#she does tank green fairly well
bluemooncove · 3 months
Oh what's this? A message from Liscorp, the totally real company that owns the definitely legitimate Beauty & Beast IP. Oh what ever could the message be? Why it's announcing
Cool Summer Event :O
The time where some of the best selling characters get summer costumes. Normally it doesn't make any sense and is contrived but seeing as Beauty & Beast actually takes place on a tropical island I guess it does make sense. Now before we take a look at who the marketing department has determined to be our cash cows why don't we find out what this cool summer event's plot is?
... Uh ... there's ummm ... a hidden buried treasure somewhere on the island's beach and the guild members are in a race to find it.
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Haunt in need of solace from the sun
So if I were to design a summer alt for Necro it would play up her dust allergy. Lore wise all the sand in the beach is hindering her ability to breath. Originally I was going to say that she would be wearing a gas mask but that's not exactly period appropriate to the setting. So instead I came up with a different idea. In her summer alt Necromancer wears one of those old plague masks (their main purpose was to filter out bad air).
In what is the equivalent to her first ascension she's just wearing a full plague doctor outfit in an attempt to keep sand from getting anywhere. It isn't actually working though because she's constantly suffering from the heavy heat. In her later ascensions she's swapped over to a red and pink one piece bikini with those little frills on it but the plague mask stays on. To keep the sun off of her sensitive skin she's employing multiple of her reanimated zombies to follow her around with a massive umbrella and buckets of water.
For the grand treasure hunt she's formed a party with Alchemist, Errant Knight, and Phantom. They're not actually searching that hard though, instead their plan is to swoop in and snatch the treasure from whatever group finds it.
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Beachside mixologist
Before the rumor of buried treasure spread Alchemist had been asked to help out at Blue Moon Cay's bar. Her alchemist skills actually translate fairly well to mixology. In a reverse of all the others here, Alchemist starts in a swimsuit and gets a less practical beach outfit as she ascends. She wears an old green and black tank suit. It's not particularly showy or fancy but its comfortable and easy to swim in (unlike what anyone else is wearing). Alongside that she carries a little coconut with a straw in it.
Her later ascensions represent after Alchemist has been dragged off by Necromancer to go treasure snatching. Given their plan to snatch the treasure from whoever finds it she trades out her swimsuit for camouflage. Face makeup made from the mud of the jungle floor and a full body jumpsuit designed to resemble the jungle floor and vines. As a replacement weapon she wields an old magitech water gun.
For the treasure hunt Alchemist has partnered with her usual team of Alchemist and Errant Knight as well as Phantom for her stealth abilities. If she can find her new apprentice she'll bring her into the team as well.
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Summer Beauty
Goat Queen has traveled from their own world to Elbeth to get in on Beauty & Beast's treasure hunt. Keeping with the theme of starting in unpractical beach outfits Bee starts out wearing a Georgian Era naval uniform (Basically think of how the navy officers dressed in Pirates of the Caribbean). They're attempting to pass for human so their horns are tucked away and their skin is un-blued. Already they've started befriending the local beach creatures so there's a crab riding around on their head.
Once they go into their later ascensions and change into something a bit more comfortable they swap to white striped yellow sundress. They're keeping out of a swimsuit due to a preference for staying on land (hates it when their wings get wet). Now that they're more relaxed they've got their horns out and skin blued. In fact they're even taking some time to get a navy colored tan. In addition to their crab friend, they've now also made pals with several jellyfish that are journeying with them. Bee has an enormous beach ball that they fight with in their summer alt.
Bee heard something about a treasure everyone is looking for, so they've partied up with Seeker, Sentinel, and Dusk Witch to find it. The four haven't agreed on what they're gonna do in the treasure, they're all too caught up in the hunt for it.
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[She didn't get votes but multiple "Armor Knight too" statements on Tumblr/Discord]
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Guardian of the Surf
As I've mentioned in the past, Armor Knight is pretty much never without her armor even when inconvenient. For that reason her equivalent of a first ascension just has her fully suited up in armor but with a flower crown on top of it. Due to the salt water of the beach her armor is starting to stain and creak. It's only in her later ascensions that she gets with the summer program.
Once she has swapped to a swimsuit, Armor Knight wears a blue and green Hawaiian shirt. The pattern on it isn't flowers rather it is sets of swords and shields clashing with one another. She also wears a lei made of pink flowers and some anachronistic sunglasses. In place of her axe she wields a parasol with an icebox tied to it.
In the treasure hunt Armor Knight has formed a party with Crusader, Dragoon, and Crusader (and maybe Carm). They're hunting for the treasure to cover the expenses of repairing damage to the guild's clock tower.
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cateringisalie · 9 months
FFVII - Four Job Fiesta - Day 1
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Current Progress: Shinra building, 60th Floor
Wow, Mime is not a good one for Cloud. Well, its not horrible - his basic attack is fine for combat + limit breaks + items (feeling kinda Bloodborne-y taking them into account a lot more). But it did mean doing the Scorpion Tank with no magic at all and then hastily stripping everything off Cloud before heading to Rector Five.
Mimes at least do get to use Mastered materia as it is going to be a long, long wait to actually get Mime (I think this is doable after the second Gold Saucer visit, but in practical terms, I really need at least the Highwind so we're kinda talking post-Lifestream sequence to get the minimum green Chocobo to get to the materia). The mastered materia will instead mean Cloud is basically a purely physical attacker but will gain magical attacks as the other party members grow the materia.
And by other party members I mean Barret, Aeris and Red in the first instance.
Barret as a mage does feel an odd idea - I've always used him as a long-range attacker with some magic as needed. Making him a (near pure) offensive mage is something I need to keep reminding myself about. But like most classes, there's no All materia for him so that makes healing and mass casting impossible right now - though at least he can be a healer.
Tifa is currently in a similar position to Cloud as I have none of her allowed materia at this juncture - and its going to mean doing Rufus's fight entirely fairly since the usual shortcut of poisoning isn't an option for Cloud unless I really want to just sit and grind up the levels (I would rather not).
Aeris is someone I always put on the front-row (to build the limit gauge) but this time around its possibly less well advised given with Cloud she became basically a Grey mage (do we have those? Black and White Mage combined) to provide healing and also provide the only magical attacks.
I do like that by maintaining her as a Freelancer means she will be an essential party member at every opportunity for the rest of disc 1 - and that this setup is going to enforce a mechanical detriment once we're into disc 2.
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magicalgirlartist · 2 years
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[ID: 3 digital drawings of 2 characters (1 higher to the left facing left, 1 to the right facing right) each. The first has 2 young men. The higher one is short with a puffy white coat, blue hat with ear flaps, and big blue and grey boots with belts. His hands are clasped in front of himself and he's smiling gently. A text box beside him says "MATORO, translator and hunter, right hand of Turaga Nuju, legally not allowed to translate Nuju's curse words, friendliest Ko-Matoran ever." The lower one is thinner, with a grey parka with the hood up, a white cape, and blue goggles. He has his hands in his coat pockets and is frowning. A text box beside him says "KOPEKE, ice carver and guard, left hand of Turaga Nuju, bad case of resting bitch face, Matoro's best friend." The second has 1 young man and 1 young androgynous woman. The higher one is lanky with a bright green tank top, unlaced brown and green shoes, a glove on one hand and a beaded bracelet on the other, and feathers in his ponytail. He has one hand on his hip and a bemused expression. A text box beside him says "KONGU, Gukko force captain, right hand of Turaga Matau, a little too serious for his own good, gay gay homosexual gay." The lower one is tall, with a green jumpsuit tied at the waist with a bow, 3 beaded bracelets on one wrist, and sandals. She has one hand to her face and a soft smile. A text box beside her says "TAMARU, navigator, left hand of Turaga Matau, loud and talkative, ADHD icon, egg, terrified of heights, likes to swim." The last has 2 young men. The higher is skinny with a long purple top under a short black vest, purple gloves and boots, and black leggings. He's holding one hand to his chest and the other up, winking. A text box beside him says "ONEPU, captain of the Ussalry, right hand of Turaga Whenua, self-absorbed but, like, nice about it, Taipu's best friend." The lower one is buff, with a light brown top with the sleeves rolled up, black bandana around his neck, chunky black boots, and brown leggings. He's flexing one arm and smiling. A text box beside him says "TAIPU, miner, left hand of Turaga Whenua, Himbo Supreme, doesn't look like Hafu, why does everyone keep saying that." End ID.]
More designs for the Bionicle Sports Anime! Finished the rest of the kolhii teams. Gonna maybe do up some uniform stuff next, or possibly the Turaga and some minor characters like Kotu and Kapura.
Some notes about village fashion under the readmore!
[Commissions open!]
Ko-Koro Fashion: Warm, obviously. Ko-Koro is the coldest place on the island, and while Ko-Matoran are more used to and able to withstand the cold than most others, it's still cold as balls there and they do need to stay warm. Many layers are not only common but encouraged, and a lot of clothes are fur-lined. Snow goggles are also common to help prevent snow blindness. Thick, waterproof boots are a must.
Le-Koro Fashion: Le-Koro is the poster child for "it's not the heat, it's the humidity." Most clothes are light and airy (ha). Feathers are a common decoration, along with flowers from the jungle floor. Kongu is wearing a protective glove to help him with his birds. Friendship bracelets are also popular in Le-Koro. People will make bracelets with their names on beads and give them to their friends. Tamaru has one from Kongu and several from Matoran outside the village as well (Takua and Taipu's are pictured). Kongu has Tamaru's as well.
Onu-Koro Fashion: Onu-Koro is fairly temperate year-round due to its proximity to the Mangai. Clothes tend to be tighter but stretchier due to how much physical labour Onu-Matoran do. They also wear mostly darks, since darker colours hide the dirt. Pretty much everyone wears work boots and gloves at all times as well, even if they aren't miners. Due to their weak eyesight, Onu-Matoran often wear wide-brimmed hats or specially tinted goggles if they have to go above-ground for any length of time.
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the-obiwan-for-me · 2 years
For the 40 questions.....
4-How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
15-If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
17-Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Yay! More great questions!
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Honestly, I have 0 fic ideas right now. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. It's kinda sad, but also kind of a relief. Finishing "More Than Blood" was a huge undertaking and while I am proud that I finished not one, but TWO fairly massive longfics, I emptied the tank, so to speak, and haven't really had any big ideas since. I wrote one little canon-ish Bo and Korkie fic awhile back, and I just finally finished a little canon-ish Korkie and Dad fic this week, but that had been an ongoing project for literal years. I have some post MTB moments (and a few "deleted scenes, so to speak) I've written along the way that I may share, but they are moments. Not stories.
Wait, wait, fine. Here's a tiny bit from one of those moments.....
He stared at her, taking her in, pride swelling in him til he ached from it.
His baby girl. His orikih ad’ika. His little firebrand. Now standing tall beside her mother, resplendent in beskar’gram, her wily curls barely contained, her freckles dancing across her cheeks as she smiled brightly up at him, her green eyes blazing with mischief. In mere moments, she would recite the Resol’nare to her aunt, in front of their entire clan, friends, too, from near and far, and proclaim herself Mando’ad. 
But she would always be his orikih ad’ika.
She had been tiny. At one time, though it seemed like both yesterday and three lifetimes ago. Taken abruptly from her mother’s inhospitable womb early, to protect them both. He’d barely needed two hands to hold her tiny body, and her first months she had often slept with her body cradled along his forearm, her tiny head pillowed in his palm. She had been tiny. 
But at thirteen, her Kryze blood was becoming more and more evident every day, as she quickly sprouted into yet another tall, willowy, fierce Kryze woman, and he sometimes wondered how she could ever once have been that tiny. He often had to go back to holos and look at her as a newborn to remind himself.
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
I feel like the obvious answer is "She Said the Word." That would be so cool. It would probably need to be it's own trilogy (I mean, it does span from before the events of TPM through the end of the Clone Wars!), there are some really great moments, and my friends have done an incredible job fancasting my OPs (and, sorry, Katee, I adore you and your Bo, but SSTW Bo is Jessica Chastain and I would LOVE to see my girl play out the emotions Bo has in that story!).
Honorable mention, and I realize that because it is mostly an internal story, but I really wish we had had a moment like the moment I wrote in "Burn Bright." I am and always have been a little salty that Luke got to grieve, on screen, the death of Ben Kenobi and the loss of his home, but we never really see Leia grieve. I do know there is a comic with a very similar premise to this story of mine (which came out AFTER I wrote this, I think), and she had some really nice grief moments in Legends as well as "The Princess and the Scoundrel." But they were all years later.
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Almost all my fics are written from start to finish. For one shots and shorter things, sometimes the idea builds from a particular scene or bit of dialogue, and the story may grow around it, with a start and an end placed around the scene to triggered it. But long fics are almost all start to finish. With some occasional deviations. Sometimes I get an idea of a scene that won't leave me alone, so I will write it down, and stick it in when the time comes. There were SEVERAL scenes in the later chapters of "She Said the Word" that were written MONTHS earlier than they were published.
Thanks for the awesome questions! More questions here!
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ghoulishundertakings · 7 months
♙ - date night, ♚ - casual / everyday
Date night: Lucy has never been so excited for the return of a trend as jumpsuits. She loves a good jumpsuit it’s easy to dress up or down and it’s also easy to find one that has long sleeves. If she forgoes that then she’s a fan of long skirts and long pants. Just like every day she tends to layer clothes if they don’t cover up most everything. If she’s dressing up she will take the time to find colors that compliment her not just whatever is clean. She wears a lot of dark blue, champagne gold, and dark green if she doesn’t think it makes her look too much like a Christmas ornament. She also likes to take these occasions to wear her hair down.
Every day: The staples are jeans (actual denim not blend) some ratty tank or shirt and a long sleeved shirt over it (this tends to be flannel because it is such an easy fabric to find year round), and boots of some sort. Her clothes are practical, they should be easy to clean and fairly sturdy. In the winter she will wear gloves and a heavier jacket over it. She’s also a fan of overalls but finds that the straps are easy to grab but hard to release if she’s in a scrape so they aren’t a favorite work day item. While they aren’t usually skin tight, her clothes tend to fit well if only because a lot of extra fabric can be a hazard for her. The only thing she hasn’t really been able to part with for the sake of practicality is her hair, she braids it or keeps it pulled back most days but she does really like her hair and is borderline vain about it. Also her mother complains if she takes even a few inches off, it would be a real headache if she cut it too short.
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netherator-rp · 1 year
Sillies you can start shit with any time I'm awake, just be sure to specify because otherwise I will be forced to write out responses for all of them which is kind of a pain jk I don't mind it's not like I have anything better to do otherwise. Anyways here they are!
John, my main guy, half demon, chill, son of the current king of hell, he never mentions it as he really doesn't care for publicity and values his privacy. Physical description:≈5'7"(he's still growing and doesn't know when it'll stop due to his dad being like 9ft. tall) usually wearing a red hoodie, has dragonlike wings that are a little more than 6ft. accross when fully outstretched, he also has a tail that fits the stereotypical image of a devil with the triangle end, both the tail and wings are a dark red with the membrane of the wings being more yellowish, he's got hair that's fairly well kept and is a bit shorter than shoulder length, also I forgot to mention he wears jeans mostly and a comfy pair of sneakers (bro is straight up inaudible when walking). He/him. He's 15. Also bisexual.
Noah, @the-boat-man, energetic as he is 12. Learning magic from John. significantly messier hair and typically wears a blue long-sleeved shirt with a poorly fitting pair of jeans because he doesn't give a crap. He's like 5'4" but will grow quite a bit before adulthood to like 5'10". Parents are MIA but he lives in John's place so it's fiiinee. (He actually doesn't know his parents are missing as he basically moved into living with John because it was just a chiller place to be)(his parents don't fight or anything he just likes hanging with John and the parents didn't disapprove because they trust John with their kid's life). As far as he's aware he's straight.
Joseph. Fucking green. Went off to live on an unknown island in the tropics 30 years and hasn't been seen since. Typically wears a tank-top and shorts. His ears are pierced and it's not uncommon for him to be wearing his favorite mushroom earrings. Can photosynthesize. Is into botany. Like 6'2". Asexual, he/they. Looks 20, is likely in his 60's. Genetic modification is another hobby of his (it's why he's green and lookin' young). He's got some naturally curly hair that rarely goes beyond a finger's length.
Nevik, any pronouns, prefers they/them, likes xe/xem, chill with he/him, and while basically no-one ever calls them by it doesn't mind she/her, no fucks givin about gender, panromantic demisexual, 97 but for his species that's barely more than the equivalent of 17, alien that actually bothered to learn English. Telepathic, can breathe underwater. He looks like a humanoid axalotl with pinkish skin. Cold-blooded (biologically I mean. they're a pretty friendly dude). planet is called Xotalia. Their entire species is entirely genderless and doesn't even have biological sexes.
Capt. Pike Alford, he/him. Straight as can be. 6 foot guy. 43 100+ years in the future in a world of spaceships and asteroid mining.(same universe but these guys are already gone) Also occasionally researchers will join aboard his ship for a couple weeks to do do stuff to figure out the development of life or some shit he doesn't care he's just happy to get a small share of the grant money but stays courteous and helps when he can with the research.
Bill, @a-solved-cipher, living drawing in appearance, he/him and gay. John's ex boyfriend. pretty powerful magic user, especially illusions. Demon. Rich by exploiting the labor of clones of himself, but not filthy rich. Does not age. He's 16 and has yet to confront the fact that he will outlive everyone he currently knows.
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rrenzwrld · 2 years
mama’s baby, daddy’s maybe
a third part just in case someone wanted it.
enjoy! @mellyie @sunandstarsco
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“So you wanna leave at 5?” Armin asked as he sat up at the island.
“Hmm.. I don’t know… It shouldn’t take nothing but like, what thirty minutes?”
“Yeah but traffic could be really bad down there. And I wanna make sure we have a seat.” I nodded in understanding. I contemplated on how long it would take to get Celest and myself ready.
“Well let me get Celest up-“
“I’ll get Celest up. You get ready.” I was about to mention himself but I noticed he was already dressed in a cream colored sweater tucked into a pair of dark jeans. I’d be lying if I said that Armin never dressed himself well.
“So you’ll get Celest dressed while I..?”
“Yes, Chy. I got Celest, go get ready.” He laughed.
After I had gotten my shower and freshened up, I dressed myself in a cropped white tank top, light jeans, and a cream-colored cardigan. I didn’t wanna dress up too fancy for it all to be for no reason. I let my faux locs fall down to my waist, not bothering to style it into anything.
“You ready?” Armin opened the door just a enough to poke his head through.
“Yeah. Where’s Cee?” Armin opened up the door a little wider so that she could come running in, dressed cute in the Titan’s colors, forest green and white.
“There’s my baby!” I picked her up and sat her on my hip. “You look so pretty~” I peppered her soft cheeks in kisses as she had a giggling fit in my arms.
“I see you did her hair.” I looked at Armin’s attempt at small space buns and didn’t complain. “I like it.”
“Aw,” He sits down on the bed and I put down Celest. “I try. I though you said you were ready.” I kept switching between the white block heel boots and white leather converses.
“I am, I’m just…”
“The boots.” I turned to Armin with the boots in hand.
“Really? I don’t wanna look too fancy..” He rolled his eyes, probably fed up with me by now.
“You’ll be fine~ we gotta go!”
We pulled up to the venue, meeting Layla there. Armin practically rushed us in the stadium after security met us at the gate. Armin explained that Layla and I were accompanying him and with his words, he found a way to get us in without tickets or verification. I couldn’t be more grateful.
“Armin, thank you so much.”
“My pleasure. There’s seats close to courtside if you wanna grab them before it’s too late.” He says, handing me Celest’s diaper bag.
“You’re not watching with us?” Layla frowned. He held up the expensive camera that was around his neck and waved it at us.
“I got a job to do. Bye~” He waved to Celest, Layla, and I before jogging off somewhere. We found some seats a row above courtside and sat, waiting for the game to start.
Surprisingly enough, Celest sat fairly still in my lap as she played silently with her basketball plush. Her eyes would go from the small toy to what was going on out on the court. At that moment, I didn’t have a particular emotion because this all happened too fast. This could all be a dream as far as I knew.
“Don’t look now but..” Layla nudged me softly and pointed out to the court.
“Number two..” My eyes scanned the court for a player with the number two jersey to see what she was talking about. And there I saw him, warming up on the court. He looked exactly how I left him. As if we were fresh out of high school again. I looked at Celest and noticed we were looking out at the same thing. The difference was that I knew who it was out there, she didn’t and I was gonna fix that.
After I got out of my trance, “Layla, when does the game start?”
“7 I think. You better scream as loud as you can when he hit that 3-pointer.” She joked. I shoved her playfully.
“Shut up.” I laughed.
The game started and I could feel the energy of everyone in the room as it erupted in screams and clapping. I had never seen Connie play before now if it wasn’t at a high school game and at that moment I knew. He had every right to be on that court. He did everything so effortlessly as if it all came natural to him. I was so proud of him and I wasn’t even sure if he remembered me.
“Woooo! C’mon Cee. Let’s cheer for daddy! Woooo!” Layla had sat Celest in her lap and used her little hands to clap with the rest of the crowd.
“Layla.” I side-eyed her to keep her voice down.
“What? Nobody’s listening.” I looked around and my eyes landed on a older woman who resembled Connie. I recognized her as his mother and didn’t expect her to be so close. But then again, we were near the courtside and if it wasn’t other celebrities down there, it was the parents and families of the players.
I rapidly tapped on Layla’s shoulder and her head snapped towards me.
“Girl what?” I pointed to the lady who was sitting courtside a few seats away from us.
“Who’s that?”
“Connie’s mom.” Her mouth hung wide in surprise.
“Can we say hi?”
“No!” Celest started to whine and a foul smell clouded my nose. I picked up Celest and put her diaper bag over my shoulder. “I’m gonna change Celest. Don’t do anything stupid.” I loved Layla, but it was a shame how I had to warn her not to do anything stupid even if she was old enough to know not to do it.
She rolled her eyes. “Fine…”
I went to the bathroom to change Celest and was about to leave out when a beautiful woman stopped us as she was drying her hands. She was dressed in a tight dress and red bottoms, with long bone-straight hair that nearly reached her butt. She was probably a basketball wife, just one that was actually nice enough to speak.
“She’s really cute.” The woman complimented as I held onto Celest’s small hand.
“Thank you so much! You wanna say thank you, CeeCee?” Celest managed to say somewhat of a ‘thank you’ to the woman before we headed out and back onto the court. I looked over and saw that Layla had stayed put so I sighed in relief.
“So what happened? Did I miss anything?” I asked as I sat down with Celest in my lap.
“It’s a time out right now. Want some fries?”
After the game, Armin texted me and told me to wait for him to come get us. After waiting a few minutes, Celest started to get antsy so I stood up and started to leave, trying to look for Armin myself.
“Chy. What are you doing?” Layla questioned as she followed behind me.
“Going to look for Armin. I gotta hurry up and get home so I can get ready for work tomorrow.” I got Celest’s bottle of apple juice and handed it to her, to hold her for a bit until we got home.
“You call him?”
“No, I-“
“Leaving so soon?” A voice called out from behind me. I picked up Celest and put her on my hip with her juice in hand. I didn’t turn around. Did I already know who it was?
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
That Obyn post got more love than I expected, so I’ve decided to share all information I got related to him. But that’d make it a short post, so I’m sharing my other favorite Heroes as well (Quincy, Benji and Captain Churchill)💌
I wrote down everything I could find, but I might have missed stuff or got something wrong. And don’t take these too seriously, this is something I did for myself. Nothing is set in stone!
The spirits he uses to attack return to him.
“Nature’s spirits will never be diminished, only transformed.”
Ocean Obyn is called Ocyn apparently (idk bro)
Bigger than dart monkeys!
Much older than he looks (old as the forests)
Likes taking long walks along the beach during Summer.
Second most cuddly
Goes hiking a lot
Very fuzzy
His pet (the spirit wolf cub) is called Fluffy
Likes mint ice cream
Raised by wolves??? (a mess at the dinner table)
Likes philodendrons
Favorite color is green
Likes to make fresh salads that he brings to eat at his friends’ places
Tends to supervise Gwen's visits to the forests
MIGHT do knitting and macrame (not sure of this one tho)
Tells a lot of puns.
Has a crush on Gwen! Think she’s very cool (Might be one-sided…)
Implied he already confessed (again, one-sided??)
Practises with his bow in his free time.
Or hang out with the other heroes!
Fourth most cuddly
Biggest crybaby
Needs a hug… (yes this is vital canon information)
Still hunting for that DDT (Cyber Quincy lore ig)
Has the biggest wardrobe
Loves a good photoshoot and likes to practice by striking poses lol
Gets real sad when somethings gets past his bow (F in the chat)
Tried to teach Pat how to use his bow but it was a too small.
Surprisingly buff! (Due to the draw force of his bow)
Does his own haircut
Sometimes like to use darts
All the dart monkeys like him!
Cries the most out of all the heroes
Eats banana porridge for breakfast
Favorite color is orange
Hosted a party on New Year’s Eve (everyone came!)
Apparently the best athlete (he’s very talented)
Thinks crossbows are lazy (lmao)
Shaves his eyebrow to look cool.
Big PC gamer, loves MOBAs
Wears formal clothes because likes to feel fancy
Likes to work out
Might not have went to school???
Has his own mixtape as a DJ
LOVES karaoke
Makes synthwave music, also listens to dubstep
Favorite type of sushi is California Roll
Favorite color is silver
Seems to like anime?? (apparently he watched Sword Art Online)
The Biggest Narcissit™
Hides in his room with the AC up in Summer
Might secretly listen to Mariah Carey (All I Want For Christmas is- )
Has many computers/mobile devices at his disposal
Sixth most cuddly
Yells BENJAMMIN IS IN THE HOUSE when he’s home (based)
Likes shawarma
Has a private yacht
Did helpdesk at some point!
Funnels his anger through memes (LMAO)
Captain Churchill
‘Passionate devotee of the surfboard, first monkey to ride the River Severn’s 5ft tidal bore. He even designed his own board!’
That is to say, he enjoys surfing
Bonds over old military movies with Striker Jones
Really likes driving his tank around lol
The best at chess
Uses all limbs + tail to operate his tank!
Likes black coffee with tons of sugar (sweet as him)
Third most cuddly
Wields the power of comradery (?)
Likes to play World of Tanks (lol)
Friends with Admiral Brickell! Trained together
Enjoys manga and anime (favorite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist)
Favorite color is green
Has a huge underground bunker full of tanks. Or so he says!
Tank has a secret banana stash (and who knows what else)
Third shortest, barely taller than Etienne (confirmed as a MANLET)
Sometimes plays cards with Striker Jones and Brickell
Great poker face!
Lives fairly close to Admiral Brickell and Striker Jones, tends to carpool to the army base with the latter
When he doesn’t feel like talking, he’ll slowly slide into his tank and shut the lid... funny to watch if you aren’t the one trying to talk to him.
His tank got many modifications!
Seat height adjustment, flexible antenna, a built in goggle finder (usually points to his head), and full transformation upgrades
He made the sand sculpture in Resort
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netherator · 3 years
Call me Endymon, it's my internet name.
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I also have a cohost for my ulterior motives
Other blogs I run (by run I mean post rarely on and own)
@netherator-rp (sfw roleplay)
@the-boat-man (who even knows at this point)
@a-solved-cipher (it's where I save stuff)
@dead-doctor (been awhile since I've last seen a text doctor)
@the-other-janitor-from-osha (little remains of the oshaverse)
@carrs-safeway (my corporate blog where I interact with other corperate blogs)
@is-this-shakesperean-accurate (I correct your grammar in Shakespearean/Elizabethan english)
@sovereign-state-of-alaska (my countryverse blog where I pretend to be all of Alaska)
OC's you can ask about anytime (ppl lease do I beg of you I love getting asks)
John, my main guy, half demon, chill, son of the current king of hell, he never mentions it as he really doesn't care for publicity and values his privacy. Physical description:≈5'7"(he's still growing and doesn't know when it'll stop due to his dad being like 9ft. tall) usually wearing a red hoodie, has dragonlike wings that are a little more than 6ft. accross when fully outstretched, he also has a tail that fits the stereotypical image of a devil with the triangle end, both the tail and wings are a dark red with the membrane of the wings being more yellowish, he's got hair that's fairly well kept and is a bit shorter than shoulder length, also I forgot to mention he wears jeans mostly and a comfy pair of sneakers (bro is straight up inaudible when walking). He/him. He's 15. Also bisexual.
Noah, @the-boat-man, energetic as he is 12. Learning magic from John. significantly messier hair and typically wears a blue long-sleeved shirt with a poorly fitting pair of jeans because he doesn't give a crap. He's like 5'4" but will grow quite a bit before adulthood to like 5'10". Parents are MIA but he lives in John's place so it's fiiinee. (He actually doesn't know his parents are missing as he basically moved into living with John because it was just a chiller place to be)(his parents don't fight or anything he just likes hanging with John and the parents didn't disapprove because they trust John with their kid's life). As far as he's aware he's straight.
Joseph. Fucking green. Went off to live on an unknown island in the tropics 30 years and hasn't been seen since. Typically wears a tank-top and shorts. His ears are pierced and it's not uncommon for him to be wearing his favorite mushroom earrings. Can photosynthesize. Is into botany. Like 6'2". Asexual, he/they. Looks 20, is likely in his 60's. Genetic modification is another hobby of his (it's why he's green and lookin' young). He's got some naturally curly hair that rarely goes beyond a finger's length.
Nevik, any pronouns, prefers they/them, likes xe/xem, chill with he/him, and while basically no-one ever calls them by it doesn't mind she/her, no fucks givin about gender, panromantic demisexual, alien that actually bothered to learn English. Telepathic, can breathe underwater. He looks like a humanoid axalotl with pinkish skin. Cold-blooded (biologically I mean. they're a pretty friendly dude). planet is called Xotalia. Their entire species is entirely genderless and doesn't even have biological sexes.
Capt. Pike Alford, he/him. Straight as can be. 6 foot guy. 43 100+ years in the future in a world of spaceships and asteroid mining. Also occasionally researchers will join aboard his ship for a couple weeks to do do stuff to figure out the development of life or some shit he doesn't care he's just happy to get a small share of the grant money but stays courteous and helps when he can with the research.
Bill, living drawing in appearance, he/him and gay. John's ex boyfriend. pretty powerful magic user, especially illusions. Demon. Rich by exploiting the labor of clones of himself, but not filthy rich. Does not age. He's 16 and has yet to confront the fact that he will outlive everyone he currently knows.
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Tell me if I don't tag unreality I reblog
Anyone who harasses another person for any reason gets blocked immediately!
oh yeah also I stream in the summer and occasionally other times.
and also there's a gimmick project I will play a pretty small part in
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
A Critical Role Campaign 2 Mechanics Primer
Got a request from a new Critical Role viewer for some clarification re: rules and characters, and dang, yes, there’s so much stuff to deal with as a new viewer at the moment. So here’s an attempt at clarifying some stuff!
How does D&D work?
Fundamentally, one person (the DM) sets the scene and the players riff off that scene by acting out what their characters would do in response. Whenever a player’s actions would lead to an uncertain result, the DM can call for them to roll a die and try to hit a predetermined target number to see if they succeed. The players’ individual characters have abilities that boost certain categories of rolls and penalize others; a very strong character is more likely than a scrawny one to be able to open a jammed door, but they could still have an unlucky roll. It’s the DM’s job to incorporate the sometimes-absurd results of those die rolls into a coherent story.
Combat is the most “gamey” D&D gets, where everyone has a turn set aside to act (with an order determined by the “initiative” roll that starts combat). This is where character classes come in handy: magic-users cast spells, fighters jump in with their weapons of choice, and so forth. Each character has a set of hit points, and once those reach zero, the character is unconscious and possibly dying. But combat ain’t just hack-and-slash: there can be conversation, strategy, manipulation, collaboration, and all sorts of weird subtleties going on. Fundamentally, players’ actions are limited only by their imaginations.
It can be super weird getting into a D&D show even if you have played a bit because everyone plays the game a bit differently. Critical Role’s gameplay leans hard into roleplaying and character beats (there are episodes with basically no dice rolls) but also leans hard enough into the rules that a random bad or good roll can completely derail the story; rolls aren’t fudged or handwaved for the sake of a predetermined narrative, which means nobody playing (including the DM) knows how things are going to end up. This makes for a viewing experience that is a cross between dramedy improv and live sports; the cast plays out long scenes of conversation, but their characters could also permanently die at any time, adding to the high stakes. It’s also totally unedited, which accounts for the absurdly long runtime. 
If any of that isn’t for you, there are a lot of great D&D podcasts out there (often labeled “actual play”) that run the gamut from silly with minimal rules to mechanically involved but edited down. It’s a cool time to get into D&D!
Okay, so how exactly do these characters do their thing?
One of the more confusing aspects for new viewers of the second campaign of Critical Role is that they’re using a fair amount of content that’s not in the baseline ruleset - some character races and classes are coming from expansion content, and some are from Matt Mercer (the DM’s) homebrew. Here’s a quick summary of what each character has going on at the start of the campaign, moving from left to right in the first episode’s seating arrangement.
Fjord (played by Travis Willingham)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Travis is the big guy who looks like he could throw a football real far. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice has a Texas twang.
Fjord is a half-orc warlock. A half-orc typically has green skin and tusks but otherwise looks fairly close to a garden-variety human. Warlocks are magic-users who gained their abilities from a bargain with a mysterious (generally somewhat malevolent) being of great power. Mechanically, they rely a lot on what are called cantrips (spells that can be cast an unlimited number of times a day) since the number of more powerful spells at their disposal is very limited. However, unlike most other casters that have to get a full night’s sleep to regain their stronger spells, warlocks just have to rest for an hour or so and they’re good to go. More specifically, Fjord is a hexblade warlock. Hexblades are warlocks who have a particularly strong bond with their weapon of choice and can summon it from nothing.
Beauregard (played by Marisha Ray)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Marisha is the woman who often perches on her chair like she’s about to take flight. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is a bit gruff with a sarcastic drawl.
Beau is a human monk. Both humans in this campaign use a variant version of human that allows them to pick a feat at the start of the campaign: Beau has some extra expertise in investigative and athletic abilities. Monks are preternaturally powerful martial artists; what some classes do with magic, they do with unarmed combat. Mechanically, they rely on an ability called ki points, which are a stockpile of points that can be used for extra-powerful abilities such as being able to hit extra times on an attack or being able to stun an enemy. More specifically, Beau is a Way of the Cobalt Soul monk, which is a homebrew from Matt and means she’s essentially a warrior-monk-librarian whose key abilities center around rooting out useful information.
Caleb (played by Liam O’Brien)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Liam is the guy who perpetually looks like he’s about to launch into a Shakespearean monologue. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice is soft with a German accent.
Caleb is a human wizard. His variant human feat gives him an eidetic memory and the ability to always know what time it is. Wizards are magic-users who got to where they are with careful study; Caleb has to keep track of his spells by transcribing them into a spellbook. He also has a familiar in the form of the cat Frumpkin, although Frumpkin can also change forms. Mechanically, wizards can pick up spells from a lot of different sources to learn them, but again, the cost in time and materials of transcribing them into a spellbook can be substantial. More specifically, Caleb is a transmutation wizard, which means his wizardry focuses around the act of transforming one thing into another.
Nott (played by Sam Riegel)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Sam is the guy with an alarmingly big smile and a comically oversized flask. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice is high-pitched with varying levels of Cockney accent.
Nott is a goblin rogue. Goblins are small and quick, and may or may not be well-received depending on the location. Rogues are sneaky individuals who do best when striking from the shadows or scouting ahead to investigate potential traps and unlock doors. Mechanically, they get a huge bonus in combat if they attack when unseen or when an opponent is distracted by an ally. They’re also very good at avoiding attacks and at hiding from view. More specifically, Nott is an arcane trickster rogue, which means she also dabbles in magic related to illusions and enchantment.
Jester (played by Laura Bailey)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Laura is the one who may or may not be instigating every round of giggles at accidental innuendo. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is bubbly with an Eastern European accent.
Jester is a tiefling cleric. Tieflings essentially look like brightly-colored humans (Jester has blue skin) with horns and a tail; they’re the result of infernal ancestry and also may or may not be well-received. Clerics are magic-users who derive their power from the blessing of a deity or other extremely powerful entity. Jester’s divine patron is the Traveler, a mysterious trickster with an affinity for phallic graffiti. Mechanically, clerics have a massive stable of spells from which they can choose a subset every morning; their abilities range from healing wounds to causing devastating harm. More specifically, Jester is a trickery domain cleric, which means her spells have a strong focus on illusions and pranks.
Mollymauk (played by Taliesin Jaffe)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Taliesin is the one who looks like he may be some sort of ancient fey creature who’s come to our realm to play D&D. If you’re listening to the podcast, his character voice has an Irish accent of varying intensity.
Molly is a tiefling blood hunter with purple skin. Blood hunters are a custom class Matt created that can use their own blood (in a process called hemocraft) to augment their combat abilities. Mechanically, blood hunters are high-risk high-reward; they can perform devastatingly brutal attacks, but often only at the cost of shedding some of their own blood to do so. More specifically, Molly is an Order of the Ghostslayer blood hunter, which means he’s got an affinity for things relating to the moment of death.
Yasha (played by Ashley Johnson)
If you’re watching the show in video form, Ashley is the one who isn’t around for a little bit (she was splitting her time with a TV show on the opposite coast) and then SHE’S BACK AND I’M STILL SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT. If you’re listening to the podcast, her character voice is soft with a faint Scandinavian accent.
Yasha is an aasimar barbarian. Aasimar are the semi-divine counterpart to tieflings, although Yasha is a fallen aasimar with a fairly different aesthetic. Barbarians use their rage to enhance their already fierce battle prowess. Mechanically, barbarians in a rage take less damage and deal more damage, and also embrace a high-risk high-reward playstyle as tanks in the middle of the fray. More specifically, Yasha is a Path of the Zealot barbarian, which means her battle rages are fueled by the influence of a divine being.
Interested in watching from the start of campaign 2? The show has a YouTube channel with each episode posted in its entirety, and all episodes are also available in podcast form (they did jump channels partway through, but you can usually find a playlist that has them all). If you want to delve into campaign 1, I highly recommend it, but be aware that they’re still figuring out tech stuff and you’re also jumping in partway through the game they started years earlier at home. Campaign 2 starts 20 years after campaign 1 on a different continent of the same world, and is intended to be an appropriate jumping-on point for new viewers.
Interested in catching up faster so you can watch live with friends? Search Critical Recap for a series of recap videos on YouTube, which then becomes a series of written summaries on the CritRole website after episode 88. There are also great summaries on the Wiki, and many people have put together catch-up guides for new viewers. 
There’s A LOT of content out there. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for skimming the early stuff if you want to get in on the new episodes sooner. <3
Episodes air at 7 PM Pacific every Thursday on Critical Role’s Twitch and YouTube channels; the VOD goes up for free on YouTube the Monday after. In the last few months, the cast has been distanced at the studio (all on separate cameras) and episodes have been pre-recorded several weeks in advance; normally, the show is streamed live and everyone is around the same table.
Hope that helps! If you have any questions, let me know. This is a fun show to get into, and a great all-consuming massive body of entertainment if you have the time for it.
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macnevercries · 4 years
Intoxicating(Sero x F!Reader)
Genre- fluff, friends to lovers, smut (mostly smut but with storyline)
Word count: 4250
Warnings- drug use, shotgunning, fingering, penetrative sex, praise kink, stoner hanta, hand fetish, mutual pining, sero being a gentleman, size kink?
Notes- This is my first fan fiction so I’m sorry if it’s bad, please enjoy! This was  inspired by High Enough by K.Flay https://open.spotify.com/track/1qwno7xb5mJe71xtMS6jl2?si=-5ErHlgtTo-WD_SHyGL6uw  
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“Are you on your way yet?” Mina spoke over the phone, pressuring you into coming to a hangout for once. You had missed all of the bakusquad meetups for a week and Mina was tired of being the only girl there.
“Minaaaaa, it’s awkward. I can't face Sero and the rest of them after I confessed to him” you spoke shyly.
“Y/N, you were drunk, He was drunk. We were all drunk. I don't think he even remembers it, I barely even remember that night.” she said convincingly. It was likely that Mina didn't remember it, she was a lightweight after all. 
“Even if he doesn't remember, I do. And I can't do it.” you spoke, holding your ground.
“You haven't shown up for a week. If you don't come tonight I’ll tell Sero what happened so it won't even matter if he remembers. Be there at 7, it’s movie night.” Before you could answer Mina hung up the phone.
“Mina wait-” you spoke hurriedly. Shit, Now you actually had to show up. And worst of all the movie was at Sero’s house tonight. Despite not going to see any of your friends this week, you had the group's schedule memorized and knew where the bunch would be tonight. Sighing, you got out of bed and checked the clock, 5:04, I’ll hop in the shower and have a light dinner before I go over, You thought to yourself before walking over to the bathroom and hopping in the shower, closing the glass door. You looked in the mirror through the door watching as the hot water poured over your bare skin. If Sero does remember, would he even return my feelings?
You pulled up to Sero’s apartment complex, fresh damp (H/C) hair and PJs on. It was already 7:15 and you were basically running up the stairs to ensure that Mina wouldn't do anything stupid. You barged in the door and five pairs of eyes turned to look at you as your chest heaved, soft black shorts ridden up your thighs, cream-colored tank top straps falling off of your shoulders and a dark green oversized zip up hoodie barely hanging on your arms. It was mid-summer so you had dressed lightly, Sero’s small apartment didn't have very good ventilation and having five extra bodies sure didn't help.
 As you calmed down, walking into the room you scanned your friends for shocked looks or anything that would point towards the fact that Mina had spilled. You saw nothing out of the ordinary, Sero and Denki were standing by the counter, rolling joints. Bakugou and Kirishima chatting calmly, which was out of the ordinary for the usually enraged blonde. Mina was looking at you, seeming relived and happy. Sero stared at you extra long after everyone acknowledged your presence. You looked beautiful. Cheeks red and flushed from the running, (H/C) hair messy and disheveled, (E/C) eyes boring into him. Oh shit you were looking at him. He quickly looked away and continued where he was before, clearing his mind of the way you had looked at him. Trying to focus oh his joint, rolling it carefully between his thin and long fingers Denki spoke 
“Real smooth bro, what was that look about? Is she mad at you or something?”
“I have no idea, I don't remember at least.” Sero returned, still confused.
“Weird,” Denki mumbled, lighting his joint and walking over to the couch plopping himself down in between Mina and Kirishima. Sero walked over to his hammock, the joint in his hand looked incredibly small, carefully placed between his fingers as he took a drag, light gray filling the space around his head. As he sat down, swinging a little you looked around and noticed there were no more seats. You had always known Sero’s apartment was small but with the tension in the air it felt ten times smaller. Having the old brown leather couch covered in Sero’s tape from rips being filled by Mina, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugou, you opted to sit on the floor. 
“Wait wait wait, (Y/N) you don't have to do that, come sit in the hammock with me.” Sero spoke, smoke billowing out of his lips. You clenched around nothing and your heart beat frantically. You had always thought Sero was so attractive, but when he smokes? Don't get me started, he was like another person. 
“You sure?” you asked. “I don't want to invade your space and I’m really fine with the floor.” 
“I’m sure, you're my guest and my friend. Don't be stupid.” Sero said flatly. He was confident in his answer and he knew he had done the right thing when you started walking over, slowly climbing into his hammock. Swinging back and fourth he got a nice view, his lazy dark eyes settling on your ass, shorts riding up as you stretched over the lanky man. You scooted around and settled between his legs, there wasn't really anywhere else to go. 
Turning around, you looked him in the eye as if to ask if where you were sitting was okay. He looked back at you, his signature smile settling on his face, he took a quick puff from the shortening joint in his hand and blew it into your face. You coughed, waving the smoke away as your eyes started to water. You punched Sero in the arm turning back around and looking at the TV. You felt him chuckle, sending vibrations through your body. Your heart thrummed and you squeezed your thighs together. 
Sero laid back, pulling you to his chest. The smell of citrus, sage, and weed filled your nose. As you lay there feeling more comfortable than you had been in weeks, you couldn't help but wonder if Sero had heard your confession the other day. You pointed your eyes towards the screen avoiding Mina’s prodding gaze as she clicked the play button. 
You settled back into Sero’s chest and you could feel yourself drifting asleep. The up and down of his chest, the warmth of his body, his overwhelming smell, the soft cotton of his flannel, all mixed with the sounds from the TV and Sero’s occasional laughs sending soft jolts of excitement and nervousness through your body all lulling you to sleep. Before you knew it, you were out cold and flipped over, hugged into Sero’s chest, your breath tickling his neck. He couldn’t help but feel excited. He had had a crush on you since high school and here you were, your soft breasts pressed up against him, legs entangled with his while your now dry hair brushed his nose.
The movie ended and everyone slowly shuffled out. It was now 10pm and you were dead asleep, now slightly drooling on the black haired man’s shirt. Oh man, how he wanted to tilt up your face and kiss you. Your soft pink lips were right in front of him. But he knew he couldn't. There was no way you felt that way about him. “You're so beautiful” he whispered into the top of your head, nuzzling his face in your hair and smelling your shampoo before scooting up into a sitting position and carefully wrapping his arms around you as to not wake you. He carried you to his room, his strength had always been startling despite his fairly lean build. He set you on the bed in a mound of pillows, throwing a light blanket over you. As he detached his arms from you, you mumbled “mmm Hanta don't leave, you smell so good.” His breath hitched. He knew you were asleep and probably had a second hand high but he couldn't help himself. He kissed your forehead and retreated to his shower, intent on reliving his now growing issue.
You wake up, feeling a little fuzzy but well rested in a mound of pillows. You could hear the shower running in an adjacent room, through the wooden door to your left. You didn't recognize where you were but you could assume it was Sero’s room. You had never been in here before, looking around it wasn't anything like you had imagined for years on end. There were red LED lights and twinkly fairy lights around the ceiling, circling the room in a soft haze. Band posters littered the walls and there was a mandala tapestry behind the bed. The floor was hard wood, like the rest of his house, but in here, it felt different. Everything was more comforting, Sero was comforting. Sitting up and realizing what bed you were in, you immediately laid back down and enjoyed the softness of his pillows. His usual citrus and sage scent enveloping the room, this was your heaven. 
You sat back up as you heard the shower turn off, the bathroom light flickered out as the door opened, Sero exiting. He looked delicious. His wet black hair clung to his neck, one of his long pale arms reaching up with a towel to dry it. Sweat shorts and a baggy t-shirt, water dripping off of him. You still felt a little dazed, you almost pounced on him except for the small amount of self control that you still had in you. He walked over to the bed and grabbed your chin, you heart halted. “How are you feeling? Still tired?” He asked, tilting your head from side to side in his enormous hands, checking your physical wellbeing. 
“I-I’m fine Hanta, let go of me” you mumbled, embarrassed by how red you had gotten. You hoped it would be drowned out by the lighting. 
It was not unusual for you guys to call each other by your first names, you had been best friends since high school and now you were in college, aspiring heroes. Still, whenever his first name came out of your lips, he was done for. The way you looked right now, clothes strewn and hair progressively getting messier over the night, your foggy mindset obvious in the way you slurred out your words. He wanted to know if he could make it worse, if he could wreck you beyond recognition. He wanted you, messy, broken, calling his name like it was the only word you knew. Letting go of your face, he slowly traced his fingers down your jaw. He sighed, reaching into his beside table, pulling out his stash. 
He sat down on the bed across from you and started rolling his second joint of the night. You didn't see it well before, so you paid attention now. It was his art, every small movement of his digits and the rolling of the paper, it was obvious he had been doing this for years. Ever since you guys reached legal age, him and Kaminari had become stoners. Sero was dedicated to it, but Denki just kinda did it when he felt like it. No matter how often you had seen Sero do this, pinching the smoke between his large fingers, the small paper roll making his already large hands look gigantic, you would never get used to it. You had memorized everything about this man, especially including his hands. His slender palm rising from his even skinnier and boney wrist, long and rough fingers, scars here and there. The tendons in the back of his hand, emerging when he moved, light purple veins tracing his whole upper arm. The placement of his knuckles, his chipped black nail polish topping everything off. You had long imagined these hands being inside of you. Looking at him bring his right slowly to his face, moving his fingers accordingly to take a drag, you wanted them. You wanted to reach out and touch them, trace them, feel them, praise them.
He looked up at you, half lidded with his lazy eyes, “Wanna hit?” he asked, noticing your lingering gaze.
“Yes” you agreed, reaching out before you knew was was happening, desperate for skin on skin contact with him. 
“Woah woah woah, wait, did you say yes? You've never done this before, are you sure? I don't mind sharing but I was only joking” he said rushed, suddenly more awake from your shocking statement.
“No, I wanna try it, I’ve wanted to for a while” you said, your eyes looking into his to convey your seriousness. He looked you over, and handed you the joint. The tightly rolled cylinder looked so much larger in your hands, were his really that big? You brought the joint up to your lips, closing them where Sero’s had just been. You took a drag and he watched in amazement before you started coughing wildly. Concerned, he quickly moved closer to you, patting your back and rubbing small circles, taking the joint back from your shaking hand.
 “Oh my god- I’m so sorry I forgot it would be hard for you at first, let me bring you some water” he mumbled, getting up from his seat next to you. You grabbed his arm before he could leave, dragging him back towards to you. “I’m not thirsty, I wanna try again” you said defiantly. He looked back at you, concern now covering his previously laid back and calm face. 
“Okay.. “ he started hesitantly. “well if you wanna try it again can I help you? There's an easier way for beginners. Ever heard of shotgunning?” You shook your head, looking up at him confused. He sat back down on his bed, this time closer than he ever was. He took a long drag from his joint and lightly grabbed your face, his grip gentle on your soft skin. He looked you in the eyes, searching for uncertainty or hesitation but couldn't see any. Instead, your eyes were dark, an emotion he couldn't quite place. 
He brought your face close to his and pushing your lips open with his finger, your breath hitched. God did he love seeing you like this. He closed the gap, opening his mouth to yours, the smoke entering you. You inhaled it, you inhaled everything about him you possibly could. Slowly, and regretfully, he pulled away. “Just like that, basically I just transfer smoke to you so you don't have to take it directly since otherwise it can be pretty harsh.” he said, mesmerized in the way you looked at him with wonder. 
“I don't feel anything” you mumbled childishly. 
He chuckled at your confusion “It takes a second, tell me how you feel in 10 minutes.”
“I want to do it again, I want to kiss you.” you whispered softly, peeking up at him through your lashes.
Shocked, Sero leaned back “Y-you what? (Y/N) are you okay? was the smoke too much?” he asked frantically, confused by your sudden confession. 
“Hanta, I feel fine” You assured him. “You're telling me you don't remember what happened last time?”
“Last time? What do you mean? Oh shit did I do something when we went out? (Y/N) I'm so sorry is that why you've been avoiding us?” he asked.
“No, you didn't do anything, I did.” He looked bewildered so you continued “We all got really drunk and I told you I loved you.” Sero stopped moving, his panicked fidgeting coming to halt. “Did you mean it?” he questioned, his voice deeper than before. “Mean what? Oh, yeah-” Before you could finish your sentence he was on top of you, his mouth on yours as he slowly pushed your frame back onto his bed. “I love you too” he mumbled against your lips, resuming his attack on your face. You were flustered but kissed back. There was no time to question it, both of you were high and needy, years of longing built up. 
He sat back and looked you in the eye “I know I’m not exactly sober but I want you to know that I mean every word of what I’m about to say. You’re absolutely intoxicating, you leave me feeling higher and happier than weed ever could. You are the drug that I need to survive.”
“Hanta, I only have eyes for you. It's always been you.” You stated, your heart bloomed at his confession. He looked you in the eye, studying you, confirming to himself that what you were saying was true. Sero had never been very confident of himself, he was always seen as average and you were the most beautiful and kind girl he knew. By the look on his face you could tell he accepted what you said.
Diving back into you, his hands met your body, dragging, pinching and squeezing everything within his grasp. It was everything you imagined. His body heat melting into you but his fingers still had a cool touch to them. He traveled your body, memorizing it and making a map in his mind. His nimble fingers slipped under your shirt, smothering you. He felt your smooth skin as his hands went up and down on your waist and hips. He lowered himself, pushing his rock hard length against your shorts, slowing grinding into you, finding friction. “mmm Hanta, you feel happy.” you mumbled into his ear, nibbling on it as your hand traveled down to his sweats. He groaned in your ear, rutting against your hand, desperate for your touch.
Suddenly he pulled back and looked at you. His already dark eyes were darker and clouded with lust. A light pink dusted his face. “you're absolutely beautiful” he stated, absolutely confident in his words. “Hanta, you're just high” you whined, never having been good at taking compliments. He was on you again, pulling your shirt up, glancing at you before doing anything to make sure it was okay. He ran his hands up your chest, gently cupping your breasts. “No I really mean it... I’ve loved you for years... And not just for your body” He said in-between kisses, his lips were soft against yours. Slowly his head moved down, pressing open-mouthed kisses into your jawline and collarbones, sure to leave marks. You moaned quietly and he bit down, surprising you and causing louder sounds to erupt from your chest. Your whole body was throbbing. “Don't be quiet, I wanna hear the sounds you make pretty girl” he growled into your shoulder. The nickname made your core throb. You wanted him so badly.
You pulled off his shirt, running your hands over his chest, admiring his lean muscular build. The man looked like a god. His skin was clear and glistening from his shower, his body dwarfing yours in sheer height. He had already been tall in high school but now he towered over all of his friends. His hands slowly unclipped your bra, pressing soft kisses on them. His tongue swirled around one of your already hard nipples, his fingers pinching and playing with the other. Switching breasts, he moved his available hand down to your shorts to pull them down. Realizing this was harder than he thought, he detached his mouth from you with a wet pop. He used both hands to pull down your shorts, looking at you adoringly. 
His hands traced the outline of your panties, and then palming your mound. You moaned and arched your back towards him, in desperate need of relieving all of this tension. “Hey pretty girl, we’ll get there, slow down” he chuckled. Your eyes popped open and glared at him. “Hanta, I need you. Now.” 
His breath hitched at your bold statement. He yanked your panties down quickly, surprising you and getting a gasp from you. He grinned as a string of arousal connected your now disposed panties to your exposed core. It glistened with wetness, you had been waiting so long for this moment. Sero couldn't tear his eyes off of it, slowly he reached out his large hand, sliding a finger over your slit and then softly stroking your folds. “Is this all for me sweet girl? You're too kind.”
 You arched your back, done with his teasing. Before you could even complain he stuck a finger inside, your velvety walls wrapping around him. You needed more. He could tell by your face, years of observing you closely now coming in handy. He stuck in another digit, pumping them in and out slowly as his thumb reached up to circle your clit. You let out a long whine, music to his ears. At that he went faster, still watching you closely. The way you stopped breathing when he hit one spot, he knew he had found it. Focusing all of his energy on that spot, going quicker and harder. He simultaneously hit your g-spot and rubbed your clit, getting you unraveling under him faster than any man ever had. He guided you through your high, slowing down and eventually pulling out his fingers, leaving your thighs shaking and your cunt clenching around nothing. 
He observed his slick coated fingers and licked them clean. You stared at him in shock, baffled at his actions. “mmm (Y/N) you taste so sweet, I’ll have to explore that another time though” He groaned, palming his painful erection. You swiftly pulled down his sweat shorts and boxers in one motion, his cock springing up against his stomach. You had never really thought that dicks were pretty, but everything about Sero was beautiful so you weren't surprised. 
He had average girth, but an amazing length. He had a few prominent veins that you traced, leaving him shuddering at your touch. His slight left curve looked delicious. You moved your hand towards the head, red and glistening as you traced a finger over his slit, dripping with pre-cum. You tried to wrap your hand around his base, but your fingertips barely touched on the other side. You did a few experimental pumps, you were afraid that even with your preparation it might be too much for you to take. You bent your head down, swirling your tongue on the tip, giving small kitten licks. He tasted salty, but better than other men. You weren't surprised about that, you knew he took good care of himself. You ran your tongue along the bottom, dragging it slowly and tracing all of the bumps and ridges.
He couldn't take it anymore. He pushed you back onto the bed, grinding himself against you, using his small amount of restraint to not push into you there and then. “Condom?” he asked desperately, looking around. “Don't need one, I'm on birth control” you spoke softly, hushing him with gentle kisses. He sighed contentedly at your response. He ran the head up and down your slit, getting ready to line himself up with your small hole. Your kisses crept up towards the side of his face, you licked a strip up his jaw and whispered directly against his ear, warm breath fanning his neck, “Plus, I want to feel you when you're inside me” you blew lightly on his ear and giggled. He didn't think it was funny. 
Before you could say anything he lined himself up with you and pushed inside in one motion. Your walls hugged him in all the right places.The stretch burned but when he leaned down to say “So tight. You're so good for me, taking all of my cock like a good girl” all the pain faded into pleasure. As he mumbled praises int your skin, he rutted into you, his previously gentle motions now rough and fast. Want, need and lust filled the room. The smell of weed fading, covered by the smell of sex and your overwhelmed sense of mind. “Hanta, you feel so good inside me” you groaned. This seemed to spur him on, he went faster, if at all possible, attaching his thumb to your clit and rubbing harshly without hurting you. He could feel you clenching around him and he knew you were close. He was barely hanging on.
“Where should I-” 
“Inside. Come inside me. Please” you cut him off, begging.
With a few final strokes you spasmed around him, and as you fell down from your high, he chased his own. Whispering your name over and over like he was praying, he spilled his seed inside you, white thickness covering your insides and dripping out onto your violently shaking thighs. “Oh, my god. That was amazing. You're amazing.” Sero ranted. You smiled brightly at him, too tired to move and your voice a little hoarse from all your whining. 
The black haired boy got up and went to his bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth and a cup of water. You sipped on the room temperature water while Sero cleaned you up. He always treated you so well, even when you were just friends. He grabbed one of his clean t-shirts and a pair of boxers, helping you get dressed. Sitting up, you faced him while he beamed down at you. 
“How are you feeling?” Sero asked, genuinely concerned for your well-being.
“I’m good, it felt good.” you hummed contentedly. 
“What does this mean for us? Are we gonna tell the rest of the guys that we are dating? That is only if you want to date of course, I wouldn't want to pressure you into anything” Sero mumbled, saddened by his own assumptions.
“Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” you grinned.
“Depends, are you saying yes?” Sero smiled back, your positive reaction upping his mood. You answered his question by pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Yes, always.”
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
MvA assorted headcanons
So many years together has made the core monsters inseperable. If something affects one member, it affects the group.
All. The. Monsters. Are. Family.
It takes Susan a while to understand inside jokes and past incidents because of being the most recent addition.
There are Other anomalous creatures kept in Area 5X, but they are either non-sentient and/or are too dangerous to be kept around the more human-friendly monster group.
Area 5X is so gotdang big because they were expecting a lot more kaijus like Insecto to crop up. Sadly not many have surfaced to justify the space.
There’s a hangar in Area 5X full of wrecked UFOs. Some are spacecraft wreckage while others are stuff like weird meteors (Susan’s is in there), and at least one alien creature that got crystallised upon entering Earth’s atmosphere.
There’s significant difference in staff employed at different points throughout the past 50 years. There are far more women on the Area 5X worksheet than back in the 50s, and the guards are generally more sympathetic towards the monsters. Many modern staff members have been reprimanded or let go for failing to uphold secrecy, or for unnecessary cruelty towards the monsters.
Budget cuts were a legitmate concern up until the Battle of Golden Gate Bridge. The facility was far more barebones and sterile before the government had to formally recognise Area 5X’s importance. There have been a lot of redecorating at the facilty since the fat checks started coming in.
Putting individual characters under read due to length.
Enjoys many hobbies considered stereotypically feminine; baking, sewing, cosmetics, etc...
Grandparents and extended family are farmers or are atleast connected to the business. Modesto is the agricultural centre of California after all. Her parents were the first of their generation to go against the mold and seek out white-collar careers.
Studied cosmetology in school and was working at a beauty salon to save up for her and Derek’s wedding.
Is very athletic and grew up doing a number of physical extracurriculars like cheerleading, dodgeball, and roller-derby.
Grew up being teased for being the shortest kid in her class/family. They still tease her for it.
Greatly fears causing collateral damage and/or harm to others through her size.
Has issues with anxiety, worsened only by her new job as “savior of earth”. She wishes for a confidant to tell her worries to.
Married life with Derek was doomed to fail. Susan had a plan in place for what came after the marriage, and focusing 100% on Derek’s career was not it. There’s also the line from Derek’s mother about Susan being “the weatherman’s wife”, implying that she was to be the homemaker and not have a career of her own. It’s possible that Susan was planning to settle down and have kids with Derek, but the lack of control she had in moving to Fresno implied that more was going on.
Is currently “taking a break” from love and dating, despite gaining many new admirers.
Tries her best to return to Modesto to visit her family and friends whenever possible, though work often keeps her away for weeks at a time.
If she retains her height-shifting abilities as in the series; Susan goes through really bad “growing” pains.
Was frozen in his relative late-teens during a cold snap. Got shifted around until he ended up somewhere in Greenland before being discovered by modern humans. Post-thaw he went a bit wild, swimming frantically back south to try and find his old enviroment.
Was one of many scrappy youngsters in his troop, with a number of adoptive parents. The strongest ruled the troop, and Link was fairly weak in comparision to the leaders. He had gotten into a fight the day of his freezing (over something silly in hindsight) and swam away to sulk. When he didn’t return after the cold snap - the troop accepted that he had likely died out on his own.
Likes to freak out humans by making up weird biology facts about his species and ones he’s fought against - like joking about laying eggs or having his tail dettach and regrow like a lizard. However there’s some things he has to ask about, because he doesn’t have medical knowledge or words to describe something.
A lot of his macho behavior came from imitating the guards who kept watch on him. 1950s violent military alpha males aren't a very good role model for someone who doesnt know what societal norms are yet. Link was a lot more insufferable back in the day but chilled out as he began interacting with other walks of life.
Has a high paternal instinct and immediately becomes softer around kids and smaller animals.
Has body language similar to a cat/alligator. Slaps his tail when angry or in deep thought. And yes; Link purrs/rumbles when happy.
Loves monster movies - especially the ones where the monsters “win”. He cried when he saw “Beauty and the Beast” and then immediately booed loudly when the Beast turned human.
Does Not Trust doctors or scientists due to bad past experiences. Will only go to Dr Cockroach and Monger if he ever gets hurt/ill. Gets stressed fast if he has to be in a waiting room or doctors office.
Link had no idea what gender indentities or orientations were until recently - he did come from a pre-human civilization that really didnt mind/care about the schemantics. It took him some time to wrap his head around it. He identifies himself as bisexual after much thought and many hours alone on the computer.
Don't press him about his body. He's built different from humans and cis people. He will punch anyone who doesnt respect his or anyone elses identity.
Has been in love before. It didn’t end well.
Will occasionally wear clothes, but finds it a challenge to find anything that fits him. Will give any shoes he finds to Dr Cockroach and BOB to eat.
The best driver/pilot out of all the monsters.
Dr Cockroach:
True name is Jaques-Yves Herbert. Prefers to just go by "Dr Cockroach" because he dislikes the association with his birth family.
Picks up human languages very easily, although not as quickly as he can understand animals.
Parents were a mixed scientist couple. His father was an aggressive “Strong British Man” that would beat him son down for not following orders or for not meeting his standards for a man. Dr C turned down both chances to attend his parents funerals.
This man isn’t straight. He probably uses old-fashioned slang when asked about romance such as; “I am Uranian” or “I wear a green carnation”. It took Susan a few times to realise what he meant, as she is used to a more open minded enviroment.
Got the idea of transforming into a cockroach from reading Franz Kafkas “The Metamorphosis” as a child. He sympathized with Gregor’s abusive situation, and began considering the possibilties of how one could survive better as a creature like a cockroach.
Studied in biology and entomology in the Uk before moving to the states to follow engineering. Obtained his degree in Dance as a “side gig” in University.
Has been barred from free access to the coffee maker/machine due to overnighters. Once stayed awake so long that he forgot the letter “R”.
Owned a terrarium of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches throughout college. He mourned each of them when his roommate’s iguana got into the tank.
Was a "beatnik" back in the day and still kinda is. Embraces and encourages modern counterculture as he himself was not given such acceptance in his youth. He has however shamefully eaten his old Lenny Bruce album.
Hasn’t actually aged physically since his transformation. He attributes this to the fact that certain athropods can’t age physically beyond maturity. Link is very jealous.
Has obtained more degrees while in captivity, as Monger allowed him access to research and learning materials. He has however had his allowances revoked for previous escape attempts/doomsday devices.
Does still enjoy human food, but the cockroach instinct of "eat detritus" tends to overrule his eating choices. Can’t cook either.
Ironically a terrible driver. The damages from previous drives has made Monger restrict him from operating even a razor scooter.
Pretty much considers himself human. Was created by them, raised by one (Monger), and talks like one. Gets sad when he's reminded that no other humans are blue blobs like him.
Absorbed some dna from the scientists present at his "birth", leading to his eye, speech, and omnivorous diet.
Doesnt actually need to breathe (as he can just absorb oxygen through his mass) but the fact that humans Do means that BOB thinks he has to as well.
Shares some physical characteristics with tomatoes/nightshade plants, as he is technically half tomato. He refuses to eat tomatos for this very reason, considering it cannibalism.
Attracts garden pests looking for a tomato plant. This unwittingly makes BOB a pretty good bug zapper.
Still retains his "mental broadcast" ability from "BOB's Big Break" although at a more subtle level. He tends to parrot the things he accidentally "eavesdropped" on.
Is empathetic, and can tell when others aren't doing ok emotionally. Will flop down on someone who’s really sad to comfort them. No brain, only heart.
Best cook out of the monsters. If he doesn’t forget what he’s making at least.
"Whats a gender? Can I eat it?"
Core body is that of a Japanese Silkmoth, although she ended up being spliced with other animals present on the island during her initial mutation; namely ants and ground squirrels.
Eats over a literal ton of mulberry leaves per day. Also enjoys oranges.
Secretly wishes to be more humanoid.
Was only able to pupate and transform due to physical trauma. It seems that her transformation was like a “power-up” that required her to be in geniune distress for it to activate.
First language is Japanese. She learned it from the intial recovery team, and later developed an understanding of English from years in Area 5X.
Goes into torpor in cold weather. Pretty much impossible to wake her up for missions during Winter, as she needs to “rev up” before becoming mobile.
Still very much Link’s best friend. Still enjoys sports, chicks, and beer.
Full name is; Warren Rex Monger.
Is very protective of the monsters and will defend them to the death.
Pretty much raised BOB (as seen when BOB was a baby blob in “Night of the Living Carrots”), and considers him his “freaky gelatinous son”.
Has a reputation of being a “control-freak” due to his aggressive overseeing of the monsters’ containment. This toughness is partly because of incidents that occured without his knowledge. Lets just say some scientists have been wedgied/fired for running experiments on the monsters without Monger’s approval.
Has a very “Ron Swanson” emotional response and view of the world. Crying is acceptable only at funerals and at the Grand Canyon (if he hadn’t lost his tear ducts in the war).
Has been married multiple times. Will not confirm or deny if he is currently seeing anyone.
Invisible Man/TiM:
Legit got out but no one at Area 5X is sure how. He suffered a geniune medical emergency and disappeared after surgery. The other monsters were informed that he died from complications to deter them from getting escape ideas.
Is able to be detected in Infrared light. Dr Cockroach managed to rig up goggles to view TiM in case of injury and to foil pranks.
Was a scientist working on an invisibility potion for the military and used himself as a guinea pig. Hasn’t actually been able to replicate his results since - thinks the effect may have been caused by a genetic abnormality.
Dr Cockroach and him are massive rivals. Both actually met eachother pre-transformation through a CalTech expedition. This makes the pair one of few people that have seen the others human face.
Is 100% naked. Was forced to wear clothing once this was discovered.
A massive prankster and a cynic. Him and Link were a force to be reckoned with.
Has revisted the facility multiple times and has started a number of ghost stories.
Any additions are welcome! I proably have alot more to dump about. Might make one of the alien characters from the series
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
practice makes perfect /// Mitsuri x f!Reader (18+)
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Request: Hey! I read your Shinobu NSFW thing. I was wondering if you could write a Mitsuri NSFW thing but not as intense? Like Mitsuri and her female S/o are cuddling and things get a really steamy so they start kissing and fingering each other? Please and thank you!
A/N: REPOSTING because when I posted this a few hours ago it was glitching and not showing up in tags and stuff :( sorry to anyone who has already seen it!
I love Mitsuri and I get so few f/f reqs so ty for the request 💕 Y’all know idk how to write true vanilla so this is a little more spicy (Mitsuri and reader are not in an established relationship), but I made it soft just for you anon
Summary: When the most popular girl in school offers to help you practice kissing, it’s not like you’re going to say no.
Tags/warnings: inexperienced reader, femme preppy Mitsuri, she’s a little soft dom? like just a tiny bit, mild orgasm control, fluffy smut, crushes, modern high school AU, heteronormativity, reader thinks she’s straight lmao, all characters are adults
Okay, Mitsuri isn’t just the queen bee of your school. She’s also the prettiest girl you’ve ever met. It shouldn’t be possible for a person to be that beautiful, much less fair—what was god thinking when he gave her that pink and green hair that would look clownish on anyone but her? Those thick, dark eyelashes framing eyes you feel like you could drown in? Those long, perfect legs?
(Not that you stare at her legs or something. It’s just—your school uniform skirts are kind of short, and she always wears those striped thigh-highs, and she sits next to you in senior Biology and sometimes she stretches her legs out in the aisle between your desks and flexes them while she sighs during long lectures, and seriously, her legs are perfect.)
Mitsuri is the kind of girl who gets asked out by a different guy every other day. She has a fan club. Boys write Mr. _____ Kanroji in their notebooks, circle it with hearts, and fantasize about marrying her. She has more ex-boyfriends than you have Facebook friends. So you’re really sure why, somehow, you two have become…close?
If you have to, you can trace your friendship back to that Biology class. The teacher has a bad habit of cold-calling students for answers to questions, which makes him pretty unpopular. You’ve gotten used to it over the months, deciding that rebelling is a less productive method of dealing with it than just making sure to review the textbook chapters at least twice before every class, but apparently Mitsuri isn’t quite as familiar with the material.
When the teacher calls on her (a bit vindictively, you think, probably because she’s chewing pink bubblegum and drawing cherry blossoms in the composition book she’s supposed to be taking notes in) to ask her something about determining whether an organism’s life cycle exhibits zygotic, gametic, or sporic meiosis, she just gapes blankly back at him.
You feel sorry for her. It’s always painful to watch when someone can’t answer a question in class—you might be a fairly good student, but you still sympathize with how embarrassing it is to be put on the spot like that. The teacher refuses to move on, repeating her name and prodding her until her face is flushed bright pink and her lower lip is trembling. You’re not trying to pity her, but you can’t help it, and before you can think better of it you’re writing ‘compare diploid and haploid forms’ in the corner of your notebook and surreptitiously sliding it her way.
After the class, she pulls you aside in the hallway to thank you, eyes bright, telling you you’re so smart and kind and thoughtful and wondering how come she’s never talked to you before. “What a waste! We sat next to each other all semester, and I’m only getting to know you now.”
No wonder she’s popular. Her exuberance is infectious, like her good mood is seeping into your skin from her hand wrapped around yours. Mitsuri isn’t just pretty, she’s the kind of person who makes you feel good about herself just by being near her.
You’re about 100% sure that’s the last time the two of you will talk (unless she needs help with Bio homework and decides you’re the best candidate to get answers from). But it’s not. Mitsuri insists on treating you to boba after class—you try to deny her but she refuses to hear it and you can’t say no to her when she looks at you with those pretty jade-chip eyes. You get milk tea with black tapioca pearls swimming in caramelized fried sugar; her drink is jasmine rose fruit tea with tiny cubes of green apple floating at the top. “It looks like your hair,” you tell her, motioning toward the pink-and-green drink.
“Really?” Mitsuri’s cheeks turn red, which you notice is a frequent occurrence for her. “That’s why I got it. Isn’t it cute? I love how pretty all of the drinks are at this teahouse.”
The two of you split a little matcha cake. And then a vanilla taro cake. And then Mitsuri orders sweet potato fries and gyoza and fried chicken and shrimp tempura and wow, this girl can eat. “I kind of have a big appetite,” she tells you shyly some time around her fourth order of hanami dango. “Sorry, is it weird?”
“Not at all! It’s cute,” you blurt out, and then immediately cover your mouth. Cute? Where did that come from? That’s not the kind of thing you’re supposed to be saying to a girl you barely even know, or is it? Maybe you’re overthinking this. Mitsuri is so beautiful it’s hard to think straight around her.
You’re so busy staring down at your lap and blushing that you don’t notice she’s doing the same thing.
Mitsuri seems to take that teashop date hangout as permission to pursue a full-fledged friendship with you. Before you know it, she’s inviting herself over to your house after school, dragging you to cafés and picnics to study together on the weekends, and begging you to sit with her at lunch. Her other friends don’t seem thrilled at your being her favorite new playmate, but she doesn’t mind it so you try not to, either.
Like right now. It’s a weekend, and she’s decided that her house is going to be the setting for an overnight Bio study session slash sleepover in anticipation of the test you have coming up. You’re scouring the textbook for an answer at her desk while Mitsuri lies on her stomach on her bed with her feet kicked up behind her and crossed at the ankles. Graded quizzes are spread out in an arc around her on the cotton candy-colored duvet, and the sparkly gel pen she’s using to write flash cards is poking out of the corner of her mouth. With her fair skin barely covered by a tank top and shorts, loose hair flowing over her back, and dark brows furrowed in concentration, she looks like the centerfold of a teen magazine from the 90s.
I bet guys have wet dreams about her, you think. Then you shut down that line of thinking, shut it all the way down because you’re not supposed to be thinking these things about a female friend, no matter how pretty she is or how glossy her lips look even though she’s just wearing chapstick or how good she smells (like strawberries? honey? or whatever sweet she ate last, you’re not sure). But you can’t quite tamp down the feeling that you’ve stumbled on some unbelievable luck to get close to her.
You’re not the only one having trouble focusing on your studies. “I’m done with this!” Mitsuri exclaims, throwing down her pen so it makes a stray line on the quiz she was reviewing before it bounces off the bed. “I’m so tired of studying, aren’t you? If I learn another thing about cell division my brain is going to explode. Can’t we take a break?”
“Sure, if you want to get another 43%. Didn’t your dad say he’s going to stop paying your snack food fund if you fail one more exam?”
Her pink mouth drops open. “Hey! That’s not fair, I didn’t tell you that to use it against me. Be nice.”
But after a second, Mitsuri’s pout turns into a giggle. She hooks her foot around the stem of the office chair you’re sitting in and pulls it toward the bed along with you. “Come on! Let’s talk about love. Do you have a crush?”
You roll your eyes but relent, sliding off the chair and onto the big, fluffy bed next to Mitsuri. You can always get back to reviewing after you take a short break, right? She gathers up the quizzes and notecards and dumps them unceremoniously on the nightstand by her bed to make space for you, all too eager to stop thinking about Bio.
“I don’t have a crush,” you tell her.
“Really? There’s no one you think is cute? No one you want to get to know a little better?”
Well…if that’s what she means… You glance sideways at her. There’s definitely someone you think is cute who you want to get to know better. She doesn’t have to know it’s her—not that you have a crush on her; that would be ridiculous.
If she’s going to get that excited about your potential crush, how are you supposed to tell her you don’t have one? You’ll just have to pretend, for her sake. “I guess there’s someone. I wouldn’t call it love, but…”
Long black lashes flutter up at you as Mitsuri blinks. “Oh my gosh, who is it?”
“It’s a secret,” you say quickly.
“Aww, but I wanna know who you have a crush on!” She scooches closer to you and pokes you gently in the side. “Do I know him? Is he a senior? What does he look like? What do you like about him?”
“Um yeah, you know…him. He’s a senior but you’ll never—seriously never guess who it is, so don’t even try. He’s…really good-looking, I don’t know. He has nice hair…and, um, nice legs. And he…” you trail off, wondering what you can say about your secret ‘crush’ that won’t tip Mitsuri off that you’re talking about her.
“…I like him. He talks a lot but you can tell he cares about what you’re saying when he’s listening to you. He’s kind of dreamy and self-conscious about dumb things but it just makes me like him more.”
Was that too much? Mitsuri is looking into your eyes in pure rapture, holding onto every word you say. Are you being obvious? But—no way. She’s so loved by guys that she’d never even suspect that a girl could like her too.
Not that you like her. Not like that, at least.
After a moment when you feel your heart beating so deeply that you’re sure she can hear it too, she smiles sweetly and pinches your cheek. “You’re really pretty when you’re talking about your crush, (Y/N). You look like a maiden.”
You bite your lip, not sure whether to be embarrassed or flattered. If any other girl as beautiful as Mitsuri called you pretty, you’d think they were being insincere, but she’s not like that. Her genuine affection shines through in everything she does. If you’re pretty, she’s Helen of Troy.
“What do you mean, ‘a maiden’?” you ask.
“I don’t know,” Mitsuri says, tracing invisible hearts into her bedspread with a fingertip. “You just look…innocent somehow? Like this is your first love.”
You duck down, blushing.
“Wait, really?” She sits up and easily flips you over onto your back (sometimes you forget that a decade of cheerleading has made her at least a dozen times as strong as you are) so she can blink brightly at you. “This is your first love? Ooh…”
“Is that so weird?” you ask a little defensively. “I don’t get a lot of crushes.”
“No, it’s not weird! It’s cute,” Mitsuri says. “But aren’t you nervous? What if you fall in love with him and you guys start dating and you don’t know how to do anything?”
“Do what?”
“You know. Like, kissing and stuff. Aren’t you worried that you’ll have your first kiss with him and he’ll be like, ‘oh my gosh, you can’t even kiss, I don’t like you anymore’.”
“No one would say that,” you reply, but the scenario does strike a pang of anxiousness in your heart. You’ve always been too focused on school and friends and family to bother worrying about love, but the truth is you have worried about the fact that you’re soon going to be a high school graduate who has never so much as kissed another person on the lips.
“You have no idea,” Mitsuri sighs. “Boys are so mean. But I can’t believe you haven’t had your first kiss!”
“That’s rude,” you say, wrinkling your nose.
She flaps her hands in the air frantically. “No, no I didn’t mean it like that! Sorry! I just meant I can’t believe you’ve never had a boyfriend when you’re so pretty and nice. The boy who locks you down is going to feel super lucky that he gets to take all of your firsts.”
You sit up next to Mitsuri and lean back on her cushioned headboard. “I don’t care about that. Honestly, I’d rather have some practice before I get involved with anyone.”
A beat passes. Then— “Really? You want practice?”
You shrug. “I mean, I guess? But it’s not like I can just pick up some random guy and tell him to let me practice kissing.”
Mitsuri cocks her head to the side and long pink fringe falls away from her face. “You don’t need to do that. Just practice with me.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” What, is she going to give you tips on tongue technique or something?
“…Like this,” Mitsuri says softly—and then her delicate hand is stroking up the side of your jaw and carding into your hair, tilting your head to face hers and pulling you closer. She hesitates before she makes contact, looking in your eyes as if to confirm are you okay with this? But (maybe because you’re caught off guard, maybe because you think you do need the practice, or maybe because that angelic strawberry-honey smell is way too intoxicating up close) you don’t stop her, and she leans in and completes the kiss.
It’s soft. Smells sweet. Tastes sweeter.
Mitsuri’s lips are velvety and glossy-damp moving against yours. The scent you thought was honey is really honeysuckle—there’s a fresh floral quality to the taste as her lip balm is transferred from her mouth to yours.
The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but by the time she lifts back from you your lips are tingling. You cover your mouth with your hand like a damsel from a Victorian-era novel and stare wide-eyed at her.
“How was that? Your first kiss?”
“I—um, I liked it I think?”
Mitsuri smiles at you and it’s like a ray of sunlight falling down through a break in the clouds. “Yay! I’m glad.”
The two of you sit in silence for a second, and you wonder what you’re supposed to do now. Go back to studying? You’re not sure you’re capable of that when you feel like she’s…still kissing you. It hasn’t quite hit you yet that this is your first kiss—something special, something you’ll never forget. The feeling of Mitsuri kissing you is going to be written on your heart for the rest of your life.
What have I done? you think, but it’s not condemnatory. It’s a question, maybe neutral, maybe hopeful.
“Come on, come here,” Mitsuri says. “You need a little more practice.”
And then she’s kissing you again, all the while pulling you closer, closer, into her lap. She breaks the kiss just long enough to murmur to you to open your mouth. When you do, her tongue slips in, prodding gently between your lips and sliding up against yours. It’s a weird feeling—you can’t say with certainty that it feels good, but it doesn’t feel bad, either. It feels like something you could get used to.
This kiss is longer and deeper, and Mitsuri is sighing into the place where your lips meet. The kissing sounds are both embarrassing and thrilling. You can hardly believe that you’re actually doing this, kissing Mitsuri Kanroji in her bedroom and sitting in her lap with your thighs hovering over hers because you’re scared to let yourself press any deeper into her.
By the fourth kiss, you think you’re getting the hang of this. Your fingers are laced in Mitsuri’s hair, pulling her bangs out of the way so you can see her face clearly. Her eyes are hazy and intense, a warm glow suffusing her cheeks, and her lips are reddened. The feeling of not knowing whether you like having her tongue in your mouth or not is gone. You like it. You want more of it. You could do this all day.
…But apparently Mitsuri has something else in mind. She moves back and looks at you like she’s got a secret she’s dying to tell you. Her hands slide up your thighs, almost reaching the hem of the skirt you’re wearing—it’s knee-length, comfortable and practical for the weather—but with your legs spread over hers, the fabric is bunched up at the juncture of your hips and legs, exposing your thighs to view. Mitsuri’s fingernails (manicured, short blunt French tips, pale pink with stripes of gold near the nail bed) scratch painlessly into your skin. “You learn really fast, (Y/N).”
“Thanks…” you pant out.
“Can I do a little more? Just a little. ‘Cause, I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever done this yourself—”
Oh. Oh? Mitsuri’s hand is creeping up under your skirt.
“—but it’s really good to have some experience with this, too, before you do anything with boys.”
She’s touching your pussy through your underwear. Those pretty manicured hands are stroking you through the fabric, fingertips sliding up between your lips with practiced precision. Oh god, can she feel how wet you are? You’ve felt that dewy heat growing at your core for a while, but you didn’t think she would touch you and feel it. “Mitsuri?”
“Are you already wet?” Two soft fingers pet your clit, moving over it side to side through your panties. “Did you get wet for me?”
“Can I touch?” She pops her chin up and kisses you on the cheek, and then again on the other cheek, the side of your mouth, your forehead, all the while rubbing your pussy.
On the sixth teasing little kiss, you gasp and kiss her fully on the lips. “…okay?”
“Good…” Mitsuri smoothly pushes your ass up so she can hook fingers under the waistband of your panties and tug them down past your hips. You shift and let her do it—it feels like her touch is too hot, sending trails of warmth over every place where your skin meets. Her touch lingers even as you awkwardly straighten out of her lap for just as long as it takes to remove your panties and deposit them gracelessly on the floor.
Are you doing this right? Even with your shirt and skirt on, you feel more exposed than you’ve ever been in front of another person. You’ve never done anything remotely like this before—how weird is it that the first person to touch you is going to be a female friend? That you’re not doing this for the right reasons (and what are the ‘right reasons’? love? intimacy? desire?), but for practice?
Mitsuri settles you back onto her lap and slowly drags your shirt up over your bra. When the undergarment is exposed, she bites her bottom lip and sucks in a breath, and you feel eternally grateful that you, by some coincidence or trick of fate, decided to wear one of your nicer bras today. She cups the side of your breasts and runs her thumbs over the lacy wine-red fabric. “Beautiful…you’re so sexy, (Y/N). I can’t believe I get you all to myself.”
Your cheeks feel hot. Maybe desire is part of the equation after all.
Leaving your shirt bunched up over your tits, Mitsuri returns to your pussy, petting over your thighs and stroking up your mound. Her index finger dabs into the wetness leaking out of you and then circles around your clit.
Around your clit, not on it. If you didn’t know better, you’d think she’s deliberately not touching the place where you want— need to be touched. Her fingers are light and fluttery, not forceful in the least but making you crave more anyway. You try not to let your hips move, but before long you’re twitching on her fingers, trying to get her to do what you want. Your hands are braced uselessly on the headboard, but you hesitantly pick up your right hand to replace hers and touch your clit properly.
She isn’t having it. Her free hand catches yours before you can do anything. “Arms around my neck,” she tells you.
It’s frustrating to be unable to touch yourself when she just keeps building and building with these little flutters, but you trust her. Mitsuri’s a lot more experienced than you are. Slowly, you wrap your arms around her neck and wind your fingers into her loose hair.
Whatever she’s doing, though, it’s working. Even if you couldn’t feel how wet you are, you’d be able to hear it, the slick sucking sounds of your cunt dampened with your arousal. You’d be humiliated by the way it’s so obvious that you’re turned on if you were cable of thinking straight. Besides, Mitsuri doesn’t mind—at least not judging by the way she’s looking at you.
“Mitsuri…Mitsuri, can you…” You don’t know how to ask her, but you need more.
“Tell me what you want me to do.” Two fingers brush over your clit again and you almost flinch, the light contact sending a spark directly through you. “Tell me what you do when you do this by yourself.”
“I…um…it’s embarrassing…”
“It’s not embarrassing.” Mitsuri lays a short peck on your cheek. “Do you know how pretty you look? I could fall in love with you right now.”
It’s not serious. It’s just the kind of thing Mitsuri says without thinking, but your heart skips a beat anyway. “Touch—a little harder…”
“You know where!” you tell Mitsuri, with as much bite as you can muster.
Mitsuri smiles. “Here?” She pushes a finger into your pussy and you whimper. “Or…here?”
And she’s touching your clit, rubbing over it quickly and franticly, the first direct contact you’ve had since she started. The muscles in your back tense, legs stiffening, toes curling in your fluffy white socks. “Oh— oh, oh, oh— Mitsuri…”
“Does that feel good?”
After all her teasing, it feels more than good. It’s like you’re being filled up with something, some kind of heat that her fingers are bringing out in you, and it’s about to tip over and spill out. You rock your cunt against her fingers, trying to get her to go harder—but she’s already rubbing against you so quickly that you can’t think straight.
Two fingers slip deeper into your pussy, spreading you apart and pumping your slick cunt while her palm provides sloppy stimulation to your clit. You mewl and fall forward onto her, head thrown over her shoulder, so you can feel the vibration of her soft laughter in your chest. “Do you like it? I can tell…you know, your insides are holding me really tight….”
How does she say such dirty things with that pretty mouth? You’d tell her off if you thought you could speak without moaning. “Unff…mmm…”
“I’m going to make you cum, baby,” Mitsuri hums. “You’re going to cum on my fingers, okay?”
She’s right. You’re about to tip over that edge, overflow, get off with Mitsuri fucking you with two fingers twisting and hitting your g-spot and sliding over you so deliciously that you don’t even care that all of this is wrong. “I’m— I’m cumming—“
“Uh-uh.” Mitsuri’s hand stops, still touching but no longer moving, and the heat in your pussy plateaus and then dips.
You’re so frustrated you want to scream. “Mitsuri…!”
“Can you do something for me?” She resumes the teasing movements from before, edging over your clit but not finishing it. “Tell me who you really like.”
“I know you like me.” Her free hand, around your waist, slides up and presses her thumb into the divot between two vertebrae in your spine. “When you were talking about your crush, I know it’s me. Tell me you like me.”
“I—I don’t—“
“No, you do. You like me. Say it. Say it, and I’ll let you cum. You want to cum, don’t you? You need it? I’m going to give you what you need, so tell me you like me…”
It’s not like she’s being cruel. Mitsuri’s tone is as sweet and kind and caring as ever. Her pace is agonizingly slow and she’s right, you need it. You’re lucky your chin is resting on her shoulder because you wouldn’t be able to stand it if she saw the look on your face as you choke out, “I like…I like you, Mitsuri! I like you!”
“I like you too, (Y/N),” Mitsuri gasps, and then her fingers are moving again, rubbing your clit, making you crazy, and it’s only a second but you want it so bad that you only need a second before you— you’re— you’re falling apart—
Oh god. Oh god. It feels good, it feels crazy. You can’t think. You can feel the muscles in your pussy squeezing down intermittently on her fingers. She holds you still as the shocks race up through you, letting you twitch and convulse in her arms.
“See now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Mitsuri sings in your ear.
It takes you a long moment to get the strength to sit up, flopping bonelessly backward on her thighs so you can look her in the eye. “I don’t know,” you sigh finally. “Wasn’t exactly easy.”
Her eyes close when she smiles. “Don’t worry about it. You just need a little more practice.”
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sailtoafarawayland · 3 years
A Quick and Bracing Reprieve
(A missing moment)
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Summary: Just what does a ravenous pirate get up to when he’s denied the very tempting breakfast Emma was about to serve up, and all thanks to the ‘oh-so-helpful’ Snow White? 
Rating: E  
Tags: Light Dom/Sub, Light Bondage
AO3 - FF
A Quick and Bracing Reprieve
Killian could feel the soft firmness of her hip beneath his fingers, the fabric of her robe bunching as he squeezed and breathed in the scent of her, his lips brushing the back of her neck where her hair was swept to the side.
“Something smells good,” he murmured, feeling her shift against him, leaning into where his mouth grazed her skin.
“It's just from a box,” she teased, though he could tell by the way she caught her lip between her teeth that she knew he wasn't referring to the pancakes she'd been flipping on the stove.
“I'm not talking about the pancakes,” he whispered, still able to taste the sheen of sweat on her skin from that morning when she'd buried her head between his legs before the sun rose, taking his cock in her mouth and letting him guide her toward his release, his fingers knotted in her hair.
A plate clattered to the counter and suddenly Emma was spinning in his arms, grabbing the back of his waistcoat and pulling him closer as she claimed his mouth. He melted eagerly into her, savoring the taste of her lips, but she paused and he pulled back, enjoying the way that she ran her hands along his shoulders to his chest while she watched him, lips pulling into a soft smile.
“What?” he asked, seeing the emotion lingering behind desire.
“I'm just...happy. It still surprises me sometimes.”
“Aye, love...me too.”
They didn't need to say anything more – the pain they'd both endured to get to this place an unspoken guest in their home – but as quickly as the moment came over them, it was washed away in a fresh wave of need as Emma threw herself back into his embrace. Her nails dug into him as she held him as closely as she could, her murmured words – to hell with the pancakes – a promise against his lips as she pushed him against the table's edge, nearly climbing onto his lap in her eagerness.
His cock hardened between them as she pushed her leg between his, grinding against his trapped length as her tongue curled around his own, drawing a harsh breath from him – and then the unexpected sound of the door swinging open pulled them apart as if they'd been burned.
“Oh, great, you're up!” Snow called out, barely paying attention to them as she ducked inside, her arms full and too busy trying not to drop what she held to notice what was going on around her.
“Mom,” Emma stammered, watching Killian with chagrin as his jaw clenched in frustration – her boyfriend unable to even look at her mother who'd just barged into the house. “I – ”
“Your mother has a key,” he muttered darkly between the two of them, the unforgiving press of his trousers against his straining member adding an edge to his words that made Emma even more regretful their morning had been derailed. “Good to know.”
“I know I'm a little early, but I woke up this morning and it just hit me...” Snow blathered on, finally turning with her armload of what appeared to be paperwork to look at them both. “Am I...interrupting something?”
“No – ” Emma insisted, though the flush on her cheeks and the way she was still half perched over Killian's knee said otherwise, not that Snow would have needed to read that deeply between the lines – Killian's own succinct reply of 'yes' doing more than enough to apprise her of the situation.
“We were, uh, we were just making some pancakes,” Emma finished, slowly pulling herself back from Killian and moving to the stove where the pancakes were cooling, forgotten.
Killian pushed himself free of the table, rolling his shoulders and turning away so that his rather obvious state was somewhat hidden from Snow.
“Pancakes, uh, right...maybe I should come back after you've had...pancakes,” Snow offered, her eyes angled toward the safety of the ceiling.
“Don't worry,” he interjected, his voice tight – among other things – “I've lost my appetite.”
Emma's hand slid around his back, her fingers stroking his waist softly and settling some of the tension in his body, but not all of it.
“I have to go and have a quick and bracing shower,” he whispered against her ear, catching the apologetic smile she threw his way before he strode quickly toward the stairs. Unable to hide his predicament completely from Emma's mother, he only hoped she would have at least the common courtesy to look elsewhere...though it seemed she had no qualms about barging into their home unannounced.
Honestly, he'd had deckhands with better manners.
He tried not to climb the stairs with anymore urgency than normal, but the denim pants that Emma liked so much were making his cock throb painfully, and he could still taste her mouth on his, feel her fingers combing through his hair – and he remembered how it felt to do the same to her hours earlier, except with her lips wrapped around his hardness and sucking him down.
His annoyance was soothed just a little as he heard the echo of Emma's words trailing up the stairwell – as much as I love our unexpected visits – the notes of frustration carrying heavily through them.
He discarded his waist coat upon entering their bedroom, his shirt quickly following as he headed into the bathroom with a sigh, tugging at his pants before pausing to adjust the shower. The water leapt out, splattering against the tile and spraying his hot skin with icy droplets – and as he slipped the waist of his jeans over his pleading length, he realized that a quick and bracing shower was the last thing he wanted.
What he wanted was a moment of peace with the woman he loves – as many as possible, really, but he'd settle for one morning where they aren't interrupted or rushed by some new disaster or plan gone awry, one morning where they could enjoy a lie in followed by a good fucking over the breakfast table.
The frustration rose in his chest again, and he turned the water back off with more force than necessary, heading back into the bedroom. He shoved his trousers down and left them in a pile on the floor, grasping his cock in hand and soothing the edge of his need with a firm run up and down its length.
His eyes drifted to the bed still unmade from earlier, his gaze landing on the familiar scalloped edge of the tank top Emma had worn to sleep, and peeking from beneath its sheer fabric, the crimson lace of the panties she'd been wearing.
His grip tightened around his cock as he remembered how they'd hugged her ass as she wiggled it in the air, her green eyes glimmering with mischief before she'd licked a strip along the underside of his cock and sucked him into her mouth, never breaking eye contact between them until his palm had found the back of her head and he'd forced her deeper – like he knew she craved – thrusting into her wet heat until she'd begged and pleaded to be filled.
He turned and leaned against the wall, his hook thudding heavily against it as he jutted his hips forward into his hand, pleasure pooling in his gut as his hand found the right rhythm, skin sliding as he squeezed over the swollen head of his member, imagining that instead it was Emma's hot folds he was burying himself in.
She'd been a sight, her lips red and swollen from his cock stretching them, her skin flushed pink and movements clumsy as she tossed blankets and pillows that were in her way before nudging those red panties to the side and sinking herself – slick and dripping without ever being touched – onto his generous length, moaning and swaying over him like a goddess.
His head thunked against the wall as he jerked himself harder, his balls tight and heavy as he pictured how she'd grabbed his hand and wrist, begging him without words to take her to where only he could, and so he had, thrusting wildly into her as he forced her harder onto himself – they'd both have bruises, but she liked it that way. Her walls seized tightly around him as she came, begging him to fill her as his cock swelled and jerked inside of her, sending streams of his seed into her pleading heat, her thighs shaking as she fell across his chest, panting.
He could feel his orgasm climbing, his entire lower body tense with it as flashes of Emma played behind his eyelids, his balls tingling as his fist worked up and down his shaft – and then the sound of the door creaking open snapped him from his daydream, a growl rumbling from his throat as his head whipped around and he glared toward the door, hand still grasping his cock.
“I thought you were gonna take a quick and bracing shower,” Emma teased, though from the way his eyes darkened seeing her – still clad only in her loose robe – she could tell her words were not taken as the jest they were meant to be.
'Quick and bracing, indeed,” he rasped, unhanding his cock so she could see it red and straining and desperate, his eyebrow arched knowingly as she caught her bottom lip and took a step forward.
She was insatiable, his Swan.
“There's a thing,” she started uncertainly, taking another step forward as she watched his cock bob with lust-filled eyes, her fingers moving to the sash that held her robe closed, “but it can wait. We've got time for a quick – ”
“Aye, right you are love,” he hissed, striding forward and nimbly untangling the rope from her waist, her garment slipped from her shoulders to join his clothing on the floor, “but after this morning, it will be anything but quick or bracing for you...”
“What do you mean?” Emma asked, curiosity warring with anticipation as her eyes slipped regretfully away from his straining cock and back to his face.
“Well, I can only assume it was you, Emma, who so thoughtfully provided your mother with a key to our home – your mother, who has...fairly few boundaries, shall we say?”
Emma huffed, sidling closer and pressing her heated skin against his bare body, her fingers dragging through the plentiful hair on his chest as she tilted her mouth toward his.
“Yeah, but I didn't know she was going to just...you know, swing by.”
“Be that as it may, love, I think some repercussions for your thoughtlessness are in order.”
“Thoughtlessness?” Emma echoed.
“Aye, if it weren't for your mother, I'd have had you spread across that table, feasting on you like a man starved at sea before filling you up with my cock,” he growled, brushing his lips against hers as she panted softly, “now tell me you don't deserve to be punished for such lack of foresight.”
“Maybe you're right,” she whispered, her fingers finding his and dragging them to the curve of her ass, forcing him to palm her roughly, “maybe I've been a bad girl, and the Captain needs to remind me how to behave properly.”
“Indeed, you have, but don't think you'll be getting what you want from this, love – not when my morning plans were so rudely interrupted.”
“I'm not sure I like the sound of that,” she pouted, feeling how damp she already was from just the sight of him, her body craving the feel of him stretching her completely.
“Perhaps not, but I'm rather looking forward to it,” he shrugged, all lean muscle and intent – and before she could protest further, he'd backed her up, his hand and brace demanding against her shoulders until she found herself kneeling at his feet.
“I don't know, Captain,” she teased, her fingers dragging up his legs as she eyed where his cock bobbed heavy and wanting in front of her, tongue wetting her lips in anticipation, “if this is what being thoughtless gets me...”
“Oh, you're not getting that,” he smirked, his hand knotting in her hair and preventing her from enveloping the head of his cock in her hungry mouth. “No, your punishment is that you're going to watch, Swan, but you're not going to be able to touch. You see, I want you to spend the rest of the day empty and aching, knowing you could have had me filling you up with my cock, craving the way you stretch around me and the feel of my seed dripping down your thighs...”
“That's...just cruel,” she moaned, tugging against his grip and looking pleadingly up at him as he hooked each of her wrists, bringing them slowly together in front of her chest, palms meeting.
“No, no, no, Swan – no complaints, or I'll make sure you've no relief until tomorrow.”
With a vicious smirk curving his lips, he leaned back toward the bed and snatched the red panties from the blankets. Holding them up to his face, the soft lace brushing against his stubble, he inhaled the scent of their lovemaking from the earlier hours of the morning, humming in appreciation. Panties still held firmly in his grip, he lowered himself to Emma's level, smiling wickedly. Watching the way her lips fell open, he stretched the red lace damp with her own arousal and his release between the tip of his hook and his fingers.  
“And it would be a shame to put off such pleasure until tomorrow, so be a good girl for your Captain.”
Emma groaned, her hips moving instinctively as he twisted the panties tightly around her wrists, the fabric biting into her skin as he looped them over her hands, making certain they were secure. Only when he was positive that she wouldn't be using them for any relief did he stand, tucking his hook gently beneath her chin and making it clear he wanted her eyes on him.
A small whimper fell from her lips as she watched him move to the edge of the bed, muscles flexing as he leaned back on one forearm and spread his legs over the edge, his powerful thighs framing his cock as he wrapped his fingers around himself and gently stroked, his eyes locked on hers.
“You're a bit far for my liking, Swan,” he ruminated, head tilted to the side as his large hand ran smoothly along his shaft, skin rolling wetly over the glistening head of his cock, “bring that pretty face closer.”
Emma breathed heavily through her nose and shuffled forward on her knees, her fingers itching to reach out and touch him as she settled herself nearly against the bed and between the heat of his spread legs, his thick cock looming above her as he stroked it.
“Now that's much better,” he rasped, eyes fluttering shut momentarily as the sight of her bound and kneeling at his feet sent a surge of pleasure through his body, but he forced them back open, wanting to watch the raw desire and need on her face at what she couldn't have.
Emma licked her lips, her eyes darting between the hard steel of Killian's gaze and his cock as he jerked it over her, his balls heavy and pulling as his hand fisted and stroked upwards like he enjoyed, twisting just before rolling over his crown and drawing a throaty growl from his lips.
“The things I wanted to do to you, Emma,” he purred, his body shifting further off the edge of the bed as he strove to get as close as possible without touching her, his pace picking up. “Tell me, love, what would you be doing with those greedy fingers right now if you weren't tied up? Would you be shoving them deep inside that tight quim of yours, looking for release? Or would you perhaps be using them to fill your mouth full of my cock?”  
“That,” Emma gasped, leaning forward as much as she was able, the heat of her mouth ghosting across the puckered skin of his balls as he worked himself over. “I want you in my mouth – all of you. These...”
“No touching, Swan,” he chastised, “or you won't be getting anything until tomorrow.”
She drew back sharply, unwilling to risk the good fucking she knew she'd be getting later tonight if she listened. He loved her like this, begging and needy at his feet – she did too. Even if it meant putting off her own release until later, it was always worth it.
“And I want to feel you sliding into my mouth – so fucking big and thick, pushing against my throat...”
“You're so talented with your mouth...perhaps that's what I'll do later. Would you like that, love, to be laid out on our bed, your sweet cunny filled with one of those toys you love while I fuck your throat like it's simply another hole to use?”
Emma whimpered, leaning back to get a better view as Killian's fist moved furiously over his cock above her, his skin slick and red, the crown of him swollen and dark, clear arousal slipping from his slit and shining against his fingers and shaft.
“Yes,” she gasped, squirming as her body fought against the rules he'd laid down – no touching.
She wanted to touch him, to grab him and suck him down, to touch herself, to bury her fingers in her cunt that was slick and hot with strings of her own arousal.
“But don't think I'll be done once I fill your mouth with my seed, love, not by any means – I want to taste how desperate being taken like that makes you, burying my tongue between your legs and feeling you shake around me, and then I'll fill you there as well.”
“Please...please...Killian,” she groaned, jerking her hands down and wishing she could use them, her clit throbbing mercilessly to be touched. “I need...”
“What do you need, Swan?” he rasped, so close his balls were drawing tight against his body, full and heavy.
“Cum,” she cried, “I need you to come.”
“Aye, love, you've been a good girl – keep that lovely mouth open for me, darling.”
The feel of his legs brushing against her body as he leaned forward was almost too much on top of her desperation, and she moaned as he pushed forward, angling his cock down and fisting it hard, the head of it bobbing directly over where she waited for him, her mouth obediently open and eyes staring directly into his.
With a grunt that drew out into a rasping, panting moan, he finally came, his strokes shortening and tightening around the head of his cock as he held it over her, sighing with relief as rope after rope of his seed marked her, crossing her cheeks and landing beautifully on her pale skin.
She stuck her tongue out with the smallest of desperate noises, stretching on her legs to get closer as he took pity and pointed himself directly into her mouth, the sensitive skin of his head just barely within reach of her lips as he let the rest of himself empty into her, her tongue cupped and carefully holding a pool of his pearly essence.
“Bloody hell,” he hissed, watching as she lifted the corner of her mouth in a coy smile, extending her tongue just enough that he could see what a good girl she was being before she swallowed the last of him down and licked her lips.
He shuddered as the last pangs of his orgasm rolled through him.
“That's a good girl, love,” he crooned, tapping her gently on the cheek with his cock before throwing his leg over her body and striding into the bathroom to clean up. “I think you may have earned yourself some leniency later – if you can behave for the rest of the day.”
Emma let out a whimper, feeling his seed cool on her cheeks and slowly start to thin and drip, caught by the red lace of the panties still tied around her hands.
“Yes, Captain,” she murmured, nearly jumping as he returned and his cool hand ran down her back, his hook matching his movements as he gently tugged the fabric from her wrists, freeing them.
His lips were soft as he placed kisses against her reddened skin and lifted her to sit on the edge of the bed. Knowing how sensitive she would be, he carefully urged her legs open, taking in her folds that were flushed red and sopping wet, viscous arousal clinging to her. He forced down the urge to taste her.
“Don't move,” he rasped, and crossed to the other side of their bedroom, sliding open her bureau and removing a pair of black panties from the drawer.
Emma shivered as he knelt at her feet and carefully slid them up her legs, his silent guidance letting her know it was okay to lift herself as he pulled them up around her hips and urged her to sit back down, his hand pressing once – just firmly enough that could feel her wetness seeping into the fabric – against her hot core.
“Now then, Swan – I hear we've some emergency or another to deal with, so we should get dressed. If all goes well, I'll be taking those off later and tasting just how wet you've been for me all day.”
“Yes,” she hissed, wriggling against the bed, only stilling when his hand and hook fell assertively against her bare thighs.
“But if you're not well behaved,” he warned, “you'll have them in your mouth instead of around your wrists, and it won't be that desperate cunt of yours I'll be filling. Do you understand, Swan?”
She swallowed heavily, wondering how she was going to get through the day ahead when there was only one thing she'd be thinking of.
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
He grinned, knowing exactly what was going through her mind – he may be the Captain, but their night could go in two directions, and their heading was entirely up to her.    
Tagging: @donteattheappleshook @justanother-unluckysoul @kmomof4 @the-darkdragonfly @teamhook @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @tiganasummertree @pirateprincessofpizza @lfh1226-linda @alexa-fangirl-forever @alifeofdreams @superchocovian @hollyethecurious @caught-in-the-filter @snowbellewells @itsfabianadocarmo @stahlop @karlyfr13s @elizabeethan @rkrbirdgirl @batana54
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softboywriting · 4 years
Hate To Love You | Poe Dameron
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Summary: You and Poe have been friends since you arrived at the Resistance base three years ago. Well, friends who often want to strangle each other as much as they want to take the other to bed. After a solo mission gone wrong you get teamed up with Poe for a follow up mission on Canto Bight. The two of you together under the right circumstances may lead to something neither of you can resist, and confessions that can’t be taken back. [Star wars universe] [nsfw themes no smut] [fluff] [fr-enemies to lovers [[sort of]] 
Word Count: 6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
You find yourself in a bad area of Kajimi while on an intel mission for Leia. There is supposedly a man with information about the location of an abandoned First Order fleet ship that would be an excellent salvage opportunity. Stars above know the Resistance can use all the weapons and ship parts they can get their hands on. You went in alone, opting to leave behind your usual partner Daya, while she was laid up from a blaster burn. It was supposed to be an easy job. You go into Kajimi City, go to a cantina called Knicks and meet a man in an emerald green robe. He would give you a holopad and you would leave. Of course that does not happen.
You enter the cantina and immediately note that it is absolutely packed from wall to wall. It's loud, as most are, and you make your way around, looking for the man in the emerald robe. It's hard to see as it's barely lit. It's a divey place, sketchiness oozes from every inch of the establishment. Bad things, illegal things, happen here. You keep your head down, pull your hood up and keep moving.
"Oh look at her! Hey honey, gimme some of that body." Some guy hollers as you pass him.
You step forward and push past two big aliens that are conversing in grunts. You cannot stand being hit on. It's so irritating. You wore baggy jumpsuit pants and one of Poe's jackets to make yourself seem shapeless. Apparently that didn't work as well as you hoped. You wish the contact would show up or make himself seen because you're not keen on asking the barkeep about him. Last time you did that it ended badly, as the person you were after was not well liked.
There isn't much time to worry about all of that when a loud boom shakes the cantina, causing a hush to fall over the crowded room.
"First Order! Run!" Someone yells and then panic erupts.
You're jostled around as patrons begin to hurry for the exit. This sucks, there is no way you're going to get the intel now. Fuck it. You head for the exit, squeezing past a few droids to get out into the cold night air. Sure enough there are stormtroopers everywhere grabbing people left and right. You duck into an alley and head for anywhere that is not the middle of town.
The alley goes to a dead end that has an open sewer tunnel grate. It's better than nothing. You'll camp out in the tunnels and wait until things settle down topside. You slide past the bars and head into the dark passageway, pulling your flashlight out for a better visual. Unfortunately you don't make it too far before you come face to face with a blaster as you enter a dim lit tunnel.
"How'd you find this place?" The woman on the other end of the blaster says. "You're not part of the crew."
"I ran from the stormtroopers and slipped through an open sewer grate. I don't mean any harm."
"That jacket, where'd you get it?"
You look down and back up. "Uh, someone gave it to me?"
The woman walks forward, blaster still trained on you. "I know this jacket. Who are you?"
"I'm with the resistance. I can leave, I will find another place to stay until the stormtroopers clear out."
"What's your name?"
You swallow thickly. Why does your name matter? And why is she obsessed with this jacket? "Dameron. My name is Dameron."
"Dameron? Poe Dameron? Are you related?"
Oh fuck. She knows Poe. Shit. Fuck. He told you he once had bad luck on Kajimi, but he also said he had friends there. He never specified exactly what bad luck meant, but of course you'd run into someone who knew him. It's a fifty fifty chance, either this person is a friend or an enemy and you're gonna have to roll the dice. "He's my...husband?"
She scoffs. "He's alive? That son of a bitch. I should tea-"
"Zorii! They've taken Burnham!" Someone shouts from down the tunnel.
The woman makes a noise of annoyance. "Listen, you tell Poe if he ever steps foot on Kajimi again I will have his head on a platter and serve the rest of him to a sand worm. And if I see him outside if Kajimi it's on sight. Got it?"
"Yep. Got it." You turn and head back to the entrance of the tunnels. Sweat runs down your back and you walk faster, feeling the wall for guidance. You're too afraid to turn your light back on in case Zorii comes after you. You're done taking chances today, it's time to get back to your ship and get back to base. Fuck the intel.
"Hey! You made it back!" Poe cheers, clapping you on the back as soon as you enter the command center. He's the only one in there, seemingly going over the latest attack plans on a First Order base. "How was Kajimi? Did you get the coordinates?"
"No, I didn't." You pull off your hat and gloves, slapping them on the table. "Do you know a woman named Zorii?"
Poe's face pales, eyes wide. "Perhaps, why?"
"I ran into her on accident. She recognized your jacket!" You pluck at the leather collar. "I'm fairly certain I'm lucky to be alive."
"Whoa hold on, did you say it was mine?"
"Sort of? I don't know, she asked my name and I said Dameron because I didn't want to give my real name because safety and whatever and I didn’t think any more of it. But of course she knew you! And she seemed to think you were dead. Wanna explain?"
"You gave my name?!" Poe grabs his hair and turns away, pacing the length of the star chart console. "Fuck! What did you tell her? I need to know. Did you say you were my sister? My cousin? My child?"
"First of all I'm too old to be your child you idiot. I said wife."
"Wife?! Oh for ewoks sake. You told her I was married?!"
You shrug the jacket off and throw it on a console. "I took a chance Poe! I had no idea if she was a friend or a foe!"
"Oh you took a chance alright. I'm so fucking dead now."
"Why? She was pissed but how bad can it be?"
Poe laughs debilitatingly. "Faking my own death to get out of the crew and join the resistance? Is that bad? Or hold how about this, I faked my death and we were seeing each other at the time I did."
Your jaw drops. "Poe Dameron! You did what?!"
"Yeah! Yeah, no I know! I'm a huge piece of shit but I did what I had to do to keep my ass alive."
You throw your hands up and turn away, walking toward the seating area. "You couldn't just break up with her like a normal person? No?"
"It wasn't about her, it was about leaving the crew."
"Then just leave!"
"Just leave? You have no idea how much shit that would put me in. I faked my death to sever all ties. Spice runners don't let people just leave when you know about their production and-"
"Yeah that's what I said. We all have a past, don't start with me." He groans and sinks down into a chair. "I'm so fucking dead."
"You're only dead if you set foot on Kajimi. Just don't go there."
"Ah, yeah sure. Didn't plan on that regardless. The point isn't that I want to go back to Kajimi one day, it's a shit hole anyway, it's that Zorii knows I'm not dead and I lied to her. She's going to be furious and probably come after my ass."
"Well she can't miss it."
Poe gives you a death stare. "I'm aware my ass is big. Believe me, the seats in the falcon remind me every fucking time. I don't need this right now." He stands and heads for the exit as a few Captains enter. You watch as he leaves and turn your chair toward the console behind it, burying your face in your hands and sighing heavily.
"Poe?" You call out tentatively as you enter the area of the hangar where he's been working on his x-wing for the last several hours. It's been a day since you got into it in the command center and you feel horrible for making him angry. He's your commander, and you'd even say friend though you butt heads a bit, but at the end of the day you do care for him. A lot. More than you probably should, even if he is a real pain in your ass. He gets under your skin and makes you hotter than any man ever has. It's a fine balance of attraction and irritation.
Sure enough he's laying across the top of his x-wing, foot hooked into the opening of the cockpit, stretched out reaching something inside the engine. He's got on just his cargo pants and a black tank top and you cannot help but stare at his ass. Yes, you teased him about it earlier but in all honesty you love it. It's so...grabable and sexy. He has no idea. Or maybe he does. It seemed like a sore subject earlier but you had been teasing him so that's your fault.
"Poe?" You say a bit louder and he pushes up out of the engine, arms holding him up against the mainframe. His hair is curled beyond belief, the humidity and sweat most likely.
"What now?"
"I wanted to say sorry for yesterday morning."
He pushes himself up farther and repositions himself to slide off the edge of the x-wings body to stand in front of you. He wipes his hands on his tank and crosses his arms. "Why'd you say you were my wife?"
"Huh? I told you, because-"
"No. No, you could have said sister or cousin, anything. But you chose to say wife. Why?"
"I guess I thought it was the safest option." You shrug and dig your boot into the dusty concrete. You definitely haven't imagined what it would be like to be his wife. To be his girlfriend even. Definitely not.
"You thought- oh." Poe hums. "Well I got news for you, wife. We have an assignment together."
"What? Why?"
"Because our friend with the coordinates has taken refuge in Canto Bight."
"The casino resort city? Why the fuck would he go there?"
Poe shrugs. "It beats me. Maybe the guy has a gambling problem. Either way, you and I are going and we are getting those coordinates."
"Why do you need to go?"
"As your partner."
Your heart sinks. Leia knows you blew it on Kajimi. It wasn't supposed to be a solo mission but you said you could handle it. Not that it was your fault the first order decided to raid the city. But why Poe? Why not send someone else with you? Daya? Rose? Wexley?
Poe jumps and hits the release for the hood of the x-wing to fall closed. "Why, because Leia said so."
"Why you? Doesn't she need you here for stuff?"
He smiles and hooks his thumbs in the belt loops of his pants. "It's gonna be me because I asked for the mission."
"You're messing with me aren't you? This is some kind of retribution for outing your fake death."
"Maybe, maybe not." He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you against him. "Pack your bags, because it's honeymoon week on Canto Bight."
"Oh yeah. They're only letting couples in and seeing as you're my wife now..."
You shove him and he cackles. "You asshole! You are so petty for this."
"Yeah well you signed my death warrant. The least I can do is get even just a little bit."
"I'm not going to sleep with you!" You shout back as you walk away. "I'm not your real wife!"
"We'll see about that!"
Poe Dameron can clean up nice. Galaxies he looks like a model when he peels off the fighter suit and runs his hand over his curls. He's in a red silken dress shirt, the top three buttons undone and showing off his gold chain beneath that dips down low on his chest. Black slacks that are definitely tailored because they hug his butt and thighs like they're made for him. Fuck.
"Are you going to change?" Poe asks, gesturing to your flight suit. "I don't think they'll let us in if you're in that."
"Of course I'm going to change." You tug at the velcro of your suit and peel it open to reveal your dress beneath. It's not too fancy, just a simple black dress, knee length and short sleeved. You don't have a lot of nice clothes, they just aren't something you keep around. You do have a necklace from your mom, a nice silver chain with a blue gem pendant. You don't look nearly as nice as Poe does.
"So our cover is that we're a newly wed couple who can't keep their hands off each other. I'm more likely to get noticed here. I can hide my face in your neck and hair. People don't care much for PDA so they will hopefully just ignore us and-" Poe stops mid briefing and you look over at him. "Oh damn." He mutters softly. "My wife looks hot."
"What? Shut up." You toss the flight suit into the cockpit and attempt to fix your hair in the reflection on the windshield. "You're being an ass."
Poe lays his hand on your lower back. "I give you a compliment and I'm an ass? What kind of backwards planet are you from?"
"It was not a compliment. You said wife. Which is not a compliment, it's teasing, so you are an ass."
He leans in close and you press against the x-wing. You can see him in the windshield behind you. Your eyes meet in the reflection and you refuse to look away. His voice comes close to your ear, eyes still boring into yours as he says, "My partner looks stunning and beautiful and I cannot believe I get to do this mission with her. Is that better?"
Your stomach sinks and your heart stops. "You're not bad yourself."
He chuckles, still close to your ear. "I know."
"Confident much?" You press back against him to move away from the x-wing and he wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tight against his warmth. Your body flushes, heat pooling in your stomach. Flashes of what you'd like him to do race through your brain. Galaxies what you wouldn't let him do to you. No. You have to get your mind out of the gutter. You have a job to do.  "Let go, Poe."
"Better get used to it. We're going to do a lot of touching." He purrs before he releases you.
You roll your eyes and he smirks.
"Don't think I can't see that blush." He walks beside you as you head to the grand entry way of the Canto Bight resort. "I know you want me."
"In your dreams, Dameron."
He chuckles. "I do have lots of dreams." He matches your pace and slips his arm around your back. "Fun dreams. We should share them sometime."
You cut him a glare and he grins. "You're really playing into this cover."
"Who says I'm playing?"
As soon as you're checked in, the hunt is on. You can't help but wonder how many of these people would just leap at the chance to throttle you and Poe for simply being part of the Resistance. There's only one way to get this rich in the galaxy and that is weaponry and sympathizing with the First Order. After an hour or so you and Poe head for the elevators that go to the game rooms on the top floor. It's the roulette rooms to be exact. You got word from base that the contact is a roulette player, always betting black.
"I hope we find him." You say to yourself as the doors to the elevator close. It's only you and Poe inside, which is fine with you. At least you don't have to act when no one is around. The last hour has been an excruciating test of will power. You want this to be over, to never have to touch Poe again because it is killing you inside. You know this won't last.
"As do I."
"Huh? Oh. Yeah. I still feel like we're flying a little blind."
"We'll find him."
You look over and Poe has his arms crossed, staring straight ahead at the reflective doors. You look at the doors and take in the two of you together. He looks like he belongs here and you don't. People are going to know you're fakes. This isn't a mission for you, you're not a good actor and you're barely dressed for the part.
"You look great, stop worrying." Poe says softly.
"What? I didn't say anything?"
"You're staring at our reflection intently. I know what you're thinking and you're wrong. You look great."
You fold your arms over your chest and lean against the wall. "You're staring too."
Poe turns and steps directly in front of you. "I'm staring at you."
"Well stop."
"I can't." He catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger and your hands start sweating, heart going wild. "I wanna take it all in while I have it."
"You think I'm not going to dress up ever again?"
"Maybe. I've known you for three years now and I've never seen you like this."
"Don't get used to it."
Poe releases your chin as the elevator dings, signaling your floor. "I won't. But I'm going to relish it while I can."
"Yeah, you do tha-ah!"
He grabs your hand and pulls you out onto the game floor, tugging you against his chest. He slides a hand into your hair and your knees go weak. "Remember our cover?"
"Newly weds." He drops his lips to your ear. "That can't get enough of each other. You can touch me again, it's okay."
You rest your hand against his chest and his heart is beating fast and hard. He's really into this. "How are we supposed to find the contact if we're all over each other?"
"We will. Just follow my lead."
Poe wraps his arm around your back and guides you to walk with him to a table. He crowds you against the table in front of him, lips going to your neck. "Ask what the buy in is?"
"What's the buy in?" You smile sweetly, looking at the dealer. You're trying not to tremble but Poe is really making you feel weak kneed. He's taken to sliding his hand across your stomach and massaging his thumb just over your ribcage.
"Twenty thousand Madame." The dealer says happily. "Shall I put you on the board next round?"
"Yes." Poe says more lustfully than helpfully.
You shiver and nod. "Yes please."
The dealer gives a nod and begins to set out a marker for you while the roulette wheel spins away.
"How exactly are we doing this?" You hiss at Poe and he chuckles. "Seriously what money do you-"
"He's here."
"What? Where?" You look around the table and no one matches the contact's description. "Where?"
Poe bites at your neck and you let out an embarrassing little noise of pleasure. He's hitting all your sensitive spots and it's driving you mad. "Table at our two o'clock."
You look over and sure enough there is a man in a long emerald green robe. "Great let's go talk to him."
"Not so fast." Poe murmurs, fingers flexing on your stomach. "We have a game to play."
"No we don't. We have no money." You seethe and he hums against your back. "Seriously what are you-"
Poe lays a bundle of tokens on the table and your eyes go wide. "Don't lose." He presses a kiss to your cheek and pulls away.
"Don't- how the fuck am I supposed to-" You look back and he's crossing the game room to get to the table where the contact is. You look back at your own game and white knuckle the edge of the table. You don't even know how to play roulette.
"Madame? Your bet?" The dealer calls, looking at you.
"I- thirteen?"
"The color Madame?"
"Very well."
You watch as the wheel spins and the little ball bounces around inside. It's insufferable. You can't watch. You know it's going to cause you to lose this stack of tokens Poe just slapped down out of nowhere. Why does he have so much money? You look up and find him standing near the contact. He doesn't appear to be talking, just observing.
Your eyes snap back to the table and the dealer is pushing a large amount of tokens toward you. "What..."
"Thirteen black, straight bet. You've taken the majority of the pot Madame. Shall I put you down for another round or cash you out?"
"Cash out."
The dealer stacks your tokens into a carrier and pushes the small box toward you. "Best of times madame."
You gather the box and make a beeline for Poe. The moment you're in range you lay a hand on his back and he turns, scooping you against him and pressing his lips to your cheek. "I-...Okay?"
"The contact is a spy from the First Order," Poe whispers, kissing along your jaw and your mind goes fuzzy. "This is a trap. We need to stay low, contact Leia and find out more information."
"H-how do you know?" You stammer, brain split between wanting to focus on the mission and getting Poe alone in a bedroom.
"He's wearing a ring that only First Order commanders have. I've seen it before."
You slide your hand down his back and rest it on his ass. It takes everything in you not to squeeze. "We should talk elsewhere. Like you said, we need to get ahold of Leia."
"Did you lose my money at the table?"
"No, and on that subject, where the fuck did you get that much in tokens? Since when do you just have an extra twenty thousand laying around?"
"Don't worry about it. What did you win?"
"I don't know?" You move away and hold up the carrier full of tokens. "The dealer just gave me this."
Poe takes it and his eyes go wide. "Holy sh- this is way more than I laid down. Okay first things first we cash this out and get a room. Then we call Leia."
"Sounds good."
The room is huge, a suite for a small family. Seriously you could house at least four people in there comfortably it is so large. You take a seat on the end of the giant gold and black bed in the center of the room and Poe starts rolling up his sleeves. It's way hotter than it should be and your brain wanders. It'd feel so good to have him pin you down, kiss you until you can't think straight anymore. His tongue is probably so skilled and-
"Hey, hello, you alive?" Poe says, touching your shoulder. "Did you bring the communicator?"
"Yeah, yeah it's in my purse."
Poe looks around and spots the small purse you had been carrying. "This could have been very bad."
"Do you think he would have tried to kill us?"
"No. I think he would have given us the coordinates and lead us into a death trap." Poe dials out the command center code. "I knew this abandoned ship was too good to be true."
You flop back and stare at the ceiling while Poe talks to Leia. It's painted gold with black stars imprinted throughout. It's interesting, ritzy and obnoxious, but still pretty. You smile to yourself. You've never been in a place this nice. Never in a million years did you think you would find yourself in Canto Bight. Heat rises in your stomach as you reflect on the last hour or so with Poe. He was so willing to touch you, to make you squirm under his attentions. Does he feel some type of way for real? Is he playing the part? You know one thing, you are never going to recover from this. You're going to have dreams for months.
"You know your dress is leaving little to the imagination."
You snap out of your thoughts and sit up, staring at Poe who's standing at the end of the bed looking down at you. Galaxies it's so sexy, his eyes are trained on you and you can't look away. Your dress is hiked up to your thighs, so laying down he could probably see your underwear. "Maybe you should look elsewhere."
"Maybe I don't wanna." He smirks and your blood pressure skyrockets. He reaches out and flips the bit of fabric laying on your leg and exposes a bit more skin.
His big hand covers the top of your thigh and he gives a little squeeze. "Tell me to stop."
"Poe...what're you doing?"
His other hand finds your opposite thigh and he slides them up under the dress. He's just touching your legs and you're getting riled up. He presses his face into your neck and you let out the most feeble whine of pleasure. "If you don't want this for real, tell me now."
"We shouldn-"
He gives a little bite and you fall backwards, body no longer able to handle it. "Yes or no sweetheart, I need to know if you want this?"
"Yes. I want you." You bite your lip and it's all over. Poe climbs over you, holding your wrists just like you imagined. His lips find yours, kissing you hungrily while you squirm beneath him, aching to touch him in return. You know it's going to be a long night and that's just fine.
Sometime in the middle of the night you wake up, eyes opening to the darkened room. For a moment you cannot sort out where you are. The bed feels unfamiliar, the air smells different, nothing is right. Then it hits you. Canto Bight. Poe. You roll over and sure enough there he is beside you, arm over his face.
Last night comes back to you. Oh man. That's why you're sore and naked. You turn back over and Poe shifts on his side. An arm wraps around your chest, pulling you flush against him under the blankets.
"Go back to sleep sweetheart."
"You're awake too."
His hand slides up your chest and settles against your throat. You shiver, remembering last night. A wave of heat courses down your body and settles between your legs. He must know this because he chuckles softly. "Quiet now aren't you?"
"Shut up."
"That's not what you told me last night." He kisses along your shoulder and rubs his thumb back and forth across your throat, applying gentle pressure. "I believe the words were, harder please."
"Poe we just woke up. Do you really need to do this now?" You groan and he slides his hand away, settling it on your chest instead.
He nuzzles against your hair and places another kiss to the back of your neck. "I don't want it to end."
"Us, this."
You turn over and face him, nearly nose to nose. You can feel his breath and you stare at each other for a long moment. "You want this?"
He nods. "Please?"
"Okay, I'm down for exploring this." You smile and he leans in to kiss you gently. "I guess I wasn't so far off when I said I was your wife."
Poe cards a hand through your hair. "Easy now, we could make that a possibility. There's a dozen union halls here."
"We're not getting married!" You laugh and he does so in turn. "Fuck a guy once and he wants to make you his wife. Damn, how long has it been Poe?"
"Shut up!"
"No seriously, how long?"
"A while."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Sure. It's your fault."
You narrow your eyes and he's grinning. "What the fuck does that mean?"
"It means, it's your fault I haven't gotten laid." He flips your nose with his finger and you swat him away. "I'm spelling it out here."
"No you're not? How is it my fault exactly?"
"Because I'm...inlovewithyou." He mutters the last bit, and stares diligently at your pillow.
You touch his cheek and turn his head up to look at you. "Run that by me again?"
"You heard it."
"I heard the impossible. So I know I heard wrong."
"Fuck you, impossible."
"Then say it again!
"I love you!" He takes in a shaky breath. "You're the only woman I've ever met that goes toe to toe with me and gets under my skin to the point I just want to rip your head off but also fuck you so hard you're begging for it. I look forward to seeing you every morning, I look forward to talking to you every day. When you go on missions I can't eat or sleep because I'm so damn worried you won't come back. Fuck, you're everything and I-I must look like an idiot."
"Don't say it. I know it's fine. You don't feel the same and-"
You lean forward and kiss him to make him shut up. He catches on immediately and cradles your face as he returns the kiss. "First things first Dameron..."
"Yeah?" He mutters, eyes closed as he chases your lips as you speak.
"Don't ever tell me how I feel."
He grins and opens his eyes, staring back at you with burning fire. It's passion, challenge, interest. So many emotions you can't settle on one. "Can I tell you want to do?"
"What do you think?"
"Yes?" He slides his hand down to your throat, not squeezing, just touching. "You seemed to like me telling you what to do last night."
You bite his lip and he groans. "Maybe sometimes."
"I'll take sometimes." He pulls you against him, tucking your head under his chin. "Can I take you to breakfast?"
"Like a date?"
"Sure, but you gotta tell me where you got those tokens last night."
He chuckles. "They're fake."
"Fake?! You gave me fake tokens?!"
"I told you not to lose didn't I?"
"You son of a bitch."
"No my mother was a kind woman, thank you."
"I hate you."
He kisses your head and holds his lips to your hair. "No you don't."
You grip his back, pressing your face into his chest. "I don't. Not even a little."
Three days after you and Poe return to base things don't seem to have changed. Poe doesn't seem to hint at wanting to be together, he doesn't say anything about what happened between you two on Canto Bight. It's weird. You had such a good night and a lovely breakfast. As far as hook ups and first dates go, they were some of the best you've ever had. You thought things were going well, that you were going to be a couple when you got back to base, but that isn't happening and you don't know why. It's a little annoying and you wonder if Poe is embarrassed to be with you. Or maybe he doesn't want people to know because he wants to keep his options open. You feel played and it is not sitting well.
"Bout time you got back." You say as Poe walks up to the supply cart you're stocking in the hangar. He has been out on a mission with the black x-wing team. Some sort of attack on some stormtroopers invading a resistance friendly settlement.
"Miss me?"
"Yeah, sure." You roll your eyes.
Poe grabs the handles on the cart and leans forward as he speaks. "Is there a problem?"
"I don't know, is there?"
"Don't start with me."
You slam down a pack of fuses and lift your eyes to meet his. "Don't start with you? Oh no problem, you already didn't start it."
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh fuck you."
Poe raises his eyebrows. "Fuck me? I'm not doing anything. You're coming at me for who knows what. Tell me what I did!"
"Nothing! You've done nothing Poe! Since we got home you've barely looked at me twice. We spent an incredible night in Canto Bight and for what? For what Poe?!"
"That's what you're mad about?!"
"Yeah! I feel like I've been played!" You laugh angrily, stepping away from the cart and walking around a pile of scrap parts in boxes. "Is Poe Dameron too good to admit he fell in love?!"
"Fuck all, you don't need to shout that across the base!"
You narrow your eyes at him. "You want me to shout? Oh I'll shout." You turn your back to him and face the open expanse of the hangar. "I'm in love with Poe Dameron and he is in love with me! We fucked on Canto Bight and it was amazing!"
A few pilots and crew nearby make noises of encouragement.
Poe grabs your shoulder and turns you around a little rougher than you expect. He backs you against the wall and your heart goes absolutely wild. "You want something to scream about? I'll give you a reason to scream my name."
"Put your money where your mouth is Dameron."
He leans in close, caging you in with his hands on the wall beside your head. "Call me by my last name again and I'll make sure you scream it too."
You stare at him in heavy silence for a moment. The tension is teetering on thin ice. "Tell me you love me. Say it again."
"I love you." He presses his forehead against yours. "I love you until the stars burn out."
"Then why have you been putting me off for the last three days?"
"I've been working through some personal shit."
You swallow thickly. You feel like an asshole now. "I'm sorry."
"You didn't know." He drops his hands from the wall and holds your face. "I promise I'll tell you everything one day, just bare with me."
You grab his wrists and rub your thumb over the back of his hands. "Are you okay? Like...y'know?"
"You're sure?"
Poe nods. "It's just my PTSD and some other stuff. Can I ask you something?"
"Do you really love me like you just shouted to the base?"
You smile and he bumps your noses together. "Yeah Poe. I love you."
He leans in and kisses you, smiling into it as he does so. "You're really hot when you're angry."
"You are too." You grin back as you slide your hands over his butt. "Maybe we should work on communication."
"Mmm. Then let me tell you how much I want to get you alone right now."
"What's stopping you?"
"Nothing." He grunts as he slides his hands under your legs and lifts you up. "I'm taking you straight to the commander's quarters for punishment."
You grip his back tightly as he walks you out of the hangar. "What's my offense?"
"Verbally attacking a commander and stealing his heart."
"You're cheesy."
"You love it." He purrs, placing his lips against your throat. "You love me."
"Yes, yes I do."
Header pic by delicate-venus
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Umbrella Academy OC:
Name: Sylvia Hargreeves
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 30
Aliases: Number 7, Honey Badger
Portrayed by: Elizabeth Gillies
Like the rest of her siblings, Sylvia was born on the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989 to mothers who had no previous signs of pregnancy. She was soon adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves and taken to the Umbrella Academy with the intention of training her and her siblings to save the world.
Sylvia is a beautiful woman who has blue-green eyes and long black hair that reaches to the middle of her back and has a single, rather large white streak in the middle of it. She is fairly tall with pale skin and an attractive, curvy figure.
In the first season, she wears a white crop tank top, which exposes her midriff, under a black leather jacket. She also wears black pants, combat boots, and fingerless gloves.
On her left ear is a golden chain earring that has a small, blue crystal dangling from it.
When she was young, Sylvia wore the Umbrella Academy’s girl uniform. Her hair was shorter, reaching to her shoulders, and was tied in two separate, low ponytails that rested over her shoulders.
Out of all of her siblings, even has a child, Sylvia has always been the most mature, mentally and emotionally. After leaving the Umbrella Academy at eighteen, she attempts to get over all the harsh treatment done to her by Sir Reginald Hargreeves and to not dwell on the past. She is also quite a calm individual and does not let her emotions get the better of her all the time.
Though she can sometimes be annoyed with her siblings, she cares about them greatly and is very protective of them. Even after leaving the Academy, she always kept in contact with them to make sure they were doing well. She would also comfort her siblings after a particularly harsh experiment done by their adoptive father.
Though usually calm, Sylvia has a fierce temper when she gets angry and will lash out violently. When truly mad, she begins releasing a string of swears and has a habit of breaking things. She can also be very blunt with her words at times, being rather sassy and sarcastic.
Sylvia is very brave and, as a side effect of her powers, is utterly fearless, having never known fear of anyone or anything since she was born. She is also fiercely determined and will keep getting back up on her feet no matter how many times she is knocked down, even going so far as to literally fight someone to the death if she has to. She is willing to kill those who intend harm on her and family.
Sylvia is also highly intelligent, second only to Five. She can come up with clever ways to solve problems and is able to think on her feet. She prefers to think of a plan before charging head first into a bad situation.
She is very confident in herself and her powers, but she does struggle with the worries that she could one day end up alone without her siblings.
Powers and Abilities:
Sylvia’s powers are based off the animal the Honey Badger.
Enhanced Strength: While not as strong as Luther, Sylvia has shown to be far stronger than the average human being.
Enhanced Speed: Sylvia is very quick on her feet, which, along with her agility, is very useful in battle.
Enhanced Senses: Sylvia has heightened senses of hearing and smelling.
Enhanced Durability: Sylvia has incredibly tough skin that can withstand numerous blows without causing her much pain. She is impervious to simple bullets and knife blades, but her main weak point is her head.
Claws: Sylvia can make her nails grow into longer and sharper claws, which are able to easily slice through a person’s skin.
Fangs: Sylvia can grow her canines to be sharp fangs and can deliver a powerful bite force.
Venom & Poison Immunity: Sylvia has shown to have an immunity to venom and poison. If either were to get into her system, rather than kill her, her body would go numb, or she would become unconscious, for a few hours. Even then, it would take a while for the venom and poison to take effect.
Expert Combatant: Sylvia is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and has shown she can take down even the toughest of opponents. She is also a ferocious fighter and never shows any mercy.
Genius-Level Intellect: Sylvia is very intelligent and is able to quickly understand rather complicated things, such as how Five turned from an old man to his thirteen year old self when he traveled through time.
Five Hargreeves:
Sylvia and Five have a very close relationship. Even when they were children, they would always spend a large amount of time together. Five considers Sylvia to be his intellectual equal and is the one he trusts the most out of all of their siblings, being the first person he told about the upcoming apocalypse and employs her help. He also cares about her tremendously, probably the most out out of all their siblings. Sylvia does not usually agree with most of Five’s brash methods, but she trust him a great deal and cares for him a lot. She was the most sadden by his disappearance into the future, and is the happiest to have him back when he returns.
It is hinted they have romantic feelings for each other.
Vanya Hargreeves:
Sylvia is close with Vanya has she never ignored her as they were growing up. She always tried to cheer her up when her sister was down when it was believed she wasn’t special like the rest of their family. Sylvia was also supportive in Vanya’s pursuit of being a violinist, and even when she wrote a book about their family life.
Klaus Hargreeves:
Sylvia and Klaus are very close with one another. She always comforted him whenever he went through the harsh way their adopted father tried to get him to use his powers, as well as always stick up for him. In the beginning, she is the only one of their siblings who believes that he can communicate with their deceased brother Ben. While she doesn’t condone his drug habit, Sylvia is always there for Klaus whenever he needs her, even letting him stay at her place from time to time.
Luther Hargreeves:
Sylvia and Luther are close, though she finds his loyalty to their adoptive father misplaced.
Diego Hargreeves:
Sylvia and Diego are close with each other, but they sometimes go at each other throats every now and then.
Allison Hargreeves:
Sylvia and Allison have a good relationship, but Sylvia has some issues with her sister using her powers unnecessarily.
Ben Hargreeves:
While they cannot properly interact with each other, Sylvia and Ben have a close relationship, even before he died. She was terribly distraught by his death, but becomes ecstatic when she learns that Klaus can communicate with him.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves:
Sylvia has shown to have some leftover resentment towards Reginald, mainly by how he treated her and her siblings in the past. She refused to get in contact with him after she left the Umbrella Academy, expect when it came to knowing about the wellness of the others. While she does go to his funeral, she is not particularly saddened by his death.
Sylvia wears contact lenses due to having poor eyesight, but she is seen wearing glasses every now and then.
She is a fan of honey-flavored food.
Sylvia owns a motorcycle, which is her main mode of transportation.
She hates it when people say her hair resembles a skunk because of the white streak. Diego once teased her about it and she retaliated by slamming his head down hard against the dinning room table. Since then, none of her siblings make fun of her about it.
Her earring was a gift from Five when they were younger.
After leaving the Umbrella Academy, she had the umbrella tattoo on her wrist covered with the tattoo of a honey badger.
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