#she def got his attention so it worked lmao
kirkybabygo · 1 year
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📸: Ross Halfin (ofc)
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choccy-milky · 2 months
Their kids are so cute omg i'm gonna dir of adorableness
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lewis: then die LMFAOO NO BUT FRR THANK UU IM GLAD U THINK SO🥹🥹💖💖💖all the love for them (esp lewis) gave me the idea to draw him deflecting all the attention so ty for giving me the excuse to post it....we luv our aloof distant boi🥰
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its funny bc i was JUST talking about this recently, but i dont like pet names at all BAHAH, hence why seb and clora dont call each other anything, not even nicknames.... seb calls her the light/princess/a bird sometimes as playful and teasing jokes, but doesnt actually address her like that. and clora always calls sebastian by his full name as well, bc i was basing her dialogue/my writing off the game dialogue...bc for as close as anne and ominis are to seb, both of THEM call him sebastian in full, so maybe it was a victorian thing that nicknames werent really common? plus clora's so proper that it just feels like its in her personality to always call seb "sebastian"... i feel like if she ever DID call him "seb" he'd do a double take and be like ...HUH? who are you???......are you polyjuiced? LMAO. i do imagine seb calling clora "love" when they get older tho (not in hogwarts) bc i like how simple it is, and imagining him saying stuff like 'careful, love' makes me🫠🫠🫠🫠
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aw TYY💖💖 honestly i didnt give the victorian setting TOO much thought, other than making clora more modest/not used to wearing trousers etc. like the actual victorian courting process was that youd ALWAYS be chaperoned by at least 1 other person and you wouldnt be able to kiss or anything, so the fact that our mcs are in a co-ed school with free reign already ruins that, so i wouldnt worry too much about it. a lot of it you can just wave off with the excuse that wizard society is more advanced than muggle society, which is true anyway LOL. i just kept the parts that i thought were fun/made it feel victorian ENOUGH but got rid of the stuff that was too annoying (one big example being the amount of clothing they wear....i said it in the notes for one of my chapters, but i wasnt about to make seb go through like 5 different layers just to touch cloras titty LMFAO) and no i didnt have 1 specific website i used, id just google "blank in victorian times" and look through all the articles and resources i could on that subject, and take little bits of it. SO YEA i wouldnt worry about it too much, just take what you want if you think it could enrich your story, and leave stuff out if its annoying to deal with BHAHA. and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!💖💖
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BAHAHA yeah sebs bark was defs bigger than his bite when it came to actually having kids/getting clora pregnant LOL. he defs loves the pregnancy part, but i feel like seeing her go through the actual labour was super hard on him/made him feel guilty bc he hates to see her in pain, let alone bc of HIM. not to mention that i imagine he would still work even once they have kids, so to leave clora with like 6 kids by herself isnt something he would have wanted to do LOL. once both lewis and celeste are in hogwarts tho i actually imagine seb and clora still doing curse breaking as well (albeit less dangerous jobs/not as far away) BUT YES having a third kid that looks like seb and is sassy like anne would be SO CUTEEE...a happy accident is a good idea too, tho i kinda like the idea of it being cloras idea.....like, she gets baby fever again now that the kids are kinda growing up and sebs like no i dont wanna put u through that again... but obvs seb wouldnt be able to resist if clora was begging seb to put a baby in her LMFAOOO its already as good as done at that point😇😇 AND THANK YOU, and im glad you liked it!!!🥹💖💖💖
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@the-kcm-muggleborn AWWW ur right thats so pretty.....ty for showing me!!🥹and im glad it make you think of clora...SHE WOULD APPROVE OF THESE STUDIES👌⭐🌙
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hibischush · 3 months
Could you please create some cute headcanons for Celine, Hayden, Ryis, and Juniper with an s/o who’s an artist. Possibly they have a sketchbook and have sketches or drawings of them?
Sure thing!🌺
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Celine thinks you're so cool
I think that she wouldn't be the greatest at drawing, unless what she was drawing was landscapes or various crops/flowers
so because of that she really admires how much you pay attention to other subjects and can draw them so well
You two would frequently go on picnic dates and sketch landscapes together 💗
You'd both be laughing and talking about events in the town all the while scribbling and popping little cubes of cheese or bread into your mouths
Until you flip your sketchbook and show her a very well done portrait of herself
She explodes (with blush dw)
She's honestly so touched that she starts to tear up and throws herself onto you for a massive bear hug
If you like watercolor painting she definitely makes her own dyes from flowers and she will be gifting them to you
Celine is super supportive and appreciative of her partner so you know that she has your back on anything, including your artistic endeavors 💕
I don't think Hayden possesses an artistic bone in his body🥲
At least in terms of drawing (he's def the type to draw stick figures and stick-animals even when giving his best effort)
The best thing Hayden can draw is a little crude drawing of his most prized possession (second to you of course), Henrietta
HOWEVER this will not stop him from drawing or doing other artistic things with you!
Like I bet he's decent at whittling away at wood and giving you little wood-carven trinkets
One day when you were at his ranch watching him herd his animals you whipped out your sketchbook to do figure studies
and lets be honest Hayden has a great figure to study
You got so entranced with adding details to your framework that you didn't hear him sneak up behind you like 😀
"Woah, is that really me? You chalk me up to be a lot more handsome than I actually am!"
He secretly really loves that you pay so much attention to details that even he hadn't noticed he had
He loves them so much that he offers to model for you (with Henrietta ofc)
Ryis is a fellow artist, too!
Mainly in sketching concept work for furniture but I can easily see him enjoying drawing other subjects as well, especially to relax and not think of work
Especially after the two of you started dating, he began to dabble in taking his art more seriously
He really admires your skills and it motivates him to get better too
Whenever you're together and you're drawing, he def watches your face
He can't help himself! Your face getting all screwed up with concentration is adorable to him
There have been times where you leave your sketchbook out in the open of the workshop and he'll take a peak at it
He knows that its a breach of privacy but he hoped you wouldn't mind since you both are close and trust one another
You sketch a variety of different things, like landscapes and portraits of your animals
But he pauses when he flips to a page that consists entirely of portraits of himself
His face heats up while pursuing them, he finds this super romantic and intimate
Until Landen teleports to his side and asks what he's looking at and he jumps five feet up into the air, slamming your sketchbook shut
He's extra flustered and lovey with you for the next few days after that happened and you'll have no idea why
Honestly, Juniper really dgaf LMAO
At first at least
Juniper can be vain and unable to see things from different angles at times but after you both started a romantic relationship you opened a lot of things up to her
She likened your passions and focus in drawing to her potion crafting
At first it started with her trying to convince you to sell your art or doing an art show in town (her business-minded self activated)
But after you explained to her that you do this for yourself she backed off
One day you both were chilling in the lobby on a rainy day and she looks over to you curled up with your sketchbook on the couch that she says out of nowhere:
"Dear, what could you possibly be drawing that's more interesting and hotter than me?"
She's not jealous of you drawing Dozy that's ridiculous what are you talking about
She now poses for you to do figure studies on a regular basis
Juniper, while she enjoys the loving banter between the two of you, these quiet moments became something she looks forward to and treasures
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The fun thing with these is that we still know so little about the bachelors and bachelorettes! I want to see what hcs the community comes up with and which ones are actually canon💗
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not-your-bro · 1 month
do you have any ud hcs? It could be anything idc
ooh, free rein! sure sure. josh + chris are def the characters i most frequently rotate in my mind, so some stuff about them off the top of my head...
film studies major. i must admit i don't adhere to the psych major he's given in canon, though director/producer roles aren't my first choice for him either. he goes all-in on tangible stuff for his prank, so i put him in the practical effects arena.
artist in his spare time, but big surprise he's cagey about it. like, chris sees josh's sketchbook in josh's room all the time, but he's never actually looked inside.
with both movie sfx + art, josh is practical > digital, and he only dips into digital effects or art when he absolutely needs to. i just think he's a tactile sort of guy who prefers to make things with his hands, so creating on a screen alone doesn't give him the same satisfaction.
on social media in that he has accounts, but they're sporadically active at best. he can be slow to respond to texts/dms and his responses can be short, which gives off the impression that he's disengaged or bored. he isn't, he just doesn't want to be on his phone.
this is a longstanding hc of mine that i've absolutely mentioned before, but: designed hannah's butterfly tattoo! didn't really understand why, he was like you know your tattoo artist can do one for you, right. but she insisted, and he obliged.
gay as fuck. realized young, came out young, very comfortable. as demonstrated by the fact that, much to everyone's annoyance, he wears shirts that say shit like 'employee of the month at the dick sucking factory' in public.
ok, so i've reached the point where the chris in my mind looks different enough that i get a little jumpscared when i see him in-game LMAO. i hc him both taller and heavier. he's gotta be at least 6 ft. and a chris hartley who's thin is no chris hartley at all. not to me.
does not come from money, like lower middle class. i have two totally different hcs about his family that both feel real to me: one is that he's an only child, his parents divorced when he was a kid (old enough to understand, but not quite a teenager), and he lives with his mom. the other is that his parents are not divorced, and he has a big family - lots of siblings. i've been going with the former in my fic lately, but both work for me. the constant is that his family's economic situation is more precarious than most people in the friend group, and family trips with (and funded by) the washingtons were his primary vacations.
has adhd. i find 'always on his phone bc he just loooves technology' less interesting than 'always on his phone bc he has existing attention problems.' this went undiagnosed for a while, and his performance in school suffered for it.
speaking of, he is not all-around school smart. like, emily may have strengths and weaknesses (even if she'd never admit them), but she can swing As across the board. chris cannot. he's getting good grades in classes that interest him or cater to his solution-oriented brain, but he's terrible in any class where there's no right answer. english, art - he does not get it. love him to death but his media literacy is Bad
bi as fuck, but it was a journey. thought he was straight for a long time, dismissing any attraction to men as a 'who hasn't had gay thoughts' kind of thing. i think it took him a while to come to terms with it bc he had a lot of internalized shit to work through. if a friend came out as bi, he'd have been like cool 👍 but him? surely not! he got there eventually though.
wowee this is long. as a lil bonus hc for another character, i'll add that i don't think jess went to college - i think she went to a hair/beauty school. she loves what a social job it is, getting to chit chat with clients all day, and like josh, she does best when she's working with her hands.
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stardust-sunset · 1 year
south park high school headcanons
TW for drinking and smoking (i have t watched the post pandemic special, so i don’t quite consider if canon..? I dunno though please don’t come for me-)
Eric Cartman:
Doesn’t give a shit about school tbh
I mean he’s probably a solid C/D student
Probably sits next to the teacher, lmao
He’s a pretentious little bitch, we know this, and he probably just harasses kids all the time
Like if there’s a presentation or something he’s probably pretending to be asleep or something
(especially if it’s Kyle)
Probably makes fun of everyone for their class choices
”Oh of course Kahl is taking economics. Those damn Jews” or “Kenny, why are you taking home economics if we all know you’re poor as hell and don’t have any food in your trailer to make this shit anyway?”
Was probably that one annoying kid who laughed during sex ed
Flips the teachers off when they aren’t looking
Is probably an angel to all the teachers but to the students, he’s a massive dick
Probably tried making Kyle fail his classes by hacking into the website
They only knew it was him because for comments/observations tab he put some ‘stupid Jew’ spiel
He’s dumb as shit sometimes
Bullies freshmen
Probably started Freshie Friday
Hes the kind of person to spray Axe Body Speay everywhere and has probably made multiple people sick because of it
Failing Gym
Mainly because he never makes up classes and refused to swim in ‘contaminated water’ (probably aimed at the girls or Kenny)
Doesnt date through high school
because nobody wanted to date a neonazi manipulative asshole
Probably didn’t do any clubs
He probably joined the Gay Straight Alliance (run probably by Big Gay Al) and ripped on everyone there
Got bored and never went back after he ran out of jokes
Honestly he’s probably to lazy to do any clubs after school
He doesn’t like staying in school after he’s already
Probably has gotten suspended a few times
(likely for putting a cherry bomb in Kyle’s locker)
Im kinda lost on Cartman lmao
Stan Marsh
Honestly? He probably drank a lot in high school
Kyle often had to take care of him and scold him for drinking
Stan’s probably a B/C student
Probably studies better in a group than alone
Thanks the stars that Shelley is a senior and will leave him alone
(though I do think she somewhat mellowed down, though she still threatens to beat the fuck out of him sometimes)
And Sharon probably helps him when she isn’t busy
But he feels awkward going to her for help
Randy is awful to study with
”So if I have x amounts of condoms and y amounts of-“ “Fuck this Im calling Kyle”
Kyle is his study buddy when he can’t turn to anyone else
which is pretty often
He pays pretty good attention in class
Probably still dating Wendy tbh
Stan definitely wears like zip up hoodies and ripped jeans and such
Probably bleached the lower half of his hair
it didn’t look good
His hair’s greasy af i’m calling it
Its fluffy when he washes it but that’s a rarity
Uses 3 in 1
wears gloves everywhere
lowkey germaphobe
Probably joined some sort of after school activity
Probably some sort of helping the community club
Tbh he failed chemistry multiple times
Hes trying though
Graduates with probably a solid 3.2 GPA
(idk how colorado does it i’m just going based off of where i live)
Probably goes to college and then drops out after two years
Works a few jobs because he wants to get out of the house
Overall good student, 7/10
Kyle Broflovski
That rare breed between nerd and jock
Hes probably one of those athletic kids getting awards and stuff all the time
Def on the swim team during the fall/spring and the basketball team during the winter
Also does a bunch of those community clubs (things that you would join to get into NHS)
His parents are probably super strict about grades
Theyre all about ‘keeping a good example for Ike’
So he usually beats himself up if he gets a grade below a 95
Speaking of, he’s probably top of his class ngl
Very smart
Studies better alone and probably isn’t the greatest at helping others study, but he’s trying
Honestly probably gets a little less insecure(?) about his hair and doesn’t wear his hat as much
Still barely takes it off but he’ll leave it off during sporting events
I know that thing smells like ass/hj
Probably wears a lot of flannels and t-shirts
Has reading glasses (they’re thick rimmed and brown)
Either that or he wears contact lenses but glasses are more convenient for him
Doesnt like wearing them because they remind him of his cousin Kyle Schwartz
Probably in all honors/AP/college courses
Gets academic awards a lot
He probably did band for one year to fulfill one of his miscellaneous credits (he played clarinet)
He’s probably one of the sweeter kids though, sports help him work through his anger issues
Still snaps at Cartman a lot though
Sometimes doesn’t take good care of himself between sports and studying
So Stan whips him into line
Probably had one partner through high school, doesn’t really play around much
Either that or he doesn’t date at all, he’s just too busy
If he were to date it’s be in junior/senior year, maybe sophomore year if it was the right person and they weren’t needy or too demanding of his time
Probably graduated with an advanced diploma
Goes to some ivy league school
Solid 4.0/4.1 GPA
Majors in math and minors in science
Kenny McCormick
Ngl he doesn’t give a shit
Probably failing some of his classes, has a few B’s, some D’s, he’s really scattered when it comes to grades
Probably skips class sometimes when he doesn’t feel like going
Still wears that same parka
He’s still taking home economics/hj
Probably sneaks into the girls changing room as Princess Kenny 🤭
That one kid who has a crush on all his female teachers
”Guys my average is a 69”
Hes the glue to keep all the boys together but tbh I feel like they drift apart and go their own directions during high school
They probably have like-game days on Saturdays though
He wants to keep the group together though because they’re probably more family than his own family (minus Karen)
Still dies a lot
Probably tries to die so he can get out of doing tests and such
Is the reason they don’t allow costumes at Halloween (he was def a playboy bunny)
Probably takes a lot of non honors/no college courses
The latter even less so because his family can’t afford it
Graduates with a barely passing GPA and goes to community college
Probably ended up dropping out tho
But he still makes sure to keep in touch with all the boys (minus cartman but he keeps in touch with Butters)
Butters Stotch
(speaking of-)
Honestly? Solid B student
Is probably still the most naive of the group, though he does stick up for himself now
Doesn’t like being called Butters much but Leopald is worse
So he either goes by Butters or Leo
Probably has a knack for history??
Honestly doesn’t do all honors courses, proabbly does honors history and maybeeee honors English
Sucks at math
His parents ground him a lot because of this
So he ends up with a tutor
He goes to the girls’ sleepovers as Margerine sometimes
Grew out of his Hello Kitty obsession :(
(…tbh he was probably into Pusheen at some point-)
Probably has a solid 3.5 GPA or something
Doesn’t graduate at the top of his class but he isn’t the dumbest person in the room
Probably is involved in the theater department
Honestly very artsy??
Probably takes a lot of art classes because he loves it so much
Majors in it!!
Probably minors in history too :)
Hes pretty nice to everyone in his classes and maybe even dates in high school..?
His parents don’t like it though
And he can’t go out much because he gets grounded a lot still
Overall pretty good!!
Tolkien Black
Probably still dating Nicole
Probably competes with Kyle a lot because of academics
Hes in the band
Plays trumpet
Of course Cartman says shit about this all the time, I’m calling it
Him and Kyle do butt heads a lot but honestly I feel like they’d end up being pretty good friends
Still cringed at his old TikToks
Hes probably in most AP/honors classes
Probably majors in music in college?
Or maybe he minors in it
Most likely the latter
He’a your go to study person
He’s pretty nice about it too, he doesn’t shame you for getting the answers wrong
He’s that one kid who has house parties a lot when his parents aren’t home
Mainly because Cartman kept calling him a pussy and saying he had no balls
Doesn’t have alcohol though
Him and Nicole were probably voted cutest couple
Them or Tweek and Craig
He hangs out with Clyde a lot and helps him with his courses
Hes probably class president tbh
Or maybe vice president
His parents donate tons of money to the school
Hes pretty level headed and calm during tests and quizzes
He’s really focused and motivated in school
Overall solid 3.9 GPA
Probably only behind Kyle by very little
And he’s okay with it
He probably goes to some hardcore Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale or some shit
Probably uses music as a side hustle in college to help pay for his classes
He was hellbent on paying for colllege alone, or mostly alone. He didn’t want people thinking he was only at said college because he was rich.
Pretty good overall, 10/10
Clyde Donovan
Clyde…is Clyde
Hes a dumbass
A lovable dumbass big a dumbass nonetheless
Scored so low on his SAT the first time he took it
Cries to Tolkien all the time because of his grades but when Tolkien tries to help him he gets distracted and leaves
He’s that one hella sporty kid though
Definitely captain of the soccer team
Probably in the Gay Straight Alliance for ‘shits and giggles’ but then finds out he’s pan, lmao
I feel like him and Bebe are really tight
They go shoe shopping together
Cries when he loses Kahoot
Uses Chat GDP to talk to girls 🫢
Honestly is probably like-weirdly good at math but nothing else
Calls Kyle and Tolkien his algebros whenever they’re grouped together
(i kinda hdc that he’s in honors math too with kyle and tolkien)
That honors math course saved his GPA
honestly it’s probably a 3.0 or a 3.1
Hes not completely dumb though
He gets a lot of sports awards and stuff
Kinda headcanon Clyde to have dyslexia?
So maybe that makes things a little more difficult for him
Studies better in groups
Gets easily distracted tho
He’s a horrible test taker
Cries whenever he can’t figure out the answer
Overall, he’s kinda mid
He probably goes to college tho
He stays in college for two years before he graduates
He was probably their star football player, so they were probably sad to see him go
But academically, he’s not great
Craig Tucker
Science geek
Mainly Earth Science but any science is basically a second language to him
He’s honestly probably good at English too?? like he’s a really good writer
Hes probably in honors English and Science
He combusts when it comes to geometry and map work
He’s bad with dates
Like he can hardly remember his anniversary with Tweek or his own birthday half the time
He’s pretty good at helping people study if it’s one on one
He’ll bully some people harder than others when it comes to helping them though
Goes after Clyde a lot of the time whenever he comes over for extra help
”Of you would leave I would be sooooo happy.”
He’s nice with Tweek though
Helps him not to panic during tests and such, probably gives him a lot of fidget toys too
(most of which are space themed)
Speaking of, I do kinda headcanon Craig with some kind of neurodivergent condition like autism or something
I kinda feel like space would be his special interest
He mellowed out a lot after middle school, but he still flips everyone off
Thats usually the extent though
His locker is an absolute mess, I already know it
The teachers for the most part like him
He pays attention and such
Probably wears reading glasses, they’re thin though and he doesn’t wear them a lot
Eric third wheels him and Tweek’s study dates a lot too
He studies online using things like Quizlet and stuff
Loves reading
He’s probably snuck out of class a few times, but doesn’t do it often
Solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Probably in the top 20% in his class
Goes to a pretty good college, probably on the west coast like in California or something
He’s pretty good in school
Tweek Tweak
Horrible test taker
Probably has to go to a different room, which just stresses him out more
Tbh Eric probably got him to get high once or twice
It did calm him down but it also freaked Craig the fuck out
Especially because this was during lunch
Tweek was fine, he was just extraordinarily sick and Craig was not happy
The teachers don’t really like Tweek
They think he’s a distraction and a ‘bad influence’ for other kids because of his freak outs
He hogs the coffee machine at school istg
I kinda headcanon Tweek to have acid reflux too?? So his stomach ends up gurgling in class and making weird sounds and the teachers get mad-
And this freaks him out even more because he thinks he’s dying
”Why is it doing that?! Why?! Did someone poison the coffee?! Did the underpants gnomes come back?! GAH!”
He’s hella good in gym class
Tweek on the track team??? anyone???
It helps him burn through some of his anxiety
He probably has a 504 too after his parents kept getting calls about his anxiety
Goes to the school counselor a lot
He probably brings fidget toys to class a lot and often has to give Craig his phone so he doesn’t end up getting hooked in on something some celebrity said and then start freaking out
He’s probably really good at English
Reading helps him forget about his anxiety for a bit
He always has to double/triple check to make sure he hasn’t missed anything
He uses his agenda religiously
Its probably stained with coffee and smells like a mixture of coffee and honey and sweat
His hands sweat and shake a lot during tests
He’s probably barely passing math, Craig helps him through science
He’s alright in social studies
His lowest grade is probably a 75
Craig and Tolkien help him out a lot too
I feel like he studies better one on one though
Too many people in one group makes him feel easily overwhelmed
He probably graduates with a 3.4 GPA or so
Goes to college in New England, he thinks city life will calm him down
Spoiler, it doesn’t
He probably drops out after a year or two before applying somewhere on the West coast to be closer to Craig and some of his other friends
English major and art minor??
I feel like he’s really good at art too
Art helps him vent in a healthy manner
Good student, not great, but good
Wendy Testaburger
Honestly? She’s actually low key smart
She was probably third in her class
She’s very good in math and english
She probably takes all the super hard classes too to ‘challenge herself’
She probably invites all the girls (maybe Princess Kenny and Margerine/hj) over for study date sleepovers
They never end up studying
But it does make for a pretty good time
Shes a really good test taker, but she probably ends up being too hard on herself too
Stan probably (reluctantly) asks her for help a lot of the time too
Social studies is the thing she excels in the most
Especially women’s history
She’s probably in a lot of clubs too, like the community service clubs
Shes secretary of her class, methinks
(I think Tolkien would be president, Kyle would be VP, she would be secretary and Bebe would be treasurer)
Cartman ran but they found out he rigged the votes
She’s all for being just and fair, so this pissed her off to no end
She needs glasses, her eyesight worsened after middle school
So freshman year she got glasses
I can see her doing girls wrestling
Shes probably a somewhat sporty kid, not like Kyle sporty but sporty nonetheless
She’s kind of a geek too lol
I feel like her and Kyle and Bebe are actually pretty good friends
They play chess together lol
Shes actually really sweet to like, new kids and such-probably shows them around
She gets some muscle after wrestling for so long
She also probably does track and field
I can see her being really good in long jumping
She kinda sucks at science though
She takes French
She graduates with a 3.85/3.95 GPA
Probably leaning towards the latter number
She probably goes to the west coast as well, probably somewhere in Nevada or California as well
She does pretty well, she goes to a really good school and probably majors in History and minors in English
I can see her being an English:History teacher
Probably for younger kids though
She stays on Twitch with Bebe and Heidi for hours istg
Shes so sweet, i love wendy tbh
Bebe Stevens
I know her mom is like the dumb blonde stereotype, but I feel like Bebe would be somewhat smart
She’s probably not top of her class but that’s not to say she’s not smart
She honestly is probably in the top 10% of her class
Her and Wendy and Kyle probably do study sessions together
She’s really competitive, so she kinda gets mad if Wendy gets a better score than her lol
Shes really artsy
Took AP art
Shes probably in AP Social Studies and honors English as well
Shes fine with reading, she doesn’t like it, but she’ll do it
Shes really good at math tho
Shes not so good at science, similarly to Wendy
So usually Kyle takes the lead on science during study sessions
She’s that one kid to be like ‘tall the substitute teacher is so hot!’ unironically
Shes hella hood at sewing
She’s probably gonna end up going into fashion tbh
She’s oddly good with money
Treasurer of her class
She probably helps organize prom and homecoming and stuff
Doesn’t date, she crushes around though, but she never actually asked anyone out
She’s really intense ngl, she probably taught Wendy how to fight
She’s on the cheer team
She isn’t a prick though, she’s probably one of the most bubbly cheerleaders out there tbh
Shes also in art club
Maybe does theater too?
She’s in band and choir, she actually has a really lovely voice
She can play flute really well too
Shes pretty smart, solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Graduates and goes to a New England school, like in New York or Connecticut
She majors in Fashion Design and minors in Art
Heidi Turner
She’s not the brightest
Not to say she isn’t smart, she just isn’t very academically inclined
She probably takes a lot of the mythology classes and such
Shes really into star signs and crystals
Her and Craig started a ‘Space Club’ and actually got a few members to join
She kicked Eric out tho
She’s hella hood at Math and English
The rest is history
Sges probably grown a lot since the whole ‘Cartwoman’ incident
And she’s a lot kinder to people now
She’s weird, but a good kind of weird
She gives away crystals as a gift a lot to new freshman
Shes in the choir!!
She actually has a really amazing voice, she’s been doing choir for years
Shes that one senior that all the freshman flock to because she’s the kindest
She stands up for them where they’re being bullied too, tells them to be wary of Cartman
Shes hella short (4’11’’)
So she often gets picked on like ‘aw, someone went into the wrong building!’ or something stupid like that
She’s so sweet though, she’s that one friend who offers to help you with your homework and then just gives you all the answers
She graduates with maybe a 3.6 GPA or so
She probably stays local tbh, for college
Either that or she would go down to New York or smth
Probably gets into a decent school and majors in music
Wait no, she majors in psychology and minors in music
She becomes an art and music therapist, she loves helping people out
i love heidi 🤭
reblog >>>>> liking
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a1sart · 2 months
assigning dsmp characters magnus archives entities <3 are these the entities they're avatars of or the entities they would get killed by? you decide <3 (def not all the characters just whichever pop into my head it's almost midnight gimme a break)
Tommy- Lonely or Vast whichever is more heartwrenchingly terrible in the moment. Lonely bc exile and Vast bc of the tower
Ranboo- Eye!!!!! silly haha reason: eyes of ender and heterochromia, ACTUAL reason: he just wants to know what's going on with the enderwalk man he wants to know and they've got the experiments they're gaining knowledge but at the cost of themself he's so Eye coded ouadfgiahgf (could also be Stranger bc he is a mystery even to himself and also they are half mystery creature)
Tubbo- Desolation. Nukes. making sure he and his loved ones stay safe by destroying literally anything that comes near them <3 also like the cold war vibes of snowchester and the constant overhanging threat of annihilation <3
Technoblade- Slaughter, i kinda feel like this needs no explanation
Phil- End, again no explanation needed that's literally his wife
Wilbur- End, Desolation, Slaughter, Spiral? idk take ur pick I think Spiral is especially fun but not exactly in character. End and Desolation are probably the most in character. Slaughter bc music symbolism
Dream- Web, this one also feels obvious. Could also be Stranger but that's just cuz that iconic smiley face feels kinda Stranger-y
Badboyhalo- CORRUPTION!!!!! ouughghg eggpire arc my beloved <3
Fundy- Spiral? mayhaps? anyone else remember his nightmares those were sick as fuck and like he could tell the future or something and that was passed down to him from Sally anyone remember that?
Sapnap- Desolation. He's a fire dude
George- Corruption. cuz of the mushrooms I think. Maybe Spiral cuz he couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake during that whole XD thing
Quackity- Flesh, he ate that heart that one time that was freaky also I'm still thinkin about the butcher arc sorry las nevadas fans. But also dude was so scared of being prey to someone else's whims and plans that he became the hunter so maybe he's the Hunt or the Web
Karl- Spiral bc of the forgetting <3 maybe there's another one that fits better but the aesthetic of Spiral fits him so well
Literally everyone in the Eggpire- Corruption!!! i can't remember all of em but Hannah and Antfrost were definitely there
Foolish- End. cuz he's a totem of undying and also he was like super afraid of dying
Sam- Buried. Put his ass in the prison lmao
Schlatt- Corruption. There's probably one that fits better but when you think about his declining health and also that it's a joke about him being a corrupt politician I think it works
Niki and Jack- Hunt because they were trying to kill Tommy lol there are probably better ones for both of them. Niki could be Lonely or Desolation and Jack could also be Desolation
Michael McChill- Eye. I didn't pay that close attention to his lore but. Didn't he try to make a record of the entire dmsp lore or try to understand it or something. C!McChill fans what was he doing
Eret- Hunt or Slaughter for the final control room but then she gets kinda Eye coded when she makes the museum. End would be sick as hell but I cannot think of a single basis in the story for this. Maybe Buried for the final control room thing too bc it was a small space but that feels like a stretch
i definitely missed a few characters in there so if anyone has ideas for them feel free to voice them. What did I learn from this? No one on the dsmp was afraid of the dark that's what I fucking learned not a single Dark avatar on there.
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yellowcry · 3 months
Some facts about Garish and Fastened and their compability with canon
Walking Antonío to his door
In garish, Mirabel is still the one to help Antonio, as they do spend time together. She probably takes Antonío as one of her jobs. (And the little guy can sit in the nursery while she fixes clothes that people gave her.)
But as in Fastened Mirabel is pretty much limited in contact with her family, including Antonío, they weren't very close. Which caused Luisa, as the strong one to help Antonío. Again, that's what she does. (Yes, it's inspired by Luisa in TOTS thinking that Antonío asks her for help)
Bruno and stuff
Garish Bruno is closer to the grandkids. He still doesn't spend much time with them, but it's better than in Fastened. Mainly because he feels guilty for the fact that Julieta had left, so he supposingly tries to replace her. It probably doesn't work too good. None of the cold sisters is close to him in the end of the day
Mirabel probably would be the scapegoat in Garish too, but Isabela says "Lmao no" and causes chaos on purpose for attention. Especially when she was younger. Therefore taking the blame. Or calling things out and arguing.
Fastened Luisa wouldn't really have a reason to push the blame onto herself. She had probably got into a bit of arguments when Mirabel almost stopped spending time with her. Mirabel def gets blamed, but as she's close to Alma, she doesn't get in trouble much often and usually gets scolded in private. But again, Alma kinda grew to like her
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sillylittlelemon · 6 months
HELLO!! ok sorry I’m not sure if ur still doing match ups so u can just ignore this if u want but could I get a saiki k and a hazbin hotel matchup <33
- I’m a certified yapper and I will ramble on about my interests for hours
- Im a big people pleaser and I try my best to make everyone around me feel comfortable and appreciated
- I tend to tolerate toxic behaviour just to avoid abandonment
- Im a romcom enthusiast and a bit of a film buff
- I like loads of music and singers but lately I’ve been loving my bloody valentine , salvia palth , alex g and Tyler the creator.
- My love languages are probably acts of service and physical touch.
- My humour is kinda all over the place and Im a sucker for dad jokes and well thought out dirty jokes
- I’m a hopeless romantic and I would probably fall head over heels for anyone who shows the slightest amount of interest in me
Okay- i wasnt sure about your sexuality (or gender) so ill do short headcannons for two characters i think youd fit with (seperatly not poly)
Sorry to my other requests im working as i go- right now tumblr is a passion project so ive gotta feel like- i dunno 'the spark' to actually get it done, but i promiseim trying
ALSO just a warning to anyone who reads/requests saiki k stuff, its been a bit sincei watched the show and also i donthave anywhere ican watch it currently so characters areprobably atleast a little ooc
This chick-
(I make a vauge reference to a little spice in her part but nothing explicit or bad)
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And this guy-
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YES. I know they have totally different vibes but hear me out.
He gives such 'im a big tough guy, but please love me in secret and call me your favorite boy'
she gives such 'im a brat but im your brat and actually i just want love and attention because i look like i would have major mommy issues'
And i dunno it just works
He would def be a cuddle bug once the walls are down and yall have bonded more and your in private(read: MUST be in private bc bb boy is defensive and dont f with pda), i feel like hes the type to hold you on his chest and rub your back (yall are laying on his/your couch or bed) and when he thinks your asleep he starts murmuring under his breath about how he's so glad you got past his walls- about how it means so much to him that you put up with his bs. This def lead to you pretending to be asleep more often so you can hear in words how he really feels, because lets be honest, words dont always equal feelings, and sometimes (i.e most times) he doesnt say it how he means it.
Now HER on the other hand-
All. Over. You.
Lowkey her?
Shes just so happy to HAVE you, right? Like- soulmates or not, youre hers. She adores you. Worships the ground you walk on, praises you breathless in more ways than one. Shes so confident- like... even if she isnt ACTUALLY, she portrays it so well, and she Hypes. You. Up. 24/7, 365. No matter if youre short, tall, heavy, skinny, freckled, dark, pale, or anywhere in between. She is making sure everyone knows youre her girl (or boy or whatever but based on your sentence structure im guessing female?) [NOT MEANT TO BE OFFENSE I SWEAR I JUST IMAGINED YOU BEING FEMALE?] -oh god im gunna get cancelled-
Same here but itll be just generally better bc im more caught up with this fandom lol
He is this
But he wants to be this so bad
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Sir precious for my darling precious
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His love lmao
Sir Precious is 100% angel material (take that sera you bitch 🤟😝) He's just.... precious. Lmao. We've seen how flustered he gets with Cherry and imagine that but like- in an ACTUAL relationship with pda and shit. Like- stuttering, panicking, but also completely soothed by the hand currently resting in his? So many conflicting emotions, y'knowwww... he might need a kiss to get his head straight? Or maybe two? Hmmm, no that didnt work- lets try three, third times a charm right? *cue pentious sly+nervous smile* Would 100% bury his face in your tits/chest (under much encouragement and reassurance even more now that his minions spill the tea that hes been talking in his sleep about this very moment)
-can we talk about the smooth bass in the finale?-
-poor husk, man was singing and smiling like his soul was free-
Why do i feel like this is right up her alley?
Onto Miss Bomb,
She's a lot more brash in her affections. Not afraid to tug you down to her level and suck your soul out through your lips. Def had an emo phase when she was alive (if shes not still in it) She just.. loves you. Like her and angel you guys bicker, but i feel like while youre bickering she has her chin resting on your chest/tits, staring up at you with the slyest smirk and biggest heart eyes known to demon AND man kind.
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leagueofdccm · 4 months
Michelle and Soldier Boy for ship memeee 💕
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! || @twiicetheheart
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Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Fucking. Forever.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I don't wanna say too quick, and i don't wanna say it took forever for them also. least for soldier boy, the second something happens to her that involves dealing with homelander. whether she was hurt-- or just feelings hurt, i think seeing the look on her face--- broken and all, that's when he realizes... that he hates seeing her sad, hurt--- and that's when it hits him that he loves her.
How was their first kiss? - oh my god. you know michi and i haven't talked about that, but i do have an idea of when they first kiss. def think it's when he tells her about his past-- like his real past, and also telling Michelle about his time with the russians-- maybe not entirely, because lbr he's still trying to block our most of his trauma and also probably can't recall what ELSE they done to him. -- but i imagine when he finally gives his name to Michelle, not his supe name. his real name. like letting her in--- fully. which he hasn't done in a long time. and also i think Soldier boy would be the one to make the move first, it would have been soft. despite who he is, cause he's not a soft man-- but with Michelle ? he's definitely got a soft spot for her. It would have been sweet and slow, filled with so much emotion, want & just vulnerable.
Who proposed? - lbr soldier boy would. he's old school. man bs.
Who is the best man/men? - .... nobody. LMAO WHAT FRIENDS ? xD
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - damn idk. starlight maybe xD though she's gonna be like Michelle--- him ? LMAO idk guess we gotta see what bg characters are Michelle's friends.
Who did the most planning? - Michelle would. but why do I feel like she would try to still have him involved in SOME STUFF.
Who stressed the most? - Michelle. She's planning it after all.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -
Who is on top? - soldier boy is top dog-- but that doesn't mean he won't switch to let Michelle *cough cough* ride him.
Who is the one to instigate things? - soldier boy ! LMAO C'MON how can he not ? she's a babe.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - listen soldier boy is a supe, he's never out of energy he's always up for it, and also women can last so ayyye ! these two can go hand in hand-- unless Michelle gotta be somewhere and THEN a quickie is in the works.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - yes, soldier boy definitely is a man when it comes to wanting his women to cum. so yes, he will make sure she reaches climax before him ( which also means he cares about her, putting her needs before his )
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. // SO i think they can be both. cause it's SB and he def would have soft moments with Michelle, but also he's a dirty talker when needed.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - maybe two. soldier boy did say he wanted to be a dad after all.
How many children will they adopt? - none sorry kiddos.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Michelle but don't think she doesn't have soldier boy help-- she makes his ass.
Who is the stricter parent? - soldier boy ? in some parts, and Michelle in other parts. so equal-- but Michelle still would be softer.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Michelle LMAO
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - also Michelle
Who is the more loved parent? - i think they are both loved. but the kids would def be clinging to Michelle more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Michelle. can you imagine soldier boy ? god no.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Michelle. soldier boy @ himself was like : don't you dare cry pussy. don't do it-- fuck I'm crying shit.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - soldier boy lbr. he's like i got you kid, i got you don't tell your mother.
Who does the most cooking? - michelle. soldier boy can't cook for shit.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - i think Michelle. cause soldier boy looks like he has more of an appreciation for good after being in the box for a long ass time.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Michelle. listen soldier boy did it once, and he only got meat/jerky/junk food/beer
How often do they bake desserts? - i think Michelle does it a lot when she has the time. cause she seems like she knows how to bake real good.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - soldier boy loves meat. I see Michelle being our salad girl for sure.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Michelle would be the one to do this. soldier boy though will surprise her-- and try to cook.... :) didn't go well though.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - soldier boy cause he can't cook to save a life, and to take her out and show off his lady.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - soldier boy.... for sure.
Who cleans the room? - Michelle does
Who is really against chores? - Soldier boy lmao !
Who cleans up after the pets? - both do. if they have
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - SOLDIER BOY
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - neither do. cause do they really have people come over ? LMAO.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - michelle. so it's hers now :) !
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - both. both do.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - if they have one i think they would both do it together.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Michelle does it for each and every holiday, and also ben enjoys it cause he's been gone for a long time-- and like i said i think appreciates things more.
What are their goals for the relationship? - stay alive is number one for sure. but also have each other back no matter what.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - neither
Who plays the most pranks? - neither
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time222pretend · 7 months
ok i've been hype as hell for opening day but i wasn't smart enough to draft an intro so apologies bc i'm writing this as fast as i can to get it out on the dash. anyways this is yang hyein aka the yang canon and under the cut is a tl;dr (that's actually long as hell) about hyein (tho tw abuse) and please give this a like if you're interested in plotting!
ok so important part first: libra sun, aqua moon, pisces rising
now the rest: only child of yang sihyuk the current patriarch of the yang family and bc she's a girl she's the last of the yang line so like imagine growing up with that pressure
and tbh her dad like lowkey (highkey) resents her for being born a girl and like tbh bro didn't want to marry her mother anyways so like really was just another strike against her as far as her dad was concerned
and like bro also was very much in competition with park i's father so like the yang vs park competition was INCREDIBLY real in his mind so like again having a daughter by a lady he didn't even fucking want like it was like he lost in a way so like def punished hyein even tho like bro it was your sperm that determined the biological sex but anyways
so like idk growing up her dad def used the bible to enforce his will but also justify his actions and like explain away his like shitty behavior (ie cheating on his wife like abusing his family emotionally and physically bc he's frustrated with his own life)
and like tbh hyein tried very hard to be a very good girl and like present that way bc like if she did she kind of sort of gained her dad's approval but like also she was raised in a way where like ok your dad treats you like shit but also constantly reminds you that you're better than the rest so you need to act like you're better than the rest and be the girl they think you are
and tbh it was a lot easier to be that way as a kid bc she had a mother who like tbh had nothing better to do so she just fully invested into her daughter and was super overbearing
but her mom passes away when she's 12 and like idk the whole illusion kinda like starts to break apart from there bc part of it is like going from always being monitored and like having too much attention to just having none and her dad not giving a shit about her so long as she's out of sight out of mind paired with starting puberty and feeling rebellious and stuff
but like her dad is not about to be actively publicly embarrassed by a daughter he didn't want so like kinda does the whole double life thing where as like you know publicly she's still a good church girl sits in the front pew whatever and like idk outside of church though she starts hanging out with kids she shouldn't (s/o jeongbin, park ii, bae, and moon) and smoking and drinking and whatever and like a dumb part of her kinda thought like ok this is how life is gonna be and in a fucked up way she can be like her dad and present one day and have her private life be that
only like shit kinda never works out that way bc we all know what happens to jeongbin and tbh she never talks about that but like safe to say she was actually in love with jeongbin though their relationship genuinely was kind of fucked up and one of those things where like when you're raised by a bad man you seek out shitty men but she did love him
and idk after her went "missing" i think tbh part of her went missing with him like she got a lot colder and tbh she hardly ever talks about him ever again and like lmao gets engaged to his cousin and keeps it like business is moving but like idt she ever like processed the trauma she just moved on the way she did and the way she knows how to do things is pretend everything is fine and good
only she kinda girlbosses to close to the sun bc like a couple events happen simultaneously, she and park i get engaged, and like her dad has a stroke (which tbh probs from the stress of her getting engaged to the son of his rival but WHATEVER), and she starts having these honestly terrifying dreams of jeongbin being PISSED at her and they feel so real the shit is starting to scare the fuck out of her
and it all culminates bc one day like a little before the wedding she finds this dead fox on her doorstep and it's been mutilated and like tbh i think it was the straw that broke the camel's back for her and pushed her over the edge and she literally was just like "fuck it" stole some money from her dad and just skipped town
and then the subsequent 8 years as far as hyein is concerned are redacted like no one needs to know what she was up to, or what she did or why like if you ask her what went on while she was gone she's just like "huh? what are you talking about" like let me gaslight u into thinking nothing happened even tho like girl you came back even colder than you were before and like you seem more concerned with your position in life clearly something happened
and the something that happened is like a girl who got catered to her whole life had to meet the real world and it was a fucking rude awakening
but anyways she FINALLY comes back to goero in january of 2023 even though she'd been back in korea for a few months and tbh she came back bc like jeongbin's official funeral but also like tbh idk if you've been treated like shit for 8 years suddenly all the shit you went through growing up doesn't seem so bad and like it feels nice to be home
even tho home is like worse in some ways bc her dad has had a few more strokes since she's been gone and her stepmom (we don't have time to get into that girl) and aunt have been "running" the family business and by that like bro running that shit into the ground so like hyein is happy to be home but also like coming in on a fucking mess and at the end of the day it's HER inheritance they're fucking up so like she literally has just stayed in town and like took her dad's spot on the elder council and been fighting with members of her own family to like get control of shit so she can fix it
and tbh incidentally like her taking over for her family's timber business actually ends up helping a bunch of people working at the mill which cool for them she was just fixing the business bc she's been a broke loser for 8 years and she's fucking done with it adn the company was super mismanged but i guess it's nice some people benefit
but tbh like even though she's benefitting people and tbh fr stepping more into her power and the role she has people like def resent her bc girl you've been gone all this time and now you're just gonna run shit like nothing happened? and hyein who in goero was never told no is just like "yeah i am" and not apologize for it
bc if she were a man it'd be fine but she's a woman so like anyways yeah probs has a reputation for being a bitch and like judging by her actions in the past like they're def not wrong like lmao she def takes what she thinks belongs to her no questions asked but like tbh she actually means well and like what not so yeah
i could've added more but this is long as hell so hmu for plotting and i apologize for talking too much i'm just excited
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Are there any members of groups other than BTS you're particularly attracted to?
don't tell Yoongi I like Busan Yoongi (and so many more XD)
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SEVENTEEN's Hoshi and Woozi (Hoshi is the reason I discovered SVT bc of his wonderful dance style, and ofc Busan Yoongi attracted my attention immediately)
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SEVENTEEN's S.Coups (yes, I'm leader line biased, also he's from Daegu and has a great ass... and is smart kekeke)
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TXT Yeonjun (you might know him as "that TXT member Seokjin launched into water" or "that guy that got so drunk on SUCHWITA that he passed out")
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TXT's Taehyun (big boba eyed squirrel-cat who loves Taemin and JK and took care of the drunk guy in that one SUCHWITA ep lmao)
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SHINee's Jonghyun (him and SHINee are the reason I am into kpop to this day, I watched 'Replay' when it was first released and was hooked, his solo music is beautiful and he's cute as fuck)
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SHINee's Taemin (don't get me started on Taemin, I will not shut up)
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RED VELVET's Seulgi (love her sultry voice, her personal style is a stunning mix of feminine and masculine, plus her solo EP '28 Reasons' is def my vibe, hehe)
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MAMAMOO's Moonbyul (the other 92 liner hamster, mixes feminine and masculine styles flawlessly, and her greasy / cheesy humor is unmatched)
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MAMAMOO's Solar (amazing power vocalist with the most random of talents including pole dancing and having a truck license)
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ONEUS's Leedo (insanely deep voice, talented af dancer, obsessed with working out to the point where the stylists only gave him tank tops to wear because he no longer fit into the shirts lol)
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ONEWE's Kanghyun (his guitar solos are divine, his musical talent is off the charts, he's a soft shy bean)
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ATEEZ's Seonghwa (pretty clear why I like this nerd)
not groups but soloists
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CHUNG HA (not only talented herself but her selection of dancers is impeccable, she supports them as much as they support her)
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KANG DANIEL (I've liked him since WANNA ONE and he has 3 cats)
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BIBI (smokey sexy voice, cute as hell fr, listen to 'Sugar Rush' + 'BIBI Vengeance' and it's obvious why I'm so into her)
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strawberrywindow · 7 months
Hey if you’re doing that ship thing….. Justin Hammer and Emil (or) Emil and Jen
Oooooh I will do both lol!
Justin and Emil
Ship It
1. I have complex feelings for this ship bc I also really like them as just platonic shitty best friends but when I do ship them I think they're very cute together in a lowkey toxic way. 😂 What made me ship them was thinking that they're essentially the evil version of the science bros ship (Bruce and Tony) and how funny it would be at how horrified Bruce and Tony would be if these two dumbasses who are both convinced they're Bruce and Tony's arch rivals started dating. And then I actually got attached to the ship, it started off as mainly crack 😂. Another big attractor was chatting with you about your Justin and Emil bc they've got some wonderful chemistry going on in your rewrite 🤧
2. My favorite thing about the ship is how opposites attract it is lol. Since we've got smarmy, fancy, CEO asshole meeting super soldier actual (reformed) nutcase who mutated himself into a monster for fun. The opposites but then also the similarities bc at the end of the day they're both wildly insecure with enormous egos and they're both sluts for money and attention. Like I feel they'd be 10/10 conmen together once they're both out of jail 💀 But those similarities also can allow for some softer parts in the relationship too bc they understand each other better than anyone else what it means to throw your life away for a revenge fueled whim and wind up taking the fall for even the stuff that WASN'T their fault. Also definitely still not being over the people that drove them to such lengths in the first place. Like they def talk mad shit about Tony and Bruce together. It's healing 🤗
3. Unpopular opinion is probably just shipping them in general agssgshdhfhf, neither of them are very popular lmao but that's why i like them. The rare pairs are always the best 😭
Jen and Emil
Ship It
1. These two make me feral, I love them so much. 😭 The She Hulk show made me ship them bc I really enjoyed how much these two genuinely seemed to grow attached to each other. Emil seems so appreciative of Jen helping him and then at the end there's the moment he protects her from the Intelligencia guys. 🥲🥲 And then Jen similarly becomes attached to him, she takes him up on his offer to come back to his ranch anytime if she feels she needs a break from the real world and then she is legit hurt that mans has been violating his parole behind her back. 🤧 I think she wants him to be better than he is willing to currently try to be, he's working on things still 💀, which just adds another layer to their relationship. I like to think if Emil has any shot at being actually redeemed in the MCU it's going to be through how he cares about Jen which just warms my heart so much. And while mans can be an asshole he's always been nothing but kind to Jen and she absolutely deserves a guy who's going to treat her well 🥲🥲🥲
2. My favorite things about the ship are how soft it allows them both to be. And also the angle of how Bruce is gonna handle it bc him being okay with Jen defending Blonsky in court is a lot different than this dude dating his cousin 😒😒😒 🤣 But mainly for Emil and Jen I just really love the idea of a more romantic relationship being a very good thing for them both. I think IF there is a person Emil will be less selfish for in canon it's probably going to be her (unless Nadia winds up being introduced in the MCU) and I think Jen would do well with being with someone that's going to move heaven and earth for her bc in She Hulk currently she's still pretty insecure when it comes to dating due to prior shitty experiences. I want her to be loved fr fr 🥲🥲 And then again, also the funnier side of things where there's the possibility of them being a couple but on opposite sides bc there's a lot of shenanigans that could ensue from that, like at some point mans will need to get a new lawyer if he doesn't shape up 😂.
3. Unpopular opinions uhhhh probably considered so by anyone who thinks that Jen can do better than Emil, which she definitely can lmfao but again, I've not seen many people also ship this, only a handful and most people who ship it seem just as in it for the vibes as I am so I'm not sure if I have any unpopular opinions for it 😂
Thank you for the ask!! Sorry for going off on a whole ass rant 🤣❤️
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Babes, i need to know what’s up with heather holloway lmao! Why are you do obsessed with her? Its def not a bad thing, just curious :)
I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE, here’s why i love Heather :)
One major thing is the injustice and lack of acknowledgment she gets from the fandom. ST3 came out in 2019 when fake feminism was on the edge of retirement, not kept quite as in check as it has been since 2020 *shoutout to drew afualo and the mass of people who decided it was finally time to defend women and female characters*—i know if she had been introduced in st4 she would have gotten the love and defense she deserved like Chrissy has—stemming in this case from the hate Heather and her actress received from billy fans back then because they interpreted her as a possible love interest for him and hated her into pretty much non-existence. Some people had the audacity—and still do—to approach her actress and tell her she looks plain and not very pretty. She’s got a decent amount of screen time, a pretty badass role as an unwilling side villain and I cannot figure out for the life of me why she’s forgotten about. Especially since she was a pretty big part of the plot for ST3. The fandom treated her very much so like the older women at the community pool did.
And it just breaks my heart that two younger girls Heather didn’t know were the only ones in the entire town that noticed she was missing and cared enough to notice something wasn’t right with her (not even her parents noticed she was different, though you can see with their comfortable family portrait that while they might not have known her very well, they still genuinely loved her and she loved them) and when she didn’t show up to work, none of her coworkers gave a fuck about her. So, that tells me she wasn’t really popular.
It wasn’t until after st4 came out and i rewatched the entire series, that i developed my obsession with her because i noticed my absolute favorite thing about her: she’s not anything special, she’s just a teenage girl who wasn’t popular, didn’t grab the attention of her hot co-worker, wasn’t his love interest, sat down with her mom and dad for dinners and was criticized by older women for simply existing. She was a normal teenage girl, just like i was. And it’s kind of self-deprecating to admit it, but there have been plenty of times where i thought if i would have gone missing, no one would notice and it made me really sad to notice that was the case with her.
I also love the symbolism with her being a lifeguard and how she went to Billy’s aide when she thought he was in trouble, even if it got her killed in the end. Don’t even get me started on the fact that her occupation is one that makes people need her (always have to have a lifeguard on duty), makes me think she might have gone for the job because of that. She’s not popular, doesn’t have a whole lot of friends but now she’s needed somewhere, she’s got a place. And the experience i got with Eddie was very similar to the one i got with Heather, I honestly thought she would survive. El and Max were trying to save her and everyone, so surely if the main characters were trying to help her, she’d prevail, right? No. She died a horrible, gruesome death.
And other than a quick name drop in st4, she was forgotten about. There was no Nancy like character to seek revenge on her behalf, no Joy Byers character to mourn her loss, no Murray character in her life to miss her as a friend. She’s just gone.
Naturally, what with me favoring the underdogs, I feel the need to protect and defend her, and maybe give her some justice. Which is why the Reader in Cruel Summer is based ENTIRELY on my interpretation of Heather, I actually debated on just writing a Heather/Eddie fic, but I was pretty sure it’d go largely ignored because it’d be about Heather, and i was afraid more people would hate her if I paired her with Eddie, so I went the Reader route. But all those character traits about Reader in it, Reader’s portrayal, everything, is how I imagine Heather Holloway. She deserved so much freaking better. If you try to scroll through her own damn name tag, you’ll find she’s still somehow barely in it. VERY FEW, and i mean FEW edits, pictures, anything about HER. IN HER OWN TAG! It’s been almost five years and you can still barely find a trace of her. Even KEITH gets more recognition. Fucking Keith who doesn’t have a last name and has less screen time in all of stranger things than she had in one season of it.
YEAH. WHEW, that’s a lot. That is a lot of information. But thank you for letting me rant about her, again lmao. Anyways, everyone pay more attention to Heather.
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hakubunii · 1 year
hiiiiiiiii it's me carlee but tumblr makes me use my main for asks 🙄 bunny if u got to dress up any of the hakuoki characters in sanrio character themed outfits or onesies who would you have wear what 👀👀👀💖
Hiiiiiiii Carleeee!!!! Thank you so mf much for the ask! I’m actually so excited to answer this and am so glad you brought the idea to my attention. I’m gonna think of outfits but also treat this like it’s a Hakuouki Sanrio collab- I also wanted to try to use different characters from the ones we usually see with Sanrio collabs.
Here’s the ideas below:
Chizuru (and consequently Kaoru): Sugarbunnies- Shirousa and Kurousa. They are twins and Kaoru would be Shirousa, the older twin, while Chizuru would be Kurousa, the younger one.
I would dress Chizuru in an oversized, brown sherpa fabric sweaters with pastel pink leggings. The hood of the sweater would have floppy rabbit ears with pink detailing. They’d both wear pink converses. Kaoru would wear a similar outfits but the sweater being white with darker pink accents. I love Sugarbunnies, they’re so cute and also Kiki and Lala aren’t the only pair of twins from Sanrio!!
Hijikata: I wanted to pick a character that isn’t used much but I think Kuromi would be really cute! He’d probably refuse to wear anything too cutesy but might let me put him in a purple button up shirt. He’d just wear white pants but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t wear a Kuromi headband!! Specifically, I’d have him dress like the purple variant of her. She’s a little mischievous so I think he’s be on her ass lmao.
Okita: Masyumaro! Souji HAD to get a cat character! I think he’d wear white pants with a white, slightly larger, button up shirt. One top of the button up, would be a large, orange sweater vest. To emulate his bow, he’d would wear shoes of the same color. Ofc he’s in cat ears. You’ll find I’ll add animal ears to any given outfit in this.
Saitou: Hangyodon!! I desperately want more merch of this character and of Saitou! I would put him in a onsie of him too- it’d be really cute haha. Like Saitou, he doesn’t express a lot of emotion. Like Saitou, he’s still super cute. :)
Harada: Hanamaruobake!!! Omg! It’s be so so cute! He’s a little white ghost who treasures his giant red, pencil. He matches Sano’s color pallet perfectly and even has something that resembles his weapon. Hanamaruobake is shy but he really likes superheroes and loves encouraging his friends. He and Sano have the latter in common! I also think he’d think Sano was cool! Anyways, I’d dress him in themed t-shirt of him! He might wear red pants with it but I’d mostly want to give him a headband with a cherry on it to look like Hanamaruobake’s.
Heisuke: Usahana!!! Omg it’d be so cute and it’s not just ‘cause she and Heisuke are my favorites. She is so special to me! Her story is that she wanted to go play on a rainbow by a lighthouse but kept stopping to help her friends. After doing this, she saw all of her limbs were a different color of the rainbow! Her favorite season is summer and she loves sunflowers and orange sherbert. I’d throw him in a hoodie that matches her colors- it’s kind of look like one of those color block hoodies. I’d probably put him in normal jeans and yellow socks. As for the bunny ears, he’d DEF have a headband of them. I’d throw the orange flower in his hair just to be silly.
Shinpachi: Kobuta no Pippo!! Mostly because of his green shirt haha! I think I could convince Shin to wear a onsie of this character- mostly if I give him food. Pippo loves surprises, games, and playing with his friends. This reminds me a little of him haha.
Yamazaki: Chococat!!! He’s probably wear a black sweater and black pants and cat ears. I wanna put a blue collar on him like how the mascot has but that felt…odd…so he’ll wear a blue belt. Chococat’s whiskers work almost like antennas and is often the first to know information- I thought because Yamazaki gathers info, it’d be a cute match.
Souma: Little Forest Fellow!!! I’d put him in a matching hat to the characters and a big brown and white sweater!!! He’d also have a charm of the little guy somewhere. I think he’s think the little dude is so so cute.
Iba: Cogimyun! He’s think she’s so cute! She a flour fairy that wants to be a rice all! She crumbles into a pile of powder when she’s upset. He would be very protective of her!!! I don’t exactly know how I’d style him- I think I’d put him in matching headpieces to hers. I think I’d just have him in a white shirt.
Sakamoto: Chibimaru! He’s a cute lil puppy. Put that man in puppy ears rn!!! I think he’d just wear a brown jacket and a shirt themed to the character! He’d also wear normal pants.
Kazama: Lloromannic! I was going to choose them for Chizuru and Kaoru, but I think I’d just give Kazama both of them. They are also demons. He’s probably wear black to match them and a top hat with wings to look like Cherry, the pink one!! He’d also have horns like Berry, the black one. Now that I think about it more, it would have been really cute to use them for the oni twins but it’s okay.
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skepsiss · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @strangersteddierthings, I've never even thought about half of these questions, so.... we're gunna go on a journey together. I MISSED SEVERAL QUESTIONS LMAO. LEMME UPDATE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18 (I only post like 1/3 of my fics on AO3)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
66,922. I pay such little attention to this kinda stuff xD
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A lot... and a lot more than what is listed on my AO3. If we're friends I'll literally just message you a 2k+ fic in a DM for funsies.
Stranger Things (TV 2016) (8)
Overwatch (Video Game) (5)
Teen Wolf (TV) (1)
Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) (1)
Critical Role (Web Series) (1)
Promare (2019) (1)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) (1)
DC Comics / Batman (Tim Drake / Kon-El)
Orphan Black
Marvel (Steve/Tony)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Basket Ball Shorts
Roadrat: The Fire that Covered the World
The Comfort of Warmth (Lio/Galo)
Fifty-fifty (Roadhog / Junkrat)
Perspective (Caleb / Essek)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. As soon as I see them I will reply with a thank you or to engage with someone's question/musings/etc.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Roadrat one. It's been a while since I've read my work, but The Things They Lost is a Roadrat fic where I explored a bunch of like... when Junkrat lost his arm and stuff like that. Brutal, tbh. Next closest is my Alucard (OT3) Castlevania fic where he is BIG SAD about Trevor and Sypha not being there. Nights Spent Alone.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
UUuhhhuhuhuh..... I mostly write sad shit LOL. Milkshakes has a happy ending. It's a 2 part modern-day Steddie fic about the boys asking each other out on a date over Instagram.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've never seen any hate on my fics before.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhh, yeah. I do. PWP or With Plot. I like full stories that have smut that BELONGS there, but then we've got just straight-up PWP. That is what Basketball short is tbh.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, never written a crossover. I've written lots of AUs though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Dunno how I'd figure that out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. Dunno what that would look like tbh.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie; for right now. My other top 3 are Harley/Ivy, Tim/Kon-El, and Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
NO IDEA. Lol, all my unfinished WIPs are either ones I have no interest in finishing (Roadrat), or ones I can complete faith in being able to finish (Steddie)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speed. I can compose a story very quickly and put it together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I never promote myself/share. I'm really bad at sharing my works. Additionally, I'm bad at finishing things before I lose interest.... eep.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Uuhh maybe. I def have some Ancient Greek and Latin in my up-coming Robin (Stobin platonic) fic.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm not sure... maybe Batman (Tim/Jason or Tim/Kon). I RP'd A LOT from ages 13-18 and had like 5-8 rps going at once for a whole bunch of fandoms. (Naruto, OCs in the Star Wars universe, Tim/Kon, and more I can't remember atm).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooohhh, I dunno. I'm bad at picking favourites. Right now I'm pretty proud of my Because I Want You Steddie fic. It's Steve and Eddie as 30-year-olds with kids. They broke up in their 20s and are trying to get back together in their 30s. Eddie has a complete breakdown in it, but Steve is there to tell him that he loves him.
I don't think about this stuff at all xDDD Fic writing is just a pass time for me. This will be the first time EVER in over 18 years of writing fic that I've EVER participated in an exchange/Big Bang. I'll tag @medusapelagia @oh-stars @br0ck-eddie @kallisto-k
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sungbeam · 2 years
here to flood your inbox with the questions✨
3, 4, 9, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, (IM SO SORRY FOR STEALING SO MANY NUMBERS BUT THESE QUESTIONS ARE SO GOOD), 28, 29, and 34
signing off with love
- ash
ash jie !!!! tysm for ur ask ^_^ and omg ty for the influx of numbers hehe <3
fanfic writer asks
3. What's been your most popular fic this year?
oh it was definitely my beomgyu drabble mine !! it was the fic that got me a ton of my followers and it's my first post to reach 1k and 2k+ notes which was super exciting :')
4. What piece of writing are you most proud of?
find my answer to #4 here!
9. What's a scene you wrote this year that you're particularly proud of?
hmm kind of a hard question cuz sometimes i think i'm a genius and other times i think a scene just doesn't work 😭😭 but ,,, i'll say i remember being super satisfied w lost at sea the pilot episode/chapter for my *cough* unfinished riptide!mark lee series ha,, haha
15. Are there are other writers or artists who have inspired you?
OH MY GOD SO MANY (´Д⊂ヽ i'm just gonna name drop :') @ethereal-engene ofc, @loveliestfelix @korijime @jaehunnyy @leejungchans @goldenhypen @/maijunejuly @petrichor-han @tranquilpetrichor @justalildumpling @polarisjisung @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l probs many more as well ksfbkenf but thank u all for being such amazing people who light up my dms and dashboard and make me want to keep writing and dreaming :')
18. Do you have a fic that you wish received more attention?
lmao a few tbh so i'll recommend a few 😁
— cruel summer (kim seungmin)
— the cage (yoon jeonghan)
— in all your endeavors, forever (kim hongjoong)
— 11:22am (jung sungchan)
19. What was your favorite comment, or piece of feedback this year?
definitely has to be ash jie's full review of in all your endeavors forever like having a whole post dedicated to a very through review of MY OWN fic just,,, omg it just made my day fr like woah mind-blown yk? so thank u sm jie :'( 💖
but in general, any feedback or comment just makes me so warm and fuzzy and excited !! once, someone told me they came back from the dead to remind people that i was one of the best writers here and tbh i could cry 😭😭😭 ??
21. Not a question, but a challenge! Say something nice about your writing!
*panics* UHM!! i,,, like that i've been improving in the description department? idk bro (´Д⊂ヽ like i'm trying to be more patient with my descriptions and i def have some work to do w solving my white room syndrome, but i think i'm getting better w touchy feely emotional things lol
23. What fic did you enjoy writing the most?
i actually really enjoyed writing the fics with crack/humor in them a lot! i write a lot of angst and i do enjoy writing that too, but i also love writing banter sm
will specifically mention this jungwon fic and this nct dream fic tho
28. What is your favorite story or chapter title you came up with this year?
OOH !!! uhhhhh i really like "cruel mercy" (wip), "bird hunt" (wip), and "dear chan, have you ever been in love before?"
29. What was the funniest comment or piece of feedback that you received?
AHAHHAHA when i posted the one beomgyu drabble for my october mini series, almost all the reblogs were talking abt how tf were those cheesy pickup lines attractive 💀🤡 tbh only beomgyu could make corny ass pick up lines attractive but yuh ✨ also whenever em rbs my stuff, she's so funny sjfnejfbj like i once posted a fic at 2am and she rb'd w smth like wait y aren't u asleep beam (ignoring the fact that she was also not asleep 💀)
34. What's the weirdest thing you researched for a fic?
LMAOO i don't think i remember half the things i google while in the moment tbh 🤣 but i vividly remember going down the rabbit hole of cheerleader positions and stunts for this one wip bc idk what any of that cheer stuff is called (´Д⊂ヽ and i think soon i'm gonna need to spiral down the dance rabbit hole too @_@ like figuring out waltzes and tangos and what that one dance intak did for isac :')
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