#she asks them sooo much about elven history... wants to learn all the lost lore... hoard all the knowledge...
hiddenbeks · 8 days
i've been thinking about what andrale and celyn are doing and whether they're even alive during veilguard and i think i've finally figured it out.. i don't think andrale would leave to seek a cure for the taint. she struggled against her fate for so long and was incredibly bitter about being conscripted but eventually made peace with it. she cheated death once thanks to morrigan but knows her days are numbered nevertheless and decides to value whatever time the ritual gave her. after the events of awakening she remains the warden-commander but since the blight is over she isn't needed on active duty. so she often leaves vigil's keep to travel or to stay with her clan or whatever but always comes back to ensure the wardens are well and to help train recruits and all that. leaving everyone and everything behind to go on an expedition in the far west searching for a cure that may or may not exist would go against all her development i think. when her calling comes she will go peacefully knowing she lived a meaningful life and made the most of what time she had :) i think she will be somewhat relieved as well. even though she learns to enjoy life again she will always carry the horrors of the blight with her and it will never be the same and she would never be the same even if she was cured. she is a warden and a warden's end is the only end for her!
celyn on the other hand. she is never satisfied she always wants more. she's very eager to join the wardens despite andrale's warnings that the joining could be fatal and that even if she survives being a warden is essentially a slow death. celyn is like yea whatever it beats going back to the circle so she chugs the darkspawn blood, survives, and joins the wardens. at some point andrale assigns celyn to assist avernus with his research and has her take over after avernus passes away. the reality of being a grey warden soon hits celyn and she reallyyyyy doesn't want to die an early death after finally getting out of the circle. so she pores over avernus' writings and figures out how to slow the decay of her body with blood magic the way he had. but it's not enough because even avernus succumbed to the taint eventally. and celyn doesn't want that for herself. where andrale is focused on what is celyn is more interested in what could be... and the taint could be cured maybe... so celyn is the one who decides to take things even further. she is determined to prolong her lifespan by any means and willing to risk everything for the chance to permanently cure the taint!!
#also like wouldn't it be sad if celyn actually found the cure but it was too late for all her warden friends who are already gone. ahah#the loneliness of outliving those you love.... is it truly worth it..... etc#i gotta say it's still sad to think. about the fact that andrale doesn't even get to live to fifty#it sucks!!!! but such is what it means to be a grey warden!!!!!#ch: andrale#ch: celyn#if the warden rly has canonically found the cure and been cured by datv i think i will figure out a way for celyn to be involved#as like. an advisor or something. or maybe she works with the veil jumpers........#yknow celyn obviously didnt learn any elven lore in the circle. everything she learned came from the chantry#well . except for the blood magic. but anyway. after getting to know andrale and also velanna#she asks them sooo much about elven history... wants to learn all the lost lore... hoard all the knowledge...#so maybe thanks to them she decides to travel to arlathan and finds the veil jumpers etc#and all the time she will be thinking wow i wish andrale was here to see all this i wish she were here with me!!!#also i wonder. if andrale frequently visits her clan...... she will visit them on sundermount as well#which means she gets to see merrill again... becomes acquainted with frida even... interesting#really need andrale and frida to meet actually. need frida to be like omggggg its the hero of ferelden hiiiiiiii im ur biggest fan!!!!!!!!#anyway god i need to talk more abt andrale and celyn can someone recommend some good dragon age asks or sth hngnngnhgngh
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