#she deserves omnic smooches
A (late) birthday present for the coolest lady in the universe, @aka-indulgence , featuring her two favourite omnics. Because if anyone on this earth deserves to be squashed between two handsome robots, its her
“Human.” Zenyatta’s voice was... different.
You blinked, pulled out of your reverie. Ugh, you had just managed to stop thinking about how cold the monastery floor was under your butt. The omnics around you were meditating, as they often were; unimpeded by heat or cold, they sat dressed in only loose Shambali robes with their meditation balls floating effortlessly in front of them, utterly impervious to the snow piling onto the monastery roof above them or the icy chills that occasionally swept through the wide stone rooms.
Not like you. Even wrapped up in the only hoodie and coat you had bought with you, you were freezing.
You looked over at Zenyatta, sat right beside you, as he often was. Your knees were almost touching. Mondatta often joked that the two of you were ‘partners in crime’, a moniker that you were more than happy to adopt. Though out of the two of you, Zenyatta was by far the most criminal. 
Zen’s voice... it had a lilt to it you hadn’t heard before. Something almost careful - like he was worried about how you’d react to his words.
“Yeah?” He was actually sitting, too. Not just floating a few inches above the ground. He was looking right at you, cute head turned a little to the side. His constant expression was as sweet and gentle as ever, regardless of how he really felt.
“Are you alright?” 
Your brows furrowed. “O-of course?”
“You’re shaking.” He moved his hands from upturned in his lap, to flat on his knees. “You have been, for several minutes.”
You always appreciated how much Zenyatta emphasised his physical movements. It almost felt like he was doing it specifically to make life easier for you; he was always nodding, gesticulating with his hands, letting out affirmative hums and sighs, anything that would clue you in to his current thoughts. As if pantomiming human expressions for your benefit.
“I’m sorry. Is it making it hard for you to concentrate on meditating?”
“You’re cold. Aren’t you?”
You were embarrassed. Everyone around you at that moment literally didn’t feel the cold. The Shambali Monastery accepted human visitors throughout the year, but in winter, hardly anyone wanted to make the trek - and you were currently the only human in the entire building.
“A-a little.”
Zenyatta slumped. “We forgot you get cold. It’s the middle of winter in a mountain monastery. How could we forget you would get cold?”
You let out a tiny laugh. “I’m ok. Really.” 
A deep and reverberated voice, right behind you. 
“You’re cold?”
You jumped, at the sound. Holy shit Ramattra was literally just in the spot directly behind you. You looked over your shoulder at him - he was sitting cross legged, casual, as if he had been there the whole time. He definitely hadn’t been there when you sat down earlier. How did he move so quietly, when he was so huge? Those dark eye slits were watching you so very intently.
“H-how did you...?”
“You are.” Ramattra didn’t let up. He leant forward, it felt as if he was staring into your soul. “You’re quivering.”
His tone made you shudder. Even though Ramattra spoke far more softly with you now than he initially did when you first met, it was still often hard to tell whether or not he was upset. He definitely didn't make the same effort Zenyatta did to show you how he felt. “You surprised me.”
“Human,” Zenyatta’s voice was delicate. “Do you need to take a break?”
“I-I’m good.” You forced yourself to smile despite the two omnics insistently closing in on you. “I mean... yes, I am cold. But it’s just temperature. It’s not the end of the world.”
“I really think you should take a break.” He sounded insistent.
“I’m fine. Really.”
Zenyatta turned to look at Ramattra. They held eye contact.
... Zenyatta nodded.
When Ramattra stood up, you didn’t think much of it. Maybe he was just going to find a new spot. He stepped forward, probably to go past you.
... He leant down and picked you up. 
You yelped, suddenly snapped out of your cold-induced stupor, as you were swept clear off the ground by arms that clearly carried you with absolutely zero effort - he scooped you up like you weighed about as much as an empty cardboard box, hefting you up into a secure grip against his massive chest and beginning to walk. Zenyatta stood too.
If it were anyone else you would’ve started kicking your legs, shouting, freaking out. But it was Ramattra. It really wasn’t fair that you had two omnics here that you were crushing on... you absolutely couldn’t move, your body had seized up, flustered beyond belief. Your face and ears were pounding, so you just immediately clung onto him.
“P-put me down!” you squeaked.
His response was a chuckle. He moved so fluidly, so casually, carrying you out of the main room. “This is your own fault, human. We gave you a chance to take a break willingly.”
Your heart was hammering. “That doesn’t mean you can just - ”
“This isn’t a conversation.”
Ramattra eventually came to a room you recognised - your room. Considering you were one of very few members of the monastery that actually needed to sleep, you had been given somewhere private to rest your head whenever required. Ramattra pushed the door open with his foot, allowing it to swing shut behind him.
“O-ok, I get it, I need to rest.” You felt dizzy. “Put me down now.”
“Hm... no.” Ramattra sat, still holding you tightly. “I don’t think I will.”
“Huh? G-get - ”
That’s when you felt it, bleeding through your clothes. Warmth. Instinctively, you inhaled - Ramattra was hot to the touch. Heat was emanating from within the very metal he was made of. Every part of him was hot, like a hot water bottle, it was as if you’d stumbled in from an icy storm and come home to an open fire. You immediately stopped flapping and just curled into him.
“You’re so warm?” you blurted.
“Omnics can raise and lower their body temperature at will." He settled, seemingly getting comfortable. "Now relax. No need to be foolish.”
Zenyatta re-appeared, closing your room door behind you. He was holding something. By the time you figured out what it was, it was already being tucked around you; a thick down blanket.
Woah. Going from freezing to this was amazing. Tingles spread across your back and chest... you let out a shaky sigh of delight. 
You didn’t catch the look that Ramattra and Zenyatta cast between each other. 
“Human,” Zenyatta hummed, sitting down beside Ramattra. “might I have your hands, for a moment?”
You were confused, but absolutely utterly pacified by the heat, you offered your palms to him. Zenyatta reached out, and wrapped his metal digits carefully around your distinctly soft and fleshy ones. 
... They were hot too - you gasped. You felt Ramattra’s chuckle through his chest. It was like your very own personalised hand warmers, how long had the two of them been able to do this? Heating their bodies? Zen’s hands immediately flushed out the horrible numbness you’d grown accustomed to over the course of the day. 
Everything was warm... finally, you were warm. Inside and out.
Your head rocked, cuddling against Ramattra’s chest. You couldn’t help but hum in delight.
“Is that better?” Zenyatta brushed his thumbs over your knuckles, but eventually let your hands go. Entire body sufficiently restored to a comfortable temperature, you could do nothing but enjoy the sensation. 
“Mhm,” your response was grumbly and relaxed and tiny, face against Ram’s sternum, feeling the warmth leaking into your skin. One large hand gave you a gentle squeeze.
Ramattra’s tone was the softest you’d ever heard it. “Am I forgiven for kidnapping you?”
“I guess.”
“I have spoken to Master Mondatta.” Zenyatta said. “Someone else will take care of your chores today.”
... Huh? Your eyes suddenly opened (you hadn’t even noticed you’d shut them), you sat up. “W-wait. I can’t just bunk off,”
Ramattra’s grip, though gentle, was ironclad. “We insist.”
“But that’s so rude!” 
Ramattra was having none of it. He pulled the blanket tighter around you, restricting your movements and preventing you from wiggling free. “No struggling. You’re staying right here.”
“It’s a matter of your health.” Zenyatta pointed at you disapprovingly. “And you have no right to fight it. You brought this upon yourself - you delayed in informing us of your discomfort. We must make sure you are adequately warm for the rest of the day. Frostbite is a very real concern for you, at this altitude.”
“You’re not letting me go?”
“Absolutely not,” Ramattra hummed.
You exhaled through your nose, like a sulking child, but said nothing. 
Zenyatta sounded softer, now, less like he was lecturing you and somewhat more imploring. “I only wish you’d mentioned how cold you were sooner. Most omnics have the ability to warm their core. I could have assisted. Though Brother Ramattra is most likely best for warming you up, considering he possesses more body to warm you with.”
“You are indeed very small,” Ramattra tutted.
You let out a tiny laugh, much to the delight of the two omnics, but the laugh quickly morphed into a yawn. You shivered one more time, but not because you were cold - it felt more like your body was shaking away the last vestiges of cold that’d clung to you through the day. 
With that, your entire being was toasty from the inside out. If you could purr, you would.
You made a contented and comfortable humming sound, relaxing back against Ramattra’s huge chest. Again, you didn’t catch the look they shot between each other. The two omnics knew each other well enough for the slightest glances to say more than hours of conversation could.
“Tired?” Zenyatta asked, gently.
“A... a little.” Your eyes felt heavy. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Because of the cold?”
“Well,” he chuckled, “I’m sure Brother Ramattra would be happy to accompany you to bed tonight.”
Ram snapped. “Quiet.”
“... Would you? To keep me warm?” From Ramattra’s chest, you could just about peek up and make ‘eye contact’ with him. “I’d like that a lot.”
Ramattra, strangely, didn’t reply. He just stared down at you, for a few moments, then looked away - lifting his hand to his mouth like he was covering it.
Zenyatta spoke up. “Of course. Either of us would accompany you, if it would make you more comfortable during the night.”
“Both would be nice,” you mumbled.
You were so sleepy now. You yawned one more time. Maybe... maybe you could just skip your chores after all. Mondatta said it was fine, right? You were so tired. And so warm. No one was really checking... you had permission. And two bodyguards to keep you safe. Maybe you should just...
... A few minutes of complete warm bliss passed.
Ramattra’s voice thrummed through you. “... She really is like a little kitten, isn’t she?”
“Indeed. I told you.”
“Did her shaking not bother you? It was adorable. In an infuriating manner.”
“Of course it did. My motors ache from restraining myself. But unlike you, I know to keep my thoughts to myself.”
“Hm?” you hummed, not at all catching what was being said.
“Nothing.” Ram hummed. “Go to sleep.”
“Mh. Ok.”
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alalkomeneis · 8 years
do the ship thing, faye.
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you... | ACCEPTING
Who asks the other on dates: 
Ooh. I gotta say Ana, at least at first. Once the two establish they’re okay with even small dates, Athena tries. They’re typically just picnic dates, but she tries for Ana.
Who is the bigger cuddler:
Athena. She’s very warm, and she wants to make Ana happy. Sometimes they cuddle just to spite @warcommanded and @warcorrupted because damn you girls don’t need your cuddles when they have each other.
Who initiates holding hands more often:
Who remembers anniversaries:
Thea. She’s a literal computer.
Who is more possessive:
Ana. Though, again, often times they end up doing things just to piss off / spite / make the boys jealous. The girls don’t need no guys. They got each other, and ain’t no one getting between them.
Who gets more jealous:
Ana, again.
Who is more protective:
This is one where I would say it’s even, but Ana is known for her protectiveness, so I gotta give it to her. She would die to protect everyone she loves. 
Who is more likely to cheat:
They’re open, so???
Who initiates sexy times the most:
Ana, at least at first. Once Thea gets more comfortable with the idea of sexual intimacy, it’ll definitely end up more even. But for now, Ana hands down.
Who dislikes PDA the most:
Athena, but only during “work hours.” Otherwise, she will smooch all over Ana’s pretty face.
Who kills the spider:
Again, Ana would kill it. Thea would let it go.
Who asks the the other to marry them:
Ana. Partially to upset the boys, and partially because undoubtedly the boys are going to get married, so it’s up to the girls to do the same. Besides, Fareeha deserves a good step mom, and not losers for stepdads.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts:
Thea. Ana is a hard worker, and she deserves some good in her life. Thea will spoil the fuck out her lover, even if it means dipping into Overwatch funds now and again.
Who would bring up possibly having kids:
Thea. Ana already has Fareeha had but, again, Thea really wants kids. And she’s sure there are some babies out there who need a home, both human and omnic little ones.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents:
If their parents were alive/existed? Thea. Ana is already scary. Her parents have to be much worse.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry:
Ana would try, but Thea wouldn’t let her. No matter how angry she is, Athena can sleep anywhere at any time. She doesn’t want Ana to sleep in an uncomfortable place or on the couch.
Who tries to make up first after arguments:
Who tells the other they love them more often:
It’s about even, and it’s very cute.
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