#she HATES mia (and the rest of the feys by extension) for FINALLY CATCHING HER!
dullahandyke · 22 days
Sidenote I was never her biggest fan but whenever I see someone talk abt dahlia hawthorne as if she's some evil seductress who breaks hearts for fun I feel the intense urge to hit them with hammers. Fucker can you read????
#waves my hand at The Fawles Business!!!!! hello???????????#pretty much every mention of fawles i see is (rightfully) condemning him#but often ppl dont connect that to dahlia as like. a character. theyre just like ew a creep good thing hes not relevant#happy and well 14yo girls dont frame their adult tutor who theyre 'in a relationship with' and send them to death row#and they certainly dont jump into a river KNOWN for tearing bodies to pieces in hopes of running away from home!!!#all the murders she attempts are motivated by a fear of her past being revealed!#valerie was going to tell fawles about her betrayal which would have set him out looking for revenge against her#fawles died to a suicide pact he initiated with her (again when she was FOURTEEN) rest in shit fucknuts#she poisoned diego because he was asking too many questions#and she accidentally killed doug while aiming for phoenix because he kept showing people evidence that indicted her#is she spiteful? YES! but not in a maneater way!#she HATES mia (and the rest of the feys by extension) for FINALLY CATCHING HER!#and THAT is what drives her participation in the hazakura plot!#like im not an apologist or whatevs. shes treats iris horrifically and she is very cruel when shes cornered#but the idea that shes some sort of praying mantis type is wildly inaccurate#the presence of romance only starts when shes groomed by a grown fucking man who makes a suicide pact with her#(and like u could say she was manipulating him or covering her bases and wouldnt have done it herself but THAT IS STILL CONCERNING!!)#and she lives a normal fucking life UNTIL valerie intervenes and makes her scared that that life is going to collapse!#anyway all this to say dahlia hawthorne get behind me
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