#she despises her. she misses her. she'll never see her again. she sees her every time she looks in the mirror. she's 24. she's 10 years old
starry-bi-sky · 6 days
finally giving fem danyal her own au and fulfilling my 'danny is an animal whisperer' agenda at the same time: mother of monsters danyal 2.0
i say "2.0" because TECHNICALLY 'mother of monsters danyal' is an au I made back in June for Dark fem!Danyal (who I promptly named Layal). However, I haven't posted much for her yet, and I like the "mother of monsters" premise too much to leave it only to Layal. Plus Danyal in that au was going to become the mother of monsters anyway, just with significantly less world domination and mass extinction.
'Animal whisperer' Danny has been something I've been thinking about since my latest DP 'wolfpack au' post and it's! So fun to think about, and who no better to assign the idea to than Danyal Al Ghul? Who comes from a family infamously known for their love of animals and nature?
Fem Danyal is just purely self-indulgent. *gestures wildly at her* i just lomvb,,, her,,,, I've only really mentioned her in context of the 'Things in Threes' au/my first Danyal al Ghul au with the facial scar, but she's!!! I love her. She deserves her own au <33
So kill three birds with one stone! Make a post about it.
Anyways, Danny has a large lair. Similar to cult leader danyal, her lair is a giant mountain region resembling nanda parbat with a big temple/palace-like area built into the mountain. It's large, it's overflowing with natural flora, with its own mini-floating islands hovering over some areas, and it's also completely empty.
Danny takes one look at her lair upon first meeting, -- noting that it looked relatively smaller from the outside -- and promptly, with the elegance of an Al Ghul, goes "What the hell??" Because yes, while she does enjoy her own solitude and privacy, this is a bit ridiculous.
For heaven's sake, there's even a massive lake in there! What's she going to do with all this space? Can she make it any smaller? Why is it so big in the first place? This looks borderline like one of the mega-islands!
She finds out later that apparently, the amount of ectoplasm a ghost has can have an effect on the size of their lair. And since she has such a large core, her lair reflects that. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff, it's bigger on the inside so it doesn't take up "too much space" on the outside. Don't worry about it too much.
Danyal isn't totally opposed to having such a large lair, she's just... a bit baffled by it. It feels like so much wasted space is all. All this flora and no fauna to enjoy it with. It's practically eerie.
She decorates her temple-palace area, transforming rooms to match her needs as she sees fit. In the center of the inner gardens is a massive tree that she likes to climb, with twisting, winding branches. Sam and Tucker have honorary rooms, even if they can't safely leave the specter speeder for long periods of time, even with proper safety equipment. So does Jazz. Ali (Dani) has one too, but he can actually use that one, and Danny brought him to her lair so he could decorate it himself.
She has a personal garden, but for the most part she lets the flora exist as it is. Too much space to cultivate it en masse anyways.
Skip to a few weeks later, on her next visit to Clockwork. She developed a habit of going to see him semi-regularly just because. She enjoys his wisdom, and he has a lot of stories to tell, and when he's not being the cryptic and esoteric timekeeper, he's a bit goofy.
(pushing my dadwork agenda here,,, i think Danny deserves to go 'hey, Lord Clockwork, do you want me to buy you something' while she's at walmart, only to receive a singular glowing sticky note that says 'cucumber gatorade'.)
(She insists on referring to him with his proper titles even for the most mundane of things because it's proper, but Clockwork sees a future where she eventually calls him "Cee" and by all things in existence is he determined to get there. Anyways,,,)
On her next visit to Clockwork, just as she is about to leave, Clockwork stops her and goes; "Ah, I have something for you. Hold out your hands."
Danny does as such, and Clockwork doesn't give out things often, so her curiosity has spiked to the highest levels. He turns away from her for a moment, using his staff to summon whatever it is he needs, and when he turns around.
He drops a fish into her hands. Granted, a fish in a small glass tank. But a fish nonetheless. A small one, roughly about the size of her finger, with a blue-black, eel-shaped body and four sets of glowing eyes. She can see thin, almost translucent, but spiny fins down its back and the start of bioluminescent markings. It's swimming around in circles in its small container.
"Lord Clockwork." Danyal says all too calmly.
"Yes, Danyal?"
"What is this?"
"That is an adolescent leviathan, Danyal." She’s transfixed onto the tank, but she doesn’t need to see Clockwork’s face to hear the smile he’s stifling.
The myriad of emotions that runs through her all at once threatens to overwhelm her, and she can’t tell if the feelings are negative or positive. So she carefully closes her eyes to breathe in through her nose.
“Ah, I see you’ve dropped formalities.”
She ignores that.
“Why have you given me an adolescent leviathan?”
She's expecting the trickster to look amused when she opens her eyes. Instead, he just looks endeared. "I know you're fond of animals," he says, "and you always look amazed when you come across an animal of the realms. So I thought you might enjoy taking care of the young beast, it's mother is dead so it has no one to care for it."
"But, if you don't like it," Clockwork's hands reach out for the tank, "I can simply take it back--"
Danyal shifts the tank out from his reach and hugs it possessively. "I never said that. How do I care for it?"
And so clockwork gives her a list, and when Danyal returns to her lair, she sets up a large tank in her room for the leviathan to swim in -- it's much too small for the lake right now, she thinks. She'll feel better if it's somewhere she can find it. She names him Suhā.
Suhā grows quickly, and by the end of the mortal month she transforms one of the rooms into a large pond for him to swim around in. He's a very loyal beast, recognizing her as it's mother of some kind. Danyal takes great care ensuring that her beastie gets quality care, and Suhā swims to the surface to see her when he senses her in the room.
It spirals from there. Somehow, Pandora catches wind that Clockwork gave her a leviathan, and so the next time Danyal visits the Greater Athens, she gives her a baby chimera. It's eyes are still sealed shut, Danyal can't bring herself to say no. She names the little beastie Firas.
Frostbite hears about it too, and not to be outdone, gives her an animal she's never even heard of. Infinite-realms born, apparently. A fox-like creature with two small horns like an impala, four eyes, and tall legs. The name isn't something she's quite sure how to write down, and she's positive that her friends won't be able to comprehend it. She names her Eira.
Getting the three of them used to each other was... interesting. Suhā tried to eat Firas when Danyal first introduced the two, and they've hated each other ever since. Firas and Eira are seemingly getting along. Her island already feels full enough with the three of them on it.
Of course, that's not the end of it. With her luck, she begins stumbling across other monsters. Realms-borne or otherwise. An injured hydra in the Grecian islands that, through lots of trial and error, Danyal is able to rehabilitate and heal. It routinely comes to visit her afterwards.
A griffin with a broken wing that she moves permanently to the island that likes to keep to itself, but tends to come down when she's near. It gets along best with Firas.
A panther-like monster from the Shades Woods that had six legs and three tails, with ends that reminded her of a venus flytrap. It stuck around the heavy foliage and she can only make out where it was when she saw its golden eyes reflect.
She befriends a young indrik with its leg injured, and much like the hydra it follows her back to her island, and stays there in the mountains. It comes out when she's alone, much like her other beasts.
She receives two more leviathan -- one from clockwork, and one she finds herself while exploring the deeper and darker recesses of the Ghost Zone. It was huddled against the carcass of its mother, and she managed to befriend and get close enough to it to bring it back to her island. Suhā is fully grown by then, with a head bigger than Danyal herself and he still likes to stick her head out of the water for nuzzles when she's near.
He's not very happy with his new siblings, but he's not trying to eat them when she's not looking. So she calls it a win in her book.
And it's not just large beasts either; smaller animals begin popping up when she's not looking. Bird-like creatures and small mammals, and she swears she saw a doe (or something resembling a doe) grazing in the forest while she was walking by.
She takes back with her a lone snake egg once, and it grows so big it wraps around her island and sleeps with its massive head on the mountain beside the temple, like some smaller breed of Jörmungandr.
And on and on it goes. Some of the beasts she comes across never step foot onto her island, some of them follow her back, while others she has to carry back. Not all of the ones that follow her stay, and Danny rehabilitates the injured and releases them when they're fully healed.
It's hectic, and busy, and frankly she loves it. Some of her rehabilitated beasts return to visit her, or to have their children somewhere on the island, or whatever it is they need to do.
She becomes a bit infamous for it. She goes to visit Dorathea once, and as she's walking through the streets she can hear some of the denizens whispering while she walks past.
"Is that her?"
"Her highness' friend? Yes--"
"--that's the one--"
"--Mother of monsters--"
Danny's not sure how to feel about that.
Although, she can't say she's opposed.
Danyal Al Ghul, Mother of monsters, raiser of beasts. It has a nice ring to it.
#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#danyal al ghul au#dpxdc prompt#fem danny fenton#fem danyal al ghul#mother of monsters danny#if anyone wants to hear about Layal specifically I'd be HAPPY to tell you about her. she's inspired by the song 'scylla' from epic#you can't leave me with dark danny for too long i give him depth if i do. anyways i gave layal mommy issues. she has a complicated view on#danyal and both loves and hates her in equal measure. she killed her out of mercy. she's her mother her sister her other half.#she despises her. she misses her. she'll never see her again. she sees her every time she looks in the mirror. she's 24. she's 10 years old#can you tell that i made layal during a time where i was thinking about the 'dan is danny's kid' dpdc trope bc that's exactly what happened#*holds dad!clockwork up like potato.* 'i just think he's neat :)'#i am incapable of making things only cracky. i must make it meaningful in some way or another.#MMMM i have to cut it off here before it gets too looooNNGGG.#if this flops i'll be sad :((#i just think the idea that danyal has her own little world on her island is neat. she's got dragons and wyrms and serpents and giant wolves#and griffins and one time there's a sphinx although she doesn't stay permanently. Danyal has a blast answering her riddles though.#that panther is based off the dnd displacer beast. there's little salamanders and gazelles with three eyes. there's more sea monsters than#just suhā and the other two leviathans but i couldnt think of any. im obsessed with the sea serpents if you havent notice LMFAO.#there's pegasi and a manticore and a ton of infinite realms monsters that are just an assortment of animals slapped together#the shades woods are a mega-island idea that i had. they're where a bunch of the “shades ghosts” are from. Its this large forest area with#megaflora trees similar to the redwood forest with canopies so thick and wide that no light can reach the bottom. so all of the native faun#living there have adapted to live in the shadows. there are a few villages that live in tall tree houses like the ewok villages that outsid#ghosts can go visit. the panther that's from there is very fond of danyal honestly. anyways yEAH ANIMAL WHISPERER DANNY.#her beasties are all animals up until she's like. 19. where she promptly steals an infant minotaur from a Legends Islands near Pandora#he wasn't being treated well okay!!! she couldn't stand by and watch. his name is asterion. he's a year old. and she'll kill for him.#i dont have enough tags to talk about Damian or her family >:T. just know that i am leaning into her assassin bg as usual :)
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Please please please could you write a Nikolai x reader fic with the Enchanted prompt?? 🥹💕
Majestic- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N- Ignore the image looking so big. Anyways, I had so much fun writing this and I really hope you enjoy reading it! I wrote this one in Nikolai's pov because I love my bbg being a huge simp also jealous Nikolai😩😩
Warnings- None
Summary- Nikolai utterly despised how annoying you are, but when he sees you dancing with someone else during a ball, he experiences feelings he never knew of
Nikolai walked around the hall, checking how Genya's preparations for the upcoming ball had been going on. She'd done a marvellous job, undoubtedly, but still he was astonished to find the boring hall look so endearing. Usually he wasn't much thrilled for these events as they were a frequent occurrence, yet he found himself looking forward to this one as you were supposed to be there
"I'm surprised to say that it's quite impressive how you've turned this monotonous area in this palace to this" He looked around the hall, so as to admire the view
"Surprised? I excel at anything I wish to" Genya responded with a smug look on her face
"Well, I'm not arguing that" Nikolai shrugged. 
"Oh and just so you know, y/n has come back so she'll be attending the event" She spoke again.
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's good, but I don't see why that concerns me" He gave her a disinterested look
"Alright" Genya rolled her single amber eye, not wanting to argue with him further. 
You'd been away for a meeting with the Kerch merchant council for about a week now. Even though Nikolai was relieved to not having to tolerate you making fun of literally everything he did, he was still surprised to find himself missing your devilish grin
Nikolai had wore a black coat with the Ravkan double eagle emblazoned to a side. His hair looked much less messier than usual.  
He entered the now endearing hall with light gleaming from every corner. The whole surrounding was filled with a variety of riches, nobles and high ranking officers from the first army. 
He was having a rather displeasing conversation with some merchant about various kinds of brandies when he noticed you enter the hall. You were wearing a midnight blue silk gown with straps that hung beautifully over your shoulders. Your hair was pulled into a bun and had several loose strands falling in front that were too small to be a part of the bun
You seemed to catch most people's attentions as they recognized who you were. You chatted with most of the nobles and they listened to you speak with great interest. The whole scene made Nikolai roll his eyes and get himself another glass of champagne
Nikolai was watching the perfectly hung chandeliers when he heard your voice from behind
"Looks like you've found your betrothed, moi tsar" you smirked 
Instead of being annoyed, he smiled back and responded "Well she is radiant and much more quiet then the other options"
"You wish you had that option" You gave him a proud expression
"Ah how unlucky of me to not having the most annoying human on earth as an option to become my betrothed" he gave you similar look
"Keep telling yourself that to soothe your aching heart, moi tsar" you tilted your head to a side
Before Nikolai could respond with equally snarky words, you were snatched away by a noblewoman who began to ask you about the architectural designs in Ketterdam. 
Nikolai spent most of his time talking to the guests yet, he could keep his attention towards the conversation which was weird because he was quite good at listening to people talk. He still found his gaze drifting towards you. Why was he even doing that? you were just almost too good at conversating with strangers but why would it matter to him, those people didn't know how annoying you truly were. 
It was maddening how you were hiding your true evil nature so elegantly and how beautiful you were looking in that damned dress and how beautifully it brought out the color of your eyes. 
You were now talking to some, young man who was trying too hard to flirt with you. 
The man was a lot taller than you so you had to look up to meet his gaze. But what was so special about that anyways? Nikolai was a lot taller than you as well or maybe you were just too short. He also had dark hair that was slicked back and small dimples appeared on either side of his cheeks whenever he smiled. What even was so special about dimples anyway? they didn't make him insanely attractive or anything. 
Nikolai was really struggling to not roll his eyes at the sights of all that, yet he couldn't figure out why he was caring so much about it. Why he didn't like it when you weren't spending your evening mocking him but were instead laughing with someone else. 
Soon, the dances were about to begin and the change of the rhythm of the orchestra proved so. 
Several people stepped front to partake in the activity. Nikolai noticed the man with the dimples bringing his hand forward and you taking it as you both stepped in front.
Nikolai stood in a corner with a half empty glass of champagne in his hand as he watched you glide around the hall with the average looking man. 
He spun you around while his gaze remained fixated on yours. And at times, even grinned like an idiot who'd achieved something huge without any effort. 
Though there were a thousand things Nikolai could be doing at that moment, he continued to look at you with immense grimace. He watched you dance with the bloke as he got himself another glass of champagne. 
After what felt like an eternity, the façade was finished and you bid farewell to the man. 
Nikolai was too deep indulged in his thoughts to notice you coming from behind. "You seem to be rather displeased tonight, moi tsarevich" You spoke
He turned around hastily to see you standing in front of him.  "Well, these occasions are all the same, nothing new. People bragging and indulging in useless conversations that might bore you to death and dancing with nincompoops" he grimaced at the last sentence
"All the saints and their aunts, are you jealous your highness?" you smirked
"In your wildest dreams" he responded with a bold expression. "Who even is that guy anyways? Another average man who thinks he can win over anyone with his dimples and weird hair" he muttered loud enough for you to hear
"You know, if you really wished to dance with me, you could've just said so" a corner of your mouth turned up
"Maybe, but you were too occupied grinning with that bloke"
"See? acceptance is a bold step your highness. And don't curse the poor boy so much, he'd already been looking as if he'd been preparing his script for weeks"
"If only he possessed my talents" he smiled proudly
"You know, it's not entirely late for that dance" you tilted your head as you raised your eyebrows.
"Alright then, I shall fulfil that wish of yours too" he responded, his statement making you roll your eyes
He gently offered you his hand and you took it as you both stepped outside the hall.
The euphonic music playing distantly filled up your ears as you took Nikolai's hands in yours. His gaze remained stagnant on yours and he finally noticed how beautifully your y/e/c eyes shone as the moonlight gleamed on them. At that moment, he could think of nothing but you. How beautiful you appeared, even when you'd be working in the scorching heat or the heavy rain. How smartly you managed to handle any situation without engaging in any form of conflict. How could he not like you if you were that way. How was he to despise you when you were so majestic? Through he was now hating you for being so.
"You know, it wouldn't shatter your pride to just accept the fact that I'm simply the most magnificent woman you've laid your eyes on, your highness" you smiled as you raised your eyebrows
"Nikolai, just Nikolai would do. And I that is very bold of you, but you do more work to keep the country stable than anyone else so I wouldn't say much" he returned your expression
"You aren't denying it either, Nikolai" 
His name coming from your lips made him feel different, as he never had before. It was rather rare of you calling him by his name he couldn't even recall the last time you did. But he knew you were right, he truly never hand seen another woman as magnificent as you.  
No matter how much you annoyed him most of the time or made fun of every thing about him, he really never had known one like you. And seeing you dance with someone else, seeing your hands on someone else's, made him feel emotions he never knew he had. 
You swayed to the soft music playing in the distance as your hands rested on Nikolai's shoulders and his on your waist. 
His soft hazel eyes were fixated on yours as the night went by. He brought out his hand without haste and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear that had been blocking his view of your beautiful y/e/c eye. 
The moment went by in a haste as you spoke in a sudden, "I'm afraid I might have to leave now, so as to bid farewells to the guests and I believe you should do the same" 
"Ye-yes you're right" he spoke in a hesitant voice, not willing to part from you. 
Without having another option, you turned to leave as Nikolai held your hand for a moment and then let it go.
You both went your separate ways as Nikolai slightly flexed his hand from your touch. 
After the party ended, he set on his way to his quarters, not realizing how red his cheeks had become. 
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vickyvicarious · 5 months
I feel sorry, really and truly sorry, for two of the poor fellows. Oh, Mina, I am so happy that I don't know what to do with myself. [...] You and I, Mina dear, who are engaged and are going to settle down soon soberly into old married women, can despise vanity. Well, I must tell you about the three, but you must keep it a secret, dear, from every one, except, of course, Jonathan. You will tell him, because I would, if I were in your place, certainly tell Arthur. [...] Arthur has just gone, and I feel in better spirits than when I left off, so I can go on telling you about the day. [...] It seems that a man always does find a girl alone. No, he doesn't, for Arthur tried twice to make a chance, and I helping him all I could; I am not ashamed to say it now. [...] I do not know myself if I shall ever speak slang; I do not know if Arthur likes it, as I have never heard him use any as yet. [...] Oh, why must a man like that be made unhappy when there are lots of girls about who would worship the very ground he trod on? I know I would if I were free—only I don't want to be free. My dear, this quite upset me, and I feel I cannot write of happiness just at once, after telling you of it; and I don't wish to tell of the number three until it can be all happy.
Lucy and Arthur are super cute together collection. It's clear throughout her letter that she wants to tell Mina everything in order, and give proper due to the two men whose proposals she rejected. But throughout, her excitement at having Arthur's feelings for her confirmed keeps bubbling up. She's at her most playful at the start of the letter, jokingly superior about how she and Mina are practically old married women above such things already. She comes back multiple times to the idea of her married life with Arthur, when she will tell him everything, when she'll learn if he likes slang (continuity error there, but she's anticipating using the same kind of language as him). Later on she emphasizes that she doesn't want to be free, has been trying her best to help Arthur get a chance to propose, she doesn't want to talk about him until she can do so with all her focus on how happy she is with him.
When she stops the letter for a while, she mentions Arthur has just left. This gives us a couple options. First: he's been there since his proposal, just hanging out. This is super cute because it suggest that he wants to spend as much time with her as he can right away. Also super cute because it means Lucy was so excited to share her news with Mina that she started writing the letter while he was still there (perhaps once he got pulled into a conversation with her mother?). And then she felt she needed to go through it all in the proper order, and when she got caught up in her sadness about Seward, Arthur returned to cheer her up again enough that she was ready to continue the letter when he finally had to leave. Adorable. Second: Arthur left after his successful proposal, and Lucy began writing to Mina. But then he was so happy that he came back again to spend more time with her. Maybe even this time was an anticipated/official visit that her mother knew about, and he snuck in first to propose because he'd been trying and kept missing his chance. Either way it's so so cute. Imagine him showing up for a formal visit and just constantly looking to Lucy so excitedly before he drops the news that he has asked for and been granted her hand. Or she's writing her letter, gets sad, takes a break, then gets surprised with another unexpected visitor - but it's Arthur again, too giddy to stay away for long. And then he sees she is upset and helps her to feel better before he has to leave again. Adorable.
And, of course, the pinnacle:
P.S.—Oh, about number Three—I needn't tell you of number Three, need I? Besides, it was all so confused; it seemed only a moment from his coming into the room till both his arms were round me, and he was kissing me. I am very, very happy, and I don't know what I have done to deserve it. I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend.
The excitement, too jumbled to even talk about clearly! The deep affection and feeling so happy she doesn't know how she could deserve it. That ending, where she loves his friendship, his romantic affection, and the domestic life together she anticipates with him. The fact that she was going to leave this to another letter because she didn't want to be sad when she wrote it. But then she couldn't not gush about him at least a little and came back to add it in a PS.
They're super duper cute together, I love them.
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giantchasm · 1 year
Hello. May you like to share any recent Susie-isms on your brain 👁👁
(Or any Kirby blorbo honestly. I just like your character vibes)
(Sorry this answer is a few days late, but I really do have a lot of thoughts about her)
Recently I've been thinking abt her relationship w mechanization a lot recently. I know it's left ambiguous in canon whether or not she's actually part machine, but she's suuuuch a robotgirl to me.
This bitch has a microchip in her brain and mechanical hands and big scary LED eyes. But also they're kinda cute and when she's choosing how to get dressed up every day she can decide on different colors and even symbols like hearts in her eyes to match whatever cute and/or unhinged vibe she's going for.
She's only part robot, but sometimes she wishes she were all robot. Life would be easier if she was perfect and unfeeling and cold and didn't make mistakes. But sadly she can't fully mechanize herself because then "She'd effectively die," and while she sometimes wonders if that would be for the best (Replacing herself with a better version of herself and all), she knows it would unfortunately make her friends sad.
Even though she's not a real robot she uses it/its pronouns sometimes and has an acronym picked out for what S.U.S.I.E allegedly stands for because she likes feeling like a machine anyways.
She has a complicated relationship with her robotics sometimes because for a long time she was convinced they made her superior to everyone else, but now that she's learning that's not true and that mechanization was apparently "a horrific thing to do to people," she occasionally wonders if people see her as some kind of freak.
But she tries not to think about it! She's better than everyone else, OK? She has to believe that. Or else she'll spiral.
Although most of her is mechanical and because of that she can't feel super well, one of her hands is still flesh and secretly she likes it when people hold it.
She thinks about her dad a lot. Her relationship with him is soooo complicated. Sometimes she hates him, but she misses him just as much. There's so much anger mixed in with crushing sadness. She wonders if he'd despise her for everything she did. She can't really blame him. She despises him too. Doesn't make it any easier, though. And so she just. Tries not to think about it. And fails.
Taranza (He's her best friend, ok?) tells her it's okay to let herself grieve and process those complicated feelings, but that's not always easy for her. She doesn't even know where to begin.
She's a loser. An unhinged, emotionally damaged wreck of a woman. Someone in the fandom as of late has taken to referring to her as 'Losie' and they're so right. I need less content of Susie actually being a girlboss and more content of Susie desperately trying to pretend to be a girlboss while actually just barely pretending to cling to her sanity with her fingernails.
Susie's interesting to me in that she like. Wears a mask on top of a mask. She pretends to be this honestly pretty nice silly cutesy unbothered chick to people she doesn't know well, but in 'reality,' she sees herself as this realistic, unbothered, cynical and strong person. But she's not that either. She's fooling even herself. Deep down, what Susie is is a scared, angry, sad little girl. Like she's not a little girl anymore-- she's a grown woman, but she'll always be the same scared little girl who got lost in Another Dimension. And she hates that fact. So she won't acknowledge it.
Funfact: in my headcanons when she first started going by 'Susie' it was when she initially got back from Another Dimension. After being forced to confront the fact that her dad didn't recognize her and being mechanized to join the company, she decided that the old Susanna was dead and she was someone new. Someone who would never cry again. She's not, but it's nice to pretend.
I also like to think she literally can't cry anymore-- LED eyes and all. Doesn't mean she doesn't want to sometimes, though.
She hates it when anyone calls her Susanna. Except Taranza. He can get away with it occasionally.
He, Magolor, Kirby and the Mage Sisters are her closest friends. She doesn't really like to admit it, but they're her buddies... even if there was some strife between her and the Mage Sisters at one point (I wrote a whole fic about this. I'm working on making it presentable to upload)
She pretends she doesn't like Magolor, but she does. See: this idea I came up with the other night and still can't get off my mind.
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But then after that they pretend they didn't have a moment. NO, Kirby. You DIDN'T find them quivering and holding hands. Shut up.
Susie is weirdly liked amongst her employees. She's not even that good of a boss. Like she's a cold, calculating bitch. But after Star Dream shut down a lot of the technology that kept mechanized people functioning and alive started shutting down and she fixed all of the Haltworkers one by one. She didn't think anything of it-- she was just trying not to lose valuable workers, which would be a stupid waste of money, but now they love her. I think more than anything she just seems like an okay boss in comparison because Haltmann was so hilariously mean to his employees when in reality she's still pretty draconian.
She's trying to do better now, though! She's learning to care about 'ethics.'
When she was 7 years old and before she experienced the horrors she read Space Warrior Cats. Space Warrior Cats is exactly like real Warrior Cats except every character has 'Space' in front of their name (I.E. "Space Firestar.)
I love this hot pink bitch named breakfast.
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alelogarza · 1 year
We don't talk anymore, I do miss her, it's so weird just living knowing she's not with me anymore, and it's so sad because she didn't die, she just left me. It's not her fault, I left her too in some ways, but it was just hurting me so much seeing her so happy and then feeling so lost cuz I realized I was nothing without her. She made me so happy and then just because of a stupid game put us apart.
I still play, I made so many friends out of it, but I can't help but every time I touch a volleyball I remember her and how she complained about how I changed her over a game. I didn't mean to I never meant to, I still wanted to be her friend, no, not only her friend, her best friend.
We went different ways, it's so weird calling her my best friend now knowing I'm not her best friend, I'm just someone to her, I'm not important anymore in her life, not really.
But I just miss her so much, or maybe not her, maybe I just miss our friendship, how everyone always used to say we were the only true friends in the school, how we were so honest with each other, and we always looked so happy, I miss that kind of happiness because I don't know if I'll ever feel it again, no matter how many new friends I have, or how many boys like me, I won't be able to tell her. I feel so lost, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Live as if nothing ever happened? when we were little we heard that an 8 year long friendship would last forever, 10 years wasn't enough? And I know I'm being dramatic because I'm only now starting my life but it still hurts to lose her.
At the end, I guess it is my fault, what was I expecting? for her to wait for me? she had her own needs too, she couldn't wait for someone who was probably not coming, but that's the thing, I was going towards her, but she didn't want to wait, and I get it.
I have some new friends, there's this one friend I'm becoming close to, but I'm just scared because she's not her, and it's okay, but it feels different, it's not the same happiness, it's the same amount but just a different feeling.
I see her everyday with looks of hope in my face that she'll look at me and smile and step away from her friends for just two seconds to see how I'm doing, it's so pathetic. I'm begging for her attention because I'm just a bundle of love and care for her even tho she thinks I'm a piece of crap, and she looks so normal and happy with the fact of losing me completely, why doesn't she miss me? 10 years of friendship just thrown into the trash? why won't she talk to me now that she cans?
And I don't want to talk to her because I'm so scared that when I look into her eyes I'll just see disgust, and anger and see how much she despises me because I "changed her for a game".
I was left alone. She found other friends, better friends, and she's happier that she's ever been, obviously not with me. And as much as I try to be happy for her, and in some ways I am, I do have to say she makes me feel like sh/t.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
There's three main inaccuracies that annoy me about how a lot of people write the Ladynoir dynamic in fics (especially ones that aren't Ladynoir-centric)
1) I feel like a lot of people forget in their fics that Ladybug and Chat Noir don't just fight Akumas/Sentimonsters. People often write them as if they just don't see each other at all outside of Akuma battles, so if Hawkmoth doesn't akumatize anyone for two weeks, they just don't see each other for those two weeks unless the author decides to write in patrols. That's not actually canon!!!! Those battles just happen to be the focus of every episode, but we've seen them canonically doing other superhero good deeds like saving a falling helicopter and rescuing kitties from trees and saving Damocles when he puts himself in danger trying to be a hero.
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By extension you can probably also assume they do other typical non-kids' Y7 cartoon-friendly superhero good deeds like catching purse snatchers and rescuing people from burning buildings. Don't be afraid to write them doing these kinds of good deeds!!! In addition to showing how Ladybug and Chat Noir interact and work together in different kinds of situations, it adds variety and life to the story and makes it more Real, since it shows Ladybug and Chat Noir being connected to and interacting with the city they protect, a lot moreso than if the story limits them to just taking on the Akuma battle of the week and then disappearing until the next one.
2) Sometimes people also write Ladybug as if she never hangs out with or sees Chat Noir outside of those Akuma battles and wants to keep it that way. Even when they do include patrols, often those patrols will just show them splitting up and Patrolling with limited conversation towards the end, keeping their friendship distant. Ladybug and Chat Noir regularly spend time together outside of battles!!!! We have seen them canonically eating ice cream together, taking selfies with civilians, sitting on rooftops together to enjoy the views and unwind and talk one-on-one (regardless of if it's the middle of the day, sunset, or nighttime), and going for a walk on Pont des Arts together.
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(Apparently they even canonically do magazine photoshoots together)
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They could very easily do solo patrols if the purpose of patrols was just to keep the city safe. Split-up solo patrols would probably be more efficient and easier to coordinate with their schedules. But there's a reason she promises in Truth/Lies that she'll never miss a patrol with him again, and that's because the patrols double as hangouts for them!!! They don't just split up and keep a quiet watch over the city from the rooftops, they interact with their city together during their dates patrols as a couple duo.
3. And the last one, probably the most common: People forget that Ladybug likes to have fun with Chat Noir. It's never been just "the serious heroine who rolls her eyes at the comedic hero." Ladybug does not just roll her eyes at Chat Noir and despise his puns. Ladybug loves being playful with Chat Noir. She loves to annoy him, loves to roast him, loves to be competitive with him, loves to give him a little gremlin smile when she knows he's going to hate whatever she has planned, loves to get flirty right back at him and even makes her own cat puns at him from as early as the First Episode. There are literal canon scenes of him rolling his eyes at her jokes.
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Tl;dr: Ladynoir are best friends who love to spend time together and their city loves them don't forget it
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byeolhyesisi · 3 years
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prince!qian kun x rival!reader
You hated each other, you despised him and he despised you too. Every feeling is mutual. Even when you liked him secretly he shares the same feelings.
genre: royalty au, romance, enemies to lovers au but it's not that developed yet (this is so bad 🤡)
warnings: use of profanity, a possible horrible flow im so sorry, a very failed attempt at an e2l trope i will try again soon LMAO
words: 8.4k+
tags: @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @spectracully @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @jeonqquk @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @i-aecrysture @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @gu-nil @m1ntykun @uyuzo
the velvet series masterlist
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You couldn't explain how much you hate him with all your breath. You always despised seeing him and breathing the same air as him. It always made you agitated just by hearing his name as well. But oh how unfortunate you are that both of your families are great friends. It was ironic because the same can't be said to their children.
Why the hatred you ask? It's simple, because he's an asshole to you and for him you were annoying even though all you did was to become friendly. So eventually you dropped the amiable approach you had and you started to reciprocate his dislike for you.
You made a promise to yourself and that is you will never like Qian Kun.
It just made you tired. You never did anything bad yet he acts that way. You still respect him of course but you have finally made up your mind that he doesn't deserve your efforts.
You were spending time at the palace library, reading the novel you started last week. The library acted as your comfort place, it was quiet and placid; the library was your second home. The aroma of the library puts your mind in peace, helping you to read with ease. With no distractions or such, you're sure that you could probably finish half of the books here in the library in a week if only there was no need to eat or sleep. Faint footsteps approached you, slowly becoming more heard the more it gets closer.
"I knew I would find you here." It was a voice you didn't expect and it immediately made you look up from the book you were so invested in. "Gowon!" You exclaimed as you hurriedly stood up to embrace your dear friend.
Gowon was your childhood friend. She was the daughter of the Duke of Eden who is part of your father's council. It's been a long time since the last time you guys were together and you definitely miss her. Gowon's energetic and adorable personality makes you feel like you have a little sister and you enjoy it. She hugged back tightly and giggled, "When father asked me if I wanted to go with him I said yes right away! I missed you so much." The two of you pulled away from the hug and you smiled. It was nice to see her again after awhile. "The council has a meeting today?" You questioned. Gowon nodded in response. "Is it just me or are you taller now?" The younger girl said confused by the sudden difference you had in height. "I'm wearing insoles—" You chuckled at your own confession. The two of you sat down and started to catch up with one another. Gowon spilled a few jokes while you laughed at them despite not even being that funny; she also shared some stories that happened to her in the past few months and of course, you did too.
Couple of hours passed and the chat you and Gowon are having was interrupted when a handmaiden made it's way to inform you that your parents are calling for your presence. You promised that you'll talk to Gowon later before she heads home and she promised that she'll wait for you with a soft smile displayed on her doll-like face.
Before entering the throne room you were greeted by a face you didn't want to see when you took a peak inside since the gigantic doors were open and yes, it was Qian Kun. You immediately masked the shock in your eyes with a polite smile before entering, bowing in front of your parents and his to show your respect but you didn't exactly include the particular Qian with your action. It was unnoticeable, a subtle nod that you really were just done with him. It made you wonder what were they doing here. You know that they visit every now and then for a cup of tea but that was only once a month and they just visited last week. Is there a special occasion you were unaware of?
"Princess (Y/N), you look lovely today. Don't you agree, Kun?" chimed his mother, nudging her son softly with her elbow. A faint and unnoticeable sigh escaped the prince's lips, hesitating to agree with his own mother. "Mhm, I agree..." He spoke lowly, the other people in the room was oblivious to his forced tone but it was definitely detectable to you. And now it just made you confused. Usually he would just stay quiet in situations like this but why did he have to force out an answer from his mouth? You dissimulated the befuddled expression you currently had. There is certainly something... wrong? All you could do was flash a polite yet awkward smile. Your velvet eyes met his for a split second and surprisingly enough, both pair of eyes were just filled with mixed emotions; probably because of the culture shock of this change of atmosphere.
"Now that everyone is here I guess we can discuss this properly already." You heard your father utter. "Then let's head to the dining room, darling. So we can all sit down and have some snacks as we talk." suggested your mother with a smile. All six of you made your way to the dining room and there was something odd. During the walk, you thought that they were purposely leaving you and Kun behind but you weren't very certain about it. Walking at least five feet away from him was unbearable. Nothing was happening, it just made you uncomfortable; especially with the strange encounter that occurred earlier. Yes it was just a brief moment but you could already tell that for the both of you, it just wasn't it.
Not long after, you all got seated once you all arrived at the dining room. Some delicacies and drinks were served and oh how pleasant it is to see his face in front of you as you eat.
Of course it wasn't pleasant, you hated it.
The prince would shoot you a glare from time to time and you had to stop yourself from shoving a baguette down his throat. This was always the same scenario for the two of you, for they would always have to make you sit across eachother in settings like these. The same pair of eyes always had their own war while their owners would have to stop the urge of hitting the other person with a spoon. The only thing the two of you are keeping in mind is the fact that it's childish and it wouldn't leave a positive image. It wouldn't sit well with anyone, especially with your parents.
"We all know that both of our kingdoms have always been supporting one another, united by amity. Now we've been discussing of strengthening this unity more through a proposal between our children." Thousands, if not millions, of question marks swarmed your face. What are they talking about? Proposal? What type of proposal? You didn't even bother to mask your incertitude anymore. You were curious if Kun knew anything so you glanced at him to check, but all you saw was a person just as confused as you. He was looking at you as if he was thinking the same thing. But of course things like this won't be normal if none of you show attitude towards the other and that's what you exactly did when you raised an eyebrow at him. A quiet huff of annoyance came from the prince, rolling his eyes as he averts his gaze. Waiting for the next thing any of them would say was heart pounding. You didn't want to jump into conclusions but you wish that the proposal isn't what you think it is. "In honor of making our kingdoms' links with one another stronger, the two of you will be betrothed." Well that's too bad, it is the proposal you were thinking of. As soon as you heard the words from your father, you wanted to object. Overwhelming shock filled your body to the brim. You wanted so speak up, you wanted to do something about it. Never in your life did you want to marry him at all but you couldn't act what your mind is telling you to do.
Meanwhile the declaration angered Kun. Unlike you, he felt distaste rather than shock. So this is why they forced me to come with? He thought to himself. He tried to calm himself down and stop himself from opposing. Nevertheless, even if he did oppose would it make any difference? In the end, it will always be what the monarchs want that'll persevere. Both of your mouths were shut. The two of you couldn't find the courage to disagree with what they want. The relationship of your nations would be at stake too. If the both of you did manage to disagree with what your parents want and they find out about the burning hatred you had for eachother, would it make their friendship turn sour? You didn't want to be selfish and neither did he. So it was for the best to just keep quiet, keeping in mind that it's for the kingdoms' sake.
"Everything is already arranged. The only thing left is your go signal. The two of you always looked good together." smiled Kun's mother. You swore you wanted to gag. "The both of you will also have a discussion tomorrow to get things settled." "You have no idea how much we looked forward for this moment to come." expressed your mother merrily as she placed her hand on top of yours. Faking a smile was all you could do, pretending that you are happy with this situation and Kun despised it. He despised how you pretended to like it. He despised how you faked that smile. Kun suppressed a scoff. "My son, you look unhappy. Is there a problem?" Asked his father. Licking his lips before smiling, he answered with the most sugarcoated words ever: "There's nothing wrong, father. I'm actually delighted." Ironic how he despised you faking your reaction when he just did the same thing; he's such a hypocrite.
They just kept on conversing how much they always thought you and Kun were a match made in heaven since the two of you were younger and it was unbearable.
Very unbearable.
You couldn't believe that they actually thought of that. You were itching to leave, you couldn't take this atmosphere anymore; the want to breathe fresh air and comprehend things without rush is what you needed. "As much as I want to stay longer, I still have to handle some things... Is it alright if I go ahead?" You chirped politely, plastering this plastic apologetic smile on your face. As soon as they said it was alright, you left. When the doors of the dining room closed, you inhaled sharply; the grin on your lips melted into a frown. Finally you didn't have to pretend anymore.
It's a mess. Your mind is a mess right now. The more you understand things properly, the more it affects you emotionally. You didn't have the time to properly process things earlier and now that you have the time, it was overwhelming. Your feet involuntarily moved, walking you to your place of comfort. Almost immediately it made you feel at ease when the aroma of books and the warm atmosphere welcomed you. "(Y/N)! Yay you're back." Gowon chuckled before pouncing on you gently. "I'm sorry you waited for so long." "No no, it's okay. My father isn't done with the meeting yet anyways." She reassured you. "Oh wait, I just noticed. They're having a meeting without my parents?" "Mhm. I think they have an task to run for them." She tilted her head slightly to the side before taking a good look on you. Gowon sensed that something was odd. She knew something might have happened. "What's up? You can tell me." You held her hand before sitting down with her on a vacant seat. "I'm getting betrothed." You admitted with a gloomy tone. "With whom?" The younger girl questioned. "The devil." You answered straightforwardly. Gowon understood immediately. Her doe eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting in awe. "Oh no, that's horrible news..." She spoke before using her free hand to comb through your hair, consoling you in way. "Is there anything we can do?" She asked with concern in her voice. You shook your head no, sighing in helplessness.
Time has passed and Gowon already went home with her father. You never left the library; you stayed in it's soothing embrace until it was already nighttime. Oh how you wish it was just a joke or a bad dream. How will you force yourself to act like you like him? How will you force yourself to act as if it's ok? Will you even bare with it? You closed your eyes, falling asleep in exhaustion of thinking about it too much.
Waking you up from your slumber was the sunlight that illuminated through the huge windows of the library, it was already morning. A groan came out from your lips as you slowly sat down properly on the chair you fell asleep on. "Good morning to me I guess..." You whispered, inhaling shortly after. You stood up, pushing the chair back under the table, grabbing the book you were reading yesterday before sauntering out of the library, closing its door behind you. A snicker made it's way to your ears followed by a man's voice saying, "Is this how a princess supposed to look?" greeted by the voice that made you wish you don't have ears. Well there goes the good in good morning. "What do you want, Qian?" The tone in your voice evidently shows just how much you were aggravated by him. "We need to talk, Jang." He said, addressing you by your family name just how you addressed him by his. "Alright." You agreed.
Kun started to walk away and you rolled your eyes as soon as he turned his back on you before trailing from behind, inches away from his figure. "We both know that we don't have a choice. Do you have any ideas on how we can make them change their minds?" "You know damn well that's impossible, Qian. The only thing we can do is abide their decision. As you said, we don't have a choice." Kun clicked his tongue at your claim. Of course there's nothing the both of you can do but he doesn't want to oblige with the proposal and he definitely does not want to tolerate pretending all "lovey-dovey" with you. The thought of it already makes him want to puke. But is there really another way? No. So far he can't think of any other way. Even an exit is nowhere to be found unless he pray for God to take his soul already.
Silence that was surprisingly not uncomfortable clouded the two of you; with the exception of your heels quietly clicking every time it makes contact with the marble floors. Kun was hesitating to say it but eventually he still did. "Then let's have a deal." Kun uttered just as he halted abruptly from walking to face you, and it made you mimic his sudden stop. His stance was intimidating, his eyes were blank and his face remained stern. You crossed your arms over your chest, anticipating for his next words.
"We'll bare with it. Keep in mind it's obviously not for us but for the sake of our people." stated the prince. "And also, no strings attached."
A scoff escaped your lips followed by a brief laugh that echoed throughout the hall to which Kun raised an eyebrow at. "If I was asked to choose between getting bit by a deadly snake or developing feelings for you, I'd choose to get bit by that snake, Qian. There will definitely be no strings attached." "Then it starts now. They're waiting for us, we're all going to have breakfast together." He dryly announced. Kun turned his back on you once again and started walking while you followed from behind with a significant distance between the two of you. Just as the both of you are already facing the huge doors of the dining room, a hand grabbed your arm forcefully making you exclaim a quiet "hey" with furrowed brows. The prince made the two of you link your arms with one another as he inhaled the last fresh air of his sanity. "If we want to satisfy them then we need to act for their satisfaction." "Yeah sure just maybe, I don't know... Don't yank my arm next time?!" "Suffer, Jang." He responded with a smirk that makes you want to erase his whole face. Doors opened, garnering the attention of your parents who were already seated; they saw the image they have always wanted to see, the princess of the Jang family closely together with the prince of the Qian family.
The gleam of happiness was seen clearly in the smiles they had on their faces while completely being oblivious in the forced nature of their children's actions. "I apologize for our tardiness—" "Don't worry about it, my son. Have a seat." His father invited. Kun stopped you when you were about to sit down, he pulled your chair out for you before facing your direction. The prince glared at you, his eyes telling you to just go with the flow. "Thank you." You whispered with a small smile, sitting down in the process. Internally, you thought it was funny knowing that he would be the one who'll do most of the acting that is against one's will between the two of you. You're confident that it's irking him right no and you were right. The prince sat in front of you and you caught a glimpse of his annoyance that he hid from the others by lowering his head for awhile. Once he raised his head, a sweet smile replaced the scowl on his lips. He looked at you and saw your sly and hidden smirk. "Suffer, Qian." You mouthed discreetly at the prince, repeating what he told you earlier mockingly and he clenched his fists unnoticeably.
Apparently, the family would be staying at the palace until the day of the wedding and it made you inhale a deep breath. You should probably talk to Kun about the "go" signal they'll be waiting for because you have no clue what kind of signal it is at all. Breakfast wasn't peaceful. All they ever talked about was you and Kun, how the two of you make the perfect couple; it was just the same thing being mentioned over and over again and you were sick of hearing it to the point where you lost your appetite to eat halfway through.
Fast forward to when you finally had a rest from their blabbering, it was soon cut short when the next thing you have to deal with was Qian Kun. Sitting across him at the coffee table that was located in the garden, you stirred your coffee with a teaspoon while waiting for the man in front of you to speak. "I reckon that the go signal they're waiting for is for us to wear the rings." "Rings?" You said with confusion, your head tilted slightly. "You were asleep at the library that's why you have no idea but I was asked to leave the engagement ring on your nightstand yesterday." He stated before taking a sip from his cup. But then it made you wonder, how did he know you fell asleep in the library? Maybe some of the handmaidens told him yet you were pretty sure he wouldn't even dare to ask about your whereabouts. "How did you know I was asleep at the library?" The question made Kun choke slightly on his coffee, coughing afterwards before wiping his lips with a clean napkin that was on the table. "It was obvious when I saw you exit the library, dumbass." He retorted, sighing secretly in relief that he didn't stutter over his words. It made you feel suspicious but you payed no attention to it. "When do we plan to give them the signal then?" You changed the subject. "Next week." "Sounds good." One might expect that this supposed coffee date will be all romantic, hearts surrounding the two of you but instead it ended up as a way to plan what will the both of you do next.
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Frustrating. That's the most accurate word you can describe this hellhole of a situation. Everything went according to plan. You acted your way through the whole week and by tomorrow, you will wear the ring that you never even wished for. Things just went way too fast. The past days were stressful. Despite trying to communicate with eachother for what will happen next, it might've just made things between the two of you worse. He kept bossing you around and of course you would speak up about it, eventually starting an argument. You just wanted to strangle him until he runs out of breath. It was only bearable on the first two days. But the days that followed that? Hell no. To be fair, it's expected because you never just get along with him. Nevertheless, you still tried to be patient with that devil of a man however he kept on getting on your nerves. You fought with him just today because of a certain disagreement. If this was a real relationship, then we desperately need a therapist. You said to yourself.
You decided to pay Gowon a visit. You badly need an escape and someone to talk to. It's too much for you too handle; you wanted to get away from all the stress.
"(Y/N)!" Gowon waved as she ran outside the gate of their manor. You stepped out of the carriage and hugged the younger girl hastily, earning a soft squeak from Gowon, later returning the embrace. Having known you for so long, the little habits that you have are already embedded in your friend's memory. In this particular habit of holding her so suddenly was a sign of distress and she was ready to listen. The two of you went to her room, sitting down on the edge of her bed. It wasn't long until you started talking. "I'm overwhelmed. All of this is disorderly. In a blink of an eye a lot of commotion have occured. I can't do this anymore, Gowon..." You stressed, your chest rising clearly because of your heavy breathing. The past days you bottled it all up by yourself and now you finally have the chance it let it all erupt, slowly letting all the locked up emotions out.
"I really don't want to do this... I swear to god if I was a selfish person I would rather watch both nations lose the unity they desire to strengthen." You spat out of pure resentment. Getting carried away by your emotions, the sniffle you made surprised you; you didn't realize that you were already tearing up. A glass of water was being offered to you by Gowon who had a comforting expression on her doll-like face. "Let it all out. Don't be afraid." She whispered gently.
After an hour of disclosing the heavy weight that kept you down, the younger girl did her best to make you feel better by either making a couple of jokes here and there or doing the things you always liked to do. She succeeded of course. Unlike the unflattering frown that you had when you arrived, you went back home with a smile that adorned your features, and Gowon was happy she made it happen. The smile stayed on and the worries you had disappeared. It was already dusk once you got back at the palace, the sky transitioned from hues of orange to a beautiful dark blue with the moon already visible in the sky. The peaceful walk to your room was nice; however the peacefulness quickly dimmed down when you heard the voice of the devil himself.
"Where were you?" A distinct emotion was present in Kun's voice, his body language expresses the same thing too; the way he leaned on your doorframe said it all. Obviously, he was annoyed. He has been looking for you everywhere. He could care less yet Kun was anxious, worried that you fled this hellhole, leaving the hard work he had to put up with you for the sole purpose of not making his parents feel disappointed go to waste and it was what urged him to seek your whereabouts. He spent hours trying to find you in pure anxiety and seeing you walk to your room with a grin on your face as if you just didn't disappear without telling him angered Kun. The smile your friend worked hard on lost it's way from your lips, the calmness of your gaze suddenly became sharp. "Why do you care?" You asked with attitude, causing the prince stand up properly, his tall figure towering you despite the distance between you. "The fuck do you mean by why do you care? I spent hours looking for you, making myself look like a mindless fool just because you didn't say a word about leaving." "And? Who told you to do find me anyway, Qian. I thought you don't care about me at all?" You replied snarkily.
A bad type of tension was in the air and it was tightening in every second that passes, compressing the atmosphere where it was almost suffocating; it's the type of tension only the two of you can produce but this time, it's stronger. The reply riled him up even further to the point where the anger may be turning his face red. At that point, he was at his edge, losing all the patience he ever had.
"Alright listen up you mewling quim. I am right here swallowing my pride just because I want to keep my parents happy. I didn’t give a damn about you since day one. I went ahead and made myself look like a fucking dog going round and round to find you just because we have to keep this shit up. You could've ran away from this mess and you could've ruined everything I worked hard for to keep my parent's joy. If you don't understand that then maybe just go be a selfish rat." Qian Kun snapped, raising his voice at you, his hands trembling from too much rage.
You wanted to be hurt. You did feel hurt. Your hands tightly gripped the material of your dress from the sides. Does he think that you're not swallowing your pride to agree with this marriage too? If he can say that to you then you have every right to do the same thing. "You want to know where I was? Hm?" Your voice still retained it's softness despite the execution being rough. "I had to take a break from your fucking ego, Qian. Do you really think I'm dumb enough to run away? You really think I'm not doing this for my parents as well?" You spat. "I am so done with you. You're one big obnoxious human being. All I did way back before was to be kind and friendly with you but what you did in return was to spit on me like I'm a goddamn peasant. For years I had no clue what did I do wrong until I just got sick of trying to make things alright. I hate you with all my life, Kun. I'd rather get burned alive than marry you." Just like earlier, you didn't notice that tears already formed in your eyes while speaking up angrily with your brows furrowed together. Once again it was because you were overwhelmed. And you were mad. You always wanted to say that and you finally said it to him face to face. Immediately you ran inside your room, slamming the door shut. Because of your fast exit in the scene, the easing of Kun's tensed up body and expression went unnoticeable to you. The prince ran his hand through his hair while turning his back on your door.
The prince walked inside the library, taking a seat near a window where the moonlight illuminated brightly on his face. He fucked up. He fucked up real bad. Kun hanged his head low, the regret of acting on his anger was slowly creeping up on him. Kun is a hundred percent annoyed by you but he never meant for it to elaborate into this "hate". He just hated how you were so kind, how you were so faultless, how you were so pretty, and how you were so... precious. He was in denial. He didn't want to admit it but he has a soft spot for you. And it showed when his aggressive emotion faltered hastily at the sight of your tears. Kun openly admits that he's the one at fault, he knew that you were right when you said he did nothing but to look down on her. The prince wanted to apologize yet his pride is not letting him. This was always the case. It's always his pride. The one thing that was stopping him was his pride and he's cornered by it, torn if he should just fuck it and do it anyways or retain his "dignity". Kun raised his head then looked around, he recalled when he saw you sound asleep here at the library, the day this mess began. He went there in hopes of having a peace of mind after everything that just happened. The image of the princess sleeping undisturbed in the hushed aura of the library was the first thing that greeted him when he entered, and at first it took him aback. Kun chuckled softly to himself that day and no it wasn't the usual chuckles that meant bad, further showcasing the soft spot that he possesses. Once again, the prince hanged his head low in exhaustion.
On the other hand, you finally managed to calm down, sniffling the remaining results of your burst of emotion earlier. "Now I fucked this up didn't I?" You bitterly chuckled to yourself. The night was so quiet compared to the commotion awhile ago. It made you think of the words you uttered out of rage. I probably should've kept my mouth shut. I ruined it for the both of us. You internally blamed yourself, wishing you just beared with him more. It'll be your fault if something bad happens, if you disappoint your parents; if you make them sad. Your puffy eyes landed it's gaze on the silver band that was laying on a velvety material in a crimson red box, the tiny diamonds were reflecting the light that was coming from outside. Tomorrow is the day that you'll announce that you're ready but you were contemplating. Suddenly you imagined how the wedding will go, with you walking down the aisle in a white gown. How will you have the nerves to do it? How will you say scripted lies while staring into his eyes? How will you kiss him without feeling vile? The thought of placing your lips against his felt weird. There was a weird feeling in your stomach and you didn't like it. But why are you still thinking about it? Why are you thinking about what would it feel like? What would it taste like? You can acknowledge that you did have a small thing for him back then but that was way back before. You thought it already turned in to this hatred but was it just hiding away? You shook your head to remove such thoughts, lying down on your bed to sleep it all away.
It was early in the morning when you woke up and asked a handmaiden if it's possible to prepare you a warm bath. As you were sitting in the bathtub, your hand was carefully fiddling with the ring. Doubts flood your brain. What if he doesn't wear it? What will that look like to our family? You sighed, sinking yourself moderately deeper in the warm waters, not wanting to leave its solace. Even so, you knew that you can't stay in it forever that's why you stayed a little more longer before withdrawing from the warmth that hugged your body, wearing your robe; getting dressed afterwards. All you could do was sigh as you were looking at your reflection on the vanity, the events from last night still vivid in your mind and you were anxious over seeing him again. One last look at the ring that until now you were still holding and you did it. You wore the ring. With no doubt you slipped it on your ring finger because at this point, what else can you do? You exited your quarters, getting escorted by a handmaiden to the dining room. Wearing the ring was definitely new to you. Sure you wore rings before but this was different because it was no ordinary ring; it was filled with pressure. You hid it by placing your right hand on top of the other just as you were about to enter. Hearing the thud of the giant doors turned the royals' head unto it's direction, their gazes welcoming you. One by one you examined their expressions and you saw that nothing was out of the ordinary; they were all joyfully gleaming except for him who had a somewhat timid emotion. Quickly you averted your eyes and smiled before bowing down.
Mutual glances between the two of you bounced back and forth while eating. It wasn't long before you both ended up staring at the other and it was comfortable; it wasn't itching you to throw your plate at him. As if you were used to staring at him eye to eye with relaxed eyes and it was the first time this ever occurred. You thought that maybe you should show him that you wore it since it looked like no one noticed the ring as you ate; a sign that despite the banter last night, the show must go on. And you did, swiftly breaking the eye contact to look at the side, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and the silver band clearly visible. The prince gaped unnoticeably in surprise, before placing his left hand on the table, effectively making the ring seen properly as well. You saw it crystal clear from your peripheral vision and from there, it was decided.
The show will indeed go on.
It was his queue so he waited for the right moment for him to chime in and when it was time, he inhaled deeply. "We actually have an announcement to make and I'm sure you will be as delighted as us." His words were soft and almost genuine even though it was just for show. His hand where the silver band was on reached for yours, interlacing his fingers with yours. The gesture was unexpected but you just went along by wearing a small smile. Faint gasps echoed throughout the room and it was followed by the royals talking over eachother in glee at the sight of the rings and well, your hands intertwined with no choice. "We're ready."
The whole day you things were awkward between the two of you. Of course it was unseen between the eyes of others but it was completely visible for you and the prince. In celebration of your announcement, an engagement party will be held tomorrow and the royal families from the neighbouring kingdoms are invited. You were both informed about what they had planned for your wedding as well and at this point, you were openly accepting everything now that you've sealed your fate.
Time passed by fast unnoticeably. It was like yesterday happened just an hour ago. Everything was all set for the party, the only thing left is probably you. Your mother knocked on your door earlier, saying that the event has started. You replied that you don't feel well but you'll try to show up. Looking out your window and to the sky, you watched as the stars twinkle from afar. "I can't hide forever..." You murmured softly into the air as you glanced at your door. In the end you left your room, slowly hearing the chattering from the guests as you got closer. The big doors of the ballroom were opened widely, the lights from inside was a contrast from the almost pale lighting of the halls. You leaned at the side of the doorframe, taking a quick peek inside before stepping out and walking in the room. You let your eyes skim the whole room to see where your parents are and to see if Gowon was present.
"Princess (Y/N)?" The unfamiliar voice that called you from behind immediately made you face it. Right in front of you was a person you've never seen in years; Prince Doyoung of House Reveuse. "Prince Doyoung, It's been awhile." You spoke with a small smile on your lips, the tone of your voice was a bit ecstatic. He was an acquaintance, the two of you used to share classes before when you were both younger. You'd be lying to yourself if you said that you didn't find him cute. "It definitely is. Last time I saw you, you spilled paint on your dress." You laughed at his statement and Doyoung laughed along at the memory of you accidentally spilling paint on yourself while trying to learn how to paint. "I can't believe you still remember that." "Well what can I say, you did make quite a mess that day." Doyoung said before taking a sip from his wine glass. You were having a good time. Chatting with Doyoung was filled with laughter. You liked it.
But Kun didn't. Since you walked in, his eyes somehow got stuck on your figure. Watching you talk with Doyoung in genuine happiness made him feel something that he disliked. The grip he had on the wine glass' stem tightened and he was close on shattering it. Kun's eyes were sharp; if it was possible, you'd probably be cut into pieces by his gaze. He saw you talking to another prince and it didn't sit well with him. Although he has no exact reason why does he feel this way. Why does he feel jealous?
Kun had enough. Suddenly walking to your side, snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him in the process. It was a shock to you. What is he doing? You thought. "I apologize for interrupting, but I'll just borrow my fiance for a moment." He smiled in a not so polite way that was only obvious to him before walking away with you, leaving Doyoung unable to even respond while your body was involuntarily following him as he pulled you to the other side of the room. "What are you doing?" You whisper shouted at him. Kun chose to ignore the question. He removed his arm from your waist, his hand found its way to the side of your face just as he turned to stand in front of you simultaneously. "You look lovely, tonight." He whispered before turning his back on you, walking through the people present in the room; leaving you behind just like that after taking you away. You were dumbfounded, however you felt a shiver down your spine as he spoke those words. You wanted answers. Why did he suddenly say that? Why did he even do that? It was bugging you all night.
The prince was just as stunned as you. What did I just say? He questioned his own decision. Kun doesn't even know what his thought process was during that time. He wants to regret it but the thing is, he doesn't. He liked it. He enjoyed it. He loved how it rendered you clueless and he wants to keep on doing it. So he did. All night he made you more confused than you ever were. All you were receiving were mixed signals and you interpreted them as him fucking around with you, trying to make fun of you in this situation. You had enough. It came to the point where you pulled him outside the ballroom and into this one balcony. "What's wrong with you today?!" You murmured in annoyance. "Nothing is wrong. Aren't you having fun, darling?" You only glared at him in response. You didn't like that you were feeling flutters of butterflies in your stomach. You hate him, why does this tomfoolery of his is making you feel this way?
"Now now, why the glare on those velvet eyes of yours? You're just making me want to fall for you more."
"What the hell are you saying, Qia—" He just smashed his lips against yours. It was sudden but gentle and you didn't hate it. In fact, somehow you liked it. It was enticing you and you gave in, closing your eyes while you return the kiss he's stealing from you. You could taste the liquor that he's been downing on all night. Could it be that he's just intoxicated? You pulled away at that thought. And well, out of slight embarrassment in what he did earlier, the prince did down a lot of wine tonight.
Kun smirked and never in your life did you think he was attractive when he does it. Not until now. You wanted to slap that smirk off his face and you did. Yes you did actually slap him.
"What the hell, Jang?!" The prince exclaimed as he held his cheek, looking at you with his mouth slightly agape. "That felt nice." You smiled and he groaned. "Now why are you acting this way?" You crosses your arms over your chest. "Because we're getting married. At least I should act for it, right?" He sassed, inhaling a deep breath after. He was a bad liar. He really is. His answer had a point but you can feel that it wasn't the exact reason. "Tell me the truth." "That is the truth." "Don't lie to me, Qian." "I'm not lying!" "Just tell me the tru—" the prince cut you off by gently pushing you against one of the pillars with his hands resting on your shoulder— it didn't hurt but there was still a light thud that was heard from the impact. The action forced you to look him in the eyes and at the moment, it made you feel powerless.
"You want the truth? Then I'll give it to you." He said as he stared into your soul, a shiver ran down your spine. "I hate that you were enjoying your chat with that prince. I hate that I could never bring myself to do the same to you, that I can't make you smile or laugh or whatever the fuck." Kun uttered. "I hate that I got used to acting oppositely of what I feel just because I'm in denial." He paused, taking a deep breath before stepping back.
"I hate how I love you." And with that he walked away, gulping in sudden anxiety. "Don't just walk away on me." You called out with a faint presence of a stern tone in your voice and the prince halted in his tracks. "Let's talk."
So here you were. In the library with the guy you can't stand the most sitting across you instead of being in the engagement party that was arranged especially for the both of you. "Just so you know that doesn't give you a free pass for being an asshole to me." "I know, Jang." He answered. "Why?" You questioned him, waiting for his reply. "For the record I did think you were annoying." You rolled your eyes at him. "I just don't want to admit it." "Admit what?"
"That I'm fond of your presence. I didn't like how I found you to be annoying but when you were gone it felt empty." He explained. "Because I was sure I hated you and having that feeling felt wrong for me." He continued, his eyes were looking at almost everything except you. "So you acted on what you believed?" Despite his avoiding eyes, you were looking straight at him, patiently waiting for him to finally look back. "I know I hurt your feelings. Like a lot. You had a valid reason to despise me while mine was childish and idiotic. I'm sorry." At last, his eyes met yours as soon as he apologized. "I'm sorry I made you cry. I'm sorry for everything I ever did. And I know you won't forgive me that easily." You nodded in agreement with the last thing Kun said. This new revelation slowly unlocked the emotion you were secretly keeping.
"So you were jealous huh?" You laughed when you saw how he his expression shifted as you teased him. "No I was not." Kun defended himself. "Yeah sure whatever you say, Sir 'I hate that you were enjoying your chat with that prince'." You teased even more, quoting the line he spoke earlier. "Alright fine maybe I was." "Maybe?" "Fine I was—" He admitted, internally being embarrassed. It was the first time you saw him like this and it made you chuckle. "Let's head back. They might be looking for us." You stood up, your hand was reaching out to the prince, inviting him. Kun stood up, glancing at your hand and to you; cluelessness was written all over his face. "What?" He asked to which you responded by grabbing his hand, pulling him with you as you walked back to the ballroom. He wasn't expecting that action, he was bewildered by it. In fact he was expecting you to slap him again or get mad even more because of how stupid he is.
As the two of you were walking back to the place you were both supposed to be, a grin was forming on both of your lips at the same time.
It's not clear if this means everything is okay for the both of you now— well at least by a little. But it opens a door to a new beginning, and you're both willing to go inside it together.
Another set of days passed by and the wedding was fast approaching and everything was fine. It wasn't a heart pounding thought for you now. Not anymore. What you thought was your greatest nightmare is slowly becoming a good dream. Little by little, you and the prince started to have that closure and understand eachother properly. No more glaring, and no more arguing. It's still a long process but you were both starting to warm up with eachother. You can't forgive him for now, considering that everything was a sudden surge of happenings but that isn't stopping you from trying to understand him fully just so you can finally say you accept his apology.
The sound of a person clearing their throat was heard, instantly making you whip your heard towards the direction of its owner. "Good afternoon." You greeted. "Mhm good afternoon." Kun chuckled. "Can I?" He motioned to the seat in front of you, asking permission and you nodded. "We have two days left." He mentioned. "And I just want to apologize again—" You've apologized a lot already, Kun. Why are you apologizing again?" You asked him softly. "I don't think I've apologized enough." Answered the prince. "Well you have." You can sense his sincerity and his guilt. You can tell that he really means it. "I forgive you." The prince's eyes lit up as soon as he heard those words. You extended your arms so your hands would be able to reach the sides of his face, cupping his cheeks slightly. "We're okay now."
From uneasiness to coziness— years of what you thought was eternal loathing disappeared and became peaceful. It was like something that came from a melodrama with all the overwhelming things thrown at you, but now it's coming to an end.
And at last it's finally the day everyone has been waiting for; the wedding day. Gowon accompanied you while you were getting dressed and the younger girl teared up because she claims that you look like an angel and you chuckled at her claim. Your mother gave you encouraging words before the gigantic church doors opened. "Don't be anxious, my child. I know it might be nerve-wracking but I assure you once you see him, you'll feel relieved. Well, that's what I felt when I saw your father on my wedding day." You laughed briefly before looking at your mother. She had the fondest smile on her face, her eyes were slowly welling up with tears. "Mom, don't cry..." You whispered before pulling her in for a careful embrace. "I'll go ahead and I'll be waiting for you to walk down the aisle." Softly she spoke, slowly pulling away from your arms, eventually walking back in the cathedral. It wasn't long before you heard the doors open wide. Everyone turned to look at you immediately and that included the prince, Qian Kun. He stared in wonderment and when you met his eyes you fully realize that your mother was right, you feel relieved once he was in your sight and it made you smile.
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"Remember when we agreed that there will be no strings attached—" "Remember when I slapped you." "Alright now why did you have to bring that up." He said while chuckling. Kun was resting his head on your shoulder while you were reading a book, constantly taking a peek on the pages reading along with you. The two of you were in the library, the place you called your second comfort place is now shared with the person you once hated. "I can't believe everything was so messy." Kun muttered. "You need to stop thinking about that." You closed the book you were reading, not even bothering to put a bookmark on the page you were on.
"It's been a year, Kun. We agreed we'll start over, right?" Your hand found it's way on top of his. You delicately drew circles on the back of his hand using your thumb. "I promise I won't look down on you anymore." He tilted his head a bit in order to gaze at your face.
The pair of velvet eyes that used to throw daggers at eachother are no longer burning with despise— instead, they are now warm and welcoming; almost an embrace when they look at the other person.
The show did go on. But now it's time for them to open a new chapter in their lives, where the denied feelings are no longer hidden or substituted for another emotion. This time, it will be all truths, no lies.
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Walking the tightrope - A "The Greatest Showman" Fanfiction 2
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- Who am I kidding, she won't even come. - stated Constantine as he paced up and down in his room, constantly tugging on his shirt's sleevecuffs and twiddling with his rings. Lentini grunted dramatically and layed back on Constantine's bed with a thud. He facepalmed.
- Constantiiiiine stop iiiiittttt! - he sighed and removed his hands from his face. He lifted his head slightly to see his friend. - I'll tell you, again, for the fifth time: she👏invited👏YOU👏out👏on👏a👏date👏. - he sat up, pulled his third leg up to his side and opened up his arms in a questioning way. - Why would she ask you out if she didn't want to go out with you in the first place? - he put his elbow on his third knee and placed his chin in his palm. Constantine stopped in his tracks and pointed at his friend.
- Because... - he started deliberating but couldn't think of a possible explanation. So he just waved Frank off. - You know what, just shut up. - and with that, continued pacing up and down. Frank rolled his eyes.
- Okay, let's approach it from an another perspective. - Constantine stopped and looked at his friend with hands placed on his hips. - Why did you dress up so nicely... - Constantine looked down on himself, slightly adjusting his suit. He wore a red pair of pants, a red frock jacket, a burgundy waistcoat, a white shirt with an embroidered bird skull on each collar, a pair of black, embroidered suspenders and burgundy scotch tie shoes. He didn't wear a caravat, nor a tie; he didn't like the feeling of being tied up... That way. He cleared his throat. He really put on his best suit... - ...painted your eyes with kajal... - he looked sideways. That was true too... - ...fixed your mustache and hair with pomade... - Lentini stood up, grabbed him by the shoulders and twirled him around to face his bodysized mirror. Constantine touched his handlebar mustache. Frank pinched his face jokingly with a small laugh. - ...and poured at least half a bottle of cologne on your body if you don't belive that she'll come? - Constantine clicked his tongue annoyingly.
- I hate you so much. - Lentini shrugged with his hands held up.
- I am literally your best friend! You don't. - Constantine looked into his eyes in the mirror.
- But she's late! - Frank grunted.
- BY 10 GODDAMN MINUTES YOU IDIOT! - the tattoed greek almost shouted something back but was stopped by knocking. They both looked at his door as it opened. Charles was holding the door handle, still dressed in his costume. They didn't change between shows. He had a waggish little smile on his face.
- Knock knock Romeo. Someone's here to see you. - Constantine looked behind the small man's back but saw noone. Charles threw his head back. - Not here here, stupid, she's waiting for you by the backdoor. - he let go of the door and walked up to Constantine who started sweating profusely and bit his lips anxiously. Charles punched his knee jokingly. - Don't make her wait Casanova, or I'll steal her from you, 'cause let me tell ya... That girl is something else. - he immediately looked down at his colleague in terror. God he was nervous about this rendezvous.
- What do you mean?! - Charles shrugged with a shiteating grin in response.
- Oh you'll see. I won't spoil her fun. - Frank crossed his arms before his chest.
- Told you she would come. - Constantine closed his eyes for a second and breathed out to calm himself down.
- Phew. - when he opened his eyes, he looked at his best friend. - Frank, I'm having second thoughts.
- Calm down. Everything's going to be alright. - Constantine huffed, took a huge step, then spinned around to face his friends again.
- Okay... - he adjusted the collar of his shirt. - How do I look?
- Like a prince. - said Frank.
- Woo her, your majesty. - cheered Charles.
- And ask her if she has a sister or not! - said Frank with a laugh. Constantine nodded with a smile, turned around, put his wallet and keys in his pockets and ran off. Lentini just patted Charles's shoulders when he spotted something on Constantine's bedside table. He let out a huge sigh. - He's going to lose his head one day without me. - he grabbed the bouquet up and ran out to the hallway. - CONSTANTINE YOU DUMB FUCK YOU FORGOT HER FLOWERS! - he shouted. Fortunately, it did occur to the tattoed man that he forgot something so he was already on his way back to his room. Lentini gave him the flowers while shaking his head and saying: - Break a leg, brother. - Constantine flashed a mean little smile.
- Can I borrow one from you? - Lentini crossed his arms before his chest and looked angrily at his friend.
- I swear to the Holy Heavens that I'll slap the tattoes off your face. - Constantine shooed him off with a wave of the hand and ran off.
He didn't even reach the backdoor yet when he started hearing the sweet voice that lured him down to the circus ring just a day prior. And now that sweet voice was singing. As Constantine stepped closer and closer to the backdoor, his heart pounded faster and faster. Hazel was humming a lovely song he was sure he already heard somewhere, he just didn't know where. He closed his eyes for a second. Be brave, Constantine, he's just a young lady. He opened his eyes, gripped the flowers tighter and opened the door. You already met her, so you don't have to worry about first impressions. He stepped out into the streets of Manhattan. It was a rather warm evening, and the perfume of flowers filled the air. Wait, flowers? Here? Why would Manhattan smell like...
That was the moment he spotted her. Miss Hazel Munroe stood beside a huge Friesian black horse, petting its neck with a small smile on her face, still humming that lovely tune. Constantine couldn't help but let out a nearly inaudible "wow". But Hazel heard it. When she turned around, Constantine almost dropped the flowers he bought for her. She wore a red dress made from rich indian silk, with hundreds and hundreds of little black arabic style flowers painted on it. The dress twirled around her as she moved, revealing the 4 layers of petticoats she wore beneath her dress. Her tiny waist was hugged around by a pretty, embroidered black belt. The pleated design of her bodice made her cleavage really pop, and her shoulders were left barren as well. Her kind of puffy sleeves went all the way down to her wrists, with sleevecuffs that hugged her tiny wrists tightly. She wore 2 wide and tight golden bracelets wrapped around her sleevecuffs, a couple rings on her hands, all resembling either animals or stars, a beautiful black velvet choker with a golden star medallion on it, and earrings that were made in the shapes of stars and moons. Her long, luscious black locks of naturally wavy hair were half up half down and into the upper part of her hair she braided jasmine flowers. Wow. Constantine gulped. The girl giggled by the awe of her date. The tattooed man felt that this started getting awkward, but he couldn't help but stare. The young lady bit her lower lip and twirled around.
- Do you like it? - she asked in a voice that Constantine could only describe as angelic. It was so delicate and sweet. He couldn't help himself. Screw social norms.
- Do I like it? - he asked in a low voice. He walked up to his date and stopped right before her. He brushed the back of his hand against her caramel skin. Her red lips curled into a naughty little smile as the man stroked her face and inspected every little part of it with a light, loving smile. He smiled even harder when he realised that Hazel also put a good amount of kajal on her eyes, just like him. Thank god she's not that "natural is always better" type. He was way too close to her but Hazel didn't mind at all. Screw social norms. - My eyes never did behold such beauty! - he said, then looked deep into her hazel eyes and brushed his hand over to her chin. He playfully held it between his thumb and index finger. - I am sure you will be the last thing I see before I pass one day, because they say that people see angels before their deaths. And I'm pretty sure I'm standing right before one. - Hazel blushed and looked down at the ground to cover her red cheeks. Constantine let go of her face and pulled the bouquet from behind his back. - Oh, I bought this for you. - Hazel looked up and gasped.
- Dahlias! - her eyes twinkled and she smelled the flowers. - One of my favourites! - she took the flowers from Constantine with a wide smile. - Thank you! - the tattoed man flashed a naughty smile at his date.
- I'd love to spoil my date as much as I can. - Hazel batted her eyelashes innocently. But her gaze was everything but innocent.
- Many might say that's not a good idea, for I'll only meet you for the sake of receiving gifts. - Constantine rolled his eyes with a smoulder.
- Screw them, I will spoil you anyways. - Hazel giggled. She looked down at her flowers.
- So I suppose you're not a fan of societal norms? - she asked in a tiny voice while putting her weight from one leg to another.
- Not at all. Does that bother you? - he asked, anxiously waiting for the answer. Hazel smiled lightly, still not looking into Constantine's eyes.
- I wanted to ask the same thing. - she sighed and started twiddling with her flowers. - You see, I'm not exactly a proper lady in the manners of courtship, one might even say that I'm... profligate. - she looked up, but still didn't look straight into the Prince's eyes. She looked so troubled. - Look, Constantine, I'll be honest with you, I despise etiquette books, courtship and beauty standards. I am loud and obnoxious. So if you find yourself being uncomfortable around me, or I make you feel ashamed, or I make you think I'm a fallen woman...
Constantine couldn't hold it any longer and he started laughing. Loudly. Hazel looked at him, puzzled.
- What are you laughing about? - Constantine turned around, still laughing. He pushed his hair back with a smiley, relieved sigh.
- Do you have any idea about how happy I am... - he said as he turned back to Hazel with glistening eyes. - ...that you are not a prudish young lady that stays 6 feet away from her date? I mean, staying distant is just unromantic for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to rush anything, I just... - he looked down to the girl's hands and quickly grabbed them, as gentle as he could. - ...don't understand why couldn't I hold your hand or brush your hair away from your face or marvel at how absolutely gorgeous you are? - he let go of the woman's hand, who had a huge smile spread across her face, mixed with a look of surprise. - Hazel... - all of a sudden Constantine grabbed her waist and twirled her around in the air. Hazel let out a heartfelt little giggle as the tattoed Prince lifted her up in the air. - ...I cherish the fact that you are not like well-mannered women of your age. - he gently put her down, still keeping his palms wrapped around her waist. - And trust me, being with someone who acts unusually, just like me, will be a pleasure. - Hazel batted her eyelashes.
- Are you sure? - So she still won't believe me. Constantine stepped back and pointed at his date.
- Tell you what. Going out with the Tattoed Prince of Greece will be a relief for you, because of 3 reasons mainly. - he said while he bowed before Hazel theatrically. He held a finger up, which had a big seal-ring on it. It was shaped as a siren between the ocean's waves. - One, people will stare at me, not at your nonpowdered cheeks. - first he pointed at himself, then his date. - Which I really like, I have to say. - he gestured 👌 with a wink. - Seriously though, I just don't understand why women want to look like corpses. - he held up a second finger, which had no 3-dimensional ring on it, but had one tattoed on. - Two, I don't care if someone acts unusually because I've always been categorized as weird and unmannered myself. - he held up a third finger, his little one, which had a little ruby ring on it. - Three, people say I'm good company and I'll try my best to make you feel wonderful. - he straightened himself up fully and tilted his head sideways a bit, searching for his date's gaze, who were biting down on her lips. - Does that calm your anxious heart? - Hazel looked up at him, with lips curled into a cute little smile.
- Absolutely. I just hope you'll feel the same way by the end of the night. - Constantine booped her nose.
- I'm sure about that. - he said, then looked around. - So, shall we get going? - Hazel patted the black horse's large neck.
- Just a second, he didn't finish his treat yet. - Constantine raised an eyebrow.
- And that stops you from riding it because... - Hazel tilted her head and looked up to Constantine from below. Her gaze was so critical.
- Would you be happy if somebody made you run while chewing? - Constantine snapped his fingers and squinted.
- Touché. - Hazel smiled as a reply, completely making that critical little gaze disappear. The horse did a big gulp, which in response made the woman run her fingers through the horse's black, wavy mane.
- Okay, you're done. - the young woman stepped away from the horse and dramatically bowed towards her date. - Prince Constantine, let me introduce you to my most loyal friend, my stallion, Cosmos. - Constantine giggled. Hazel looked at the black horse. - Say hiiii! - but the horse just huffed and groaned. Hazel stood up and put her fists on her hips in a truly teacherly manner. - Oh come on you already swallowed the last bite, I saw it, don't be mean! - the stallion let out a little sigh, and rolled his eyes. Hazel cleaned her throat. The horse folded one of his front legs under him, kept his head down, and basically bowed. Constantine clapped and shouted a little "woo-hoo", which made the girl smile again. She looked back at her horse, who already got back up from the bow. - See, what was so hard about that? - she stepped next to the stallion and ruffled his mane. - You melodramatic baby. - she looked back at Constantine and tilted her head. - Come, pet him! He loves little neck scratches.
Constantine stepped next to the horse and stratched his neck. He looked at Hazel eagerly.
- No saddle? - the woman just shrugged her shoulders.
- No, that's not necessary for such a short ride. - and with that, she grabbed Cosmos's bridle and pulled herself up to the horse's back with a little jump... And sat down on his bareback pad in an astride position. To cover his surprise and slight shock, Constantine looked around, searching for something.
- Alright, and where's the horse I should ride? - Hazel looked down at the horse's neck. She started blushing a bit.
- I only have one horse and I didn't want to rent a carriage for the night. - she turned her gaze to the bewildered man's tattoed face. Hazel jotted with her head behind herself. - So, hop on behind me.
Constantine shook his head disbelievingly, looking more perplexed than he ever was. He blinked fast.
- We... - he stuttered. Hazel giggled with a closed mouth. Constantine pointed at her and him by turns, agily. - We're riding on the same horse? - Hazel shrugged.
- Another thing that's not so well-mannered. - she offered Constantine her hand with a courteous look on her face. The Prince scratched his neck. I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe she's doing this. Even more people will stare at me than normally, Jesus. He sighed and shrugged a little. Eh, what the heck. Screw what people think. With still a dubious look on his face, she grabbed the woman's tiny hand and hopped behind her. An astonished look crossed his face for a second; he got rather surprised by his date's upper body strength. She helped him up so easily... That's strange. She turned her head sideways to see him. - Would you like me to ride sidesaddled, like a lady? - Constantine shook his head.
- Not necessarily... - the girl was still looking at him sideways. Was his bewilderment so obvious? He laughed anxiously. - Pardon my unsettled look, this whole thing is just...
- Unusal? - cut in Hazel. Constantine let out a smiley sigh.
- Exactly.
- I thought you liked all things odd and unusual. - asked the lady, then puckered her lips. Constantine giggled anxiously. Wow she has a wonderful figure, he thought as he took a look at his date's body from the back. Her waist is so tiny, oh my God in Heavens. And she's so beautiful. With such delicate features. And those lips... Man I bet they're really soft... Fuck I have to calm myself down if I don't want an inconvenient moment while riding with this beauty...
- Okay... - he said, voice shaking a bit from the woman's closeness. He glanced down for a nanosecond at his crotch area. Calm. DOWN. GODDAMNIT. - And what should I do with my arms? - Hazel shrugged with a devilish little smile.
- I don't know, maybe you could put them round my waist... - Constantine gawped with a smile.
- You little vixen! - Hazel laughed.
- You know, just so you won't fall off. No other reason. - Constantine shook his head. Well, so much for avoiding inconvenient moments! God I have to learn how to behave myself already. He gently put his hands round the woman's waist. He was pretty sure he heard a little moan, but bundled the thought off quickly. Hazel stroked his hand with her thumb before gently squeezing Cosmos' sides with her legs, making him start walking.
After a short ride, they arrived at a nice restaurant. Constantine got off of the horseback, then reached for Hazel who already turned sideways on the bareback pad. The tattoed man, ignoring the strange looks from people passing by, gently held Hazel by the waist and lifted her off. She tenderly placed her hands on his shoulders, while taking really good care not to damage the bouquet she got from her sweetheart.
- Do I weigh anything to you? - she asked while Constantine was holding her in the air.
- Not really. - he said, placing her down on the ground. They both adjusted their clothes. - It's like holding a cluster of grapes. - he said in a sweet tone, watching the woman's every move while she tied her horse's bridle securely. She patted Cosmos' neck and turned back to her date.
- You are such a charmer. - the tattooed prince stepped aside so Hazel could lead the way with an adoring look on his face.
- Only in the company of effervescent young ladies such as your lovely self, Miss Munroe. - Hazel went ahead with a small awkward laugh.
- Oh my god please never use that name ever again! My kids call me Miss Munroe, please call me Hazel. - as soon as they reached the entrance of the restaurant, Constantine hopped ahead and opened the door before his date. He winked at her with a playful smile when she passed him.
- Alright, be as you wish, my dear. - Hazel stopped for a second, alluring little sparks glistening in her eyes. She stroked the man's beard with her thumb. Which was a near-swooning experience for him again.
- Hmm, I like that name, too.
The restaurant was undoubtedly lovely. Hazel booked a romantic little table in the corner, with a vase for flowers and candles. She explained that she insisted on booking that table, since she wanted to make The Tattoed Prince of Greece feel as relaxed as she could, and she thought being away from most watchful eyes would do the trick. Constantine cherished her for her compassion. After a couple minutes of pleasant chatting and ordering food, the waiter asked what kind of drink he could bring. Constantine found the whole situation rather humorous, since the waiter couldn't look in his eyes and was constantly checking out his tattooes, especially the naughty ones on his neck. He didn't mind these kind of looks anymore... Other kinds, well... Let's not even think about that. He shooed the thought away with a throat cleaning.
- Champagne? - offered the Prince but Hazel shook her head. Her gaze wandered off from the menu straight into the man's eyes in a pensive way.
- I'm not a fan of bubbly drinks, they make my head hurt. - she put the menu down, and crossed her fingers under her chin. The young woman tilted her head a bit, and changed her gaze into a rather seductive look. - Would you like to surprise me with something exotic, my dear foreign prince? - Constantine thought about it for a second, then bit his lower lip with a smile as an idea popped into his head. He whispered something to the waiter. As soon as he left, Hazel let one of her arms down and rested it on the table next to Constantine. She was still sitting on the edge of her seat. - So, what are we drinking? - Constantine smiled passionately. There was a certain glow of mischief in his eyes that just made Hazel get goosebumps. Oh little missy, you shouldn't toy with the devil if you don't want to get burnt, he thought. But the woman walked her fingers closer to the Prince, playfully brushing her index finger against his hand. So she really is the screw social norms kinda gal. And it looks like she really does like me... Well then. Time to grow a pair and start turning this little vanilla, Constantine. He reached down for her hand and held it up gently.
- Easy, darling. - he stroked her fingers with his thumb. His touch was delicate but his skin was rather rough. Like a sailor's. - Where's the surprise if I tell you now what I ordered? - he asked in a flirty tone, just before blowing a kiss on her fingers. - Where's the fun in that? - she gulped. That last sentence was said in such an arousing way that Hazel started thinking about how his whispering would sound... During the night... Right in her ear... After some heavy breathing. She bit her lower lip as the next kiss landed on her fingers. God she had a thing for husky voices like his.
- Did anyone ever tell you how pleasant it is to listen to your voice? - Constantine chuckled and put Hazel's hand back on the table.
- No, never, as far as I can recall. - Hazel put her hands back under her chin.
- Well, I could listen to it for hours. I bet that if you read poetry out loud, it's like listening to the gods of Greece. - Constantine rolled his eyes jokingly, trying to cover up the fact that he started blushing. He was good at flirting, but actually receiving something back, without paying for it, was rather new. The woman sat back on her chair. - Echo and Aoede truly blessed you. - the Prince gasped.
- You know the greek gods! - the young lady chuckled.
- I'm a history teacher, of course I do! Plus, what can I say, I read a lot. - the tattooed man put his elbow on the table and rested his head in his palm. A totally enamored look found its way to his face.
- More radiant than Hebe, more charming than Aphrodite, wiser than Athene... - he sighed. - I'm truly blessed by your company.
The flirtatious chat got stopped by the waiter, who arrived with a tray, on which there were 2 stemmed wine glasses, both containing a small amount of green liquid; on top of them, some kind of flat spoon with a cube of sugar; and a carafe of ice cold water. He placed the things down on the table, and reached for the carafe. Constantine held up his hand, stopping him in his movement.
- Thank you, I'll take it from here. - as soon as the waiter left, Hazel moved her chair closer, stooping in the tattooed man's direction.
- What's this? - inquired the woman, inquisitive by the limegreen liquid that sat in front of her. Constantine smirked and reached for the carafe.
- Absinthe. Have you never heard of it? - Hazel shook her head. Constantine adjusted the sugarcubes on the slotted spoons. - Many say it's an aphrodisiac. - he reached for the carafe. The bottle perspired tiny little drops of water, it was so cold. - Others say it's an addictive poison. - he poured the ice cold water over the sugarcube rested on Hazel's glass. She watched his fingers move with admiration. As water diluted the spirit, the green substance quickly turned cloudy, then changed into a light mint green colored, milky opalescent liquid. - But there is one thing that is certain, and one thing that everybody knows. - he did the same thing with his drink too, then put the carafe and the slotted spoons away. He held up his drink, ready to clink glasses with Hazel, who looked at him as adoringly as she was looking at a perfect painting. - The green fairy who lives in the absinthe, wants your soul. - Hazel held her drink up as well, and they clanked glasses. The Tattoed Prince's gaze was irresistibly alluring. She couldn't look away from it. Those dark brown eyes captivated her and didn't let her go. - But fear not, I will protect you from her. - he moved the glass to his lips. To those perfectly shaped, luscious lips, framed by that magnificent mustache and beard... Hazel moved the glass to her lips as well, and before taking a sip, in the sweetest tone Constantine ever heard she said:
- I've never felt more safe.
As she took a sip, a cacophony of tastes filled her mouth. It felt like anise and other herbs were blooming on her tongue. It was rather scrumptious. When she put her glass down, she was faced with that seductive gaze that made her weak in the knees. Her Tattooed Prince wiggled his eyebrows in a mischievous, playful manner. Covering her invoking blushing, she looked sideways with a smile. As she did so, she noticed that an elderly couple, wo were sitting at the next table, was practically staring at them, without a single sign of shame. So Hazel looked the staring man straight in his eyes, flashed an adorable smile, and waved. He got so frustrated that he immediately looked away and dropped his fork. Constantine laughed out loud and shook his head with a wide smile.
- You really are something else, my darling. - he said when his date turned back to him. She reached across the table and stroked his hand with her thumb, while having a sweet yet flirtatious smile spread out on her cherry lips.
- Fear not, I will protect you.
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distrackles · 6 years
Resistance: Part 1
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Dean Winchester x OFC
Despise /verb/: feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
- B o -
This was so normal for us, me and Riley sitting at a bar at the end of a "hard" day. She'll continuously drink while I sit and have a few beers, neither of us ever get a buzz anymore. Bartenders almost without out fail will hit on her, and she'll most likely bring them back to the room we're staying at while I sit in the car, or even at the bar if her fling takes place in the vehicle itself. I never get mad and she always offers me a free pass the next morning to do the same to her one day, but I don't use it.
"Are you sure you're cool with this?" She asks me, as the guy she's been hitting on grabs his coat.
I nod. "Riley, honestly I don't care, it's your car anyway, try and text me if he turns out to be into anything weird. " She rolls her eyes, and downs her last drink.
"You want me to let you know just so you can get some of that, I know you're into some weird shit." Laughing, she stands up, as my middle finger shoots up. I mean anyone can enjoy a little weird, but I'm not gonna be fuel to her flame. She heads out with the guy and I pretend to busy myself reading the label on the full bottle of  beer in front of me. I usually do this until the bartender asks me if I'm alright, and then when I nod he gives me another bottle. This time I'm doing it because the guy on a stool away from me is glancing not so discretely at me every few seconds, and I don't feel like talking to anyone tonight.
"If you're gonna pretend to read that at least move your eyes a little." The guy says and my eyes flick up before I turn my head to look at him, familiar. "It would make it a little more believable."
" Maybe you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't staring so hard. " I bite back and he smiles. My hand is wet from condensation on the bottle, it's lost its chill as I drink from it. Thinking this man is gonna stop talking to me and just move on to annoy someone else was the first mistake I made. The second was when I actually acknowledged the fact that he had now moved to the stool where Riley was sitting.
"Is she your sister?" He asks, I roll my eyes. "I'm Dean, by the way." Dean Winchester, I think, of course he is. My silence gives him a moment to take another drink from his glass before he licks his lips.
"Hm, I expected Dean Winchester to be a little," I look him over for emphasis. "More intimidating." And then I smile slightly. His smirk made it obvious he wasn't the least bit offended by that, taking it more as a game.
"Should I know you?" Are his next words and I shake my head because it isn't likely, me and Riley keep to ourselves. Then again, he's a Winchester.
"Bo Shoemaker." And then I mentally curse myself because when the hell do I ever give my real last name. It's like that one rule totally left my mind. Dean's face seems to recognize it and he's just processing it, almost as if he'd be embarrassed if he said anything wrong.
"Shoemaker, as in-"
"Yeah, exactly." I cut in because I don't wanna hear his name out loud.
"So that girl, Riley Duncan I'm guessing?" I nod at that. "Bobby always says me and my brother-"
"That we're just like you and Sam, yeah I know and it's ridiculous." Once again he's cut off. "Look I should go, we gotta head out early tomorrow and it's my turn to drive." Liar.
Before Dean can say anything else I stand up, leave money, and walk out before conversation can go any further. I have no clue where I'm gonna go but honestly anything is better than having to discuss personal life. The spot our car was in is now empty, looking around at the last three cars left in the lot shows just how late it is. I scuff my boots against the pavement as I take short walks across the small area I'm given. My hands are shoved into my jacket pockets, and my breath fogs up the air in front of me. It's fucking freezing out here and I'm the coward that walked out just so I didn't have to face the truth. Dean wasn't innocent, but his curiosity was and all I had to do was say I didn't want to talk about it, of course he would have understood. I sit down on the curb of the sidewalk in front of the building, knowing Riley, I would be here a while.
His keys jingle as he approaches my side , and his booted feet crunch against some leaves when he steps off the curb to sit on it.
"I don't really want to talk about it. " I mumble, picking at the thread in my jeans. Dean doesn't say anything for a while, he only extends his legs in front of him.
"Yeah I get it, you need a ride anywhere?" He asks, looking at me.
"How long have they been gone?" I question, considering that it felt like ages since Riley had left me. Dean simply just shows me his wrist and the watch tells me it's been about an hour of me sitting out here.
"Yeah, the motel down the road." I answer his question and stand up at the same time as him. I can tell which car is gonna be his but I still wait for him to make the first move towards it before getting in the passenger side. We take the short drive to the motel, I thank him for the ride and get out as soon as I can.
"Hey, " I look back at him as he stands in the open doorway of his car. "What're you two in town for anyway."
"Not gonna let you steal our hunt Winchester." I smirk towards him and keep walking to our room. Giving the door a few knocks just to be safe, and hearing only the TV playing some ridiculously fake action film gives me the clear to go inside. Riley is on her bed, staring blankly at the screen. When she sees me the TV gets turned off, and her eyes close, she had been waiting for me to come back before she could comfortably fall asleep. The blankets are extremely thin, and my old shirt and shorts don't do much justice for any extra warmth. My eyes close, but I never fall asleep, as always.
The next morning we were up early, much to Riley's protest, in our smartest clothes, as we speak to some of the victim's family and friends. The guy's sister and roommate didn't have much information for us when I looked at the notes I took. I look up for just a second to acknowledge the waitress before looking back at my papers, the lady sets the plates down, it's mostly Riley's food anyway.
"Come on, take a break." She says with her mouth already full of pancake.
"We're missing so much yet I feel like it's right in front of our face." Dropping my pen, I replace it with my coffee mug and drink the rest of it.
" We'll figure it out." She assures and when I finally give her a real look her eyes are pointed in a direction outside. I turn my gaze to match hers and see her focus is on the Winchesters. I knew this would happen, I just had hoped I was wrong. What else would practically the most well known hunters be doing in a small town like this.
"Damn it, they're gonna take our hunt. " I groan.
"They can try, we were here first and I bet you got more of a lead anyway. " I go to argue because I know of Sam's records, and he's good at what he does when it comes to research, but Riley's chugging a cup of coffee and walking out the door before I can speak. Leaving a bit of money on the table and rushing to pack all my things up, I follow after her.
"Listen, what we had was great last night but that doesn't mean you can follow me." Is Riley's opening line towards Sam when I get out there, Dean laughs and Sam half smiles shaking his head. They're probably coming from where we just were based on the suits they're in. I finally reach her side and fix the strap of my bag on my shoulder. The boys look at me for a second before looking back at Riley who isn't done talking yet.
"This hunt is ours so don't even think about meddling in on us. "
"Hey, what's wrong with a little help?" Dean says with that smirk I already despise.
"We don't need help." I snap back at him. But then I get confused when Riley doesn't back me up.
"Bo, we could use some help, you said yourself that you didn't have enough, they might have what we're missing" She speaks quietly to me and I'm pissed because she's absolutely right and I still don't want their help.
"We're heading back to where we're staying, you guys can come with us and we'll see if we can piece anything together." Sam offers, the quiet conversation Riley was having with my ear probably wasn't too secret being we're only a few feet away.
"Yeah that's good, Sam come with me." And with that me and Dean are left standing there as Sam and Riley get in her car and drive off to the place. Dean goes to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me, my eyebrows rise and he just shrugs. I get in the car with a huff and he shuts the door before getting in the drivers side and starting her up. The car ride is similar to last nights with no talking until we get to the motel they've been staying at.
The rest of the day and the late hours of the night are spent with me and Sam "geeking out" together, as Riley called it. Her and Dean just sat back and looked up anything we asked for. After all of us had gone through our fifth round of coffee Riley had called it a night and went to our room and an hour after that Sam headed to bed. I packed up my things roughly just to transport them to our room so I could continue working.
"Goodnight." Dean says when I try to leave without saying anything to him. I hardly glance over my shoulder and give a slight nod and a mumble before slipping out of the room and into ours.
"Bo, I don't see why it's so important to you that we do this on our own." Riley complains as I am trying to convince her to leave before we can meet up with the boys. Call me selfish, but I am feeling pretty confident that we have all the information we need after last night with Sam. Instead of answering her, I just start throwing her clothes that somehow managed to explode out of her bag within a night. I hear her groan and then go into the bathroom to get her other things. I slip out of the motel room to go load up the car with our duffel bags. Just as I shut the back car door, I look up to see Dean looking right back at me. What the hell? Why was he always around.
"What?" I ask, the question comes out a little more snarky than I intended. At first I had thought that I would get off easy when he just simply shook his head.
"Well, I definitely was comparing you more to Sam this whole time, but you and me seem to have some things in common too." He says with a sort of surprised tone. I roll my eyes, because the last thing I want is to be compared to Dean Winchester.
" I prefer to work alone too, just me and Sam." He finishes. I nod and decide to end this conversation as soon as I can.
"You should understand that it isn't personal then?" He nods at my comment this time. "Anyways, let's face it, we'll most likely cross paths again won't we? Hopefully it'll be a while" Dean laughs at that and heads back into his room. Riley comes out shortly after and we get in her car and head off to undergo the action of this hunt.
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Pairing: MoriartyxReader
Warnings: Cheating, death
A/N: This is an AU. A god and goddess AU to be specific, so... I hope you like it. Also, this was done as a prompt request, so there’s some...odd. Terminology. (Chloroform is something gods have in this, and it isn’t like our chloroform so yeah)
Ps, I’m sorry I haven’t been updating, I got a new phone and I can’t get back onto this account so I can only use it when my old phone is charged. Which is never.
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He slipped out of the bed, doing his best to keep quiet. Carefully, he picked up the vial, and a small square of cloth, a small pit growing in his stomach. He hated to do this, but it was the only way. His eyes snapped up to his sleeping bride as she awoke.
"James... what're you doing..?" Her eyes narrowed on the vial, causing her to sit up, "Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?" She snapped, eyes suddenly alight. She knew exactly why, and it made her burn.
"You aren't seriously going to see one of those flawed abhorable things—they're pathetic!" She snapped, suddenly deciding to get fully out of bed. His jaw locked, a searing anger coming to his chest.
"Go back to sleep, Kitty." He snapped. His position was the reason they'd been marred in the first place. They both knew she'd rather be over screwing Sherlock or his bride. Most of the Gods remained fairly loyal to their partners, even if they acutely despised them. James wasn't like the rest—he hated it. He didn't want to live a life, even an immortal one, like this. Now, perhaps a few years ago, he would've thought a lot different than that. He wouldn't have cared about who his partner was—he was king. Of the heavens and earth, he ruled all.
"Go back to bed." He ordered, not missing a beat before leaving. He tucked the vial into his robes, and slipped down to the mortal world, changing his appearance slightly. He shifted his deep brown eyes to a softer green, and lengthened his dark hair to match the common man among the streets, and slipped through unnoticed. He even went as far as to change his facial features, make them softer and less opposing. Less attractive, in most people's opinion, but his lover had never seemed to care that he was considered "average" when it came to looks, maybe a tad above. After all, this was love, and that's all they needed.
You were pacing, unable to still yourself from your pure excitement. You heard a soft tapping at your door. You grinned, immediately swinging it open, and throwing your arm's around Jim's neck. His arms fit tightly around you, holding you as close as he possibly could.
"I love you, Jim." You mumbled into his neck, letting yourself slip into the warmth of his arms.
"I love you, too, Darling." He whispered back, a natural smile slipping to his face. He glided you both into the room, shutting the door softly. You pulled him into a kiss, his hands falling to your waist, a thrum going through him. Slowly, you guided him towards the bed, letting him fall slightly on top of you, both of you giggling in between passionate kisses.
Unbeknownst to either of you, James wasn't the only who thought it best to pay a visit. It wasn't long into your little rendezvous that there was another knock, this one much firmer than Jim's had been. It was startling to James, considering he'd left your father unconscious in his own room.
"I know you're in there." Kitty's voice penetrated the door, striking fear into Jim with just a few simple words.
"Who's that?" You whispered, watching as panic spread across him. The door suddenly flew off its hinges, the goddess entering without another warning. Her eyes were ablaze, already, but the flames doubled as her eyes came to rest on you in her husband's arms. He suddenly shifted so you were behind him, a scowl adorning his features as he glared at her. She could see right through his disguise, through his utter and complete lies.
"You left me for a mortal?" She snapped, jaw clenching. This had been where he was every night? Seeing a woman that wouldn't last even a fraction of his vast memory?!
Your brow drew together, confusion adorning your features. The woman looked familiar, but you couldn't quite place it. No-you could! She looked like the statues outside the temple... Gisara. Queen of the Gods...?
"J-Jim... what's going on here, I-I'm confused..." You managed weakly out, fingers gripping tighter on his shoulder. Still, he said nothing.
"Go on, tell the mortal who you are. Pull the wool back from her clueless eyes." His eyes flicked back to you as you began to go numb. What was she talking about? Why was she saying these things-? Jim would never lie to you... right?
That's when he began shifting back into his regular form, eyes growing dark once more and hair slicking back. Another face you recognized, and one you'd recognize anywhere; Evmes. King of the Gods, and, fittingly, the God of Wisdom and Chaos. You could feel your knees growing weak, voice no longer seeming to work.
"Leave here, Kitty." He demanded. It snapped into focus for you—why a Goddess had come to your home. His wife... you were beginning to feel faint. Gisara scoffed, approaching him.
"You think she'll stand to want you after what you've done? Her life is forever ruined because of your betrayal. She'll be shunned." She said plainly, not an ounce of sympathy in her voice.
"You promised her a marriage, did you not? No one would mare a god and a girl. You've played her pathetic little heart." He'd been a fool to promise you such a thing, even he knew that, but he hadn't expected the question. And, at the time, it had seemed almost possible... almost.
"I said, 'GO!" He snapped suddenly, sending her flying out the door and out to the street. He allowed himself a few minutes to breathe, anger dissipating and growing concerned for you. He spun around, cupping your cheek in his hand. He'd do anything to change the way things were—if you wanted anything in the world, he'd give it to you without hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, pressing his forehead to yours. Instead of answering, you staggered back, doing anything to get away from the God. He could feel his heart crack, sending an unwelcome feeling through him almost immediately.
"Y-Y/n..? L-Let's talk about this..." He began approaching you again, being met only with silence.
"Yell, scream, say something... a-anything." He almost begged, once again trying to come near you.
"Y-You're Evmes..." You said, stomach turning at the thought. He watched you, eyes saddening as you stepped away once more, just out of his reach.
"Yes.." He admitted shakily. If there was ever a moment in his entire life that he didn't want to be a God, It was now. He wanted to be with the woman he loved more than anything, even if that meant he'd die one day.
"You lied to me... about everything." Tears began rolling down your cheeks, causing his heart to break even more.
"You don't love me, I'm just some toy to pass the time." You whispered, staggering back once more, lost and heartbroken. The words echoed through his head, eyes growing suddenly wet. He didn't even have words.
"I'll never be marred... I'll be forever shunned." You said, gasping for breaths as realization swept over you, a sense of profound shame already brewing. If the people of your town were merciful, they'd simply kill you, but that was a tad hopeful.
"N-No, it doesn't have to be like that-!" He tried desperately, falling to his knees as you fell to the ground, "We can get married, no one has to know-" And just as quickly as he said it, you were racing to your father's room.
Kitty appeared behind him, hands on her hips, looking as dignified as ever.
"You've taken everything from her, isn't that enough? Leave her to the fate you've sealed for her." Growing angry, James spun around, staring her down furiously.
"I can fix this!" He insisted, solutions flooding into his head, already.
"How Long has it been since you put her father under, James, I'm curious." She said flatly, suddenly deciding her nails were much more interesting than the conversation. A sudden cry was heard down the hall as he realized his mistake, and he sprinted to the door, heart shattering as you held your father's lifeless body. All the excitement had caused him to lose track of the time... he'd killed your father..
"Leave her to mourn. Haven't you done enough?"
This time, however, he had nothing to respond with. He took a few moments to watch your grief fill the room, tears and sobs joining the foul atmosphere. Irene had been right. She said he would ruin your life, and he had...
"...let's go home..." He whispered, tears beginning to roll down his own cheeks.
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herowy · 4 years
Dating Headcanon 3 + Scenario
A total tsundere.
Most likely you would suggest going out in the first place.
Acts nonchalant with it but is actually really nervous.
She takes things slow in the relationship because she hasn't dated before and is just clueless about it.
Blushes a lot.
The type to want to hold your hand but is too shy to ask and will keep on debating over if she should. She misses the chance and is then pissed about it.
She's straightforward and blunt almost rude with people she doesn't care or relaxed with but with you, she is a complete mess and stuttering fool.
There are many times she wants to compliment you but is too shy and prideful to say them.
She would curse off people who are staring or making you feel uncomfortable, and if they brave enough to challenge her she'll get physical without a thought.
Gets into a lot fight in general and always have a few scratches and bruises on her.
She would be hesitant about dating at first because of all the violence and doesn't want to get you involved. The last thing she wants is you getting hurt. Of course, she'll never say that.
If you're really adamant on staying with her you'll have to really show it because then she'll just keep denying you and distancing herself.
If you do manage, swear on her life she'll keep you safe and as far from her brawls as possible. She might become more rational and actually think twice before getting into conflict to ensure your safety.
Your gonna have to be really patient with her since she doesn't express her emotions very well.
Hates overcrowded places, like really hates it, despises it.
Probably might see one of her enemies there or something.
She's not a romantic but does try and they usually end up failing.
Remembers the little things you like but acts like she doesn't care and tries to be very subtle with it.
If you unconsciously mention food or craving you want she'll pretend not to care but then a few minutes later or when your not looking she'll get it for you.
Not the type to initiate public affection and so you would have to make a move if you want any. Even then she'll try to avoid it but not because she hates it but because she's just really nervous and shy.
She's a private person so she prefers to be intimate when you two are alone.
The further the relationship develops she would start to show more affection and comfort but privately.
Baby steps like holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist and tiny compliments but all this while not looking at you.
She has a foul mouth but tried to lighten it with you. Tries.
There will be times when she's down in the dumps and will want to hold you close to her. These are the times where she's most vulnerable and needs you to be there.
Does get jealous quite easily and even over the little things but once you question her about it she will stutter out denial as quickly as possible.
Just sulks when she's jealous, depending on what or who she's jealous about it might get physical.
She prefers isolated places but if you really insist on going somewhere a little crowded then she'll follow grumpily.
Likes animals so probably the zoo or aquarium.
The night was as lively as ever, colourful streamers and small lanterns hunged and glowed vibrantly across the pathway. Stalls were situated at every corner emitting the smell of fried food and cotton candy.
The overflowing crowd continued to sway endlessly and voices overlapped one another with wild laughter and hollers.
If there was one thing she hated the most that would overcrowded places or loud and annoying bundles of people in one area. The grabble beneath them could barely be seen.
She gave out a low grunt while being dragged through the hoard by a delicate hand.
If it wasn't because of her lover and his doe-shaped eyes and honeyed voice begging her to come with him to a festival gathering, she would never, repeat, never come near this place.
"Come on jenn~ It'll be fun!." With his hands clasped together into a praying gesture.
" Ugh."
"Pleassseee Jenny." He closed the gap between them shouldering next to hers and giving the sweetest smile.
"There's nothing even fun out there. Just the same shit every year. Loud people and ball throwing crap." She grunted and stepped back slightly flustered at how close he was. She also didn't mention it being dangerous in the chances of passing by one of her enemies or them seeing her with him.
"No it's not. It will be fun if you actually give it a try. Come on, please. We've never gone to any festivals TOGETHER before. Besides, it'll make for a great date!"
"D date!?" Her face became red.
"Yeah, a date. Don't you want to?"
"…w well…it's not like…I don't w want to." She averted her eyes.
"…hmmm." He gawked at her inquisitively like he's searching for something.
"Ughh! Fine, let's go. Since your being so damn annoying and stop staring at me like that!" She blurted in defeat.
"Really!? Yay!!" He cheered.
Jenny grabbed her denim jacket and shoved it onto her self angrily. Damn him for being so cute!
And that's why they're now here.
Being dragged by the hands of her lover and making their way through the pathway as smooth as possible.
She could feel the excitement from how hastily he was hauling her.
A few seconds later she heard his voice saying something but it was blocked out by the screams of the crowd.
She tsked. Next minute the hand attached on her arm was gone.
"Wah hey!"
Jenny called for his name and expected for him to reply but nothing…
She started to panic. Aggressively pushing through the hoard of people and cursing at them to move. She managed to squeeze into a more spacious area and searched for his figure. Turning back and forth and desperately roared for his name.
She was really worried now. What if he got hurt? What if she can't find him? What if…someone found him?
Her heart clawed at her chest in anxiousness and her body started to sweat at the acceleration
Trying to calm herself. She pulled out her phone and frantically pressing onto his contact number.
"Fuck! Why isn't he answering!? Fuck for fuck sakes!"
She was pissed. Very pissed.
Running through each row of stalls and pushing at people.
Where the fuck is he?!
She sprinted to the gates where the stalls ended and it was the ocean.
Dashed down the grabble steps and onto the beach where the ocean was.
The scratchy sounds from the grinding of sand against her red converse.
Running through the shore and making her way to the end of the beach which would seem absurd. The beach is more than 100 feet long. She didn't care though, she just wanted to find him.
Then she came to a halt midway. A familiar figure. She prayed to god it was him.
The figure turned around and with a shocked expression.
"Jenny!" He cried cheerfully.
"Ha ha ha…ha…" Panting out of exhaustion and the rapid pulse of her heartbeat.
"Thank goodness your finally here. I was worried that you wouldn't come here. I was gonna call-"
"Fuck sakes!"
"What the fuck were you doing?!"
"Wh what are you talking about?"
"Why the fuck weren't you answering your fucking phone!?"
"Wah, my phone…oh, i-"
"Do you know how fucking worried I was!?"
He gaped and alarmed at her outburst. She was breathing heavily, sweat trailing from her forehead and her red hair sticking out everywhere. A complete mess.
"I was fucking running around for an hour trying to fucking find you! I called your phone and you didn't even fucking answer! Why the fuck even have a phone when you won't even fucking answer people's calls!?"
"…sorry…" His eyes fell down to his shoes and held a sad expression. It was like a child being scolded.
"Haaa…" She sighed and turned her face away from his.
A long moment of silence between them. The tension was thick and heavy.
"Jenny…im really sorry…I didn't mean to worry you. I got distracted by one of the stalls during the way. When I turned back…you were gone. It's my fault. I thought it was a good idea to wait here at the beach because it wasn't crowded and we can meet up together...but I didn't think…" He confessed with guilt in his voice and still not being able to look at her.
"Why didn't you answer my call?"
"I couldn't hear it during the crowd…"
She sighed again.
"I'm really sorry Jenny. I was planning on calling you though…" Biting his lips and felt a slight tremble, tears pricking at his eyes and slowly sliding down his soft cheeks.
Her eyes widened at the sight. His tears. He was crying. Her lover was crying. Jenny made her lover cry.
Her heart clawed at her again. Like before but it was more painful this time. It was piercing at her. Stabbing her through the front. Excruciatingly pain that made her hands welled into a fist and white.
"H hey…"
"Haaa look i-"
Jenny wanted to hold him. Embrace him entirely against her chest. Wipe those tears and protect him. Instead, she made him cry.
"I'm the one who should be sorry. I…I should have stayed closer with you and…I shouldn't have yelled at you either. Sorry."
"No no. It's clearly my fault, stupid of me to get so easily distracted and then get lost like that. I was stupid.
" Hey don't say shit like that! Your not…your not stupid. Look, it doesn't matter who's fault it is anymore. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
Witnessing the sadness in his expression and tears that held its place. Swallowing her pride. Jenny closed their distance and hugged his fragile-like body.
"Damn it. Hey, hey look at me."
He slowly looked up at her amber eyes.
She carefully wiped his tears with her thumb and then firmly held his waist and head against her own body.
He leaned in with comfort.
"I really am sorry Jenny." His voice slightly muffled against her shoulders.
"Stop apologising already."
"But i-"
She cuts him off by tilting his chin upwards and sealing his lips with hers. Her tongue caressing his. He was surprised at her boldness. She doesn't usually initiate the first kiss, especially in public.
A few seconds later they leaned back with a thread of saliva connecting their mouths. Panting for air. Staring at each other for god knows how long.
Jenny finally breaks out of the trance of his enchanting orbs and realises what was happening. An immediate rush of heat flooded her face and quickly lets go of him.
"Ahem…that uhh th that wa wasn't supposed to happen…" She coughed.
He frozed his gaze at her stuttering and then giggled.
"Don't worry Jenny, I get it. Thank you for comforting me"
"Wah h hey! It's not what you t think! I just did that so…so you would stop your cr crying! I don't actually care for you…"
"You were worried about me crying that's why you did that, right? So, you do care for me!"
"No, I don't fucking care! You were just being annoying and an eyesore!
" But you hugged me, wiped my tears and even kissed me."
"Shut up I only did that because it was in the moment."
"Hmmm just say you love me already."
"Shut the fuck up. No I fucking don't!"
Jenny was fuming with redness and frustrated by his persistence. She really wanted to shut him up again and his teasing.
"Haha, I love you too Jenny." He flashed a sweet smile.
By God was that long. Since it was only Jenny I'm writing for I decided to make it into headcanon plus scenario.
Honestly, reading back at them I feel bad for my lack of attention towards Mimi and Emily. Compared to the others I didn't write as much. They were my first OCS to start off with and I'm really fond of them.
I'll give them more writing next time to even it out.
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