#shaz rp
mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Nah cuz these drags won't work for Jimin lol
First of all, JIMIN is literally a unisex name which is especially given for baby girls in SK. So there's no need to add anything to make it more girly lmao. His name is commonly used by girls anyway.. we have many girl idols named Jimin but uses stage names because JIMIN is owned by mimi 🤷‍♀️
Second, people really think saying he looks like a woman is offensive ? The same person who asked 'what the heck is men ?', Regularly wears women clothing, drew a bigender tattoo on himself, thinks he looks beautiful when dressed as a girl, calls himself pretty, pretite and delicate, chose modern dance and ballet as his major which are not commonly done by men and is frowned upon in SK, repeated he's NOT manly multiple times in a single interview, likes to keep his body dainty, want to make his booty even bigger, used a woman as his reflection and is VERY fluid with his gender identity representation 🙄🙄 More than anyone else Jimin knows his feminine side and fucking embrace it proudly
If him, his dad and mom, his partner, his members, his freinds and his stans doesn't have a single problem with him not being the usual 'manly' guy then who tf have a problem with how he carries himself ?
The way it's mostly JK solos trying to drag him for this.. are they worried whether he'll steal their man or what 👀👀 or that their 'straight' man won't be able to resist a pretty Jimin around ? Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys shaz ? 🤔
While reading your ask it took me back to this moment
(Thanks @sarah2711)
RM literally short circuited 🤣😂😂😂 I can't with this clip coz RM takes me out every single time. 😆😆😆😆😆 Dead.
(Me digressing in 1....2.....)
I am surprised that JK doesn't seem to be simping here considering the fact that Jimin was super pissed during this bomb
coz JK wanted him to be in that snow white costume so badly.
Analysis no one asked for in 1....2....
Okay so Jhope says loser will have to dress up as snow white. If you look at Jimin's face, he is not happy
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But the best part for me is how JK is looking right at him 🤭🤭
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Yes... so are RM and Jhope but there is a reason I'm highlighting JK 😆😆
So Jhope says how this was all JK's idea. But look at Jimin's face when he says "that's right"
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This tells me Jimin knew why JK wanted him in that dress. He hee. Jin confirms that this idea is quite recent.
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RM concurs adding in this little detail:
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Thats the face of a cheeky man up to no good 🤭 Especially when Jhope repeats the rule... and while Jimin is frothing at the mouth 👇🏽 JK is watching him looking quite excited about the prospect of the loser being snow white
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We know JK expected Jimin to lose because that's what happens more often than not. Jimin always looses in RPS and JK was counting on this happening. But Mimi wasn't having it and not only can u tell because of how mad he looks, but also because he does the tongue in cheek thing
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And we all know depending on the context, this is usually a sign of annoyance.
So the members start to play and guess who JK is watching 😏😏
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The reason why this analysis is most probably accurate is because of the face Jimin makes when JK wins dramatically
Did you see that? Okay I will clip just Jimin's face since he moves too quickly for a proper screenshot. But just look how done he is. Zoom in and u can see it even better.
For reasons only known to Jikook, JK really wanted Jimin to be snow white and Jimin was 1300% done with his boyfriend.
Is JK that weak for pretty dainty boys Shaz?
Hmm 🤔
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The Mun Speaks
I think that once I make my multi muse, I'll add a couple of characters from Ashes To Ashes, since I love that show right now. I'm not sure how that's gonna go, since the fandom is tiny, but we'll see. I think I'll add Alex Drake and Shaz Granger, since they're two of my favourite characters.
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pickmansmodcl-a · 6 years
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here’s what this outfit looks like with the shirt actually on their body
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honeyglaze-archived · 4 years
about the mun. fill this out & tag a few people you’d like to get to know better   !
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name : shaz nickname :  honey !  preferred pronouns :  they / them. she/her is ok, but not my fav!  age range : just turned 26! :0 favorite animal :  dachshunds ! lol bunnies and bumblebees pets? :   i have a dachshund named Faye and a chihuahua pug mix named Ziggy! and a fish how long have you been in this fandom? :  hfg well sincei got multi i’m in many fandoms but lol the longest fandom /character i have here is liara! my very first tumblr rp blog which i made back in 2013? yes. lol  tattoos/piercings :   i got an industrial in my right ear, normal ear piercing in both, i have a nose piercing and my septum pierced, used to have my belly button too. tattoos, i have 5! a musc one on my back, my biggest one on my left arm, my right arm has 2 small ones, and then my dog’s paw print on my left foot! star sign :  taurus why did you choose this specific character/s? : all my muses are characters i have related to in some way or are characters that i saw were disrespected both in their canon and fandom. my whole goal with my blog is to create believable characters and make them pesonable to the point where you can see them being a real person in your real life. i feel like a lot of times characters, and especially femm ones, are written in such unrealistic ways. so i like to make my characters REAL.
tagged by :  the wonderful @unnwin​ !! thank you! tagging :    @undomael​ , @tinuviele​, @misbehavc​, @quccnnorth​, @cureuba​
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
fandom search.
hi friends c:
i’m shaz, i’m a taurus, i like long walks on the beach and i’d loveee to find some amazing people to roleplay with. been on a fandom kick lately so i’m after a few in particular.
boring basics:
- i write third person, past tense, via email.
- i try to reply every other day, sometimes it might be every couple of days. if you’re looking for someone to reply multiple times a day, every day without fail, i will most likely (read: totally) be a total disappointment! sorry guise.
- replies themselves vary in length but tend to on the longer side, introductions especially. but please don’t feel the need to ramble just because i do! lol.
- 21+ so would prefer you are too, lovelies. i like smut but it doesn’t have to permeate everything. plot ftw woo.
- no limits other than the standard no scat/gore/vore. literally everything else is more than negotiable.
- i dig ooc chat, i find the more i can toss ideas back and forth with someone and the more comfortable i am with someone, the better the roleplay is.
generally i’m fairly laidback and pretty easygoing about most things, roleplaying’s funnn and i’d like to keep it that way c:
tldr. onwards!
for all of the below i roleplay both canon or oc, so let me know if you have a preference. i also roleplay fxf and mxf, doubling only for the latter. i do roleplay mxm although i’d love to play a female character. all my rps currently are mxm, haha.
- teen wolf <3
- disney’s descendants/disney.
- h20 just add water. oc preferred.
- wizards of waverly place.
- percy jackson.
- the labyrinth.
- harry potter. present or next generation preferred.
- modern/twisted fairytales. maybe something along the lines of once upon a time.
i have plot prompts for all of the above, so feel free to ask if any of the above appeals to you, and i always love to hear other people’s ideas so please throw me your suggestions as well! i’m sure we can come up with some awesome ideas together.
and yess. if any of the above caught your eye, send me an email with a little about want you want to roleplay, your roleplay style, favourite ice cream flavour (orange choc chip whut), an essay on what your hp patronus would be, etc etc.
hope to hear from you xo
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never-enough-muses · 6 years
Starter Call- Shaz Granger
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pickmansmodcl-a · 6 years
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this was a real and honest reaction one of my friends had to Shaz in the pilot animatic so far
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pickmansmodcl-a · 6 years
I’m gonna start bringing murray onto this blog sometimes if i feel like it because honestly in canon shaz and murray are a package deal and if you rp with me on both blogs that’s how it is
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pickmansmodcl-a · 7 years
1, 2
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
This is a journey so strap in.
So when I was ....15?? I started work on this story concept about a government facility that traps and manages supernatural creatures. The main viewpoint character is a girl who comes back from the dead and the villain was a necromancer who had all these minions, and one of them was ....well, I used the word vampire but if anything they were like the things from I Am Legend. He was super duper unapologetically bisexual, had dyed hair and loads of piercings, and was freakishly hungry all the time. This was the first attempt at Shaz, but at that point his name was Al. And his story arc was becoming friends with the main character and turning good. Eventually my love for him outweighed the rest of them and I was like ‘you know what, let’s put Al in a Parks and Rec style work com and see what happens’. Over the years, that general plot idea evolved into the entity known as Bloody Urban (which began as comics I used to draw in class and is now almost a tv show pitch) and I added and changed characters and designs until the result was what you see now.
funny side note, the reason shaz is fat is because one time when I was drawing this earlier incarnation of the character, the perspective on the torso turned out super weird and stretched out and my friend made some offhand joke that he was gaining weight from eating too many people and that just kind of flipped a switch in my brain.
2: Were they originally well received by the fandom? Or if they’re fandomless, did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
I’ve tried....really really hard with Shaz. Many times. It’s been hard getting them off the ground. I’ve gone through a lot of different phases where I’ve just hated them and how I played them and I’ve straight up deleted and started afresh like...3 times, maybe? But now that I think I’ve got a real solid idea of what I want this character to be I’m having a better time opening up and interacting.
Initially (I mean in like 2012 when I first made this blog) I don’t think they were well received at all. I think that's because Shaz’s weird gross uncomfortable-ness comes a little out of left field when you compare them to a character like...well, Levi would be a good example actually. it’s like how you said in your post, Levi’s exactly what’s on the tin. You know what you’re getting into. not so for this blog. I think a lot of people follow + interact with me expecting more straightforward, serious monster stuff and then they get really taken off-guard by shit like the fact that my character eats trash, or the fact that I have been known to sometimes do mildly self-indulgent kink threads and also I reblog a lot of shitposts that make fun of vore. I have had people who used to be really regular partners on my earlier blogs really distance themselves from me after I made Shaz and they noticed that I was actually a huge fucken weirdo. I’m always going to feel a little bad about that. but I think this time, this time, I have been better recieved. I think people don’t take RPing as seriously as they used to back in the day and I don’t feel as afraid of judgement. or maybe it’s just because I’ve gotten older and I have a real life now and I’ve learned to not let the attitudes of the RPC get to me.
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pickmansmodcl-a · 7 years
for future reference you are absolutely allowed to take shots at Shaz's weight if that’s something your character would do. because a) shaz can take it and b) I will always allow my rp partners to hurt my muses and this includes hurting their self esteem
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atrickyzergblog · 9 years
The final arc event, Defier’s End, has been delayed due to low turn out and misinformation on invites. It is now the 26th at 8:30 server. The next arc reveal will now be made after that event on the 26th. Thank you.
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atrickyzergblog · 9 years
Iridescence of the Heart
((Background on Iraad and Zephyx, the two major antagonists , and encounters, of this arc))
I peer into the beauty of these clouds and embrace the warmth of the Sun, but yet I do not feel love. I stare into his eyes and I feel a thousand Suns rising over desperate horizons as if receiving the gift of the light’s first breath over and over again.
The sun towered over the golden halls of Skyreach, Kaliri fluttered around the massive marble statues erected in the image of the high Arakkoa. Their golden allure sparkled amongst the stained glass floors of the palace, glistening in the beige powder of the clouds. Sages in the Grand Spire were instructing their eager students, showing them the ways of harnessing the Sun’s powers and how to correctly worship their goddess Rukhmar.
The many Arakkoa would bow to their instructors and listen intently to their instructors warn of Terokk’s treachery and how Rukhmar delivered their people to their current position: powerful and dominant of the skies. It would be a death sentence and foolish for any high Arakkoa to question the ancient teachings of their people. Those Outcasts were no longer Arakkoa, but traitors to everything bestowed upon them by their Goddess. 
Zephyx was erudite and often withdrew from his fellow brethren. His feathers were white, detailed with a yellow coloring around the edges. His eyes were blue like the once fresh rivers of Arak, before the devastation. His black beak was mostly straight, with a slight downward curve towards the end. He wore dark purple robes with fine golden threads laced into the fabric in a pattern that resembled that of a sun.
“Zephyx! Must you be sentenced to ground work? I will not warn you again!” Sage Kirrix chided a distracted Zephyx, who gazed out into the clouds, dreaming of a life outside of Skyreach.
He heard the stories and the tales, but he could not help but wonder, yet deep inside he knew his childlike curiosity could cost him what he had: a life amongst the clouds.
“Apologies, Sage. I think you meant to explain how Rukhmar blessed us with the golden palace of Skyreach for our dedication centuries ago after the fall of the Apexis Empire.” Zephyx cleared his throat and cocked his head, almost in an egotistical manner.
The Sage grumbled and continued to lecture about the Arakkoa’s history. Zephyx smiled to himself and as he looked around, his fellow students looked to him in disappointment. He was an outcast among his fellow students in Skyreach and often would wonder how the cursed ones felt, was it like this? Was it like him? A feeling of alienation and eternal withdrawing from the world?
Zephyx focused his attention back to the Sage, but it was not until his eyes darted to meet the eyes of another. This dark feathered Arakkoa locked eyes with him, just for a second, and then darted his view back to the Sage.
“Iraad! Must you be castigated as well!? We are about to begin our worship!” Kirrix screeched at the student who made sure his gaze was fixated off of Zephyx.
“I’m sorry, Sage. I mean to always command my full attention to your teaching and to Rukhmar’s will.”
“Very well then, let us kneel to begin our worship to our Goddess, Rukhmar.” The Sage bent down on one knee, her monocle nearly falling to the glass floor. Her purple hood rattled in the small gust of wind that blew across Skyreach. All the students followed suit; however, Zephyx thought to himself about Iraad.
These glances occurred nearly every day in the Grand Spire, during their instruction. Yet Zephyx never mustered the courage to actually talk to Iraad, he was so polite and well mannered, although he knew he was a bit of a hard head outside of instruction. There was an intriguing duality about the Arakkoa that drew Zephyx in and he could resist the emotional pull. As the Sun began to set behind the Spires of Arak, the Sage dismissed the class. Zephyx hurried to catch Iraad and perhaps confront him.
“Iraad!” Zephyx shouted out. The other Arakkoa turned their head and looked at Zephyx oddly, realizing he had spoken louder than he intended, he could not help but feel embarrassed. Iraad shook his head and approached the nervous Arakkoa. He looked around as the Sage and the others left the room.
“I suppose you want to ask me something?” Iraad clutched a bundle of scrolls beneath his feathers.
“I–Well I–” Zephyx was tongue tied, forcing Iraad to roll his eyes and turn his back.
“Wait!” Zephyx called out once again.
Iraad was angered and dropped his scrolls to the ground: “Listen Zephyx, you’re going to get us both in trouble! And I do not want to get sent down to clear out ravagers on the ground. So I have to compensate for your idiocy because you have the audacity to run your beak. You are not becoming a Solar Priest any quicker by showing off!”  Iraad stormed out of the chamber, his once majestic presence now imposing on Zephyx.
The white feathered Arakkoa could only bury his head in his feathers, yet he noticed that Iraad forgot his scrolls. He bent down and unrolled them on the glass floor, there were many detailing Rukhmar’s grace and even some where he had taken notes in ink. He shuffled through the scrolls, unable to help his need to uncover everything he could about Iraad.
“Shadows gather–” Zephyx dropped the scroll to the ground. Had he fallen for a loyalist to the Outcasts? He attempted to sit in quiet contemplation, hoping he could find what was necessary within him to make the right decision.
“Zephyx? Are you still in here? Instruction is over for the day.” The Sage entered the chamber and gazed at the Arakkoa who frantically scattered the scrolls about.
“Sage, I did not know you were still here, I thought you retired for the night.”
“You know the instructional chambers of the Grand Spire are closed at a certain time, what have you got there?” The Sage inched closer to the nervous Arakkoa who attempted to chuck the scrolls across the chamber floors. Kirrix quickly grabbed the Arakkoa’s wrist and the scrolls fell down, unfolding onto the glass floor.
“What are you hiding, Zephyx!?” Kirrix appeared irate as she bent down to pick up the scroll.
“No, I can explain!”
“By Rukhmar! You were the one with the most promise in instruction, yet all this time you were conspiring with those wretched Outcasts! There is only one way out for you!” The Sage grabbed Zephyx’s wrist, crushing it in her talon and causing him to shriek in pain. As the Sage led him out of the chamber, Iraad passed by, he knew what had happened when he saw how the Sage was handling Zephyx.
Zephyx shed tears as he was dragged through the Grand Spire, his fellow students walked into the main hall to witness the commotion: “No please, Sage! No please!” he pleaded.
“Do not beg me for forgiveness, but Rukhmar herself!” The Sage dragged Zephyx further up the Grand Spire to convene with the Voice of Rukhmar for his sentencing, it would end in a clipping of the wings and toss from the highest point in Skyreach to the cursed pools below.
Zephyx was locked in a cell, prepared for the exile. He came to the point where he now accepted his fate, as it was nearly impossible to defend what he had been accused of. The High Sage would no doubt delight in the clipping of another;s wings in order to ensure Rukhmar continued to bless their people. He held his head in a shame, when he was approached by a figure
“Dawn is coming.” The enigmatic figure said from the shadows. Zephyx pointed his head out, intrigued and curious as to what the familiar voice was saying.
“I know you are not to blame, Zephyx.” The figure walked forward into the dark chamber and pulled down a purple hood, it was Iraad. Iraad held his talon to the golden bar of Zephyx’s dark cell: “I will come with you.”
“If you aim to do this out of guilt, it is a useless and stupid gesture.”
“What if out of love?”
Zephyx looked shocked, but then began to mistrust Iraad’s words: “You already knew how I felt about you, now you’re just trying to manipulate me.”
“You seemed so bright and keen on so many things, Zephyx. Yet, you failed in noticing one thing. I kept you distant for a reason; we could never blossom in this place. Many nights I’d stay in my roost and think of sharing the last moments of Rukhmar’s grace with you, before the sun set. But instead I have to put on this façade. These golden halls are adorned with lies. Our minds combined would show that quickly and we’d both be dead, probably driven mad by the cursed pools below. You, you have real promise here. I was looking for nothing but an escape, a way to be with you. I realize now that there is only one way, I have transgressed and so I must accept my punishment.” Iraad rose and left the holding the cell.
As the Sun began to rise, two Talon Guards ripped Zephyx out of his cell and carried him to the ceremonial chamber to witness the grand exile of an Outcast loyalist. He could already feel his wings breaking from the Talon Guards’ tight grip as his knees buckled under him. He was tossed in the middle of the chamber in front of tons of Adherents who cheered as the Sun rose once again.
“Glory be to Rukhmar, for she has returned as promised! Glory be to the High Arakkoa who continue to work in her will! And Glory be to those willing to issue justice to those who would shut out our Goddess’ light in favor of the decrepit shadow!” 
The High Sage’s voice roared through the chamber as the Adherents grouped up at the sides of the chamber, peering over top one another. They roared in anger as Zephyx rose to his feet, dazed.
“To those who would reject Rukhmar’s glory, they with be purged from these halls! Witness now as a follower of the darkness meets his fate in trying to steal way our Sun!”
The High Sage bashed Zephyx on the head with the blunt end of a golden bladed scepter; he fell to his knees. He could feel the blade edge against his feathers, against the bone from where his wings had grown.
“The Sky is not meant for your beliefs, heretic!” The High Sage roared with thunderous applause.
Just as the High Sage was about to slice through the first wing, Iraad stumbled forth.
“Shadows gather!” he exclaimed in front of the High Sage.
“Raawk! Guards! Another heretic!”
The Talon Guards stormed Iraad and threw him to the ground, bashing his skull against the glass floor, causing blood to spew forth.
“I wrote those scrolls, not Zephyx. I will expose the lies of Skyreach! What I have learned from the Outcasts and what I have learned about the Talon King–”
In a blind fury, the High Sage swung her golden scepter and ripped through Iraad’s left wing, cracking the bone and causing feathers and blood to fly. Iraad screeched in pain as he tried to us his right talon to hold over his gushing wound. The crowd cheered as the High Sage came down for the final blow, slicing the right wing clear off, with the snapping of bone echoing through the chamber. Iraad collapsed into his own pool of blood, nearly unconscious from all of the fluid loss. The glass floors filled with his blood, as the Talon Guards stood nearby, watching the impromptu exile.
“Cast him down!” the High Sage ordered as the Talon Guards began to drag him out of the chamber.
As Iraad gained consciousness, he tossed Zephyx a scroll, one with his handwriting. His talon nearly made contact with Zephyx’s, but the attempt was in vain as the Talon Guards dragged him further away. The crowds moved toward the balcony, rushing to watch the exile conclude in its glorious finale. Zephyx rushed out of the crowd as he grabbed Iraad in his embrace, holding him close to his chest.
“Until we meet again, when the Sun meets the Shade.” Iraad held his trembling talon out to Zephyx, petting the side of his face before pushing him back into the crowd and being tossed below by the Talon Guards. The High Sage turned to Zephyx: “And what say you, loyalist?” Zephyx unrolled the scroll in his hand.
I peer into the beauty of these clouds and embrace the warmth of the Sun, but yet I do not feel love.
I stare into his eyes and I feel a thousand Suns rising over desperate horizons as if receiving the gift of the light’s first breath over and over again.
“I did not write that scroll, it was Iraad. You can compare the writing.” Zephyx’s voice was strong and firm, nearly dictating.
He held out the scroll to the High Sage who immediately ordered that the original scroll brought to her. The High Sage studied the scrolls carefully, the Talon Guards awaited their next instruction, holding steadfast behind their iron masks. The High Sage hoisted her golden scepter into the air: “This one is innocent of any wrong doings against Rukhmar, this I decree! All students under Sage Kirrix must undergo the purification rituals as to to ensure the Curse’s darkness did not seep into their young minds. Remember this, denizens of Skyreach, Terokk’s tyranny and curse will cripple us all and it is only in devotion to Her that we can secure our place in the sky! This concludes the grand exile!”
The High Sage slammed the bottom of her scepter on the glass floors, dismissing the Adherents. Zephyx left the chamber a changed Arakkoa, the lies and deceit, he could see it all so clearly now.
He could not leave, for once in his life he had a purpose, to unite again with his heart’s desire: Iraad.
For when the Sun meets the Shade would he feel love’s true sensation, cold warmth embraced by the light’s darkness.
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atrickyzergblog · 9 years
The Raven God
((A description of what was going on with Shaz before and during the encounter))
Shazulu felt darkness encroach upon him as the world around him faded and he slipped into another. In this realm, all was bleak and dark, the spirit walker wondered aimlessly.
“Raven God! I come for ya. I seek ya audience!”
The spirit walker shouted when he was suddenly confronted by an enigmatic Arakkoa outcast. He was hunched over, clad in typical regalia for a devout of Anzu. His arm was crippled and hung close to his chest, with his wrist bent slightly in frailty.
“Stranger, why do you come into the realm of the Shadow? You are not one of the Raven Mother’s children.”
“Dat be correct. I am Shazulu, a Spirit Walker from de world of Azeroth.”
“Ah, an outsider and even moreso ‘anotherworlder,’ you must forgive my apprehension at allowing just anyone to commune with our Father, Anzu.”
“I seek ta help. I know ya bruddas be goin’ down a dark path and fleein’ from Anzu’s service. I be wantin’ ta help ya!”
The Arakkoa held his malformed wrist to his beak and cackled,
“Am I supposed to be trusting? We are reviled and hated by our own kind. Hunted, killed, and massacred by our brothers in the sky. They fired on our refugees camps, on innocents who were looking for a life after we were cast down from Skyreach. And then, the ones who followed Anzu followed Iskar instead and took of Gul’dan’s power. Who can I trust? You?”
Shazulu was silent, empathizing with the Arakkoa before him.
“I have trusted enough for one life time. Now only in the Raven Mother’s caress am I truly safe. Stick to the shadows for that is all we have. Leave this place, Spirit Walker.”
“Please give me a chance. I can prove to ya I want ta help ya people and ya God.”
“Anzu was cursed by Sethe long ago, after he double crossed the wind serpent God who coveted the sky from him and Rukhmar. After Rukhmar anticipated Sethe’s plot due to Anzu’s warning, our Father stepped him for the final blow on the vile serpent. However, Sethe uttered a violent curse upon him. Anzu took the curse upon himself and when Terokk was betrayed it was Anzu who reached out to him and the Talonpriests who followed suit. I would be remised if I did not admit the need of assistance. However, I am aware that Terokk did not refuse the help of the cursed one. I must trust in our Talon King’s wisdom. Who did you bring to this Talon Altar, Spirit Walker? Surely you did not traverse the war zone alone, lest you be slaughtered in your faction war.”
“I be bringin’ good people. Some from Bladeborn and some Trolls like myself from de Gor’Watha Warband.”
“Good? You seem so sure of their intentions and of their skill. The shadow reveals what we truly are, in darkness only do we see the ugly truth. I will test their combined might and deem their worth; however, you have persuaded me into granting you an audience with our Father. If your band can survive, I believe there is more work we can do together.”
“Tank ya, I be sure dey are strong enough to survive any test. I neva caught ya name.”
“I am Shadow Seer Iraad, now allow me to demonstrate Anzu’s might against your ‘worthy’ compatriots.” Iraad held his withering arm up into the air, conjuring darkness and suddenly, he vanished. In this shadow realm, Shazulu began to see stars and the moon reveal itself. He could not help but think of Musha, even though he was not on Azeroth.
“Step forward, Troll. I have seen your kind in Spires. Your Horde is establishing bases of war and clashing with the Alliance forces. Your presence in the Spires of Arak has certainly stirred the Adherents.”
“I be here ta help Anzu. I be ya humble servant from anudda world.” Shazulu bowed as the giant, shadowy raven appeared in front of him. It seemed as if the god was eternally cloaked in shadows and he walked as if he were wounded. Anzu’s wings were crippled and he looked as if he had fallen far from the sky.
“Are you, truly? If you are so eager to prove your willingness to help my Talonpriests and the followers of Terokk, I will give you such an opportunity.”
Shazulu looked at Anzu, “Whateva I must do ta gain ya favor, Raven God.”
“The Adherents were in possession of a relic of Rukhmar. This is a powerful relic that is said to contain the fiery might of the sun. If utilized correctly, I am afraid it may have the same impact as Skyreach’s super weapon. I cannot risk another village of my people being decimated by Rukhmar’s wrath. Retrieve this relic for me so I may dispense of it in the shade.” Shazulu nodded and noticed something odd in the Raven God’s demeanor.
“And do not think, Troll, that you are the only devout seeking my favor. The Outcasts trust very few, but we side with those who prove their worth. But I will grant you this boon, as a token of good will.”
With his massive beak, Anzu slid a gold and blue whistle to Shazulu, “This will call on one of my Dread Ravens to assist you. Use it wisely, as the Dread Ravens do not delight on being called on for trivial things.”
Anzu disappeared into the shadow as Shazulu hovered his incorporeal hand around the whistle. He could feel a power flow into him, a power to invoke Anzu’s gift.
“I will find dis relic for you and ya Outcasts, Anzu.”
As Shazulu waved his hands to channel back into the physical realm, he spoke again:
“And I be assurin’ Samdi dat no more Trolls will be dyin’ ta dese corrupted Arakkoa. I will help dem reach redemption, I swear it.”
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atrickyzergblog · 9 years
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August 16th, the Spirit Walker attempts to commune with the Raven God Anzu with his hired arms at hand. Will the shadowy god answer his call? Or will the Spirit Walker be consumed in the darkness?
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atrickyzergblog · 9 years
Path of the Spiritwalker
“I hear de summons. I hear de beating of the sacrificial drums around a flickering fire, filling my body. I look into de flames and I am--awakened.”
Sha’zulu lay in a pool of his own blood, struggling for life. Out of his cold blue hand he dropped a rugged stone dagger--the deed had been done. Hakkar’s corruption ran deep in him and endangered his Brokentusk brethren. Why were they not more careful when attempting to cleanse Zul’Gurub? He warned them from the beginning, even when the Witch Doctor Atalashi cautioned him on his outbursts. Freyjin was intenet on Brokentusk being a family that included all kinds of trolls from every background, Zandalari, Drakkari--oh how Sha’zulu despised the Drakkari, but being a fervent follower of the Loa he could not help his outbursts. He could not help but let his last thoughts linger on his family, the Brokentusk.
“Bwonsamdi, take me. Let Gonk continue ta show me the paths of the Loa. Let my soul be one with de Emerald Dream.” Sha’zulu took his final breath as his now lifelessly body caressed the stone floors of the Sunken Temple. His chest cavity was pried open by the crude dagger, his once beating heart had slid from inside and onto the floor beside him. The flickering torches of old Hakkari rituals still burned and the cobwebbed altar in front of him was barren. Sha’zulu was nothing, his physical body was no longer part of him, but his spirit roamed, waiting for Bwonsamdi’s hand and Gonk’s call to welcome into the Emerald Dream.
The spirit plane was blurred, he heard faint whispers trying to find their way: “Bwonsamdi! Gonk! I be here! Come for me!” While Sha’zulu spoke these words, he made no audible sounds, the lost spirits around him continued to wander. In the distance, he saw something, a dark figure waiting for him.
He reached out his hand towards the figure: “I be ready.”
The figure suddenly revealed itself, coated in blood and rage. It was a mighty serpent with fangs as large as pillars and appendages ending with claws that looked like scythes.
“Foolish troll supplicant! Did you think you could escape the grasp of a God!? The Soulflayer comes!”
Sha’zulu cowered in fear and attempted to run away from the wrathful Gurubashi blood god. The once lonesome blur of  the spirit realm now turned to blood red and all around him were the Hakkari spirits that joined with the Soulflayer.
They chanted: “Hakkar gonna kill, Hakkar gonna kill, Hakkar gonna kill…” as they began to surround Sha’zulu’s spirit. Hakkar slithered in front of Sha’zulu and arched his back to display his massive wings.
“You will go forth and spill blood in my honor, you will power me, feed me. You serve me, Troll!” Hakkar let forth a sinister hiss as the malevolent spirits of the Hakkari continued: “Hakkar gonna kill…”
“No, I be of Bwonsamdi, of Gonk, of all Loa but you Hakkar!” Sha’zulu mustered the willpower to attempt to dismiss the wrathful Loa. Although he knew it would be in vain, he had already sacrificed his physical body and was not willing to allow the Blood God to hold his spirit as well.
“Your weak Loa cannot save you, you are in my domain!” Hakkar let forth a thunderous hiss as the Hakkari sprits began waving their arms and twisting their bodies around Sha’zulu’s spirit. The blood red tint of the spirit world was fading and blackness was encroaching.
“No, this cannot be de end. Not afta all of this!” Sha’zulu felt the consuming nothingness nearing his soul, almost as if he did not submit to Hakkar, his spirit would be consumed by darkness, unreachable and unobtainable.
“It not be da end for ya, Sha’zulu. I come for ya.” Sha’zulu heard the voice and felt a surge of power in his spirit, a restored hope. The encroaching blackness was shot back with lights of blue and the blood red tint of the spirit realm began to falter.
“Bwonsamdi! You cannot save this one!” Hakkar hissed at the pillar of blue light that surfaced in the spirit realm, causing the Hakkari spirits to cower. No figure emerged from the light, merely a voice as Sha’zulu’s spirit was taken into it.
“He be my servitor, Hakkar. Stay here witcha bloody spirits!” the light vanished and Sha’zulu saw nothing but darkness and a faint glimmer of blue light.
“Bwonsamdi be praised, ya saved my soul!” Sha’zulu exclaimed, able to see the incorporeal form of his spirit.
“Not outta pure altruism, Sha’zulu. Ya be servin’ me still. I don’t decree it ya time yet.”
“My worship has shown that I be worshippin’ many Loa, Bwonsamdi. I be connected wit many of the spirits of de Emerald Dream.”
“Dis be true. You draw ya strength from the Emerald Dream, ya powers are drawn from many Loa. I know Gonk be introducin’ ya to new ways of worship. But ya power is exactly why I still need ya.”
Sha’zulu continued to stare blindly into the spirit realm, unable to see a figure of any kind, but listening intently.
“Too many of my followers be comin’ to me early. There are too many young Darkspear out dere dyin’ for no reason. Even some Trolls be turnin’ away from me, it be unfortunate that many Trolls have lost their spiritual side. You be helpin’ me restore that side of the Trolls. Help save ya kind’s young and remind them why the Loa and Bwonsamdi need to be heard and obeyed.”
Sha’zulu nodded, ready to do whatever Bwonsamdi commanded: “So you be returnin’ me to my body, then?”
Bwonsamdi chuckled at the eager Troll. “You be here, your life is over Sha’zulu. But I will grant you the power to be between dis world and de other. As long as you uphold your part of the bargain. I care not for the other Loa you worship as long as you don’t be goin’ to Hakkar. Send me less young souls and give me more devout and I will allow you to continue to exist between planes as an intermediary. A spiritwalker.”
“It will be done, Bwonsamdi. I invoke de powers of M’usha to help me call forth de powers of de Moon, Anshe for de powers of de Sun, Har’koa for speed and cunnin’, Hireek for the dominance of de skies, and my knowledge of bein’ a follower of Gonk to help master anythin’ else that I may need.” Sha’zulu held up hands as the powers he called on in life invoked his spirit, causing all the light to fade.
Sha’zulu awoke in a forest surrounded by Faerie dragons. While he felt as if he were in his physical form, he knew he was but a spirit here on loan by the great Loa Bwonsamdi. It would take time to master his transitions between this incorporeal form and that of a material one, but with the Loa’s blessings, Sha’zulu knew as always, he would return from the Other Side.
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