sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi!!! 🗣‼️❤️ Drew my silly little dark rider designs and made a shitpost 😭 click here to see the sillies!!!
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Inspired by the iconic “this ain’t about him” post ❤️ also the app i used to make this was kinda difficult to use omg 😭😭😭 but i had so much fun 😋😋😋 also i suck at drawing pools ❤️
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi!!!! 😳😳😳 I wrote more for my silly dark rider Kara au!!! I’m so happy my brain cooperated with me and let my silly idea be written 😭❤️❤️ I am working on another story for the AU that should hopefully come out soon!!! :D 🐎🐎🐎 anyways click here to read very silly story!!! (Warnings: body horror(?) drawing. It is at the end of the story!!! I added a little warning incase anyone wants to skip it! :D)
💀 Dead Girl Walking 💀
Sands stands in his office in front of his new rider. He straightens the coat they’re wearing. Carefully he destroys any wrinkles on the coat. “Who am I?” The person asks Sands, and he looks at them “who are you?” He smiles at them his smile is weird…definitely not genuine “you’re Garnok’s newest pupil” he steps back to look at his new rider. Their outfit came from a dark rider costume concept made years ago he did not have any clothes in their size except for the costume. He did not have any shoes their size either, so he let them keep the bloody riding boots they came with. The rider looks down at their clothes it’s nice to have clean and dry clothing… the boots are fine for now. A groan comes from them, and they put a hand on their stomach it hurts. Sands narrows his eyes “don’t mess with the wound on your stomach” he moves the rider’s hand away being careful. He would have slapped it away, but he did not want to risk opening the wound up and he needed his new rider to trust him “Garnok worked hard to heal it don’t open it back up” he watches the pained expression on the person’s face. They look around trying hard not to put a hand on their stomach to try and soothe the pain “what is my name?” Sands does not answer instead he walks over to an open crate he picks something up from it and he walks to the door of his office. “Come” he says “follow me” he walks out of the room when the doors automatically open for him. The person does as told they follow him, they ask another question “where is MoonMoon?” Sands answers this one “your horse waits for you at the portal” he looks to them “the one I showed you do you remember?” They nod they do remember. Sands keeps walking and he listens to the sound of his footsteps and the heavy ones the rider takes. They’re limping their leg hurts and their stomach keeps hurting and the pain is only getting worse. Sands walks with them all the way to where the portal is but before he steps into the area where it is he turns to the person, and he smiles at them his smile still weird. The rider resists the urge to hold their stomach and they look behind Sands when they hear their horse. The creature is growling and calling for its rider. “What is my name?” The rider asks again eager to know. Sands shakes his head hearing the calls of the creature “your name doesn’t matter my dear” he speaks softly to try and gain a bit more trust and he reveals what’s in his hands to the rider…a mask? The mask had two small tubes connected to it and the tubes were connected to a small backpack looking thing. Sands taps the side, and the mask opens up with a hiss. Purple smoke comes out of it which scares the rider. Why did purple smoke come out of it? why are there tubes connected to the mask? They back up they’re scared, and Sands walks with them “are you ready to meet your new friends?” The rider stops walking when they bump into a wall, they look at it. The wall is made of crates that Dark Core workers put down. The workers made a dead end so Sands new rider cannot get away from what’s about to happen. When they look back at Sands something is forced onto their face. The mask snaps shut it fits perfectly and it doesn’t allow any room for talking. The rider claws at it trying to take it off they’re panicking. They can see Sands through the eyeholes of the mask they try to talk and tell him to remove the mask, but it doesn’t allow them to open their mouth. The man is not smiling anymore he looks mad. “Calm yourself” he watches as they panic clawing at the mask “Garnok made this mask specially for you.” Sands shakes his head “are you not grateful for this wonderful gift?” The man watches and hears as the mask hisses again and releases the purple smoke through its nose. The rider goes tense and then they stand perfectly straight it almost looks painful. Their dull brown eyes now a grayish purple and the white around their pupil is now blood red. Sands smiles again this time his smile is genuine because he knows the rider is now in his control thanks to the mask.
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Garnok made the mask for his new dark rider to keep them under control, to make them aggressive and to make them the perfect fighter all of that could be done thanks to the smoke in the mask. Sands did not exactly know the magic behind it, but he did not question Garnok. The man turned and walked “follow me” he said to his rider hearing their footsteps as they walk close behind him. Sands saw his team waiting at the portal all staring in confusion at the horse who was still calling for their rider. The man looked over his shoulder at the rider “let’s meet your new friends Kara.”
(Drawing under here!!!)
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TYSM FOR READING!!! :D !!! Also I didn’t know if this is body horror? But the eye is red so I think so??? Anyways ty for reading this silly story!!! :D
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi!!!! Wrote more for my silly DR Kara AU!!!! 😳😳😳 click here to see many sillies being so very silly!!! 🐎🐎🐎 also!!! If u would like to read the other 4 stories I have written for this Au click on the sharkpups Dark Rider Kara Au Tag! Anyways enjoy!!! :D ❤️❤️🐴🐴 (warnings: mentions of bl00d)
🤨 Who are you? 😟
Sabine walked down the halls of the oil rig with Jay and Katja they were headed to the portal. the woman yawns and shakes her head keeping a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. It’s really late at night everyone is tired but they’re all awake for a reason. “What did he call us for?” Katja asks Jay and Jay replies with a shrug and a “who knows.” Sabine looks down at Katja and Jay “he must have found something during his trip and wants to show us” Sands had been gone for three days on a trip he never cared to explain. The man said he had to go and then left just like that not saying where he was going or how long he was going to be gone for. Jay yawned before speaking “I think that may be-“ she stopped and stood still when she heard a muffled roar come from outside the building. The others heard it too and they stopped. Katja narrowed her eyes, and she walked in front of Sabine and Jay “sounds like he brought something horrible back with him.” Sabine held back a laugh as she watched Katja walk forward. The woman had no fear as she walked forward which was what made Sabine want to laugh. How could Katja be the smallest on the team and also the bravest? It was a bit funny. Jay and Sabine walked behind her not saying anything for the rest of the walk. When they made their way out of the rig Jay shivered it was cold outside and she didn’t bring a jacket or a blanket. She didn’t believe Sabine when the woman said it was cold and teased her for bringing a blanket and now, she was paying the price. Sabine gave her an ‘I told you so’ look before shoving her blanket into Jay’s arms. She was pissed off about having to give up the blanket, but she didn’t want Jay to get sick. She did this not just because she was being nice and caring for her teammate but because if Jay got sick that meant more work for Katja and herself, so she had to take care of the others. Jay took the blanket wrapping it around her shoulders and she thanked Sabine continuing the walk down to the portal with the two women in front of her. Thanks to the cold their breaths fogged in front of them. Sabine stopped walking and she bumped into Katja when the woman randomly stopped walking. Before Sabine could ask what was going on Katja pointed at a black horse with odd white markings bucking and rearing in front of the portal. Jay looked at the horse and she raised an eyebrow in confusion “could that horse be what Sands called us here for?” Katja hummed before speaking “I’m sure it is” she kept walking the others followed. “I don’t understand what he needs a horse for?” Sabine was confused and Jay was too, but Katja just didn’t give a damn she was too tired to give a damn at the moment. “Maybe he’s going to start riding with us” Jay joked, and she stopped when the others stopped again. They all faced the horse who was now staring right at them no longer bucking or rearing. “Maybe he will” Sabine played along “what do you think he’ll name it? dirt?” Jay looked up at Sabine “dirt? Why dirt-“ she paused understanding “oh.” Jay huffed and shook her head and Katja made a face before saying “you’re stupid.” The three went quiet not having more to say and they waited patiently for Sands watching the creepy horse watch them as they waited. Jay and Sabine were falling asleep standing up, but Katja was wide awake now. She felt threatened by the horse…something about it just wasn’t right…her suspicions were confirmed when the horse suddenly stood straight and stiff. It stood like that for a few seconds and then it opened its mouth revealing sharp fangs. It drooled onto the metal flooring, and it let out a loud call. The call woke both Sabine and Jay up and both women felt like Katja when they saw the fangs on the horse and how odd it was standing.
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The calls went on for about a minute and they stopped when Sands finally made his way onto the helicopter pad where the portal was. Sands looked to his team seeing the blanket on Jay’s shoulders. He didn’t comment on it normally he would but today he didn’t care he was in a somewhat good mood. He looked to the horse “I hope you’re making our guest feel at home” he gave the horse two pats on the side. the steed responded with a snap near his hand. A warning to not touch them again. Jay saw the snap and she felt uneasy because if the horse snapped at Sands, then it would surely snap at the others too and who knows if it would be as kind as it was to Sands. The man let out a grumble and he backed away from the horse walking to the three women. “Garnok spoke to me” he began to explain why he was gone “he told me to go to the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur” the man looked back at the horse “there I found the horse and-“ he paused looking over at the other set of stairs that led into the helicopter pad. There stood a person with a mask and a costume on standing perfectly still. Everyone was focusing on the horse or Sands not even seeing the person he came with. Sabine was the first to notice that the person didn’t have any fog coming from them and then she noticed…they weren’t even breathing. “Their rider” Sands continued on talking and he made a gesture with his hand. The rider responded to it right away walking over to his side. they stood by Sands, and they looked at the three women in front of them. “This is your new teammate” the man watched as the horse walked over to their rider standing by their side, they panted like a dog still salivating onto the floor. “Garnok has finally sent the key to destroying the druids to us” Sands smiled at the thought of Jorvik finally falling to Garnok “tomorrow you’ll take your new teammate on your mission in Hollow Woods.” The man looked to the rider “but right now you’ll show her the empty room in the dorms” he looked to Jay first and then to Sabine and lastly to Katja waiting for one of them to lead their new teammate. Katja stepped forward she had no fear she was ready for anything she narrowed her eyes at the rider and then she turned walking back to the same stairs she came from. The rider followed Katja easily keeping up with her pace. Sands called workers to come get the horse and while he did that Sabine spoke to Jay. “She wasn’t breathing” she said to Jay and the woman looked up at Sabine “I saw” Sabine nudged Jay making her walk not wanting Sands to hear their conversation. “Whatever Sands brought with him definitely isn’t human” Sabine was anxious “and it’s not like us either” she walked up the stairs with Jay trying to hurry so they wouldn’t leave Katja alone with their new teammate. Behind them the horse growled and roared as workers tried to put a halter on it. “The thing with them isn’t a horse either” Jay said, and she huffed “that’s obvious though” she didn’t know what the “horse’s” rider was, but she had a few thoughts. The two women managed to catch up with Katja and the rider as they were walking inside the building. Jay watched the rider closely feeling unsafe by being near them and when they stepped into the light, she saw the blood on the boots the rider was wearing. But the blood wasn’t the only thing she noticed…the boots looked familiar…who did Sands bring back with him?
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TYSM FOR READING ❤️❤️❤️ I finally drew Kara with her new haircut!!! 😭 but she is evil here 💔😔👎 I have bangs again and i forgot how hard they r to deal with!!!! They do not stay the way I style them!!! Kara also has trouble with her bangs that’s what turned her evil /j also the mask design is so easy to do when I draw Kara as silly pomchi but when I draw her as human the mask design is super hard 😭 Kara has a hooked nose just like I do (which is why when she is pomchi her snout has a little bump! :D ) and it is so much work to try and figure out how to make a mask fit nicely on a hooked nose :( still workin on it though!!! Hopefully I’ll find a way 💔
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi!!!! 😳 Posting about the new quest!!! 🐎🐎 Click if u have done the silly new quest!!! :D
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Also this moment!!!? So very silly,???? And is it just me or did Sabine act a little nice during this quest…🤭❤️
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
I need to be so silly and write about Kara and MoonMoon🐴🐴🐎🐎 (Main Quest spoilers under the readmore!)
Oooo im gonna be so silly and write about MoonMoon and Kara during that scene where Mc and they horse just jump off the oil rig ooo I’m gonna add so much feeling and so much love into that scene 😈😈‼️‼️
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
HEHEHHE I AM SO EVIL 😈😈😈!!! Click here to see me being absolutely evil to Kara!!! Writing evil story!!! 😈🗣 featuring ….. evil himself … 😰😰😰 (this is for dark rider Kara AU 😳)(part 1/2) 😳 (warning for: d34th, mention of wounds and bl00d and spoilers for SSO story!)
Kara wakes up in a dark place…It’s endless…below her she can feel water but when she looks at her clothes they’re not wet and…her shirt is patched up no longer bloody is her wound still there?…she manages to stand up but feels the pain from where her wound used to be she lifts up her shirt a bit to see if it’s there…it is! But it’s healed?! Where is she? Who did this? She looks around “hello?” She calls out into the void walking around cautiously water sloshes under her as she walks “is anyone here? Please help I’m sca-“ she hears her name she stops walking it sounds like Sabine but it sounds like…like she’s scared? Kara continues walking and then she runs toward the voice “Sabine!? Where are you!? I’m here!” She runs until the world she’s in turns into hard ground…rock…she looks around “Sabine!?” Kara shakes her head when a drop of water falls on her nose she looks up stalactites above her she frowns she should probably whisper “Sabine?” She calls again and she keeps walking realizing she’s in a cave she’s really scared now she hates caves…but she keeps on going walking deeper into the cave “hello?” She whispers taking a turn stopping when the turn is dark and she can’t see anything in it she decides not to go into it she’s about to take another turn but a voice speaks and stops her “where are you going?” Kara goes wide eyed and turns slowly this feels like a horror movie “who’s there?” The voice speaks again “Don’t recognize me? Stop playing your games Aideen it’s me” Kara swallows and she shakes her head “I’m not Aideen” the voice goes quiet for a second before speaking “incarnation?” It asks and she nods “well…I’m sure you can guess who I am?” Kara shakes her head again “maybe if you give me a hint?” She’s playing along because she’s terrified of the voice getting angry if she doesn’t and the voice provides what she asks for “I am very well acquainted with your partner” Kara guesses “Mr. Sands?” The voice sounds displeased when it speaks “guess again” Kara’s shaking now she’s terrified “Darko?” The voice sighs “again” and Kara thinks about it who else does Sabine know? Who else kno-…it dawns on Kara and she can’t help but get teary eyed she’s so fucking scared “Ga-“ she can’t say it there’s a lump in her throat she swallows it not wanting to make who she’s guessing angry she talks quick “Garnok?” She said his name as if it were a bad word and she was a kid trying not to get caught saying it the voice speaks “smart girl I knew you could guess” suddenly the cave lit up with purple and green lights and 6 huge eyes stare at Kara “how is the wound? I healed it for you” a tentacle reaches out and Kara backs up scared “no thank you? I healed you they left you to die and I healed you have you no manners?” Kara reaches out with a shaky hand and shakes the tentacle as if she were doing some business deal letting out a shaky “thank you” it goes back into the darkness and Garnok speaks again “I’m sure you know why you’re here?” Kara nods and lets out a sob “I’m dead aren’t I?” Garnok let’s her cry “yes…and so is your horse” Kara sobs again and shakes her head “Moony? What happened where is-“ Garnok stops her he speaks “she’s here with me…I made her better I made her stronger…I can do it for you too…wouldn’t you want to be the same as your dear horse? Better and stronger and…” Garnok blinks he’s about to sweeten the deal “wouldn’t you want to be closer to Sabine? You can finally be with her with no one to stop you” the god puts a tentacle in front of Kara again “think about it…who has cared for you when no one else did? Who was there for you when your friends-” he said friends like it was a gross word “weren’t? When they were too busy riding together without you to care about you? And now…they prove they do not care…they rode away when you were struck they saw you and MoonMoon suffering and what did they do?” He lets out a growl “they let you die leaving Sabine to mourn alone” he blinks again “join me…we can be together again Aideen I will not leave you I will save you”…
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sharkpupsblog · 1 year
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❤️ La La La La La 🐎 ❤️ Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok 🎠
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Wooo!!! Click here to see silly Kara :D ‼️ and the most silliest ever Sabine photobombing her 🤦‍♂️🤭❤️
Chee- hey!
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Photobombed!! 😁😁😁
I loveeeee drawing my silly dark riders designs with silly fangs so silly … ❤️❤️❤️ also this was supposed to be just a doodle but It turned into more and now it’s a silly sketch 😭 i love how I drew sabine i love so much silly face scrunch and her silly smile !!! 😁‼️ it was supposed to be practice for how to draw silly sabine with silly fangs bared and Kara with a new hairstyle which I’m not sure I like much 🤦‍♂️ so back to the drawing board lol 😋 anyways enjoy these sillies and pls excuse how awful the lighting is . 😭 JUST FOUND OUT TUMBLR HAS FILTERS MADE THE LIGHTING BETTER OMG 😭❤️
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi!!!! Haven’t posted a silly drawing in a while so… 😳😳👀👀!!! Click here to see silly Sabine babysitting Kara’s annoying gourds 👎🗣😒🤦‍♂️ (Tysm to @valedale-rose for the very cute idea!!! :D) ❤️❤️❤️
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Sabine is NOT !!! 🗣🗣‼️‼️ Happy about having to babysit these stupid stinkies !!! ‼️‼️‼️ NOT happy at all!!! 👎😒 Ignore the tail wag it’s not a happy one it’s definitely an aggressive one 😳‼️🗣 Sabine hates these sillies hates them very much does not enjoy them one bit she definitely does not pet them and call them silly stinkies when Kara looks away 😒 Sabine found out Kara got another silly gourd when both gourds messed with her one would appear and the other would hide and at first Sabine thought Meanie Zucchini was just changing color but no . She found another silly gourd in StrawberryMilk’s stall and she knew there was no stopping Kara from getting more silly gourds 🙄👎 so she decided to go ahead and get used to them bcs she can guess what the future is going to bring and she can guess Kara is going to bring home another crazy thing and she’s gonna support her silly gf 🙄❤️ there is no peace with the gourds around they r constantly following and messing with Sabine and she hates them !!! Very much !!! she totally does not enjoy their company and she totally does Not care them… 🙄😳❤️🤭
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Haven’t drawn silly Kara and silly MoonMoon in so long 😭❤️ click here to see the sillies going for a silly ride!!!! 🐎🐎🐎❤️❤️❤️
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Riding so silly!!! Where r they going? 🐎‼️
Drawing tack is a pain . 😭 but it’s fun!! Kind of. Anyways I love being so silly and drawing silly MoonMoon and Kara!! I think this is the hairstyle I’m sticking with for Kara!!! I have a little butterfly hair clip and I love it and I think drawing Kara with this hairdo is cute! :D I should be writing but 😳 I am having silly brainrot for my OCS 😢
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
4 and 9 for the SSO OC asks :DDD
Tysm for the questions!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️
4. Where are they from?
9. How many siblings do they have?
Kara is from Mexico! Specifically from Jalisco!! :D and she doesn’t have any siblings! I did consider giving her some but ended up deciding not to so she’s an only child! 🐎
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
3 for the oc question thing!
Tysm for the question!!! :D
3. What breed is their main?
Kara’s main horse and soul steed is a Jorvik warmblood named MoonMoon!!! :D 🐎 I’m really attached to my starter horse so I made her the main horse Kara uses 😭❤️
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
I got a haircut so Kara’s hair is changing again 😭❤️ hoping to draw her with her new style soon!!! :D I also got the little fox from the newest quest and a snoble!!! which means Kara has more little guys runnin around so very silly in her stable!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️🐎🐎🐎
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Woooo!!!!! Doing silly little OC ramble!!! After years of not doing one 😭❤️ click here to see Kara and the silliest ever!!! Sabine!!! 🐎🐎🐎
Kara often got homesick and when she did Sabine knew it. She knew bcs Kara started making a bunch of food from her home country and for Sabine it’s a win and a loss. Win because tamales, tacos, pozole and arroz con leche are fucking great 🤤🤤🤤 loss because Kara gets extremely sad when she gets homesick 😔👎 Sabine tried to comfort Kara but sadly nothing worked because Kara just wanted to go home 😢💔 in an attempt to help ease the pain Sabine ends up learning a bit of Spanish hoping that maybe talking to Kara in her native language might be some help. While learning Sabine has two things on her mind.👆👆‼️ She wishes she could go back in time to when she was undercover in Jorvik highschool and tell herself to pay attention in Spanish class and she also thinks about how soft she is for Kara 😒❤️👎 she went from wanting to destroy Kara and everything she loved to learning a whole new language for the soul rider to help with her homesickness 😟‼️it was a bit crazy how things changed up for Sabine but it was a nice change she liked Kara and she loved the food the soul rider made. Spanish did end up being a bit hard so Sabine gave up on learning through books and videos and went straight to the source . The gf 🥶❤️ Sabine told Kara that she wanted to learn Spanish without giving her reason for it and Kara didn’t question it she just helped Sabine.❤️ Kara helped her learn and now Sabine knows a little Spanish and she’s still working on it. Kara still doesn’t know why Sabine wanted to learn Spanish because she still hasn’t told her but it doesn’t really matter to her she’s just happy her gf took interest in the language and Kara is having fun talking to Sabine in a mix of Spanish and English and the dark rider’s plan did work talking in Spanish did help ease Kara’s pain of being homesick ❤️🐴.
Had to write a cute little ramble before I write evil!!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈 more dark rider Kara au will be out soon but for now I leave u with this cute little ramble to prepare u for my evils!!! Mwahahahahaha ‼️‼️‼️😈😈😈
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sharkpupsblog · 2 years
Hi 😳 silly OC ramble bcs I haven’t done one in a while…🐎😳 ft silly Sabine and … what!!!! Kara’s silly pet and silly horses!? 🗣🤨‼️click here to see the silliest ever!!! 🗣🙏❤️
Kara got a little gourd pet from Galloper’s keep!!! 🐎 She got the meanie zucchini!!! 😈 She thought it was a very silly name she loved it she took the little guy home with her and MoonMoon and he is up to no good!!!!! Kara never told anyone she got the little gourd bcs she feared they would tell her to take it back to Galloper’s keep bcs he is a living gourd 💔 so she kept him hidden in her stable and he often hid in her saddlebags as well ‼️ and one day Sabine went over to Kara’s stable to let Khaan rest and while he rested she could watch a movie on Kara’s phone 🗣…while Kara got popcorn the silly zucchini got out of the stall he was in…😳🤦‍♂️ MoonMoon and ForestFire tried to get him back into the stall but it was too late Meanie Zucchini found Sabine he stood right in front of her she was walking she almost tripped bcs of him she looked down to see what was on the silly floor…🤨 and the silly little gourd waited until she saw him and once she did he jumped up 🗣‼️ scaring the shit out of her bcs wtf !!! How is it alive !!! Why is it here !!! What is this silly creachure!?!? 😰🤨👎 Kara came back to her stable to see Sabine in Khaan’s stall telling the silly little gourd to get away from her and Khaan who was just as freaked out as his rider 😰😭🗣 Kara had to explain where she got Meanie Zucchini and why he was there and what he was and why he was so silly creachure!!! 🗣 Sabine luckily didn’t tell her to take him back so Kara still has him and he’s very silly!!! He care Kara and she care Meanie Zucchini! Sabine doesn’t care him though 😒 she doesn’t like ForestFire either and often tells Kara she’s dumb for having a dangerous rabid fire horse and a weird gourd thing if she can Sabine will stay as far away as she can from the silly horse and the silly gourd. 😢🐴💔😢
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