#she also probably has a hell of a dynamic with Kodeira
strange-destinations · 10 months
neck-deep in Ethersea again as I relisten to it, but not entirely sure how long the fixation is going to last, which means I have a long list of fic ideas that greatly interest me but I'm not prepared to commit to (including but not limited to):
character/relationship study for Finneas Cawl and the Boyar Hermine, because holy shit those two
something that might be an Amnesty AU but also might just be a mundane modern human!AU, which is just newly-escaped-from-the-local-cult Devo annoying the shit out of Amber as he repeatedly sticks his foot in his god damn mouth
the weirdest possible roleswap au where Benevolence = Devo, Cambria = Zoox and Coda = Amber, because I think Amber deserves to possess a big fuckin battleship, Zoox is basically already a primordial god as it is, and Devo would be a terrifying deity. the hand of benevolence, recently departed from the church of devotion, is known to his friends as benny. i wish i knew what to do with this beyond broad strokes
fic that's just zoox mindmelding with weirder and weirder things as devo and amber become increasingly less concerned about it. i mean this is basically just canon but you get what i mean. zoox trying to befriend the biggest baby.
devo's post-canon cross-timeline acid trip reality heist to find amber in the shark dimension. i can't remember the exact details of the final arc so this one's very vague.
actually there are no post-canon fixit fics at all (which is a crime), and i don't think i'm the one to write one either. but i have the perfect mental image of devo finally managing to somehow rip a hole through to the shark dimension only to walk in on amber and kodeira getting deeply sensual and quite frankly nasty. he is very relieved to find they're all right, but did NOT need to see this. maybe he'll come back later.
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