#she also doesn’t know any details about childhood abuse beyond him making a vague sociopath comment.
adelaidedrubman · 5 months
i don’t know why for the first time in uh. jesus christ three years of wildfire being a wip the full implications of jestiny’s refusal to ever ask john a follow-up question about his stated family history only just now occurred to me.
all she knows is that he went by the last name duncan at some point and changed it to seed (it is never clarified to her if this is a fleetingly used alias or a previous birth name although it is implied via an out of context boj line he did return to seed from duncan in adulthood) and that he inherited family money. she has never been told about the separation/adoption/reunion. the only seed whose family history she has actually been briefed on is faith, who tracey explained was previously named rachel and was adopted presumably at or around adulthood without a prior seed family history, and she has vaguely absorbed during dissociative states that there had been prior women who were adopted and changed their name to faith seed. it has not been explained to her if/when john shared parents with joseph and jacob and which parents it would have been.
so her easiest reasonable conclusion here would be either that john, joseph, and jacob always had the same parents and thus that jacob and joseph also have family wealth but just chose to not be annoying about it and john really is just particularly hypocritical OR that none of the seeds are biological siblings and john (and potentially jacob) were also adopted as adults to become part of the seed family. potentially there have even been an entire line of john the baptists before this fucking guy got the gig.
she doesn’t know. she doesn’t ask, even when she does try to subtly pry about his parents. she doesn’t think about it it doesn’t enter her mind. the extent of her caring about his origins here was “he grew up with money so he’s my enemy” followed quickly by “i think he was dropping hints at dinner that he killed his parents. hey unrelated does anyone around here know if he’s single or if he likes women or how big his dick is by any chance”
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