#shay's tarot round-up
cloudselkie · 9 months
Shay's 2023 Tarot Purchase Round-Up
Unfortunately, I don't have time for a huge review post this year, but here are my top 10 favorite tarot decks that I purchased this year!
10. Dreams Within Dreams Tarot
- This was a Kickstarter I backed last year. The art is beautiful and the artist stated that they were inspired by their favorite anime growing up in the late 90s and early 2000s. The only reason this deck isn't higher on the list is because I found that the whiplash between some cards being fan art and some being original art was too much for me to really connect with it.
Where to buy: Kickstarter exclusive, but still available in various Etsy shops
9. Stars Lighting Up the Night Tarot
- This deck came out of nowhere and instantly became a favorite. I love the night scenes and the multiple versions of some cards so you can customize the deck. It also has the linen card texture I love! I purchased the limited edition version just to get that texture!
Where to buy:
8. Titanic Tarot: Risen Spirits (Titanic Tarot 2nd Edition)
- This version massively improves on the first (which I already loved) by removing the borders and including updated art for the pip cards that better represents the full story of the passengers of the Titanic, including before the voyage and after.
Where to buy: Mostly out of stock, but still available at some Etsy shops and online magic supply stores
7. Sleepwalker Tarot
- I ended up getting the mini because it was all that was left, but I wish I had the full size. The art is so beautiful and Iove how calming the subjects are with their eyes closed. Also, I found the full size and will definitely be purchasing!
Where to buy:
6. Witch Sister Tarot
- I waited TWO YEARS for this tarot and the art alone was worth it. I love the artist's previous deck, and stumbled on some of the art for this one on Etsy while looking for devotional items for selkie and for the Cailleach. It's finally out! The only downside is that it's a Llewellyn deck and has their usual thin cardstock.
Where to buy:
5. Shadowscape Tarot
- An oldie but a goodie. I finally got this after a few years of eyeing it, and it's definitely a great choice for being a mass market deck. Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's art is beautiful. Reminds me of old Amy Brown paintings, but far better executed.
Where to buy:
4. Starspinner Tarot
- I ADORE the art for this deck. It reminds me somewhat of CLAMP art. The art is also inclusive and bright and the deck has four different lovers cards so you can have whatever flavor you wish! This one is also mass market but great quality.
Where to buy:
3. Cozy Witch Tarot
- Of course I expected this deck to be cozy, but I was surprised with just how much I like the whole package. The card subjects are diverse not only in skin color, but in body type as well, which really stood out and made this deck one that I came back to often. The only downside is that the cards are slightly larger than standard size, so they can be difficult to handle at times.
Where to buy:
2. Monsoon Tarot
- This deck honestly has the most beautiful art of any deck I own. I'm always discovering new details in the cards and they range from cozy to dreamlike to grotesque in all the right ways. The cardstock also has that linen/playing card texture over them which makes shuffling a breeze. I use this less to read and more to just wander through and look at.
Where to buy:
1. Spirit Keeper Tarot
This one is hard to get a hold of, but so worth it. I happened to check in while the author still had some of the current edition left in stock after pre-orders on her website and managed to snag one. I LOVE working with this deck. The art is great, but the companion book is really what makes this deck incredible. The book goes over a lot of the inspiration behind each card and the symbolism. The author is of Chinese descent, so she has tied both western and eastern concepts to each card, which she lays out in the book. This has been the main deck I have read with since I got it. S tier deck.
Where to buy:
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