#she alternated as a emergency medicine employee and a field medic for gothem city police
The Pennyworth Family
Alfred has a family outside of the Waynes. Well, technically. He is the godfather to a meta woman who got married and now has kids. These kids refer to him as Alfie, or in Morina-his eldest granddaughters- case, Papa A. Alfred lives for his family, but they don’t live near Gothem so he rarely sees them… ish.
You see his family are meta humans with unusually strong powers. So strong I face that Duke once caught a glimpse of one of them and claimed it looked like he was staring at the sun. So sometimes Morina- who had spatial/cosmic and mental/soul manipulation powers- would teleport her family in for a few days to hang out.
But you see, the Wayne family didn’t know that Alfred had another family. They knew he had an apartment in Gothem where he would occasionally stay, but most of the time he was in the manor. And he never really asked for off days so they didn’t believe he had anyone else.
So imagine Jason’s surprise when he climbed in the window to Alfred’s secret apartment because he was shot, only to see a tall, tattooed, black haired, Hispanic woman standing in the kitchen with a mug filled with green tea. He was about to sound the alarm, someone had broken into Alfred’s apartment, when she set down the mug and started rambling.
“God damnit, Papa A and his stupid obsession with helping super heroes and offering safe places and food. He can’t just adopt every stray he sees.” She walked over and grabbed his shoulder slightly, moving to lay him down on a plastic covered couch before getting a kit and cutting the fabric away from the wound.
“And of course it causes me to work off the clock,” she said, digging for the bullet with tweezers. The projectile came out surprisingly easily all things concidered. “Because I of course shouldn’t experience rest.” She took out her materials and began to clean and stitch up his wound. After she was done she stood up and Jason, mask still on, followed her until he felt something holding him down.
“No, you sit down and rest, I may not have my mothers healing but I do have her cooking.” She moved back to the kitchen, taking a pot off the stove that I didn’t see before and stirred it a few times before grabbing two ceramic bowls and ladling the soup into them. She grabbed a sleeve of crackers from the pantry and moved next to him again.
“Hi,” she said, giving him a bowl, “I’m Agent A’s granddaughter- call me Neutron in the field- and I’m typically open for late night stitchings and soup. Like tonight. It’s clam chowder by the way.”
Jason, for the first time in his life, understood what love at first sight meant.
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