#she broke all over the floor but dont worry she can sweep it up!!!!! shell put herself together agai- *drops the pieces* *looks at them
Hey Vera… you sure you doing good, buddy?
(Is she suuuuuure she's doing good, hm? Hmmmm? God, NO! No! No!! She's gonna fucking die in here! They're all going to die!! And they don't even know, they're all just... aaaagh!!! The stupid fucking manager isn't saying a word to her, Owen's going to just kill himself with melting love [AGAIN!], and, God- what the fuck is happening?! What the fuck is happen-... ing...)
(...Ah, she's fucking- she's fucking crying.)
(So overemotional. Fuck everything, fuck the manager, fuck these stupid loops... God. She's so tired... She wipes her tears immediately, trying to calm herself a bit. Don't want anybody seeing her now... Oh, and how the hell does this anon know... anything about this..?)
(...Oh, right. She's being watched, huh? Of course she is. She can only hope the others don't just... have the ability to look in on whatever she's doing now. Especially now now. Ugh.)
(Can't have the others knowing what's going on. Too much negativity in the world... be positive..! Yeah. Yaaaay. She's so happy! Just fine, fine, fiiiine. As always! :) :) :))
yeah im doing alright, thanks!! :) how are you anon??
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