#shawnmendes x embermills
brianc521 · 5 years
Stressed | Nap Date 4
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He’s stressed. That’s the only thing she can see from her side of the facetime call. Shawn’s stressed. Shawn’s stressed because not only is he supposed to be on break from tour but now he’s being told he needs to make a music video for a song he recorded long before he met Ember. He’s stressed because he didn’t think the song was gonna get released, and because of that he’s stressed because he’s yet to play it for Ember. 
Most importantly, he’s stressed because he’s been trying to plan a trip back to her for his break, that way he can see her at some point. Not just leave her hanging like a bad boyfriend does. 
“No that doesn’t work.” He tugs at his long curls that are dying for a haircut. “I have a stupid rehearsal for the video. I don’t want to do it. I don’t even want to do it.” He beats himself up. "And I can’t do dinner because I’ve got to go to the studio to rerecord the chorus.” 
“It’s okay Shawn.” She shrugs, trying to show him that she understands. She knew it was going to be a long shot for him to be able to visit on his break. He’s working and she understands that. This was a last minute idea that he’s stressing himself to see through.
“No it’s not.” He shakes his head. “I promised I wouldn’t let this happen. I promised I wouldn’t let my work come in between us.” 
“It’s not.” She shakes her head. Gasping a bit at his words. “It’s not coming between us Shawn.” 
“It is! I never see you.” He works himself up even more, and she’s worried that if he keeps going he’ll work himself into panic. “And don’t you dare say that we’re seeing each other right now. Because this doesn’t count. I want to hold you, I want you to tell me about your day while I play with your hair. I want you in front of me, physically.” 
She smiles, taking a few deep breaths, willing him to copy her actions. He does, he always picks up on her silent clues. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him, she makes big things feel small and that he can conquer them. 
“I just need to see you. Everything's too much lately, and I can’t function anymore. I feel like I can’t breathe properly, and that my thoughts are crazy, and I just need to hold you.” 
She nods, “Okay. So what day do you have off? Completely?”
“Tomorrow.” He groans, scrubbing a hand across his face, cursing Andrew and Cez for their awful planning. 
She grins, biting her lip, giggling a little before she goes. “All it’d take is one flight. We’d be in the same timezone.” 
Shawn laughs, a small, breathy laugh. He looks up through red glossy eyes and smiles at her. She shrugs in response. “Are you serious?” 
“I got an idea. And I know it sounds crazy oh I just wanna see ya.” She continues.
“Do you got plans tonight?” He asks, reaching for his laptop.
“I’m a couple hundred miles from you, and I was thinking you could fly to my apartment tonight.”
Shawn laughs, hearty this time. Throwing his head back and putting a hand to his chest. “I’ll see you in four hours, be ready.” He grins. 
She wakes when her alarm goes off, quickly turning it off, looking over to Shawn to make sure he’s still asleep. She doesn’t know why she’s so worried to wake him, he’s completely dead to the world. Has been since he got home last night. 
He landed at about 11 pm, rushed to her apartment and didn’t say a word other than ‘cuddles’ before picking her up and hauling her to the bedroom where he promptly threw her on the bed and landed on top of her. She swears he was already snoring by the time he fell on her. 
She steps out of the room to call her boss and call out sick. She knows he needs her, and if she’s being honest with herself, she needs the time with him too. He’s not wrong, it does feel like she doesn’t breathe the same when he’s not around. It’s like her heartbeat is a step off, but when he’s in her vicinity its finally in tune. 
Once called out, she goes about her morning by making a cup of coffee and starting on his favorite breakfast. Waffles. 
She takes her time, humming ‘Lost in Japan’ and smiling at the fact that he really caught a flight just to spend the day with her. It’s crazy, completely and totally crazy. She has a hint of guilt, that festers when she thinks about the fact that he has to fly back at 5 in the morning tomorrow. It spiraled when she noticed the bags under his eyes when she traced his features last night after he passed out. 
He’s too thin, and his hair is too long. He’s just tired, and a little unhealthy for her liking, and she just wants to take care of him. So she makes him 6 waffles, herself 2, and has enough batter to make him four more if he asks. 
“What are you doing?” His hoarse voice asks. She jumps at the sound, lost in her thoughts. “Sorry Emi, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He slinks behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, tugging her back into his body. 
“I’m making you breakfast. Coffee?” She asks looking up at him, head rested on his chest. 
“Tea?” He raises an eyebrow. “I can make it, I’m sorry that was rude.” He turns away from her embrace. 
“No.” She pouts, taking hold of his arm and turning him back to her. He looks at her, bleary eyes blinking slowly down at her. “Go sit.” She pushes him to the table. 
“No I can-”
“No I got it.” She shakes her head.
“Babe I can make it. I don’t need you to-” 
“Shawn Manuel.” She puts her hands on her hips. His lips shut immediately, and he looks at her like he’s being grounded. “I want to take care of you, go sit your cute butt down and let me make you some tea.” 
He smiles softly, nodding and kissing the top of her head before going to sit down like he was told. “I appreciate it honey, but you need to get ready for work.” 
She cringes lightly, knowing he’s not going to like what she has to say. 
“What’s that face?” He raises an eyebrow.
“I called out?” She reaches for her herbal grey. 
“You what?” He sits forward. 
“I called out, so I’m here with you all day.” 
“No call back, you don’t-”
“Shawn.” She turns and looks at him. “Did you really think that I wouldn’t? I mean fuck, you flew all the way here to see me. Did you really think that I would just leave you here? You think that I don’t want to spend time with you too? You think that I don’t miss you like crazy? You think that I’m functioning without you?”
“Hey.” He reaches for her hand, tugging her closer to him. “I’m sorry.” He whispers looking up at her through his somehow perfect lashes. “I just don’t want you risking your career to spend the day here with me.” 
“I’m not. I’m so far ahead it’s not even funny. I’ve got sick time out the ass.” She curls her hand into his hair at the back of his head. 
“Okay.” He nods smiling up at her. “Why are you so hellbent on taking care of me?” He tilts his head to the side. 
“Because you’re thin, and tired, and alone for so long. You need to be spoiled too. You need someone to make you tea, and waffles with chocolate chips and whip cream.” 
His eyes light up when she says that. “You didn’t.” 
“I did.” She points to the massive stack of waffles on his plate. 
“Why so many?” He laughs, standing to grab both plates, setting them on the table turning back for his cup of tea and her cup of coffee.
“Hey! I’m-”
“I’m allowed to spoil you too.” He pulls her chair out, kissing her lips softly before taking the seat next to her. 
Shawn ended up eating all six pancakes, and proceeded to politely ask for four more. He’s so full he swears he won’t ever eat again, and every time he says that she rolls her eyes. Currently they’re sprawled across her small couch, laying on each other in what looks to be the most uncomfortable position but finding themselves rather cozy.
His head is on her chest, her fingers in his hair. He sighs in contentment when she kisses the top of his head, pulling him as close as she can.
“Do you want another glass of tea?” She asks softly, as the episode of Grey’s they’re watching goes to a commercial break. 
He looks up with puppy dog eyes, now starting to feel really bad considering this would be glass number three she’s made for him. 
“Don’t give me that look. I told you this morning-” 
“I wanna take care of you too though.” He mumbles, holding her tight so she can’t leave him quite yet. 
“You do.” She traces a finger down his nose. 
He gives her a dead look, not buying her statement. “I haven’t. Not in the way that you take care of me, and I want to so bad. You just don’t let me.”
“Excuse me?” She laughs, standing up and going to the kitchen to make him more tea. “I don’t let you? Says the man that sends me food so I don’t have to make dinner. Or notices that my sweatshirt doesn’t look as cozy as it used to so he sends five of his??” She peeks her head out of the kitchen. 
He doesn’t deny anything, just blushes and looks down into his lap. 
“You take care of me Shawn, you take care of me when you’re not even here. I don’t get to do that. I can’t take care of you unless you are here. So please, would you relax and allow me to make you simple glass of tea?” She asks handing him the cup. He takes a long sip, closing his eyes and groaning when he tastes it.
“You’re tea is always so good.” He whines. “I don’t ever want to drink anyone else’s. Like at my interview yesterday, they offered so I had some. I kid you not I almost spit it out because it was awful.” 
“Shawn!” She laughs, pushing his shoulder playfully. 
“Nothing compares to my Emi.” He looks up at her with a cheeky grin. 
The day has been the best day Shawn or Emi’s had in a long time. To be wrapped in each other and not have to worry about anything other than clicking yes to the ‘are you still watching’ pop up on Netflix is so freeing. 
Shawn’s got his head in Emi’s lap as she plays with his hair. He can’t help but feel this overwhelming happiness wash over him every time she laughs along with the show they’re watching. Hearing her happy, knowing she’s happy, makes his heart feel lighter. It’s almost as if it’s his reaction to knowing that the most important thing in his life is content. 
“Feeling any better?” She asks softly, looking down as he shifts to look up at her. 
“Yeah, you always make me feel better.” He answers truthfully.
She blushes, biting her lip as she nods, “Good.” 
“I’m so happy right now, I don’t think it’s possible for me to be happier.” 
“I’m happy too.” She caresses his face. 
And he says it without even realizing it at first. It just floats out of his mouth, “God I love you.” 
Her eyes go wide for a moment, but quickly she grins and giggles, “I love you too.” 
They take a moment to smile at each other, just soaking in the moment. That is until Shawn realizes what’s been said. When he does, he’s sitting up quickly, looking to her with wide eyes and pink cheeks. 
“We’ve never said that before.” 
“No I haven’t.” She shakes her head. “You, my Love, talk in your sleep.”
He nods, but then does another double take towards her. “I what?”
“You talk in your sleep.” She rubs her thumb over his ear, knowing that he subconsciously folds into her when she does that. “You told me you loved me the last time you were home. Just, while you were dreaming.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me that!” He whines, flopping back against the couch.
“Because I didn’t want to rush you. I knew that when you were ready you’d tell me.” She shrugs, crawling closer to him now that he’s flopped away from her. 
“I’m ready.” He nods, looking at her. 
“Baby I know you’re ready, was just waiting.” She sings out, giggling afterward. 
“You just love to change the lyrics to my songs huh?” He lunges forward to tickle her side. She shrieks, pulling away. As he chases after her they go running throughout her apartment. It’s not until Shawn grabs a hold of her waist that his normal clumsiness takes over. His fuzzy socked foot hits the hardwood of the hall and before he knows it he’s taking her and himself down to the ground in a hard thud. 
“Oh Baby.” He worries, reaching for Ember. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
All the while she’s just laughing up a storm, caught up in the emotions and actions to feel any pain. Not that she has any, he totally broke her fall by pulling her on top of him. “I’m okay.” She takes hold of his face. “You’re so clumsy.” 
“That wasn’t my smoothest moment.” He looks away embarrassed. 
“Have you ever been smooth?” She raises an eyebrow at him. 
“Yes!” He protests. “You told me so. On the night we met.”
“Oh yes, Cinderella.” She nods, climbing onto his lap. 
“Who knew Cinderella wore a short blue dress, the tallest heels I’ve ever seen, and ended the night in my boots?” He grins. 
“You remember what I wore that night?” She asks, leaning back in shock.
“Are you kidding? I remember everything about that night.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like how you joked that I was Raul when you first walked up to me and Juniper.” He shrugs. “Or that you had a really important presentation the next day and set an alarm for when you needed to leave, but didn’t get home but 4 hours after your alarm.” 
“And who’s fault was that.” She gives him a pointed look.
“I still have Doris’ note.” He pipes up, eyes sparkling.
“What note?”
“Doris wrote me a note on the back of the receipt from our midnight snack.” He explains while reaching back into his jean pocket, pulling his wallet out. He opens the expensive leather and pulls out a worn flimsy piece of receipt paper. “The order is worn off by now, but her note still stands, clear as day.” 
Ember takes the receipt into her hand and reads the note. “I was really hoping that you wouldn’t break my heart because I knew I was gonna fall in love with you after that night.” 
“I won’t break your heart. I promise.” He says softly, nudging her nose with his own. “Can I have my receipt back now?” He holds his hand out for it.
“Why do you still have it?” 
“I like to keep it with me. It’s a nice reminder of one of the best nights of my life when I need some inspiration.” He tucks it away safely into his wallet. 
“You do know how to make a girl’s heart melt.” She whispers, causing him to look up with his big brown puppy dog eyes. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you.” She responds, leaning forward to capture his lips in a much needed soft sweet kiss. 
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brianc521 · 5 years
Meet the Brothers | Nap Date 3
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Now that things were official. Now that Ember Mills was officially Shawn Mendes’ girlfriend. Now that Shawn Mendes was officially Ember Mills’ boyfriend. The next big thing to do was to officially, and formerly, have her meet the brothers.
Ember had met Raul in passing. It wasn’t something that they could avoid, sharing Juniper in common. Ember and Juniper have known each other since high school. 
Juniper was a quiet shy person until she met Raul. She kept her nose hidden in books, she only ever spoke if spoken too, and she absolutely hated when the attention was on her. Ember? Ember was the opposite in high school. She was outspoken, she was the girl in the halls that everyone was intimidated by. Not that she did anything but speak the truth to deserve that description. If you were being an ass she’d tell you, if you were in her way she’d let you know by pushing you out of it. 
They are polar opposites, and the best friends you could ever see. 
Juniper is Ember’s Brian to Shawn. 
So when Juniper started dating Raul 2 years ago every now and then they’d cross paths. It was nothing more than a;
To say Ember was nervous would be an understatement. Raul and Peter were everything to Shawn. She doesn’t know what she’d do if they don’t like her. All she can think about is, what would Shawn do if they don’t like her? 
“Emi?” Shawn calls as he pokes his head into her apartment. 
She knew he was coming over, so she left the door unlocked and told him to just come on in. Shawn planned to pick her up and take her over his place where the boys were currently playing fifa. Shawn is anxious to tell her it would be more than Raul and Peter she would be meeting. When Brian and Matt caught wind that his brothers were meeting his girlfriend they requested to be there as well. Before he could even speak up to say no fifa tournaments were already being planned, and the next thing he knew it was suddenly a lowkey party at his place. Connor was even able to fly out to join. 
“Bedroom!” She called, throwing yet another shirt into the massive pile on her bed. They are all her rejects. 
“Hey Gorgeous.” Shawn smiled as he walked into her room. His eyes went wide at the sight in front of him. 
Not only was his girlfriends room completely destroyed but she was standing in front of her closet in nothing but her bra and panties with her hair wrapped in a towel on the top of her head.
“I said 2 right?” He looks at his watch, double checking he had the time right.
“Yes,” She huffs. “I just don’t like anything.” 
“Baby.” He grins, taking her hand and tugging her to stand between his legs as he sits on the corner of her messy bed. “It’s just the boys.” 
“But I don’t want to look like a complete slob, and at the same time I don’t want to look like a slut either.” 
Shawn squeezed the back of her thigh at the choice of her words. “You’re not a slob, nor are you a slut. So stop speaking like that please. You’re beautiful and pretty in everything you wear.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” She pouts at him.
“I think you’re the prettiest.” 
She sighs and leans into him. “You make everything better.” She wraps her arms around his neck. 
“Please keep that in mind when I tell you what I’m about to.” 
“What?” She looks at him, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“It’s not just Raul and Peter you’re meeting today.” 
“What?” She steps back from him. 
“No come back.” He reaches for her hand.
“Who else am I meeting today Shawn?” 
“Brian, Matt and Connor.” He cringes.
Her eyes go wide and she turns around with her face in her hands. “Oh my god.” She freaks. “Oh my god. Might as well have your parents and sister there too. Holy fucking shit.” She rambles digging through her closet with more force now. “No-” She throws a shirt behind her. 
“What’s wrong with this one?” Shawn asks as he catches the thrown fabric. “I like this one a lot.” 
“No red translates to sexy, the v line is to deep, and if you’re brothers and friends think I’m a slut then they won’t like me because then I’ll be seen as some user. If they don’t like me you’ll break up with me and then-”
“Whoa.” Shawn stands, grabbing a frantic Ember. “Who said anything about breaking up?” 
“I just-”
“If they don’t like you then they’re dumber than I think they are. But I can promise you Baby, they’re gonna like you. Raul knows you a little, and keeps going on and on about how good of a friend you are, and how he can’t wait to meet you.”
“I’m nervous.”
“Why?” He cups her cheek, rubbing his thumb back and forth under her eye. 
“Because what if they don’t like me?” 
“They will.” 
“You aren’t hearing me Shawn.” She shakes her head, looking up at him with the slightest hint of tears in her eyes. “What if they don’t? What happens if they don’t?” 
His eyes go wide before softening, he’s finally understanding what her worries are. “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “I’m with you.” He gives her a pointed look. “No matter what anyone else has to say. You’re mine, I’m yours, and it’s gonna stay that way.” 
“If I have it my way Baby it’s gonna stay that way for the rest of our time.” 
She gasps as she looks at him in shock. “What?” 
He quickly clears his throat and goes to her closet, pulling out her blue NY Giants shirt that’s a little tight and hugs her body well. “Wear this with your skinny jeans. It’s so cute, and the guys will be impressed.” 
“And you look really good in this shirt, so I’m getting a treat as well.” He wiggles his eyebrows. She slaps his chest in a playful way as she takes the shirt from his hands.
On the drive to his condo she can’t stop bouncing her leg. It’s her nervous habit and Shawn keeps glancing down at her leg. He reaches over and plants a hand on her thigh to stop the movement.
“Baby don’t be nervous. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“I just-”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I told you, they can’t wait to meet you. I promise you once we get there you’re gonna go ‘wow I was overreacting’. To be honest I doubt they’ll put their remote controllers down long enough to even realize you’re there.” 
“What?” She asks, threading her fingers through his on her lap.
“They’re having a fifa tournament right now.” 
“No! Shawn!” She throws her head back. “I don’t want to be that girlfriend who interrupts guy time.” 
“Excuse me?” Shawn chuckles. 
“You know what I’m talking about,” She looks at him. “The girlfriend who is always around, never letting her boyfriend have a moment with his friends. The one who’s clingy and attached to his hip. The joykill?” 
“Okay,” He parks in this gated parking lot. “I’m trying to be understanding because you’re nervous.” He turns to look at her. “But I’m getting a little mad about the way you’re talking about yourself. So I’ll reiterate. You are not a slob. You are not a slut. You are not ‘that’ girlfriend. You are not clingy. You are not attached to my hip. You are going to be loved by the five boys upstairs. You hear me?”
“So take a deep breath.” She does as he says. “Now, we’re going to go upstairs. I’m going to introduce you to my brothers and friends. I’m going to make you a drink,” He winks at her. “And then you and I are gonna team up and kick their fucking asses at fifa. Okay?” 
“Okay.” She nods. 
“Okay.” He nods, leaning forward to kiss her. “Let’s go.” 
They climb out of his jeep and head for the elevator that will take them up to his floor. 
“Can you hold my hand?” She asks softly as the doors close. “It calms me down and-” 
“You don’t have to ask.” He smiles at her, taking her hand in his. “Literally just grab my hand, I’m not gonna complain. I wanna hold your hand all the time.” 
“It’s gonna be okay Baby. I’m gonna be with you the whole time. Like you said, I make everything better right?” 
“So let me make it better.” He gives her hand a squeeze as a reassurance that he’s there with her and that she doesn’t need to be worried about anything.
She’s staring up at him, arms wrapped around his as they walk into his apartment. It’s loud, you can clearly hear Raul and Brian shouting at each other. Shawn rolls his eyes, tugging her a little closer as they round the corner from the hallway to the living room. 
When they walk in it goes silent. Shawn’s never seen a game paused. Ever. Not even when him and Ruel were playing after a show and the whole couch flipped. This is the first time a fifa game has ever been paused in Mendes history. 
Raul and Brian turn, faces red but lips shut. Connor and Matt sit up, and Peter waves a little from the corner of the couch he was sitting in.
“Okay,” Shawn says eerily when all eyes go to him. “Boys this is Ember.” He smiles as he looks down to his girl on his arm. “Emi,” He squeezes her hand. “This is Raul, Peter, Brian, Matt and Connor.” He points to each one, as if she doesn’t already know who each boy is. 
All the boys pile over to hug her, as if they’ve known her for years. They suck her into their conversations, arguing over who gets to sit next to her and who gets to tell the most embarrassing stories of Shawn there are. 
Shawn takes that as a moment to pour her a glass of her favorite white wine, and lets out a sigh of relief in the kitchen when he’s alone. He had to be the rock when he picked her up, show that he wasn’t worried at all. But truth be told, he was freaking out too. He’s starting to come to terms with the idea of Ember being the rest of his life, and the thought of his brothers and friends not agreeing was terrifying, but everything is going just the way he said, and he couldn’t be any more glad.
He returns to Brian and Raul arguing again, this time over who gets to be on her team for the next tournament. 
“You both lose.” He chimes in from behind her. He leans over the back of the couch, handing her the glass of wine. 
“Oh, thank you.” She smiles up at him. 
“Can I get you anything else?” 
“You could get me a jack and coke.” Brian holds his hand out expecting Shawn to place a glass in it. 
“Look, I see two legs on your body. Why don’t you go get it yourself.” He remarks, slapping Brian’s hand away. 
“Oh I see how it is. Get a pretty girl and all of the sudden we’re chopped liver.” 
Ember looks up at Shawn with wide eyes and Shawn could strangle Brian for the slightest of moments. “Oh don’t go feeling special, you’ve always been chopped liver, when have I ever doted on your needs?” 
“Touche.” Brian laughs, standing and freeing up the spot next to Ember. Shawn plants a hand on the back of his couch, hopping over the back and landing perfectly next to Ember in Brian’s spot. 
“Oh what the hell? Move Shawn.” Raul grumps when he goes to move into that free spot. “Ember and I are fifa partners.” 
“No, you’re not.” Shawn shakes his head, grabbing Raul’s controller. “I’m her partner.” 
“What? No!” 
Ember just watches with wide eyes, confused with why everyone wants to be her partner. 
“It’s okay, I’m not really that good.” She says to clear some of the tension. 
She only gets scoffs from every single boy in return. 
“Shawn’s shown us videos, we know you’re good.” Peter mumbles, selecting a team.
“What?” She looks to Shawn. 
“Um,” Shawn scratches the back of his neck, blushing a light pink. “You’re really good?” He tries to save himself. 
“I can’t believe you took videos of me playing.” 
“He’s just showing you off.” Matt shrugs. 
They all play it off as if it’s no big deal, but to Ember it is. She would have never thought that she had qualities that Shawn would want to show off. 
“We’ve probably seen every picture from your instagram like three times.” Brian pipes up as he walks back into the room with a glass in his hands. “‘Look guys, she’s so pretty.’’” He imitates Shawn. 
“Don’t forget ‘Look how cute! That’s my girl!’” Connor points to Brian. 
“Or ‘I just wanna go play with her hair and tell her she’s pretty.’” Raul punches Shawn’s shoulder.
“What the hell!” Shawn lunges for Raul. “How’d you know about that!” 
“You’re not alone all the time.” Raul shrugs Shawn off. 
Ember smiles, blushing as she looks at a nervous Shawn. He won’t make eye contact with her, no matter how many times he tries to get his attention. It’s not until she slips a hand up into his curls and leans into him the way she does when they’re alone. 
“Can I help you?” He hums looking over at her. 
“You’re cute too.” She smiles at him. “Really cute. And my boy.” She whispers into his ear. “And I like to play with your hair and call you pretty too.” 
He blushes, looking down into his lap. “See I told you tonight would be a success.” He grins looking back up at her. She giggles and pecks his lips quickly before looking back at the screen getting ready to beat Raul and Brian’s ass. 
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