#she better not touch my baby olivia
lowgothree · 4 months
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a/n: last chapter why am i kinda sad, lol😬
summary: after getting unexpectedly left by your roommate, you find yourself in need of a replacement.
contents: happy ending 🥳. smut (am i going to hell for this? idk probably). reader is damn near mute at the start. they're both so very down bad. l-bombs. this is almost double the length of the other chapters so y'all better love me.
previous. next. masterlist.
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she half expected you to shut the door in her face. she wouldn’t have blamed you if you did — but you didn’t. you opened the door and you’re listening. 
what she thought she could get from olivia, that same thing she’d been craving and fighting for years, she gets so easily with you. just by your eyes meeting hers. you’re looking at her again — albeit in annoyance and hurt — but it’s still you and it’s still her. how it’s supposed to be. and there it is again. that feeling she had been uselessly chasing with olivia –– that pull. a feeling she only gets with you. she’s addicted to it. the way her heart begins to beat faster, how her eyes seem to be fixated on your pretty face, the way her body reposes in the wake of you. she feels so alive when she’s near you. 
she whispers your name, unlike the last time you’d heard her say it –– guilt ridden and shameful –– she says it in pure relief. her shoulders visibly relax when you don’t shut the door on her. she visibly relaxes at just the sight of you. as if her time away from her took away her ability to breathe and seeing you again, right in front of her and beautifully you, gave her back her air. 
“she isn’t you…” paige repeats, longing for you to say something. anything.
“what do you want me to say, paige?” you roll your eyes. “you want her? go have her.”
“i don’t.” she shakes her head, stepping forward, close enough that she could almost feel that familiar warmth of your body again. “i want you.”
her gaze disrupts any calm you might’ve felt. her words cleave the quiet. it leaves you silent. completely silent. 
“you were right. i was running…because i was scared.” she swallows thickly and you pause. she was scared? “but i’m not afraid anymore. i’m done running. i’m here and i won’t leave again. never again.”
“scared of what?” you almost don’t recognize your own voice, too in shock to process your words before they leave the gap between your lips.
“of this.” she gestures between the two of you. “i’ve never felt the way i do when i’m with you before. i just want another chance. i want to be yours and i want to spend the rest of my life making this up to you.” 
you hold your breath, remembering just how much you missed her. you missed her touch, her smell, her face, and the way she looked at you. you’re frozen at her words, at the tender look of desperation she gives you but you shake your head despite yourself. “i can’t be with you if you aren’t sure…”
the statement makes her heart sink. she had brought this on herself, she knew that. but it didn’t make it hurt any less. she doesn't like that she was the source of your anguish, it pained her. she’ll do anything to take that pain away. 
the frown on your face said it all; that she’d hurt you, that you were upset, and that you cared about her. that’s what she had relied on. it gives her the courage to reach out and touch you, to give herself that closeness she’d been craving since the minute she left. she grabs your waist and smiles at the way your body recognizes her touch. “i’m sure.” 
suddenly your mouth felt dry. sure, you had played this exact scenario over and over again in your head but you never expected it to actually happen. so you stay silent, desperately searching for words that never leave your mouth. 
“baby, i promise. i’m so sure. please.” she stresses, she’s sure. 
you’re staring at her, in shock and heart pounding, having a mental debate. holy shit say something. anything. but you can’t.
“just let me fix it…” she leans in, testing to see if you’ll pull away. you don’t. “let me deserve you.” 
you nod, finally able to speak again. finding yourself unable to deny her –– to deny yourself. “okay..”
and then she leans in more, letting her lips take their place on yours. she pulls you even closer and you walk backwards into the apartment, paige shuts the door behind herself. she pulls away from the kiss to smile at you. 
“i love you…” she whispers and you pause again, body almost malfunctioning. she what??
paige takes your silence as discomfort and immediately backs away from you with widened eyes. “oh…um, i’m sorry –– i mean, it’s true but you don’t have to say it back or anything i didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable i just, fuck.”
you grab her hand, smiling softly at her. every hair on your body standing in the wake of her confession. “i love you too…”
at that moment paige feels almost every emotion; happiness at your words, anger at herself for running from this, guilt because she had hurt you. but you kiss all those thoughts away until her brain can only ideate one concrete picture: you. always you.
she can’t help it, she grabs your face and presses her lips to yours again. your kiss is hesitant. on one hand, she doesn’t deserve to taste you after what she’d done to you. on the other hand, she tastes so good. fuck, she taste like yours. 
she wanted to atone, to show you that she’d realized the error in her ways. she wanted you to forgive her completely for letting her fears hurt you. because you taught her something she’d never dreamed of learning before you. you taught her how to pay homage. 
“you know what else i missed?” she whispers in your ear making you laugh despite yourself. paige could always take the edge off. always able to make you laugh no matter the circumstances.
“i’m sure i could guess…” you let your hand reach underneath the hem of her hoodie so you could feel the bare skin of her waist.  she laughs too, with her whole chest and it’s beautiful. you’re just staring at her, basking in her euphoria and your heart swells. you’re in love bad.  “you’re so pretty…” you mumble, unable to stop yourself.
she smiles wide, all teeth and red cheeks. “stop…”
you shake your head. “no…you’re my girlfriend now so i can call you pretty as much i want to.”
her grin only seems to widen if possible and you can’t help but mirror it. “i love hearing that…”
“mhm…i love hearing pretty much anything you say but especially that.” she kisses your jaw and you bring your hand from under her shirt to the back of her neck. “my girlfriend…” she whispers in awe and it makes you laugh again.
she starts to kiss your neck and your laughter immediately ceases. you also missed the sex. a lot.
you hold onto her for stability as your breathing quickens. “you never…told me what that other thing you missed was?”
“thought you were gonna guess?”
“i said i could guess.” you hum, pulling her face from your neck so you could hover your lips over hers. “but i wanna hear you say it.”
“well, you just forgave me so i wasn’t sure if it was a good time –– ”
“what do you have against makeup sex?” you tilt your head and she laughs. she doesn’t respond immediately but she places a chaste kiss on your mouth before she sucks in a breath.
“your room or mine?”
you don’t even answer her question. it doesn’t really matter, but hers is closer. you kiss her again as you back into her bedroom. 
she always liked being this close to you. close enough to hear your heavy breathing and to feel the warmth of your skin under her palms. she pulls you even closer. she gently pushes you down onto her bed, straddling you. “did you miss having me like this, baby?”
you shudder, nodding. “mhm…” and then you take a good look at her attire. “are you hot?”
she smirks. “you tell me.”
you roll your eyes. “you’re annoying.”
paige chuckles but nods. “yeah…normally it’s cold as shit in this apartment but for some reason it’s literally hell in here.”
“ac broke. and you’re kinda overdressed.” you lay back on her comforter, rubbing her thighs. “i’m surprised you didn’t say anything sooner. you love to complain.”
“i just got everything i want…i have nothing to complain about.” she smiles and then groans, not thinking twice about taking her hoodie off. “gotta get that fixed, babe…” she starts kissing up your neck and then tugs at your shirt for you to take it off.
you lift it over your head with a hum before laying back down so she can resume her kisses. “yeah. maintenance guy comes tomorrow.”
“good.” she nods in acknowledgement. “take off your pants.”
“i wanna touch you first…” you whisper but paige just shakes her head.
“no…i want to give you a proper apology.”
you chuckle. “well, i’m not gonna say no.”
you watch her body in anticipation as she climbs off of you and slowly takes your pants off. she settles between your legs, locking her arms around your waist to keep you pressed firmly down into the bed and your breathing quickens. she kisses your stomach and then both your thighs, sucking little reminders into the soft flesh so that you can remember how she felt tomorrow. it makes you squirm but her grip never falters.
“stop teasing.” you buck your hips but she holds you there. that’s another thing you loved about paige. she’s so strong. when she finally does put her mouth where you want it, she’s lazing about it. but still exact.
she eats you out with precision only a woman begging for forgiveness could have. you can’t help the sounds you’re making but you’re far too turned on to be embarrassed by them. 
it’s all you can do to slump in her hold and just watch her, the way her mouth devours you and the way her eyes watch your every reaction. the sight is so lewd you could cum from just watching her work.
“feels so good…” you mewl, clinging to the bed sheets so hard your fingers cramp. she looks up at you, reaching for your hand to lace your fingers with hers.
she knows it does. she learned exactly how to please you and she was proud of that. she knew exactly how you liked it.
she knows when you’re about to come. almost before you do. she makes sure to continue doing exactly what she’s doing because she knows that’s what you’d be begging her for if you could speak right now. but she’s happy all you can do is be pretty and take it. take her apology and cling onto her.
she rides it out for you, only pulling away when you’re too sensitive for her to keep going. she smiles at you. it’s smug.
“shut up…” your chest is heaving and there’s a thin layer of sweat coating your skin. she feels almost prideful that she did that to you. she gets the sudden, intense desire to touch you so she does. she reaches up to caress your cheek. 
“so beautiful…” her voice is starstruck again and you chuckle tiredly. 
“enough.” you whisper tiredly. “come here…your turn.”
she slowly moves closer to you, you lick your lips when you notice how red she is. how turned on she is just from pleasing you.
you help her out of her pants, and then you sit up so she can straddle you again. she hovers over you and you stare at her for a moment. “what do you want?”
she knows better than to be shy about it. she trusts you too much to be shy about it. “your fingers. please.”
you can’t help but snicker.
“please? when did you get manners?” 
“i’ve always had manners.” she mutters.
“you sure about that?”
she nods, eyes sparkling at you and you poorly attempt to bite back a smile. 
“cute…but save it for azzi or something.” you chuckle before you circle her clit with two fingers. she immediately groans and the sound is mesmerizing. “feel good?”
she nods again and you don’t even try to hide your smile this time. “how good?”
she sucks in a deep breath when you pick up your pace a little. “really good. don’t stop.”
“wasn’t planning on it.”
“i kinda expected you to get me all worked up and then leave me like this as punishment.” she half laughs, half whimpers.
“hmm…i didn’t think about that. maybe i should just –– “ you slip your fingers away from her and she whines but you chuckle softly. “i’m just kidding…i’d never do that to you.”
“and miss a chance to torture me? i don’t believe you.” she can barely speak in full sentences with how good your hand feels on her. 
“and miss a chance to see how pretty you look when you come?” you mock her tone of voice when you rebuttal.  “never.”
she moans, something she rarely does and this time it’s your turn to be smug. she hides her face in your neck, embarrassed by how quickly you can weaken her.
as much as you want to make her look at you, you don’t want to embarrass her further so you just move your fingers harder against her.
“you smell really good…” paige mutters in between soft moans and then she cringes. “sorry, that’s probably weird to say right now.”
you dismiss her, fingers never changing pace. “no…it’s okay. thank you. you’re really sweet when you wanna be.”
“i’m always sweet.” her voice is practically slurred as she starts to feel the knots building up in her stomach. “i’m so close…”
you keep going until her legs start shaking, pulling your hand away from her and kissing her sweetly.
she pushes you to lay down again so she can wrap her arm around you and cuddle you. for a moment, you’re both silent. just settling in the afterglow, kissing softly here and there and smiling at each other. until you speak.
“you know…” you pant against her lips, she rubs your thighs and hums as you pull away slightly to talk. “i’ve wanted you since you moved in here…”
“yeah? why didn’t you say anything?” she chuckles, pulling you impossibly closer.
“i don’t know. so many reasons.” you stare into her eyes, meeting her smile. she leans in to kiss your jaw and then whispers in your ears. 
“name a few.”
you roll your eyes, they’re all obvious. “olivia for starters –– ” she groans, hiding her face in your neck which makes you laugh. “plus, i didn’t wanna rock the boat.”
she shakes her head, pulling back to look you in the eyes. her voice is pure silk when she whispers softly, “from the moment i first saw you…that ship sailed.”
you snicker, putting a hand over paige’s face. “cheesy…”
“you love it.” she kisses your neck again. “you love me.”
you nod in agreement but that isn’t enough. most likely, it never will be. she lets her hands trail your waist exploratorily. “say it.”
you shudder at the command in her voice. even if you could deny her, why would you want to? 
“i love you...”
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sunny44 · 1 year
Daddy’s girl
Pairing: Mason Mount x Mom!reader
Warnings: just fluff.
Summary: you and Mason decided it was time to take baby Olivia to her first Chelsea game and it goes better than the expected.
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Today would be the first time we would take Olivia to see Mason playing.
She had gone when I was pregnant and once and then I stopped going because of my difficult pregnancy and after she was born I stared getting a lot of hate online saying horrible things about the baby so we decides that we were taking her when she could walk by herself.
And today is the day.
Mason was already at the stadium and I would go along with his family who were downstairs waiting for us.
"Are you excited to see daddy?" As soon as I mention Mason she gets up and starts jumping on the bed "I guess that’s a yes."
I finished putting on her Jersey with the Mount and the number 19 on the back, she was wearing her Chelsea uniform and her little Nike air.
"We need to pin your hair up." I spoke to her but Olivia was distracted playing with Mason’s socks she had found on the bed. "My God you really are his daughter."
I've made two buns on her and took her on my lap down the stairs to find his family already waiting for us.
"I'm sorry it took so long, she have Mason’s energy."
"No problem honey you have you and mini Mase to dress up." His mother smiles at us leaving the house.
I went in the car with his parents and we were driven to where we were going to watch the game but right at the entrance Olivia saw a huge picture of Mason and she ran screaming “daddy” and hugged herself to the wall. The scene was the cutest thing in the world and it was a shame that I couldn't record it and show it to him later.
When the players entered the field and the big screen was showing them, Olivia screamed as soon as she saw her father.
The game was wonderful and Chelsea won it, Olivia spent much of the time screaming and every time the screen showed Mason she celebrated seeing him and the people watching us probably knew she was his daughter since some of them started to take pictures or record us.
After we were free we went to the field, Olivia was on my lap super excited to see everyone including some of her football uncles as I like to call them.
"Look there baby is Uncle Kai, go give him a big hug." She laughed and ran over to him since she hadn't found Mason yet.
"Hi love." He says hugging me from behind.
"Oh my god Mason you scared me." He laughs and I turn to him. "You were amazing I’m so proud of you."
"Thank you." He kisses me. "Where's Oli?"
"She went to give Kai a hug." I pointed to her on his lap and a few other players along making her laugh.
Her relationship with Kai was funny because Olivia was a miniature of Mason, super energetic and likes to talk to everyone and Kai was serious most of the time and not the most affectionate person when it comes to physical touch.
"Olivia." At the same time he calls out and even with all the noise she somehow seems to hear and cracked the biggest smile when she saw him. "Hey baby girl."
"Daddy." She shouts as he picks her up on his lap.
"Did you have fun?" she agrees and he puts her on his shoulders.
I took some pictures of her on his shoulder and lap and then some of them playing with the ball.
"The guys are going out for dinner to celebrate the win, do you want to go?" He asks. "Some of their girlfriend’s are going."
"We can go yes but can you take me somewhere I can change her? This uniform of her smells like horrible and she didn't even play." He laughs.
"I need to shower and get change so I'll take advantage of that and give her a bath in the locker room."
"Alright, let’s say goodbye to your family and I'll separate some clean clothes for her."
We said goodbye to his family and Mason went with Olivia to the locker room, I separated an outfit for her and I obviously wasn't going to go in and risk seeing things I shouldn't have so I knocked on the door and Ben opened it.
“Is everything ok?" He asked worriedly.
"Yeah it's just that Mason is giving Oli a sower so we can go out and meet up with you guys and I wanted to ask someone to give him her clothes."
"Why didn’t you come in?"
"Because I don't want to see your things." He laughs and yells asking if anyone was naked and since they said no I went in. "The only one who might be naked is Mason but considering you have a daughter with him at least once you saw him naked."
I rolled my eyes at his comment and soon Mason let me know she was ready and handed her to me, he went to shower and I was drying and dressing her. When she was dry and in her diaper she got up from the bench and started running after Reece and Christian.
"Oli come back here."
"No." She ran and stretched her arms out to Kai’s who grabbed her in his lap and she hid in his neck.
"Are you hungry?" At the same time she gives me a quick look and I swear I've never seen a little girl as hungry as this one. "Where we're having dinner they have that pasta you like.”
She quickly holds out her hands to me and Kai laughs at how quickly she comes onto my lap. I dressed her I a white blouse and some leggings and a coat that Ben gave it to her.
"Mason I'm going to wait with Oli in the cafeteria."
"Okay love I'm just finishing up and I'll meet you guys there.”
Me, Olivia and a few more of the boys left with me and we went to the cafeteria to wait until Mason was ready to go to dinner.
Dinner was great and right after we ate Oli fell asleep and is sleeping until now, she spent the whole time jumping from lap to lap until she stopped at Mason's where she didn't let go of him and now we are going to the car with her on his lap.
"Wow you don't know how amazing today was." He comments smiling. "Oli went to her first game, we won and I am the luckiest guy in the world to share life with you."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it and Oli loved it." I put the bags on her in the backseat as he adjusts her in the car seat. "You know that giant picture of you outside the stadium?"
"I do."
"I couldn't record it because it all happened so fast but Oli as soon as she saw it ran out screaming daddy and hugged the wall." He laughed and left a little kiss on her forehead and covered her with her binky.
"You have no idea how much I love this little girl." He says starting the car and beginning to drive towards our house.
"She loves you too, every time you appeared on the screen she screamed and clapped her hands calling for you."
"Thank you for taking her today, it meant a lot to me." He takes my hand and leaves a kiss on the top of my hand.” I know it’s not easy to have a public life and I really appreciate you so much for loving me and doing all those sacrifices for our family. And I also know that it was not easy to take her today because now people know how she looks but I really love it, so thank you.
"No need to thank me, you know I would do anything for you." He smiles and we went home after this amazing day.
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Bonus scene!
Y/nmount instagram post
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Liked by masonmount, jazbenham, benchilwell and others 18,947
Y/nmount our baby girl went to her first game to cheer for daddy and her uncles
Masonmount my little lucky charm, daddy loves you so much
Debbiemount she was the cutest fan
Benchilwell I’m giving her a jersey with my name and number on it
Masonmount I’m throwing away
Y/nmount she’s going to love it ben, thank you
Fan65 we’re finally able to say that baby mount looks exactly like Mason
Y/nlovers yesssss, she’s all him
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I fell in love with the previous holiday request 🥹 can you do another part, maybe Christmas morning and presents? Dad Eddie is so cuteeeee
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AN | I love dad Eddie too, so have some more! 🥺🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Daddy,” Eddie heard the small voice calling out to him, but he kept his eyes tightly shut. Maybe if she thought he was still sleeping, she’d give him a break. Wishful thinking. This was his daughter after all. A little hand patted his cheek, “Daddy! Wake up!”
Eddie opened one eye to find Ollie looking at him with big eyes and a shy smile. How on earth was he ever supposed to be mad at her? He reached up and gently poked her cheek, causing her to giggle, “what are you doing up, Ollie Pop?”
“It’s Christmas,” her eyes went wide as she reached for his hand to drag him out of bed, as if she’d accomplish that through sheer force, “you gotta get up! Santa was here!”
“Can I have five more minutes?” he pleaded with her, not ready to leave the comfort of the warm bed and your soft body next to his. She put her hands on his cheeks and made sure he was looking at her, “please?”
“You say that sometimes and then it ends up being forever,” she huffed; she was really calling him out on his little white lies. The kid was too smart for her own good.
“I’m old, Ollie,” he sighed dramatically, “I need my sleep and rest…just like you do. So why don’t go back to bed for a little while?”
“Nope,” she looked so pleased with herself, displaying her big gap-toothed smile as she shook her head, a few dark curls bouncing roguishly, “Daddy, you can’t sleep in on Christmas!”
“Alright, alright,” part of him wanted to say no, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to do, “five minutes then?”
“Five minutes,” she agreed, “I’ll wait in the living room.”
“No peeking at what Santa left! And no touching either,” she scoffed as she walked, giving him a stern look and finger waggle before closing the door behind her, “I mean it, Olivia!”
He heard her yell something inaudible back and chuckled to himself. She was a lot, but he wouldn’t have changed a thing about her.
“Five minutes only, Daddy,” you teased, turning over to face him. He playfully rolled his eyes before leaning to press a soft kiss to your lips. You were just waking up, bleary eyed and soft-smiled with wild hair. You were the most gorgeous being he had ever seen, “hi.”
“Hi,” he grinned back, brushing a few stray hairs out of your face before settling his hand on the slight swell of your belly. It turned out that you had gotten him an early Christmas present that year, “do you think I can get away with making fifteen?”
“Not a chance.”
“If it’s even a moment over five, she’ll be right back in here to drag you out,” you laughed softly as he leaned back against the pillow, letting out a heavy sigh, “you should know that by now. It’s your kid after all.”
“She’s half yours,” he snorted as you shook your head, “oh? Are you telling me you swapped babies at the hospital and traded our baby for a different one?”
“Oh no,” you giggled in amusement, “there’s no denying that’s our kid. But…right now, early on Christmas morning, she’s all yours. You’re basically a single dad until at least ten this morning.”
“I’d argue with you on that,” he rolled over so you were under him, caged between his arms as he dipped his hand down to kiss you. He made sure to keep his weight off you so he wouldn’t hurt the baby…yeah, he was that kind of father - overprotective and always worried, but you loved it, “but I think you deserve some more rest. You’re doing all the hard work right now, growing our son.”
“Bold of you to assume it’ll be a boy!”
“I just have a feeling,” he smirked, “you’ll realize I was right in about five months.”
“Daddy!” you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up as he hung his head and sighed softly.
“Better go,” you whispered, reaching up and putting your hand on his face, brushing your thumb over the apple of his cheek, “I’ll be there soon, I promise. I just want to close my eyes for a few more minutes. Your son is really taking it out of me right now.”
“I’ll allow it,” he turned his face and pressed a kiss to your palm, “just rest. We’ll see you soon.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Alright, Ollie Pop,” Eddie rubbed the rest of the sleep from his eyes as he walked down the hall and into the living room. But his daughter was nowhere in sight, which immediately caused his anxiety to spike, “kiddo?”
“In the kitchen,” she called back and he relaxed before wondering what she was up to. He padded into the kitchen and froze at the sight in front of him. Ollie was standing on a chair, chocolate powder all over her and the kitchen counter. As soon as she noticed his expression, she turned oh so innocent and sheepish, “sorry Daddy. I was gonna make chocolate milk for us.”
Part of him wanted to be mad and blame her for the mess, but he knew there was no point. She was just a kid, and she was trying her best; the most important thing was that she was okay. Messes were annoying but they could always be cleaned up, “that’s very sweet of you, little miss. Maybe next time wait for me or Mommy, okay?”
“Okay,” she held her arms to him, silently asking for him to pick her up, “I wanted to surprise you!”
“Consider me surprised,” he picked her up and perched her on his hip as he grabbed a rag to start cleaning, “you’re something else, kid.”
“Is that good or bad?’ she looked at him curiously and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her cheek.
“Very good,” he promised, “the absolutely best. Now - let’s get this cleaned up and then I’ll help you make some chocolate milk and maybe we can open a few presents. Sound like a plan?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After Eddie cleaned up the kitchen and the kid, he let her drag him into the living room. He started a fire as she excitedly sat down in front of the tree, but her attention was quickly pulled to the window. 
“Wow,” she jumped and ran over to the sliding glass patio door, putting her little hands on it as she looked into the backyard. It was snowing softly outside, everything outside was already covered in a soft layer of the glittering white flakes, “Daddy, its snowing! Can we go play outside later?”
“Sure thing, Ollie Pop,” he cast her a fond little look; he’d never had moments like this as a child and he was happy (and proud) to be able to give this to her. He’d vowed to capture every special moment with her, “but we gotta open presents and eat breakfast first, okay?”
“Okay,” she turned back to him with a serious look on her little face, “can we build a snowman and an igloo? Like the ones in my cartoon!”
“I mean, we can try,” he promised, “but we’re not penguins like the ones in the Pingu, so I don’t know how good ours will be. But we can definitely try.”
“We’ll do great,” she promised, padding back over to the tree and sitting down cross legged, “penguins don’t have hands or fingers so it must be harder for them. It’ll be easy for us ‘cause we have both!”
“You’re so smart,” he beamed at her before grabbing a blanket off the couch, and putting it over the two of them as he sat down next to her, “you definitely take after your mom.”
“Nuh uh,” she shook her head and waved her hand at him. Where did she get all this sass? You, he could practically hear you saying, “Mommy says I’m just like you.”
“Yeah? Not surprising at all,” he crooked his finger at her, and she leaned in close to him as he bent to reach her ear, “Mommy’s sometimes really sassy too. She’s just as goofy and silly as you are. But you didn’t hear that from me.”
“Hear what?” she feigned and shrugged her little shoulder as he just nodded. He’d taught his little mini-me so well. Ollie fell silent for a moment before looking at him seriously, “can I ask you a question?”
“Anything kiddo.”
“Do you and Mommy know Santa Clause?” she whispered causing Eddie to almost choke on his chocolate milk. He started coughing to clear his throat and she was closely scrutinizing.
“Whaddaya mean?”
“Last year Santa got me exactly what I wanted,” she mused, casting a suspicious look at all the presents under the tree, “how would he know that?”
“That’s because you left him a letter along with the milk and cookies, remember?” he was internally panicking, wondering what the heck he was supposed to tell her. The two of you hadn’t discussed what you’d say if she asked about Santa. He couldn’t do this alone, he needed you for back up. He cast a forlorn glance down the hall and the bedroom.
“Yeah, but it still doesn’t make sense,” she huffed, “how can he know exactly what I want and all the other kids in the world? How could he get me presents and everyone else? It makes no sense!”
“Sure it does,” he lied. Damn. This kid really was way too smart, “he’s got all his elves to help and then his reindeer to help. They all work really hard and fast.”
“Hmm,” she pondered over his words and he hoped that she would just accept his word for it. He didn’t want the full magic of Christmas to disappear for her just yet…and he definitely didn’t want to have to tell her that Santa wasn’t real without you, “I guess. Next year I wanna stay up all night so we can catch him! Can we, Daddy?”
“Totally,” he agreed, a wave of relief washing over him, “we’ll catch him.”
Crisis averted for now. 
“Can I open a present?’ she asked sweetly and he nodded, reaching under the tree and grabbing a box for her. She took it gently, but eagerly and went to shake it but Eddie shook his head and stopped her.
“You have to be gentle with it.”
“Okay,” she slowly started to rip off the wrapping paper as you made your way into the living room, all wrapped up in your fluffy robe and looking cozy, “Mommy!”
“Good morning, my little love,” you crouched down and pressed a big kiss to her cheek, “merry Christmas.”
She wrapped her little arms around your neck as she gave you a tight hug, “merry Christmas!”
“Go on,” you nudged her back towards her present and turned your attention to your husband, “and good morning to you, my love.”
“Hi baby,” he pulled you towards him, settling you on his lap as he wrapped his arms around your middle and rested his chin on your shoulder. He ran a hand over your belly, causing you to sigh softly, “and hello baby.”
“Dork,” you turned your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek before the two of you watched Ollie finish ripping off the wrapping. You watched in eager anticipation as she studied what she had just unwrapped. It took her a few moments, but when she realized what it was, she squealed in delight, jumping up and down with a burst of energy, “well? What do you think, Ollie?”
“It’s a guitar!” she exclaimed as if the two of you didn’t know exactly what it was, “now I can be just like Daddy!”
“You’re going to be even cooler than me,” he insisted as she ran over and hugged him, almost knocking him over in the process, “do you like it?”
“It’s what I asked Santa for!” she was almost yelling with all the excitement in her little body, “will you teach me how to play?”
“Absolutely,” he promised; she’d been fascinated with him playing the guitar since she was a baby. Once she’d gotten older and really understood what it was, she’d begged for own little guitar. You’d both agreed that now was as good a time as any to get her started, “you’re going to be a natural. I can’t wait to teach you.”
“Me too,” she started to open the box, being as careful as she could. If Eddie had passed on his love of music to her, he also passed on the knowledge of care and respect for the instruments.
You shifted slightly so you could turn to Eddie and leaned in towards him, lowering your voice, “do you think we should tell her? That way she’ll have plenty of time to process beforehand…”
“I think now is an excellent time to tell her,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek before looking back at Ollie, “hey kiddo, your mother and I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” she plopped onto the floor and looked at the two of you with curious eyes. She tapped her chin thoughtfully for a moment, surprisingly introspective for such a small thing. Before either of you could say anything she made a small sound, “oh. Is it about the new baby?”
Your mouth dropped open as you and Eddie exchanged surprised looks. Both of you pointed at each other in surprise, trying to figure out if either of you had spilled the beans. You shook your head and Eddie did the same. He looked at daughter in amusement as she continued to try and unwrap the box, “Olivia May Munson, how did you know that?”
She shrugged, playing it off for a moment as the two of you waited for her to go on, “Mommy’s been sick in the mornings, and I heard her tell you about going to the doctor. Lilly said that her mom was sick a lot in the mornings and they told her she was getting a sister.”
You leaned into Eddie and whispered in his ear, “she’s way too smart and perceptive for her own good.”
“She’s your daughter after all,” he beamed, “guess the cat’s out of the bag.”
“Is it true?” she paused and looked at both of you, her brows knitting together, “is there a new baby?”
“It’s true,” you promised, reaching out for her to come over. She clambered over and sat down in your lap, “you’re going to be a big sister soon. You’re going to have a brother or a sister!”
“Wow,” her eyes lit up and you could tell that she was genuinely excited, “that’s cool! I hope it’s a brother…wait no - a sister! Well, either one really.”
“You’re such a good girl,” Eddie stroked her chubby little cheek, nothing but fondness coloring his voice, “we love you so much, Ollie. And that is never going to change. You’re always going to be our baby girl. We’ll always love you.”
“I know,” she put a chubby little hand on both of your cheeks, “I love you too.”
“Good,” you grinned, “glad to know we’re all on the same page.”
“Yes,” she promised, nodding and causing her unruly curls to bounce wildly, “now can we finish opening presents?”
“Never change, kid,” Eddie laughed as he wrapped an arm around you, “I love you both so much, my girls -  my boy!”
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ncis-nerd · 4 months
long cases
Ship: Olivia Benson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, SA mention and description briefly, cuddling, pet names.
About: A case gone wrong leaves y/n upset and to make matters worse, y/n can relate to the case so she blames her self but her girlfriend, liv, provides a shoulder to cry on and consoles y/n.
"cmon baby, stop being so shy. it's just me. just mommy, sweetie. lemme see your pretty face, hm?" liv cooed, in attempts to get her little lovie out of burying her face into liv's shoulder. y/n slowly begins to pull away, her teary-eyes met liv's. "Oh honey.." liv sighed sadly. she knew that this last case had taken a toll on y/n. it went so wrong and liv can tell y/n is blaming herself. "livie" y/n's voice broke. the fragile girl began to sob, covering her face with her fingers to spare liv the effort of attempting to console her. there was nothing liv could say to change the outcome of the case but what liv could do, was talk to y/n about it. liv knows that y/n was abused sexually in the past so this is why she relates to this case so deeply.
A few minutes passed, liv was giving y/n the space to cry and let it all out before talking to her. Y/n stood limp in liv's arms, tears stopped flowing. Y/n began to trace circles on liv's back. Liv took this as a sign that y/n was in a slightly better state. "Honey?" Liv gambled. Y/n hummed in reponsed. "Are you ready to talk about it, my love?" Liv asked, not removing the girl from her lap just in case. Y/n and Liv had this agreement that they'd always talk about it. If someone was bugging the other, they would not let it cause an argument or fight. To talk about it and dispute the problem before it gets worse.
Y/n scooted over, leaving some space between the two, but not much. Y/n clutched onto liv's hand, not that liv minded. She knew it helped y/n to talk, grounded her. Knowing that liv was real and she would be okay eventually. "I think the reason this case is getting to me so much is because this has happened to me. Not this exact situation but I was SA-ed. A-and I've told you about it briefly but..." Y/n's voice broke, drawing intense circles on liv's hand. With her other hand, liv reached out to rub y/n's back. Giving her a hint to breathe. Y/n takes a deep breath in response, getting the hint. Liv fixated on y/n's story, nodding at her to continue when she's ready.
"P-part of me wished someone had came to save me, but no one ever did. It got worse but you know what? I grew up, and got the hell out of there." Y/n exhaled, feeling a huge weigh lifted off her chest. "That's right my love. What you experienced, is horrible, I have no words. But you're right, you got the hell out of there and I'm so proud of you for that. Shows how strong you are, look how far you came. You help people everyday, you are amazing, my gorgeous, generous, girlfriend." her voice softened with affection.
Y/n let out a soft giggle in response. Liv, obviously confused, gives y/n a puzzled look in response. Furrowing her eyebrows. "That all started with g's, I just thought it was funny." Y/n squeaked in a happier sounding voice. "Oh? Hm? Funny am I?" Liv pushed, climbing onto y/n, trapping them beneath her. Y/n raised an eyebrow towards Liv. Liv attacked y/n with tickles. "l-livie!" She squealed. "How funny am I now? Hm, sweetheart?" Liv teased. Y/n squirmed beneath her, out of breath "l-liv i can't breath!!" Y/n giggled. "Oh, can't you now baby? " Liv inched closer towards Y/n, pressing her lips against y/n's.
Liv fell beside y/n, her hand caressed y/n's face. Their eyes met, and y/n leaned into liv's touch. "I love you so much, babe." y/n whispered quietly. "you are so perfect, angel." Liv whispered in response. They gazed at each other with nothing other than love. They laid in silence, clutching onto one another, falling asleep tangled up in quiet.
a/n: like, reblog and comment for more!!
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won4ver · 4 months
song lyric dialogue prompts
“loving you was lethal” [EVIL by Melanie Martinez]
“slow dance with yourself in a lonely crowd” [ Die For You by Beauty School Dropout]
“i could never do it once and she did it twice” [we’re not alike by tate mcrae]
“all the drugs couldn’t ever make me love like i want to” [Unlovable by Beach Weather]
“I heard a song and started crying, it made me think of you” [Boyhood by Birth Day]
“please let me get what I want, lord knows it would be the first time” [Please Please Please Let Me Get What I want by The Smiths]
“you don’t have to change, you’re perfect the way you are” [Body Dysmorphia by Eyedress]
“I wanted you to want me back” [No Room 4 U by PROM]
“but I crumble completely when you cry” [505 by Arctic Monkeys]
“i’ve given all I can, it’s not enough” [Karma Police by Radiohead]
“but if I gave up on being pretty I wouldn’t know how to be alive” [Brand New City by Mitski]
“you look so pretty, pretty like the wind” [Black Friday by Tom Odell]
“the shade of your hair has changed but I look up to you the same” [if this is the last time by LANY]
“why am I jealous if i’m yours?” [gaslight by Nessa Barrett]
“will they love you when you’re famous?” [la di die by Nessa Barrett]
“be the girl you used to know, playing on the radio” [la di die by Nessa Berrett]
“dead on arrival, always a little too late” [WE MADE PLANS & GOD LAUGHED by Beauty School Dropout]
“it’s the same old situation, got you stuck in my head” [YEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH… by Beauty School Dropout]
“did he touch you better than me?” [Creepin’ by Metro Boomin]
“you’re the worst of my crimes” [Best by Gracie Abrams]
“I don’t wanna fight anymore” [Sunshin Baby by The Japanese House]
“when i’m with you, I don’t wanna be with you” [Covet by Basement]
“Is it hesitance, or is this feeling heaven sent?” [Are You The One by Basement]
“I don’t love you, I just need to be loved” [Pine by Basement]
“I think I like you best when you’re just with me and no one else” [K. by Cigarettes After Sex]
“I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places” [affection by BETWEEN FRIENDS]
“wake me up when it’s over” [Sleepwalkimg by All Time Low]
“never thought id taste as good to anyone but you” [Pretty Venom by All Time Low]
“if you could have it all, why do you want me?” [Tonight You Are Mine by The Technicolors]
“i’d give up forever to touch you” [Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls]
“and to think that right now you’re a stranger, I hope it’s not like this forever” [I Hope It’s Not Like This Forever by Amber Run]
“you don’t know how lucky you are” [Acting My Age by The Academic]
“I see my reflection in your eyes” [Reflections by The Neighbourhood]
“I can’t forget, I can’t forgive you” [Family Line by Conan Gray]
“where did you learn what it means to reciprocate?” [Tek It by Cafuné]
“don’t you know you’re just another heartbreaker?” [Swoon by Beach Weather]
“if I could burn this town, I wouldn’t hesitate” [Choke by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME]
“I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck” [Fallingforyou by The 1975]
“how could anybody do the things you did so easily?” [the grudge by Olivia Rodrigo]
“I wish I could live without you” [Telephones by Vacation]
“It’s easy to forget that you are gone” [Nostolgia by Suki Waterhouse]
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In it together.
Pairing: Austin!Elvis x reader x Olivia!Priscilla.
Summary: After a week of sickness, nothing sounds better than a family day out.
Warning: Time-period racism, Overprotective Austin!Elvis, Fighting, Fluff, Pregnant Olivia!Priscilla, Teen Lisa Marie, Poly relationship. (A/n: sorry this took so dang long, I lost motivation but I tried to push pasted my writer's block for this. I hope you liked it)
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You smiled as you took in the fresh air of a gorgeous dawn, the birds chirping was like Harmony to your ears. A week spent in bed without sun and light and nasty medicine was all behind you and now you got to see your babies, Lord had mercy on your little Spencer and Savannah. Now Elvis did the best he could do to deal with their hair, most hairstyles were clumsy and unsure yet the twins wore them with pride and would brag about their daddy doing their hair if the stories your older daughter told you was true.
"Takin' in the view mama." Elvis walked up from behind you and hugged your waist. You hummed and looked over your shoulder to see he wasn't looking at the "View" but you. Gigging you batted his arms from you as you looked through the open door to see Priscilla trying to go down the stairs. "Elvis!" you gasped. "Cilla!" Elvis didn't skip a beat and rushed to help his legitimate wife.
"Oh calm down you two I'm okay." Priscilla huffed yet it held no bite as she allowed Elvis to help her down the last steps. "Cilla, you know how dangerous it is to go down those stairs. Alone" you scolded her and in turn, she rolled her eyes, a tiny smile on her painted lips, and simply walked past you towards the car. "Come on, the kids are waiting," she said looking over her shoulder before opening the passenger seat and sliding into the vehicle. Elvis chuckled and shook his head as he got into the driver's seat, and waited for you to get in the back with Lisa, the twins, and your baby boy. You could see the giddiness of your children, all so happy to go to the new restaurant that opened up close to Beale Street, and Elvis had been dying to visit. The ride was filled with laughter and lively chatter. Once Elvis had parked the car, everyone filed out, the children sported smiles and grins as they looked upon the front of the restaurant was it beautiful, a glowing gold neon sign in cursive was raised above the door, adding a fancy touch. You were luckily seated, almost immediately once they saw your husband, and if you thought the outside was beautiful the inside did it no justice. The carpet was a velvet red and a classy glass, golden chandelier hung from the high ceiling, the black tablecloths and white chair covers popped out of the glamorous colors. Your brows frowened as a waiter came up to your table wearing a spotless suit his eyes flicking to you and your babies, his smile twitching each time he did as he took your orders and rushed away. "I'm so excited for some food." Lisa Marie groaned and leaned back into her chair, eyes closed and dramatically rubbing her stomach, causing the twins to giggle at their older sister as she opened an eye to peek at them, a playful smile on her lips. The giggles, Priscilla warning Lisa Marie to behave, and Elvis trying to calm down his wife blurred to background noise, as you suddenly felt aware of the stares from the other patrons and the not-so-stable way the waiter seemed to whisper to another waiter and pointing to your table. "Mama, ya okay?" Elvis whispered as he grabbed your hand, squeezing it. "Oh, yeah. 'm okay." you faked a smile, reassuring your husband, as you squeezed his hand back as a man came to your table. He didn't look like a waiter, he wore a striped black suit instead of the plain black suits the serves wear and cheap golden jewelry, "Ah, the famous Mr. And Mrs. Presley! Welcome to my restaurant." his grin at Elvis and Cilla before it turned sleazy as he looked at you, "Sorry but pets aren't allowed here, so if you can take your pets out that would very appreciated." a pregnant silence filed the air before the sound of a chair falling to the floor and a grunt broke the silence. "Lisa Maire, help your siblings! " you ordered as you quickly helped Priscilla out of her chair and towards the exit, looking back at your enraged husband. You knew better than anyone you had to get the family away from the scene, you wouldn't let your babies see violence so young. No later Elvis was storming out the door, panting in anger as he slide into the drivers seat, his shaking fingers running through his messed hair and straightening out his shirt. Wordless you leaned forward and took hold of his shoulder, your touched seemed to calm down your husband, as he shaky exhaled,"Thank ya, mama." Elvis laid his hand on yours.
"Mama," Savannah spoke up softly, "why did that man call us pets?" she asked, her eyes glazed over as she looked at you and her father. "Oh baby.." you shushed her as you pulled her into your embrace. "Some people were raised wrong, bug," Priscilla said softly. "but there will be people who will love and care about you regardless of your skin color" Elvis piped in, reaching back to hold his son's arm, comforting the little boy as tiny stifles came out of his lips. "Why don't we head down to our favorite diner?" Lisa Marie suggested, with that the twins cheered up as they pleaded to go, even little Eric cooed in agreement.
The familiar smell of greased food and the cheerful welcome of a waitress as she led you to your tables. And like that, everyone was happy again, At times like that you realized despite the cruelty you weren't alone anymore. You had your family, you had your fortress and you were all in it together.
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Happier x Happier
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Summary: The Aftermath of 'Right Where You Left Me'
Focus: Moon Knight x reader. Y/N's POV is set 6 months before Marc's.
Warnings: nothing... except soul-destroying angst
Y/N's POV:
We broke up a month ago
Your friends are mine, you know, I know
You've moved on, found someone new
One more girl who brings out the better in you
It had been a few years since you and Marc had broken up, which was a long time to be hung up over an ex, but hey, he was Marc. You were planning to get married to him. You saw a whole future with him.
Layla, his new girlfriend, wasn't had to track down on social media. She didn't post often, but her posts were so Instagram aesthetic you wanted to scream. Your Instagram was nothing like hers, stupid pics funny faces and filters. Layla's Instagram was hands intertwined, books, coffee, laying on Marc's chest. How was her Instagram? Yours was so... messy and unorganised, your posts weren't even in the right reels. And Narc seemed so tender with her, more so than he was with you.
And I thought my heart was detached
From all the sunlight of our past
But she's so sweet, she's so pretty
Does she mean you forgot about me?
Gosh, you wanted to hate her. And you did. How could you not? She was perfect, beautiful, with lovely hair, kind and funny and knowledgeable? How could Marc not fall in love with her? How could anyone not fall in love with her?
Then you saw it. They're wedding pictures. So soon after, you'd broken up, and they seemed so in love. Marc was holding her, and it was like you could feel his rough but gentle hands on your waist. Those photos made you wanna hurl. You slammed your phone on the table. Had he forgotten about you already? You guys had been together for years before he talked about marriage. Seemed like Layla was his ride or die.
You needed to get out of London, you needed to get out of this flat, it was suffocating you.
Marc's POV:
Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier
Marc was on a mission in New York. Appointed. Word of a few...powerful weapons on the street. He was parked outside the road of 29th and Park, when he saw you. He sat right up, blinking, making it sure it wasn't real. But it was. You seemed older but in a good way, and you had changed your hair. It was longer now, and ombre. You looked really good. Happier.
He frowned, spotting someone next to you. The man was tall, in dark clothing and a leather jacket, with short hair, and a metal arm, one which he wrapped you, then pulled you in tight. You smiled, laughing and wrapped yours round his waist.
For some reason, Marc got up and followed you. He didn't know why. He was neglecting the mission. You and him were over a long time ago. He was married now. He glances at his wedding ring. Things with Layla were better, but still, it was like his heart was controlling him and not his head.
Saw you walk inside a bar
He said somethin' to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do
They sat down inside a bar in a diner. It was quaint and friendly. Bucky's arm was still around you, and without knowing, Marc's fist clenched along with his jaw. When Bucky whispered something in your ear and you laughed, he noticed that your smile than when he made you laugh.
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new
Marc knew that he hurt you in a way that no one should be hurt. You deserved better, and that's why you had to leave, but a part of him still clung to you... still loved your more than anything, the part of him that still wanted you back, that wouldn't let Steven and Jake touch the memories of you.
Y/N's POV:
Oh, I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You hoped Marc was happy as a married man. But you knew you didn't want the marriage to last. You wanted it to end horribly, so he would realise what a mistake he made and come back to you. You knew it was wrong of you to hold such resentment such bitterness, but you didn't care. You knew even though you were going to a new country, a new city, New York, escaping your past London Life, you knew you wouldn't be able to let him go.
Marc's POV:
Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
Marc watched you both through the window. The way Bucky touched you, the way Bucky held you. He wanted that, that refuge from the trauma of his past, his friend had told him after you, he would feel happier again. But now he knew that a was lie, and he smiled through the lie, as he watched you with Bucky, knowing he was happier with you.
Y/N's POV:
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?
An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?
It was all you could think about on the plane. What did Marc call her? Beautiful, babe, honey. Did he mean it when he promised her eternal love? He hadn't before. But you remembered when he said it to you. You thought that nothing could separate you then. That if you were lost, he'd search the whole world to find you.
And now I'm pickin' her apart
Like cuttin' her down will make you miss my wretched heart
But she's beautiful, she looks kind
She probably gives you butterflies
You couldn't help it. You decomposed Layla. Focused on her negativity. She wasn't good for Marc. She seemed selfish and controlling, and she didn't know who he rully was, like you. You were saying these like it would make Marc miss you. Come back to you.
Marc's POV:
Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?
(Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
Marc went back to his hotel room, and even though he hadn't drank in a long time (he promised Layla he wouldn't) he sat there, pouring the bottle down his throat, thinking about you. Flashes of a past life. Memories of a stolen place.
He remembered your smile, which used to make him go weak in the knees, and that laugh. Divine. He thought about his relationship with Layla, wondering if it had been worth it. His conscious clawed at him, even though he knew it wasn't. His relationship had gotten stronger a little bit, but it wasn't the same spark when they first met. It was more like embers that were dying.
Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But ain't nobody need you like I do (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
I know that there's others that deserve you (hey, yeah, hey, yeah)
But my darlin', I am still in love with you
He knew that you were finally happy, and he didn't wanna fuck that up. But he wanted you so badly, he wanted the before. He would make it work, fix it so him leaving never happened. So you could fall in love with him again.
I hope you're happy
But not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
You wanted Marc and Layla to be happy. Part of you the least. But not the same way you and him were happy. You knew they were probably going to be more happy. Kids, house with a white picket fence, perfect American dream.
Marc's POV:
But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you
He went and found you again. Saw you and Bucky together through a window in your apartment, watching a movie curled up together. Jealously tugged on his heart. He wanted you, you and touch back.
I hope you're happy
I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
How we're you supposed to start a new life here when he obviously controlled yours? How was you supposed to go on, mend he pieces of a broken life? Find yourself again when all you could think about was wanting Marc to think about you when he touched Layla? How you were scheming ways to get Marc back in your head, like starrting up a relationship with him on the side,
And then suddenly, you were disgusted at yourself. That you would go that far. Bit you weren't surprised
Marc's POV:
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, hey, yeah
All he could do was watch, even as you kissed, and he swore he felt the ghost of your lips while you kissed Bucky, full of passion, full of love.
Y/N's POV:
I hope you're happy
Just not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You loved Marc. You always would. It was your curse and your blessing. But New York was fresh starts. Healing. You knew that you'd probably never let him go or want him to be happier, but maybe you could.
Marc's POV:
Cause baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you
Marc knew that'd you fall in love eventually, but he didn't know why it hurt him so bad when he left you. It was hurting him so bad that you had slipped through his fingers without him realising what exactly he was letting go. Who he was letting go of. His soul mate.
He smiled softly through the pain, watching you and Bucky through the window. Even though there were no clouds around, he felt a raindrop slip onto his cheek and roll down his face.
He'd always be there for you. He willed for you to know that. No matter what, he happened. He'd be here. Waiting.
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share-the-damn-bed · 8 months
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JANCYWEEK2023 | day 4: jancy and the soundtrack — with lyrics
The lyrics that play in the scene focused on Jancy...
The Bargain Store - Dolly Parton
My life is likened to a bargain store And I may have just what you're looking for If you don't mind the fact that all the merchandise is used But with a little mending it could be as good as new Why you take for instance this old broken heart Love is all you need to purchase all the merchandise And I can guarantee you'll be completely satisfied My life is likened to a bargain store And I may have just what you're looking for If you don't mind the fact that all the merchandise is used But with a little mending it could be as good as new The bargain store is open, come inside (the bargain store is open, come inside)
The Ghost In You - The Psychedelic Furs
A man in my shoes runs a light And all the papers lied tonight But falling over you Is the news of the day Angels fall like rain And love is all of heaven away Inside you the time moves And she don't fade The ghost in you She don't fade A race is on I'm on your side And hearing you my engines die I'm in a mood for you For running away Stars come down in you And love, you can't give it away Inside you the time moves And she don't fade The ghost in you She don't fade Inside you the time moves And she don't fade
Radio Clash - The Clash
This is Radio Clash can we get that world to listen? This is Radio Clash using aural ammunition This is Radio Clash can we get that world to listen? This is Radio Clash on pirate satellite Orbiting your living room, Cashing in the bill of rights This is radio Clash on pirate satellite This is radio Clash everybody hold on tight A-riggy diggy dig dang dang Go back to urban 'nam
You Better Go Now - Billie Holiday
You'd better go now Because I like you much, too much You have a way with you You'd better go now Because I like you very much The night was gay with you There's the moon above And it gives my heart a lot of swing I want you so now You have the lips I love to touch You'd better go Because I like you much, too much You'd better go Because I like you much, too much
Blue Bayou - Roy Orbison
I feel so bad I got a worried mind I'm so lonesome all the time Since I left my baby behind On Blue Bayou I'm going back someday Come what may To Blue Bayou Where the folks are fun And the world is mine On Blue Bayou Oh that boy of mine By my side The silver moon And the evening tide Oh some sweet day Gonna take away This hurting inside
Twist Of Fate - Olivia Newton-John
I'm gonna make it work this time Life, life doesn't mean a thing (doesn't mean a thing) Without the love you bring (without the love)
Open the Door - Gentlemen Afterdark
Come on with a gun Come on with a heart attack Come on suicide Yeah, just like you a trap Save a blue face for me Turn around and take it off This is mind's positive For the sake of comedy She takes me inside Says me what she wanna be This room, there is no door I crawl out on the floor Love that was new to you You open up the door I fall in love with these I crawl out on the floor
All Your Reasons Why - Smart Remarks*
To stop and think of how you fit in life To draw the poor conclusion in your mind And make it right But all your reasons why You hurt me and you cried Will man ever survive
*this song was so hard to find lyrics for and I really struggled translating based on listening alone. I ended up using Moises to isolate the vocal tracks and this is what I could come up with/hear.
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janetsboys · 2 years
Hi, again! I was wondering if you can kinda do a pick up from the last request. When the Rhee reader gives birth They go back to Alexandria to get settled in with their son Judith meets the baby. But then a few days after Negan comes to the house looking for rick but instead finds Carl, reader,Judith and Glenn
(Kinda like season 7 episode 7 :D)
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Two angels
A/N: I absolutely love this i’ve thought about it before and really like this idea😄 thank you for your request!!🫶🏻
warnings: teenage parents, mentioning pregnancy, mentioning death/violence, grief etc, (yk twd stuff)
summary: this follows “the moment”, another request but you can read this without reading the other request. Rhee!reader and Carl settle down in Alexandria with your newborn, Glenn and get the unexpected visit of Negan, searching for Rick.
english is not my first language, be kind<33
You and Carl said goodbye to your mom, Jesus and Sasha then got to the car they gave you to drive home.
Carl was sitting on the backseat with Glenn and you were driving as you felt better and Carl wasn’t able to drive.
“I can’t wait for Judith to meet Glenn.” Carl said but you weren’t really listening, you were lost in your thoughts.
“Babe?” Carl’s voice brought you back to reality “Huh?” you said smiling looking at the rearview mirror.
“Are you okay? Do you want us to make a quick break?” he asked worriedly. “I’m fine, i’m just nervous about the saviors. What if Negan is there when we come back? How are we gonna tell him where we were?”
“Don’t worry. He won’t be there he gave us 3 weeks.”
When you finally arrived, you made your way to the Grimes house, Olivia and all the people around you gave you congrats.
Glenn would stay for a while in the same room as Carl and you before you can make him a bedroom. You wanted to wait until the problems with the saviors were solved.
A few hours after you arrived, Carl brought Judith to your room. Glenn was sleeping peacefully in his little cradle. He was holding her in his arms and got to Glenn.
You were sitting next to the cradle, watching the scene. “Okay, Judith, this is your baby nephew, Glenn. Be gentle with him cause he’s very fragile.”
When Judith’s eyes landed on her nephew, you thought she wouldn’t really have a reaction but, she smiled and giggled a bit, she wanted to grab him with her small arms which made you laugh a lot. “Gentle, Jud, gentle…” Carl said to your sister in law while taking her a bit away from the baby.
A couple days later, you were settled in with the family, but you were always really stressed about the saviors.
That day, Rick was gone with Aaron to search for things to give to the saviors and Michonne had left the house to do you don’t know what.
Glenn was in Judith’s bedroom, sleeping next to her bed, she was probably playing in her bed. You were on the porch, sitting on the swing thinking about your life.
You felt so damn unsafe, you thought Alexandria would protect you forever but now there’s the Negan menace.
When you got pregnant the first thing you thought is that at least, your baby would know this safe place and community containing really good people.
Suddenly, you heard the huge doors of Alexandria opening, when you stood up and ran down the stairs to constate Negan’s truck.
Your hand touched your stomach, Negan already visited Alexandria earlier when you were still pregnant, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. But everytime you saw him, you saw him beating your dad to death.
At first you were paralyzed out of fear and then you ran into your house to find Carl, he was reading on the couch.
You tried to explain, out of breath and panicked.
“What? Calm down Y/N!” he stood up to hug you. “Negan- Negan is here!” you manage to say. “Shit! He said he’d let us 3 weeks…Don’t worry, Glenn and Judith are hidden in the room. It’s okay.” Carl tried to comfort you, caressing your head as you shake out of stress.
30 minutes later, someone was knocking on your door. Carl got to open to face Negan and Olivia. “Look who’s there! They told me your daddy wasn’t here, may i take a look in the family house?” that asshole has a huge smile on his face.
You hear his voice and start to get flashbacks, you had a lot of visions since what happened that night. Without even realizing it, they were in the house.
“Y/N-” you hear Carl and look up, coming back to reality again, you see Negan standing there with the poor terrified Olivia.
“The knocked up teen!” you were still wearing large clothes, you thought maybe he wouldn’t see that you weren’t pregnant anymore.
“What are you doing here? You said you gave us three weeks.” you bring everything together to ask him that.
“First of all, this is my place now, i come here whenever i want to. Second of all, i needed to see Ricky! But apparently, he decided to leave when i needed him the most. So! I’m waiting here with his uneducated kids.”
When Negan came here for the first time, you were showering and when you got out, he was waiting for you with Rick in your room. You stayed paralyzed and tears came in your eyes.
You remember he said “I remember you! The prego kid! Do you recall me?” you literally lost it. You tried to be strong, he didn’t know Glenn was your father of course.
“I wanna know the crazy story behind this! Ricky already told me about the baby daddy” you didn’t even listen to him, you didn’t want to.
“You killed my dad-”you cut him off, looked at him right in the eyes, yours were filled with tears. He finally looked at you in the eyes too, “Sorry kiddo what did you just say?” he seemed to be offended that you didn’t let him finish and he had no idea he killed your father.
“The asian guy?” he said in a jokingly tone “I don’t see the family resemblance-”. You looked down, letting the tears roll down your cheeks. Negan looked at Rick, confused. “Glenn, adopted Y/N 6 years ago.” Rick told him, closing his eyes out of disbelief. “Really?” Negan looked weirdly sad though.
Suddenly, you get back to reality, again, “Is she on something?” Negan whispered to Carl with a confused face. “Y/N, hun, it’s okay.” he tried to reassure you but you were now focused on Judith and Glenn being upstairs.
Then, Negan started his little show, he wanted Carl to make him visit the house as he was waiting for Rick.
He got in the kitchen, opened the tap, then got upstairs to play darts, all under you and Carl’s look. You were praying that he won’t question you about your baby.
“What is That door?” he asked you two, suspecting something weird. “It’s just a closet.” Carl answered, wrapping his arm around your waist.
Negan obviously didn’t fall for it, he opened the door, “Holy shit! Look at these two angels!”
You sighed, he got close to them, “That’s your son, right?” you suddenly got huge chills and pressed Carl’s arm, he was in fact as worried as you so he couldn’t reassure you.
He picked Glenn up, “He’s just a week old.” you told him, feeling the rage growing inside of you, seeing the man that killed the most important person of your life in front of you.
The man who destroyed your life was holding your baby, the boy you carried for 9 months was in his arms.
“Well he’s daddy’s portait! Except he has two eyes.” Negan laughed alone at his own joke. Then he landed your son to Carl with a big smile, whispering: “I think he just shit his pants.”
He then got to Judith and picked her up too, you soon enough were all in the kitchen. You couldn’t believe it.
Negan was cooking fucking spaghettis. “Don’t worry, i’ll smash the spaghettis for the baby! It’s gonna remind him of someone.”
You felt like a time bomb, at anytime you could jump on Negan and choke him to death or you could break down in tears and scream at him how much he ruined your mental health forever.
Every time he talked, which was a lot of times, you got flashbacks of that night, when you saw your dad, the apple of your eyes, for the very last time. You keep seeing the look your dad gave you before Negan butchered him right in front of you. You see your dad whispering “It’s okay” looking at you, you read it on his lips before Lucille hit his head.
You were sitting at the table, Carl was cradling Glenn while Negan was serving dinner for all of you, for a split time you thought you’d wake up from this nightmare but no, it was real.
“What’s even the boy’s name? Rick? Richard?” he said while putting on his ridiculous towel around his neck.
Judith was resting in Olivia’s arms, “Glenn. His name is Glenn. Like my father.” you said curtly, it was so unbelievable how Negan was so ignorant. He doesn’t know anything about your father or Abraham.
“Oh. Well, that was quick replacing the original. Still, enjoy your food!” he still had that joking face and tone. It killed you slowly, “I’m so sorry, i-i need to breath some fresh air.” you didn’t want to put anyone in danger by making a scene so you ran outside.
It made Negan smile of course, Carl wanted to follow you at first but then made up his mind, he couldn’t leave Olivia, Judith and Glenn alone with him.
After their “dinner”, negan sat on the porch with Judith in his arms, Carl was sitting next to him, you don’t know what they were talking about, you were sitting outside, you cried a bit, out of frustration and anger.
You heard someone walk towards you, a hand touched your shoulder and he sat next to you. Carl had Glenn in his baby sling, he put it on the floor, rubbing your shoulder.
“He realized my dad wasn’t coming back soon so he left to talk with Spencer. Olivia is still babysitting Judith. Are you okay?” he said kissing your forehead.
“I don’t know what to do, Carl, i thought- i thought i could do this but i keep seeing things, hearing things and i’m scared that i’m not fully there for our son. I’m not there.” you struggle to confess to your boyfriend.
“I know it’s hard for you right now, i am terrified too and what we’ve been through is terrible but we have to do this. I hate that Negan has the control over the situation but he does. I assure you i’m trying to convince my dad that we have to do something but right now, we’ve got to keep our family safe.” he tried so hard to get the right words.
“I can’t look at him. I can’t listen to his voice, he’s my daily reminder of what i’ve lost.” you burst into tears, hiding your face in both your hands.
“I know how much your dad meant to you, i know…” Carl was gently rubbing your back, holding his own emotions for you. “I can’t do it, i want my dad.” you were now begging for your father, like a child in a crisis.
You knew you had to be strong for your family but this was just destroying you.
“There are people here that need us to stay strong and to keep the saviors situation in a good shape. We have to make sacrifices before we find a solution.”
“They’d be fine without me.” at this point, you were so lost in your own mind, you were not feeling home anymore, you wanted it to end.
“Hey, don’t you dare say that, Y/N, you’re the strongest person i’ve ever known, you survived the absolute worst, your parents are proud of you and you just had an amazing son who’s always sleeping because he’s a very nice baby! Damn it Y/N, i miss him too, i hate Negan i want him dead in the most painful way possible but right now we have to make the good decisions. And you, you matter so so much for people here and especially for me. I know we’re young and everybody, even ourselves, treats us like we’re adults since our 10 years old, that’s what makes us the strongest ones. And look at him, your son doesn’t remind you of the kind man that raised you for years and made you the woman that you are today?”
Your wet eyes met your baby that was babbling and agitating his little teddy bear. The pain that you constantly felt in your chest since your dad died, that feeling like you had a little you in your soul that was screaming in pain, it finally stopped, it calmed down, your eyes softened as you were looking at Glenn closely, seeing every little detail of his face.
Your life has a purpose, you’re a mom and a girlfriend, a daughter, a niece, a friend and a survivor.
“That’s exactly what i was talking about.” Carl whispered in your ear as you landed your head on his shoulder, whipping off your tears.
“The only moment i took the time to truly look at our son, it was right after i gave birth to him, i could barely stand by myself so you were holding me, i felt at peace for that little moment, it felt like hours, it was just the three of us.” you said rubbing Carl’s hand that was holding yours.
“I’ll make it right, hun, i promise you. This will end, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will be over.” he swore to you, you heard it in his voice it pained him so much to let the saviors control your life, this wasn’t how you planned your future and he will make it right.
hope that you enjoyed it my fellows carl stans<3
i’m currently writing multiple requests, i’m sorry if it takes time i’m trying to go fast😄
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jesslovesboats · 16 days
It's the most wonderful time of the year- time for @terrortracks! I'll post my playlists here, along with covers and liner notes or at least a little bit of insight into why I chose these specific tracks.
First up is my playlist for Day 1- explorer of choice!
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If you've been here longer than 5 minutes, you know that my favorite expedition is the Karluk, but my favorite guy is actually Joseph Stenhouse, of Ross Sea Party fame. I've never related to a polar guy more, and I project onto him in a way that is probably less than healthy. There's a reason he's the sun sign in my explorerscope.
ANYWAY, he is best known for getting the Aurora back to safety and for sinking u-boats with his bestie Frank Worsley during the war. Later in his life, though, he served as the captain of the Discovery during the Discovery Oceanographic Expeditions of 1925-1927! This was a bad time for everyone involved, as Stennie was fighting with the scientific team non-stop, witnessing absolutely horrific animal cruelty at the Grytviken whaling station, dealing with his own crippling anxiety, depression, and (probable) PTSD, and coming to the painful realization that the age of sail was over and the skills he dedicated his life to perfecting were no longer valuable or necessary. It was an impossibly hard pill to swallow.
This playlist features songs about feeling awkward, out of place, uncomfortable, sad, too old, and not enough. I'm sure none of you can relate to that- me neither!
1. ballad of a homeschooled girl- Olivia Rodrigo
I broke a glass, I tripped and fell, I told secrets I shouldn't tell I stumbled over all my words, I made it weird, I made it worse Each time I step outside, it's social suicide
2. Ashamed- Deer Tick
Murdered my throat, screaming bloody all night Hit him with a book and how he crumbles So, you should have seen how the arches tumble They're golden no more, now I'm smiling in my blood I'm caught in a whirlwind, I'm going to heaven I'm standing on trial and it's painted on canvas An eternal testament to how we are so animalistic
3. Crack Baby- Mitski
Crack baby, you don't know what you want But you know that you had it once And you know that you want it back Crack baby, you don't know what you want But you know that you're needing it And you know that you need it bad
4. Mariners Apartment Complex- Lana Del Ray
They mistook my kindness for weakness I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus Can't a girl just do the best she can? Catch a wave and take in the sweetness Think about it, the darkness, the deepness All the things that make me who I am
5. Calamity Song- The Decemberists
And you've receded into loam And they're picking at your bones Will call cold We'll come home
6. Bite The Hand- boygenius
Here's the best part distilled for you But you want what I can't give to you Your hands are gravity while my hands are tied
7. Ship To Wreck- Florence and the Machine
What's with the long face? Do you want more? Thousands of red-eyed mice, scratching at the door And don't let the curtain catch you, cause you've been here before The chair is an island, darling, you can't touch the floor
8. A Better Son/Daughter- Rilo Kiley
And sometimes when you're on, you're really fucking on And your friends they sing along and they love you But the lows are so extreme, that the good seems fucking cheap And it teases you for weeks in its absence But you'll fight and you'll make it through You'll fake it if you have to And you'll show up for work with a smile You'll be better and you'll be smarter and more grown up And a better daughter or son And a real good friend
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
This thought ran through my mind today and I would like to know your thoughts on it:
So, if the law and order universe was like Grey’s Anatomy (I feel like everyone is dating/sleeping with everyone in that show) how would the pairing history be of the characters? 👀🫣💕
You don’t have to answer ofc 💕 and you choose which characters to include, as in you don’t have to bring in every single main/recurring character from the shows ���🫣💕
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omg lolol! everyone *really is* sleeping together/dating on Greys, its fucking insane. (although, you work in one place long enough it's bound to happen anywhere.lol)
This will likely get long, so it's going under a cut. Also it will very likely get chaotic. There will be lots of ships, a variety of characters and lots of crossing over. don't hate me if your faved ship isn't here... I also will likely just list all the canon ones down at the bottom and not delve into hc's about them.
omg now i have to try and not forget anyone LOL. so we're gonna start at the beginning.
Starting with an obvious Alex Cabot x Olivia Benson:
these two had chemistry, they flirted, they had lingering looks and touches. They had some form of relationship over s2-5. They definitely slept together, and had a lot of conflicting emotions as they tried to figure things out. I'd like to think that they were dating and in the midst of talking about making things official/taking it to the next level right before Alex got shot. They had no choice but to end it to keep Alex safe and by the time she got back in s11, things were different, weird, Alex wasn't the same person she was before and wasn't in the same place. They do try and go on a couple of dates after Alex has settled, but it's more of a "lets get this friendship back on track" because woof the girls be *fighting*
Casey Novak x Elizabeth Donnelly
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it wasn't what either of them expected, when Casey transfers into SVU Liz is her direct supervisor. It's not *wrong* but it's also a little on the shady side when it comes to breaking the rules. Which is exactly what pulls them together more. I think Liz sees a lot of herself when she was a baby prosecutor in Casey. She wants to protect her, esp after Alex has been "killed". This is proven by not once, but TWICE Liz steps down from the bench to defend Casey in court. They're fiery, it's a mentor/men-tee relationship that likely spurred into a sexual one somewhere along the way. It's also VERY likely that Liz helped Casey figure out her sexuality. Liz was married before, but is in the age range that gay marriage was wrong when she was growing up. Casey we know was brought up very catholic. So homegirl doesn't even know what's going on in he head, and after Charlie, she's not sure she wants to date a man again. Liz helps her figure that shit out, and likely guides her through a couple of sexual experiences and they kinda keep things going from there on. THEN in s9 we obviously see the absolute demise of their relationship. I still believe that Casey only returned to the DA's office after hearing that Liz retired. BUT, Liz had her called before the bar to SAVE her career and license (as McCoy earlier said he would yank her license if she fucked up again in Blinded)
It was supposed to be/actually was more casual with Liz, but because she was Casey's mentor, Casey valued her opinion of her a lot higher than she would have otherwise. Their emotional side of their relationship was very foggy and lines scrambled because of that kinda thing, if that makes sense?
Casey Novak x Melinda Warner
definitely dated. Melinda wants to protect her girl, they're bad ass crime fighter, break a few rules to do what's right. There are a few cases/episodes where you can tell they're definitely hanging out. I like to think that it had pretty good potential, but they just figured they'd be better off as friends. And again, casey disappears after her suspension.
Elizabeth Donnelly x Lena Petrovsky
you cannot tell me these two have not fucked
Chester Lake & Casey Novak
these two didn't have anything happen sexually, but he was definitely crushing on her (can't blame him) and i think she accepted that dinner offer, but made it clear it was on a platonic base only. I think these two had such intertwined arcs across s9 that they definitely hung out a few times after work and I like to think that Casey goes to visit him in prison every couple of months (at one point i had a fic idea about that but i can't remember details now. LOL. maye it will return to me)
Dean Porter x Olivia Benson
While i don't think they actually ever managed to fuck. I really think they had the best chemistry out of all the toxic dick choices that were available to her.
Dana Lewis x Olivia Benson
They fucked your honour. Even Calvin knows they have "this your girlfriend?" like.... cmon...
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak
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the ever favourite and popular ship despite only having one episode together. Now, in the "real world" these two likely would have known each other prior to alex's death, they would've worked in the same building, same social circles, hell they would've been at school at the same time. They're technically sharing the da's office in s12/13. Which is the prime time for their relationship. Alex is back in NYC, she doesn't really know how to be herself, she's not sure if she can/wants to do the job that almost killed her. She's unsure of herself, on shaky legs persay. Casey's waiting out her suspension, unsure of what to do, and if it's worth it to keep fighting. They somehow run into each other and that's when it all starts. They're both lonely, a little lost, don't feel like themselves anymore kinda thing. They find solace in each other, comfort, a sense of belonging. This is one of my fave ships for Casey, because it truly does have amazing potential. They date, it's serious, likely living together. I think they stick it out when Alex goes to the congo, but when she leaves the da's office again to do vigilante shit, they break up. Not that Casey doesn't support her decisions, they just know they have to go their separate ways.
Rafael Barba x Rita Calhoun
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obviously they go on this list. They are a divorced couple who were never married. Whether they dated in college, or shortly after being back in NYC, it happened. Hell maybe it did actually get serious and that's why they know each other *so* well. But they just don't quite fit together long term. Rita spoils too much, Barba finds it overwhelming. (however when things open up to poly, I think they could definitely work) They remain really good friends and I'd honeslty believe they have a "50 and still single" pact kinda thing and are known to still hit each other up for sex because they know it's good and there's no annoying legwork of having to pick up someone new.
Rita Calhoun x Olivia Benson
Now, these two were never going to be endgame and EVERYONE knows it. It was never even a relationship. A couple nights here and there when they were both stressed and needed a relief. It's very likely far before Noah comes along, and Rita is very upfront about her views on children. It's more that they're friends who Olivia enjoys doing different things with that like, Cassidy won't do with her
Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
in the world where things make sense, Rafael would have likely been mentoring Carisi through his final year at law school, letting him sit second chair or do more help on the law side of case work with him. One ep of that was stupid, it shouldve been way more. I like to think that somewhere in one of those late nights, a couple glasses of scotch, there's admittance of "you know i don't actually hate you" "oh i know, you tease out of admiration" kinda thing that leads to a little more. I can see them actually dating, but I can also see it just being casual, cause Sonny still has heart eyes for amanda the entire time. Whatever they have going on obviously drops off the face of the earth when Barba leaves.
Rita Calhoun x Amanda Rollins
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now this one, is a handful of hook ups and nothing more. Amanda is too chaotic for Rita, their worlds also don't collide very well. Amanda's more likely to be found smoking in some dive bar and avoid the high end places that Rita likes. I like to think that this happens somewhere between Amanda x Nick, and early s17 when Amanda finds out she's pregnant. i DO also believe that Rita kinda keeps her under her wing a bit, encouraging her to cut off her family, let her know if she ever needs help with things (and of course amanda is too stubborn to ever ask for that) but in moments where like, kim has fucked her over, yet again. Amanda finds some anonymous donation and it's like, this unspoken thing between them because you also can't say no to Rita.
William Dodds x Olivia Benson
again, they fucked your honour. and even if there were never officially "dates" they would regularly use each other as plus ones to events that they had to go to for work.
Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
it never happened, but i had to include it. It was a constant "will they wont they" likely even with money down on it from the squad. They deeply care for each other, love each other, but can never quite figure it out. They're also both so fucking stubborn and there are times when they both have sticks up their asses and hold grudges, neither ever willing to admit defeat or apologize and they know that wouldn't be a healthy relationship.
Rita Calhoun x Casey Novak
my beloved.
these two are a ship that i will die for. It's one of if not the most solid relationship Casey has ever had. They might be endgame. While there's a chance that they would have crossed paths earlier on, they don't really start to pay attention to each other until post suspension/alex leaving.
They might have a case against each other, Casey might be finding prosecution a little stale for herself now. She wants something more. She was so intertwined with alex before that now that she's off pursuing something more, she feels the need to do the same, even if it's within the legal world. Enter Rita, where she can learn about working defence, but not necessarily criminal defence, ya know?
They end up complimenting each other super well, it's the prime golden retriever x black cat, and the smol/tall vibes, which is always hilarious because casey has like, four inches on rita. So i see them in a long term serious relationship.
Kat Tamin x Pippa Cox
Pippa's nervous post hank bs, simply returning to NYC is hard enough, but she finds this solace in Kat. She wasn't around for the whole thing so she doesn't have the subconscious judgment that a lot of other people have. Kat's great with the kids, she's got lots of energy and she's absolutely going to *worship* pippa. Pippa's also likely going to wean her onto a healthier eating style cause Kat is known to crush two pizza's and a litre of pop for dinner kinda thing. Endgame material.
Peter Stone & Sonny Carisi
now, these two haven't directly hooked up. it's not Peter's style. BUT, they've definitely had a few threesomes together with another girl. there's no doubt in my mind.
Kat Tamin x Grace Muncy
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these two have hooked up. kat is a daddy. grace is a brat. it just works. they were probably casual fuck buddies/fwb's for a while.
Grace Muncy & Tonie Churlish
they've either hooked up, dated, or mutually pined for each other up until Grace left. I'm in the midst of rewatching Grace's eps so I'll get back to you. lol
Joe Velasco x Grace Muncy
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i'm not saying i ship it. I'm saying that these two have this teasing, bantery sibling ISH relationship, and they're likely each other's wingman's more often than not. BUT, there was probably at least one super drunk night that they don't really remember but they woke up together and basically never talk about it.
Samantha Maroun & Rita Calhoun
I can lowkey see a couple of dates here, but it ending up not leading any further than friends. They've both got really good style, Sam wears a lot of colour similar to rita, they probably shop together and i think they'd get along really well.
Honorable mention to Joe Velasco x Amanda Rollins
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because if they had met any earlier? they would've hooked up. even just once. they had good chemistry when they did meet and I could see it happening, but she was obvi already with Carisi
I know I must be missing a couple. And there's probably characters I've forgotten about, or not included in this, or just don't have any thoughts about. Also not including any canon ones cause we all know the canon ones. There's also LOTS of other "omg they'd be best fucking friends" that i skipped over cause this was more relationship based. (like, casey, dodds, carisi, kat and grace all have chaotic golden retriever vibes)
Could potentially see Grace x Bobby(?) from OC being a thing, but i can't remember if he's got a gf/wife or not because I clearly don't pay attention when I watch that show lol.
Thank you so much for this ask bestie!! I hope this wasn't too much detail LOL.
Now I'm going to spend the rest of the night thinking about svu x greys anatomy crossovers and who would've slept with who and that is going to be a fucking large list and I'm already thinkin it's a daunting idea LOL.
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bisexual-thoughtss · 2 years
Olivia Benson x Reader
A little PWP never hurt anyone right? Cause that’s definitely what this is
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“Hey baby,” Olivia smiles, cozying up behind you as you take off your shoes. For once you arrived home after her. You smile as she presses kisses to your neck behind your ear, sighing as her hands slip under the hem of your shirt. One hand starts to make its way into your pants and you groan, stopping her.
“What’s the matter, baby? You don’t want to?” She asks, backing off immediately.
“No, I really really want to,” you turn around to reassure her, “but I can’t, my period started today.”
“Well that doesn’t mean we can’t,” she shrugs, smiling mischievously at you.
“I know, but I just don’t like the blood, I’m sorry. I really do want to though,” you sigh, “I think I’m just gonna go shower, you could join?”
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize,” she laughs, “you go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute.”
You pull her in for a kiss before heading to the bathroom and flipping on the water.
The water heats up as you strip down, the warm spray hitting your skin as you step in, your stiff muscles finally able to relax after your long day. You close your eyes and let the water hit your face, jumping slightly when arms wrap around your torso.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” Olivia giggles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. You turn in her arms and pull her into a kiss, your hands roaming her body despite yourself. She hums as your hands trace over her skin and you move to kiss down her neck.
“I thought you didn’t want to do anything?” She asks breathlessly as you suck a mark onto the swell of her breast.
“I still wanna touch you,” you murmur into her skin, taking a nipple into your mouth. She groans as you suck, your hand roaming down her stomach and slipping between her legs.
“You needed this, huh?” You smile as you feel how wet she is and she whines, bucking her hips towards your hand. You circle her entrance, getting your fingers wet before moving to her clit for a moment. Her head drops to your shoulder as you slide a finger into her, making you laugh as she immediately whines for more.
“Sh, I got you,” you murmur, slipping in a second finger along side the first. You pump your fingers, curling them inside her and making her groan. The spongy spot is easy to find and you stroke it repeatedly, her legs already beginning to shake. As you drop down to your knees, she wobbles unsteadily for a second before gripping your shoulders hard when you draw her clit into your mouth. You know she’s been waiting for this, her muscles clenching around your fingers even though you’ve just really started. You hollow your cheeks around her clit, and she cries out, one of her hands sliding into your hair to pull you closer. A few more flicks of your tongue and she’s coming around your fingers, pulling you up by your hair when the stimulation becomes too much. She pulls you into a kiss, moaning at her taste on your mouth.
“I know you said you don’t like it, but I know how turned on you get on your period and I think you’ll feel a lot better if you get to come. Can I try something?” She asks, smiling sweetly at you.
“Of course,” you smile, always trusting her. She turns you around in her arms, and lifts the shower head attachment off the wall. She changes the setting it’s on and you realize what she’s doing and you can’t believe you hadn’t thought of it. She passes the spray across your nipples teasingly and down your stomach to get you used to the feeling before directing it between your legs. You jolt as it passes over your clit and you feel Olivia smile into your skin. Her spare hand comes up to tweak your nipples as she directs the water over your opening for a moment before moving it back to your clit. The water pressure is just on the right side of too much, immediately making you clench around nothing. She moves the shower head just enough to run the water back and forth over the bundle of nerves.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, bucking your hips towards her hand as she continues her small movements.
“Good, baby?” She asks, kissing and nipping along your neck before settling in to suck a mark near your collarbone.
“Yes, s-so good,” you moan, gasping as your high hits you unexpectedly fast. She’s still moving the water against you, and you can already feel another orgasm welling up inside you, barely done with the first. You don’t push her away, letting the second one pull you down into another cresting wave of pleasure. You squirm in her arms as she holds you up, aftershocks coursing through you. Once you calm down, you expect Olivia to turn off the water, but she surprises you by pressing it directly to your clit, giving you no reprieve. Your hand shoots up to clutch at her hand over your breast, your head falling back onto her shoulder.
“Ohhh fuck, Liv- ahh,” you whine, unsure if you’re trying to move closer or further from the torturous pleasure.
“One more, sweetheart. You can do it, that’s it,” her voice sounds fuzzy to your ears, as white hot pleasure builds between your legs. Olivia holds you steady as you come again, your legs shaking. You breathe heavily as she shuts the water off, dropping the shower head in favor of holding on to you.
“You okay?” She asks, smiling against your neck.
“Yes, thank you,” you breathe, trying to regain your footing properly. She wraps her arms around your waist, pressing sweet kisses to your shoulder and just holding you up until you can feel your legs again.
“You were right, I do feel better,” you giggle, turning in her embrace to kiss her.
“I knew you would,” she grins, “c’mon, let’s go cuddle.”
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watsittoyah · 1 year
Heartbreaker- (Eddie Munson x Black Fem Reader x Steve Harrington Smut)
Warning- blowjob, hand job, some sexual innuendos, smut, and pure sex baby.
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Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek. But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat…
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It was Tuesday afternoon and you were watching a bloody double feature with Erica while you two did skin care. “Don’t go in there, idiot! The killer is in there!” Erica shouts.
“He’s gonna use that axe on you! He’s going to kill you!” You and Erica warn the poor unexpected girl but as the scene cuts to the killer hacking her into pieces you both look at each other and shrug. “She should’ve listened to us.”
“Yeah, and maybe she’d be alive. If we were in a horror movie, we would make it to the end.” You give Erica a high five and get up to get grab some more juice boxes. “Hell yeah we would. I bet you that the killer would be afraid of us too.” You call out from the kitchen. You look at the timer and it’s just about time to take the clay masks off.
“Hey Erica you can wash the mask off now! I’m gonna start on mine!” You wash your clay mask off in the bathroom and just when you get half it off of the one half of your face the doorbell rings. “Erica can you get that?” You call out. The door bell sounds off again after a few seconds which pisses you off since no one was answering the door and the person behind the ringing was clearly impatient.
“Fine! I’ll get it!” You march out of the bathroom and walk right up to the front door. Ready to snap on whoever it was. When you yank the door open you were face to face with a mess of heavy metal hair and a pair of dark brown eyes.
“Hey Hollywood.” You slam the door in his face and let out a blood curdling scream as you wipe off the rest of the clay mask on the back of your hand.
Once the screams were out of your system you open the door to a very concerned Eddie Munson. “Pretty boy, what are you doing here?” You ask trying to not look like a doofus in front of him.
“We have a date remember?” That’s when you remember the phone call from Saturday and he did say he wanted to take you out Tuesday afternoon. “Right! I’ll just need like ten minutes. Come on in and I’ll be right back.” You invite Eddie in and he takes a seat on the couch.
Once he’s situated you book it to your room and you look at some clothes. Once you’re settled on a pair of ripped jean, a distressed t-shirt, a jean jacket and your beat up keds you fluff up your hair and quickly put on some cherry smacker lip balm as well as some mascara.
After you’ve found yourself to be somewhat presentable you go back to the living room to find Lucas standing there looking dumbfounded. “You ready to go, Hollywood?” Eddie asks as he stands up when you enter.
“Can I talk to her for a second?” Lucas grabs a hold of your arm and drags you into the kitchen. “How the hell do you know Eddie Munson?” He asks in a harsh whisper. “Why are you whispering? And I know him because he and I became friends.”
“Friends? Olivia please tell me you’re joking.” You shake your head and smirk. “Look this is cute that you’re so protective but I gotta blow this popsicle stand.” You go to leave but Lucas stops you again. “Look you’re my big cousin and I know you can handle yourself. But if he ever hurts you. I don’t care if we’re in the same club, I’m breaking his jaw.” You look to make sure Eddie wasn’t listening and you touch Lucas’ shoulder.
“Hey, I got this, just chill out okay? Eddie has only ever been nice and if things get crazy I’ll handle it. Thank you for looking out for me though.” Lucas sighs. “Alright, I just don’t want anything to happen to you. Eddie seems decent I guess. But he better be the only one of my friends you’re talking to. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if you were talking to someone like Steve Harrington.”
What your baby cousin doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
After your lecture from Lucas you go back to the living room where Eddie was checking out some family photos. “Is that you holding up a barbie Malibu doll?” You look at the photo he’s talking about and it was the one where you’re showing off your Christmas gifts to your family while having two missing teeth in the front.
“Alright that’s enough of looking at my embarrassing moments for one day, pretty boy. Let’s get out of here.” You push him out the door and lock it behind you.
“So what’s the plans for this afternoon?” You ask as Eddie opens the van door for you. You get in and soon after so does he. “Ah, that is a surprise. And a wicked one. Just sit back, relax and listen to some tunes.”
He flicks on the radio and Nasty from Janet Jackson plays. “Don’t change it! I love this song!” You move your hips in the seat and start singing along. Eddie starts driving but you catch him watching you from the corner of his eye and you put on a show. Moving your hands around and snapping your fingers.
“Cause privacy is my middle name…My last name is control. No, my first name ain’t baby. It’s Olivia…Ms. Sinclair, if you’re nasty…NASTY!”
You give a wink to Eddie and he was loving the show for sure. When a red light comes up he fully stops and turns the radio down after the song finishes.
“Well now I’m curious, Ms. Sinclair. How nasty do you like it?” Eddie asks with some kind of dark meaning behind that question. You flick your tongue across your bottom lip which his eyes definitely watches and you smile.
“All depends, how nasty do you want to give it to me, Mr. Munson?” Eddie bites his lip and he leans over towards you about to test something but a horn blares behind you two, causing you both to jump.
Eddie rolls down his window flipping them off and driving down the street once again. You lean back over and turn up the radio again and squeal. “This has to be my lucky day! I love this song too!” Bananarama was playing and you were going to put on another one woman show for your adoring fan Eddie Munson.
Eddie had parked by a really old beat up building and you were curious as in where this white boy just brought you. “Relax, I know how this place looks but I promise you, you will have fun. A few of my band mates are here and they are dying to meet you.” Eddie takes your hand and you notice he’s running his thumb up and down your knuckles which does calm you down a bit.
“Eddie ‘Pretty Boy’ Munson, are you in a band?” You ask with tease in your tone. “Didn’t I mention that to you last time?” He asks with a smirk playing across his lips. “Hmm if I recall last time you were too busy singing to my hotbox.” You point out with your own smirk.
“Mm, and I’ve been thinking about that pretty hotbox of yours every night since then.” Eddie leans in close about to kiss you but gets interrupted by a guy with curly brown hair. “Eddie! Come on, we’re waiting on you!” The guy runs back inside and Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Rain check on this kiss, I gotta give the people what they want.” He says as he leads you into the questionable building.
“You are such a dweeb.” You tell him with a giggle. You look around the place and shit it was rad. There were musical memorabilia adorned across the walls. Huge poster of bands you’ve only ever listened to on your radio, and there was a great crowd of people.
Eddie leads you to a seat in the front of a stage and he leans in close to your ear. “Enjoy the show Hollywood.” Before you could ask what he leaves you there and jumps on stage with four other guys and he picks up a guitar. You cross your legs and watch what him and the guys are about to do next.
“Alright you rejects! We are Corroded Coffin and this is just a cover to one of the best songs to come from this decade.” Eddie looks at you and he winks as the crowd listens up.
He turns to his band mates and he gives them the signal. As the song starts you immediately recognize the beat. You lean forward in your seat to see if they can keep up to this song. “Come on pretty boy show me what you got.”
Eddie was feeling his guitar intro and when the crowd was getting into it, he grabbed the mic and started to sing which was impressive in your opinion. You see some of the girls in the crowd start dancing and you look back to Eddie locking eyes with you. You feel the electricity in the air as he leans down and sings to you.
“Come crawling faster, Obey your Master, Your life burns faster, Obey your master, master..”
You feel yourself get up and dance for him. Your eyes not leaving each other as the music builds. You run your fingers through your hair and mouth the lyrics back to him.
To you, it was just Eddie on that stage and he was putting on the performance of a life time just for you. As the guitar solo happens you hear the crowd cheering him on and you knew that he would be a rock god one day if he wanted.
As the last cord plays the crowd screams for them and you join along. Getting a blown kiss from Eddie.
When him and his band mates were done packing up their instruments, you run over to the Eddie and jump on him, he was holding you up by your ass as you wrapped your legs around his waist. “You were fucking amazing!” You look at his wide eyed band mates and point to them. “You all were fucking amazing! Holy shit!” You laugh and Eddie joins you as he puts you down.
“Guys let me introduce you to Hollywood.” Eddie says as he wraps his arms around you and holds you from behind. You swat him playfully. “My name is Olivia Sinclair. And it’s really nice to meet you all.”
“Oh you’re that Olivia.” The drummer says with a secret smirk. You look up at Eddie and he was blushing hard. “Shut up, Marvin.” He hisses. “Let’s watch a few more of the bands play and eat some burgers. Sound good to you, Hollywood?”
“Hey I get more entertainment and food? I’m always down for a good time. Let’s go.” Eddie leads you to a table and as you go to sit, he stops you and pulls you onto his lap. “Did you really enjoy the show?” He asks. “I did, you guys were great. I’m sure if the right people saw that performance and felt the energy, you would be signed like that.” You say snapping your finger.
“Really?” He asks looking up at you like a kid at a candy store and you lean down to kiss him. “Guys mind if we join you?” Marvin asks interrupting the kiss. You were annoyed and by the way Eddie was glaring, he was annoyed as well. But that didn’t stop his band mates from joining you two at the table.
As they talk you feel Eddie’s hand rubbing on the exposed skin of your side and you look down at him and steal a kiss, not caring if anyone was watching. “You know, since I did so well, how about a reward later?” He ask as his hand travels to your ass. “I can give you your reward but I’m sure your friends would be jealous.” You tease, kissing his neck. Your hand travels to his crotch and you feel a bulge starting to form.
“Hey Olivia, you’re from California right? So what’s it’s like over there?” Eddie whines against your neck as his other friend interrupts your moment. You put on a fake smile and tilt your head. “Well Cali is cool. I mean if you like bumping into celebrities from time to time. Last time when I was shopping for albums I had bumped into…”
As you tell your story you stroke your hand over Eddie’s crotch and you hear him clear his throat as he places your hand on top of his. Guiding you into his jeans. You feel the tip of his dick and it was wet from sweat and precum.
Just so it isn’t too obvious you use just your thumb to roll over the tip and you feel Eddie shift a bit as he enjoys your touch.
You feel him lean into your shoulder and you rub the tip faster, pretending to be into the story you’re telling the guys as Eddie tries to hump your thumb.
When you get to the climax of the story you feel something sticky squirt on your thumb and you feel Eddie relax. “What do you say Eddie?” You ask him so he can feel included in the story. “Yeah, definitely that.” He says as he looks at you, cum drunk. “Oh definitely that.” You say as you lick your thumb clean in front of just him.
He bites his lip and you turn back to his friends. “So if you guys get the chance to visit, please do. I’ll definitely be your guide there as well.”
“Are there more girls like you there?” Marvin asks. You shake your head. “Oh no Marv, girls like me come once in a lifetime.”
After the burgers and the good music Eddie was checking his watch and he leans up to your ear. “How do you feel about crashing a party?”
“Oh party crasher is my middle name. Let’s go.” You two get up from the table and you tell his friends again that it was nice meeting them. Eddie gives a few of them fist bumps and tells them that practice was same time tomorrow.
When you two get in his van Eddie takes out a metal box and hands it to you. “Can you roll one for us, babe.” He asks as he starts the van. You eye him as you take out the weed and clear your throat.
“So when did I become babe?” You ask as you sprinkle the weed on the paper. “What? I didn’t call you babe.”
“Yes you did. Just a moment ago. When did I become babe, pretty boy?” You ask licking the joint closed. He looks at you and chews his thumb. “You don’t like it?”
“Oh I don’t mind it. But I’d like to know when did I earn a new nickname.” You reach for his lighter in his pocket and he shrugs. “I don’t know, I just said it….but if I’m being honest with you, you've been babe every night since I’ve been looking at your panties.” You see the red in his cheeks admitting to that confession and you take a deep hit.
“Ooh, all you do is look at them?” You pass him the joint and he scoffs accepting it. “You know I do way more than just look, Hollywood.” You both laugh and he drives up to a loud house party. You two see the kids going in and out and you look at him sideways.
“You party with jocks and cheerleaders? Oh you are dark, Munson.” You tell him as you blow a smoke circle from your lips. “One, I’m going to need you to teach me that, and two we’re not partying with them. I’m just selling some stuff to one of the guys here. His name is Jason. He’s a total dick but his money is good so…” He stubs the joint out a bit and places it in his pocket for later.
“Eddie, are you really taking me on a drug deal? I feel honored.” You place your hand over your heart and he rolls his eyes, while leaning in kissing your lips. “Come on Hollywood, the sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get the hell out of here.”
Eddie holds your hand as you two enter the party. You see red solo cups and see a few couples on the wall practically having sex. “Maybe this is my kind of party.” You yell to Eddie over the loud music. “Don’t get any idea’s Hollywood. I see Jason over by the keg. I’ll be right back.” He kisses your cheek and he gets lost in the mass of moving bodies.
You find a space on the wall and hear Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and you grab a Solo cup from a drunk freshman. He trips and passes out right in front of you. “Party hard huh kid?” You sniff the concoction and wince pouring it out in a plant vase close by.
“What is this, gasoline?” You mutter as you bob your head to the beat of the song. “So-” You put your hand up at the towering jock. “Not interested.” You scan the crowd and see Eddie coming towards you.
As you push off the wall, and walk over the passed out freshman you pull Eddie in close and he was smiling like an old drunk. “You missed me?” You shake your head teasing him. “No.” He leans in and pulls your face close to his as he kisses you. His hands travels down your back and squeezes your ass hard.
As you throw your arms around his neck you feel someone knock into you two. It was the jock from earlier, but he has a cheerleader with him dancing way off beat.
“Come on let’s go somewhere more quiet.” Eddie takes your hand and he leads you to the bathroom. He checks to make sure no one was in there and he leads you inside, locking the door behind him. You flick on the light but the bulb pops. “Not my problem.” Thankfully the moonlight was bright enough to see each other.
You hop on the bathroom sink and lean back looking around. “You sure know where all the classy places are, huh Pretty boy?” Eddie stands between your legs and leans in. “I sure do.” He nuzzled against your neck and you let out a soft moan.
Before you can get into it he moves back and smirks while he digs into his pocket. “Tease.” You shoot at him. “Takes one to know one.” He teases back as he takes out the joint from earlier and he lights it. “You know Eddie you’re kind of gorgeous.” You tell him as you look at him taking a hit in the moon light. He blows the smoke and scoffs. “Oh please.”
“I’m serious, you are gorgeous. And I saw you on that stage, you’re a star in the making. Let me be your first fan, Mr. Munson.” You take the joint from him and he stands closer between your legs. “Well then you’re my special fan. You’re the only one who gets access to me like this.” As you go to blow out the smoke he grabs your face and kisses you. Filling up his lungs in the process and he blow the smoke out after. “Oh that was hot. Made you look like a dragon, pretty boy.”
“Really?” He smiles against your lips and you nod, flicking your tongue out. He flicks his back and leans in, tasting your tongue and lips. You feel him rubbing your inner thighs through your jeans and you let out a moan.
“Too bad you didn’t wear a skirt tonight, Hollywood. I’m pretty hungry right now.” You lean back and look at your button then back at him. “So is a pair of pants going to stop you from a meal?”
“Hell no.” You hear him unbutton your pants and unzip your zipper. You jump down for a second for him to yank your pants down but he stops you from taking off your panties. “Leave those on.”
He lifts you up and places you back on the counter while he gets on his knees for you. “You look good down there. Gorgeous even.” You say biting your lip. “Do I?” He flutters his lashes as you and as you go to laugh you watch him kiss your inner thighs.
He’s keeping his eyes locked on you, watching your body reacts to his kisses. As he kisses further your breathing seems to quicken. He gets to where your panties and thigh meets and his tongue tastes that spot causing you to let you head fall back and moan.
Eddie then nips there and sucks making a nice angry red spot appear. “Just so people know who’s spot this belongs to.” Eddie says as he centers himself at the wet center of your panties.
His tongue makes contact with the cloth and you slowly start humping for friction. His eyes flutter closed as he buries his face deeper between your thighs and you hump faster. You flick the joint in the sink and you use both of your hands to touch his head. “Just like that, Eddie don’t stop.” You moan out as his spit makes the wet spot in your panties soaked. You let go of his head and he moves your panties to the side flicking his tongue fast across your wet clit.
“Fuck…” You whimper as your pussy gets assaulted with Eddie’s tongue. You feel his fingers enter you and you grip the sink. “Eddie, yes…” He does his favorite move on you. Doing the come here motion while his thumb was pressed on your clit and you buck your hips, not caring if anyone could hear your moans in the bathroom. “That’s it, come for me, Hollywood. I know you can do it for me. I wanna taste your cum again.”
Your legs begin to shake and you lean your head back against the bathroom mirror as you're about to cum fast. “Almost there…” Eddie flicks his tongue on your clit and that’s what did it for you. You feel yourself coming hard and your legs locked around his head. You have fist fulls of his hair and you hump his tongue getting out your orgasm. He sucks and moans as your juice slick down his throat.
“Mmm, you just keep tasting better and better, Hollywood.” He gets up and you lick your juices off of his chin. “Please tell me you brought a condom.” You ask yanking him back between your thighs. “Oh I did.” He goes for his belt but you two hear several bangs to the bathroom door along with a handle jiggle.
“Hurry up in there! I gotta piss!” You hear a muffled voice sound behind the door and you lean your head against his chest, groaning. He kisses the top of your head and moves you off of the sink. “To be continued.” He tells you as he helps you with your pants. “To be continued.” You groan.
You both leave the bathroom and the person standing there rushes in and slams the door behind them. “An excuse me would’ve been nice.” You snap in their direction.
Eddie was chuckling at your outburst as he leads you back outside to his van. When you two are in the car you look at the time. “I really wish this night didn’t have to end.” You mumble as Eddie drives down the road.
Eddie was parked in the driveway and you were pouting a bit. “Are you mad you didn’t get to fuck me, Hollywood.” Eddie asks as he pokes your rib. You laugh and push his hand away.
“Oh I’m going to fuck you Eddie Munson. I’m not worried about that. It’s just I had fun today. I got to see you in your element and it was cool. Promise me if you make it big you won’t forget me?”
“What do you mean, I’m taking you with me, Hollywood.” He leans in and gives a peck to your lips and you sigh. “Thank you for today, Eddie. It was fun.” As you start to leave out the van he stops you. “Just out of curiosity. Which bedroom is yours?” You raise a brow at his question. “That room on the second floor. Why?” You ask pointing out the window. “No reason, just curious. Good night Hollywood.”
“Oh, okay. Well Good Night, babe.” You smile and get out of the van. After he makes sure you get inside you close the door behind you and you sigh against the door.
You could see yourself falling for Eddie, but that was against the rules of a heartbreaker.
You shake the thought away and go upstairs to go take your shower and get ready for bed.
After your hot shower, you were wrapped in a towel and in your bedroom, putting on some lotion and listening to the radio. You hear Run DMC playing and you pick up your brush rapping to the lyric. When you’re about to bang out you hear a tap to your window. You freeze while turning the radio down. You listen again and the tapping happens.
You walk over to the window and then you open the curtains you see Eddie smiling at you. “Are you fucking crazy! What if the neighbors see you?” You hiss as Eddie climbs in through the window. “The neighbors didn’t see me. Just you and I have to say if this is what you sleep in, my prayers have been answered.” Eddie says as he eyes you up and down. You put a finger to your lips and you lock the door.
“What are you doing here?” You ask in a low whisper. “You said you didn’t want the night to end so I’m sleeping over.” You scoff at his answer. “Eddie, sweet sweet Eddie. Are you dumb? If my Aunt or Uncle catch you in my bedroom they will ship me back to Cali so fast the bumper stick won’t even say or bust.”
He raises his hands and walks up to you. “They won’t catch me, because I’ll be quiet. You on the other hand.” His eyes keeps wondering to your towel and you can’t help but feel a new wetness between your thighs. “Hold on.” You go to your radio and you turn up the volume a little so no one can hear you two talking.
You turn back to him and tug at your towel. “Curious to see what’s under here, huh pretty boy?” He nods as he sits on your bed. “I dream about what you look like under those clothes you always wear, and now…” You let the towel fall and his eyes widen.
“Jesus H Christ, you are beautiful.” His hands cup your bare ass and he pulls you onto his lap. He kisses you and you kiss him back, letting your hums turn to moans. He moves back and his touch becomes greedy as he moves his hands from your ass to your tits. He looks at them and then stops. “What’s that?”
“What’s what?” You ask, already knowing what he sees. “That. Is that a hickey?” He ask thumbing the now lightly purple bruise. “No, clearly that is a burn mark from when I was curling my hair.”
“And you curl your hair topless?” Eddie ask. “Doesn’t everyone?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “I guess I should make your other boyfriend jealous and give you more of these.” He leans in and he sucks on the other side of your tit causing an even more angry red spot. “Wait, so you’re my…boyfriend now?” You moan out teasing him. He swats your ass to shut you up and he starts his assault on your other tit. Looking up at you to make sure you see who is giving you these love bites.
You moan against him and you reach down to feel his dick was hard. You push him off of you and you stand up. “There was a question you asked me earlier in our date. Do you remember what it was, pretty boy?” You ask as you cock your head to the side.
His eyes travel from your face all the way to what’s slick between your legs and he nods and you nudge your chin, letting him know you want to hear the question again.
“I asked you, how nasty do you like it?” He answers as he looks back up into your eyes. You get on your knees, in front of him and you rub his bulge, causing him to bite his bottom lip. “All depends, how nasty are you going to give it to me, Mr. Munson?”
He shimmies his pants down and you’re greeted by a bulge. You rub a finger over the head and look up at him. “Don’t forget these, big boy.” He yanks his boxers down and his dick springs, slapping his lower stomach. The tip was pink and it was thick. Not as thick as Steve’s but boy was it just so…
“You have a pretty dick, Munson.” You say as you take a hold of it. Eddie hisses and as he kicks his pants, sneakers and boxers away. “Well you have a pretty pussy and lips, so maybe they can-” You stroke him to shut him up and his eyes roll back as he pulls his shirt off over his head.
You see he has a necklace with a pick on it and you pull him close to you by that necklace, kissing him. He lets out a groan as you stroke him faster and rub your thumb on the head.
“Don’t close those pretty eyes, baby. I want you to watch me.” You tell him as you lower yourself down. His eyes are locked onto every bit of movement you have and when you flick your tongue his eyes seem to glaze over in bliss.
You then proceed to take him further in your mouth, still watching him and he was biting his lips hard trying not to be loud. You were enjoying that he was at your whim of not making noise.
You open your throat and sink lower and you hear him grunt as he takes a hold of your head. “Fuck your mouth feels so good, now I’m going to fuck this pretty little throat of yours, Hollywood.” And just as promised he starts guiding your head up and you feel a gag coming but you let it because that will make your throat tighten.
Eddie’s eyes rolls back as well as his head falling back as he whimpers how good your throat is. You move his hands and you come up for air, letting his cum and spit drip from your lips.
“Mmm you do like it nasty.” He runs his thumb across your bottom lip and you smile at him. “Kiss me.” He smiles back at you and he does just that. He kisses you and he sucks your tongue tasting himself on you. You push him back and go back to sucking him off and he bucks his hips and fucks your mouth vigorously.
“H..Hollywood, Olivia, stop!” He hisses as he pulls you off of his dick. “What’s the matter?” You say innocently as you look at his pulsing dick. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth this time. Come here.” He helps you up off of your knees and he holds you close.
“This pretty mouth is dangerous, you know that right?” Eddie says giving your lips a few pecks. “If you think my mouth is dangerous, just imagine how my pussy will be wrapped around this dick of yours, pretty boy.”
He leans you back towards your bed as he kisses you leaving trails of licks along the way. Once you’re on your back Eddie looks back and grabs his pants. You see him pull out the condom and you position yourself better so you’re in the center of your bed.
Eddie climbs up and he spreads your legs, looking down at your pussy and he leans down and licks the hood of your clit which makes you moan louder than you expected. You slap your hand over your mouth and he gives you a wicked smile.
“Careful there Hollywood. Someone might hear you.” He kisses your pussy lips and then he leans up and rips the condom open with his teeth.
You watch as he rolls the condom on from tip to base and you then look at his body. He had tattoos in various places that reminded you of your notebooks from college.
You were about to ask about them but stop when you cover your mouth as his dick head parted your pussy.
Eddie’s mouth opens as he rolls his hips into you and you place your hand on his lower stomach. “Fuck, you’re tight, Olivia.” He moans your name and he puts his full weight on top of you. “Oh god this feel so good.” You whisper as he rolls his hips again.
He takes your legs and puts one on his shoulder while he pushes the other back by your ear. You rub your clit while in this position and your eyes roll back.
Your walls tighten around him and he lets out a whimper. “C…careful pretty boy. S..someone might hear.” You comment. He narrows his eyes at you and he slams into you causing you to clamp your lips shut as you swallow a moan.
“What’s wrong Hollywood? Too much for you?” He moves out of your pussy and slams back in again. “Eddie…” You bring your arms around his neck and kiss him as he keeps fucking you hard. “Ju…just like that. Please don’t stop.”
The bed lightly shakes as he pounds harder and you bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out how good his dick feels inside of you. He lets your legs go and he does deep slow strokes as his thumb finds your clit.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna c-” Eddie kisses your lips as he holds you tight and you cum hard. He whimpers your name along with a few other swears as he cums soon after.
You were both breathing hard from the activity and he had his hands by the sides of your head and he leans back down and pecks your lips once again. “You are right that pretty little pussy is dangerous. Shit.” He slides out of you and you both let out a groan. You watch as he ties off the condom and throws it away in your trash bin.
You make a mental note to throw that away before the family wakes up in the morning.
He lays down besides you and he pulls you close. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” Eddie asks as you cuddle close. “No, but my guts will never be the same.” He laughs at that and takes your hand in his, kissing each of your finger tips. “Where did you park?” You ask pulling the sheets over the both of you. “Just down the street. Don’t worry no one will know I spent the night.” He says as he yawns.
“That’s fine. I had a great time today. Mostly the show and all the extra stuff.” You tell him as you feel yourself getting sleepy. “Is this the extra stuff, Hollywood?” He asks as he pulls you closer to him. “Oh this was the sprinkles on a sundae, pretty boy.” You now yawn and you lean over flicking off your table lamp.
“Good night, Eddie. Sweet dreams.” You whisper as you see he’s already fast asleep. “Good night, Olivia…love you..” He whispers. You feel sleep about to take over but your eyes spring open and you look over at him.
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perspectivestarters · 4 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo (Part II)
I wore makeup when we dated 'cause I thought you'd like me more.
Tried so hard to be everything that you liked.
I knew how you took your coffee and your favorite songs by heart.
I read all of your self-help books so you'd think that I was smart.
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.
You found someonе more exciting, the nеxt second, you were gone.
You left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong.
You always say I'm never satisfied, but I don't think that's true
All I ever wanted was to be enough for you.
Maybe I'm just not as interesting as the girls you had before.
You couldn't have cared less about someone who loved you more.
I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that,
I don't want your sympathy.
I just want myself back.
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
Don't tell me you're sorry.
Feel sorry for yourself.
Someday, I'll be everything to somebody else.
You'll be the one who's crying.
You say I'm never satisfied, but that's not me, it's you.
I don't think anything could ever be enough for you.
Nothing's enough for you.
We broke up a month ago.
You know I know you've moved on, found someone new.
One more girl who brings out the better in you.
I thought my heart was detached.
Does she mean you forgot about me?
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me.
I'm selfish, I know.
I can't let you go
So find someone great, but don't find no one better.
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.
Do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?
An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean.
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me?
But she's beautiful, she looks kind.
She probably gives you butterflies.
I wish you all the best, really.
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me.
Think of me fondly when your hands are on her.
I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room.
All I see are girls too good to be true.
Wish I didn't care.
I know their beauty's not my lack.
It feels like that weight is on my back.
I can't let it go.
Comparison is killin' me slowly.
I think I think too much. 'bout kids who don't know me.
I'm so sick of myself
I'd rather be anyone else.
My jealousy started followin' me.
I see everyone gettin' all the things I want.
I'm happy for them, but then again, I'm not.
Oh god, I sound crazy.
Their win is not my loss.
I can't help gettin' caught up in it all.
All your friends are so cool.
Got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too.
I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you.
All I see is what I should be.
I'm losin' it.
Know that I loved you so bad I let you treat me like that.
I was your willing accomplice, honey.
I watched as you fled the scene.
One heart broke, four hands bloody.
The things I did just so I could call you mine.
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime.
You used me as an alibi?
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line.
I defended you to all my friends.
Now every time a siren sounds, I wondеr if you're around.
You know that I'd do it all again.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.
I was goin' down, but I was doin' it with you.
I say that I hate you with a smile on my face.
Oh, look what we became.
Baby, you were mine
I knew a boy once when I was small.
He played the drum in the marching band.
His parents cared more about the Bible than being good to their own child.
He wore long sleeves 'cause of his dad.
Somehow, we fell out of touch.
Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.
Don't know if I'll see you again someday.
If you're out there, I hope that you're okay.
She raised her brothers on hеr own.
Her parents hated who shе loved.
She couldn't wait to go to college.
She was tired 'cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood.
Does she know how proud I am she was created?
We don't talk much, but I just gotta say.
I miss you and I hope that you're okay.
Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings.
Nothing's forever.
Nothing is as good as it seems
I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.
But, god, I hope that you're happier today.
I love you.
I hope that you're okay.
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saedii-gilwraeth-simp · 11 months
If you get around to it, Finlett angst, please? Have a good day!
as Olivia Rodrigo once said "god, it's brutal out here*
jk jk this ends waaaay better than my last angsty Finlett piece.
*about 10 years after Aurora's End*
This time around, he had remembered to take his exosuit glove off when his wife went into labour. With Rory and Cat, he hadn't even thought about it, and Dariel cam too quickly to give him a chance. Both occasions had led to him needing to have the parts replaced to fix the crush damage Scarlett had done to them.
This time, he was ready with the metal parts off to hold her hand.
Scarlett was giving everything to this labour, her red hair stuck to her face from sweating, her teeth audibly grinding from the force. His hand was thoroughly squished, but she was giving life, so he doesn't mention it.
She was so powerful. He loved her so much.
Baby no. 1 came out with a force that almost sends her shooting across the room had the nurse not been there to catch her. He takes her away to be cleaned and Scarlett takes a couple of deep breaths as Fin kisses her forehead and brushes her hair back.
"You got this," he whispers and she nods once before meeting his eyes and bumping their foreheads together.
"Alrighty, Jones, one more," the doctor says and Scarlett braces for the next contraction. Fin squeezes her hand between both of his own.
Baby no. 2 takes her sweet time but in another two contractions, she's out in the world, yelling at the top of her lungs.
He turns to his wife to grin, to kiss her and tell her how wonderful she is, how grateful he is for her.
But the look on her face is wrong. Her blue eyes, normally so alive, are flat and almost confused, struggling to focus. Her hand has gone slack in his.
"Scar?" he asks, bringing his hand up to touch her cheek. Her hand moves as if to touch his, but it falls to the mattress below her. He knows something is wrong right before every bio-sensor starts blaring and his wife's eyes roll back and she passes out.
He barely has a second to yell her name before he is being pushed out of the room by the slew of doctors responding.
The curtains and door close, blocking him from seeing what is happening and his stomach drops like a stone, his whole world shaking as he just stares at the window.
He feels a nurse touch his shoulders and guide him out to the waiting room, where the rest of his Squad is, the air in the room light and relaxed until they see his stricken face.
Saedii seems to react first and takes over from the nurse, guiding him to a seat and crouching in front of him.
"Fin?" Saedii's question sounds like it's coming from a tunnel. "What happened?" She asks and he shakes his head, leaning down so his head was between his knees. No one speaks as a sob comes from his mouth. He feels a hand that might be Tyler's come to sit on his neck.
"She just- Scar passed out. The doctors didn't tell me anything, but something was wrong," he squeezed his fists together and braced himself to sit up. Saedii is still in front of him and she gives him her version of a comforting smile.
"She'll be okay. The Legion has the best facilities in the galaxy," Auri says from the seat next to him and pulls him into a sideways hug. He nods, trying not to let anyone know what is going on inside.
He looks up from his squad and sees his children on the seats opposite him. They are all asleep, cuddled together on the cushioned bench, all three perfect combinations of him and Scarlett.
"We can't lose her," he whispers, standing shakily and walking over to sit on the bench next to his children. Careful not to wake them, he shifts Dariel onto his lap and moves Rory and Cat to rest against his side, running a hand through Rory's blonde hair.
He looks down at his children through eyes blurred by tears. His children couldn't lose their mother so young, the babies in the nursery couldn't grow up without ever meeting the warmest, kindest, most loving mother in the galaxy.
He doesn't know how long they sit there in silence but it feels like a lifetime before the doctor comes and sits on his other side.
"Legionnaire De Seel," she says gently and he turns to look at her. She gives him a little smile.
"Your daughter's are both in the nursery for whenever you want to see them," she says first and he nods.
"And Scar?" the doctor's eyes shift into a sympathetic look he knows too well and his stomach drops further.
"As far as we could get her, she's stable. She is, however, comatose. We don't know when she'll wake up," the doctor says and Fin feels like he stops breathing. "You can come see her now if you'd like," she says and Fin nods.
Auri steps in and takes Dariel from his arms, Saedii taking his place on the seat so his daughters can keep sleeping. He stands and wipes his shaky hands on his pants as the doctor leads him to a room.
He wants to burst into tears at the sight of Scarlett. She is pale and quiet in the bed, hooked up to a million wires and electrodes. She looks worse than she did after their DM storm experience. He sits in the chair next to her and reaches out to brush back a strand of fiery red hair from her forehead and takes one of her blessedly still warm hands.
"Can she tell I'm here?" he asks.
"We believe so. We recommend talking to patients like hers," He nods and hears the doctor leave the room.
"Hey Scar," he whispers. "You gave me a real scare back there. I think we need to limit ourselves to one emergency each in a lifetime, don't you think? So we've both had one and now you have to wake up and never scare me like that again, okay?" he pleads.
The only response he gets is the slow beep of the EKG machine.
"So kids 4 and 5 are doing great, hitting the right milestones for a couple of days old. They're- uh what's that phrase you Terran's use? cute as buttons!" Fin snaps his fingers as he remembers it. "...so you should probably wake up and see them," he says, getting no response from Scarlett.
He presses her hand to his forehead.
"The other kids are missing you. Turns out, Ty's bedtime stories aren't nearly as good as yours," he says, watching her face.
"Scar, they need you. I need you," he whispers, voice cracking. "This isn't going to be how you die, it can't be after everything," he says, stroking her hairline. "You're so strong, Scar, you can't just give up now. We still have a life to live together, galaxies to explore, babies to raise. I don't want to do it with anyone else but you," he can feel the tears dripping down his cheeks as he speaks. He stands and leans over her, his face close to hers.
"I know I don't give you orders normally, but I'm giving you one now, Jones-De Seel. You are going to fight, Scar, and you are going to wake up. And while you get your shit together, I'm am going to go check on our children," he orders, voice quiet but firm.
He kisses her forehead and then stands to his full height, wiping his eyes and leaving the room to check on his daughters.
"Is mumma okay?" Rory asks a week later, while she watching her newborn sisters squirm in their cribs. Fin tries to give her a reassuring smile, although it's probably lucky she can't see him from where she sits on his lap.
"Well, Rory, she worked really hard to bring your sisters here and she was really tired, so she is still sleeping," he says, trying not to let her catch on to his upset.
"When is she going to wake up?" Rory asks, looking up at him with those night-dark contacts. "She didn't sleep this long when she had Dari," Fin purses his lips.
"I don't know when she will wake up sweetheart," he admits and Rory frowns, turning back to the baby in front of her.
"If Mumma doesn't wake up, what happens then?" she asks eventually and Fin squeezes her a little tighter in his arms.
"I don't know. But no matter what happens, she's always gonna be with you and I'm always gonna take care of you, Rory," he assures her. She seems to take this as an acceptable answer and they sit in silence.
"Can I see her? I want to tell her about what Aunt Saedii taught me yesterday," Fin considers his daughters question.
"Okay, but you have to be gentle with her," Rory nods furiously and turns in his arms so he can pick her up properly. He stands with her in his arms and they leave the medbay nursery to head down the hall where Scarlett is laying, still looking like she was sleeping.
He places Rory on the bed near Scarlett's legs but the three year old climbs up the bed to lie next to her mother's ear.
Rory sends him a look and then leans into her mother's ear and starts whispering, so quiet Fin can't hear what she is saying. He sits beside them and watches them. Other than her eyes, Rory looks just like her mother and the pair together always makes his heart squeeze with love.
Right about now, his heart is squeezing in an opposite way. The thought that Scar wouldn't wake up, that Rory and her siblings would have to miss her their whole life, that hurt more than he could think. Hurt him to know that he could never replace her and that he likely could never live up to what his children needed.
Rory seems unaware of his crisis, continue to whisper to her mother conspiratorially. Fin picks up Scarlett's hand and wait for his daughter to run out of stories about her week with Uncle Ty and Aunt Saedii.
He doesn't notice the change in the beat of the EKG until her hand is tightening around his own. He looks up, hoping he is not just dreaming.
Scarlett's eyes were open, her head tilted to the side to press noses with Rory.
"Scar," he gasps, wanting to laugh and cry and scream with joy. Her head turns to look at him. Her eyes were tired, but focussed. He smiles so hard his face hurts and then leans down to kiss her, pouring everything he has felt over the past fortnight into her, knowing she understands when her hand squeezes his.
"Fin," she responds when they finally pull apart, smiling until a thought seems to dawn on her, "the babies?" she says and he caresses her face.
"They're perfect," he reassures her.
"Not as perfect as me," their daughter interrupts any response Scar was about to say. Scar chuckles and hugs Rory.
"Of course not, sweetheart, never," she grins and lets Fin rest his lips on her brow, thanking the Maker for listening to his every prayer.
This got away from me a bit.
Also, this was the last angst prompt in my inbox so it's all uphill from here.
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absorbedbutler · 2 years
okayy so angsty austin request - (potentially breaks up/leaves him idk) the reader finds out him smacking olivia’s butt in the bathroom scene was improvised and she gets mad bc he didn’t have to do it he chose to and it’s basically cheating bc he did it out of character.
eep this is my first time writing angst SO I HAVE NO CLUE like absolutely zero idea what i’m supposed to be doing pls be gentle with me 💔
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as you sat at a dinner with your boyfriend austin, his costar olivia, and best friend ashley, you smiled and laughed at all the stories being told to you, unable to add anything.
you were nervous about this dinner as you usually are with everything, so austin went to great lengths to make you feel better about this night. you smiled lovingly at him before olivia started another story that you then turned your attention to.
“when you smacked my ass, oh my god i nearly burst out laughing. i cant believe no one cleared it with me before,” she laughed “your boyfriend,” she looked at you “was an absolute mess to work with.”
as the words settled in your head, you plastered on a fake smile as you felt him go rigid next to you, hand freezing on your thigh.
your mind had always skipped passed the scene as a small way to show their relationship dynamic, something they were both directed to do.
things had never been bad between you and him, but he knew the insecurity’s you had when it came to on screen relationships, hearing the horror stories.
“too funny, will you excuse me? i think i wanna wash my hands before the food gets here” you said keeping yourself together as best as possible, knowing you were a ticking time bomb.
you picked up and dropped austin’s hand onto the booth seat next to you as you shimmied your way out, practically running to the bathroom.
your mind was whirring, a non stop buzz in your ears.
you felt hot, almost sick to your stomach. he knew how you though and he knew if the news got back to you about this, you’d freak.
the door opening had your head whipping around, dread filling you when you saw him.
“hey,” he said walking into the bathroom hands opened in front of him as if he was about to diffuse a bomb.
“please don’t, ohmygod please do not.” you said turning back around and gripping the sink counter and looking up, eyes squeezed shut.
“baby, you have to remember it’s just acting. you may not be used to what’s normal in acting.” god you hated when he talked down to you about his career, you weren’t a child.
you didn’t want to cry in front of him but you couldn’t stop yourself, you just wanted to at least be alone.
“it’s what felt right-“ he came up to you, hand grazing your upper arm before you flinched it away.
“yeah? since you know about things “feeling right”,” you mocked him “then you should be okay with me feeling like packing my shit and leaving feels right.” you yelled at him hoping he could feel half of what you felt right now.
his arms once again try to touch you, trying to hug you this time, before you smack him away.
“don’t touch me, i am so serious don’t touch me,” you brought a hand under your eye.
he had comforted you time and time again about the rumors with olivia, that’s what hurt so much.
you couldn’t stand to be in the air of the bathroom with him any longer, pushing past him and speeding out the door to finally be able to catch your breath.
waiting until you could calm yourself down to leave, you planned your route to escape the hellish restaurant.
once you had started to walk, you got a far away but good enough view of the table.
you couldn’t help but notice how fast he had bounced back, how you could work out enough words to know he had made up a lie about you being sick and him calling a car for you back, and how much closer he’d gotten to olivia.
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