#she didnt even give benny the gift of killing him
yippie-kai-gay · 5 months
Frothing at the mouth thinking about my fallout character
Save me Ted
Ted save me
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Lily and Sirius chatting, or teasing James
Thank you @blitheringmcgonagall for giving me this prompt. Also to @nah-she-didnt for asking for the same pairing. I put it on AO3 if you prefer to read there.
Maybe a teeny bit of teasing James but mainly Sirius and Lily just being besties
“Lily, my darling we have a problem,” Sirius announced walking into the living room and lying down on the couch. She managed to lift her book out of the way before his head replaced it in her lap. Trying to hide the smile, she tucked the place marker neatly inside ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ 
“What have you done now?”
“Nothing that didn’t need doing.”
“What does that mean?” 
“I may have accidentally told James you are secretly planning something for his birthday,” Sirius told her with a wince.
“But I’m not secretly planning anything for his birthday,” Lily exclaimed, pushing Sirius’ head off her lap and standing up. She took a few nervous paces up and down the room, before sitting down in the chair beside him. 
“That is the whole reason why we have a problem.” He propped himself up on an elbow so he could look at her, she narrowed her eyes at him in reply.
“You said it wasn’t anything that didn’t need doing? This is definitely something that didn’t need doing–– it wasn’t even HAPPENING. It still isn’t happening and should have been left well alone.” Lily pinched her nose and took a breath. “Sirius I could kill you. His birthday is Saturday, I don’t have time or any money to do anything! All I’ve got for him is a stupid joke gift.”
   “Sorry,” he replied, not looking remotely guilty. Lily regarded him suspiciously, as he was clearly holding back a grin. The type of grin he held back when he had a juicy bit of gossip or he was privy to a secret. “Why is it a joke gift?”
Lily wanted to get to the bottom of that grin, but she let it slide for now.
“Well you know we all watched the queen’s gambit on Netflix and James was saying how that one chess player–– er, Benny’s hat would look better on him?”
“Well, I got him the hat.” She bit her lip and looked down at her hands, “It’s stupid I know,”
“It’s not stupid,” He replied making her feel better for about one second before continuing on, “He’s stupid for thinking he could rock a hat like that.” Lily snorted a laugh despite herself. 
“Yeah well, we’ll see how long he wears it for.”
“Probably far longer than he should, especially if we all tell him it suits him.”
“I think it could suit him,” Lily responded defensively, Sirius waved a hand at her.
“Lily you cannot be objective in this”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re in love with him. You thought he looked good in that terrible reindeer onesie he wore last Christmas.”
“He did look good!” She flushed, remembering the sight of him. Sirius did not respond, beyond the heavy smirk he gave her. She coughed and tried to change the subject. “Anyway, how are you going to solve this mess you put me into?”
“With this,” he replied smugly, pulling a folded sheet of paper out his pocket. “It would be more dramatic if I had tickets or something, but an email print-out is the best I could do. Go on, read it.”
“Couples Spa Weekend?” She read through the page quickly, then raised an eyebrow at him. “I take it Remus said no?” Sirius sat up and rested his hands behind his head on the back of the sofa.
“Hated the idea as soon as I suggested it, didn’t even get the chance to tell him I’d already booked it. But my loss is your gain, my love.”
“Do you think James will like it?”
“It’s a weekend away with you, of course he will. Just imagine: him wearing nothing but a fluffy white towel and that fetching hat you bought him.” Lily couldn’t keep from laughing then and joined Sirius on the couch, putting her arm around him.
“Thanks for this. As soon as we get back, I’ll tell Remus how wonderful it is and that he should take you some time.”
Sirius feigned a swoon and looked over to her. “Lily, that is why I love you.”
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