#she also has openly discussed with her other friend (who is a swiftie) about getting tickets for taylor. right in front of me. ngl it just!?
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reysccp · 6 years ago
Thank God I read Vogue before reading Tumblr
I loved the article. I understand people feeling sad an pessimistic, but for me it was totally a step on the right direction. It could be part of a coming out plan (that we don't know if is still up, but I'm leaning on thinking it is, although delayed). 90% of the interview was about gay topics. She didn't say she was straight. The Toe insertion was a editor thing and it even said we might assume it, making clear Taylor never mentioned him. The interviewer was very suspicious of her all the time, saying how she control everything, talked about her many layers and easter eggs and how she couldn't grasp everything about Taylor.
Even her fabricated dialogue with Todrick, which he spoiled us before, was great. She realized her friends and fans didn't know her stand on gay rights can be easily extrapolated to realize her friends and fans don't know she's gay later.
Gay rights, sexism, artists rights. That's her politic stances. Everyone can see she's not venturing into politics she doesn't belong. She's not talking about racism or immigration or environmental crises or any of the so many topics I'm sure she really care and has much to say. She's advocating for Gay, Woman and Artists. It's deeply personal and anyone can see it.
So we get to the controversial quote: she's not part of the community. What does that mean?
To me it means she's still in the closet and that's it. All the anti-gaylor can breathe for a moment while it lasts. Homophobia is going rampant on social media, they are all calling us out. Fuck them, we are used to it by now.
Some people I reblog earlier cleverly explained how it was a vague and ambiguous quote, to be honest I didn't even notice the first time I read. I think most of general public won't notice it either. They are not like anti-gaylor trying so hard to find proof she's straight, general public is thinking "hey this straight lady won't shut up about the gays uh?" And there it goes... another little seed has been planted.
But, anyway, she's still in the closet and Toe is still around like a dead corpse someone forgot to bury.
I don't know if we were too much optimistic before or something really changed. I'm inclined to think I personally was over optimistic an I chose to ignore some blogs warning us to be careful. It's ok. She's not out yet but she's still in this direction. I believe karlie's troubles are really difficult and who knows maybe there are even problems on Taylor's side too, her fight for her masters, new contracts, we have no idea.
To be honest I even like the idea that she's yet to come out properly. I really don't like the take "let's imply that I'm bi with hair colors and bracelets while dating a man" when we know the boyfriend is fake. (To make it clear there is nothing wrong coming out bisexual while dating a man, I'm talking specifically about Taylor when WE KNOW toe is fake).
I expect so much more from her. She's brave, she's strong, she's smart, I'm not worried about her breaking my heart.
Ask your "2016 pre-reputation" self if you would ever believe she would release the YNTCD video? She clearly put herself in the community there. Now she's saying she's not.
I'll always trust the art over the PR.
(Otherwise I would have to believe YAIL is about Lena Dunham... argh)
So this interview got me thinking about what I am expecting from Lover.
Politics. Looks like the next single is the song she talked about being a man that will take on sexism on music industry. Wonderful. Interesting that she's choosing the political songs over the romantics for singles. Also to notice if there is any subtext that in her imagination being a man would mean she could also date women openly. She could hint bearding too. This song could be gold.
There won't be anything UNAMBIGUOUSLY gay on the romantic songs. It will be rep level of gay which is pretty gay for me.
It will punch a lot more holes on Toe timeline. A LOT. At this point if she doesn't start to heavily stunting with him (and I don't think she will) swifties are not buying Toe anymore (except the very naive or homophobic ones). There's just no more reasons for secrets or to not go to red carpets and awards together or mention each other in interviews. Some events are coming soon and we'll see if she'll step up the stunts to make Toe fit the "engaged couple ready to marry". I don't think she will do it.
Lover will be KAYLOR KAYLOR KAYLOR. She's going to sing about being commited/engaged/married and at the same time all the difficulties and troubles and secrets and that sad shit we know is going on with them. Again we are going to say "why this boring white straight couple need so much secrecy and what fights they need to fight to be together? Time zones?"
And she just spoiled us this
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This lyric is KAYLOR af, and it has been buried beneath the "not part of the community" quote commotion.
To conclude I just want to say it feels like there is so many narratives she's telling right now.
She's telling a romantic straight narrative because she's keeping Toe around. She's telling gaylor/kaylor narrative because the visuals and themes are all about it. She's going for a more political approach and she's also focusing A LOT on a younger demographic. Younger than the 30/20 swifties that grow up with her, maybe she's targeting their children I don't know. I didn't expected this but definitely it's a thing.
That's why when we look at everything together it seems very contradictory and feels like she's going forward and backwards with the coming out at the same time.
I'm not an specialist in PR but this feels like what's going on in politics where candidates shape themselves different for each demographic. I can totally see artists doing it too.
Ps: I'm open to discuss anything Taylor related but I won't engage anybody with assumptions she might be straight or Toe or Karlie wedding is real. She's gay toe is gay karlie is gay and the gay from the fascist family is gay too. That's it.
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that-curly-haired-lesbian · 6 years ago
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo + Taylor Swift: a master post - Part 6/6
Hi guys, welcome to the final part of my masterpost regarding parallels between Taylor Swift and Evelyn Hugo, the fictional actress from the book The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by author Taylor Jenkins Reid!
Before proceeding please be aware that there will be
for the book ahead and please also read my disclaimer!
It’s very important that you read these in order so if you haven’t yet go ahead and check out the previous part right here, thank you and enjoy!
When Evelyn starts telling us about beard #6 she reveals that they got married in Joshua Tree (Pg. 295) which is you know, an actual place and all, but my first reaction was (perhaps understandably given this context)
“You got married WHERE, now?!” and then it took me quite a while to stop laughing and honestly, this is kind of too hilarious not to include!
Evelyn also points out on that same page that she wore an ocean-blue dress for the ceremony.
 Though Max Girard (beard #6 and legit husband #2) initially starts out as a non-bearding situation (in a desperate attempt to get over Celia) it soon becomes clear that Max doesn’t love Evelyn, he loves Evelyn Hugo™ He loves the idea of her more than the actual person, he loves the famous persona. Evelyn says:
  “I didn’t know how to tell him that I loved her too, but I wasn’t her.” (Pg. 298)
This is that age-old debate of Taylor vs. Taylor Swift™. The two are not the same person and sometimes it feels like (het in particular) fans have as hard a time as Max to make that distinction.
Taylor Swift the public persona isn’t Taylor Swift the person and that is perhaps the most true when it comes to Taylor’s actual love life vs. her fabricated one. There might not be a single fact more important to come to terms with in order to understand Gaylor Swift (and her reasons for being closeted) than that simple one. If you feel lost here, please go read this again!
    “When you’re known for being gorgeous, you can’ not imagine a faith worse        than standing next to someone and falling short.” (Pg. 299)
  And all the young things line up to take your place
In a letter to Celia:
  “I hope you will forgive me for being so blunt, but how did we make such a     mess of it all?” (Pg. 301)
Oh, we made quite a mess, babe
After years of being separated (yet again) Evelyn finally calls Celia and when they discuss the possibility of getting back together without having to hide Evelyn points out that:
                        “Everything has changed”
And as proof of this change she brings up the fact that Elton John is now proudly out (this part of her story is set in the late 80’s) to which Celia counters with:
  “’Elton John doesn’t have a child and a career based on audiences     believing he’s a straight man.” (Pg. 303)
Taylor may not have a kid, but she most certainly has a career based on audiences believing she’s a straight woman and that must be freaking terrifying!!
During that phone call Evelyn explains that she never stopped loving Celia and when Celia questions this by pointing out that Evelyn (in a non-bearding way) got married to someone else Evelyn explains:
  “’I married him because he helped me forget you,’ I said, “not because I     stopped loving you’” (Pg. 304)
He will try to take away my pain  And he just might make me smile  But the whole time I'm wishin' he was you instead
During a dinner following the phone conversation Evelyn tells Celia:
  “I spent my life hiding so no one would knock me off the mountain. Well, you     know what? I’m done hiding. Let them come and get me. They can throw me     down a well as far as I’m concerned.” (Pg. 313)
When Celia questions if Evelyn really means that Evelyn assures her that she does.
  “Any other line of thinking…It’s how I lost you. I don’t want to lose anymore.”
HELL YEAH, EVELYN IS DONE HIDING!! Also, the “I don’t want to lose anymore”-line reminds me of:
  Us traitors never win
And what I said about that line in my analysis of Getaway Car:
What she says I think is that people who pick their career over their love life won’t end up being happy, or “winning” at life in the long-run.
When Celia has made absolutely sure that Evelyn is truly ready to give it all up for her this time she suggests that they move to Spain together, she says she wants to spend her final years:
  “On a beautiful beach. With the love of a good woman.” (Pg. 314)
  Drinkin' on a beach with you all over me
When Evelyn leaves her sixth husband for Celia he is pissed off and threatens to out her and he does, to untrustworthy magazines and anyone who will listen. (No one believes him, but still) (Pg. 319)
The whole divorce is very bitter and the bitterness of it all kind of reminded me of one of Taylor’s particularly bad bearding situations.  But when Max goes so far as to basically say he made Evelyn’s career an even worse taste was left in my mouth……………..
In a conversation with Evelyn about their differing degrees of fame Harry says the following:
  “I’m only famous because you’re famous, Ev. They don’t care about me or     what  I’m doing unless it somehow relates to you.” (Pg. 321)
Here we once again have bearding 101, but also it reminded me of someone…
On page 325 Evelyn refers to Harry as:
   “My best friend, my family.”
And while this is obviously said platonically between those two it nonetheless made me think of something that I’m honestly still not over Taylor saying about Karlie!!
Towards the end of her career Evelyn meets a young man named Nick, he wants to be an actor and asks Evelyn for advice. She bitterly considers telling him:
  “You have to be willing to deny your heritage, to commodify your body, to lie     to good people, to sacrifice who you love in the name of what people will   think, and to choose the false version of yourself time and time again,   until you forget who you started out as or why you started doing it to   begin with.” (Pg. 326) (x)
Evelyn’s friend (and beard) Harry dies tragically in a car accident in 1989
While Taylor has always used the motif of cars/car rides in her music there are A LOT of car mentions on 1989, an album many het Swifties seem to believe to be about Harry Styles, interesting…
After Harry’s death Evelyn and Celia move to Spain together and out of the spotlight they finally get to openly be together and Evelyn “chose the rose garden over Madison Square” if you will and she was extremely happy. About her relationship with Celia during that time she says:
  “I cherished every moment we had to ourselves, every second I spent with my    arms around her.” (Pg. 344)
   When I get you alone it’s so simple
  I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
Evelyn describes her seventh husband and last beard (Celia’s brother) as so charming that most other women were:
  “Enchanted by him” (Pg.344)
Oddly specific word choice!
As happy as Celia and Evelyn were at this point in their lives something was hanging over them, Celia was sick and dying. Evelyn tells Monique that when Celia promised Evelyn she’d never leave her again:
    “We both knew she was making a promise she couldn’t keep.” (Pg. 346)
  Brokeeeeee the sweetest promISEEE that you neverrrrr should   have MADEEE
Listen to that you guys, that’s my goddamn heart breaking!!!
CELIA AND EVELYN’S WEDDING SCENE (pg. 347-349) IS SUPER SWEET!!!!!! A fun little detail is that New York (which is as we’ve previously established significant to the Kaylor relationship as well as the Evelyn and Celia one) was made relevant in a scene taking place in Spain (Celia’s shirt)
ALSO allow we to go into crazy fanfic territory here, but can’t you just IMAGINE the “we can get married”-conversation happening between Taylor and Karlie when same-sex marriage became legalized nationwide????
All wlw just want a wife #ConfirmedOnPage349
Seriously, if you wanna be punched in the feels today go read the wedding scene and imagine Kaylor in Evelyn and Celia’s place. (No one is sick in the Kaylor version, but they are deeply closeted and still at the height of their careers) oh, my fragile, gay heart!!
When Celia does die from her illness Evelyn describes her reaction with:
      “I fell to the floor.” (Pg. 350)
  I'm HERE on the KITCHEN flooOOOOr 
After Celia’s death Evelyn truly stops hiding in the closet:
     “I could not keep my true self from coming out.” (Pg. 353)
  “It cost so much, caring. I didn’t have any currency to spend on it.” (Pg. 354)
  “People were still easily distracted from seeing how I felt about Celia St.     James, but this time was different because I wasn’t hiding anything. The truth   had been there for them to grab if they’d paid attention.”
  “But of course they got it wrong. They never did care about getting it right. The    media are going to tell whatever story they want to tell. They always have.     They always will.”
To me this is the essence of the Reputation era, Taylor having realized that she can’t make the media she the truth so she just avoids them and tells the truth to those of us who are paying attention. This time it’s different, because she isn’t hiding anything.
  There will be no further explanation. There will be just reputation
Evelyn saying it made her happy to spend money on her loved ones (Pg. 356) makes me think of Taylor being so extra with the fans ❤
  “No one is just a victim or a victor. That’s Evelyn Hugo for you, somewhere     in the middle.” (Pg. 366)
   “She’s painfully human to me now.” (Pg. 371)
Is that Monique saying that about Evelyn Hugo after finding out her true life story or is it me saying it about Taylor Swift after falling down the Gaylor rabbit hole? No one knows for sure…
  “Evelyn is going to die when she wants to and she wants to die now.” (Pg.375)
  I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now (Ooh, look what you made me do)  Why? (Look what you made me do)  Oh, 'cause she's dead!
  in the death of her reputation she felt truly alive
                     The huge difference between the death of Taylor Swift and the death of Evelyn Hugo is that Evelyn’s death is literal and Taylor’s is figurative.
Despite this Evelyn’s death is somehow every bit as cinematic as Taylor who just recently killed off her reputation in order to feel truly alive. They’re both still doing it on their own terms, literally controlling the narrative that is their lives up until their last breaths (figurative as well as literal)
  “Evelyn trusts me with her story. Evelyn trusts me with her death.” (Pg. 377)
Just as Taylor is trusting us with the death of her false reputation and the truth of her actual story and narrative.
  “The tears that come out of me feel as if they were decades in the making. It     feels as if some old version of me is leaking out, letting go, saying good-bye in     the effort of making room for a new me. Somehow both more cynical about   people and more optimistic about my place in the world” (Pg. 377-378)
Okay so this is a lot and it hit me right in the heart! I can only imagine this is just how Taylor felt when she decided that killing of her old reputation and public image was the right move. After everything that happen to her just before she decided to take a break to figure that stuff out (and everything that has happened for her entire career as far as bearding and hiding goes)I bet those tears felt decades (or at least a decade) in the making when they finally came. After all she’s been through in the industry since the age of 16 it’s no wonder if she feels cynical about people, but after taking the break to figure it out and deciding to COME out I’m sure she also feels optimistic now that she’s on the road to being herself publicly. She’s found her place in this world as out and proud and now she’s working towards getting to that place every day.
All these years she’s just been trying to find a place in this world and oh, Taylor, I am so glad you’ve found it! ❤
It must be such a relief to have made up your mind, to not have to be afraid anymore.
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   “There’s still so much I don’t know about my father. Maybe he was gay. Maybe    he saw himself as straight, but in love with one man. Maybe he was bisexual.     Or a host of other words. But it really doesn’t matter, that’s the thing.” (Pg. 380)
This is an interesting quote, to Evelyn the word bisexual mattered a lot and to Celia the word lesbian did, as for Monique’s father we don’t know what he would have said on the matter concerning his own identity because he’s been dead since long before the book started. Ultimately Monique comes to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter what her father would’ve identified as, as long as she knew he loved her (which it has been shown throughout the book that he undeniably did.)
In the same way we could argue all day about whether Taylor is gay or bi or straight or a “a host of other words” for the time being we’re in much the same position as Monique, Taylor hasn’t told us and it’s not like we can just ask her, but does it matter? We all love Taylor and we know that she loves us. Her being in love with women and writing her songs about them instead of the men we were lead to believe were her muses doesn’t change that. In the end it’s not a big deal whether Taylor is gay or straight, we still love her, we came for her music that we related to and loved and then we ended up staying for Taylor, the person, because we fell in love with her and her storytelling. Who she loves doesn’t change that.  We love her and she loves us and that’s all that matters.
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On page 382 GLAAD is mentioned by name as an organization that Evelyn gave most of her fortune to after her death.
The piece Monique ends up writing about Evelyn for Vivant summarizes the main theme of the both and to me it also summarizes what Gaylor Swift is about:
The TRUTH behind the SCANDAL that was her love life.
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(Pg. 385)
And now for the final piece in this puzzle
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And all our pieces fall  Right into place
🌈 🌈 🌈
Thank you SO much for reading all of these masterposts, I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed reading that amazing book and writing all of these parts!
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stonehenge-asexual · 5 years ago
My thoughts on the PVP set up
I’ve seen so many people who are saying that Saccharina and Theo’s reactions don’t make sense, that they’ve come out of nowhere, and that they are taking the Rocks family’s actions out of proportion. And I’ve also seen people condemning the Rocks family for deciding to kill Saccharina and for being distrustful of her and the marauders. But here’s the thing, both sides of this are valid!
Saccharina grew up without anything, having to claw tooth and nail for everything she has and all of the people she has following her! She didn’t have the stability and assurance of being a member of the royal family, in a position of power that the Rocks family had. That makes her vulnerable to people she has grown to trust manipulating her, like we see in the final pt 1 when Swifty doesn’t tell her the whole story of the discussion between Ruby, Amethar, and Caramelinda. She DOES NOT KNOW that Amethar defended her when Caramelinda suggested letting her die in the battle or outright killing her if that didn't work. She DOES NOT KNOW that Ruby said she was good but had people around her encouraging her to make bad decisions. All she knows is that the Rocks family was conspiring to take advantage of the battle to come to kill her! And that may not be wholly true, but that is the truth as she knows it. And, they have been distant to her, which is valid since she was a stranger and Jet had just died, since they met. Ruby told Saccharina that she could be her queen or her sister, which is unfair to Saccharina who needs to be ruler to save Candia but desperately wants to have that connection with her family. She reads Amethar’s thoughts and finds that there’s a small part of him that wants to love Saccharina, which means that he DOES NOT. She is feeling rejected by these people that she so desperately wants to be her family, and is under the belief they want her dead. Her reaction to reach out to people she believes she can trust in order to protect herself is valid! Swifty may suggest killing the Rocks family after the battle, but Saccharina never actually agrees with him, only seems to be thinking on the subject, just like Ruby seemed to be considering the possibility of killing Saccharina after Caramelinda recommended it, but didn't agree or disagree.
Theobald is sworn to protect the royal family of Candia and serves whoever wears the crown, but his first loyalties were with Lazuli and protecting the vision she had for Candia and its magic. He admits that he resented Amethar at times and would have rather been serving under his sisters, but he knew that he loved his family and would do the right thing. He was so sure of those two things of Amethar, and seeing how Amethar rejected Saccharina, his daughter, while grieving Jet shook his belief in Amethar. In the Ice Cream Temple, Theo tells Amethar, “You have two living daughters.” And it’s after that we see the conversation with Saccharina about how Amethar wants to love her. He is still being distant, and Theo sees that! He also has worked under Amethar for a long time, and has watched Ruby grow up. He knows neither of them wanted to rule, and that for most of the time Amethar was king, Caramelinda was actually handling matters of the kingdom. Caramelinda is bulbian and despite being engaged to Lazuli for a time, was not working towards what Theo knows to be as Lazuli’s vision for the future of Candia. Then they’re introduced to Saccharina, who wants to rule and protect to magic of Candia, like Lazuli wanted. Of course Theo would be on board with serving her! And of course, after hearing that the Rocks family was withholding information from both him and Saccharina, who they do not view as a part of their family, and knowing that Saccharina has been nothing but wholly honest with him, he would begin to have doubts. Saccharina has also confided in him, asking for guidance in the situation with Cinnamon, and in the scene where he pledges allegiance to her despite whether she is queen or not, she tells him that Cinnamon will no longer be going with Gooey and Swifty, showing that she is trying to limit the destruction he causes. All of that combined lets Theo put his trust into Saccharina, who is also a member of the royal family who he is sworn to protect, and make the choice to serve and protect her despite who sits on the throne.
Amethar, on the other hand, has not been a good ruler. He admits that himself. He never wanted to be king, had tried to find Catherine Ghee but never told Caramelinda about his marriage to her, and didn’t attempt to become the ruler he needed to be, instead letting Caramelinda deal with the running of Candia in his stead. Only recently had he decided that he was going to be better, but pushing that off had serious consequences. If he had disciplined the twins when they were younger instead of encouraging them, they might not have snuck out to Dulcington in the middle of the war with Liam and Jet wouldn’t have died. He might not have been excommunicated as an adulterer and oathbreaker, plunging Candia into war. But he has tried to do what he thought was right and sought council if he didn’t know. And he does not have a relationship with Saccharina. She is a stranger to him, coming in just after Jet has died asking to be a family. His distance is valid, having just lost a daughter, not being able to make room in his heart yet for Saccharina in that same capacity. He’s also coming off from the betrayal of one of his best friends, and that would make anyone hesitant to trust someone you don’t know the intentions of. And considering the aftermath of what happened at Port Syrup, with the city destroyed and him finding the body of Sir Morris Brie, another one of his close friends, he is valid to not trust that Saccharina will not continue in this manner and think that it would be dangerous for her to be queen. But he also shows that he doesn’t want her dead, protesting when Caramelinda suggests the idea of letting her die on the battlefield or finishing the job if she doesn’t. With the actions Saccharina and her marauders have taken after the Ice Cream Temple, his reaction is what you may naturally expect and is not wrong.
Ruby is in a similar boat as Amethar, with her sister and best friend since birth recently killed. She does not have the emotional capacity to care for Saccharina as a sister at this point in time, but she has been noticeably more distant and openly rejected the idea that Saccharina is her sister several times since meeting her, not only in the “you can been my queen or you can be my sister, but you can’t be both.” In the conversation with Caramelinda and Amethar, she recognizes that while Saccharina is dangerous, she isn’t a bad person, so much as being guided into bad decisions by the people around her. She suggests removing those people, but does also seem to seriously consider Caramelinda’s suggestion to kill Saccharina if she doesn’t die on the battlefield. Ruby recognizes the danger Saccharina poses to her enemies and the wanton destruction she is capable of causing, and is acting is accordance with that. She isn’t wrong to be wary of Saccharina, considering her perspective of her actions.
All of this taken into account, Brennan has setup the pvp possibility in the next episode very well. While he may have spread information through the NPCs, and people are seeing that as trying to shoehorn a pvp ending, that’s just how running a campaign works. You have no story if you don’t have integral NPCs there to share information to the PCs. And I’ve seen a post that says Emily should have had to say at the table that she wanted Swifty tailing Ruby, but sometimes players and DMs talk to each other privately when the information shared or requested is something they don’t want the other players to know. Like in the end of the Unsleeping City, Brennan did one on one scenes with each of the players while fighting the American Dream, and Pete only saw what happened in them because he’s the Vox Phantasma, that was something that had Siobhan been aware of it would have made it difficult not to metagame to avoid it. This is also a high stakes, political intrigue season, so of course there is going to be a larger role of NPCs than there normally would be, because what the players do and how they share information has consequences, but there are a lot of NPCs that have their own motivations and would be taking actions to achieve those. It wouldn’t be a political intrigue without that. Just like Cruller was a traitor, Caramelinda has her own motivations, and so do Gooey and Swifty. But the information getting to Saccharina was a direct reaction to her choice to have Swifty tail Ruby, not him randomly being there so Brennan can have a pvp final battle. 
tldr: The possibility of a pvp battle is a direct result of player actions and choices, and Brennan only used NPCs to share information after players involved them in those choices. 
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