? in my experience, it’s the truly powerless who are all too eager to demonstrate their newfound strength. “ he’s right about tracy. she was completely powerless before theo, but now he offered her a place to have power --- instantly making her feel confident on a level she felt nearly invincible. it was liberating to tracy because she finally felt like she had a PURPOSE, because that was what theo did for her. all she had left was this power. the only person she had was theo. it would have been difficult for her to avoid darkness at all.
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tracy felt betrayed by theo when he killed her.
tracy’s main goal was to be everything that theo needed her to be. she was literally his PERFECT WEAPON in this sense. what he needed, she did. she was always more concerned about his safety than her own ( that was why she often attacked people without thinking of her own safety because she knew she could create a wall between theo and the victim. ) if he thought that the only way he could defeat the beast and take its power was to have tracy’s powers, she would give them to him. in her mind, he deserved them, and she was here to do whatever she could to make sure he got them. he had to have known this anyway, not that he ever needed her permission ----- but it was obvious that she was willing to do anything for him.
if she knew that was the best option for him and knew it was really what he wanted, she would have no problem giving up herself and her power for him as long as it helped him survive. theo killing tracy was not an act of betrayal to her, and it wouldn’t be had she survived the attack. she would simply be GRATEFUL that she could offer him something. this is the main reason i do not interact in a canon timeline past season five —– what happened here was very much in character for both characters and showed a lot about who they were, especially to each other ( theo willing to sacrifice even his best beta just for his selfish needs, tracy so heavily manipulated by him that she would be willing to give herself up for him. )
tracy’s beliefs: she died in the arms of the man she loved. she died in turn for theo to be more powerful, which was always her main goal. she would never regret helping theo, even if having her powers didn’t last long for him.
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if tracy survived theo’s attack, she would go to scott’s pack.
quite the opposite. her loyalty would not have ended there. when she found out what scott’s pack has done to theo, it would have set off even MORE rage in her, and her hatred towards this pack would be so much more explosive. they’ve stolen her alpha from her; this girl is so far gone from theo’s manipulation and from the kanima / master bond they share that she can never get back on track and realize that theo was a bad guy because she was linked to him in a way that NONE of these people can understand. this is why i don’t believe tracy had any part in season 6 and refuse to go divergent —– had she not died, she wouldn’t be with scott’s pack. she would be FIGHTING them to get him back, and it would be disconnected from the current storyline. i also, 100%, don’t believe she would have survived without theo. her whole life now depended on having him and the purpose that he offered her. without him, she was NOTHING again and she refused to be that. she would be more reckless and get herself into more trouble and ultimately find a way to DIE so she wouldn’t have to be without him. the only way she would keep fighting is if she genuinely believed there was a chance to get him back. she would never have any reason to trust scott’s pack after they sent him to hell. they wouldn’t have the chance to even convince her to trust them because she wouldn’t want to hear it.
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tracy wasn’t important to theo.
i know i’m overstepping on this one as this is more of a meta for theo, but her character is often invalidated because people forget the connection these two had, and this post would be irrelevant if i didn’t touch on the BIGGEST misconception of all. let me preface this by saying this is something i’ve discussed with @nctafailure over and over again, getting a real look into theo’s perception in all of this. what people seem to forget is that killing tracy was never part of theo’s overall plan ( neither was josh, for that matter. ) the murder of both of his beta’s death were an act of IMPULSE. he needed their power right then and there, so he took it.
tracy was his BEST BETA. she was someone who was blindly loyal to him, and he knew she wouldn’t disobey him. theo is a guy who uses people as tools. he wants things to work in his favor. he wants HIS WAY. why would he disregard someone who has literally made it in NUMBER ONE GOAL in her life to please, protect, and obey him? he has the most useful tool of all, his own kanima that he has mastered. while no, he didn’t care for her on a personal level ( i haven’t forgotten WHO we’re talking about ) she was still a good resource for him. she looked out for him, she protected him, she was violent to those he needed out of his way. in the end, theo cares about what’s useful to him, and tracy was.
he valued her opinion ( she was always there to back him up with anything. ) even if he worried he made a bad decision, she would assure him he didn’t. he asked her for validation. though we only saw this once in canon, it’s pretty obvious that it’s not the only time he’s needed it. after he kills josh and deucalion reminds him he’s only making his pack smaller, theo is quick to look over to tracy and ask her, ‘ what do you think? ‘ he knows she’s going to remind him that he made the BEST decision that would end up helping them.
he trusted her with an important task. they had created an alliance with the desert wolf. he got the talons that would take the beast’s power, and she got her daughter to kill. for theo to hold up his end of the bargain, he sent tracy to open the mountain ash to let the desert wolf in to kill malia. this was something he wanted to ensure happened, and he trusted tracy with the mission rather than the rest of the pack, probably because he knew they wouldn’t have accomplished it.
yes, he killed her. but he killed her for his own selfish needs, not because he wanted her dead. this wasn’t a malicious effort to get rid of her; it was an act of SURVIVAL. i’m not saying it was okay for him to kill whoever he needed to get his way, but to insist that he had always planned to kill her or that he had killed her because he didn’t want her is bogus. it’s also very clear that he didn’t even have that idea until AFTER the kiss ( i see all the time that he only kissed her to kill her, but he literally did not have to kiss her for that to work. at all. ) he needed to HEAL, tracy didn’t have the ability to take his pain. she put the idea in his head that they needed to rest and take a step back, and he needed to move forward. he needed to take the beast’s power and time was running out. if he took her power, he could use that and be STRONGER. right now, his only goal was getting the beast’s power, with or without a pack by his side. killing her was impulsive, not planned as the deaths he wanted from the mccall pack were.
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* don’t reblog.
#she gets so much hate bc ppl reduce her to ' some girl obsessed with theo ' but oh. my god...#im just tired im so in love with this character bc of all these things so to have it misunderstood makes me really sad so!!!!#long post /#long post for ts#░▌჻ ❪ ˢᵗᵘᵈʸ ❫ ▬▬ she was fury / she was wrath / she was vengeance. *#░▌჻ ❪ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃᶰᵒᶰ ❫ ▬▬ war won body / tense & vicious. *
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