#she could have said no you're reading for Ryan
generalwildcat · 1 year
Disney in 2008: No, Ryan is not gay. Disney in 2019: Sharpay is trans.
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purple-babygirl · 6 months
welcome baaaack! i missed you so much
i've been here since forever and i remember a very long time ago that you promised us insecure chubby bucky. i never forget and i'm still waiting for him (when you get time for sure). i would love to read that whenever you right it! otherwise i'm really happy you're back again.
much love purple<3
Pairing: Insecure!Chubby!Chef!Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Word Count: 4,180
Summary: Bucky runs into his ex, who manages to mess with his head, bringing his insecurities to the surface again. His girl takes it upon herself to show him how perfect he is.
Warnings: 18+ content, bullying (sort of), fat shaming, negative self body image, insecurities, intrusive thoughts, mentions of cheating, a little crying, a little angst, smut, unprotected vaginal sex, cum, multiple orgasms
A/N: Nonnie, omg, you have been here a long time! I love and appreciate you so so much and I can't believe you stuck around for so long wow:"💜💜 Thank you so much for existing and for being here you're the reason I don't wanna leave again💜💜💜 Here's one insecure chubby bucky for you, I hope you like this one and that I did a good job💜 Thank you again ilyyy, please enjoyxx💜💜(y'all i think i forgot how to write smut what is wrong with me)
perfect to me
“I’m so sorry, baby, I have to run,” she told him after checking her phone, pecking his lips and taking quick steps down the aisle of the large store.
Bucky smiled, taking another fruit plate and placing it in their cart. His girl was such a hard worker and he couldn’t be prouder.
It was going to be Christmas soon and his girl was still working hard so Bucky was going to make her the best holiday food she’s ever tasted.
He was focused on picking the freshest cranberries when he heard a scoff, a very familiar one.
“Hey, Ryan,” Bucky sighed, not really wanting to ruin his good mood, as he turned around to meet a face he knew too well.
“What does she owe you?” said Ryan, tilting his head with a smirk.
“There’s no way this chick is seeing you. I figured she must owe you and is just paying her debt!” He smirked further, not even trying to hide his gloating when he saw that his words still had an effect on Bucky.
“My relationship with her is none of your business.” Bucky’s voice was suddenly low as his eyes stared down at the contents of the cart.
“But my relationship with you is.” Ryan put a finger under Bucky’s chin but the latter took a step away.
“We don’t have a relationship. You cheated on me, remember? I was too fat for you.” Bucky’s shaky voice moved nothing inside Ryan. If anything Ryan wanted more.
“And now you’re too fat for her.”
“Shut up. She is nothing like you.”
“Really? Do you even know where she goes when she leaves you? Where she is right now, for example?” Ryan smirked.
“She got called into work and had to run to the office.” Bucky knew he owed him nothing and if he was in his right mind he wouldn’t have went through a conversation with Ryan at all, but he wasn’t.
“How are you still so naïve?” He laughed heartily as if Bucky’s misery was actually amusing to him.
“Leave me alone.” Bucky tried to push the shopping cart and walk away, but Ryan stepped before him.
“I didn’t know your publisher lived in an office.”
“What are you talking about?”
“She leaves you to go fuck your publisher. You know him, black guy, sexily built, very handsome.”
The words left Bucky feeling lightheaded as the world seemed to twirl around him. Could history be repeating itself? No, not this time. His girl was not like that.
“I saw her coming to his building with him.”
“How’d you even-”
“I wait tables in the restaurant across the street from his apartment. I didn’t know she was with you but damn are you lucky you met me today!” Ryan laughed insensitively.
“It’s probably someone else.”
“I think I know what your publisher looks like.”
“You’re lying,” Bucky chocked out, trying to get out of Ryan’s way.
“You don’t sound so sure about that.” Ryan tilted his head again with a smug smirk, poking Bucky’s tummy, “you know why? Because deep down you know she’s too sexy for you. Because you look at her and then at yourself and you can’t figure out why she’d want you. Because you know that sooner or later she’s gonna get tired of your fat ass and—”
“My life now is none of your business, Ryan. You left. You chose to go, so stay gone.” Bucky’s weak voice interrupted, shutting Ryan right up before he sped out of the store, leaving the groceries behind.
“You’ll come back to me when you see for yourself!” He shouted after Bucky, but he didn’t stop nor turn back.
The questions he had raised in Bucky’s head, Bucky had no answers for them himself. Why was this sweet girl with him? What did she see in him? Anyone who met them thought the same thing: they didn’t belong together. So what did she see differently? What was Bucky bringing to their relationship? Could he even satisfy her? Could he keep her fulfilled?
He thought the days where Ryan messed with his head were long gone but he was obviously mistaken. Ryan could still easily hurt him. He could still make him feel as large as an elephant yet smaller than an insect. The dagger he’d planted was in so deep that Bucky couldn’t feel anything but the pain the stab brought.
His ex’s words plagued his mind. They took over and drowned out his girl’s voice, pushing it to the background.
All of a sudden, Bucky was very aware of his size, of the way the couch made the slightest sounds under his weight, and the way his girl could fit her whole self on one of his thighs if she wanted to.
“Bucky bear?” A hand on his cheek pulled him out of his thoughts.
Suddenly, he hated the words she nicknamed him with. Bear? Is that how big she thought he was?
“I was asking if you wanna go shopping for last minute gifts with me tomorrow,” she repeated, smiling sweetly, her fingers brushing a few hairs back and behind Bucky’s ear as she yawned.
Bucky’s new cookbook became a best seller after one week of release and the publication house was throwing the amazing chef a party.
She couldn’t be prouder and she wanted to support Bucky all the way. She loved Christmas and now it was going to be even better with this event added to their memories.
She was going to go all out for her man and he didn’t even know it. It was going to be a huge surprise and she couldn’t wait to make it happen.
“Yeah, why not,” Bucky replied, faking a smile back.
“What were you busy thinking about?” Her thumb traced his stubbly cheek as she frowned worriedly.
For a wonderfully successful cook, Bucky didn’t look so happy.
“You,” he answered with the truth though his eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually would at the thought of her.
“What about me?” Her smile returned as she stared lovingly at Bucky’s face.
“Why are you with me?” Bucky couldn’t hide the sorrow in his voice if he tried.
“What?” She sat up straight in his lap as her face fell.
“Please don’t make me repeat the question.”
“Buck, where’s this coming from?” Her hands cupped both his cheeks.
“I just don’t get it.” He shook his head, swallowing as his hands removed hers from his face.
“Don’t get what?!” She placed her hands on Bucky’s chest instead, refusing to let him push her away.
“Why you’re here!”
“I’m here because I love you, what’s hard to get, baby?”
“Do you really love me?”
This was serious. She’s never seen her boyfriend look so broken.
“James, what’s going on?”
“Answer the question, plum,” Bucky requested, the back of his fingers stroking over her cheek, knowing this was probably the last time he would get to touch her soft skin.
“Of course I love you!”
“Then why do you leave me to go meet Sam and then lie to me about it?!” Bucky unintentionally raised his voice.
There were so many emotions overwhelming her and none of them was pleasant.
She was shocked, hurt and dejected. Bucky has never raised his voice at her before.
 “What were you doing together last night? And the night before and the night before that?!”
“Bucky, you’ve got it all wrong.” She shook her head, heartbroken that Bucky would think of her like that.
“Please leave.” He slid her off his lap and stood up, turning his back to her.
“Bucky.” Tears pricked her eyes.
“Leave, plum.”
“Bucky, me and Sam were—”
“If you won’t leave then I will.” Bucky sped to the door, grabbing his jacket from where it was hanged.
The last thing he wanted was to cry in front of her too. He’s already shown his weakness once; never again.
He ignored her calls, ready to run out of the door and let his legs take him far away where he’d have to hear no lies and could no longer get hurt.
“James Bucky Barnes, don’t you dare walk out on me!” She blocked the door, preventing Bucky from exiting the apartment.
Her eyes glistened with yet to be shed tears as her heart pounded in her chest. The mere idea of losing Bucky for any reason terrified her more than anything else.
She loved the man with her heart and soul and would go to the ends of the Earth for his sake. Why couldn’t he see that?
“I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise but… your book is a best seller. Me and Sam were planning you a party to celebrate. We figured if we met at the restaurant it’d ruin the surprise so I saw him at his place after work.”
Bucky stared at her dumbly.
“You can call Sam if you don’t believe me.”
“Oh.” Bucky felt like someone’s just dumped a bucket of cold water over his head; felt like an absolute idiot, “oh, plum.”
“I’m sorry I kept it a secret, but I’m not sorry I wanted to do something nice for the man I love.” A tear rolled down her cheek and her lower lip trembled, “and I’m really sad with you for stalking me and doubting me like that. I didn’t expect that from you, Bucky… and I’m hurt.”
“Sweet plum-”
“You can leave now if you still want to.” She took quick steps to the bedroom, leaving Bucky at the door.
It wasn’t often that she and Bucky fought and it was never something that couldn’t be solved within an hour. He could never bear to see her upset, let alone let her go to bed mad at him.
“Plum,” Bucky softly knocked on her door, swallowing the lump stuck in his throat, “can I please come in?”
But this was big.
Bucky has doubted her love for him. He has insulted her loyalty and ruined everything because of his insecurities and the poisonous words of a man who never cared for him.
She opened the door for him in a heartbeat, her face soaked in tears.
“No, no, sweet plum.” Bucky took her in his arms, praying to the deities she wouldn’t repel from his touch.
“You pushed me out of your lap.” She sobbed, her chest heaving and her forehead pressed to his shoulder.
His accusations hurt but the fact that he pushed her away somehow hurt her more.
Bucky couldn’t help but let his tears fall as well.
How could he be so thoughtless? She was the one good thing in his life and he almost let her go. No amount of restaurants he could open could make him feel as happy as a smile from her would.
He could write a library and collect every prize ever known to humankind, and she would still be the best thing Bucky has ever won over.
“I’m stupid, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” His hold tightened, engulfing her smaller frame in a desperate hug, “please don’t cry because of an idiot like me. I’m sorry, sweet plum. Forgive me, baby.”
“Why’d you do it?” Her sad eyes looked at him in question, full of confusion yet void of bitterness.
“I- sweet plum-” Bucky didn’t know how to answer her question because now that he looked back, he could see how stupid it all was.
Why did he follow her for 3 consecutive nights while she went to meet Sam instead of just trusting her? Why did he choose to believe and trust in Ryan’s words and not her love for him? Why was it easier for him to imagine her with someone like Sam but impossible to think of her with someone like himself?
“It’s because I’m a big idiot,” Bucky replied.
“Please forgive me, plum.” Bucky pecked her temple.
“Tell me what happened.”  She demanded softly, wiping Bucky’s own tears away and kissing his chin.
“Nothing happened, sweet plum. I got inside my own head again. I’m sorry, baby.” Bucky lied with a sad smile, too ashamed to admit Ryan’s words almost had him ruining the best relationship he’s ever been in.
She nodded understandingly, her hand cupping Bucky’s face as she rested his forehead on hers.
Bucky would tell her when he was ready. She didn’t want to stay mad at him. She knew he had issues with self confidence and she wasn’t about to make him feel even worse. He would come to her when he was comfortable. Bucky would tell her on his own.
“Please stay.” She whispered, her teary eyes heavy with sleep, yet afraid to go to bed and have Bucky leave after.
“I’m not going anywhere, sweet plum.” Bucky kissed her forehead, taking her by the hand to their bed.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” Her soothing voice whispered, filling the dark room.
Bucky was laying wide awake, Ryan’s words playing in his ears over and over again. What he did to his girl and how he made her cry. All the messed up shit he did just hours ago gnawed at him and took the sleep away from his eyes.
“I ran into Ryan,” Bucky finally replied, unable to sleep while he’s hiding something from her, “he filled my head with thoughts about you leaving me for Sam, and I let him.” He admitted to the ceiling, hesitant to meet her eyes.
“I would never leave you,” she promised him without reluctance, cupping his face and making him look at her.
She wanted him to see all the love her eyes held for him with no shame.
“Please don’t. I will lose the weight, I will—”
“Wait, what? He told you I’d leave you because of your weight?” Both hands were back on Bucky’s cheeks, thumbs wiping under his eyes.
Bucky nodded.
“And you believed him?”
“It’s why he left me.” He shrugged.
“Bucky,” she sighed.
“I know I know. It’s what’s on the inside that counts—”
“Don’t talk as if you’re not physically breathtaking!”
“No! You have no idea how handsome you are, do you?!”
“Plum, you don’t have to say such stuff.” Bucky shook his head sheepishly and regretted it when he saw sadness cover her delicate features.
She quickly shook it off, scratching her forehead before taking Bucky’s hand, helping him sit up in their bed.
“Sweet plum, what are you doing?” Bucky asked when she started moving the covers down his torso.
“Gonna love on my man. Would you let me, Bucky? Can I love on you?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet.
Bucky nodded, hypnotized by the adoration shining in her eyes and she started to undress him.
Her eyes never left his as she took piece by piece of clothing off, revealing his beautiful figure to her, her smile only faltering when she bit down at the sight of her man in all his naked glory.
Bucky’s body was lit up under the soft moonlight coming from the window, helping her appreciate every curve and inch.
This gorgeous human being was his and he was hers.
“You’re so fucking sexy you take my breath away,” she moaned, slipping out of her own sweater, “and I don’t just mean the way you make me cum so many times until I have to fight for oxygen.” She brushed her lips on his.
Bucky was speechless. He could only stare and try not to lose his own oxygen.
“Keep your eyes open for me, Buck.” She pecked his lips once and he opened his eyes at once, not even realizing he’d closed them in the first place.
She smiled at how fast he followed the instruction, leaning back on the headboard and licking his lips.
Bucky’s groan when her bra hit the ground made her giggle. She slipped out of her panties, leaving herself bare before Bucky’s eyes.
“Come here, plum,” Bucky’s arms reached for her but she shook her head.
“This is about you, Bucky Bear.”
She climbed on the bed between Bucky’s legs, her hands wandering along his shins, thumbs caressing up his inner thighs. She bowed forward, peppering kisses on Bucky’s soft flesh.
“I love your thighs,” her lips moved higher and higher, the tiny kisses and nibbles driving Bucky crazy as he tried not to touch himself, “love how thick they are. So strong. So perfect. I would ride them all day if you’d let me.”
Bucky whimpered when she accompanied the honest words with a bite, leaving her mark on his pale flesh.
“And that ass,” she moaned, her hands sliding underneath Bucky, pulling his legs up and cupping his ass cheeks.
Bucky’s shy gasp made her smirk. He was so precious she could eat him. Maybe she should some day…
She let Bucky’s legs settle back on the bed and kept kissing up and up, skipping his twitching cock on purpose and placing wet kisses on his tummy instead. Her eyes locked with his and Bucky bit his pink lip.
He looked so beautiful, blushing, disheveled and turned on like that. His pupils were dilated, his cheeks rosy and his breath uneven; she was falling in love with this chef all over again.
“I love your tummy so so much,” her tongue dipped in Bucky’s bellybutton and the flush spread from his cheeks and on to his neck and chest.
Another moan slipped from his lips as her warm tongue lapped at his skin. She was full on licking him now.
Her words were romantic but the way she was loving him was driving him insane.
“I love to feel it against me when we hug,” she kissed his right side, “I love when you let me rest my head on it and I get to hear you breathe and feel your heartbeat,” she kissed his belly, “I love how it warms my back when you spoon me. And I love feeling it pushing against my ass when you take me from behind.” She pressed a final kiss to his left side.
“My favourite has got to be your cock though.” She gave his leaking dick a single pump and his hips were already bucking off the bed, “I’m a sucker for this cock, baby. Literally.”
Bucky was too busy whining when her mouth wrapped around the crown of his cock to call her out on her bad joke.
His whole body was on fire with need for her. He needed her to do something, anything.
“Plum, please. Let me get you ready. I need you. I need to be inside you.”
Bucky didn’t want to cum in her mouth, not this time. He needed to be buried deep inside her and he wasn’t sure how long he would be able to last.
“I’m ready,” she said, situating herself on top of his cock, rubbing the tip on her wet folds, letting out filthy mewls at the feel of him against the lips of her pussy, “always ready for you, baby.”
Before Bucky could argue that he should at least make sure she was prepared to take him just in case, she was pushing the tip of him in, stretching herself out on his cock with her head thrown back and her mouth open in a silent scream.
“Fuck, plum, so tight,” Bucky groaned, feeling her pussy grip every inch as soon as it disappeared inside her.
When she has completely impaled herself on Bucky’s cock, she stilled, taking a minute to get used to the stretch.
No burn has ever felt as good as the burn she got when Bucky’s dick split her in half. Getting opened on this cock was her favorite thing in the world.
She dragged her lips along his stubbly jaw as she waited, kissing all over his face, savoring the moment as sweetly as possible as if the head of Bucky’s cock wasn’t almost touching up her cervix.
Her open palms glided from around Bucky’s neck to his shoulders and down his arms until she reached his palms.
“and those hands, I think you already know how much I love your hands.” She chuckled as she continued and Bucky nodded, squirming below her.
“I love when you hold my hand; makes me feel safe; chosen,” she rolled her hips, making Bucky groan wantonly.
“I love how fast you can make me cum on the fingers of your left hand.” She whined when Bucky’s hands dug in her sides as she moved on him, surely leaving bruises behind.
“Fuck, plum-” Bucky was so close so fast and he wished he could last longer but the movement of her body on top of his, the words leaving her mouth and her walls snug around his cock were too much.
“I love you. Every inch, every part. I love all of you, Bucky.”
Bucky groaned in reply, chest heaving as he watched her take him.
“I love every part of you. I crave your touch like my lungs crave air.”
Bucky involuntarily thrust up, making her eyes roll.
“Oh Buck!” she wailed, Bucky hitting her favorite spots so good.
He couldn’t stop his hips from meeting hers every time she came down to take his cock over and over again, eyes glued to where he was disappearing inside of her.
“Nothing could ever match the feeling of being filled up of you, Bucky.”
“I love you, plum ahhh fuck,” Bucky moaned, overwhelmed by emotions and ready to burst any second.
“I love you too, Bucky bear. You’re my everything; my one and only.” She kissed him hard, thighs shaking around his body as she came on his cock.
Bucky couldn’t help but let go himself, cumming harder than he has ever before, filling her up with so much cum until he felt it leak out of her despite having her plugged on his softening cock.
She moaned at the warmth of his cum, shuddering when it seeped out of her.
“Fuck, plum,” Bucky sighed on her shoulder, breath still shaky.
She giggled shyly, burying her face in Bucky’s neck.
“Where did that come from?” Bucky asked, cupping her cheek so he could look at her.
She was glowing, smiling at him so innocently as if his cock wasn’t still buried deep up her leaking, pulsing pussy.
“From here.” She pointed to the spot between her breasts.
“Right here?” Bucky leaned forward to press a kiss on her hot skin, making her laugh as she nodded.
“I love you,” he whispered on her lips.
“I love you, Bucky. I love every tiny detail about you inside out. Nothing will ever change that.” She promised, seeing his eyes soften once again, insecurity dissipating.
“Thank you, plum.” Bucky hugged her close, kissing her shoulder and the back of her neck.
“Thank you for letting me show you how much I love you.”
“So you love my cock huh?” Bucky teased.
“Buckyyyy,” she whined, trying to get away as her face heated up.
“No, say it.” Bucky bit his lip, looking at her with a smirk.
“You know I do. Stop.”
“No, plum. I don’t know anything.” Bucky shook his head trying to act serious, “say it again.”
“Iloveyourcock,” she mumbled, trying to take herself off his cock.
“What was that, plum?” Bucky thrust upward into her and even with a soft cock he could make her make the sweetest sound.
“Hngh, I love your cock, Bucky,” she moaned, throwing her head back.
“Hmm, how much?” Bucky swirled his hips, feeling himself get hard again.
“S-so much,” she admitted as his cock stretched her sensitive pussy.
Bucky held her close, turning them the other way around and gave a deep push when he was on top, his cum making the filthiest squelching sounds as she screamed an “oh god”.
“So much you’d let me take you again?”
“Yes, yes,” she nodded frantically, not wanting the man to stop his thrusts.
And he wasn’t going to.
Bucky’s tummy pinned her down as he pressed his lips to hers, eating up her squeals as he pounded her into the bed, showing her how much he loved her.
“So you really don’t care about my weight?” Bucky asked, supporting his body up on his elbows as he stared at her glossy eyes.
She could barely remember her name as she tried to come down from the other two orgasms Bucky has just given her, his body still on top of hers, but that wasn’t a question she needed to think about the answer to.
“I only want you okay and healthy, Bucky. If you’re comfortable, I’m comfortable. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Otherwise, you’re perfect to me,” she told him with a shrug, pushing his wet hair behind his ears, “every little thing about you is perfect.”
“I love you so much, plum.”
“I love you more.” She smiled, heart fluttering at the look he was giving her.
“Not possible.” Bucky kissed her lips, “not possible, plum.”
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etherealhannie · 4 months
( oneshot ) ،، lipstick stamp ،، ⌇ 승철
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pairing .ᐟ nerdy!seungcheol × mean!fem!reader genre .ᐟ college au , crush word count .ᐟ 0.7k song rec. .ᐟ fall in love alone - stacey ryan
click clack click clack
the sound of clacking heels fills up the bustling hall, as the red chunky heels steps on the marble floor, leaving trace of her present. it belongs to nobody other than her, the infamous chwe y/n.
with her sharp tongue and sharper intellect, she ruled the academic scene. professors admired her brilliance, but peers tread carefully around her acid wit. beneath her icy exterior, a butterfly lives in her snowy garden.
a guy named choi seungcheol has been her main attention. he was everything she wasn't. a quiet, introverted and intensely focused, he excelled in his studies with a passion that burns the desire in y/n to have him. his faded-orange hair, thick glasses, good baggy fashion sense and habit of pouting his lips when scrabbling in his ever-present notebook only added to his nerdy charm.
or when he rests himself on a tree, closing his eyes and listening to music with wired earphones, as wind gently messes his soft hair. only God knows how heaven he looks in your eyes.
you halt your steps when you reach the study booth, where he likes to spend his time. a grins stamps on your lips, as you confidently walked up to him with a cherry flavored lollipop in your mouth. as the distance gets nearer and nearer, you can actually feel the nervousness take over. damn y/n, just do it!
once you're actually in front of the table he studied, you knock on it as he's too focused on his notebook, unaware of the surroundings. as he started to move his head from the book, to your white lacy tights and up to your face.
the urge to not kiss him when his pouty lips and his doe eyes looking straight into your orbs. Lord, have mercy on me. his thick eyebrows frown, puzzled by your presence.
that one word almost makes you squeal like a giddy girl. you keep your posture straight and cross your arms with the lollipop in your hands. you lean your side on the wall.
“i need your notes from our previous lecture.” you declared, though it was more an order than a request.
“why?” he asked, genuinely puzzled. “you didn't miss a lecture today.”
“just give them to me.” you snapped, rolling your eyes.
with a sigh, seungcheol handed his notebook that he reads previously. as you took it, his fingers brushed briefly against yours, sending a jolt through you. you turned your heel and marched away, leaving a confused seungcheol staring after you.
later that evening, you sat in your dorm room, seungcheol’s notebook open on her desk. you couldn't help but admire his meticulous handwriting and detailed notes. it was then that you noticed a small, doodled heart in the corner of one page, next to a formula that we had discussed in class. the sight made her smile.
mom, your daughter is really in love right now. you close the notebook and laid on your bed, still smiling like crazy.
gosh , what a man you are, choi.
the next day, you returned the notebook. you found seungcheol in his second favorite spot, library, buried in a stack of books. without a word, you dropped it on the table infront of him. he looked up, surprised to see her.
“thanks,” he said awkwardly.
you nodded and turned to leave, but then paused. a sly smirk pasted on your lips as your hands rummaged through your bag and pulled a tube of bright red lipstick. seungcheol watched, bewildered, as you applied it with practiced precision. before he could say anything, you leaned over and pressed your lips firmly on against the cover of his notebook, leaving a bold, red imprint.
“there,” you said, as your voice sounds softer than usual. “a little trace of mine”
seungcheol stared at the notebook, then at her, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson. “why… why did you do that?” he stammered.
you shrugged, a small smile playing on your lips. “maybe i wanted to leave my mark on what's about to be mine. see you around, cheollie.”
as you walked away, seungcheol was still processing what just happened. the nickname, and the red lips mark on his notebook. he touched the lipstick mark, a smile creep on his face. for the first time, he saw beyond y/n’s harsh exterior to the complex, intriguing person beneath. what have gotten into you, choi seungcheol.
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
the jokes weren't funny. - connor bedard ☆
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wc: 627
tw: filming, drama, sadness, mean comments
ryan leonard x ex oc
connor bedard x oc
death by a thousand cuts au
frankie hughes felt like she couldn't catch a break for the life of her.
no matter how many times the girl thought her life was finally getting better, it only seemed to turn around and smack her right back down.
she sat in the las Vegas hotel room in tears as she read through the comments about the latest TMZ article that, of course, had to do with her.
someone had filmed her and connor outside the bar last night as they waited for their Uber, and the video was quite interesting, to say the least.
it started off with the two of them drunkenly dancing around from the muffled bar music, obviously intoxicated, which seemed to cause a stir amongst the media, seeing as they were both underage and were supposed to be 'role models'. it only got worse because the two young adults seemed to forget they were in public and made out with each other against the wall a little later on into the video.
the comments were brutal, and she couldn't help but think she deserved every single one.
what happened to her and ryan? they were so cute.
omg she's cheating
puck bunny at its finest
leonards too good for her anyways
why do i ship
maybe it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but people still believed she was with ryan. they hadn't given anyone to believe they were over, they hadn't unfollowed each other or removed the pictures of each other from their social media, so it was understandable why the world thought she was a cheater.
she had definitely felt like one. her heart still belonged to ryan, but she was sure he would want nothing to do with her once he caught sight of the video.
she felt completely helpless, so she resorted to doing nothing but curl up into a ball and cry. wondering why the hell she was the way she was.
she was cut off from wallowing in self-pity when her manager, darcy, called. knowing it was going to be nothing but a scolding, she answered because she most likely had a solution.
"hello?" she answered a bit timidly.
"hello. I'm assuming you've seen the video, and I'm calling to tell you it's going to be fine. you were bound to have a scandal at some point; I'm just happy it isn't rehab yet. anyways, we have two choices, we can put out a statement on your behalf, or you unfollow and remove every picture of ryan from your feed," darcy rushed out.
"I don't- I don't want to do that," frankie said, feeling tears begin to sting her eyes. she felt like that would make the breakup so much more real, and she knew she wasn't ready to do that yet.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, honey. you're still on the rise, and a big scandal this early into your career won't go well. it's better to put out the fire before it gets bigger," darcy explained to her.
"I just feel like it will blow over if we, like, let it," Frankie said.
"it wouldn't just blow over! unless..." darcy thought as frankie waited. anything would sound better to her at this point.
"i mean, i would have to get in contact with his team, but I'm sure they'd be on board. the internet loves a good crossover, just look at taylor swift and travis kelce-"
"what?" frankie asked, confused as to who or what she was saying.
"we could make the public think you and ryan have been separated for a while now," she said
"and how would we do that?" frankie asked, scared to hear the answer.
"you get into a pr relationship with connor bedard, of course!"
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thegildedblogger · 2 months
IS RYAN CONDAL OK ? or is his life mission to torture GRRM. How can you bring in the creator who publicly is against certain scenes and keep making the same mistakes. Who are these characters. Maybe the book is unreliable but GRRM has talked about Daemon and Aemond in interviews. This is not Daemon (this so called badass man is subjected to Alys, who he met one week ago and doing nichts over there)
Why do Rhaenyra and Alicent have the weakest dialogue for such a "progressive" show ?
And I treat progressive within quotes because it's obvious to me they don't know what to do with black characters.
Corlys is treated as standard and honestly comical deadbeat absentee black father, Rhaenyra will only acknowledge Rhaena and Baela when she wishes to use them but admonishes Daemon for using her, Rhaena was going to be lady driftmark but now that Luke who was a bastard is gone, Rhaena seems to not matter. They made the Velaryons black to treat them like this ? Cole has gone up in rank, Mysaria has gone up in rank, everyone got an upgrade except the Velaryons. Rhaenyra truly was the doom of that house and overlooking that considering they're also black characters now is so gross.
Also I thought nothing truly was happening during this season.
Characters will talk but say nothing, they will have the same dialogue each episode, Daemon and Harrenhall is an example of that ( his character arc in the same place as it was in ep 1).
Also Mysaria's plot is giving Joker. She said she wanted to stop the fighting pits meaning she has a plan for the people with no gain from it. And her story is fake. Mysaria has been pregnant before, way after she escaped from her father. She only "opened up" the moment Rhaenyra started sulking which is every episode, she didn't think she could win the war so Mysaria put herself in a position of power now that Daemon is gone because she cloked her, she knew Rhaenyra is moved by her romantic partner. She saw with Daemon on that bridge and she saw it in her behavior with Alicent. But people are eating it up instead of looking a the flaws of the show.
It's so bad, I've have seen people grasp at straws like Alicent getting sliced in the same place than Rhaenyra, what kind of breadcrumb symbolism is this.
If you watch the show or have read the book, you're allowed to have an opinion. It's so awful how Got fans sinked the show because it didn't have a How to train your dragon ending but are cool with this.
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brighteyes-things · 25 days
Deadpool/ wolverine as thing's me and my friends have said or heard
So it's been a while since I've written anything, and me and my friends now have the poolverine, dead claws.... wolverine and Deadpool itch
So in honor of our collected brain rot, these are some random things that we've heard/said that we think Deadpool or wolverine would say. Yes this will be updated as more things are said
WARNING: cursing, somewhat sexual jokes, mention of alcohol
Wade Wilson (Deadpool) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
"I wasn't expecting to get turned on by a shirtless Hugh Jackman but God damn I'm not complaining"
"I don't feel fem boy enough, I need more eyeliner"
"I'm not a furry, but I'd fuck a man with cat ears"
*While sipping something* "you think I can use my boobs to hold this?"
"he's giving emo babygirl"
"you must FIRMLY grasp the booty"
"I can't just leave the house, I have to get my big boots on"
"you can't just slap my ass and leave"
"IM A MAN" *buys the pink strawberry skin care set from bath and body*
"I'm very gay and not afraid to kiss the movie poster to prove it"
"you ever think Slenderman is trying to recruit us for something"
"NO, no more black veil bride music, I'm not suffering through your emo phase again"
"I swear Batman only owns an adoption center just in case someone dies and he needs another mentally ill orphan"
*breaks a cabinet door just for gummy bears* (yes this happened by accident)
"I'd rob hot topic for those lollipop razor blade earrings"
"I know I'm mentally ill, I watch bluey and cry"
"I have to beat the fem boi allegations"
"I don't know why but I feel like I give off beta vibes"
"you'll never believe the ABO fic I just read"
"she's becoming an animae obsessed fan girl, it's a canon event I can't stop it, OH GOD SHE DISCOVERED WATTPAD"
*while watching crime TV* "this man needs to be put to death, he didn't eat the chocolate frosting on the cupcakes"
*while looking in the mirror* " I love my slutty man hips"
Logan (wolverine) 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
"I've become the caretaker to everyone, and I don't know how to feel"
"Ryan Reynolds could run me over with a truck and I'd apologize after I curse him out because...I GOT RAN OVER STILL"
*sees an animal on the side of the road* "poor kitty"
"fanart definitely scares me sometimes"
*gets kissed on the cheek* "that's GAY"
"you can't just eat the cup to get to the last drop of coffee"
"just how long is your simp list now, and why am I on it"
"that's unamerican, un-lawful, and downright not patriotic"
"no I don't wanna know the details of what you and your partner did, I'm trying to eat"
"stop trying to throw stuff in my boobs, it's annoying when I find crumbs of cookies in there"
"how did the least qualified of us, somehow graduate first AND have a baby in the span of a year"
"how'd I get rejected from Hooters?"
"you're an omega and you know it"
"your the reason they started bagging the peaches at Aldi's"
"how the hell did you burn yourself with a candy cane?!"
"it's only alcohol abuse if you spill anything"
"You're not a god, you're just dehydrated and read too much fanfiction"
"it's only gay if you don't have socks"
*staring at a pet rabbit* "that little demon is purposely chewing up my shit and you know it"
"did you just John Cena the clothes"
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do-it-for-the-fandom · 2 months
Tuesday October 9th, 2012.
One thing she had always been oddly proud of was her ability to detach. No matter what was going on in her life, she had always had this uncanny ability to put it aside and focus on whatever it was she needed to focus on. It came in handy both at work and in her personal life. She could stuff just about anything into some hidden compartment of her mind, all but forgotten about until she was ready to address it again.
Or, at least, that was what she had always thought. But now, as she stood in a stall of the 4th floor bathroom at the precinct with her palms pressed to the wall, keeping herself steady as she sucked in each ineffective breath, she was beginning to question whether or not she had ever been able to detach as well as she thought she had.
It had started with an innocent question. How's Castle?
She rattled off the usual answer: he's fine, keeping busy writing, being his usual pain-in-the-ass self. Then she cemented the lie with her best smile.
"Well, tell that pain in the ass that we get it." Espo gestured between himself and Ryan. "We aren't total jerks, we understand the new relationship, want to spend all your time together bliss-"
"But he promised us unlimited Madden," Ryan added with a playfully-disapproving shake of his head. "He's letting the team down."
Beckett rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm sure your wife appreciates the fact that you're not wasting all your time playing video games, Ryan," she said pointedly.
Ryan shrugged. "She doesn't mind. It gives her a chance to watch her shows or read her lovey-dovey books," he explained. "Besides, that's not the point. The point is-" he hesitated and Beckett smiled.
This should be interesting.
"It's Bro Code. You don't bail on the boys," he finished confidently.
Esposito nodded enthusiastically. "Never bail on the boys," he reiterated. "Not even on your death bed."
The words hit her like an iron fist to the gut, knocked the air from her lungs.
"Why would you say that?"
The boys looked at her, confused.
She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly, tried to mentally reset, tried to tuck that flare of raw emotion back into it's little corner of her mind. But it fought her, kicked and screamed and clawed it's way free. Tears stung behind her eyes and her anxieties began to build up in her throat.
"I'm sorry." The words came out a breathless, trembling whisper.
Before they could say anything, before they could ask if she was okay, she rushed off to the bathroom. There she had stayed for almost fifteen minutes now, trying to calm the beating of her heart, to ease the fear that kept her hands shaking and her head spinning.
Castle wasn't dying. He couldn't. He wouldn't do that to her.
Still, Esposito's voiced echoed in her mind like a cruel taunt. Not even on your death bed.
Did he know something she didn't?
She heard the bathroom door open and she covered her mouth with her hand to try and stifle her shaky breaths. She listened to each step as the person on the other side of the stall moved closer, until they stopped outside her door.
"Detective?" the gentle yet authoritative voice beckoned.
Beckett let out a breath and wiped her tears. "I'll, uh- I'll just be one moment," she said.
"You have two very concerned partners standing at the door not letting anyone in." Gates waited a beat before continuing. "I understand that you are a private person, Detective. I respect that about you. I don't like to advertise my personal business, either, but sometimes-" She sighed. "Sometimes, when the people we love are unwell, we bottle things up too much."
Beckett unlocked the stall door and opened it, just enough for her Captain to come into view. Gates was leaning against the ceramic basin, her arms folded in front of her chest. If it weren't for the sympathetic smile on her face and the softness in her eyes, Beckett would think she were about to be lectured like never before.
"How'd you know?"
"Last week I stopped by the hospital to visit a friend," Gates explained. Her voice was soft and understanding, almost nurturing. "I saw Mister Castle come out of the oncology ward. He had a patient ID wristband on."
"He didn't mention seeing you."
"I don't think he did."
Gates stepped away from the sink, gestured to it with the wave of her hand.
Beckett stepped out from the safety of her stall and turned on the tap, filled her cupped hands with cold water and splashed it over her face. The water felt like ice against her overheated skin, but it felt good, it shocked the breath back into her lungs. She curled her hands around the ceramic basin and closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply.
In, two, three. Out, two, three.
When she opened her eyes again, Gates was holding out paper towel for her.
"Thank you," she muttered quietly as she accepted the proffered towel.
She dabbed the towel to her face, hyper-aware of her Captain's watchful eye.
"Anything you need, Detective," Gates started after a few moments of silence. She placed her hand on the detective's shoulder and their eyes met in the mirror's reflection. "You just let me know."
"Thank you, Sir."
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bjorkncaddel · 11 days
location: private clinic date: 30 & 31, October ✧ Halloween
𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐃 because she wanted to go to Halloween parties, but she couldn't. Or even go clubbing. At the least, she got a decaf, spicy latte which is something she was craving. Ryan had left early, and she was reading a book this time, unable to sleep. The blonde felt a contraction, and she left the book aside and imagined it was the normal one… The ones her body is preparing for the birth. Minutes later, she felt a soft contraction… And she was ignoring it. And the pain came back all over again, from the contraction stronger this time… She called the nurse, explained what was happening, and warned her that Neva was going to have the babies now. ❛ You're fucking joking, right? ❜ The blonde inquired when the nurse shook her head and went to call her doctor and the team that would help her.
She lay in the side, groaning softly with the pain from contraction, and called to her husband. ❛ Ry, I'm having the babies now. Just come, please… ❜ She spoke with pain in her tone and turned off the call. Her phone was in her bed, and the battery was full, Ryan had charged when she was asleep, he was always doing it. ⎯ Her doctor arrived, to check on her, and gave her instructions. She needed to be 10cm dilated to start the procedures. ❛ We will give you your Epidural. ❜ He assured her, watching her feeling pain, in case if the plans would change. The nurse gave her the epidural, and she was waiting for Ryan. Neva gripped one of the nurse's wrists. ❛ I want… My husband. Or a lawyer. ❜ The nurse looked at her and cackled. ❛ Lawyer for what? ❜ ❛ Divorce, if he did not show up right now! ❜ The nurse cackled at her words, assuring her that her husband would move mountains to be at her side. The nurse was the one who helped Ryan to snuck her cat inside of her room. She could sense her distress… And caressed her head, Neva hadn't left her grasp on her wrist. ❛ Open your mouth. ❜ Neva did what she said, and she put a pink macaroon to de-stress the blonde, she had picked the box of pink macaroons from Neva's room because she needed to eat anything that made her happy and avoid stress. She'd hand it to Ryan when he stepped into the room. The Swedish blonde let it go off her wrist and ate it softly, moaning and starting to sweat, her cheeks were crimson from the heat of her own body.
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dragonydreams · 5 months
Fic: I choose you as my man - BuckTommy
Title: I choose you as my man Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinnard Summary: Buck wants another date with Tommy before the wedding. Timeline: post 7x05 Word Count: 1,382 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Century Fox Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: Title from "Take Me As I Am" by Wyclef Jean from Love, Actually soundtrack
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Buck couldn't believe he had as many butterflies in his stomach as he did as he adjusted the placement of the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. He glanced up at the television to where the movie was waiting to be started. 
He grabbed a couple of coasters and set one on either side of the popcorn bowl because he was an adult and didn't want rings on his table from when the beers that were still in the fridge inevitably began to sweat.
He didn't know why he was so nervous. It wasn't like this was the first time that Tommy had been to his loft. Then again, this was the first time he was coming over for a date. 
He felt the smile begin to grow as he thought back to the last time Tommy had been here. To when he'd turned Buck's world upside down with that kiss. The kiss he hasn't been able to stop thinking about since it happened.
He really hoped that they would kiss again tonight. And boy, did he feel fourteen years old again, just hoping for a kiss. 
Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Buck smoothed down his polo shirt and hurried to the door.
"You're here," Buck said, holding the door open for Tommy. A thrill raced down his spine as Tommy gave him an appreciative once over. One he couldn't stop himself from returning.
"I'm not too early, am I?" Tommy asked, stepping inside. 
"N-No, you're right on time," Buck answered, closing the door. "Go ahead and sit on the couch and I'll grab a couple of beers."
Tommy's rich laughter boomed when he saw the TV. Buck grinned to himself as he hurriedly opened the beers and joined him.
"You've been talking to Howie about me?" Tommy guessed as he accepted the beer Buck held out for him.
Buck dipped his head and looked up at Tommy through his lashes. He heard Tommy's quick intake of breath at the gesture but ignored it. "Well, he has known you the longest."
Tommy's bright eyes dimmed a bit. "Yeah, I was a different man back then," he said.
"Don't worry, he told me that, too," Buck assured him, reaching out to squeeze his - very muscular - arm.
"How'd that conversation go?" Tommy asked, somewhat nervously. 
Buck gestured towards the couch and they sat, both turned to face the other.
"I pulled him aside during a slow period at work and told him that I was bringing you as my date for the wedding," Buck said. 
"I wish I could have seen his expression to that announcement," Tommy said. "I wasn't out to anyone when I was with the 118."
"This was also how he found out that I'm bi, since I'd never been on a date with anyone who wasn't a woman before you," Buck admitted.
"And you chose a fire station as the place to come out to him?" Tommy asked, eyebrows raised. "Howie can't keep a secret to save his life."
"Which is why he was the last one on my team that I told," Buck said. "Not on purpose, but it just kinda ended up happening that way. I was kinda almost hoping that Maddie would let it slip, but unlike her fiance, she can keep a secret." Buck paused, then rushed to say, "Not that I'm keeping  us a secret. I'm not ashamed that I'm bi, or to be going out with you. After all, I'm bringing you to my sister's wedding. To Chimney!"
Tommy reached out and rested a hand on Buck's knee and squeezed. "Relax, I didn't think you were."
Buck took a deep breath. Not just because of how good it felt to have Tommy's hand on his leg, but also to release some of his nervous tension.
"Anyway, once that news sunk in he was so excited that we're going out and couldn't wait to share with me some of your favorite things," Buck said, glancing at the TV. "And I figured that since we missed the movie last time, that we should start with one of your favorites." 
"Have you seen it?" Tommy asked, resituating himself on the couch to better face the TV.
Buck grabbed the popcorn and remote and did the same, scooting closer to Tommy, but with a couple of inches still between them. 
"I used to watch it with Maddie," Buck said. "She loves it, too."
"But you don't? We can watch something else if you don't. I'll have lost some respect for you, though," Tommy teased.
"I do," Buck confirmed. "Who doesn't love a movie about people falling in love and the hope that being in love inspires?"
"Exactly," Tommy agreed, stretching an arm out behind Buck on the couch as he settled more comfortably. 
Buck eyed the arm behind him and just grinned to himself, having pulled that move himself way too often, pleased to be on the receiving end of it. He felt the heat rise on his cheeks. 
He raised the remote and pressed play before setting it on the coffee table.
As he sat back, he spread his legs just a bit so his knee was lightly pressing against Tommy's. The other man didn't say anything, but Buck felt him press his knee a little more into Buck's in acknowledgement. A pleasant shiver ran down Buck's spine as Tommy brushed a thumb against Buck's shoulder.
Buck glanced at Tommy from the corner of his eye and he was smiling. Whether that was because of Buck's reaction or the movie, Buck wasn't entirely sure.
He grabbed a small handful of popcorn and tossed it in his mouth. As he automatically began to lick the lingering butter and salt from the palm of his hand, he suddenly realized that he'd forgotten napkins. He leapt to his feet to find Tommy staring hungrily at him. 
"I-I forgot napkins. For the popcorn," Buck stuttered. 
Tommy looked from Buck's buttery lips to his fingers. "I think I can help with that," Tommy suggested, reaching out for Buck's right hand; the left still holding the popcorn bowl. 
Buck blindly set the popcorn on the table as Tommy pulled Buck back down next to him, much closer than before. 
Keeping his eyes on Buck's, Tommy sucked one of Buck's fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue around each one until it was cleaned of butter and salt. 
Buck could barely catch his breath as he watched Tommy suck each of his fingers clean. His dick took an interest as well, suddenly wishing for Tommy to suck that appendage as well. It took all of Buck's effort to not glance down to see if Tommy was enjoying this as much as Buck was.
"That was so hot," Buck breathed when Tommy finished. 
"Oh, I'm not done yet," Tommy promised. 
He reached out with the same two fingers as last time and pulled Buck into a kiss.
Buck whined with relief to be kissing Tommy again, letting himself rest the hand that had just been in Tommy's mouth in his shoulder, his fingers digging in as Tommy's tongue flicked against his lips. He parted his lips and they both moaned as Tommy's tongue brushed against Buck's.
When they pulled apart a few minutes later, Buck panted, "This isn't why I invited you over tonight."
"You sure about that?" Tommy teased.
"Well, not the only reason," Buck admitted. "I hoped. I really hoped. But I also just want to spend more time with you."
"You don't hear me complaining, do you?" Tommy asked, running his fingertips along Buck's shoulders and upper back.
"N-n-noo," Buck said with a shuddering breath. "How do you do that to me?" he muttered quietly.
Tommy chuckled. "I remember what it was like when I first admitted that I was attracted to men."
Buck's wide eyes met Tommy's smiling ones, his fingers running down Tommy's arm. "Is it like this for everyone?"
"I can only speak for myself," Tommy said. "But in my experience, when you click with the right person, yes."
As if to prove his point, Tommy leaned back in and captured Buck's mouth again. 
It was a good thing that they'd both seen the movie before.
The End
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dw19791967 · 7 months
That Type of Girl Part 3
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, angst, mentions of torture, mentions of self-hate.
This is the third fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
What does one wear to church? I wouldn’t know since I never really went as a kid and as an adult well, once you know who God really is, it can be hard to get past that. 
I decided on a long oversized maroon sweater, black leggings, and boots. I never really was a heels girl. Sure, I could handle a wedge or boots with a chunky heel, but I definitely wasn’t the type to wear six inch heels. I decided to leave my hair in its natural state, but I did twist my bangs together and pinned them back. I can’t braid, no matter how many times I have tried to learn. So twisting two pieces together is my go to, especially to get hair out of my face. I applied my regular makeup routine. I do it for me, not to impress people. I may be overweight and unappealing in other aspects but my makeup is something I am proud of. Years of practice have helped make it easy, and quick.
I walked out of the bathroom ready to go. “Alright boys, let’s do this.”
When we arrived at the church not a ton people were there. There was a small group gathered. A few women, they seemed to be in their late 20’s and a couple of men who seemed to be around the same age.
“Ok Y/N you ready? Remember, Dean and I will be here if you need us. We are going to try to scope the place out a bit” Sam looked at me. I am glad he was confident in my people skills, cause right now I am not. I do fine talking with people I know and even strangers. But the pressure of trying to force a conversation can be a struggle sometimes. And since Dean didn’t seem too confident in my skills earlier, I have been dreading this. How is it that the man who is supposedly my best friend, doesn’t believe I am capable of doing something I have done a hundred times before. 
“I guess.” I started heading towards the group of people.
We just arrived back at the motel. Sam sat down next to me “Well we found nothing, we checked all over the place. Nothing suspicious, no sulfur or EMF.” 
“Yeah and all the single chicks were a bust too.” Dean smiled.
Of course he would be worried about chasing tail.
I sighed. “Ok, I talked to a group of people at the church. They mentioned a guy Sarah worked with, his name was Ryan not sure on last name (Sarah was the most recent victim). They also mentioned Sarah had a crush on a dude at the church, Marshall. And last one, she had talked to Rick quite a bit at the church. One of the ladies said Rick has just been in town the last 2 weeks. Something seems off with Rick, but I’m not really sure what.” I looked over the case files again. I always like to make sure I am not missing anything.
“Well since we are at a stand still, I say it’s time to hit the bar. We need a break from researching and thinking.” Dean stood up.
“Maybe you're right, we can take a break and come back to it later.” Sam looked at me. “What do you say Y/N?”
“I think I’m going to stay here, try to figure out what is happening. Something is wrong in this whole equation.” I kept reading the files. I am also not in the mood to see Dean flirt tonight. But I will keep that thought to myself.
“Well party pooper, call if you need us.” Dean patted my shoulder. 
Maybe a break from the boys will do me some good.
I had just changed into a t-shirt and took my makeup off when there was a knock at the door. I figured one of the boys was back and forgot their key.
“I swear you guys can’t survive without me.” I headed for the door.
I cracked the door open. Rick. What the hell is he doing here?
“Hi Y/N, I hope you don’t mind me stopping by. I just wanted to check on you and see if you maybe needed anything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. A nervous tick maybe.
“Um, I appreciate that. How did you know I was here?” This is weird for sure.
“Oh my aunt owns this motel, so I checked with her and she said you were here. She also mentioned you had two guys with you. Are you going to let me in?” He smiled at me.
“Uh, I guess.” I grabbed my knife and stuck it in the back of my leggings. A girl can never be too safe.
“So who are the guys here with you, brothers?” Rick made his way into the room.
“No, just friends. They came to be supportive. Can I get you a beer or water?” I had told the group of people at the church I was a cousin of Sarah’s, since she had no family in town it was an easy lie.
“I’ll have a beer, thanks.” I handed him the drink. “So where are your friends?”
“Out, they should be back shortly.” I was getting nervous. Something was not right here. 
“Oh I doubt that Y/N. You know Dean always enjoys working on his night moves.” Rick's eyes flashed black. Next thing I know everything went black.
Oh I am so screwed.
“Wakey, wakey sunshine. God, I can’t believe how stupid you are for a hunter. Who the hell lets someone they barely know into their hotel room?" Rick poked at me.
We were in an abandoned warehouse. I was cuffed to a chair. This wasn’t exactly how I planned on my night going.
“Well, what can I say? I’m prone to making stupid decisions. So why don’t we just cut the foreplay. What do you want? ” I smiled.
Whack. Damn. I almost had forgotten what it was like to get the shit knocked out of me.
“You know, all of the women I took. There was nothing exciting about them. I mean they wonder why they are single. Maybe it’s because they are so damn boring. But you, I mean besides being overweight and homely, there's a certain spark to you. And once I found out you were a hunter, well you had to be my next victim.” He smoothed my hair out.
“So are you doing this for shits and giggles or is there a bigger agenda you are playing into?” He made his way over to a table and brought back a knife. Great.
“Oh sweet Y/N, of course I am doing this for me. You see, I have played by all the rules and followed the main man's plan. But it’s time for me to shine and this is just the beginning. So whatcha say, are you ready to have some fun?” Rick started to slice into my arm.
Lucky for me, I have a high pain tolerance.
“You see, you were an easy target. Your self esteem is so low. Plus can’t forget your little crush on the elder Winchester. What makes you think he would ever look at you twice?” Rick now started slicing my thighs. “I mean you have a pretty face for sure, but you know Dean prefers his women slim. You will never be that type of girl ya know?”
“Screw you. You don’t know the first thing about me. I mean you do realize anything you say to me, I have either heard or said it to myself a thousand times before? Way to be creative.” I laughed. I have always been stubborn. I’m sure as hell not going to stop now.
“You know, you are really starting to get on my nerves. How about I find a way to shut that pretty mouth up. I doubt the Winchesters would even miss your annoying ass.” Rick punched me in the face.
I spit blood out of my mouth. I hope he gets this over with soon.
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Sometimes Your Soul Family Is The Only Family You Need - Part 1
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
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Summary: 18 months ago you were a mess but with the help of your close friends you start to rebuild your life. Your soul friendships maybe chaotic but they're your family, just as you're theirs. With one of them about to have a baby, you and your misfit friends are here to visit. But will you stay? And what will the small town think of you having two soulmates and why do you keep finding yourself in the same place as a bunch of hot bikers.
"Sometimes families are assholes, sometimes your soul connections mean far more than family ever can. Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need." - Nurse Maggie
Chapter Warning: Premature labour mentioned, brief mention of sexual harassment in the workplace.
Chapter Summary: We meet our reader and one of her soul friends. Does she need a bat?
Message Received Daniel Are you on your way yet? I think she might be calmer if she knew you were at least on route.
Daniel, soulmate to one of your best friends, had woken you this morning with a frantic phone call. Annemarie, one of your soul friends was in labour, but it was too early for baby to make an appearance and you and your other best and soul friend, Ryan, were her other birthing partners and were now in a race to get there.
You were all in. You’d taken classes, baby first aid, read books and had your bag packed for weeks already just in case. You were going to be a godmother and this was serious shit. Ryan had watched most of the online labour classes from behind a pillow like he was watching a Blumhouse horror.
You sent a quick reply to Daniel.
I’m just waiting for Ry, I’m going to start beeping the horn in a minute.
Ryan often kept you waiting. Always a change of outfit or something he’d forgotten. He hated the impatient beeping.
You leaned your head back against the head rest and let out a yawn. Not the best start when you had a 6 hour drive ahead of you.
You were startled by the ringing of your phone coming through the hands free, Ryan calling displayed on the dashboard.
“Why are you calling me? Hurry up, Annemarie is freaking out that we aren’t on the way yet.”
“Start the car and get ready to floor it?”
“What? Why?”
Your attention was caught by a familiar figure entering the stairwell that you could see from where you were parked.
"Why are you running?"
“They wouldn’t let me leave!”
“What do you mean they wouldn’t let you leave? This was all agreed! You’re owed the time!”
“I know! But she’s not here!”
By she, Ryan meant his boss, Jo, who also happened to be your old boss. You’d both sweet talked her into letting him have the leave when the baby was on the way. Short notice leave was never agreed to but Ryan had gone in early and stayed late, covering for others and helping out as much as possible. Being the life and soul of the office and covering for others so they could leave for their kids or appointments meant his colleagues had also been ok with it too. You and Jo were good friends and had stayed in touch after you’d left. She’d been a huge support to you since your almost (it probably was) breakdown post breakup, so you’d thrown in some babysitting for her adorable twin boys and a deal was made. But Jo and her adorable kids, and her soulmate husband were currently sunning themselves somewhere exotic. That’s management earnings for you.
“Brian is pissed off, I may have told him to go fuck himself when he said he wouldn’t let me leave and he’d sack me if I did.”
It was then you spotted Brian at the top of the stairwell in pursuit or Ryan.
“He’s following you. I’m getting the bat.”
“Alright Harley Quinn calm the fuck down.”
“You’re the one who said he wouldn’t let you leave.”
“Yeah well he can go fuck himself.”
“Wait why do you have a box? Are you stealing? Am I an accessory? I’m getting the bat.”
“Just start the car!”
You started the car and put your seatbelt on. The fire exit flew open as Ryan dashed through it, jacket a mess, backpack half on and the box still in his arms, Brian and now a security guard on his heals.
Ryan practically threw himself into your car, partly falling onto you in the process.
“Go, go, go”
“Why do I feel like there’s more to this?”
You spotted Brian nearing the car and put your foot on the accelerator.
A mile down the road with Ryan still squished in the passenger seat you’d pulled over to sort out your chaotic friend. You placed the box in the backseat, along with his backpack, spotting he’d stole the office plant, as Ryan took off his jacket and stretched like a cat. You smirked at him.
“What the fuck was that? And you stole the plant!”
“He’s an asshole!”
“Oh I know, my ass still lives in fear of his grabby hands!”
“Exactly!! I may have brought that up, along with a few other things.”
“So are you fired?”
You pulled him into a hug.
“Proud of you.”
He laughed into your shoulder. You were always proud of each other in weird ways.
“The ten years ago Ryan would never.”
“Well I learnt my dramatics from the best?”
You gasped in mock horror.
“Meeeeee, no you meant Darcy right? Or Wanda? It was Wanda, wasn’t it?”
“Really? Wanda is the least dramatic of us all!“
“She set fire to her ex boyfriend’s clothes and got us to dance round it in our underwear.”
“Oh I miss that little witch.”
“Speaking of the little witch. You’re on phone duty, get those two on a group call but call Annemarie first. She’s in a state and we need to move our arses. Then call the lady re the Airbnb.” You replied, moving back to the drivers seat.
Ryan slipped on his sunglasses and leaned against the car. You pressed the horn hard.
“Hey unemployed, get in the car!!”
He startled and got in.
“I learnt from the best” you said pulling on your own sunglasses and turning on the radio.
“I love it when you’re assertive!” He replied as you snorted with laughter.
You were half a mile down the road when Ryan spoke up again, as he looked for his phone.
“I wonder if we’ll see any hot bikers this time.”
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
kaitlyn ka x female reader
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a/n: i've been dying for kaitlyn fics, and just the quarry fics in general, because there's hardly any and that makes me want to cry. anyways, first thing i'm hopefully posting so no bullying pls. no werewolves! also sorry if the ending feels like it could be improved, i just really wanted to be finished with this <3
warnings: nothing serious, some making out
word count: 2.4k
The joyous, fun atmosphere surrounding the gentle flicker of the campfire quickly disappeared, leaving the mood somewhat awkward as everyone who had remained (being Dylan, Ryan and yourself) turned towards Kaitlyn with a disappointed look.
"What?" questioned the small ravenette, sensing the glares from the three of you while she feigned innocence at the situation she, may have, intentionally, created.
"You totally ruined the party man," Dylan absentmindedly responded, taking a sip of whatever beer was left. All of you were a little tipsy, sober enough that thinking clearly wasn't an issue but drunk enough to feel a warm woozy sensation floating around your bodies.
In all truth, you weren't bothered in the slightest by the absence of Jacob, Abi, Emma or Nick. You did like them, sure, though being with them throughout the summer was often challenging - you typically found yourself enjoying the company of the others instead.
The four of you had stuck together for a large portion of the time, and you felt you'd become pretty close; so close that, naturally, you formed a humongous crush on the confident, very attractive, super cool dark-haired girl that was sometimes a little mean to you.
With Kaitlyn, you could never be quite sure about how she felt about you, there had been a few occasions where you doubted if she even liked as a friend. She was hard to read and you were a bit sensitive so, as you can imagine, things got tricky - having a ton of feelings for her only made you suffer greatly.
Then again, when these times occurred where you were miserable, Kaitlyn would periodically open up to you and let you know that, yes, she did appreciate you. Small moments of affirmation after so much doubt made you feel so unbelievably fuzzy inside. Unfortunately, the pair of you were tremendously insecure, because of this, there was a lot of dancing around each other the entire summer, similarly to Nick and Abi.
Suddenly desperate to relish in what could be the last evening with her, a rapid demand to continue the entertainment of 'truth or dare' came spilling from your mouth.
'Someone's...eager," Ryan chuckled slowly, glancing over at you and then at Dylan with a knowing glint in his eye.
Following this, Dylan offered, "Y/N's just disappointed she didn't get to smooch anyone this evening."
"You and me both, Y/N."
It was such a quiet array of words yet everyone heard Kaitlyn mutter them - nobody said anything back.
You were so hopelessly in love with her, that you couldn't help but hang onto anything Kaitlyn said that remotely resembled a reciprocation of feelings.
Shyly, you lifted your gaze from the muddy floor to your friends around you, careful not to stare directly at her gorgeous face. Whatever you were about to say next needed to be calm, one hundred percent normal and definitely not suggestive of anything.
With a brief amount of consideration and overthinking, you said, "Well, I don't know, what else is there to do right now? We can keep playing without the others."
You needed to stop working yourself up over such minuscule things; with Kaitlyn anywhere near you, you couldn't control yourself. Not being a fumbling mess was incredibly difficult.
"Yeah sure, why the fuck not?" Dylan chimed back in with a sense of glee, intrigued to see what would happen next.
"Cool alright, Kaitlyn?"
Deep down, it was clear to you that she would join back in, but part of you still inwardly thanked Ryan for ensuring that she was interested in continuing.
"I'm in, of course," A short pause. "You're a bit far away from us Y/N, you should get a bit closer, come here..."
Watching as Kaitlyn patted the empty space on the rough log impatiently, indicating you join her, an eruption of warmth covered your cheeks at her attention being on you; her wanting you next to her.
"Yeah, come on over here Y/N!"
Obviously, it didn't feel as special when Dylan said it, though, you appreciated how it got rid of some of the tension.
"Okay okay, yes, I'm coming," You spoke up, giggling, absolutely infected with giddiness that was bursting to show. You're sure it did, a big goofy smile plastered to your face as you made your way to the opposite side of the campfire. Apparently, the delight spread to Kaitlyn since you could've sworn she was attempting to mask an excited grin too.
Immediately, a soft scent of honey mixed with something floral was all you could smell, each and every time you inhaled. It made you feel very comfortable.
"Who wants to start it off this time?" inquired Ryan, yet your attention was instantly torn away from him due to the sensation of a soft, smaller hand brushing over your slightly sweaty one.
There was not a doubt in your mind. You had already jumped to the conclusion that it was intentional. From doing an action so small as turning away from you to face Ryan, how could Kaitlyn's hand touch yours in the process if it were on accident? There was no time to think rationally, you were already freaking out like mad. And she loved it.
"I'll go."
Leaving no room for arguments, Kaitlyn's head whipped back round to face you once more, this time with a playful theme prominent within her features.
"Y/N. Truth or dare," she asked, intently, her pretty eyes trained on your very nervous self.
You couldn't pick a place to focus your line of sight, eyes darting from her straight to the floor and back at your two shaky hands resting in your lap. Not in a million years were you prepared to answer 'dare'. In what world did you have the confidence.
Telling yourself it was the sensible response, you requested 'truth' like the jittery coward you are - to nobody's surprise but to Kaitlyn's disappointment.
"Tryna play it safe, are we, Y/N? I'm not letting you off that easily," was all she said as you sat there, patiently awaiting for whatever abomination that was heading your way.
Finally, you observed as her eyes lit up with a sudden delight; her full attention, once again, solely focused on you, not quite prepared for what was coming next.
"Out of everyone here, meaning me, Dylan or Ryan, who would you be the most interested in dating...and you have to answer otherwise it's no fun."
The situation wouldn't have felt awfully suffocating if it weren't for your stupid crush, which you were starting to suspect Kaitlyn was fully aware of. Her plump lips contorted mischievously into something smug - a perfectly arched eyebrow raised while she continued staring you down.
Because of the intense stare and immense amount of pressure you felt you were under, you missed a faint flash of worry flicker in her eye at your hesitation; uncertain whether or not her question had backfired on her.
Words couldn't describe the newfound urge tugging at your stomach to let her know that you so badly wanted to date her, to be with her, to kiss her. You couldn't handle rejection in the slightest but also couldn't bare the thought of letting this go on much longer - missing your chance when you had it.
You felt yourself tearing apart because of a silly crush on a girl who was way too good for you; evidently taking this unimportant game way too seriously. This time, you locked eyes with Kaitlyn, your heart racing, making an effort to bring any remnants of confidence together to prepare an answer.
"Uhhhh, I'd probably wanna date you, Kaitlyn?"
You had never experienced something simultaneously this underwhelming and overwhelming. Really, your response was very simple, basic, and not that huge. If, by chance, the beautiful ravenette was utterly disgusted by your answer it could be put down to merely a game and everyone would move on. You would be devastated but you'd get over it.
Having said that, repulsion was the last thing Kaitlyn felt regarding your answer, instead, a frantic fuel ignited within her. For a moment, she kind of just gawked at you, a bashful awkwardness radiating from your features.
"Truth or dare," she asked once more, this time the question coming across as more demanding, and a slight shake was apparent in her voice. Desperation spurred over her yet she seemed to be concealing it quite well, aside from the little chew on her lip while she awaited your answer, the nervous habit being the only indication of how Kaitlyn felt.
"Hey, what!" Dylan interjected, "Why are you going again, Kaitlyn? It's Y/N's turn."
Though you had to admit that Dylan's disapproval was amusing, you were too engulfed in whatever was happening between you and her. Nothing but you and her. Bathing in her alluring nature, you really did not mean to take this long to respond, you shouldn't be keeping someone that exquisite waiting.
To outsiders, the atmosphere didn't appear tense at all. The luminous blaze of the golden camp, flickered and your chest tightened by the second.
"I dare you," Kaitlyn breathed out, her words trailing off implying a wane in confidence. Again, she was doubting herself, even when, at this point, the both of you had been as open as you could about your intense romantic interest for each other without explicitly saying anything.
You observed her complexion closely, each insecurity conveyed on her face made your heart rate increase consequently. You yearned for her to give in and do something to relieve all the built up anxiety, yet couldn't blame her too much since you found yourself incapable of initiating the first move.
An abrupt change conjured. Kaitlyn ostensibly bolder.
"I dare you to kiss me."
Silence. You inched forward but couldn't quite make it all the way. You didn't know what it was, something was holding you back. Also, with the audience of the two boys, you couldn't help your sheepish nature.
As though she couldn't handle it anymore, impatient because of your hesitancy, Kaitlyn took matters into her own hands and closed the gap, her soft lips meeting yours. Certain she would tease you about your failure to for fill the dare, you decided it was best to concern yourself with it later - a highly insignificant worry, really.
The kiss didn't last too long. The bliss you felt quickly overpowered by insecurity, and maybe disappointment too. You had hoped the moment you had been chasing for months would at least be longer than a few seconds. Grateful you got to kiss her, yet, you needed more.
"That was...terrible. I'm sorry," You mumbled bashfully, barely audible for Dylan and Ryan.
"Nu-uh baby, it was good," She whispered back, then tugging your face toward her once more.
Whereas the first peck was delicate, shy and over in a few seconds, in this instance, the kiss was deepened almost immediately. Her gentle hands cupped your flushed cheeks, promoting you to tightly grasp at her clothes. It took all of your power to not let any whimpers or whines escape you, making out with someone while other people were around was embarrassing enough as is.
"Okay...guys..." Ryan, being the first to speak up, broke the immersion, the two of you reluctantly pulling away from each other.
"Totally digging how happy you are right now, but, you know, lodge is empty..." Dylan chimed in, somewhat less awkward than Ryan.
You shared a look with Kaitlyn, your shortness of breath mirrored after your lips had been pressed against one another's for an extended period of time.
"Sounds great, thanks Dylan," Kaitlyn rose from her place seated on the log, enthusiasm oozing from her. "Let's get going huh, Y/N?" She proposed, laced with sultry.
You stayed seated, a little dumbfounded about the kiss and relishing in the electric sensation circulating in your body. Kaitlyn gripped your wrist, gaining your attention as her request caught up with you.
"Uh, yeah...yes we should go," Stumbling over your words, you got up, waved to Dylan and Ryan and began your journey back to the lodge. Incoherent mumbling could be heard from the pair left behind. You ignored it, giggling slightly and walked beside Kaitlyn.
When you arrived, you opened up the wooden door and stepped inside, Kaitlyn not giving you an opportunity to voice your opinion on anything; her mouth soon latched onto yours.
It was hungry, and you returned the passion. Although she may have been smaller than you, she still forced you up against one of the aging walls of the building; her tongue buried in your mouth. There was no fight for dominance, Kaitlyn was in control, not that you minded. It was such a rush, her lips all over your cool skin, your trembling hands in her dark hair, the occasional raspy chuckles from her, and the whines from you. Anything either one of you did spurred the other on wildly.
Eventually, distances had to be created since you couldn't keep going without catching your breath.
"I can't believe it took us that long to do this. We could've been having hot make-out sessions all summer" Kaitlyn beamed with genuine delight, her hands retreating from being all over you to placed on her hips, taking her usual sassy stance.
"I know," You agreed, laughing," I was so scared about being rejected"
"It's okay, I was equally terrified. Better late than never I suppose. At least we know now." The ravenette smirked, gazing into your eyes, entertained by how dishevelled you looked, encouraging her to admit, "I seriously am so fucking attracted to you."
Again, you let out a giggle, a noise that Kaitlyn thought was endearing. "Well, I've been fawning over you for like ages now." You blushed, the confession sparking a wave of heat to pass over you. Even though your actions had already said enough, disclosing the information made your shoulders feel externally lighter.
"It does really suck that it's the end of camp, going our separate ways and all" You continued, dejectedly. You were overjoyed that you were finally sharing these movements with Kaitlyn but hated yourself for holding off this long.
She examined your rapidly declining mood, likewise, she was regretful for waiting, however, not an ounce of uncertainty clouded her mind.
"What is there to worry about? Of course, we can stay in touch, I'm serious about this and...I do want to be with you." She reassured you, offering a loving smile filled with comfort. "Just give me your number, baby."
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(gif by me)
Pairing : Ted Logan x reader
Summary : Just like every Monday, you study History with Bill and Ted. But during this lesson, Ted seems to be quite distracted, and you're not helping at all.
Warnings : none ! just a fluffy fic w/ Ted ! with some footsie under the table. Also tried to make it G/N reader ;)
A/N : I really like the idea of a reader who's a History nerd (kind of self indulgent there) and who helps them study so, yeah! that again for this fic<3
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Just like any other Monday afternoon, I was in the library studying with my two best friends, Bill and Ted. We always had trouble with school, not being very scholar people. But if there was one subject I'm good at, it's History ! I always found myself fascinated by it; mostly only watching period shows, movies, losing myself in period novels and loving to learn some random facts about History. Sadly, it wasn't the same for my two dear friends who were the complete opposite...No matter how hard they tried, they could not seem to learn a single fact correctly. I made it my personal mission to help them as best as I could, no matter how long it took. That's how "the excellent Monday studying day" came to exist !
As I was going through the history textbook with Bill, trying to choose a subject, I couldn't help but notice Ted staring at me.
"Need help ?" I asked, still looking at the pages. "Ted ?"
"Uh ?" He jumped slightly before rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh no no, still reading about that French girl !"
My brows furrowed slightly. "Which one ?" I looked up at him, right when he looked away.
"You know, the fighting one..."
"Joan of Arc ?" I asked, giggling slightly while Bill chose a page.
"Yup. That one." He let his hair fall in front of his face. "She's very..."
"Fighting dudes in skirts !" Bill exclaims, cutting Ted off. "They look so cool !"
"They're called Gladiator's." I laugh quietly, putting the textbook in front of both of us. "You want us to study ancient Rome today ?"
"Is that the one with the salad dressing dude, right ?" He ask, smiling at me proudly.
"Yup, that's the one." I smile back. "You ok with studying this Ted, or you'll do something else ?"
"Oh yeah no, salad dressing dude is fine !"
"Perfect then !" I clap my hands, straightening my back. "Let's get started then."
As the hour passed, Bill was as serious as ever, which really impressed me. I don't know what's so fascinating to him about gladiators but he seems to love it ! Ted was a whole other story; he was constantly making jokes and staring at me, always looking somewhere else whenever I looked back.
"Come on, Ted," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "We have to study, Mr. Ryan might give us a suprise history test this week."
Ted shrugged, smiling slightly.
"You've been awfully quiet during this hour..." I put my bag on my lap, opening it. "I hope it's because you were studying really, really hard."
I took out a stack of flashcards, one they both knew very well. Bill looked up at the sight of the bright pink flashcards, glancing at Ted with a smirk. "Good luck dude !"
Ted groaned, putting his face in his hands.
"Ok Ted; what was the name of Edward Teach's ship?"
"Who's that ?"
I sigh. "Blackbeard."
"Oh ! That dude !" He smiles proudly. "The Revenge ! Queen Revenge or something !"
I widen my eyes, smiling brightly. "Queen Anne's Revenge ! Wow Ted, good job !"
I continued quizzing him on various historical events, he was surprisingly knowledgeable, answering right at a lot more questions than I would have thought. But every time I caught him staring at me, he stumbled over his words, unable to respond even if he seemed to know the answer. And seeing how much of an effect I had on him by simply looking back was making me feel giddy...
"Um, can you repeat the question?" he asked, his cheeks turning pink. "I didn't, didn't really understood dude."
A smile start to appear on my face as I keep staring at him, letting myself hope. I quickly glance at Bill who's busy writing every information possible on the Roman Empire but, sometimes switched to important American wars. He's pretty concentrated... I looked back at Ted, an idea growing in my mind; how much of an effect do I have on him and his concentration? That's when this genius idea came to mind, why not play footsie with him under the table to try and distract him even more ? I always kind of knew that Ted had somewhat of a crush on me, he's not a very closed guy with his emotions, really bad poker face. And to be honest, I also have somewhat of a crush on him. We're best friends, always been, I don't know if it's a good idea to act on those feelings for now... But nothing say's we can't have some fun !
I try to contain my giggle as much as I can, lowering my head to try and hide it. Sadly, he sees my growing smile right away, probably because he can't stop staring at me every chance he gets. I let myself slide slightly on my chair to get closer to me while he frowns, titling his head a little on the right. He jumps the moment my foot touches his ankle, looking at me with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?" he whispered, his face turning a bright red.
"Just trying to help you relax," I lied with a smirk, feeling my heart beat faster. "You seemed tensed !"
Ted shook his head, clearly flustered. "You're making it harder for me to concentrate dude..."
I continue, letting my foot get higher and higher, feeling a thrill every time I see him blush and wiggle in his seat, going left and right, even up and down sometimes. Every Time I pull a new flashcard, he can't even form one word without stuttering, coughing and moving in his seat.
"Hey, guys, can we focus here?" Bill asked, tapping his pencil on the table. "Dude, stop moving so much ! I can't write if you keep moving the table !"
"Sorry !" I said, letting my foot go back on the floor, making Ted groan at the sudden lack of contact. "You want to try the flashcards, Bill ?"
Ted shot me a disappointed look, but I knew it was for the best. I helped Bill with some of the flashcards, trying to keep the conversation focused on history, but Ted couldn't help himself from trying to get my attention back.
"So, Y/N, have you heard the one about the Roman gladiator who walked into a bar?" Ted asked, stopping Bill from answering my question about the Roman Empire.
I glanc at Bill who's leaning in, clearly wanting to heard the end of the joke. I roll my eyes, unable to stop smiling at his playfulness. "No, I haven't. Tell me."
As Ted launched into his joke, I could see Bill glancing back and forth between us with a confused expression. I know I have to keep things light with him so he won't suspect anything, especially since Ted had no idea I reciprocated his crush.
"So, Bill, did you know that the Boston Tea Party wasn't actually a party?" I asked, trying to divert his attention back to studying while Ted sighed.
"Yeah, I think I learned that in third grade dude !" He chuckled. "Don't even think they had tea..."
I laughed too, glancing up at Ted only to notice him staring at me again but this time, with longing in his eyes. His cheek was in the palm of his hand, the light from outside making his brown eyes shine perfectly. I felt my cheeks burn while something tightened in my chest, making me look down. This time he kept looking at me while I looked away, how the tables have turned...
"Come on, Ted, focus !" I said, trying to bring his attention back to the History book by putting it in front of his face. "Learn this chapter."
"I'm trying, I'm trying," Ted said, putting the book down in front of him ."You're just too distracting..."
I sigh, turning my attention back to Bill next to me who seemed too focused on his textbook to notice what's happening. I continued quizzing Bill, on the Revolutionary War this time, during the rest of the hour. Then, out of nowhere, I felt Ted's foot brushing against mine under the table, as I try to hide the smile on my face. He's getting bolder and bolder.
"You're killing me, Ted," I said, trying to sound stern. "I'm trying to help Bill !"
"I can't help it dude !" he said, moving his feet higher. "I need help too !"
I blush and look away, trying to hide my smile behind the cards. I knew I had to focus on helping Bill with his History, but it's hard with Ted's footsie game distracting me. Payback I guess.
"Alright, Bill, let's see if you can remember when was the Battle of Bunker Hill over." I murmur, trying to ignore Ted's foot on my calf.
As Bill struggled to answer, holding his hair in his hands, Ted's foot moved higher up my leg, and I could feel myself getting more and more flustered.
"Uh, uh, uh," Bill stuttered, unable to come up with the answer. "It's, like, a date..."
I could see the frustration on Ted's face as I helped Bill with the answer, showing no sign of being flustered like he was, even if I feel warm inside. Hearing him puff, I look back at him once I finished with Bill only to look down at his foot who was just laying in my lap lazily.
"Your shoe is so dirty Ted !" I giggled, trying to push it away. "Get. it. ooooff !"
He puts his hands on his heart, pulling is other foot on my lap. "Calling me dirty, pushing me away, how cruel !"
Bill looked up, laughing at our banter. "Your shoes are dirty dude." He said, trying to help me push his feets off.
"Traitor !" Ted points at Bill, holding the table so we won't be able to get him off. "All of you, traitors dude's !"
"THE THREE OF YOU." We all jumped, even gasping a bit. "OUT."
After hurrying to take our textbooks and bags out while stuffing a laughter, we finally got out and burst out laughing, putting everything in our bags. I sling it on my back, looking down at my tights. "Ted !"
"What is it dudette ?"
"Look how dirty I am, thanks to you !"
Both of them looked at my thighs, laughing even harder seeing the dirt stains. "My bad dude !"
He rubs my thighs to get it off, not noticing my reddening face at this sudden contact. I feel the warmth of his fingers through the fabric, making the lower part of my stomach tingle. "It, It's ok don't worry ! It's ok !"
"Sorry 'bout that." He whispers, smiling up at me.
"Yeah no, don't worry !" I laugh nervously, rubbing my thighs just like he did without noticing.
"Thanks for helping me, Iléna," Bill said, smiling at me. "You're the most excellent babe to ever exist !"
"No problem, Bill. You're going to do great," I said, patting him on the back, blushing slightly at his compliment. "If Mr. Ryan ask's about gladiators I know you'll kill it !"
As we started walking to go back home, I felt Ted's hand brush against mine after he bumped my shoulder into his. I look up at him, and he give's me a shy smile, trying to hide behind strands of his hair.
"Hey, do you dudes want to grab a pizza or something?" Ted asked, trying to hide the eagerness in his voice.
"Sure," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "That sounds like a good idea."
"I'm starving...." Bill sighed, putting his palm on his stomach. "Could we also get slushies ?"
"Oh yeah, slushies !" I said excited.
I glanced at Ted, noticing him staring at me again, his burning hand still brushing my cold one. Suddenly, Ted slips his hand into mine, and I feel my heart skip a beat at his sudden boldness.
"To the pizzeria we go !" He exclaimed, starting to run.
I yelped, catching Bill hand quickly before he dragged me too far away. We all ran togheter, laughing and smiling.
Maybe I'm not ready to confess to Ted how I feel but, at least, I know that no matter what, he will always bring me with him.
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madisonstarss · 2 years
After Hours (SWITCH!Ryan Howard x SWITCH!Reader SMUT)
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warnings: smut, angry sex/make up, reader swears like a sailor, daddy kink, slight degraition, teasing, not proof read
p.s sorry for the kelly hate, i love kelly but it helped move along the story
The end of the day finally came after a long day of work and most people were heading out. You walk up to Pam's desk as she started getting her stuff together. "I cant believe Toby is making me work late." You let out a groan, "Escpically since Ryan's staying after too. He's been getting on my fucking nerves. Just because were not offical doesn't mean he can flirt with Kelly in front of my fucking face."
Pam offers you a symptheic smile, "Just don't talk to him and he'll come to his senses to apolizge. Im sorry I would love to stay and talk but Jim and I have dinner reservations tonight."
"Thanks Pam, have fun." You give a small smile and walk back to your desk.
You bang your head into your desk. "I can't fucking focus this shit is so boring." You say to no one in particular.
"Well no shit it's boring, its work." Ryan smart mouths as he head over to the printer. You give him a death stare.
"I don't remeber asking for your input."
"What is your deal with me today?" He snaps back, you could feel his glare burning into your back.
"I don't know, why don't you tell me what's your fucking deal with Kelly. I get that shes pretty but she never shuts up and is more annoying than Dwight. I don't get what you fucking see in her." You growl.
He goes silent for a moment.
"Where not dating y/n. I can do what I want." You hear his footsteps coming towards you.
"Fine if that's how you want it that I guess I can stop coming over to your place." You turn around in your chair so your facing him. You stand up and look up at him. You could pracitically see the steam coming from his ears.
"Whatever. Kelly is a lot better in the bedroom."
Oh no he didn't.
That was your final fucking straw. As much as you hated his guts right now, he always turns you the fuck on.
You smash your lips against his. He immetiadly kissed you back. The kiss filled with fire and heat. He quickly broke away though, "Jump." He quickly said. You did as told and he grabbed your thighs and placed you on your desk. He pressed his lips aganist yours again. He bit your lower lip so hard that you let out a gasp. He took this oppurtuinty to sneak his tounge into your mouth, checking out the framillar area. Your hands moved to his chest and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Your ran your hands along his abs, outlining them.
This wasn't enough. You needed more of him. All of him. You let out a whine agaisnt his lips. "Your so needy." He teases.
"Can you just shut up and fuck me." You complain.
"Be patient." He orders. He pulls your skirt down. "No underwear? You're such a bad girl." He takes your legs and places them on his shoulders. He dove his head into your legs. Butterflies filled your stomacehe as you felt his could wet tounge on you. "
Oh Ryan." You throw you head back in pleasure. You accidently thrust your hips.
"I said patience pumpkin."
You couldn't take it any fucking longer. You pushed his head away from you making him look up at you in confusion. You push him into your chair, making him sit down.
You unbuckle his pants in a haste and pull down his pants along with his boxers. His dick springs up when released, you can already see the pre-cum. You licked it off and slowly take it in your mouth. Ryan seems to lose his patience as well. He shoves your head making you take it all in. You start to gag and start bobbing your head. Ryan lets out groans of pleasure. You gently grind your teeth againist it. You slow down and swirl your tounge at the tip.
You get up and sit on his dick. Slowly moving back and forth. Ryan unbuttons your blouse and throws it on the floor. He starts fondling your breast and gently pinching your nipples. You increase your speed and move faster. Ryan moves one of his hands down to your waist to help guide you and keep you from falling off. His eyes stayed glued to your breasts and they moved with the rest of your body. "Fuck..Daddy." You moan
"Your so hot baby." He takes the hand that was on your breast and moves your hair back. "Please don't stop."
You feel your high coming and grab onto his shoulders for support as you go as fast as your can. "Fuck..Fuck!" You scream as you both reach it and you feel his warm fulids fill inside you. It was your favorite feeling in the world. You come to a full stop and rest your head on is shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.
"Don't think this will make me stop seeing Kelly." He whispers into your ear."
"Fuck you man whore."
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jewishvitya · 2 years
Hi! Everything I see about this hp game is just worse and worse, but one thing I don’t get is the Sirona Ryan character? I don’t get why that’s bad, but I think it’s maybe because I don’t know how to pronounce it? This game is a trash fire of hate crimes, but I truly, honestly don’t get the name. Could you please explain it? Thank you very much ❤️
I edited that out of my post because I was worried that I'm just being ignorant about it. I still worry that maybe I was wrong to bring it up. So I'll walk you through my logic, but if this is just cultural ignorance on my part, I apologize.
I saw someone on tiktok explain it, and I'll repeat that if you don't mind. There was a joke in a show I never watched (friends? himym? can't remember) where a character meets someone's parent and that parent looks like, you know, the "man in a dress" transphobic gag. And she asks "what's your name?" and the parent says "Amanda." So she goes "Ohhh, of course, A Man DUH."
Amanda is a real name. But it still got used for a transphobic joke.
So. Sirona is a real Celtic name. It's genuinely a beautiful name. And Ryan could have been harmless as a surname. But in the context of a franchise that belongs to the most well known TERF, a franchise that has the repeated problem of names like Kingsley Shacklebolt, and even names like Remus Lupin that are just "I named him what he is," I just don't think they picked this name for harmless reasons. This is the kind of thing you'd avoid when you know you're writing for a franchise where the fans are used to reading into names this way. This is a world where more than one name is an on-the-nose wordplay based on the character's marginalized identity. Why wouldn't people see this as the same thing, with the new writers continuing JKR's pattern?
This is the same game that gave the player character a slave, advertised itself for letting us visit the kitchen with the other happy slaves, and has its entire premise drowning in antisemitism. Like JKR's choices of names, these issues have been criticized for years. The choice to double down on them rather than choose any other story is deliberate. This game is steeped in bigotry, and people are rarely single-issue bigots. They didn't put in a queer character for us, they put in a queer character for an opportunity to hurt us. That's why I said I'm sure they went to a list of names and picked the one that starts with "sir." Like with the ram's horn (which could have been harmless in a different story, since ram's horn instruments aren't exclusive to Judaism) the larger context is what makes it feel targeted.
Again, if this is my cultural ignorance, I apologize. But this is why I found it uncomfortable. Even if I'm wrong to feel this way, I hope you at least understand where it came from.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: as I was writing this, I proclaimed in the most southern accent, “now we’re cookin’ with peanut oil!” so do that with that
Summary: Joel goes home for a month. You stay in California to work. What could possibly go wrong? [3.8k]
Warnings: HEAVILY implied casting couch culture, brief allusion to creepy Hollywood producers, yearning, I can’t think of anything else!!
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Boarding my flight now.
Thanks for letting me know?
Well, I texted my mama to let her know, and she told me to text "that girlfriend of mine."
Doesn't sound like she's a huge fan.
She'll live.
You like the message and go to put your phone away when it buzzes again.
Is it weird that I kinda miss talking to you?
You smile and ignore your name being called over the intercom for another beat.
There are a lot of weird things about you, Joel Miller, but that one feels the most normal.
Text me when you land in Austin. Tell your mom I said hi.
You tuck your phone away, fighting the stupid smile on your face, and look up to see a pissed-off PA walking towards you. You apologize and half jog to the sound stage where Ryan is waiting. 
"The perfect punctual queen is late for once? Is the world going to shit?" He asks, and you slap his arm.
"People are allowed to be late."
"Does your lateness have anything to do with your boy toy?"
"Are you ever gonna call him by his name?" You ask. He senses that you're stalling his question and take a deep breath. "Joel is flying home to Texas today to visit family and get some work done. He'll be gone for a month."
"Oh, how will you ever survive?" He pouts, and you give him a look. The director calling for places stops you from responding, but you threaten him with the promise of picking up the conversation later. 
You don't ever get to tell him off for suggesting that you can't live without Joel being in the same state because of how late shooting goes. It might've been exhaustion, but you swore that you saw the sun starting to rise over the horizon by the time you finally got to leave. You knocked out a good chunk of the scenes you were still working on, which is great news, but you were mentally and physically drained. You slept most of the next day and missed Joel's messages from one whole time zone away. 
Jesus Christ, I forgot how hot it is here.
My mama told me to ask you if you go to church since she doesn't believe me.
Attached: Two photos
You laugh as you sleepily scroll through his texts when you wake up mid-afternoon, feeling a little bit better from your long night. One of the pictures he sent is of him sitting in the cab of an old truck with the caption, "This was my first car. I can't convince my dad to sell the damn thing." The second is a blurry photo of a blue-looking weed on the side of the road surrounded by what looks like thousands of other blue weeds. "Turns out the state flower will literally grow anywhere besides in a pot in my house."
A) I'm glad you made it in safely. B) Isn't Texas the armpit of the South? C) I don't go to church, and I never have, but please feel free to lie to her. D) I can imagine a young, emo Joel Miller driving it now.
He reads your messages almost as soon as they deliver, and your screen lights up with his initials as he calls you. You yawn as you pick up and hear chatter in the background of wherever he is.
"First of all," he starts in a determined tone. "Texas ain't the armpit of the South. That's South Carolina." He says. He hasn't even been in Texas for forty-eight hours, and his accent is already thick again.
"My mistake," you laugh. "Did you have another point, or was that it?"
"Second of all, why d'you sound so tired?"
"Obviously, I was out partying with strange men all night."
"Really?" He asks, and you scoff.
"No, Joel. Filming went really late yesterday. I don't think I got home until six this morning."
"Sounds intense." 
"Not as intense as being interrogated by your mother," you say, and he hums. You hear someone laughing in the background and relish in the joy that you're not there to witness. He doesn't say anything for a minute, and you wonder if the line dropped, but when you pull the phone away from your face, you see the call is still active. "You really miss me so much that you called me just to sit on the line?"
"Maybe I did." He says. You take a deep breath and glance at the clock on your bedside table. He's two hours ahead. The sun must be setting by now, casting gorgeous rays onto his skin and making his eyes look amber. You wonder what Texas air does to Joel's soul. Maybe it soothes him like only an old baby blanket can. Maybe it makes him jumpy, like he's waiting for a clap of thunder that never comes. Maybe it makes him wonder why he left in the first place. You wish you could be there to read his expression and try to decipher what he's thinking. Someone calls Joel's name in the background, and you hear him shuffle with the phone, probably covering the microphone with his hand because the voices become muffled. When the phone comes back to his ear, he takes a deep breath, and you do the same. "I gotta go. Can I call you tomorrow?" He asks. 
"I'm counting on it, Miller." You say, and he laughs before mumbling a good night and hanging up the phone. 
After that, it becomes a habit for Joel to call you every day from Texas. He'll tell you different stories about his parents, how Austin has changed since he left, and update you on how the newest album is coming. He listens to you rant about work, how tired you are, and how frustrated you always get toward the end of a project. Sometimes the conversations last ten minutes, and sometimes they last hours. One night, you fell asleep on the phone with him because he was trying to get your opinion on a new song, but you had spent the day filming the scene of your character giving birth, which was tiring in its own right. He doesn't chide you for it. He just sends you a goodnight text and promises to call you the following night.
You hate to admit it, but production speeds up with Joel out of town. You end up wrapping your scenes a week early while Ryan still has another couple of days of filming his scenes. You'll probably get called back in for reshoots in a few months, but you feel really good about the work you put out there, and you finally get the chance to rest before Melanie sends you more scripts to read over. You send Joel a photo of your open laptop and a glass of wine next to it as the California sun sets over your balcony. 
Wrap parties are looking different as I get older.
Don't worry. I'm sure you'll still be a drunk, no matter how old.
Lashing out is the first sign of a bigger problem. I think I should call Melanie.
You laugh and search for the middle finger emoji when he sends you another text.
Paul got me on the list for some charity event this Saturday. Want to come with me? He said it'd probably be better to get some more dates in sooner rather than later.
The reminder that this is all fake shifts your entire mood. Of course, it's always lingering in your mind, but the texting didn't feel fake. The late-night calls didn't feel fake. He didn't feel fake. In fact, this is the first time you feel like you have a sliver of an idea as to who Joel Miller actually is when he isn't selling out world tours and recording platinum albums. It's stupid for you to feel this way. You have no reason to. No right. You take a deep breath and type out a message.
On Friday, you drive to the airport to pick Joel up, creating an over-the-top scene of you running and jumping into his arms. His hat falls off his head and onto the ground as he catches you and kisses you sweetly. When he sets you back on the ground, he doesn't let you go right away. He lingers in your arms, and even though your feelings are still hurt and you're still trying to remind yourself that this is all fake, you let him. He smells like a detergent you don't recognize, but underneath that, you catch a whiff of the cologne he always wears. You rub his back as you hold him in the middle of the airport. 
"'S really good to see your face," he says into your neck, and you nod. 
"You too."
As you drive him home, he brings you up to speed on how the album is coming along and how different Texas was when he was there. You tell him about the last few days on set and an upcoming press junket in New York City. He lights up when you tell him the dates as you maneuver through LA traffic.
"I'm scheduled to go to New York to work with my sound mixer that same time. He's got his own studio out there now and knows more about it than I do," he says. "Maybe we can fly together? Make it look like a couple's trip?"
"Sure," you say. He furrows his eyebrows at your lack of excitement, and you scramble for something else to talk about. "How are your parents?" You ask. The rest of the ride to his house goes off without a hitch, and he kisses you again as he gets out of the car, both of you highly aware of the car full of paparazzi that's been tailing you since you left the airport. He promises to pick you up at five the following night, and you just nod. When you get home, you walk calmly into your house, lock the door, and scream.
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Joel's hand is in yours as you wait for your turn to walk the carpet. You're not sure why there's a red carpet at a charity event, but you're not about to throw a fit about it. Joel is wearing a sleek black suit, and you're matching with a long black dress. It's a low-cut backless dress, and a sparkly necklace your stylist picked out rests against your sternum. Joel taps your hand, and you look at him.
"You okay?" He asks. He looks worried as he steps between you and the wall of photographers waiting for you to stand and pose perfectly for their photos. "You've been quiet the past few days."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I think I'm still recovering from that last week of filming." 
"Are you sure you're not gettin' sick?" He asks, raising his other hand to your cheeks like he's checking your temperature. You smile half-heartedly and swat his hand away.
"I'm sure," you say. He tries to say more, but someone with a clipboard gets your attention and asks if you're ready. You nod and step onto the carpet, holding Joel's hand. The press erupts into a cloud of noise, startling you and making Joel laugh. You slap his chest and plaster on your rehearsed smile. You do your best to look where all the photographers are yelling at you to look and try different poses so they can get what they need. Everyone has to make a living, you suppose. You just wish their salary wasn't at the expense of your privacy. 
You get halfway down the carpet, taking pictures as a couple and some solo shots, before one of the photographers yells a new command. "Can we get a kiss?" He shouts. You pretend not to hear him and show off how the dress dips down your back, hugging you in all the right places. Still, the photographer is demanding a kiss, and now others have joined in too. It feels very "dance, monkey, dance," but you do your best to grit your teeth and smile. You catch Joel staring at you when you turn. It could be the flashing bulbs of cameras or how he's looking at you, but his eyes are sparkling, and the creases in the corners make you melt just a little. 
You hold out your hand for him to join you, which he happily obliges, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close enough for him to kiss your temple. "You alright?" He asks against your skin as you rest a hand on his chest and look up at him. You nod and glance between his eyes and his lips. The chorus of people practically begging for a picture of you two kissing is growing, and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
"You gonna keep them waiting, or are you gonna kiss me?" You ask, the playful lilt reserved for him returning to your voice. He gives you a look and smirks before leaning down a pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. Everyone ooh's and aw's at you two, but you only care about how fast his heartbeat is against your palm. You want to blame it on the anxiety of walking the carpet and having people scream at you to do whatever they want. No, you have to blame it on that. There's no other option.
When you finally get inside, Joel gets you a glass of wine and a mixed drink for himself. The event is sweet and goes by quickly as you listen to people talk about something they're so passionate about. You decide to donate some money under an anonymous name once you are all excused to the reception, where there's food, more alcohol, and dancing. Joel leaves your side to catch up with some musician buddies, kissing your cheek before disappearing into the crowd. 
You nurse your wine as people you've never met start conversations with you. They're all polite and ask about your newest project, how LA's been treating you, and what's up next for you. You can't reveal much due to the NDA you signed at the beginning of shooting, but you tell them how excited you are for them to be able to see it and admit you've got some auditions lined up in the coming weeks. You've probably given the same answers to a handful of different people when you realize you're out of wine and Joel is still missing. You scan the room for him, but you can't find him. That's fine, you think. It's not like he's obligated to stick to my side at all times. He can have his own life.
You sigh as you belly up to the bar and order another glass of wine. You almost make it a double when someone taps your arm, making you turn. "I don't mean to interrupt, but you look exquisite tonight. I just thought you should know," ultra-famous producer Richard Pike tells you. You blink at him, your brain struggling to catch up with the fact that one of the men who's made the most award-winning films in the past twenty years just noticed you. "I know everyone has probably told you that tonight, but-"
"Oh, no. Thank you. I'm sorry. I was just a little starstruck right then," you apologize before holding your hand out to introduce yourself. He takes your hand and kisses the top of it. It's very dramatic, but this is Hollywood we're talking about. Your glass of wine arrives, and he pays the bartender before you can even reach for your purse. 
"Women as gorgeous as you should never have to pay for a drink. Ever." He says, and you laugh.
"I mean, I won't argue with you on that," you say, taking your glass in your hand to clink it against his glass of scotch. "Thank you, Mr. Pike."
"Please, call me Richard," he insists. "You just finished another movie, didn't you? You're a very busy girl."
"Yes, sir. I'm already looking for new projects to audition for." 
"Oh, I remember when I had actors audition. See, that was before I started writing roles for specific actors. Some people call that crude or playing favorites, but it hasn't failed me yet." 
"No, sir, it hasn't."
"So formal! Yes, sir! No, sir! Are you like this with everyone?" He asks as he takes a big swig of his drink.
"Just people who can cast me," you say. You're partially joking, but it's enough for him. He laughs, and his hand lands perfectly on your exposed back as he cackles loudly. You force yourself to laugh along with him and suddenly get that sinking feeling in your chest. Everybody seems to strategically look away from you two at the bar, and you want to be anywhere but here. 
"You know, I've seen a few of your movies," he says, getting close to your face like he's telling you a secret. "I think you've got a lot of potential. With just a little coaching and one great role," his hand dips lower down your back, and you freeze. Ice water runs through your veins, and everything is screaming at you to run away, but your heels stay planted against the expensive hardwood. "We'll make an Oscar winner of you yet."
"Excuse me," a familiar drawl says behind you. You both turn and make eye contact with Joel. "May I steal my girlfriend for a dance? I promised her one on the way over." He asks, but he's already wrapping an arm around your waist, ready to pull you away. The hand on your back disappears and claps Joel on the shoulder.
"Of course! You take good care of this one!"
"Yes, sir," Joel says as he pulls you to the dance floor. Your heart is still beating in your throat, and you feel like you could cry, but Joel's looking at you with such kindness. You find safety in him as you wrap your arms around his neck and slowly sway with him, the soft material of his dress shirt calming you down. He waits until Pike is out of earshot to lean down to talk in your ear. "Now, I know you don't need me savin' you like that. Are you sure you're okay?" 
"He's one of the biggest producers in Hollywood. He could tank my career in a single email. You want to be the one to yell at him?" You ask. "If I said or did something, he would've doubled down, but he respects you more. He backed off because, in his mind, I belong to you."
"How do you know?"
"I've dealt with people like him before. They're all the same old men who think they can offer you a legacy on a silver platter if you fuck them. I've gotten enough advice from other actors to know how to handle them. Let them get touchy but find an out before it can go too far. Stroke their egos so they feel good about themselves. Basically, do whatever to keep you and your career safe."
"I thought stuff like that didn't happen anymore."
"You and everyone else in the world. Things don't just magically change because one guy goes to jail." You sigh. 
"I'm sorry," he says, and you shake your head. 
"It's fine."
"No, it's not. You shouldn't have to deal with that."
"It was one of the first things people told me when I started. They said it was something I might just have to… endure but that the weight would get easier to carry. One actress even told me that it was the price we have to pay because everyone wants to be us," you chuckle. He doesn't interrupt you; he just stares at you with apologetic eyes like he would take this burden from you if he could. You almost believe him. "I don't think that's true. I think most people would hand this lifestyle in the second it got too real."
"What would you do if you weren't an actor?" He asks, and you shrug.
"I always thought about being a teacher. Sure, the pay is shit, and the work is thankless, but kids are our future, you know? There's something really special about shaping young minds."
"Sounds nice."
"What about you? What would you do if you weren't doing this?"
"Probably something with my hands. I worked as a mechanic for a while, and I really liked that. I liked how it was a big puzzle that needed to get sorted out and fixed up."
"Why'd you stop?" You ask. 
"I needed to grow up. My dad owned a contracting company, so I worked with him until I saved up enough to record my first album. And that was that."
"It's crazy how we fought so hard to get to where we are, and now that we're here, it's..." You trail off, trying to figure out what you want to say.
"Terrifying?" He suggests, and you nod. "Yeah, I'm terrified every second of every day."
"You don't act like it." 
"I don't act like a lot of things that I should," he says. He stares at you so intently that the rest of the world fades away. You don't hear the song die down or the applause erupt around you as the band takes a bow. You can feel his heartbeat against your chest. You know how crazed it is. He wets his lips before stepping back and trailing his eyes down your dress and back up to your face like he's taking you in for the first time. "You really do look beautiful tonight." You swallow around the lump in your throat and smooth your hands down your dress, suddenly self-conscious. 
"Thank you." You mumble. 
Pictures of you two kissing on the carpet and dancing inside are circulating online before you even leave the event. You wake up to a huge batch of texts— one from your mom, two from Joel, six from Ryan, and one from Melanie about your trip to New York that you barely read. You would've stayed in bed wallowing in your own bad luck if there wasn't a sharp knock on your door. You groan the whole way down the stairs like it will help you greet whoever has decided to show up at your house at eight in the morning, but nobody's there when you open the door. 
Instead, a bouquet of flowers in a lovely vase sits on your mat with a note sticking out. You glance down your street and barely catch a delivery truck turning down the block. You carefully take the flowers into your kitchen before plucking the note between the petals. 
Pretty flowers for a pretty girl - JM 
(PS bought these of my own volition)
"Goddammit," you mutter under your breath as you think about his lips on yours, his soft shirt, and his stupid fucking, "I don't act like a lot of things I should."
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