#shawnmila is pr
house-of-lovin · 1 year
the only part of their contract i don’t like is how they want to sell their imagine as a couple in magazines covers and stuff so i hope that their relationship is more like tomdaya, even if everyone knows they are dating people still know how to separate their careers from their relationship and not like wtf shawnmila was that their careers and relationship became one
i get what you mean… but the PR relationship was started to cover up the mess that was the Vegas situation, so ofc extending it will mean building them as a brand (R and J are profitable, A list actresses)
BUT, it will be interesting to see how R and J toe the line of what’s for the cameras and what’s just for them👀
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
shawn and camila https://twitter.com/21metgala/status/1647288233166766082?s=46&t=gptKHC-r4K0qUhVOcHshpw
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ugh god bless i needed this dumb shit today gotta love it
everyone go listen to my shawnmila episode in celebration of this idiotic occasion!
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@ssweet-dispositionn @sshowme-theworldd
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whenwillyou-lern · 4 years
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camila is literally not having any of it i-
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qveenpoppy · 4 years
to everyone who loved the "in wonder" trailer till c*m*l* showed up: i'm with ya
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imgaybadadeebadada · 5 years
I’m not one to call anyone out but seeing as how all these Shawnmila shippers are trying to connect the non existent dots between Shawn’s songs to Camila while simultaneously trying to take away every Camren proof and turning it to fit their narrative here is something for y’all to actually see with your own eyes. Sure, Camila has been to Tokyo, but I seem to remember a certain Australian model who literally flew out to see Shawn and even spent a week or two after traveling with him on his tour last year, coincidentally only a few months prior to when Lost in Japan was written. So to all the Shawmila shippers out there 🤷‍♀️ maybe pay a little closer attention?
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de-lu-si-o-nal · 5 years
prepare your eyes. lmao
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hidingmyrainbow · 5 years
All this old hollywood ☕
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softcamrencontent · 3 years
Julian Morris revealed that he's been dating Landon Ross for 18 years while having a beard for almost a decade.
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So happy for Julian and Landon. And a big fuck you to shawnmila shippers who think that shawn and camila aren't a pr because they dated for two years.
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Seeing Camila hanging out with her Miami childhood besties again makes me wonder if she's like rebelling against her label and Roger, it's like she's trying to go back to her roots and she just doesn't care that much anymore. Whether she has a fake relationship ir not, I don't think she's satisfied with her art as she only relies on Shawnmila, it's like she's trying to find the power that she lost during the pr stuff, that would explain the camren ig interaction from the other day
Or maybe she can do it because Shitmila's close to an end? IDK anon, things seems changing now. But I prefer to wait and see
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
I'm the original beaedifn question anon- I guess I might use bearding interchangablt with PR relationships even though I know they aren't actually the same thing because both imply a certain level of possible fakeness. One is just to cover for sexuality purposes and the other one is usually fake but it's to promote something they have coming on together (think shawnmila when senorita was popular and they went in that coffee walk that just happened to get papped in the middle of the pandemic)
shawnmila was real tho i have a whole episode on it they were inseparable for like 3 years thsts not pr and now they’re back together!! that’s just a mess not pr.
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spade-riddles · 3 years
ik this isn't the focus of your blog but, does anyone have a masterpost about shawnmila being PR? i'm really curious about it! thanks.
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whenwillyou-lern · 5 years
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they just confirmed HARD that mattmila was fake 😂😂 now we just gotta wait for this whole showmila to end
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daydreamrry · 3 years
Yk Olivia being seen with Harry isn't as bad as y'all make it out to be. Like yeah, she's annoying as fuck and as long as she's gonna be shoved in our faces we're going to have to sit through it with clenched fists BUT we're aware that it's a contract so before it ends, she's not really going anywhere no matter if they're seen in public or not.
The thing is, it IS actually better if do the whole public ostentatious bs because that would mean that less and less gfrries would be convinced that they're actually together because in their heart of hearts they're all aware that THIS is so unlike Harry, the way he's behaving in this so called relationship and when there's less appearances of Holivia, the shippers have the excuse that "see you bad bad fake fans attacked our mom innocent independent gurlboss and now she's gone back to hiding in her burrow and Harry is also MIA because he's busy wiping ms feminist's tears rn".
Like I'm sure Harry isn't being choked by clingy as fuck O's giant arm around his neck whenever they're seen in public so as long as it can't get worse than it already is and nobody is getting further hurt, it's probably better than they're being more extra with this and giving us everything at the same time, like yachtgate was a nightmare for the ones that already knew they weren't real but on the brighter side, it also made a lot of previous Holivia truthers side eye the authenticity of the couple because "why tf is mr private and protective of his relationships acting like such a clown like he's never been this way before something's off" so you see what I mean?
Like if HO were to breakup, they wouldn't tweet or post about it like Shawnmila(atleast H wouldn't, he prefers to ignore O's existence) you'd just see the bua planted by their teams and know it. See, I'm just being realistic here.
It's a PR relationship, they wouldn't tease it with lesser and lesser appearances like it would be in a real rs, they'd actually milk tf out of it in the last days (knowing Flamingcock's attention desperate ass, she deffo would) and then it would drop like a delightful bombshell on us.
So chill, if she wants to be seen out with him, she would. It's normal, nothing to be "anxious" about. This is very calculated so it would end when it would be deemed convenient for promoting both of them and the main purpose of it would be over. Idk what Harry himself is aiming to gain out of this mayhem, but whatever it is, he'll only drop O when he feels like he wants to. Also, contracts are a thing, so it's far more complex than we can imagine, it's not going to end so suddenly.
Till then, she's going to be mentioned with him whether we like it or not. She could be invisible for an year and he could look as sad or happy onstage as he wishes too but as long as we don't get the bua handed to us, the tabloids will claim that they're together, the shippers gonna ship ship ship, the gp will believe it or roll their eyes according to what they personally believe.
We are only a small part of the fandom and trust me, we have one major thing going for us, us and Harry have a lot of things in common such as we both know what sort of a person Olivia truly is contrary to what is presented to the public to eat up, and we both know (or atleast we have an idea of) what goes on behind the scenes.
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imgaybadadeebadada · 5 years
Even if you somewhat believe in this Shawmila Nonsense it doesn’t change the fact that Find You Again is in no way shape or form about Shawn Mendes. And that song alone says a lot about Camila herself and this “mystery” person that she still after All These Years is head over heels in love with.
FUA brief break down
* {{ But if you say, "Try again", I'd be ready I'm ready, yeah” }} This can’t be Shawn because as far as the narrative goes they where friends up until last month THEN decided to try “dating”.
* {{Have mercy on me, please I messed up to the third degree}} Again not Shawn, Who else could she have dated behind closed doors and messed up in some way one wonders 🤔
* {{La Cienega, where I remember you. }} Maybe someone back in your X Factor days since the hotel on this street is where you stayed most of the time?
* {{ I'll try to pass the night away with somebody new But they don't have a shot when I compare them to you. }} Oh wait guys, This one line might actually be about Shawn (if you truly want to believe in this bullshit) not because this song is about him but because he means nothing compared to Camila’s real soulmate that she made this song for.... but again who could this be? 🤔
So it doesn’t matter what narrative they are giving Shawn and Camila to the general public because when you really pay attention to it, to the songs, none of the match up to what we’re being shown as “real” and “not PR”.
Abrir tu ojos.
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camrensrealbish · 3 years
C needs to stop this PR. At the end of this story she will leave with a piranha and heartless and with the most destroyed career that she has ever been. The rumors among the most well-known psychopaths like Shawnmila, that she is pregnant are growing and the more they talk, but the management lets the fire grow. I have no doubt that they will make her invent a pregnancy and then an abortion to become a topic and the couple of poor things since nothing else of this PR is yielding to them besides jokes. And it will end with the S as a saint and suffering and she as the worst person in the world, because the blame always falls on the woman.
If she only could stop it. I don’t think they will go that far with pregnancy, hopefully not. 
But yeah, without the doubt Shawn will be the good guy and Camila a bitch when they break up
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