#shash c&n
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orange-fresh · 26 days ago
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Yeah so I'm coming here as a last resort to find people from this community (guess who watched Minecraft youtubers with their little sibling)
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Abjy Adshy Ady Afglabi Afle Afly Afrynthu Afste Aglansh Agre Agwanshi Ahaz Ahshy Aja Ajadi Ajeso Ajynth Ake Akshyrni Ala Alab Alang Aledo Ales Aly Alygi Amshyst Anggja Angnreb Angththaski Angththysku Anjynsh Anshwe Anskyd Ansta Anthrat Anthvyv Apra Apyfi Are Arehi Aresh Artly Ary Aryb Asha Ashabu Ashesi Ashlep Ashtha Ashy Aska Askas Aske Askeng Askja Asknled Asksty Asky Asta Astabo Aststamo Asty Astyho Atha Athaki Athe Athyvo Atshab Atshy Atthy Aventhi Avjeg Avleg Avsha Awe Awength Awy Aza Azrybu Azshangu
Bastthalt Blara Dleskthesk Eble Ebrah Ebsjy Edneng Edry Edrynthu Edsky Efry Egska Egwek Ehda Ehsha Ehthy Eja Ejysk Ekka Eksha Ekshy Ela Elaf Elango Elesk Elyngtho Emlyg Emra Emshysi Emyk Engthstyg Engthwa Enja Enleg Enshepu Enshstyzi Enska Epje Epwyst Eran Eranthu Ery Eryfi Eryv Eshab Eshag Eshamu Eshe Eshefo Eshrash Eshysho Eskaski Eske Eskske Eskwadu Eskybi Esly Esre Esstensh Estja Estshask Estskask Estwy Estypi Estys Etha Ethangtho Ethe Ethy Ethyng Etly Etsty Ettha Evje Evly Evwyngth Ewa Ewanth Ewe Ewemi Ezjyku Fasty Geskzry Hjalyk Hlasty Hrytha Jaba Jafry Jajagi Jajash Jakjyh Jare Jaske Jatha Jera Jeska Jeskybu Jetref Jydlenth Jygthag Jyladi Jylag Jynthle Jysksre Jytha Jywy Jyzskyvo Katthago Kjekkesh Kjyvlynshi Kleste Lafjyho Lafwesho Lagthe Laja Lala Lalensh Larezu Lashshast Lashy Laty Lawa Lefthe Legshefi Lejy Lemze Lenshjyrt Lydjy Lydwy Lygshy Lylbstano Lyryb Lyshe Lyststyv Lythy Lywe Mylensh Nejantho Neshy Nwadrav Rabty Rajangtho Rangththy Ranshyng Ranthly Ranthskyv Rasam Rashesh Raske Rasta Razske Rejad Rejy Renshra Repfyng Reshe Reske Resky Resta Reste Retshy Ryhla Ryhska Ryly Ryngrym Ryshak Ryska Ryskyngo Rysten Rystet Rystjy Rysty Ryzska Sapeto Shafste Shajeb Shajysk Shanthsty Share Shashe Shavy Shawansho Shazja Shazwyng Shefwasko Sherag Sherysho Sheshy Shevthysu Shybjensho Shypshy Shyry Shysha Shyska Shystska Shystys Skakthansh Skangjag Skangthwanthu Skanthske Skaravi Skaskef Skawep Skebshy Skehstanthi Skejego Skejegu Skezsteg Skydjem Skygranshi Skyjego Skynryn Skyzje Stangthsta Stastskako Stasty Stathyg Stawe Stegzlepu Stehshepi Steky Stelano Stely Stenshtha Stenthjygu Stesty Stybra Stydja Stylsjy Styngthtasku Stynskym Styrav Swegske Synshy Tanwako Tara Thaja Thajed Thare Thary Thatle Thebjyvu Thegskynu Thehle Thela Thenshla Theska Thevy Thydle Thydsa Thydska Thyfske Thyja Thyshypu Thyska Thyskskasti Thysrysk Thystlesh Thytha Thythensh Thythra Thyzra Twyshledo Tythe Vjeled Wadtha Wafshe Wakre Wanthja Washweg Waskthe Wasrynsh Weja Weje Wengjy Wenthje Wenththa Wewyst Wezjyku Wyfla Wyfshysk Wyly Wynra Wynthskaz Wynththa Wyrbwa Wyshshasku Wythyski Wythyvu Wytwa Wyzly Yble Ybthylt Yby Yde Ydre Yfengthu Yfresh Yfsta Yfwedu Yfy Ygdjag Ygshe Yhhradu Yhlyshu Yhtha Yhyrpu Yjash Yje Yklypu Ylan Ylnstysho Yly Ylyf Ylynth Ymja Ymrydu Yngly Yngstyt Yngthmry Yngththa Yngwatu Ynsheki Ynshjentho Ynshrybo Yntha Ynthshyntho Ynwy Yplystu Ypshe Yras Yre Yry Yse Ysha Yshed Yshgyb Yshshyt Yshtha Yshtheh Ysjysho Yskagu Yskah Yskes Yskthe Yskysti Yskyv Ysta Ystervi Ysthensh Ysty Ytheb Ytshyto Ytste Yvsjy Yvsteki Ywa Ywat Ywe Ywed Ywyh Ywyz Zraste
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 5 years ago
Drev Conlang (Current)
Important Sounds
Ж = zh   (Azure)
Ц = ts    (rats)
If the verb stem ends in a consonant
 Hastat = to walk
Hasti = I walk
Hastash = we walk
Hastish = you walk
Hasteesh =you all walk
Hastich = he she it walks
Hastaж = they walk 
 If the verb stem ends in a vowel
 Adjective Endings
An = adjective ending where the noun ends in a vowel (Dead gender)
Een = adjective ending where noun ends in a consonant (Living gender)
To make something  Loud - louder add the opposite ending to the end of the word
Gran = big granan= bigger Graneen = biggest
Adverb endings
Kee = added to the end of a noun 
Nevermind no gender
Word order
Subject  verb  predict   I the dog see
Adverbs go before verbs       I the dog slowly ran-towards
Adjectives go before nouns    I big dog ran-towards
Prepositions NOT postpositions  I around the big dog ran
to make a word plural just repeat the last syllable the second time   жyaka = animal жyakaka
or repeat the word from the last vowel                             dжal = drev s  dжalal = drev pl
if the word is short just double it      Lhus = tree   Lhusus = trees/ forest
Past                   da
Future              ta
Add these before the verb, if there is none present, it is assumed that you are speaking in the present
Eh or e 
Ts   ц
Zh      ж
 Current words
Jee = not ( it is not)
Ha =towards = added at the front of a motion verb
Na = away from = added towards the front of a motion verb
Neh = reverses a word. (similar to not but has to be tacked onto an adjective)
 zha = I
tsа = you
 Nee/na = he/ she / it use either living or the dead to match the noun that goes with it
Jya= we/us
tsana = you all
 Dazha = they/them
 zhаk = My/ mine
tsаk = your/ yours
Neek/nak = his hers her it its
Jyak = ours
tsanak = all yours
Dazhак = they/ theirs
Zhazhe = myself
Tsatse = yourself
Dzhal = Drev
 Dzhalzheen = soldiers/ footmen/ warrior
 Dzhalak = drevling
 Dzhalka = kit/ baby
Dzhatal = city 
Dzhtalka village
Dzhatatal = house/ home
Dzaga = body
Dinar = fire
Daeen = here/there
Daleest = ambush/ surprise
Dargranla = volcano 
Dadik = soemthing 
Dazhit = disgrace (also an insult like calling someone a bitch) 
Deeng = food
zhankeel = honor
zhyaka = animal
zheeng = war
Zhin = battle / conflict
Zhineech = battle pair/ married couple
Zhit = hate
Zheedazh = sibbling
Zhjea = sacrifice 
 Lata = rock
Lana = help 
Latinar = ash 
Latahag = armor
Luhs= tree (has the same u sound as in the name Gus)
Luhsuhs = trees / but in this case also means forest, they make no distinction
Ladinar = lava
Luhsad = branch 
Lachi = focus 
Latinash = cynder wind 
Lodgeeda = clan leader
Lodnajasta = Sentinel 
Leen = pride
 Shash = air
Sheedal = danger
Anina = Spirit
Anizhal = 
Anika = a feeling
Anicheel = day
Anitsa = eye
Ani = name
Anijee = fear
Anirana = blood
Anintal = citadel 
Atatch = skill
Aleesh = beginning 
Adon = circle
 Rana = water
Ranatatal = lake
 Tana = sky
Tanana = alien 
Tak = father
Tatal = place
Tatin = future
Tanatal = space
Tanakal = ship
Tanadar = meteor / comet ( all fiery flying objects) 
Tachal = group
Tach = clan 
Tahajeea = armor 
Tin = this/ that 
Tizhit = shame
Tinchal = today 
tsag = ball/ orb
Tsanika =belief 
Tsata = gift  
Tarik = teacher 
 Nak = mother
Nid = length
Nizad = leg
Nakt = night
Nakt- sal = dark season 
Nehchal =moon
Nehgrada = spark 
Nahatach = incompetence 
Nadzhalak = daughter
Needzhalak = son
Neenez = cloud 
Negcheel = star
Nehlata = thing
Nasash = wind
Naranatal = river
Nang = middle
Nizjahad =foot 
Chal = sun
Chahas = time
Cheel = light
Chat = word
Geeda = general
Gahan = all  (acception noun adj and adverb) 
Gaha = part
Hazad = moss
Hakanin = life
Hakasash = breath 
Had = arm
hazh = flesh
Heech = pair
Grananin = world 
Granla = mountain
Gradinar = wildfire
Jaja = end
Jahad = hand
Jial = guard
jirha = cut, wound
Jeeana = corpse 
Jeea = death 
Jeerana = dessert 
Eeda = leader
Eedacheel = (their northern star’s name) the lead star
Eeaz = a worry/ a concern 
Enadzhal = ancestry 
Etat = fur
Kat = question
Kan = nobility 
Kaneg = year
Kasa = thought
Kazna = galaxy 
Kalal = metal 
Kazga = cripple (also an insult like idiot or moron but has connotations as negative as retard (Forgive me, but that is the closest comparison) It is a very rude word. 
Kahchat = to break 
Ranasash = storm
Rantana = rain
Ranad = drink 
Ralata = soil 
Rekaz = knowledge 
Sal = season
Sakasa = mind
Shanajeea = sickness 
Stadik = anything 
Hakasat = to breathe 
 Hastat = to walk
Hasinsat = to run
Hajat = to come
Hakastat = to exit
Hazhnat = to bother someone/ annoy
 zheengat = to fight
zhinat = to strike/hit
Zhitat = to hate
zhalat = to have
zhegingat =to want
Zhjeanat = to sacrifice 
 Cheeyat =to speak/say
Chezenat = to choke 
Chatahaat = to work 
Chazat = to make 
Cheekat = to like
 Jastat = to see
Jajat = to end
Jastanat = to predict
Jakazat = to recognize 
Jedanat = to trade/ exchange 
Jeeajat = to stop
Jeeanat = die
Jeenhalat = to exile 
Jezhinat = to block 
Jekat = to look 
Jiahat = to guard
Jishat = to secure/ to lock 
Jirat = to pull
Jirhaat = to be wounded/ injured/ hurt
Adonhajat = to wonder
 Ajat = to go in general
Anikat = to feel
Anijeeat = to be afraid of / to fear
Aninat = to live
Anintalat = to worship 
Anidonat = to wake up
Ardanat = to open 
Aleeshat = to begin
Nadanat = to fall 
Najat = to go away from/  to leave
nahasinsat= to run towards/ charge
 Najastat= to watch
Natahaat = to take
Natrekat = to learn
Neevant = to answer 
Neehahajat = to drift
Nitsat = to happen/ occur
Nizat = to stand
 Darat = to do
Dalistat = to surprise / ambush
Daeenat = to stay 
Deengat = to eat
Dichanat = to thank
Dakat = to be ready/ prepared
Kahlat = to continue
Kahyaat = to happen
kahchat = to break
Kuhlat = to curse 
Kasat = to think
Katat = to ask a question / to question 
Kalsan = difficult 
Tadat =to be
Tatazat = to be happy 
Tanat = to fly 
Tahaat = to give
Tahajeeat = to hold 
Tarikat = to teach 
Tehat =can
Tsahastat = to enter
Tsanikat = to believe
Tsajat = to show
Tsadeengat = to cook
Tizhital = to be ashamed
Shkahrat = to prepare
Shazat = to use
Shanajeeat = to be sick/ to get sick 
Sdarat = to try 
Sesanat = to be sorry 
Gingat = to need
Gadat = to find
Geeniat = to return 
Geedanat = to lead
Rekazat = to know
Rantanat = to rain
Ranalat = to melt
Ranadat = to drink 
Lachidat = to focus 
Luhtat = to remember 
Lanat = to help 
Leenat = to be proud 
Eedat = to be in charge of
Eeazat = to worry 
Eeneenat = to understand
 tsakan = which
Tizhitan = shameful 
Atatchan = skillful 
 Nidan = long
Nehgran = small
Nehdinanian = cold
Nehalan = without
Nantan = new
Neyahan = old
Neahasan = slow
Naktan = dark 
Dadan = falling
Deengan = hungry 
Ditan = so 
Daklan = amazing 
Nwadan = hard
Jenantan = old
Jeean = dying 
Jashajan = similar/ same/ resembling/ like
Yahan = good/well
Yahanan = better
Yaheen = best/ great
Yigan = every
Dinanian = hot
Dichan = thankful 
Dalistan = surprising 
Gran = big
Granan= bigger
Geenian = returning
Gingan = needy 
Tacheen = many
Tatazan = happy
Tsanikan = believable 
Tanan = flying 
Ladan = very 
Latan = rocky
Hasan = fast
Hijan = colorful / beautiful 
Ranitanan = rainy 
Ranan = watery 
Ranadan = drinkable 
Chalan = Sunny 
Adan = easy
Ardan = open
Aninan = living
Kalatan = hard (as in a texture: hard stone)
Kanan = noble
Kaan = only
Kuhlan = cursed
Kahchan = broken
Kazgan = crippled 
Sheedan = dangerous
Eeazan = worried
Eeneenan = understandable 
Etatan = furry/ hairy 
shanajan = sick 
Shazan = useful 
Stadan = any
Zhankeelan = honorable
Hija = color
Hajtan = blue
Dinhijan = red
Dihijan = purple 
Dichijan = orange
Jeehijan = black 
Luhijan = green
Chalijan = yellow
Naijan = white
Nadijan = pink
Latijan = grey 
Halujan = turquoise 
 Atatchtee = skillfully
Neahasandee = slowly
Nehatatchtee = poorly 
  La = on
Lad = about
Lariz = on top of
Ladka = beside 
Dat = before (has a meaning in time, not temporal) before we go. not he stood before me
Dana = above 
dal= up
S = with
K = to 
Hak = from 
Hakniz = below 
Ts = in 
Adonha = around
Riz = upwho
Niz = down 
Keed = before (temporal meaning) 
Tsil = inside
Time words
Tasahas = during 
Neeka = never 
Zhakaz = ago
Gahas = forever
Ee = and
J = but
Tasan = also (irregular) 
Dit = so
  Question words
 Tsaee = why
Tuhn = when 
 Gda = where
Lod = who 
 Nin = what
Dach = how
Others b/c I am not a linguist
 Nahang-ta = because
 Je = no
Yid = yes
Dee = would
Teeya = for ( the benefit of a person or animate object)
Laza = for (used with anything inanimate) 
Deri = re 
Ena = pre
Kayad = should 
Huka = than 
Juhkee = then 
Ene = if
Jej = too 
Ka = one
Hee = two 
Heeka = three
 Important Phrases
Ts zhin = goodbye (Direct translation is, in battle deriving from I will see you in battle
Nezanin = of course
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