#shau Killer
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consumeroflemoans ¡ 2 years ago
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Guess who finally made something for his Superhero AU. It’s Killer (to no one’s surprise)
Nightmare coming tomorrow 👀
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kevin-ibw ¡ 1 year ago
So Vox is an angel, does that change anything about him on an emotional level ? (Like when he sees religious imagery, does it make him feel anything ‘inexplicably’?) Does his one sided rivalry with Alastor stay the same ? What’s the relationship like between the three Vs? Whatre his thoughts on Velvette’s church?
Angel’s in charge of the family mafia huh? So he must be pretty powerful… Does Val still have power over him or are they on more equal footing ?
So Vox is an angel, does that change anything about him on an emotional level ? (Like when he sees religious imagery, does it make him feel anything ‘inexplicably’?)
- Any mentions of religious imagery, especially christianity, make him a bit.. twitchy, but never the less, it doesn't bother him as much.
Vox can often come off as one; "oblivious" to the fact that he's an angel It essentially became a rule in hell to not mention that fact around him. Two; "passive," but everyone associated with him knows it's a bunch of horseshit and loves to mess with people once they realize it.
Does his one sided rivalry with Alastor stay the same?
- There's still a rivalry, albiet for different reasons.
Alastor: "People always say that I strike fear in everyone's soul, *cue laugh track* Hahaha! If only I knew what it felt like, correction if only I knew what anything felt like anymore! *cue laugh track*"
One of Hell's punishments that was inflicted on Al was the inability to feel anything because he was enjoying his time a serial killer a little too much. Because of this, he becomes severely bored years to come since what's the point in causing a lot of chaos when you can't feel anything from it? Now, don't get me wrong, he's still a heavily feared overlord, but now he's just so bored with a lot of things in Hell.
But then Vox came along. He essentially puts dread in everyone's stomachs because it's very likely he's a one-way ticket to getting yourself permanently killed without a cleanse happening. Alastor actually gets intrigued by him and thus starts their rivalry, it focus less on. "Radio vs TV" and more on, "He's very dangerous and could end me for good, he's the only one the peaked my interest and perhaps maybe give me the ability to feel fear."
Sure, there are exorcists, but all of them evenually leave anyway, too squirmy and skitterish for Alastor's taste.
But Vox just strides in everywhere like he owns the place, without even a little smidge of fright and treats everything like a game.
What’s the relationship like between the three Vs? Whatre his thoughts on Velvette’s church?
- Vox & Valentino: Both have been married for fifty years and it's still counting, as seen in the show it's implied that Vox has to calm down Val a lot of the time when he has a temper, this AU switches that. SHAU!Val isn't dumb enough to let Vox's temper get the better of him, because how knows what would happen if there's a pissed off angelic overlord. (Thank the lord it doesn't happen often.)
OG!Vox butters up OG!Val
SHAU!Val does it instead
OG!Val intentionally withheld information about Alastor coming back so he could push OG!Vox's buttons
SHAU!Val doesn't even entertain the idea
Yeah, Val can be a bit trigger happy, but he's not outright suicidal.
Valentino & Velvette: Both of them hold each other in high regard but aren't as close with one other since Val doesn't focus much on social media. Valentino is a very direct guy. The only Voxtagram posts you're getting from him are photos of sinners with holy bullets in their skulls as a warning to whoever crosses him. Velvette and her little cult of followers take a step further to spread the message, too. Essentially, she's on top when it comes to information around social media.
Velvette & Vox: Both being tech savvy, they get along quite well. While Vox controls all of the internet and anything tech in hell, he's more focused on the business side of things and selling products, when a new product sells, Velvette makes it so the message spreads further.
Angel’s in charge of the family mafia huh? So he must be pretty powerful… Does Val still have power over him or are they on more equal footing ?
Since the church is used a ploy to lure more sinners into their power, Vox finds a lot of assumentment in it and often times indulges in entering the church to heighten her claims and further reel sinners in.
If anyone wants more info, please send an ask! :)
- Sadly, Angel is still under a contract with Val, fortunately though they more-or-less have respect for each other. Angel finds it hilariously ironic that he's right-hand man to a moth when he's the spider here.
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ramrodd ¡ 2 years ago
How does Dante Alighieri portray himself in Purgatorio?
I read The Divine Comedy before I went to Vietnam, so my sense of the narrative has probably changed,
For example, the firey pits never held much terror for me when I was in college and the cultural wars were going on around me and I just kept my head down and tried to make grades until I was commissioned so I could go to Vietnam and soldier.
Well, I understand “firel pits’ differently now that I have been close enough napalm to feel the air being sucked out of my  lungs, very softly, around the edges, but there, big time, and felt the heat brush my cheek like a mother stroking her child’s sleeping face.
Troops who employed napalm on a regular basis talk about how the “Crispy Critters” dance, trying to get of the flame.
“The Flames, they followed Joan of Arc/As she came riding through the dark”.
That’s a line Hank Williams could have wrote. Burning at the stake was a particularly cruel if usual way o die. There is a great line in a Bob Lee Swagger novel about a RVN political officer talking about facing napalm with an officer who faced it constantly as a CO of an NVA battalion fight Bob Lee in A Shau or some other pleasure spot and the political officer says “It is terrible, but it is over in an instant;.” and the front fighter considers the ignorance of the comment and responds “Yes, but it is a long minute.”
That’s what the Total Depravity Gospel dwells on, the terrors of Hell, the firey pit” which is all Calvanism business model: Fear of Hell and Hatred as Righteousness. It’s why Hegel rejected it. Hell for Jesus lasted from the moment Judas kissed Him until just before the 7th hours of the day, He had been in Roman custody from sunrise, Maudy Thursday until just before the 7th hour, the next day, Friday. the last 8, stung up like a butterfly in a serial killer collection. The centurion in charge confessed to His divinity, although his actual initial response was “Oops1”
Jesus was acting out a unilateral covenant cutting ceremony between God and the Roman centurion with His own blood the baptism. Hell, as a reality, in the Divine Comedy sense of the word, is tres Jean Paul Satre, That’s the whole point of No Exit? We are already in Hell: death will be our only memorial on the critical path of the narrative of the Bible. Hell is Existential. But  That’s what those crosses everybody likes to hang from their ears: Life is just a very long instant.
But, then there’s bagels and things could be worse.
So, if I was inclined to go back and read Dante’s self-examination again, I might flinch more at things he describes before my experience of napalm
Now, when I think about Clausewitz, napalm is at the core of the paradox. As Sherman observed, War is all brutality: there is no refining it”  When he observed “War is Hell”, he had Dante in mind.
My impression of Dante as he stepped unto the boat was as a kid on a Disney World theme adventures . I cannot always capture the drama of what I am reading unless I hear someone reading it. like listening to mom reading me into lay me down to sleep and the blankie of sleep. So, in college, I about tripled my reading, I rad all my text books, cover to cover. I don’t memorize stuff, but sort of collect the pollination of the thinking available by reading. By the end of Paradiso, I checked it off as read like after reading Capital. IT was a slog, like reading Atlas Shrugged, but I persevered. With Dane, I was dealing with a translation and the poetry was evident to me entirely by the verse structure. I knew I was doing poetry, but it didn’t sing to me.
I believe that Dante wanted to portray himself as authentically penetrant  . It’s a conceit of the Total Depravity Gospel than my joy at being rid of Total Depravity as an act of following all the rules.  Dante wasn’t an Evangelical in the Campus Crusade for Christ sense of the word, but the TULIP is the restoration of the Total Depravity Gospel of the Roman Catholic Confession, which Martic Luther gave up when he posted his 95 Thesis. It’s the gospel of the anti-Christ. Dante’s Hell is what is going on the spiritual realm of human society, what we do to each other and what we do to ourselves, that defines Hell. It is an element of the Human Condition,
Dante’s Hell is like Revelation, a portrait of the spiritual realm occurring around him in the same way the  betrayal of Jesus by corrupt theology is connected, cause and effect, to the Jewish Wars of  Josephus. Josephus was a Judas to all the people who had invested their trust in him. What he did is identical to Edward Snowden, then made a career of his treachery, like Edward Snowden. But it is essential to understand Josephus and his zeit geist in the same manner as to understand Dante and Inferno as a reflection of the Existential Reality of his Zeit Geist. And=, the that manner, abstract out their universal qualities in a Aristotelian fashion.  
In short, I had no sense that Dante’s Pucker Factor was engaged. He allowed himself to be passively transported by Virgil along th4e Way, although he does take satisfaction from the punishment of certain people still alive at the time it was published. But the conceit is that it is really Virgil’s idea.
I may get an audio book of Inferno just to see what it sounds like now.  Dante is an entertainer, doing a certain kind of performance art not unlike Andy Warhol, doing Campbell’s Soup graphics.
There is a difference between a mother who rushes into a burning building to save her baby and a fire fighter who enters into a burning building to save the mother and the baby. The fire is the same for both of them. Since George McGovern was nominated for President, the collective political wisdom of American’s understanding of Clausewitz reflects the sentimental impulse of the mother rushing into a burning building when the US Constitution is based on an understanding of Clausewitz based on napalm.
Dante’s Inferno needs to be understood in terms of the Existential basis of Hell as the essence of the Human Condition and the Total Depravity Gospel. Hegel and Kant reject this artifact of the anti-Christ of Jerusalem and present a Phenomenology of Spirit based on  irresistible Grace reflected in the relationship between the Sun and a Field of Sunflowers.
Dante is halfway through his ‘three score and ten” and having something of a midlife crises. The Hebrews were the first society to assume history was going somewhere. The critical path is defined by the narrative arc of the epistemology that begins with the Book of job and runs through Genesis 13:5 and out beyond Abraham’s horizons. It turns out, the original narrative arc of Job to Genesis ends up in the hands of the Zealots and the destruction of Jerusalem.
But the critical path of the Human Condition tunned on its axis around Genesis 15:5 in a reorientation of Christianity aligned with the social engineering of the Roman Empire, with its administrative state, the Italian Cohort as creatures of the Roman secular rule of law. The narrative thread of the Book of Job ends at the Cross, and shifts to the community structures of the synagogues acting like a dandilion gone to seed and spreading Judaism all over the world.
At 35, Dante begins the rest of his life by looking backwards at where he had come from by walking through the Inferno with Virgil, but the balance of the narrative, Dante turns toward the future and how life can also be the kingdom of Heaven, that the Resurrection of Jesus illuminates the forces of Hell for the puny powers they truly are and, like Jesus, “get thee behind me, Satan” and let’s go get a bagel and coffee and make things better in a “Love thy neighbor as thyself” ethical kind of way.
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casbooks ¡ 2 years ago
Books of 2023
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Book 5 of 2023
Title: Killer Kane Authors: Andrew R. Finlayson ISBN: 9780786477012 Tags: 1968 Washington D.C Riots, Averell Harriman, Bess Clements Abell, Camp David, Catoctin Mountains MD, CH-34 Choctaw, CH-46 Sea Knight, CIA, CIDG, From LAPL, General Herman Nickerson, General Samuel B. Griffith, General William Westmoreland, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, John F. Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson, Martin Luther King Jr, Maryland, North Korea, Okinawa, Okinawa - Northern Training Area (NTA), Robert McNamara, Soviet FROG-3 Missile, SpecOps, US Capitol Building, USA 3rd Infantry Regiment, USAF Kadena Airbase, USAID John Paul Vann, USMC, USMC 12th Marines, USMC 1st Force Recon Co, USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Brisbane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Circumstance (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Club Car (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Countersign (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Killer Kane (Vietnam War), USMC 1st Force Recon Co - Team Swift Scout (Vietnam War), USMC 1st MarDiv, USMC 1st Marine Air Wing, USMC 1st Marines, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1, USMC 1st Marines - 1/1 - F Co, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1, USMC 1st Marines - 2/1 - E Co, USMC 1st Recon Bn, USMC 1st Recon Bn - E Co, USMC 1st Tank Bn, USMC 26th Marines, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26, USMC 26th Marines - 1/26 - F Co, USMC 3rd Marines, USMC 3rd Marines - 2/3, USMC 5th Marines, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5, USMC 5th Marines - 2/5 - F Co, USMC 7th Marines, USMC 7th Marines - 1/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7, USMC 7th Marines - 2/7 - G Co, USMC 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, USMC Air Observers - Black Coats (Vietnam War), USMC Camp Hansen, USMC Camp Pendleton, USMC Camp Schwab, USMC Force Recon, USMC Marine Barracks Washington (8th and I), USMC Scout Dogs, USMC The Basic School, USMC Washington Barracks Guard Co., USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USNA, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM A Shau Valley, VNM A Vuong River, VNM An Bang, VNM An Hoa, VNM An Long, VNM An Son, VNM Antenna Valley, VNM Ap Ba, VNM Arizona Territory, VNM Ba Na Mountain, VNM Base Area 112, VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Khe Sanh (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Hansen, VNM Camp Reasoner, VNM Charlie Med, VNM CIA Phung Hoang / Phoenix Program (1965-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Col de Ba Lien, VNM Command and Control North/FOB-1 (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Da Son, VNM Dam Cao Hai Bay, VNM Dong Nhut Mountain, VNM DRV NVA 2nd Division, VNM DRV NVA 320th Reconnaissance Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 368th Artillery (Rocket) Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 3rd Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 402nd Sapper Battalion, VNM Elephant Valley, VNM Freedom Hill PX, VNM Happy Valley, VNM Hiep Duc, VNM Hill 170, VNM Hill 199, VNM Hill 203, VNM Hill 224, VNM Hill 324, VNM Hill 327, VNM Hill 35, VNM Hill 372, VNM Hill 381, VNM Hill 387, VNM Hill 406, VNM Hill 417, VNM Hill 441, VNM Hill 452, VNM Hill 454, VNM Hill 478, VNM Hill 498, VNM Hill 502, VNM Hill 537, VNM Hill 575 (Tam Dieo Mountain), VNM Hill 582 (Kon Chay Mountain), VNM Hill 592, VNM Hill 594, VNM Hill 623, VNM Hill 678, VNM Hill 749, VNM Hill 800, VNM Hill 89, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail, VNM Hoi An Thuong, VNM Hon Cau Mountain, VNM Hue, VNM Khe Dienne River, VNM Khe Gio tributary, VNM Khuong Dai, VNM Loc Tu, VNM LZ Finch, VNM MEDCAP, VNM Mortar Valley, VNM Nam O Bridge, VNM Ninh Dinh, VNM Ninh Khanh, VNM Ninh Long, VNM Nong Son Coal Mine, VNM Nui Ba Hoa, VNM Nui Chom, VNM Nui Nhu, VNM Nui Son Ga (Charlie Ridge), VNM Ong Thu Slope, VNM Operation Arizona (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Calhoun (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Claxon (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Knox (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Pecos (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Snoopy (People Sniffer) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union I (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Union II (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Wheeler (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Phouc Ly, VNM Phouc Tuong, VNM Phouc Tuong (Dogpatch), VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Gia Pass, VNM Phu Loc, VNM Quang Duc Duc, VNM Quang Nam Province, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Que Son Mountains, VNM Que Son Valley, VNM Route 1, VNM Route 545, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon, VNM Song Cu De, VNM Song Ly Ly, VNM Song Thu Bon, VNM Song Tinh Yen, VNM Song Vu Gia, VNM Song Yang, VNM Tam Kho, VNM Tam Talou Tributary, VNM Thach Bich, VNM The Enchanted Forest, VNM The Garden of Eden, VNM Thua Thien Province, VNM Thuan Long, VNM Thuong Duc, VNM Ti Tau Mountain, VNM Trang Bang, VNM Trao Hamlet, VNM Tu Phu, VNM US MACVSOG (1964-1972) (Vietnam War), VNM US MACVSOG Road Runner Teams (Vietnam War), VNM USMC AHCB An Hoa Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM USMC Combined Action Platoon, VNM USMC KSCB Khe Sanh Combat Base (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Yellow Brick Road, Washington D.C Rating: 5 stars Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.Marine Recon
  The leader of one of the most successful U. S. Marine long range reconnaissance teams during the Vietnam War, Andrew Finlayson recounts his team's experiences in the year leading up to the Tet Offensive of 1968. Using primary sources, such as Marine Corps unit histories and his own weekly letters home, he presents a highly personal account of the dangerous missions conducted by this team of young Marines as they searched for North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong units in such dangerous locales as Elephant Valley, the Enchanted Forest, Charlie Ridge, Happy Valley and the Que Son Mountains.   In numerous close contacts with the enemy, the team (code-name Killer Kane) fights for its survival against desperate odds, narrowly escaping death time and again. The book gives vivid descriptions of the life of recon Marines when they are not on patrol, the beauty of the landscape they traverse, and several of the author's Vietnamese friends. It also explains in detail the preparations for, and the conduct of, a successful long range reconnaissance patrol.
Finlayson has a very particular point of view on the war, and warfare. Throughout the book, he is constantly made aware that his actions and behaviors are both dangerous and obsessive. Yet, even though he acknowledges it, and says he takes it to heart, he still has the narcissistic bent to ignore them and feel that his way is the right way. 
That’s both a positive and a negative.
His teams brought the war to the enemy and were immensely productive as far as kills and intelligence gathered. At the same time, they were in many ways reckless and dangerous. 
God loves a fool and who dares wins are basically how he operates.
Overall though, the book gives you great insight into HIS way of running recon teams, and how Team Killer Kane/Swift Scout operated, the gear they took, the places they operated in, and who the people were. His writing style is quick paced and gives you a good sense of his thoughts and emotions and allows you to understand where his head was at and what he experienced.
While there were a few errors, especially in regards to keeping track of a persons rank (one page they’re corporal, next they’re a sergeant), and the weapons (carrying my m-14, and had 5 magazines of 5.56mm), the book is well done. 
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itsmeadrianleung ¡ 3 years ago
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Underneath the still, low-resolution image are the paragraphs with spelling errors left intact: “The year 1997 has arrived. A herd of fuckin’ ugly reds. are rushing from the mainland. Crime rate skyrockeded! Hongkong🇭🇰 is ruined! Therefore, the Hongkong government called #BruceLee‘s relative “Chin” for the massacre of the reds. Chin is a killer machine. Wipe out all 1,200,000,000 of the red communists! However, in mainland China🇨🇳 there was a secret project in progress! A project to transform the deceased Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon!” https://www.instagram.com/p/CeVhL8rrS3n51IsZwhkCP3UEBxPjNX-tayz92A0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zacklover24 ¡ 5 years ago
Wip Saturday
Angel was happy.  From the moment she had left the vault she had been scared out of her mind. When things got bad she would remember what her family taught her. And she had hoped that someone from her family was still alive. 
“Uncle Edward-can’t breath.” Angel squeaks out as she was getting a bone crushing hug from the ghoul. 
“Sorry sweetheart.” Edwar tells her, setting her back on the ground. Edward always had an easy time picking Angel up whenever he hugged her. “Look at you.” He says gently cupping the sides of Angel face, “You haven’t changed, how in the fuck is that possible?” 
“Well,” Angel says, rubbing back of her neck and looking down at the ground, “I was frozen for two hundred plus years.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Edward asks, squeezing Angel’s face, “Did vault tech do this?” 
“Yes.” Angel tells him, “The day the bombs dropped, me, uncle Ken and Shau went to the vault. They froze us.” 
Edward had a hopeful look in his eyes, “Did-did-did Ken make it out?” 
Angel removed her uncle’s hands from her face, and reached into her shirt and pulled out a set of dog tags and a gold wedding band with a diamond on the top, “I’m sorry.” She says removing the tags and ring and giving them to Edward. 
“How?” Edward whispers. 
“Killed, because he wouldn’t give them Shaun. I couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry. I took revenge on his killer if that helps.” Angel asks as she kicks a rock. 
Edward was about to give an answer when he opened his mouth to say something he was cut off, “Hey dad there you are. Well hello if it isn’t Angel.” Nate appeared. 
“Oh fuck.” Angel mumbles as she pulls her hamlet over her face. Angel had meant to, but the smell of a nervous omega was filling the air, the smell of rotten fruit. Danse and MacCready got up from there seats, and stood behind Angel. 
“Nate what’s wrong?” Edward pocketing the necklace.
“Just wondering where you were. Mom told us not  to be long.” Nate tells his dad, as he got closer, which made Angel more nervous, “I haven’t seen you since Diamond city. Been wondering what happened to you.” 
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