#she actually went after my own mom verbally bullying wise
cassraven · 5 years
The Drama of WTF I never wanted this Holiday Season...
This is going to be one hell of spilling unwanted tea that happened in the last few days for me...it wasn’t welcomed by me with the holiday season coming this month but sadly, my toxic 2nd older sister decided to bring drama into our family and household lately...warning: It got ugly to the point where it left me in freaking tears, crying, needing emotional support from my cats, boyfriend’s hugs, and comfort from my Mum letting her know I had her back forever like she does mine...it seems like I’m the only child out of her kids who has her back lately.
The Tea: It’s quite ugly, so read at your own risk my friends...you might want to hug or cry for me man. It got that bad.
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Two days ago, My parents were already home back from their road trip around the southern states. My sister’s birthday is the coming week, and lately she’s been drama wise always it seems finding any excuse or reason no matter how big or little to just want to argue/pick a verbal spat or fight with our Mother. (Their relationship has been like this ugly wise for a couple of years, for some reason my first older sister feels like despite having success with her life/education and high paying job as a teacher for a top grade school in our city that she’s the shit, with her type A personality/huge ego, and thinks she’s better than everyone else and has that major attitude of it, even at times talking down to our own Mother and mostly me as a the weird black sheep sister who is an artist with no real college major/future degrees/plans who will never amount to anything as great or ‘successful’ as she or our other sister who’s in law enforcement will. She’s the type that believes she’s always right, it’s her way or the highway.)
Usually, during my sister’s drama power trips of wanting to pick a verbal spat at or against our Mom, I am like my brothers or Dad, make myself scarce, try to ignore it, stay out of it or try to...this time, with this particular verbal attacking my sister was doing towards my Mom...in front of me and my Dad, I just couldn’t stay quiet, not after hearing all the crap she was saying at my Mom, and it was beyond messed up, some of the things she was saying and bringing up stuff and past arguements/fights from the past, blaming it all on my Mom, calling her a bad mother etc and I couldn’t take it. So I stepped in and told her to back off of Mom, stop yelling at her, to stop talking to her in that tone of voice like a grown adult would speak-talking down to like a child or like someone is ‘stupid’ or slow...we were all raised better than that by our parents to NOT talk to anyone more so our Mother like that. And there my sister was, talking to her, treating her like that. So who could blame me for stepping in trying to defend/protect my Mom? I told her to back off, was honest and told her the reality that the world doesn’t revolve around so-called perfect her, how could she berate and talk to our Mom like that when she’s always been there, been the best she could to her as a Mom, etc. and that she wasn’t right for acting like that regardless of her reasons why she was going at her like that...all over some stupid text message, claiming she didn’t send her the text about Thanksgiving etc when she in fact did, and it apparently “interfeared with her plans she had for her celebrating her brithday on the weekend instead of the week day of her birthday....yet for weeks prior, my sister never once told anyone of us in our family, or me or Mom about what she wanted to do even when we asked her so we could know concerning our own plans we had ourselves in our lives too....that’s what provoked her to go at our Mom, her damn changing schedule for her birthday...refusing to communicate properly like a mature adult would with their parent.
I got to witness my older sister, once again, talk down to-yell at-lecture-argue at our/my Mother when my sister brought up her "birthday plans" to use it as an excuse to hash out other arguments to start drama with her verbal spat wise. Like WTF? She got pissed off when I stepped in to defend Mom, and just verbally attacked me, said it wasn’t my concern or business and to fucking but out...well sorry but when it involves you or anyone attacking “our”, MY Mother like that and so cruelly, guess what...I’m stepping in to defend her against your negative cruel words of bullshit! She was raised better than that, our parents raised her better than that to ever be that cruel, rude, or mean or disrespectful towards anyone, especially my parents themselves! Yeah, it sucks having a sister who acts like that and then keeps claiming that she isn't like that when she truly is. Type A Personality much? Knowing that's what she really thinks/feels about me and my educational goals, doesn't support/believe in me...it feels shitty. She just lashed out at me, said I wasn’t even her real sister....a repeat of crueler words she used in the past last year of a verbal war fight she blasted at me towards my parents of some messed up crap....I’m adopted, was adopted from the time after I had been born; our parents, were my foster and later became my adopted parents, while my older sisters are actually their biological children...thus our age differences. We used to have a great relationship....until some things, issues and incidents in our family circle happened, and after a younger sister of ours ex-communicated herself from our family selfishly due to her own issues/being a liar/drug addict/hit my Mom, things changed and my older sister decided at some point to take shit out/see me as someone to just pick on, bully verbally, and just make the joke of the family since I’m different health wise, goth, feminist, riot-grrrl witch, the weird art spooky goth girl in the family....yeah.
So, after that and her saying her screw you, etc. to me and I left the room when my Mom asked me to just leave the living room, that it was okay, she could handle the crap drama my sister was dishing out at her, later messaging me in texts, thanking me for ‘Having my back and trying to defend me from your sister’s petty dramatics and spoiled brat entitled hellraiser attitude’. I thought, you’d think the whole arguement of what happened would be over and she’d later cool off and apologise if not to me, but to our Mom....you’d think that...
No chance...things took another turn...sadly. When my sister doesn’t get her way, things don’t go in her favor, or if anyone...ANYONE calls her out on her bullshit, her bullying on others, her whole her way of the highway, or even stands up against her....she will want to get even and resort to some lying and making herself look like the only victim. She manipulated the situation and lied to my other sister. My sister after yesterday’s spat, called my other sister (the cop/law one), lied not telling her the entire story of she had said leading up to me defending our Mother. She in return took bitchy entitled sisters side (as always), told Mom she does not want Want to see or hear from me period until “Cassie apologizes for what she said sticking her nose into ‘my’ sister's business! I don’t want to talk to her or see you guys for holidays. It’s your fault Mom! You all ruined our family Christmas!” So yeah, my sisters blame me for drama one of them started when all I did was defend our Mother verbally from one of them verbally attacking her and acting like an entitled spoiled bitch. And they say Mom and I ruined X-Mas, them choosing to act this way. WTF. My sister told Mom because of that she didn't want to see, talk to me anymore...nor want anything to do with me. There were apparently words of her saying I wasn't her "sister because I'm not blood". Once again both of them threw the fact that I'm adopted out, that I'm not family. How messed up is that? So yeah, this holiday season is looking to be somewhat shitty. My sisters suck. If that's how they want to be, feel and excommunicate towards me. Fine. I'll just ignore/turn deaf and mute towards them since they do this/treat me like this all the time anyway.
At least I can spend the holiday season spending it with my parents and with my boyfriend and his family who are so much normal and actually accept and care/love me.So yeah, that’s the tea...of crap that just happened...right around the week before my week of finals at college...and the holidays for me is just going to be a bit...tense and shitty somewhat.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA FIRST!!
Hello all, this has been a long time coming on my part. After procrastinating on the subject, I have decided to upload my personal AU ideas for the Owl House. Here’s hoping ya’ll like them, and feel free to make your own stuff based on them as you please!!
Tough Love: This AU is my own twist on the classic Siblings AU, in which I fleshed it out into my own little niche using whatever I had available in my brain.
Victoria Noceda: My name for Beta Luz, who in this Idea is the oldest of the three Noceda sisters. Brash, belligerent, always ready with a smart remark, Victoria is a tough girl who takes no crap from anyone, with her weapon of choice being a metal bat carved with glyphs. A short temper mixed with both a strict demeanor and a flippant attitude has earned her a reputation as a thug, one which she has done nothing to reject or deny. Growing up, Victoria quickly grew familiar with the uglier side of humanity, and when her sisters were born vowed to shield them from the harshness of the world, by any means necessary. She is highly cynical, yet being around Luz chips away at this persona of hers. Despite her attitude and behavior, she is highly intelligent, graduating from school as valedictorian to the shock of everyone bar her teachers. Victoria first ended up in the Isles by chasing down Owlbert after the Palisman tried (and failed) to pickpocket her. She and Eda, to their mutual surprise, hit it off rather well, with Victoria often acting as her Stall Manager, Gopher, Muscle, etc., and has amassed a large quantity of glyphic spells, which she keeps as tattoos climbing up both arms (she actually has enough to cover nearly her whole torso and part of her neck, but uses illusion glyphs to hide them so Eda doesn't ask how she discovered them... some of them were highly unpleasant for lack of a better word). Using her work with Eda to avoid getting a job on Earth, Victoria has a LOT of money, mostly due to Eda paying her with whatever bills and coins Owlbert brings her without consideration for how much they actually are worth. Offered to house her sisters so they could "branch out and get some real world experience," really an excuse to get her sibs away from the toxic environment at school. Convinced (threatened) Principal Hal to have Luz sent to stay with her for the summer. Her aggressive tendencies and willingness to use incredible violence to solve her problems has resulted in her relationship with her sisters partially atrophying, though she is unaware of it herself. Her first encounter with Boscha, in the body swap episode, is meant to illustrate this as she very clearly and deliberately tormented and ridiculed the girl for bullying Luz, refusing to let up even when Luz begged her to stop until Boscha apologized and begged for forgiveness; Luz rushing off to help bandage Boscha's nearly broken hands implies this isn't the first time she has done this, or at least something like this. Victoria has a bad temper when roused and often resorts to extreme verbal haranguing when she's cross with Luz, not knowing that this reinforces the idea that she doesn't like or care for her youngest sister, as she can't bring herself to raise a hand to her sisters. Finds Amaryllis hot and enjoys teasing her. Will answer to Victoria, Tori, or Ria, NEVER to Vic or Vicky, which will result in her threatening to break the offender's legs, THIS IS NOT A BLUFF SHE HAS DONE IT TWICE BEFORE. Mari Noceda: My name for Pilot!Luz, the middle child. Easily the most well-behaved of her siblings, though that isn't saying much. Unlike her hyper-impulsive younger, and her super aggressive elder, Mari is calm, logical, and significantly more easy going. However, she is an absolute snoop with a very poor understanding of personal privacy, resulting in her being sent to the principal for breaking into other students' lockers, on multiple occasions. After Victoria basically dropped off the map, she became hellbent on tracker her down, resulting in her discovering the Boiling Isles and magic. As is her usual, she quickly got over whatever shock she felt and proceeded to brow beat her mom, Victoria, AND EDA to let her stay in the Isles by homeschooling (Camila doesn't know she went to the Isles, just that she wanted to move in with her sister... it hurt her more than Mari thought it would), she soon set herself to studying everything the Isles has to offer, to Eda's chagrin. While her repertoire is much smaller than Tori's, she knows quite a few spells herself, all of which she has studied to a ludicrous degree. After reading up on some of Luz's fantasy novels, she has started viewing herself as an artificer, blending magic and technology together. Is VERY GOOD FRIENDS with Vela Blight (they are dating but don't want anyone to know). Often puts down Luz's fantasies as ridiculous. Luz Noceda: Canon cinnamon roll, sorta. Plucky, sweet, optimistic, and, oh yeah, Kinda mental. Was introduced to the Boiling Isles and Eda via Victoria picking her up and driving through a portal that opened up in Eda's living room. When she asked her sisters' to share what they know about magic with her, they both laughed and told her they would teach her how to use any spells she figured out on her own, and no more. Basically the same as canon, she is somewhat more fragile emotionally as a result of Mari's unintended put-downs, and Victoria's angry rants. She is convinced that part of the reason she didn't have friends was due to everyone being afraid of Victoria beating them silly, or Mari invading their privacy. While very similar to her original self, this version of Luz has a lot of repressed anger, which manifests as a slight twitch in her left eye and a compulsive hiccup when stressed. Eda: Due to taking in Victoria and Mari, she is much more in touch with her caring side earlier on than Canon, welcoming Luz easily and more willing to play the mentor role. Quickly picks up on the warning signs in the sisters' interactions but is repeatedly shut out, to her frustration and concern. King: Mellower than in canon due to having Mari, who considers him a fount of demonic knowledge, and Victoria, who appreciates his street wise wisdom when it peeks through his megalomania, to talk and interact with. Clings to Luz as a "new general in my Army! Rejoice, Mr. Ducky, REJOICE!!" Amaryllis Blight: My name for Beta!Amity, and the eldest sibling. Ruthless, ferocious, and feral, Amaryllis always possessed the hallmarks of a problem child, bucking her parents authority at every turn, which she got away with due to her immense magical power even as a toddler. Wears green hair dye to spite her parents after they virtually disowned her. Regularly forgets any and all information that she deems useless, which includes her parents' names, resulting in her always referring to them as Mr. and Mrs. Blight at all times, even in her head. Leads the Predators, an elite section of the Emperor's Coven tasked with locating and sealing dimensional breaches, as well as purging anything that crosses through. Has a severe survival of the fittest mindset; if you don't have the strength and will to survive and succeed, you are nothing. Ironically, she hates bullies, claiming them as weaklings who tear down those with true potential for greatness, and often curses herself for being too weak to separate from Belos. Her sheer power and accomplishments have forced the Blight parents to recognize her as their child, if only to capitalize on her success and prevent difficult questions being aimed their way, yet none are comfortable with the arrangement. Strongly admires Eda, genuinely believing her to be the greatest Witch of all time, which leads to her verbally, and sometimes physically, tearing a new one in anyone who speaks ill of her in Amaryllis' presence. The biggest inspirations for Amaryllis were Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, and Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill, being strangely friendly and amicable to her fellow Predators and anyone who she finds sufficiently impressive in terms of combat, though she has no ability to register those she thinks of as weak, often being incapable of recalling any real information about them beyond whatever part of their appearance stuck out most to her. She has no respect or regard for Emira and Edric, regarding them as fools and cowards, and is genuinely incapable of telling them apart, despite the fact that they are different genders, and often needs a moment to remember who they are. Often verbally scolds Vela for being weak, with the first "kind" thing she has ever said to her since graduating was congratulating her for taking the first steps to realizing her true potential. Admires Amity's dedication to be the best, but detests her kowtowing to their parents. Has a huge crush on Victoria, but is both better at hiding it than Amity, by a mile, and severely conflicted over it, due to regarding humans as "the weakest existence on the whole of the Isles." Amaryllis' animalistic mentality is considered extremely unusual, even by the standards of the Boiling Isles and results in everyone being incredibly wary of her. Amaryllis is insanely loyal to those she holds regard to and works with, viciously destroying anything that dares bring harm to her comrades, or "pack" as she insists on calling them, and has a win by any means necessary mindset, being genuinely puzzled by the crowd and Amity's distress at Lilith's cheating during the Covention, seeing the power glyph as a perfectly acceptable tactic and applauding Luz and Eda's mines to circumvent the Human's lack of spells, however even she disapproves of cheating that can result in permanent injury, which is her sole complaint about the duel. Vela Blight: My name for Pilot!Amity, and the Middle child of the Blight Triplets. Timid, meek, and polite to a fault, Vela is near totally lacking in confidence. Is hopelessly mediocre in every form of magic, despite her higher than average power, and regarded as a failure to the Blight name. Her parents disowned her shortly before Canon, but allow her to stay in the Manor as her siblings' attendant, even Amaryllis is better regarded than she is by the Blight parents. Is good friends with the Detention Track kids, and eagerly jumped on the bandwagon when they became multi-track students, joining Luz as an All-Tracker, which also exposed her immense talent for magic mixing, allowing her to merge different forms of Magic with ease and fluidity. Vela's sheer passion for learning magic exceeds both Amity and Luz combined, and is genuinely puzzled why more witches weren't trying to multi-track too. Is something of a teacher's pet, to her own embarrassment, as even with her poor abilities her sheer passion for learning has caused many of the Teachers and Bump himself to develop a soft spot for her. Has a complicated relationship with Ed and Em, as while she loves them, she envies their talent, and despises their pranks, as she is often punished for them whether she had a hand or not, and often when she tried to stop them. When her trip-mates decided to prank Amity, she lividly tore into them with a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech before storming off in tears, resulting in Ed and Em chasing after her and leaving Amity and Luz alone in the library. During the trip to the Knee, she was still bitter, and went out of her way to be as difficult for Ed and Em as possible, only forgiving them after took on the Slitherbeast. Vela is very close to Amity, as well as the Nocedas. Vela regards Amity as a treasure and has the healthiest relationship with her out of all their siblings, instantly pegging to Amity's crush on Luz (She ships them so hard), though she doesn't call her out on it. Vela is scared of Amaryllis. Ed and Em: Are wilder than in Canon, willing to resort to harsher pranks to meet their goals. They adore Vela, and assumed she adored them; having her verbally tear them a new one served as a massive wake-up call to how jerky they could be, and often were, provoking them to be better siblings and people all around, still tricksters though. Are jealous of Amaryllis due to her being unshackled from their parents, and are often rendered livid by her casual dismissal of them. Amity Blight: Mostly the same, but a bit more assertive against the toxic influences in her life. Idolizes Amaryllis due to her power and freedom, and trusts Vela with the same secrets as her diary. Sallix Park: Name for Beta!Willow. A maverick and an agitator, she enjoys stirring up trouble for the heck of it, but only when she's the one to cause it. Adores her little sister, but insists on her fighting her own battles, and enjoys training Willow through random plant attacks. Has been secretly gaslighting Boscha, in the hopes of the brat having some kind of epiphany and cleaning up her act, not knowing that her actions were causing the triclops to develop conflicting impulses and feelings regarding Willow, as well as an unhealthy fixation. Is good friends with both Victoria and Amaryllis, resulting in her serving as referee whenever they fight, which is often. Willow Park: Same as canon, but more assertive over her behaviors.
Let me know if any of you have any questions or opinions on it.
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random2908 · 5 years
So, I have this childhood friend. I have very few childhood friends, really--not that I didn’t have friends as a kid, but most of those friendships didn’t last longer than a couple years at a time, whether because we grew apart or one or the other of us changed schools, and here at almost 36 I barely remember the names of most of those people. This girl, though, is technically my oldest friend, because our mothers set up playdates for us when we were two.
This girl was the reason I thought “nice” necessarily meant “stupid” when I was a teenager. And she wasn’t even the good kind of nice. When we were 14 and I made one of her bullies cry, she told on me to my parents and I got in big trouble. (I’d been trying to protect her from bullies since we were like 8, and of course over the years who the bullies were changed but she was always a target.) It wouldn’t even have been an issue if she were less dumb! Or even if she were willing to listen to good advice. I’d brokered peace between her and them twice in the previous year before it ever came to actually trying to retaliate. But every time I got them to apologize to her and promise to leave her alone, she was like “everything’s fine now!” and would go back to hanging out with them again, and they’d inevitably betray her again. (This wasn’t even some middle school, only a big deal in retrospect, thing. In addition to them just generally talking shit about her all the time, the way middle school girls do... She told them who her crush was, and they started calling his house at all hours pretending to be her, to the point where his mother was trying to drop hints to the rebbitzin to rein them in (one of the bullies was the rabbi’s daughter, who was in the same grade as us). They were way out of hand and this went on for over a year.)
Needless to say, despite being nice, she was not a positive influence in my life. But it was ok, we lost touch when we were about 16, and eventually I met nice people who were actually a good influence on me, and became a better person. But then, out of nowhere, when we were 26, she moved to Michigan because of her husband’s job, and suddenly she was in my life again and wanted to hang out occasionally. Which I did not want, but you can’t say no to your oldest friend, not when it’s only a couple times a year, at this point dropped off to only once every couple years.
Why do I bring this up? Well, partly because I promised her I’d have lunch with her sometime this month, having not seen her in about two years. But also partly because she’d told me she was pregnant, which is horrifying. When we were about 28, she said she intended never to have kids because her mother was so fucking awful and she knew she had some of those things in common. And, yes, her mother was a nightmare--she was a child psychologist, and I was the sort of kid who maintained such a smooth and perfect facade that she was rarely able to really get her claws into me (but I will point out that I had frequent interactions with her between the ages of 2 and 16, rarely is not never) but I saw her really torture some other kids over the years (including her own, but she liked to be especially vicious to my little sister’s best friend during our carpool to synagogue to the point where he’d take off his seatbelt and curl up in a corner of the minivan and scream so he couldn’t hear her). Anyway, somehow in her 20s, all my friend’s niceness had been stripped away and I was starting to see some of her mother in her. So I thought not having kids was a wise decision, maybe the first such in her life.
I will also point out that, although I always had problems with the ways in which she was nice, it was the one thing about her that could be considered a redeeming quality and it’s gone.
But yeah, she’s pregnant, I guess sometime in the intervening 7 years since we had that conversation the biological clock kicked in, so there goes that tiny remaining shred of respect.
(The sad thing is, after all these years, we’re certainly not close, and I hope she doesn’t wish we were, but she still seems to like me, and I don’t know why. Like, a few years ago she was telling me she’d expunged a lot of friends who she didn’t like anymore, and she just wouldn’t even do polite things like have coffee or lunch with them--like we were doing--and she felt much better for it. All of which is fine, I can respect that approach. Somehow I didn’t get purged though and, like, why not?? Meanwhile, I am still too polite to refuse to have coffee or lunch with someone as long as it’s rare and as long as they haven’t done anything too egregious to me personally. Plus in this case... her parents are still loosely in my parents’ social group, and I don’t want to screw up in such a way that my mom will catch hell from her mom, because my mom doesn’t deserve that!)
(Let’s end with a funny story: my friend has a PhD from an online school and it makes my dad FURIOUS, because her mom’s insufferable about it. Apparently when she talks about it, sometimes it’s to build her daughter up but sometimes it’s to drag me down by saying we’re on equal footing. And like, I’m not even there! I haven’t seen this woman in almost 20 years! Really she’s trying to get to my parents, because they’re the only people in the social group she hasn’t gotten into a real fight with, and my dad falls for it every single time. Real fights include: she doesn’t give to charity and some of my parents’ friends are REALLY into charity, and also she’s a professional child psychologist and she’s an ANTI-VAXXER, while one of the couples in the group has a non-verbal daughter who’s a prominent autism activist. She’s a cartoon villain, honestly, and my dad shouldn’t let her get under his skin.)
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