oneoceandiving · 5 years
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Curious Galapagos shark, ID’d as #SharkIDMorgan, investigating a floating leaf on the ocean’s surface 💙🌊 In this situation, the leaf is considered a Point of Interest (or “POI”). But what does that mean exactly? Here’s a brief excerpt from @OceanRamsey’s book, “What You Should Know About Sharks...”: “The term POI—point of interest—is an extremely important term I created to help professional shark safety divers identify places or objects that might cause sharks to exhibit more competitive behavior. Understanding this concept allows them to take preventative action to avoid a possible confrontation over space and proximity...Anything that catches a shark’s eye and attracts their attention or evoked territorial or curiosity response can be considered a POI....Understanding POIs and knowing what they potentially might look like for a local species can help reduce the chances of a negative interaction or approach.” You can learn more through Ocean’s book which can be purchased on Amazon Prime in select countries & we’ll also restock them in our own online shop soon 🤓📘🦈#WhatYouShouldKnowAboutSharks #SharkSafety #ApexPredatorNotMonster Photo by @oceanramsey. Head over to @oneoceansharks to learn more about our Photo ID Program. (at Oneoceandiving.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yAqm5HoAe/?igshid=ttftj1az3yqg
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